Wednesday, 2013-07-17

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mestery#startmeeting networking_ml214:00
openstackMeeting started Wed Jul 17 14:00:03 2013 UTC.  The chair is mestery. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
*** openstack changes topic to " (Meeting topic: networking_ml2)"14:00
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'networking_ml2'14:00
mestery#info Agenda14:00
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mesteryFirst off, wanted to congratulate and thank everyone for all the hard work over the last few weeks!14:00
mesteryWe managed to get 4 important merges in for H2!14:00
mestery#info MechanismDriver, tunnel_types, and GRE and VXLAN TypeDriver patches all merged for H214:01
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mesteryWe still have a good amount of work for H3, but ML2 is looking to be in great shape when Havana releases!14:02
mesterySo, anything related to those merges anyone wants to share?14:03
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apechnot really - thanks all for the review14:03
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matrohonwe need to update devstack to handle several tunnel_types with ML214:03
rkukuraSo what remains for parity with the monolithic plugins?14:03
mesterymatrohon: Yes, I have a bug for that and I'm working on it.14:04
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mesteryrkukura: Good question. I think we should pretty much be at parity for OVS and LinuxBridge now.14:04
SukhdevGood morning14:04
rkukuraWe need devstack to fully support ml2, and need to start working on docs14:05
apechrkukura: are the port-binding blueprint required for parity with monolithic plugins?14:05
mestery#action mestery to work on devstack support for new ML2 functionality14:05
mestery#action ML2 team to work on documenting new ML2 functionality14:05
rkukuraThe port-binding BP is important, but not specifically for parity - lets discuss it later on the agenda14:06
mesteryYes, lets move on in the agenda now14:06
mestery#topic Action Items14:06
*** openstack changes topic to "Action Items (Meeting topic: networking_ml2)"14:06
mesteryLooks like rkukura updated the ML2 wiki page, thanks! We still need to flesh that out a bit more I think.14:06
rkukuraWe should now work towards switching devstack's default from openvswitch to ml214:06
mestery#link ML2 Wiki Page14:07
mestery#action mestery to make sure devstack defaults to ML2 instead of OVS14:07
mesteryrkukura: Yes, I agree on that switch.14:07
rkukuraThe widi is just a start, based on the README (which needs updating for the tunnel types)14:07
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mesteryI'll file a bug for the README update and fix that.14:07
mestery#action mestery to file bug to update ML2 README to take into account tunnel types changes14:08
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mesteryrkukra: Did you get a chance to sync up with maru about the event based polling?14:08
rkukuraI pinged him this morning, but no response yet14:09
SukhdevBTW, while we are on this topic, I tried using devstack and localrc to bringup ML2 - I was almost there, but, fell short a bit - so, yes, documentation is needed14:09
rkukuraI think the current polling is improved enough that this shouldn't be high priority for us14:09
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mesterySukhdev: Yes, right now you have to stop Neutron server and modify the ML2 config by hand for a few items, I have a bug open in devstack to fix that.14:10
mesteryrkukura: Great!14:10
rkukuraSukhdev: Using vlans for tenant networks should be fully supported in devstack now14:10
SukhdevI had hard time getting the VLAN ranges to work correctly using localrd14:11
rkukuraSukhdev: could be a bug14:11
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mesteryI have only been using GRE and VXLAN mode with devstack and ML2 for hte last few weeks.14:12
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rkukuramestery: your devstack bug is regarding tunnels, right?14:12
Sukhdevrkukura: setting VLAN type works, but, ranges does not work the way it was with ovs14:12
mesteryrkukura: Actually, it was to update devstack to fully work with ML2, not just tunnels, and expose extra config support the same as LB and OVS.14:12
mesteryrkukura: But that work mostly involves tunnels, so I guess you're right. :)14:12
rkukuraSukhdev: I think I've seen what you are describing14:13
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rkukuraLets get the support for local/vlan/gre/vxlan tenant network types all working under one devstack patch/bug if possible14:13
mesteryrkukura: I will do that.14:14
Sukhdevrkukura: The only way I have been able to make it work is by manually changing the config14:14
mestery#info Issues with VLAN ranges when running ML2 with devstack.14:14
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mesteryfmanco: Here?14:15
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mestery#link Campus Network BP14:15
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mesteryfmanco: Thanks for updating your BP to keep ML2 in mind.14:15
mesteryI think the ML2 team should review this BP and see what is possible in H3 with regards to it.14:16
mesteryrkukura: What do you think?14:16
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rkukuraI haven't been able to review it in detail yet, but will for next meeting14:16
rkukuraand will try to post comments beforehand14:16
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mestery#action rkukura to review Campus Network BP and provide feedback14:17
mesteryThanks rkukura!14:17
fmancoThis is the BP regarding ML214:17
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fmancoI didn't update the campus network one yet14:17
mesteryfmanco: Thanks for sharing, we'll review this for next week's meeting.14:17
fmancomestery: Ok, thank you. If everyone agrees with this one I can update the Campus network accordingly14:18
mesteryfmanco: Sounds good!14:18
mesteryOK, lets move on to the next agenda item.14:18
mestery#topic Blueprint Updates14:19
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mestery#link ML2 Port Binding14:19
mesteryrkukura: Port Binding update?14:19
rkukuraarosen has been arguing on openstack-dev that the whole port binding approach should be reverted14:19
mesteryI saw that, what was the outcome of that discussion?14:20
rkukuraI'll get working on the code this week assuming this will not happen14:20
rkukurano real conclusion14:20
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rkukuraI'll see if the ml2 port binding can be flexible enough to bind when the host_id is set, or when an RPC comes in from an L2 agent14:21
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mesteryrkukura: That sounds great if you can make it happen! Flexibility would be nice there if it's possible.14:22
rkukuraEven if we don't care about binding:vif_type, we still need to select a segment14:22
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mesteryrkukura: Agreed.14:22
mesteryAnything else on Port Binding?14:22
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rkukurabut I'm not sure if this will support Arista's use case or not14:22
mesteryapech Sukhdev: Any comments?14:23
rkukuraIt wouldn't hurt for others to chime in on the openstack-dev thread14:23
SukhdevAt present we are using port binding to get host-id and the instance-id14:23
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mestery#action ML2 team to respond to port binding thread on openstack-dev14:24
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mestery#link ML2 Multi-Segment API14:25
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mesteryThe next thing on the plate for H3 is multi segment networks14:25
mesteryrkukura: Do we have anyone signed up for this BP yet?14:25
Sukhdevrkukura: I have a hack to work around portbinding now, and notice that i can get host-id with the latest nova merge14:25
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rkukuraThe patch from nicira for the multiprovider extension is improved14:26
mesteryrkukura: Does that look likely to be the basis for the ML2 API then?14:26
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rkukuraMain question right now is how does multiprovider and provider coexist14:26
rkukuraI hope so14:26
rkukuraI'm thinking for single-segment networks, both extensions would reflect the same info14:27
mesteryThat makes sense.14:27
rkukuraBut with multi-segnemts, the provider extension's network_type would be a special14:27
rkukura'multi-segment' value14:27
mesteryrkukura: Do we consider multi segment to be critical for H3? I assume we do, but now that H2 is over, wanted to make sure.14:28
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rkukuraI'd like to get it in, especially if the extension gets in for nvp14:28
rkukuraI hope implementation involves just exposing the segment list we already manage14:29
mesteryAnything else on multi-segment ML2?14:29
rkukuraI'm happy to implement it, but if someone else gets to it sooner, that's fine14:29
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mesteryrkukura: I may be able to take that BP on and implement it. Will syncup offline.14:29
Sukhdevrkukura: will you be making changes to Neutron API to supoort multi-segmented networks?14:30
rkukuraSukhdev: hopefully no major driver API changes would be required14:30
Sukhdevrkukura: thanks14:30
mestery#topic ML2 Related Bugs and BPs14:31
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mestery#link ML2 devstack updates14:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1200767 in devstack "Add support for setting extra network options for ML2 plugin" [Undecided,In progress]14:31
mesteryWe already discussed this a bit.14:32
mesteryBut I'll try to get a patch for this posted by tomorrow to enable all the new ML2 functionality.14:32
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rkukuraanyone with devstack core?14:33
mesteryrkukura: I thought the only Neutron folks who are devstack cores are danwendlant and garyk, right?14:33
rkukuraI'd like to get its importance and target milestone set14:34
mesteryrkukura: I'll talk to Sean and Dean and make sure they are aware.14:34
mestery#action mestery to talk to dean and gary about importance of ML2 devstack bug14:34
matrohonjust a nit, i'm unable to use the provider extension with ML2 plugin14:34
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rkukuramatrohon: Sounds like more than a nit!14:35
matrohonyep, but it may be my conf which is wrong...14:35
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matrohonthe syntax is this one :14:35
matrohonneutron net-create net-gre1 --provider:network_type gre --provider:segmentation_id 214:35
matrohonwith admin creds14:36
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rkukuratenant is needed with admin creds14:36
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matrohonsame.. it looks like it doesn't consider the request as a provider network request14:38
matrohonand try to allocate a tenant network14:38
rkukurahave you tried with network_type vlan?14:38
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matrohonmy current conf only support vxlan and gre type driver, but i will investigate deeper14:39
mestery#action matrohon to investigate possible provider extension bug with ML2 tunnel TypeDrivers14:40
mesteryOK moving on14:40
mestery#link OVS L2 Population BP14:40
mesterymatrohon: This one is yours I believe.14:40
matrohonmestery: yes the work should start today :)14:41
mesterymatrohon: Great!14:41
SukhdevI have been using it with network_type VLAN, and it seems to be OK14:41
mesterymatrohon: Does this also relate to this bug:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1196963 in neutron "Update the OVS agent code to program tunnels using ports instead of tunnel IDs" [Wishlist,In progress]14:41
matrohonI'm working on this bug, that why i need a conf with vxlan and gre only14:42
matrohonI hope to have a first patch before the end of the week14:42
mesterymatrohon: Awesome, thanks!14:43
mesteryWe've touched on the other bugs in the agenda already in the meeting.14:43
mesteryAre there any other bugs or BPs (outside of MechanismDrivers, which is the next section) people want to bring up?14:43
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mestery#topic Ported Mechanism Driver Updates14:44
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mesterySukhdev: Arista update?14:45
SukhdevStill waiting on portbinding stuff - in the mean time working on UTs14:45
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mesterySukhdev: Thanks!14:46
mesteryI know rcurran is on PTO today, the Cisco update is mostly the same, doing some UT, I believe rcurran was making good progress before going on PTO though.14:46
mesteryThe OpenDaylight update has some good news.14:46
mesteryThere is now an OVSDB project proposed into OpenDaylight, which means we'll be able to do more with the ODL MechanismDriver.14:47
mesteryOver the next few weeks, we should see more progress on the ODL MechanismDriver.14:47
mesteryAny other MechanismDriver updates? Or question on the ones mentioned here?14:47
mestery#topic Open Discussion14:48
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mesteryThanks again for everyone's hard work at the end of H2!14:48
rkukuramatrohon: I confirmed creating provider gre net does not use the specified segmentation_id, but vlan works fine14:49
mesteryI think by next week if we can ensure all of the ML2 H3 BPs have owners, we'll be in good shape for H3.14:49
rkukuramestery: Agreed14:49
matrohonrkukura: ok i'm not crazy!14:49
mesterymatrohon: Maybe file a bug for that issue?14:50
matrohonmestery : ok14:50
mesterymatrohon: Also, I was seeing some issues on Ubuntu 13.04 with ML2 and VXLAN/GRE where flows weren't being programmed correctly.14:50
mesterymatrohon: Need to investigate more today. With Fedora 19, it was working, not sure what was different.14:50
rkukuramatrohon: trying to create a provider vxlan also results in tenant gre network14:51
matrohonmestery : im' using 12.0414:51
rkukuraI don't think the OVS in fedora supports tunnels yet the way openvswitch agent uses OVS14:51
mesterymatrohon: I'll try 12.04 out today and see how that works.14:51
mesteryrkukura: I'm using a compiled upstream master OVS. :)14:52
rkukuramestery: OK14:52
mesteryrkukura: Appropriately patched for the 3.9 kernel in Fedora 19 as well. :)14:52
matrohonrkukura: that's my issue, myworkaround was to set very small tunnel ranges14:52
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mesteryOK, anything else to discuss here?14:53
rkukuraWe need to get the basic functionality and devstack support solid before ml2 can become devstack's default14:53
mesteryrkukura: Agreed. I'll leave the devstack patch defaulting to OVS until we get these issues sorted out.14:54
rkukuraAnd I expect switching devstack's default will become less likely as H-3 gets closer14:54
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mesteryIf we can get these bugs sorted out by next week, we may be able to convince sean and dean to switch it soon after.14:55
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rkukuraAnyone care to look into a migration tool from monolithic plugins to ml2?14:55
mesteryrkukura: You mean writing some python or scripts to handle this?14:55
rkukurareading one DB schema, writing the other, or something like that14:56
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mesteryrkukura: Can you file a bug for this to track it?14:56
rkukuramaybe that would deserve a BP14:56
mesteryI think you may be right.14:56
mestery#action rkukura to file a BP to track migration from OVS/LB to ML214:56
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mesteryOK, thanks for everyone's hard work and for attending today's ML2 meeting!14:57
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mesteryWe'll meet again next Wednesday and likely continue these into H3 as well to ensure we're tracking ML2 progress for the Havana release!14:57
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rkukurathanks mestery!14:58
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matrohonrkukura, mestery :
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1202244 in neutron "ML2 plugin with gre tunnel_type is unable to use provider extension options  " [Undecided,New]14:58
mesterymatrohon: Thanks, will track this on the ML2 meeting page.14:58
mesteryThis also applies to VXLAN as well, right?14:58
mesteryMaybe update the description.14:58
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HenryGI could take a stab at that one if people have their hands full?14:59
mesteryHenryG: Taht would be awesome! matrohon, is that ok?14:59
matrohonHenryG: it's fine for me15:00
mesterymatrohon: Great! Assign it to HenryG!15:01
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johnthetubaguy#startmeeting XenAPI15:02
openstackMeeting started Wed Jul 17 15:02:31 2013 UTC.  The chair is johnthetubaguy. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:02
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johnthetubaguyhi is anyone around for the meeting today?15:02
johnthetubaguyI think the Citrix folks are all busy this afternoon, but I could be wrong15:02
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johnthetubaguywell our h-2 things landed15:04
johnthetubaguylets keep plugging away at the h-3 stuff15:04
johnthetubaguy#info will review all H blueprints next week15:04
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jgriffith#startmeeting cinder16:00
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openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:00
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jgriffithavishay: thingee DuncanT hemna_  kmartin16:00
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jgriffithxyang_: howdy16:01
jgriffithzhiyan: hey ya16:01
xyang_jgriffith: hi!16:01
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jgriffithSo there *were* some topic this morning, but it appears they've been removed :)16:01
avishayhi all!16:01
winston-dhi all~16:01
jgriffithwinston-d: hey16:01
jgriffithavishay: morning/evening16:02
winston-djgriffith: morning16:02
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avishayjgriffith: evening :)16:02
jgriffithSo there were some proposed topics, but they've been removed16:02
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jgriffithDoes anybody have anything they want to make sure we hit today before I start rambling along?16:02
DuncanTHey all16:02
DuncanTI've got nothing16:02
zhiyanyes, can we talke about 'R/O' volume support for cinder part?16:02
jgriffithzhiyan: indeed...16:03
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jgriffithzhiyan: if there are no objections, we can start with that actually16:03
thingeejgriffith: I only saw one thing tacked onto the july 10th agenda =/16:03
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avishayjgriffith: gnorth has a topic too16:03
bswartzI'm curious to know what the current state of multi-attach is16:03
jgriffiththingee: yeah, the local volume thing?16:03
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kmartinhemna and I should be able to attend the last 30 minutes16:03
zhiyanthanks, first i want to make sure is there a existing BP for that?16:03
med_Introduce the volume-driver-id blueprint - gnorth from history16:03
jgriffithbswartz: check the bp, no real update as of yet16:03
bswartzokay that's what I suspected -- just checking16:04
med_Introduce the volume-driver-id blueprint - gnorth from WIKI history16:04
jgriffith#topic R/O attach16:04
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jgriffithzhiyan: what's on your mind?16:04
gnorthHey, I'm on.16:04
thingeejgriffith: volume-driver-id16:04
thingeejgriffith: that was the only thing16:04
jgriffiththingee: thanks :)16:04
zhiyansorry, i don't know that also.16:04
zhiyanbswartz: yes, multiple-attaching16:05
zhiyanwe just discussed that in maillist16:05
jgriffithzhiyan: you mentioned you wanted to talk about R/O attach?16:05
zhiyanjgriffith: as we talked before (last week?) IMO, if we not combine multple-attaching with R/O attaching, then i think R/O attaching for cinder part maybe just a API status management level change..16:06
zhiyando you think so?16:06
zhiyanand pass the 'R/O' attaching flag to driver layer16:07
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hemna_jgriffith, we are doing a preso at the moment....16:07
zhiyanand probable nova said need do a lot of things, in particular hypervisor driver code16:07
jgriffithzhiyan: yep, understood.  I realize you're in a bit of a rush to get R/O and don't want to wait16:08
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jgriffithzhiyan: I don't really have an issue with doing the R/O work separately16:08
jgriffithzhiyan: is that what you're getting at?16:08
jgriffithzhiyan: that work is in progress but has been rejected16:08
zhiyani'm ok, if separate r/o attaching and multiple attaching change16:09
jgriffithzhiyan: I'm just trying to get to exactly what you're asking/proposing16:09
zhiyanaddress r/o attaching first, then to multiple-attaching IMO16:09
jgriffithzhiyan: yeah, that's happening already16:09
jgriffithsee the bp thingee referenced16:09
zhiyanwho developing r/o attaching feature now?16:10
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jgriffithalso the review:
thingee+1 these are already separate bps. they should be separate commits for sanity16:10
jgriffithzhiyan: so if you have an interest you should review add input :)16:10
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zhiyanoh, i need check it16:10
zhiyan:) just not know that before16:10
jgriffithzhiyan: :)16:10
jgriffiththere's a ton of in flight stuff right now, hard to keep track :)16:11
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jgriffithOk... anything else on R/O ?16:11
zhiyanno, but have one to multi-attach-volume,16:11
jgriffith#topic multi-attach16:11
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dosaboyjgriffith: sorry i'm late, i had a topic to discuss if there is time :)16:12
jgriffithdosaboy: sure... I'll hit you up in a few minutes16:12
thingeedosaboy: add it to
bswartzdosaboy: we never run out of time in these meetings!16:12
jgriffithzhiyan: so there was some confusion introduced because of multiple bp's here16:12
zhiyanseems that bp is different with my thoughts. I will check it later...sorry16:12
jgriffithbswartz: now that's funy!16:12
dosaboydoing it now16:12
zhiyanyes, rongze creating it16:13
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zhiyanok, let me check them, and ask/sync with you of line.16:13
jgriffithzhiyan: there's also
avishaymove on to volume-driver-id?16:14
jgriffithzhiyan: kmartin we'll want to look at combining these I think16:14
jgriffithavishay: yes sir16:14
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jgriffithanything else on multi-attach?16:14
jgriffithbswartz: ?16:14
zhiyanno, thanks16:14
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bswartzno, just that NetApp has a use case for it16:14
thingeejgriffith: yeah I'm confused about there being two16:14
bswartzwe're interested in multi-attach and writable16:14
jgriffiththingee: :)  I'll work on getting that fixed up with kmartin and the folks from Mirantis16:15
avishayas are we (IBM)16:15
jgriffiththingee: on the bright side up until last week there were 3 :)16:15
jgriffithgood thing is that despite the original comments added to my proposal by others it seems the majority is interested in this landing16:15
jgriffithOk, it's high priority for H316:15
jgriffithI'll get the BP's consolidated and cleaned up this week16:15
jgriffithwe'll make it happen16:16
winston-dthingee: the share volume bp is 100-yr old~16:16
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jgriffith#topic volume-id16:16
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med_gnorth, ^16:16
avishaygnorth: hit it16:16
gnorthHokay, so this is a new blueprint16:16
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gnorthPrincipally, it allows us to behave better when our Volumes are backed by shared storage that non-Openstack users are using16:17
gnorthi.e. SAN storage controllers etc.16:17
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jgriffithgnorth: so on the surface I have no issue with this, think it's a good idea16:17
gnorthIt is annoying that we have to embed the Cinder Volume UUID in the disk names - that isn't great for administrators etc.16:17
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gnorthSo this BP adds it, and a reference implementation for Storwize (I'm IBM)16:18
gnorthI would like to discuss the database upgrade/downgrade scenarious16:18
gnorthSince this could be something of a one-way street16:18
xyang_nice feature16:18
gnorthIf I have Volumes whose name is disconnected from the SAN name, and is using the driver_id16:18
gnorthThere isn't really a good way to downgrade16:18
zhiyanmake sense to me, sound's good16:19
avishaygnorth: I know we discussed this privately but I forgot the conclusions...could we rename to UUID on downgrade?16:19
jgriffithgnorth: "disconneceted from the SAN Name" / "using the driver_id"16:19
gnorthYeah, so today I create a Volume 223123-abd03-...16:20
jgriffithavishay: my vote is no as I stated before in the review16:20
zhiyando you think it will be better if we give a 'metadata' field? it's a directory16:20
gnorthAnd it gets called (on the SAN) volume0223123-abd03...16:20
jgriffithI don't like the idea of going around changing UUID's of volumes16:20
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avishayjgriffith: which review?16:20
gnorthzhiyan - see design, security hole to use metadata16:20
winston-dzhiyan: there is metadata16:20
jgriffithgnorth: you can specify that in volume_name_template setting by the way16:20
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gnorthBut the problem is I upgrade, and create  volume16:21
gnorthWhich is now called volume-geraint-disk16:21
gnorthon the SAN16:21
jgriffithgnorth: so just change it to "${driver_name}-volume-uuid16:21
gnorthAnd driver_id references it16:21
gnorthNow I downgrade to an earlier OpenStack16:21
gnorthAnd I lose the mapping from Volume to SAN disk, because I lose my driver_id16:21
bswartzjgriffith: I don't think your understanding on this BP is correct16:21
jgriffithgnorth: sure, but why's that a problem?16:21
gnorthSo I don't have a good solution for downgrade - Avishay's suggestion is to rename the SAN disk, not change the UUID.16:22
jgriffithbswartz: sure I don't16:22
jgriffithbswartz: enlighten me then16:22
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bswartzit sounds to me like it's a mechanism to allow drivers to name their internal things something not based on UUID, and we add a database column to maintain the key that the driver actually used16:22
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bswartzso the driver can map the thing it created to the orignal UUID16:23
jgriffithbswartz: ok, what's the part that I don't understand?16:23
bswartzthere is no proposal to change UUIDs here16:23
jgriffithbswartz: ahh... that was WRT to a comment earlier by avishay I believe16:23
bswartzjust a proposal to add a mapping layer from the UUIDs to something driver-defined16:23
avishayjgriffith: i meant that on downgrade, we can rename the volume to the way it's named today, by UUID16:24
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bswartzavishay: that would work, but the downgrade logic might get a lot more complicated if it has to do non-database-related work16:24
winston-dso if there really a need to downgrade, driver should take over the maintain that mapping internally16:24
jgriffithavishay: ahh... yeah, that seems like a foredrawn conclusion16:24
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jgriffithwinston-d: driver will be downgraded as well :)16:24
jgriffithso it is tricky16:25
xyang_avishay: you mean someone will manually rename using UUID?16:25
jgriffithxyang_: I think that's the problem16:25
jgriffithxyang_: the downgrade can do this in the DB for us16:25
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jgriffithbut then we have all these volumes with innacurate names16:26
winston-davishay: is it a good idea that using a end-user visible field to do that?16:26
xyang_jgriffith: ok16:26
jgriffithwinston-d: remember there's a difference between name and display-name16:26
bswartzit seems to me that the only way to downgrade if this feature is in use, would be to run the driver-specific process before the downgrade process which removed reliance on that column by renaming everything16:26
gnorthYes, so I could fail the downgrade if there were any non-null driver_ids16:27
jgriffithI think it might be safer to introduce a new column16:27
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avishaywinston-d: do you have an alternate suggestion?16:27
jgriffith"new" naming styles would be ported back to name in the backport16:27
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jgriffithand new volumes created after the backport would revert back to old-style16:27
DuncanTI definitely think that this info should not be end-user visible...16:27
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jgriffithDuncanT: I don't see why it would be... gnorth avishay am I correct?16:28
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gnorthDuncanT - in some environments (the ones I work in), it is useful to know the backend reference16:28
jgriffithbswartz: ^^16:28
gnorthFor example16:28
DuncanTgnorth: Admin only extention then16:28
gnorthI may want to do things on my Storage Controller with my disk that I can't do via the OpenStack driver currently.16:28
DuncanTgnorth: Or some policy controlled extention16:28
gnorthYes, that could be done16:28
jgriffithso I guess IMO for that I don't see why you can't just continue using UUID for the mapping16:28
thingeeDuncanT: if we're talking about extension, I'd rather not see a new column16:28
jgriffithor as metadata on the backend device if available etc16:29
gnorthIt is because there isn't metadata on the backend device16:29
thingeeanything optional shouldn't mess with the model16:29
jgriffithgnorth: on yours :)16:29
jgriffithgnorth: so to back up...16:29
jgriffithgnorth: avishay bswartz16:29
avishaythingee: maybe we need non user-accessible metadata?16:29
jgriffithThe only thing this solves is you don't like using UUID in the volume names on your devices?16:29
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jgriffithif so that doesn't seem like a very compellign argument to me16:30
bswartzjgriffith: that sounds about right16:30
gnorthOther things it solves, which you can count as non-problems if you wish:16:30
jgriffithbswartz: that seems like a lame argument16:30
gnorth1. I would like to (in the future) add the ability to import SAN volumes into Cinder, and not have to rename them.16:30
bswartzit may be weak, but it's not without merit16:30
jgriffithgnorth: already have a bp for that actually16:30
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winston-dgnorth: rename SAN volumes at what level? back-end?16:31
gnorth2. Since backend volume names must be unique (on my controller...) then it might simplify some volume migration scenarios if we can decouple UUID from backend name, but I've not given that much thought.16:31
jgriffithgnorth: unique screams UUID to me :)16:31
gnorthwinston-d - Yes16:31
jgriffithso there are reasons that I converted all of the volumes to use UUID's in the first place16:31
gnorthIn enterprise environments, your SAN administrator may have strict ideas about how they like to organise things16:32
jgriffithbelieve it or not :)16:32
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jgriffithgnorth: perhaps, but would they rather have that or have something that works?16:32
gnorthWhat is the flaw in my proposal?16:32
jgriffithok... so I'll stop joking around16:32
thingeegnorth: no downgrade path16:32
jgriffithgnorth: I like your proposal WRT adding a driver ID column16:33
jgriffithI think that's a great idea16:33
jgriffithI don't like the idea you're proposing WRT to naming games16:33
jgriffithbut bswartz and others seem to like it so that's fine16:33
jgriffithI'm out voted16:33
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jgriffithBut as I said, I don't see the point in adding that sort of complexity, confusion lack of downgrade path etc16:34
gnorthNow, we could make this feature optional - default behaviour would use UUIDs and so downgrade gracefully.16:34
jgriffithJust not seeing the benefit...16:34
gnorthI'm surprised that you see a benefit in driver_id without the naming thing16:34
jgriffithgnorth: so if the admin didn't choose the right option they could never downgrade?16:34
thingeegnorth: if it's optional, we're not even talking about it touching the model16:34
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jgriffiththingee: +116:34
gnorthYes, if they specified in their config file that they wanted friendly names on the storage controller, they could never downgrade.16:34
DuncanTHow often do downgrades really happen / work?16:35
thingeeextensions should deal with metadata, which as avishay pointed out should be some sort of admin only metadata which we don't have yet16:35
jgriffithDuncanT: that's not really the point16:35
gnorthAdmin-only metadata would be fine for this also.16:35
jgriffithgnorth: BTW, driver ID is useful for a host of other things16:35
avishay+1 for admin-only metadata16:35
jgriffithgnorth: for example16:35
jgriffithgnorth: I have a customer with 50 SF clusters16:35
jgriffithgnorth: they're trying to find a volume uuid=XXXXX16:36
jgriffithgnorth: it would be helpful if they knew "which" cluster to go to16:36
dosaboyDuncanT: good question, but perhaps for another topic ;)16:36
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jgriffithgnorth: then they just search for the UUID16:36
jgriffithSo regardless...16:36
winston-djgriffith: can't they do that only using 'host', even with multiple back-ends?16:37
thingeegnorth: I'm keep an open mind on the idea but I still can't justify the two points you raised earlier. If we already had plans for importing volumes which was your first point, I'm not entirely sure about the second point of decoupling UUID from the backend16:37
jgriffithReally I don't think we can do an upgrade that can never be downgraded16:37
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jgriffithwinston-d: ahh... interesting point16:37
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bswartzjgriffith: I think the driver_id column is actually the mapping column, not the ID of the driver16:38
bswartzmaybe it's poorly-named16:38
gnorthdriver_id could really just be "driver metadata"16:38
gnorthAnd by extension, admin-only metadata16:38
jgriffithbswartz: Oh16:38
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zhiyangnorth: yes, that should be a 'metadata directory'16:38
gnorthjgriffith - you want to re-state your position? :-)16:38
winston-dto me, it seems _without_ driver-id or driver metadata, cinder should work fine. no?16:39
avishayIf this is implemented as a policy-controlled extension with admin-only metadata, with a warning label that says "this is a one-way street", is that acceptable?16:39
jgriffithgnorth: well, you probably don't want me to16:39
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jgriffithOk, I should let other discuss16:39
gnorthI guess it is a question of how much we see enterprise environments like this as a target market for OpenStack16:39
jgriffithgnorth: easy there...16:39
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gnorthNot being able to name disks, or at least rename them is going to be a problem.16:39
thingeegnorth: hey sorry I know you're talking to jgriffith but I asked earlier about you to explain further on your second point of decoupling the UUID from the backend16:39
jgriffithgnorth: I think enterprise are a HUGE target for OpenSTack16:40
jgriffithbut I'm not buying the argument that they require "friendly" names on the backend devices and that UUID"s are unacceptable16:40
DuncanTgnorth: There are plenty of very much enterprise class backends that work fine just now16:40
jgriffithagain though, I'm fine if everybody else likes it16:40
jgriffithI'll let you all figure it out, but remember you have to come up with a downgrade strategy16:40
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gnorthDuncanT: I'm not questioning that the backend don't "work fine", but whether the lack of control over the disk names will be a barrier to adoption in some enterprise environments16:41
winston-dif downgrade only makes your admin angry, but cinder still works. i don't care.16:41
gnorthRIght, thingee: my point 2 - about the migration?16:42
zhiyanwinston-d: agree16:42
DuncanTgnorth: Some things that are a 'barrier to entry' are actually really useful in forcing an enterprise to think in term s of clouds rather than traditional IT16:42
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jgriffithDuncanT: +116:42
DuncanTgnorth: The thing about the cloud is that it frees you from having to nail everything down16:43
thingeegnorth: yeah I guess I'm not understanding the problem you're solving with volume migration. If the cinder service is managing the namespace of the UUID16:43
thingee's what's the problem?16:43
gnorththingee: I don't think it is a functional gap, it might just make code cleaner, I don't think it is the most important issue.16:43
thingeeok, so then back to your first point...we have a bp to work towards the idea of import/export16:44
gnorthEssentially, to copy a backend disk from place A to B (i.e. two storage pools in the same controller), and then just update the driver_id16:44
avishaythingee: i think he meant that instead of renaming the volume to match the UUID like my current code does, you could just change the mapping name, correct gnorth ?16:44
avishayjgriffith: import volume will rename the volume on the backend?16:44
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thingeeI can't speak for myself about this feature really. I'd be more curious if there is a demand for this. ML maybe?16:45
jgriffithavishay: if supported yes, but not required16:45
thingeeyes and optional seems fine to me16:45
avishayjgriffith: OK16:45
gnorthjgriffith: How work it work if rename not supported?16:45
hemna_back...(sorry guys we were doing an internal preso)16:46
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winston-dhemna_: you missed a lot of interesting discussion16:46
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hemna_doh :(16:46
gnorthSo, the clients I am speaking about are getting into cloud (and OpenStack), but not jumping in with both feet - they will want to run PoC first etc.  It is valuable to show that we can integrate with their policies and ways of doing things.16:46
gnorthI agree that if nobody ever touched the SAN backend, we wouldn't need this feature.16:46
gnorthBut my clients do so a lot, even with cloud deployments, mostly to exploit features that are not yet exposed in the cloud.16:47
DuncanTgnorth: There is a cost to maintaining and testing a feature that is useless to 99.9% of all deployments16:47
gnorthYes, I agree.16:47
avishayI would also point out that people are using OpenStack for IaaS on things much smaller than a cloud (e.g., a rack or two)16:47
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gnorthI would be happy with admin-metadata and then we could put this into Storwize driver and have it as an optional (downgrade-breaking) feature, if folks don't want this driver_id field.16:48
gnorthBut as I say, it is really a question of whether this really is a useless feature for 99.9% of all deployments.16:48
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gnorthAnd if ec2_id wasn't an integer, I'd be able to use that. :-)16:49
DuncanTadmin-metadata has many possible driver-specific usages, so I'd say that was a better name16:49
thingeegnorth: I've just never heard this problem brought up, but I'm mostly coming from a public cloud case16:49
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winston-dgnorth: i believe it' a useful feature for private cloud that wants to migrate existing volumes into cinder16:49
bswartzDuncanT +116:49
gnorthFor purpose built cloud I agree it is a different story16:49
zhiyanfor the real cloud, 99.9% userless, but for traditional IT, it's valuable thing16:49
jgriffithDuncanT: I think I'm much more comfortable with that as well16:50
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jgriffithhaha... real cloud, pretend cloud, my cloud16:50
winston-dzhiyan: private cloud _is_ a real cloud as well16:50
jgriffithit's all cloud16:50
jgriffithwinston-d: thank you!!16:50
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jgriffithOk... are we ready to move on to the next topic?16:50
DuncanTThere have been a few use-cases where generic metadata would be useful to drivers (maybe even jgriffith's blocksize stuff I was talking to him about...)16:51
jgriffithDo we have a next topic?16:51
gnorthOK, so what is the conclusion here?16:51
jgriffithDuncanT: :)16:51
jgriffithDuncanT: I just solved that by adding provider info :)16:51
thingeeDuncanT, jgriffith: just like the capability stuff (and I still need to do)...the keys should be figured in the dev sphinx doc and approved on a commit basis so we don't discrepancies16:51
jgriffithDuncanT: but that's a good point16:51
winston-ddosaboy: not so fast. :)16:51
DuncanTgnorth: Call it 'driver metadata' or something16:51
jgriffiththingee: +116:51
jgriffithDuncanT: how about just admin_metadata like you suggested earlier?16:51
DuncanTgnorth: Add an extention API to query / modify it16:52
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DuncanTjgriffith: +116:52
zhiyanwinston-d: jgriffith: use case and operation model has little different IMO16:52
gnorthJust as a single String(255) field?16:52
jgriffithSo it's not isolated in use or interpretation16:52
jgriffithzhiyan: I agree with you16:52
gnorthOr as key/value pairs?16:52
jgriffithzhiyan: that's kinda the whole point :)16:52
gnorthLike today's metadata16:52
thingeegnorth: you'd make me so happy if you had separate commits on the backend work, and front api work. just sayin'16:52
gnorththingee: Yes, that is in the staging section of the design, and is the plan.16:52
DuncanTA single string is easier on the DB, but less flexible...16:52
winston-dthingee: noted16:52
DuncanTI've no strong preferences16:53
gnorthWho else might use it other than the driver?16:53
DuncanTThough if it was me I'd go single string16:53
jgriffithgnorth: who knows :)16:53
gnorthI worry that it could get stomped on if a single string, but agree, earlier on the db16:53
gnortheasier, rather16:53
thingeegnorth: I'm still curious if there's interest if brought up on the ML16:53
thingeelikely no one will respond, sigh16:53
winston-dkey/value can be much more flexible, if someone else would like to utilize that to achieve other goals.16:53
xyang_winston-d: +116:54
DuncanTgnorth: I'm hoping that people who want magic metadata values can be persuaded to use admin_metadata instead16:54
jgriffithOk, so I think here's where we're at16:54
thingee6 min warning16:54
jgriffithMoving away from the idea of the special columns etc in favor of some form of admin metadata16:54
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jgriffithstill have some questions about whether single string is best or K/V pairs16:54
jgriffithI'm not object to either16:54
gnorthAdd an "admin-only" flag to VolumeMetadata to filter it?16:54
jgriffithgnorth: oh for sure!  Otherwise we'd use the existing volume-metadata :)16:55
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jgriffithEverybody in agreement on that?16:55
gnorthI mean, rather than adding a second set of metadata and APIs - Administrators see more16:55
gnorthAnd can set that flag16:55
winston-di'm fine16:55
jgriffithgnorth: wait... now you lost me again16:55
zhiyan+1, but maybe need filter some sensitive data16:55
avishaysounds good to me16:55
jgriffithgnorth: you mean use the existing metadata with a flag?16:55
jgriffithgnorth: not sure how you would do that16:56
jgriffithgnorth: and still allow the user to set metadata as well16:56
gnorthOK, so you want a new table, new APIs?  Treat them completely separately?16:56
jgriffithgnorth: seems like a separate entitity would be better16:56
jgriffithgnorth: I think so... everyone else?16:56
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gnorthHow did you handle downgrade when you added metadata - just threw it away?16:56
thingeeoh boy, metadata clean up16:57
jgriffithgnorth: well, we've never had a downgrade where there wasn't a metadata column16:57
jgriffithbut yes, that's what we'd be doing here16:57
jgriffithThat's the price you pay if you have to downgrade IMO16:57
avishayI think if it could be done elegantly as one metadata column, that would be cool, otherwise two separate16:57
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jgriffithSince the "previous" migration won't know or have any use for it anyway16:57
gnorthI will throw some ideas around, thanks everyone.16:57
jgriffithgnorth: thank you16:57
DuncanTthrow it away +116:57
thingeewe have to be pretty careful with this. we could end up with orphan metadata and admins would be afraid to remove anything without doing a proper lengthy audit16:58
bswartz2 minutes left16:58
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jgriffith#topic open discussion16:58
winston-dgnorth: thx for handling this tough case :)16:58
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kartikaditya_I have a new bp
jgriffithkmartin: noted... thanks16:58
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thingeegnorth: yes thanks for your input on other use cases16:59
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kmartinshould we add "Extend Volume" to the mininum features required by a new cinder driver for Icehouse release?16:59
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jgriffithanyone have input to kmartin 's question above?16:59
winston-dkmartin: +117:00
DuncanTOn that topic I'm considering starting the 'your driver doesn't meet minimum specs' removal patch generation process soon. I'm aware I've got to split this with thingee... anybody any comments?17:00
jgriffithI believe that's in line with what we agreed upon for a policy17:00
dosaboykartikaditya_: that is along similar ines to what I was thinking with
DuncanTkmartin: +117:00
jgriffithDuncanT: I thnk you've been beat17:00
thingeeso jdurgin brought up to me that we should probably try to reach maintainers better on requirement changes.17:00
kmartinI'll update the wiki today...thanks17:00
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thingeemaybe at the very least we can mention it on the ml besides irc meeting?17:00
jgriffithkmartin: thingee fair point17:00
DuncanTjgriffith: Bugger, haven't seen any yet17:00
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jgriffithkmartin: thingee ML is the only good vehicle I can think of though17:00
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jgriffithDuncanT: I think thingee was starting to tackle that17:00
thingeehalf the drivers we support now are going to get an email from me about not supporting what's needed in H17:00
DuncanTjgriffith: No problem, we agreed to split them :-)17:01
jgriffithOk, we're out of time an I have another meeting :(17:01
jgriffith#cinder :)17:01
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thingeethanks everyone17:01
kartikaditya_dosaboy: No, this is more of supporting upcoming datastores that ESX/VC can manage17:01
jgriffith#end meeting17:01
jgriffith#endmeeting cinder17:01
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openstackMinutes (text):
jgriffithkartikaditya_: I'll ping you in a bit17:01
kartikaditya_sure thing... thanks!17:02
* hartsocks listens for a moment17:02
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hartsocksAnyone around to talk VMwareAPI related stuff?17:02
hartsocks#startmeeting VMwareAPI17:02
openstackMeeting started Wed Jul 17 17:02:38 2013 UTC.  The chair is hartsocks. Information about MeetBot at
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kirankvhi Shawn17:02
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hartsocks@kirankv hey17:03
EustaceHi All17:03
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hartsocksanybody else lurking about?17:03
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hartsocksI know a number of folks were traveling this week?17:03
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tjonesHi shawn - i am here now17:04
* hartsocks listens for a moment17:05
hartsocksOkay. Let's get started.17:05
hartsocks#topic bugs17:05
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hartsocksSo if you aren't "done" with a bug by now, I'd say you've missed Havana-2 with that fix.17:06
hartsocksHere's what's open...17:06
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tjonesim so excited - i have 1 +2 and 3 +1 on my 1st patch :-)17:06
garykhi guys17:06
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hartsocksSo… I've got some bug triage work to catch up on.17:07
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hartsocksDoes anyone have a pet bug they want to talk about?17:07
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hartsocksAny new blockers or any new bugs I should look at right away?17:07
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garykhartsocks - i am going to push a patch addressing comments from
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hartsocksI'll be sure to cycle back around to this for review.17:09
garykit would also be nice if people can look at (quantum is broken with vmware)17:09
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hartsocksah. This hasn't been triaged.17:10
hartsocksSo this is a new issue.17:10
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hartsocksI'd say this is Critical since there's no work-around. Is that fair?17:11
garykhartsocks: yes, that is correct17:11
hartsocksokay then17:11
hartsocksI'm glad to have you working on this.17:12
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hartsocksDoes anyone else have a bug that needs attention?17:12
garykhartsocks: i'd like to talk about configuration variables17:13
hartsocksWhat do you have?17:13
hartsocksIs this a bug or is this a blueprint?17:14
garykat the moment i find it very confusing with all of the variables with the prefixe vmwareapi_. i'd like to suggest that we have a vmware section. wanted to know if others have opinion regarding to this.17:14
garyki have made changes and would like to push a patch if others agree17:14
tjonesi like that idea17:14
hartsocksI think that's more of a blueprint.17:15
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hartsocksIf no one has any other bugs we can talk blueprints now.17:15
* hartsocks listens17:15
garykok, i'll open a bp17:15
kirankv@garyk: This idea was suggested duringa review when the VCdriver was initilly posted17:16
hartsocks#topic blueprints17:16
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hartsockssince that's what we're talking about anyway...17:16
hartsocksSo… yes. There was talk about shifting the way we handle configurations in previous meetings/reviews.17:17
garykkirankv: ok thank. i'll open the bp and push the code in a few minutes17:17
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garykhartsocks: the code will be backward compatible oslo config has options for this17:17
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hartsocks#action garyk posting a new blueprint17:18
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hartsocksOne suggestion I saw was to add a configuration validation phase to the driver.17:18
hartsocksThis would check to see if you have specified a good cluster name,17:18
tjonesand a password if vnc is enabled :-D17:19
hartsockshave the proper datastores, etc.17:19
hartsocks@tjones yep.17:19
Sabari__But those validations already exist today (ref to cluster name)17:19
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hartsocksThe idea would be to move this up to some initial session setup so that you could error out before work began.17:20
Sabari__CUrrently they happen when the driver is initialized. may be we just need to reorganize the code.17:20
hartsocksThis was also coupled with an idea to make the user specify a datacenter.17:20
Sabari__oh okay17:20
kirankvif only of the validation fails, what action you intend to take, the conf has two clusters specified, one exists and one doesnt, you log an error and continue?17:20
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hartsockswhat would be wrong with dying out completely?17:21
hartsocksI can see error and continue could lead someone to believe they had a "working" config when they had a bad one.17:22
tjonesdying is safer and wastes less time when you are trying to debug17:22
Sabari__With multi-cluster by one service, it's still okay not to die completely but it's important not to start the driver with VCDriver.17:22
hartsocksSo there's some debate on the right behavior then.17:23
Sabari__because the admin may choose to add clusters on the fly or something like that. *thinking*17:23
kirankvok.... stratup failure is fine17:23
hartsocksSo I'm thinking this is an icehouse (next release 2014.1) timeframe blueprint17:24
hartsocksI have also seen review comments on how we could alter some of the code around session...17:24
hartsocksand how that's handled.17:24
tjones@hartsocks - i was thinking that too.17:25
kirankvtoday there in no dynamic update of the conf without a service restart, but if/when that changes, config checks can be tricky17:25
hartsocksweird idea: could we have a command to add a cluster?17:25
hartsocksThat might be nuts.17:25
hartsocksI'm afraid the idea of adding clusters on the fly feels dangerous.17:25
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danwenthartsocks: i don't think that's too nuts :)17:26
kirankvwell dynamic addition would be required since you dont want to bring down the service to add another cluster17:26
Sabari__Just start a new service with the new cluster :)17:26
kirankvthe existing clusters status should be smileys17:26
hartsocksah… so it is a use case then?17:27
danwentin fact, i was thinking a bit about a slightly different model, where one uses tags in VC to indicate whether a cluster should be managed by Nova.  So you'd only need to tweak nova.conf when adding a new VC17:27
kirankvwell if thats the approach then config checks at starup are fne and stopping the service if config failures are detected17:27
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Sabari__That's a good idea, more like a filter17:27
hartsocks@danwent interesting idea… and that makes me feel we need to get better inventory integration in the VCDriver17:28
Sabari__It depends on tagging api's in VC. Need to check.17:29
hartsocks@Sabari_ I'm going to saddle you with following up on that :-)17:29
danwentanywya, didn't want to throw the discussion off track, but it an interesting option as updating nova.conf with info for each new cluster seems painful.17:29
Sabari__@hartsocks No issues :)17:29
hartsocks#action Sabari_ follow up on how to have VCDriver interact with vCenter using "tags" or other means (maybe regex again?)17:30
garykdanwent: i think that oslo config now has a feature that enables configuration updates without retarting services17:30
danwentgaryk: interseting, but it still requires a manual step of updating nova.conf.  It would be nice if the person could simply identify the cluster as a Nova cluster when they were creating it in vCenter.17:31
garykdanwent: agreed17:31
kirankvregex seems to be a easiest approach17:32
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hartsocks#action hartsocks rough draft of VMware configuration validation blueprint17:32
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garykhartsocks: danwent: it may be worth discussion a sync between nova and vcenter - enabling us to try and have as klittle configuration as possible17:33
danwentyeah, I'd at least like to flush out a long-term goal for that, even if we don't get to it in havana17:34
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garyki'd be happy to try and investigate and propose something moving forwards17:34
hartsocksEither way, I'd like the driver to work with the inventory in vCenter more intelligently.17:34
hartsocksI don't like having to push everything to configurations.17:35
hartsocksThere's a new blueprint up...17:36
hartsocks"The goal of this blueprint is to implement VMDK driver for cinder."17:36
garykhartsocks: configuration section support -
hartsocksJust so people are aware this is underway.17:37
hartsocksokay, on my list17:37
garykthe bp was very detailed and informative17:38
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hartsocksas far as I'm concerned… if you're going to make a mistake on a BP put more detail rather than less. At least people will have some idea of what you're up to.17:39
Sabari__I am would like to discuss sometime. When is this targeted ?17:39
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hartsocksAnyone have comment on this?17:40
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hartsocks@kirankv I think that's yours17:40
garykSabari__: i'll go over the BP. There is a regular scheduling meeting. It may be worthwhile bring that up there too.17:41
Sabari__@garyk Sure17:41
garykSabari__: i think that there are some scheduling features that are currently bing worked in that may cover part of this (it is worth checking too)17:42
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hartsocks#action follow up on with scheduler team17:42
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hartsocksIs there anything else on that blueprint?17:43
kirankvwell implementation of this bp requires changes in scheduler core17:43
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Sabari__@gark I will also check the new scheduling features and see if we have somethingi n common17:44
kirankvthis is even applicable today even for libvirt17:44
garykSabari__: thanks.17:44
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Sabari__Yes, I would also like to idea of booting instances to specific resource pools (at runtime). May be added to the bp17:45
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kirankvrp/clusters isnt much of a difference17:45
Sabari__yes but the configuration is with the driver. What if certain instance need to be booted in a particular resource pool. This is a usecase in VC17:46
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Sabari__This cannot be done dynamically until scheduler supports force provision on certain resource pools.17:46
Sabari__gark: Thanks17:47
kirankvthe scheduler just sees them as compute nodes, so we would have to do the same when we want to boot an instance to a specific compute node/(s)17:47
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hartsocksso… why not a resource pool == a compute node … since everything has at least a default resource pool17:48
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hartsocksThen we just shift things to talking about resource pools everywhere...17:49
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ssuranaI like that idea.. as that would eliminate the confusion around which host / cluster to use for provisioning the instances17:49
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Sabari__I think scheduler already supports hints like force_hosts and the user can specify the compute node17:50
kirankvthats how we have got rp support done, had to pull it out of the multi cluster patch since reviewers said the patchset was big17:50
kirankv@Sabari; yes it does17:50
garykSabari__: correct the user can specificy a specific node by a hint17:50
Sabari__It all boils down to which part of the inverntory that the driver is looking at in VC17:51
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hartsocksI think the shift to resource pools is pretty important. It might be more important than the shift to multi-cluster. Here's why I think that...17:51
Sabari__May be we need to align our strategy towards that.17:51
kirankvin the initial multicluster driver patch, if you specify a resource pool name it would show up  as a compute node similar to how it works for cluster today17:51
hartsocksMany of the bugs I've traced have to do with identifying where a particular part of the inventory is in relationship to another.17:52
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ssuranaI would say most of the bugs are because of that..17:52
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Sabari__What is the basic unit of compute in VC mapped to a nova driver ? Currently, we have different drivers handling this problem17:52
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hartsocksI see host == None in most situations17:53
hartsocksThat forces the vCenter to make a guess at placement.17:53
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hartsocksIf we switch to Resource Pool ...17:53
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hartsocksthe structure of the driver shifts so this isn't a problem.17:53
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hartsocks(or as frequent a prolbem)17:54
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hartsocks@kirankv reviewing your multiple clusters using single compute service as my next priority this week.17:55
ssuranaThe only caveat the resource pool can be nested, so we need a proper way to represent them in the configuration, so that we can uniquely identify them17:55
hartsocks@kirankv I will try and get you something in by this time next week as a review, but I think you've got a good comment to consider right now.17:56
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hartsocks@ssurana so something like PoolA.PoolB ?17:56
kirankvwith resource pools especially the once with configuration set to use parent capacity, providing the resource stats to the scheduler becomes complicated17:56
hartsocks@ssurana or PoolA->PoolB17:56
ssuranawell i think we will need to use the inventory path format in the config17:56
kirankv@ssurana: the full path support was in the multi cluster patch17:57
hartsocks@kirankv if we just use full inventory paths for resource pools we can avoid a large number of bugs.17:57
kirankvfollows the pattern dc/folder/cluster/rp1/rp217:57
ssuranayes thats correct17:58
hartsocks@garyk you can do more than one patch per blueprint right?17:58
garykhartsocks: yes.17:58
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garykhartsocks: it is just a matter of updating the commit message to contain the bp17:58
hartsocks@kirankv so perhaps you could provide multiple smaller patches to accomplish your goal?17:58
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hartsocks@kirankv this would allow you to give all your features but also break up the patch so people wouldn't be over-whelmed in reviewing it.17:59
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kirankvwell im waiting for the first one to get through so that i can push the remaining once, adding them as dependent patches will cause me to doa lot of rebasing17:59
hartsocks@garyk thanks17:59
hartsocks@kirankv you can make a series of patches dependent on each other…18:00
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hartsocksI started to sketch a tutorial on it here...18:00
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kirankvok will check, hopefully its simple to do it :)18:01
hartsocksI didn't break it down to specific commands… but if you know enough about git, the pattern will be enough to make rebasing less painful.18:01
hartsocksWe're out of time.18:01
garykhave a good one guys18:02
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hartsocksThe room at #openstack-vmware is always open for impromptu discussion.18:02
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kirankv@hartsocks: thanks18:02
hartsocksSorry the meeting was a little chaotic this week… but I feel we had a great discussion.18:02
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hartsocksThanks to everyone for your contributions.18:02
hartsocksSee you back here next week.18:02
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openstackstevebaker: Error: A meeting name is required, e.g., '#startmeeting Marketing Committee'20:00
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stevebaker#startmeeting heat20:00
openstackMeeting started Wed Jul 17 20:00:48 2013 UTC.  The chair is stevebaker. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.20:00
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stevebaker#topic rollcall20:01
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zanebevening all20:01
randallburthello all20:01
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topolHi, I'm new to HEAT but very interested in it. I mostly focus on Keystone20:01
SpamapStopol: first lesson, Heat is not an acronym :)20:01
SpamapStopol: and _welcome_!!20:02
topolfailed the 1st day quiz... again... :-)20:02
* mordred hands topol a consolation cookie20:02
SpamapSmordred: you really should stop putting so much rum in those.20:02
mordredSpamapS: NEVAR20:02
stevebaker#topic h-220:02
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zanebI can never figure why everybody thinks it is an acronym20:02
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stevebakerbecause its FOUR letters?20:03
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mordredzaneb: I have no idea. people respond to emails I've written with "TripleO" spelled out referring to the project as ooo ... so who knows20:03
stevebakermilestone-proposed is cut!
SpamapSzaneb: Perhaps they are in need of Human Enhanced Acronym Training.20:03
stevebakerwell done everyone20:03
SpamapSlots of goodness in h220:03
radixhere btw20:04
stevebakerI assume that means it is open season on master. difficulty of backporting fixes notwithstanding20:04
asalkeldI'll mark my ceilometer patches as wip20:05
stevebakeranyhoo, back to the real agenda20:05
stevebaker#topic Review last week's actions20:05
asalkeldI am just cleaning up20:05
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stevebakerheat-core to write a mission statement (stevebaker)20:06
stevebakerstevebaker to start mission discussion on list (stevebaker)20:06
stevebakerwow, totally failed to do that20:06
asalkeldmust have been busy20:06
stevebaker#action stevebaker to start mission discussion on list20:06
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stevebaker asalkeld, stevebaker to raise some documentation blueprints20:06
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stevebakerwhich brings us to20:07
stevebaker#topic Documentation20:07
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asalkeldI need to document the environ stuff20:07
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stevebakerA template writing guide is heat's missing manual20:07
asalkeldand resource-templaets20:07
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stevebakerbut with HOT, that is a moving target20:08
randallburtasalkeld:  I can do the latter if you like20:08
jsloyeri have an open a change request that has an example with some of the templates in it20:08
tspatzierso I wanted to get a HOT spec started and was wondering what the best way would be20:08
SpamapSwhy is HOT still a moving target?20:08
jsloyerI think it would be good to start documenting all the templates20:08
randallburtSpamapS:  because its incremental and feature focused now vs. a spec-up-front as originally proposed20:08
SpamapScan we just pick a way, call it v1, and move forward?20:09
asalkeldI don't see that we my change hot as reason not to  doc20:09
stevebakerI'll be working on blueprint generate-resource-docs in this cycle20:09
tspatzierSpamapS, the plan would be to let the HOT spec evolve with implementation. right now we have hello world, but plan to add more features step by step20:09
jsloyerstevebaker, i would love to help out with that20:09
SpamapS+1 for evolving it with implementation20:09
SpamapSas asalkeld says, thats not the best reason for not publishing the way it works now and a guide on how to use it as it works now.20:09
asalkeldwe just need somewhere to put it20:10
tspatzierI created a BP for getting started with the HOT spec based on the current hello world impl. Happy to drive this20:10
TravTI think documentation should reflect reality.20:10
radixand make sure core reviewers are asking people to update the docs as people implement features20:10
tspatzierI think it would be best done in the github repo so we have governance and review, like we have with API docs20:10
kebray+1 to TravT  documentation should evolve with real-time changes.20:10
jsloyerradix: i would even go further, whenever a new feature comes it needs to be doc'ed as well as any template20:10
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SpamapSradix: right, doc changes ideally would precede or accompany all changes to HOT.20:10
stevebakeryes, it should go in heat/doc/source, in a new book20:10
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randallburtSpamapS:  not just HOT, but any feature moving forward, yes?20:11
asalkeld(hopefully not in xml docs)20:11
radixjsloyer: that's what I meant20:11
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stevebakernot xml, rst20:11
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SpamapSradix: yes please :)20:12
topolwe do something very similar in keystone. its very helpful20:12
SpamapSrandallburt: yes please :)20:12
topolfor new folks like me trying to learn what already exists20:12
tspatzierstevebaker, when I look at the current doc directory in github, will it be example enough to start the HOT spec? or do you recommend a specific piece that is in good shape?20:12
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topol(its not xml)20:12
stevebakerif someone wants to volunteer to create an rst a skeleton structure for a Template Writers Guide, raise your hand20:12
jsloyeri have20:12
randallburtI think I just saw kebray shed a tear20:13
TravTIf the docs are in the repo, then the doc changes could be part of the review set20:13
* tspatzier raises hand20:13
jsloyerraises hand20:13
tspatzierbtw, I opened this BP for it:
SpamapSsounds like we have docs moving forward nicely :)20:13
stevebakertspatzier: we need to focus on our audience, template writers need to be guided in how to write templates. at best a HOT spec would be in the appendix20:14
tspatzierstevebaker, agreed. Will try to keep it similar to the cfn spec which is quite user friendly20:14
tspatzierI can update the BP to reflect this.20:14
stevebakerjsloyer: cool, I'll take a look at that.20:14
topolso jsloyer, your patch has a lot of files in it. Is one of them *the* v1 HOT spec???20:15
stevebakerjsloyer: when I get to blueprint generate-resource-docs I'll look at generating files into that structure20:15
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jsloyerstevebaker: let me know if you need any help, have some spare cycles20:16
TravTSo, does anything need to be done with these pages:
stevebakerzaneb: now we're incubated, could you resurrect the api docs and merge them with the main openstack api docs?20:16
zanebmmmmm, I thought I did that on the last docs sprint20:17
stevebakeri think it is still its own document in our source tree20:17
SpamapSwe're integrated20:17
SpamapSnot incubated :)20:17
jsloyerzaneb stevebaker
stevebakerthey had to tag their grizzly docs before we could merge ours20:17
zanebstevebaker: so I need to submit it to some other repo?20:18
stevebakeryes, some other repo20:18
* stevebaker looks20:18
randallburtTravT:  I don't think so. those are more talking points/jump off for future features/HOT format stuff20:18
zanebdoes anybody have a preference?20:18
zanebor I'll just pick one at random ;)20:18
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stevebakerthats the one
TravTrandallburt: maybe at least update them to point them to the real docs when available?20:19
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randallburtTravT:  maybe, but they aren't docs. those pages are early spec proposals.20:19
zanebok, can do. are there any tools for testing that?20:19
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stevebakerAm I right in that after H-3 we shouldn't be merging major features before H?20:19
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stevebakerzaneb: mvn package ;)20:20
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zanebstevebaker: I believe that's how it works20:20
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asalkeldso one last cycle?20:20
zanebif that's a week worth of installing xml-y java-y stuff, forget about it20:20
stevebakerso this cycle will be quite busy, and in theory we'll be able to put more effort into docs after h-320:20
SpamapSafter H-3 we should focus on docs, testing, bug fixing, and planning.20:21
asalkeldzaneb, maybe make a heat template20:21
therveasalkeld, That means finishing ceilometer stuff?20:21
therveIt's going to be tight20:21
asalkeldthat installs all the docs20:21
stevebaker#topic h3 blueprint milestone and priority20:21
asalkeldtherve, yea20:21
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stevebaker#action zaneb merge api docs with api-site repo20:21
zanebasalkeld: oh man, now I have to get OpenStack running as well? ;p20:21
asalkeld(one way to keep the xml from you host)20:22
stevebaker32 blueprints!20:22
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stevebakerwe delivered 8 in h-2, and 8 in h-120:23
zanebso we're on track?20:23
randallburtsome of those aren't prioritized, so are they "officially" in h3?20:23
asalkeldwell we just have to work 4 * as hard20:23
stevebakerI'd like to think that the havana cycle has been all about ramping up, and we have a chance on delivering a bunch of those, but 32 might be a bit optimistic ;)20:24
asalkeldsome big ones there20:24
therveSome are in progress for a bit, but yeah20:24
therve20 sounds more realistic20:24
stevebakerAny blueprint assigned to you, its up to you what milestone to set it to. So *please* take a look at your own and set some realistic milestones20:25
therve4 are still unassigned so good targets to be pushed20:26
stevebakersome of them are more umbrella blueprints that are ongoing, abstract-aws, open-api-dsl20:26
SpamapSI hope to start going on rolling-updates as of Monday.20:27
stevebakerSpamapS: cool20:27
m4dcoderSpamapS: need to chat with you on the rolling updates in #heat after meeting20:27
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SpamapSm4dcoder: of course20:28
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stevebakeranything else on h-3?20:29
stevebaker#topic Open discussion20:29
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andrew_plunk2I have questions about:
andrew_plunk2My implementation of the main feature of this blueprint (generating a template for a resource) allows for two use cases via a flag to the function. The first is that you want a very simple template generated, where the resource's properties schema is mapped to parameters and properties, but nested schemas are not resolved. The second resolves nested schemas resulting in more generated parameters. I wanted to open it up for20:29
andrew_plunk2 discussion because the function implements the requirement of the blueprint, while giving additional functionality.20:29
andrew_plunk2It has been -1 for this additional functionality and I would like to hear more voices on the matter20:30
zanebandrew_plunk2: maybe you should also provide some examples on how (+ why) it would be used20:31
zanebit's not easy to reverse engineer from the code20:31
kebraywould it suffice to split it into two separate commits?20:31
kebraytwo separate blueprints?20:31
andrew_plunk2so the basic gain would be being able to see more parameters rather than less20:32
randallburt+1 for two changes20:32
asalkeldI don't see a problem with that patch20:32
zaneb+1 for two patches20:32
stevebakerAs of now, horizon has a heat UI, with a freakin awesome animated topology diagram.20:33
stevebakerI pity the fool who does not make this a part of their heat workflow!20:33
zanebthe second one still gets my -1 for adding unnecessary complexity20:33
andrew_plunk2thanks everyone20:33
kebraythen splitting commits doesn't solve andrew_plounk's original question though.. which, is more input on the second part of the change.20:34
zanebandrew_plunk2: IMO generating the template isn't about _seeing_ stuff. it's about _doing_ stuff with it20:34
randallburtzaneb:  is that like saying we might as well not submit it? Still unclear on the process there20:34
radixthere has been discussion of implementing some heat resources that use Otter for auto scaling. this would allow for more incremental implementation of the new autoscaling design. does that sound reasonable? I can write an email if that's not clear20:34
zaneb-1 is not a ban-hammer20:34
zaneb-2 is the ban-hammer :)20:34
randallburtzaneb:  ah, cool. thanks20:34
* topol the dreaded red x20:34
stevebakerI tend to launch stacks on the command line then watch them in horizon, its very insightful20:35
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asalkeldandrew_plunk2, I think we just need a use case20:35
randallburtradix: does that makes sense as a "general" or openstack resource or as something say under resources/rackspace?20:35
asalkeld(how are we going to benefit from the feature)20:36
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jasondsome example outputs (one for each proposal) would help me understand the controversy20:36
radixrandallburt: I think at first it makes sense to call it Rackspace-specific, but it should be trivial to generalize them once we have a separate autoscaling service20:36
randallburtradix: k20:37
andrew_plunk2asalkeld: A big point of this blueprint was to give an end user a starting off point of a template for a resource. That user might want the bare minimum or every possible functionality of the resource filled in20:37
radixie the implementations of the resources should stay the same20:37
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andrew_plunk2My implementation would allow for either20:37
zanebandrew_plunk2: but every possible functionality of the resource is filled in in both cases20:38
asalkeldso yea, I get the first part (and like it)20:38
zanebthe difference is that one will work, and the other will not20:38
asalkeldzaneb, I think you two need to talk20:38
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asalkeld(off line)20:38
jsloyerI wanted to bring up two blueprints,,
bgorskiI raised a blueprint this week about Multi region support for Heat ( If you can review it and give me some feedback it would be great.20:39
jsloyerbasically its an addition to HOT to allow installation and configuration of software20:39
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asalkeldjsloyer, the signalling will need some kind of api20:40
stevebakerSpamapS most likely has some opinions here20:41
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asalkeldI was hoping moniker would move along faster20:41
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jsloyerasalkeld: yeah i was on the fence whether it should be an api or something that gets called from the client20:41
jsloyerin more of a peer to peer20:41
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tspatzierasalkeld, we discussed something related this week in #heat20:41
* SpamapS reads20:41
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asalkeldto me a moniker message q would be nice for this20:42
asalkeldbut that is not quite ready20:42
SpamapSjsloyer: I love the de-coupling of "this is a configuration for X" and "this is a server that has configuration for X"20:42
tspatzierasalkeld, I guess we will create a wiki with use case some implementation considerations and then find out what is there as potential starting point.20:42
jsloyerspamaps: trying to keep things simple here with a nice clean format to accomplish some more complicated coordination tasks20:43
tspatzier+1 on decoupling software from infrastructure20:43
SpamapSjsloyer: I will put some time into a true evaluation. I've wanted this in Heat for a long time now. :)20:43
asalkeldsorry marconi20:43
randallburtmoniker was dns I thought20:43
radixhehe OK20:43
SpamapSjsloyer: and the other bit, sharing data between software/instances, I also am very interested in making that smooth.20:43
kebrayradix Moniker is now Designate… it's DNS for Openstack.20:43
radixright. (and now designate)20:44
jsloyeri am definetly open to other ideas as well here just wanted to get it on the books20:44
asalkeld(my bad too many M* names)20:44
radixkebray: yeah that was a "do you really mean moniker" :)20:44
randallburttoo many bad M* names20:45
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tspatzierso good that this project is not called Meat, isn't it?20:45
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jsloyerso we can continue this over #heat or through the email distro, just wanted to get the ball rolling20:45
SpamapSMeat is Heat's messaging library20:45
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zanebtspatzier: is that some sort of acronym? ;)20:46
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tspatzierzaneb, no, then I would write MEAT :-)20:46
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* topol zaneb beat me to the acronym joke20:46
* topol need to type faster20:47
TravTjsloyer: I definitely will stay plugged in on those blueprints.20:47
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asalkeldyeah, I think the communication mechanism is important20:48
stevebakershould we wind up the meeting?20:48
stevebakerthanks all, we can continue in #heat20:48
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openstackMinutes (text):
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radixthanks guys20:50
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jd__#startmeeting ceilometer21:00
openstackMeeting started Wed Jul 17 21:00:18 2013 UTC.  The chair is jd__. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'ceilometer'21:00
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* dhellmann is on a flakey connection21:01
jd__#topic action from previous meeting: nealph to track tempest QA efforts21:02
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* jd__ looks at nealph 21:02
nealphSo, I've created a new tempest bp at
nealphI think it makes sense for lilu to make it a dependancy in his cm blueprint as well21:03
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eglynnis this matcher mechanism used by the Heat Tempest tests also I wonder?21:03
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asalkeldnot sure21:03
nealphPerhaps...still looking at it. I'll follow the general approach taken by other tempest bp's including heat21:03
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eglynnif so, there would be some experience to leverage21:04
nealphthat'd be great.21:04
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nealphthe question is we have to have this for h2/h3?21:04
asalkeldask stevebaker (he did all of the Heat tempest work)21:04
eglynnnot for h2 certainly21:04
eglynnh3 more reasonable21:04
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* nealph sighs in relief21:05
jd__nealph: only if someone is committing to it21:05
nealphokay, will finish looking into it asap and try to scope it.21:05
jd__nealph: do we need to #action this again?21:05
jd__#action nealph to finish looking into tempest QA efforts21:06
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dhellmannnealph, is the "read the full specification" link on that bp right?21:06
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nealphwhich one would that be?21:07
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nealphthe tempest spec? no.21:08
dhellmannyes, that's the one I meant21:08
jd__you may want to edit that indeed :)21:08
nealphwill do...currently points to the ceilometer testing docs.21:09
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jd__#topic Add logging to our IRC channel?21:09
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jd__#vote yes21:09
eglynn#vote yes21:10
dhellmannthe infra team is going to be offering to turn on logging for channels that want it (if jeblair hasn't already sent that email and I just missed it)21:10
dhellmannif we'd like to have it logged, I can take care of it21:10
asalkeld#vote no21:10
jeblair(i don't think it's been sent)21:10
* eglynn logs locally when online, great to have backup logs though for out-of-TZ traffic21:10
gordci'm indifferent21:11
asalkeldhow long do they get kept21:11
eglynnwould logging change the way people interact?21:11
eglynni.e. make folks more guarded?21:11
dhellmannasalkeld: afaik, indefinitely21:11
eglynnasalkeld: is that the objection? ^^^21:11
gordceglynn, no spontaneous tirades?21:11
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asalkeldeglynn, I think that is an issue21:12
eglynngordc: LOL21:12
dhellmanneglynn: I hope not, but that's why I suggested infra ask instead of just doing it21:12
eglynnasalkeld: yeah, you could have a point21:12
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nealphI think there's a lot of good info lost though...21:12
dhellmannmaybe this is something to think about?21:12
asalkeldwell could try it21:12
asalkeldcan we turn it on/off?21:12
dhellmannwe have time; maybe vote next week?21:12
gordcyeah, a vote for is that i don't think anyone is on the west coast of north america21:13
dhellmannasalkeld: it's a setting in the config file for the bot, and goes through change review21:13
eglynndhellmann: +1 for more thought21:13
gordcoften see random questions popping up late21:13
dhellmannso we can turn it off, but not quickly or easily21:13
jd__dhellmann: they should implement a #offtherecord command :)21:13
dhellmannjd__: patches welcome?21:13
dhellmannthat's a good idea21:13
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jd__let's settle on voting next week then?21:14
asalkeldwell one good thing is the ablity to see over time what questions get asked21:14
dhellmannwell, maybe not -- you can always move the tirade to another room :-)21:14
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asalkeld(i.e. what needs documenting)21:14
dhellmannasalkeld: yeah, I think that's going to prove to be more important for us over time21:14
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asalkeld(but still a little weird)21:15
asalkeldbeen recorded21:15
jd__asalkeld: a lot of people already log the channel, me included21:15
dhellmannI tend to assume text chats are recorded anyway, but maybe that's just me21:15
jd__dhellmann: me too21:16
asalkeldwell I guess everything is recorded by government21:16
eglynnNSA is watching everything anyway ;)21:16
jd__NSA is the cloud.21:16
asalkeldnsa use openstack at least;)21:16
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asalkeldbut are they metering there usage?21:17
* jd__ waits for an agent to pop in any minute now21:17
eglynnthere's probably been someone in deep cover here all along ;)21:18
jd__so do we already say yes to dhellmann or do you want vote next week?21:18
asalkeldbtw: huge thanks to all for helping with the alarm stuff21:18
asalkeldit's almost all working end to end21:18
dhellmannnice :-)21:18
jd__I guess the beauty is doing that for h2 so we've time to polish21:19
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asalkeldI have to wait for h3 to get the heat side in21:19
jd__#topic Review Havana-2 milestone21:19
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jd__switching topic since we're disrgressing21:19
eglynnwhen was milestone-proposed cut?21:19
dhellmannearlier today21:19
jd__(dhellmann: I let the log stuff on the agenda for next week)21:19
dhellmannyour mailbox didn't overflow like mine?21:19
jd__it did21:20
dhellmannjd__: ok21:20
* eglynn jumped the gun so on assigning to h221:20
jd__the branch's cut and tomorrow Ceilometer shall be released21:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1202143 in ceilometer "sample POST fails on pipeline publish if user & project IDs not explicitly set" [Critical,Fix committed]21:20
jd__eglynn: did you see the backlog on -dev about that bug with ttx?21:20
eglynnare backports still being accepted>21:20
* eglynn reads backs ...21:20
jd__eglynn: yes that was our point with ttx, you'll need to backport this one to the milestone-proposed branch21:20
jd__eglynn: but you sure can21:21
eglynnjd__: k, I'll do straight after meeting21:21
jd__eglynn: thumps up21:21
jd__so h2's done congrats everyone21:21
jd__we didn't push so many stuff to h321:21
jd__so h3 is a lot of low priority bp mainly21:22
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asalkeldheaps done21:22
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asalkeldthe group-by one21:22
jd__asalkeld: ?21:23
asalkelddon't worry j21:23
asalkeldthat one has been pushed back for a while21:24
jd__terriyu will be working on it starting now21:24
terriyuI'm supposed to be working on that blueprint ...21:24
jd__so feel free to exchange with her if you feel so :) I'm sure she'll be happy to get help21:25
terriyuyes, I have no idea what I'm doing, so I'm always interested in talking21:26
asalkeldbtw: we should have someone from new zealand joining the dev team soon (not from red hat)21:26
jd__asalkeld: great21:26
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eglynnasalkeld: moving the project centre of gravity down-under :)21:27
jd__#topic Release python-ceilometerclient?21:27
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eglynnneed to wait for asalkeld sample-create patch to land21:27
jd__Needed by to uncap keystoneclient dep21:27
asalkeldthat would be nice21:27
stevebakerasalkeld: who?21:27
asalkeldAurynn Shaw21:28
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jd__I'll have a few comments on that one eglynn21:29
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jd__as soon as it lands, who's up for releasing?21:29
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eglynnI can do it21:30
stevebakerasalkeld: ha! I know her21:30
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asalkeldstevebaker, cool21:30
eglynn(the client relase that is ...)21:30
jd__eglynn: thanks (lo)21:30
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* nealph is rethinking logging ^^^^21:31
jd__#action eglynn release python-ceilometerclient as soon as gets in and unblock
jd__#topic Open discussion21:31
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gordcif anyone has time, there's two patches: and
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gordcfirst patch is just the specs...21:33
jd__nah, time to sleep here :)21:33
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jd__gordc: so they're ready?21:33
gordci should warn that the code is size is... large.21:34
gordcjd__, i think its there, probably will change based on feedback.21:34
eglynnnot targeted at h2 surely?21:34
gordci thought we cut it today.21:35
jd__no way for h221:35
jd__h2 is tomorrow morning21:36
eglynngordc: well miletsone-proposed is cut hope to still get in on that21:36
gordcbut yeah, take your time. just thought i'd bring it up. the first patch is just specs so don't let the 2000 lines throw you...its mostly just notes.21:36
gordceglynn, yeah, this would be too big for h2... i don't have enough money to pay you guys to get it in.21:37
eglynngordc: cool :)21:37
gordcbut if you want to do it out of pure kindness... don't let me stop you guys.21:37
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jd__(ending the meeting in a minute)21:39
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jd__see you guys!21:40
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reedanybody here for the community meeting?23:00
fifieldthi reed!23:00
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reed#startmeeting openstack-community23:01
openstackMeeting started Wed Jul 17 23:01:38 2013 UTC.  The chair is reed. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.23:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'openstack_community'23:01
reedalright, let's review the agenda23:01
reed#topic actions from last meeting23:02
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reedfifieldt, you had to dicuss translation of ask at I18N meeting:23:03
fifieldtI did23:03
fifieldtand it was successful23:03
fifieldtthose who are present are taking the task to their communities23:03
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fifieldtI think we should followup soon, though23:04
fifieldtto see how their discussions went23:04
fifieldtspecifically in china, france, japan, korea23:04
fifieldtand possibly spanish language community23:04
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reedgood and from my action item, I asked Evgeny and he says there is no downtime to put new translations live23:04
fifieldtbrilliant :)23:04
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reedI have also added a link to the AskModerators wiki page on Ask.openstack.org23:05
fifieldtgreat :)23:05
reedit's on the right sidebar on the home page and on the answers23:05
reednot ideal still...23:05
reedbut at least it's a bit better23:05
fifieldtiterate to success23:05
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reedyeah, I still think we need more moderators23:06
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fifieldtyes, that would be good23:06
reednext topics?23:06
fifieldtwell, one action item I had was to email the list about these pre/post summit events23:06
fifieldtand I guess that leads into the next discussion23:07
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fifieldtneed we discuss, or are we waiting for JB to chime in as per what Lauren said?23:09
reed#topic  satellite events pre/post summit23:09
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fifieldtso, there was a discussion on the list23:11
fifieldtseveral countries are interested in events23:11
fifieldtbut there remains to be seen what the form of any events will be23:11
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reedright, I think now it's a matter of providing them some suggestions on people to contact and let them take the lead to see what can happen23:12
fifieldtyes, that's a good idea23:12
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reedwe can move to the next topic then :)23:13
reed#topic  evaluate pending issues
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reedi've been working with Evgeny, bitergia and zagile on those23:13
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reedall the bugs are up to date with comments and status23:14
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reedunless there is something outstanding there, I'd move to the next step23:14
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reed#topic  how to help developers consuming API23:15
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reedwas there any progress on this?23:15
fifieldtI think we're going to work on the Getting Started page together at OSCON23:15
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fifieldtthere's also a scoping discussion on the docs list23:15
reedmakes sense23:16
fifieldtI also had a quick look for a Go SDK23:16
fifieldtand was disappointed with the results23:16
fifieldtbut overall progress is slow23:16
fifieldtthere was talk of getting a designer in for docs.openstack.org23:16
fifieldtto make the split between ops and dev better23:16
fifieldtso: "slow progress"23:16
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reednot a problem, as long as there is progress :)23:17
reednext topic?23:18
fifieldtEverett is also coming to OSCON for 1 day23:18
fifieldtso might try to meet then23:18
fifieldtand work at things23:18
reedoh, that's great, we may schedule some time with him then23:18
fifieldtyes, was planning to call on arrival23:18
fifieldtfeel free to do that in advance :)23:19
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reedi'll share my OSCON calendar with you so you can book time with him23:19
reed#topic status report on other projects23:19
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reed#info Ask in Chinese is running on
reed#info the askbot team is working on the theme to improve the language switching tab and the GUI in general23:20
reed#info we need more testing although we have had some already, and the UI needs more translations (currently around 60% done according to transifex)23:21
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reedthat's pretty much it for Askbot in Chinese... I think we're getting ready for a wider deployment, maybe already after OSCON23:22
fifieldtsounds good23:22
reedI think we can launch and keep iterating, improving search results and translations as we go23:23
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reed#info project User Group Portal: contract is under legal review, ETA end of the week23:24
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reedhopefully we'll start development after OSCON realistically23:24
reed#info other project: migration of General mailing list off of Launchpad is slowly proceeding, hit a roadblock, found another volunteer to help, hopefully will pick up more speed23:25
fifieldtgreat news :D23:26
reedI sent an email to the list with a brief update23:26
reedanything else?23:27
sarobim good, thanks for the updates23:29
* fifieldt scratches head23:29
reed#topic various23:29
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fifieldta lot of 3rd birthday celebrations tonight :)23:29
fifieldthope y'all can get to one23:29
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reedI'll throw it out there: I received a couple more requests this past week to advertise projects like the webdav frontend to swift23:30
fifieldteg caimito?23:30
reedand I remembered the project http://stackmeat.org23:30
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fifieldtah, that !23:30
reedfifieldt, right, and another project too... the Java swing UI alternative to horizon23:30
reedpandora I think23:30
fifieldtthat's the one23:31
fifieldtby Peter in HK23:31
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sarobso advertise?23:31
sarobthrough user groups?23:31
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fifieldtadvertise stackmeat?23:31
fifieldtor advertise random projects?23:31
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reedpromote projects that use openstack or build on top of it, improve23:32
reedall the stuff that is on stackforge for example23:32
reedthere are no easy places for them23:33
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fifieldtI like the idea of "X-on-OpenStack" as a concept we should give more attention to23:33
sarobwe have discussed about something like an appstore23:33
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fifieldtthough I worry that the number of Xs will increase by quite  a lot23:33
fifieldtso maybe it's a gradual move from promoting "here's an exciting X" to "here's a place where you can find all the Xs"23:34
sarobquality control?23:34
fifieldtthe former encourages people to build Xs in these 'early days', the latter find ones they can use23:34
reedfifieldt, that's why I mentioned stackmeat: it could be the place where all the X can go23:34
fifieldtI agree sarob, quality is important23:34
fifieldthave a chat to everett about hit vetting process for SDKs23:35
reedsarob, the concept of 'store' needs quality control while the stackmeat approach is more like 'here is a directory, sort it out yourself'23:35
sarobsteakmeat versus stackmeat23:35
* sarob me pun23:35
* fifieldt notes that his flight is delayed 30mins23:36
* reed doesn't get the pun :(23:36
sarobwe can let stackmeat grow, maybe link through, while discussing something like an appstore23:36
sarobid want something like the TC reviewing23:37
reedI wanted to mention it only to start the conversation... i'll pull Marton in it next week... or the week after, better to see what he thinks23:37
sarobrather than apple ;)23:37
fifieldtconversation start: success, I'd say :)23:37
reeddespite who does the review, it's a *lot* of work23:37
sarobyup, maybe the next steps for the refstack fits tests23:38
sarobthere would need to be some kind of automation23:39
reedsarob, are you referring to the SDKs?23:39
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sarobno, test to run through the api and code and return a score23:40
reedon a directory like stackmeat there could be things like chef cookbooks, tools like crowbar... how would refstack test those?23:40
* fifieldt doesn't understand either23:40
sarobif there are 50 apps that can run on top of openstack, how to tell which is quality?23:41
fifieldtdoes it meet its stated purpose well, has it been updated recently, does it install smoothly ...23:42
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reedandroid approach: they all suck, test them all until you find the one that sucks less :)23:42
sarobautomation to validate responses to API could be a way23:42
fifieldtI don't see how that works ...23:42
sarobi call topic rathole23:43
reedwe should probably close the meeting and keep the discussion on #rathole :)23:43
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sarobcould we add a stackmeat link below programs?23:43
* fifieldt should probably go and find out if he's actually getting to USA today23:43
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fifieldtyeah - there's already "other projects" isn't there?23:44
reedsarob, on the wiki page you mean?23:44
sarobif we decide stackmeat is the way to go for other openstack stuff23:44
fifieldtalso, find out who runs stackmeat?23:44
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fifieldtand whether it's still maintained/supported?23:44
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saroblooks like mrmartin23:44
reedyes, if we put stackmeat under the project's arms we may need to find also better places to promote it23:44
sarobmartin kiss23:45
fifieldttoo easy then23:45
sarobmarton kiss23:45
reedok, thanks everybody for the discussion23:45
fifieldtcheers reed, sarob23:45
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openstackMinutes (text):
fifieldtok - I gotta go see what is going on with my flight - might be back online later :)23:45
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