Monday, 2023-03-13

*** d34dh0r5- is now known as d34dh0r5313:45
knikolla[m]tc-members: please vote on the poll for the new meeting time, effective starting april.
knikolla[m]thank you dansmith for the speedy response :)15:42
elodilleshi TC! the release mgmt team reached the task 'Notify the documentation (Technical Writing SIG - team that it should be safe to apply their process to create the new release series landing pages for'18:55
elodillessince there is no active Technical Writing SIG (as far as I know), I've proposed the required patches:
elodillesthough if you know any other task that should be done, then please let me / the rel mgmt team know18:56
gmannelodilles: thanks, will check18:58
elodillesgmann: thanks in advance!18:59
knikolla[m]i'm sorry for not having yet sent a TC weekly summary. I'm preparing one for tomorrow to go alongside the meeting agenda.19:39

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