Thursday, 2014-02-27

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enikanorovneutron lbaas meeting in 5 minutes13:55
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enikanorov#startmeeting neutron lbaas14:00
openstackMeeting started Thu Feb 27 14:00:40 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is enikanorov. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
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enikanorovi guess we're missing some folks who has actively participated in the discussion on ML14:01
enikanorovanyway, we're going to continue the discussion here today and clarify some details on our proposal14:02
enikanorovso far I've seen quite tough discussion on proposal #3 as per this page:
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enikanorovPicture 4.1 is also a good representation of object model except for cluster and loadbalancer which we would like to discuss separately14:03
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iwamotoI wonder what is the outcome from discussion with Jay Pipes on the ML.14:04
enikanoroviwamoto: i think we're not going towards that direction14:04
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sbalukoffOh! He and I had a google hangout earlier this week--14:05
sbalukoffHis plan was to flesh out his idea more so we could discuss it.14:05
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sbalukoffI think he's planning on making a blueprint and wants to discuss specific deployment scenarios.14:05
enikanorovthe problem is that his proposal is complete redefinition of whole user experience14:05
sbalukoffBut I think it's going to take him a week or two to get that far.14:05
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rm_workI liked what he was saying, in a very general sense… I would like to see what he proposes more officially before any kind of decision is made there.14:06
enikanorovand i'm not sure it fits in neutron ideology14:06
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sbalukoffYes-- and in fact we discussed the point you brought up during that hang out.14:06
enikanorovmy concern is that our discussion brings us quite far from incremental model improvement14:07
samuelbercovicihi all14:07
enikanorovhi sam14:07
sbalukoffI suspect in the long run he's going to need a more complicated model to support some of the more complicated deployment scenarios-- though it's not my idea, so I'm not entirely sure. I'd like to give him a chance to flesh out his idea more.14:07
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enikanorovsbalukoff: exactly, andi think it's obvious14:07
sbalukoffenikanorov: I agree.14:07
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enikanorovso lets get back on identifying the drawbacks of proposed model with vips/listeners/pools14:08
enikanorovbefore we start14:08
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sballesbalukoff, +1 on letting him flesh out his idea more.14:08
enikanorovi'd like remind the notion of 'root object' that we have right now (which is pool)14:08
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samuelbercovicienikanorov: can you define what is a root object?14:09
enikanorovthe sole purpose of the root object is to be able to specify 'configuration unit'. that has nothing to do with backend or provider14:09
enikanorovbut it has something to do with the flavor14:09
enikanorovso you create *some* root object with the flavor, which defines capabilities14:10
enikanorovand then you expect that everything connected to that object complies with that capabilities14:10
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enikanorovso once again, it's not any kind of implementation details, it's a user expectation14:11
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enikanorovif you created a service with 'High-end' flavor, you expect every single bit of it to be 'high-end'14:11
samuelbercovicienikanorov: but flavors is an implementation detail14:11
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enikanorovnope, it's essential part of the API14:12
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obondarevsam: how is it impl detail?14:12
samuelbercovicialso, i have not seen any deatils about flavors14:12
enikanorovhow is that a detail?14:12
sbalukoffI'd also like to see a better definition of what is an 'implementation detail', eh. :)14:12
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enikanorovsamuelbercovici: I've sent out an email to ML with draft design14:12
sbalukoffThat's true-- flavors are still pretty nebulous at this point.14:13
enikanorovanyway, whatever name you may give to the flavor, it's a representation of user expectation of the service14:13
samuelbercovicienikanorov: well, flavor in the contenx that was discussed was mainly around scheduling based on required features14:13
enikanorovright now we have simplistic 'flavor' which is provider14:13
enikanorovwhen we move to flavors, provider stays and is assigned during scheduling based on flavor14:14
samuelbercoviciso in this sense, flavors/providers should be discussed after we complete a logical model14:14
enikanorovi disagree, it's important part, because they define resource grouping14:15
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obondarevenikanorov: +114:15
enikanorovservice capabilities is a prt of API, in this or that way14:15
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enikanorovflavor is just a simple representation of group of parameters14:15
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samuelbercovicienikanorov: as fasr as I see, both in radware's case as well as the cirix driver, this is not true14:16
iwamotoI think "resource grouping" is an example of implementation detail14:16
enikanorovwhat exactly is not true?14:16
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enikanoroviwamoto: i'd say it's an example of user expectation14:16
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samuelbercovicipool is nott the 'root object' if I understand your definition and it does not define the grouping model14:16
obondarevcurrently it is14:17
enikanorovsamuelbercovici: right now it is, we're trying to get rid of that because of inconsistency with L7 requirements14:17
enikanorovok, anyway14:17
enikanorovi'd like to see how it will work if we don't have the notion of root object14:17
enikanorovdo you have an idea?14:18
samuelbercoviciyes, but we should agree what is the logical model first14:18
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enikanorovfolks, we have certain constraints which are bw compatibility and implementation complexity14:19
samuelbercovicii have added to the wiki a slight modification to the current model that cleans the model from consideration of scheduling and grouping.14:19
enikanorovso befor agreeing on logical model, i'd like to see how it can be implemented14:19
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enikanorovsamuelbercovici: are you refering to a google doc file?14:20
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samuelbercovicii would like you all to look at this and tell if this model can represnt the use cases at hand. this logica model is the same as currently exists with removal of a few constarints14:20
samuelbercovicienikanorov: yes14:20
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enikanorovi've read the doc, to mee it seems that it doesn't address the concerns I have14:21
crc32is there a url for the google doc?14:21
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samuelbercoviciif we agree on this model, we can discuss how to schedule and if/which constarints should be added14:21
sbalukoffsamuelbercovici: I'm just seeing this for the first time (Sorry! Haven't had time to catch up on discussion of the last 24 or os hours)14:21
sbalukoffenikanorov: Can you specific a specific concern or two that is not addressed?14:22
sbalukoffer.. sorry, can you mention a specific concern?14:22
sbalukoff(Sorry, it's early here. XD)14:22
enikanorovsamuelbercovici: ip address reuse for instance14:22
obondarevsamuelbercovici: in your proposed model you removed statistics and statuses from pools and members, do you think user don't need to know all of this?14:22
enikanorovfrom the workflows specified, i can't see how is that achieved14:22
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enikanorovand yes, I am considering implementation here. once i know how that can be implemented - i can agree or disagree14:23
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samuelbercoviciobondarev: They are needed. they might need addressing/modification when we start talking on how this actualy get scheduled14:24
samuelbercoviciobondarev: I am trying to seperate concerns.14:24
obondarevif they are needed then your proposed logical model is incomplete14:24
enikanorovok, may be we can go one step at a time14:24
enikanorovwhen i do the following:14:24
enikanorov1) create-vip vip_parameters14:25
enikanorovwhat is happening as a result?14:25
enikanorovsamuelbercovici: ?14:25
samuelbercoviciobondarev: correct. as stated. it addresse the concern of configuring the service. scheduling, and getting data back from device should be discussed after14:25
enikanorov(i'm just trying to get together your idea)14:25
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samuelbercovicienikanorov: i am not sure i understadn your question14:26
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enikanorovi'm trying to understand, what happens on the background when user ussies lbaas commands14:27
enikanorovfor instance, right now we need to start with pool-create14:27
enikanorovat that point pool is stored in db, it has provider assigned and is scheduled to a agent (if it's haproxy)14:27
enikanorovand when we create vip for the pool, the configuration is actually deployed14:27
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enikanorovso i'm trying to understand how that will work with the API you are proposing14:28
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samuelbercovicienikanorov: I understand that the current ha proxy implementation starts to immediatly schedule on the pool creation. after reviewing all use cases, we might decide that schdeuling this way might not be working well in ha proxy.14:29
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enikanorovsamuelbercovici: thats correct, but i'm asking how you see the process, and not how it will work with haproxy provider14:30
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samuelbercovicienikanorov: for example in another strategy is to wait till all the related inforamtion (currently vip + pool) is available before scheduling14:30
enikanorovyes, that is an option14:30
enikanorovso you've got vip+pool and driver has scheduled that to some backend14:31
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enikanorovnow you want to add ssl vip or listener to your pool14:31
enikanorovanother port, same ip, different protocol14:31
samuelbercovicienikanorov: Thre are alternatives, but I want to fist ground the logical object graph and see that ir can be used to address all type of configuration before we discuss scheduling.14:31
enikanorovhow will you do that?14:31
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obondarevwe can assume we agreed on the logical model and start discuss further to see what challenges we may face with that model14:33
enikanorovobondarev: on which one? we have two models to discuss14:34
samuelbercoviciobondarev: well if you look at the different discussions on ML, this is still not the case.14:34
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obondarevlet's start from whatever from this two models, let it be sam's proposal14:35
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sbalukoffHi Jay!14:35
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enikanorovobondarev: i think we are discussing it already14:36
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jaypipessbalukoff: hello! :)14:36
enikanorovhi Jay14:36
jaypipesenikanorov: morning114:36
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obondarevenikanorov: yeah, so I just want continue discussing use cases14:36
enikanorovand i'm trying to understand how how that model addresses the scenario i'm talking about14:36
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sbalukoff+1 enikanorov14:37
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samuelbercovicienikanorov: do you mean scheduling?14:37
jaypipescould someone be so kind as to quickly summarize anything I missed? :)14:38
samuelbercoviciobondarev: +114:38
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enikanorovno, i mean what i need to do to have another vip on the same IP for already existing backend14:38
enikanorovin fact, as a user i don't know anything about the backend14:38
enikanorovi just want another VIP on the same IP and different port14:38
sbalukoffjaypipes: I think there are a lot of people here who would like to see you flesh out your proposal as you and I discussed on the hangout. Otherwise, we've mostly been talking about Sam's proposal that he sent to the mailing list about a day ago.14:39
enikanorovjaypipes: you've missed all and nothing :) we're in the middle14:39
obondarevjaypipes: currently we are discussing sam's proposal on the new object model:
samuelbercovicienikanorov: in, see under the use cases, use case 214:40
jaypipesOK, let me go read Sam's proposal.14:40
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enikanorovsamuelbercovici: right, but that just doesn't dive any details14:40
* jaypipes goes and reads all and nothing ;)14:40
enikanorovyou create a brand new vip with some ip address, and what lbaas needs to do?14:41
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enikanorovfind exiting vip with the same ip and attach it to same port? why?14:41
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enikanorovwhat will be the result of call #2?14:41
enikanorov#b i mean14:42
samuelbercovicienikanorov: vip1 and vip2 have the same ip14:42
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enikanorovyes, they should14:42
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samuelbercovicithe difference is that they have different tcp ports14:42
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samuelbercovicienikanorov: so a driver that needs to have both vips on the same backend, can schedule them that way14:43
enikanorovwell, here come our sweet impl details14:43
enikanorovwhich driver?14:43
enikanorovyou haven't provided a driver to the call14:44
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enikanorovhow would lbaas know your intentions?14:44
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enikanorovyou are creating two vips with some parameters where ips aer same accidently14:44
sbalukoffIs there any driver that can put the same IP on two different back-ends and have that actually work? (I'm not aware of any actual implementation that can do this.)14:45
enikanorovsbalukoff: no one interested:) everyone insterested in logical model :P14:45
enikanorovanyway, the problem is fundamental14:45
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enikanorovwhen you create a vip, at least you expect that DB object will be created14:46
bloganin haproxy's case can't you spin up too haproxy instances both on the same ip but listening on different ports?14:46
samuelbercovicisbalukoff: for eample using SDN, you can route to different back ends based on the ip+port14:46
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sbalukoffblogan: Yes, but that's different than having same IP on two different back-ends.14:46
enikanorovsamuelbercovici: which entity will do the routing?14:47
bloganah i see, two different backends14:47
enikanorovok, going back to two vips14:47
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enikanorovwhen you just issue tw create-vip cmds, you get two entries in DB, no deployment yet14:47
samuelbercovicienikanorov: but obvisously this might not be the common case14:47
enikanorovsharing IP address between the vips?14:48
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sbalukoffThat's a very common case.14:48
enikanorovit is very common use case i'd say14:48
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sbalukoffHTTP + HTTPS on a single IP is very common, and unavoidable because of the way DNS works. :)14:48
samuelbercovicisbalukoff: i mean havinf same vip with differen ports deployed on different backends14:49
enikanorovah, that's for sure14:49
jaypipessbalukoff: ++14:49
sbalukoffsamalba: Yes, indeed.14:49
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enikanorovsamuelbercovici: let's go back to two vips case14:49
sbalukoffEr?  sorry, meant samuel (stupid auto-complete!)14:49
enikanorovlet's say you've created both and get two etries in DB14:49
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enikanorovwhat should happen next?14:49
samuelbercovicienikanorov: so as an example. if we use existing semantics14:51
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samuelbercoviciwith the way the tenant specify the "provider" both vips gets sent to the provider. we will probably not allow using different providers. the provider will probably use some logica to scheule both vips on the saem backend14:54
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enikanorovwell, you see, you have to use that 'impl detail' such as provider14:54
enikanorovand with flavors that will not be possible14:54
enikanorovbecause flavor doesn't control provider directly14:55
sbalukoffSo, one of the problems I see with a purely logical discussion is that sometimes it might dictate an implementation that is not physically possible using any existing implementation technology. So? in proposing different logical models, I would like to see specific use cases fleshed out with at least one suggestion that drivers might use to do actual implementation (this is so that we keep our logical models within th14:55
sbalukoffe realm of physical possibility for forseeable use cases).14:55
sbalukoff(I mention this as we're running out of time in this meeting.)14:55
samuelbercovicienikanorov: as i said, this will be addressed. i want to see that even before we solve it, the model can support all the use cases people wanted14:55
sbalukoff(And again, I'd love to see these idea proposals fleshed out. Both Samuel's and Jay's.)14:55
enikanorovsamuelbercovici: well, as far as I see the API, there is a case that people want, but it can't be implemented14:56
enikanorovthat's the fundamental problem14:56
samuelbercovicienikanorov: ok. next step for me is to porpose how the scheduling happens14:56
rm_work+1 would like to see jaypipes proposal14:57
enikanorovsamuelbercovici: exactly!14:57
samuelbercovicienikanorov: will do this next and will send next week14:57
enikanorovsamuelbercovici: my guess that you'll end up with something very similar to #2 or #314:57
enikanorovsure, thanks14:57
edhallWhy would implementation drive the logical model? Just because its possible to express something that can't currently be implemented doesn't mean that the model is bad...14:57
sbalukoffedhall: I think we need to operate within the realm of the physically possible.14:58
samuelbercovicimeanwhile, I would appreciate if people will address the proposed logical model and commend on the document if something is missing14:58
enikanorovedhall: what the point in the model if it cant be implemented?14:58
sbalukoffThat doesn't mean we can't invent new technology here.14:58
jaypipessamuelbercovici: one thing I'd like to see in that Google doc is a more user-focused definition of the use cases. For example, "Single Vip with L4 load balancing" in my mind, is not a user-focused use case. It's an implementor-focused use case. Id love to see that expanded to be a description of the way a user thinks about things (i.e. Alice has a monolithic web application running on 1 node using X web server/platform. Sh14:58
jaypipese wants to add mulitple identical instances to increase scalabiity. She will need to redirect her single floating IP address to a load balancer, which should spread load across all her new instances in a balanced fashion, etc"14:58
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edhallThere is no reason that an API can't respond "sorry I can't do that."14:59
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sbalukoffBut any new technology also needs to be physically possible.14:59
jaypipesedhall: ++14:59
enikanorovedhall: right. that a subtle limitation14:59
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samuelbercovicijaypipes: i would like to take it offline with you to understand this14:59
enikanorovi'm not sure it's better that clenr API14:59
jaypipessamuelbercovici: absolutely!14:59
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jaypipessamuelbercovici: we can do so in #openstack-neutron after the meeting.15:00
enikanorovok, thanks everyone for the discussion15:00
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ttxAnyone here for the StoryBoard meeting ?16:00
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NikitaKonovalovI'm here16:00
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krotscheckI'm not here!16:01
* krotscheck may be lying16:01
ttxcody-somerville: around ?16:01
ttxOK, I guess I'll run this one16:02
ttx#startmeeting storyboard16:02
openstackMeeting started Thu Feb 27 16:02:16 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:02
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'storyboard'16:02
ttxAgenda at -- still time to add stuff to it16:02
ttx#topic MVP status16:02
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ttxkrotscheck: how far are we ?16:03
krotscheckNon auth MVP seems to have landed. Auth is still outstanding.16:03
NikitaKonovalovI've got a bunch of comments from krotscheck16:03
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ttxonce both land, MVP is complete on the webclient side ?16:03
krotscheckttx: I believe so.16:03
ttxwhat about the missing stuff on the server side ?16:04
krotscheckttx: I need to doublecheck, but I think at this point we should be able to start making stories.16:04
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NikitaKonovalovthe code is there, but I was calling the redirects in the wrong order16:04
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NikitaKonovalovnow I'm working to update the change to align it krotscheck's comments16:05
krotscheckttx: Looks like we can file stories16:05
ttxSo that's on the Auth side. Anything else missing in the server part for MVP ?16:05
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NikitaKonovalovseems like no16:06
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ttxNikitaKonovalov: I was a bit surprised by the amount of code you had to write on the srverside part of Auth. The code that makes you build URL by hand looks scary16:06
ttx(wearing my security reviewer hat)16:07
ttxNikitaKonovalov: is that expected ? Couldn't we reuse more of library code ?16:07
NikitaKonovalovthere might be a better way to utilize urrlib16:07
ttxNikitaKonovalov: not really blocking on that16:08
ttxI was just... surprised that you couldn't implement Auth in 3 lines of code. Django spoiled me I guess16:08
ttxNikitaKonovalov: if it works and interacts with Michael's stuff, should be good16:09
NikitaKonovalovat some point I was thinking of bringing django plugin back :)16:09
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NikitaKonovalovthe amount of code is huge, because Oauth does not quite fit the open-id-connect protocol16:09
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ttxkrotscheck, NikitaKonovalov: from what you're both telling me, looks like we would reach MVP state by end of this week16:10
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krotscheckttx: Ambitious, but possible.16:10
ttx#info MVP status may be reached by end of week16:10
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ttxOK, anything more on that topic ?16:10
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ruheany future MVP customers here?16:11
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ruhewould be nice to get some feedback from them16:11
* ttx plans to get more familiar with the code and start helping, but it's still a bit too much of a movig target to me16:11
* gothicmindfood raises hand16:11
ttxquickly stabilizing though16:11
ttxgothicmindfood: go for it16:11
krotscheckActually, the trove team came to me yesterday and asked whether they can start putting an incubation project on storyboard just to see what it's like.16:12
gothicmindfoodkrotscheck: wow, that's cool!16:12
gothicmindfoodI really want to throw our MVP internally at HP people and make them use it.16:12
ttxseriously, it's missing like 99% of the features that will make it usable16:12
* gothicmindfood may be in too many meetings with PMs arguing abou tools this week16:12
krotscheckgothicmindfood: You're back from tour?16:12
gothicmindfoodkrotscheck: I'm still out16:12
ttxI really fear that initial rejection will cost us down the line16:13
gothicmindfood(NYC tonight, DC tomorrow, Chicago Tuesday, then done)16:13
gothicmindfoodttx: understood, and agreed16:13
gothicmindfoodttx: my fantasy with HP is purely fantasy. Would never actually do that.16:13
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ttxgothicmindfood: more comments on that topic ?16:13
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gothicmindfoodttx: I think everyone's psyched about getting to MVP and will remain so until the first group of devs get pissed about having to use it :)16:14
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ttxthat brings us squarely to:16:14
ttx#topic What to use to plan the next step16:14
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gothicmindfoodttx: this is the nature of having a new product that everyone will eventaully be forced to use.16:14
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krotscheckOh, I think the next step is pretty clear. MVP didn't include the creation of tasks.16:15
ttxI have a number of ideas for the next step, but not sure what is the best tool to organize it16:15
krotscheckAnd, well, that's a pretty big hole in our UI right now.16:15
ttxkrotscheck: heh16:15
ruhekrotscheck: it's possible to create tasks on the API side though16:15
krotscheckruhe: It is?16:15
ruhekrotscheck: yes it is :)16:15
krotscheckOh, neat. That solves that then.16:15
ttxmy question is, we have a backlog of features and need to organize them, order them16:16
gothicmindfoodkrotscheck just needs to make a pretty button, I guess. :)16:16
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ttxsince we are far away from being able to use storyboard for planning work...16:16
ttxshould we use some trello thing ?16:16
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ttxI could use some familiarity with it, as I brainstorm over tasklists16:16
ttxshould we continue to abuse a wiki ?16:17
ruhei'd prefer to use storyboard, even if it has 1% of required features16:17
krotscheckI agree with ruhe.16:17
gothicmindfoodI also like the idea of using storyboard16:17
gothicmindfoodas clunky as it will be.16:17
krotscheckEasier to point and say: ugh this sucks fix it.16:17
ttxruhe: it's really missing the story/task ordering/targeting aspect though16:17
ttxand it's a bit tricky to prioritize up16:17
ttxas the tasklist thing is still very much only clear in my brain when I'm drunk16:18
ruhettx: can we workaround it by appending some priority information to story/task title?16:18
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ttxso to use storyboard for milestone planning, we'd add something we'd remove afterwards, I don't really like that16:18
ttxAh. Abusing title16:18
ttxI guess that's an option16:19
ruhei mean - append title manually16:19
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krotscheckOk, so the ask is "We want to be able to prioritize stories", yes?16:19
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ttxkrotscheck: I guess alpha order and playing with titles should be enough for that16:19
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ttxok, dogfooding ftw16:20
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krotscheckttx: I dislike workarounds.16:20
ttxshould be fun16:20
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ttxkrotscheck: the trick is: prioritization, the way we now plan to do it, is a rather higher-level construct16:21
ruheand simple ordering should be a matter of a couple of lines on the API side16:21
ttxat least titles and alpha-ordering don't mean we put in a workaround that we'll remove16:22
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ttxAny objection to storyboard dogfooding storyboard past-MVP ?16:22
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ttxI hope we have backups16:23
krotscheckI don't hear any objections16:23
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ttxawesome. Anyone has a topic to discuss, before I waste everyone's remaining meeting time in weird design discussions ?16:24
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ttxI hear none16:24
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ttx#topic Sane design16:24
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* gothicmindfood is so excited for weird design discussion16:24
ttxSo that one is mostly sane16:25
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ttxThere aren't so many ways to do it16:25
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ttxThere are only two subtleties16:26
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ttxWhen do we set "release" ?16:26
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ttxAnd how do we build final release pages ?16:27
ttxBut both can be handled at a later time16:27
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ttxFor the first question I'd rather set release at change landing time. But in some cases you really don't know what the "next" milestone will be16:28
ttxSo collecting them when you tag might actually make more sense16:28
krotscheckI need someone to mansplain the differences between all the different openstack branches vis-a-vis releases to me.16:28
ttxkrotscheck: I'm your man16:28
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krotscheckttx: Awesome. How late are you going to be up? I still have to get to the office.16:28
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ttxMaybe we can go through it now16:29
* gothicmindfood would love to be in on that conversation as a refresher.16:29
ttxhas some of it16:29
ttxWe develop on a master branch16:29
ttxAround milestones, and during the RC period, we create a milestone-proposed branch, where only milestone-critical or release-critical fixes land16:30
ttxmaster continues unrestricted16:30
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ttxAt final release time, we turn that milestone-proposed branch into a stable/* branch16:30
ttxSo by default everything lands in master16:31
krotscheckok, that makes sense.16:31
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ttxBut you may backport STUFF to milestone-propsoed or one of the stable/* branches16:31
krotscheckSo, it feels to me that "branch" really belongs to a task, while release applies to a story.16:31
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ttxkrotscheck: branch belongs to task yes16:32
ttxkrotscheck: In an ideal workd, "release" would apply to story16:32
ttxbut in reality, no16:32
ttxfor two reasons16:32
krotscheckThough I suspect we might not need the "release" field because ultimately that can be derived by figuring out where various patches have landed.16:32
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ttxImagine a security issue16:32
ttxYou fix it in master and in supported stable branches16:33
ttxthe master task will be "released" in 2014.1 (icehouse)16:33
ttxthe stable/havana task will be release in some 2013.2.3 or something16:33
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krotscheckRight - so branch is a tuple, not a single property16:33
ttxthe release field is there to track where the fix was first published16:33
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ttxkrotscheck: not sure I follow16:34
ttxtasks affecting multiple branches would be.. separate tasks16:34
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krotscheckttx: Why? Can't a task include releasing code to multiple branches?16:35
ttxprobably assigned to different people, resulting in different changes being proposed in gerrit, etc16:35
ttxkrotscheck: I don't think it's worth the added indirection16:35
ttxthe story is the task group level16:35
ttxyou fix the story in multiple projects and multiple branches16:35
ttxsimpler to just have them as a one level list of tasks16:36
ttxLP does what you imply16:36
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krotscheckttx: Well, tell ya what. We have an immediate path forward on branches, since we know what that's going to look like (one branch per task). Once that goes in, we can see how we end up using it and where release falls into the whole application.16:36
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ttxThere are three keystone tasks and one OSSA task there16:37
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ttxIt would be simpler if it showed 4 tasks that you can reorder16:37
ttxkeystone/master, keystone/havana, keystone/grizzly and ossa/null16:38
krotscheckSo let's start with branches.16:38
ttxanyway, impl detail16:38
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krotscheckAlright, def something to noodle over.16:39
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ttxSo that was the less insane one16:39
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ttxbecause we know we'll want branch and release at task level anyway16:39
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ruhequestion: is branch model - the next big thing we need to implement in storyboard?16:40
ttxruhe: not necessarily, since we don't need it for storyboard dogfooding16:40
ttxas we only have master ;)16:40
ttxthose are just open design questions I go over16:40
* krotscheck personally feels that priority's the next big thing :)16:40
ttxhah! nice segway to next topic16:41
ttx#topic Crazy design16:41
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ttxPriorities are for the weak, let's use parallel tasklists for that: StoryBoard/Task_Lists16:41
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ttxSo this is the straw man resulting from some brainstorming with various people16:41
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ttxbasically playing with  concepts of subscription, milestoen targeting, priority...16:42
ttxand realizing those are all facets of being able to put a number of stories or tasks in random lists16:42
ttxordered lists16:42
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ttxso why not oh why not just scrap all those concepts and replacing it with crazy task lists that would look like Kanban boards16:43
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gothicmindfoodI concur with the random thought re: story ordering vs task ordering16:43
* gothicmindfood loves this idea and thinks it's the coolest16:43
ttxgothicmindfood: yes, the more I think about it the more I think we need to manipulate stories16:43
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gothicmindfoodttx: also, because task ordering might have a lot less to do with priority and more to do with dependencies16:44
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gothicmindfood(which aren't really the same thing, though they often are close to it)16:44
ttxanyway, the main drawback of this appraoch is that it will take time to get right16:44
NikitaKonovalovand I guess we will need two type of story lists: official and personal16:45
ttxand so you can't really USE priorities in the mean time16:45
ttxNikitaKonovalov: yes, that's baked in16:45
gothicmindfoodofficial project, personal view, and release view.16:45
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ttxgothicmindfood: got some people asking for projectgroup views as well16:45
krotscheckThat kindof feels like the leveling system in FFX...16:45
ttxkrotscheck: EMISSINGCONTEXT16:45
gothicmindfoodttx: so infra-group view, for example?16:46
ttxgothicmindfood: yes. or oslo16:46
ttxthere are a few programs wiuth a LOT of projects where the projectgroup will be the main thing they manipulate16:47
krotscheckFinal Fantasy X. To paraphrase, there's a bunch of stories. All of these stories need to go into the release, and stories are interdependent. Developers start on different parts of the dependency tree, and try to collapse the tree by the time the release goes out.16:47
ttxand they want to prioritize across all those projects, not a project-level16:47
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gothicmindfoodttx: makes sense.16:47
* krotscheck folds up his nerd flag again16:47
ttxAnyway, I just want to push that idea in some corner of your minds so that you think a bit about it.16:48
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ttxNo need to get to the bottom of it today16:48
gothicmindfoodI think lists and labels are the way to go16:48
krotscheckI think the tricky bit there is how to model it so that the API is performant.16:48
ttxthat brings us to our next topic16:48
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gothicmindfoodand make storyboard much more powerful as a universal tool, coincidentally.16:48
ttxStatuses are for the weak, let's use tags for that: StoryBoard/Story_Tags16:48
ttxso we all know we'll have tags16:49
ttxBut but but will we have statuses ?16:49
ttxOr can we just discourage status use (manual updates suck anyway) and abuse tags for corner cases16:49
ttxgothicmindfood: found a loophole on this one though16:50
ttx"If tags are applied to stories, who can set protected tags on a multi-project story ? Drivers are attached to projects ! "16:50
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gothicmindfoodanyone who is part of a project tagged in a task affiliated with the story?16:51
gothicmindfoodor a PTL of that project?16:51
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ttxI guess so16:51
ttxsince we don't let anyone add a project, that might work16:51
gothicmindfoodI mean, the task to story relationship is established.16:52
gothicmindfoodwhat about where a task hasn't been assigned a project16:52
ttxgothicmindfood: I don't think we have such case16:52
ttxtasks are always attached to a project16:52
ttxYou mean a story without tasks ?16:53
gothicmindfoodI thought a story would always have at least one (auto created) task16:53
ttxthen problem solved :)16:53
gothicmindfoodand if someone created a story with no knowledge of the system, it might not have a project affiliated with it16:53
gothicmindfood(with its task, I mean)16:53
ttxBut even in the case of stories without tasks, then you would probably NOT set any protected tags16:54
ttxnot before you start fractioning the story into specific project tasks16:54
ttxThe main issue here is... do we really want to abandon workflows in storyboard16:55
gothicmindfoodyeah. So I think just mandating at least one task affiliatd with one project before tags are possible at the story level16:55
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gothicmindfoodttx: how does this abandon workflows?16:55
ttxi.e. the bug confirmation workflow16:56
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ttxor the feature "approval" workflow16:56
ttxthat need multiple states16:56
gothicmindfoodwell. how much does the community adhere to those workflows, and how strict are they?16:56
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ttxI'd argue that they are a lot of pain for no gain16:57
ttxand I'm a process wonk16:57
ttxI may hate the result16:57
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ttxBut thing is.. we spend a lot of time pushing bugs and blueprints through a workflow16:58
ilyashak_i recall there was an idea to create special task 'verify me' or 'fix me; and determine state by these tasks16:58
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ttxand in the end... I'm not sure that helps16:58
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ttxI want the tool to morph to what we do, rather than force people to go through its way of thinking16:59
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krotscheckWell, if we're going to have tags on everything, why not just make tags everything? Branches, statuses....16:59
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ttxkrotscheck: because tags are story-level. And branch/release are tasklevel16:59
ttxanyway, time is up17:00
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ttxThansk everyone17:00
gothicmindfoodthanks ttx!17:00
krotscheckWhere a tag can be applied is secondary to using tags to indicate relevance of a task or story.17:00
ttxfor listening to my rants17:00
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mtreinish#startmeeting qa17:01
openstackMeeting started Thu Feb 27 17:01:01 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mtreinish. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.17:01
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mtreinishhi who do we have today?17:01
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mtreinish^^^ Today's agenda (looks like the standard boiler plate)17:01
dkranzmtreinish: Here17:01
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mtreinishsdague, mkoderer, afazekas: are you guys around today?17:02
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mtreinishok well let's get started17:03
mtreinish#topic Blueprints17:03
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mtreinishso does anyone have any blueprints they would like to give a status update on17:03
mtreinishor any new bp proposals to discuss?17:03
andreafmtreinish: ok I'll go first17:03
sdaguewe should go through everything in high17:04
sdagueandreaf: go for it17:04
sdagueand more importantly #link
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andreaf_I'm back17:06
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afazekas''<andreaf> mtreinish: ok I'll go first17:06
afazekas'<sdague> andreaf: go for it'17:06
andreaf_mtreinish: I was saying the next step for that bp is available for review #link
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mtreinishandreaf_: ok, so after that the next step is to convert cred usage to the new object17:07
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mtreinishwhere do you go from there?17:07
andreaf_mtreinish: so it's progressing ok but slowly it's a lot of small pieces so reviews would be very welcome17:07
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andreaf_mtreinish: support for v3 for official client and scenario tests17:08
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andreaf_mtreinish: support for v3 api (not token, also user create) in tenant isolation17:08
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mtreinishandreaf_: heh, well client support might take some time17:08
andreaf_mtreinish: support for v3 in stress, cli, third party17:08
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andreaf_mtreinish: it's possible to create several of the clients using token and baseurl17:09
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andreaf_mtreinish: a colleague of mine just got merged a change in novaclient for ostoken17:09
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andreaf_mtreinish: so hopefully it's not too bad - in the meantime I can also work on the other bits17:10
mtreinishandreaf_: ok, cool17:10
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mtreinishandreaf_: is there anything else for multi-auth?17:10
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andreaf_mtreinish: another things which I wanted to do actually is complete refactor of manager class - to provide lazy load of clients17:10
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andreaf_mtreinish: not striclty needed for this bp but useful to simplify a few things17:11
andreaf_mtreinish: that's all17:11
afazekasit would make things 20ns faster :)17:11
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mtreinishandreaf_: ok that sounds like an interesting idea, so that way we wouldn't be doing the initial handshake on imports anymore right?17:12
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andreaf_mtreinish: right17:12
mtreinishwell I definitely support that :)17:12
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mtreinishok lets move onto another high prio bp17:12
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mtreinishso this one is owned by me17:13
sdaguehow's it looking for i3?17:13
mtreinishfrom last week we've had a few more unit test patches mostly related to auth stuff17:13
mtreinishI need to make a push to get some more coverage for some of the common functionality17:13
mtreinishbut we've been making progress17:13
mtreinishsdague: it might be close17:13
mtreinishbut we should have good coverage for the release17:14
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sdagueok, great17:14
mtreinishI also added the coverage job to the post runs for the tempest queue17:14
sdaguevery good17:14
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mtreinishI also want to discuss making a project policy change about requiring unit tests for new functionality17:14
mtreinishbut that may be a summit discussion17:14
andreaf_mtreinish: which I mentioned before also include unit tests for the new credentials class17:14
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andreaf_mtreinish: +1 it's really useful17:15
sdagueit's a nice new culture in the codebase17:15
afazekasmost of tempest code is tested on the gate , at least the success code path anyway, we might need to focus on the fail path in unit tests17:15
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sdagueok, moving on: #link
sdaguedkranz: comments on that?17:16
sdaguealso afazekas #link
dkranzI am still trying to get time to push another example for a different service.17:16
sdaguethat's been listed as high for a long time17:16
dkranzsdague: It would be nice to get approved.17:16
sdaguewe should decided if it's dead, or when it's going to get done17:16
dkranzsdague: After that is approved I was going to send a message to the list inviting people to contribute negative auto-gen tests.17:17
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sdaguedkranz: can you update the status on the blueprint to something other than none?17:17
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dkranzsdague: Yes, didn't realize it was still there17:17
sdaguedkranz: ok, I'll review that by the end of the week.17:17
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afazekassdague: Since the first global leak think is not liked, I am planning to do leak detection (and also cleanup) stuff at the isolated tenant deletion17:17
dkranzsdague: I'm not sure how to say when this blueprint is "done". All the infrastructure is there.17:18
dkranzsdague: It's now a matter of converting existing negative tests17:18
sdaguedkranz: I'd say then break it up17:18
sdagueblueprint for infrastructure17:18
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sdaguewhich we can declare done17:18
sdaguethen blueprint for some set of test conversion (or a bug)17:18
mtreinishsdague: or a spreadsheet...17:19
psedlakdkranz: but there is already another bp mentioned for that "moving the current negative tests into separate files:"17:19
sdagueafazekas: ok, is that something that's currently in progress17:19
dkranzsdague: ok, I'll close the current as infrastructure and create another one17:19
mtreinishafazekas: what about if isolation is disabled?17:19
sdaguemtreinish: or spreadsheet17:19
psedlakdkranz: oh sorry, ignore me17:19
dkranzpsedlak: That is a slightly different thing17:19
dkranzpsedlak: Mostly done I think17:19
sdaguemtreinish: well, at least in tenant isolation we should be able to easily leak detect on tenant cleanup17:19
sdagueand fix it in the main code17:20
afazekassdague:  recently I analyses some flaky things, but I hope I will have time on working on that soon17:20
sdaguewe shouldn't clean up in tenant cleanup, just use it as a detector17:20
sdagueafazekas: ok, well we need timeline commitments if it's going to be high, otherwise I'll bump it down and push to juno17:20
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sdaguewhich is basically the question17:20
afazekassdague: I think on next week I will check some flaky stuff too, but after that I will have time17:21
psedlaksdague: what about the cleanup in isolation code being optional? (to keep the possibility of getting clean env after tempest)17:21
sdaguepsedlak: no, I want to just detect, then go fix the tests17:22
sdagueotherwise we fail on the non isolated case17:22
mtreinishpsedlak: the credentials and tenants created for isolation will still be removed17:22
afazekassdague: just for detecting my first thing was good enough..17:22
psedlaksdague: sure, but why not to have at least capability to clean in there?17:22
psedlakmtreinish: but not the leaked servers etc ...17:22
mtreinishpsedlak: then that's a real bug that needs to be fixed17:23
sdaguepsedlak: because people will stop trying to fix the real leaks17:23
sdaguethis is social engineering as much as anything else17:23
mtreinishok what else is on the high list?17:23
sdagueok, I bumped to low and removed the target. Once it's a high focus again we can bump it up17:23
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sdagueneutron-full and heat17:24
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sdagueand nova v317:24
mtreinishoh oops I forgot to add the heat topic this week17:24
mtreinishwell it's a bit late for cyeoh right now17:24
sdagueI just removed the target, I think all the nova api discussion means we have to figure out the outcome there17:24
mtreinishsdague: yeah I agree17:24
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sdaguerossella_s: you around?17:25
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sdagueI should probably change the blueprint name there :)17:25
sdagueor stevebaker on heat -
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sdagueI guess not17:27
mtreinishsdague: well I think we should just move on maybe ask about those 2 on the ML17:27
sdagueor we are netsplit17:27
mtreinishsdague: I don't think so17:27
sdagueyeh, you want to take that? or should I17:27
mtreinishsdague: it seems more PTL like :)17:27
sdague#action sdague to ask about current high priority blueprints on list17:27
mtreinishok lets move on to the next topic17:28
mtreinish#topic Neutron testing17:28
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mtreinishso I don't see mlavalle on right now17:28
mtreinishsalv-orlando: are you around?17:28
salv-orlandoyeah  I am17:28
mtreinishsdague: we have a non-voting full parallel job now right?17:28
mtreinishsalv-orlando: anything to share about neutron testing?17:29
afazekasThe above change can fix one of the most frequent ovs agent issue17:29
salv-orlandoI think there are a bunch of patches for neutron API testing under review17:29
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salv-orlandoand we have assignees working on the most pressing issues to get the full tempest job work in a way such that we can make it voting17:29
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salv-orlandoThere are also a bunch of patches from yfried for scenario testing.17:30
salv-orlandoI am struggling to find time to give them a proper review however.17:30
mtreinishsalv-orlando: ok cool17:30
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mtreinishsalv-orlando: yeah I've been a bit lax with reviews myself lately17:30
salv-orlandothat's all from neutron17:30
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mtreinishsalv-orlando: awesome, thanks17:31
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mtreinishok then I guess let's move on to the next topic17:31
mtreinish#topic Bugs17:31
sdaguesalv-orlando: nice work.17:31
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mtreinishso I haven't had a chance to look at the bug list since last week17:31
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mtreinishI definitely think we're going to need to do another bug day before release17:32
mtreinishdoes anyone want to volunteer to take the lead on it?17:32
sdagueyeh, I'd wait until post i317:32
afazekas salv-orlando: What do you think, is it help full in debuging neutron issues on the gate
sdagueanyone volunteering for organizing one?17:32
sdaguecrickets :)17:33
sdagueok, mtreinish want to stick find volunteer for bug day on next agenda?17:33
mtreinishsdague: sure will do17:33
salv-orlandoafazekas: all these information *might* be helpful even if I've personally not used anything from ip_log_ns in the past month, ovs_db info are definitely more useful17:33
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mtreinishok time for the last topic on the agenda17:33
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mtreinish#topic Critical Reviews17:34
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mtreinishdoes anyone have any reviews that they would like to bring up to get some eyes on?17:34
sdagueI have one which goes into the land of open discussion, not quite critical17:34
dkranzmtreinish: I added one more topic "What is our strategy for getting fail on log errors turned back on?"17:35
sdagueI resurected the parallel filter -
afazekas small change against az flaky17:35
mtreinishdkranz: I see that now, did you just add it?17:35
mtreinishsdague: yeah I'm planning to take a look at that today17:35
dkranzmtreinish: Right at the start of the meeting17:35
psedlakas salv-orlando mentioned the yfried's chain ...17:35
sdaguecurious on output comments, I could also mark the worker thread and do colorizing on the os-loganalyze side17:35
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sdaguethough I'm going to work through a nova bug today, so that won't be until next week17:35
mtreinishsdague: but I like that you add configurable length to the indent17:36
sdaguemtreinish: that's in there now17:36
mtreinishsdague: yeah I know I was saying it was good :)17:36
sdagueL137 -
andreaf_sdague: the current output looks good, colorizing could be even nicer17:36
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sdagueyeh, I agree that I'm mixed on it when we get to 4 processes17:37
mtreinishandreaf_: we have the colorizer in tools/ already17:37
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mtreinishandreaf_: or did you meant use color smarter in the new filter?17:37
sdagueyeh, the colorizer will need to be different, because this hooks the subunit stream at a different place17:37
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andreaf_mtreinish: yes I though use different color for different processes17:38
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andreaf_mtreinish: at the moment indentation is used17:38
sdagueandreaf_: yeh, that's what I was thinking, but from a web perspective, we'll have to do that in os-loganalyze17:38
mtreinishsdague: but this comes back to what I was saying about adding options for local runs to the filter too17:39
sdagueanyway, will keep puttering on it, comments welcome17:39
sdaguemtreinish: sure17:39
mtreinishok are there any other reviews?17:39
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sdagueafazekas: on why not deal with that with a lock?17:39
sdaguethat's who we handle az manip in osapi17:39
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afazekassdague: it is different type of issue17:40
sdagueok, will look later17:40
afazekasLong time ago we just had only one AZ one the gate, and the test pick the first existing az17:40
afazekasNow other test cases are creating and deleting az17:40
sdagueright, that's definitely not right :)17:40
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mtreinishafazekas: why not just create your own boto test az then?17:41
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mtreinishif a lock won't fix the issue17:41
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mtreinishwell anyway afazekas we can talk about this on -qa later17:41
afazekasmtreinish: one az exists any all system anyway17:41
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mtreinishlets move on to dkranz's topic17:42
mtreinish#topic What is our strategy for getting fail on log errors turned back on? (dkranz)17:42
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dkranzsdague and I discussed this a little bit yesterday17:42
mtreinishdkranz: ok go ahead17:42
dkranzI did a lot of work putting together the whitelist as it is now17:42
dkranzI am not eager to do that again17:43
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dkranzSo the question is how we can get a clean run17:43
dkranzSeems to me we should approach this one log file at a time17:43
dkranzFor each log file we get the project to clean it, then we start failing that file17:44
dkranzAnd do on until we hit them all17:44
* afazekas thinks seeing just real ERRORs in the log has high value17:44
sdagueafazekas: real ERRORs should be failures17:44
afazekassdague: yes17:44
sdagueif the system has an error, it shouldn't pass the tests17:44
dkranzafazekas: I agree and we had that happening but turned it off due to flaky gate17:45
mtreinishdkranz: that might work, then we can go about it more iteratively instead of trying to do it all at once17:45
dkranzmtreinish: exactly17:45
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sdaguedkranz: ok, so marking logs that aren't allowed to have errors?17:45
sdagueso there needs to be some support on that in your tool17:45
dkranzsdague: right. It should be a trivial change to the checker17:45
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dkranzsdague: I will do that17:46
sdagueI'd be ok with that17:46
dkranzsdague: Can you socialize this at the project meeting?17:46
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dkranzsdague: We need some volunteers17:46
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dkranzsdague: to go first17:46
sdaguewell, volunteers right now will be hard17:46
sdaguewith the rush on i317:46
dkranzsdague: I know. But it we start talking about it now maybe after that we can get some progress17:46
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andreaf_dkranz: on a related topic, but on slightly, does the log check tool support pulling logs from a multinode test environment?17:47
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dkranzandreaf_: Not really. Unless you use central logging17:47
afazekasandreaf_: you can cat it before processing :)17:47
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andreaf_dkranz, afazekas: ok17:48
dkranzanderstj: It just takes a directory where it expects to find the logs17:48
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dkranzandreaf_: or url17:48
dkranzanderstj: Sorry17:48
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dkranzmtreinish: I think that's all for that topic17:49
mtreinishdkranz: ok thanks17:49
andreaf_dkranz: ok I see17:49
mtreinishwell that leads us to the open discussion section then17:49
mtreinish#topic open discussion17:49
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mtreinishso does anyone have any topics that they'd like to bring up that weren't on the agenda?17:49
afazekasPeriodic master jobs are not in good state17:49
andreaf_mtreinish: I'm starting to look in tripleo-ci, I'd like to get tempest running on the overcloud in there17:50
psedlakdkranz: what about picking first volunteer(s) based on the amount of errors ... start with those which have just few17:50
andreaf_afazekas: sorry go ahead17:50
mtreinishafazekas: I just did a buch of changes to what was running in the periodic jobs17:50
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dkranzpsedlak: Sure, except that we can't pick them. They have to volunteer :)17:50
mtreinishbecause the list was really messed up before17:50
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afazekasWe have some peridic jobs (including stress), but according to the log they are failed to start :(17:50
mtreinishso I think we may have had some bit rot because they weren't running17:50
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mtreinishafazekas: yeah I noticed that too, I'll have to dig more into it17:51
psedlakdkranz: sure, just we can try to convince them to volunteer a with less errors the resistance could be smaller ;)17:51
mtreinishandreaf_: so what is needed to get tempest running there?17:51
psedlakdkranz: anyway if any project will agree in the first round we don't need to care about picking one17:52
andreaf_mtreinish: well first of all get tempest deployed and then configure it17:52
afazekasmtreinish: at the first look the job definition was the same as with the working jobs17:52
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andreaf_mtreinish: I just started looking into it, I wanted to know if anyone is already on it from this team17:52
* afazekas thinking about some additional stress jobs with the know flaky issues17:53
mtreinishandreaf_: I haven't been and it hasn't come up on the meeting before. But, I'm sure someone working the tripleo ci stuff is looking at it17:53
mtreinishbecause as I understood it the plan was to run tempest for that17:53
andreaf_mtreinish: as tripleo supports multi node environments potentially, there may be some things to be changed to make everything work in multinode scenario as well17:54
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mtreinishafazekas: can't you just add the decorator the flaky tests?17:54
dkranzandreaf_: Yes, part of the work here is to de-devstackize tempest configuration17:54
dkranzandreaf_: Which I have also been looking at.17:54
andreaf_dkranz: great17:55
afazekasmtreinish: I would like to have ~4 jobs with only one or two test on 4-8 threads17:55
mtreinishafazekas: it's been a while since I looked at the stress stuff but I think that should be doable with the current framework17:56
andreaf_mtreinish: do we have bps on tempest side for this topics (de-devstackize, multinode)17:56
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afazekasmtreinish: If you have zillion of different things on multiple thread it is difficult to tell what really contributed to the flaky result17:56
mtreinishandreaf_: well there was a multinode one for like forever17:56
afazekasmtreinish: yes it is17:56
mtreinishandreaf_: as for de-devstack stuff I don't think so17:57
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mtreinishbut it's something I always look out for in reviews17:57
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mtreinishpsedlak: its more about underlying assumptions in tempest about the env17:58
andreaf_psedlak: thanks. For tripleo-ci, as we have the config data which is used to setup the environment (like for devstack), I was thinking we could configure tempest based on it - same way we configure services via heat in the overcloud17:58
dkranzmtreinish: Right17:58
dkranzmtreinish: Like I just discovered tempest expects the admin user to also have admin role in the demo tenant17:59
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dkranzandreaf_: Yes you could do that.18:00
mtreinishok well we're out of time for today18:00
mtreinishthanks everyone18:00
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psedlakandreaf_: agree, part of the stuff can be detected, but otherwise the deploy-tool knows the rest, and they can share the burden of common config part using one tool which can deliver at least working defaults18:00
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bdpayne#startmeeting OpenStack Security Group18:00
openstackMeeting started Thu Feb 27 18:00:31 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is bdpayne. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'openstack_security_group'18:00
bdpayneHi security group18:00
bdpayne#topic Roll Call18:00
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bknudsonbdpayne: hi18:00
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bdpaynewell, we have two!18:01
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bdpayne#topic Agenda18:02
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bdpayneI'd like to discuss the OSSG lead elections today18:02
bknudsonin keystone dolphm started sending a message out with all the participants' names at the start of the meeting.18:02
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bdpayneYou mean just a mention in IRC or an email?18:02
bdpaynemorning malini118:02
nkinder_Hi guys18:02
bknudsonbdpayne: just in irc18:03
shohel02_hi guys18:03
bdpaynegotcha... not a bad idea18:03
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bknudsonthe message is on the meeting wiki18:03
bdpayneso we're on agenda18:03
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bdpaynebeyond lead elections, I can provide a brief update on the book project18:04
bdpayneanything else for today?18:04
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shohel02_i give some update on threat modelling work18:04
nkinder_great, I'm curious about the threat modeling work18:04
bdpayneok, sounds good18:05
bdpayne#topic Quick Book Update18:05
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bdpayneSo I'm at the RSA Conference this week18:05
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bdpayneI met with David Mortman, who is one of the book editors18:05
bdpaynewe decided that a good first step is to put together a style guide18:05
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bdpayne(or borrow one from other OS Docs projects)18:06
bdpayneso that the book can have a consistent voice, tone, etc18:06
bdpayneso that's something that he will be working on18:06
bdpaynealso on the book, I believe that malini1 still has an outstanding PR?18:06
malini1:-) Yes, will commit it this week, last few tweaks18:07
bknudsonworking on a style guide or working on changing the book to match the style?18:07
bdpaynegreat, sounds good18:07
bdpayne for reference18:07
bdpaynebknudson malini1 is just working on a specific book editing ticket18:07
malini1I was thinking that is also time to update with more key management info once Barbican is out of incubation18:07
bdpaynethe style guide is separate18:07
bdpaynemalini1 that would be nice18:08
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bdpayneperhaps open a doc ticket?18:08
bdpayneok, any other book discussion?18:08
malini1bdpayne: will do18:08
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nkinder_malini: yes, though barbican only covers certain key management use cases AFAIK18:09
bdpayne#topic Lead Elections18:09
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bdpayneI've started putting together a document to describe the election process18:09
bdpayneThis was basically stolen from the PTL / TC election process18:09
bdpayneI'd like to -- as a first step -- make sure that everyone is on board with this being a good way to proceed18:10
bdpayneIf people feel ok with this, then Rob and I will push ahead with the logistics18:10
bdpayneI will send this to the mailing list later today18:10
bdpayneBut wanted to get some initial feedback here, if possible18:10
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bknudsonmight be useful to give more lead time...18:11
bknudsonyou've got several ways that one could be an active contributor...18:11
bdpaynelead time for declaring an intent to run or?18:11
nkinder_the page looks pretty straightforward18:11
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bknudsonwhere if there's an announcement that there's an election coming up18:12
ameyHello, I have a question about OpenStack security mechanisms?18:12
bknudsona lot of people might want to become an active contributor18:12
bdpayneah, I see18:12
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bdpaynewould we want to encourage that?18:12
bknudsonso do we want to give some amount of time for others to become active?18:12
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ameyWe are working on a project to develop a component that can allow user to select security checks18:12
ameyIs there an existing component that does this?18:13
nkinder_amey: we'll have an open question phase at the end of the meeting.  Is it OK to discuss then?18:13
bdpayneamey We are mid-meeting here... we typically have some time for open discussion at the end18:13
ameyOkay, sure18:13
nkinder_amey: thx18:13
bdpaynewhile I do love getting more people to actively contribute18:13
nkinder_So it sound slike the question is if we want to consider people who are not yet active for nominations18:13
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bdpayneI'm not sure how much we'd want to encourage it just for the elections18:14
nkinder_start becoming active now for elections in J :)18:14
bknudsonok, that makes sense.18:14
bknudsonjust wanted to consider it18:14
bdpayneyeah, it's a fair point18:14
bdpayneand I'm open to other thoughts here18:14
bdpayneI can see both side18:14
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bdpayneok, I'll leave it as is... if anyone has concerns please feel free to comment on the email thread on the ML later today or just email me directly18:15
bdpayneany other thoughts / discussion on the election process?18:16
nkinder_I think it's good for one to already have some background, and just attending an IRC meeting is on the list of "active".  That's a low barrier to entry.18:16
bdpayneit is18:16
bdpayneI suspect if someone just showed up for one meeting that they wouldn't get elected as lead18:16
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bdpaynebut, I'm ok with them voting18:16
bdpaynethat was my thinking18:16
bdpaynesince we are a fledging community at this point18:17
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malini1bdpayne: the whole openstack community gets to vote, or only OSSG members?18:17
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bdpayneonly active ossg members18:17
bdpayneat least, per the current wording of this document18:18
bdpaynethis mirrors how PTLs are elected for other projects18:18
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bdpayneit is just that with code-driven projects it is easier to identify an active contributor18:18
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bdpayneso I've tried to be broad with that definition18:18
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malini1bdpayne: good point on broading definition18:19
bdpaynehence the catch all at the bottom... in case I forgot any kind of contribution that someone may have made18:19
shohel02_i agree with Nkinder, one meeting attending for voting is a broad definition18:20
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bdpaynedo you guys have a suggestion for narrowing that a bit?18:21
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bdpayneperhaps attending X meetings where X > 1 (or X > 2, or whatever)?18:21
malini1bdpayne: a few more meetings and push out the election to April?18:22
shohel02_thats sounds good more than +118:22
nkinder_How about "participated" instead of "attended"?18:22
bdpaynethat's kind of a grey area18:22
nkinder_it's still vague, but cuts out just lurking on the IRC channel18:22
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bdpayneto prove attendance, we'd need to at least see a line with their name in the meeting logs18:23
bdpayneI think that's probably all we can do18:23
bdpayneanything more is judgement18:23
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bdpayneRe pushing it out to April... would the intent be to allow people to get involved in meetings now so that they could be part of the electorate?18:24
bdpayneI'd hate to see people do that only to drop off again after the election18:24
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bdpayneok, given the time, I'll take this discussion to the ML .. please watch for my email in the next few hours18:25
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bdpayne#topic Threat Modeling18:25
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bdpayneshohel02_ the floor is yours18:26
shohel02_we have updated the wiki page related to threat modeling..18:26
shohel02_contains all the docs shared earlier, by mail and others18:26
shohel02_any comments are welcome...18:26
shohel02_Last Friday, we have also discussed with couple of members18:26
shohel02_of OSSG ow should we progress, We are now working with Keystone,18:27
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shohel02_paulmo said he tries to implement threat modeling process for Solenium18:27
bdpaynegreat... so sounds like this is moving forward18:27
paulmoSolum; yep18:27
shohel02_In general, we need two people per project plus some18:27
shohel02_engagement from respective project.18:27
bdpaynewhat are the next steps?18:27
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nkinder_shohel02_: Was there an IRC meeting covering threat modeling last week?  I tried to attend, but nobody was there.18:27
shohel02_continue the work18:27
shohel02_we still plenty of things to do18:28
bknudsonI didn't know about the meeting...18:28
paulmonkinder_: The channel had ## in front I believe… I almost got mixed up too.18:28
shohel02_last friday... we will meet again on next Friday18:28
nkinder_paulmo: I was wondering about that extra #....18:28
shohel02_we posted it in the openstack-security group18:28
shohel02_mailing list18:28
shohel02_although bit late18:28
bknudsonok, thanks18:28
nkinder_shohel02_: yeah, I thought the extra # was a typo18:28
nkinder_shohel02_: who is involved on the keystone side?18:28
paulmoshohel02_: There is another channel with the exact same name with a single # in front… might be confusing for folks.18:28
bknudsonwill try to join in next time.18:29
shohel02_ok, i do not know about that18:29
shohel02_## because its an unofficial channel18:29
lmcmpoushohel: what's the channel again and when?18:29
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malini1bdypayne: amey had a question18:29
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bdpayneok, thanks for the update18:29
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bdpayneis that all for threat modeling?18:29
bdpayneok, thanks!18:30
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bdpayne#topic Open Discussion18:30
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ameyYes, thanks! We are a group of grad students working on improving OpenStack security18:30
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bdpayneamey still around?18:30
bdpaynewhich school amey?18:30
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ameyWe want to build a component that will allow users to select the check they want to have18:30
bdpayneah great, welcome18:31
malini1amey: any blueprint or write up for us to read?18:31
ameyis there a component that does this? Or is this project viable?18:31
bdpayneby check, are you talking about applying role based access controls across openstack or ?18:31
nkinder_amey: by "check", do you mean a tool that will audit from a security standpoint?18:31
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bdpayneheh... yeah I guess check can mean a lot18:31
ameyWe are in design phase an will be ready with a blueprint in 2 months18:31
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ameyour main aim is static code integrity check using IMA/TPM18:32
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ameythis component will extent TCPs18:32
malini1amey: we have trusted-compute-pools today that does BIOS, firmware and VMM check against known good values18:33
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malini1amey: would like to learn more. wanted to extent "trust" to bare metal18:33
bdpayneamey I think some of the relevant questions here are what do you want to check, and how does the result of the check influence the system18:33
ameyYes, do we check the integrity in run time? Eg.  regular integrity checks?18:34
bdpayneamey not much runtime checking today18:34
bdpayneusually it is just boot time18:34
bdpaynebut runtime would be nice18:34
ameyYes, we wanted to do that18:34
bdpaynesounds like a potentially interesting discussion18:34
bdpayneperhaps worth taking to the mailing list?
ameyBut we are concerned about the design and performance tradeoffs18:34
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bdpaynethis is one of those trickey areas that spans all of the openstack projects... and then some18:35
ameyCan the community review our design when we are done with it? Whom should I submit them to?18:35
bdpaynewe should talk more on the mailing list about your goals and such18:35
bdpayneOSSG has done some security reviews, but typically more for established projects and such18:35
paulmoPerhaps even creating an early blueprint with goals would help folks understand better too.18:36
bdpaynebut I'm open to further discussion18:36
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bdpayneok, thanks all... I know we're a bit over time in so thanks for sticking around18:36
bdpaynehave a great week!18:36
ameyThank you !  :)18:36
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vkozhukalov#startmeeting Fuel19:00
openstackMeeting started Thu Feb 27 19:00:07 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is vkozhukalov. Information about MeetBot at
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openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.19:00
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vkozhukalov#chair vkozhukalov19:00
openstackCurrent chairs: vkozhukalov19:00
vkozhukalov#topic Greeting, roll-call, announcements.19:00
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vkozhukalovguys, hi everyone, it is our first weekly meeting19:01
vkozhukalovwho is here?19:01
mihgenme is here19:01
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mihgencan you share agenda pls19:02
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vkozhukalov#link ttps://
vkozhukalovsorry #link
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vkozhukalovok, I think we can start19:02
vkozhukalov#topic Moving fuel-web/naily into fuel-astute19:03
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mihgenI thought it's there )19:03
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mihgenso I'm +1 for sure19:03
aglarendil|mobiI do not have any objections19:03
vkozhukalovmihgen, no it is not19:03
mihgenwe should keep in mind though all the complexity in our Jenkins jobs19:04
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vkozhukalovok, i think vova sharshov is going to work on it19:04
e0ne+1, it's not web-related code19:04
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vkozhukalovis he here?19:04
mihgenso don't forget about preparing about all of that CI stuff before we move ..19:04
vkozhukalovvova, around?19:04
evgeniyl`vkozhukalov: yeah, we have discussed it already, we need to add in the current release.19:04
mihgenwarpc is his nick I believe. .19:04
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mihgencurrent release == which one?19:05
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mihgennot in 4.1 please19:05
vkozhukalovOk, everyone agree19:05
vkozhukalovis there blueprint for that&19:05
vkozhukalovis there blueprint for that?19:05
e0nei think that all meeting agenda is about 5.0 release19:05
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e0neisn't it?19:05
mihgenyep sure19:06
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mihgenit's all frozen for 4.119:06
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vkozhukalovi think we need to have another discussion about our release cycle19:06
evgeniyl`vkozhukalov: I was trying to find it and I didn't, so we need to create it.19:06
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vkozhukalovevgeniyl`, can you create it tomorrow?19:07
mihgenit's perhaps rather granular task out of the whole idea in moves of repos19:07
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evgeniyl`Yeah, I can.19:07
vkozhukalovAndreyDanin_, hi19:07
mihgenso it can be one blueprint with ToDo items in there?19:07
AndreyDanin_vkozhukalov, hi19:07
mihgenor we will need to have separated bugs in LP instead?19:07
xarsesI'm here too =)19:08
vkozhukalovmihgen, i think separate blueprint would be ok19:08
evgeniyl`mihgen: I think we need to create a blueprint, because it is not small task.19:08
mihgenok, agree19:08
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vkozhukalovok, I think we've done about this topic19:08
mihgenmattymo: don't disappear man, we need you :)19:09
vkozhukalov#topic Moving web UI (javascript) into separate repo19:09
mihgenvkozhukalov: yep19:09
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mihgencan't disagree on this too19:09
vkozhukalovit is again about refactoring19:09
e0nebut I can19:09
mattymo|Migen, sorry unstable pub wifi19:09
mihgene0ne: what's up there?19:09
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vkozhukalovand i believe there is no blueprint about this task19:10
mihgenmattymo: bustard you are still in the pub19:10
vkguys, there are UI tests that require both UI and nailgun19:10
vkhow much complex for potentials contributors will it be to setup an env>19:10
vkthe same is for CLI19:10
e0neit's too difficult to separate them without any issue19:10
xarsesvk: I think it does make a bit of the testing harder, but that shouldn't preclude the test script from cloning the repo19:10
mihgenwhile it's so tight to nailgun...19:10
mihgenperhaps we should not separate then19:11
xarsesvk: maybe we should have them in seperate folders in fuel-web repo then?19:11
vkozhukalovi still think we need to do that19:11
xarsesmake it more obvious where to go19:11
vkozhukalovbut of course we need to be accurate19:11
vkxarses, they are already in separate folders. nailgun and static respectively19:12
mihgenseparate folders are ok, but testing and overall support …. could be much more complicated19:12
mihgenvk: separated but not in root of repo19:12
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e0nelet's assing somebody to investigate it. may be it will be too complexity to setup dev env or something else19:12
vkozhukalovguys, UI is a client library19:12
mihgenI would expect smth like fuel-web/nailgun & fuel-web/fuel-ui19:12
angdraughow about putting all tests that require code from more than one repo into fuel-main?19:13
xarsesmihgen: +119:13
vkozhukalovit for sure needs to be in a separate repo19:13
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mattymo|Lets call it fuel-dashboard19:13
mihgenvkozhukalov: so why would we need it in separate repo then?19:13
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mihgenif it complicates the whole development process for UI guys?19:13
dpyzhovangdraug: +119:13
mihgenthey always need a certain version of python backend19:13
vkozhukalovmihgen, it is a common tradition19:13
mihgenthey often base on each other19:14
angdraugI think our UI could benefit from decoupling from nailgun19:14
xarsesheres my thought on seperate repo, unless ui can run on its own with out nailgun, it should be in the same repo, even if in same folder19:14
vkozhukalovmihgen, yes, but what about writing script for automatic deployment of dev env19:14
mihgen+1 to xarses19:14
vkit cannot19:15
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vkUI needs nailgun API to work properly19:15
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angdraugin that case we should decouple them first, and shelve the topic of splitting the repos until they're properly decoupled19:15
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xarsesvk: then it stays somewhere under fuel-web/ but preferably not in fuel-web/nailgun/static19:16
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mihgenagain +1 to xarses  :)19:16
vkozhukalovcli also needs nailgun api, is it supposed to be in the same repo as well?19:16
e0nexarses, agree with you19:16
e0nevkozhukalov: no19:16
angdrauge0ne: why not?19:17
vkozhukalovlet's have a look how ppl from openstack do the same thing19:17
vkozhukalovhorizon is a separate project19:17
angdraugfuel-web/api + fuel-web/ui + fuel-web/cli19:17
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e0nefuel client could be installed not on the same node as fuel-master19:17
vkozhukalovit is also unable to work without nova19:17
angdraughorizon talks to dozens of different APIs19:17
vki'm not sure if can handle static outside of its root dir, but in that case we can put a symlink in our repo static -> ../../fuel-ui19:18
xarsesvkozhukalov: it can stand alone, given there is an api server somewhere to test with, but if we look at lke nova, nova-client is inside of nova project19:18
vkozhukalovwhy they don't put it in nova repo?19:18
mattymo|We should split to fuel-api fuel-dashboard and python-fuelclient19:18
vkozhukalovour UI is also can be just put into web server directory19:18
angdraugI don't like fuel-dashboard, horizon is dashboard19:18
vkhorizon has a backend part19:18
mattymo|Just to mirror fuel19:18
mattymo|Ooops openstack19:18
vkour ui is a pure js app which doesn't work without a server19:19
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xarseswell there is another thing to note, we cam make seperate packages from the same repo, if they share common code, its common for them to stay in the same repo19:19
vkunlike horizon19:19
xarseslike in the case of nova and nova client19:19
davideaster+1 to angdraug.  Name should not be dashboard as that would confuse with OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon)19:19
mihgen+1 to xarses and vk. unless you prove necessity of separate repos, I would not try to disperse the code19:20
vkozhukalovok, let's vote19:20
mihgenmaintenance becomes hard19:20
openstackUnable to parse vote topic and options.19:20
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angdraug+1 mihgen19:20
xarses+1 mihgen19:20
vk+1 mihgen19:21
mihgen+1 mihgen =)))19:21
dpyzhov+1 m19:21
mihgenhow this voting thing works actually19:21
e0neguys, what's about to spell about 1d for PoC with separating nailgun and UI?19:21
vkozhukalovmihgen, i don't know19:21
vkozhukalovi believe it is just a tag19:22
vkozhukalovok, let's move on19:22
vkozhukalov#topic Moving fuel-web/fuelclient into separate repo python-fuelclient and making it client library not just CLI19:22
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e0neit's very difficult for me to make a decision. need to try it19:22
e0ne^^ it was about nailgun & ui19:22
angdrauge0ne: just work towards refactoring the code to reduce coupling gradually19:23
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evgeniyl`CLI use nailgun for testing too.19:23
mihgenso basically here same thing, CLI fully relies on nailgun19:23
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vkozhukalovwhat about moving cli into separate repo and renaming it into python-fuelclient19:23
mihgenso same what I and angdraug said, keep in fuel-web/cli19:23
e0nevkozhukalov: absolutely agree. but need to rename blueprint. it's a bit confusing19:23
angdraugI think the same approach proposed by xarses for ui applies: same repo, different packages19:23
vkbut CLI can work standalone if provided with nailgun api url. UI cannot19:24
angdraugvk: UI runs in the web browser, same thing19:24
mihgenstill what are the benefits of having it separatee repo?19:24
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vkno, let me explain19:24
e0neseparate repo for fuel-client === using openstack infra for testing and review-request w/o modifications, just configuration19:25
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vkozhukalovguys, we have invented fully test driven development process, we can not move anything wherever we want because of tests ))19:25
angdraugif it's coupled to api and can't be tested without a matching api server, they should stay in the same repo19:25
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e0neclient is a standalone application/package19:25
vkyou can run cli with nailgun api url and it will work. UI must be served bu nailgun our you need to configure a separate reverse proxy server to make it work19:25
e0nevk, agree with you about cli19:26
vkozhukalovactually ui also can work without nailgun in the same sense as our cli can19:26
mihgenanyway cli can't work without nailgun, so don't see any point at the moment of having it in separated repo19:26
vkbut like UI, CLI has tests that require nailgun19:26
mihgene0ne: ^^ see about tests19:26
mihgeninfra won't help here out of the box anyway19:26
e0nelet's create real unit tests:)))19:26
angdraugI thought CLI relies on REST requests to nailgun for most of its functionality?19:26
dpyzhovwhy do we need to have all in one repo because of tests? we can have a pre-installed environment and test new commits in cli/ui with it.19:27
angdraug+1 e0ne on unit tests19:27
mihgendpyzhov: -1 to this approach19:27
e0nethanks, angdraug19:27
vkozhukalov+1 dpyzhov19:27
mihgenyour nailgun would be outdated19:27
e0ne+1 dpyzhov19:27
mihgenwhile cli is newer19:27
mihgenhow can you test newer code on outdated nailgun?19:27
mihgenthat's why it must be in sync19:27
dpyzhovcli is always came later then nailgun19:27
angdraugwe should do better at separating unit tests from integration tests19:28
mihgenthat's why ideally in same repo19:28
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dpyzhovand ui should be updated after changes in rest api19:28
evgeniyl`dpyzhov: -1 we can't, we need to have nailgun from master19:28
e0neangdraug, +119:28
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e0nelet's use fuelclient name instead cli19:28
e0neit's different19:28
dpyzhovare we going to have all this stuff tied together forever?19:29
xarsesguess unless we are starting to ensure that the REST api is backwards compatible, fuelclient relies on the same version of nailgun as is in the repo, they need to stay together19:29
vkas for syncing of different repos, you can later look into android approach which has hundreds of repos managed by "repo" tools which keeps different repos in sync and provides actions to all of them19:29
dpyzhovor we should have stable api instead?19:29
e0nemihgen: it's the same for now19:29
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angdraugdpyzhov: xarses: we also need to have each of them have at least 80% unit test coverage before we can consider separating them19:30
e0nemihgen: but in the future, we want have fuel client as python/cli client19:30
xarsesangdraug: +119:30
mihgenangdraug: +119:30
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mihgenI suggest to do final vote, fully agree with angdraug here19:30
angdrauge0ne: +119:30
vkozhukalovok, about version, let's add something like /v1/ in the beginning of every url and it would mean than v1 work exactly as we expect it to be19:30
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e0nevkozhukalov: already done:)19:31
dpyzhovwe can not split repos right now, it will produce a lot of pain. but we should take this approach it our minds19:31
angdraugmihgen: I don't think we're ready to vote19:31
angdraugnot done laying out the options19:31
vk+1 dpyzhov19:31
e0nedpyzhov: let's do it step-by-step/repo-by-repo19:31
mihgenregarding pain - that's for sure19:31
vkozhukalovok, what is the problem then about mismatching of versions?19:31
dpyzhovand we should create good interfaces first19:31
evgeniyl`I think we need to find a way to test cli/ui against fresh nailgun.19:31
mihgenI configured all the CI initially and I know it for sure )19:31
angdraugI think first step is tests19:31
angdraugthen, enforcing backwards compatibility for API19:32
nmarkovwe need to refactor or even completely rewrite our tests19:32
vkozhukalovok, guys. it is almost obvious that we need to discuss it somewhere else19:32
vkozhukalovlet's again vote and then move on19:32
nmarkovhangout tomorrow?19:32
mihgenabout tests: while integration are lightweight as unit for fuel-cli, I would not even bother about unit for it19:32
openstackUnable to parse vote topic and options.19:32
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dpyzhovI think we can move all the stuff to separate folders one repo now.19:33
angdraugwhat are we voting for/against?19:33
vk+1 for keeping CLI in fuel-web repo19:33
vk(for now)19:33
vkozhukalovi vote for moving fuelclient in a separate repo19:33
e0nevk: -119:33
dpyzhovAnd wait till upgrades solution19:33
mihgenvk: +119:33
evgeniyl`-1 for keeping19:33
xarsesvk: +119:33
angdraugvk: +119:33
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angdrauglooks like we don't have a consensus19:34
evgeniyl`it's ok)19:34
mihgenok and I don't have explanation about separate repo too19:34
angdrauglets bring it up in the next meeting19:34
vkbut guys, we should reapply consider repo tool: it is perfect to manage multi-repo project and has integration with gerrit19:34
dpyzhovI can't even understand who votes for what19:34
vkozhukalovyes, we'll discuss it later19:34
vkozhukalovmoving on19:34
vkozhukalov#topic Building bootstrap (discovery) image using diskimage-builder19:35
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mihgenvkozhukalov: pls state what we should vote for before calling for it19:35
vkozhukalovmihgen, ok19:35
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mihgensounds like right approach.. but I need more details on that to say for sure...19:35
evgeniyl`what is this topic about?19:35
mihgen> Building bootstrap (discovery) image using diskimage-builder19:35
nmarkovшьфпу-ифыув зкщмшышщтштп19:35
nmarkovimage-based provisioning19:36
mihgen:) )19:36
vkozhukalovat the moment the size of our bootstrap is about 140M19:36
vkozhukalovit is too big19:36
xarsesvkozhukalov: I19:36
vkozhukalovdiskimage-builder can help reduce it's size19:36
mihgenhow can you make it smaller? but excluding some stuff from centos?19:36
xarsesvkozhukalov: I looked over it and nothing execpt changing the compression will help make it smaller19:36
vkozhukalovagain it is about what ppl in openstack use for building images19:37
nmarkovwe don't need full centos as bootstrap19:37
mihgenhow fast is the build process in comparison with our current approach?19:37
mihgentime is important here, in building our ISOs19:37
xarsesvkozhukalov: we found that if we change from gzip to lzma it can be shunk to 80M19:37
mattymo|This image builder has templates for purging files19:37
vkozhukalovyes, we don't need centos based image19:37
angdraugbulk of the image is kernel modules, we can't drop drivers19:37
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mattymo|We need a newer kernel for lzma I believe19:37
AndreyDanin_meanwhile, howto vote here
xarsesmattymo: centos 6.2+ is supposed to support it19:38
dpyzhovAndreyDanin_: too late =)19:38
vkozhukalovAndreyDanin_, thanks19:38
vkozhukalovAndreyDanin_, will try next time19:38
mihgenok so question not about size19:39
mihgenwe can make size smaller using our current make files I assume19:39
vkozhukalovok, about size, we can try and then see would it reduce the size (i mean using dib)19:39
mattymo|Ok right. I think xz is what needs newer kernel for compressed squashfs root19:39
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mihgenso what about disk-image-builder?19:39
mihgenwhat about time?19:39
mihgeneasy of use, debugging, etc.?19:39
angdraugdid anyone investigate dib?19:39
xarsesi don't disagree using dib because its what other Openstack projects use, but size won't get much smaller either way19:39
vkozhukalovit's easy to use19:40
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mihgenvkozhukalov: what about time of building?19:40
mattymo|we can shrink by pruning kernel modules and firmware19:40
vkozhukalovand the time of building is pretty the same19:40
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angdraugcan it improve flexibility/reliability of our iso build process?19:40
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angdraugmattymo: -1 on pruning drivers/firmware19:40
vkozhukalovyea, actually it can help to improve the flexibility19:41
angdraugin that case we should consider it19:41
angdraugeven if we don't win on image size or build time, current process for modifying bootstrap image basically isn't19:41
vkozhukalovmaybe we will be able to reuse discovery solutions from ironic19:41
mihgenso preliminary +1 for me for it then19:41
xarsesvkozhukalov: how would it improve? would it make it easier for end user to rebuild image in the field?19:42
mattymo|We dont need wifi drivers for exampl19:42
mihgenhowever I would like to see some techtalk about it19:42
AndreyDanin_We be able to rebuild bootstrap on the master node. It allows us to include really strength ssh keypair.19:42
vkozhukalovxarses, in a sense19:42
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vkozhukalovmodifing make file is not very pleasant19:42
AndreyDanin_Anyone be able to rebuild its own bootstrap version, include additional drivers, etc.19:43
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mattymo|It should have a separate make system that can run independent19:43
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mihgenvkozhukalov: oh really, I remember you hard vote for it when I was trying to get rake onboard instead ;)19:43
angdraugmattymo: fair point on wifi drivers, although I'm not sure building custom kernels is the territory we're ready to explore19:43
xarsesvkozhukalov: I think rebuilding the bootstrap in the field is the most important feature we need with regards to bootstrap, making it smaller and easier to distribute are secondary needs19:43
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angdraugxarses: +119:44
vkozhukalovmihgen, it was so long ago ))19:44
vkozhukalovok, we still have some other topics19:44
vkozhukalov#topic Rewriting discovery agent into python19:44
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xarsesvkozhukalov: if moving to dib helps then yes, but so far I've heard no features that dib brings to us. regardless, it doesn't really matter how we build the bootstrap image19:44
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mihgenso +1 for disk-image-builder according to what is said here19:44
mattymo|Sorry I am on a moble device now. I will share a cool set of scripts for shrinking images19:45
nmarkovas for agent, I heard you meant something more than just rewriting it as it is19:45
evgeniyl`I don't think that we should just rewrite agent in python, it will be better to completely rewrite our discovering logic with mcollective (or any other transport).19:45
xarses+1 to discovery agent in python, it should make it easier for community to participate19:45
nmarkovcould you clarify, please?19:45
mihgenwhat about vote for previous topic?19:45
vkozhukalovit is again about refactoring, ruby is not very suitable for openstack19:45
mihgendiscovery agent on python = we are heavily dependent on ohai19:45
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mihgenI don't know anything like that in python19:46
mihgennow agent is trivial19:46
angdraug+1 to _research_ what dib can actually give us19:46
mihgenit takes ohai output and does rest api call19:46
evgeniyl`ohai can give json and we can parse it in python easily19:46
nmarkov#startvote Should we use diskimage-builder? Yes, No, Maybe19:46
openstackOnly the meeting chair may start a vote.19:46
AndreyDanin_evgeniyl`, +1 to rewrite logic19:46
vkafair we anyway gather some data in many places as we cannot rely on ohai19:46
mattymo|Ohai and facter use proc and dmidecode. Its just abstravtion magic19:46
angdraugcan we have Research vote option please?19:46
mihgenwould you call ohai then as external program?19:46
vkozhukalovmihgen, salt grains is pretty much the same as ohai19:46
mihgenpretty much is not the same19:47
mihgenohai is in place for years19:47
mihgenopscode fixed tons of bugs19:47
mihgenon different systems and drivers/hw19:47
mattymo|Its not ambrosia. It can be replaced19:47
nmarkovohai actually has some shitty code inside19:47
evgeniyl`mihgen: +119:47
AndreyDanin_#vote PoC19:47
nmarkovI tried to research it one day19:47
evgeniyl`Don't touch ohai please)19:47
mihgenrewriting that from scratch is very dangerous19:47
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mihgennmarkov: you rather have shitty code in nailgun dude19:48
e0nemihgen, nmarkov :)))19:48
mihgenthat's stability thing, and we rely on it now19:48
nmarkovmihgen, nailgun is perfect, don't touch it19:48
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mihgenso I consider it's very dangerous to replace it on any other source of hardware information19:49
xarsesnmarkov: all of the issues we have had with agent has been our internal logic, not ohai failing to work19:49
xarsesrecently anyway19:49
nmarkovxarses, not really, I remember some issues we had when were working with chef 1.5 years ago19:49
vkozhukalovok, mihgen is right about danger19:49
angdraugif we don't need to fix ohai itself, I don't care how ugly it is on the inside long as it works19:49
vkozhukalovstability is extremely important here19:49
nmarkovbut ohai is just a source of info, one of the many19:50
vkozhukalovok, guys let's discuss it later19:50
angdraugin my experience pretty code and stability have a very weak correlation19:50
vkozhukalovwe have just 10 minutes19:50
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mihgenangdraug: +119:50
AndreyDanin_xarses, our logic fails because of ohai internal logic.19:50
mihgenAndreyDanin_: be more concrete19:50
angdraugvkozhukalov: call a vote and lets move to the next topic19:50
nmarkovthere are some issues when ohai fails to fetch some hw info19:51
vkozhukalov#startvote for rewriting agent in python19:51
xarsesnmarkov: AndreyDanin_  since i stared we have found 0 errors with ohai failing to find what we want, we just dont use what ohai sends us.19:51
openstackUnable to parse vote topic and options.19:51
mihgenit even proves what I said19:51
mihgenone bug in a long run - perfect code19:51
nmarkovand nailgun rebuilds half of the DB according to invalid data it sends19:51
AndreyDanin_mihgen, I talk about magic with MAC and IP.19:51
nmarkovvkozhukalov, specify answers19:51
vkozhukalov-1  need to do  additional research19:52
nmarkovAndreyDanin_, +119:52
evgeniyl`nmarkov: invalid data sends not ohai, agent does it.19:52
mattymo|+1 to research alternatives in python to ohai19:52
nmarkovevgeniyl`, so, it is agent which can't get a MAC? please, dude19:52
mihgenI vote for keeping existing ohai and agent19:52
nmarkov+1 mattymo|19:52
mihgenas they are small and doing it's job now pretty well19:52
angdraug-1 on research, let's focus on bigger problems first19:52
evgeniyl`nmarkov: did you see agent code, it parses data from ohai and make additional filtering and data preparation19:52
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mihgenwe don't need them to be extended any heavily19:52
evgeniyl`nmarkov: what are you talking about?19:53
mihgenwe have plenty other more important things19:53
nmarkovevgeniyl`, yep, and sometimes ohai just doesn't return some necessary things19:53
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xarses-1 for now, but I'd love to see the ruby replace with python19:53
vkozhukalov#topic Moving fuel-web/fuelmenu into fuel-library19:53
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mihgensuch as scalability of nailgun for exmaple19:53
e0neangdraug, +119:53
mihgenso -1 on research19:53
angdraugmihgen: +1 :p19:53
vkozhukalovfuelmenu does not work w/o puppet modules19:53
angdraugI'd like us exploring the ipmi/snmp discovery tools from compass first19:53
mihgenok fuel menu relies on code from fuel-library19:53
mattymo|Fuelmenu only configures fuelweb19:53
e0nevkozhukalov: why to fuel-lib, not to a separate repo?19:54
mattymo|Not library19:54
evgeniyl`-1 i think it should be moved to fuel-main because it's more about iso19:54
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angdraugevgeniyl`: +119:54
mattymo|But it should be separate if anything or in main19:54
mihgenwhat's the benefit from being in fuel-main?19:54
vkozhukalovfuel-main is just a bunch of build scripts19:55
e0neit is not related nor -web, nor -library19:55
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angdraugevgeniyl`: 0 (changed my mind)19:55
evgeniyl`vkozhukalov: fuel-library is a bunch of puppet manifests19:55
mihgenfuel-menu heavily relies on fuel-library19:55
xarsesfuel-menu should be in library more than main, at least the puppet it needs is in there19:55
e0nelet's move to a new separate repo19:55
mihgenat this moment ..19:55
vkozhukalov#startvote for moving fuelmenu into separate repo19:55
openstackUnable to parse vote topic and options.19:55
mihgen-1 on that19:56
vkozhukalov-1 for separate repo19:56
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angdraug-1 on repo proliferation in general19:56
vkozhukalov#startvote for moving fuelmenu into fuel-library19:56
openstackUnable to parse vote topic and options.19:56
AndreyDanin_#startvote Do we want to  move fuelmenu into separate repo? Yes, No, Maybe19:56
openstackOnly the meeting chair may start a vote.19:56
xarsesangdraug: +119:56
nmarkov#vote Yes19:56
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mihgene0ne: how can you vote the same?19:57
vkozhukalovwe need to read manual about meetings )))19:57
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angdraugvkozhukalov: just resend what AndreyDanin_ proposed )19:57
vkozhukalovok, guys looks like we have just a couple of minutes19:57
mihgenI think we need to close now19:58
xarsesangdraug: agreed, we have more than enough repos to confuse everyone as it is19:58
mihgenand move other stuff to next meeting..19:58
e0nemihgen: what do you mean?19:58
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mihgene0ne: you voted for separated repo and then said Yes for fuel-library19:58
vkozhukalovyes, let's go away and continute our discussion somewhere else19:58
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mihgen> xarses: angdraug: agreed, we have more than enough repos to confuse everyone as it is   <-  so true19:59
nmarkovlet's wrap up little by little19:59
vkozhukalovunfortunately we had too large agenda19:59
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e0neit was my fail with 'yes for fuel-lib'19:59
mihgenwe can do in fuel-dev...19:59
mihgenend meeting pls19:59
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openstackMeeting ended Thu Feb 27 19:59:33 2014 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)19:59
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openstackMinutes (text):
nmarkovmihgen, he doesn't give a damn, just move it out from fuel-web :)19:59
harlowja#startmeeting openstack-state-management20:00
openstackMeeting started Thu Feb 27 20:00:09 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is harlowja. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.20:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'openstack_state_management'20:00
harlowjahi folks, anyone interested in meeting today :)20:00
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harlowjaagenda @
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iv_mhi there20:01
harlowjahi hi20:01
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harlowjahi changbl20:02
iv_mhi changbl20:02
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harlowjahow's it going folks20:03
iv_mit goes, which means it's not bad20:03
changblnot bad, filed a travel request to go to atlanta openstack summit20:03
harlowjachangbl cool20:04
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harlowjai beleive anastaisa is skiing so, she'll i guess miss out on the fun20:04
iv_mya, she's on vacations until monday20:04
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harlowjasooo lets see here, likely can be a quick one :)20:05
harlowja#topic last-action-items20:05
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harlowjai don't there were any right?20:05
harlowjai had a good vacation :-P20:06
harlowjaskiing also, lol20:06
iv_m#nick akarpinska20:06
iv_m#action akarpinska have good vacation and get back l)20:07
harlowjano vote needed, ha20:07
harlowja#topic 0.220:07
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harlowjaso for this one, zookeeper stuff went in, so that means newness, worker stuff went in (i've been messing around with it)20:07
harlowjaand i think once anastaisia gets back the retry/redo/ controlling stuff will go in20:08
harlowjai am thinking we could do a ML post for each one of these features, explaning it, summarizing it, showing example20:08
harlowjawhat do u guys think20:08
harlowjai beleive they are cool enough to each have its own neat post20:08
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changblsounds good20:09
harlowjamight as well inform everyone of the awesomeness, lol20:09
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harlowjawhat else, i think there are a few fixes/adjustments that are going through the pipeline right now20:10
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harlowjaiv_m do u think stanislav will have the ability to have the engine inquire what the workers have for 'capabilities' for 0.2, or maybe later?20:11
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harlowjathats the only pain that i saw right now20:11
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iv_mthat depends on what design decisions we finally come to20:12
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iv_mhe already have some simple code that works20:12
harlowjai guess post 0.2 then?20:12
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harlowja0.2.1 or something20:12
harlowjalets do that i think, doesn't seem like its critical for 0.220:13
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iv_myes, it does not look critical20:14
harlowjachangbl i can give u a simple MQ example if u want to try it, sorta neat20:14
iv_mlet's see if we can finish that in time for 0.2.0, but if we will not that's ok20:15
harlowja was one that i was messing around with :)20:15
changblharlowja, MQ example?20:15
harlowja*sorry worker example (which uses a MQ)20:15
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harlowjaif u want to try it out20:16
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changbli am fine. why don't you put it under examples?20:16
harlowjachangbl will likely do that :)20:17
iv_mwe also have pretty nice examples in master20:17
harlowjayup, some other ones20:17
harlowjaiv_m i can startup a little ML post about the worker stuff, maybe all of us can adjust it and then can finally send it20:17
iv_mthey can use mq with proper cmdline arguments20:17
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iv_mharlowja, sounds good20:18
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harlowja#action harlowja draft ML post for workers and jobboard20:18
harlowjak, lets see, guess we'll aim for 0.2 in a short while20:19
harlowjaafter anastasia gets back, get that stuff in, then decide20:19
harlowjaalright , next hoepfully quick topic20:19
harlowja#topic oslo-meetings20:19
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harlowjaso i'm gonna try to attend the oslo IRC meeting tommorow, see how that goes20:19
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harlowjai am still wondering (i think we talked about it before) about if we should just join that meeting20:20
harlowjachair is dhellmann  not mark20:20
iv_mit's a pitty that i can't attend oslo meetings20:20
harlowjaya, 1400 utc will be tough for me also :-P20:20
harlowjawill see if i can remember to wakeup, lol20:21
harlowjai'll report back, maybe just useful to collapse these 2 meetings since our meeting doesn't usually last to long20:22
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harlowjaour updates haven't been to big, i think oslo irc is more of like a on-demand meeting anyway20:22
harlowjaanyways, lets see20:22
harlowja#action harlowja report back on oslo!20:23
harlowja#topic 0.320:23
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harlowjaso this one is an interesting one20:23
harlowjait seems like we are realitevly stabilizing20:24
harlowjabut i could see the lock management feature being useful in 0.320:24
harlowjaif we want to do that of course20:24
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harlowjaor instead of 0.3 we can just all spend lots of time integrating20:24
harlowjaand evangelizing...20:25
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harlowjawhat do u guys think?20:25
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changblcan you say more on the lock management feature?20:26
harlowjasure, so i think in a simple explanation, cinder, especially has resources that they don't want to be simulatenously worked on by workflows20:27
harlowjaso an idea i had was to allow for someway to specify that a task/flow acquires and releases locks on given resources before executing20:27
harlowjawhich then creates a need for some type of lock management system20:28
harlowjanow idk if is the right way to go, but it could be20:28
iv_mas for 0.3, i think we can have 0.2.x releases as new features come in, until we'll need to do a really big breaking change -- and i'm not currently seeing any big breaking changes coming after Anastasia's work gets in20:29
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changblcinder right now use file as lock, so if cinder want to use taskflow's lock manager, will that change a lot of cinder's code?20:30
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harlowjachangbl i am hoping it doesn't change alot, i would expect our lock manager to also be compatible with file locks if we see this is the way to achieve compatiblity until something better (zookeeper locks) can be used20:31
harlowjaiv_m the only change that could cause issues is if we want to rename taskdetails to atomdetails, or do more restructuring around that code20:32
changbli hope it won't change too much of existing openstack code20:32
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changblbtw, how is the integration process with cinder, nova, etc? i feel taskflow is being more and more mature, but the integration process is slow20:32
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harlowjayup, integration is always slow20:33
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harlowjai think it could require more people to help integration, of course, i'll do it also when i can, it just requires lots of slow work :)20:33
harlowjaand stamina, lol20:34
harlowjaand communication....20:34
changblharlowja, let me know if you need help on integration work, i can help a bit20:34
harlowjasure, where do u want to tackle changbl  ;)20:34
changblcinder? or nova ?20:35
harlowjai think there was some nova work, but it appears to have stalled (not enough time from nova folks to review it, or look at it)20:35
harlowjachangbl cinder is a good idea20:35
harlowjachangbl i think when anastaisia gets back we can all get an update from her on current status of that20:35
harlowjaand can maybe all jump-in there20:36
changblharlowja, ok20:36
harlowjacool, lets do that20:36
harlowjaiv_m sound reasonable? do u know if alex is still fighting the nova fight?20:36
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iv_mat least he's not planning to give up20:37
harlowjachangbl lets get a dump from alex on how thats going i guess also20:37
changblharlowja, one thing is that demand always drives supply, so while the integration goes on, we can have more feedback and ideas on how to improve taskflow, instead of developing it alone separately on our own.20:38
harlowjaseems good to figure out how its all going from everyone20:38
harlowjachangbl agreed, i think we are at a good state for that20:38
changblharlowja, ok20:38
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harlowjaiv_m cool, lets get everyone together outside meeting and see if we can have a mini-meeting about the current integration, what/how/where/help needed... and see how we can all help out20:38
harlowjaand then fix all the things :-P20:39
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harlowjachangbl i think the cinder folks are this week having a hangout session as there mid-cycle meetup, i dropped in, should probably drop in again20:40
harlowjajgriffith the hangout is still happening right?20:40
changblharlowja, hope we can get more feedback from them.20:40
harlowjasure, they were deep into driver stuff when i joined :-P20:41
jgriffithharlowja: yesterday was last day IIRC20:41
harlowjaoh noes, lol20:41
harlowjakk, np20:41
jgriffithor else I"m just MIA :)20:41
harlowjajgriffith anyways, just to catch u up, think we are going to regroup a little, figure out cinder work + taskflow, seem how we can all help here, and get in touch with u guys :)20:42
harlowjai think thingee will be in sunnyvale y! next week so can chat with him to20:42
* harlowja we are hosting tripleo/ironic meetup 20:42
jgriffithharlowja: sounds good20:42
harlowjawe == y!20:42
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harlowjacool beans, thx jgriffith20:43
jgriffithharlowja: my pleasure ;)20:43
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harlowjak, lets see if anything else left to open-dicuss about20:43
harlowja#topic open-discuss20:44
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harlowjaif not can end short20:44
iv_mi have couple of new blueprints i want to mention20:44
harlowjachangbl thx for bringing focus back on integration, needs to happen more than it is :)20:44
harlowjaiv_m cool, whats up20:44
changblharlowja, np20:45
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iv_m#link is the first one, just a small neat feature20:45
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harlowjaah, iv_m seems like a nice helper to allow that20:47
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harlowjathe conf thing can be a pain to have to make dicts :-P20:47
iv_mif u agree it worth having please approve and i'll implement that real quick ;)20:48
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harlowjaok dokie20:48
harlowjapressed the appropriate buttons, lol20:48
iv_mthx harlowja20:48
harlowja;) np20:48
iv_malso, we now have docs published under openstack manuals20:49
iv_m#link <-- here20:49
harlowjaoh ya, woot20:49
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iv_mand #link has a link there20:49
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harlowjaiv_m the developer docs come from right?20:50
harlowjaor do they come from the code, or both?20:50
changblnice, +220:50
harlowjaseems like is sorta empty files, but then they get populated?20:50
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iv_mu mention module or class or whatever in via special macros, and then sphinx does its magic to generate some stuff from code and docstrings20:51
harlowjakk, i'll have to look into that20:51
iv_malso, some words in addition to reference will be nice to have20:52
harlowjais there a tool that generates those special macro files, i was thinking something like javadoc which generates the whole thing, not needing special macro files20:52
harlowjabut i guess this is just sphinx stuff20:53
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iv_myou can generate the reference for the whole taskflow modules recursively, but i think the result is a but ugly and hardly usable20:54
harlowjak, np20:54
* harlowja not sure what the best approach is20:54
harlowjaseems like no matter is a good oppurtunity to shift around our docs if we want20:54
harlowjasome of could probably be in developer docs and vice-versa20:54
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iv_m.. so we (me and a-gorodnev) decided that it's better to hand-pick some modules and/or classes and organise them into nice docs structure20:55
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harlowjaall good, looking at other developer docs there, it doesn't seem like there is agreement on what should/shouldn't be there20:56
iv_mfor farther sphinx docs improvements, i filed a bp #link
harlowjaah, thx iv_m20:56
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harlowjawondering how much we should move over though20:56
harlowjak, will look over bp20:56
harlowjaiv_m i guess we can close now i think to20:57
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harlowjaole celery20:57
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harlowjaanyways, anything else, times almost up?20:58
iv_mnot from me20:59
changbli am fine20:59
harlowjacool, thx iv_m changbl20:59
harlowjalets regroup maybe tuesday after anatstasia gets back and we can chat with all the involved folks about integration20:59
harlowjasee if we can find a common time to do so20:59
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openstackMeeting ended Thu Feb 27 20:59:52 2014 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)20:59
openstackMinutes (text):
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* russellb waits one more minute21:00
russellb#startmeeting nova21:01
openstackMeeting started Thu Feb 27 21:01:25 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is russellb. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'nova'21:01
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russellb#topic general21:02
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russellbbiggest thing today is icehouse-3 and feature freeze21:02
russellbfeature freeze this coming tuesday21:02
russellbafter that blueprints will require a feature freeze exception21:02
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russellbwe can discuss individual blueprints in a little bit21:03
russellb#topic sub-teams21:03
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russellbany sub-team reports for today?21:03
* n0ano gantt21:03
russellbxenapi testing is running!21:03
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russellbn0ano: ok what's up21:03
* melwitt novaclient21:04
n0anotalked a lot about plan B for the gantt forklift (basically clean things up in the current nova tree so that a split becomes doable)21:04
n0anodetails are in the etherpad at
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n0anoobviously we won't be ready for icehouse but juno is in our sights21:04
jog0what should we do with the current gantt repo?21:04
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russellbn0ano seemed interested in continuing to play with it21:05
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n0anojog0, I'd like to keep it, it'll be re-created when we're ready to do the real split21:05
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n0anobut it's a good testing ground for now21:05
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jog0so keeping it with nova core has a potential cost to it21:05
jog0re: nova cores should be reviewing it21:05
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russellbsince we know it's going to get re-done later, we could change the reviewers21:06
russellbi'm kind of keen to get it moved to stackforge first if we're going to open up the review team though21:06
n0anojog0, not sure what your concern is, should we just remove nova core from the reviewers and add those that are actively working on gantt for now21:06
jog0I think we should move it to stackforge and open up the team, but that has never been done before21:06
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jog0n0ano: something like that21:06
russellbn0ano: i'm happy to add whoever you'd like if you want to drive getting it moved to stackforge21:06
sdaguejog0: well the issue on the move is it requires gerrit downtime21:07
n0anoworks for me, if we change the reviewers should we just leave the repo where it is?21:07
sdagueand if it's going to come back later, it's just 2 saturdays you are making the infra team work21:07
dansmiththat would make it for a total of three, right?21:07
dansmithgiven the one they already did to get it in there? :)21:08
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russellbsdague: yeah, could wait until they're having to do it anyway for something else21:08
jog0russellb: ++21:08
russellbsay, if barbican gets incubated21:08
russellbwhich we're reviewing this coming tuesday21:09
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sdagueyou can change the review team without moving the repo21:09
russellbyes but i'm saying i want to move it before changing the review team21:09
jog0I don't think we want the repo under the nova umbrella for now21:09
dansmiththere's no harm in just doing it when the next opportunity arises right?21:09
russellbi'm being a control freak as long as it's still under the compute program :-)21:09
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sdaguerussellb: right, but it can kick out of compute without moving out of openstack, but we can probably take that offline21:10
n0anomaybe we should continue this via email, I'm not sure what all the implications are right now21:10
russellbi guess, but let's just slip this in the next time renames are being done anyway21:10
russellbmelwitt: how's novaclient looking21:11
melwittthe biweekly novaclient report 2014/2/27:21:11
melwittopen bugs, 162 !fix released, 98 !fix released and !fix committed21:11
melwitt30 new bugs, 0 high bugs21:11
melwitt30 patches up, 6 are WIP, reviews have all been updated within the last 7 days21:11
russellbi pushed a novaclient release yesterday21:12
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russellbso we should be on the lookout for any regressions21:12
russellbany bugs worth noting specifically?21:12
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russellbmelwitt: also, tjones started a nova bug team / meeting.  you could consider joining that meeting and getting novaclient bugs on the team's radar, too21:13
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melwittno bugs worth noting specifically21:14
russellb#topic bugs21:14
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russellbspeaking of tjones ... o/21:14
tjonesrussellb: hi21:15
russellbi believe this team had their first meeting yesterday?21:15
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tjonesyes we did (tues) - we focused on tagging the untagged bugs21:15
russellbtjones: i was just mentioning to melwitt, who has been looking after novaclient bugs, that she may want to join this meeting too.  the group may be interested in the novaclient bugs21:15
tjonesgot a fair ways through.  wendar was nice enough to clean up the tags and owner table.  but we still need a bunch of owners.  particualry the hypervisors21:16
tjonesgreat - glad to have her21:16
russellbcool, sounds like a good first meeting then21:16
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tjonesyes i think so.  once we have more owner coverage i think the triage will go much better21:16
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russellbcool, definitely don't consider the owner list current21:16
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russellbjudge based on bugs actually triaged :-)21:17
russellbanything you wanted to discuss in meeting today?\21:17
tjonesyes that is  big problem.  i was thinking to send out something on the ML to get this updated21:17
tjonesunless you have a better idea21:17
russellbnope not really21:17
* dansmith updates for objects21:18
dklibani would like to discuss
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russellbdkliban: blueprints up next21:18
dklibanrussellb, k21:18
russellbtjones: anything else for today?21:18
mriedemtjones: reach out to alexpilotti for hyperv21:18
mriedemand ewindisch for docker i think21:19
russellbyep ^^21:19
russellbmaybe zul for lxc21:19
tjonesgreat thanks!  no just chasing owners and then hassling them to triage21:19
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dansmithoh, unified-objects is on there, nevermind21:19
russellbscheduler sub-team folks / n0ano for scheduler21:19
russellbdansmith: heh was wondering what update you were making21:19
dansmithrussellb: expected objects instead of unified-objects21:20
russellb#topic blueprints21:20
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russellbalright, feature freeze in a few days21:20
russellbdkliban: k, you're up21:20
n0anoI have a couple of BPs I've been asked to push21:20
dklibani've been working on
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dklibani am getting close, but i am worried it won't be merged till after 4th21:21
dansmithso, I think this is important because it's a cleanup thing that needs to go in so it can soak for a while before we deprecate old tags,21:21
russellbthat one isn't even approved21:21
dansmithor at least, get people using the new ones sooner21:21
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dklibanrussellb, can you approve it?21:22
russellbhow close to freeze will it be ready21:22
russellbdkliban: maybe :)21:22
dansmithoops...I thought it was already approved21:22
russellbif dansmith is going to help you drive it, i'm ok with it21:22
dklibandansmith has been helping me.  danpb has been giving input.21:22
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dklibanso then that brings me to
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dklibani wrote a patch earlier that stored the new meta data in the database.  it was decided that we don't want to store any extra data.21:23
dansmithah I see, the above one is just a dependency of this one21:24
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dklibani would like to use the new VirtProperties object to store the new meta21:24
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* russellb adds blueprint dependency21:24
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yjiang5russellb: so a BP proposed  in 02/17 and started in 2-25 still ok? sigh.21:24
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russellbyjiang5: not all blueprints are of equal size/complexity21:25
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yjiang5russellb: :)21:25
russellbthis one isn't very big, and has a sponsor21:25
dansmithand this was started in january21:25
dansmiththe dependent blueprint came out of review21:25
russellbk, well keep pushing as hard as you can21:26
russellbfurther it goes, less likely we will approve exceptions21:26
russellbno guarantees21:26
dklibani am trying to do it by the 4th. i just wanted to warn you that i might be a couple of days late.21:26
russellbany more than a couple days will probably be too late IMO21:27
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dansmithdkliban: I can probably help write actual code for this tomorrow, so lets sync up and sprint for a bit and see how close we can get it21:27
dklibandansmith, thanks.21:27
dklibanlets talk after this meeting21:27
russellbok, other blueprints?21:28
dansmithdefinitely need some review on that stuff if it's going to land21:28
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dansmithgot some good api feedback from cyeoh and others, but the core bits definitely need some eyes21:28
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russellbyeah ... risky stuff to be doing after freeze21:28
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n0anowe have 2 scheduler related BPs, targeted for Icehouse-3 that need core reviews:21:29
dansmithwe have support on the neutron side, so it would really suck to not get this in,21:29
dansmithand only ever race to boot guests for another cycle :(21:29
* russellb nods21:29
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russellbcould argue that this is a bug fix, really21:29
russellbso probably ok ..21:29
dansmithyeah, but it's big21:29
cyeohand its an API change21:29
dansmithso earlier is better either way21:29
dansmithand that21:29
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russellbn0ano: which bps21:29
n0anoSolver Scheduler:
n0anoInstance Group API:
russellbi've been trying to look at the instance group one when i can21:30
russellbi'd love to finally get that in21:30
dansmithndipanov had a lot of feedback on the instance-group stuff last I heard21:30
n0anothat's what we're looking for21:30
cyeohyea I need to have another look at that one too.21:30
dansmithsitting with a -1 and a couple -2s21:30
russellbsolver scheduler i don't know the status on21:31
jog0russellb: btw list of patches for unapprovedd BPS
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dansmithn0ano: the v2 extension has an unanswered -121:31
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mikaljog0: you've -2'ed all of those, right?21:31
jog0its not completely accurate so take it with a grain of salt21:31
jog0mikal: I try21:31
jog0but there are soo many21:31
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n0anoI'm just the messenger, I'll let Yathi know, that clearly needs to be resolved21:32
mikalnova-network-objects is unapproved?21:32
russellbfeel free to -2 away on that list21:32
mriedemcinder v2 support is a relatively small patch and it's close i think, but needs some changes - could use another core with me on it:
dansmithrussellb: nova-network-objects is on there21:32
cyeohjog0: and you'll pay for it when Juno opens unless you have a script :-)21:32
jog0and some like admin-event-callback-api21:32
russellbnova-network-objects already marked implemented21:32
dansmiththen maybe we should approve? :)21:32
jog0I didn't -221:32
russellband approved21:32
jog0make sure to set the direction as approved too21:32
jog0thats what the script uses21:33
russellbit is21:33
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russellbthere's going to be a big list that doesn't make it due to review bandwidth, unfortunately21:33
russellbsorry :-/21:33
russellbplease don't rage about it, that will make me sad21:34
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russellb#topic open discussion21:34
mriedemdelegate the rage21:34
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russellbhappy to talk more blueprints, or whatever else21:34
jog0so novaclient reviews21:34
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jog0it seems like its just 3 or 4 cores who venture over there21:34
russellbmelwitt: says they've all been reviewed within the last 7 days21:34
jog0by only a few people21:35
jog0it would be good to spread the love21:35
russellbyeah, but maybe that's not a huge deal, as long as we're keeping up21:35
russellbbut by all means, the more the merrier ..21:35
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jog0not all patches are revewed21:35
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melwittsorry, I didn't mean they were necessarily reviewed but updated (presumably by the author) recently21:36
dansmithreviewed and iterated21:36
russellbbut they've been updated within the last few days21:36
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jog0anyway no its not a big deal at all, this is more of don't forget that python-novaclient exists too21:36
russellbnovaclient needs love too21:36
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russellbwill do one more novaclient release around icehouse time to catch whatever other bug fixes or features we land between now and then21:37
dansmithwe will need it for events before neutron can apply their patch I think21:37
dansmithI think it has to go nova backend, api, client, neutron, libvirt21:38
russellbtesting not against novaclient master?21:38
russellbanyway, it's super easy to cut a release21:38
cyeohI don't think we test against client masters21:38
dansmiththey have to be confident that there will be a release before theirs I think21:38
russellbwell whenever21:38
russellbit's literally just .... $ git tag -s <version> ; git push --tags gerrit21:39
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russellbfreaking magic21:39
driptonyou also have to send an email21:40
russellbheh, yes, ideally21:40
russellbanything else for today?21:40
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cyeohso I don't know if its worth talk about the v3 or not?21:40
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cyeohbut I'd like suggestions on how to resolve it one way or another21:41
mikalDo we have time21:41
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mikalThat might take a while21:41
ewindischrussellb: should I just sync with tjones on the docker ci work?21:41
mikalAlthough I agree it needs a decision21:41
cyeohmikal: probably not, but whenever are we going to get the time21:41
russellbewindisch: the mention in that section of the meeting was about talking to you about owning docker bug triage21:41
jog0russellb: speaking of CI what aobut the CI and drivers for Icehouse?21:41
cyeohmikal: and I don't want to waste even more time/resources if its never going to get anywhere21:41
jog0deadlines aetc21:42
mikaljog0: I have some terrible reporting which isn't ready yet21:42
dansmithjog0: I think we're good for everyone except docker, right?21:42
jog0for mikalVirtDirver?21:42
mikaljog0: its harder than it looks21:42
dansmithjog0: xenapi seems to be back online21:42
mikaldansmith: the not-vote rate is quite high for some CI implementations21:42
dansmithmikal: not vote or not report?21:42
mikaldansmith: no comment made21:42
dansmithah, okay,21:43
dansmithI was looking today and it seemed like we were doing pretty well21:43
mikaldansmith: my initial (possibly wrong) numbers say vmware only comments 67% of the time for instance21:43
dansmithover what interval?21:43
mikalLast 7 days21:43
dansmithare you going to send a report or something?21:43
mikalBut like I said, its actually fiddly21:43
jog0can anyone else view
mikalYeah, I need to finish it first21:43
dansmithokay, that would be good21:43
ewindischdansmith: we're doing pretty good with docker, but it's just a matter of making the remaining 20-30 failing tests pass... I've got patches out for some, but a few are ... odd21:43
russellbalso wonder how often a patch gets another revision before it had time to run21:43
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mikalIts on my todo list, hopefully finished early next week21:43
dansmithewindisch: really? I haven't seen a docker one in a while21:44
tjonesewindisch: lets sync over in openstack-nova after this meeting on docker bugs21:44
ewindischnotably I have failures with stuff like uploading to Glance and creating tenants in Keystone that shouldn't have anything to with Docker21:44
driptonjog0: my browser sees it and wants to download the gz file21:44
ewindischtjones: okay21:44
mikalrussellb: that's quite often... I exclude patches which existed for less than 3 hours from reporting21:44
mikalThat's where the fiddlyness is21:44
mikalWorking out what's a fair review to count21:44
jog0dripton: ahh mine did too21:44
jog0just got it open21:44
ewindischdansmith: I've disabled the reporting for the time being as it's just going to tell you that the tests are failing21:44
jog0Pass 1932 Skip 13521:44
jog0not bad21:44
russellbcyeoh: so, ACK on the importance of v3 discussion progress.  honestly, we probably need a bit more time.  i need to catch up on the list from my last couple days of travel, too.21:44
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jog0vs 2020 in gate21:45
russellbcyeoh: lastly, i'm feeling absolutely miserable right now and not sure i can do that topic justice at the moment personally21:45
dansmithewindisch: okay, well, not reporting or always failing, neither are really helpful21:45
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cyeohrussellb: ok21:45
mikalNext week's meeting will be bad21:45
mikalBecause its at the horrible time for AU people21:45
mikalIs it worth having a special v3 only meeting?21:45
mikalThis is kind of a big deal21:45
russellbwe could do that, sure21:45
cyeohi'd be fine with that. 1:30am is a bit hard and I'm not so coherent then21:46
russellbor i can turn it over to dansmith cyeoh to discuss some now21:46
mikalEven if we did it in the team channel21:46
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dansmithI feel like we've beat it to death, personally21:46
russellbi was hoping to get a wide net of feedback / opinions21:47
russellbhaven't seen as much as i'd like yet21:47
ewindischdansmith: well my current code reviews get us about 1/3rd of the way there. Then there is the matter of at least a one non-implemented feature (suspend/resume), and most of the rest seem to be non-Docker issues on the surface.21:47
dansmithI feel like we've got very little support for releasing it in icehouse, and I think that we can justify delaying a larger discussion until the summit since api shouldn't change much between freeze and then,21:47
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cyeohso I'm still trying to work out what the principal objection is - because the maintenace of the overhead just doesn't seem as big blocker as is suggested21:47
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cyeoh(and I think we can reduce a lot of the overhead of internal changes on the api)21:48
jog0dansmith: I am not sure I agree with you fully on that. If one of our goals is to move to 1 API as soon as possible21:48
ewindisch1/3rd of the way there from a baseline of "where we are today" which are about 30 tempest failures, aka 30->20 failures21:48
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dansmithjog0: waiting until summit?21:48
jog0then holding it in development another cycle has a real overhead21:48
jog0dansmith: waiting to release until Juno21:49
jog0that being said I am not saying we should release it in icehouse either21:49
jog0I am saying both suck21:49
dansmithjog0: I said having the larger discussion at the summit, not 'definitely releasing it in juno'21:49
russellbheh, i think the icehouse decision is done and behind us21:49
dansmithjog0: agreed21:49
mikalIs it fair to make that entire group of devs sit and wait three months?21:49
cyeohdansmith: so as I mentioned if we are really stuck with v2 forever we should be freezing a lot of the api changes suggested for icehouse21:49
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dansmithjog0: I was just going to say we can wait to have the "what now?" discussion until icehouse, but I really don't want to have two for any longer than we have to, so if that means we have the discussion sooner, then that's fine too21:49
russellbmikal: hopefully those devs would be working on bug fixes during feature freeze right?21:50
jog0dansmith: what you said21:50
russellband it's not 3 months :-)21:50
* russellb thinks21:50
russellbok, 2.5, heh21:50
cyeohrussellb: so some do, but its not really what happens in practice if you want to hit the ground running for juno21:50
mikalrussellb: (February now, May then. That's three monthsish)21:50
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russellbi think it's what *should* happen21:50
cyeoh.. and if they're not going to be work on API stuff in Juno, will look for other stuff for them to work on21:51
* jog0 is wondering if the ML thread will hit 10021:51
dansmithjog0: I hope not :(21:51
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mikalI think the ML thread isn't really helping any more21:51
dansmithagreed, I keep telling myself I'm going to stop replying21:51
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russellbso should we have a meeting on this early next week?21:52
russellbphone call?  g+ hangout?21:52
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mikalOne question I have is, if we drop v3 in favour or improving v2... Do we have anyone actually signing up to do that v2 work?21:52
jog0russellb: perhaps right after feature freeze?21:52
mikalrussellb: I think we should.21:52
dansmithmikal: do we release a second api if not?21:52
jog0mikal: good question21:52
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dansmithmikal: that doesn't make sense to me21:52
mikalrussellb: and that anything higher bandwidht than email is good21:52
russellbirc is our default21:53
mikalWhat I am saying is if we choose to improve v2 and not release v321:53
mikalWho is going to do that work?21:53
russellbbut wondering if voice would be better on this21:53
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jog0would getting some feedback from the likes of jclouds and fog folks help?21:53
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dansmithvoice is  why I suggested we talk at the summit,21:53
dansmithbecause it's very high bandwidth,21:53
mikaljog0: well, supporting v3 is a lot of work for people like Rackspace21:53
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dansmithand not much should change between now and then on the api21:54
mikalSo, its not likely to happen while there is uncertainty21:54
jog0everett toes is rax and jclouds21:54
mikalThus a chicken and egg problem21:54
dansmithand that way,21:54
dansmithcyeoh can actually hit me if he likes21:54
jog0mikal: I was more thinking just ask them for general API feedback on which option they like best21:54
mikalNoting that v3 forces some interesting behaviour from deployers that I quite like21:54
cyeohthe uncertainty is a *big* thing21:54
mikali.e. actually exposing a cinder and glance endpoint21:55
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dansmithmikal: I'm not sure that's really the case21:55
russellbmikal: or will they just continue to only expose v2 ...21:55
mikaldansmith: how so?21:56
dansmithmikal: in fact it could fracture it more21:56
russellbwell, of course they will21:56
russellbwe'll have a mix of v2 only and v2+v321:56
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mikalIf v2 is eventually deprecated, then people have to move on supporting v321:56
cyeohand new clouds may just go v3 only21:56
dansmithit's the same problem as having two apis in the first place, we're just forcing their hand or holding them hostage21:56
russellbif we're ok pissing them off by pushing removal before people have actually migrated21:56
dansmithwhich I just don't think is what we should be doing21:56
russellbright, i'm not ok with forcing it21:57
cyeohso I don't think we should just rule out compatibility layers either21:57
cyeohrather than just trying to keep legacy code forever21:57
russellbif the migration doesn't happen naturally based on the new API being compelling, we've failed21:57
russellband yeah, i'm interested in some hybrid alternatives21:57
mikalI think we've demonstrated why a meeting next week is a good idea by the way21:57
jog0lets just adopt a standard API like EC2 ;)21:57
cyeohrussellb: so part of that depends on whether we forver try to backport stuff to V2 too21:58
* russellb smacks jog0 21:58
dansmithI know that the uncertainty sucks,21:58
dansmithbut I'm also concerned that I have lots of work to do between now and freeze/summit, etc21:58
dansmithso we need to be really sure that a meeting is going to yield something useful, IMHO21:58
dansmithi.e. and not "another meeting"21:58
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russellbfew things that i think would be useful here21:58
russellb1) concrete feedback from more people on what they expect in terms of of a possible v2 deprecation timeline21:59
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russellb2) a more concrete proposal for the v2-only option, including policy changes we would make (like around versioning), to make it a good enough API to live with long term21:59
russellb3) some more concrete ideas presented on whatever could make dual maintenance more palatable22:00
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dansmithwe got some pretty good feedback from RAX this morning22:00
cyeohso I think we really need quantify how much this dual maintenance is too.22:00
russellbso, documenting those sorts of things on etherpads would be helpful22:00
russellbdansmith: oh ok, i haven't seen that yet, very happy to hear that22:00
cyeohhow much more work per change is it?22:00
dansmithto me,22:00
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russellbdansmith: what's the tl;dr22:00
dansmiththe dual maintenance is all pain if nobody really wants to use the api22:00
dansmithrussellb: apiv3 has no value for them, they are still supporting old-school cloud servers and it's a huge friggin pain22:01
cyeohdansmith: we have a tonne of new users coming in too22:01
dansmithrussellb: customers don't complain about the things apiv3 fixes22:01
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russellbinteresting ..22:01
dansmiththat's what I gathered from it22:01
dansmithso if we release another,22:01
cyeohdansmith: I don't think we can ignore them - ~6000 expected for HK, ~9000 for atlanta22:01
dansmitheven if the dual maintenance is small for us (I don't think it is), it's still two APIs we're supporting, and I don't know why we're doing it22:02
cyeohthen the majority of users are new users22:02
dansmithif v3 was organized differently, it'd be another story22:02
cyeohdansmith: because v2 is fragile, and we want to move off of that22:02
cyeohwe actually really do want to drop the old v2 code22:02
cyeohits not just error prone for users of the api, but us as maintainers of it if we want to make significant changes22:03
russellbwell, there's we (devs) want to22:03
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russellband reality of when we can do it without hurting us as a project22:03
russellband hence, we're stuck at this juncture22:03
russellbwe're out of time for today22:03
russellbthanks everyone22:03
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openstackMeeting ended Thu Feb 27 22:03:47 2014 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)22:03
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