Monday, 2018-10-15

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openstackgerritHervé Beraud proposed openstack/project-team-guide master: Using pip as a python module
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mriedemmnaser: so people are having problems with the upgrade-checkers stuff huh?14:23
mriedemi wonder what the intersection is of people that have questions and people that have actually asked me questions14:24
* smcginnis imagines two separate circles on the venn diagram14:26
* TheJulia imagines a third circle where people haven't even gotten started on it yet14:28
* TheJulia goes and stands in that third circle14:28
lbragstadi think we *just* added oslo-upgradecheck to g-r14:29
* cdent gives TheJulia a cake14:31
mriedemlbragstad: we did14:31
TheJuliacdent: oooohhh ahhhhh14:31
lbragstadyeah - nice... i just recheck our implementation, which should be in the clear now14:32
smcginnisI was waiting on that for the cinder work that I just submitted this morning.14:32
mriedemso was slaweq for neutron14:32
mriedemi'm just trying to gauge how concerned i should be14:32
mriedemlike, do i need to spend a day making educational slides and a video or what14:32
smcginnisI think now that there are a few examples, that might be a good base for others to take a look at and copy.14:33
smcginnisFor the most part, the base framework is pretty generic.14:33
lbragstadalso - i'd be curious to hear who needs the help14:33
smcginnisThe more difficult part is deciding what and how to check things.14:33
lbragstadthen i can carve out a few hours to give them a hand14:34
smcginnismriedem: Maybe offer to have an "office hour" in #openstack-dev for this?14:34
lbragstadif you schedule one - i'll attend and take a stab at proprosing patches that add the scaffolding to projects14:37
evrardjpmriedem: blog post?14:38
mriedemthere is already docs,14:39
mriedemand a story,14:39
mriedemso i don't see how a blog post with the same words is going to clarify any confusion14:39
evrardjpit's on one place.14:39
evrardjpyou can explain that differently.14:40
mriedemthe story links to the docs :)14:40
mriedemif anything i think it needs to be a forum if people are super confused14:40
mriedemnot The Forum (tm) mind you14:40
lbragstadwhat about a mini sprint?14:41
mriedemit's been a couple of years since i've been agile14:42
evrardjpI should not have laughed there.14:43
mriedemlbragstad: as in, "everyone that is working on these, do it the first week of november?" or something?14:43
mriedemwe're getting close enough to the forum and with enough projects not started, i wonder if there is room for a slot about this for Q&A14:43
smcginnisI wonder how difficult it would be to script up the scaffolding addition. That seemed to work well for Doug with the python3-first work.14:48
lbragstadyeah - essentially an hour dedicated to getting the scaffolding done and reviewing those patches14:49
lbragstadreview, respin, and merge14:49
lbragstadthen, it might be easier to have conversations about what qualifies as an upgrade check if people have that step done14:52
* lbragstad shrugs14:52
zanebmriedem: at the risk of misinterpreting mnaser, I'm not sure that there is a problem with implementing the upgrade checker goal per se. but a concern that I and others expressed at the PTG is that multiple goals have been approved before we had turn-key instructions for implementing them14:55
zanebin the case of WSGI the instructions changed after some people had implemented it. perhaps that case was just bad luck14:56
zanebbut the question for me is how can we make sure that stuff is in place and locked down before we ask the whole community to do it in future14:56
cdentare we really expecting these things to be cookie cutters with recipes? Or is the spirit of the goal more important?14:57
zanebit depends, I think14:58
mriedemlocking down what 50+ different projects need to do with differeing levels of activity and maturity for different goals is going to be hard to lay out14:58
mriedemcdent: i certainly don't ^14:58
lbragstadthe variability in implementations across openstack is going to make that turn-key implementation tough14:58
zanebthere's no cookie-cutter recipe for mox removal, to cite mriedem's favourite example ;)14:58
cdentmriedem: I suspect we agree on this14:58
evrardjpcdent: openstack is not a place for cookie-cuttering many things I am afraid14:59
mriedemunless the goal is so dead simple like mox removal, but then it's not really a worthy goal either14:59
mriedemzaneb: you beat me to it :)14:59
mriedemso who is the glance liaison from the tc? because i haven't had a response to yet14:59
mriedemi'm trying to help projects by going over their release notes to identify check-worthy things and those are documented per project task in the story15:00
lbragstadthat would be me15:00
zanebmriedem: liaisons are being reassigned as we speak after the TC election15:00
lbragstadi just put my name down a few days ago actually15:00
mriedembut i need help from the maintainers of those projects to tell me i'm way off the mark15:00
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lbragstadmriedem rosmaita is going to reply to your email15:23
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mriedemlbragstad: thanks15:53
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cdentzaneb: is there pending state on the tech vision statement?17:09
zanebcdent: I have a couple of additions ready to go up. I'm also working on emails to every team to explain what the vision means to them. I'm expecting to encounter some more gaps in the process of writing them17:11
zaneb(additions so far are the GUI goal + Jay's section on regions)17:11
cdentzaneb: cool, just wanted to check in as i was away and sort of out of the loop17:15
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TheJuliattx: (or any other foundation folks that are aware): When can we expect the summit schedule to be updated with forum sessions beyond project updates?17:27
smcginnisTheJulia: I think Jimmy was planning on finalizing an initial Forum schedule draft today.17:29
TheJuliasmcginnis: ahh, good to know17:31
smcginnisTheJulia: And as I said that, just got a draft in my inbox. Should be final soon then.17:31
TheJuliasmcginnis: \o/17:33
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kmallocso, i just saw a bunch of "change py35 to py37 on stien+", i worry that if we drop testing for py35, we might sneak in py36/37-specific code. i am unaware of our overall python version targets.18:09
kmalloci wanted to raise this with the TC to make sure we are properly communicating python versions and ensuring we aren't adding in incompatible code with supported versions of the code.18:10
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kmallocso tentative -1 on those mechanical changes for keystone until the overall python version targets are clarified for me.18:12
zanebkmalloc: so that change is wrong to me, because we explicitly said we were not going to drop 3.518:12
kmalloczaneb: cool.18:12
kmallocthat confirms my view.18:12
kmallocdon't get me wrong, i'd love to get 36/37 only code18:13
* zaneb looks for the reference18:13
kmallocthe annotations are amazing18:13
zanebright, but we don't know yet what will be in centos818:13
zanebkmalloc: reference:
zaneb"We do not plan to update the minimum version of python 3 we support as part of this goal. Projects already running python 3.5 jobs should continue to do so."18:14
kmallochitting these with -218:14
TheJuliakmalloc: thanks!18:15
kmallocTheJulia: i am hitting the keystone ones with -2 (and olso things we control)18:16
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kmallocbuit wanted to be sure everyone saw it.18:16
* TheJulia nods18:16
fungizaneb: kmalloc: how are we not dropping py35? unless we're going to declare not-latest lts of ubuntu our new target for stein?18:17
fungidropping py35 had nothing to do with python3 work, and everything to do with switching our default testing platform from xenial to bionic in stein18:17
kmallocfungi: i know we can install py35 on a 18.04 base, and can help to do so.18:17
kmallocso my concern is really the material changes in the python language between 35 and 35+18:18
kmallocthere is a number of things that are incompat, and if we drop py27 near-ish term (iirc will happen)18:18
kmallocit means we must also say py35 is not compat.18:18
zanebfungi: many projects don't even support 3.6 yet, so if we drop 3.5 now there's no guarantee that we can even ship an OpenStack that runs on a single python18:18
fungiup to now we haven't declared support for specific python versions. we've declared support for specific platforms18:18
fungizaneb: should we give up supporting latest ubuntu lts then?18:19
* TheJulia feels really sad that we're having this discussion and some distributions still only package python 3.418:19
zanebit is a goal for Stein to get everyone onto 3.618:19
kmalloci think we should declare python version support. i know i'm not on the TC, but that feels more correct than "distro" support.18:19
fungiTheJulia: which distributions package python 3.4? we declare that we will make sure openstack works on latest rhel (we substitute centos for licensing reasons) and latest ubuntu lts18:20
kmallocjust like we need to revisit mordred's patch for mysql version support18:20
kmallocwe need to be better about delcaring minimums.18:20
TheJuliafungi: centos718:20
fungiTheJulia: centos doesn't package python3 at all18:20
* kmalloc feels this is a bigger discussion18:20
kmallocfungi: i can remove the -2's when i am back from lunch18:20
TheJuliakmalloc: indeed18:21
kmallocif we really need to move py35->py3718:21
fungikmalloc: if we're going to declare support for specific python versions, we should be building our own from source. distros have their own non-upstream patches in their python packages18:21
TheJuliafungi: I feel like I've been able to pull 3.4 out of their updates repo, but its fuzzy right now in my memory18:21
* TheJulia blames cold meds18:22
fungiwe don't need to move from 3.5 to 3.7... we need to move from 3.5 (xenial) to 3.6 (bionic) but there's also a package of 3.7 in bionic some people want to test against for some additional safety18:22
kmallocand we have 36 testing18:22
kmallocso, i would like to set forth the timeline we support a python version, if it is "while the testing platform is bionic" we set the timeline for that18:23
fungithe overlap in testing with 3.5 and 3.6 was supposed to be temporary while we were dropping jobs on xenial and adding jobs on bionic18:23
kmallocor such, but declaring the minimum python for openstack (similar to other packaged deps) really is important and i'm surprised we have gotten away with this as long as we have18:23
mordredkmalloc: well, so far the min has been "2.7"18:24
kmallocmordred: right but with us moving to py3 consistently, i think we need to represent a minimum for py318:24
lbragstadkmalloc we should let coreyb know then?18:24
mordredmy understanding was that min for py3 was 3.518:24
lbragstadhe has changes up to several repositories for py3718:25
kmallocmordred: that was my understanding as well, which is why i hit the patches owned by keystone with -2s18:25
TheJuliamordred: likewise18:25
mordred <-- lists 3.5 specifically18:25
kmalloc'll be back post lunch18:25
kmallocand will followup.18:25
fungii think the expectation was we would update whenever the default python on those platforms changed18:25
kmallocsorry to raise the flag and run off.18:25
* mordred throws bunnies at kmalloc18:25
kmallocmordred: i see you got the keys to the zoo back.18:25
funginone of this is chiseled in stone for the release under development18:25
* mordred is super excited about bumping that to 3.6 fwiw18:26
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coreycblbragstad: hi o/18:26
lbragstaddiscussion started here -
mordredand would TOTALLY support bumping it to 3.7 and dropping support for all other versions of python - but that's just me saying crazy words18:26
zanebmordred: baby steps18:27
coreycbi think dhellmann is out on leave, and i've only had back-channel  discussions with him on this18:27
zanebit seems like we're running two parallel processes that are out of sync18:28
coreycbzaneb: yes i can see that, the py37 bits are new and not part of the python3-first initiative18:29
zanebon one hand, the goals process that is trying to get everyone to 3.5 + 3.6 by the end of Stein; and on the other infra's regular switch to the latest Ubuntu LTS18:29
lbragstad^ that's why i asked coreycb about the python3.7 stuff as it pertains to the community goal18:29
fungizaneb: infra is not "regularly" switching any longer. not their responsibility to make sure openstack lives up to its claims as to what platforms it tests on18:29
coreycblbragstad: it would be good to get a +1 from the tc. how would that be done?18:30
fungiif we, as openstack, fail to transition testing off xenial and onto bionic this cycle that's an openstack problem not an infra problem18:30
lbragstadcoreycb well - this is a good first step18:30
lbragstadthat or raising this during office-hours would be a good idea, too18:31
fungia good second step would be to take this discussion to the ml18:31
lbragstad+1 ^18:31
lbragstadarguable a good first step, too18:31
coreycbok there's already a thread there but the subject may need updating to mention dropping of py3.518:31
zanebfungi: ok, so let me amend that second bit to "OpenStack's stated goal to support the latest Ubuntu LTS"18:31
fungibecause the visibility of this irc channel is significantly less than that of the -dev ml18:31
clarkbnote that part of the motivation for disconnecting infra from the update process was the pain involved in doing the xenial switch. Many projects were unhappy about it18:32
clarkbI'd prefer that the project(s) own it themselves as a result18:32
fungii'm perfectly fine if we decide we're going to to target ubuntu previous lts instead of current lts, but may make things increasingly harder for people who are trying to install/package for "modern" distributions18:33
zanebso am I right in thinking that if we switch 3.6 jobs to Bionic and keep 3.5 jobs on Xenial, there is no conflict between these two processes?18:33
fungithe 3.6 jobs are already on bionic18:33
zanebeven better :)18:33
fungiwhat python version we use for jobs today is generally selected by proxy, choosing a particular distro and using the python it supplies18:34
cmurphythis discussion was already started on the ml fwiw
cmurphykmalloc: ^18:34
fungiso, yes, if we can get everyone who is running python3.5-based jobs to also run then on 3.6 then we meet the requirements we've established, but at the expense of running twice as many jobs as we used to18:35
clarkbright and 3.7 is of interest because it changes enough stuff that things don't work and various individuals have noticed and asked that we test it more explicitly so we aren't caught unawares later18:35
zanebnot sure I agree it's chosen by proxy. all of the job names include the python version, as mordred pointed out explicitly lists the python versions we support, and updating to a new python version has been a community-wide goal on two occasions18:35
clarkbzaneb: its been based on the distros we support18:36
fungithe reason the job names include py3x today is a reflection of the option that's passed to tox -e, but it still needs to be the python provided by the selected distro image18:37
fungior we need to start building our own python18:38
* mordred happily uses pyenv locally - but that's a much larger can of worms18:38
mordredyah, it's at least bounded by the distros we support. like - I think we have the python3 min of 3.5 set because of xenial, but once things have migrated to bionic I could see bumping the py3 min to 3.618:38
* zaneb has all of the pythons installed in Fedora18:39
mordredalternately, we could choose to bump the min and by-proxy need to change the distro support policy - it's all policies under TC control after all :)18:39
fungii personally build python from source at most recent tags for 3.4.x, 3.5.x, 3.6.x, 3.7.x and master (for future 3.8) and test changes for my own software against all of them (3.3 is eol and unable to build on debian sid due to needing older libraries than are available), but that would be a lot of jobs for openstack _and_ is no guarantee that testing against our own python builds is representative of18:39
fungihow the code will run on distro-patched-and-packaged python versions18:39
mordredfungi: I seem to remember backports of py3 things into py2 in distros a while back18:39
clarkbfungi: right and historically we've seen multiple cases where distro python differed from python python and not testing on it would've led to openstack being completely broken on $distro18:40
clarkbmordred: that and the broken python3 on ubuntu multiple times in the past18:40
fungiif we recommend users build their own python from source and run openstack with that, then testing with python built from source makes sense. if we recommend users install openstack on a distro and run it with the distro's packaged python interpreter, i think that's also what we should test18:40
clarkbits actually valuable to test what people will run with18:40
coreycbi would love to see more proactive testing on newer pythons. i'm sure python3.8 will be here soon18:40
mordredpart of the issue is that we have folks with unittests that take 30-40 minutes - so a matrix of 4 versions of python3 becomes sort of ludicrously expensive18:41
clarkbI'm also no sure there is much value in testing intermediate pythons18:42
zanebcoreycb: yeah, the original sin here is that we were way too slow in getting to 3.618:42
clarkbparticularly while we support python218:42
coreycbzaneb: yes but we can catch up ! :)18:42
mordredfor those with quick unittests like keystoneauth and openstacksdk, one could do a single job that tests 2.7,3.5,3.6,3.7 in the same amount of time as a single unittest run for some projects18:42
clarkbtest the boundaries and the stuff in the middle will largely be ok because python2 prevents you from using the fancy new features anyway18:42
mordredmaybe we should put together a job that _can_ do a 4-in-one that people could use if they're interested in the coverage and it wouldn't otherwise kill them to have unittets run 4x as long18:43
mordredclarkb: but yes - I also agree with that - testing only 3.7 seems fine if 2.7 is also being tested, because the surface area of "will be broken in 3.5 but work on both 2.7 and 3.7" is microscopic18:44
mordredbut now we're getting in to a big mush area18:44
clarkbcoreycb: has the python release cadence picked up speed? seems like precise was 3.3. trusty was 3.4. Xenial 3.5 and bionic 3.6 but now less than a year after bionic release we are talking 3.6?18:44
clarkber talking 3.818:44
mordredclarkb: it does seem like it has increased doesn't it?18:44
coreycbclarkb: i'd have to check but i have heard something about 3.8 for 20.0418:45
zanebprobably because python core team is not paying much attention to 2.7 any more, they can move faster18:45
coreycbhey the good news is is a 404 so far18:47
clarkbif we want a minimum that doesn't follow particular release cadence of a distro then 3.5 seems reasonable as you get a bunch of the new good stuff that you can't use in python2 yet while still having access to things like the dict rewrite iirc18:50
clarkbthen when python2 support is dropped you can make use of newer features without major rewrites or worrying about old python318:50
coreycbis it worth polling distros to see what versions they need, at least for stein?18:51
clarkbpossibly? though on stein you can still python2 as a fallback18:51
clarkbtrain might be the important one for python3 version support and testing18:52
coreycbclarkb: right, but at least in our case we won't be using 3.5 for stein. 2.7, 3.6 and 3.7 will be our options.18:52
coreycbactually I think we are dropping py2 packages in stein. hopefully.18:53
smcginniscoreycb: No, the plan was to prepare in stein, then look at T to drop. We can't drop 2 in stein.18:58
coreycbsmcginnis: sorry i wasn't specific enough, i'm talking about ubuntu specifically.18:58
smcginnisFWIW, I though the whole drop 3.5, pick up 3.6 adn 3.7 was all discussed on the ML thread a couple weeks ago by now we few objections.18:58
smcginniscoreycb: Oh, sorry. Was just trying to speed read to catch up on all the chatter over my lunch break.18:59
coreycbsmcginnis: yes there's a thread, cmurphy linked it above18:59
coreycbsmcginnis: no problem :)18:59
zanebcoreycb: replied on the mailing list19:00
coreycbzaneb: thanks19:02
openstackgerritCorey Bryant proposed openstack/governance master: Add optional python3.7 unit test enablement to python3-first
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TheJuliacoreycb: But someone will see that 404 in the logs, and think it is a suggestion.... *blink* *blink* :)19:36
coreycbTheJulia: oops sorry :)19:36
mordredcoreycb: ++ to dropping py27 packages in ubuntu19:58
mordredcoreycb: if someone wants to 'apt-get install openstack-nova' - it seems completely legit for that to only install nova with python3.7 - and a great way to get people on to 3 who otherwise might be scared off19:59
mordredsmcginnis: oh wow - we're actually considering dropping 2 in T? that would make me SO happy20:00
smcginnismordred: I'm looking forward to when we can actually do that too.20:00
mordredsmcginnis: especially if we can be on 3.6 as a min when we do20:00
mordredcause 3.6 has some really nice bits it would be wonderful to be able to use20:01
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notmynameif I have a question about the berlin schedule, who should I talk to?20:48
TheJulianotmyname: jamesmcarthur most likely...20:50
clarkbnotmyname: there is adev list thread too20:51
notmynamethanks. I found a summit@ email address20:57
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kmalloccoreycb, zaneb: removed my -2 from the keystone py3.7 patches. i am confident we'll get this covered in the TC resolutioin.21:38
kmallocand followups from there21:38
kmalloccheers and thanks!21:38
kmallocmordred: i would love ot be on just py36 [or just py37]21:38
kmallocmordred: i would *love* some of the annotation bits and that dicts are guaranteed ordered, etc, etc.21:39
* kmalloc still thinks we should be calling out [even if it's driven by testing infrastructure] the binary minimums (and in the case of python 3x minmum even if we still say 27 is minimum python version)21:40
coreycbkmalloc: thanks. I believe we've workflow -1'd all reviews until the tc review is resolved so that will block them for now.21:40
clarkbkmalloc: the annotations are in 3.5 iirc21:40
kmalloccoreycb: yup.21:40
smcginniskmalloc: It does seem like we should publish those official versions per release somewhere. Maybe somewhere on
kmallocclarkb: the annotations are, but in 36 there is expanded annotations that are super super super nice21:41
kmallocsmcginnis: ++++++++21:41
clarkband ordered dicts seem wrong even if cpython supports them. They could jsut as easily change it yet again21:41
kmallocclarkb: in 37, the language spec is that dicts are ordered21:41
kmallocin cpython 3.6 they happen to be21:41
clarkbkmalloc: ah ok I know that the implementation changed to make it the case but didn't know the lang spec says it now too21:42
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kmallocyeah :)21:42
kmallocsince the implementation in 36 was a good change(tm), it was included as part of the spec for 37 aiui21:42
kmallocit doesn't cost a lot of extra mem to track the order of keys/values, but still get fast hash-table lookups.21:42
clarkbkmalloc: that wasn't the issue that made python3 change to unordred by default. THe problems were security related not performance. In particular determining hash collisions through lookup times and what they could tell you about random seeds iirc21:43
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openstackgerritCorey Bryant proposed openstack/governance master: Add optional python3.7 unit test enablement to python3-first
openstackgerritCorey Bryant proposed openstack/governance master: Add optional python3.7 unit test enablement to python3-first
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* ttx still in China, meeting with various companies today (including around the office hour time) -- will discuss further developer engagement23:52
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