Tuesday, 2023-03-14

knikolla[m]tc-members: 2 more votes required for https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/87478714:32
knikolla[m]This is about requiring openstackci be the sole maintainer of PyPI packages under OpenStack governance.14:32
knikolla[m]tc-members: in the previous TC meeting we didn't talk about scheduling a TC + Community Leaders interaction. I found the previous ones quite useful so we should hold one again in this PTG.14:46
gmannknikolla[m]: yeah, we need to schedule that as part of TC slots. usually Monday works for most of the community leaders which is before start of their project specific discussions slots15:58
knikolla[m]tc-members: I will be unable to chair tomorrow's meeting. JayF agreed to chair it.16:44
bauzaswfm on monday16:58
bauzasalso, in general, we discussed on PTGs Mondays on cross-project efforts 16:58
bauzaslooks to me this cycle this isn't needed... because I guess no proposed cross-project efforts are here16:59
gmannusually QA and other horizontal team have discussion in Monday Tuesday but 2 hrs of leader interaction slot can be adjusted as Monday Tuesday is best possible days to get more attendance 17:04
*** gibi is now known as gibi_pto18:38

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