Tuesday, 2013-09-24

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annegentledoc team meeting in here in 10 minutes12:50
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annegentleLet's get started!13:00
annegentle#startmeeting DocTeamMeeting13:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Sep 24 13:00:53 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is annegentle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.13:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'docteammeeting'13:00
annegentleI think I spell it differently each time, sigh.13:01
annegentleOk, Agenda is at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/DocTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting13:01
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annegentle#topic Action items review13:01
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annegentle#link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/docteammeeting/2013/docteammeeting.2013-08-28-13.01.html13:01
annegentleLet's see. I clarified our reviewing policy13:01
annegentlelet me find the link for archiving/notes13:02
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annegentle#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/HowTo#Reviewing_Documentation13:02
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annegentleThat was all the action items.13:03
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annegentle#topic Admin guides13:03
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annegentleJust bringing up admin guides so we all have the status13:03
nerminahello all13:03
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annegentleNermina (who will be here soon) completed the patch to move the Networking Admin guide13:03
annegentleOh hi nermina!13:03
nerminahey :)13:04
annegentleMove the Networking Admin guide content into all the other places (install, config, admin)13:04
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annegentleThank you nermina! That was a pile of work13:04
nerminano problem!13:04
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annegentleAny other reports on admin guides? I also did a redirect from /trunk/openstack-compute/admin13:05
AJaegerSo, shall we remove the networking guide from publishing and docs.o.o?13:05
annegentleradsy: go13:05
annegentleAJaeger: yes13:05
AJaegerannashen, give me that action item13:05
annegentle#action AJaeger to remove Networking Admin Guide builds and links13:05
AJaegerI meant annegentle instead of annashen ;(13:05
annegentleAJaeger: yeah that happens more often than not! :)13:05
nerminastill need to consolidate advanced features tho Diane has confirmed that the current version is fresher13:06
annegentleradsy: oh sorry did you have a question or were you just waving? :)13:06
radsyjust waving:)13:06
annegentlenermina: yep okay13:06
annegentleradsy: o/ <--- I'll wave back then! :)13:06
annegentlenermina: ok, what's a time estimate for consolidating the advanced sections?13:07
nerminait could go away today, i just need to confirm the state13:07
annegentlenermina: ok great13:07
annegentleOkay any more Qs on admin guides? There are just two with "admin" in the title - the Cloud Administration Guide and the Admin User Guide13:08
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sgordoni think the distinction in terms of content is fairly clear13:08
annegentleThanks for all the hard work on the consolidation - nermina, dianefleming, AJaeger13:08
annegentlesgordon: yeah I like how it shaped up13:08
dianeflemingOh, i have a comment -13:09
nerminathank you annegentle13:09
annegentledianefleming: sure13:09
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dianeflemingI think the Cloud Administration Guide is titled "Cloud Administrators Guide," but it should be "Cloud Administrator Guide" (IMO) - so it mimics the "User Guide" and "Admin User Guide" (singular audience User, Administrator, etc.)13:09
annegentledianefleming: ok, I agree, nermina, sgordon, AJaeger, what do you all think?13:10
nerminadianefleming: i noticed the discrepancy too and could fix it when i put in compute and dashboard edits from smes13:10
AJaegerthe book is called "OpenStack Cloud Administration Guide"13:10
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AJaegerbut yes, /trunk/index.html says differently.13:11
AJaegerLet'S agree on one name13:11
nerminajust need your votes, annegentle, dianefleming, ajaeger, sgordon, and all13:11
sgordonnermina, i dont have a strong opinion on this one13:12
sgordon(shocking i know)13:12
AJaegerI agree with dianefleming for consistency of the titles - Administrator13:12
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radsy+1 Administrator13:12
nermina+1 administrator13:12
EmilienM+1 administrator13:13
nerminathanks emilienm13:13
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nerminaall, sounds like administrator it is13:14
* NickChase disagrees but he was late and didn't hear the arguments so he'll be quiet. :)13:14
EmilienMNickChase: go ahead !13:14
annegentle#agree Cloud Administrator Guide title change13:15
dianeflemingthere were no arguments13:15
annegentledianefleming: can you do the patch?13:15
annegentle#action dianefleming to patch Cloud Administrator Guide for new title13:15
AJaegerdianefleming, I'm patching index.html already13:15
annegentleOk, on to install guide(s)?13:15
NickChaseIt's ok, I'm not that intense on it.13:15
annegentle#topic Install guides13:15
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annegentleDoh, no shaunm this morning.13:15
annegentleI've been asking him to patch what he's got, but it sounds like it's such a major rewrite he's struggling with a single patch13:16
annegentleI'll keep asking today for him to see how we can split up the work13:16
sgordonmy concern with that is that we're less than a month out13:16
annegentlesgordon: oh yes me too13:16
sgordonand it's very hard for anybody else to contribute13:16
sgordonif there is no base :)13:16
annegentlesgordon: what can we do?13:16
sgordoni think he just needs to commit what he has13:16
NickChaseis there any way someone else can help him?13:16
sgordon"commit early and often"13:16
annegentlesgordon: yeah I agree13:16
nerminai'd be happy to help13:17
annegentlenermina: great.13:17
annegentleAnd I'm willing too13:17
annegentleone idea is that we could each take an architecture13:17
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annegentleI could take the Obj. Storage + Identity13:17
annegentlefor example13:17
annegentleOk let's talk to Shaun today13:18
annegentle#action annegentle discuss Install patches with Shaun13:18
annegentle#topic Standards for reviews13:18
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annegentleThis came up in a review where Diane had done a lot of copyediting/cleanup.13:19
annegentleAnd I wanted to discuss here13:19
AJaegerI agree with sgordon here.13:19
annegentletom's not here to talk about his position13:19
AJaegerI would like to add more openSUSE information13:19
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annegentleAJaeger: yeah and you feel like the install's "blocked" right?13:20
dianeflemingeveryone seems okay with establishing writing standards, but there was controversy about whether we should standardize on a specific version of english (en-US, en-AU, etc.)13:20
annegentleAJaeger: I'm in total agreement13:20
annegentledianefleming: thanks was trying to summarize and that's a good summary13:20
AJaegerannegentle, yes, I feel blocked13:20
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nerminacan you provide some detail?13:21
sgordonthe suggestion was that we standardize on en-US13:21
annegentlenermina: Sure, basically, we should all write to the conventions, but then the question was, what about comma placement, spelling, for regional differences?13:21
sgordontom and my position was that this wouldn't resolve many of the issues noted13:21
sgordonwhich impact any dialect13:21
annegentleyep sgordon13:22
NickChasewhat kind of issues?13:22
sgordon(and are also already conventions in many cases, but not always followed)13:22
sgordontense, latinisms13:22
dianeflemingCorrect - that wouldn't resolve other issues, but I think it doesn't look good to have a single book written in several dialects13:22
AJaegerSorry, I need to leave for a meeting - I'll try to be back as soon as possible13:22
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nerminahmm, i think the simpler the better13:22
sgordonthe actual example was whether to put commas inside or outside quotation marks13:22
annegentle#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/46811/13:22
dianeflemingand I don't see the harm on standardizing on en-US - but perhaps I'm missing something13:23
sgordonbut that was ultimately resolved with markup of the values i think (instead of quotations)13:23
dianeflemingthat and spelling differences13:23
nerminamost of the world puts them outside13:23
NickChaseI think that it would be good to standardize -- at a lower priority than actual content13:23
annegentleMy thinking is we need to ensure reviewers and writers know we write to conventions.13:23
annegentleBut yes, the priority is what trips people up.13:23
NickChasebasically I think that spelling "colorise" with an "s" shouldn't block a merge.13:24
annegentleI don't think we're (yet) prioritizing copying editing over content creation.13:24
dianeflemingi just want to establish what our standards are, versus cleaning up the books to meet those standards - it's more about future contributions. if people know what's expected, they can meet the standards13:24
sgordonmy contention is that many of these things are already part of the standards we are supposed to be following13:24
NickChaseif someone has time to go back and fix it, great.13:24
annegentleNickChase: heh you're in Tom's and Steve's camp.13:24
sgordonso i dont see how adding en-US as a standard will change those issues getting through13:24
NickChaseOnly because I've been in their shoes, in reverse.13:24
annegentleNickChase: which shoes? the editor's?13:24
NickChaseThe writer's.13:24
NickChaseI write for English pubs13:25
dianeflemingit won't change those issues getting through13:25
NickChaseand I sometimes get dinged for "Americanisms"13:25
dianeflemingbut it will give people guidelines13:25
NickChasethat's my point; as long as it doesn't block a change, I'm for standardization.13:25
NickChaseif someone has time to fix it, great.13:25
dianeflemingso if someone provides edits on a review, they can justify their suggestions13:25
sgordonas i said though, they already have guidelines on most of the issues you noted in that email because they are non-dialect dependent13:25
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annegentleNickChase: I think we might as well review to a standard and patch it before it gets into the repo if needed13:25
annegentledianefleming: right that's my thinking as well13:26
dianefleming@nickchase I agree13:26
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annegentleWe need to be able to point to a standard, our Conventions page could just say "we review for en-US" and that would be enough I think.13:26
NickChase@annegentle if you're saying it's a target, then I agree.  If you're saying it's hard-and-fast-must-be-followed-or-else rule, then I disagree. :)13:26
annegentleWorth a try anyway, I do defer to sgordon on this though if you see more mish-mash13:26
annegentleNickChase: eh, I'm never a hard-and-fast :)13:27
NickChaseAnneGentle:  Then I agree. :)13:27
annegentleNickChase: but I do feel a need to set a bar, we've done a ton of cleanup, let's not degrade.13:27
nerminait's unfair to have it to en-us but then you have to have some kind of standard13:27
dianeflemingit can't be hard and fast because this gate is a human gate! it's not automated13:27
annegentleTom also said that he doesn't think translators need it, does anyone else have an opinion about affect on translators?13:27
sgordoni think the impact of en-US versus en-XX is minimal for translators13:28
annegentle("it" being en-us or en-gb)13:28
sgordonobviously tense, voice etc. do have an impact13:28
sgordonbut as we stated that's not really down to the particular dialect used13:28
NickChaseI don't think they need it either13:28
annegentlesgordon: okay, yeah I'm sure colloquial speech is tougher than ize or ise13:28
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nerminaannegentle: depends if the translator is en-gb. they may be more set in their writing/editing ways13:29
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annegentleOk, anyone want to propose what we can agree on for standards? My 2 drafts would be:13:29
annegentle1. Standardize on our /Conventions/ page and add en-us, review to those standards, patch as needed.13:29
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annegentlehm. It's the or I'm not sure of. sgordon what would be the alternative?13:30
sgordoni dont know that it's necessarily an or13:30
annegentlesgordon: okay13:31
sgordoni think regardless of whether standardizing on dialect or not13:31
NickChaseI think you need to just add "if feasible" to the end and you're good13:31
annegentleNickChase: seems fair enough. dianefleming what do you think?13:31
NickChasebecause you don't want people who aren't confident in their own brand of en-US to feel like they can't review13:31
sgordonthere needs to be *some* focus in the review pipeline on the issues noted in the conventions13:31
dianeflemingthat sounds fine -13:31
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annegentleit feels never feasible against an install guide that's not done, but sigh.13:31
sgordonwhich i would argue currently there is not to a degree13:31
dianeflemingi don't want to discourage contributors in any way!13:31
annegentlesgordon: yes13:31
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annegentleOk I'm just going to add the Conventions to the reviewers guidelines13:32
dianeflemingi'm just a nit picker and it drives me nuts to see a word spelled differently in a single paragraph....:)13:32
annegentle#action annegentle to add Conventions to the reviewers guidelines13:32
dianeflemingwhich i have seen!13:32
annegentledianefleming: yes and it's why you're a damn good writer13:32
annegentleI left translation status on the agenda but I don't know of any13:33
annegentle#topic Translation status13:33
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annegentleI dont' know of any updates or news, anyone else?13:33
sgordonnegative, i havent heard anything13:33
annegentleOk moving on13:33
annegentle#topic Doc tools update13:33
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* sgordon makes a note he probably should be attending their meetings too13:33
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annegentlesgordon: yeah theirs are in my evening so I haven't made it to a single one yet.13:34
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annegentlesgordon: but it would be great if you can try to get to some13:34
annegentleOk, we do have 1.10.0 Maven plugin available. dianefleming and I are doing a test blitz of all outputs Friday13:34
annegentleI will pick what we should standardize on for the release once we get some testing done13:34
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annegentle1.10.0 has some issues for the API reference page13:35
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sgordonis there any intent to use the olink functionality for this release at this point?13:35
dianeflemingyes, i plan to write a test plan before the testing13:35
annegentlesgordon: no not for havana13:35
annegentledianefleming: awesome13:35
sgordonok cool13:35
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annegentleoh and do look at the new doc bug functionality David's adding13:36
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nerminapretty cool that13:36
annegentle#link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-docs/2013-September/002855.html13:36
nerminashaunm is here. hi shaunm!13:36
annegentlewhat do you all think about having an "lp" icon for logging a bug?13:36
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shaunmhi nermina13:37
annegentleshaunm: hey -- let's switch to install guide13:37
sgordonmy only concern would be whether all readers necessarily will recognize that13:37
sgordonbut given they have to have an lp account to successfully log a bug anyway13:37
sgordonim not sure that is an issue13:37
annegentlesgordon: yeah good point, and we may be switching off of LP someday13:37
shaunman icon instead of text?13:37
nerminaannegentle: bug icon!13:37
annegentlenermina: I thought of that too!13:37
sgordonyeah a more generic bug icon with appropriate alt text13:37
sgordonmight be better13:37
annegentleshaunm: to match the PDF and RSS icons in the grey bar13:37
annegentleshaunm: moves it to the top (for visibility)13:38
nerminalove this functionality! brilliant!13:38
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annegentlesgordon: is yours text only, and placed at the bottom of the page?13:38
sgordonat the end of each <section>13:38
annegentlesgordon: okay I was trying to find a link yesterday13:38
sgordonso depending on chunking may be more than one time a page13:39
annegentlesgordon: oh huh. Hm.13:39
shaunmI suspect text-only at the bottom of the page would get noticed more than an icon in the header bar. I could be wrong. I'm often wrong.13:39
sgordonit's a long story but it's in some but not all of our guides atm13:39
annegentleshaunm: yeah David's thinking was to keep it near Disqus comments.13:39
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annegentleshaunm: but then Sam had another idea13:39
dianeflemingDo we need the Disqus comments?13:39
annegentledianefleming: Ideally we'll move to the ask.openstack.org threads instead!13:40
dianeflemingCouldn't we just put a link to that and get rid of disqus?13:40
annegentledianefleming: but I don't have someone to do that design/integration13:40
annegentledianefleming: that's not a bad idea, what do you all think?13:40
annegentledianefleming: some people are solving problems in the comments, but it still usually comes back to a doc bug13:41
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sgordoni think dropping the disqus might be appropriate13:41
dianeflemingyeah, if it's a doc bug (or a dev bug), it should be a bug. for general questions, ask.openstack.org should be good - but i don't know13:41
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sgordonpotentially as well as report a bug you could add a link to ask.openstack.org13:41
annegentleI wonder if we could link to ask.openstack.org13:42
annegentlesgordon: heh.13:42
annegentleand then do real integration later13:42
sgordonembedding ask.openstack.org directly in the page (like disqus is now) will be more time consuming13:42
annegentlesgordon: yep13:42
nerminaannegentle: if the link to ask also scooped in the section name or otherwise reduced the amount of typing13:42
sgordonbut for now a link might do the trick13:42
annegentlenermina: oh yeah true13:42
NickChaseI'm for the link; I'm for anything that increases Ask's traffic.13:42
sgordonthat is effectively what it does for the bug link13:43
sgordonso i am sure the same can be done for ask13:43
sgordon(pre-populate the title)13:43
annegentleNickChase: sgordon: yep I bet so.13:43
NickChaseNot sure prepopulating the title is good, though13:43
annegentleanyone want to investigate further?13:43
NickChasebecause then we wind up with people not thinking about what the title should actually be13:43
annegentleNickChase: I wouldn't want a flood on ask13:43
NickChaseno, no, not a flood, of course.13:43
annegentleNickChase: right and it would not be 'a question"13:43
NickChaseannegentle: exactly13:44
annegentleI think it's worth further investigation. I have Todd Morey working on a new design, and I think part of my reqeust was ask integration.13:44
annegentleI'll follow up with Todd.13:44
NickChaseif we leave the title unpopulated it forces people to think about whether this is really appropriate for ask.13:44
annegentleNickChase: true13:44
annegentleOk let's circle back to install guide13:44
annegentle#topic Install guide status13:44
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annegentleshaunm: What can we do to help? What can you do to push us pieces?13:45
annegentleshaunm: we're all feeling a bit blocked13:46
shaunmannegentle: did you get a chance to look over the diff I sent yesterday?13:46
annegentleshaunm: hm, how'd you send it?13:46
shaunmemail, as a git diff13:46
annegentleshaunm: ok found it13:46
annegentleshaunm: oh ok, I think you could patch with this diff -- it's commented13:47
shaunmto review.openstack.org?13:47
annegentleshaunm: yeah, then let's figure out how to parcel out the work13:48
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shaunmright, so it's hard for others to build on it before it's actually pushed13:48
annegentleshaunm: it's just way too late in the game13:48
annegentleshaunm: right13:49
shaunmand I'm not at all comfortable pushing something like that to master. I'd normally use a development branch for this kind of thing13:49
annegentleshaunm: but for us, our master is where we keep working13:49
shaunmall right13:50
annegentleshaunm: and we dont' have a way to start a sandbox branch that I know of, not with our infrastructure13:50
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NickChaseI think at this point people will understand if things are a bit wonky.  besides, if the current guide were sufficient, you wouldn't be rewriting it.13:51
annegentleshaunm: only other idea I have is to publish only to docs-draft?13:51
annegentleOverview and Architecture, Basic Operating System Configuration, Nova Compute13:52
annegentleServices, and Compute Node chapters13:52
annegentleso are these done ^^13:52
dianeflemingI have to head out for an appointment - bye all13:52
annegentledianefleming: okie doke13:52
sgordonyeah i have to duck in a few minutes too13:52
annegentleshaunm: yes we do understand this is a tough task, but we need to be unblocked13:52
NickChasebye dianefleming13:53
nerminasee ya later dianefleming13:53
annegentleshaunm: and no one will fault you!! This is tough content to write, test and organize.13:53
NickChase+1 annegentle13:53
NickChaseshaunm: so let people help you13:53
shaunmI have the content for all of those. I just have to put it in docbook and make it read well13:53
NickChaseshaunm:  If you want I can put it in docbook for you13:54
annegentleshaunm: maybe your patch can include the non-docbook notes?13:54
annegentleNickChase: that would be awesome13:54
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NickChasedocbook I can do in my sleep.13:54
nerminashaunm: glad to help as well13:54
shaunmdocbook isn't a problem for me13:54
nerminatrue that nickchase13:54
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NickChaseshaunm:  but it's a matter of time; this is something I can do to help you13:55
NickChaseso you can concentrate on content13:55
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annegentleshaunm: basically just keep patching, I'd expect 2x a week from here on13:55
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NickChaseshaunm:  Once it's in docbook it'll be easier for you to just do the readability13:56
annegentleshaunm: take NickChase up on his offer :)13:56
annegentleshaunm: is your non-docbook text all your testing?13:56
NickChaseI promise not to judge. :)13:56
sgordoni think we all recognize you are performing open heart surgery13:56
shaunmit's really no faster for me to write without markup than with13:56
sgordonso we wont be too brutal on the in progress reviews13:56
annegentle+1 sgordon13:56
NickChase+1 sgordon13:57
annegentleshaunm: yes just let us review (non judgementally) :)13:57
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annegentle#topic Bug report, DocImpact state13:57
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annegentle#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+milestone/havana13:58
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nerminahold on a sec, i have a q, annegentle13:58
nerminawill the new content obsolete the old install guide?13:58
nerminaor absorb it13:59
annegentleOur confirmed is fewer than Fix Released \o/13:59
annegentleshaunm: what's your thinking? obsolete or absorb?13:59
nerminawe have people editing networking there14:00
shaunmit will be the one true install guide. it happens to reuse some content from the existing install guide.14:00
annegentlenermina: ok, sounds like that's safe to do14:00
annegentlemore absorb than obsolete14:00
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shaunmmostly reuses conceptual info. tasks are almost all rewritten14:00
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nerminasorry to interrupt, bugs!14:01
annegentlenermina: no worries!14:01
annegentleReally we're in good shape, better than past releases, but there are a ton of "medium" bugs14:01
annegentleAnd only about five in progress14:02
annegentleso keep picking up bugs if you can14:02
nerminai'll be able to take on more between cloud admin edits14:02
annegentleI also did a walkthrough of DocImpact14:02
annegentle#link http://justwriteclick.com/2013/09/17/openstack-docimpact-flag-walk-through/14:02
annegentleand would love input on whether that's how these DocImpact ones typically work -- would that set of questions help people work on DocImpact bugs more efficiently?14:02
annegentleOk, that's our hour... sorry didn't leave any time for open discussion!14:02
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annegentleWant to continue open discussion in #openstack-doc?14:03
NickChaseok with me14:03
annegentleOk, I'll be in openstack-doc, thanks all for joining!14:03
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garykhi, anyone around for the scheduler meeting?15:00
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PaulMurrayi'm here15:01
garykhi paul15:01
MikeSpreitzerI'm here15:01
YathiI am here15:01
YathiHi Gary, Paul, Mike15:01
PaulMurrayhi - I missed last week and can't find any record of the meeting15:01
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PaulMurrayis there one somewhere - its not in usual place15:02
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garykPaulMurray: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/scheduling/2013/scheduling.2013-09-17-15.03.txt15:02
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PaulMurray@garyk thanks15:03
garyknot sure if i need to update the wiki with the links15:03
garyk#startmeeting scheduling15:03
openstackMeeting started Tue Sep 24 15:03:24 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is garyk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.15:03
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:03
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garykLast week we did not have much chance to discuss Mike's and Tahi's ideas.15:03
garykSorry Yathi's15:04
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garykMikeSpreitzer: do you want to start?15:04
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garykSubbu: please see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hQQGHId-z1A5LOipnBXFhsU3VAMQdSe-UXvL4VPY4ps/edit15:04
MikeSpreitzerShould I start with responding to the latest thing on the ML (From Zane), or start from scratch?15:04
Subbuthanks garyk15:05
garykMikeSpreitzer: I am fine with that. Not sure if others are up to speed or having been following the list.15:05
garykMaybe it is best to start from the beginning15:05
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MikeSpreitzerOK, I'll start from the beginning.15:05
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MikeSpreitzerI am interested in holistic scheduling.  By that I mean the idea of a scheduler that can look at a whole template/pattern/topology and make a joint decision about all the resources in it.15:06
MikeSpreitzerI do not mean that this thing *has* to make all the decisions, but it should have the opportunity.15:06
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MikeSpreitzerI mean a richer notion of pattern than CFN has today.15:06
MikeSpreitzerA pattern should have internal grouping, with various sorts of policy and relationship statements attached.15:07
garykI agree with the fact that the scheduler should have a complete picture of all of the resources15:07
MikeSpreitzer(that's the response to Zane's main complaint.  This richer information gives the holistic scheduler information to use, rather than requiring mind reading)15:07
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MikeSpreitzerNot sure how much you want to hear about what my group has working, so I'll go on for now.15:08
garykMikeSpreitzer: Gilad an I tried to brach this with the VM ensembles.15:08
garykMikeSpreitzer: all ears15:08
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MikeSpreitzerMy group is doing stuff like this, but not integrated with heat; our current holistic controller is a client of Nova, Cinder, etc, but slightly extended versions of them to give us the visibility and control we need.15:09
MikeSpreitzerWe have worked an example of a template for IBM Connections, which is a complicated set of apps based on our appserver products, and are working examples based on Hadoop.15:10
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MikeSpreitzerAnyway, once the holistic scheduler has made the decisions it is going to, the next step is infrastructure orchestration.15:10
MikeSpreitzerThat is the business of invoking the specific resource services to put the decisions already made into effect and pass the remaining bits of the problem along.15:11
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MikeSpreitzerThis is the main job of today's heat engine, and I see no reason to use something else for this part.15:11
garykCan you please explain why it does the orchestration part?15:12
MikeSpreitzerI am also interested in other ways of doing software orchestration.  I have colleagues who want to promote a technique that has a non-trivial preparatory stage, and then at runtime in the VMs etc all the dependencies are handled primarily by software running there.15:12
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MikeSpreitzerGaryk: which "it" ?15:13
garykI can understand that the scheduler should see the entire 'application' that is going to be deployed, but that can be done without integration with heat15:13
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MikeSpreitzerI think it is awkward to have today's heat engine upstream of holistic infrastructure scheduling15:13
MikeSpreitzertoday's heat engine breaks a whole template up into individual resource calls and makes those…15:14
MikeSpreitzerNot very natural to pass a whole template downstream from that.15:14
garykif i understand correct heat has a template. if the template can create logical links 'links' between the entitietis and these passed to the scheduler then it can be seprate15:14
MikeSpreitzerAlso, kind of pointless to break up the template before the holistic scheduling.15:14
garyki think that at the moment heat does things sequentially (i may be wrong here)15:15
MikeSpreitzerSure, if the scheduler sees all the resources and links, that's what is needed.15:15
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MikeSpreitzerThere is no infrastructure orchestration to be done before holistic scheduling, and there *is* infrastructure scheduling to be done after holistic scheduling.15:16
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garykThat was our initial goal with the VM ensembles. We failed to convince people that it was the right way. The piece meal approcah was to us the instance groups15:16
MikeSpreitzerWhat was the sticking point?15:17
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garykI think that we did not manage to define the API well enough.15:17
garykIn addition to this there were schedulers being developed for all of the different projects15:17
MikeSpreitzerMy group has been using a pretty simple API — with a rich template/pattern/topology language15:18
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MikeSpreitzerSure, there should be schedulers for smaller scopes.15:18
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YathiCurrently the resources are limited to the individual services (projects), there is definitely a need for some kind of a Global state repository (like how I can explain later about my high-level-vision)15:18
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Yathithis global state repository can feed to any of the services15:19
MikeSpreitzerYathi: yes, repo as well as decision making.  The repo raises Boris' issues, which are relevant to all schedulers.15:19
garykYathi: that is very intersting. How would this get the information from the various sources.15:19
garykMikeSpreitzer: how did you guys address that?15:19
MikeSpreitzerI can tell you how we do it now, but like you guys, we are not satisfied...15:20
MikeSpreitzerI think there is room for improvement here, but it does not change the overall picture.15:20
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YathiAn attempt to get there is started by the blueprint proposed by Boris15:20
garykhopefully with the community we can improve things :)15:20
YathiIn-memory state15:20
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MikeSpreitzerOur current approach is anchored in a database, and not fully built out as we already decided we want.  We are also interested in moving to something that is based in memory.  This stuff is all a cache, the hard state is in lower layers.15:21
garyk#info https://review.openstack.org/#/c/45867 (this is review mentioned ^)15:21
Yathiyeah that is something that can eventually address getting a global state repository15:22
garykSo we all seem to be aligned int he fact that we need to cache the information locally (in memory)15:22
MikeSpreitzerOK, so let's get back to the reasons for rejection earlier.15:22
garykI think that one of the major challenges is how this information is shared between the hosts, services and scheduler15:23
MikeSpreitzerI do not see a conflict with the fact that individual services have their own schedulers.  What was the problelm?15:23
YathiI can explain later.. but in my document #info https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IiPI0sfaWb1bdYiMWzAAx0HYR6UqzOan_Utgml5W1HI/edit?pli=1 I try to put together the bits required for a smart resource placement15:23
MikeSpreitzerOTOH, I do see a conflict...15:23
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MikeSpreitzerIf you think the only place to put smarts is in an individual service, then that's a conflict.15:24
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garykMikeSpreitzer: true15:25
MikeSpreitzerBut I think we are liking the idea of enabling joint decision-making.15:25
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garykMikeSpreitzer: i think that there are a number of people who like and support that idea15:25
MikeSpreitzergaryk: enough of my conjecture, can you elaborate on the objection wrt service schedulers?15:25
alaskiI'm late to the meeting and just catching up, but I'm very interested in what extra data needed to be exposed from nova/cinder/etc for holistic scheduling and what resource placement control was needed15:26
garykMikeSpreitzer: it was a tough one. there were people who felt like it was part of heat15:26
garykour point was that the scheuler needed to see all of the information and heat was not able to do that15:27
MikeSpreitzeralaski: To compute we added visibility into the physical hierarchy, so we can make rack-aware decisions.15:27
alaskiI think the sticking point for earlier efforts are partly due to the focus on holistic scheduling before discussing what each service needs to provide and accept15:27
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MikeSpreitzerI think that, at least for private clouds, there is a simple general rule: you may think you are at the top of the heap, but you are not.  Enable a smarter client with a bigger view to make decisions.15:28
garykit is a chance to provide preferential services for applications15:29
alaskiright.  I've heard very little objection to that, the devil is in the details15:29
MikeSpreitzerNova today allows its client to direct placement.  We added visibility of the physical hierarchy, so a smarter client can decide where VMs go.15:29
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MikeSpreitzerWe also worked out a way to abuse Cinder volume types to direct placement.15:29
MikeSpreitzerWe are currently cheating on the visibility for Cinder, would prefer that Cinder have a real solution.15:30
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MikeSpreitzerFor network, we are moving from something more proprietary to something OpenDaylight based.15:30
alaskiso as far as Nove direct placement goes, I'm very much in favor of removing scheduler hints.  I want a placement api, but I think it needs to redone with an idea of what we want from it15:30
MikeSpreitzerWe currently use a tree-shaped abstraction for network.  That is admittedly an serious abstraction, it is an open question how well it will work.15:30
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garykalaski: the placement api is a good start. the instance groups can be an option?15:32
MikeSpreitzerSo the kind of visibility that I think is needed is an abstract statement of the topology and capacity of the physical resources (we tend to use the word "containers",but not to mean LXC, rather as a general term for things that can host virtual resources).15:32
garykMikeSpreitzer: in a public cloud how much information do you want to provide to the end users?  At the end of the day they just want to be guarantted for the service that they are paying for15:33
MikeSpreitzerYes, it's pretty different in a public cloud.15:33
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alaskigaryk: I think instance groups is a good start, but I don't know if it's rich enough to stop there15:33
YathiI think we are in the common theme for a smarter resource placement, and I would like to present a high-level vision document that I shared.. and connect it to some efforts being undertaken15:33
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Yathiincluding Instance groups15:33
garykalaski: agreed. it is very primitive at the moment15:33
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garykYathi: agreed. Can you elborate15:34
MikeSpreitzerYes, I think instance groups falls short of what we need.15:34
MikeSpreitzerThere are things to say about public cloud, but I will listen to Yathi first.15:34
YathiOk.. the idea is to start with business rules/ policies as stated by tenants  - leading to a smart resource placement15:34
Yathiwith the help of all the datacenter resources with the help of a global state repository15:35
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Yathibut the main decision making of resource placement to be handled by a smart constraint-based resource placement engine15:35
Yathithis ties and puts together several efforts and blueprints proposed15:35
Yathithe instance groups effort - should evolve to support policies / business rules15:36
Yathiand this should transform to some form of constraints to be used by the decision engine,15:36
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YathiBoris's efforts of in-memory stuff should evolve to provide a global state repository providing a view of all the resources15:37
Yathiand the new work (for which I added a POC code) - using LP based solver scheduler should handle the decision making15:37
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garykYathi: can you please post the link to the code you posted15:37
Yathithe actual orchestration or the placement of the vms can be done using existing mechanisms15:38
Yathi#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/46588/15:38
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Yathiso the general idea is presented in this doc - #link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IiPI0sfaWb1bdYiMWzAAx0HYR6UqzOan_Utgml5W1HI/edit?pli=115:38
Yathithe idea is this should be backward compatible and hence non-disruptive15:39
Yathiworks with the current Nova15:39
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garykmy concerns is that we seen to all have great ideas about how to do the backend implementations but the user and admin facing api's are our achilles heal15:39
Yathiusing a PULP solver module that I added code for in Nova, that I ran instead of the Filter Scheduler15:39
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Yathiuser facing APIs - is the one we should reach a common agreement on15:40
alaskigaryk: agreed.  In order to get something in there will need to be consensus among the projects, who don't care what makes the placement decisions.  They care what they need to expose15:40
YathiTHe instance group blueprint - brought in the concept of policlies15:41
alaskiso that needs to be figured out and added to various projects15:41
MikeSpreitzer1I think the user-facing API can be pretty simple, I think the pattern/template/topology language is where the action is15:41
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garykalaski: agreed15:41
Yathithat is something we want to evolve  to transform to constraints to be used by a solver engine15:41
MikeSpreitzer1Well, there are APIs at various levels15:41
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MikeSpreitzer1I think the infrastructure level APIs need to expose sufficient visibility and control; the whole-pattern layers can have simple APIs but need rich pattern language.15:42
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garykwhat about the idea that we divide it up into 3 parts:15:42
garyk1. the user facing apis15:42
garyk2. the information required from all of the services15:42
garyk3. backend scheduling15:42
YathiGaryk if you read my document - this is exactly the three points :)15:43
garykif we can define the relations ships between these (i guess with api's)15:43
Yathiyou read my mind!15:43
MikeSpreitzer1garyk: which are "user facing" APIs?  Which scheduling is the "backend"?15:43
garykYathi: i have yet to read it15:43
MikeSpreitzer1yathi: I have skimmed it , will review more carefully15:43
Yathiokay it presents a high-level vision of the necessary efforts, relationship to some of the existing proposed blueprints, and then some additional details on the actual DECISION engine - which makes resource placement decisions15:44
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Yathithis is work-in-progress, design-in-progress, and something we want to discuss in detail at the summit also face-to-face15:45
Yathibut it is dependent on other blueprints and hence a big collaborative effort15:45
MikeSpreitzer1sounds good.  BTW, will anybody be around before/after the official summit for informal discussions?15:45
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garykMikeSpreitzer1: hopefully15:45
PaulMurrayhow much before or after?15:45
PaulMurraybut yes, a bit15:46
MikeSpreitzer1Not much.15:46
YathiPlease do review and post your feedback, and we can continue the discussion again15:46
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garykMaybe we could all meet for lunch or breakfast one day to discuss15:46
Yathithat will be a good idea15:46
PaulMurrayI would like to be there for that15:46
MikeSpreitzer1I'm not sure how far this goes before it becomes a process error.15:46
garykMikeSpreitzer1: not sure i understand15:47
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MikeSpreitzer1Is there any problem with organizing an extra summit?15:47
MikeSpreitzer1I'm still new here, learning the rules15:47
MikeSpreitzer1already made some mistakes, sorry about that15:48
garykAt the summit hopefully we'll have a few slots to discuss the scheduling. The PTL will need to allocate time15:48
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Yathiunconference sessions ?15:48
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garykThe last summit russellb gave us a lot of sessions. We met before and aligned the presentations15:49
garykI think that this time we should also meet before. Syncing it all will be a challenge15:49
PaulMurrayIf that is the objective it is a good idea15:49
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garykI just think that it is very important for us to try and make the most of the time that we get.15:50
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garykConveying the ideas and getting the communities support is a challenge15:50
MikeSpreitzer1Yes.  But at some point we have to dig into details, that is sometimes necessary to get real agreement.15:50
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garykMikeSpreitzer1: true.15:51
MikeSpreitzer1I am a big fan of reading and writing.  But time for discussion is needed too.15:51
garykIn the last two summit with Neutron there was great colabortaion for the LBaas and FWaas,. maybe we need to follow the same model15:51
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MikeSpreitzer1Can you elaborate?15:52
garykThat is, set up a few meetings and get all of our information into a google doc (or etherpad)15:52
MikeSpreitzer1yes, that sounds good.  Good writeup and reading beforehand, detailed discussion.15:52
garykThen when we can come to summit we can present the details and get inputs from the community15:52
garykMikeSpreitzer1: exactly15:52
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garykboris-42: and Yathi: have two implementaions15:53
YathiOkay I think we have already started some of this process in our etherpad15:53
garykI still think that we need the documentation to have the idea from A - Z. Then we can slice up the cake/pie15:53
Yathiand we have added some POC code to demo and discuss15:53
boris-42garyk I will try to find some time15:53
boris-42garyk to update our docs and ehterpad15:53
garykhttp://9gag.com/gag/adN9Mp9 (sorry I could not resist)15:53
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MikeSpreitzer1the cake is a lie15:54
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garykDoes someone want to take the initiative and start to prepare a document for the API's?15:54
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MikeSpreitzer1garyk: which APIs?  (which level)?15:55
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garykI think the 3 parts - user/admin; information required from service and scheduling engine15:55
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MikeSpreitzer1I am interested in working on that.15:56
MikeSpreitzer1Not sure what I can promise, but realize it has to be done long enough before summit to allow careful reading.15:56
garykMikeSpreitzer1: great. I'd be happy to work with you on that too. I am a bit pressed for time in the coming two weeks, but after that I will have some free cycles15:56
Yathischeduling engine API part,  my code relied upon something existing15:56
Yathimy POC code I mean15:57
Yathisomething based on what the FilterScheduler uses15:57
garykYathi: cool.15:57
garykwhich is good for backward compatibility (and very importnat)15:57
Yathibut this should interface with the new ideas of a "global state repo", and the tenant-faceing APIs15:57
garykHow about we decide next week on how we want to proceed?15:57
Yathiplease review the POC code and the doc I shared links on etherpad15:58
garyki'll try.15:58
YathiPOC code doesn't pass unit-tests because of the dependency to PULP15:58
YathiI will need to figure out how to make them pass15:59
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Yathinot for discussino in this forum sorry15:59
garykso i guess that we'll meet next week.15:59
garykthanks guys15:59
MikeSpreitzer1thank you15:59
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openstackMeeting started Tue Sep 24 16:03:29 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is primeministerp. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.16:03
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:03
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primeministerphi everyone16:03
primeministerpnot sure if everyone is going to be able to join today, let's a wait a couple more minutes jic16:04
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primeministerppnavarro: hmm, not sure if we're going to have a meeting.  Don't think the othe's will be coming16:06
primeministerppnavarro: I only had stuff to talk w/ luis16:06
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primeministerppnavarro: and wanted to see who was attending the summit16:06
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pnavarrook, no problem16:07
primeministerpzehicle_at_dell: anything you need to discuss?16:07
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zehicle_at_dellCongrats to SUSE for launching Grizzly + HyperV!  http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/suse-support-for-microsoft-hyper-v-expands-options-for-mixed-hypervisor-clouds-in-enterprise-data-centers-225025542.html16:07
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zehicle_at_dellI know a lot of people on the channel contributed - good work16:08
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primeministerpthanks for the info16:08
primeministerpI hadnt seen that yet16:08
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primeministerpon thing i'd like to add16:09
primeministerpwe've created an offical github group for the ms effort16:09
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primeministerpit will be the point of reference for the work we are doing16:10
primeministerpit can be found here16:10
primeministerp#link https://github.com/openstack-hyper-v16:10
primeministerpso that's about all i have16:11
primeministerpzehicle_at_dell: thanks for the link16:11
primeministerpwe'll continue next week16:11
pnavarrozehicle_at_dell, the hyperv barclamps are publicly available?16:11
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openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/hyper_v/2013/hyper_v.2013-09-24-16.03.txt16:11
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zehicle_at_dellyes, they are integrated into the base product16:11
pnavarrook, thanks16:12
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zehicle_at_dellhow's the hanava pull backlog?16:16
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* ayoung occupies the assembly area for the Keystone meeting17:54
bknudsonwe'll just hang out17:55
* ayoung pulls security17:56
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stevemarayoung, quit taking up all the room17:58
* lbragstad takes a seat in the corner17:59
* ayoung scans his sector17:59
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* stevemar sits in the back17:59
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ayoungLets do this17:59
* morganfainberg sneaks in the side door.18:00
* dolphm moves all the chairs to face stevemar18:00
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dolphm#startmeeting keystone18:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Sep 24 18:00:22 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is dolphm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.18:00
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openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:00
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dolphm#topic havana-rc118:00
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dolphm#announcement SO CLOSE18:00
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dolphmfyi, you can see every project's progress on http://old-wiki.openstack.org/rc/18:01
ayoung#link https://launchpad.net/keystone/+milestone/havana-rc118:01
stevemarjust 3 bugs left?18:01
dolphmjust 318:01
ayoung4 with the one that dolphm just triaged18:01
morganfainbergand isn't one gating now?18:01
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morganfainbergor ready to18:01
dolphmayoung: well, that's already in progress, but we're waiting on upstream changes to openstack/requirements18:01
dolphmso, i guess let's run through every bug for status18:02
dolphmbug 118286118:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1182861 in trove "Switch to oslo.config 1.2.0 final" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118286118:02
henrynashmorganfainberg: iep, mine is gatting18:02
dolphmin progress in keystone, requires an upstream changes to openstack/requirements18:02
dolphmi think that'll be trivial18:02
dolphmbug 115364518:02
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1153645 in keystone "Deleting a role should revoke any tokens associated with it" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115364518:02
dolphmgating now!18:02
dolphmbug 121051518:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1210515 in keystone "keystone chokes on empty "description" field in active directory" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121051518:03
ayoungchmouel, can you hit the changes to ^^18:03
ayoungshould be trivial18:03
dolphmlooks like brant had a couple nits, but as far as i can tell, this is really close18:03
ayoungdolphm, the order of checks should be fixed18:03
bknudsonwe shouldn't be allowing adding an immutable attribute18:03
dolphmayoung: ahh, i glossed over that comment18:03
bknudsonI had made the same comment on previous patch set18:04
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chmoueloh yeah i messed the ordering18:04
bknudsonI wouldn't -1 for missing ' in didn't18:04
dolphmchmouel: thank you!18:04
ayoungchmouel, ping when done18:05
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chmouelyep will do18:05
dolphmbknudson: yes you would ;)18:05
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bknudsonI'd -218:05
chmoueli was writting some additional tests for that but i think someone did18:05
dolphmchmouel: dstanek wrote a few in a dependent patch, but i haven't reviewed yet18:05
dolphmbug 122188918:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1221889 in keystone "Invalid X-Subject-Token results in HTTP 401 rather than 404" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122188918:05
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dstaneki have two patches with tests and a third that i'm trying to get to pass18:06
ayoungmorganfainberg, can you explain your comment https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1221889/comments/718:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1221889 in keystone "Invalid X-Subject-Token results in HTTP 401 rather than 404" [High,In progress]18:06
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morganfainbergayoung, the tempest change to allow the test to continue has been merged.  once we get this bug in, there is another tempest change needed to un-skip and change expected http status to 40418:06
dolphmthe fix for this one has been slow because it's dependent on changes to oslo and tempest first18:07
dolphmnow we need to sync up keystone policy with oslo policy18:07
dolphmconsidering we extend oslo policy, i'm paranoid we'll see breakage there18:07
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lbragstaddolphm: yeah..18:07
gyeeoslo changes is in18:07
dolphmgyee: ++18:07
lbragstadI think they changed stuff to be oo18:07
ayounglets get lots of eyes on that review18:07
dolphmbut not synced over to keystone18:07
dolphmayoung: ++18:07
morganfainbergayoung, i was responding to dolph's comment.18:07
gyeedolphm, I'll take a look at that one18:07
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atiwaribut the oslo's version of policy is way different than Keystone18:07
dolphmgyee: thanks18:08
dolphmfor anyone that has free time, this is definitely the most complex patch of what we have left18:08
bknudsonwe probably haven't merged oslo policy for a while...18:08
dolphmbknudson: we haven't18:08
dolphmbknudson: in a looong while18:08
gyeetime to roll the dice :)18:08
henrynashdolphm: well, not since the end of Grizzly18:08
gyeestevemar, oh comon, live a little18:09
dolphmhenrynash: i was about to say, i think you were the last to do so18:09
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lbragstadI hit that on the sync for notifier on accident, a lot of the new stuff in oslo's policy is object oriented, its gonna take a bit a refactoring in Keystone18:09
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jamielennoxwhy isn't it synced at the same time we do the rest of an oslo sync?18:09
henrynashdolphm: guilty, as charged….although not sure it was actually in oslo at that point18:09
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ayoungis this going to conflict with henrynash 's changes for entity level policy rules?18:10
henrynashayoung: I don't see why it should…as long as they haven't reduced the capability of the engine18:10
ayoungso...question is do we really want to sync now...or can we delay until Icehouse 1.  What is in Oslo that we need?18:10
gyeeayoung, have faith in our tests :)18:11
morganfainbergayoung, honestly, if we can avoid syncing till Icehouse1, i'd vote that.18:11
jamielennoxgyee, jk?18:11
henrynashayoung: I never changed the engine….18:11
* topol my scaredy cat anture says wait till Icehouse 118:11
bknudsonthe tests for oslo-incubator are in oslo... do we have our own tests for oslo stuff?18:11
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atiwariI think sooner is better otherwise two will deviate a bit18:11
ayoungwe don't have a review for the sync yet, do we?18:11
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morganfainbergayoung, not that i see18:12
dolphmso for reference, a full sync to oslo right now would look like this- http://pasteraw.com/h7q6rihq5hhtsz3q478ogtjxtveyeyj18:12
gyeeoh shit18:12
dolphmand that causes new test failures18:12
ayoungdolphm, can you WIP that review?18:12
dolphmayoung: sure18:12
topolthat looks harmless :-)18:12
morganfainbergthat actually doesn't look as bad as i'd expect18:13
ayoungso.. lots of locale and language stuff...18:13
dolphmfull sync to oslo: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/48111/18:13
jamielennoxmost of that is fairly simple18:13
dolphmpolicy is +274, -19618:13
dolphmand imports fileutils, jsonutils and common logging18:14
topolisnt policy tricky enough that there maybe uintended consequences???18:14
dolphmand oslo.config, of course18:14
gyeethose ain't that bad18:14
dolphmtopol: yep18:14
bknudsonpolicy has new config options, so would need to update sample config too18:15
ayoungpolicy looks relativly minimal.  We are one change ahead  of their GenericCHeck, the rest looks like they have made an object that gets replaced for refreshing rules18:15
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topolwhats the sense of urgency to do this now as opposed to when there is more runway to fix stuff?18:16
dolphmon the upside, the entire test suite takes like 2 minutes now18:16
dolphmmostly because they all fail18:16
jamielennoxit introduces a new exception that would need to be plumbed18:16
dolphmDuplicateOptError: duplicate option: policy_file  http://pasteraw.com/sqlxfrvg4mh7gf9wkzy797v8kgw4ypq18:17
ayoungso..the argument for fixing this now is that if thereis a CVE in icehouse, we can replace the coder in all projects at once18:17
ayounga CVE in oslo code, that is18:17
ayoungreplace the code...the coder will likely have already been replaced....18:18
dolphmtopol: this change is currently a release blocker (that could be changed, as i see this as a *very* compelling nice-to-have) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/46123/18:18
dolphmtopol: which is currently dependent on a recent change to oslo policy due to the change made in etc/policy.v3cloudsample.json18:18
dolphmand how that should be handled in keystone to support this use case18:18
gyeedolphm, topol, we'll have to fix it one way or the other as API spec says 404 should be returned18:19
morganfainberggyee, ++18:19
dolphmso, we either need an alternative solution to the policy.json change, or we need to sync oslo to make the proposed change work18:19
gyeeso its really the cost of backporting we are considering here18:19
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bknudsonor make whatever changes are required to fix to our policy.py and then get full policy in icehouse18:20
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gyeeyes, we'll have to sync policy, eventually18:20
dolphmbknudson: you mean carry some fork of common policy? :(18:20
topol well if you have folks who feel they can contain it and its impact sounds cool to have...18:20
gyeeagain, cost of backporting versus the cost of delaying the RC1 release18:21
bknudsondolphm: yes :(18:21
jamielennoxi'd like to see a new & old client ran against that18:21
morganfainbergdolphm, maybe sync policy icehouse 1, tag for backport?18:21
ayoungmorganfainberg, +118:21
morganfainbergdoesn't delay RC, and gives us a longer runway to hit bugs.18:21
topolmorganfainberg +1. thats brilliant18:21
jamielennoxmorganfainberg, +118:22
stevemarmorganfainberg, thinking things through :P18:22
dolphmmorganfainberg: you don't see it as backporting features via oslo?18:22
bknudsontypically don't backport config changes.18:22
morganfainbergbknudson, fair enough. but this might be worthwhile doing in this case.18:22
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ayoungdolphm, We would probably want to get our change to GenericCHeck merged into Oslo 1st anyway18:23
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ayoungotherwise we are not really in sync18:23
dolphmayoung: ? i thought that merged18:23
ayoungdolphm, don't see it in your review18:23
bknudsonwe've already got a fork of poicy?18:23
dolphmayoung: ? is that not the try catch on line 848 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/48111/1/keystone/openstack/common/policy.py18:23
dolphmbknudson: in review, not in master18:24
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ayoungdolphm, duh, yes it is...I was reading it backwards.  I was thinking we had applied that change to our repo.18:24
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dolphmayoung: *whew* i thought i was crazy for a minute18:25
* dolphm but thankfully it's just you18:25
dolphmayoung: it's proposed here (and the reason for my -1) but not merged https://review.openstack.org/#/c/46123/11/keystone/openstack/common/policy.py18:26
atiwaridolphm, if you are taking about https://review.openstack.org/#/c/46589/, I think it is in master now.18:26
ayoungdolphm, just cuz we know I'm crazy doesn't mean that you aren't.  You are just less crazy than me:  you really need a higher bar than that.18:26
dolphmayoung: now you're being too logical18:26
topolIm sure in Hong Kong we can find interesting food options and we can really see who is crazy...18:27
dolphmatiwari: in oslo master, yes... but not keystone.common18:27
dolphmtopol: ++++18:27
dolphmi'm in18:27
morganfainbergtopol, should be fun.18:27
dolphmchicken feet was new for me not that long ago18:27
ayoungtopol, but gyee has a serious advantage in that he knows what the waiters will be saying.18:28
gyeeatiwari, we just need to leave that one out as oslo sync is in a separate review18:28
gyeeayoung, I'll make sure I translate "properly"18:28
topolyes. yes he does.18:28
ayounggyee, I'm sure you will18:28
morganfainbergI'll be worries when gyee's translation is "there is no word for it in english, but… it's good, just eat it"18:29
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gyeeatiwari, so just make your review a dependent of dolphm's18:29
fabiogright, or when he will say, it is like chicken nuggets :-)18:29
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morganfainbergsounds like sync for RC it is then, gyee ?18:30
atiwarigyee, OK18:30
ayoungwhat is the official Keystone stance on etc/policy.v3cloudsample.json  ?  Is that going to be the default approach to policy moving forward?18:30
dolphmgyee: except the full oslo sync is failing tests18:30
gyeeI think we should fix it as it impacts API spec18:30
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ayoungcuz I like it a lot better than the default policy.json.  I would like to see the tests run against that.18:31
morganfainbergayoung, +18:31
ayounghenrynash, nice work on that, BTW18:31
henrynashayoung: thx18:31
gyeedolphm, lets fix the tests first18:31
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ayounggyee, I'm going to try and splitting the sync, to see what happens if we sync only the policy.py file first18:32
henrynashayoung: fyi, there are a set of tests already that run against it….but only as a specific unit test18:32
gyeeayoung, lets do this18:32
ayounghenrynash, yeah...understood.  And we can't just blindly swap over to it, as that will break all the current deployments out there18:33
dolphm#topic open discussion18:33
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ayoungSo.. policy18:33
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ayoungshould we absorbe the policy code into Keystone again18:33
ayoungand if so, does it go into keystone client18:33
ayoungor should be make it a standalone library18:33
bknudsonthere was a comment on the mailing list that they wanted middleware out of keystoneclient18:33
ayoungbknudson, or should we make a keystonemiddleware project18:34
morganfainbergayoung, we probably should do that18:34
bknudsonhow does the standalone library work? it would be treated more like keystoneclient?18:34
gyeemiddleware should stay with keystone client18:34
bknudsonor is it released like keystone?18:34
gyeetoo much of a dependency18:34
morganfainbergstandalone library that is.18:34
bknudsonwhat's the dependency between keystoneclient and middleware?18:34
ayoungI would not mind seeing something like python-openstackmiddleware  python-openstackpolicy and python-libkeystone18:34
morganfainbergayoung, ++ (not oslo.policy?)18:35
gyeeauth_token will be using keystoneclient's requests part18:35
gyeebind token check18:35
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gyeepluggable auth for admin token request, etc, etc18:36
bknudsonwe'd have to duplicate cms again.18:36
bknudsonthat would be bad18:36
gyeewhat's the convincing argument for split it out?18:36
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morganfainbergshort of moving cms into a (similarly) common library, it would be silly to duplicate it again18:36
jamielennoxgyee actually there is no dependency on client from auth_token18:36
ayoungmorganfainberg, the policy rules are tightly coupled with the token implementation.  The generic policy engine is more general purpose.  I don't care about the naming, but I would like to have the policy available as a reusable component18:36
jamielennoxthere should be...18:36
gyeejamielennox, thought you are going to make to fix for using requests lib for everything?18:37
ayounglibkeystone should be for code common to server and client18:37
ayounggyee, he is...18:37
dolphmwhat's the argument in favor of splitting middleware out of keystoneclient?18:37
jamielennoxyea, requests has happened, but it doesn't use the client's requests path it's got its own18:37
morganfainbergayoung, I think policy probably does not belong in keystoneclient.  but i think it should absolutely be moved into it's own library (and i don't think it would be improper to be handled by keystone to maintain it, but that is a separate argument)18:38
gyeejamielennox, thought you are going to do that next as we are currently duplicating code18:38
dolphmbknudson: there should be a stronger dependency there, i know it's on jamielennox's wishlist as well as mine to rewrite auth_token to use the regular old keystoneclient ... http client18:38
jamielennoxdolphm: the best one i've heard is being able to release auth_token without having to do a full release of the client code18:38
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gyeejamielennox, that's not a convincing argument :)18:38
jamielennoxthere are reasons that auth_token should not be pegged to the current minimum required version of keystoneclient which i think is still 0.2.118:39
dolphmjamielennox: that a weak argument, without an example of a specific reason why you'd want to do one without the other18:39
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dolphmjamielennox: 0.2.1 according to who?18:39
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jamielennoxwhoa, this isn't my push...18:39
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ayoungdolphm, I suspect it is just whinging from people that have pegged their client dependencies to a low version...18:39
ayoungwe had some tempest/gate breakage due to that and incompatbile client versions18:39
gyeeayoung, one line chef change :)18:39
morganfainbergayoung, and that isn't solved with spliting it. they'd just pin the middleware too :P18:39
jamielennoxapologies it's been updated to 0.3.2 - i ddidn't know that18:40
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dolphmayoung: that's why we mandate minimum client versions, but not to pin them to a max18:40
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jamielennoxgyee, and it is definitely on my todo list18:41
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ayoungmorganfainberg, so...I don't really havea burning reason to split them, rather it is more from a cleanliness perspective.  If I am doing CLI operations, I don't need middleware, and if I am runnign a service, I don't need CLI.  There is no real reson to split them, other than they pull in other package dependencies that may not be appropriate in all situations18:41
morganfainbergayoung, agreed.18:41
ayoungauth_token middleware is differnt from the client in that it is priamrily a token consumer18:41
ayoungCLI is p[rimarily a token requestor18:41
gyeespeaking of which, can somebody take a look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/47661/18:41
bknudsonCLI in keystoneclient is deprecated.18:42
gyeeI sorta leave the door open for pluggable auth for admin token request18:42
ayoungnow, auth_token does request tokens for some usages, but that almost seems gratuitous18:42
bknudsonor, to be deprecated18:42
morganfainbergayoung, if we had say, libkeystone i could see auth_token being split logically.18:42
ayoungyou should not have to ask Keystone for a token in order to to a keystone based operation18:42
morganfainbergbut right now, we're still cli+libkeystone18:42
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morganfainbergthis might be worth reconsidering when openstackclient is ready to go?18:42
bknudsonuse the admin token18:43
jamielennoxgyee, any chance that we can just do that base on admin_password == None for now rather than a new config option?18:43
ayoungI don't see any real problem with splitting a growing project into more granular packages.18:43
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gyeejamielennox, but that's a hack, I rather do this properly18:43
morganfainbergayoung, don't get me wrong, i'm infavor of more granular development.18:43
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jamielennoxi'm thinking the issue will go away if we can get the APIClient stuff in and then move that into auth_token18:44
morganfainbergayoung, but we might have bigger fish to fry until a bit later on.18:44
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ayoungmorganfainberg, so the question is:  what should the layout be?18:44
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morganfainbergayoung, that is a valid question18:44
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dolphmp.s. i thought of an interesting use case the other day for not deprecating keystoneclient's CLI that no one here probably cares about18:44
jamielennoxgyee, also the admin_token is required for fetching a revocation list - which is required for PKI operations as well, so we do kind of still need it around18:45
ayoungIf we assume that the typical usage is  client on one machine, server on a second, and auth_token  on a third...and we only want to put code essential to those operations on each machine, I think the layout becomes clear18:45
topoldolphm, do tell18:45
morganfainbergdolphm, ok i'll bite, share :)18:45
dolphm"I want to deploy keystone for use with not-openstack, so I don't want to use python-openstackclient to interact with keystone on the CLI."18:45
gyeejamielennox, I basically make it optional18:46
ayounglibkeystone gets common functionality, but is only usable when called from python.  auth_token gets a reduced role to call into the library for its operations.  CLI can be replaced with the common CLI without disrupting or dual deploying18:46
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topolhmmm. sounds like heresy18:46
bknudsonI hope openstackclient would be pluggable, so you could only plug-in keystone function18:46
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bknudsonwe'll need to update keystone CLI for V318:46
morganfainbergdolphm, actually, good point.  my friend is looking ot use keystone for a non-openstack project.18:47
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gyeebknudson, ++18:47
dolphmevery now and then someone will be interested with deploying keystone as a standalone authn/z service for something totally unrelated to openstack18:47
dolphmi've never heard of anyone actually doing it18:47
ayoungdolphm, actually, I've had a request for that.  And then I pointed out that they were a Java based project and Keystone was python.  I politely suggested they look into Jython and never heard back from them18:47
topoloh no its spreading18:47
morganfainbergdolphm, it's likely going to happen in a month or two for sure (was talking about this last night)18:47
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dolphmayoung: lol18:47
dolphmmorganfainberg: let me know when it happens :)18:48
morganfainbergdolphm, for sure.18:48
dolphmthis is just a theoretical, and it's not a strong argument for NOT using openstackclient, but i've heard similar "but i don't want to use completely-useful-thing X just because it's called X"18:48
bknudsonLooks like change for bug 1201251 is ready.18:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1201251 in keystone "issues of updating user via keystone rest api" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120125118:49
ayoungdolphm, so...keystone is really two things now.  One is a very limited IdP.  The other is that it is an authorization mapping service.  I think it is this second role that people want to tie in with.  As such, all of the discussion around Federation becomes much more interesting18:49
ayoungI've started a Q&A around Federation on the old federation etherpad, and dchadwick has answered some questions on it today18:49
bknudsonhttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/42826/ Add user to project if project ID is changed18:49
gyeeayoung, link?18:49
dolphmayoung: i'd argue that we've always been that, and both sides of our authn + authz abilities have expanded quite a bit18:49
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stevemargyee ^18:50
topolwe have stuff for the new federation etherpad when it becomes avail18:50
bknudsonstill can't require a password to change every 6 months with sql18:50
gyee#link https://etherpad.openstack.org/keystone-federation18:50
morganfainbergbknudson, i'll look at that review as soon as we're done here. (1201251)18:50
stevemartopol, i'm going to add to it now18:50
bknudsonstill can't require certain chars in password, can't lock out users after bad attempts18:50
topolThanks stevemar18:50
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gyeemeetbot working?18:50
ayounglets try to keep that page somewhat oragnized, so we can use it as the basis for making decisions around Federation based features18:51
gyee#link https://etherpad.openstack.org/keystone-federation18:51
stevemarhmm #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/keystone-federation18:51
morganfainberggyee, meetbot has been odd lately18:51
ayounggyee, probably og picked up,18:51
ayoungit doesn't tell you on all successful operations18:51
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stevemaroh, is this going in: #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/46363/18:52
morganfainbergdid we want to get the optional dep stuff in for Havana?18:52
stevemari thouht we did?18:52
ayoungso, it sounds like the three main approaches to Identity are going to be LDAP for corporate, SQL for a self contained deployment, and SAML for communicating with a remote IdP.  OAuth is very SAML like.  The old mapping blueprint/backend is proably best thought of as an extension to the identity bakcend:  I got it in form X, here it is as a userid or as a group.18:53
stevemardolphm ? ^18:53
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bknudsonthe oauth dependency was a problem for some packagers.18:53
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morganfainbergbknudson, ok, i'll look at that one as well when we are done here18:53
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dolphmsorry, was looking back to check on meetbot18:53
ayoungstevemar, thanks for brining that up.  I'd like it to go in.  Even if it is a short lived feature,18:54
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topolwhy shortlived?18:54
stevemaryeah, i think it went by the way side for a little18:54
ayoungI'd like to  Keep keystone from pulling in the Oauth dependency at the package level18:54
dolphmayoung: stevemar: that's a good breakdown18:54
ayoungtopol, because, as the comment suggests, it is backwards18:54
topoldidnt see that. thanks18:54
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ayoungtopol, I've been thinking that the token provider should be a pipeline for some time now...suggested it back when gyee did the origianl -plugability stuff.18:55
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ayoungWe want to be able to inject or extract something like OAuth in to the larger workflow18:55
morganfainbergayoung ++18:55
ayoungsomething built out of tree, say18:55
topolthat sounds cool18:56
ayoungwithout having to change core Keystone to support it18:56
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dolphmayoung: thankfully we have the WSGI pipeline to do exactly that :)18:57
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ayoungtopol, and the paste code supports that kind of pipeline, but we don't have time to do it completely for Havana.  So I would say, do option dependencies for Havana, and use that to insule the oauth changes.  Then, we can pipeline up token creation later.18:57
dolphmayoung: we just have to take better advantage of it18:57
stevemardolphm, ayoung, if that stuff is going in, we should give the bug an rc1 tag18:57
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morganfainbergdolphm, ayoung , henrynash: last question while we have people here.  the domain_scope cleanup.  should I even try to get that ready for RC timeline? or did we just want to mothball it until I-1?  i think it's got a lot of pitfalls we can't address even in cleanup until Icehouse 118:57
ayoungdolphm, yes, exactly18:57
ayoungdolphm, I want to make better use of that across the board.18:57
topolayoung ++18:57
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* dolphm hugs ayoung18:57
gyeelets do this18:57
dstaneki'm not fond of the optional dependencies as implemented. it feels like a bandaid18:58
ayoungdolphm, for instance, we should not be explicitly starting each of the managers in service.py.  They should be activated by their inclusing in the pipeline, like the extensions are.18:58
dolphmdstanek: it very much is a bandaid18:58
dolphmdstanek: post comments on the review!18:58
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Sep 24 18:58:25 2013 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)18:58
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dstanekdolphm: already did :-)18:59
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jeblairinfra folks around?18:59
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jeblair#startmeeting infra19:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Sep 24 19:00:46 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jeblair. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.19:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.19:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'infra'19:00
jeblair#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting19:00
jeblairpacked agenda19:01
jeblair#topic  Actions from last meeting19:01
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jeblair#link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2013/infra.2013-09-10-19.01.html19:01
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: you moved marconi?19:01
* mordred confirms that marconi was moved19:01
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clarkbwe did19:01
fungimordred was there as well19:02
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jeblaircool.  anything we should know about that?19:02
mordred(and after that noticed a couple of things that they used that were not in our mirror :) )19:02
clarkbI think the only hiccup was that we need to be patient with cgit to pick up the move19:02
clarkbit will eventually notice once puppet has the new stuff and runs on the git servers19:02
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* mordred had thoughts of a salt-related manage-projects that can do the triggering/sequencing.19:02
* mordred will not work on that soon19:02
jeblairmordred: ++, also just having salt run puppet will help a bit.19:02
jeblairsince this was an action item, i'll jump to it:19:03
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jeblair#topic Asterisk server (jeblair, pabelanger, russelb)19:03
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jeblairi did send an email19:03
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jeblairit looks like we're good to tweak some parameters on friday at 1700 utc19:03
jeblairhopefully we'll end up with a config we like on our current server...19:04
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jeblairor if not, we can use one of the other servers or disable silence detection19:04
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jeblairif some folks could be around then for that testing, that would be great19:05
* clarkb will be around19:05
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pleia2sure thing19:05
* anteaya should be around then19:05
jeblaircool, thanks.  anything else on this?19:05
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* zaro will be around19:05
* fungi too19:05
jeblair#topic Backups (clarkb)19:06
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jeblairclarkb: how's that goin?19:06
clarkbreview.o.o is now backed up19:06
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jeblairclarkb: wonderful!19:06
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clarkbI am debating whether I should go ahead and do etherpad now or wait for the rebuilt server (which I expect to get to next week) which will use cloud dbs19:06
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clarkband I think we need to think a little about how we will do ci-puppetmaster19:07
jeblairclarkb: i'm okay with waiting19:07
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fungihave we started backing up trove databases remotely yet?19:07
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clarkbfungi: no, that will require a minor update to my backup module. Basically pass creds in instead of using default my.cnf19:08
fungialso, apparently there is some way hub_cap was saying to trigger ad download a trove backup, though i can't recall whether it was suitable for our needs19:08
mordredclarkb and I noodled a very small amount about ci-puppetmaster19:08
fungisomething about being careful not to upload to the same swift store19:08
mordreddon't think we were really truly happy about any of the thoughts19:08
clarkbfungi: their backups don't give us what jeblair wants out of backups, append only etc19:08
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fungiahh, right19:08
clarkbfungi: I think we need to take our own backups too19:09
fungiyep, makes sense19:09
mordredI agree - although I think that their backups might be a nice addition to the set19:09
jeblairwell, as a mechanism for getting the data out of mysql, they may be sufficient...19:09
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mordred(you can't have too much backups)19:09
jeblairbut we should then archive them somewhere ourselves for the other reasons19:09
clarkbyeah it isn't a bad thing, just not completely sufficient for our needs19:09
mordredBUT - if we start to use/use them, we'll be tying to rax, as the mechanism is apparently different between hp and rax19:09
jeblairthat's a good reason to just ignore it19:10
fungias for the puppetmaster, i think maybe we ought to make sure that we have clearly-defined places on the filesystem which we exclude from bup, and then we can make periodic encrypted tarballs of those trees and stick them somewhere reachable so as not to make bup's git too worthless19:10
mordredbecause, you know, that's a winning idea19:10
clarkbfungi: that sounds like a reasonable approach19:10
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mordredfungi: the thing we're most concerned with is backing up that one file - everything else is a simple rebuild19:10
clarkbmordred: two files19:10
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clarkbbut yes19:10
mordredah. wait  I see what fungi is saying now19:10
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fungibut yeah, if there's little of interest on the server besides what we want to encrypt, then maybe there's little point to using bup other than for consistency19:11
mordredso - possible rathole - but we discussed perhaps having a sharded master key that infra-core could each have a part of19:11
mordredperhaps we encrypt that dir with the public part of that19:11
mordredand if we ever need to restore, it takes the key re-combination to do so19:11
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mordred(this started in conversations about how to deal with hong kong infra issues)19:12
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fungiwe can do an x-out-of-y multipart key, but yeah rathole19:12
mordredyah. come back to that later. sorry19:12
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clarkbI don't think we need to make a decision now, but this is the sort of thing we need to sort out to backup that host in a reasnable manner19:12
jeblairfun.  :)19:12
jeblair#topic puppet-dashboard (pleia2, anteaya)19:12
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jeblairpleia2, anteaya: what's the latest?19:12
anteayaso far I have instructions to get a dashboard and master up19:13
anteayaI was using pleia2's hpcloud account and now have my own19:13
anteayaso I will bring up those nodes again on my own19:13
anteayathen I have to get them talking to each other, so bascially the same status as the last time we talked19:13
pleia2these are manual instructions, once we have this going we'll dig into what we need to change about our puppet module19:13
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pleia2that's about it19:14
jeblairok thanks.  i'm looking forward to having a usable dashboard.  :)19:14
jeblairi think the marconi agenda topic is stale, yeah?19:15
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jeblair#topic Trove testing19:15
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jeblairhub_cap: just in time!19:15
jeblairclarkb: has an etherpad link, yeah?19:15
clarkbI do19:15
clarkb#link https://etherpad.openstack.org/testing-heat-trove-with-dib19:15
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jeblairthat makes sense to me.  are there any high level questions we should address before i dive into specifics about storing/publishing the images?19:16
mordredthe one thing that we discovered from talking to lifeless after the heat/trove discussion is that caching the upstream images might be a little more complex than we originally thought19:17
mordredbut I don't fully understand the details, so I expect to poke at that with lifeless19:17
jeblairmordred: oh, ok.19:17
clarkbmordred: I don't think it is the fully built images that are a problem it is the point about building ubuntu and fedora images to build a package cache19:18
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mordredno - there's another thing19:18
mordredthe thing that dib caches is not the exact thing that's downloaded19:18
mordredso we need or they need to grow a thing19:18
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mordredI belive they're going to grow a feature19:18
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jeblair#action mordred understand and explain the mysterious caching issue with the heat/trove test plan19:19
anteayayes the download then a form of unpacking and then selecting a thing which is cached19:19
mordredanteaya: ++19:19
jeblairso i was thinking that later this week i would effect the tarballs move (from old-wiki to static.o.o)19:20
jeblairconsidering step 1 in that plan, it might be a good time to talk about where these images would be published...19:20
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jeblairshould we just dump them in a directory on tarballs.o.o, or create a new images.o.o vhost?19:20
jeblair(i mean really, tarballs.o.o is more like "published built artifacts.o.o" anyway...19:21
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jeblairit also holds jars and wars, for instance)19:21
mordredaccording to heat and trove, they do not expect to produce tons of these19:21
pleia2will our build systems have access to writing to this server where the images are cached?19:21
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mordredbut I do believe tripleo long-term would like to publish a larger and more frequently updated set of images19:21
clarkbpleia2: priveleged jenkins will19:21
mordredso I kinda think subdir on tarballs.o.o for now19:21
jeblairso i'd be okay with just putting them in, say, tarballs.o.o/trove/something.img, unless we wanted to make this thing a real public service with a nicer url.19:22
mordredand then sort out a swift-backed-glance for later when we expect more real traffic19:22
mordredjeblair: ++19:22
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pleia2clarkb: ok, safe enough then (at least, not less safe than anything we're doing now)19:22
mordredI think there is a larger design that could be nice here, but is not necessary to get through step one19:22
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jeblairok, so we'll start there... what kind of space requirements should we expect for heat and trove in the medium term?19:22
mordred4 images. they have not indicated that they need historical storage - but rather a "this is the one that works"19:23
jeblairhrm, well we never delete anything from tarballs.o.o now, but i suppose we could19:23
mordreduntil we get a broader requirement, I say we stick with the equiv of a master.img19:23
jeblairoh ok19:23
mordredand then maybe a $tag.img if they ever do those?19:24
jeblairso upload and overwrite an existing filename19:24
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clarkbI think we need at least some rotation for debugging purposes19:24
clarkb(similar to why we keep old snapshot(s) for nodepool)19:24
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clarkbbecause these artifacts will be used in the gate19:24
jeblairnone of this is easy with jenkins scp uploading (neither atomic rewrites, symlinks, or rotation).  this is another use-case for a smarter artifact receiver.19:25
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jeblairbut, at the moment, that's what we have, so i think the best approximation would be to upload a unique file as well as a master.img file...19:26
jeblairand have a cron job delete old unique files19:26
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mordredI'm fine with that19:26
mordredagain - they say these images do not change frequently19:26
mordred"almost never" was the phrase used19:26
fungithe cron job is more or less already there, just needs a pattern and relevant timeframe i think19:26
jeblairso what kind of size are we talking about?19:26
jeblaira few gb total i'm guessing (a handful of couple-hundred-mb images each?)19:27
fungiahh, so maybe tagging them (releasing the images) makes sense then?19:27
mordredhub_cap: ^^ ?19:27
clarkbthe images I was building last week were >200MB and less that <1GB. This was for tripleo so may not represent anything like what trove and heat need19:27
mordredI believe trove and heat do not need large images19:27
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mordredso, yeah to what jeblair said19:28
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jeblairokay, let's throw 50gb at it for starters.19:28
hub_capsorry dude im totally afk w baby19:29
hub_capim back let me scroll up19:29
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mordredhub_cap: tl;dr - how big are your images19:29
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hub_capim thinking ~60m19:30
jeblair#action jeblair move tarballs.o.o and include 50gb space for heat/trove images19:30
hub_capi can find out tho19:30
jeblairanything else on trove(/heat) testing?19:31
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jeblair#topic Tripleo testing19:31
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jeblairlifeless: ping19:31
jeblairso lifeless sent an email about this, and there are a few replies19:31
jeblair#link https://etherpad.openstack.org/tripleo-test-cluster19:32
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hub_capohhhhh qcow2 is 400m19:32
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hub_capi was totally wrong19:32
jeblairin broad strokes, this plan also seems reasonable19:32
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jeblairmordred: did you want to update folks on the changes you made to the etherpad, or is everyone up to speed on that?19:33
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jeblairhub_cap: ok, i'll stick with my swag of 50g then19:33
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mordredbasically, since we talked, I remembered that nodepool has the ability to have a custom bootstrap script per base-image type19:34
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mordredwhich means that rather than piggypacking on the d-g nodes, we could also choose to just make a whole new node type to deal with the tripleo slaves19:34
* ttx lurks19:34
hub_capjeblair: 50g is reasonable (sry for the late response)19:34
mordredI do not know if that's better or worse19:34
jeblairhub_cap: np, thx19:34
mordredconsidering that we need to solve upstream image caching on d-g nodes for trove and heat anyway19:35
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jeblairmordred: well, the tripleo slaves want to run on the tripleo cloud, yeah?19:35
mordredthey do19:35
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jeblairmordred: so that's a new provider -- and unless we want to run d-g tests there, then it needs to be a new image too19:35
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jeblairso i think that strongly suggests that direction :)19:35
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mordredso, lifeless, that's the change I made to the etherpad since then19:36
mordredalso, jhesketh popped in channel with something like hipster-zoro or something yesterday, which is a zuul-gearman based non-jenkins job runner19:37
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mordredwhich I think might be worthwhile looking at for the pieces of this that need built19:37
mordredalthough might be wrong19:37
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mordredthat's all19:37
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jeblairmordred: i love it; i think he's trolling you with a whole project.  :)19:38
mordredit might be the wrong design for what lifeless needs out of it19:38
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fungiit has a beard and skinny jeans. what more does it need?19:38
mordredcraft beer and a food truck19:38
anteayaand an untucked shirt19:39
clarkbmordred: beer consumption among the hipster demographic is down, craft liquor is what you need19:39
lifelessso I want to only vary from existing CI tooling where needed19:39
lifelessbetter to migrate as part of a bigger plan than be a special snowflake19:39
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mordredyah. I was more thinking about your broker19:39
mordredwith the turbo-hipster19:39
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mordredlike I said - may be COMPLETE mismatch of purpose19:39
lifelessI think so19:40
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mordredjeblair: any specific questions you wanted to dive in to there?19:41
jeblairwell, i think the in-person planning and resulting documentation have made this a very easy topic.  i'm interpreting this as widespread agreement and support.19:41
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jeblairmordred: i don't think so.  broadly speaking, i think it's sound.  there are lots of fun details to work out, but i think they are all tractable problems (easier to deal with when we get closer)19:42
mordredjeblair: we even did most of it without beer19:43
jeblairmordred: i can tell!19:43
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jeblair#topic Salt (UtahDave)19:43
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jeblairfungi, UtahDave: ?19:43
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fungii've got a small to do list on this19:44
fungi#link https://etherpad.openstack.org/salt-slavery-and-puppetry19:44
fungimostly just clean-up now19:44
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fungiwe've been ironing out the stability issues seen previously and i think we're down to the last one19:44
fungiwe were just looking into it before the meeting19:45
UtahDavemostly making sure zmq 3.2+ is installed.19:45
jeblairfungi: point #1 -- i think we add repos to a whitelist where we trust unattended upgrades...19:45
jeblairfungi: are you planning on doing that for salt?19:45
fungijeblair: we have, but i didn't do it right--needs fixing19:45
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jeblairah ok19:45
fungijeblair: i think my ruby/puppet list iteration is wrong is all19:45
anteayafungi: I can peak after the meeting if you want19:46
fungiUtahDave: did you have details on why #2 there helped?19:46
UtahDavefungi: point #3   the salt-minion should be restarted, not reloaded.19:46
fungii'd like to make sure i include it in the commit message19:46
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fungiUtahDave: ahh! i heard you backwards earlier. puppet only knows restart unless you do fancy things19:46
clarkbdoes zmq 3.2+ support 2.X? protocol?19:47
fungistriking from the list19:47
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UtahDavefungi: Yes, it has to do with the Salt Mine. It's a fairly new feature that runs frequently. There apparently was a bug that was causing those issues19:47
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clarkbwe may need to do a quick check that newer zmq eg 3.2+ won't break the jenkins event stream plugin19:47
fungiUtahDave: if the salt mine bug link is handy, i'll keep an eye on it so i know when it's safe to revert that bit19:48
fungiclarkb: good point19:48
UtahDavefungi: I don't have it right here. I'll track it down and get it to you.19:48
fungiUtahDave: no rush, and thanks19:48
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UtahDaveclarkb: I'm not sure how zmq 3.2 would affect Jenkins.19:48
fungiclarkb: which machines specifically are involved in that right now? just jenkins/zuul/logstash?19:48
clarkbthe jenkins side is jeromq which is java native and won't be affected but the python things talking to jeromq use libzmq19:48
UtahDavefungi: np!19:48
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clarkbfungi: and nodepool19:49
fungiclarkb: ahh, right19:49
fungiclarkb: but the jenkins slaves themselves are not, right?19:49
clarkbfungi: correct19:49
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mordredwe eventually want salt minions on everything for the salt puppeting - so I think that's a good thing to check19:50
fungimordred: yep, item #8 on that to do list19:51
UtahDavetesting is obviously in order, but my guess is that upgrading to zmq3.2 won't cause any communication issues.  Salt works with both zmq 2.1.x and zmq 3.2-x19:51
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clarkbUtahDave: that is what I expected19:51
UtahDavezmq 3.2.x  fixes a bunch of stability issues19:51
jeblairfungi, UtahDave: anything else on this topic?19:52
fungino, i think that's about it--continuing to hack away at it19:52
UtahDaveAs fungi ties off this initial project, if anyone else has any uses for Salt, please let me know19:52
jeblairUtahDave: thanks for your (countinued!) help19:52
jeblair#topic Owncloud (anteaya)19:53
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jeblairanteaya: hi!19:53
anteayaI have stood up an owncloud:
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anteayaand gave out credentials to the infra team via pm last week19:53
anteayathe reason I did this was mordred asked me to19:53
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anteayaapparently the board wants to use it19:54
jeblairi think mordred (in his board capacity) is driving requirements for this...19:54
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mordredyah. the board would like a place to put documents19:54
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mordredso that we can stop having a private mailing list19:54
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jeblairanteaya, mordred: so do you want to do some acceptance testing with the install anteaya has set up?19:54
anteayawill owncloud suit their needs?19:54
anteayalet's do that19:54
mordredI think the main outstanding questions are:19:55
mordredauth integration of some sort19:55
zaroanteaya: did you check if it works with windows 7, the webdav portion?19:55
anteayazaro: I have not, no19:55
jeblairmordred: i think that would be nice, but with a limited pool of users, integrated auth support could probably be deferred...19:55
mordreduhm, I think that's the main one19:55
mordredtotally. we can totally do by-hand auth19:55
anteayaI think I still have the link you sent me though19:55
mordredI think at first the main purpose of this is "so board can share stuff"19:55
jeblairmordred: want to share some docs with us then?19:56
anteayathey can look at files19:56
mordredit might be nice to expand that in te future to "so devs and stuff can share stuff"19:56
jeblairzaro: good idea to test webdav on osx and windows19:56
anteayabut they can't edit other people's files19:56
anteayait is not a group file editing app19:56
clarkbisn't group based permissions important as well?19:56
jeblairmordred: integrated auth would def be a requirement for that19:56
pleia2anteaya: oh, I have a win7 install floating around, just let me know what to test19:56
mordredclarkb: not for step one - if this is only used by the board, there is only one group :)19:56
mordredanteaya: I do not seem to be able to add things to the shared folder19:57
anteayaokay, perhaps just logging in to start?19:57
pleia2anteaya: will do19:57
anteayamordred: create a file and then share it19:57
mordredthere _do_ seem to be groups in it - and you seem to be able to share with groups19:57
clarkbmordred: right, but if there is a step two and dropbox doesn't do group permissions... I think we need to test it a bit as if we were using it in the desired end state19:57
anteayayou have to click it and then select share19:57
mordredI hav ejust shared a file19:58
mordredclarkb: agree19:58
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mordreddo people see the file I shared?19:58
jeblairmordred, anteaya: ok, let us know if there's specific testing you would like us to do; other than that, i think when mordred decides it's okay we should puppet it, yeah?19:58
anteayajeblair: yes19:58
mordredI think we should work on puppeting it19:58
mordredit seems to meet the basic use case19:58
mordredwhich is file sharing for a group of 24 people managed by hand19:59
anteayaokay, I will work with anyone wanted to test the functionality of owncloud19:59
jeblairmordred: i have received your kerrerts.19:59
anteayaand also will start to puppet it19:59
mordredif there are more advanced things we want out of it, Alan clark has offered to have suse fix things if they don't work19:59
jeblairwe did not get to this topic: elastic-recheck (clarkb, jog0, mtreinish)19:59
clarkbdo we want to look at alternatives as well?19:59
mordredanteaya: it should probably be configured to use swift as a backend and stuff19:59
jeblairi'll move it to top of agenda for next week19:59
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clarkbjeblair: thanks19:59
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jeblairclarkb, jog0, mtreinish: if there are urgent things related to that, we can overflow into -infra channel now20:00
anteayamordred: okay, this one had mysql backend, I will work on a swift backend20:00
mordredclarkb: I don't care enough - but if there are alternatives people know about, then whee!20:00
mordredanteaya: thanks!20:00
jeblairthanks everyone!20:00
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Sep 24 20:00:24 2013 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)20:00
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ttxWho is around for the TC meeting ?20:00
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ttxrussellb, jd__, dolphm, annegentle, mikal, markwash, jgriffith, vishy, gabrielhurley: around ?20:01
ttxok, plenty enough today20:01
ttxLet's get started20:01
jgriffithYup, I'm still here... here's my other arm \o20:01
ttx#startmeeting tc20:01
openstackMeeting started Tue Sep 24 20:01:56 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.20:01
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.20:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'tc'20:02
ttxOur agenda:20:02
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ttx#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/TechnicalCommittee20:02
ttxThis should be the last meeting for the current members !20:02
ttxLet's break everything20:02
jgriffithttx: +120:02
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ttx#topic Savanna incubation request: final discussion / vote20:02
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russellbwell then20:02
annegentlewow sad to see the band break up20:02
ttx#link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2013-September/014623.html20:02
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ttx#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Savanna/Incubation20:02
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ttxTwo weeks ago we had the initial discussion on Savanna. Several issues were raised...20:02
ttxIncluding the fact that Savanna was both providing a hadoop-cluster-provisioning API and a mapreduce data API20:03
ttxAnd that the cluster provisioning part still had to see where it fits, compared to Heat and Trove20:03
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ttxSergey posted a few answers recently at:20:03
ttx#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Savanna/Incubation#Raised_Questions_.2B_Answers20:03
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ttxThe discussion last week (and on the mailing-list since) shows that a lot of discussion is still needed to come up with a final integration plan20:03
ttxSome TC members think that incubation would be a way to encourage that discussion20:03
ttxOther TC members would prefer that the integration roadmap is finalized prior to incubation, the incubation period being about the execution of that plan (with graduation when the plan is executed)20:04
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* annegentle is listening to/watching the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrlHM0-q5zI20:04
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ttxPersonally I was on the first group but I think the second group's position makes a lot of sense... no real need to rush this. But I just want to make sure that discussion happens20:04
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russellbwell, and I think incubation further encourages the discussion20:04
* mordred is in the first group - doesn't think that we've required the integration plan pre-incubation for anyone else20:04
ttxSo I guess I would be fine with deferring incubation for a few weeks/months, as long as we still give time to Savanna at the design summit so that they can discuss with other incubated/integrated projects and come up with a plan20:05
russellbi think incubating them gives even more reason for everyone else to participate in the needed discussion20:05
russellbso i guess i'm in the first group20:05
jgriffithmordred: I think the bigger questions were around overlap20:05
mordredyup. I'd also like to say thank you to SergeyLukjanov for responding to last time's questions20:05
* jgriffith appears to be the only one still in the second group20:05
markwashwe haven't required a full integration plan in the past, but integration hasn't felt as troubling to me personally in the past20:06
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annegentleI'm with markwash, it's a timing thing20:06
jgriffithintegration means something very different in this case IMO20:06
ttxjgriffith: you're not alone.20:06
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russellbmay mean that it's incubating for longer than one release then20:06
russellbbut i don't think that's bad20:06
ttxIt's perfectly fine to defer the request until the concerns of scope overlap are solved20:06
mordredrussellb: ++20:06
dolphmjgriffith: i'm in the second group with you20:07
* markmcclain is in 2nd too20:07
annegentleI was trying to think of any "loss" from deferring incubation, and I don't see any other than fairness, that they are getting more scrutinized due to the recent growth.20:07
jgriffithannegentle: IMO that needs to happen at some point20:07
jeblairi think that whatever plan you go with should not result in the sort of situation we were in with trove where we graduated a project from incubation because we "had not been clear at the outset what the requirements should be"20:07
jgriffithannegentle: and I really think they're a *new* type of project20:07
markmcfor me, the project looks like it's on the right track and has a sustainable developer team around it20:07
annegentleand I'm not always in the business of fairness as my kids will tell you :)20:07
ttxmordred, russellb: the trick is, we bless the end goal here and the team to deliver it. here the end goal still looks a bit fuzzy to me, with both clustering and data API20:07
jgriffithannegentle: haha120:07
mikalIt is important to have this discussion now I think, because its a lot harder when people have put in all the incubation work and think its a done deal and then we're concerned.20:08
mordredttx: the https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Savanna/Incubation#Raised_Questions_.2B_Answers has an aim towards most of the provisioning going to heat20:08
jgriffithmikal: +120:08
russellbttx: well can't we just make that clear now then, that there will be expectations, and those need to be formed?20:08
mordredmikal: ++20:08
markwashI'm concerned that, based on the proposed integration specifically re: Trove, the savannah group may have a vested interest against what seems to me to be a likely "best" integration path20:08
markwashwhich is why bestowing incubation status feels like it may be premature20:08
markmcwhat are we saying is the "best" integration path?20:09
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jgriffithmarkmc: personally I don't know that we can say that, other than address the overlap and shared concerns20:09
markwashmarkmc. . not we, just me. . I'm considering "savannah uses trove to deploy hadoop" to be a potential answer20:09
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mordredI still don't know what "uses trove to deploy hadoop" really means - the two don't seem related to me at all20:10
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markmcmordred, agree20:10
russellbmordred: +120:10
russellbboth of them using heat, yes20:10
jd__incubation should be about "Does this could ever be an integrated project for OpenStack?", that's it, IMHO, the rest is the purpose of incubation20:10
mordredrussellb: ++20:10
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markmcthe cluster provisioning *implementation* overlapping with heat makes sense to me20:10
mordredmarkmc: ++20:10
jgriffithjd__: if that's the case it's an easier question IMO20:10
markmcwhich is similar feedback we gave to trove20:10
markmcjd__, we've required a sustainable developer team in the past too - e.g. for designate20:11
hub_capfwiw, trove has no clustering solution, so integration will likely take a while whatever path is chosen ;)20:11
shardymarkmc: the cluster provisioning implementation could be a new (shared) Heat resource20:11
markmcbut it looks to me like savannah has that20:11
ttxmordred, russellb: I sit on the fence. I feel like we'll see a lot more clearly after the summit and be in a lot better position to decide. On the other hand, incubation might be a way to make sure that discussion happens :)20:11
ErikBKeep in mind that provisioning VMs is a very small part of what Savanna brings to the table.20:11
russellbttx: but if they don't incubate, they get lost in the noise20:12
dolphmjd__: ++20:12
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jd__markmc: well because we probably don't envision a project with 0 or 1 developer being part of integrated OpenStack ;)20:12
mikalErikB: that's a good point20:12
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jgriffithrussellb: if they poof that easily better now than later20:12
mordredErikB: yeah. this sentence is what I think did it for me: "Hadoop isn't a database or just data storage, but a huge ecosystem with tons of data processing related tools."20:12
markmcjd__, right20:12
ttxrussellb: in particular, I would like to clarify if Savanna's goal is to provide a provisioning API, a data API, or both.20:12
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jgriffithttx: +120:12
ttxCurrently it's "both", and it doesn't make real sense to me as an openstack  project20:13
mordredwhich helped me realize I was framing hadoop a bit wrong in my head20:13
ErikBmordred - exactly. Deploying Hadoop is complex and often times vendor specific not lending itself well to a generic approach.20:13
markmcttx, what's the big issue with "both" as an answer?20:13
* markmc isn't seeing it20:13
ErikBttx - both what?20:13
mordredttx: I've been struggling with that view since you said it originally ...20:13
mordredwhat markmc said20:13
mordredI'm not sure what it's a problem - given the nature of hadoop/map reduce processing20:13
gabrielhurleyI'm still very on the fence about this entire type of project... The "data processing" program seems like a big grey area of user/customer-oriented workflows and best practices and I have a hard time seeing the right fit for integration, but maybe that's just me.20:13
markwashthe issue for me is that we already have similar provisioning apis20:13
ttxmarkmc: I see those two APIs as having a completely different audience20:13
jgriffithgabrielhurley: not just you FWIW20:14
ttxmarkmc: that's really two projects lumped together20:14
jmaronit's goal isn't to provide a provisioning api or a data api.  it's goal is to make hadoop viable in an openstack, virtualized environment.  provisioning is part of that process, and it's MUCH more than a data api20:14
mordredI see it as "as a user of a cloud, I would like to map/reduce some data, but I don't want to have to understand the ops aspect of running a hadoop cluster"20:14
markmcttx, for hadoop? I think I see it as the same audience20:14
markwashmaybe I just need more time to find my way to the Kool-Aid table :-)20:14
markmcmordred, right20:14
mordredI _do_ grok the map/reduce job I want to run20:14
gabrielhurleyjmaron: if you say that, then I have to say "why hadoop and not X?"20:14
mordredthis is why I think it's a good fit for a cloud20:14
ErikBttx: you can't have one without the other. Provisioning is incidental it's the provisioning of the hadoop services on the virtualized resources where the value is. This is complex, vendor specific.20:15
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mordredeither a) you hav ea job and you want to run it on your own private hadoop, and still don't wnat to manage the details of running the hadoop20:15
IlyaEHadoop is a huge ecosystem and Savanna goal is to provide integrated experience of running Hadoop solutions seamless on top of OpenStack20:15
mordredor b) you have a job and you don't mind running it on a potentially shared hadoop20:15
mordredbut in either case, you want the workload taken care of, and you don't really care about the details of how the cluster operates20:15
ErikBgabrielhurley: Savanna is specifically focused on hadoop and nothing else at the moment20:15
gabrielhurleyyes, but why should OpenStack bless Hadoop?20:16
IlyaEproviding integration with existent tooling to properly configure and operate Hadoop clusters in integral part of the all process20:16
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ttxmordred: interesting20:16
IlyaEand Elastic Data Processing or Data API is built on top20:16
mordredgabrielhurley: same reason we bless MySQL20:16
gabrielhurleyexcept we don't20:16
mordredsure we do20:16
mordredtrove is MySQL aaS out of the box20:16
gabrielhurleywe implicitly use mysql and are trying to add more backends20:16
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gabrielhurleytrove is also working to support postgres and nonrel20:16
jd__mordred: it has abstraction to provide for others20:16
SergeyLukjanovgabrielhurley, Hadoop is the largest open source eco in area of Big Data20:16
jmarongabriellehurley: I would assume openstack welcoming hadoop would be a win-win for both20:17
jd__I'm with gabrielhurley on this one :)20:17
mikalSergeyLukjanov: are they any viable competitors at the moment?20:17
IlyaEgabrielhurley - it's not about what is on backend of OpenStack - it's about apps running on OpenStack20:17
aignatovjmaron: ++20:17
ttxIlyaE, mordred: I guess I can see your point of providing a "portfolio of solutions for people wanting to do mapreduce stuff"20:17
gabrielhurleySavanna (as I understand it) has no intention of being pluggable, or agnostic in any way20:17
mikalSergeyLukjanov: or is it so big its the only game in town?20:17
hub_captrove wil be supporting posgres soon fwiw, and redis20:17
ErikBgabrielhurley: OpenStack provides IaaS presumably to do something useful, one of the use cases that users are screaming for is to deploy hadoop on OpenStack. This is not easy todo today, as a matter of fact it's quite difficult. Savanna solves this exact problem and brings hadoop to the masses on top of OpenStack.20:17
gabrielhurleyHadoop has a great ecosystem, but it's far from the only game in town20:17
hub_capand cassandra / mongo will come after :)20:17
ttxIlyaE, mordred: that would address my fear of "two different audiences"20:17
markwashwhy wouldn't I want to use an off-the-shelf hadoop job management system, and just deploy my hadoop on openstack with trove or heat?20:17
IlyaEgabrielhurley Savanna has pluggable mechanism implemented already20:17
mordredttx: ++20:18
SergeyLukjanovmikal, there are a lot of other tools in area of data processing, for example, Twitter Storm (that is now on the go to the Apache Foundation)20:18
annegentleYeah I'm a conservationist for OpenStack resources and having to support hadoop/savanna in our support channels is not win to me20:18
mordredmarkwash: because that's really hard20:18
gabrielhurleyFWIW, I'm not arguing the value of savanna as solving a real problem. I'm questioning if that's a problem that integrated OpenStack is trying to solve for it's users.20:18
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IlyaEttx In terms of audience it's absolutely the same - people who need to run analytic/computational workloads on cloud platform20:18
* mordred thinks that IaaS means "help me do things via APIs that I normally have to hire admins to do for me"20:18
ttxIlyaE: point taken20:19
jmaronannegentle:  you are not interested in running viable, sought after application soltuions on openstack?20:19
mikalSergeyLukjanov: would it be possible to have an API which expresses botha Hadoop map reduce or a Storm one in a sensible manner?20:19
mordredso that as a dev, I can focus on the task at hand, and as an operator, I can consolidate admin knowledge into an efficiency-by-scale solution20:19
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dolphmmordred: but admins can do ANYTHING20:19
mikalSergeyLukjanov: or are their assumptions so fundamentally different that API wouldn't make sense?20:19
annegentlejmaron: not at all, but what resources are they entitled to?20:19
notmynamemordred: wordpress shared blogging platforms ;-)20:20
akuznetsovmikal  yes Twitter Storm can be deployed to Hadoop via Yarn20:20
markwashnotmyname: incubation approved20:20
gabrielhurleyHadoop clustering is hard. I wouldn't really want to do it from scratch personally. If I were gonna do it on OpenStack I *might* use Savanna for that. But I don't know that I would expect to find Savanna as a batteries-included part of OpenStack. The more I think about it the more it feels like an essential and important part of the ecosystem...20:20
SergeyLukjanovmikal, in terms of data processing api there are the same - run some workloads with specified configs, inputs and outputs, etc.20:20
* markwash only kids20:20
ruhemikal, there are different data processing tools - Pig, Hive, raw MapReduce jobs. we already have API to use any of them20:20
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mordredgabrielhurley: I'm not sure what "important part of the ecosystem" means20:21
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mordredgabrielhurley: or what that looks like to me as a consumer20:21
ttxgabrielhurley: I don't always install Hadoop, but when I do, I use Savanna.20:21
mordredttx: hahaha20:21
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gabrielhurleymordred: if OpenStack doesn't find a way to promote projects that are useful and well-written without integrating them, we're doomed.20:21
mikalSergeyLukjanov: so you don't see a large _technical_ barrier to addding storm to savannah later if there was demand?20:21
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ttxSo I guess we have three options for this meeting's vote: approve incubation now, defer the application until after summit and give some time at the summit to clarify it, or just plain deny it20:22
ErikBgabrielhurley: exactly.20:22
gabrielhurleyI'm not20:22
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SergeyLukjanovmikal, no, there are no problems to add Twitter Storm to Savanna20:22
mordredgabrielhurley: I'd say if the ecosystem doesn't find a way for those to make sense for consumers, the ecosystem is doomed20:22
gabrielhurleyI'm open to summit time and more thoguht20:22
mordredrigh tnow "the ecosystem" is vaporware"20:22
mikalttx: that sounds like two votes: do we defer; and do we incubate?20:22
gabrielhurleymordred: it's a two-way street20:22
gabrielhurleybut yes20:22
dmitrymegabrielhurley: I don't think there is a silver bullet for every app20:22
mikalttx: the second one only being needed for some outcomes of the first20:22
ttx(note that solution (2) is also about punting to the next TC membership)20:22
mordredgabrielhurley: if any of our public clouds would do anything other than NIH, we might get somewhere20:22
ttxmikal: (2) is like (3) but granting some official summit time20:23
mordredgabrielhurley: thus far, the ONLY way any of them EVER work together on ANYTHING is when we're involved20:23
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hub_capttx either way the integration vote is w a new group :)20:23
mordredso, as soon as I see that behvior even start to change a little bit, I'll be less of a maximalist20:23
dolphmttx: is there something that says a project that has been denied incubation by one TC can't re-apply to another TC?20:23
ttxmikal: I guess so, yes20:23
ttxdolphm: no20:23
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dolphmttx: then what's the difference between 2 and 3?20:23
dolphmttx: either way it's a vote for "not now"20:24
gabrielhurleyagreed. that's partly their fault for not self-organizing more, and partly ours for not guiding more and providing more framework/structure/tools that aren't stackforge->integration20:24
ttxdolphm: you allocate official summit time for savanna, which would otherwise have to fight for space in the unconference or wherever20:24
mikalSo, I think deferring is a cop out. We've had several weeks to discuss this, and I'm not clear on how the small amount of free time each of us has at the summit will help things be clearer. We're here to make a technical call, and we should do that.20:24
mordredgabrielhurley: fair enough20:24
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dolphmttx: ah, important distinction then20:24
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mordredgabrielhurley: (altohugh I do think hadoop is normal enough that I want to see clouds support it across the board)20:24
hub_capfwiw, regardless of tc vote, myself, heat core members and savanna need to talk20:24
hub_capthere is a lot of overlap20:24
markwashle trove, c'est moi20:25
mordredgabrielhurley: so I agre with you in the large, but on this particular thing, I think a hadoop is something I expect a cloud to be able to give me20:25
annegentleI agree with gabrielhurley and mordred, "the ecosystem" is fuzzy and we should make that better, but is incubation "the ecosystem" is also fuzzy to me.20:25
mordredhub_cap: ++20:25
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russellbhub_cap: yes, and i think incubating a project is the best way to encourage that to happen20:25
ttxIt looks like there is no consensus right now, and a bit more savanna exposure could help solve that20:25
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jmaronas well as hadoop exposure20:25
mikalttx: a lot of TC members aren't talking at the moment though. I feel like a vote is the best way to test for concensus.20:26
mordredmikal: ++20:26
mordredthat is, after all, what voting is for20:26
ttxtrue words20:26
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markmcit would seem unfair to the savannah folks not to vote20:26
annegentleI'm studying savanna a ton, and I think they're on the right track, and I'd like to encourage them, but I'm not sure the timing of incubation before summit is quite right.20:26
gabrielhurleymordred: Hadoop's kind of a "least-common denominator" right now. it's often not the *right* thing, but people use to to kick the tires a bit, or to do some job that doesn't deserve to be specialized...20:26
IlyaEwhile voting keep in mind, that Savanna is fairly advanced technically, with cluster provisioning up and working, plugins allowing different Hadoop distributions integration, stable and growing community team20:26
markmcthey've done everything we've asked to prepare for this20:26
IlyaEwe have bunch of videos published20:26
SergeyLukjanovbtw we've already have a bunch of working code and a great team that is working on project for long time, dashboard plugin, python bindings, diskimage-builder elements20:27
ErikBannegentle: What timing would be better?20:27
russellbmarkmc: +120:27
mordredmarkmc: ++20:27
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mordredI actually think they've done an excellent job in both keeping up with infra things20:27
ttxIlyaE: paradoxically I feel like it's that advancement that plays a bit against it :)20:27
mordredand being proactive about it20:27
jgriffithIlyaE: SergeyLukjanov so here's the thing... YOu're way ahead and things look great IMO20:27
IlyaEand incubation status would really help to accelerate the further integration of Savanna to OpenStack20:27
dolphmannegentle: ++20:27
jgriffiththe confusion I have is how to reconcile with the overlap of tasks20:27
IlyaEthat would be the key goal for IceHouse20:27
dolphmIlyaE: i'm not convinced that's true20:28
ErikBIlyaE: ++20:28
jgriffithYou keep saying "cluster provisioning is only a small part"20:28
russellbi think it's clear that the overlap is an issue and it's the major expectation we have to be worked on20:28
jgriffithbut it is a part20:28
jgriffithand it's not that small else we wouldn't need heat20:28
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jgriffithI'm fine with incubation20:28
ttxok, we can do a plain yes/no vote, and in case no wins we can decide of any special measure like summit exposure20:28
jgriffithI just think it would be great to have better coordination20:28
jd__if everybody thinks Hadoop as a service fits OpenStack, the rest is up for incubation20:28
mordredttx: ++20:28
markmcclainttx: ++20:28
jd__overlap resolving etc20:28
russellbjd__: that's my take too20:28
SergeyLukjanovjgriffith, we would like to move provisioning code out as much as possible by Heat integration20:28
gabrielhurleyjd__: I can agree with that20:28
annegentleErikB: probably just conflating my discomfort with the havana release less than a month away20:28
mordredjd__: ++20:29
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ttxI definitely think a mapreduce API belongs20:29
markwashresolving overlap is a major issue, but what guarantees do we have that incubation encourages resolving it in the right way?20:29
jmaron"small" isn't a slight or a comment on its importance.  it's an indication that provisioning is only a portion of the tasks executed as part of provisioning hadoop on openstack.20:29
markwashI'm actually afraid it makes it worse20:29
ErikBannegentle: I see. Although I see them as orthogonal with no impact on each other.20:29
mikalmarkwash: not granting graduation?20:29
annegentlemarkwash: good point, but we don't have other mechanisms20:29
ttxI'm slightly skeptical about the provisioning stuff, and would like it to be extremely thin and reuse existing bits, but everyone agrees with that20:29
IlyaEmarkwash there is gating factor in form of graduation20:29
mordredmarkwash: I've been beating marconi over the head about things since they got incubated20:29
jd__I've no problem with incubation during 3 years if they can't resolve the issues -- though the project may be kicked out before :)20:30
russellbmarkwash: i don't think we have a guarantee, but my gut says it's better than saying no.20:30
SergeyLukjanovmarkwash, graduation is the guarantee20:30
dolphmmy opinion is simply that resolving overlap is outside the scope of incubation, which should just be the last few steps towards an integrated release20:30
mordredmarkwash: and they have to take it :)20:30
markwashI think the crucial thing is "in the right way"20:30
markwashit will certainly be resolved before graduation20:30
ttxI had trouble with the "dual audience" question, but IlyaE and mordred kind of fixed that20:30
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jgriffithrussellb: I'm good with that20:30
mordredyay! I was helpful!20:30
markwashbut I don't yet buy a lot of the arguments that "hadoop is just different"20:30
ttxjd__: +120:31
markwashso i would want to see more flexibiliity from advocates on that position20:31
markwashbefore voting yes to incubation20:31
nadyamarkwash, what does "in the right way" mean?20:31
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ttxmarkwash: I'd say that data transformation is a basic application building block, like a queue or a database20:32
markwashnadya: there are lots of ways to resolve the overlap. . we could decide it doesn't exist, we could delete everything provisioning and replace it with heat, we could use trove to provision more things clustery, we could build clustering as its own component20:33
ttxmarkwash: that's how I solve the "hadoop is ok, but wordpress is not" question in my mind20:33
ErikBmarkwash: hadoop is different in two perspectives I believe: scale of deployment (100's to 1000's of nodes) , coordination of configuring and startup of services. My point of reference being JavaEE servers and databases on Hadoop.20:33
ErikBcorrection on Hadoop = on OpenStack20:33
jgriffithummm... you can run single node hadoop.  Just saying20:33
markwashnadya: but the advanced state and the corporate connection with savannah spells "vested interests" to me20:33
jgriffithbut anyway, I think we're getting off track20:33
markwashso I just want to be sure before voting yes20:34
ErikBjgriffith: this is not what we are solving. We are solving the real world use cases of large scale deployments.20:34
gabrielhurleyWhat about things like Storm, Spark, Azkaban, etc. that aren't "hadoop ecosystem"?20:34
rnirmalalso keep in mind from an openstack perspective a managed service(similar to trove) for provisioning and managing clustering services would be a good separated project. i.e it doesn't have to be Hadoop specific and can support other clustered applications as well.20:34
ttxfwiw incubation is a lot less... definitive than graduation to integrated is.20:34
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jgriffithErikB: settle, wasn't criticizing or challenging you there20:34
gabrielhurleyrnirmal: I would vote for that in a heartbeat ;-)20:34
jgriffithErikB: I understand what you're saying20:34
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SergeyLukjanovgabrielhurley, some of them could be installed at Hadoop 2 using YARN (for example, Twitter Storm)20:34
ttxthe next TC can remove it if it doesn't like what it sees, and it can stay in incubation for 3 years if that's what it takes to integrate properly20:34
jgriffithlet's vote!20:35
gabrielhurleySergeyLukjanov: is that something Savanna would want to add to their roadmap?20:35
nadyamarkwash, I think all of us agree that Clustering API is important question and we are ready to discuss it. it's too complicated. several project are involved20:35
* annegentle has to get to an appointment, mikal has my proxy vote20:36
ttxTC members: please indicate when you're ready to vote, so that I know when to start it20:36
markmcclainready to vote20:36
mikalttx: ready20:36
SergeyLukjanovgabrielhurley, technically it's possible, but it's depend on approved project scope20:36
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gabrielhurleySergeyLukjanov: I think this is essential to the idea of scope20:37
* ttx freezes20:37
gabrielhurleyis this part of your scope or not?20:37
SergeyLukjanovgabrielhurley, currently no20:37
gabrielhurleyis your scope "hadoop" or "map reduce clustering"?20:37
gabrielhurleythanks for clarifying20:37
gabrielhurleynow ready20:37
* mordred actually just held his breath tensely20:37
ttx(only TC members vote, thx)20:38
ttx#startvote Accept Savanna in incubation for the Icehouse cycle? yes, no, abstain20:38
openstackBegin voting on: Accept Savanna in incubation for the Icehouse cycle? Valid vote options are yes, no, abstain.20:38
openstackVote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.20:38
russellb#vote yes20:38
mikal#vote yes20:38
mordred#vote yes20:38
ttx#vote abstain20:38
notmyname#vote no20:38
jgriffith#vote yes20:38
markwash#vote no20:38
gabrielhurley#vote no20:38
markmc#vote yes20:38
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markmcclain#vote no20:38
shardy#vote yes20:38
dolphm#vote no20:38
annegentle_proxy#vote yes20:38
jd__#vote yes20:38
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ttx30 more seconds20:38
vishy#vote yes20:38
openstackVoted on "Accept Savanna in incubation for the Icehouse cycle?" Results are20:39
openstackyes (9): markmc, vishy, shardy, jd__, russellb, jgriffith, mikal, mordred, annegentle_proxy20:39
openstackabstain (1): ttx20:39
openstackno (5): gabrielhurley, dolphm, notmyname, markwash, markmcclain20:39
ttxThat's a yes20:39
ErikBgood call20:39
markmccongrats savannah folks20:39
mattfthank you20:39
markmc(too many to call out individually :)20:39
vishyok now integrate better!20:39
mordredwow. we actually had a close vote! I'm proud of us!20:39
ErikBthank you20:39
SergeyLukjanovthank you20:39
aignatovthank you a lot!20:39
russellbvishy: :)20:39
akuznetsovthank you20:40
nadya:) !20:40
russellbthanks guys, i look forward to seeing what you do over the next 6 months20:40
mordredSergeyLukjanov: now you get to migrate to testr :)20:40
gabrielhurleyindeed, congratulations and no hard feelings, I hope. I would still like to see more agnostic data processing and clustering instead of hadoop-specific.20:40
ttxExplanation for my abstain: I would actually have preferred to vote on this after the next design summit. But then I'm selfish.20:40
mordredttx: I was going to give you a hard time about that20:40
ttxanyway, this is devil's advocate club20:40
ttx#topic Open discussion20:40
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hub_capgratz savanna! hope to see you in the summit to chat trove!20:40
hub_cap(and heat)20:40
ttxThe initial governance repo commit is still awaiting your reviews at:20:40
mordredttx: so - sum up for me the state of the TC after this meeting20:40
ttx#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/44489/20:40
SergeyLukjanovhub_cap, yep, absolutely20:41
ttxAlso PTL self-nomination in progress, closes Thursday20:41
ttx#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/PTL_Elections_Fall_201320:41
mikalThe PTL nominations make me sad20:41
mattfgabrielhurley, i'd like to see that too20:41
russellbnotmyname: you running?  :-)20:41
markwashmikal: please elaborate20:41
mikalI think all of those candidates are great, but I worry that we haven't managed to build a larger group of potential leaders20:41
mordredttx: do we have a TC between now and the TC elections?20:41
hub_capu mean the ptl single person per category cept for horizon mikal?20:41
jgriffithmikal: you're not running?20:41
mikalmarkwash: it just feels unhealthy20:41
mordredmikal: yah. there is only one contested electoin20:42
notmynamerussellb: ya, just been doing fun stuff like debugging and airline bookings ;-)20:42
ttxmordred: the current TC is still in charge until October 1720:42
* mordred considered nominating myself as a second candidate in all elections20:42
mikaljgriffith: that's a fair point, and I may yet. I did run last election...20:42
mordredjust for funsies20:42
jgriffithI guess I'd rather see 1 candidate than 0 candidates20:42
mordredjgriffith: ++20:42
markwashmordred: I think we should elect you for all of them if you do :-)20:42
hub_capu know has anyone thoguht of that?20:42
ttxmordred: although it's good practice to avoid taking decisions while the vote is in progress... unless we are forced to20:42
mordredmarkwash: oh god.20:42
hub_capwhat happens if u have 0 interested in a ptl for a 6mo?20:42
mikaljgriffith: that's true, but what happens when all our incubent PTLs go and work somewhere else?20:42
ttxmarkmcclain: ISTR you had a topic to raise ?20:42
mordredhub_cap: most active reviewer20:43
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mordredhub_cap: gets autonominated/becomes PTL20:43
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markwashmikal: fwiw I agree. . but I can see some of the reasons for it too20:43
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hub_caphah srsly? is that in the "bylaws" (/me throws out lawyerspeak)20:43
russellbi think a project with nobody interested would probably be a dead project20:43
markmcclainttx: yeah.. yesterday there was a thread on -infra about marconi and moving to pecan20:43
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hub_caprussellb: fair enough...20:43
notmynamemikal: a lot of us have moved around already, with no major changes ;-)20:43
russellbi suspect in many cases, if the incumbent stepped down, there would be multiple ready to jump on the election20:43
jgriffithmikal: incubents do step down20:43
markmchub_cap, I think we'd be left with a ptl-less project20:43
mordredmarkmcclain: we had a NICE LONG discussion20:43
markmcclaindo feel like we need to make it more official that moving to pecan is expected for graduation?20:43
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markmchub_cap, which could be an interesting governance experiment20:43
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hub_capmaybe seeing only 1x per program means the ptls are doing a great job? :)20:44
mordredmarkmcclain: so far all we have is a design summit decision - the TC has not made such a graduation vote20:44
markmchub_cap, personally, I think it would be totally sane to run a project based on consensus amongst core team members20:44
mikalYeah, my concern isn't about reality, its about preception. A large block of single candidate elections _looks_ unhealthy.20:44
hub_capmarkmc i agree20:44
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russellbmikal: perception to who?20:44
mikalAnd might also leave new people with the impression that they can't run because there's some cabal blessing process they missed out on.20:44
mordredmarkmcclain: I'm approaching it like the other "align on this" things - let's just beat heads together for a while until something comes out of it20:44
shardymarkmc: +120:44
hub_capmikal: i think that most people know what it takes to ptl things and maybe they are ok actually being commiters lol :)20:44
mikalrussellb: potential adopters of openstack20:44
jgriffithmarkmc: hub_cap personally that's how I think it works anyway20:44
markmcheat, for example, rotates the ptl role20:45
russellbby all means, i'm not trying to discourage anyone from running, just didn't see it as alarming20:45
mikalOne of the reasons people pick openstack is our healthy community20:45
markmcnot because they want to, but because they have to20:45
jgriffithmikal: is there any sort of a proposal you have here to feel better?20:45
gabrielhurleyFWIW, I think having competition in PTL elections is a really good thing. It's a sign people want the job and are passionate and engaged.20:45
mikalrussellb: I am "sad" not "freaked out"20:45
hub_capi like the heat approach, itll be interesting to see it as an experiment20:45
jgriffithmikal: ie term limits, required number of candidates etc20:45
jd__elected or not, there's almost always someone acting like a PTL anyway if there's no such mechanism20:45
mikaljgriffith: not really20:45
ttxcould we focus on markmcclain's question for a minute ?20:45
mikaljgriffith: just encouraging people to consider running20:46
ttx<markmcclain> ttx: yeah.. yesterday there was a thread on -infra about marconi and moving to pecan20:46
mordredjgriffith: term limits  would mean someone other than notmyname would have to run swift!!!20:46
shardymarkmc: because we have to?20:46
ttx<markmcclain> do feel like we need to make it more official that moving to pecan is expected for graduation?20:46
markwashmikal: I'm afraid that people are worried that losing an election might damage their ability work with the team moving forward20:46
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mordredttx: ++20:46
jgriffithmikal: got ya, and I'd agree20:46
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markmcshardy, well, you feel that there has to be a PTL - a PTLless heat doesn't feel like a realistic option, right?20:46
* mikal defers responsing until after the pecan thing20:46
jd__ttx: markmcclain: that could be a request to get my vote for example, yes20:46
jgriffithmikal: but I'd also say PTL isn't exactly easy/fun20:46
markmcshardy, given our current governance structure20:46
hub_capdo we want to pull in the people who are opposed to pecan? doesnt marconi say no to pecan?20:46
shardymarkmc: It's what we discussed and agreed, because we all wanted to maintain some productivity ;)20:46
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mordredhub_cap: they do not - it's on their todo list20:47
jgriffithmikal: I don't blame anyone for not wanting to do it20:47
hub_capoh great mordred!!!!20:47
shardymarkmc: Yes, basically we have no need for prescriptive leadership of the Heat team20:47
* hub_cap shuts up20:47
mordredI'd actually like to see if we can get moving on that without having the TC make a prescriptive call20:47
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shardymarkmc: but we do need someone to click all-the-things in launchpad I guess ;)20:47
mordredshardy: did we both just use the word prescriptive20:47
shardymordred: I think I stole it from stevebakers's nomination ;)20:47
jgriffithwow... all PTL does is click buttons in LaunchPad?20:48
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mordredjgriffith: you can spend entire days doing that my friend20:48
markmcwell, here's to such a nice group of people being elected to the next TC :)20:48
mordredmarkmc: +10020:49
jgriffithmordred: you don't have to tell me...20:49
shardyjgriffith: well I was joking, but there are a lot of non-technical overhead tasks20:49
russellbjgriffith: if only20:49
jgriffithbut I was getting at the suggestion that that's *all* it is20:49
mordredjgriffith: hopefully storyboard will fix that ...20:49
hub_capya ttx has scripts for all that jgriffith :)20:49
notmynameI think the kind of people who like or put up with the requirements of PTL are different than the skills that make a good contributor. and so perhaps many contributors are happy no being (or running) for PTL20:49
mordredright ttx ?20:49
mikalI think the way we show people that they can lose a PTL election and remain in the community is by doing it a bunch of times. I lost the nova ptl election last time around, and I haven't rage quite (yet). I still even sarcasticly goad russellb in back channels.20:49
jgriffithhub_cap: ha!!20:49
shardyjgriffith: like I said, poor attempt at humor ;)20:49
hub_cap+1 notmyname20:49
jgriffithshardy: nah... I get it, it was funny20:49
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mordredmikal: you should rage more20:50
dolphmnotmyname: +++20:50
ttxmordred: trying to see what was the question20:50
mordredttx: mordred | jgriffith: hopefully storyboard will fix that ...20:50
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mordredttx: in response to spending all day clicking buttons in launchpad20:50
russellbi have so much launchpad karma now, haha20:50
jeblairi believe mordred was suggesting that storyboard will eliminate the need for ptls ;)20:50
russellbwhere do i redeem it for cash20:50
mordredjeblair: ++20:50
mordredrussellb: shuttleworth's house20:51
markmcttx, are you doing a design summit session on storyboard?20:51
ttxmordred: +0 :)20:51
jgriffithmordred: LOL20:51
ttxmarkmc: yes I will20:51
mordredttx: you probably should20:51
markmcttx, coolness20:51
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hub_cap+1 to story board session20:51
ttxI like to submit more sessions that I can actually do work in 6 months20:51
ttxNote that my "Meet the TC" proposal for the OpenStack Conference in Hong-Kong got accepted20:52
ttxIt's a panel where anyone on the future TC will be able to participate (if available)20:52
ttxI think Monty has been working on securing the TC dinner too.20:52
ttxJust to encourage you all to run again :)20:52
gabrielhurleyI expect good things for dinner20:52
mordredyes. I have official HP approval to pay for dinner this time20:52
gabrielhurley(if I'm re-elected)20:52
markmcwe need bodyguards at the TC dinner?20:52
mordredif I'm re-elected20:52
markmc(lame joke)20:52
mordredmarkmc: wow man20:52
hub_capoh great now mordred is a shoein20:52
mikalOk, so people's election platform is now "I will buy you dinner"?20:53
markmcmordred, yeah :(20:53
mordredmikal: that's ALWAYS my platform20:53
* jgriffith will buy drinks!20:53
devanandamikal: i thought it was "I will buy you a ${drink}"?20:53
markwashmikal: I was going to promise free pizza and no homework20:53
* russellb won't buy you anything20:53
jgriffithif the bribe method is effective20:53
russellbVOTE FOR ME20:53
mikalI should announce my platform -- vote for me or I shall kick you in the shin20:53
jgriffithrussellb: lol20:53
hub_caplol russellb20:53
lifelessmikal: nice20:53
gabrielhurleymikal: ++20:53
mordredmikal: remind me to not bring my shins to Oz20:53
* hub_cap sees what open discussion really means20:53
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markmchub_cap, "kill time until the next meeting" ?20:54
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ttxmikal: well, HP will pay dinner EVEN if mordred is not reelected, that's the beauty of it20:54
hub_capi was thinking "pretend we are in -infra for 5 min"20:54
mikalttx: OMG, HP rock!20:54
ttxmikal: they are so great. Nice printers, too20:54
hub_capboss monitors for their employees :)20:54
mikalttx: do they have a corporate song?20:54
mikalEvery company should have a song20:55
hub_cap+1 and a danceline20:55
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russellbdo we have an openstack song?20:55
gabrielhurleydo you really have to ask?20:55
russellbi suppose we have a rap duo!20:55
mikalrussellb: we have several bad rap videos...20:55
russellbyou mean awesome rap videos?20:55
hub_capguys.... hip hop20:55
gabrielhurleymikal: I resemble that remark20:55
jgriffithgeesh russellb !!20:55
hub_caprap is so 90's20:55
gabrielhurleyalso, just wait... change is coming20:56
mikalI want an openstack boy band20:56
russellbyeah that was poor form for me to even ask20:56
russellbgabrielhurley: lol20:56
jeblairmikal: you are an openstack boy band20:56
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ttxgabrielhurley: any hint ?20:56
russellbheh, we could even #endmeeting first20:56
mikaljeblair: I can be the charmingly non-threatening one20:56
russellbso it's not on the record :-p20:56
hub_capi dunno this is a interesting logged meeting lol20:56
jeblairmikal: that kicks people in the shin20:56
gabrielhurleyseveral titles have been tossed around... one of the proposals is "How Can I Live (Without OpenStack)?"20:56
hub_capspecially jeblair's boy band comment lol20:56
mikaljeblair: gotta do what you gotta do20:57
hub_capttx: ICEHOUSE!!!!20:57
ttxgabrielhurley: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPPDuWAcMcc ?20:57
russellbi'm glad the Icehouse summit is out of the US ... someone might try to serve Icehouse beer if it were here20:57
hub_capyes ttx ^ ^  perfect20:57
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mikalWe can model our boy band off De Jour20:57
ttxcan't get that music out of my head20:58
gabrielhurleylet's just say you're closer than you think20:58
hub_capyouve just infected the tc ttx20:58
gabrielhurleybut not that. never that.20:58
markwashttx: we can set up that lightshow cube thing in the dev lounge20:58
hub_cap+1 markwash20:59
ttxmarkwash: comes with a horse though*20:59
ttxok, time to close this20:59
markwashttx srsly this video is fantastic20:59
markwashnaming choice completely redeemed20:59
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Sep 24 21:00:11 2013 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)21:00
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2013/tc.2013-09-24-20.01.html21:00
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2013/tc.2013-09-24-20.01.txt21:00
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ttxmarkmc, dolphm, notmyname, jd__, markwash, jgriffith, russellb, shardy, gabrielhurley, markmcclain: still around ?21:01
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ttx#startmeeting project21:01
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openstackMeeting started Tue Sep 24 21:01:25 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.21:01
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:01
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ttx#link http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/ProjectMeeting21:01
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'project'21:01
ttx#topic General stuff21:01
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ttxNo project has published an RC1 yet (excet Trove but that doesn't count)21:01
russellbpoor trove21:02
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ttxRemember that all projects can come up with their RC1 at different times, whenever they empty their release-critical bug lists21:02
ttx(and they want to open the Icehouse gates)21:02
ttxIdeally all projects would publish before the end of the month (in one week), giving ample time for additional testing and potential RC respins21:02
adam_gHeya! The stable-maint team have 2013.1.4 releasing Oct 10th and will be freezing stable/grizzly branches next week in preparation.  Please tag any bugs for backport and help us test!  We had some regressions slip through for 2013.1.3 and would be great to catch those with testing pre-release if possible21:03
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ttxadam_g: heh, you'll have competition on the testing front :)21:03
lifelessI have a question for TripleO; we're merging the Tuskar effort into TripleO; have the process docs for incubation and integration been updated to handle new services from existing Programs?21:03
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ttxlifeless: they shouldn't be... resistant to any change21:04
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ttxlifeless: though I wouldn't bet there isn't some hidden wiki page still using old cosmology21:04
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lifelessttx: We'll report bugs as we find them then? Would like to have tuskar-api as a stable integrated thing in I21:05
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ttxlifeless: updating the list of projects on your program landing page should do the trick21:05
ttxsdague, annegentle, mordred: news from the fantastic QA/Docs/Infra programs ?21:05
mordredttx: well, we had a gate break this morning, but it's fixed now21:05
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sdaguewell, after morning firedrill we have a working gate again21:05
ttxmordred, sdague: any way we can prevent this from happening again ? From what I saw it could just happen any time21:06
sdagueI think the other notable thing to keep an eye on is the elasticrecheck work that jog0 and mtreinish have been doing, which should make finding recheck bugs a lot easier21:06
ttxwith random libs bumping their requirements21:06
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mordredttx: there is a corner case that got triggered, normally that should be handled21:06
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mordredttx: but we are looking at ways to make it more robust21:07
ttxmordred: ok21:07
sdaguettx: so... we've got this theory of chasing some of our dep libs in the infrastructure to give us early warnings on that21:07
sdagueI expect we'll talk about it in HK, and get pieces going in icehouse21:07
mordredwe may need to address stable branches and requirements in more depth21:07
mordredbut yeah, hk21:07
jeblairttx: in general, anyone should be able to fix cases where external deps break us21:07
jeblaircases where infra intervention is required to fix that are bugs (and i believe mordred is fixing or has proposed fixes for those)21:08
ttxjeblair: +121:08
ttxanything else on the "general stuff" ?21:08
ttxOK, let's go into project-specific details now21:09
ttx#topic Oslo status21:09
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ttxmarkmc: bonsoir21:09
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/oslo/+milestone/havana-rc121:09
annegentlenothing from me21:09
markmcI'm behind on triaging21:09
* markmc holds his hands up :)21:09
ttxannegentle: cool ;)21:09
lifelessttx: 'program specific details' :P21:09
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* lifeless may be wrong21:10
ttxlifeless: program/project.21:10
markmcI had a quick look through untriaged bugs21:10
ttxmarkmc: so you expect more than those 2 targeted bugs between you and stable/havana for oslo-incubator ?21:10
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markmcspecifically looking for oslo.config issues before tagging 1.2.0 earlier21:11
markmcthis one is about the only one that looked like a potential release blocker:21:11
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1229475 in python-neutronclient "From oslo rpc: RuntimeError: Second simultaneous read on fileno 16 detected" [Undecided,New]21:11
markmcbut I haven't looked too carefully21:11
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markmcjog0, any thoughts on that ? ^21:11
markmcwill triage it and the rest properly tomorrow21:11
* markmc sticks #1229475 on the rc1 milestone so he doesn't forget it21:11
ttxmarkmc: you should be all set by the end of the week ? (to branch oslo-incubator, at least)21:12
markmcttx, unless something else crops up21:12
ttxmarkmc: ok, I'll be in touch21:12
ttxQuestions about Oslo ?21:12
markmcI'm ready to branch oslo.config now21:12
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ttxmarkmc: do you actually have stable branches for oslo.* ?21:13
* ttx is suddenly uncertain21:14
markmcttx, I had a stable/grizzly for oslo.config 1.1.x21:14
markmcttx, and needed it21:14
ttxmarkmc: ok then :)21:14
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markmcttx, :)21:14
ttxmarkmc: just ping me if/when you need me21:14
ttx#topic Keystone status21:14
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ttxdolphm: hi!21:14
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/keystone/+milestone/havana-rc121:14
ttx3 targeted bugs... does that represent all your known RC issues ?21:15
dolphmyes sir!21:15
ttxLooks like we should be able to cut a RC1 for you later this week ?21:15
dolphmthat is my goal21:15
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ttxthat would be great21:15
dolphmbug 1221889 has proven to be a fairly complex process to fix21:16
ttxkeep an eye on incoming reports to make sure nothing critical creeped in21:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1221889 in keystone "Invalid X-Subject-Token results in HTTP 401 rather than 404" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122188921:16
dolphmit's the only one i'm concerned about at this point, and it *could* be dropped from RC list if necessary21:16
dolphmit's just a very strong nice to have21:16
dolphmotherwise, will do!21:16
ttxOther news / questions about Keystone ?21:16
dolphmthat is all21:16
ttx#topic Ceilometer status21:17
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ttxjd__: hey21:17
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ttx#link https://launchpad.net/ceilometer/+milestone/havana-rc121:17
ttx8 targeted bugs21:17
ttxAt your current speed you should have them fixed before the end of the week. RC1 then ?21:18
jd__fine with me21:18
jd__finger crossed nothing new's coming in21:18
ttxjd__: trust me, something will come in :)21:18
jd__na problem, we're ready.21:18
ttxI'll keep an eye on your last bugs and ping you when RC1 looks ready21:18
ttxOther news / questions about Ceilometer ?21:19
jd__all good :)21:19
ttx#topic Swift status21:19
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ttxnotmyname: o/21:19
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/swift/+milestone/1.9.3-rc121:19
ttx(I renamed it to -rc1 because that's the version we actually want to tag at this point)21:19
ttxI see two features open on the roadmap: multiple-domains-in-domain-remap and diskfile-databasebroker-as-apis21:20
ttxAre those the two ones you'd like to see completed before we issue the -rc1 ?21:20
notmynamewe'll probably 1.10.0, but that's easy whenever it needs to happen21:20
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notmynamethe bug on there is a big deal. working on it now21:20
ttxbug 117466021:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1174660 in swift/havana "when client disconnected, garbage collecting is too heavy" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117466021:20
notmynamehttps://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Swift/PriorityReviews is the set of patches we are looking at21:20
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ttxnotmyname: ok21:21
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ttxWhat's your educated guess for a RC1 ETA with all this ?21:21
notmynameEarly next week, but we'll reevaluate at the end of this week21:21
ttxnotmyname: Note, since we're doing a RC dance on this release, we can tag the RC1 before internal QA runs, and just open a RC2 window if those QA runs find critical issues.21:22
ttxnotmyname: in unrelated news, if you want to run for Swift PTL you should probably post your candidacy soon.21:22
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notmynameas soon as all the IRC meetings are done, I will ;-)21:22
ttxOther news / questions about Swift ?21:22
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notmynameswift hackathon/sprint coming up in a few weeks21:23
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notmynameoracle announces some swift support with their new stuff today ;-)21:23
ttxwith texan bbq built in, I heard ?21:23
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notmynameyup :-)21:23
ttx(the hackaton, not oracle)21:23
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notmynamelot's of fat, either way, I'm sure21:23
notmyname /done21:24
ttx#topic Glance status21:24
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markwashyay, me!21:24
ttxmarkwash: yay you21:24
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/glance/+milestone/havana-rc121:24
ttx5 targeted bugs at this point...21:24
markwash1 critical21:25
markwash2 highs21:25
ttxWith your current veolcity you should hit the bottom of that list early next week too21:25
ttxif you don't add too many new ones21:25
markwashI'd like to aim for end of this week for rc121:25
ttxmarkwash: I encourage you to!21:25
markwashI think we can do it21:25
ttxand you like challenges21:26
ttxOther news / questions about Glance ?21:26
markwashNone from me21:26
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ttxnow for more.. interesting projects21:27
ttx#topic Neutron status21:27
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ttxmarkwash: you don't really want to be that kind of "interesting", trust me21:27
markwashah, fair point21:27
ttxmarkmcclain: hi!21:27
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/neutron/+milestone/havana-rc121:27
ttxmarkmcclain: did you just bump a bp out ?21:28
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ttxipv6-feature-parity ?21:28
markmcclainconcerned about stability this late21:29
ttxSo configurable-ip-allocation is the last standing FFe we have21:29
markmcclainwould rather let it bake longer21:29
ttxmarkmcclain: I'm all for getting rid of it if it's not 99.9% safe now21:29
ttxconfigurable-ip-allocation has been around forever... any reason why it might suddenly land ?21:29
markmcclainit's likely to suffer the same fate21:30
ttx(can't find code under review yet :/)21:30
ttxwhen is your cut date for a decision on this ?21:30
ttxmarkmcclain: ok, keep me posted on your decision21:31
markmcclainwill do21:31
ttxIn the mean time, on the bugs side, 34 targeted bugs21:31
ttxwhich is a lot, but then your bugfix velocity is not too bad21:32
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ttxI'm just concerned that the curves still go up at http://old-wiki.openstack.org/rc/21:32
ttxwhich means you add more than you fix21:32
ttxwith all that I still fear you might miss the end-of-month target though...21:32
markmcclainI share the same concern21:32
ttxHow about separating between must-have bugfixes (targeted to rc1) and nice-to-have bugfixes (tagged havana-rc-potential) ?21:32
markmcclainthat's the plan21:33
ttxOther news / questions about Neutron ?21:33
markmcclainnothing else from me21:33
ttxwill keep on nagging you this week :)21:34
ttx#topic Cinder status21:34
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ttxjgriffith: hola!21:34
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/cinder/+milestone/havana-rc121:34
ttx4 targeted bugs... does that represent all your known RC issues ?21:34
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jgriffithyes, all the ones I'm willing to tackle/risk for RC21:35
ttxok... looks like you should be all set in a couple of days. RC1 then ?21:35
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jgriffithShooting for tmorrow afternoon, thurs morning21:35
ttxjgriffith: sounds good21:35
jgriffithunless something unexpected appears21:35
ttxalways a possibility/certainty21:35
ttxOther news / questions about Cinder ?21:35
jgriffithbackups will have to be broken for multi-backend21:35
ttxjgriffith: could you elaborate on that ?21:36
jgriffithnope, not rom me21:36
jgriffithit turns out that backup service is already suffering from neglect a bit21:36
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jgriffithit was never tested/checked with multiple volume backends configured21:36
jgriffithand it relies on a single one to one relationship21:36
ttxjgriffith: sounds like something the release notes should mention21:36
jgriffithfor sure21:36
ttxwhich makes me think I should probably bootstrap those21:37
jgriffithunless my hack I'm trying out right now works21:37
ttx#action ttx to bootstrap release notes doc21:37
jgriffithbut it reveals bigger issues in the backup code21:37
jgriffithwhich may mean I21:37
jgriffitheither way, I'll make the appropriate adjustment21:37
ttxok, thanks for raising the flag21:38
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ttx#topic Nova status21:38
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ttxrussellb: hi!21:38
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/nova/+milestone/havana-rc121:38
ttx23 targeted bugs, should be ok if you don't add too many new ones21:38
russellbyeah, aggressively taking things off21:39
ttxthere are a few unassigned ones like bug 122702721:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1227027 in ossa "Insecure directory permissions with snapshot code" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122702721:39
russellbgood point21:39
ttxWe should target an RC1 early next week ?21:39
russellbI think so21:40
russellbjust a couple High ones unassigned that are the biggest risk21:40
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ttxwe'll do a new checkpoint analysis in a few days and see how it evolved21:40
ttxOther news / questions about Nova ?21:40
ttx#topic Heat status21:41
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ttxshardy: o/21:41
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/heat/+milestone/havana-rc121:41
ttx20 targeted bugs... confident you can hit RC1 before the end of month with so many blockers ?21:42
shardySo many of the in progress bugs have patches up, some of which are just stuck behind the gate21:42
shardyttx: Yes, I think so, we're getting through the reviews, there's only two or three which I'm concerned about21:42
shardyone worth mentioning is bug #122283021:42
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1222830 in heat "Creation of OS::Ceilometer::Alarm fails" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122283021:42
shardyThat needs a requirements bump to ceilometerclient21:42
shardyis it too late for that to happen?21:43
shardy(in the global requirements, ref https://review.openstack.org/#/c/47994/)21:43
ttxshardy: no, that would be fine in my book21:43
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ttxit's not as if you introduced a new, non-openstack-produced dep21:44
shardyttx: Ok, thanks21:44
ttxshardy: just make sure you communicate that (why and what) to the ML to make sure everyone is aware of it21:44
ttxthat's making sure of making sure.21:45
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ttxIt's late here.21:45
shardyttx: Ok will do21:45
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ttxOther news / questions about Heat ?21:45
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shardynot from me, thanks!21:45
ttx#topic Horizon status21:46
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ttxgabrielhurley: o/21:46
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/horizon/+milestone/havana-rc121:46
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* ttx refreshes21:46
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ttx27 targeted bugs21:46
gabrielhurleyRC1 had a long bug list (lots related to the two FFEs, and to translation fixes)21:46
gabrielhurleyour pace is good though21:46
gabrielhurleyI think about a week and we should be done21:47
ttxvelocity in last two weeks: 53 fixes21:47
gabrielhurleyso just about right21:47
ttxso with your current velocity and not adding new bugs you should hit the target21:47
gabrielhurleythat's the idea21:47
gabrielhurleythere's only a couple of "high" priority bugs as it is21:48
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ttxOtherwise just split between true blockers (targeted to havana-rc1) and targets of opportunity (tagged "havana-rc-potential")21:48
gabrielhurleyif we're down to the wire and some lows don't get fixed... well, we can discuss that if it comes to that21:48
ttxwe can revisit that towards the end of the week and see if we need to correct the course21:48
gabrielhurleybut if the goal is to cut the RC next week I think we'll get everything in21:48
ttxwill all depend on the quantity of additions to the list21:49
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ttxgabrielhurley: It's also better if targeted bugs have assignees :) Gives more confidence they might actually get completed in the next days.21:49
gabrielhurleyyep. will take care of divvying up the remainder in the Horizon meeting next21:50
ttxthey can always be reassigned if need be21:50
gabrielhurleyof course21:50
ttxOther news / questions about Horizon ?21:50
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gabrielhurleytranslation efforts are going well. more translators, reviewers there are always helpful21:50
gabrielhurleythat's about it21:51
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ttx#topic Incubated projects21:51
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hub_capwoah almost 10 whole minutes this time!21:51
ttx(that's for havana-cincubated projects)21:51
ttxdevananda, hub_cap: hello!21:51
devanandattx: hi!21:51
hub_caprc1 is cut for trove, havent yet sent out to ML, waiting on seeing someone else do it first so i can copy-pasta the email21:52
ttxhub_cap: that's a good sign :)21:52
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ttxhub_cap: Any sign of a need for a RC2 ?21:52
ttxno critical bug ?21:52
hub_capnope i dont think so21:52
hub_capwe are focused on icehouse features right now21:52
hub_capno critical buggies21:52
devanandattx: i've moved BPs to icehouse. as before, no RC for ironic this time around.21:52
ttxhub_cap: that's fine... just keep an eye on reported bugs21:52
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ttxdevananda: as planned, wfm21:53
ttxAny question ?21:53
hub_capnope, not here21:53
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ttxwell then, let's close early21:54
ttxI somehow feel like the next release meetings will be more busy21:54
devanandano ? here either :)21:54
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ttxthanks everyone21:55
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ttxthings looking good from where I stand21:55
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hub_caphorray! thx ttx21:56
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gabrielhurley#startmeeting horizon22:02
openstackMeeting started Tue Sep 24 22:02:18 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gabrielhurley. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.22:02
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.22:02
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gabrielhurleyHello folks22:02
julimhi there22:02
gabrielhurley#topic overview22:02
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gabrielhurleySo, the main business at hand is the RC22:03
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gabrielhurleyThe goal is to get our RC1 buglist down to zero within a week, cut the RC, and reopen trunk for Icehouse next week22:03
gabrielhurleyour velocity lately supports the idea that we can do this :-)22:04
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gabrielhurleythe remaining 20-something bugs are split equally between in progress and confirmed, and none of them strike me as exceptionally hard problems, just quick diagnose-and-fix issues.22:04
gabrielhurleyso I think overall we're in good shape as long as we keep up the pace this week.22:04
gabrielhurleytwo other items of business...22:05
gabrielhurley1. I've been asked to remind people about the OpenStack User Survey: http://www.openstack.org/blog/2013/09/participate-in-the-openstack-user-survey-by-september-30/22:05
gabrielhurleythe Horizon team has particularly valuable insight in this area22:05
gabrielhurleyeven if we don't always consider ourselves "users", we consume more of openstack on a more regular basis than most people22:06
gabrielhurleyso make your opinions heard22:06
gabrielhurleythe results definitely matter to the foundation and to the TC/PTLs22:06
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gabrielhurley2. PTL nominations are this week (most of you probably already know that). Myself and david-lyle are both candidates. I just wanna make sure everyone knows that I think having multiple people running for PTL is a great thing and shows the health of our community! Whether he is elected or I am we're all gonna keep working together, so I don't want anyone worrying about voting one way or the other. Vote for who you think22:08
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gabrielhurleyAny questions on any of those items?22:09
gabrielhurleyCool. Feel free to ask at any point if anything comes to mind.22:10
gabrielhurley#topic bugs22:10
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gabrielhurleyThere are 6 unassigned bugs (I just claimed two). It'd be great to get assignees on those sooner rather than later just so we know everything's covered22:10
gabrielhurleyI don't have any specific items on the list that concern me. Does anyone else want to raise specific bugs?22:11
gabrielhurleyI'll take that as a no. ;-)22:12
gabrielhurleyagain, if anything comes to mind, feel free to jump in at any point22:12
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gabrielhurley#topic open discussion22:12
david-lyleI've finally been able to play with the trove panels on a live backend and finding issues, I think with the bug fixes I posted the base use case for instances will work, I have not tried backups yet22:12
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gabrielhurleydavid-lyle: I reviewed your patch earlier. It looked good to me.22:13
david-lyleThanks, I think we can do better in Icehouse, but this will allow it to work in Havana22:13
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gabrielhurleyyep. this is a super-early-adopters feature22:14
lsmola_gabrielhurley, if I may, I have one regarding https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/ceilometer-hosts-measurement22:14
lsmola_gabrielhurley, just a little introduction22:14
lsmola_gabrielhurley, the Tuskar project just merged to tripleo, so we are kind of Tripleo-UI now22:14
gabrielhurleyyeah, I heard that in the project meeting before this22:15
gabrielhurleyseems sane22:15
gabrielhurleythere's certainly common interests22:15
lsmola_gabrielhurley, now I was talking about tracking hardware in Horizon with mrunge22:15
gabrielhurleythe idea of a Hardware dashboard in the BP is good in my mind, as long as we can bring everything together meaningfully22:15
lsmola_gabrielhurley, seems that you are planning some sort of infrastructure tab22:16
gabrielhurleyTriple-O/Tuskar is the missing piece to that22:16
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gabrielhurleyme personally?22:16
lsmola_the Horizon22:16
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david-lyleI think that was part of the IA proposal jcoufal pu forward22:16
lblanchardlsmola: that was an idea that jcoufal and I had :)22:16
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lsmola_we will be making such a tab in Tuskar22:16
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david-lylesorry, and lblanchard22:17
lblancharddavid-lyle: no worries!22:17
lsmola_and it seems, as part of tripleo, we will likely merge to Horiyon UI at some point22:17
gabrielhurleynope. when Nebula firs started out we added a hardware dashboard to Horizon in our fork because it's very useful. Nebula no longer uses Horizon as our primary interface so that's gone now, but since OpenStack is gaining hardware capabilities and has a lot more data in that arena now, I think it's great to shift that into the open core of the dashboard.22:17
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david-lyleIt makes sense, and since it will be service availability and role based, should be a good addition22:18
gabrielhurleyI personally think "Hardware" is a preferrable term to "Infrastructure" just so we don't get muddled in Infrastructure as a Service terminology.22:18
gabrielhurleydavid-lyle: totally22:19
gabrielhurleythough if we get into the tuskar side of managing the services themselves...22:19
lblanchardthis will hopefully be a big piece to the IA discussion22:19
gabrielhurleyhardware isn't quite right for that...22:19
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gabrielhurleyI'll leave the naming for the IA discussion22:19
lsmola_so my point is, as we will be implementing that in Tuskar, we could prepare it for the merge22:19
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lsmola_I just wanted to track, what hardware statistics are available in that BP22:20
gabrielhurleyisn't that more of a question for the ceilometer team?22:20
lsmola_gabrielhurley, well22:20
gabrielhurleythe data-gathering isn't Horizon's business22:20
lsmola_it regards the showing of the data22:21
gabrielhurleyI suspect it's going to vary by deployment and hardware as well22:21
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lsmola_that concerns several pages with hardware based statistics and alarms22:21
gabrielhurleythere are two ways to go: design for an ideal case and know how to pare things out of the design that don't exist yet; or design for what we know we can have as a base guaranteed set and know how we scale to N.22:22
lsmola_My point is, whether it is a good idea to start it in Tuskar, and then merge it to Horizon22:22
david-lyleI think you have to22:22
lsmola_or the Horizon will go parallel way, at cost of some effort duplication22:22
gabrielhurleyI think in the IA discussion we should see how much of the existing admin dashboard belongs there, and that'll help determine whether we should start things from our end or yours22:22
david-lyleor is it all ceilometer based data? and not tuskar?22:23
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gabrielhurleyIf we decide we should have that grouping already, then there's no sense in waiting on y'all. If we've got nothing without you, then we shouldn't start it on our end.22:23
gabrielhurleydavid-lyle: my impression is both22:23
david-lyleok, so the ceilometer based data makes sense, but tuskar would be a harder dependency to justify22:24
lsmola_it should be possible to show just Ceilometer stats, if no Tuskar API is available22:24
lsmola_if the Tuskar API will be available, it will show more stats + management22:24
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gabrielhurleyregrouping what we know from Nova and Cinder and Ceilometer about hosts gives us a starting point. I'm just not sure if it's enough to justify our reorganizing things in I right yet.22:25
gabrielhurleyTuskar/Triple-O won't even graduate until the end of I at best, so we'd be looking at using their data in J22:25
lsmola_yeah my assumption was that we would make it in I22:26
gabrielhurleyI don't want to make a decision here without having the IA discussion and seeing some proposals around what this would look like with and without TripleO/Tuskar. It may make sense for us to start building it on our own in I and giving you hooks to add into, or it may not. I'm not gonna know that for sure 'til the summit.22:27
lsmola_ok that make sense22:27
gabrielhurleythe general concept totally has my blessing though22:28
lsmola_it was just for starting a discussion22:28
gabrielhurleywe'll keep following up on this regularly to make sure we do the right thing22:28
gabrielhurleyabsolutely. thank nyou22:28
gabrielhurleyI never want to discourage people who are passionate to work on something :-)22:28
lsmola_As i poke about it, i have noticed a lot of similar stuff, that could be worth doing on one place, rather then duplicating22:29
lsmola_gabrielhurley, cool, thank you very much22:29
gabrielhurleyI totally agree22:29
lblanchardI'd definitely hope we could reuse design and code no matter where it's implemented to start!22:29
gabrielhurleyI had hoped to do more IA improvement work in H but the quantity of new features/APIs/projects we had to support turned out to be way beyond what I'd expected22:29
gabrielhurleythis has been a heck of a release cycle22:30
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gabrielhurleythat reminds me of something I was gonna mention22:30
gabrielhurleyI'm gonna put together the release notes for H this week, and they're pretty impressive.22:30
lsmola_lblanchard, yeah but as the Tuskar will get merged to Horizon rather late, it might make sense to start implementing the common things to Horizon22:31
gabrielhurleyI had a call with the OpenStack marketing folks this morning to tell them about what they could advertise and prmote as the new hotness in H, and it was not a short list. :_022:31
gabrielhurleywrong smiley... :-)22:31
gabrielhurleySo I'll get a review up for those release notes soon, and would love to get eyes on it to make sure I didn't miss stuff that people care strongly about22:31
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gabrielhurleythat's all I've got. Anything else?22:32
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amotokii am a topic about importing translation.22:33
lsmola_lblanchard, will zou have time this week for some basic wireframes for statistic pages?22:33
lsmola_amotoki, sorry, go ahead22:33
gabrielhurleyamotoki: please share22:33
amotokidaisy and i are working on translation. i will propose a patch to import translation with 100% completed.22:34
amotokiwhen is RC1 cut date?22:34
amotokii will make sure to import them before it.22:35
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gabrielhurleyit's not a hard date22:35
gabrielhurleythe earliest possible would be Monday, but I really don't expect it until Wednesday or Thursday next week.22:35
amotokii will propose a patch this week.22:35
gabrielhurleyeven if the RC1 list was all green I'd probably tell Thierry not to cut it until after we have our team meeting next week22:35
gabrielhurleyamotoki: how about this: open a bug for a "final" translation update and target it to RC1. we'll make sure it's the last one to get closed22:36
gabrielhurleythat way there's no way we'll cut the release without doing it and the translators have the most possible time22:36
amotokisounds nice to make sure to track them.22:36
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amotokidaisy prefer to including ~100% translated languages in RC1 and removing old translations.22:37
gabrielhurleyI will defer to the translation team on that decision22:37
amotokidoes it make sense to you all?22:37
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gabrielhurleyand if users complain, I will direct them to the translation team. ;-)22:37
gabrielhurleyI've heard arguments on both sides22:37
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gabrielhurleyI personally don't know which I think is worse: "my language just isn't available" or "my language is partially/badly translated and now I'm confused"22:38
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amotokiyeah, there are several discussion in i18n ml.22:38
gabrielhurleyI'm sure. As far as I can tell it's an ongoing debate in open source translation in general22:39
gabrielhurleyso somebody just makes a decision and we go with that until we're proven wrong22:39
gabrielhurleyI'm good either way22:39
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amotokime too. daisy and i have a bit different opinion already :-(22:40
amotokianyway, i will keep on eyes to make sure to import them into each RC release.22:40
gabrielhurleyamotoki: all you need to do is find more people that agree with you then. ;-)22:40
gabrielhurleysounds perfect22:40
gabrielhurleythank you22:40
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lblanchardlsmola: In response to your question…I hope to post a set of wireframes for review to the UX community by the end of the week. They will be focused on visualizing details around nodes, racks, and resource classes…but my hope is that a lot of the concepts could be reused on the Horizon Overview pages eventually. So everyone, please feel free to comment and help me improve them!22:40
lsmola_lblanchard, very cool, thank you22:41
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lblanchardlsmola: no problem! I enjoy it :)22:41
lsmola_great :-)22:41
lblanchardI should also give a shoutout to julim who has been helping me improve them!22:41
julimthx lblanchard. happy to help!22:42
lsmola_julim, thank you very much22:42
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julimhope the wireframes make sense to all when you all see them… lblanchard is doing a great job22:43
lsmola_gabrielhurley, one last thing from me22:43
gabrielhurleyI was wondering who julim was... :-)22:43
gabrielhurleygo for it22:43
lsmola_gabrielhurley, I have started the conversation about the Alarming in Horizon22:43
lsmola_gabrielhurley, would be glad if you could look on it22:43
lsmola_jd__ already gave me very helpful feedback22:44
gabrielhurleywill do22:44
lsmola_And that's all from me, I am very glad that the Ceilometer integration is moving :-)22:44
julimjulim = Ju Lim at Red Hat22:45
lsmola_gabrielhurley, thank you very much22:45
lblanchardgabrielhurley: haha I should have introduced julim to the team :) She joined the UX team @ Red Hat a few weeks back and is focusing on use case / customer research work22:45
julimpart of UXD team22:45
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julimsorry… have 2 young kids fighting for keyboard access… limited typing now22:45
gabrielhurleylsmola_: was there something particular about the alarms? The blueprint looks pretty straightforward.22:46
lsmola_gabrielhurley, it's on mailing list22:46
gabrielhurleyjulim: welcome22:46
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gabrielhurleylsmola_: ah, I missed that one somehow. Lemme go find the message.22:46
lsmola_gabrielhurley, cool, thank you22:46
gabrielhurleyweird. my mail filter for horizon messages on the list missed that one.22:47
gabrielhurleyI see it now22:47
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lsmola_maybe ceilometer stole it :-)22:47
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gabrielhurleyI'll respond to it though22:47
gabrielhurleylblanchard: thanks for the intro22:48
lsmola_that would be cool, thank you22:48
gabrielhurleyjulim: glad to have you22:48
julimglad to be part of the team.22:48
gabrielhurleyokay. other topics?22:48
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gabrielhurleycool. well, good meeting folks. happy bug hunting and we'll check in again next week!22:50
gabrielhurleyhpoefully we'll be cutting our Havana RC!22:50
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lsmola_thank you, good night22:50
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lblanchardthanks all, have a good rest of the week!22:51
julimthank you and have a good evening / day wherever you may be22:51
amotokithanks all, good day/night!22:51
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