Thursday, 2017-02-09

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dirkIgorYozhikov: around?13:01
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dirk#startmeeting rpm_packaging13:04
openstackMeeting started Thu Feb  9 13:04:10 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is dirk. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:04
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'rpm_packaging'13:04
dirkping toabctl, dirk, apevec, aplanas, IgorYozhikov, jpena, jruzicka, number80, kaslcrof13:04
dirk#chair jpena IgorYozhikov13:04
openstackCurrent chairs: IgorYozhikov dirk jpena13:04
dirk#topic roll call13:04
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dirkplease update agenda at13:06
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dirk#topic PTG planning13:09
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dirkdoes anyone have updates to share?13:10
toabctlIgorYozhikov, have you talked to number80 ?13:10
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toabctldirk, looks like n update13:11
toabctljpena, or do you have anything?13:11
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jpenano, no updates from my side13:12
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toabctldirk, next topic?13:13
dirk#topic branching?13:14
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dirkit looks like all projects have branched meanwhile13:14
dirkdo we want to wait for something with branching? some review still to go in?13:15
jpenaif we could merge neutron and nova, it would be great, but we could wait13:15
toabctlthere are some updates needed. see
toabctlor maybe the script needs to be adjusted to no longer look for master13:16
* toabctl needs to check13:16
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dirktoabctl: yeah, it needs to check stable/ocata. which doesn't exist yet for requirements (we're just discussing that in the other channel=13:17
dirkbut it will be created later today13:17
dirkjpena: we can always cherry pick it into stable/ocata I'd say13:18
dirkmain question for me on whether or not to branch would be the availability of CI13:18
dirksuse ci is ready, how about rdo ?13:18
dirkI remember that IgorYozhikov  said that mos ci still needs some time but he'd be fine with branching anyway13:18
jpenaI would need to make some adjustments to our CI scripts (and have a second instance with ocata packages), but initially everything should work13:18
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dirkare you planning to do that in time - should we wait for that?13:19
jpenafor the second instance I'll have to wait a bit, the CI scripts can be adjusted easily13:20
jpenaso let's branch, and if something breaks I'll do my best to fix it13:20
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* dirk was distracted again13:27
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dirk#agreed we'll branch to stable/ocata13:28
dirkI'll create it later13:28
dirk#topic package reviews13:28
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dirkpymod2pkg should be easy, and 2nd review? toabctl  perhaps?13:28
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dirkanything in particular that we want to talk about ? the neutron one?13:31
* dirk had no time to look at it yet13:31
* toabctl neither13:32
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dirkjpena: are you good if we take that as an action item?13:35
dirkI have no concrete request for changes or feedback atm13:35
dirkok, any other review to discuss today?13:35
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jpenaI haven't got anything else13:37
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toabctlme neither13:38
dirkI have one :)13:38
dirkshould be a good testcase for the sSUE ci13:39
dirkSUSE CI13:39
dirk#topic open floor13:40
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toabctlnothing from my side13:41
dirkok, I'll give you some time back then :)13:43
dirkcya next week!13:43
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openstackMeeting ended Thu Feb  9 13:43:15 2017 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:43
openstackMinutes (text):
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slashme#startmeeting freezer14:03
openstackMeeting started Thu Feb  9 14:03:33 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is slashme. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:03
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'freezer'14:03
slashmeHello everyone :)14:03
yangyapenghello slashme14:04
ralievhey everyone :)14:04
slashmeAs usual : Meeting notes and agenda are here =>
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szaherHello guys :)14:05
slashme#topic Pike PTL14:06
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slashmeThe result are in: Saad (szaher) will be our PTL for the next cycle14:06
slashmeCongratulation :)14:06
yangyapengCongratulation szaher14:06
ralievszaher,  congratulation :)14:07
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szaherI am really glad to be the PTL for Pike release That will be a very good chance for all of us to do more for freezer, specially for me to lead such an amazing team.14:08
szaherThank you guys14:08
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szaherSpecial thanks to our amazing PTL for newton and Ocata slashme, you did a very good job so Thank you! you started all this with daemontool and you kept doing an awesome job so Thanks again :)14:09
slashmeThx :)14:09
szaherAlso I would like to thank yangyapeng for all his efforts and recently we got a very good member in freezer raliev Thanks a lot for all the efforts :)14:11
slashme#topic cindernative14:12
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slashmeyangyapeng: ?14:12
slashmeCinder volumes backup using os-brick from Freezer14:12
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slashmeOoops wrong copy-paste14:12
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yangyapengI have a confused  about freezer backup-list and display cindernative backup (cinder-backip)14:13
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yangyapengAllen_ :)14:13
yangyapengwhen we have a backup job to backup cinder-volume by cindernative, but we have not to store thin backup14:14
yangyapengthis backup14:14
yangyapengif we should call cinder api to integration all backup14:15
yangyapengIf I make myself clear ?14:15
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slashmeIt seemps to make sense14:18
yangyapengnow, we have more backup cinder volume by freezer cindernative in my work.14:20
yangyapengand, we should add this mode cindernative in freezer-web-ui if it is ok .14:20
yangyapengping Allen_14:20
slashmeyangyapeng: yes, it would be good to add it to the web-ui14:22
yangyapengslashme: i have a qustion, about it. we implementation in freezer-api or freezerclient ?14:22
yangyapengi will do it in freezer-api or freezerclient , and freezer-web-ui Allen_ should can do :)14:23
yangyapengslashme:  ok. thanks. it is all.14:24
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slashme#topic cinder-os-brick14:25
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slashmeping daemontool14:25
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slashmedaemontool suggests that we try using cinder os-brick to do backup of cinder volume14:26
slashmecinder os-brick is used to access data inside cinder volumes without a VM14:26
yangyapengIt sounds very good14:27
slashmePlease have a look at the freezer-specs change :
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slashme#topic free14:29
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slashmeAnything else you want to discuss ?14:29
ralievprobably, os-brick implementation will be assigned to me14:29
ralievas we discuss it with Fausto14:30
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yangyapengraliev: thanks, i have no research os-brick, quickly qustion,  if  it is an influential different cinder backend14:32
yangyapenglvm or ceph or glusterfs and so on?14:32
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ralievas I understand, there is no difference for os-brick regarding cinder backend14:34
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yangyapengraliev: ok , it is good to instead of cinder mode , thank you14:34
ralievyangyapeng, np :)14:36
slashmeOkay. Anything else ?14:39
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slashmeThanks for joining :)14:54
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openstackMeeting ended Thu Feb  9 14:54:26 2017 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:54
szaherThanks slashme14:54
openstackMinutes (text):
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bswartz#startmeeting manila15:01
openstackMeeting started Thu Feb  9 15:01:12 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is bswartz. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:01
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gouthamrhello o/15:01
bswartzhello all15:01
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bswartz#topic announcements15:01
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bswartzAll of you should know by now that we finally reached Ocata RC1 on Tuesday15:02
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bswartzso Ocata is officially "done" unless we discover a release-stopping bug15:02
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vponomaryovbut how long we should not merge "big" changes?15:03
bswartzHopefully many of you are downloading the RC1 bits and trying to break them in search of bugs15:03
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bswartzvponomaryov: as always it's best to avoid any siginficant changes until the Ocata release itself (Feb 23)15:04
bswartzbut master is officially open for pike-related feature changes15:04
vponomaryovbswartz: ok, thank you15:04
bswartzSome of us are now looking towards Pike though15:05
bswartzIt's a great time to propose your specs for Pike-related features15:05
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bswartzif we have specs proposed going into the PTG it would help discussions around those features15:05
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bswartzat this point I'm assuming we'll keep our existing specs process as it seemed to work pretty well15:06
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bswartzalthough for Pike we'll get a normal 6 month release instead of the painfully-compressed 4 month schedule for ocata15:06
tommylikehu_that's great15:07
bswartzI guess the one think I want to revisit is the Priority specs deadline15:07
bswartzsetting it all the way to milestone 2 is too long after the milestone 1 deadline for other specs15:07
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bswartz#action bswartz propose PTG topic about priority specs deadline15:07
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bswartzso only 1 topic today!15:08
bswartz#topic PTG15:08
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marksturtoo long a gap, yes.  But a late deadline is good for things that come up during Pike that we'd decide to prioritize. Maybe exception process for that.15:08
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bswartzthe etherpad has a ton of topics now15:09
bswartzthanks to those who are proposing them15:09
bswartzI'm going to start drafting a tentative schedule for them15:09
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tommylikehu_bswartz: we have three days for these?15:09
bswartztommylikehu_: 2 days only15:09
bswartzmy plan is to schedule some topics for Wednesday and some for Thursday, and to put a rough priority order on them15:10
bswartzI can't promise when any given discussion will start or end, but I will cut off discussions that run too long to ensure that we get through the whole list15:10
gansobswartz: is there going to be webex for remote participants?15:10
bswartzganso: yes that's especially important this time around15:10
bswartzganso: I assume you're still not travel approved?15:10
gansobswartz: yea15:11
bswartztommylikehu_: are you or anyone other Huawei representatives planning to attend the PTG in person?15:11
tommylikehu_I will15:11
bswartzokay great15:11
xyang1ganso: have you tried the travel support program?15:11
gansoxyang1: yes... ended up on waiting list... still on waiting list AFAIK15:11
bswartzxyang1: I know you'll probably be in the cinder sessions, but will anyone from dell/emc be attending manila sessions?15:12
xyang1bswartz: probably not15:12
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bswartzme and xyang are probably the most negatively affected by the new PTG schedule15:13
xyang1bswartz: people are not sure what PTG is about and are still prefer to go to the summit15:13
xyang1bswartz: have you heard anything about the location of the next PTG?  will that be in the U.S. or not?15:13
bswartzoh well -- because ganso and markstur both can't join in person we will try hard to get conferencing setup for remote people15:14
tbarronwon't be US15:14
bswartzxyang1: no word on the fall PTG -- not even a date15:14
tbarronaccording to openstack top leadership15:14
gansobswartz: maybe there is not going to be another PTG?15:14
tbarronbut they didn't specify where15:14
bswartztbarron: I heard it would likely be US-based15:14
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tommylikehu_one is in, one is outside america15:14
bswartzI think it would be wise to wait until after the first PTG before they plan the next one15:15
xyang1tbarron: that means I am not sure whether I can attend in the future.  too much international travel15:15
tbarronbswartz: they announed not, b/c of us entrance policy15:15
bswartztbarron: oh that makes sense15:15
tbarronnext 3 gatherings after boston not in us15:15
tbarronof course sidney was already set15:15
marksturbut what if we're afraid to leave US? b/c of re-entrance policy?15:15
bswartzwow, sticking it to trump15:16
xyang1tbarron: I think they have only announced the location of the summit, but not future PTG yet15:16
cknightmarkstur: :-)15:16
tbarronxyang1: right15:16
xyang1markstur: that's definitely an issue.  it applies both ways15:16
* vponomaryov grabs pop-corn15:16
bswartzokay back to the topic at hand15:16
bswartzwe need to plan this PTG15:16
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xyang1vponomaryov: bored?:)15:17
bswartzThe main thing I need to know for my scheduling is if there are any topics that remote attendees NEED to be part of, and what time restrictions they will have15:17
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gansobswartz: no time restrictions... If possible I'd like to participate on all of them15:17
bswartzso ganso, markstur, please contact me outside this meeting15:18
gouthamrabout remote attendees, i got NetApp to approve more storage space (hehe) on my webex account --- so, i hope to record stuff again15:18
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bswartzand this will be your last reminder to add topics to the etherpad15:18
bswartzI'm going to assign topics to days and put the high priority stuff earlier in the days15:18
bswartzanything else that comes up will go at the end of the list15:19
bswartzand given the number of topics we have already, it's possible we will actually use up all our time and have to punt some topics out15:19
bswartz#topic open discussion15:19
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bswartzso we have plenty of time left if anyone has something else to cover today15:20
gansoso looks like there is another critical LVM driver bug ^15:20
tommylikehu_ganso: thanks15:20
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tommylikehu_I am wondering whether we should take it as a bug15:20
gansoI would like to highlight that my feeling is that LVM has been the reference driver lately, in place of generic15:21
bswartzthis is a good catch15:21
gansoand I think it is important that we have it working15:21
bswartzwe don't have enough tests around combinations of snasphots, expand/shrink, revert, etc15:21
tommylikehu_bswartz: how many driver support extend share with snapshot exist?15:21
bswartzso when multiple features are used together, sometimes bugs are found15:21
bswartztommylikehu_: for many it's an easy thing to support15:22
gansobut since the introduction of revert and mountable, it looks like it got a little more than it could handle, and would need a refactor to take into account all the capabilities it has implemented15:22
bswartzI'm not sure how hard it will be to fix this for the LVM case15:22
bswartzganso, tommylikehu_: have you investigated a possible fix here?15:22
bswartzshould be be concerned that it might be impossible?15:23
gansobswartz: a little bit, I suggested in the patch comments15:23
gansobswartz: looks like tommylikehu_ already fixed it, but he changed the extend driver interface to have a snapshot parameter15:23
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gansobswartz: which I think it is not ideal15:24
bswartztommylikehu_: does the huawei driver have a similar issue?15:24
gansobswartz: because it is the only driver so far that would need this, and there are other means to obtain the snapshots so the parameter wouldn't be needed15:24
bswartzganso: I agree it's best not to change the driver interface for the benefit of a single driver, if other workarounds can be found15:24
tommylikehu_bswartz: yingzhezeng told me huawei driver does not support exrend share with snapshot exist15:24
bswartztommylikehu_: even with the modified driver interface, you couldn't support this feature?15:24
tommylikehu_bswartz: sounds like that15:25
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bswartzpersonally I feel we should definitely fix this, but I'm not sure about holding up the release of Ocata for it15:25
tommylikehu_bswartz: I will confirm this tomorrow15:25
bswartzit doesn't feel like a release blocker bug15:25
tommylikehu_bswartz: it's not15:26
gansobswartz: if it is fixed in time before the Ocata release, can't it be backported and RC2 be requested?15:26
bswartzso we could fix it and backport the fix later -- after we're comfortable it doesn't cause any other refressions15:26
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bswartzganso: yes that's a possibility, but as you know I prefer to avoid RC2 at nearly all costs15:26
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bswartzI'll take a look at the review after the meeting15:28
bswartzanything else for today?15:28
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gansoI noticed that several CIs seem to be very flaky lately15:29
gansoseveral are not passing, some are not even running, some fail right away15:29
vponomaryovjust several? )15:29
* bswartz nominates ganso for CI police15:29
gansobesides, even our first party CIs are not very stable15:29
* ganso puts on the CI police hat15:30
bswartzganso: I hope to address that problem with our driver support matrix15:30
bswartzwe will use public shaming as a motivator to get CIs fixed15:30
bswartzhowever we should recognize that it's an inherently difficult problem, and we should set reasonable standards for how reliable CI should be15:31
bswartzcinder struggles with this same issue, just at a larger scale15:31
gansobswartz: I haven't read through the whole PTG topic list15:32
bswartzcinder has tried to set some official guidelines for how long a CI can be broken before the community flags it as a problem15:32
gansobswartz: so maybe we should have some official rules, success ratio, etc in order to flag drivers as deprecated or unsupported15:32
bswartzI think they started with 2 weeks as a grace period15:32
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tommylikehu_bswartz:  oh no..15:33
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xyang1bswartz: we should publish that standard somewhere, on wiki, etc.15:33
bswartzI'm less interested in ratios of success/failure and more interested in measures that ensure that a person is actively engaged (because that's the whole point of CI)15:33
vponomaryovbswartz: and which is criterion for shaming? per-driver? per-company?15:34
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gansowe talked about that at BCN, but I guess we did not have any members in CI police squad xD15:34
bswartzvponomaryov: per driver15:34
bswartzganso: ocata was so short and we tried to do so much15:34
vponomaryovbswartz: driver + driver mode?15:34
tbarronvponomaryov: should be per-driver as not all have a "company" and even if they do there are different responsible parties15:34
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bswartzganso: this is important to me, but I decided to focus on feature content during ocata and had no time for other things15:35
tbarronvponomaryov: i agree that stats per-mode are useful for a deployer to see15:35
vponomaryovtbarron: it is very likely that one mode fails and other not15:36
bswartzvponomaryov: not driver mode -- it's impossible that there would be different maintainers for 2 modes of the same driver, and what we're trying to measure is whether the people responsible are still engaged15:36
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bswartzvponomaryov: in that case maybe even failure is the wrong metric15:36
tbarronvponomaryov: you may have left out 'not' but I agree with the statement as is15:36
marksturbut it would be interesting to see if one mode has CI and one mode is left uncovered15:36
gouthamri guess, for ease of stats this should be "per CI account"15:36
tbarronwell, that it is quite possible15:36
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tbarronvponomaryov: or that e.g. dhss=true is claimed but not tested15:37
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bswartzthe main thing we want to discover is drivers where the vendor has walked away and stopped maintaing it15:37
vponomaryovyeah, so, in other words, our shaming approach will not be trivial ))15:37
gansotbarron: any capability in the matrix would need to be tested in CI15:37
tbarronvponomaryov: I actually don't like the word 'shaming'15:38
gouthamr^ is hoping the matrix we can "automate" the matrix in pike15:38
tbarronvponomaryov: just data, let it speak for itself15:38
bswartztbarron: that was my word15:38
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vponomaryovtbarron: it is not "my" word ))15:38
tbarronbswartz: vponomaryov yeah, understood15:38
bswartztbarron: yes we won't actively ridicule anyone, but we will hope that presenting the data has that effect15:39
tbarrongive deployers the info to make decisions15:39
tbarronbswartz: understood15:39
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bswartzas long as vendor pays someone to pay attention to driver bugs and CI issues, that's a huge improvement over vendors that throw a driver over the wall and go on to work on something else15:40
bswartzthat's the behavior we want to encourage15:40
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bswartzokay anything else?15:41
marksturtbarron: s/shaming/highlighting/  OK?15:42
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tbarronmarkstur: i feel hightlighted sometimes15:42
marksturthis meeting is the "highlight" of my day  ;)15:42
bswartzokay sounds like we're finished15:42
bswartzthanks everyone15:42
bswartzwe'll hold the meeting next week as usual15:43
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openstackMeeting ended Thu Feb  9 15:43:11 2017 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:43
openstackMinutes (text):
ianychoiOh early finish :)15:43
ianychoiEvery manila team is fine with I18n?15:43
tbarronianychoi: ask on #openstack-manila15:44
bswartz ianychoi: since the meeting is over please join us in #openstack-manila if you have any questions15:44
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hyakuhei#startmeeting Security17:00
openstackMeeting started Thu Feb  9 17:00:15 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is hyakuhei. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.17:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'security'17:00
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hyakuheiHey guys :D17:01
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hyakuheiI've been back to back all day, I'll just update the agenda now17:02
hyakuheioh wait17:02
hyakuheiSomeone else did it.17:02
hyakuheiThe agenda fairy17:02
hyakuheiI'm assuming that's sigmavirus ?17:02
sigmavirusYes that was17:03
hyakuheity sir!17:03
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hyakuheiok, so lhinds passed his apologies for not being able to make it today17:03
sigmavirusJust one item17:03
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hyakuheiAdded a couple but lets start with OSSN17:04
hyakuhei#topic OSSN17:04
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hyakuheiA couple of embargoed OSSN will go out this week, I think they've already gone to the pre-notify people17:05
hyakuheiThere's a public OSSN that needs an owner:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1606495 in OpenStack Security Notes "copy_from in api v1 allows network port scan" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Travis McPeak (travis-mcpeak)17:05
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hyakuheitmcpeak say's he is fine with it17:05
hyakuheiOk, no one wants it. That's ok I'll un-assign it for now17:06
hyakuheisigmavirus did you add the other one?17:07
sigmavirusI did17:08
sigmavirusIt was more of a "Should we have an OSSN about this given that it's in the public now?"17:08
hyakuheiOh I see17:08
sigmavirusI tend towards not, because it's a problem that's disregarded across openstack (drivers disabling TLS verification)17:08
sicariesigmavirus: if not, is that in the driver documentation (or service documentation)?17:09
hyakuheiInteresting. If that is the case then we should probably still have an OSSN but regarding TLS being disabled in many services.17:09
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sigmavirussicarie: it's not. And I only have that opinion because I tried to fight this battle in glance's glance-store project before17:10
sicariethen I'm of the opinion we should have an OSSN17:10
hyakuheiI'm inclined to agree17:11
hyakuheisigmavirus thoughts?17:12
sigmavirusI'm always in favor of telling people their software is doing silly things17:12
sigmavirusI think it would be valuable if we gave driver authors some common patterns to use though for dealing with this17:13
sigmavirusi.e., drivers should be able to handle client certificates, certificate authority pem paths, and toggling verification17:13
sigmavirusThat's an ideal though, and I don't know how many of those drivers use requests, but those are all things they'd just need to pass into requests17:13
sigmavirusFor socket level stuff, I can also provide some documentation around doing it correctly there too17:14
sigmavirusBut that's a separate concern17:14
hyakuheiIt gets messy when there's so many different implementations17:14
sicarieSo IMO that should be sec-guide material, specific drivers disabling TLS in a service should be an OSSN17:14
sigmavirusI meant that should all be in addition to the OSSN17:14
hyakuheiThough it would be nice if the OSSN could point to the relevant info in the sec guide.17:14
sigmavirusBecause too many driver authors don't know any of this17:14
sicarie+1 hyakuhei I'll see what I can do17:15
michaelxinsigmavirus: Are you still working on Glance Project?17:16
sigmavirusmichaelxin: for certain quantities of "work"17:16
sigmavirusJust like I still work on this project17:17
sigmavirusAnd the 4 others I'm assigned to work on17:17
hyakuheiok, so we're agreed17:18
hyakuheiNext up, security docs17:18
hyakuhei#topic Security Guide17:18
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hyakuheiWe had a productive conversation last week17:18
hyakuheiMy key concern is still that we need other teams to be more involved.17:19
hyakuheiI was considering sending out a plea to the mailing list, which I might still do, however, I wondered if we should try to coordinate this with something at the PTG too17:19
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hyakuheiHmm, no thoughts on that, ok, well I'll wait for the PTG then.17:21
unrahulWe the OSIC ppl would be contributing to the sec guide  from now on as we discussed last week, we have initiated talks with the docs PTL and she has given us some pointers on things were we can contribute , around 26 bugs for now ..17:21
unrahulmichaelxin: ^17:21
hyakuheiOh excellent17:21
hyakuheiI'd still like project teams to be more involved17:21
unrahulhyakuhei:  agreed ..17:21
michaelxinwe finished our priority planning for next cycle. I put helping security guide into it. OSCI is ok with it.17:21
knangiamichaelxin: +117:22
hyakuheiok cool, lets move swiftly on :)17:22
hyakuhei#topic Barbican SimpleCryptoThingy17:22
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hyakuheiCrypto monkies, Attack!17:22
hyakuheiThat is to say, please give this a thoughtful review.17:23
hyakuheiI've put a cautious -1 on there at the moment17:23
hyakuhei@dave-mccowan fyi ^^^17:23
dave-mccowanhyakuhei thanks!  please, all, provide input early in Pike, so we have time to implement. :-)17:23
hyakuheiCool, you all heard the man, have at it!17:24
hyakuheiWe're doing well time wise, lets move to AOB17:24
hyakuhei#topic Any Other Business17:24
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hyakuheiI won't be available for a meeting next week because of the way my travel has fallen regarding the PTG17:25
hyakuheiAre others happy to take it or should we postpone?17:25
hyakuheioh and a reminder to keep this up to date17:25
hyakuheisicarie did you get auth to go ?17:26
sicarieI got time, but not funding17:26
sicarieso I will not be attending17:26
hyakuheibooo, sorry to hear that sicarie17:27
hyakuheiok, anything else to discuss?17:27
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unrahulhyakuhei:  We are working on glance testing from this week had a very productive meeting with the glance PTL.. nothing as of yet on bugs, will keep you all posted.17:28
unrahulAlso we have one more person who joined our team17:28
hyakuheiwelcome aasthad!17:29
aasthadHello everyone .. I am happy to be a part of osic security team..17:29
sigmavirushyakuhei: calling back to your question, if people want to have the meeting, I'm happy to chair it17:29
hyakuheiThanks sigmavirus might as well see what happen then :)17:29
hyakuheiok that's time people! Thanks everyone, thanks sigmavirus for your help!17:29
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SpamapS#startmeeting arch_wg20:06
openstackMeeting started Thu Feb  9 20:06:22 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is SpamapS. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.20:06
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'arch_wg'20:06
SpamapSCourtesy ping for nikhil, harlowja, dstanek, kragniz, auggy, rockyg, rocky_g, kgiusti, thingee, denaitre20:06
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SpamapSttx: since it's today, and not yesterday, will you be joining?20:06
SpamapS#topic previous meeting action items20:07
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* SpamapS fixes wiki page20:07
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SpamapSlooks to me like the meeting last week did not carry actions forward20:08
SpamapS(last time rather)20:08
SpamapS* Rockyg to write up implementation bleed-through thoughts and submit to arch-wg repo (carried from December 2016)20:09
SpamapSrocky_g: ^20:09
SpamapSrocky_g: shall we drop that action? or would you like to carry it forward and try to get to it during the PTG?20:10
rocky_goops.  Missed that.  Dang.20:10
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rocky_gLet's do it at PTG.  We can get Monty ;-)20:10
SpamapSrocky_g: can you maybe seed the discussion with an ML thread so we have people prepared with background information at the PTG?20:11
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cdentIt would be nice, if possible, to lay some groundwork before ptg, but if everyone else is like me, there's not much in the way of spare time20:11
SpamapSHah yeah20:12
rocky_gYeah.  I can do that20:12
rocky_gnow that it's back on my radar20:12
SpamapSBeen trying to find an hour to move nova-compute-api to active with more of a plan of action for a month now :-P20:12
SpamapSthis month has been travel heavy20:12
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SpamapS#action rocky_g Send email regarding implementation bleed-through (stretch: submit as raw proposal)20:12
rocky_gAnd will continue to be.20:12
SpamapS* ttx to move base-services to active and complete the details20:13
SpamapSI believe that is _done_20:13
* cdent nods20:13
SpamapSand ttx has even jumped further forward and has submitted a spec for the TC20:13
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SpamapSit would be amazing if I had that link handy ;)20:14
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SpamapSwe can talk more when we get to active proposal check-ins20:15
SpamapS* SpamapS to move nova-compute-api to active status and add structure20:15
SpamapS#action SpamapS to move nova-compute-api to active status and add structure (Carried from Jan 2017)20:15
SpamapSI will be dedicating an entire day next week to prep for arch-wg PTG sessions, and we'll talk more about that later too20:16
SpamapSthat's all the actions20:16
SpamapS#topic Proposal Process Review20:16
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SpamapSI feel like the process is going ok.20:16
SpamapSI'd like to see another proposal enter the queue.20:16
SpamapSas right now we're a bit too efficient at keeping our inbox at 0 ;)20:17
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* cdent chants dlm20:17
* cdent and pings harlowja 20:18
* rocky_g hums along20:18
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harlowjasorry, got a presentation later (at a openstack meetup) will be sorta in here, ha20:18
SpamapSdlm is a bit contentions20:18
SpamapSthingee specifically raised concerns that we'd be stepping on the cross-project team's toes by wading in before Cinder has done their work.20:19
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harlowjai need more memberberries20:19
SpamapSBut it's worth noting that we don't have a good way of just rallying people to an existing effort.20:19
* cdent nods20:19
rocky_gWe can ping Cinder at PTG to see where they are..20:19
SpamapSMaybe that's the proposal to submit harlowja ? "Go help existing effort -->"20:19
cdentI'm not familiar with what cinder is up to?20:19
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harlowjaSpamapS perhaps20:20
rocky_gYeah.  Me either20:20
SpamapScdent: there's already an openstack spec spelling out DLM options and Cinder was working toward being the first user.20:20
harlowjaironic and ceilometer might be father along20:20
rocky_gwe can ping gordc about ceilometer20:20
SpamapSso, how about this20:21
SpamapSlet's get this in our pipeline as a "we are interested and want to help socialize this effort" thing20:21
cdentSpamapS: I had the vaguely unclear sense that "openstack specs" were dead and replaced by openstack goals?20:21
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rocky_gcdent, no.  They both are alilve20:21
SpamapScdent: oh, I thought the goals were a stronger thing, where as specs were just cross-project agreements.20:21
rocky_gspec is used for tracking crossproject efforts20:22
cdentI know they are _supposed_ to be alive, but the cross project repo has seen no activity for weeks if not months20:22
rocky_gGoals are more general.20:22
SpamapSlike, a goal is something we need to get done together and track progress of, but a spec is "If you do this, do it this way"20:22
SpamapScdent: mysql cluster was submitted as an openstack spec20:23
SpamapS2 days ago20:23
cdentwell, that's the first noise in there for a very long time20:23
SpamapSAnd that's a good example of one.20:23
rocky_gand ProdWG works toward getting the userstories to specs20:23
SpamapSbacking up.. they're alive, but maybe have lost focus20:23
cdentI'm glad to see it is still alive, just worried it was not. Proof of life is good.20:24
SpamapSwhat say instead of adopting things in there into our process, we just add a permanent agenda item to check in on specs we care about?20:24
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rocky_gI think Ocata removed focus from there.  It should come back with Pike20:24
SpamapSIf we see one falling by the wayside, we can adopt it into our process.20:24
SpamapS#info openstack-specs needs love, adding an agenda item to check in on specs we care about or think need re-socializing.20:25
SpamapSrocky_g: that's a good point. No time to work on anything except bug fix and ship.20:25
SpamapSheh, we should do a 9 month cycle some time.20:25
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rocky_gman, wouldn't that be nice.  But, I don't think most devs have that long an attention span.20:26
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SpamapSok, let's try it now20:27
SpamapS#topic OpenStack Specs check-in20:28
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SpamapSSo what I want to do here is to just check in and see if there are specs which we should look at raising awareness of20:28
SpamapSNot going to go through them all20:28
SpamapSbut more of a "speak now or forever hold your pieces"20:28
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SpamapSharlowja: still here? is there anything we should do to try and kick-start this one?20:29
rocky_gSo, headsup.  Looks like Error Codes and log improvements getting hot again.  NTT, OSIC will likely spearhead the effort.  I'm going to do history and handoff at midcycle20:29
SpamapSrocky_g: cool20:30
rocky_gSo, if we could get the spec in shape at PTG, we can hand them a jumpstart.20:30
SpamapSrocky_g: is it still in review?20:30
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rocky_gI think it might be abandoned at the moment.  I can resurrect it.  I'd like to do a pass on cleanup, but, we could bring it back as is and then post a new version20:32
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SpamapSrocky_g: the most important thing is that we socialize it as an opportunity for improvement looking for resources.20:33
SpamapSThe whole idea of this group is to raise awareness and gather like-minded efforts to get them done.20:34
SpamapSso it's good that NTT and OSIC want to work on it. It's even better if somebody else coming to the PTG finds out about it before PTG, and joins in.20:34
* cdent puts a daisy in someone's gun20:34
rocky_gYup.  And NTT and OSIC have bodies to implement.  Also, LCOO wants to put bodies against it.  We can clean up the log messages if we can get the spec to an implementable (read dev approved) state20:34
SpamapScdent: no we're doing carnations, we're not the PFJ! ;)20:34
* cdent laughs20:35
rocky_gI let the NTT and OSIC (and ATT) know about PTG and midcycle.20:35
SpamapSrocky_g: can I give you the action to resurrect it and send to openstack-dev?20:35
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harlowja_SpamapS sorry, had another meeting20:36
SpamapS#action rocky_g Resurrect Error Codes and Logging Improvements spec and socialize appropriately before PTG20:36
SpamapSharlowja_: np20:36
rocky_gUh, I gotta get my gerrit working again.20:36
rocky_gI can do that.  Yeah.  Sure.  OK.20:36
SpamapSrocky_g: ok. I'm not letting you take any more though. ;)20:36
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SpamapSharlowja_: so, the DLM spec. Do you think there's anything we can do to help? Should we jump in and do an analysis of progress so far?20:37
rocky_gYeah.  If I can't resurrect, I'll get help.  My gerrit setup got messed up and Infra was stumped.20:37
SpamapSharlowja_: going once?20:38
harlowja_SpamapS sureeee20:38
SpamapSdoesn't sound like you're that convinced. :)20:39
SpamapSand I have enough on my arch-wg plate already20:40
SpamapS#topic Proposals for work20:40
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SpamapSI haven't transitioned nova-compute-api yet.. already carried the action20:41
SpamapSalso there's nothing in the review queue20:41
SpamapSso.. moving on20:41
SpamapS#topic Active workstreams20:41
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SpamapS* Base Services - ttx20:41
SpamapSWe discussed earlier. This is moving forward. It's our only active workstream right now.20:41
SpamapS#topic PTG20:42
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SpamapSSo! PTG is coming up20:42
SpamapSWe'll have a fair amount of time allocated to us20:42
SpamapSand people are very interested.20:42
cdent#link etherpad for ptg:
SpamapSWhat I'd like to do there is basically ask the community to rally around our two active workstreams.20:42
cdent(for reference)20:42
cdentearlier today in api-wg we expressed some concern about how to make sure that the right people were around for the right topics when they will likely want to move from room to room, topic to topic20:44
cdentI know that the ethercalc is supposed to help with that but if so, it probably needs to be pre-loaded a bit, at least for monday.20:44
SpamapScdent: absolutely20:45
SpamapSI'd like to have a firm structure well in advance.20:45
clarkbyes ttx sent mail about it20:45
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SpamapSI thought actually Monday we don't have space20:45
clarkbat least for the shared rooms with projectors20:45
SpamapSMonday the SWG gets the room we'll have all day Tuesday20:45
* cdent wonders what kind of notification settings clarkb has20:46
cdentyou pop up20:46
clarkbcdent: lurk all the channels settings20:46
SpamapSWhat I really want to do is use the time to get facts about things we already know we want to talk about, and to get new proposals into the pipeline.20:46
clarkb(I actually try to specifically lurk this meeting)20:46
SpamapScdent: does that fit in with what API-WG wants to use the time for too?20:47
cdentmostly the former20:47
cdentbut it's expected that people will have different views on the facts20:48
cdentthus the desire for doing in person20:48
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SpamapSso our structure should probably look something like   intro,  review active workstreams and ask for proposals, nova-compute-api fact finding, [API-WG topic], [ other topic ], [head-down paired up quiet working time], [ wrap up ]20:49
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cdentare these rooms in addition to whatever room is available on monday and tuesday or the actual and only rooms available monday and tuesday?20:50
SpamapScdent: exactly, for fact finding, what I'd like to see is a sort of hearing->subject format.. so have somebody stand up, say they're here to disseminate [X] and then the group can pepper them with questions and rebuttals.20:50
SpamapScdent: Arch-WG only has space dedicated to it for Tuesday.20:50
SpamapSWhich is really fun for me because I also need to do infra stuff :-P20:51
cdentbut that space is elsewhere from these ethercalc rooms?20:51
SpamapScdent: the ethercalc is for rooms w/ projectors and is more limited, IIRC20:51
rocky_gttx is the source of all truth on this20:51
clarkbSpamapS: yes its just the rooms with projectors20:52
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clarkbSpamapS: basically those rooms are a shared resource for all the people meeting in addition to the space assigned20:52
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SpamapSright, so can I just block out arch-wg for all day tuesday in Macon ? ;)20:53
cdentSo that gets back to my original point then: On Tuesday, in the room that is assigned to arch-wg it may be useful to be able to prepare a skeleton of a schedule for potential attendees20:53
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SpamapSI'm so confused20:53
SpamapS#action SpamapS talk to PTG organizers and confirm what space is dedicated, what is shared, and create a general schedule based on that.20:54
cdentif you're confused than so am I, as I was building off what you were saying :)20:54
cdentgood plan20:54
SpamapScdent: yes, I'm confused because I'm doubting what I believed20:54
SpamapSso I'll just get the info20:54
SpamapSand I'll send out a plan20:54
SpamapSOne thing is for sure though, if you want to talk about something at the PTG, please start talking about it _now_ on openstack-dev with the [architecture] tag, so people can come with real facts.20:55
SpamapSWe need to spend time explaining complicated things to eachother, not reading specs/code/wiki pages.20:56
SpamapS#topic Open Discussion20:56
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SpamapSanything else?20:56
cdentBefore we run out of time here I want to draw attention of the fine brains in this group to api-wg review:
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cdentthat's the rewrite of the guidelines for what should cause a "version" in an api20:57
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cdentit has architectural impacts because it is essentially declaring that you _must_ version20:57
cdent(the API)20:57
rocky_gjust a quickie.  I also have solid responsibilities to be in the Interop meetings.  All the horizontal stuff in two days is bad.20:57
SpamapSOh very +1 :)20:57
cdentthe version that I've just put up is a distllation of a lot of conversations that I'm not particularly happy with but seems to capture the consensus20:58
SpamapSrocky_g: yeah, I think there tend to be deep people, and wide people. Very few both. So us wide people will be screwed M-Tu, then bored Wed-Fri20:58
cdentrocky_g: yeah, lots of people been saying so20:59
cdentfeh, I'm going to be soaked through the entire week20:59
cdentburied every single day :)20:59
SpamapSone good thing, we get full access to project team people for two days21:00
SpamapScdent: thanks for sharing, I'll give it a close look21:00
SpamapSwe're out of time! :) Thanks everyone, see you in Atlanta!21:00
cdentSpamapS: awesome. thank _you_.21:00
rocky_gYeah.  But us wide people can huddle on w-f21:00
SpamapSOh also we'll cancel the next IRC meeting since it's during PTG21:00
cdentbring me coffees21:00
SpamapS#info we'll cancel the next IRC meeting since it's during PTG21:00
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openstackMeeting ended Thu Feb  9 21:00:54 2017 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)21:00
openstackMinutes (text):
* cdent waves21:01
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clarkbSpamapS: I dunno I tend to end up busy at $midcycle. I think we'll find it to be a busy week the whole week21:01
asettleOkay, docs time21:01
asettle #startmeeting docteam21:01
asettleloquacities: what isssss it not doing?21:02
asettle#startmeeting docteam21:02
openstackMeeting started Thu Feb  9 21:02:12 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is asettle. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:02
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'docteam'21:02
asettleThere we go21:02
asettle#topic Roll call!21:02
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jrobinsonAh it worked. I was about to say, the User Guide tag did that to me once.21:02
jrobinsonAnd Hi o/21:02
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asettleHahaha jrobinson thanks man. So weird, never happened to me before.21:03
asettleOh well :p21:03
asettleHey everyone :)21:03
asettleWe'll give it a minute or two more to see what's up21:03
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asettleHey guys!21:03
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loquacitiesyou had a space before the # ;)21:04
asettleGood turn out today :)21:04
asettleloquacities: ahhhhhhhh thank you21:04
asettleDat awkward mo when you think you cray21:04
asettleOkay, shall we move on? Looks we like got a good team in today :)21:04
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asettle#topic Action items from the last meeting21:05
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asettleSo far from what I can see, the only action was me: * ACTION: Alex to email specialty team leads about bug triaging21:05
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asettleSo, I messaged all cores, specialty team leads about bug triaging positions. Admittedly to little response.21:06
asettleI'd probably like to bring that up again21:06
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asettleSo, for those that weren't here last week - basically we don't have a great way of triaging new bugs in place.21:06
asettleMy idea? Have a bug triager that rotates on a fortnightly (bi-weekly) basis.21:06
loquacitiesare you just looking for people to start doing that?21:07
loquacitiesor are you going to wait until after ocata goes out?21:07
asettleloquacities: mostly was looking for Ocata to go out, and see if there was any major disagreements on the matter first up.21:07
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asettleSince there was no major disagreements - unless there is now?21:07
asettleI'll send out an email asking for volunteers.21:08
loquacitiesi think there's broad approval21:08
iphutchyep - it was a good idea21:08
asettleCool. Who would be able (here) to step up in Pike for this?21:08
loquacitiessign me up21:08
jrobinsonYes on the mailing list, there is some more discussion about how this pattern works on the Neutron team before.21:08
asettleSwell! Yeha, it's defs worked in the neutron team.21:08
jrobinsonI'm also ready to triage.21:08
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asettleCool guys!21:08
asettleWell, let's start.21:08
asettleIf you wanna put your name down in the table21:08
asettleI'll organise the dates.21:08
asettleThe issues column is simply for post-triage concerns.21:09
asettleThanks everyone for volunteering :)21:09
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asettleShall we move on to the specialty team reports?21:10
asettle#topic Specialty team reports21:10
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asettleannegentle: you're first up with API :)21:10
annegentleso, the trove API docs are incomplete after migration, and a user reported the bug to the ML (you all probably saw that)21:11
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asettle*nods* sure did21:11
annegentleI've subscribed laurelm and triaged21:11
annegentleI'll also log the missing clustering API info21:11
asettleThanks annegentle :)21:12
annegentleAnd then we're also meeting with flanders, the app dev community manager at the Foundation, to talk about goals for developer.openstack.org21:12
annegentleall are welcome, of course21:12
asettleWe sure are. If anyone's interested in poking their head in, ping me or annegentle :)21:12
annegentleand that's the current list of API reference docs reviews21:12
annegentleand then also the NFV Orchestration (tacker) team landed their API ref this week.21:13
asettleGreat :)21:13
annegentleand I think that's all there is to report21:13
asettleHey bsilverman_7 :)21:13
asettleThanks annegentle :)21:13
annegentleoh, one more thing21:13
asettleHit it!21:14
annegentleI want to be sure everyone knows I'd like to coach more people on API docs generally - I don't plan to always be the point person here21:14
annegentleso let me know if you're interested21:14
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asettleGood point, if anyone is interested in putting their hands up or knows someone that loves a good API please let us know :)21:14
asettleOkay, so, next up *would* be Kato but he has given us his apologies.21:15
asettleBut in a small update, noted that:21:15
-asettle- - Created release notes for Ocata.21:16
-asettle- - CLI Reference: Updated some CLI references. Added aodhclient.21:16
-asettle- - Config Reference: Start working on Ocata updates.21:16
asettleNext up, iphutch with the HA Guide update :)21:16
iphutchSent a message to the ML looking for people interested in helping out on the HA guide for Pike. Planning for the PTG as I can’t attend.21:16
asettleThanks iphutch :)21:16
asettleSo, next up is the Hypervisor Tuning Guide with Blair. Although I have not been able to get in contact with Blair at all lately. Anyone aware of his presence?21:17
asettleloquacities or annegentle ?21:17
loquacitieshaven't heard from him21:17
asettleCan't get a peep out of him in emails.21:17
annegentleis he real? :)21:17
loquacitiesi met him once21:17
asettleHahahhaa figment of my imagination21:17
asettleloquacities: woah continue21:17
asettleSpeaking of loquacities - install guide. GO GIRL GO21:18
loquacitieshaven't ever seen him in the same room as batman, though21:18
loquacitiesright, ok21:18
loquacitiesso we have a landing page review:
loquacities#link landing page review21:18
asettleYesss thank you nishpatwa00721:18
loquacitiesabsolutely :)21:18
loquacitiesthis is what it looks like so far:
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loquacitiesalso: testing is well underway:
asettleVery swish!21:19
asettleSweet! Great news :)21:19
loquacitiesso, obvs we still have more testing to do, and we need to land that patch, but we're on track :)21:19
loquacitiesthat's all from me :)21:19
asettleGreat :)21:19
asettleNext up is John Davidge for the Networking guide but he's off.21:20
asettleBut on his behalf - I can say that he's been smashing networking guide bugs out of the park21:20
asettleAnd he's working on a Networking Guide working group with the neutron team at the PTG21:20
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asettleIf anyone's interested in getting involved, hit John up! He'll probably run it over the docs and neutron day sessions (all week) to try and get some key deliverables smashed.21:21
asettleHe is john-davidge on IRC :)21:21
asettleNext up, darrenc with Ops and Arch21:21
darrencSo there was email discussion last week on what to do with the arch guide21:22
darrencI *think* the general consensus is getting the draft guide published21:22
darrencI'll work with bsilverman_7 to prioritize a list of tasks for Pike, and create bug reports for each task21:22
asettle*nods* yep, let's do our best for Pike and push it out21:22
asettleThanks bsilverman_7 :)21:22
darrencI think there is still one arch guide patch in review21:23
bsilverman_7Np. In an uber on way to airport. :-)21:23
annegentledarrenc or bsilverman_7 what did you think of the data findings?21:23
annegentleor ideas on other homes?21:23
bsilverman_7Interesting but inconclusive21:24
darrencI think it showed the arch guide is still needed21:24
annegentledarrenc or could be combined with ops guide21:24
annegentledarrenc was my other thought21:24
asettleProblems is annegentle we just moved the arch stuff out of the ops guide21:24
annegentleheh. I'm behind then21:25
bsilverman_7Ues, showed that arch is still needed but not buried in ops guide21:25
annegentleyah, ok21:25
darrencso we should remove the arch content in the ops guide. It's been migrated to the arch guide21:26
asettleLooking forward to seeing what you guys have got for Pike :)21:26
annegentledarrenc ok is it the same in both places?21:26
bsilverman_7Improvement s have been made in arch.21:27
darrencWell I movd across the content that was still relevant21:27
darrencand not out of date21:28
annegentlecool darrenc I'd like to see the plan on the ML - thanks21:28
darrencbut I was relying on bsilverman_7 and shaun's advice :)21:29
darrencwill do21:29
asettleOkay, cool!21:29
asettle#action Darren C to send arch guide action plan to ML21:29
bsilverman_7I am full of "advice" see HA debate :-)21:29
asettleApologies everyone - We've got a fair bit to cover just yet :)21:30
asettleNext up in Nathaniel with the Security Guide21:30
asettleHe's not here but I can say that we have successfully moved the sec-guide bugs to the sec team to look after.21:30
asettleSec and doc team to coordinate and come up with action plan for the future of the sec guide at the PTG :)21:30
loquacitiesbrilliant idea, that21:31
asettleNext up, Training Guides21:31
asettleloquacities: I am *soooo* brilliant :P21:31
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asettleOkay, it appears Matjaz is not around for Training Guides21:31
asettleI have no update there.21:31
asettleTraining labs!21:31
asettleRoger has left me with a little update note :)21:32
-asettle- Training-labs has a rough, but working Ocata patch. Issues we found are noted on the Etherpad as you requested. We should be able to release within a week or two after Ocata is official.21:32
asettleThe training-labs team are working on releasing their draft for Ocata to gain some traction (is the TL;DR if that above statement)21:32
asettleI've been attending their meetings to try and work with them a bit more :)21:32
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asettleIf anyone has more ideas on how to get support for training-labs - message myself, Pranav, or Roger!21:33
asettleAnd last, but not at all least, jrobinson with the User and Admin guides :)21:33
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jrobinsonOkay, so the legacy command changes have gone through well this release,21:34
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jrobinsonand the next steps is to check with the nova, neutron, cinder, and glance teams on the status of some specific project commands.21:34
asettlejrobinson: sounds good! What's left of the command changes?21:35
jrobinsonAt the same time, swift, trove, manila, and ceilometer do not have an OS command set ready yet.21:35
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jrobinsonI don't have an exact list of what's left to change since there is a large number of commands to go through, but I have been through the guides once so far, and a lot of the commands are now OpenStack.21:36
jrobinsonLast thing is this patch:21:36
asettlejrobinson: that's terrific. Would you be able to go through the list perhaps and at the next meeting (which might be after the PTG?) let us know what's left?21:36
jrobinsonIt's had workflow ticked twice, but not merged yet.21:36
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asettlejrobinson: the depends-on is not merged.21:37
asettleIt's got work to do :) so the gate won't pass until the other patch does21:37
jrobinsonasettle, I'll give it a try, no guarantees I might miss a command in one of the files, however.21:37
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asettlejrobinson: of course! Of course :) if you want help, please feel free to reach out at any time.21:38
jrobinsonThat's all the User Guide updates for now.21:38
asettleThanks jrobinson :)21:38
asettleWe have made it to the other side of reports! Hooray!21:38
asettle#topic Specs in review21:38
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asettleWhich pretty much points to loquacities and archiving21:39
asettleloquacities: any updates for us?21:39
asettleCan we help at all?21:39
loquacitiesnot really, we can keep iterating21:39
asettleWhat's the odds on it being merged by the PTG? :)21:39
loquacitiesyeah, it'll happen ;)21:40
asettleCool :D21:40
asettleThanks so much for that loquacities21:40
asettleAlright guys!21:40
asettle#topic Countdown to release:21:40
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asettleSo glad I copied across that colon there21:41
asettle12 days people!21:41
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asettleA reminder of our deliverables:21:41
asettleNow, just a quick shout out - does anyone need help with their action items?21:41
annegentleI think the new meeting time has been good!21:42
asettleannegentle: that's good to hear! :D21:42
asettleHow is this time suiting everyone? I know it's new. Doesn't suit everyone.21:42
annegentleI'm still doing a happy dance every time I see HTTPS21:42
asettleBut it's been a trial-period this release21:42
asettleannegentle: ugh yes! Kato and Andreas did an awesome job of updating that in 10.5 seconds too21:42
ianychoiPDF... yep :)21:43
asettleianychoi: well hey night owl!21:43
annegentleianychoi wahoo dee hoo!21:43
asettleYou have had like what, 5 hours sleep?21:43
ianychoiasettle, 5 hour sleeping right haha21:43
bsilverman_7I need Gopher and WAIS versions now.21:43
asettle:P terrible21:43
ianychoiannegentle, hi :)21:43
asettleHave you got time to give us a PDF update ianychoi ? :)21:43
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ianychoiI have summarized there: reviewing and applying to openstackdocstheme would be needed21:44
annegentleianychoi so I looked for reasoning for earlier font choices, and even at that time it took some reviewing to figure out the license. So I think you're better off with the liberation font.21:45
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ianychoiannegentle, aha then using CartoGothic will have no license conflict?21:45
annegentleianychoi and sorry, I don't have an answer on different variables in conf.py21:46
annegentleianychoi it doesn't, and we checked years ago, but really, go with liberation if the license is ok21:46
ianychoiannegentle, aha i see!21:46
annegentleianychoi and I think that we had to ship the ttfs21:46
annegentleianychoi to meet the licensing requirements, and let's not do that :)21:47
ianychoiI mainly followed the manual and current settings would be fine21:47
ianychoiThe revised patch ships Liberation font!21:48
loquacitiesooh! cool :)21:49
asettleThat's great ianychoi :)21:49
asettleIs there anything we can help you with?21:49
annegentleianychoi ok, cool, is Liberation both sanserif and serif?21:49
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ianychoiannegentle, I shipped both of them Sans and Serif21:50
ianychoiAlso mono21:50
annegentleianychoi ok, got it! Nice work.21:51
asettleVery cool :)21:51
ianychoiYep.. then would it possible to review and release new openstckdocstheme version?21:52
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asettleI'm sure once it's merged, bmoss and Maria would be happy to release :) (she says, throwing them under the bus)21:52
asettle#action Team to review
asettleSorry guys, we gotta get through the rest of the items here :)21:53
asettleWon't be too long21:53
asettle#topic PTG Atlanta Feb 20-24 2017 - planning underway!21:53
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asettleEvent info:21:53
asettleTickets (in case anyone needs):21:53
asettlePlanning! Don't forget to put your item up:21:53
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asettleianychoi and I will begin our planning for our joint sessions21:54
asettleReminder that docs is on Monday and Tuesday21:54
ianychoiYep :)21:54
asettleIf you wanna chat, but can't come, we can still represent you, OR have you virtually there :)21:54
asettleSo don't be afraid to put your name or ideas down21:54
asettle#topic Boston Summit21:54
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asettleCFP is now closed!21:55
asettleLooking forward to see who gets their talks in :)21:55
asettleFor more info:21:55
asettleSorry gotta zip now21:55
asettle#topic Bug triaging21:55
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asettleReminder to put your name down for bug triaging responsibilities:21:55
asettle#topic Open discussion21:55
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asettleEveryone as you were21:55
asettle4 minutes left :) any questions, concerns?21:56
asettleReminder that loquacities is technically the PTL sooooo I know nothing21:56
iphutchplease ping me if you you are interested on collaborating for the HA guide in pike :)21:56
asettleThanks iphutch :)21:56
annegentleiphutch are you also asking the openstack-operators ML?21:56
iphutchsure am21:57
annegentleiphutch coo21:57
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annegentlecool even21:57
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jrobinsonOn the ML, there has been a discussion about moving the admin guide to the developer repositories. Just a quick comment to say the Nova team might also be interested in a move.21:57
ianychoiAnd.. it seems that asettle now updates docs crossproject liaison:
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asettleOh great jrobinson :)21:57
bsilverman_7Iphutch, I'll contact you after we clear the arch guide21:58
asettleianychoi: I sure have been!21:58
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ianychoiI18n-Docs liaison is katomo :)21:58
asettleWe have a new faces in the Cross Project Doc world - few members are out, few in. We're chasing up a few others.21:58
asettleHooray, thanks ianychoi :)21:58
iphutchbsilverman_7: great!21:58
asettlejrobinson: we'll probably want to discuss that in depth at the PTG with ildikov21:58
asettleBut perhaps if you and ildikov could sync up and form an action plan so it's less of a free-for-all - that would be great.21:59
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asettleAlso, if you wanna have a chat about something in these meeting schedules, please update:
asettleOn that note22:00
asettleWe gotta scoot!22:00
asettleThat was fast, woah22:00
asettleAny questions, concerns, feelings, head over to #openstack-doc22:00
asettleLet's start saying hello in our mornings! Make it friendly peeps!22:00
asettleOkay, Settle = Out!22:00
bsilverman_7C u all at PTG22:00
ianychoiYep iime is going fast. Thanks a lot for today asettle + all docs team members!22:00
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