Thursday, 2014-05-29

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mriedemmikal: ?14:01
johnthetubaguy#startmeeting nova14:01
openstackMeeting started Thu May 29 14:01:14 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is johnthetubaguy. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:01
*** openstack changes topic to " (Meeting topic: nova)"14:01
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'nova'14:01
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johnthetubaguyHi, so mikal can't make it today, so you get me, sorry!14:01
* mriedem leaves...14:01
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johnthetubaguyits very late/early where kangaroos live14:02
mriedemsome live in a zoo14:02
mriedemin different TZs14:02
mriedemthere are agenda topics at least:
johnthetubaguyvery true...14:02
johnthetubaguyso.. I need to ping people14:02
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johnthetubaguyok so none of the ping people are in this channel so lets skip that14:03
mriedemis it just me or is it weird to see names listed for pinging at the top of the meeting but don't have agenda topics on the wiki?14:03
jaypipeso/ (partly.. on phone too)14:03
johnthetubaguy#topic Juno mid-cycle meetup date/location14:03
*** openstack changes topic to "Juno mid-cycle meetup date/location (Meeting topic: nova)"14:03
johnthetubaguywe have some topics14:03
johnthetubaguyso we need to decide a date14:03
dansmithmriedem: I think it's because some people don't have calendars, not because they have something to say14:04
johnthetubaguywe have two options, so… lets vote14:04
johnthetubaguy#link please vote on meetup date
johnthetubaguyso I think some people with strong opinions are moving house14:04
johnthetubaguyso some dates fit better than others14:04
johnthetubaguyanyways, anything more people want to say about the meet up date?14:05
johnthetubaguyjust please vote, and lets see how it goes I guess14:05
mriedemare the ironic guys doing the same dates as us?14:05
mriedemor have they decided dates/locations?14:05
johnthetubaguygood question, I don't remember...14:05
johnthetubaguyI guess they get a big vote14:05
mriedemdevananda: ^?14:05
n0anomriedem, that's the plan, I'm getting a room for them14:05
johnthetubaguyn0ano: OK cool, makes sense14:06
mriedemn0ano: so ironic is just going to do whatever nova does?14:06
johnthetubaguyI think I hurd two rooms next to each other14:06
dansmithn0ano: which campus is this going to be at?14:06
johnthetubaguyso we bug each other in some common sessions14:06
n0anodansmith, undetermined at this time, depend upon availability when we get exact dates.14:06
dansmithn0ano: okay14:06
dansmithpersonally, I'm a little worried that a 100% overlap with ironic will turn the whole thing into an ironic meetup14:07
n0anoidea is 3 room, ~40 for nova, ~20 for ironic and ~6 for individual breakout14:07
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johnthetubaguydansmith: we will have to learn to ignore them a bit14:07
johnthetubaguybut its a good point, need to avoid that14:07
n0anodansmith, separate but equal, should be OK14:07
johnthetubaguyOK, any more on this...?14:07
johnthetubaguy#topic Blueprints14:08
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johnthetubaguycools, so the next think is really about Juno-1, its about 2 weeks away14:08
johnthetubaguyso… I have been trimming the juno-1 blueprint list (a little bit)14:09
johnthetubaguyso I am trying to keep all things in this list to have approved specs:14:09
johnthetubaguybut this is juno-114:09
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johnthetubaguy#action can people please update their blueprint status and check their milestones14:10
johnthetubaguyand we should probably start pushing hard on reviewing what is ready for review to close that out14:10
johnthetubaguyso question… do people want to think about a juno-1 blueprint proposal freeze? was that useful before?14:11
dansmithI do, just because I think we need to focus on reviewing *code* at some point14:11
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johnthetubaguydansmith: +114:12
PhilD+1 to the BP freeze14:12
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johnthetubaguyI don't like extra process, but this one seemed useful14:12
johnthetubaguyso I guess I should give people a week to get their code up, and blueprint moved to "Needs Code Review" before we bump them to J-214:12
danpbdansmith: yes, it does seem like we've spent alot of time reviewing blueprints and not so much reviewing code14:12
dansmithdanpb: yeah :(14:12
johnthetubaguydanpb: good point14:13
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danpbof course that's not neccessarily a bad thing14:13
danpbsince it should mean the code we eventually review will be less insane14:13
PhilDReviewing the BPs should reduce some the churn in the code review though14:13
johnthetubaguyOK… so maybe we should stop blueprint view focus today ish? and let the freeze focus people on getting the code up for review?14:13
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johnthetubaguy(not that we had a focus, except for it being a new shiney thing)14:14
PhilDWe can carry on with BP reviews - but any that get approved from here on will go into J-2 or beyond14:14
danpbyep, and if choosing between the two, the priority should be on reviewing actual J-1 code14:14
johnthetubaguyPhilD: yeah, I suppose, just think we should "foucs" on blueprint code reviews for the next little while14:14
johnthetubaguydanpb: +114:14
johnthetubaguyPhilD: but I agree, no block on blueprint approvals for later milestones14:15
johnthetubaguyeveryone happy with that?14:15
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dansmithif we're not frozen,14:15
dansmithwe'll still get pings about reviewing specs all day and night14:15
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johnthetubaguydansmith: hmm, thats a good point...14:16
dansmithwhich we can ignore, of course, but having a line in the sand helps explain things, IMHO14:16
johnthetubaguyPhilD: you OK with us not approving any blueprints for two weeks?14:16
PhilDJust don't want to switch off BP review al toghter - otherwise we we'll won't have BPs ready to go into J-214:16
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gibiI tend to agree with PhilD that we need some BP to be ready for J-214:17
johnthetubaguyyeah… but there are lots of stuff from J-1 that will fill up J-2, if we are being honest with ourselves14:18
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danpband i tend to expect that people are writing their code regardless of whether the BP is approved14:18
dansmithwell, we're not supposed to be approving the actual BP unless they do14:18
danpbso not approving the BP probably won't actually delay people significantly14:18
dansmith(the launchpad part)14:18
PhilDMaybe we just need to work out what the balance is here - so that we have a sustainable approach going forwards.  Boom and Bust on either isn't good14:19
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gibiPhilD: +114:19
dansmithI don't feel like we're on either side of the extreme here,14:19
dansmithwe have a bunch of things in the queue that have gotten some review, but not approved14:19
johnthetubaguyPhilD: agreed we do, but right now we don't have the bandwidth, so this seems like a pragmatic choice14:19
dansmiththat seems like a plenty fine situation going into J214:19
danpbyep, we're saying carry on reviewing BPs but don't make it your top priority job for the day - reviewing code should be the top job, and BP #2 job14:20
johnthetubaguymaybe lets say no more spec approves monday onwards?14:20
johnthetubaguydanpb: yeah, the soft freeze is probably easier14:20
dansmithnobody is going to turn off the +2 button on reviews anyway :)14:20
johnthetubaguydansmith: true14:20
PhilDJust want to be clear - are we saying what is already apporved fills up through Juno ?14:20
johnthetubaguyPhilD: well day after Juno-2 we start approving more though14:21
johnthetubaguyits only for the few weeks to get Juno-1 pushed out I think14:21
PhilDOk, that sounds reasonable.14:21
danpbyep, once J-1 is done, we can approve as much as we want again14:21
johnthetubaguysounds like we kinda have agreement.. lets summarize14:22
johnthetubaguyavoid spec reviews, till we ship Juno-114:22
johnthetubaguyfocus on needs code review blueprints, getting them to complete14:22
johnthetubaguysounds cool?14:22
PhilDWoudl help if at somepoint we had a way to assign a priority to BPS after they get approved - to help prioriise teh reviews and allow new (urgnet) ideas to come though.  Sometimes the most important BPS are teh most complex to review,14:23
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PhilDand I wan't to avoid that we only get the simple changes into each milestone14:23
johnthetubaguyPhilD: yeah, the priority needs work...14:23
johnthetubaguyso I have some ideas I am working on...14:23
johnthetubaguy(assuming we are agreed on the blueprint push for Juno-1 speak up if you are not happy with that)14:24
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johnthetubaguytalking to the user committee to get their priority list14:24
johnthetubaguyworking out the dependencies on "structural" changes we agreed at the summit14:24
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johnthetubaguywe say objects are super high priority14:24
johnthetubaguyas is scheduler split, etc14:24
johnthetubaguyas it blocks other stuff14:24
johnthetubaguy… but I need to try and formalize that, so I can present a more… concrete idea14:25
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johnthetubaguyideas and help very welcome there14:25
johnthetubaguy…OK so we should go back to the list of blueprints14:25
johnthetubaguywhat stuff do we REALLY need...14:26
johnthetubaguywhere do we need to tweak priorities14:26
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johnthetubaguyseems like most of the high priority ones are getting somewhere, but need the last push14:27
johnthetubaguyany vmware folks about?14:27
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mriedemthere are just a couple patches left on the vmware refactor phase 1/2 stuff14:27
mriedem3 last i checked14:27
mriedemphase 3 was oslo.vmware integratoin i think, vui lam was working on that i think14:28
johnthetubaguyalaski: your stuff is close now right?14:28
johnthetubaguyalaski: is it all up for review now?14:28
PhilDextensible-resource-tracker is neesed for a whole bunch of other BPs under review that want to add data to the compute_node14:28
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alaskijohnthetubaguy: the final important piece is up for review, and very close I think14:28
dansmithI just +Warthog'd it14:29
alaskijohnthetubaguy: then there are some cleanup patches after that are up for review but haven't received much attention yet, which is fine14:29
johnthetubaguyalaski: np14:29
johnthetubaguyPhilD: yes, good point, thats the structural stuff I guess, needed to help scheduler split14:29
PhilD... and we have been talking about this for ages14:30
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johnthetubaguyI guess we could make that high, but medium is still "tracked", so maybe that enough at this point14:30
johnthetubaguyPhilD: very true14:30
dansmithI don't think it's high14:30
jaypipesI'm pretty -1 on the xtensible resource tracker implementation at this point...14:31
johnthetubaguyOK… any more worries on the J-1 plan, and mostly any bad priorities people can spot14:31
dansmithI really think we need to use our priorities to reflect what we think is important/critical and not "what has been waiting for a while"14:31
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johnthetubaguydansmith: yes, technically, it has to be "likely hood to merge" but we need the important stuff to be likely to merge14:31
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* johnthetubaguy hopes that made sense to someone14:32
PhilDSure - but importance shoudl reflect what else it holds up as well as the change itself14:32
johnthetubaguydansmith: anywhere you feel we have got it wrong?14:32
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dansmithjohnthetubaguy: I was just referring to the extensible resource tracker stuff being high priority14:32
dansmithI waffle between -0 and -2 on that, so I can't really imagine it being high priority14:33
johnthetubaguydansmith: right, medium seems OK at this point, its a soft dependency on the major work, I think14:33
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PhilDFrom my perspective its high14:33
dansmithwhat major work does it block?14:33
dansmithscheduler stuff?14:33
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johnthetubaguyPhilD: well, don't not merge + high priority = medium chance to merge maybe14:34
PaulMurraydansmith, extensible RT it is waiting for approval14:34
PhilDPretty much all of the other scheduler stuff that other people want to bring in later in J14:34
johnthetubaguy… lets just park this till open discussion?14:34
johnthetubaguyPhilD: its just the best way, not the only way, but I do like it myself, but lets sort that later14:35
johnthetubaguyany other blueprints we have worries about, in terms of priority14:35
johnthetubaguyany crucial stuff we missed14:35
johnthetubaguynot that we are doing spec reviews for a bit, quick reminder about...14:36
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johnthetubaguydo add stuff agreed at the summit that we need to do paper work for14:36
johnthetubaguyalthough thats a J-2 thing now14:36
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PhilDThere are only 4 Bps approved for J-1 that are in the state of needs code review doesn't that sort of set the priority in terms of what can be done anyway ?14:36
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johnthetubaguyPhilD: a little, yes, but most people don't update the blueprint status, I will start pinging people and chasing up on that14:37
johnthetubaguynot sure everyone knows Juno-1 is so soon, hopefully my email about the freeze sorts that out14:38
johnthetubaguy(and massive blueprint commenting…)14:38
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johnthetubaguyOK, any more on blueprints?14:38
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johnthetubaguysounds like we have a plan about the freeze14:39
johnthetubaguy#action johnthetubaguy to sort out an email about blueprint proposal freeze, and spec review slow down for juno-114:39
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johnthetubaguy#topic Bugs14:40
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johnthetubaguynow, I don't have anything about the top bug list...14:40
johnthetubaguythere is a plan to get the top few "burning" bugs from the bug team each week14:40
johnthetubaguyand a general hope we get better at managing the massive backlog14:40
johnthetubaguybut anyone got bugs or bug process things they want to talk about?14:41
johnthetubaguyI think is what was mentioned14:41
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PhilDThat was the one that sprang to my mind.14:42
johnthetubaguy#info Bug Day on next Wedesday 4th June14:42
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johnthetubaguyI think that was the ml post14:42
PhilDFeels like we goofed a bit here and broke our API compatibility rules14:42
PhilDSo can we just revert that set of changes for now ?14:42
dansmithI think we should14:43
johnthetubaguyyeah… makes sense14:43
johnthetubaguyany one want to take that one?14:43
dansmithtoo bad the horizon folks didn't mention it,14:43
dansmithas they had to remove something as a result14:43
PhilDThere was talk of a "partial" revert so that only defaults can be set - but I think that could come as a separate change14:43
danpbyep, seems the claim "It turns out os-quota-classes-sets never worked.... Since this doesn't work no need to keep it around."  was not quite correct :-)14:43
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mriedemi can post the revert for stable/icehouse of the api removal for v214:44
johnthetubaguydo we have a tempest test on the way?14:44
mriedemeasy enough14:44
dansmithI thought vishy was going to do it, so maybe we should wait and let him do it now that we agree14:44
dansmithor that14:44
johnthetubaguymriedem: awesome thank you14:44
johnthetubaguy#action mriedem to take on lp 129951714:44
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mriedemvishy can do the revert of the master branch if he wants14:45
johnthetubaguymriedem: you ok to check with vishy about the test?14:45
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mriedemsure, i don't know what test we're talking about, but i can bug him :)14:45
dansmithmriedem: should go to master first anyway14:45
johnthetubaguymriedem: or get him to do the bug fix too :)14:45
dansmithmriedem: we need a test :)14:45
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mriedemtest our APIs?!14:45
johnthetubaguycrazy talk … I know14:45
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PhilDas in "we need a test as well as the revert" - or we need a test first ?14:46
dansmithwe need a test post-revert to prevent it from breaking again14:46
johnthetubaguyerm, test how it should be after the revert14:46
danpbdo a plain revert, and then add a test14:46
mriedemwell test would go on master, and there is a series on master that needs to be reverted14:46
johnthetubaguydansmith: +114:46
mriedemi'm going to revert the api removal on stable14:46
mriedemsince that's the immediate problem14:46
johnthetubaguymriedem: master first surely?14:47
mriedemif vishy wants to take over from there on master, i'm fine with that14:47
dansmithmriedem: but you really should cherry-pick the master one14:47
johnthetubaguydansmith: +114:47
johnthetubaguyelse the world turns upside down14:47
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dansmithmriedem: that's how this is supposed to go.. fix in master, cherry-pick to stable when it's merged14:47
PhilDMaster first and cherry pick to stable14:47
mriedemi'll get it all worked out14:47
mriedemdon't worry14:47
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johnthetubaguymriedem: sorry, don't mean to be picking on you, particularly given you are the kind person who offered to fix it :)14:48
mriedemwhat could go wrong?!14:48
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johnthetubaguyso… any more bugs?14:48
johnthetubaguybug day will be fun, read the ML for more details I guess14:48
johnthetubaguy#topic Sub Team reports14:49
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adrian_ottoContainers Subteam Update14:49
johnthetubaguyany takers?14:49
* n0ano gantt14:49
adrian_otto#idea attend on Tue at 2200 to discuss options for where containers specific funcitonality should be implemented in OpenStack.14:49
* johnthetubaguy raises his XenAPI hand14:49
johnthetubaguyadrian_otto: fire away14:49
adrian_ottoVarious options will be debated.14:50
* danpb Libvirt14:50
adrian_ottoIn our last meeting we concluded that there were sufficient use cases for containers that did not require Cinder support to disregard that as an acceptance criteria for inclusion in Nova.14:50
adrian_otto#link Cinder with Containers Discussion14:50
adrian_ottoThat's it for our update. I can take any questions.14:50
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johnthetubaguyI guess the question is… do the people in this Nova meeting agree?14:51
dansmithyeah, that's my question :)14:51
adrian_ottoor if there is disagreement, we can field that on Tuesday14:51
danpbFYI see  line 135 onwards for examples14:51
adrian_ottotx danpb14:51
danpbbasically the core observation is that there are genuine use cases for completely stateless instances, and many use cases where the state is accessed over the network (eg remote database or whatever)14:52
PhilDDoes not supporting cinder mean that a system using containers won't pass the DevRef standard ?14:52
johnthetubaguywell not sure we have time for that debate here… lets add that on the open discussion queue14:52
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danpbPhilD: IMHO that would indicate DevRef is flawed14:52
johnthetubaguyand if you really care about it, try send info to the contianer meeting somehow14:52
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johnthetubaguyyeah, DevRef may have to morph14:53
adrian_ottoI'd be happy to proxy any questions arguments if you are unable to attend14:53
adrian_ottowe will have an ML thread to14:53
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johnthetubaguybut anyways… feels to me like not being able to add extra storage is bad, but yeah, lets take that offline14:53
johnthetubaguyn0ano: your turn I think/hope14:53
n0anoTwo major items this week, no-db scheduler and the forklift effort14:54
n0anonodb cause a lot of discussion, there are some major concerns with the current design, everyone should read:14:54
n0anowe're going to try to go over that at the meeting next tues.14:55
* johnthetubaguy will try to attend this time14:55
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johnthetubaguyhows forklift going, there are patches to review I guess?14:55
n0anofor the forklift, we have some concrete BPs and code out that need to be reviewed, they are to clean up the interfaces between nova and the scheduler14:55
n0anohere's the 3 links:14:56
n0ano #link (scheduler-lib validated)14:56
johnthetubaguyforklift = spliting out scheduler into gnatt14:56
n0ano#link (isolate-sched-db review in progress)14:56
n0ano#link (prep_resize to move to conductor - review in progress)14:56
n0anojohnthetubaguy, +114:56
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johnthetubaguycool, sounds good, progress14:56
n0anothat's about all for now, expect firworks next tues :-)14:56
johnthetubaguyso XenAPI update...14:57
johnthetubaguyI am at the Xen hackathon, mostly talking but its a nice day out14:57
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johnthetubaguyhopefuly rackspace are taking on more active role with XenServer CI14:57
johnthetubaguyhad an outage, but its back now14:57
johnthetubaguythat is all14:57
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johnthetubaguydanpb: your turn14:58
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danpbLibvirt update14:58
danpbgroups of folks from   B1 systems, Citrix and SUSE to investigate CI options for Libvirt + Xen14:58
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danpbthey will report back when there is interesting progress to tell the group14:58
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* johnthetubaguy feels silly chatting to danp via IRC when he is sat next to me14:59
danpbrelated to this there is someone at Rackspace investigating CI for Libvirt + LXC14:59
johnthetubaguyyes, I can confirm LXC rumers14:59
johnthetubaguyI think its a bit delayed, and canonical are helping too I think14:59
dansmith(note time)15:00
* johnthetubaguy looks at watch15:00
johnthetubaguy#topic Open Discussion15:00
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danpbIn general, there is quite a bit of activity around Libvirt + LXC and the issues we're identifying about missing APIs in Nova overlap with Docker, so we're engaged with Containers team15:00
johnthetubaguycool, sorry to cut you short15:00
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danpbnothing more to report (see logs at
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johnthetubaguyso… thanks all for putting up with me15:01
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johnthetubaguyfeedback welcome15:01
johnthetubaguylets push for Juno-115:01
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openstackMeeting ended Thu May 29 15:01:35 2014 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:01
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openstackMinutes (text):
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danpbjohnthetubaguy: can you use an australian accent next time ;-P15:01
johnthetubaguydanpb: sure maaate15:02
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bswartz#startmeeting manila15:02
openstackMeeting started Thu May 29 15:02:39 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is bswartz. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:02
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:02
bswartzhello everyone15:02
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bswartzwho do we have today15:03
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bswartzrushil, ameade: you here?15:03
bswartzokay so the first thing I wanted to do was check up on people who signed up for stuff last week15:04
bswartzis everyone still planning on working on the stuff they signed up for last week?15:05
shamailbswartz: Quick update, I am working on understanding cloud-init... No real update yet but I do have a question.15:05
scottdaI have started investigating vlan to vxlan/gre routing15:05
bswartzI'm trying to figure out how to spread the work around so everyone has interesting stuff to work on who wants to15:05
shamailwould we prefer to use puppet or chef in conjunction w/ cloud-init?15:05
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scottdaAnd I can talk briefly about my findings if we would like15:05
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bswartzyeah I'd like to do that15:06
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bswartz#topic cloud-init15:06
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shamailI haven't started exploring the other options yet but I have only found stated support for cloud-init in RHEL and Ubuntu.15:06
bswartzso I'm not sure why that would matter shamail15:06
bswartzmy thinking had been that cloud-init runs at boot time and can grab metadata from the hypervisor15:07
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bswartztherefore it's a great place to stuff mount information so that the client can just do a bunch of mounts at boot time15:07
shamailIt wouldn't, just from a preference perspective... I plan to specify metadata via user data and leverage puppet/chef for the actual mount op15:07
bswartzhow we get the mount info from manila into a place where cloud-init can grab it is half the problem15:07
bswartzand how cloud-init takes that info and does the mounts is the other half15:08
shamailSolving for metadata still, the actual mount is where I was considering puppet or chef15:08
bswartzshamail: personally I'd prefer using neither -- they would be an extra dependency and I don't see what they add15:08
shamailOkay, I'll dig deeper and update the team next week.15:08
bswartzcloud-init should be able to invoke a mount command directly15:09
bswartzif they add something valuable then let's talk about which to support15:09
shamailThe amount of time I have given to this topic last week was minimal due to holiday and other commitment so15:09
bswartz#topic vlan to vxlan/gre routing15:09
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bswartzscottda: what's up with this?15:09
scottdaSo, doing multitenancy on a vxlan or gre lan using the manual admin-based Neutron provider network should be possible....15:10
scottdaMy next step is to test and confirm this, and then I can start on documentation.15:10
scottdaThe real goal is to have Manila do the routing without manual intervention.15:10
bswartzis the plan to prove it works in a manual config first, then to look into how to automate?15:10
scottdaAnd that requires some work.15:10
bswartzwhich parts are manual and which parts are automated?15:11
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scottdaRight now, there is nothing similar to an agent that Manila can use to connect Neutron sub-nets.15:11
scottdaBut Nova has this, and DNSaaS would like this.15:11
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scottdaI've talked with a Neutron Core dev and this feature seems viable, but it might not be doable in the Juno time frame.15:12
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scottdaIn the long run, this is highly desirable, for the vxlan multi-tenancy and possible other Manila features that involve Nuetron.15:12
bswartzscottda: what do you mean by "connect Neutron sub-nets"?15:13
bswartzin theory the VLAN and the VXLAN would be part of the same subnet15:13
scottdaConnect a Neutron Provider Network (which connects to the outside network i.e File Server on a VLAN)....15:13
scottdaTo a tenant subnet, which might be using VXLan15:13
bswartzshould some of us be attending neutron meetings and pushing for this if we want it to happen faster?15:14
bswartzor do you get the sense that it's happening as fast as possible without out intervention?15:14
scottdaShort Answer: Manual should be doable, and I will test and document. Automated is harder, and I'll continue to work with Neutron on this.15:14
scottdaI can start attending Neutron meetings and try to drive this.15:14
scottdaI think intervention can only help.15:15
bswartzokay so I'll see who can apply pressure or help with the effort on our side15:15
bswartzyour help is very much appreciated too15:15
scottdaIt's a pleasure :)15:15
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* bswartz remembers to go look up when the neutron weekly mtgs are15:16
bswartz#topic dev status15:16
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vponomaryovDev status:15:16
vponomaryov1) Share servers admin API15:16
bswartzokay vponomaryov what have you been up to?15:16
vponomaryovI am on my way15:17
vponomaryovbp: #link
vponomaryovclient: #link
vponomaryovserver: #link
vponomaryovstatus: wait for review15:17
vponomaryov2) New ci jobs:15:17
vponomaryov2.1) 'pylint' job - has been enabled15:17
vponomaryov2.2) 'tempest' job (with multibackend installation)15:17
vponomaryovbp: #link:
vponomaryovstatus: all 'manila' changes has been implemented, 'config' project commit is in review state.15:17
vponomaryovconfig commit in gerrit #link
vponomaryov3) Update manilaclient with latest changes in manila15:17
vponomaryovgerrit: #link
vponomaryov4) Update of generic_driver/service_instance modules15:17
vponomaryovbp: #link
vponomaryovgerrit: #link
vponomaryovstatus: work in progress15:18
vponomaryov5) Update of Manila's API docs: #link
vponomaryovstatus: work in progress15:18
vponomaryov1) Finish adding of handling of share server details to generic driver15:18
vponomaryov2) Add handling of share server details to cluster_mode (NetApp) driver15:18
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vponomaryovthat's all15:18
bswartzvponomaryov: awesome15:19
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vponomaryovbp in (4) is not approved15:19
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bswartzvponomaryov: the BP is a little sparse on details15:19
bswartzvponomaryov: can you explain how you envision the create/use/update/delete working?15:20
bswartzwe're talking about new driver entry points right?15:20
vponomaryovbswartz: it will do every backend driver15:20
bswartzis it just 1 new method in each driver? or a few new methods?15:21
vponomaryovcreate - when share server is created15:21
vponomaryovnot one15:21
bswartzor it this mostly about drivers making use of the new core feature?15:21
vponomaryovin different part of code - reading/updateing15:21
vponomaryovbswartz: it is totally up to drivers without human influence15:22
vponomaryovadmin can see this info with new APIs15:22
bswartzyeah I get that -- but I think if drivers are going to be impact (like the EMC driver that's not upstream yet) then it would be nice to explain what they're going to need to change for this15:23
vponomaryovbswartz: I don't think it will be a problem15:23
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vponomaryovthere will be two drivers, where it will have been implemented15:24
bswartzwell clearly it needs to get done -- we can discuss the details in code review so I'll update the BP15:24
bswartztargeted for j-1 now15:25
vponomaryovbswartz: ok15:25
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bswartzokay I had a question for csaba15:25
bswartzcsaba: are you still working on gateway-based multitenancy support for the glusterFS backend?15:26
csababswartz: you mean the NFS Ganesha driver?15:26
bswartzbecause that's a big complex bit of work and I'd like to get you some help if it's not almost done already15:26
csabaif yes, yes :)15:26
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bswartzcsaba: yes that, as well as the work to get manila itself aware of when it needs to invoke something like that15:27
bswartzit will be great to have a POC of a gateway that can bridge a large glusterFS share into various tenant subnetworks securely15:28
csabahm you mean the integration into the upcoming automount feature?15:28
bswartzbut for it to be useful manila needs to be able to make that happen transparently to the tenant15:28
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bswartzno no I'm talking about automating the creation of the "gateway" when there's a need for it15:29
bswartzso when we have a segmented network (with VLANs, for example) and we're using the glusterFS backend in addition to other backends, manila should make shares that land on the glusterfs backend just work15:30
bswartzand the key is that the mechanism manila uses to make that happen should ideally be generalized to work with any backend, not just gluster15:31
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bswartzit's a big complex problem with a lot of parts15:31
bswartzbut I think it's solvable within juno15:31
csabawell yes we think about generating the ganesha config15:31
bswartzand I want to make sure you're getting enough help15:32
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bswartzmy thought is that maybe vponomaryov and yportnova can help you out with part of that15:32
csabaOK I think we'll push forward the gluster effort with keeping it in mind to be as generic as we can15:32
csabaand then for other ganesha FSAL-s others could contribute15:33
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csabayes of course with the interactions between manila and ganesha configurator, we can see use of help too15:33
bswartzokay cool15:33
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bswartz#topic open discussion15:34
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bswartzanything else I missed?15:34
vponomaryovclose BP: as implemented15:34
bswartzI think we have the right blueprints now and mostly we have people looking at them15:34
bswartzvponomaryov: ty for reminder15:35
xyang1are we keeping the name "volume-type"?15:35
bswartzvponomaryov: also ty for reminders to review code15:35
bswartzxyang1: unless someone feels strongly about changing it I'm happy to leave it15:35
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vponomaryovxyang1: it has such name at the moment15:35
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xyang1that's fine15:35
bswartzokay so if there's nothing else we can end early and use the next 24 minutes to catch up on code reviews15:37
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bswartzalright thanks all!15:37
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ameadesee ya15:37
openstackMeeting ended Thu May 29 15:37:43 2014 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:37
openstackMinutes (text):
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mihgenvkozhukalov: are you around?16:06
mattymomihgen, he's not in the office16:06
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openstackmihgen: Error: A meeting name is required, e.g., '#startmeeting Marketing Committee'16:08
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mihgen#startmeeting fuel16:08
openstackMeeting started Thu May 29 16:08:46 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mihgen. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:08
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'fuel'16:08
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mihgenhi folks16:09
mihgenI'll run it if we don't have vkozhulalov...16:09
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mihgenI'm not an expert in meet bots, trying first time now, looks like I don't have other choice)16:09
mihgenunless someone wants to help me with it :)16:09
mihgen#topic announcements16:09
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mihgenMy congratulations on Fuel 5.0 release16:10
mihgenI've pushed out tags, so you can make an ISO 5.0 easily referring to tags16:10
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mihgenDesign week has started. The goal for 5.1 release is to finish items which left unfinished after 5.016:11
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mihgenThose include patching of openstack as the most important one16:11
mattymomihgen, I found vkozhukalov16:12
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mihgenvkozhukalov: how can I pass meeting driving to you?16:12
mihgenvkozhukalov: I'm not an expert with meeting bots16:12
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vkozhukalov#startmeeting Fuel16:12
openstackvkozhukalov: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress.  Use #endmeeting first.16:12
vkozhukalovmihgen: I am also not an expert16:13
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mihgenanother import thing to finish, at least to make it available via CLI, is ability to deploy single env with multiple L2 networks16:13
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mihgenfor large envs it is really network requirement. We started an effort as several bug fixes16:14
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mihgenI believe there is rmoe patch somewhere which has to be finished16:14
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mihgenStarting from 5.0, we are supporting upgrades. So for every change we do now, we have to care about compatibility and upgradability16:15
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mihgen5.1 will be out as both ISO and package which can be applied to 5.0 to make it 5.116:16
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mihgenFor the design, we have created fuel-specs repo16:16
mihgenso please let's move all the design docs we've started somewhere else to fuel-specs16:16
vkozhukalovmihgen: there is first spec review request16:17
mihgenIt becomes the only acceptable format for official design tracking, and we are following best practices of other openstack projects in this16:17
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mihgenvkozhukalov: great, please share a link16:17
mihgenFolks, another important thing are bugs. We've been very busy making 5.0, and left many bugs in master unsolved.16:18
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mihgenI'd like to attract your attention. We really need to squash many Criticals and High bugs there16:18
vkozhukalovinfra automatically puts spec in docs draft so as to make convenient to read16:18
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mihgenvkozhukalov: cool, thanks, that's great16:18
mihgenvkozhukalov: do you know if after merging we will get it somewhere published too?16:18
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mihgenAny questions for 5.1 / overall before we proceed with agenda?
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mihgenplease put '?' if you trying to break me and ask anything16:20
mihgenlooks like no questions at the moment, so let's move on16:20
vkozhukalovmihgen: i dont know exactly but it looks like after merging infra will publish spec into docs (not docs draft)16:20
mihgen#topic design status and 5.1 targeted blueprints for fuel-library sub-project16:20
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mihgenaglarendil: your turn :)16:21
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aglarendilhi all16:21
mihgenvkozhukalov: that would be awesome!16:21
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aglarendilhere you can find all the fuel library related blueprints16:21
aglarendilthat we are going to implement in 5.1 release16:22
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aglarendilmany of them are only partialy related16:22
aglarendilsome of them, e.g. hyper-v support can be postponed if16:22
aglarendilwe do not have sufficient16:22
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aglarendilfeel free to add any blueprints to this list16:23
aglarendilif you think we missed something16:23
salmon_ this one can be removed16:23
aglarendildoes anyone have any questions or suggestions ?16:24
mihgenThat's huge amount of things. Overall strategy is to address the following areas in a first order:16:24
aglarendilsalmon_: thank you, I'll do it16:24
mihgen1) patching & upgrades of openstack16:24
mihgen2) overall stability, reliability and HA16:24
aglarendilmihgen: some of these things are almost ready16:24
aglarendilmihgen: we need to complete some additional steps16:25
mihgen3) scalability and certification for large amount of nodes16:25
aglarendilmihgen: HA and resilience are our first priority16:25
mihgenaglarendil: that's cool16:25
aglarendilmihgen: xenolog is working on rabbitmq pacemaker script that will16:25
aglarendilmihgen: make it unbreakable16:25
mihgenanother important thing 4) community activities, such as puppet-openstack sync16:25
aglarendilmihgen: holser is working on galera script along with zynzel16:25
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aglarendilmihgen: we had some really cool meetings on Juno summit16:26
aglarendilmihgen: and we are heading towards merging all the upstream puppet manifests16:26
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aglarendilmihgen: into our master16:26
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aglarendilmihgen: thus it will be easy for us to attach FUEL CI to puppet-openstack stackforge16:26
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aglarendilmihgen: repos16:26
salmon_for scalability I would like propose and invite everyone to discussion16:27
aglarendilmihgen: guys from puppet-openstack are really yearning for this16:27
mihgenI"m looking forward to see Fuel CI working against puppet-openstack16:27
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aglarendilsalmon_: yep, but this is more naligun and Ironic part16:27
mihgensalmon_: cool. I'm not sure though that we want to track it as one bp16:27
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mihgenwe may want to make it for every component which we have16:27
aglarendilsalmon_: we've already moved to puppet-masterless installation thus deployment is similart for 1k nodes16:28
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mihgenbut it can be a virtual blueprint though, with many things which it depends on16:28
salmon_mihgen: yeah, exactly16:28
mihgenaglarendil: not provisioning though, and not sure if MC is Ok with it too.16:29
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mihgenaglarendil: ok, how is the design phase going on?16:29
aglarendilmihgen: yep, but it is stateless and is easily scalable16:29
aglarendilmihgen: we are still organizing some things16:29
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aglarendilmihgen: also I would like to mention that design period is ending on next Friday16:30
aglarendilso everyone is welcome to participate16:30
mattymodistributed base OS deployment is a bit of a limit. too much concurrency will reduce effectiveness16:30
aglarendilaforemnetioned document will be the base for our discussion16:30
mattymoit would be really awesome if we could see some replicated ironic agents to get closer to a 1-to-100 ratio for concurrent deployment16:30
mihgenfor every design doc it is mandatory to have QA expert to approve it before it can be merged, I expect nurla to paying attention to it16:31
aglarendilmattymo: AFAIK this is what going to be addressed in Ironic16:31
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mattymoit is, but we need to decide how it will fit inside Fuel's architecture16:31
aglarendilvkozhukalov: can you comment on this ?16:31
mihgenthere is a topic for that in agenda16:31
mihgenshould I change a topic now then?16:31
mihgenor aglarendil you want to continue?16:32
mihgenand we will get back to vkozhukalov a bit later16:32
vkozhukalovaglarendil: will tell about it a bit later16:32
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aglarendilI am done16:32
mihgenaglarendil: thanks!16:32
mihgen#topic Openstack Patching status16:33
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akasatkinHi all16:33
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mihgenakasatkin: long waited feature :)16:33
akasatkinStatus: Nailgun: tests to be added, under review, testing on VM is in progress. UI: need testing on VM, under review. Library: merged. Scripts for preparing patch on master node: not ready (must be reworked after upgrade stuff is merged).16:33
akasatkinA kind of problem: no actual patch example. I just copy existing puppets and repos to imitate patching process. Do we have a technology to assemble patch?16:33
mihgenaglarendil: we really need dilyin to organize this stuff, or someone else16:34
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aglarendilwe'll work on it16:34
mihgendo we have a list of possible patches definitions in design docs somewhere?16:34
mihgenakasatkin: did you try to run it all through, I mean all integrated?16:34
aglarendilakasatkin: contact dilyin - he will help you16:35
mihgendoes it work anyhow?16:35
akasatkinNot yet. I run nailgun for now.16:35
mihgenakasatkin: do I understand right, that you've not tried to use package of newer version or something like it?16:35
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mihgenakasatkin: ok, let's push hard to run it integrated16:36
akasatkinIt seems to be ok. I'll add UI tomorrow.16:36
mihgensooner we do, the sooner we can discover issues16:36
mihgenI'm more worried about nailgun - fuel lib integration16:36
mihgenthan about UI - nailgun, which seems to me pretty simple16:36
akasatkinIt should be16:37
mihgenakasatkin: vkramskikh I have another question on all our network refactorings which we were designing about 2 months ago16:37
mihgenwhere are we with this, will we have any resources to make it at least partly done in 5.1?16:37
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vkramskikhwe are going to discuss all the stuff tomorrow16:37
akasatkinwe have a meeting tomorrow16:37
vkramskikhit seems there are some contradictions16:37
akasatkinon networking in 5.116:38
mihgenI think this largely intersects with pluggable architecture, which we want to deliver in pretty good shape in 6.016:38
vkramskikhso we are going to clarify all the stuff16:38
mihgenvkramskikh: cool. Please take a look at this from pluggability perspective and make sure AndreyDanin participates...16:38
angdraugvkramskikh: can you provide an agenda for the meeting tomorrow?16:39
mihgenI suspect some plugins will want to build networks programmatically, and now we have just hardcoded amount ..16:39
akasatkinI'll provide it little later16:39
mihgenok thanks akasatkin16:39
mihgenanything else?16:39
mihgencan I move on?16:39
akasatkinthat's it16:39
mihgen#topic Declarative wizard status16:40
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vkramskikhi just want to announce that long-awaited feature was merged 1 hour ago16:40
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mihgenvkramskikh: 59 patch sets) are you kidding?)))16:40
vkramskikhwe made our wizard declarative, it is now configurable by modifying the config16:40
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vkramskikhyet, that was not easy16:40
mihgenvkramskikh: that's amazing16:41
vkramskikh that's how the config looks like16:41
mihgenvkramskikh: how about documentation for it?16:41
mihgenand pluggability support?16:41
vkramskikhit is really plugin-friendly and options can be added to the wizard without any JS code16:41
vkramskikhwe are going to document it, no documentation yet16:42
mihgencool, can I add a new plugin description in separate json though?16:42
vkozhukalovlooks frightening16:42
vkramskikhyes, that how we going to do this. add a separate json file which needs to be merged with the main config16:42
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mihgenvkramskikh: excellent. One of the ideas is that plugin should be delivered as separate package, so modification of existing files is not a viable option16:43
vkramskikhyes, this approach will be supported16:43
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mihgengreat! really nice to see it.16:44
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mihgenvkramskikh: any more updates?16:44
mihgenvkramskikh: ok, good, thanks16:44
mihgen#topic Image based provisioning16:44
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vkozhukalovthe situation here is not very good16:45
vkozhukalovironic guys rejected partitioning at all16:45
mihgenvkozhukalov: doesn't sound good16:45
vkozhukalovit one of our major features16:45
vkozhukalovbesides, they try to be very limited in their scope16:46
mihgenI strongly believe that flexible partitioning schemas is very important, especially for small private clouds16:46
vkozhukalovin order to integrate with nova16:46
xarsesdo we just own partitioning ourselves then?16:46
mihgenbe limited in scope may be not that bad idea though =)16:46
vkozhukalovour suggestion for now is to address our partitioning issues16:46
mihgenvkozhukalov: so we still need ironic and partitioning to fix our problems with cobbler16:47
vkozhukalovwithout use of ironic16:47
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vkozhukalovthere is a spec review request16:47
mihgenvkozhukalov: ok, do we still need ironic itself?16:47
mattymoI proposed to vkozhukalov that we ship with a small root and read metadata to extend to the rest of the disk according to a scheme16:47
mihgenmattymo: that may work too, details are important though16:47
mattymoit's not as beautiful as a really well thought out solution16:47
mattymoI can go into better detail because this was a solution for encrypted laptops in a previous life16:48
vkozhukalovmy suggestion is to postpone ironic integration for a while16:48
vkozhukalovand implement at last image based provisioning16:48
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mattymovkozhukalov, what will transport the images?16:49
xarsesvkozhukalov: I think we would need to work around the issue, deploying at larger scale, images are important16:49
vkozhukalovthen once it work will think of ironic16:49
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vkozhukalovmattymo: we will just download them via http16:49
vkozhukalovmattymo: it is scalable enough16:49
mihgenvkozhukalov: details are needed, really. Please start conversation in mailing list - I would like to see all of us engaged into the discussion.16:49
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angdraugwhat about bittorrent? that remained an abandoned experiment?16:50
mihgenor we can read and provide comments there16:50
vkozhukalovmattymo: if we really need something like torrent we can implement that also16:50
mihgendepends on what's gonna be easier16:50
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mihgentorrent would be awesome to have I believe, that's the kind of innovation I always wanted, frankly16:51
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vkozhukalovmihgen: is review request not an appropriate place to have a discussion?16:51
mihgenespecially if it's that easy and solves scalability as far as I see16:51
mihgenvkozhukalov: it is appropriate16:51
mihgendepends on topics of discussion16:51
mihgenI think review request is rather for details16:51
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mihgenand overall ideas rather needs to be discussed in ML16:52
vkozhukalovmihgen: ok16:52
mihgenit's just about conveniency to me, so I don't push for anything here.16:52
mihgenok, thanks vkozhukalov .16:52
mihgenshould we move on?16:52
vkozhukalovmihgen: it is not a problem at all to implement torrent as well, it is rather a problem to contribute all that stuff16:52
mihgenok, I see, we would need to run this through your review or ML then16:53
mihgen#topic Open Discussions16:53
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mihgenFolks, feel free to ask questions16:53
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salmon_I would like to talk about
mihgenI'd like to express one more thing about planning for releases - to be successful in 6.0 with pluggable architecture, we really need to start now16:54
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salmon_some fuel folks suggesting that using basic http auth will be ok. For me it's not enough. First of all, it looks ugly. Secondly we still have to implement handlers for password change. And if in the future we will need something more advanced we will have to rewrite it from scratch.16:54
mihgensame applies to upgrade of openstack16:54
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vkramskikhdo we want to protect nailgun API or just the UI?16:55
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mihgenIdeally both..16:55
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salmon_all proposed sollutions protects ui and api16:56
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mihgensalmon_: if you feel that you can dedicate all your time to make it properly in 5.1, then it's cool to have implemented in ideal way16:56
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xarsesWe have to protect both, since we can deploy os to hardware, this is an attact vector16:56
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mihgenFolks actually can we start with simple prototype may be? to lower the risk of missing a 5.1 date?16:57
xarsesright now some one could just hit cobbler api and replace images and create many infected nodes16:57
salmon_mihgen: I have enough resources to do it16:57
mihgenthat's true about cobbler16:57
mihgensalmon_: I'm all for it then, however let's put clearly phases into design doc16:58
mihgenwhen we can ask for what part16:58
mihgenso we could identify earlier if we are becoming late16:58
mihgento have some backup plan16:58
salmon_mihgen: ok, so can we forst agree on min requirments?16:58
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mihgenwhat do you think, can we split a work onto few pieces?16:59
salmon_sure we can16:59
mihgensalmon_: yep, I think so.16:59
xarsesapi must be protected, too because you could just download passwords from fuel16:59
mihgensalmon_: please engage other to help you with review16:59
mihgenfolks 1 min left16:59
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mihgenany more questions?16:59
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xarsesTwo things from me. 1)We need to stop having meetings and posting results with out sending meeting invites out (especially on ML)16:59
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salmon_mihgen: I'm trying but not to many people are commenting17:00
xarses2) I propose we consider Testing MOS/Fuel on OpenStack
mihgenthanks xarses, will consider this. We can also move to #fuel-dev if there is anything left.17:00
mihgenI'm closing the meeting, thanks everyone, and my congrats again on 5.0 !17:00
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SergeyLukjanovsahara folks, ping18:01
SergeyLukjanov#startmeeting sahara18:01
openstackMeeting started Thu May 29 18:01:31 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is SergeyLukjanov. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:01
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SergeyLukjanov#topic News / updates18:02
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SergeyLukjanovfolks, please18:02
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aignatovI’m resuming implementation sahara resource in heat18:03
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aignatovjust resolving comments I had a month ago :)18:03
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aignatovalso found several issues in hadoop 2 vanilla plugin18:04
elmikofinishing up the dib repo branch change, trying to get the final version of disconnected hdp plugin, starting to look into swift security issues, and helping with horizon reviews18:04
SergeyLukjanovI'm working on auth conf patches, it's extremely near to be finished, working on setting up -specs for pilot and on improving sahara testing in gate (all images building in gate is coming soon)18:04
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aignatovthe first one is that service provisioning is not ran in parallel18:05
aignatovand that there was not ability to run HDFS service only18:05
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tmckaycrobertsrh and I tracked down an intermittent bug that was causing clusters to be stuck in "Starting" sometimes ... mostly Fedora.  Problem is in DIB18:05
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crobertsrhmerging into horizon is still ongoing.  Reviews have been sporadic.  I think I'm up to date with all of them though.....awaiting further abuse.18:05
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tmckaycurrently back working on spark plugin/edp after bug day18:06
mattfcrobertsrh, is there a unit test hurdle?18:06
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aignatovtmckay: are you going to implement edp functionality in spark?18:06
SergeyLukjanov#info bug triage day happens18:06
crobertsrhYes, we still need unit tests.  They are on my radar.18:06
tmckayaignatov, that is my mission!  We might be able to do it easily with oozie java action or oozie shell action, investigating18:07
tmckayaignatov, that would let us separate the effort from a pluggable job model18:07
crobertsrhI think now that I'm caught up on reviews, I'll start adding unit tests.18:07
* mattf nods18:07
aignatovtmckay: sahara’s datasources are capable with spark?18:07
aignatovtmckay: right18:07
tmckayaignatov, heh, too early to tell18:07
aignatovok, just wondering18:08
elmikoSergeyLukjanov: lol, i think we win bugday18:08
tmckayaignatov, I can launch spark clusters now, then there was bugday, now edp....18:08
SergeyLukjanovelmiko,exactly, it's a great result18:08
crobertsrhYeah, we really kicked butt on bug day18:08
aignatovalso guys, as continuation, we have to file blueprints for all points we declared at summit :)18:08
aignatovpoints to implement18:09
SergeyLukjanovnow we need bug fix day :)18:09
aignatovSergeyLukjanov: what do you think?18:09
tmckayblueprint day?18:09
aignatovwhy not? :)18:09
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tmckayand bug fixing day, too18:09
SergeyLukjanovaignatov, I'll add bps for releasing/versioning/elements after end of discussions18:10
tmckay"days" make me happy because I don't feel bad about ignoring other stuff18:10
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mattfbugfixday =?= weekday18:10
SergeyLukjanovwe could make a bug fix day before the j2 freeze18:10
SergeyLukjanovJune 918:10
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elmiko+1 to before j1 freeze18:11
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SergeyLukjanov#topic juno-118:11
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SergeyLukjanovlooks nice presuming re-targeting some bps18:12
SergeyLukjanov#info Note: juno-1 dev milestone release is June 1218:12
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SergeyLukjanov#info j1 freeze / m-p branch cut is June 1018:13
SergeyLukjanovany question re j1?18:13
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SergeyLukjanov#topic Action items from the last meeting18:14
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aignatovno questions :)18:14
SergeyLukjanov[WIP] SergeyLukjanov to prepare -specs infra for pilot18:14
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SergeyLukjanovwe already have a repo for specs18:14
SergeyLukjanovI'll configure jobs and add templates soon18:14
mattffor later - can we get cleaned up? it still references savanna and spells it savannah18:15
SergeyLukjanovmattf, I'll contact o.o maintainers18:15
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SergeyLukjanov#action SergeyLukjanov contact maintainers to update sahara-related things18:16
SergeyLukjanovmattf, thanks for catching this18:16
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mattfi'm at hadoop summit all next week, so my bps should be pushed18:17
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SergeyLukjanovmattf, ack18:17
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SergeyLukjanov#topic Subprojects releasing18:17
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SergeyLukjanovso, the main question is about sahara-image-elements18:18
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mattfwhat are the hurdles to getting sahara-ci to be intelligent enough to avoid rebuilding images on each commit?18:18
SergeyLukjanovmy idea is to make it pypi package like it's done for dib and rework our scripts on python to make easier to support and test them18:18
alazarevI believe it should be in sahara repo18:18
elmikoSergeyLukjanov: +118:19
aignatovI agree with SergeyLukjanov18:19
SergeyLukjanovmattf, we can do it, it's not a reason itself18:19
mattfwhen you say rework our scripts, do you mean convert bash -> python?18:20
SergeyLukjanovmattf, yup18:20
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* mattf gulps18:20
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SergeyLukjanovmattf, as elmiko proposed in ML18:20
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bob_nettletonSergeyLukjanov, I'm not sure I agree with this.  are you talking about the Sahara elements as well, or just the top-level script.18:20
mattfi'm not a fan of that18:20
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SergeyLukjanovand we'll be able just to add dib to requirements of sahara-image-elements18:20
elmikoif we are going to turn it into a pypi package i think we should at least make the diskimage-create a python script18:21
SergeyLukjanovmattf, bob_nettleton, it's only about diskimage-create18:21
SergeyLukjanovit's now a bunch of args-handling code18:21
mattfit can be cleaned up significantly w/o being rewritten in another language18:21
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bob_nettletonSergeyLukjanov, my concern is that it has taken a while to get the image building repo to be basically stable, so a move like this may not be desirable at this time.18:22
elmikomy main gripe about continuing to use shell script is that adding args is a pita18:22
SergeyLukjanovelmiko, agreed18:22
elmikoalso, most of the shell stuff could be converted to subprocess anyway18:23
mattfelmiko, you're suggesting the elements should stay bash tho?18:23
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elmikomattf: yea, i don't see why we need to break the elements just the head script18:23
SergeyLukjanovanyway, question of rewriting diskimage-create on python is a separated one, it's not required for making it pypi package18:23
bob_nettletonelmiko, sure, that makes sense. still worried about moving this project over though, just for stability reasons.18:23
SergeyLukjanovmattf, /me and elmiko aren't proposing changing elements, only diskimage-create script18:24
elmikobob_nettleton: agreed, i would only propose creating a in addition until we have feature parity18:24
SergeyLukjanovelmiko, yup, and well tested18:24
bob_nettletonelmiko, ok, that sounds ok to me, provided we leave the main sahara elements in bash for the time being.18:24
mattfi'm for merging the elements into the main sahara repository -- i was sold w/ the argument that we have changes that impact both at the same time18:24
elmikomattf: if we move elements into the main sahara repo, where does end up ?18:25
bob_nettletonmattf, +1, as long as the CI system can handle changes in a smart way, as you mentioned earlier.18:25
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mattfelmiko, sahara/smthn18:26
SergeyLukjanovno pypi package, no dependency on diskimage-builder, no separated jobs in gate and etc. if we merge it into sahara18:26
mattfcontrib ? dib ? elements ?18:26
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SergeyLukjanovthe whole OS infra is done to make jobs per project, not per directory18:26
mattfwhat's the value of a separate pypi package?18:26
elmikoi'm ok with moving the image-elements stuff into the main sahara package, it makes some sense to me.18:27
SergeyLukjanovheh, I'm now sad that I've initially started this discussion on summit with my option to merge elements into sahara18:27
* mattf grins18:27
mattfyou were too convincing and logical18:27
SergeyLukjanovyou guys say about lots of concerns on summit18:28
mattf...healthy debate18:28
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SergeyLukjanovand that's why I've re-iterated on it and for me - there are less + for merging18:28
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mattfi thought we were essentially settling on a merge18:28
* mattf should have worn his devils advocate hat18:29
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aignatovinstead of implementing new functional to support elements in sahara repo and sahara-ci … and instead of reworking to another launguage  we could leave it as is in current repo and just release it each milestone18:29
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bob_nettletonSergeyLukjanov, besides the separate pypi package, are there other benefits to making this change, other than the obvious one of it being nice to have everything in one project?18:30
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elmikoaignatov: path of least resistance?18:30
aignatovit works now well, why do we need change it at all?18:30
mattfimho having it in sync w/ the plugins is more important than "releasing" w/ a separate package18:30
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mattfi'm still not sure what the value of a separate pypi package is18:31
alazarevaignatov: to be synced with plugins18:31
SergeyLukjanovmattf, both repos have releases j1 - j1 and etc18:31
* mattf gets pull onto the phone18:31
aignatovelmiko: yes, I think community has a lots of more important task then moving one repo to another18:31
SergeyLukjanovmattf, and master should work on master, we'll probably never will be able to build a fresh image for each CI job18:31
tmckaymattf, +1 on synchronizing, the bug we found with rc.local and vanilla on Fedora as an example18:31
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SergeyLukjanovtmckay, we'll not find such bugs, because it's impossible to run full test matrix18:32
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SergeyLukjanovespecially building new image in each job18:32
tmckaySergeyLukjanov, I mean having the code in the same repo to make changes18:32
elmikoaignatov: agreed about more important tasks18:32
SergeyLukjanovaignatov, ++18:32
alazarevaignatov: ++18:33
SergeyLukjanovfrom the images publishing PoV - it could be done w/o magic only for separated repo18:33
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SergeyLukjanovso, my point is to keep it as is because: we have much more important tasks, simpler CI, packaged scripts with dib, direct dependency on dib, we could even add gate tests to make dib gating on us18:34
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SergeyLukjanovoh, that's a new idea - add gate tests to make dib gating on us18:34
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SergeyLukjanovit's possible only for separated repo I think18:34
SergeyLukjanovin good way18:34
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, re coupling - there are no real issues right now with it IMO18:35
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tmckayI'm fine with keeping it as is18:35
bob_nettletonSergeyLukjanov, if adding a gate like that is possible, I think it's something to consider.  Mike's recent patch will help stabilize the script, but there have been many breakages in DIB proper recently.18:35
SergeyLukjanovprobably merging is preventive optimization atm18:36
SergeyLukjanovI've been proposing it to make releasing easier but miss some things that were rised on summit and after it18:36
bob_nettletonwhile I do like the idea of everything being under one project, I'm ok with keeping things as they are as well.18:36
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elmikoi think the dib gating issue should be investigated more, i like the idea of merging but i agree there are a lot of details and we have higher priority issues.18:37
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SergeyLukjanovany more objections for keeping sahara-image-elements as is?18:38
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aignatovactually I’m ok with moving elements to sahara, there are a lot of advantages keeping it together but lets do it not in this release cycle :)18:39
elmikoaignatov: +118:40
SergeyLukjanovcurrently I'm absolutely against moving them to sahara but we could re-iterate on it next cycle when we'll have more experience of working with it18:40
aignatovjust lets specify releasing strategy for elements project, it are minimal efforts :)18:40
SergeyLukjanovso, I'm writing agreed message18:40
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SergeyLukjanov#agreed keep sahara-image-elements releasing as is18:41
openstackRemoving item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Agreed object at 0x23b35d0>18:41
aignatovfor Juno cylce should be added18:41
SergeyLukjanov#agreed keep sahara-image-elements releasing as is, re-iterate next cycle18:42
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SergeyLukjanovand one more question is about -extra internals18:42
SergeyLukjanovwe have job samples @ extra18:43
SergeyLukjanovswiftfs @ extra18:43
SergeyLukjanovrest samples @ sahara18:43
SergeyLukjanovI remember that there were some ideas about them18:43
tmckayI think job samples could move to sahara, because integration tests use some of the same code18:43
elmikoi like the idea of bringing the examples into sahara18:43
tmckayin fact, all of the integration test jobs could be made examples18:44
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tmckayand, we store them with source code too and a README with a compile line18:44
tmckayfor users, and so that we know how to change them if necessary :)18:44
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aignatovas for rest samples I think we can move it to the docs :)18:45
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SergeyLukjanovtmckay, ++18:46
SergeyLukjanovaignatov, ++18:46
elmikotmckay, aignatov, +118:46
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tmckayalso some of those things are in the cli tests, too, but I'm not sure how to fix that18:46
tmckaymaybe there is some way to point at sahara18:46
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SergeyLukjanovtmckay, you could add conf option that points to jars for example18:47
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tmckayah, good idea18:47
aignatovif all agree with moving rest samples to the docs I can take this action item on me18:47
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SergeyLukjanov#agreed move rest samples to docs18:48
aignatovI’ll also rework them with new hadoop and changes in edp made in icehouse18:48
tmckayI can move the edp examples, I am familiar with the use in both repos18:48
SergeyLukjanov#action aignatov create bp re moving/updating rest samples docs and do it18:48
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, awesome18:48
SergeyLukjanov#agreed move edp samples to sahara18:48
aignatovtmckay: cool18:49
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SergeyLukjanov#action tmckay create bp re moving edp samples to sahara and make test jobs examples18:49
SergeyLukjanovit sounds like we should add a page to the docs re edp examples18:49
SergeyLukjanovinstead of README file18:49
elmikoSergeyLukjanov: +118:50
SergeyLukjanovanything else to move?:)18:50
SergeyLukjanovor keep as is18:50
tmckaychange the name?18:50
* tmckay ducks18:50
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tmckaythat was a bad joke18:51
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elmikotmckay: savanna -> sahara -> tundra?18:51
aignatov-> desert18:51
tmckaythe Toyota people might get mad18:51
* SergeyLukjanov nervously nod18:51
SergeyLukjanov-> arctica18:51
SergeyLukjanov-> Space18:51
aignatov-> nothing18:52
tmckaythe final frontier18:52
SergeyLukjanov-> zeromq18:52
elmikooh man...18:52
aignatovwhat’s about integrtion tests for UI? should we move it? ;)18:52
SergeyLukjanovHadoop on steroids == ZeroDoop18:52
* elmiko likes18:52
SergeyLukjanov(zeromq == sockets on steroids)18:52
SergeyLukjanovheh, 7 mins left, lets return back to the meeting18:53
SergeyLukjanov#topic Pilot bps for -specs18:53
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mattfso we're punting on image-elements?18:53
tmckayseems like18:53
elmikomattf: yea18:53
tmckaytil next time18:53
SergeyLukjanovbackward compat could be used for -specs pilot (it was proposed on prev. meeting)18:54
SergeyLukjanovwe should try some small bp too to taste how it's crazy to create spec for simple bp18:54
tmckayor moving edp examples, should be a simple blueprint18:54
elmikoSergeyLukjanov: +1 to trying some small bps18:54
SergeyLukjanovgood candidate for small bp try18:54
SergeyLukjanov5 mins left18:55
SergeyLukjanov#topic Open discussion18:55
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SergeyLukjanovtime for some q.18:55
elmikobob_nettleton: did you see my email about the packages for ambari?18:55
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aignatovshould we send small wrap-up to ML about edp plans like it was done for releasing and backward compat of api?18:57
elmikoaignatov: sounds like a good idea to me18:57
bob_nettletonelmiko, yes, sorry I haven't replied yet.  I haven't had a chance to look into that.  we might need John Speidel to review your patch as well, since he's probably the expert on that area of the HDP plugin code.18:57
SergeyLukjanovaignatov, tmckay, it'll be really great if you could collaborate on it and send to ML18:57
elmikobob_nettleton: ok, i'm open to expanding the detection code to look for the installed packages before giving up on an instance18:58
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elmikobob_nettleton: my intention is that the package detection code would only run in situations where there is no connection to the internet18:58
aignatovok, we’ll do18:58
mattfare we at a point w/ heat that we can enable it and start ignoring the username attr on images?18:58
tmckayaignatov, you mean a wrapup from the EDP design session?18:58
bob_nettletonelmiko, ok, makes sense18:58
aignatovtmckay: yes18:58
tmckay#action aignatov and tmckay will do a wrapup via the EDP design session from Summit via openstack-dev18:59
SergeyLukjanovmattf, probably it's time to hide this field when heat enabled18:59
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mattfj1 or j2?18:59
SergeyLukjanovmattf, but I prefer to enable it by default when we add some tests for heat to the gate19:00
SergeyLukjanovmattf, for guarantees19:00
SergeyLukjanovso, j219:00
SergeyLukjanovI'll create a bp for it19:00
SergeyLukjanovand try to make a spec19:00
aignatovj2 seems good19:00
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SergeyLukjanovwith work items19:00
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SergeyLukjanov#action SergeyLukjanov create bp with steps to enable heat be default19:00
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aignatovout of time19:01
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SergeyLukjanov#action SergeyLukjanov create bp about removing/hiding username@image for heat based provisioning19:01
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mattfaignatov, think that last action should count?19:01
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openstackMinutes (text):
SergeyLukjanovthank  you folks!19:01
elmikothanks Sergey19:01
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markwashso close to glance time19:58
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markwash#startmeeting glance20:00
openstackMeeting started Thu May 29 20:00:07 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is markwash. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.20:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'glance'20:00
markwashhowdy everybody20:00
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nikhil__markwash: we'd a meeting last week and the minutes are in the etherpad20:00
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markwashgreat, thanks guys for running that20:01
markwashsorry I couldn't be around20:01
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markwashI accidentally scheduled my return trip from Atlanta (well east coast) during that time20:01
nikhil__nothing major, just had some action items and questions for you. Hopefully, we can cover that today.20:01
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nikhil__*action items for different people, questions for you20:02
markwashyes lets do, but first I'm going to pull rank and add a few quick items to the top of the agenda20:02
markwashFirst off, the buzz in the project meetings lately20:02
nikhil__np, just trying to bring it up for people who might hold me responsible ;)20:02
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markwashwhich you can see here
markwashand here
markwashthe big topics lately have been the specs repo20:03
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markwashand juno 120:03
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markwashso Juno-1 ends pretty soon actually20:03
markwashJune 1220:04
markwashand we're going to be transitioning to glance-specs as the entry point for feature proposals as opposed to Launchpad20:04
markwashlaunchpad will still be used for tracking milestones and release candidates20:04
markwashto summarize, there will be automatic scripts which push approved entries in glance-specs to Launchpad, and which kick out of Launchpad anything that is not in glance specs20:05
markwashWe'll turn those scripts on soon, once we've prioritized everything in Juno-1 that belongs in Juno-1 (the scripts will ignore prioritized and approved bps)20:05
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markwashFor J2 and beyond I'd like to see everything come through glance-specs20:06
markwashquestions about this setup? I went a little fast :-)20:06
ativelkovIs there any doc on how to use glance-specs?20:07
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arnaudthe repo contains instructions20:07
arnaudand you use the template
arnaudto build your spec20:08
arnaudhighly inspired by nova-specs20:08
arnaudthe specs should be created in the juno/ folder20:08
eddie_how about after a spec has been approved and development is happening?20:09
markwashJust to be clear, we're not doing this to throw up a process barrier. Using glance-specs should make it a lot easier to notice and properly review new proposals that come in. Launchpad as the entry point was kind of a disaster20:09
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eddie_will there be an annotation we should put in commit messages to link back to the spec like how we do with "bp blah" that links back to launchpad?20:09
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arnaudno, because when you start the coding part, the BP will also be in launchpad20:10
eddie_ah, ok20:10
arnaudand, as you can see in the template, we ask people to use the same identifier in LP and the spec20:11
arnaudmy-bp.spec launchpad/my-bp20:11
markwashjust found a quick example in nova:
arnaudthe reference to the spec is contained in Launchpad20:12
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markwashnext item up is some a summary of the Graffiti discussions I've been having20:12
markwashany more questions about specs?20:12
ativelkovIf we submit dependent specs, will this lead to the creation of dependent BPs?20:13
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markwashhmm I actually do not know how that is handled20:14
arnaudmarkwash, this should be part of the script (maybe it is not yet)20:14
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arnaudativelkov, we will check that20:15
markwash#action markwash ask ttx about dependency handling for specs & blueprints20:15
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markwash#topic graffitti20:15
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markwashhint: I do not know how to spell graffiti20:15
markwashMany of you probably saw the Graffiti talk at the summit20:16
markwashAnd here is some more info about it:20:16
markwashBasically, it is a project to make it easier to discover the appropriate tags and metadata to use on various cloud resources20:16
markwashand it needs some backend storage of metadata schemas and tag descriptions20:17
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markwashSo I've been helping the guys craft their proposal for adding this backend stuff to Glance20:17
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markwashExpect to see this proposal on the ML soon20:17
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ativelkovAs far as I understood, they wanted to use Graffiti as a backend for custom metadata properties for the artifacts20:18
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arnaudmarkwash, that's what I was going to ask: there is a dependency to artifact right?20:18
markwashI don't think there is a hard dependency on the artifacts20:18
markwashactually a lot of the initial use cases are about explaining things like flavor and volume extra-specs20:18
markwashbut I think its relevant to the Catalog mission because we want to support a good UX around tags and metadata in the artifact repository20:19
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markwashativelkov: there was some talk about that use case but I think they're not going in that direction at this time20:20
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ativelkovI see20:20
markwashativelkov: rather, think of it as a place to store schemas about user-metadata. . its a bit silly because we typically think of user-metadata as not having any runtime implications, however, that's not quite accurate in the cloud today20:20
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markwashativelkov: I think in the future a lot of the Graffiti horizon components would consume directly from artifact type schemas20:21
markwashbut anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know my involvement and that these discussion are going on20:22
markwashand give you a bit of a heads up20:22
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markwashjust want to make sure everyone is aware and has the opportunity to participate in shaping how these use cases are met20:22
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markwashlooks like next up is a discussion of bug tagging20:23
markwashany other thoughts for now about Graffitti?20:23
markwash#topic bug tagging20:24
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markwashlooks like jokke is not here, nikhil__ notes about this topic?20:24
markwasheek, did I netsplit?20:25
nikhil__markwash: will need to dig through the logs, don't have it top of my head20:25
markwashah phew20:25
markwashit looks like the proposal is to use a "propose-close" tag to indicate bugs that are no longer valid, but we want a little more review before closing them completely20:26
arnaudbtw, just to let you know guys, we are planning organizing a bug day soon20:26
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arnaudI am going to send an email to the ML soon20:26
markwashit also looks like folks generally concurred with the proposal to use this tag20:26
markwashdoes that sound accurate?20:26
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nikhil__no one opposed that idea20:27
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markwashwell it sounds fine to me :-)20:27
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markwash#agreed use "propose-close" tag to indicate bugs that probably should be closed but need a little more review20:28
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nikhil__markwash: should launchpad not have a duplicate status for a bug?20:28
markwashnikhil__: I think it should… I've used it before20:29
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nikhil__eddie_: and I ran into this bug yesterday and could not mark it duplicate20:29
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nikhil__seems the option vanished somehow20:29
markwashhmm, that's odd20:30
nikhil__yep, don't see it now in any of the bugs I'm checking20:30
markwashhmm, I see it over to the right side of the screen20:31
markwashcan you use 'bug url'/+duplicate ?20:31
markwashanyway, don't want to get too far into the weeds on launchpad just now20:32
markwash#topic multiple containers for swift store20:32
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arnaud"Mark as duplicate" I see it too20:32
nikhil__no, on the question above20:32
markwashhmm, weird, might be a permissions issue20:33
eddie_oh, duh, I see it now20:33
eddie_not where I expected to find it20:33
markwashAnybody here to discuss the agenda item about multiple containers in the swift store?20:34
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nikhil__rosmaita: ^20:34
rosmaitathe outline is in the etherpad20:35
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markwashrosmaita: this sounds related to some previous work20:36
markwashabout password management20:36
nikhil__is flaper87 here as well (may be good for awareness on the code) ?20:36
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rosmaitai guess my main question is, how much do we have to worry about other projects that rely on how glance is currently configured?20:37
markwashare you worried about other projects talking directly to the swift store?20:37
rosmaitayes, that's it20:38
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rosmaitai guess would mediate20:38
markwashwell, I suppose as long as the configuration change is optional (which I suppose it has to be anyway) there shouldn't need to be much of a problem20:38
rosmaitawhen it's available?20:38
notmynameif you have a glance-specific prefix for containers in swift, would that help?20:38
notmynamethere's nothing to stop someone from messing with glance data in swift today, is there?20:39
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rosmaitanotmyname: no, there's not, but that's not what i'm worried about20:39
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rosmaitawant people who know how to find the data to still be able to find it20:39
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markwashI'm not sure we have a good index to see what may be accessing the store directly20:40
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markwasherr -> s/the store/the container/20:40
* flaper87 tries to catch up20:41
markwashrosmaita: if we made sure that the swift store in worked properly before adding a multi-container option, we could ask any other applications talking to the container directly to adopt . would that help your concerns?20:41
flaper87mmh, not sure I understand what the problem is20:41
rosmaitamarkwash: yes20:42
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markwashAFAICT, the problem is that if we suddenly start storing images differently in swift containers, then certain out of tree enhancements might suddenly break20:42
markwashI think we just need to be as good as we can about notification and having alternatives available for people who would be in that spot20:43
rosmaitaso i guess we need to notify other projects on the ML ?20:43
flaper87right, but won't change the way we store images in swift.20:43
flaper87at least that's not part of the plan20:43
flaper87rosmaita: +!20:43
markwashflaper87: right. . I think rosmaita is proposing that we do change it as a feature in at some point20:44
rosmaitaflaper87: how close is the swift part of to getting done?20:44
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rosmaita(you told me at the summit but i forgot)20:44
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markwashas I recall flaper87 needs somebody to help untangle the ungainly multi-swift store code20:44
flaper87rosmaita: I... haven't done it yet. it'd take a day or two, TBH. It's not a lot of work. I just don't know that code so I was hoping someone already familiar with it to take over20:44
nikhil__multi tenant is a mystery by itself20:45
flaper87nikhil__: yeah20:45
flaper87I'll stab that code asap20:45
markwashrosmaita: can we resolve to make a functional a prereq of such a feature, along with ML notifications? there are a few more things to get to today20:45
flaper87I started doing changes in glance (I submitted a patch today)20:45
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markwashflaper87: yay20:45
rosmaitasure, i just wanted a preliminary discussion20:45
markwash#agreed we need a functional prior to adding multiple container support (which is different from multi-tenant) to the swift store20:46
markwashfor the rest of today we need to talk about glance tasks and also the mid-cycle meetup20:46
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* flaper87 agrees with that20:46
markwashcan we do the meetup first?20:46
markwashs/meetup first/meetup discussion first/20:47
nikhil__the other day, I tried to figure if some input could be provided however based on how that is structured, it seems some more work needs to be done to be able to use it20:47
nikhil__markwash: sure20:47
markwashokay thanks!20:47
markwash#topic mid cycle meetup20:47
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markwashI've been lagging on the planning part of the meetup and I was hoping some folks could step up and take charge of this20:47
arnaudmarkwash, did you get a chance to talk to the OpenStack people?20:48
markwashthey don't have any real input to provide20:48
markwashso we're on our own20:49
arnaudI see20:49
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nikhil__markwash: what did the survery results yield?20:49
markwashI actually did not see the results of the survey, is ashwini around to share?20:49
arnaudVMware can host the event, the problem being that most of the people are in Virginia :) so that might not be the best way to go20:49
ash__i am here20:49
ash__rackspace folks will be okay with any locations20:50
markwashash__: did it seem like west coast would suit enough folks?20:50
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markwashI liked your idea of colocating with the nova summit (even though its a little hard on my schedule personally!)20:50
ash__and I actually did not send out the survey, I prepared it but was waiting on Mark to waive the flag for sending it :)20:50
markwashash__: I think I sent it out to the ML20:51
ash__nova one is in portland20:51
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markwashI might have messed up though20:51
nikhil__markwash: got your email20:51
ash__oh okay.. then I missed seeing it but it does not send me auto notifications so will check results now20:51
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markwashso is there a group who has reasonably flexible support and can step up to plan the meetup?20:52
arnaudjust want to confirm: what are the aspects of the sponsorship? a place to have the meetings and the food right?20:52
arnaudis there something else?20:52
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ash__for the folks that responded so far, preference is east coast..8 replies so far20:53
ash__place and food mostly20:53
arnaudif we go east coast, vmware can sponsor the food (I guess)20:53
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ash__the travel and logging is individual responsibility (i.e. respective company responsibilty)20:54
ash__arnaud: you and I can coordinate on it later?20:54
ash__markwash: me and arnaud can run with it20:54
arnaudI remember stuart20:54
arnaudsuggested HP could do something as well20:54
markwashif you guys can mention your plans to gokrokve, TravT, and mclaren that would be great20:54
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markwashnot sure if I'm missing someone else who was interested20:54
ash__sure he has sent me some contact for the same i will follow uo20:55
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nikhil__(btw, I just need >3 mins to syncup)20:55
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markwashokay thanks guys! now a brieve syncup on tasks20:55
markwash#topic glance tasks syncup20:55
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markwashgo nikhil__ go! :-)20:55
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nikhil__added a brief update/plan on the etherpad20:55
nikhil__much stuff was agreed on during the summit however, things tend to go a little off during implementation20:56
nikhil__so, of all the points my questions is the last one20:56
arnaudnikhil__, can I go ahead and rebase my taskflow patch on top of yours?20:56
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nikhil__am about to update the MP with new PS once all the tests pass (along with a icky race condition test)20:57
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nikhil__arnaud: let's discuss that offline, if that's okay (may not be enough time now)20:57
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nikhil__if some core-ish reviewers can ask some concerns/+1s/-1s would really help20:58
markwashI'm not sure I quite follow the question unfortunately20:58
nikhil__just want to ensure that whatever is upthere can be landed in near future20:58
nikhil__markwash: oh, so we'd just decided that we should use store module in glance to do filesystem based store operations20:59
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nikhil__however, I'd just prefer that change to be completely different MP20:59
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markwashI suppose as long as it follows soon that is not a problem20:59
nikhil__that way we can let the taskflow patch progress be not blocked as well20:59
nikhil__yeah, I can proposed that in a day or so21:00
markwasharnaud: if you're okay with this I'm okay with it21:00
arnaudyes sounds good21:00
markwashokay nikhil__ sounds like you get your way :-)21:00
nikhil__great, thanks guys21:00
markwashwe're out of time, thanks everybody21:01
* markwash has to run to the airport21:01
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