Wednesday, 2014-08-27

r1chardj0n3sjeblair: I'd be tempted to read and maybe pdb/instrument /usr/lib/python2.7/ to see what it's actually doing00:00
r1chardj0n3s'cos my money is on a broken something in sysconfig.py00:00
r1chardj0n3sI'm firing up my (14.04) ubuntu to have a look00:00
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dstufftreminder there are two sysconfigs00:00
jeblairlifeless: i suppose it's unlikely to be pbr, because i think it's happening while trying to satisfy setup_requires (which is pbr)00:00
dstufftthere is sysconfig and distutils.sysconfig00:01
dstufftbecause reasons00:01
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jeblairlifeless: so it's the "install pbr" step which is the first thing that happens, and we don't get that far00:01
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r1chardj0n3sdstufft: sure, but the traceback is in one of them :)00:01
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dstufftr1chardj0n3s: I just wanted to wtf about the fact there is two different sysconfigs00:02
dstufftone isn't an alias for the other00:02
dstufftthey are different00:02
r1chardj0n3sdstufft: oh sure, "distutils"00:02
jeblair    return os.path.join(get_path('platstdlib').replace("/usr/local","/usr",1), "config" + (sys.pydebug and "_d" or ""), "Makefile")00:03
fungijeblair: confirmed unreproducible on ubuntu/trusty as well00:03
jeblairso that happens a few calls before the traceback00:03
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r1chardj0n3sjeblair: I think you have a winner :/00:04
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lifelessjust going to prove, there are more ways to mess things up than one can ever imagine00:04
r1chardj0n3sjeblair: and as far as I can tell, that's part of the debuntu /local/ modifications00:05
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dstufftr1chardj0n3s: you know how ubuntu is an african word for humankind? distutils is actually an african word for the most terrible thing ever00:06
jeblairso is easy_install normally the thing that satisfies the setup_requires?00:06
fungipeople. distutils is made from people00:06
wenlockclarkb got to play with r10k , i do like it better,  the behavior is different than librarian because it tries to purge the modules folder you managing but it seems like it has 3x more features00:06
lifelesseasy_install is never normal00:06
dstufftdistutils is soylet green00:06
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jeblairokay, just making sure i haven't done something locally to cause that to happen00:06
r1chardj0n3sdstufft: yeah, but in this case it's debuntu's fault jeblair is having an issue ;)00:06
wenlockclarkb i didn't get the puppet gem install for librarian though, so i think they must have removed that issue00:06
dstufftoh well, downstream distributors are the bane of my life too00:07
fungifwiw, it looks like more recent debian/ubuntu releases have solved whatever this specific point of stupidity happens to stem from00:07
dstufftI think they changed their patch to have giant "IF IN VIRTUALENV" checks all over the place00:07
wenlockclarkb i think though based on what I see in the only thing I'd want would be support for an external data option.00:07
jeblairso we'd expect this to happen for any project with a setup_requires being installed into an ubuntu precise virtualenv located under /usr/local/00:07
r1chardj0n3sfungi: cool, so jeblair just needs to upgrade :)00:07
jeblairr1chardj0n3s: unfortunately, this is on our test nodes and we need to keep precise around for a year00:08
fungisounds like we need to not make virtualenvs in /usr/local for at least a year00:08
dstufft /opt is cooler than /usr/local, use that!00:08
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jeblairdstufft: well, we use it for everything else; i kind of want to keep this away from there though00:09
r1chardj0n3syeah /opt is *edgy*00:09
jeblairi'll probably just put it in /usr with a nice long comment explaining my sin against the fhs00:10
fungiwe should totally use /srv instead, since it's of equal levels of vagueness, if perhaps lacking in handlebar mustaches00:10
jeblairfungi: srv used to be cool00:10
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dstufftsrv is old school00:10
fungiyeah, like striped socks00:10
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dstufft(You can tell we are nerds, we are discussing the relative coolness of fielsystem directories)00:10
lifelessI want /{{templates}} now00:11
r1chardj0n3swoah woah I was totally being ironic00:11
* anteaya is taking notes00:11
fungioh, don't get me wrong, i used the heck out of some /opt back when i ran sco. it was the hip and with it place to install all your crufty crap00:11
fungiclearly by the transitive property of hipsterishness, /opt is now as cool as sco00:12
pleia2aw, I still <3 srv00:12
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 839588 in python2.7 "Python 2.7 unable to find it's header files in virtualenv" [Medium,Fix released]00:12
jesusaurusdont forget about /var/lib/, thats been making a comeback recently00:13
lifelessrussellb: perhaps you can point me at reproduction of ?00:14
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1331140 in testrepository "testr reports double failure counts" [Undecided,Incomplete]00:14
fungijesusaurus: the modern hipstertrend is actually to just pretend nobody is going to use multiple filesystems any longer, symlink /usr/* and /var/* into / and then tell everyone else to gfy00:14
r1chardj0n3shad some weirness yesterday and found one of my scripts had the #! of /opt/usr/local/bin/python2.7 no idea wtf it thought it was doing00:14
lifelessfungi: ITYM GTFOML00:14
fungilifeless: oh, right. debian-devel00:15
jeblairhow do i add precise to that bug?00:15
anteayar1chardj0n3s: nice00:15
lifelessjeblair: propose somethingorother00:15
lifelessjeblair: url?00:15
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 839588 in python2.7 "Python 2.7 unable to find it's header files in virtualenv" [Medium,Fix released]00:15
dstufftjust mount swift as / and then you have like an unlimited size hard drive, why do yoy even need more than one filesystem!!00:15
jesusaurusfungi: sounds like a docker-ism, so it must be hip00:16
* fungi waits for the inevitable afs reference00:16
lifelessjeblair: done00:16
jeblairfungi: you just made it :)00:16
lifelessjeblair: it was 'nominate for series'00:16
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jeblairlifeless: ah thx.  left a comment there00:18
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anteayacan I ask for an opinion on this contributor's reason for using [submit] action = cherry pick in the acl file for this stackforge project:
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lifelessklindgren_: fixed00:43
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klindgren_lifeless, thanks!00:46
lifelesssorry about that00:47
clarkbanteaya you can -1 for that00:48
clarkbcherry pick is problematic00:49
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anteayaokay thanks00:55
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rick__Hi Team, How can I re-enable my service account?00:58
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anteayarick__: hello01:08
anteayaso have you tested any patches on the sandbox repository?01:09
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rick__anteaya: Yes , this is my test patch
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rick__anteaya: I cannot use prophetstor-ci, because it disabled. I use my account to verify .01:10
rick__anteaya: Does I still miss any thing?01:11
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anteayayes, remove the comment that says starting check jobs01:12
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rick__anteaya: OK01:14
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rick__anteaya: Done.01:18
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rick__anteaya: Does it ok?01:19
anteayarick__: let's see another successful test on the sandbox patch01:19
bknudsonlooks like there's a new release of python-subunit, but it might be missing something.01:19
bknudsonkeystone py26 jobs are failing, and it also didn't work in my env01:19
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anteayafungi clarkb jeblair ^^01:20
anteayabknudson: do you have a link to a log file?01:21
* anteaya clicks01:21
bknudsonI get the same error with `.tox/py27/bin/pip install -U "python-subunit>=0.0.20"`01:21
bknudson0.0.19 works for me01:22
anteaya6 failures in the gate :(01:22
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clarkbyou want lifeless01:22
clarkbalso my glasses exploded so I am temporarily blind01:22
anteayaclarkb: you didn't get hurt did you?01:23
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clarkbno lense popped out safely01:23
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bknudsonI hope that doesn't happen to me01:23
anteayaare you without glasses or injured01:23
anteayaclarkb: okay, whew01:23
anteayaclarkb: what repo should I offer a patch to pin subunit?01:24
anteayaand our deleting group just expanded01:24
clarkbWe can probably get lifeless to fix it01:25
anteayathe running group is very pinched right now01:25
bknudsonI opened bug 1361924 for the rechecks01:27
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1361924 in keystone "python-subunit 0.0.20 failing to install causing gate failure" [Undecided,New]
anteayathanks bknudson01:27
SlickNikbknudson / clarkb / anteaya: FYI multiple trove py26 jobs are hitting the same issue with subunit01:28
bknudsondoes py26 use a different pip mirror?01:28
anteayapy26 is tested on centos601:29
anteayapy27 is tested on trusty01:29
lifelesswhats up ?01:29
anteayasubunit is causing issues01:29
anteayabknudson: has a log above01:29
lifelessgnar, stab01:30
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anteayagreat thanks01:31
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rick__anteaya: this is another patchset trigger.01:33
rick__anteaya: Our service account is "prophetstor-ci".01:33
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lifelesssubunit 0.0.21 up01:34
bknudsonlifeless: that worked for me.01:34
anteayaclarkb: how long will it take for our system to use subunit 0.0.21?01:34
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anteayarick__: you need to ensure your system does not post this message: Patch Set 20:01:35
anteayaStarting check jobs.
anteayarick__: you can't post Starting check jobs01:35
anteayaonly the comment with the build status and logs01:36
anteayaone comment per patchset for third party ci systems01:36
rick__anteaya: So I need how to do..?01:36
anteayaI think asselin knows01:36
anteayarick__: can you ask him in the #openstack-cinder channel01:37
anteayaperhaps tomorrow, he is probably asleep now01:37
rick__anteaya: Does any sample let me reference..?01:37
anteayathat is what I am saying, I don't have a sample, you need to talk to someone who runs a third party ci who has this set properly01:38
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clarkbanteaya: ~5 minutes is all that it will take01:38
anteayaclarkb: great thanks01:38
rick__anteaya: OK, Thanks.01:38
anteayaclarkb: can bknudson just recheck now then?01:38
anteayarick__: np, you are close01:38
anteayarick__: you could grep your code for "Starting check jobs"01:39
anteayarick__: that would be a start01:39
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rick__anteaya: OK!01:41
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rick__anteaya: Does like this I already remove "".01:49
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anteayayou are still posting: Patch Set 21:01:54
anteayaStarting check jobs.01:54
anteayayou can't comment at all when you start the jobs01:54
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clarkbnew subunit is at
clarkbr1chardj0n3s_afk: is now good? or are you really afk?01:56
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rick__OK, I try to disable it.01:58
anteayarick__: okay01:59
anteayaI am going offline now for the night01:59
anteayarick__: ask in #openstack-cinder tomorrow to find someone to help you if you can't figure it out yourself01:59
rick__anteaya: OK, I got01:59
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r1chardj0n3shey clarkb, sorry was out getting some exercise02:27
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clarkbr1chardj0n3s: can you point me at the nova change that added the test so that I can get an idea of exactly what we want to run?02:28
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r1chardj0n3sso ignore the requirements.txt change ;)02:29
r1chardj0n3sso you can see that the tox command is customised for nova02:29
r1chardj0n3sas we want to ignore requirements in tests02:29
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r1chardj0n3s& also it has to specify the application source location ("nova")02:30
clarkbso maybe the thing to do is have the requirements job run tox -epip-missing-reqs02:30
clarkbthen individual projects can customize for their specific needs02:30
* clarkb whips that up02:31
r1chardj0n3syep, that is AFAIK what jhesketh did but not in the requirements job02:31
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clarkbr1chardj0n3s: I think that will do it02:36
clarkbthough we will have to update projects to include that tox target02:36
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r1chardj0n3sclarkb: yep, that's part of my job now ;)02:38
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clarkbr1chardj0n3s: we should make sure the other infra core are on board with the way I shuffled the jobs but it is a simple change so I don't expect much opposition02:38
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r1chardj0n3sclarkb: yep cool. also jhesketh is on leave at the moment, but I don't expect him to be too upset ;)02:39
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r1chardj0n3sclarkb: once the check is in place I'll force a check for nova to make sure it's all peachy02:40
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rick_anteaya: Hi Anteaya, I remove the "Start checking jobs."
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ppaianteaya, ping04:53
ppaihi, does anyone know why "action = cherry pick" mode is discouraged for stackforge projects ?04:55
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clarkbbecause it doesnt work well05:07
clarkbgerrit rewrites commits and updates commit messages05:08
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clarkbtooling doesnt handle that well05:08
clarkbwe tried it with the config repo for a while05:09
clarkbppai ^05:09
ppaiclarkb, okay.. gerrit appends commit msgs with certain additional that causing the problem ?05:10
clarkbyes its part of the problem05:10
StevenKppai: If the commit message changes, the sha1 hash of the commit changes too05:10
ppaiStevenK, yes05:10
StevenKWhich can also cause problems for developer workflow05:11
ppaiis there a way to avoid the additional merge commit entries in git log ?05:11
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clarkbnot today05:11
clarkbthey arent that problematic05:12
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ppaithe only down side of cherry pick i see is the repo maintainer must merge "chained patchsets" in the right order05:12
clarkbppai it makes all of the tooling cranky05:13
clarkbzuul, git, and so on05:13
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ppaiclarkb, Stevenk, alright, thanks for the info...will change it to "merge if necessary" :)05:14
jogoI take it you guys have noticed
jogofile '/tmp/pip-build.uznj8/python-subunit/filters/subunit2cvs' does not exist05:14
StevenKIf the patchset's parent is current master HEAD, it will apply without a merge commit05:14
StevenKjogo: That was pointed out to lifeless a few hours ago, not sure what happened with it05:15
clarkbjogo its fixed05:16
jogoclarkb: thanks, is there a bug for it so I can file a e-r patch05:16
jogounless someone else has already05:16
StevenKThere is a bug for it, not sure about an e-r change05:16
ppaiglusterfs is one project where i've seen cherrypick work really well...and the git log looks so clean and commits ordered..BUT they don;t have zuul05:16
jesusaurusclarkb: with cherry-picking does the zuul gate queue do the Right Thing for testing?05:17
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jogoclarkb: I don't see any infra bug05:18
clarkbjesusaurus iirc it can but not mixed with projects that do merges05:18
clarkbjogo its not an infra bug05:18
jogoclarkb: subunit2cvs has 0 hits on launchpad for openstack05:18
jogoclarkb: not sure where it would be filed05:18
jogoor where to file one05:18
clarkbjogo its a subunit bug which was fixed05:19
jogoclarkb: nothin in launchpad subunit either05:19
jogoclarkb: I just need a bug number so I can add a e-r patch05:19
clarkbjogo no e-r patch05:19
clarkbits fixed...05:20
jogoclarkb: so we can get the unclassifiedpage to be accurate05:20
StevenKjogo: bug 136192405:20
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1361924 in subunit "python-subunit 0.0.20 failing to install causing gate failure" [Critical,Fix released]
jogoStevenK: thans05:21
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jogoStevenK clarkb:
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yfried_anyone knows how I can push something to gerrit on behalf of a colleague?05:46
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trinathsI get this error when I run devstack-gate. fatal: not found05:47
trinathscan any one seen this before. Kindly help me resolve this issue.05:47
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trinathsit is The URL from which to fetch ZUUL references05:51
trinathswhen I browse this URL it give me an empty page05:51
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flaper87SergeyLukjanov: fungi et all: Good morning guys. This is happening in Glance
flaper87before that patch lands, we thought that it would be nice to double check that it won't break infra/gate/put_here_whatever_could_be_broken07:07
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flaper87Do you guys think moving the tests out of glance could break something? If so, what can we do to fix/workaround that? We need this patch for to succeed07:08
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hanzhangI want to install ipset on devstack if q-agt service is available, who can help me?07:19
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hanzhangnow I put the ipset name into files/*/q-agt, but the jekins failed07:21
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hanzhangping jgallard07:25
hanzhangI want to install ipset on devstack if q-agt service is available,now I put the ipset name into files/*/q-agt, but the jekins failed07:26
hanzhang,who can help me?07:26
jgallardhi hanzhang07:28
jgallardsorry, I don't know07:28
hanzhangthanks anywaythanks all the same07:29
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gushrm, perhaps we should make new changes to our pypi mirror also pass zuul first  :/07:32
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Hal_Hi ! I have an issue with the gate-nova-docs, the sphinx setup includes the mathpng extension but the gate does not have dvipng installed, so math formula png generation fails. Do you think this setup can be changed or the use of mathpng must be avoided ?08:18
lifelessHal_: you can submit patches to fix it to the openstack-infra project08:20
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Hal_lifeless: wich one ?08:24
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lifelessHal_: not 100% offhand - binary deps for tempesty stuff are in devstack, and unittest setup is in the nodepool config (openstack-infra/config) - I haven't looked to see what node type -docs runs on08:25
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marunclarkb, fungi, jeblair: The hook scripts have merged to Neutron, so the neutron functional change is now ready to be merged:
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marunsdague: I'm still curious as to what you think of this attempt to support minimal service installation for the neutron functional job:
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Hal_lifeless: I tried to add dvipng to test-requirements.txt but it did not work because global-requirements is not contain "dvipng" package. I totally do not know how to handle this issue :-/09:46
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StevenKHal_: global-requirements.txt is in the openstack/requirements repository. Clone it and push up a patch for it first.09:48
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Hal_StevenK: is it possible to add non python req in this file ? Like the dvipng program (needed by sphinx mathpng extension) ?09:50
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StevenKHal_: requirements.txt is also for Python requirements.09:51
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StevenKSo I'm not sure. If your goal is for docs that are generated using OpenStack's CI, you should look at openstack-infra/devstack-gate.09:52
Hal_StevenK: yes it is09:52
StevenKHal_: You could also chat with fungi or jeblair when they're around in a few hours.09:53
Hal_StevenK: Ok, thanks I will contact them.09:53
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daya_khello infra, had a q on whether zuul should be starting its own http server for the 3rd party ci system10:24
daya_ki dont see on in my setup, only the jenkins http server, and my slave node cannot do a git fetch of the zuul change for the foll url - git fetch http://<servername>/p/openstack/neutron10:25
daya_kthe only httpd i have on this node is the one jenkins uses10:25
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skolekonovdaya_k, hello. If you installed Zuul manually, you should also configure your Apache server for Zuul (git repo to fetch changes and stats page optionally)10:38
daya_kthanks for responding skolekonov: i used puppet to install all the modules, i am trying a re-install of the scripts10:39
ttxjogo: been looking into categorization for unit tests fails, but in most cases they seem to come from the same change being tested over and over (i.e. same faulty patchset generated 6 fails, gets fixed and all is good)10:39
daya_kskolekonov: trying to understand what to look out for, so i should see a separate httpd owned by zuul in the process list?10:39
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skolekonovNo, I think you shouldn't. Check that you have separate file for Zuul in Apache's configuration directories10:42
daya_kok, let me check10:42
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skolekonovI think it should look like sites-enabled/xx-<server-fqdn>.conf10:44
daya_kwhat dir do i check? /var/cache/apache2 does not have a zuul subdir10:45
daya_koh yeah, under sites/enabled i see a 50-zuul.conf10:45
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pcm_Hi all! Is there an issue with Jenkins? My latest patchset for 114345, failed ALL Jenkins tests.10:46
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pcm_Looking at some logs, I see this error:10:47
pcm_error: file '/home/jenkins/workspace/gate-neutron-python27/.tox/py27/build/python-subunit/filters/subunit2cvs' does not exist10:47
pcm_see this on each test failure10:47
pcm_I can do a recheck, but didn't want to make things worse, if there is something munged up.10:48
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daya_kskolekonov : in that case, zuul git should be accessible if the zuul server is running? if i just type <server_ip>:80/p in my browser, it errors out, the actual repo is under /var/lib/zuul/git. do you know how this p directory is created, and where it should be located?10:53
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daya_kGIT_PROJECT_ROOT is set in the file, but not clear to me where the /p directory comes from10:54
daya_klooking thru the 50-zuul.conf file, looks like its an alias mapping targets to /var/lib/zuul/git10:55
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skolekonovyes, zuul git repo should be available independently of Zuul server, because it's just a directory served by Apache. It has no Web UI, but you can try to clone repo from your server10:57
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daya_kskolekonov: i see the git repo under this path, but the web page does not load it11:11
skolekonovthe web page shouldn't load anything, it's ok11:12
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daya_kok, let me try the git fetch again, i have done a re-install of puppet modules11:13
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daya_kskolekonov: git fetch still gives me an error indicating repo not found11:21
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skolekonovdaya_k, check that repo exists on your server in /var/lib/zuul/git11:23
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daya_kskolekonov: yes, its there. i see the entire neutron repo under openstack/neutron in this path11:24
skolekonovdoes git clone also fail?11:24
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daya_kacually, zuul updates this repo for all the checkins, i see the patch getting updated in this dir. but the slave node cannot fetch it while updating its own repo11:25
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daya_ki checked a few patches while the builds were happening, to make sure they were there11:26
daya_ki tried a clone on the slave, fails11:29
skolekonovhave you checked firewall settings?11:29
daya_ki can ping the master from the slave11:29
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daya_kand zuul overall is working, so it triggers jobs, and logs are updated for the patches, so i dont think commu is a problem, the error is - fatal: repository '' not found11:30
daya_khey, should env show the GIT_PROJECT_ROOT variable set, i dont see it11:32
skolekonovit's strange, do you see anything in Apache's logs?11:32
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daya_kso, wondering if the module was run at all or not.11:32
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daya_khmm, i see this other_vhosts_access.log - - - [27/Aug/2014:11:29:11 +0000] "GET /p/openstack/neutron/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack HTTP/1.1" 404 465 "-" "git/1.9.3"11:36
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daya_kthe .159 machins is my slave node from where i do the git11:36
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daya_kshould the GET show the whole path?11:36
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skolekonovI think no. It seems like the site root directory is incorrectly set.11:38
daya_kdo you see GIT_PROJECT_ROOT is set in your shell env, or is it set dynamically when the git command is received i wonder. ok, let me check11:39
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daya_kso, the 50-zuul.conf file has this - SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT /var/lib/zuul/git/ which is the right dir, but i dont know when it gets executed, because in my shell, i dont see this env var.11:40
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skolekonovdoes sudo apache2ctl -S show that zuul site is enabled?11:43
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daya_kno, getting some errors, let me pastebin them, hang on.11:45
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daya_kis this expected?11:47
skolekonovNo. Please try to enable the zuul site with a2ensite <site_name>11:47
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skolekonovAnd also it would be good if you setup your Jenkins also using Apache, it's documented on the Jenkins'es web site11:48
daya_kcan u please calrify the command for me, i am not too familiar with this11:48
daya_kok, will do,11:48
skolekonovI think it should be a2ensite 50-zuul11:49
daya_ki tried a2ensite zuul  - get 'ERROR: Site zuul does not exist!'11:49
daya_koh ok,11:49
daya_khmm, same error11:49
skolekonovtry to restart apache with server apache2 restart11:50
skolekonovsorry, service apache2 restart11:50
daya_ky, tried that earlier, but go the same errors as i pasted11:50
daya_kbut i also got it for jenkins, and that is working?11:51
skolekonovjenkins behind apache?11:51
daya_khere;s what it gives -
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daya_kso, jenkins site is listed under apache, yes.11:52
dtantsurHi everyone, quick question please! Is there a way to stop review that was approved by mistake from being merged? Gate job has already started :(11:52
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dtantsurI mean, in addition to revoking W+111:54
daya_kskolekonov : if it says, the site does not exist, is the path incorrect, or its looking somewhere else also?11:55
Kialldtantsur: removing the W+1 will prevent it merging..11:56
KiallNo need to do anything else11:56
AJaegerdtantsur, just send a new patch ;)11:56
dtantsurKiall, oh thanks11:56
AJaegerany update, e.g. change of commit message, will reset the +111:56
Kiallor ^ will cancel the in-progress builds, but they don't do any harm etc11:56
skolekonovdaya_k, it's looking somewhere else. Try to disable it first with a2dissite11:58
daya_kskolekonov : i see this entry in 50-hjenkins.conf ' RewriteRule /zuul/status [P]'11:58
skolekonovIt's for status page11:58
daya_kskolekonov: if i give sitename, its givign not found error again11:59
daya_ki tried wildcard, and it says the file does not exist, so path is wrong - 'ERROR: Site 50-jenkins.conf does not exist!'11:59
marun_afkis there anyone here who can help troubleshoot a bug that looks to be related to pbr?12:00
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uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1361931 in python-swiftclient "grenade fails due to ImportError in python-swiftclient" [Undecided,New]12:00
marunIt's failing the icehouse grenade jobs consistently12:00
marunmordred: ^^12:00
marunsdague: ^^12:00
marunthis swiftclient change added a dependency on futures:
daya_kskolekonov : should i have these sites in sites-available, i only see default and default-ssl12:02
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russellblifeless: updated the bug12:03
marunbut looking at the log for a failing job it doesn't appear that pbr is picking up the dependency:
russellblifeless: i can't reproduce either, so i closed it12:03
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sdaguemarun: right, so this is the issue where futures is now required for icehouse clouds if you use new swift client12:03
sdaguethe fix is to propose requirements add in icehouse12:04
skolekonovdaya_k, if i'm not mistaken, you shouldn't12:05
ttxsdague: been looking at unit test fails categorization, but so far all pointed to issues in specific patches, which got solved and merged since the fail12:05
ttxso i don't think we have that many uncategorized sticky issues.12:06
ttx(on unit tests side)12:06
sdaguettx cool12:06
daya_kok, because the man page, for a2ensite seems to indicate otherwise - 'Directory with links to the files in sites-available for enabled sites'12:06
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marunsdague: is that already proposed?12:06
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ttxthere is a recent surge in nova fail but it doesn't show up in uncategorized page yet12:07
sdaguemarun: actually, it's that swiftclient now actually requires futures>=2.1.612:07
sdagueconcurrent.futures is not available in 2.1.3, which is what our min version is12:08
marunsdague: arg12:08
sdagueand swiftclient apparently has no tests that tickle that12:09
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marunsdague: yuck12:09
sdaguethough it passed grenade when the patch merged12:09
marunsdague: but not grenade icehouse, right?12:10
marunsdague: since that's the failing job12:10
sdagueoh, right12:10
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sdaguebecause we actually need futures in havana?12:10
marunsdague: I'm getting pretty confused...12:10
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marunsdague: I think so12:11
marunsdague: this is only to support grenade, right?12:11
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daya_kskolekonov: how about if i move these files to sites-available and run a2ensite12:11
skolekonovdaya_k, makes sense12:12
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daya_kok, let me try12:12
sdaguemarun: well it's to support anyone that wants to use new swiftclient on a havana cloud12:13
marunsdague: ah, ok12:14
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marunsdague: I was just trying to assure myself that there would be no implications for packaging12:14
sdagueif you release new swiftclient in your havana channel, you'll explode12:15
daya_kskolekonov : tried 'a2ensite /etc/apache2/sites-available/50-jenkins.conf' - get ' ERROR: No site found matching /etc/apache2/sites-available/50-jenkins.conf'12:15
marunsdague: I'm assuming we wouldn't do that...12:15
sdaguewell, clients don't have stable releases12:15
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marunsdague: if someone wanted the new swiftclient to run against havana they'd have to get it from somewhere other than the havana channel12:16
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sdaguebut glance needs swiftclient, for instance12:16
sdagueand swiftclient doesn't maintain a stable/havana, so you only get bug fixes by rolling forward12:16
isaacbanyone has experience with zuul-merger?12:16
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marunsdague: (or by backporting them)12:16
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marunsdague: in any case, is the fix to add the required version of futures to the requirements repo's stable/havana branch?12:17
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sdagueand also futures should be bumped to 2.1.6 across the board, because swiftclient is now using that12:18
marunsdague: is that already being done?  Or could I make sure it happens?12:18
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marunsdague: right12:18
sdaguemarun: don't know, on first cup of coffee. If you want to propose I can +2 it12:18
marunsdague: ok :)12:18
skolekonovdaya_k, i think this command requires only name12:18
skolekonovnot full path12:18
isaacbzuul-merger service fails. anyone faced this problem?12:20
daya_kskolekonov: some success, a2ensite worked, but get some errors in reloading apache, let me paste12:20
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daya_kskolekonov :
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daya_kstill getting the git repo error.12:22
skolekonovI think you should resolve the problems with name resolution, it seems to prevent configuration from being applied.
daya_kok, i'll take a look, thanks for your help.12:26
jlibosvasdague: hi, I sent a patch for "futures" global requirements -
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sdaguejlibosva: ok, so that needs proposed backports to stable/icehouse and stable/havana12:39
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sdaguemarun: also... isn't havana eol?12:39
jlibosvasdague: done -,n,z12:39
sdagueor soon to be eol12:39
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marunsdague: from an upstream perspective, sure :)12:39
sdaguemarun: right, but running grenade in upstream is upstream12:40
marunsdague: I think we have to support for much longer.  Although, with Nova and Neutron only being able to coordinate around vm boot since icehouse, we're seeing a need to upgrade people when they run into trouble around that.12:40
marunsdague: ah, right12:40
marunsdague: So can we just kill the job?12:40
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sdaguettx: what's the clock on havana?12:41
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HeOSfungi, clarkb few changes in jeepyb:, and gerritlib:
sdaguejlibosva: anyway, I fast approved the havana change, and +2ed the others12:48
sdagueso hopefully havana will be back on track12:48
sdaguein a couple of hours12:49
* fungi catches up on the massive scrollback which accumulateth whilst he did slumber12:49
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jlibosvasdague: cool, thanks12:50
marunsdague: is this change ready to merge then?
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marunsdague: It might be a tiny improvement in gate performance but it would be improvement all the same.12:50
rcarrillocruzhey guys12:50
rcarrillocruzif i wanted to inject two different properties files12:51
rcarrillocruzhow to do that? do I put a comma and put the second file?12:51
rcarrillocruzsomething like:12:51
rcarrillocruz- inject:12:51
rcarrillocruzproperties-file: example.prop, foo.prop12:51
rcarrillocruzor would I need to put those files between brackets?12:51
rcarrillocruzproperties-file: [example.prop, foo.prop]12:52
sdaguemarun: well it still has a jenkins -1, which might be structural in that approach12:52
sdaguemarun: have you figured out what that issue is?12:52
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marunsdague: It can't be my change, but I'll take a look.12:52
sdagueit definitely can be your change12:53
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ttxsdague: "OpenStack Havana stable release will reach EOL at Juno (N+2) milestone-3 and stable releases starting from Icehouse will reach EOL 15 months after their release (approximately N+3 milestone-2)."12:53
marunsdague: it looks like a temporal tempest issue12:53
marunsdague: temporal -> random12:53
ttxsdague: "2013.2.4 - last planned, mid Sep 2014"12:53
marunsdague: the change adds a configuration option that nobody uses (yet), and everything but the grenade job passes.12:53
marunsdague: I'll recheck12:54
sdaguettx: ok, we end up putting so much energy into stable branches the last month of their existance12:54
sdaguewould *really* like some actual stable main people debugging these issues instead of it randomly falling back to whoever is alive in infra12:55
HeOSfungi, clarkb I fixed a problem when jeepyb system groups created in the database.12:55
marunsdague: does stable/main have a channel? ;)12:55
sdaguemarun: :P12:56
marcusvrnHi guys! I'm finishing my CI system and now I'm configuring the logs server...can anyone help me? To setup the server on Jenkins Master, I just need to put my 'site' into site label in macros.yaml? Do you guys have some suggestion about a free server (I saw that someone uses dropbox)?12:56
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1360324 in openstack-ci "Move #openstack-packaging IRC channel to #openstack-stable" [Medium,In progress]12:56
marunttx: huh, shows how much I know12:56
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ttxsdague: One issue is that stable-maint is not really devs, it's more packagers with an interest in common backporting12:57
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ttxsdague: so the intersection with real devs taht would dive into those issues is limited12:57
ttxI'm almost ready to propose we give stable maint duties to projects12:57
ttxsince some of them have been asking for it12:58
ttxand stable-maint would just to release management12:58
ttxand rules enforcement12:58
ttxbecause the current setup is a bit broken imho12:58
sdaguewell, I'm not sure that one will make it better12:59
marunI think that sounds reasonable enough.12:59
ttxsdague: not sure iether. It might just make it someone else's problem*12:59
marunAny RH person who is a stable maint focuses on one or more projects anyway12:59
sdaguebecause honestly, what my proposed fix to this would be is stop testing havana12:59
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sdaguebecause I don't want to be on the hook for havana fails, and clearly no one else does either :)12:59
marunsdague: +113:00
ttxsdague: I wish the stable/* stuff would not interact that much with master stuff, so that when it's broken, it's still stable problem13:00
sdaguettx: ok, so make the clients part of the integrated release13:00
ttxbut their failure just show up in the middle of others failures, and in the middle of others pipelines13:00
sdaguethat's really the big problem towards the end of the stable cycle13:01
ttxso it becomes your problem rather than a self-sustaining group13:01
sdaguealso, you can't have stable not interact at all with master, otherwise, no upgrade13:01
ttxsdague: the clients used to be, but mordred convinced everyone with his "one client to bind them all" single-channel release approach13:02
sdagueyeh, so I think we've got enough evidence now that that doesn't really work13:02
sdaguebecause the clients are used in 2 ways13:02
sdaguefrom the user13:02
sdagueand between services13:02
marunsdague: maybe mordred wants to be on call to fix the problems that result? ;)13:02
ttxre: upgrade testing, we could freeze what we upgrade from.13:03
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ttxthere is no way to predict what users would upgrade from anyway13:03
sdaguesure... by introducing stable branches to clients .... :)13:03
ttxso "release" is as good as a starting point as anything13:03
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ttxsdague: would that stable branch approach also apply to oslo libraries?13:04
ttxthey are a bit in between currently13:04
sdagueI haven't thought through those implications13:05
fungiflaper87: 113566 should be fine... it self-tested so as long as you analyze the logs from the test runs for any signs that it didn't do what you want (ran too few tests, didn't collect debugging details, et cetera) then it ought to be safe to approve13:05
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sdagueI have all kinds of other issues with the way oslo is currently packaging that causes massive firedrills at milestone 2 every cycle13:06
flaper87fungi: thanks for checking, would you mind commenting on that bug? Otherwise, I'll just copy paste your message.13:06
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flaper87fungi: s/bug/patch/13:06
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sdaguea friend recently made a comment about 'optimizing to reduce fear', so basically thinking about changes that we could make which mean the chances of any future action having catostrophic impacts going down13:08
sdagueand I think right now, the unbounded python clients actually have giant fear implications, as seen by this morning's explode around it (which happens quite a bit)13:09
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mesterysdague: I heard you spoke with cdub about running tempest tests with ODL in the OpenStack gate, and that you were amendable to this.13:20
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fungipcm_: that's fixed now. bad subunit release, which was soon after superseded by a fixed one13:20
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pcm_fungi: Yeah, salv-orlando showed me how to look at logstash and we saw that there was a 45 min period with that failing. Someone already did a recheck for me on my commit and it now passed.13:22
sdaguemestery: yeh, so that whole post merge + experimental model that jeblair posted out there13:22
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sdaguethat we worked out in germany13:22
* mestery tries to dig for that mail ...13:22
mesterysdague: Ah, ok, it was in germany13:22
sdagueI think any opensource components fit into that model13:22
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mesterysdague: The reason I ask is that the ODL side is struggling to move things to RAX in a timely manner, though they may have had a break through last night.13:23
sdaguedocker, ceph, opendaylight13:23
sdagueto be clear though, it won't be pre-merge gating13:23
mesteryOK, I think that's the part that cdub was confused on, but it makes sense.13:23
sdagueanyway, jeblair and I worked out the model sanely13:23
fungisdague: according to "2013.2.4 - last planned, mid Sep 2014" so we'll probably eol the branch shortly before that13:24
sdagueand he's got a pretty detailed email about it13:24
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mesteryThanks for the info sdague!13:24
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fungiHeOS: for gerrit 2.9?13:25
HeOSfungi, yes.13:26
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HeOSfungi, i think, that it will work with 2.10 version.13:27
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fungittx: sdague: ultimately we need the servers to stop depending on the clients as libraries, or else start integration testing all client changes against all supported stable branches and upgrades13:28
sdaguefungi: or cut stable releases on them13:28
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fungithough someone has probably already said that, i've apparently still got several screens of scrollback to go13:29
sdagueunder the assumption that the version of novaclient on a production cloud isn't going to be randomly upgraded13:29
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fungisdague: ttx: so with client stable branches, i would need different versions of, say, novaclient imported into my cloud-consuming service simultaneously if i want it to operate cross-provider between one who runs havana and one who runs icehouse? that doesn't seem likely to be a good answer either13:32
sdaguefungi: well the current issue is we just made havana clouds have to add dependencies13:33
sdaguelike major dependencies13:33
sdaguefungi: because you assume the clients are a super light wrapper around the openstack API13:34
sdaguewhich they very much are not13:34
sdaguethe part that broke was not the API13:34
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sdagueit was all the layers above requiring new dependencies as it refactored13:34
fungisdague: yeah, i think the answer is to stop having the servers load the clients as libraries. we can't have our cake and eat it too here13:34
fungiservers need stable libraries. users need clients13:34
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sdagueyeh, well now we are boiling the ocean again :)13:35
fungialso the libraries that application developers use to interact with a cloud api should not be the libraries that the cloud servers load to talk to each other. different use cases13:35
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fungior we can give up on stable releases13:35
sdagueor we cap client requirements on stable release13:36
sdaguewhich would also work13:36
fungias long as we either install two versions of the clients when used in integration testing (in separate venvs) or stop using them as clients when running integration tests (which seems problematic for other reasons)13:37
sdagueso we're removing them from integration testing now13:37
sdagueat least from tempest side13:37
fungii assume this means we're also stopping testing whether the clients work with an actual (well, devstack) cloud?13:38
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sdaguetempest won't13:38
mtreinishsdague: well only partially, the cli tests will still be there13:38
sdaguethat's where functional testing of clients should come into play13:38
mtreinishat least for a bit13:38
fungiyeah, so the clients need some sort of functional tests at least13:38
sdaguemtreinish: only until we can jestison it13:38
EmilienMhey infra, puppet gate is (still) blocked. We have a fix and would need a quick review if possible:
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mtreinishsdague: I plan to push the first lib version at the end of this week. So that will hopefully begin soon.13:39
sdaguemtreinish: cool13:39
fungianyhoo, if servers use clients as dependencies for communicating with one another, then capping them also makes for a very bad security fix story13:40
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fungibecause now we tell havana cloud operators that to not be vulnerable to some particular security hole they need to update swiftclient to a version which havana glance doesn't support, and thus a combination we don't test...?13:41
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fungior we tell the distros and other downstream consumers to backport and test that themselves and run a hotfixed-not-released version of swiftclient, which in the end just recreates the argument for stable branches of the libs13:42
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* fungi needs to learn to just declare bankruptcy on scrollback each morning. forgot to have any coffee yet13:43
ttxI declare bankrupcy on scrollback every 15 min13:44
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daya_kskolekonov: still around?14:04
daya_kits working now, at least the git fetch part, thought i would update you14:04
daya_kskolekonov : i updated 50-jenkins.conf and 50-zuul.conf a bit, to make the virtualhost work, replaced <VirtualHost zuul:80> with <VirtualHost *:80>14:07
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daya_kthanks for all your help, i will post details on the mailing list, just in case the puppet install scripts need to be updated for this change.14:08
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Hal_fungi: Hi, I am trying to add dvipng software to the gate used for doc generation, devstack I presume. StevenK redirected me to you or jeblair for this matter. I have cloned openstack-infra/devstack repo, but I do not know where to add this dependency. Have you the time to help me ?14:13
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phschwartzMorning infra14:16
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fungiHal_: yeah, saw the discussion in scrollback. the project docs jobs run from tox (like unit tests) on non-devstack workers. for system (not python) dependencies, we set the distro-specific package names in and then install them in14:19
fungiphschwartz: morning! looks like ops didn't find time to remove those stuck error+deleting instances in dfw yet14:19
marunsdague, fungi, clarkb: ready for merge -
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phschwartzfungi: They promised me they would get to them. let me harash them more14:27
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marunfungi: So, I have broken the neutron functional job.14:30
marunfungi: given how bad a time this is to happen, do you think making it non-voting until it's fixed would be ok?14:31
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fungimarun: how did you break it?14:32
fungi(and did you keep all the pieces?)14:32
marunfungi: I switched to using in-tree hook scripts.14:32
fungido you have a link to a good example failure?14:32
marunfungi: In retrospect I tried to do too much at once. It's a permissions prolem.14:32
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marunfungi: yes14:32
fungitrying to identify if it's something which needs fixing in the job definition or in neutron14:33
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marunfungi: 2014-08-27 14:26:52.76214:33
marunfungi: it's in neutron14:33
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marunI'm just worried at the time it will take to merge a fix given the gate backup14:33
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fungibut i agree that setting it non-voting while you work through major changes to the job is reasonable as long as it's kept brief enough so as to avoid slipping in other changes which break the test in new and exciting ways14:33
marunfungi: if making the job non-voting would reduce the impact, it might be worth doing while the fix to neutron waits to merge14:34
marunfungi: it will be brief14:34
marunfungi: and at least with the hook scripts I can validate the changes in neutron only14:34
marunfungi: I'll submit a patch.14:34
fungiokay, i'll be ready to usher it through rapidly14:35
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jeblairfungi, ttx, sdague: i agree with fungi -- asking users to use different clients for different clouds is a non-starter and will be the death of openstack (if nothing else beats it to it).  the end goal should be that we have simple client(s) that users use to talk to any openstack cloud, and we cross-test that in the gate.  how openstack handles intra-service communication within a release, i don't care.14:35
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jeblairfungi, ttx, sdague: maybe we need a new client project for that.14:36
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Hal_fungi: thanks, I am on it ;-)14:38
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fungimarun: taken as a learning experience, probably this should have been set up in parallel as a new in-tree functional job set non-voting initially while the kinks were worked out, and then swapped in for the previous voting job once stabilized?14:41
fungijust curious whether there were concerns about following that pattern at the time14:41
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marunfungi: yes.  or at a minimum not tried to add to what was already in the job when externalizing to hook scripts.14:42
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marunfungi: I presumed that sudo would still be allowed in the gate_hook, but that clearly is not the case.14:43
fungijeblair: ttx: sdague: dtroyer: if only there were a unified openstack client users and application developers could run (and then the old per-project clients get relegated to inter-process communication and switched to a different scope and possibly release style)14:43
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fungimarun: right, we normally revoke it in devstack-gate after setting up the environment but before running tests (mainly so that we could ensure tempest tests didn't try to sudo anything)14:44
marunfungi: :/14:44
fungior, maybe not so much revoke as run the tests under a different account than the setup14:44
marunfungi: It's not the tests that need special privileges as the test setup.14:44
marunfungi: the unstack and creation of a test-only rootwrap filter14:45
fungimarun: i wonder if that could be split into two hooks in that case14:45
fungican't remember whether the pre-test hook has sudo access14:45
marunfungi: so add another hook that is run pre-sudo removal?14:45
dtroyerfungi: wouldn't that be great?  Hopefully someone has the time to spare to do that someday14:46
fungidtroyer: i know. seriously14:46
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sdaguewell, we could just flip all the projects back to noop testing for merge, and go off and solve the issue14:46
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marundtroyer, fungi: I'm happy to do that work if you are not opposed.14:48
anteayaif someone could re-enable 12780prophetstor-ciProphetStor cinerama I'd be grateful14:48
marunI've been nibbling at this for months and it would be nice to finally have it working.14:48
Hal_fungi: something like that : ?14:48
jeblairclarkb, fungi: after 2 days of work, i've finally completed my 4 line patch to the nodepool scripts:
fungianteaya: done14:49
marunit's pretty embarrassing how slow the progress has been.14:49
fungidtroyer: marun: honestly, for my (albeit minimal) personal use cases, openstackclient has worked fine. and when it hasn't, it's been because of service providers making compromising choices in their api14:50
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sdaguefungi: openstackclient is still importing the other client libs right?14:52
dtroyersdague: mostly, yes14:52
sdagueso that doesn't actually solve this14:52
dtroyerbut finishing the independent sdk does14:52
fungiyeah, at the moment it's still partly a shim14:52
dtroyerswiw, OSC doesn't use swiftclient, and we could dump^H^H^H^Hreplace at least one other pretty easily…14:53
fungiHal_: having not double-checked the package names myself, that looks like all you need yes (and then we have to wait a day after it merges for it to appear in the next nodepool image update cycle)14:53
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Hal_fungi: Thanks for your help and feedback. I will now wait for reviews.14:54
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jeblairmarun: for the future, the best way to work out the kinks in a new job like this is to run it locally.  devstack-gate has instructions on how to do that14:54
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marunjeblair: my goal was to sidestep that by being able to have the jobs run pre-merge against any changes14:55
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marunjeblair: where I fell down was adding something to the hooks scripts that wasn't in the job.14:56
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marunjeblair: I should have waited until the job was passing :(14:56
marunjeblair: in any case, it looks like I need to add a new hook that runs after devstack completes and before sudo privileges are removed14:58
jeblairmarun: that sounds great14:58
marunjeblair: Ok, I'll post a patch shortly14:58
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jeblairmarun: does pre_test_hook not work?14:59
marunjeblair: it runs before the gate hook, so devstack hasn't run yet15:00
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marunjeblair: I can't unstack, and I would have to manually create the target rootwrap dir rather than simply adding a file15:00
jeblairmarun: what if you set your gate hook to run the gate script, then your setup script, then your tests?15:01
marunjeblair: That's what I tried to do.  But sudo privileges are removed in the gate script and then the setup script fails.15:01
jeblairmarun: sudo privs are removed for devstack, but not for jenkins15:02
AJaegerjeblair, we missed many docutils pins and I've send patches to all *-specs products - could you give a comment on, please?15:02
jeblairmarun: huh, that didn't work? :)15:03
marunjeblair: hmmm... so I should be able to 'sudo -u jenkins'?15:03
jeblairmarun: oh i see15:03
jeblairmarun: i think you just need to sudo with that sed line15:03
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add subunit2sql gearman workers
jeblairmarun: that script should be running as jenkins15:03
jeblairmarun: which has passwordless sudo15:03
jeblairmarun: it's just thet /etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/functional.filters is root-owned15:04
marunjeblair: so prefix lines 10 and 16 with 'sudo'?15:04
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jeblairmarun: definitely 16; never run unstack myself, but possibly?  not really sure how it's supposed to be run15:05
marunjeblair: it fails at present due to permission problems, so I'm guessing sudo is required.15:05
sdake_unstack is run as the devstack uid - it calls sudo internally iirc15:05
jeblairmarun: i can say that prefixing it with sudo will cause it to run as root :)15:05
sdake_jeblair ;-)15:05
anteayafungi: thanks, just finishing up scrollback15:05
marunsdake_: you mean that unstack explicitly uses the devstack uid?15:06
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jeblairokay, so having revoked sudo from it could be a problem if it needs to run as stack and also needs sudo.  hopefully it's okay to just run it as root15:06
AJaegerfungi, thanks!15:06
sdake_marun yup pretty sure it does so it can connect to screen - maybe it doesn't sudo15:06
jeblairit has an explicit check that it doesn't run as root15:07
jeblairdtroyer: i think we have an awkward situation here15:07
sdake_best solution is probably to modify imo15:08
fungishould it run as stack? (sudo -u stack
sdake_allow it to sudo internally to root when necessary15:08
sdake_(not sure when that is)15:08
dtroyerjeblair: catching up…unstack as root?15:08
jeblairokay, so the issue is that we do the following in the gate:15:09
jeblair1) run devstack, 2) remove sudo access for stack user 3) run tempest15:09
fungiaha. so if unstack is called as the stack user, it needs to happen between 1 and 215:10
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sdake_unstack attempts to stop systemwide services15:17
jeblairwe do that because we want to actually test the rootwrap system15:17
sdake_mysql and others15:17
sdake_maybe the mysql is breaking tihngs15:17
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jeblairit's pointless to have a rootwrap system if, when you test it, you actually have full sudo access15:17
jeblairwhat marun wants to do is replace (3) with: run unstack, run some tests15:18
jeblairbut unstack assumes it ran with the same privileges that devstack had15:18
mtreinishsdague: is the reason that os-loganalyze isn't working on the keystone logs because of the apache move?15:18
mtreinishsdague: for example:
sdake_jeblair would shutting down mysql confuse the node?15:18
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marunsdake_: unstack leaves rabbit and mysql alone15:18
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dtroyerjeblair: yes, which in most cases it does.   I think it might be ok to run as root, I think that check was as much to remove the whole iddea from random dev minds…although, I'd need to see what it needs root for if UNSTACK_ALL isn't set15:18
sdake_marun your right, that is only the unstack-all op15:18
sdaguemtreinish: that sounds probable15:18
sdake_eg --all15:18
jeblairi think our options are: (a) if it's physically possible, allow unstack to be run as root (because we can "sudo ./") or (b) modify devstack-gate to not remove stack's sudo access15:18
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dtroyeroff the top of my head, the iscsi bits in cinder is one...15:18
marunsdake_: ah, ok.  I'm not using that, I want mysql and rabbit to persist.15:18
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sdake_marun i'd try sudo -u stack unstack.sh15:18
sdagueunstack as root should be fine in the non screen case15:18
marundtroyer, jeblair: I think it is safe because shortly it will only be neutron that will be unstacked15:18
sdaguein the screen case... it's going to be goofy I think15:18
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dtroyerI suspect it would be safe to remove the don't-run-as-root check…safe in the sense of not creating problems down the road from devs…15:18
sdaguethough.. unstack in the non root case doesn't actually stop nova...15:18
sdaguesorry, in the non screen case15:18
marunsdake_: ok, will try15:18
dtroyersdague: at first thought I don't have anything goofy coming to mind for screen...15:18
jeblairmarun, dtroyer, sdague: we could add a devstack-gate option that does unstack before removing stack sudo15:18
marunjeblair: +115:18
sdaguedtroyer: if you try to run screen commands as not the same tty user things I thought you got tty issues15:18
jeblairso it handles this pattern internally15:18
sdagueeven if that's root15:18
sdaguejeblair: so, there is actually an outstanding bug that will mean you don't quite get expected results15:18
sdaguebecause..... it turns out if you run devstack without screen (which we do in the gate for everything except grenade) the service kills don't actually work15:18
sdaguebecause the pid capture is incorrect15:18
sdagueI figured this out on a plane to portland before vacation15:18
sdaguedtroyer: did you ever dive into that one further?15:18
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jeblairmarun: do you need service kills, or are you counting on the minimal service start due to that patch to features.yaml?15:18
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marunjeblair: I would like to see mysql and rabbit stay running15:18
dtroyerI did, and I'm trying to remember…for most of the situations I was able to get the process leader bits to work, but I think there is a case where that doesn't happen because one of our services daemonizes itself incorectly...15:18
marunjeblair: everything else should be killed15:18
fungiwow. freenode is having some serious server-to-server lag. i see nothing and then conversation going at 10x normal pace15:18
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jeblairmarun: right, but your features.yaml patch suggests that there won't be anything other than those services to kill15:19
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jeblairmarun: i'm trying to figure out if sdague's bug will affect you15:19
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marunjeblair: I need to enable neutron via DEVSTACK_GATE_NEUTRON to ensure the necessary dependencies are installed15:22
marunjeblair: which bug?15:22
morganfainbergmtreinish, sdague, i'm revisiting the fix to get keystone's logs into shape under apache 2.4 in a few minutes today15:22
morganfainbergmtreinish, sdague, unfortunately got caught up in some FF stuff for keystone15:22
yolandajeblair, fungi, i did some changes for dib-nodepol config patches, but there are things that i'm not sure about, maybe clarkb or mordred know more about it15:22
jeblairmarun: he described it 4 minuse ago ^15:22
yolandafor example the /tmp/local.pp issue, and the docker changes15:22
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marunjeblair: what do you think of overloading the DEVSTACK_GATE_NO_SERVICES flag to indicate the need for an unstack?15:22
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jeblairyolanda: look at the history for that patch, you'll see where local.pp comes from15:22
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jeblairmarun: so even with your change neutron will be running?15:23
marunjeblair: ah, crap15:23
yolandajeblair, so these changes were removed, looks as this puppet apply /tmp/local.pp just needs to be removed?15:23
marunjeblair: yes.  the goal of the patch was to minimize service installation but I still need neutron installed so things like ovs are available15:23
jeblairyolanda: probably?15:23
jeblairmarun: how does neutron get in there?15:23
openstackgerritRomain Chantereau proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Be able to generate math formulae with Sphinx mathpng base extension.
marunjeblair: (until I get around to allowing devstack to install dependencies and not start services)15:23
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marunjeblair: DEVSTACK_GATE_NEUTRON=115:23
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marunjeblair: the reason for the patch in question is that previously the set of service definitions was additive only from the default15:24
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jeblairmarun: ah, so this part at least is a bit of a special case for neutron :)15:25
marunjeblair: the workaround was to allow a minimal set of services to be selected via that flag instead of the default set15:25
jeblairmarun: until you make that change to devstack15:25
marunjeblair: correct15:25
dtroyermarun: so I am just now getting an idea of what you are after…basically do the, git clone and on the repos, and that's it?  maybe build config files?15:26
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anteayaso as a heads up, there is a conversation that took place in -neutron that will be brought up at the next third party meeting (probably) floating the idea that third party ci systems (at least in Neutron) only vote prior to release15:26
jeblairmarun: okay.  so yeah, i think the way forward is to add an option to unstack in
marundtroyer: pretty much, yes.15:26
anteayafor those who have thoughts on this idea and would like to attend15:26
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fungianteaya: only vote prior to release meaning not on stable branches?15:26
jeblairmarun: if you want to combine it with the no_services option, i'm okay with that, but i'd prefer a different name so the unstack may come as less of a surprise :)15:26
anteayafungi: unknown, but a good question15:27
marunjeblair: No problem, I can add a new one15:27
fungianteaya: just trying to understand what is deemed "before release" since technically every patch is proposed before some release15:27
sdaguedtroyer: I *know* none of the nova services stop if you run without screen15:27
fungianteaya: on master it's before an integrated release, on stable/.* it's before a stable point release (until eol)15:28
anteayaI think the proposal as an example would be plugins/drivers for juno would vote prior to j315:28
jeblairmarun: and then that patch you're talking about to devstack would be great15:28
dtroyersdague: currently, yes.  I got past most of that, but not all15:28
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jeblairanteaya: some people run openstack in continuous deployment15:28
jeblairanteaya: every commit is a release for them15:28
openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix Berkshelf 3.x GeCode 3.x dependency
anteayajeblair: I think that is a point that needs to be raised at the meeting, yes15:28
sdagueas of a couple weeks ago, nova, cinder, ceilometer at a minimum15:28
jeblairanteaya: i will not be there to raise that point15:28
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marunjeblair: and those people are crazy ;)15:28
anteayajeblair: which I can do, but would be grateful for support15:28
anteayajeblair: thanks for letting me know, I will do my best15:29
sdaguedtroyer: you got patches somewhere for that?15:29
fungiugh. freenode server syncs are still really bursty to the point of making conversation very hard to follow. it's only a matter of time before another massive netsplit i wager15:29
jeblairmarun: yeah, but they run the clouds we use in infra, so i have a soft spot for them :)15:30
dtroyersdague: I have code, yes, but I don't think it's in usable form yet…need to dig up the notes15:30
marunjeblair: I didn't say they were unlikable :)15:30
jeblairthough it's more like a commit every few weeks for them15:30
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jeblairfungi: i'm on and things seem generally not bursty15:30
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fungijeblair: yeah, i suspect something's happening to the network on dickson (where i'm connected)15:31
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Align with prepare-node in dib
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sdaguedtroyer: so that would solve a bunch of things15:32
sdagueit would fix some grenade screen flakiness15:32
sdagueit would mean that we could make d-g optionally unstack at the end for these functional jobs15:32
sdagueand we could also even test unstack at the end of a run to make sure services were all down15:33
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Update bootstrap-datepicker to
clarkbmarun: jeblair: does unstack output anything? do we need to capture that output?16:20
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marunclarkb: it does output, does it need to go elsewhere than the console?16:20
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clarkbthe run uses stdbuf for things16:21
clarkbwhich is what prompted my question16:21
marunclarkb: it wouldn't be more than 20-30 lines16:21
clarkbmarun: ok its probably fine as is for now and we can clean it up if we decide we need to16:22
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ryanpetrelloanybody in here know how I would go about setting my avatar on ?16:23
ryanpetrelloI’ve got an account/login w/ an avatar set, but it doesn’t seem to show up here :\16:23
ryanpetrelloI guess this is sched, not a system you all maintain16:23
fungiryanpetrello: yeah, we don't manage sched.org16:24
ryanpetrello*digs around some*16:24
ryanpetrelloyea, just saw somebody linking to this and saw my absense of a face16:24
ryanpetrellojust realized it’s :)16:24
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marunclarkb: sounds good16:25
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* jeblair has no face. all of his avatars are eerily accurate.16:25
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix stackforge reference
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create repo for oslo.log
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dmsimardIs there a process/procedure in place to get a channel added to (along with IRC and the log bot) ?16:30
dmsimarder… along with chanserv and the log bot16:30
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fungidmsimard: is some good light reading16:31
jeblairoh, needs updating for accessbot :(16:32
jeblairmodules/openstack_project/files/accessbot/channels.yaml should be included in there16:32
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BobBalloh... perhaps I should have asked in here.  Can we set arbitrary variables in nova.conf in the gate?  My understanding (hopefully old) is that we need a local.conf rather than localrc but the gate only works on localrc ATM?16:34
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Test oslo.db against all supported SA branches
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dmsimardfungi, jeblair: thanks16:35
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix doc gate
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* Ajaeger hopes that his patch for works fine in the gate as well, reviews are welcome to unbreak the gate16:39
* Ajaeger wonders why gate-ci-docs is not failing for everybody16:40
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add oslo.serialization under Oslo program
clarkbBobBall: I don't think so. usually for things like restricting nova api workers we want to change those defautls in nova or devstack16:42
jeblairAjaeger: i don't understand16:42
jeblairAjaeger: what's broken?16:42
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BobBallclarkb: yeah - figured as much... ATM I'm struggling with RAM in the XenServer CI - and a big culprit is the number of workers.  Nova-api has 18 (6 CPUs, 3 services) but tempest can only use 3 (since it halves the number of CPUs to get the number of threads) so I figured reducing to TEMPEST_CONCURRENCY was a trivial way to reclaim memory16:44
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clarkbBobBall: are you using 8GB nodes?16:45
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Ajaeger - gate-ci-docs16:46
clarkbBobBall: we restrict to 8GB of ram on our test nodes so curious if you are finding that isn't enough16:46
BobBall... 'yes' but because XenServer can't allocate VM memory from that 8G and has a dom0 that uses 700M I've only got 4G allocated to the DomU running devstack16:46
Ajaegerjeblair: ^ -  and it failed locally for me without patches as well16:46
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BobBallwell I think that 8G isn't enough for neutron jobs (dhellmann must get annoyed with me pinging his hilight today) - he found oomkiller killing mysql in the gate16:47
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clarkbBobBall: I think that is an exception though16:47
clarkbotherwise we would see a ton of OOMKiller16:47
BobBallDevstack's domU will routinely use 6-7GB without considering VMs16:48
jeblairAjaeger: so it seems like that version of docutils maybe had a behavior change?16:48
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mtreinishBobBall: yeah that's an exception, it's a neutron bug16:48
BobBallah ok16:48
BobBallwell - still - the base usage in devstack is over 6G ATM16:49
Ajaegerjeblair: yeah, maybe16:49
BobBallwhich doesn't leave much space left - and that's made much worse by XenServer's required architecture16:49
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Cloner: add project-specific branch overrides
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Cloner: add upgrade test
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add cache-dir argument to cloner
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Cloner: default to ZUUL_BRANCH
Ajaegerjeblair: yeah, 0.12 is somehow broken - I need to investigate a bit more ;(16:50
Ajaegerthe changes I did are fine but not enough16:51
* Ajaeger digs further...16:51
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jogottx: thanks for looking, that makes sense actually. if a patch with broken unit tests make it into the gate queue that would happen16:58
clarkbzaro: hashar should interest you. I rechecked it to test again now that subunit is fixed16:58
jogosdague: ^16:58
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clarkbjogo: did a patch with broken unittests make it through? that info is probably worth keeping because we got rid of clean check17:00
jogoclarkb: that is what ttx is implying with what he said to me earlier17:00
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Cloner: add project-specific branch overrides
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add cache-dir argument to cloner
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jogoclarkb: agreed this is worth noting17:00
jeblairjogo: was it glance?17:01
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jeblairbecause if so, it's likely the known instance where they kept rechecking after the tox change merged17:01
jeblairi consider that to be an exceptional situation and not worth reinstituting the freshness check17:02
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jeblairclarkb: we did not get rid of clean check17:02
clarkbjeblair: sorry we got rid of the timer on it17:02
jeblairclarkb: we called that the freshness check17:02
jogojeblair: not sure which jobs as ttx did the analysis17:02
jogojeblair: and I agree there are other factors at play right now so it is hard to figure out cause and effect17:02
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jeblairi do want to know if it's having an impact, i'm not trying to discourage that.  but we need to know the whole story, we can't just do a partial analysis17:03
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fungiclarkb: in fact, worth noting that the bizarre corner case rpodolyaka pointed out with 104134 and its out-of-order approval is actually due to the clean check enforcement17:03
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fungier, not so much enforcement as triggering, but regardless17:04
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jogojeblair: here is an example:
fungithe fact that zuul updating a +1 verify with another +1 verify doesn't enqueue into the gate because the comment doesn't mention the +1 vote17:04
jogojeblair: look like there are 3 hits of that in past 2 days17:05
jogojeblair: I agree that we do not have enough data to draw any conclusions17:06
jeblairjogo: er that's not quite what i said :)17:06
jeblairjogo: so far, the only instances we have found where the freshness check might have caught something are related to the tox change17:07
jogowhee the tox wall of fail:
jeblairjogo: and even then, those likely would have been broken for a full 24 hours17:07
fungiwith our current setup, it's entirely possible for two changes to enter the gate after each being fine on the branch tip, but then conflicting with one another logically once they're pipelined in the gate17:07
fungiand that was possible even before recent changes17:07
jogofungi: good point17:07
trinathsHey, are CI's being added to some mailing list to mail disabled status17:08
anteayatrinaths: hey did you actually read the email?17:08
jeblairjogo: so i'm not saying we don't have enough data to draw conclusions -- my current hypothesis is that the freshness check has little practical impact17:09
jeblairjogo: what we should endeavor to do is to find data that negates that hypothesis :)17:09
trinathsanteaya,: afraid of some spam, so asked here17:09
anteayatrinaths: not spam17:09
trinathsokay. added17:09
trinathsanteaya: done.. added my CI17:09
jeblairjogo: but that means if we find some counter examples, we need to fully understand them17:09
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jogojeblair: agreed17:10
jeblairjogo: so looking at that neutron change you pointed at17:10
jeblairjogo: it looks like it's related to the hashseed17:10
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jeblairdid neutron set it to 0?17:11
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jogojeblair: hmm not sure what the did but, that may be it17:12
fungithey did eventually. i think prior to yesterday when that job ran, but i'll check the commit log17:12
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add oslo.utils and oslo.concurrency
jogoso strange query: message:"No distributions matching the version for oslotest>="17:12
jogo39 hits in 7 days all fails17:12
jeblairfungi: it looks like it merged in july
jogonoticed a few of those in the uncategorized page17:13
fungiahh, yup. it was in place a month prior17:13
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jogohmm 9 hits for message:"No distributions matching the version for" AND build_queue:"gate"17:15
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jogowas there a py33 issue with oslotest or something?17:16
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fungijogo: i wonder if that neutron issue was fixed by
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jogofungi: sounds plausible17:17
fungihrm, no it claims to only surface with a random hash seed17:17
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fungiand anyway in the failing log you can see that PYTHONHASHSEED='0'17:21
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jogofungi: it can still be the case that you mentioned17:22
jogotwo things break eachother that both pass current master17:23
fungijogo: sure, just curious what the other thing was which was being tested ahead of it to cause this... should be able to fetch the zuul ref mentioned in the log and inspect the commit ancestry for it17:23
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add missing oslo projects to gerritbot config
phschwartzfungi: should be cleared up now. close to 120 instances removed17:25
fungiphschwartz: yep--confirmed. thanks a ton!!!17:25
phschwartzfungi: any time17:25
fungithis should hopefully improve our capacity by another 15% or so17:25
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phschwartznow to find a hotel in London and one in either Ireland or Scotland for Nov 10-14 and Nov 15-1817:26
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jogopsedlak: I take it you still haven't been able to land my patch to allow deleting instances in error state?17:26
jogophschwartz: ^17:27
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phschwartzjogo: We are in the process of deploying a recent version to our regions that has it included. Slowed down on the normal deployments for the ironic offering17:27
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jogophschwartz: cool, hopefully that patch will mean we don't have to keep asking for instances to be deleted, we can just do it ourselves17:28
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fungijogo: yeah, it will mean that nodepool just deletes them like normal, at worst when it periodicallt retries17:29
phschwartzjogo: Correct, and we are investigating the issue in neutron that causes the failure to start with. Looks like an issue in the upstream neutron code that causes at times a query of networks to fail and by default it tries to return all networks which timesout due to our volume.17:30
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jogophschwartz: oh neutron17:30
phschwartzjogo: :)17:30
jogopleia2: ping - when your ready want to learn how to do a e-r fingerprint17:31
jogopleia2: and help me write something up about it for others17:31
pleia2jogo: now is good17:31
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix doc problems
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Ajaegerjeblair: the changes above are independ of docutils, we get errors/warnings already with current docutils...17:41
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Ajaegeris there any  docutils or sphinx expert around that can help figuring out why docutils 0.12 fails with the config repo? See
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* Ajaeger found that changing the helps - now figuring out what exactly...17:47
clarkbAjaeger: I think dhellmann may know stuff17:48
Ajaegerclarkb: thanks - will ping him once I'm totally lost17:48
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add #openstack-operators to the eavesdrop bot
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add cache-dir argument to cloner
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* clarkb rereviews 9999017:55
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pleia2core eyeballs on the 3rd party post would be helpful too:
jamesmcarthurfungi: are you around?17:55
pleia2once this merges+post queue I can send out the announcement17:56
clarkbpleia2: noted17:56
sdaguejeblair: so what's happening when merge checking happens in zuul?17:56
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mroddenso i just found a rogue build node that might have been reporting puppet reports to the openstack puppetmaster by accident. i apologize for any issues that might have caused...17:57
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clarkbmrodden: it happens :P and it shouldn't cause any issues on our side17:58
pleia2mrodden: been there, done that :)17:58
clarkbwe will just have to lcean out the cert request at some point17:59
clarkbsdague: it runs the noop job in a special pipeline for all open changes against the branch that just had a change merged. This runs the intenral zuul merge job which will return failure if mergin fails17:59
fungijamesmcarthur: yep, i'm here--what's up?18:00
jamesmcarthurhey there18:00
sdaguethere is a nova change that in the gate that's going to 100% fail because of a bad merge, but I guess it didn't trigger a merge conflict18:00
sdaguewhich I'm surprised by18:00
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jamesmcarthurfungi: we are about to make the DNS switch from CloudSites to Cloud Servers18:01
fungijamesmcarthur: for the www site?18:01
sdagueI wanted to figure out if everything worked, and there are just edge cases that aren't catchable (entirely possible)18:01
sdagueor if something didn't work18:01
jamesmcarthurYes sir. We’ve double checked the endpoint for gerrit, but wanted to just give you guys a heads up.18:01
jamesmcarthurIn the event you had any problems.18:01
sdagueclarkb: do you have a moment to help figure out a thing for it?18:01
clarkbsdague: sure18:01
fungijamesmcarthur: you probably already know, but obviously lower the ttl as low as you can for a while beforehand so you can switch back quickly if you have to ;)18:01
sdagueclarkb: 114431,618:02
clarkbjamesmcarthur: thank you for the heads up18:02
jamesmcarthuryes sir :)18:02
sdagueit's about 13 deep in the gate18:02
jamesmcarthurclarkb: no problem18:02
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jamesmcarthurthis should really open up some doors for the infra team and their involvement with the site18:02
clarkbsdague: is that the one that should merge fail?18:02
fungijamesmcarthur: yep, looks like you dropped it to 5 minutes, so should be all set18:02
sdagueclarkb: well I don't know18:03
clarkbsdague: I think there is some potential for racing if a change is approved before the merge check job is run against it18:03
clarkbactually no18:03
clarkbbecause it will fail to merge in the gate when zuul merges for the gate18:03
sdagueso it does rebase clean18:03
sdaguehowever it fails pep8 afterwards18:03
clarkband it did fail in the gate18:04
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clarkbso this may be a case of something getting by the freshness check18:04
jamesmcarthurfungi: if all goes well, we should ultimately have you guys point gerrit at to run your queries againsst member data18:04
sdagueI looked18:04
jamesmcarthurSo that your’e going outside of CloudFlare. However, we’re not launching with CloudFlare.18:05
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sdagueit passed check 17 hrs ago18:05
fungijamesmcarthur: okay, great. i'll make a note of that18:05
sdagueso the freshness wouldn't have helped18:05
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jamesmcarthurI’ll send a follow up with details before we make that switch. But just a heads up.18:05
fungijamesmcarthur: thanks!18:05
clarkbsdague: so this is a preexisting corner case brought on by git merges18:05
clarkbsdague: cool!18:05
fungisdague: one of my nits about git (git nits?) is that it's written for c where whitespace is merely cosmetic most of the time... sigh18:06
sdagueok, I'm going to try to understand this at least a bit more to figure out what's going on18:06
sdaguein case it's something we can learn from18:06
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fungithough i suppose it's cosmetic here too if unit tests are passing, it's more that we're enforcing whitespace-related style which doesn't actually break semantically18:06
dhellmannAjaeger: do we care about building manpages for openstack-infra/config?18:07
dhellmannAjaeger: that looks like some sort of limitation of that builder18:07
Ajaegerdhellmann: Just came to the same conclusion ;) Thanks a lot!18:07
AjaegerLet's ask jeblair, fungi and clarkb18:07
AjaegerPatch coming for discussion...18:07
fungiAjaeger: i don't think we have any manpages for that repo. should it need them?18:08
clarkbsdague: I think what happened was git merge resulted in code that could not pass pep818:08
jrolljeblair: re-bugging you about :)18:08
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove docutils pin
clarkbsdague: so this is a case where the automagic merge isn't so great18:08
Ajaegerfungi: I don't think it needs them - see patch 11717218:08
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Ajaegerdhellmann: strange that it only failed for config repo. We've removed the docutils pin in 20+ repos and config is the only repository with problems18:09
dhellmannAjaeger: I think it has something to do with the inlined php code in openstackid.rst18:10
dhellmannAjaeger: when I turn on warnerrors sphinx falls over on that18:10
clarkbI don't think we need manpages for that document18:10
dhellmannclarkb: ok, I'm not sure how to turn them off in pbr, but I'll look at that18:11
Ajaegerdhellmann: I fixed quite some warnings here: - but not that one...18:11
fungidhellmann: for the lockfile import ( ) do you want to get ci access to its pypi registration before we import, or just remember to get it squared away before the next release?18:11
Ajaegerdhellmann: I turned off the manpage in 11717218:11
dhellmannfungi: oh, let's get that, I assumed jd had done it already18:11
dhellmannfungi: I'll ping him18:11
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sdagueclarkb: honestly, I'm seriously confused18:12
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Doc cleanup
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Expanded fingerprint 1361924
dhellmannAjaeger: I'll let you compare your changes to mine ^^18:12
sdaguebecause the thing it's freaking out about is a variable I can't find in the file18:12
dhellmannAjaeger: my patch builds locally, including manpages18:12
clarkbsdague: did the merge algorithm rename a variable or some such?18:13
clarkbI guess I can run the merge locally18:13
sdagueclarkb: I don't know18:13
sdagueI ran the merge locally18:13
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Ajaegersdague and other requirements cores: since we missed all the specs repositories with the docutils pin, could you approve to unbreak the requirements post job? There's still too many repos that need to be fixed.18:13
dhellmannfungi: actually, let's go ahead, I'll make a note about the pypi permission thing and deal with that separately18:13
Ajaegerdhellmann: I'll check, thanks18:13
fungisdague: you may want to fetch the zuul url for that job in the gate instead18:13
sdagueand I got the same results18:13
sdaguefungi: sure, what's the zuul url for that18:14
jamesmcarthurfungi: alright sir - DNS change is made18:14
jamesmcarthursite is back up18:14
fungisdague: this is the one currently in the gate pipeline still?18:14
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fungijamesmcarthur: awesome!18:14
sdagueand it's running again18:14
sdaguebecause something ahead reset18:14
sdagueso it will fail again18:14
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fungisdague: oh, i'll need to wait until it gets a worker unless you have the log from the earlier run18:15
clarkbsdague: fungi easiest thing is wait for jobs to start then grab ref from unittest job18:15
clarkbthe exact fetch is in the log iirc18:15
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fungii was going to do that because i'm too lazy to dig it out of the zuul log18:15
fungi<-- very, very lazy18:15
jamesmcarthurfunki: curl --data "APPSEC=yEKVvoxEdGPxevE2&"
jamesmcarthurseems to be working as expected as well18:15
* fungi feels very funky now18:15
anteayaAjaeger: I'm not certain what is happening with the docutils pin removal revert, can I get a tl;dr?18:16
sdagueAjaeger: sure, I'm fast approving the revert based on the principle that it was a self inflicted recently change, and we should flip back18:16
fungijamesmcarthur: appreciated. i'll keep an eye out for any reports of oddness and give you and todd a heads up if there is18:16
Ajaegersdague: thanks!18:16
jamesmcarthurthanks guys18:16
anteayaAjaeger: but since sdague is approving, you don't need to bother18:16
* anteaya moves back to unclassified failures18:17
Ajaegeranteaya: I followed up the last few days on jeblair's patch to remove the docutils pin (it's not needed anymore since it was fixed). But when jeblair did the patch, I think we had no specs repositories and therefore those were missed.18:17
fungii'm still unclear on why the specs repos need reqs sync18:18
AjaegerNow we have in all specs repo a docutils pin (line docutils==0.9.1) and the requirements post job fails.18:18
anteayaAjaeger: ah18:18
Ajaegeranteaya: so, I've created lots of one liner patches - see,I9107884d964757a9154bdd1feb4ea6df4e9df43e,n,z18:18
anteayaso we need the pin to get the jobs passing then remove the pin for specs repos18:18
* anteaya nods18:18
anteayagot it18:18
anteayaso it isn't necessary except that we said so18:19
Ajaegernot the jobs passing - we need to pin so that the requirements post job works, see:
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sdaguefungi: I would agree that I don't know why they are in projects.txt ... but that seems like a longer conversation18:19
fungispecs repos don't strike me as something distros are going to package, nor something that is going to be of much interest at all outside of our audience18:19
Ajaegeranteaya: and what's all my patches are in, we can revert the revert ;)18:19
fungisdague: well, i've questioned it previously when projects asked to add their specs repos to the projects.txt in openstack/requirements18:20
Ajaegeranteaya: the change was too early but we didn't notice18:20
JayFAjaeger: if you can get in a mergable state for ironic-specs I'll gladly review it18:20
AjaegerJayF: give me a minute...18:20
JayFI was just reviewing that, then saw the chat in here :)18:21
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Ajaegerdhellmann: I have one suggestion and then propose your patch goes in. Will abandon my version18:21
Ajaegerdhellmann: thanks!18:21
fungisdague: clarkb: fetched refs/zuul/master/Zad90c82288dc40d081a8f896665c67cf18:21
sdaguefungi: so I think we should probably end up doing a requirements session at summit in cross project and just nail down some policy18:21
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clarkbsdague: git fetch refs/zuul/master/Zad90c82288dc40d081a8f896665c67cf18:21
fungisdague: clarkb: git fetch refs/zuul/master/Zad90c82288dc40d081a8f896665c67cf18:22
clarkbsdague: don't forget to git checkout FETCH_HEAD18:22
dhellmannAjaeger: so you mean change the reference to just point to the section later in the same file?18:22
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dhellmannAjaeger: sorry, you mean the referenced link in the file don't you18:23
fungisdague: i couldn't agree more. the recent "let's revisit the what and why of reqs" documentation improvement is a nice segue into that session18:23
sdaguefungi: yeh, that was part of the plan :)18:23
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clarkband with bandersnatch the mechanics have changes in substantial ways18:24
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Ajaegerdhellmann: i see two options: Change it as I do in or remove the line 520.18:24
sdagueat least get us closer to the same page, with docs in tree so people can figure it out18:24
clarkb(you don't need to be in global reqs to get reliable pip)18:24
dhellmannAjaeger: I think those 2 references point to the same place, but the form I'm using doesn't require knowing the base URL of the document18:24
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Doc cleanup
dhellmannAjaeger: ^^ removes the URL definition since it isn't used/needed18:25
Ajaegerdhellmann: Exactly! Thanks!18:25
anteayadhellmann: typo repots18:26
clarkbpleia2: anteaya: I am +2 on that doc change18:26
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clarkband now I need to start moving otherwise I will be late18:26
* anteaya envisions warnerror repotting18:26
anteayaclarkb: thank you18:27
clarkbI am also +2 on current 9999018:27
anteayadid it pass jenkins?18:27
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* anteaya checks18:27
Ajaegerdhellmann: let me make my patch for docutils pin removal dependend on yours, thanks!18:27
dhellmannAjaeger: did you spot a typo somewhere?18:27
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anteayaI did18:28
Ajaegerdhellmann: I don't remember any typo18:28
anteayadhellmann: the commit message: repots18:28
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anteayamethinks reports is the word you wanted18:28
dhellmannanteaya: ah18:28
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dhellmannanteaya: sorry, mixed you up with Ajaeger :-/18:29
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove docutils pin
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dhellmannanteaya: ^18:29
dhellmannoops, sorry, Ajaeger18:29
Ajaegerdhellmann: no problem18:29
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove docutils pin
anteayadhellmann: it happens18:29
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sdagueclarkb: so honestly, I think the merge went funny because a ton of related things were being changed not in a patch series18:31
AjaegerJayF: rebased18:31
sdaguethe merge results create a patch which is completely unlike what I'm looking at in review18:32
sdaguelike there are new functions in it18:32
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sdagueclarkb: what is doing the merge?18:33
Ajaegeranteaya: thanks for all your +1s18:33
sdagueis it cgit or jgit?18:33
fungisdague: clarkb it looks like it's picking up a line from which merged at 14:13 (after it entered the gate ahead of it)18:33
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sdaguefungi: that might be it18:33
clarkbcgit does the merge in a way similar to jgit18:34
anteayaAjaeger: np18:34
anteayadhellmann: I want to see jenkins finish before I +1, I'd like to see the pages first18:34
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sdaguewell, I was getting very different local results, so who knows18:35
dhellmannanteaya: sure thing, and feel free to take that over and make changes if you want -- I was mostly trying to help Ajaeger debug the build failure18:35
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Ajaegerdhellmann: that debugging was highly appreciated!18:36
dhellmannAjaeger: any time!18:36
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anteayadhellmann: actually I was learning a lot from reviewing your patch so much rst I don't know, not trying to take it over, but between the three of us we hopefully can ensure it is in a mergable state18:37
clarkbsdague locally you have to merge all the things ahead in the fate too18:37
Ajaegersdague, dhellmann : Since you're both in the TC: please cast your vote also for the governance change to remove the docutils pin Thanks!18:37
anteayaclarkb: no, fate sounded right18:37
Ajaegeranteaya: run "doc8" locally, it will show you some of the problems.18:37
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dhellmannAjaeger: that's probably something ttx can just approve18:38
* Ajaeger learned also a bit from dhellmann's changes18:38
sdagueAjaeger: that just needs ttx18:38
sdaguehe has the only +A bit18:38
Ajaegersdague, dhellmann : Ah, ok.18:38
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anteayaAjaeger: um, what does doc8 use? tox?18:38
dhellmannAjaeger: we like to vote, but little stuff like that we don't worry about :-)18:39
Ajaegerdhellmann: :)18:39
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Ajaegerdoc8 is a python package, just install and run it like "doc8 doc/source"18:39
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dhellmannAjaeger: does that show things turning on warnerrors doesn't catch?18:39
anteayaAjaeger: ah, I can try18:40
Ajaegerdhellmann: I didn't know about warnerrors ;(18:40
dhellmannAjaeger: ah :-)18:40
AjaegerLet me show the output of doc8...18:40
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dhellmannAjaeger: I'm running it now18:41
Ajaegeranteaya, dhellmann: - on head without dhellmann's changes18:41
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add doc8 venv
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dhellmannAjaeger: warnerrors doesn't catch long lines or trailing whitespace18:43
Ajaegerdhellmann: yep. do you want to sent a followup patch?18:43
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Expanded fingerprint 1361924
anteayawow is it unhappy18:44
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dhellmannAjaeger: I have some other stuff I need to finish before the end of the day18:44
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Ajaegerdhellmann: that's one you could approve - oslo-specs docutils-pin removal:
Ajaegerdhellmann: then let me send one, my day is nearly over ;)18:45
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dhellmannAjaeger: +2A18:45
Ajaegerdhellmann: thanks!18:45
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anteayamy body is crying for a walk, back in a while18:45
pleia2anteaya: enjoy18:45
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add integration apply test
jogopleia2: how about after lunch?18:46
jeblairclarkb, fungi, nibalize1, jesusaurus: ^ that's the final piece to the puppet integration test18:46
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jeblairclarkb, fungi, nibalize1, jesusaurus: (the zuul cloner and nodepool image updates being the first 2 pieces)18:46
pleia2jogo: sure, I'm here until 3 today, then have to head toward the airport (debconf in portland)18:46
anteayapleia2: thanks18:46
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jogopleia2: that should work  I think18:47
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marcusvrnHi guys! I'm finishing my CI system and now I'm configuring the logs server...can anyone help me? To setup the server on Jenkins Master, I just need to put my 'site' into site label in macros.yaml? Do you guys have some suggestion about a free server (I saw that someone uses dropbox)?18:54
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jeblairjroll: +318:55
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fungijeblair: does 117323 depend on your series of updates to zuul-cloner?18:58
fungijeblair: oh, i'll interpret your comment in here to mean that it does ;)18:59
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jeblairfungi: all three changes are technically independent, it just won't all work until they all land and images are updated19:00
jeblairfungi: but the job is experimental, so landing in any order won't break anything19:01
jeblairso no need to delay/order approval or anything19:01
fungiahh, right-o. that's fair19:01
fungii'll still review them together for contextual reasons19:01
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jeblairfungi: the viewing order for proper context is: zuul, nodepool prep scripts, integration test job19:02
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jesusaurusjeblair: im confused by what youre trying to do here:
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sdaguejeblair: question: on your super extra awesome CI results table, would it be possible to always make Jenkins be on top? (instead of alpha sorting)19:04
jeblairsdague: i think that's a good idea, and i expect it to be possible; there's sufficient data fidelity to do that (the results are grouped by system, and the system has a name, and all that is represented in the data structure)19:05
jeblairjesusaurus: the intent is to be able to avoid installing certain modules with that script19:05
sdagueit's amazing how much easier it is to review these patches with all that presented all at the top like it is already19:05
jeblairjesusaurus: when doing an integration test with zuul, zuul gets to decide what commits to check out.  that happens in the apply-test script19:06
jeblairjesusaurus: but we still want the remainder of the modules to be installed in the usual manner19:06
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jeblairsdague: yeah, i dig it19:07
jeblair(i added it to gertty recently too)19:07
lifelessrussellb: thanks19:07
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jesusaurusjeblair: ah, so that list of modules will need to be identical to the list we are giving zuul-cloner in tools/
jeblairjesusaurus: yep.  ideally that should be automatic, but i don't see an obvious way to do that right now.  at any rate, the test will probably fail if we forget to add one :)19:09
jesusaurusjeblair: is there  way we can consolidate that list into its own file?19:09
hashargood evening19:09
jeblairflaper87|afk, dhellmann, sdague: i'm happy to do a project rename saturday for if we want19:10
jesusaurusah, yeah, i guess the tests failing will be a good enough indicator for now19:10
Ajaegerdhellmann: your patch 117319 does not build for me with docutils 0.12 ;(19:10
dhellmannjeblair, flaper87|afk, sdague : oh, that's great, I assumed you guys would be busy so we were just planning to put that off to a better time19:10
Ajaegerdhellmann: something still missing ;(19:11
dhellmannAjaeger: testing...19:11
dhellmannAjaeger: ah, still that fault in the manpage writer19:11
jeblairdhellmann: i expect saturday will still be quiet enough to do that, and i don't have weekend plans :)19:11
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix DEVSTACK_GATE_GRENADE values for sideways jobs
Ajaegerdhellmann: yeah - and it's not the php, if I remove that it still fails. Your change is a great improvement but still...19:12
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dhellmannjeblair: ok, I wouldn't want you to do it without making sure it's not going to cause issues for flaper87|afk, but it's definitely fine with me19:12
jeblairdhellmann: sending an email too.19:13
fungijeblair: dhellmann: flaper87|afk: sdague: i too am around saturday and happy to help make it happen quickly if it's decided19:13
dhellmannjeblair: follow-up email to that thread on the ml?19:13
dhellmannheh, yeah19:13
* dhellmann checks the list of oslo-related changes for infra...19:13
sdaguejeblair / fungi: cool19:13
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sdagueI will *not* be around for the weekend :) (also probably off on friday).19:14
fungii have weekend plans, but can put down the soldering iron for an hour with no serious repercussions (i'll just make sure to turn it off first!)19:14
dhellmannfungi: do you have time to look at and ?19:14
jeblairfungi: i have learned that it's also important to pick it up from the correct end when you resume.19:14
fungijeblair: ouch!19:15
dhellmannjeblair: protip +119:15
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dhellmannfungi: also, I think it's fine to go ahead with the pylockfile import in and I'll get jd to deal with the release permissions issue when he's ready to cut a release19:17
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fungidhellmann: okay, approved in that case19:17
dhellmannfungi: ok, I just re-saw clarkb's comment about the release group name, too19:17
fungidhellmann: i assume there are other modifications needed to it anyway before we could hope to do automated release via ci19:18
dhellmannfungi: to the lib, yes, I'm sure19:18
fungiright, that's what i meant ;)19:18
dhellmannfungi: should I fix that group name?19:18
fungidhellmann: if you want to real fast, i'19:18
dhellmannsure, sec19:18
fungill approve as soon as you push it19:18
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Import pylockfile
dhellmannfungi: better?19:20
fungidhellmann: perfect19:20
sdaguedhellmann: you have +2 on req correct? - is the last piece of cleanup to adjust to the swiftclient changes that needs a +A19:20
dhellmannsdague: I don't know the background on that, is it just a new release?19:20
sdagueswiftclient actually integrated a feature that has a new minimum19:21
sdaguewhich is higher than we specified19:21
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sdagueso makes it reflect reality19:21
dhellmannAjaeger: ok, let me look at the doc build issue again19:22
sdagueit was part of the exploding earlier today on havana and icehouse, just wanted to get all those cruising through so we don't get bit again19:22
Ajaegerdhellmann: thanks19:22
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dhellmannAjaeger: I suspect this is a bug in the new docutils, when was it released?19:29
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dhellmannAjaeger: you can turn off manpages building, so I'll submit that patch in front of my other one19:31
Ajaeger - 14th July19:31
Ajaegeryeah, turning it one option - we really don't need the manpage19:31
Ajaegerdhellmann: I can turn manpages of as part of
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add doc8 venv
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Doc cleanup
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Turn off manpage building
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dhellmannAjaeger: ^^19:33
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lifelessdhellmann: oh hai19:33
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dhellmannlifeless: hi19:34
dhellmannlifeless: tell me about your troubles, sir19:34
lifelessdhellmann: they are many and multiple19:34
lifelessdhellmann: but first19:35
lifelessclarkb: I'd really like to unblock swift and -
dhellmannaha, yes, we should push that one through now that the gate is happy19:35
* fungi is gonna go grab some eats, then come back19:35
lifelessdhellmann: and I want to push through too19:35
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove docutils pin
lifelessdhellmann: the failure was my bad subunit release19:36
Ajaegerdhellmann: yeah, thanks19:36
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lifelessso uhm clarkb or fungi can I ask for a +2 [or -1 :P] on before someone does a new tag in our repos19:36
lifelessdhellmann: I actioned all your review feedback in the whole stack19:37
dhellmannlifeless: does that subunit issue apply to 108269 as well?19:37
rhe00I am using Jay's setup for my CI.  I seem to have a ssh key issue with zuul-merger.  Does this sound familiar to anyone?  Anyone knows the password for the zuul user in that setup?19:37
lifelessdhellmann: thats the one I was saying it applied to.19:38
dhellmannlifeless: oh, ok, the gate still doesn't like that one but it does like 11677519:38
lifelessdhellmann: it will like 108269, I just triggered a recheck to prove it :)19:39
dhellmannlifeless: maybe it's a mirror since thing19:39
dhellmannlifeless: gotcha19:39
dhellmannlifeless: I'll work my way through the stack of open changes19:39
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lifeless is at the very top but the only expected failure I know of. I just have NFI whats up - once I get this load_tests thing backported via testtools ( I'll locally debug it with 3.3.19:41
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jrolljeblair: danke :)19:42
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix doc8 issues
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anteayamarcusvrn: two things 1) attend the weekly third party meeting: 2) serving logs from dropbox is very slow and you are likely to get a complaint19:50
dhellmannlifeless: I believe I've +2 all of the patches in your series now19:52
lifelessdhellmann: wooo yayayayaya19:52
lifelessdhellmann: now I need to find a second wee viewer19:52
lifelessdhellmann: and we're golden19:53
lifeless[and fix that py33 thing at the very top; later today].19:53
dhellmannlifeless: I'm prepared to call critical if it's blocking other projects19:53
dhellmannand use my ptl-ness on it19:53
dhellmannlifeless: you mentioned glance and swift?19:53
dhellmannare they actually blocked?19:53
lifelessdhellmann: its was reported when it caused CI jobs in swift and to fail19:54
lifelessdhellmann: the associated bug has a logstash search to see impact19:54
dhellmannok, I saw those failures, but I haven't heard any yelling so I wasn't sure if it was having any impact on the projects19:54 retagged with a valid version to work around it, irrc19:54
lifelessits still triggering, lets see19:55
lifelessswift is still affected19:56
* dhellmann wonders why notmyname hasn't complained19:57
lifeless> 10 jobs / hour hitting this19:57
notmynamedhellmann: because I just flew in from the ops meetup this morning and have been away from it. I'm about to grab lunch, then complain :-)19:57
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* notmyname registers a complaint19:58
dhellmannnotmyname: yay! I just approved the fix so I can tell you there's nothing to complain about :-)19:58
notmynamedhellmann: lol19:58
dhellmannnotmyname: welcome back :-)19:58
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dhellmannnotmyname: after merges your rechecks shouldn't have the same issue any longer19:59
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dhellmannlifeless, notmyname : I'll give it a day or so to make sure that's true, and then cut a release. Since that would be friday, maybe monday morning.19:59
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lifelessdhellmann: ok; I'd obviously like to get more in before then :)20:00
notmynamedhellmann: remember that monday is a US holiday20:00
dhellmannlifeless: releases are easy to make, so we can do more whenver you want20:00
dhellmannnotmyname: no kidding?20:00
notmynamelabor day20:00
dhellmannindeed, so tuesday then20:00
lifelessdhellmann: it was more a statement about +A's than the release process :)20:01
notmynamedhellmann: fyi, we'll be tagging 2.1.0 final on monday (current schedule)20:01
dhellmannlifeless: yeah20:01
lifelessdhellmann: specifically the preversion-error-if-too-low20:01
notmynamedhellmann: ie I'll send ttx and email this weekend and he'll do it20:01
dhellmannnotmyname: ok, this only affects pre-release versions so you should be ok if it's a real release20:01
lifelessdhellmann: since that is requiring manual effort to keep clean20:01
lifelessdhellmann: until it lands and can enforce it20:01
notmynamedhellmann: even if it's on the same commit?20:02
dhellmannnotmyname: the problem is in an unreleased version of pbr, so you're seeing it in the gate where we install from master but it shouldn't be seen "in the wild"20:02
dhellmannnotmyname: and yes, the tag sorting should pick up the real release as > the pre-release and use that value20:02
dhellmannlifeless: which patch is that?20:03
* notmyname wonders why the gate is using unreleased support libraries instead of what would be used in prod20:03
dhellmannnotmyname: the gate is our integration test environment for everything20:03
lifelessnotmyname: same reason it uses unreleased versions of other API servers.20:03
dhellmannthe alternative is to go back to having breaks when untested libs are released20:04
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dhellmannat least this way we're only breaking our devs20:04
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Cloner: add project-specific branch overrides
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add cache-dir argument to cloner
jeblairhashar: i'm not sure i like the idea of cloner doing hard-links to the cache repos by default20:11
jeblairhashar: that seems dangerous (i don't like that about git itself either :)20:11
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hasharjeblair: yeah I am not sure what it is going to cause : -D20:13
clarkbbefore I go fix glasses jeblair what prompted the if self.args.project_branch check? does argparse give you None instead of [] when there are no project branches?20:13
hasharjeblair: I have been using git clone --reference /gerrit/replica   for a while20:14
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i probably could have changed the default as an alternative20:14
clarkbmeh this works20:14
lifelessclarkb: I realise you're busy, but would really love a couple more pbr reviews today20:15
clarkblifeless: hoping to dive into reviews after these glasses have been reconstructed20:15
lifelessclarkb: cool, thank you!20:16
hasharjeblair: sorry --reference is doing something else.  it instructs the cloned repo to fetch from the cached one, but does not cause hardlink.  I should dig in a bit more :D20:17
hasharjeblair: clarified. cache dir patch is +1 now.  Will do a follow up to support git clone --reference :D20:20
jeblairhashar: we're not using reference, we're doing git clone, which will hardlink if you don't do file://20:20
hasharjeblair: yeah understood I +1ed the patch20:21
hasharwill hack something for my use case, give it a try and propose a patch20:21
hasharor I can just order some more disks :-d20:21
jeblairhashar: i don't think --reference will save space?20:21
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hasharjeblair: it points to the cached repo objects20:22
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hasharso if you have a 400MB pack in the cache, it fetch object from it to populate the working-dir files20:23
hasharand the cloned repo has a tiny .git directory (since everything is in the cached dir)20:23
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add oslo.log to global requirements
hasharbut yeah all of that is scary and the doc is vastly confusing (there is --local  file://  --reference --shared and so on)20:24
clarkbhashar: while you are here did you see ?20:24
clarkbhashar: it does actually pass tests. those failures were related to lib relased yesterady which has been fixed20:24
hasharjeblair: it is not a big deal. Just keep file:// and do copy.   I will amend later on for my use case20:24
hasharclarkb: haven't seen it20:25
hasharclarkb: Iguess all JJB patches are failling now?20:25
clarkbhashar: no they pass20:25
clarkbhashar: my change just got unluck.y it is rechecking now and it looks good20:26
* clarkb disappears again20:27
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hasharclarkb: you might want to look at  which fixed some unicode issue as well20:28
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hasharclarkb: commented on change. I am disappearing as well20:30
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dkranzclarkb: Is there a simple explanation why if you do a 'git log', some commits have Merge: and authored by Jenkins while others have no Merge: and list real names as authors?20:33
lifelessdkranz: yes.20:33
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lifelessdkranz: its very simple. git log is showing both the commits people have done, and the merges that gerrit has done.20:33
lifelessdkranz: default will show both always. You can of course change this in git :)20:34
dkranzlifeless: Ah, ok, thanks!20:34
lifelessdkranz: there is a special case where fast forward merges happen, but the only impact that has is that no gerrit 'merge' commit is created.20:34
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sdaguedkranz: git log --graph --abbrev-commit will show the graph, which might make it easier to grok as well20:48
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for horizon not registered bug 1362325
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1362325 in horizon "Dashboard with slug "sahara" is not registered" [Undecided,New]
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jrollare folks seeing a lot of fails on tempest.scenario.test_dashboard_basic_ops.TestDashboardBasicOps ?20:59
jrolloops, I see
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1362325 in horizon "Dashboard with slug "sahara" is not registered" [Undecided,New]21:00
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anteayaso if I am proposing a patch to create a stackforge repo that only has the merge-check template for jobs and check and gate are noop, do I need any entry in jjb/config/projects.yaml?21:12
anteayathe merge-check template appears to be defined in zuul/layout.yaml not from a jjb job21:12
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lifelessok I have a frankenmonster21:16
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zaroanteaya: if you have no jenkins jobs to run then you do not need an entry in projects.yaml21:19
anteayazaro: thanks21:20
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nibalize1wenlock: was it you I was speaking to about hiera and puppet at the last meeting?21:21
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wenlocknibalizel yeah, i added comments on the spec, in the review21:21
mriedemwhat was the old auto-abandon timeout? 10 days? 2 weeks?21:22
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create a stackforge repo for ci dashboard project - radar
sdague2 weeks21:22
mriedemsdague: ok, trying not to be too offensive in my e-r abandons21:23
fungicommence review of all new and exciting scrollback21:23
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create a stackforge repo for ci dashboard project - radar
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sdaguemriedem: yeh, I've been going through really old reviews that I'm listed on and abandoning with reasons21:26
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* SergeyLukjanov wake up21:28
* fungi finds it amusing that here in america we have a national holiday called "labor day" where we're expect to to be away from work. proof there's something wrong with our grasp of the english language21:28
r1chardj0n3sclarkb: could you please URL me the change from yesterday you made to support pip-missing-reqs?21:28
morganfainbergfungi, lol21:32
morganfainbergfungi, right long weekend and such.21:32
fungianteaya: specifically, putting it in jjb's projects.yaml is for when you want to instantiate a job template (possibly via a job group) and pass in parameters. most of the time it's because you have jobs where the project name is part of the job name. if your project is not adding any jobs in zuul's layout.yaml which include the name of the project, then it's likely not going to be needed (also the21:33
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fungilayout validation job will complain if it actually was)21:33
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anteayafungi: good to know21:33
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Expanded fingerprint 1361924
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r1chardj0n3sthanks clarkb, am +1'ing now to keep track :)21:46
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1362347
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1362347 in neutron "neutron-ns-meta invokes oom-killer during gate runs" [Undecided,New]
* anteaya admits she doesn't know what oom-killer is21:48
SergeyLukjanovfungi, jeblair, clarkb, re - We need to land and to stop installing sahara-dashboard in the devstack code (we removed the deprecated code from the sahara-dashboard today), it's needed to unbreak the gate21:48
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1362325 in horizon "Dashboard with slug "sahara" is not registered" [Undecided,New]21:48
jeblairclarkb, r1chardj0n3s: can that be added to the script?21:48
fungianteaya: a linux kernel subsystem which identifies the likely biggest culprit for memory consumption out of the process table when virtual memory is exhausted and then kills it21:49
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: how did the gate end up getting broken?21:49
adam_gclarkb, small fix to the sideways jobs @
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anteayafungi: ah21:49
clarkbjeblair: maybe? the thing r1chardj0n3s pointed out yesterday was that different projects may have different needs for that and tox represents that well with a target21:49
jeblairi don't see a pip-missing-reqs env in nova21:49
jeblairwhere is this running?21:49
clarkbadam_g: gah I don't know how I missed that21:50
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clarkbjeblair: currently its a proposed change against nova21:50
clarkbr1chardj0n3s: ^ where is that change?21:50
jeblairclarkb: we're running silent on a proposed change?21:50
clarkbI didn't make it silent...21:50
clarkbat leeast I think I didn't21:51
fungiyeah, i think the "correct" way to do that was to merge the change to create the tox env, then create a non-voting check job which ran it demonstrating that it "fails" on the current state of the project, then propose the requiremrnts addition which fixes the project to passing that job21:51
jeblairclarkb: no i'm asking about the hundreds of times/day we're running that job now21:51
jeblairapparently we're collecting data on how reliable it21:51
jeblairit's very reliable.  it always fails.21:51
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fungior s/non-voting check/experimental even/21:52
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r1chardj0n3sfungi the problem with the way clarkb has implemented triggering the check is that it's slightly contorted to actually get it to run (it only runs on requirements.txt changes)21:52
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r1chardj0n3sclarkb: I'm starting to think that's a bad idea; the tool picks up problems because of changes to *code* not changes to *requirements*21:53
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move pip-missing-reqs to experimental
fungir1chardj0n3s: yeah, i also point that out in my review comments i think21:53
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jeblairr1chardj0n3s: what code?21:53
r1chardj0n3sfungi: ok21:53
r1chardj0n3sfungi: yep, your comment does capture my concern21:54
fungijeblair: any code which starts importing a module which isn't in your requirements list21:54
clarkbright my thinking was that its logically a requirements check though21:54
clarkband we don't need to run those on every change21:55
fungijeblair: and probably has a chance of getting merged because it passes your unit tests because it's provided by something which you transitively require rather than explicitly require, so it just happens to be present when you get it tested21:55
clarkbthe only people that might get bitten by that are CDers who are no better off today21:55
r1chardj0n3sfungi, jeblair, clarkb: sorry, I gotta be a dad for a while, back in about an hour21:55
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jeblairokay, so it's literally a change to $PROJECT's code that causes the test to fail21:55
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, it's because of removing old code from the sahara-dashboard repo but it was installed by devstack (installation is going ok - sahara dashboard is an empty package now, but devstack code adds it to the horizon config as dashboard with slug 'sahara' and so horizon fails to start w/ non-existing dashboard :(21:56
jeblairbecause $PROJECT starts directly using an undeclared dependency?21:56
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fungijeblair: yeah21:56
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: how did the change to remove the code pass the gate?21:56
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jeblairfungi: okay that makes sense; it does seem like something we should run on every commit then21:57
clarkbjeblair: yup and the only reason it works is because you happen to have that requirement pulled in via a transitive dependency situation21:57
jeblairhow does it actually work?21:57
jeblairwhat's the run-time like?21:57
clarkbjeblair: let me dig up a run of it21:57
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, there were no dsvm job on the sahara-dasboard repo because it was targeted to be deprecated, my fail on it :(21:57
fungijeblair: right. this actually started out life as a conversation i had with r1chardj0n3s at the mid-cycle because some project's gating (i forget which) spontaneously broke when one of their dependencies released a new version which stopped declaring a dependency on something else the project was using21:58
clarkbjeblair: looks like 10 minutes for nova21:58
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: okay, so there's nothing to do to prevent this in the future, since when this actually lands, dashboard will be gone, right?21:58
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fungiso it's a bit of a time-bomb finder. fast too (i think on the order of seconds though sounds like we may have some actual job logs to measure it)21:58
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, yup21:58
fungioh, 10 minutes?21:59
clarkbaccording to that run yup21:59
fungieek, for some reason i thought it was faster21:59
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, it'll be only in stable/icehouse, but it's not included into the gate for I21:59
fungii bet that's the "install all your crap into the venv" duration mostly21:59
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: the actual run after install takes 9 seconds21:59
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jeblairso really, we could shove this into the unit test job22:00
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jeblairoh, but now this is where we don't want test-requirements installed?22:00
fungii was hoping it was something we might be able to integrate into, say, the pep8 runner or the unit test runners, but its venv expectations might clash with theirs22:00
clarkbjeblair: correct so we would have to do a separate tox and install all that stuff22:00
clarkbwe don't gain much by running it in the venv of another job22:01
jeblairclarkb: dumb question: why does it require the requirements actually be installed?22:01
fungii think because it needs to see if they provide the modules being imported? r1chardj0n3s could probably say for certain though22:01
clarkbjeblair: thats actually a good question. I wonder if pip-missing-reqs is using the interpreter to import stuff22:02
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* fungi looks at the source22:02
clarkbit uses pkg_resources to build a dataset of what is installed22:03
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sdagueclarkb: - long standing thing that should change, been +2ed for 6 weeks22:05
sdague2 +2ed actually :)22:05
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, both changes has been approved by devstack folks, but it seems like it will break any tempest-running job, so, probably, I need to promote themto avoid resets?22:05
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clarkbsdague: fungi beat me to it22:06
sdagueI don't remember if we still have to babysit deploys on that22:06
fungioops, sorry. yeah it was a trivial one22:06
sdagueotherwise I'd +A22:06
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i'm not seeing any way more preferable than the current approach for missing-reqs :/22:07
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i think every code change is the right time to run it, and we don't have a similar virtualenv to use22:07
fungisdague: i think i just need to double-check that it's importing the updated modules once that lands22:07
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: are all integrated gate changes failing, or just sahara changes?22:07
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, it's about all jobs where both sahara and horizon enabled, so, it's integrated gate for master22:08
fungijeblair: yeah, also, it really needs to be able to be run and switched from non-voting to voting per project as its phased in, so i didn't think it would be particularly effective condensed into any existing job until it was already in use and gating for all projects22:08
clarkbjeblair: fungi: I can abandon my change and we can keep the old one and move it to check/gate22:08
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: then yeah, you should promote them.  have you done that before?22:09
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Use /usr/bin/env python instead of /usr/bin/python
fungiclarkb: i think we should move it to experimental or non-voting check, yeah (when i reviewed the previous change it was still set for experimental--i didn't see the iteration which put it into the silent pipeline until now or i would have said something sooner)22:09
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, yup, I have enough ninja merge/promotion experience22:09
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: cool.  i'd say go for it then.22:10
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mattoliverauMorning, having fun with pbr I see :)22:11
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fungimattoliverau: i like your definition of "fun." where did you obtain it?22:12
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, ok, thx22:12
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, here is an example of how it failed on non-sahara stuff -
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mattoliveraufungi: I've discovered the only real way to live is at 100% sarcasm :p22:13
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fungidfw seems to be really unhappy. our quota was full of instances stuck in error+deleting state and so phschwartz got ops to clear those. a few hours later, almost back to all error+deleting there again22:17
phschwartzfungi: yup, and ops is working to clear them right now again :(22:17
fungiphschwartz: oof--thanks!22:18
fungii was also looking at one of the logstash searches for ubuntu package download errors and the majority of them were spotted in dfw22:18
fungiso i suspect it's got some manner of indigestion at the moment22:19
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clarkbgive it tums22:28
clarkbfungi: jeblair I am going to self approve today if you guys don't beat me to it :)22:28
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fungiclarkb: i'll approve it22:30
jeblairthis is really interesting22:30
jeblairthat failed because /etc/puppet/modules/puppetboard already exists before the job runs22:31
jeblairbecause of the install_modules that happens as part of the node bootstropping22:31
jeblairand install_modules does not roccetly update the commit22:31
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fungii completely misread the previous failure for that and thought it was complaining that the parameter was invalid for the external version of that module22:32
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fungiso this would have magically started working tomorrow22:32
jeblairi will attempt a fix22:32
jeblairfungi: yup22:32
jeblairi mean, if the nodepool image gods willed it22:33
fungii guess we need to not have the job use /etc/puppet/modules for testing module installation22:33
jeblairfungi: well, that's one option.  or the other one would be to correctly update the commit22:33
fungior we blow away the existing /etc/puppet/modules if we want to just dirty-hack it22:33
clarkbor just overwrite it since we won't use the node again22:33
clarkbjeblair: ya that22:33
fungiaha, yep22:33
jeblairfungi: actually, i kind of like the rm -fr approach22:34
jeblairslightly closer to what would happen on a real deploy22:34
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fungiyeah, otherwise we might have lingering modules on the filesystem which we removed from the install list22:34
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jeblairYour branch is behind 'origin/master' by 1011 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.22:35
jeblairthat just happened in one of my config repos :)22:35
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clarkbwow did you go on vacation?22:38
fungithat must have been one _busy_ week22:38
nibalizersounds like a config repo on a little used host or directory22:38
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Propose new Code Review -1 text
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jeblairit was my gertty config repo (i don't normally use it because i have lots of symlinks in the one i usually use and i haven't bothered to switch them over yet)22:40
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jeblairbut this time, i wanted to write that change and then "x" the review i currently had displayed on top of it22:40
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Disable notifications in storyboard
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove /etc/puppet/modules on apply test
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jeblairlike so22:40
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fungijeblair: lgtm unless puppet sticks stdlib there it expects to find. i guess test results will tell us22:42
clarkbyay tests22:43
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mroddenhave you guys seen an issue syncing from pypi lately?22:50
mroddenTooManyRedirects: Exceeded 30 redirects.22:50
mroddenon one of the package simple pages22:50
clarkbmrodden: that happens occasionally when a project on pypi renames itself22:50
clarkbmrodden: we usually have to ping dstufft to fix it22:51
mrodden2014-08-27 17:44:10,035 ERROR: Error syncing package: instant-rst@120463522:51
mroddenguessing he'll catch up on the backlog later and find that22:53
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fungimrodden: fun, in that case we're probably stuck on it too. checking22:55
* fungi sighs22:55
fungistuck since 17:05 utc22:56
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fungikilled the stuck bandersnatch process just now to see if it recovers on its own for the next run or whether it's still looping22:58
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: clean up readme
fungihuh. actually it's fine now... "Resuming interrupted sync from local todo list. [...] 0 packages to sync."23:01
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clarkbfungi: does it get stuck in the loop with no way out then when pypi fixes its fine if it can unloop?23:02
fungiclarkb: i can't actually tell. attaching an strace to the innermost pid just shows it in an endless select polling cycle23:02
fungiclarkb: though it does seem to get stuck indefinitely until restarted23:03
clarkbfungi: maybe we should run it in a half hour timeout for now?23:04
openstackgerritDavid Caro proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added parallelization options
fungii was pondering that as a hack to not have to worry about it23:04
fungithough it's being called from within a python script, so we'd presumably want to embed the timeout in that23:05
clarkbwe can timeout the whole thing23:05
clarkbthe python script is the thing run by cron iirc23:05
fungiwe can... it could also stand to be run with a lockfile since right now when it hangs you just get a bunch of python tracebacks from failing to start over and over every 5 minutes after that. makes the log a mess23:06
fungioh, also i see the "too many redirects" now23:07
fungii forgot you have to wait for the second run23:07
fungibecause the next run after it's interrupted only tries to resume the one action it was interrupted in the middle of23:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for horizon not registered bug 1362325
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1362325 in horizon "Dashboard with slug "sahara" is not registered" [Undecided,New]
fungithough this time it didn't hang even though it hit a redirect loop, so no clue what the perfect storm of circumstances is to make that manifest23:08
r1chardj0n3shullo again fungi, clarkb, jeblair, I gather that the consensus is to move back to triggering pip-missing-reqs as a job in its own right as per jhesketh's patch?23:09
fungir1chardj0n3s: yeah, but not in the silent pipeline23:10
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r1chardj0n3snot sure how it got into the silent pipeline; jhesketh had it in the experimental so I could trigger it while testing the nova change to make sure it worked23:10
fungithat should have either been added originally in experimental or non-voting in check23:10
r1chardj0n3syep, it was23:11
fungiand yeah, the last time i had reviewed it, it was targeting experimental23:11
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r1chardj0n3sthe idea being to move it from experimental once I'd made sure it was working correctly, which it was23:11
fungihuh... yeah did add it in experimental23:13
openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix Berkshelf 3.x GeCode 3.x dependency
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r1chardj0n3sok, and my nova patch to demonstrate the check works ( should be good to go. I guess the only thing left then is to move the check from experimental to gate non-voting?23:15
r1chardj0n3sor voting. *shrug* I'm not sure how that will interact with projects that don't implement the tox env23:16
clarkbfungi: it was experimental23:16
clarkbthen it was moved to silent23:16
r1chardj0n3sas I understand it, the check will FAIL if the tox env doesn't exist. that's suboptimal as it means generating noise of false fails and if the env is then implemented and fails people will just ignore it23:17
r1chardj0n3sideally the check wouldn't run at all if the env doesn't exist23:18
clarkbr1chardj0n3s: it just means we need to merge your change23:18
fungir1chardj0n3s: clarkb: git show 8891904 in npva23:19
fungier, nova23:19
funginobody intentionally moved it to silent23:19
r1chardj0n3syep, I've unblocked that changed23:19
r1chardj0n3sjust gonna chase up another nova person to +2 it23:20
clarkbfungi: that ref doesn't exist for me23:20
fungier, not in nova, in openstack-infra/config sorry23:20
fungirebase/merge fail when moving the docker job to the silent pipeline23:20
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Cleanup tempest-logs.html
clarkbfungi: oh wow23:21
clarkbI was just going to ask about the docker job and why it was related23:21
fungiwow, the parent changes there really should have conflicted. comparing those there's only a one line margin for overlapping context between them23:21
fungiit's definitely the merge that screwed it up23:22
fungii don't think this was human error at all23:22
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clarkbfungi: huh, do you want to clean it up? I can approve23:23
fungiyep, on it now23:23
fungithough a little worried, after all, that really shouldn't have happened23:23
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Correct merge calculation error in layout.yaml
fungiclarkb: jeblair: r1chardj0n3s: ^23:30
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r1chardj0n3sthanks fungi, a very odd error that one23:31
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clarkbfungi: I am going to just approve it23:31
fungir1chardj0n3s: yeah, proof that git is not infallible23:31
fungii've seen this sort of thing happen on blind rebases in files with highly repetitive content, but this is the first time i've seen it on a merge commit in an area of a file with minimal repetition23:32
fungii'm a little worried that neither cgit (in zuul) nor jgit (in gerrit) felt that conflicted23:33
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Conditionally manage puppetdb connection
clarkblifeless: comments on 108270. I didn't -1 because I am fine with it as is but mostly wanted to spark that converstaion23:35
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lifelessclarkb: thanks23:39
lifelessclarkb: the spec covers the combination of symbols. I am guessing you want tweaked to include that?23:39
clarkblifeless: yeah, since that is the thing that will be published and shown to devs23:40
clarkblifeless: but I think that can be a follow up change23:40
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lifelessclarkb: on
lifelessclarkb: I've linked the etherpad where I analysed and fixed the versions23:42
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clarkblifeless: thanks23:42
clarkblooks like we have a few outstanding fixed23:43
clarkber *fixes23:43
lifelessclarkb: none that matter23:43
lifelessclarkb: they can all be landed after this lands23:44
lifelessclarkb: the murano ones are on branches where CI fails for other reasons23:44
clarkblifeless: so I should approve that change then?23:44
lifelessclarkb: the ospurge folk are AWOL - I mailed them directly23:44
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lifelessclarkb: the oslo-incubator one failed landing due to my subunit 0.0.20, rechecking it now (and its not run in grenade so can land later)23:45
lifelessclarkb: I think it would be ok to approve it - its not going to cause mass panic23:46
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clarkblifeless: done23:52
lifelessclarkb: danke23:53
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lifelesswow, I really can't get my head around hg's model23:54
lifelessbzr and git are so much closer to each other23:54
clarkblifeless: ++ so much23:54
clarkbevery time I use hg its like visiting a foreign country23:55
clarkbyou can get around but it isn't always easy23:55
lifelessclarkb: is what I'm poking at atm23:55
lifelesshg phases set draft $uuid23:55
lifelessI mean wtf23:55
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clarkbare we wtf'ing the bug?23:56
lifelessfungi: hg tracks if you've pushed a commit and if you have makes it's position in your branch immutable23:56
* fungi has friends who swore by hg, but even they're mostly just giving in and using git now23:56
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lifelessclarkb: I am btw doing this to do the fix for zzzeek properly23:57
clarkblifeless: thats what I thought23:57
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: check-heat-dsvm-functional pre/post hooks
clarkbso that root tests/ can load all the resources?23:57
lifelessI'm tired of workarounds :)23:57
clarkbhg branches are not bzr or git branches23:58
clarkbthey are immutable things that are included in any merge commits iirc23:58
clarkbso the branch itself is part of history rather than a pointer into history23:59
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jeblairsdague, dtroyer:
jeblairsdague, dtroyer: apparently now both of the sahara changes need to go in at once because of the gate breakage23:59
anteayaclarkb fungi is my comment on this patch accurate or incorrect?

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