Thursday, 2018-01-25

mordredcorvus: look at
johnsomYep, thus the 400 on the second try00:00
pabelangerso I don't think we want to delete what was uploaded on pypi00:00
mordredcorvus: and the list of refs/zuul/ 'new branch' entries00:00
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Rotate cloud launcher log files
corvusmordred: yeah, we need to finish dropping the zuul refs00:00
corvusthey should be mostly harmless noise though00:00
johnsomYeah, actually, looking through the log, the first run pretty much did what it needed except for that ssh error with keys. Maybe we just need to run the other two jobs (announce-release and propose-update-constraints) that were skipped on both runs00:02
pabelangernot the first time I have seen remove-build-sshkey role fail. I wonder it we could some how maybe zuul know about optional playbooks, not fail a job. I mean, it is nice we delete SSH key on nodes, but don't think we should fail job if it doesn't do it00:03
pabelangercorvus: mordred: ^thoughts?00:03
corvuspabelanger: i think there's an ansible option for that00:03
pabelangerk, let me check00:04
johnsomIt probably aborted the release pipeline part as well00:05
pabelangerjohnsom: yes, most likely00:05
pabelangerwe won't be able to enqueue for pre-release again, package is uploaded but we might be able to do release, would need to see what job does00:05
johnsomSo the announce and upper-constraint just gets dropped?00:06
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corvustimburke, mordred: i'm still stumped00:07
mordredcorvus, timburke: yup. me too00:07
mordredtimburke: good job- it's a good puzzle00:07
timburkeglad i could help :-)00:08
pabelangerjohnsom: yes, we are not able to enqueue single jobs currently00:08
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corvustimburke, mordred: oh i think i have a hypothesis.  the merge commit did not register as an update to zuul's configuration, so it ran that change (which depended on the merge commit which removed the job) under the current 'live' config, which still had the job.00:13
timburkei can try adding an extra line to .zuul.yaml or something00:14
corvustimburke, mordred: now that the merge commit has landed -- the live config should no longer have the job.  but only if another config change has landed to swift, or if we've done a full reconfig.  the latter has probably happened.00:14
corvustimburke, mordred: so why don't we see if a recheck dtrt now... and i'll double check whether we've done a full reconfig to help verify.00:14
johnsompabelanger Well, looking at things, I'm not sure announce and propose-upper matter for this milestone release, so maybe just picking it up at release and down will be fine.00:14
mordredyah. so a recheck of the followup patch should work now00:14
corvus(and if we haven't done a full reconfig, i can force one)00:15
mordredcorvus: if the recheck works, then that gives credence to the theory and that there might be bug in config change detection when the change in question is itself a merge commit00:15
timburkerechecked! we'll see what happens :)00:16
corvusmordred: yeah, we base config change detection on the files gerrit tells us about -- knowing what we know about reviewing merge commits in gerrit, i'm pretty suspicious :)00:16
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mordredcorvus: ++00:16
corvusthe last full reconfig was 2018-01-23 16:13:52,43400:16
pabelangerjohnsom: yah, I think we have a few options, not that we can fix right this moment. But we could make python-openstack-release job a little smarter, in the case if when we enqueue a change again. And don't actually fail the job in base/post-ssh.yaml playbook, I am looking into that. But getting late.00:16
timburkethanks corvus, mordred!00:17
timburkewant me to write up a bug or anything about it?00:17
corvustimburke: i'll write it up, thanks00:17
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johnsompabelanger I'm not familiar with these pipelines, are those three steps in the pre-release the only thing that runs here?  Is release and post-release for other purposes?00:20
johnsomIf those were the only three steps required, I think I am fine for this MS3 release.  It would be bad for the *actual* release since this is the first *release* for this repo, but  for the MS3 I think it's not a big deal00:21
corvustimburke, mordred: on the status page, i don't see the 'copy' job, so i think we have confirmation00:22
pabelangerjohnsom: right, you can see for flow of the pipelines and when they are used, based on type of tag in this case00:22
corvustimburke, mordred: bug:!/story/200149600:23
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johnsompabelanger Ok, I think we are fine here.  The root cause needs to get fixed, but I think this MS3 release for octavia-dashboard is probably ok.00:27
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: ignore_errors for post-ssh.yaml
pabelangercorvus: mordred: johnsom: ^ I think that is our first step to ignoring errors for remove-build-sshkeys role, however I am unsure if that will actually work when we get UNREACHABLE from the host.00:29
pabelangerI can dig more into testing that in the morning if we first want to confirm00:29
mordredcorvus: EXCELLENT00:31
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ianwmordred: so ... is there any way to debug an error in /etc/ansible/hosts/openstack other than to run it manually and wait?00:38
ianwthe cron job currently fails with00:39
ianw    raise exceptions.DiscoveryFailure('Could not determine a suitable URL '00:39
ianwkeystoneauth1.exceptions.discovery.DiscoveryFailure: Could not determine a suitable URL for the plugin00:39
ianwbut i'm not sure what cloud is causing that00:39
ianwi'm thinking of adding in the ansible contrib/ an environment variable to dump debug info to a file, which we can set for the cron job00:40
ianwbut that doesn't help immediately00:40
corvusianw: any chance it's infracloud?00:40
ianw"the cron job" being the cloud launcher cron job i should say00:40
ianwcorvus: we removed those from the config yesterday, so don't think so00:40
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pabelangeris infracloud still in cloud launcher?00:42
pabelangerI never thought to remove that too00:42
ianwno it uses all-clouds.yaml, which doens't have it00:42
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ianwi'm running it against a copy with the [jenkins|zuul] clouds removed to avoid listing all the testing vms ... still haven't hit it00:44
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pabelangerianw: maybe because it is still listed in ?00:44
ianw? maybe ... the bt in the logs is from the inventory lister,which i didn't think knew about that at all00:45
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mordredianw: do you have a full traceback?00:49
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mordred(mostly I'd like to at the very least log an error with the cloud name when that happens)00:50
mordredianw: thanks!00:51
ianwok, just caught it live ...
ianwohh, i guess the layout in the file doesn't represent how it walks through the dict at all00:53
mordredianw: that seems like it's a rax:DFW error :(00:56
ianwhmm, not 100% sure?  would that be the last thing *before* the error?00:57
ianwit does seem the loop is in shade00:57
mordredyah. that'll be the 'get all the servers' loop in the inventory code00:57
ianw   for server in inventory.list_hosts(**list_args):00:57
ianw  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/shade/", line 68, in list_hosts00:57
ianw    for server in cloud.list_servers(detailed=expand):00:57
ianwlet me reduce the cloud to just rax dfw and run it again00:58
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ianwoh, you know what, that has a blank password01:00
ianwoh thank god, i almost posted it01:00
mordredianw: :)01:02
mordredianw: but yes - I agree with you - there are no usernames, passwords or project_ids for openstack-rax in all-clouds.yaml01:02
mordredianw: actually - what even is openstack-rax?01:03
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gk__fungi: Hi fungi, are you there?01:03
mordredianw: openstackci-rax and openstackjenkins-rax both seem fine01:03
ianwyeah, openstack-rax seems to have been there forever01:04
ianwhave we dropped it from hiera?01:04
mordredianw: I see no openstack_rax_username in hiera01:05
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ianwmordred: and as far as "git log -p" is concerned, there never was?01:07
mordredianw: and that entry in the puppet manifest has been there since 201501:08
mordredianw: you have uncovered a very confusing riddle01:08
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mordredianw: I mean - the simple solution is to just remove the entry from all-clouds ... but I'd kind of like to understand how this ever worked01:11
ianwright, has the client updated and been ignoring it or something?01:12
mordredianw: OH ...01:14
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Remove openstack-rax cloud
mordredianw: this is cloud-launcher, so something is setting OS_CLIENT_CONFIG_FILE to /etc/openstack/all-clouds.yaml right?01:14
mordredianw: that file doesn't normally get used for inventory01:14
mordredso it doesn't have the   fail_on_errors: False setting that the normal clouds.yaml does01:15
ianwyep, /opt/system-config/production/run_cloud_launcher.sh01:15
mordredianw: my hunch is that we got 'lucky' and ran cloud launcher at a time when the inventory cache needed to be invalidated and redone01:15
mordredso rather than using the cached inventory from the normal clouds.yaml run - it trashed that and tried to build one from all-clouds ... which is basically never a thing we want01:16
mordredianw: but thing is - we don't need the dynamic inventory for cloud-launcher since it runs its tasks on localhost01:16
mordredianw: so we should update that script to pass a -i hosts and point it to a hosts file that only has localhost - so that the OS_CLIENT_CONFIG_FILE settings don't compete with the normal puppetmaster inventory01:17
mordredianw: we should also make sure that the inventory runs while all-clouds was active haven't been cached - and rebuild the inventory cache with clouds.yaml01:17
mordredotherwise we're going to have puppetmaster trying to run ansible on nodepool nodes01:17
ianwit also takes more than an hour to list everything i think!01:20
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Pass -i /dev/null to cloud launcher
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Pass -i /dev/null to cloud launcher
mordredianw: there you go ... well, it shouldn't take more than on hour to list everything if we're using the right clouds.yaml file ... and if it does I should spend some time debugging why01:21
mordredianw: I just tested on puppetmaster and -i /dev/null avoids the system configured dynamic inventory - and ansible has localhost as a built-in host entry when there is no inventory01:22
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ianwlooking at the logs, seems to have been happening for quite a while.  i guess we just never added new clouds01:23
mordredactually- we really need to overhaul how all that inventory is happening anyway - I'll try to tee that up for tomorrow01:23
ianwok, just running that manually now01:24
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ianwos_client_config.exceptions.OpenStackConfigException: Cloud admin-infracloud-vanilla was not found.01:27
ianwahh, so that does use the other flie01:27
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Remove infracloud-vanilla and chocolate cloud launcher config
ianwisn't automation great! :)01:30
* mordred has to afk ...01:33
ianwmordred: thanks for the help.  i think we'll have the keys rolled out to linaro now, which is where i started all those hours ago01:35
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mnasergetting intermittent 500s from gerrit01:55
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ianwhmm, memory usage isn't too high02:03
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: remove the custom release permissions for storyboardclient
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Make py35 jobs voting for refstack-client
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add release notes job to octavia-dashboard
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: retire rack and python-rackclient project
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Publish release notes for osc-placement
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove Python tarball job from tripleo-ui
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fetch javascript output on publish jobs too
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy mistralclient jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add publish-to-pypi job to tripleo-ipsec
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Shift javascript publish jobs to post
AJaegerconfig-core, could you review and , please?  the jobs are in-repo now and can be removed from project-config.03:20
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AJaegermnaser, ianw,  as well, please ^03:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add zuul-website repo
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AJaegerianw: could you also review , please? That's the new python36 job.03:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Shift javascript publish jobs to post
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AJaegerwow, zuul now uses 20 GB - good that we upgraded.
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: GPT partitioning support
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: bootloader: handle grub-efi better
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: change default image into GPT with ESP and BSP
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove remaining Mistral jobs
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EmilienMianw: the mirror works for on ubuntu btw05:19
EmilienM 500 xenial/PC1 amd64 Packages05:19
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EmilienMianw: now waiting on the yum one05:21
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ianwEmilienM: me too, it's still doing the initial clone05:56
ianwEmilienM: there's a partial release at
ianwdoes the top level look ok?05:56
ianwit's died a few times due to afs errors (but the script continued on to release the volume anyway)05:57
ianwthere's probably a lot we could prune ... it's doing fedora 20-> for example05:57
EmilienMianw: what's '7' dir?05:58
EmilienM could be I think05:58
EmilienMbut I don't mind having an extra 'yum', it's just pointless05:58
EmilienMI guess I'll need to modify
ianwhmm, would $mirror/yum/ (trailing slash) do it?06:00
ianw(always get so lost with rsync ... i'm sure the command line is turing complete)06:00
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EmilienMianw: how could we deploy the mirror by default in the centos7 images?06:06
EmilienMis that something infra does?06:06
EmilienMor I have to pull it manually?06:06
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ianwEmilienM: it would be an ansible role that pulls the info from /etc/ci/mirror_info.sh06:10
ianwi guess it will drop a repo file06:11
EmilienMianw: I did rsync -rlptDvz rsync://*06:11
EmilienMand it worked06:11
EmilienMadd the /* maybe06:11
ianwEmilienM: yeah, it just needs the / i think.  i'll kill the current sync, move everything up, and restart it with that06:11
EmilienMianw: I'm doing early testing with
EmilienMI go to bed now06:12
EmilienMsee you, and thanks again for the help06:12
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Revert "Revert "Add Puppetlabs mirror for CentOS7""
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ianwinfra-root: linaro cloud integrated into the launcher, is a host with puppet at least deployed ok!  i'll continue on and see if the node launcher works with it in the near future.06:32
ianwinfra-root: for your perusal so the cloud-launcher can do it's thing when you have a chance06:33
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: GPT partitioning support
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: bootloader: handle grub-efi better
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: change default image into GPT with ESP and BSP
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AJaegerfrickler: could you put these on your review queue, please?
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openstackgerritmegan guiney proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql master: Add delete by uuid functions
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Default max pool resources to math.inf
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openstackgerritIfat Afek proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Update vitrage-dashboard publish job
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use openstack-tox-python36
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use openstack-tox-python36
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use openstack-tox-py36
AJaegerianw: another bashate change
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Move legacy-cross-midonet in-tree
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove requests-mock legacy jobs
AJaegerfrickler, ianw: Thanks for reviews. Could I bother you with  as well, please?07:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Create openstack-tox-py36 job
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove obsolete legacy jobs
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openstackgerritPino de Candia proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: New project for Tatu (SSH as a Service) Horizon Plugin.
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openstackgerritPino de Candia proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: New project Tatu (SSH as a Service).
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openstackgerritPino de Candia proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add new project for Tatu (SSH as a Service) Horizon Plugin.
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openstackgerritPino de Candia proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: New project for Tatu (SSH as a Service) CLI and Python Client.
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AJaegerpabelanger: could you look at , please? - seems windmill jobs are broken09:23
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: zuul autohold: allow filtering per commit
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openstackgerritIfat Afek proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Update vitrage-dashboard publish job
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d0ugalWhere does the build-openstack-api-ref job come from?
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d0ugalafaik, we don't enable it anywhere, it just started on that patch.10:34
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: zuul autohold: allow filtering per commit
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d0ugalfrickler: oh! thanks10:42
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d0ugalshame it is broken :)10:43
fricklerd0ugal: seem we missed to check for PTL approval, do you want a revert?10:44
d0ugalfrickler: Yeah, I guess we should for now. cc rakhmerov (PTL)10:44
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Revert "Add api-ref jobs for Workflow service (mistral)"
AJaegerd0ugal: could you update the commit message with the reason, please? We'll speed approve then...10:46
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Revert "Add api-ref jobs for Workflow service (mistral)"
d0ugalAJaeger: Done :)10:46
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AJaegerd0ugal: approved10:46
fricklerd0ugal: AJaeger: the error looks like it might also be easily fixed, but I'm no sphinx expert
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d0ugalI assume we should re-enable this in our .zuul.yaml file? The v3 migration just merged.10:47
AJaegerd0ugal: api-ref should stay in project-config10:47
d0ugalI'll look into fixing it.10:48
AJaegerd0ugal: but you can test locally that it works - so, add it temporarily as part of fixing it - and once it works, remove and prpose the revert of the revert...10:48
AJaegerd0ugal: I wonder whether that sphinx extension is needed at all - I suggest t oremove it from api-ref/source/ first...10:49
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d0ugalAJaeger: will do, thanks.10:50
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AJaegerd0ugal: yes, remove wsmeext.sphinxext and - and then you run into the next problem ;(11:10
AJaegerd0ugal: api-ref is not ready and needs some more work11:11
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Propose to move submit-log-processor-jobs and submit-logstash-jobs in zuul-jobs
d0ugalAJaeger: so it seems, I am looking into the next issue now :)11:11
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d0ugalbut given the api-ref is empty, there is no rush for CI to build it :)11:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Revert "Add api-ref jobs for Workflow service (mistral)"
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ssbarneahi! does openstack has any "sensitive" repositories where test gates are not started until someone approves the CR to be safe for gating?11:29
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ianwssbarnea: do you mean that changes don't merge until a particular person signs off on them?  no; not more than obviously only cores can +2/w.  we have "liasons" who by convention have responsibility over things11:53
ssbarneaianw: nope, different. this is about giving the ok for the gate to run. We have some gates running on intranet and we cannot run them using and random CR coming from the "internet". Has nothing to do with the real review of the code or the decision to merge it. this is before anything else.11:55
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ssbarneaianw: imagine that someone adds a "rm -rf /" inside tox.ini (or something even worse).11:56
ssbarneai am trying to find out if someone already has a working implementation that avoids risks like this without preventing anyone from raising CRs.11:56
ssbarneasomeone devs around here are not very keen on having to manually add a label in order to start a gate.11:57
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ssbarneaianw: to be clear, I am talking about gerrit instance. now we limit CR opening only to github org members and we want to allow anyone to open CRs.11:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Use openstack-tox-py36
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openstackgerritIfat Afek proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Update vitrage-dashboard python jobs and publish job
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add /{tenant}/jobs/{job_name} route
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add jobs graph rendering
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: /{tenant}/projects.json routes
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add project pipeline rendering
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openstackgerritThomas Morin proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: n8g-bagpipe: add n8g-sfc to PROJECTS for tempest job
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sjmc7hey, wonder if anyone can help. we’ve got a set of tests that rely on running our API process and then running requests against it. the tests run under py27 and py35 and sometime after late Jan 17th the py27 tests stopped working. still trying to determine why but it doesn’t seem related to any requirements or code changes, so i was wondering if anyone knows of any changes to the tests or infra between jan 18th and jan 23rd that i could look at? e12:21
sjmc7review is the error’s eventually raised when the API server can’t be reached with socket.connect on
clarkbssbarnea: by definition gate jobs dont start until a reviewer has reviewed and approved the change. To handle things like rm -rf we rely on single use VMs to provide isolation12:22
clarkbssbarnea: if that isnt sufficient for you I'm not sure how you get away from manually applying a value to give the ok12:22
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ssbarneaclarkb: correct me if I didn't understand: gates do not start until someone adds Code-Review +2 ? (+1 can be added by any user)12:24
clarkbssbarnea: gate jobs require a verified +1, code review +2, and workflow +1 in our pipeline config12:25
ssbarneai had the impression that this was not needed, at least on jenkins-job-builder project, the gate starts right away.12:25
clarkbssbarnea: the check jobs start right away12:25
clarkbbut they only vote +/-112:25
ssbarneaclarkb: ahh, so two stages.12:25
ssbarneaclarkb: now my problem is how to secure the "check"?12:26
clarkbin our setup that id what we are more worried about. And for us that means single use VMs as well as not allowing check jobs to have access to zuul secrets12:27
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ssbarneaclarkb: yep, i know that is the ideal way of doing it, but securing the build env is a very-very long shot, not possible now.12:28
clarkbin that case you may not want to run any jobs until some vote is made like code review +212:29
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ssbarneaclarkb: in this case I assume that the trick is to add a check job that is secure and run the sensitive gates only after the review.12:29
ssbarneaclarkb: thanks, this really helps. i will try to write it down and "disseminate" the knowledge.12:30
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clarkbsjmc7: I think you may want to add logging around unexpected server launch status for api12:31
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clarkbsjmc7: I'm guessing its failing to start due to a lort conflict or somethibg like that an you just need to see what that is and correct it12:31
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Roamer`sjmc7, clarkb, I believe that mriedem and jroll were talking in #openstack-nova the other day about a new version of Python in Ubuntu, uploaded to the Ubuntu repo on January 18th12:32
Roamer`they were trying to track down something about failing ironic jobs12:33
sjmc7yeah, i’ve been trying to capture stuff though it looks like stderr and stdout from the process have nothing in them, and the exitcode is apparently 012:33
sjmc7Roamer`: that’s interesting. i’ll see if i can find the conversation, thanks12:34
Roamer`sjmc7, I'll try to find it for you, just a minute12:34
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Roamer`sjmc7, mriedem found it here:
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sjmc7ah, interesting, thanks. i will see which py27 i’m using12:37
Roamer`ah, actually they were investigating some random segfaults, but later jroll showed up and said that the segfaults no longer happened and no one knew why :)12:37
Roamer`so it might not really be related to the Python version12:38
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sjmc7might as well start there, i’ve nothing better to try at the moment12:38
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sjmc7it is suspect that the py35 tests still work12:47
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Roamer`yeah, in your case it might really be the Python version... although it would be... weird... for a minor update to break working programs12:49
Roamer`weird, but not unheard of12:49
sjmc7yeah. and python 2.7.12 is pretty elderly12:49
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AJaegerconfig-core, could you review to remove a few migrated legacy jobs from openstack-zuul-jobs, please?13:04
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smcginnisWe had another release job fail with a timeout doing a git pull.13:09
smcginnisCould we get this re-enqueued?
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efriedWhere is ?13:18
efriedDid I miss a memo?13:19
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Roamer`efried, after merging Zuul 3 it got renamed to; it seems zuul3 was a temporary name13:20
pabelangerAJaeger: yes, I'm still working on the migration myself. But need to get some reviews on
efriedRoamer` Thanks13:20
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Roamer`efried, and yeah, I need to retrain my fingers and my browser history, too :)13:20
efriedThis ^^13:21
AJaegerpabelanger: I stepped away from that one, wanted somebody with better ansible knowledge like dmsimard review 52670813:21
openstackgerritThomas Morin proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: n8g-bagpipe: add n8g-sfc to PROJECTS for tempest job
AJaegerpabelanger: +2, looks fine13:22
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Propose to move submit-log-processor-jobs and submit-logstash-jobs in zuul-jobs
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smcginnisUh oh, something wrong with logs.o.o?13:36
smcginnisFinally loaded, but took a long time.13:37
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smcginnisAnd now seeing post_failures on all the release-post tag-release jobs.13:41
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smcginnisWhy would a job have a finger:// link instead of a link to the logs?13:44
smcginnis- tag-releases finger:// : POST_FAILURE in 2m 49s13:44
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pabelangersounds like networking issue, and jobs couldn't upload to logs.o.o13:57
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efriedHere's something I *think* I noticed, but am not sure.14:10
efried - which is bottom of a long series - was in the gate and in progress (had blue bars inching forward)14:10
efriedPatches after it in the series were red, so I started rechecking them.14:11
efriedAnd after that, the blue bars on disappeared and it looks like it's just waiting again.14:11
smcginnispabelanger: The last several release jobs all failed with those post_failures. I'm holding off on doing any more releases until I hear otherwise.14:12
pabelangeryah, looks like something is happening14:13
pabelangerlooking now14:13
sshnaidmhappens for tripleo too: ripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode finger:// : POST_FAILURE in 2h 31m 09s (non-voting)
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pabelanger2018-01-25 14:10:30,559 DEBUG zuul.AnsibleJob: [build: 5bb7c2d71cc44101b1f2905d6949c54e]           as requested: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: ''/srv/static/logs/93/536793/1/gate/cross-horizon-py27/5bb7c2d'''14:16
pabelangerthat isn't good14:16
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pabelangerinfra-root: ^I'm going to need some support with logs.o.o, our filesystem is read-only right now14:18
erlon_@all, guys we are having problems with a missing bin-deps (libpcre3-dev), devstack is not installing it. how/were do we add it in order to be downloaded and not break all jobs??14:18
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dmsimardinfra-root: let's move to infra-incident14:18
dmsimardpabelanger: how does this sound: #status notice We're currently experiencing issues with the server which will result in POST_FAILURE for jobs, please stand by and don't needlessly recheck jobs while we troubleshoot the problem.14:22
efriedsounds good to me fwiw.  sooner rather than later, cause recheck was my natural reaction14:23
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dmsimard#status notice We're currently experiencing issues with the server which will result in POST_FAILURE for jobs, please stand by and don't needlessly recheck jobs while we troubleshoot the problem.14:24
openstackstatusdmsimard: sending notice14:24
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: We're currently experiencing issues with the server which will result in POST_FAILURE for jobs, please stand by and don't needlessly recheck jobs while we troubleshoot the problem.14:25
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honzawhen exactly are 'release' jobs run?  on new tags?  or is it manual?  the zuul manual only says that 'gate', 'check', 'release' are arbitrary, and doesn't describe them14:27
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openstackstatusdmsimard: finished sending notice14:27
AJaegerhonza: new tags14:27
hjensasWe seem to have log issue, POST_FAILURE due to read only filesyste, See:
honzaAJaeger: thanks14:28
efriedhjensas known, being worked apace14:28
AJaegerhonza: is definition14:28
AJaegerhjensas: see message by openstackstatus14:29
honzaAJaeger: TIL about that file :)14:29
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hjensasAJaeger: efried: yes, sorry missed the status update by dmsimard there. Thanks!14:30
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weshay|ruckgreetings, need some help figuring out why we have a job failing.. openstack-tox-linters in the tripleo gate queue on patch 531503,1  I try to get the logs but it's pointing to a finger:// address14:44
weshay|ruckafaik we've hit a few of these and it's reseting the gate14:44
dmsimardweshay|ruck: there was a notice sent out to all channels14:44
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weshay|ruckah.. /me checks twitter14:44
dmsimardweshay|ruck: there are issues on, we are working on it14:44
weshay|ruckdmsimard, you are busy14:45
weshay|ruckk.. thanks14:45
weshay|ruckah see it14:45
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Only upload logs when jobs fail
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Handle missing request during a decline.
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prometheanfirebad FS again?15:11
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efriedprometheanfire Yes.  Working in -incident15:13
prometheanfireneato :P15:14
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Only upload logs when jobs fail
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fricklersjmc7: seems neutron also has issue with the new py27, maybe this can help you, too:
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sjmc7thanks frickler . looks like glance is having the same problem as us too15:20
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fricklersjmc7: yeah, if the update is breaking eventlet, that will have pretty widespread impact15:22
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sjmc7that looks like it, frickler - thanks for the pointer15:39
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openstackgerritmelissaml proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb master: fix misspelling of 'password'
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Stop the PoolWorker thread when max-servers is 0
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Allow for max-servers less than 0
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dmsimardinfra-root: I'd like to send the following update: #status notice is stabilized and there should no longer be *new* POST_FAILURE errors. Logs for jobs that ran in the past weeks until earlier today are currently unavailable while a FSCK runs on the volume they are hosted on. We're going to temporarily disable *successful* jobs from uploading their logs to reduce strain on our15:57
dmsimardcurrent limited capacity. Thanks for your patience !15:57
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dmsimardOops, that might be a bit long.. let me shorten it up15:58
corvusdmsimard: looks good, modulo 512 bytes :)15:58
openstackgerritThomas Morin proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: n8g-bagpipe: add n8g-sfc to PROJECTS for tempest job
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dmsimardv2 #status notice is stabilized and there should no longer be *new* POST_FAILURE errors. Logs for jobs that ran in the past weeks until earlier today are currently unavailable pending FSCK completion. We're going to temporarily disable *successful* jobs from uploading their logs to reduce strain on our current limited capacity. Thanks for your patience !15:59
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corvusdmsimard: ++16:00
corvuspatch 2/4 of the mailman template series sucessfully applied, i'm approving 3/4:  this will switch the sites to use the new templates.  there should be no change for openstack, and should stop using the openstack templates.16:00
dmsimard#status notice is stabilized and there should no longer be *new* POST_FAILURE errors. Logs for jobs that ran in the past weeks until earlier today are currently unavailable pending FSCK completion. We're going to temporarily disable *successful* jobs from uploading their logs to reduce strain on our current limited capacity. Thanks for your patience !16:00
openstackstatusdmsimard: sending notice16:00
pabelangerdmsimard: thanks16:00
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dmsimardpabelanger: 537929 has been queued for 45 mins in check..16:01
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: is stabilized and there should no longer be *new* POST_FAILURE errors. Logs for jobs that ran in the past weeks until earlier today are currently unavailable pending FSCK completion. We're going to temporarily disable *successful* jobs from uploading their logs to reduce strain on our current limited capacity. Thanks for your patience !16:01
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pabelangerdmsimard: 2 more pateches in front and will start running jobs, another option is to just enqueue directly into gate, once we have the votes16:02
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dhellmannnice recovery time, folks16:03
openstackstatusdmsimard: finished sending notice16:03
dhellmannwhen things settle down, I have a few release jobs that need to be reenqueued16:03
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dmsimarddhellmann: can you put them in an etherpad ? So we know which ones to do and strike which ones have been handled16:04
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dhellmanndmsimard : all set:
dhellmannthose SHA values are for the patches within openstack/releases16:07
dmsimarddhellmann: are any of those time sensitive ?16:07
dmsimard(I know ideally we'd run them all)16:07
dmsimardjust want to prioritize if we need to16:07
dhellmannwell, today's the library release freeze date so all of them are16:08
dmsimarddhellmann: fair16:08
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dhellmannit's not the end of the world if we have to wait, of course, but none are more time sensitive than the others16:09
Roamer`(not complaining, just asking) does only uploading error logs mean we don't see the logs even while the jobs are running?16:09
Roamer`and thanks for the quick incident response!16:10
dhellmanndmsimard : now that I've given you the list, I realized I should check to see if any of those tags made it. If they do, we'll need different SHAs to retrigger those failed jobs16:10
dmsimardRoamer`: the job consoles that you can stream from are not affected by today's problems16:10
dhellmannotherwise the tag-releases job will just say "already tagged" and not do anything16:11
dmsimarddhellmann: right -- so the jobs probably ran and did what they had to do -- and failed due to log upload is what you mean16:11
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dmsimarddhellmann: I feel like that's something we need to address in some shape or form.. it's "okay" for check/gate jobs to fail due to log upload but release/tag/post are different since they "do" things16:12
dmsimardI don't have any great ideas lright now16:12
Roamer`dmsimard, thanks, those are exactly the ones I meant; it took some time for them to start producing output, so I thought I'd ask.  Thanks!16:12
Roamer`but yes, they did start producing output16:12
dhellmanndmsimard : yes, it would be good to have them be more idempotent16:12
dhellmannlet me paste the actual errors associated with each job into that etherpad16:13
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dmsimardpabelanger: 60 minutes... :(16:17
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Enabled ssh retries for ansible
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Do not attempt to handle requests when disabled
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Stop spamming ansible/ansible
dhellmanndmsimard : ok, the etherpad now includes all of the actual jobs that failed or were skipped16:19
dmsimarddhellmann: thanks, I'm not super familiar with re-enqueuing post/tag/release jobs but at least we got the legwork done so we can eventually take care of it16:20
dhellmannyeah, usually fungi does this based on links to logs but some of these are only giving me finger: links and I don't know what to do with those16:21
dmsimardok 537929 is starting to actually run jobs from check16:22
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Stop spamming ansible/ansible
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Do not attempt to handle requests when disabled
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/statusbot master: Thanks & Success bot provide confirmation site url
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efriedThat weird stalling thing I mentioned earlier - now I've seen it happen without anything nearby having been rechecked.16:33
dmsimardefried: I haven't witnessed that, what is it ?16:34
efriedViz: a patch like is sitting in the gate, then it expands and blue bars start to move, then it goes back to collapsed.16:34
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efrieddmsimard And next time it expands, the blue bars start over.16:34
efriedor at least seem to.16:34
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dmsimardefried: you mean the interface ?16:34
mordredefried: it's possible a change ahead of it in the gate queue failed causing it to get re-enqueued16:35
pabelangeryah, I think that is the issue16:35
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efriedoh.  How does a guy get to the front of the queue?  :)16:35
dmsimardEither that or a retry on a pre playbook error16:35
pabelangerintegrated queue has been resetting a lot over the last few days16:35
mordreddmsimard: yah - but that should only be one job at a time16:36
dmsimardmordred: I don't know, does a pre retry kick things out of the queue ?16:36
mordreddmsimard: no, it should not16:36
mordreddmsimard: the queue only gets reset if a job fails16:37
efriedBut just to be sure, if I issue recheck on things later in the series, that shouldn't affect the guy in the gate at all, right?16:37
efriedor does it?16:37
pabelangerwe just had a post_failure again16:37
pabelangerlooking to see why16:37
pabelanger2018-01-25 16:33:36,927 DEBUG zuul.AnsibleJob: [build: ce494f5752da448187ea73dd316abd59]         msg: 'SSH Error: data could not be sent to remote host "".16:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-mailman master: Use multisite template dir
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TheJuliapabelanger: would that happen to have been the ironic job in the gate?16:47
pabelangerTheJulia: 533312,216:48
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TheJulia535772,2 also has a post_failure :(16:49
TheJuliawith-in the last 20 minutes16:49
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pabelangerTheJulia: yah, logs.o.o still limping along16:54
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pabelangertrying to get it back online16:54
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TheJuliaokay, this is going to be a long day...16:54
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openstackgerritAkihiro Motoki proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: translation-jobs for neutron-vpnaas-dashboard
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Only upload logs when jobs fail
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pabelangermordred: corvus: dmsimard: ^change to upload failed jobs landed17:08
mordredpabelanger: woot17:08
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rajinirIs there a problem accessing the gate logs? "File Not Found"17:09
pabelangerrajinir: yes, we are working though an outage right now17:09
pabelangerrajinir: so some logs are not available ATM17:10
rajinirok, thanks pabelanger17:10
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EmilienMcorvus: hey, I'm trying to test "debug" flag in zuul but so far it didn't work on - any idea what I did wrong?17:30
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corvusEmilienM: you'll have to wait for the report when the jobs complete, sorry.17:33
corvusit'd be nice for it to show up earlier, we could probably do that, but it'll be a bit more work17:34
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EmilienMcorvus: ok no worries17:35
EmilienMcorvus: I'm debugging a similar issue we had if you remember with projects having custom branches wanted to run stable/ocata jobs for example17:36
EmilienMcorvus: puppet-pacemaker has 0.6.x branch and we want the branch to run ocata & newton jobs17:36
EmilienMsounds like a new challenge :)17:36
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corvusEmilienM: cool, the stuff we did earlier may be sufficient, or we may need a new thing i've been working on: -- i'm currently favoring as the solution to that.17:43
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corvusEmilienM: let me know when you've poked at the problem and you want to discuss it.17:43
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add support for tuning e2fsck for large filesystems
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Enable e2fsck tuning for large partitions on static.o.o
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dmsimardinfra-root: ^17:46
gansohey folks has anyone stumbled on devstack failing because it is unable to find openvswitch on centos? doing a simple yum install openvswitch fails. It worked this monday in the same env, now it doesn't work anymore?17:48
dmsimardganso: openvswitch is not available in the base CentOS repositories -- I believe devstack is set up to retrieve it from the RDO repositories for CentOS.. at least in our CI jobs that's how it is.17:49
gansodmsimard: I found an old commit showing that devstack is supposed to add the repo17:49
dmsimardganso: but it's possible that the repository set up logic is not part of devstack proper and instead is bundled in our jobs or our images, I'm not super knowledgeable around these bits17:50
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gansodmsimard:  this is an old devstack commit
dmsimardganso: I mean, regardless of whether devstack does it or not, a good first step would be to check if you have any RDO repositories enabled on your environment17:50
dmsimardIf you have it and it's still failing, then there's another problem17:50
dmsimardganso: that patch is ancient and there's no guarantee anything like that still exists17:51
gansodmsimard: this is the line that is failing
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gansodmsimard: I copied the yum install command and it didn't have the rdo-release installed17:53
gansodmsimard: for some reason it is failing to check that17:53
dmsimardganso: there was an outage on earlier, can you try again ?17:54
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dmsimardianw: ^ maybe this should be mirrored elsewhere17:54
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gansodmsimard: I'll retry just a min17:54
pabelangerwe have reverse apache proxy setup17:54
dmsimardpabelanger: not if people are running devstack from their personal environment17:55
gansodmsimard: it worked, it was probably the outage17:55
dmsimardganso: sorry about that :(17:55
gansodmsimard: I removed the packages and run again17:55
gansodmsimard: np =)17:55
pabelangerdmsimard: maybe confused, but why would we mirror in that case?17:55
gansodmsimard: thanks for the help! =D17:55
dmsimardpabelanger: I don't know, it's something devstack depends on17:56
dmsimardpabelanger: it's just one standalone rpm file which adds the mirrors for RDO17:57
dmsimardpabelanger: like.. I wonder if there could perhaps be a "meta" reverse proxy.. like (which goes to any of the available mirrors/proxies ?) and then do like
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pabelangerseems like a lot of work for single RPM, especially if just adding .repo file to mirror.centos.org18:00
EmilienMcorvus: ack18:00
pabelangercould likely just do that in devstack directly18:00
pabelangeror move rpm to mirror.centos.org18:01
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pabelangerdmsimard: but, devstack shouldn't hit directly, when running in gate, but use apache reverse proxy18:01
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dmsimardpabelanger: ganso is not running devstack from the gate18:02
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pabelangerright, just saying if is down, devstack in gate will break18:02
dmsimardDepsite the proxy, right.. good point18:03
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add flag for turning off successful job logs
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Set flag to turn off uploading logs on success
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove tripleo pipelines from zuul
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Disable tripleo-test-cloud-rh1 for nodepool
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove tripelo-test-cloud-rh1
clarkbI know its been a busy day and fungi and I am not really here, but is infracloud properly gone? I'm with the people that can update the donations thank you page so may want to update that if it is gone gone18:17
clarkbpabelanger: ^18:18
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add flag for turning off successful job logs
pabelangerclarkb: yan, doesn't look like it is coming back18:18
pabelangerclarkb: we'd need to reach out to outside tech to debug more18:19
pabelangerclarkb: and given last email, I think removing it is likely best now18:19
clarkbI'll let people know to update the thank you page18:19
pabelangerI'll push up patches to to finalize it18:19
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove infracloud-chocolate from nodepool
pabelangerclarkb: ^18:24
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clarkbpabelanger: +2, thanks. I think we should try to get broad consensus on that to make sure people are comfortable with it before approving18:28
pabelangerclarkb: agree18:28
clarkbbut ya based on past emails I don't expect that 1) we'd get responses to our questions and 2) that its just been turned off to be used elsewhere by other people18:28
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add flag for turning off successful job logs
pabelangerinfra-root: When you have time, could use some discussion. I believe we are at the point where we want to start removing infracloud from project-config / system-config base on clarkb comments above.  It was a fun run while it lasted18:30
dmsimardmordred: you know, while our intentions are probably noble and all.. if this is going to live in zuul jobs, the toggle might as well be "disable all job uploads" rather than selective ? If we want a selective logic, maybe we could look at what we did for ara --
Shrewspabelanger: ++ to removing it18:31
dmsimardmordred: in fact I think it probably /should/ be the same logic as what we're doing with ara -- because then all we need to do is to change the variable value on the base playbook18:31
mordreddmsimard: oh - yah - I agree- copying that logic seems like the right thing18:32
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add flag for turning off successful job logs
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Set flag to turn off uploading logs on success
mordredpabelanger, dmsimard, corvus ^^ corresponding site-variables patch18:39
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Set flag to turn off uploading logs on success
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Stop spamming ansible/ansible
mordredpabelanger, corvus, clarkb, dmsimard:^^ had to update that with another fix to the lint script18:42
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add flag for turning off successful job logs
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dhellmannis there still something wrong with the logs volume? I'm finding jobs that pass and then have no logs.18:50
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dhellmannthe list-changes logs are missing from for example18:50
dmsimarddhellmann: yes, we've temporarily disabled successful job uploads to reduce pressure on the little interim storage volume that we have18:51
dhellmannand that finished about 10 minutes ago18:51
dhellmannwell, that's going to make releases inconvenient18:51
dmsimarddhellmann: failed jobs will upload their logs18:51
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dhellmannwe rely on a job to produce a report for things that can't be checked automatically18:51
dhellmannis that a global switch or is it possible to toggle it for specific jobs?18:51
dmsimarddhellmann: we're setting up a better alternative right now which will allow us to selectively enable things on a more granular basis18:52
dmsimarddhellmann: right now it's a global toggle but will give us that granularity18:52
dhellmanndid I miss an announcement about that change? I mean, I know this is all in flux still18:52
dmsimarddhellmann: It was mentioned in the last status notice18:52
EmilienMpabelanger: when you have time, please look thanks18:53
dhellmannoh, I did completely miss that in the scrollback. thanks dmsimard18:53
dmsimarddhellmann: it's easy to miss it with the amount of chatter, no worries. I try to advertise twitter and as alternatives :D18:54
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dmsimarddhellmann: I've still got that etherpad opened, we're not forgetting you btw... In what repository is the list-changes job definition ?18:55
dhellmannthe job is releases-tox-list-changes so it's probably defined in the openstack/releases repo18:56
dhellmannyeah, it is18:56
dmsimarddhellmann: does the relevant content print out in the console ? or solely to a file that is eventually logged ?18:56
dhellmannwe would want to save openstack-tox-validate too because that sometimes emits warnings18:56
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dhellmanndmsimard : both. There's a file under the tox logs directory called list-changes-results.log with the useful output18:57
dhellmannthat is less to filter through than the full console output18:57
mordreddmsimard: so in this particular case we'd want to set zuul_site_upload_logs in the base job instead of site-variables because we have a few jobs that need to override it18:57
dmsimardmordred: yeah, not unlike what we're doing with the ara variable18:58
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dmsimardI mean, it allows people to shoot themselves in the foot but...18:58
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Set flag to turn off uploading logs on success
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add setting for disabling log uploads to base-test
dmsimardmordred: comment on
dmsimardmordred: oh nevermind it's two different patches19:07
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: DNM Testing that log disabling works
dmsimardmordred: I'm not sure that's going to work until the project-config stuff has landed19:10
mordredcorvus, tobiash, dmsimard: ^^ there is an o-z-j patch that we can use to test the log toggling19:11
mordredyah. we need to land the patch to toggle off logs in base-test first (which should be safe to land)19:11
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mordredthen we can recheck the o-z-j patch and verify the change in behavior (before we land the project-config patch, both fake jobs should upload logs, after we land the patch only one should)19:12
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mordredand if we're happy with that we can land the project-config patch to base and then the zuul-jobs patch19:13
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mordredcorvus, pabelanger, dmsimard: ^^ that sound like a decent plan?19:13
dmsimardmordred: wfm19:13
corvusmordred: yep.  though you'll also need to revise your ozj patch; zuul wants a playbook.19:16
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mordredcorvus: oh right. piddle19:19
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corvusdmsimard: you want to +3 53800219:21
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: DNM Testing that log disabling works
dmsimardcorvus: done19:22
mordredcorvus: there- also made them no-node jobs so we don't have to take node capacity (or wait for it)19:22
dmsimardas if it wasn't enough I'm simultaneously dealing with RDO infrastructure outages so please ping me if I miss anything -- I'm keeping an eye on the FSCK from time to time19:22
dmsimardWe're hovering around 55% storage right now, the log maintenance script doesn't seem to be deleting anything just yet19:23
mordreddmsimard: ++19:23
corvusit's set to 240m19:24
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add zuul-website project to Zuul
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efriedPursuant to -- how many times could this keep happening?  Eventually this patch has gotta bubble to the top of the queue, nah?19:57
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mordredefried: it could, in the worst-possible-case scenario, happen once for every patch ahead of it in the queue20:03
efriedmordred But those guys will get kicked to the back whenever they fail, so eventually mine comes to the front and it'll finish (one way or the other) right?20:04
efriedokay, that's something.20:04
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mordredefried: process ultimately degrades to what things would be like if we ran the patches in the gate one at a time waitingfor each to finish before starting the next one20:04
mordredefried: most of the time it's able to do things *much* more parallel than that, obviously20:04
efriedmordred And obviously this is the best possible week for it to "degrade" :)20:05
efriedNot that there's ever a *good* time...20:05
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dhellmanndo we think it's safe to continue tagging releases? or should I hold off for a while longer?20:06
mordreddhellmann: I'd hold off - we've got patches in flight to provide you the ability to re-enable the publication of success logs for release jobs20:08
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mordreddhellmann: fwiw20:08
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mordreddhellmann: plan is to land, then use to verify that it works, then land to turn on the flag globally and to switch to the flag-based impl20:10
dhellmannmakes sense20:11
mordreddhellmann: you could probably go ahead and submit a patch to releases repo to add vars:\n  zuul_site_upload_logs: true to your jobs where you need success logs20:11
mordreddhellmann: as it won't have any impact until the zuul-jobs patch lands, but you can be ready to rock and roll as soon as it does20:11
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dhellmannwhere do I set that? in the job definition? or where the job is associated with the repo?20:12
mordreddhellmann: either place will work20:13
dhellmannmordred : like this?
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mordreddhellmann: yes - that's perfect20:14
corvusmordred: i think we should gate-enqueue 53800220:14
mordredcorvus: agree20:15
corvusi will do so20:15
mordredcorvus: thanks!20:15
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dhellmannmordred : thanks20:15
rajinirIs this a known issue? src/pcremodule.c:32:18: fatal error: pcre.h: No such file or directory20:16
mordredcorvus: I'm a little confused as to why we don't have results for 538007 yet - it doens't have ... UGH20:16
mordredcorvus: nevermind. it has build-openstack-sphinx-docs defined in project-config20:16
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mordredcorvus: maybe I should submit the same patch to a different repo that doesn't have any project-config defined jobs?20:17
corvusmordred: ya...20:18
rajinir@all, anyone working in the Third Party pcre failures? Its affecting many20:18
mordredcorvus: openstack-infra/zone-zuul-ci.org20:18
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mordredcorvus: has no project-config jobs20:18
corvusmordred: heh, wfm.20:18
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corvusmordred: 538007 enqueued in gate20:19
corvusmordred: er, not that one, the other one.  53800220:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Stop spamming ansible/ansible
corvusmordred: not urgent, but when you have a sec, could you review just to get that going in the background?20:20
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/ master: DNM Testing that log disabling works
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mordredcorvus: days like today I wish we had support for cancelling builds when a patch is abandoned20:23
efriedor when someone -Ws or -2s it20:23
corvusmordred: yeah.  shouldn't be hard.20:23
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corvusefried: that's no reason not to run tests :)20:23
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AJaegerpabelanger: could you update grafana as well for tripleo, please? See
corvus(in fact, ensuring patches work before asking people to review them is a big part of why the system exists)20:24
rosmaitacould someone take a look at ? it's been sitting for 5 hours, doesn't seem to be getting any action20:24
efriedcorvus How about a special 'cancel check' comment, which we would of course all use as good stewards of the infra when we deemed checking unnecessary.20:24
pabelangerAJaeger: opted to do it in 537992 once we removed it from nodepool20:25
corvusrosmaita: you can check on the status at
rosmaitacorvus yes, but there doesn't seem to be any info there other than it's been sitting 5hr 15min20:26
corvusrosmaita: if you mouse over the grey dot, it'll tell you why no jobs are running20:27
efriedrosmaita Only 5:15?20:27
efriedrosmaita Let me know when you get to 17:50 (536545,1)20:28
mordredcorvus: job-that-does-nothing-with-no-logs and job-that-does-nothing-with-logs are running \o/20:28
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rosmaitaefried you have my sympathies20:28
mordrednot sure I've ever been excited about jobs that don't do anything20:28
AJaegerpabelanger: ok, thanks20:29
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mordredcorvus: bah. the base-test approach to verifying this works did not work - because, of course, log publication is in the base job and therefore does not use the version of the role from the depends-on on zuul-jobs20:32
mordredcorvus: so, what we have done is verified that the system for preventing speculative execution in a trusted context is alive and working properly20:33
corvusmordred: gimme a sec, that confuses me20:33
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corvusmordred: yeah, base-test needs to land, then we recheck 53802020:33
mordredcorvus: no - that still won't do it - because the functionality we're looking to test is in the role in zuul-jobs20:34
corvusmordred: oh, that hasn't landed.  yes, i'm with you now.20:34
corvusmordred: the options are cowboy that in, or make a test role.20:35
mordredcorvus: we'd need to land a copy of the role named somethig else, and then update base-test to use that copy20:35
rosmaitacorvus is there any way i can get the glance jobs out of the integrated queue without patching project-config/projects/yaml?20:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add setting for disabling log uploads to base-test
rosmaitacorvus also, i did not know that about the grey dot ... guess i need to RTFM and learn the interface better20:36
corvusmordred: i think given the urgency, we can continue to promote those changes in gate.20:36
mordredcorvus: given gate length, I think I'm more inclined to just landing the variable setting and then the zuul-jobs change20:36
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corvusmordred: i hear that.  gate length is an equally valid reason to be cautious :)20:36
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Switch to python3 for tox -enodepool
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corvusrosmaita: well, it shares a queue for a reason -- it interacts with the other services.20:37
pabelangerAJaeger: should fix tox -enodepool errors^20:37
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rosmaitacorvus i know, i'm just desperate ... i will shut up now and let you work ... thanks!20:38
AJaegerpabelanger: Ah! Great20:38
AJaegerpabelanger: You get my vote of confidence that this works ;)20:39
pabelangerpressure is on now20:40
prometheanfirecan we recheck yet?20:44
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove tripleo pipelines from zuul
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Disable tripleo-test-cloud-rh1 for nodepool
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove tripelo-test-cloud-rh1
corvusprometheanfire: yes, see entry at top of
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add modified upload-logs as test-upload-logs to base-test
mordredcorvus: ^^20:46
prometheanfireare we not sending notificatoins to channels?20:46
corvusprometheanfire: that was sent20:46
prometheanfireah, k20:47
mordredcorvus: roles/test-upload-logs was copied via cp -a ... so should be an exact duplicate of the role in zuul-jobs20:47
prometheanfiremissed it20:47
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corvusmordred: lgtm.  who else is reviewing these?20:48
mordredpabelanger, dmsimard: ^^ could you look at real quick?20:48
pabelangerokay, I haven't had anything to eat yet, stepping away for a bit20:48
mordredpabelanger, dmsimard: tl;dr - thepreviousbase-test patch wouldn't work because speculative protection. this is a copy of the new version of the role in zuul-jobs so that we can land it and then recheck the test patch20:49
corvusmordred: i'll enqueue it now20:50
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AJaegercorvus: also enque, please20:51
mordredcorvus: cool.20:51
corvusAJaeger: what's the urgency there?20:51
AJaegercorvus: it fixes nodepool testing - in case we need to merge a chnage that triggers nodepool testing..20:52
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AJaegercorvus: has lower priority than mordred's change for sure20:52
corvusAJaeger: i'd like to be conservative about things we direct-enqueue.20:52
AJaegercorvus: ok - then let's wait20:53
corvusthe log changes are in service of fixing every zuulv3 installation in the world, including ours.  :)20:53
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dmsimardmordred: was away, looking20:56
dmsimardmordred: that looks like the wrong version of the role20:56
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corvusdmsimard: yes i agree20:57
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dmsimardmordred, corvus: commented on
openstackgerritAkihiro Motoki proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: translation-jobs for neutron-vpnaas-dashboard
dmsimardcorvus: -W prevents the patch from merging despite it being already in the gate queue right ?20:58
corvusdmsimard: yes, as does C-220:58
dmsimardcorvus: ok, I'll remove -W20:58
AJaegerdmsimard: you can leave it in - a new patchset will reset it...20:58
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dmsimardAJaeger: sure, but it's better to rely on -220:59
dmsimard(in case the new patch doesn't land in time)20:59
corvusdmsimard: i think AJaeger is saying that -W is the best approach, since it will stop it from landing, and also be reset.20:59
AJaegerdmsimard: yes, I mean: A -W will be reset and no manual action is needed. Corvus needs to remove his -2 eventually...21:00
dmsimardoh, right -2's aren't removed on new patchset21:00
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add modified upload-logs as test-upload-logs to base-test
openstackgerritMark Hamzy proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: fix the grub root label when an XFS disk label is truncated
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul master: Add public key hosting to SSL site
mordredturns out copying a directory IS hard21:04
mordredcorvus, AJaeger, dmsimard: patch updated21:05
dmsimardcorvus: during the all but 5 minutes I used to ingest some nutrients earlier, I was thinking that the zuul executor "zoning" (is that what we'll call it?) could potentially allow us to shard executors by region/cloud -- and by doing so we could probably shard the logs into a logserver per region21:06
dmsimardSo that we don't have this huge spof impacting all regions21:06
mordreddmsimard: yah - SO ... I'm working up a writeup write now on shifting to swift ...21:07
dmsimardcorvus: I know the use case of the executor zoning was mostly to hop around network boundaries but I could see this being used to make each region/nodepool provider more independant21:07
mordreddmsimard: which incidentally includes provisions for using per-cloud swift21:07
dmsimardmordred: we're not expecting nodepool providers to carry swift right now though21:07
mordredall of our nodepool providers carry swift currently21:07
mordredthe only one that didn't was, amusingly enough, infracloud21:08
dmsimardmordred: also, there's that posix over swift thing we never managed to get right21:08
corvusdmsimard: yes, though executor zones contribute only the ability to reduce internet traffic, which, tbh, is not generally a huge concern.  it's not required for such changes.21:08
mordredyah - I've got thoughts on that - but they're document-sized rather than irc sized21:08
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mordreddmsimard: which is to say - I think enough has changed that it's actually not hard now like it was before21:09
corvusmordred: we've been inching toward it for a while :)21:09
dmsimardcorvus: well it's not so much about reducing traffic than, say, have (at least) two executors per region with their own logserver so that if a logserver explodes, the other regions are not impacted21:09
mordreddmsimard: I hope to have something for you to read by tomorrow21:09
dmsimardcorvus: having the executors in the same region as the logserver has that bandwidth benefit, yes21:10
corvusdmsimard: i'm just saying the region doesn't matter for logservers.  it's redundancy you are advocating.  they could both be in dfw and it would still work.21:10
dmsimardhmm, so actually this isn't something we could do easily before with zuul v2 -- but with zuul v3's return for log_url, we could technically upload anywhere and it would just work21:11
corvusthat's why it's there :)21:11
dmsimardall we could need to do is the plumbing to get the fqdn of the logserver through to the job so it uploads to the right place21:12
dmsimardbut having all the executors in dfw makes the whole pull/push thing a bit inefficient, yeah21:12
corvusdmsimard: but there are many other pieces too, which i suspect mordred has included in his writeup, since we've talked about this in depth several times over the years21:12
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dmsimardI'm happy to make it happen, anything to prevent our disks from getting full and to avoid these recurring fscks -- it's a good investment21:13
corvusi think this is valuable, but i think all of our time will be best served by waiting for mordred to post his proposal, then we'll have a baseline for discussion and we don't have to retread21:13
dmsimards/make it/help make it/21:13
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corvusyes.  also, for planning purposes, i think if we do make a change, we're likely to do it after the v3 release21:14
dmsimardis the zoning scoped for v3 ? or after ?21:15
corvusdmsimard: no one has signed up to implement it, but if they did, it would be post v321:15
mordreddmsimard: feel like a +A on - and then corvus can promote in gate?21:20
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mordreddmsimard: thanks!21:22
mordredcorvus: you in a position to easily promote or should I hop on and do it?21:22
corvusmordred: done21:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add zuul-website project to Zuul
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add zuul-website to #openstack-infra gerritbot
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dmsimarddhellmann reported some failed jobs that would need to be manually re-enqueued, is someone able to take care of that ?
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corvusdmsimard: yep, do you need to hand that off?21:41
dmsimardcorvus: not super familiar with requeuing things beyond the usual check/gate and I have my hands full with RDO infrastructure exploding, would appreciate if someone else could take it, yes :)21:42
corvusdhellmann, smcginnis: are either of you available to work with me on that ^?21:43
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dhellmanncorvus : o/21:45
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corvusdhellmann: howdy.  looking at the first entry, i see an openstack/releases sha on line 6 which corresponds to a commit which instructs us to tag tripleo-heat-templates version 6.2.9 (mentioned in line 9)21:46
corvusdhellmann: what are lines 7-9?21:46
dhellmanncorvus : I have approved as a test to make sure the jobs are working before we start with anything real21:46
dhellmannthose lines are the contents of the failure emails indicating which jobs failed21:47
dhellmannsome of these things failed in different ways than usual21:47
dhellmannbecause of the log issue, I don't always have log URLs to give21:47
dhellmannsome of the jobs failed on different repos, too21:47
corvusdhellmann: why are instack-undrecloud and puppet-tripleo involved?21:47
dhellmannso line 7 is saying that the tag was applied to instack-undercloud but the jobs that ran failed in some way21:48
dhellmannthose are the triplo deliverables that had failures21:48
dhellmannthat tripleo release patch had a zillion deliverables in one patch21:48
corvusdhellmann: i think that's the thing i'm missing -- how does that work?21:48
dhellmannas a convenience we don't require a patch in openstack/releases to be limited to tagging one repo21:49
corvusdhellmann: oh i see now!21:49
dhellmannthe patch can have N deliverable files and each deliverable can have M repos involved getting the same tag21:49
dhellmannthe tag-releases job works out what tags need to be applied where and submits the tag21:49
corvusi did git show, but it just happened to line up in my terminal in a way where i didn't notice it tagged 3 things :)21:49
dhellmannthen the regular per-repo process takes over from there21:49
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dhellmannoh, that one only had 3 things, another tripleo patch has many more but we haven't approved that one21:50
dhellmannsorry, I got those mixed up21:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add modified upload-logs as test-upload-logs to base-test
dmsimardmordred: ^21:50
corvusdmsimard: okay, so if i re-enqueue 323... will the tag-releases job be idempotent and note that 6.instack-undercloud is already tagged, but the other 2 aren't and so add tags only to those?21:51
dhellmanncorvus : so for the tripleo patch we need to reenqueue the jobs that should be run when a tag is applied to openstack/instack-undercloud and then we can re-run the job that happens when a  patch merges into openstack/releases to retrigger the other 2 releases (since those tags were not applied)21:52
corvus(er, sorry about the stray "6." in that)21:52
dhellmannyes, that's right21:52
corvusdhellmann: the order doesn't matter there right, we can do instack-undercloud and openstack/releases in either order, yeah?21:53
dhellmannyeah, that should be fine21:53
dmsimardcorvus: I'm not very familiar with the tag-releases job, was that for dhellmann ?21:53
corvusdmsimard: yep.  dtab.21:53
corvusdhellmann: and finally -- do we need to wait for the successful logs changes for this, or is that for a different set of jobs?21:53
dhellmannI'm not 100% sure. I *need* logs for list-changes jobs but that won't be part of any of these. If we'll have logs for failures of these jobs, it should be ok to start them now.21:54
dhellmannlist-changes runs in the check queue for openstack/releases21:55
corvusdhellmann: yep, we should always have logs for failures, unless logs.o.o blows up.  okay, i'll start preparing commands for this; should take just a couple mins, i'll ping you before i run them.21:55
dhellmanncorvus : sounds good. let me know if my notes for the others are confusing. I tried to collect the shas for the git tags in each repo for those.21:56
mordredcorvus: I have rechecked the test patch21:56
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corvusdhellmann: okay, do those two commands look reasonable to you?22:02
dhellmanncorvus : I've never peeked behind this particular curtain with fungi before, so a very qualified yes22:03
corvusdhellmann: oh, should i also enqueue instack-undercloud into the 'tag' pipeline?  i guess it would have matched that too....22:03
dhellmannah, yeah22:03
dhellmannoh, hrm22:04
dhellmanncorvus : there is a 6.1.4 release for instack-undercloud on pypi22:04
dhellmannso maybe that release did work22:04
corvusoh neat22:04
dhellmannyeah, sorry, I should have checked that before22:04
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corvusdhellmann: i bet we can use the dashboard to see if any instack release jobs failed22:05
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dhellmannthe release notes look out of date22:05
corvusdhellmann: unfortunately, it seems i can't deep link22:06
corvusdhellmann: but put 'release' in pipeline and 'openstack/instack-undercloud' in project and hit refresh22:07
corvusdhellmann: oh good, the 'obvious' way to deep link works:
corvusdhellmann: and
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corvusthat last one looks like the releasenotes job for that tag succeeded.22:09
mordredcorvus, dmsimard: appropriately has logs and no-logs22:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Switch to python3 for tox -enodepool
mordredcorvus, dmsimard: so I think we can now land and then
dhellmanncorvus : ah, so I'm not seeing any failures there22:12
corvusmordred: do you want to address dmsimard's comment, or just ignore that due to its small contribution to log usage?22:13
corvusmordred: on 53799022:13
dhellmannthough the release notes are out of date so I wonder if that job was skipped instead of failing22:13
dhellmannwe probably don't record skips22:13
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corvusdhellmann: tbh, i'm not sure about skips there, but we apparently recorded success...22:14
dhellmannwell, maybe there's a problem with the release notes configuration then22:14
dhellmannI'll figure that out22:14
mordredcorvus: yah - I wanted to just ignore it - I also wasn't sure what impact it might have had on the tests22:14
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corvusdhellmann: okay, so we're down to just the one equeue-ref for releases then, right?22:15
mordredwhich is probably nothing - but it didn't seem worth iterating on22:15
dhellmanncorvus : for the tripleo things, yes22:15
corvusmordred: +2 from me22:15
corvusdhellmann: ready for me to run that now?22:15
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dhellmanncorvus : let me look at that release-test job first, just a sec22:16
dhellmannwell, I'm not finding it in the dashboard22:17
corvusme neither22:17
dhellmannoh, it might not have been triggered yet22:18
dhellmannI see a few things in release-post22:18
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dhellmannthat's the job that will start the job I want to watch22:18
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dhellmannthese jobs are hard to talk about22:19
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dhellmannthere we go22:20
corvusdhellmann: this is like when your gate job gates your job in the gate.22:20
dhellmannin a hole on the bottom of the sea22:21
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dhellmannit never seems to take this long when I'm not watching :-)22:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Set flag to turn off uploading logs on success
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dhellmanncorvus : ok, that job seems to have worked so we can rerun the other22:31
corvusdhellmann: okay, i'll execute the command on line 12 -- openstack/releases 323c38...  right?22:32
dhellmanncorvus : yes22:32
corvusdhellmann: done22:32
dhellmannfor the octavia dashboard thing on line 14 we need the constraint update job  at least22:33
dhellmannI can do the announce one myself22:33
pabelangerinfra-root: is the current status of logs.o.o, if you have a moment to review please22:33
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corvusdhellmann: iiuc, as long as the pypi upload didn't happen, we should be able to re-enqueue the ref for octavia-dashboard and get the whole set, yeah?22:37
dhellmanncorvus : stand by it looks like that did upload22:38
dhellmannmeh, without the logs I should have checked all of this already22:39
dhellmannwell now I don't know what actually failed for that job22:40
dhellmannmaybe just uploading the logs?22:40
dhellmannall 4 deliverables appear on pypi just fine22:40
dhellmannoh, the constraints updates22:40
dhellmannwell, these are all pre-releases so there wouldn't be a constraints update22:41
corvusdhellmann: hrm, it does run a propose-update-constraints job anyway22:42
dhellmannmaybe that job ignores pre-releases. I forget now.22:42
dhellmannI thought we had it set up to not do that in different queues.22:42
dhellmannnone of those things appear in the constraints list so it would be a no-op22:43
corvus(we need the ref to be included in the zuul dashboard table; it's really hard to deal with the tag pipelines without it)22:44
dhellmannI think I can do the rest of these by hands22:46
dhellmannit's just announcements and constraint updates22:47
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corvusdhellmann: oh wow, that's much less work than i thought i signed up for :)22:50
dhellmannyeah, I should have looked at pypi earlier22:51
corvusdhellmann: i'm assuming you have all the failures here already?
dhellmannI took it on faith that if the job reported failure it actually failed22:51
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dhellmannI've been using as the list22:51
corvusdhellmann: the tripleo one from earlier is the bottom two failures22:52
corvusdhellmann: but there's 4 other failed tag-releases jobs after it22:52
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dhellmanncorvus : yes, that list matches the list in the etherpad I built from the email failure reports22:53
corvusdhellmann: oh i see at the bottom there22:54
corvusdhellmann: so do we need to re-enqueue those as well?22:54
dhellmannthose are just to update releases.o.o and we'll get that when we start approving other releases22:54
corvuspabelanger: could just reformat the partition22:54
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dhellmannso no22:54
corvusdhellmann: ok22:54
mriedemAJaeger: is there someone within suse that would care about this?
openstackLaunchpad bug 1741329 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Install and configure controller node for openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise in nova" [Undecided,New]22:55
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dmsimardmordred: we didn't consider the logstash and openstack-health post playbooks when disabling logs22:59
dmsimardthe logstash workers are hitting 404s22:59
pabelangercorvus: if we run mkfs.ext4 over /dev/mapper/main-logs, that should be good to start fresh? Or do we have to go though the process of rebuilding the volume?22:59
dmsimardpabelanger: you mean you want to wipe the whole volume ?22:59
corvuspabelanger: mkfs is sufficient; it's not a raid volume, so there isn't really anything else to do22:59
corvusdmsimard: it was my suggestion from above22:59
dhellmanncorvus : thanks for your help this afternoon!23:00
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corvusdhellmann: you're welcome!  we learned some things :)23:00
dhellmannyes! that dashboard looks like it will be useful when I have time to figure out how to use it23:00
dmsimardcorvus: clarkb suggested trying to dirty mount the volume which we admittedly didn't try23:00
corvusdmsimard: that may just push the problem into an arbitrary point in the future23:01
pabelangercorvus: okay, clarkb also suggest we just bring mount back online, and if data is corrupt, it is only 4 week retention. But wasn't sure how to ensure that without finishing fsck23:01
corvuswhen ext4 belatedly realizes it's corrupt and switches it to read-only23:01
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clarkbah ok that wasnt what I was sure of23:06
clarkbin that case maybe not great idea23:06
dhellmanncorvus : the vitrage team needs in order to have the release jobs they need to tag a release, can you take a look when you have a minute?23:07
dmsimardIf we're going to wipe 4 weeks of logs we might as well spin off a new node somewhere we don't need to stripe 13 volumes23:07
pabelangernot sure I follow23:08
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dmsimardpabelanger: the mkfs.ext4 suggestion23:09
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pabelangerright, I'm not following spin off a new node comment23:09
corvusclarkb: i'm not sure about that behavior, but i would not be surprised.23:09
dmsimardpabelanger: if we're going to start the server from scratch, we might as well do it on a server where we don't need to stripe 13 different volumes together23:10
corvusdmsimard: i advocate losing the data and reformatting only to get it back in service in a timely manner.  i'm not sure rebuild the system from scratch meets those goals.23:10
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pabelangerright, if we reformat, I'd not like to do more then that.23:10
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dmsimardwhat is most expensive, keeping the gate on hold for ~8hrs and do the fsck with the usual way of doing it or reformatting ?23:11
corvusdhellmann: done23:12
dhellmanncorvus : thanks again!23:12
dmsimardpabelanger's suggestion is worth considering as well to lower the capacity23:12
dmsimardso we don't overwhelm the log server while the fsck is running23:13
pabelangerclarkb: what are your thoughts on reformat? expire 4 weeks of data at once?23:13
corvusi think it would be better to stop all log uploads than to lower capacity.23:13
dmsimardso let jobs run but without uploads ?23:14
corvus(and, ftr, i don't think it's a good idea to stop all log uploads)23:14
corvus(just that lowering capacity is even less desirable)23:14
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dmsimardyeah.. none of the options sound great :(23:15
dmsimardIf we keep chugging along, the fsck is slow but will eventually complete I guess23:15
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dmsimardIs there a way to get the logstash workers to stop trying an url ? We disabled log uploads but not the post gearman things so we have these 404's
dmsimardWhich might not help our current ram utilization23:17
corvusthe swap activity is low, even though the usage is growing.  it's possible that it may eventually complete without incident.  it's a big experiment.23:17
corvusdmsimard: i doubt a 404 uses much ram23:18
corvusapache appears to be responsible for very little ram use23:18
pabelangerdmsimard: what % are we at now?23:21
dmsimard61% phase 123:21
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pabelangerokay, I'm going to help to step away for a bit. #dadops, for now I guess we keep on this path and see how it goes. Current logs seem under control, but /opt is up to 10%23:22
dmsimardlogs are indeed under control and the usage is actually reducing despite the fact that I bumped the timeout23:23
dmsimardit turns out that uploading only failed job logs aren't worth that much ?23:24
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pabelangerokay, I'll check back shortly and see how we are progressing23:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Update vitrage-dashboard python jobs and publish job
mriedemis the "no logs in successful job runs" thing temporary or permanent?23:28
dmsimardmriedem: temporary23:28
dmsimardmriedem: it's a compromise to allow the gate to keep going despite our current degraded state23:29
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