Tuesday, 2014-08-26

ianwjeblair: ok.  i have people asking me why we're not gating on centos7.  i'm definitely signing myself to get centos7 images working, but given the size of the change, i think it's best to let it start working before we add too many features00:00
jeblair(the test-debug cycle for this is kind of big.  i'm working on a 4 line change to the nodepool scripts which just started its 6th hour-long attempt to build an image)00:00
ianwjeblair: yes, no need to tell me about the difficultly of testing :)00:00
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clarkbfungi: 115933 should interest you00:01
clarkbjeblair: that is for not caching attic repos?00:01
jeblairclarkb: no, i'm not working on that.  it's for installing zuul in a virtualenv so we can use it in jobs.00:02
jeblair(use zuul-cloner in jobs).  step 2 of the puppet integration test project.00:02
harlowjafungi clarkb does https://review.openstack.org/#/c/116388/ look correct if u have a few secs (later is fine also)00:02
fungiclarkb: yep, approved. at the current rate of node availability, it should merge some time tomorrow00:03
clarkbjeblair: even better :)00:03
jeblairit's super trivial, but i'm not going to push up a nodepool script change i haven't tested :)00:03
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clarkbjeblair: ++00:03
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove old stats from whisper  https://review.openstack.org/11373300:04
clarkbfungi: ya I am trying to do a flush of changes so that we can get things queued00:04
clarkbthat and I am perpetually behind00:04
fungiclarkb: me too00:04
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fungiand now i have to disappear to do meatspace tasks00:04
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fungii should design machines to do my chores00:05
clarkbjeblair: fungi when you have a change can you double check 116074 to make sure the syntax there is correct? it looks correct to me but accessbot is relatively new00:05
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fungiharlowja: looks right to me, but could stand to get test results back first to confirm00:05
harlowjafungi np, thx, will wait, just wanted to be pre-emptive if i can00:06
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clarkbnibalizer: can you abandon 116169 if it is no longer needed. it looks like mgagne found a way to ru nthose jobs on trusty00:06
clarkbnibalizer: at the very least only puppet 2.7 should be pinned to precise00:07
fungiclarkb: in the past we'd just been delegating ops privs for specific channels directly via chanserv, but i don't necessarily see any reason we can't do it directly via accessbot (seems nicely transparent to move to using it for all of them eventually)00:07
clarkbfungi: ya I like that it is recordred for eg a move to oftc00:07
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove unused tempest-dsvm-neutron-isolated-parallel job  https://review.openstack.org/11490000:10
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clarkbsalv-orlando: are you around? want to talk about this full extension job00:11
clarkbsalv-orlando: to me it makes sense to roll that into the functional test and have tempest test the integration bits (if they exist at all)00:11
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Disable ironic job on stable/havana  https://review.openstack.org/11524800:12
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nibalizerclarkb: okay, my suspicion is that we need to run 2.7 on precise00:13
nibalizersince no one promises puppet 2.7 will work with ruby 1.900:14
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nibalizerbut that was just a 'omigod fix the gaaaate'00:14
nibalizerclarkb: abandoned00:14
clarkbnibalizer: fedora claims it works ok00:14
clarkbonly puppet seems to say it won't work :)00:14
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nibalizeri mean we saw it not working internally at hp00:18
nibalizerit depends on what parts of puppet you're using00:18
nibalizeri think00:18
nibalizerlike if you stick to package file service you're probably going to be okay00:18
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nibalizerbut when you use more interesting facts and providers and such tahts probably where the errors come from00:19
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russellbclarkb: thanks!00:21
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add periodic Icehouse jobs  https://review.openstack.org/11593300:25
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jeblairclarkb: generally we don't do that because we don't really need to review channel ops00:27
jeblairclarkb: instead, i think we should just grant one of them op, and then let them self-manage after that00:28
clarkbjeblair: ah ok00:28
clarkbjeblair: would you give one person op via accessbot or just manually?00:28
jeblairclarkb: manually00:28
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Switch some oslo library jobs to voting  https://review.openstack.org/11595900:29
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jeblairclarkb: i'll go ahead and do that for bdpayne00:30
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Align Designate proposed/* ACLs on other projects  https://review.openstack.org/11600700:35
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add flake8 2.2.3  https://review.openstack.org/11675800:36
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Drop flake8 2.2.2  https://review.openstack.org/11675900:36
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jogo^ needed to turn concurrency on in flake8 for our pep8 jobs00:37
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anteayaam I an idiot if I say we currently have 37 patches in post with the oldest at 3 hours?00:38
anteayait is possible I'm an idiot00:39
pleia2anteaya: looks that way to me00:39
anteayaI guess I didn't know if that was news to folks00:39
pleia2I mean, you're not an idiot, there are lots in post!00:39
anteayaI did scroll back a bit but didn't see any mention of it00:39
anteayakk, thanks for the you're not an idiot affirmation00:40
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clarkbanteaya: its realted to f2000:40
clarkband centos6 potentially00:40
anteayaI'll search on those00:40
clarkbanteaya: well mostly we don't have enough of those nodes00:40
anteayaI'm guessing it is an ongoing conversation00:40
jeblairi don't think the post queue is related to those so much00:40
clarkbanteaya: for raisins like high error rate00:40
clarkboh post00:40
anteayathat's what I was afraid of00:40
jeblairi don't think it's an ongoing conversation00:41
anteayaoh okay00:41
anteayanow what?00:41
jeblairanteaya: i don't know.  you brought it up.  :)00:41
adam_ganyone know if running tempest currently runs anywhere against DEVSTACK_GATE_VIRT_DRIVER="fake"?00:41
jeblairanteaya: i don't think it's particularly news-worthy.  it's a low-priority queue.  it'll be serviced when the higher-priority ones are less busy.00:41
anteayajeblair: okay00:42
clarkbadam_g: only for the large ops job which is a tiny subset of tempest00:42
ianwclarkb: yeah, f20 jobs really only run for changes to devstack itself00:42
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Correct ssh key instructions in README  https://review.openstack.org/11672300:43
adam_gclarkb, hmm. okay. im looking at devstack-gate wrt ironic-sideways.  trying to find a good way to avoid running javelin + tempest against the base grenade00:44
jeblairwhy would we do something different than the normal upgrade jobs?00:45
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adam_gjeblair, its a sideways migration from nova /w virt_driver=fake -> nova /w virt_driver=ironic00:46
adam_gi assume running tempest smoke against fake would fail badly00:46
jeblairjogo: ^?00:47
clarkbya it should be cause they are blackbox tests not having VMs actually come up will break a ton of tests00:47
clarkbtempest won't know about the fake stuff00:47
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jeblairshould the old driver be nova-baremetal?00:48
openstackgerritpatrick-crews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Adding query namespace to elastic-recheck  https://review.openstack.org/10195800:49
fungijeblair: clarkb: right i think where bdpayne got confused on teh chanops thing was that i couldn't grant it for him when he initially asked because accessbot was broken and the channel had been added after it broke so i didn't have ops on it until it got fixed. once it was fixed he'd proposed that change, so i figured it merited further discussion as to how we handle those going forward00:49
adam_gjeblair, this was discussed at length at the nova mid-cycle and during spec review. devstack's nova-bm has bitrot to hell and tempest likely would require lots of work to get it passing against nova-bm. the compromise was to deploy grenade /w base virt_driver=fake, populate the nova-bm database /w an inventory of nodes + interfaces, deploy target grenade /w virt_driver=ironic, migrate nova-bm data -> ironic, run empest00:49
adam_gjeblair, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/95025/13/specs/juno/deprecate-baremetal-driver.rst ln 162 if interested00:51
clarkbhuh burning man had its first day cancelled due to rain00:51
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anteayaclarkb: wat?00:52
jogoclarkb: yeah AFAIK smoke has ssh tests00:52
fungithey should consider having it in the desert next time00:52
anteayafungi: lol00:52
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anteayaclarkb: how do you cancel a day of burning man?00:53
jeblairclarkb: mordred and devananda should have been there for days already setting up, so i expect they're all cozy in their camp.00:53
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clarkbanteaya: black rock city is closed until tomorrow at noon00:53
anteayatell folks to stay inside their tents?00:53
jeblairanteaya: you don't let anyone into the city, and no one is allowed to drive on the playa00:53
anteayaso folks sleep lined up in their cars00:53
clarkbanteaya: there are apparently alternate camp sites00:53
anteayaso folks sleep in their lined up cars00:54
anteayaclarkb: which didn't get rain?00:54
jeblairanteaya: which aren't dry lake beds00:54
clarkbanteaya: I am sure it got rain too, but ya that00:54
jeblair(or wet lake beds)00:54
anteayajeblair: that was the piece I was missing00:54
anteayanever having been there00:54
fungipontoon tents00:54
anteayathey would be popular00:54
clarkbfungi: rafts clearly everyone should take rafts and boats to the playa00:55
anteayawith bicycle wheels on them00:55
anteayajust in case00:55
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix gate job timing issues with bundler  https://review.openstack.org/11459301:00
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Do not run javelin + tempest against ironic base  https://review.openstack.org/11676101:03
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openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add experimental job for nova with f20 virt-preview  https://review.openstack.org/11335001:13
openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add f20-devstack-virt-preview node type  https://review.openstack.org/11334901:13
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anteayaclarkb: can I ask you about this comment? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/101911/10/modules/openstack_project/files/gerrit/acls/openstack/pylockfile.config01:15
gusSo I have a change that introduces a new tox environment, and I'd like to include that environment in the list of gate tests for this project (oslo.db).01:15
anteayaclarkb: I must have missed something for the lastest style for acl files01:15
anteayagus: what tox environment?01:15
clarkbanteaya: during the last gerrit restart we renamed all -ptl groups to -release groups01:15
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clarkbanteaya: to better reflect what that group does.01:15
* anteaya checks gerrit01:15
anteayaclarkb: thanks01:16
gusWhat order do those changes usually get submitted?  Should I include it in the regular tox.ini envlist in the original change and the follow it up with a jjb config change?01:16
gus.. or leave it out of the tox.ini envlist until _after_ the gate job exists?01:16
anteayaclarkb: murano-ptl still exists: https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/?filter=-ptl01:16
anteayaclarkb: did that restart happen today?01:16
clarkbgus: usually I think we like to get the job in first as nonvoting, make sure it works against the project side change then merge the project side change01:17
gusanteaya: oslo.db py27-eventlet being introduced with this change: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/104436/701:17
clarkbgus: is this something that needs a discrete env?01:17
clarkbgus: why not run that in the py27 env?01:17
gusclarkb: it does while there is a desire to keep eventlet out of the regular list of oslo.db requirements.01:17
clarkbanteaya: no it was a couple weekends ago. I think we will need to clean up a couple times which is why I did not -1 it01:17
anteayaclarkb: kk01:17
clarkbgus: that seems well silly to me01:17
anteayaI'm very behind01:17
clarkbgus: if we need to test eventlet we should test it every time01:18
gusclarkb: did you notice my carefully diplomatic phrasing?01:18
clarkbgus: :)01:18
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clarkbif we really do need a discrete job (I would argue against this) we can do what taskflow does. harlowja is working on that let me dig up the change01:18
clarkbgus: something like https://review.openstack.org/#/c/116388/01:19
gusok, so "normal" would be to create the tox.ini environment, create a non-voting jenkins job, then make it voting, and _then_ add it to tox.ini default envlist?01:19
clarkbwhich needs some work aiui so not quite thee01:19
gusIt's that last bit I'm not sure about.01:19
lifelesssdague: oh hai01:20
clarkbbut it is very close01:20
clarkbgus: well this is where I think not putting it in the py27 env is silly. if we are just going t oadd it to the default env list why not put the tests in the existing env list01:20
clarkbgus: jenkins never uses the default list so that is alwas up to the project01:20
lifelesssdague: https://bugs.launchpad.net/testrepository/+bug/133114001:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1331140 in testrepository "testr reports double failure counts" [Undecided,Incomplete]01:20
lifeless(or dansmith - https://bugs.launchpad.net/testrepository/+bug/1331140 )01:21
gusyeah, I was surprised just now when I discovered it doesn't use the default env list.01:21
clarkbgus: note the "standard testing interface" or whatever it is called doesn't include py27-eventlet01:21
gusok, if there's no "normal" I'll leave it up to the reviewers to tell me how they want to do it.01:21
clarkbwfm can you point me at the change so that I can suggest we just use py27 :) ?01:22
harlowjai'll get https://review.openstack.org/#/c/116388/ working someday :-P01:24
clarkbharlowja: it looks close, it wasn't immediately clear to me why it failed01:24
harlowjaclarkb its still sitting in the job queue i think right01:25
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harlowjachililng in the job queue01:25
clarkboh cool01:25
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clarkbgus: is the issue that eventlet can't be imported and used by a subset of tests because eventlet pollutes the python interpreter?01:28
clarkbI actually don't know enough about eventlet to know if that is a thing01:28
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gusyeah, you can run a subset of the tests with/without eventlet in the one python process.01:29
gus(with monkey patching, which is the way openstack uses eventlet)01:29
gusmy position is that we should test in conditions that match deployment as closely as possible - and so we should only ever test with eventlet (and python2.7 for that matter).01:30
gusbut I'm not about to start that "lets just delete all the py33 test jobs" thread on os-dev just yet :/01:31
harlowjagus something that taskflow (and i think ceilometer) have used to help this environment creation, https://pypi.python.org/pypi/toxgen/01:31
harlowjamight be useful for u01:31
harlowjaeck, i like my py33 job :-P01:32
clarkbharlowja: except it leads to needless envs01:32
gusharlowja: if it passes, I'm all for keeping it.  It's the ones that fail for known reasons that are pointless (like any one on a project that relies on eventlet).01:32
clarkbharlowja: for the reason above its silly to have a specail env for this01:32
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clarkbharlowja: fwiw I am really not a fan of what taskflow does, but its hard to test specific versions of reqs in other ways01:33
harlowjaclarkb i guess it varies, maybe libraries (oslo and others) should have different enviroments than applications01:33
anteayaclarkb what is merge-check?01:33
harlowjaclarkb although ya, i'd like to cut down some of those environments that taskflow could have01:34
clarkbanteaya: it is a pipeline that runs zuul noop jobs to see if chagnes can merge when other changes to a project merge01:34
clarkbanteaya: it basically -1's changes that have merge conflicts01:34
gusbut yeah, I know reasonable people disagree with my viewpoint on this so I'm happy to go with whatever people are willing to +2.01:34
harlowjagus so your idea is that there would only ever be [py27, py26, py33] and thats it?01:35
gusoh wait, I said "can" above.  you *can't* run a subset of test with/without eventlet in the same python process (with monkeypatching, etc).01:35
anteayaclarkb: cool, are all gerrit repos using the merge-check template?01:35
anteayaclarkb: or just the new repos?01:36
clarkbgus: ya I parsed based on your agreement01:36
clarkbanteaya: all repos01:36
clarkbharlowja: the prolem with lots of envs is it is confusing01:36
clarkbharlowja: we tell users to just run tox or tox -epy2701:36
clarkbharlowja: except you can't do that anymore01:36
anteayaclarkb: cool thanks01:37
clarkbharlowja: now we are working against limitations of the tooling so we may not get a perfect balance here01:37
gusharlowja: I'm not proposing anything, that was an idle aside from above conversation.  I am trying to add an oslo.db test that requires eventlet (since that's what it's testing).01:37
gusand so far that has meant introducing a new oslo.db tox env that includes eventlet.  and now I'm trying to work out what to do with the gate tests so it actually gets run :/01:38
harlowjaya, its painful01:39
gusI was surprised to learn earlier today that the tox envlist doesn't actually influence what the gate tests :/01:39
clarkbgus: that is intentional. we can't run all the envs on all our nodes01:39
clarkbgus: so we have to be very specific01:39
gusoh I see, so we need that map broken out somewhere - yeah that makes sense.01:40
clarkbpy26 is centos6, py33 is special precise nodes, py27 and docs and pep8 is trusty01:40
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guswow.  I guess that means I can never run them all on my dev workstation either.  I hadn't tried to collect the full set.01:41
clarkbgus: if you use debian it is possible01:41
clarkbbut all other distros not so much01:41
gusok I'll bite.  so why don't we use debian for all our test nodes then?01:41
clarkbgus: it has been brought up :) I am/was a fan of the idea at the time and it really comes down to wanting/needing to test on red hat and ubuntu anyways as they traditionally have participated much more01:42
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gusI agree the freedom to be able to have per-scenario VMs is certainly very nice.01:43
clarkbgus: basically we are trying to scratch the backs of people that have been helpful (and if you go back into the way before time openstack was a bunch of ubuntu people, mordred, soren, ttx, et al)01:43
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/hacking: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/11624201:56
clarkbfor https://review.openstack.org/#/c/115719/ I have tried to abort the jobs that it is spinning on. I don't think I was very successful01:57
clarkbI will probably give it another go when they restart and if that fails I think pushing a patch that is basically a revert may be in order01:57
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clarkb(unless we want to entertain restarting zuul or does zuul have an unqueue command? /me reads)01:57
clarkbno unqueue01:58
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ianwjeblair: does fake-servers.py stand alone?02:07
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openstackgerritpatrick-crews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Adding query namespace to elastic-recheck  https://review.openstack.org/10195802:33
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jeblairianw: yeah, it's a kind of hacky script to stand in for other parts of the system02:35
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jeblairwow, my 4 line change to install zuul in a venv failed02:37
jeblairwith: IOError: invalid Python installation: unable to open /usr/zuul-env/lib/python2.7/config/Makefile (No such file or directory)02:37
jeblairwhich is especially weird since the venv is /usr/local/zuul-env.02:38
jeblairso i don't even...02:38
jeblair(i'm going to have to build a normal image and try to interactively debug that)02:38
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clarkbfwiw I have had reasonably good success aborting jobs for that neutron change02:39
clarkbhopefully get it cleared out then will leave a comment to not recheck02:39
jeblair/usr/local/zuul-env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/pep425tags.py:62: RuntimeWarning: invalid Python installation: unable to open /usr/zuul-env/lib/python2.7/config/Makefile (No such file or directory)02:39
jeblairactually, that's the whole error02:39
jeblairwhere you can see it's a script inside the venv that throws it02:39
jeblairclarkb: oh, what happened?02:40
clarkbneutron change that messes with neutron iptables stuff would cause networking to be lost to the slave, zuul would restart the job because it looks like one of the errors we restart on02:42
clarkbjeblair: aborting the jobs made it stop cycling02:42
clarkbjeblair: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/115719/02:42
jeblairclarkb: ah ha.  :)02:44
jeblairbound to happen some day02:44
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ianwjeblair: ok, i think i got that going with the nodepool fake server02:46
ianwjeblair: so my plan is to script up fake-servers.py to "start" and "complete" fairly randomly a whole bunch of servers, does that sound about right?02:46
ianwjeblair: and see if i can start getting allocations to go over server max02:47
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clarkboh derp02:47
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clarkbI should've escaped those >>>'s02:47
jeblairianw: i don't think you need anything to complete02:47
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jeblairianw: we saw the issue just by starting nodepool and watching it go through two allocation cycles02:48
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jeblairianw: i doubt anything even needs to start, but i'm almost certain nothing needs to complete02:48
ianwjeblair: hmm, ok.  if i could get those logs, that would be awesome :)02:49
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Bump minimum required version for simplejson to 2.2.0  https://review.openstack.org/11663202:51
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clarkbwoo I have working virtualenv again02:52
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jeblairianw: yeah, i'll try to get them.  but i think we left what we thought was the way to reproduce it in the revert commit02:58
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix typo in merge-check pipeline description  https://review.openstack.org/11534403:12
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erwsdague: fyi, the docker test is fixed, or will be once the gate clears and the patch is merged.03:23
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erwand merged...03:44
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Handle more legacy version numbers  https://review.openstack.org/11677503:48
lifelessdhellmann-phone: fungi: clarkb: - to unbreak swift and glance.store - https://review.openstack.org/11677503:49
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clarkblifeless: from the tests it isn't clear to me that 2.0.0.rc1 - that is is being tested03:57
lifelessclarkb: line 125 of test_version.py03:58
lifelessclose enough:)03:58
clarkb well wait the commit message specifically says it should be
clarkb2.1.0.rc1 misses that last 003:59
lifelessmea culpa, would you like a rebase03:59
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lifelessthe issue with swift was 2.1.0.rc103:59
clarkbso we should test that right?03:59
lifelessthe commit message was a thinko03:59
clarkbthe 1 doesn't bother me, the missing 0 does03:59
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Bump zake up to 0.1  https://review.openstack.org/11639903:59
clarkblifeless: or maybe a second test?04:00
lifelessclarkb: I can add a test for it, if thats your request.04:00
clarkbjust to cover the thing in the commit message. ya I think we should do that04:00
lifelessclarkb: just saying that the thing that broke was 2.1.0.rc104:00
clarkbif it is important enough to be mentioend in the commit message04:00
lifelessand the commit message was fiction04:00
clarkbI get that, but it points out a case that we should test right?04:00
clarkbor am I over thinking this?04:00
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Handle more legacy version numbers  https://review.openstack.org/11677504:01
lifelessyou're over thinking it, but I've a) fixed the commit to cover what broke and b) added a test for good measure.04:01
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openstackgerritAdrian Otto proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: OpenStack Containers Service  https://review.openstack.org/11532805:09
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openstackgerritAdrian Otto proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: OpenStack Containers Service  https://review.openstack.org/11532805:10
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: [WIP] Testing capacity failures  https://review.openstack.org/11618905:32
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openstackgerritPrashanth Pai proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add swiftonfile project to stackforge  https://review.openstack.org/11525005:41
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Clarify documentation around use of template tag  https://review.openstack.org/11680206:12
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Run requirements jobs for openstack-doc-tools  https://review.openstack.org/11680506:40
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Align prepare_node.sh with prepare-node in dib  https://review.openstack.org/10593106:51
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Update documentation for using diskimage-builder  https://review.openstack.org/11561407:16
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linkidI have some questions about experimental jobs08:38
linkidthey are only launched by adding a comment to the review, aren't they ?08:39
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garykany idea why jenkins is not running on patches approved?09:34
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AJaegerjeblair, doctools pinning patches are all in - now requirements can merge, I retriggered.09:45
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use python3-jobs template where possible  https://review.openstack.org/11025610:18
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Announce tooz events in #openstack-state-management  https://review.openstack.org/11684410:21
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salv-orlandoclarkb: are you already online?10:25
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* salv-orlando highly unlikely10:26
rcarrillocruzsalv-orlando: he usually connects much later, he's based in Seattle10:27
salv-orlandorcarrillocruz: right. I checked just in case he was travelling in europe or asia10:29
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add a check for old style class declarations  https://review.openstack.org/11684610:37
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sdagueerw: thanks for diving in and fixing it10:52
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lukegoI am not sure exactly why but I have had to add an “export SCREEN_NAME=stack” to my CI script since a few hours ago. otherwise this variable is blank when ./stack.sh tries to check if a session is already running, and that causes ./stack.sh to erroneously think that devstack is already running if there is *any* screen session running on the host at all.10:57
lukegoJust mentioning in case somebody else pops in here with a similar problem. (I spent quite some time on a false trail thinking that cinder was failing to shutdown, but just because I had missed the obvious problem and caught my eye on some spurious error messages in a log)10:59
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trinathsI get this devstack error for oslo.db, Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement oslo.db>=0.4.0 (from neutron==2014.2)11:10
trinathscan any one help me on this. here is the log for this http://paste.openstack.org/show/100403/11:10
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openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add support for enabling/disabling service extensions  https://review.openstack.org/11612911:47
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sdaguehmmm... this is an interesting state challenge11:52
sdagueboth W -1 and W +111:52
sdaguewhich seems standoff11:53
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AJaegersdague, The W-1 always wins...11:54
sdagueso how do I change someone else's W-111:54
sdaguebecause this seems like W-1 is now a -211:54
sdaguewhich I didn't think was the intent11:54
AJaegersdague, christian is on vacation right now11:54
AJaegersdague, re-submit  the patch and the W-1 will get reset ;)11:55
sdaguethat seems kind of busted11:55
AJaegerA -2 is sticky a W-1 not...11:55
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AJaegersdague, W-1 means: This patch needs further work - blocking the current revision11:56
AJaeger-2 blocks the complete patch series and is sticky11:56
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AJaegersdague, so make a small change, resubmit and see whether that resets the flags...11:57
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sdagueok, I guess it was really W-1 for the wrong reason, which was that it was waiting for feedback11:58
AJaegersdague, yeah, procedural W-1 ;/11:59
AJaegerI see your commit message change worked - great11:59
sdagueyeh, so that's a state transition bit that I actually want. A -1 that resets when the author comments.12:00
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linkidwhy putting a job in experimental while it could a non-voting one ?12:09
linkidfor a big test, ok12:11
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linkidbut for a small test, it is ok to put it non-voting just to have the information, no ?12:11
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linkidfuthermore, I'm wondering why there are gate-* jobs in check, for example in python-jobs12:19
linkidI don't understand why it's not check-*…12:20
sdaguelinkid: because nv voting runs on every patch, which means it uses a lot more resources (thus slowing down every one)12:21
sdagueexperimental is useful to be able to trigger just when needed12:22
linkidah, ok12:22
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linkidand what about gate-12:22
linkidand check-* ?12:23
linkid'cause I don't really know what to put in experimental, then12:23
linkidor experimental-*?12:23
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AlecTaylorWhich SaaS solution would you recommend for agile team+project management? :)12:24
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openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Externalize hooks for neutron functional jobs  https://review.openstack.org/11645812:33
marunclarkb, fungi, jeblair: I've added hook scripts to the Neutron tree in support of this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/116458/312:34
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marunclarkb, fungi, jeblair: I don't have a good way of testing this without it being merged, and if I've screwed something up the job will break. :/12:35
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marunclarkb, fungi, jeblair: Once this change is merged, though, the burden of job maintenance should be restricted mostly to Neutron rather than config, and changes in the hook scripts can be gated on in Neutron pre-merge.12:37
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fungitrinaths: you're using an old, defunct pypi mirror. you should be using https://pypi.python.org/simple/ (pip's default), not http://pypi.openstack.org/openstack/ (that mirror is abandoned and no longer updated)12:44
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fungiphschwartz: when you're around again, it seems we've got most of our dfw quota consumed by unremovable error+deleting instances for teh better part of a day now12:46
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fungitteggel: if you're around, we're hitting about 150 instances an hour in hpcloud which transition from building to error state because nova is reporting that it can't find an available compute node to put them on12:50
nibalizeruh oh12:52
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nibalizerdid hpcloud run out of cloud?12:52
funginibalizer: seems it's all full, yes. no vacancy sign lit up and everything12:52
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack/requirements: updated requirements repo readme  https://review.openstack.org/11670812:58
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nibalizerfungi, can you explain to yolanda: the hpcloud priblem?13:01
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trinathsAny Jenkins experts around?13:03
openstackgerritRandy Bertram proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update bootstrap-datepicker to  https://review.openstack.org/11688913:04
fungiyolanda: some significant percentage of the instances nodepool is attempting to boot in hpcloud are going into error state before becoming ready, and nova is reporting {"message": "No valid host was found. ", "code": 500, "created": "2014-08-25T21:58:02Z"}13:05
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yolandamm, scheduling problems?13:05
fungiyolanda: perhaps13:05
yolandafungi, have you contacted HP in some way? do you want me to do that?13:05
fungiyolanda: we're seeing this on around 150 nova boot attempts per hour13:05
rcarrillocruzif you open a ticket , we can follow up13:05
fungiyolanda: well, it's been happening since at least yesterday. i was trying to reach out to tteggel then but he didn't seem to be around13:06
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rcarrillocruzwe can ask on hipchat to the noc  with the ticket number13:06
fungircarrillocruz: i don't have access to open a ticket i don't think, though clarkb probably can in a few hours13:06
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rcarrillocruzfungi: thing is i don't think any of us have either... i mean, we have access to the hp jira system, but they will ask us details about openstack hp cloud account, something we don't have access to13:08
bookwartrinaths: it is always better to start with the question, noone wants to call himeself an expert before he knows the issue hie is facing :)13:08
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yolandafungi, do you know region are you using?13:08
fungiyolanda: east i think13:09
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fungiyolanda: OS_AUTH_URL=https://region-b.geo-1.identity.hpcloudsvc.com:35357/v2.0 OS_REGION_NAME=region-b.geo-113:10
yolandarcarrillocruz, we could talk to NOC and explain the problem, maybe it happens in all region13:10
fungii assume that means we're in "region b"13:10
rcarrillocruzyolanda: i'm asking on .NOC, you can join and we follow up13:10
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fungiyolanda: rcarrillocruz: nibalizer: it's not completely debilitating, just impacting our test workload throughput (as can be seen on the zuul status page)13:12
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rcarrillocruzfungi: could you paste a full error output from nova somewhere (paste.openstack.org perhaps?) so we can point the NOC guys to look at it ?13:12
fungircarrillocruz: all i have is the novaclient api response in our nodepool debug logs, but sure13:12
nibalizerrcarrillocruz: is our internal nodepool happt?13:13
nibalizerer happy?13:13
nibalizerim on phone13:13
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yolandanibalizer, our nodepool looks fine13:13
rcarrillocruzyeah, although there was people reporting slowness this morning13:14
nibalizerdiff regions?13:14
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rcarrillocruzjobs getting queued after more than 30min, and nodepool was not very busy at the time13:14
yolandai can take a look at logs of this morning, let me check13:15
rcarrillocruzfungi: noc guys confirm they need the tenant id  of openstack-infra account? do you know and is that something that can be shared with us?13:15
rcarrillocruzsorry, first sentence was not a question :-)13:16
fungircarrillocruz: i'm pretty sure it's not sensitive information (the password is not exactly one which would be easy to brute force anyway)... OS_TENANT_NAME=openstackjenkins2-project113:17
yolandanibalizer, no scheduler or quota errors for nodepool13:17
nibalizerrcarrillocruz: should i try to hipchat from phone or do yall got it?13:17
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rcarrillocruznibalizer: we'll run it, np13:18
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nibalizerif we need sekrits to travel, fungi and i likely have a few gpg trust paths13:20
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fungircarrillocruz: so it turns out that our nodepool debug log doesn't log the api response detail after all. this is an example i isolated from the log as to what i see from nodepoold's perspective... http://paste.openstack.org/show/100472/13:24
phschwartzfungi: I am here. Let me hit up our ops to clean them13:24
phschwartz:( Le Meridian is already booked13:25
fungircarrillocruz: clarkb must have obtained the {"message": "No valid host was found. ", "code": 500, "created": "2014-08-25T21:58:02Z"} detail yesterday by manually recreating the condition13:25
sdagueAJaeger: can you update - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/116692/ and remove devstack as well13:26
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sdaguebecause I think it will hit the same issue13:26
fungiphschwartz: thanks!13:26
AJaegersdague, will do...13:26
fungiphschwartz: and yeah, i expect it's not a huge hotel. i can't remember which one i'm in13:27
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Remove devstack/devstack-gate from projects  https://review.openstack.org/11669213:27
phschwartzfungi: I got a room at the L'Hotel Pergolese. Good ratings and got a great price booking >90 days in advance. And it was harder for me as I am taking the family with me to turn it into a Europe Vacation after the conference13:28
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mattymo:( what's going on with paste.openstack.org?13:29
nibalizermattymo: it dies a lot13:30
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nibalizermaybe just refresh13:30
mattymoyeah now I can view the link13:30
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fungimattymo: it sometimes fails to store/retrieve a cookie in its trove db i think13:31
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openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add features.yaml entry for 'no services'  https://review.openstack.org/11689213:37
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erwsdague: any idea how best to track successes/failures of a test besides logstash?13:39
* erw recalls a page with hypervisor testing stats from the icehouse mid-cycle13:39
vponomaryovhey, did anyone faced issues like folowing: "Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement oslo.config>= ..."13:40
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vponomaryov(from versions: 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.2.0, 1.2.1, 1.3.0)13:41
sdagueerw: I think that was gerrit queries13:41
sdaguehonestly, logstash and gerrit have rich data. graphite has targeted low overhead meters if you can find the right ones that answer your question (graphite and my brain don't work together very well)13:42
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erwit’s deep and rich, yes, it’s just totally unaggregated (and a hard way to get awareness of problems without running multiple queries per day, afaik)13:43
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fungivponomaryov: yes. depending on where you're seeing that, there could be various causes13:45
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vponomaryovfungi: local attempt to run tox13:45
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fungivponomaryov: probably you either have your local system configured to use a stale mirror of pypi, or you're using a version of pip older than 1.5 (via an older version of virtualenv)13:46
vponomaryovfungi: thanks, will check this out13:47
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fungivponomaryov: keep in mind that virtualenv installs its own copy of pip, and does not use whatever version of pip you might already have installed on your system13:48
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vponomaryovfungi: in case it installs its own version of pip, then I have no insluence on it13:51
vponomaryovfungi: My system version was 1.4.1, and yes, change to 1.5.0 did not change appearence of error, due to mentioned reason - venv uses its own version13:52
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fungivponomaryov: right, the version of pip installed by virtualenv depends on the version of virtualenv you're using13:54
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fungivponomaryov: you can test it by running 'virtualenv foo ; foo/bin/pip --version'13:55
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fungivponomaryov: i believe you will need to upgrade to virtualenv 1.11 or later for it to use pip >=1.513:56
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fungivponomaryov: see the release notes at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv for details13:56
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vponomaryovfungi: thanks, now I see, to use new requirements, we need install virtualenv>=1.11.0 . Update of tox, virtualenv and pip fixed the problem.14:02
fungivponomaryov: correct, and glad that worked14:02
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openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Minimize service installation for neutron func job  https://review.openstack.org/11441614:46
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Import os-net-config project under TripleO  https://review.openstack.org/11233114:46
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marunclarkb: Is something like this workable? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/116892/14:49
marcusvrnasselin: I finished to run your script and I think that's ok. looking at nodepool logs, I saw that nodepool search for Ubuntu Image....I have to upload the image using "nodepool image-upload" or in the cloud provider?14:50
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markvanfungi: hi again, looking at that autoconf issue again.  Please checkout https://review.openstack.org/#/c/112514/   success and failure on hpcloud nodes (1 digit apart).14:52
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openstackgerritSebastien Badia proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: puppet-jobs: Pin puppet-unit-2.7 jobs to precise  https://review.openstack.org/11691514:55
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sbadiahi infra, could someone from core have a look at https://review.openstack.org/116915 - current puppet gate (2.7 unit) is still broken14:59
sbadiathis patch pin puppet 2.7 unit to precise workers14:59
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dhellmannhi, folks, what're the chances we could get pylockfile imported soon? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/101911/1015:06
anteayamorning dhellmann, yes 101911 looks good to me15:08
anteayaif fungi is about for another +2 and +A that could do it15:08
dhellmannanteaya: thanks, there was the comment from clarkb about the group name, and I'd be happy to update the patch if that helps15:08
fungion a conference call, but i'll try to look in a sec15:09
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dhellmannfungi: ok, not an immediate rush, just want to make sure it gets some attention :-)15:09
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anteayadhellmann: let's let fungi decide15:09
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dhellmannanteaya, fungi : wfm15:09
anteayadhellmann: if you do another patchset do ping, I'll re +115:10
dhellmannanteaya: ok15:10
anteayafungi: +1 for valet15:11
fungianteaya: truth be told, i used a thesaurus15:11
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anteayaI like a good thesaurus15:12
HeOSfungi, i want to send few fixes for jeepyb and gerritlib. How I can do it? Should I do it through bug in launchpad or through code-review on review.openstack.org ?15:12
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anteayaHeOS: code-review15:13
fungiHeOS: through code-review on review.openstack.org preferably, but if you want to file a bug for those changes too (if it makes sense to do so) then feel free, just make sure to reference it in the commit message15:13
HeOSanteaya, fungi thanks.15:14
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lucasagomeshey please if there's some core to review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/113276/ , it's a small change adding some tests in tempest and is blocking a blueprint in Ironic to be marked as Implemented15:15
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fungiHeOS: and if you're going to link a bug in your commit message, the recommendations on how to do so and take advantage of our bug linking automation are at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GitCommitMessages#Including_external_references15:15
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fungimarkvan: very interesting. it really doesn't look platform-specific, provider-specific, image-specific, project-specific15:17
fungimarkvan: http://logstash.openstack.org/#eyJzZWFyY2giOiJtZXNzYWdlOlwiRmFpbGVkIHRvIGJ1aWxkIGdlY29kZSBsaWJyYXJ5XCIgQU5EIHRhZ3M6Y29uc29sZSIsImZpZWxkcyI6W10sIm9mZnNldCI6MCwidGltZWZyYW1lIjoiNjA0ODAwIiwiZ3JhcGhtb2RlIjoiY291bnQiLCJ0aW1lIjp7InVzZXJfaW50ZXJ2YWwiOjB9LCJzdGFtcCI6MTQwOTA2NTg4OTE2NX0=15:17
openstackgerritFrançois Magimel proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make py33 job experimental for cloudkitty-dashboard  https://review.openstack.org/11663715:18
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fungimarkvan: so my next best guesses are that it's either connectivity-related (gem is trying to get something pre-built from somewhere on the internet, fails and then falls back to building from source) or timing-related (some sorter of order-dependent operation calls that code path or doesn't depending on what did/didn't run before it in a parallelized set of operations)15:19
markvanfungi: interesting view of it.  I've been looking through the failing gem package, and it seems fairly straight forward make process for c library.  I don't see logic that would cause it not to compile.15:19
markvanfungi: yup, I was hoping that --jobs 1 would remove the parallel question as they are now in the exact same order for installing the gems.15:20
anteayalucasagomes: for tempest patches the tempest core mostly hang out in the -qa channel: https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/42,members15:20
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lucasagomesanteaya, thanks, yeah I just pinged there as well!15:20
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markvanbut the issue seems to be deeper then that and the --verbose does not quite give info in the success path to compare (like we can't see it if did the extension compile or not.15:21
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anteayalucasagomes: :D15:22
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markvanfungi: Can you confirm that both of these nodes do NOT have autoconf installed?   If that's the case, then I will keep digging into what triggers there are for making this library vs getting it from somewhere.15:22
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jeblairfungi: the hp cloud servers that are getting the "no valid host" message -- are they all being immediately deleted, or are they sticking around?15:25
fungijeblair: they seem to get deleted fairly quickly15:25
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fungijeblair: from what i could tell in the nodepool log anyway15:25
jeblairfungi: how did you find the error message?15:26
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fungijeblair: clarkb was the one who originally quoted it. i have to assume he was manually running nova boot15:26
fungijeblair: since i can't find it in the nodepool debug log15:26
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fungijeblair: anyway, here's an example from the log http://paste.openstack.org/show/100472/15:27
markvanfungi: this seems related to berkshelf 3.x upgrade we did.  checkout https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?messageID=565698&tstart=015:27
fungijeblair: deleted in just over two minutes from the error getting thrown15:27
jeblairfungi: we don't seem to log az :(15:27
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fungijeblair: oh, good point. if they were all in one of the three azs we wouldn't know without some real-time correlation from the node list15:28
jeblairfungi: doing that, looks like az1 (4/4)15:29
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for ceilometer docs build fail bug 1361455  https://review.openstack.org/11692315:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1361455 in ceilometer "TypeError in gate-ceilometer-docs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136145515:29
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fungimarkvan: according to logstash we've been seeing it at least as far back as 2014-08-18 07:49 (style check on change 114495,2)15:30
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fungimarkvan: when did you upgrade berkshelf?15:31
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markvanfungi: started on 8-1815:32
fungimarkvan: also, that bug report does look like the same issue, and supports my supposition that it was related to connectivity over the internet15:32
markvanfungi: yeah, it seems the just the size and number of berkshelf 3.x dependencies is somehow causing this issue at times.15:33
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fungimarkvan: and good to know that even if we had just given up tracking down the cause and installed autoconf everywhere, your jobs would have just started to die on a new error further down the chain15:34
markvanfungi: yup, well stated.   Do you know of timeouts that might be tweaked here?   Or a better way to do retries?15:35
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markvanfungi: or maybe there might be some other info in the syslogs on these nodes that I could somehow look at.15:37
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fungimarkvan: likely not anything in syslog... we do see random connectivity issues from all our workers to various points on the internet because the internet is an unreliable place and so are clouds15:37
fungimarkvan: as such, we try to reduce/eliminate any dependency on network connections outside the worker for our jobs, because every one of them slighthly increases the chances the job will fail unnecessarily15:38
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fungimarkvan: if you're able to tweak the berkshelf installer's calls to wget, then presumably there are options around increasing timeouts, retries, et cetera. otherwise you'd need to engineer some sort of retry in a wrapper further outside that call15:40
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markvanfungi: yup, I agree with trying to reduce outside dependencies.15:41
markvanfungi: in this case it seems like a bundler install issue as when it fails, berkshelf has not even been installed yet, its still working on the dependencies.    That --retry option does not seem to help much here.15:42
markvanSeems like we might need to try a wrapper around the "bundler install" and see if something like that would help here.15:43
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markvanfungi: I wish we could see more details on what is actually having the issue.15:44
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fungimarkvan: yeah, either a wrapper around bundler install, or possibly a wrapper around some care wget/curl to pre-cache that particular file it needs (assuming it can be told to look for it locally)15:46
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jeblairfungi: capacity issue; i think there's a tweak we can do to help.  working out the numbers.15:47
markvanfungi: thx for all your help here, I will continue to dig and discuss with openstack cookbook team15:47
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fungijeblair: also, nibalizer/rcarrillocruz/yolanda were talking to support about the symptoms, so the news that it seems to be entirely isolated to az1 may be of interest to them as well15:48
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markvanfungi: just another thought as I saw this pass by a few monents ago.  is Precise going to be around awhile? that we could force to that code type and try that?   Maybe trusty has more/diff dependency list?15:50
fungimarkvan: best estimate is probably about another year15:50
jeblairfungi: oh, yeah, sorry, i was chatting with folks in the noc; i think rcarrillocruz had to context switch15:50
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fungimarkvan: we need to continue using it to test the stable/icehouse branches of officially supported openstack projects until they reach end of support15:51
markvanfungi: ah, ok.    is it common for folks to try to tie to one node type?   not sure if it would work better, just looking for options.15:51
markvanfungi: and is there any easy to pre-test that to see if it would make a difference here?15:51
fungijeblair: oh, excellent. and wish i had thought to check the az mapping there... now that it's mostly transparent to us i tend to forget there even are azs in hpcloud any longer15:51
fungimarkvan: sure, tying to a particular node type makes sense in situations where you need to explicitly confirm you work correctly on that platform, or when a job requires resources which are only available on that platform15:53
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Shift hpcloud load away from az1  https://review.openstack.org/11693015:53
jeblairfungi: i think that should help ^15:53
fungimarkvan: as far as pre-testing, you could run this yourself a bunch in a tight loop on more than one platform and see if it makes any difference, but i suspect this really just boils down to newer vs older berkshelf as indicated in that bug report15:54
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markvanfungi: yeah, it appears that way.  I've been trying to repo this, but have not been able to yet.15:55
fungijeblair: looks reasonable and while i didn't rerun your calculations they look in line with my rough estimate15:56
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jrollannegentle: any chance you could take care of this? :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/132371215:57
fungimarkvan: one possibility would be if you had a way to artificially constrain the network connection for a virtual machine or context where you're trying to reproduce it, that might increase the odds in your favor a lot15:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1323712 in ironic "Old ironic-install documentation page should be deleted" [Low,Triaged]15:57
jrollannegentle: there's notes about redirects and such now15:57
markvanfungi: ok, good idea.15:57
fungimarkvan: or possibly use a firewall/proxy to explicitly block the program's access to that one url15:57
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asselinmarcusvrn, use the cloud provider16:03
hasharjeblair: clarkb: I reviewed a few Zuul cloner patches.  Went out of time eventually.  Mostly nitpick ,  +1 on enhancing the tests thanks!16:03
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asselinmarcusvrn, actually, image-upload is new. You can try it out. I haven't yet.16:03
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annegentlejroll: hm, this patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/113633/ was supposed to fix it with a redirect.16:06
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annegentlejroll: do you see why that didn't work?16:06
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Shift hpcloud load away from az1  https://review.openstack.org/11693016:07
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jrollannegentle: ah, didn't see that change on the bug... looks like the url is wrong, I'll push a patch :)16:08
jeblairfungi: ^ the noc would like even stronger shift16:08
annegentlejroll: thanks, yeah the Closes-bug tag doesn't cross projects16:08
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create repo for oslo.log  https://review.openstack.org/11693416:08
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jrollannegentle: ah, right, will poke you when I have a review16:09
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jeblairfungi: also, should we instamerge that since it's an operational problem?16:10
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openstackgerritAndrey Nikitin proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Added the ability to run jeepyb not only on the host where the Gerrit installed.  https://review.openstack.org/11693616:14
marcusvrnasselin: what I have to install on the ubuntu image to optimize the jobs...the dependencies of devstack should be good ? something else?16:15
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fungijeblair: sounds fine to me, or just enqueue it into the gate and it should land very quickly?16:16
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openstackgerritCindy Pallares proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewday: Change Marconi to Zaqar  https://review.openstack.org/11693816:20
jrollannegentle: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/116939/ :)16:22
fungijeblair: it's in the gate now, should hopefully have workers shortly16:22
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rpodolyakajeblair: hey! didn't you mean vote +2 here? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/104134/ :)16:29
asselinmarcusvrn, you should use the pre-existing scripts. You can tweak if you like, but use those as a starting point.16:29
asselinmarcusvrn, essentially https://github.com/openstack-infra/config/blob/e99348d0db860ed396ca56ae6e74e71621090def/modules/openstack_project/files/nodepool/scripts/prepare_node.sh16:30
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asselinmarcusvrn, I've 'tweaked' it to work in my environment (behind corp proxy) https://github.com/rasselin/os-ext-testing/tree/master/puppet/modules/os_ext_testing/files/nodepool16:31
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack/requirements: updated requirements repo readme  https://review.openstack.org/11670816:34
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pleia2jeblair: so, do we want to start moving bugs over to storyboard today during our bug review?16:37
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pleia2ones we opened as "reminders" should be easy, there are others that we're just kind of keeping updated that we can summarize the state of and move16:38
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clarkbfungi: I was doing nova show on the uuids that returned status ERROR16:39
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clarkbpleia2: I like the idea, not sure how we would implement it. Just by hand as we examine each bug?16:40
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pleia2clarkb: yeah, I think that's the only way16:40
pleia2might take a few days, but it will cause us to be a bit more decisive about some of the long-standing bugs16:41
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pleia2I have to duck out at 2:30 today (have a sick kitty)16:41
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clarkbmarun: my concern with that change is it seems to mix branches and env var settings inthe features.yaml list16:43
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clarkbmarun: which is probably actually a bug in the features.yaml but may be confusing16:43
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clarkbmarun: I think I am ok with this for now16:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Add Pint for Horizon  https://review.openstack.org/9722416:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Add flake8 2.2.3  https://review.openstack.org/11675816:44
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: bump pycadf to 0.6.0  https://review.openstack.org/11636016:46
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Add pysaml2 to global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/11329416:48
jeblairrpodolyaka: yep, sorry! :)16:48
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Drop flake8 2.2.2  https://review.openstack.org/11675916:48
clarkbsdague: it would be good to get your feedback on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/116892/16:50
clarkbsdague: to make sure I am not missing major issues with that features.yaml change16:50
* clarkb walks to office and preps to dive into bugs16:50
jeblairpleia2: i'm leaning toward just doing the usual procedure with bugs today; i'm not sure we're adequately prepped to move them into nodepool16:50
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jeblairer, storyboard16:51
jeblair(there's no config project in storyboard for one thing)16:51
pleia2jeblair: ok, maybe move some of the ones we can, like nodepool bugs to the nodepool project in storyboard?16:51
jeblairpleia2: sure16:53
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/11694616:53
zaroclarkb: can you take a look at this failure? http://logs.openstack.org/34/56734/7/check/jenkins-job-builder-compare-xml/d211b6f/console.html.gz16:54
zaroclarkb: i can't seem to see where it's duplicated16:54
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sdagueclarkb: I'll take a look in a few, must get food now16:56
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Import os-net-config project under TripleO  https://review.openstack.org/11233116:58
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pleia2ok, bug time: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cibugreview-august201417:01
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pleia2for bugs I think should be moved to storyboard I'm keeping a STORYBOARD URL: section (it's on all of them by default, removing as I go through them)17:02
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Consolidate tripleo/os-apply-config ACL files  https://review.openstack.org/11695017:02
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jeblairpleia2: i will be back in 10 mins, sorry17:05
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for the Jenkins Valgrind publisher plugin.  https://review.openstack.org/11311717:06
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marunclarkb: I'm happy to pursue a different approach if you'd prefer.17:07
marunclarkb: I picked what seemed the simplest path but I recognize that it's not ideal.17:08
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marunsdague: do you have any suggestions on how to do this better?  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/11689217:09
clarkbya lets see what sdague has to say17:09
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marunclarkb: unrelated, if a change has been approved but a gate job fails for what is clearly an unrelated reason, is there any way to resubmit without reapproval?17:12
marunclarkb: this is the change in question: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/116554/17:12
marunclarkb: It's the backport of the hook scripts to support functional testing on icehouse and they can't possibly have an effect on the gate job.17:12
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clarkbmarun: yup, 'recheck' the change17:14
clarkbzuul will notice after check changes run that the change has everything it needs to go into the gate and the change will enter the gate pipeline17:15
marunclarkb: 'recheck no bug'17:15
clarkbmarun: the no bug is no longer necessary17:15
marunclarkb: ah, gotcha17:15
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clarkbmarun: we decided that tracking this stuff with elastic recheck was more accurate so dropped that requirement17:15
marunclarkb: I think I've mainly used recheck for check failures, didn't realize how it worked for gate failures17:16
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clarkbmarun: it didn't in the past, but zuul has gotten smarter17:16
marunclarkb: nice :)17:16
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marunclarkb: assuming that patch lands soon, do you have any concerns with https://review.openstack.org/#/c/116458/ ?17:17
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marunclarkb: So long as I haven't screwed up the job config, I should be able to fix failures from now on from the neutron tree and save you and the infra core the headache.17:17
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clarkbmarun: do we need to wait for the icehouse change to merge before changing infra side? I assume that job is voting now and we should wait17:20
marunclarkb: yes, we have to wait.  I forgot to apply WIP after the last patch submission, I've put it back with a comment about the icehouse backport.17:20
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clarkbmarun: thanks17:21
* clarkb starts bug day stuff17:21
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/11694617:21
clarkbI am going to work on new bug categorization17:22
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove duplicate barbican job  https://review.openstack.org/11695917:22
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clarkbzaro: gertty uses storyboard. Can you move https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1340360 to storyboard and I will close this in lp17:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1340360 in openstack-ci "Gerrty fails to start on MAC" [Undecided,New]17:23
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jeblairclarkb, pleia2: back17:24
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clarkbjeblair: I am tackling the new bug list17:25
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fungii'm going to go ahead and ninja merge 116930,2 since it's been in the gate pipeline for over and hour with no bare-precise workers assigned to it. ugh17:28
jeblairi deleted openstack-ci from the task list on https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/126651317:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1266513 in tripleo "Some Python requirements are not hosted on PyPI" [High,In progress]17:28
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jeblairi figure that's the next best thing to marking it closed, which we can't due to timeouts17:28
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Shift hpcloud load away from az1  https://review.openstack.org/11693017:29
jeblairfungi: thx17:29
clarkbjeblair: ++17:30
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1344023 in openstack-ci "Package libffi was not found in the pkg-config search path" [Critical,Confirmed]17:30
jeblairwho understands that?17:30
jeblairthere's a comment that says it was fixed; it shows up in logstash (link in bug) twice, both times for gate-tuskar-ui-python2717:31
clarkbjeblair: I would say that is the yum -y thing mordred worked around but that shouldn't affect python27 jobs17:31
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jeblairthere was also something about oslo alphas17:32
jeblairhrm.  they just recheck-no-bugged that17:34
jeblairi'm going to stick my fingers in my ears and say that was resolved.  clearly the tuskar folks don't think it's a bug.17:35
* zaro and clarkb cannot enter any new stories into storyboard.17:36
jeblairah neat.  so probably the connection to rabbit failed again17:37
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clarkbjeblair: thanks, I was looking in apache error logs and not seeing anything obvious17:38
jrolljeblair: can I bug you to look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/112143/17:38
jeblairclarkb: for some reason it ends up in error.log17:38
jeblairjroll: we're doing a bug day now.  maybe later unless it's extremely urgent?17:38
clarkbjeblair: there it is, thanks17:38
clarkbjeblair: do we fix that by kicking rabbit or apache?17:39
jeblairclarkb: gimme 1 sec to prepare a resolution17:39
clarkband by fix I guess I mean work around ok17:39
jrolljeblair: no worries, not urgent, thanks17:39
clarkbjeblair: and when that is done, https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1341460 is related to a bug you closed, do you recall enough of that bug to know if we can close that one too? if not I will do further investigation17:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1341460 in openstack-ci "40+ minute git clone git://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/devstack-gate" [Medium,Triaged]17:39
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: Make enable notifications a flag  https://review.openstack.org/11697117:46
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Disable notifications in storyboard  https://review.openstack.org/11697317:48
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jeblairclarkb: that's ^ how we're going to fix it medium term (because i don't intend on restarting storyboard daily to fix that problem)17:49
jeblairclarkb: short term, i've restarted apache -- see if you can file a bug now17:49
clarkbjeblair: wfm17:49
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clarkbyup bug submitted17:49
jeblairclarkb: (this is the 2nd time this has happened, the first time i restarted both apache and rabbitmq to see if that fixed it)17:49
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jeblairclarkb: cool, so i think we know all we need to from production.  i'll make sure a storyboard bug is filed and up to date17:50
jeblair(on this problem)17:50
clarkbjeblair: sounds good and I am +2 on those puppet changes17:50
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openstackgerritMathieu Gagné proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: Enabled hacking check H404  https://review.openstack.org/10637417:51
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Disable notifications in storyboard  https://review.openstack.org/11697317:51
jeblaircommit msg update to link to bug https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/20217:51
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anteayakrtaylor: is your system actually down or had you just modified the wikipage as an example? https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ThirdPartySystems17:53
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krtayloranteaya, actually down, we did a big update and are still working out the kinks17:56
openstackgerritKen Giusti proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a test to verify oslo.messaging's AMQP 1.0 messaging protocol support  https://review.openstack.org/11575217:57
fungiclarkb: does an unquoted True or False actually work for setting a puppet variable or does it have to be true or false (lower-case)?17:57
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: i can't look up the rax neutron outage ticket because i can't log into the web ui17:58
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/python-jenkins: Add MANIFEST.in  https://review.openstack.org/11632717:58
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fungijeblair: looking17:58
krtayloranteaya, currently having problems with NetworkManager with our Fedora guests17:58
jeblairclarkb, fungi: it asks for the account number, and even when i supply it, it says invalid credentials17:58
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clarkbfungi: oh right since we are doing erb substituion it probably needs to be quoted17:58
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clarkbfungi: though I think we may get away with it being an implicit string but thats bad17:58
anteayakrtaylor: :(17:59
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i got the account number by logging into the cloud sites control panel (which, incidentally, confirms i have the right password)17:59
clarkbjeblair: I ran into that too, I am trying to remembre the work around. I think it was log into the new panel17:59
anteayakrtaylor: okay glad the wikpage is accurate17:59
anteayakrtaylor: hope you find a fix, your system is disabled then, yes?17:59
jeblairclarkb: the new panel is the problem.  the old panel works, but has no functions18:00
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: old panel login, link to 'tickets' sso's you into the new panel18:00
jeblairthis is, i suspect, not a long term solution.18:00
fungijeblair: which account was it under? not openstackci i guess?18:00
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clarkbfungi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1350861 does that bug look like the classic ubuntu mirror in rax land has failed us bug?18:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1350861 in openstack-ci "you have held broken packages" [Undecided,New]18:03
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jeblairfungi: yeah, openstackci18:03
pleia2so this one doesn't get lost in the Low section, I think it can be closed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/123533518:03
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uvirtbotpleia2: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out18:03
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fungijeblair: huh... maybe it's a sort order problem because they seem to have updated the timestamp on all open cases on the 14th... regardless i didn't see a recent case report about a neutron outage18:04
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jeblairfungi: i think we're talking about different things18:04
fungijeblair: not really sure what you were talking about. you asked about getting to an open case about a neutron outage in rackspace, so i was trying to find it18:05
jeblairfungi, clarkb: oh, i was trying to log into yet a different wrong rax control panel.  nevermind18:05
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fungiclarkb: that looks like the other bug... for broken ubuntu official mirrors (encountered with hpcloud workers)18:06
jeblairfungi: i was struggling to log in.  i wasn't really at the point of talking about the tickets themselves18:06
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clarkbfungi: thanks, I will dig that one up and mark it as duplicate18:06
openstackgerritAdrian Otto proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: OpenStack Containers Service  https://review.openstack.org/11532818:06
fungiclarkb: i think it's bug 128681818:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1286818 in openstack-ci "Ubuntu package archive periodically inconsistent causing gate build failures" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128681818:07
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jeblairclarkb: i'm going to mark that bug invalid right now, since it seems to have been a transient issue18:07
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clarkbjeblair: wfm18:08
clarkbjeblair: the one I am looking at or the other one or both?18:08
clarkbjeblair: or the one from when you debugged storyboard?18:08
jeblairclarkb: the one you asked me to look at about neutron outages :)18:08
clarkbjeblair: thanks :)18:08
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clarkbfungi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1286818 is the original I should use?18:09
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1286818 in openstack-ci "Ubuntu package archive periodically inconsistent causing gate build failures" [Low,Triaged]18:09
jeblairpleia2: i have an alternate proposal for zuul bugs18:10
jeblairpleia2: since there are 56 open zuul bugs, and i don't really want to copy all of them, nor a subset of them (and have to figure out which ones were copied later)18:10
jeblairpleia2: let's just detach the openstack-ci project from them18:11
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jeblairpleia2: and count on there being an import later18:11
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fungiclarkb: yeah, i'm updating 1286818 right now with some more recent details about why the suggested solution there turned out not to work18:11
clarkbfungi: thanks18:11
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openstackgerritClayton O'Neill proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Move extended-choice support to parameters module  https://review.openstack.org/11670418:12
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linkidHi. I was wondering what is the difference between gate-* and check-* jobs. Because I see some gate-* jobs in the check of projects, so, it's weird to me…18:13
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clarkblinkid: the separation was created so that we could run check jobs on slower nodes than gate jobs18:14
pleia2jeblair: wfm18:14
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clarkblinkid: then we use the different jobs in those specific zuul pipelines18:15
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linkidAh, ok. So, I think it would be better to use a check-* one for an experimental one, no ? But what about experimental-* one ?18:17
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linkid(better than a gate-* job, I mean)18:18
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zaroanteaya you and pleia2 are same color on bug etherpad.  might consider picking another color18:19
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clarkblinkid: we don't want experimental-* jobs typically because that implies they will never do anything else. Ideally experimental jobs "graduate" into running more often either in the gate or periodically18:19
mtreinishclarkb, fungi: any ideas on how I can get some more info out of: http://logs.openstack.org/c4/c42d0f81f25f7262aa77c0a33b4f068893bbdfad/post/tempest-coverage/c134692/console.html.gz18:19
mtreinishit seems like the post coverage jobs have been failing for some time18:20
clarkbjeblair: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1343250 would be a good one for you to comment on18:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1343250 in openstack-ci "http://zuul.openstack.org/ should point/redirect to http://status.openstack.org/zuul/" [Undecided,New]18:20
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pleia2zaro: I don't think anteaya is on the etherpad, but there are actually 2 of me (it's open on my laptop too, over there --->)18:21
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linkidclarkb: ok. This is why I didn't see many experimental-* jobs in the layout config file.18:21
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clarkbmtreinish: /bin/sh: 1: coverage: not found I think you need to put coverage in your test requirements18:22
mtreinishclarkb: it is18:22
clarkbmtreinish: does tox -ecover work for you locally?18:22
mtreinishclarkb: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tempest/tree/test-requirements.txt#n818:22
mtreinishyeah it works fine for me18:22
jeblairclarkb: commented and wontfix18:23
linkidclarkb: so, do you think a job running as experimental should be a check-* or a gate-* job?18:23
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clarkbmtreinish: you know what the issue is (still theory) we don't appear to install test-requirements in your tox.ini18:23
jeblairmtreinish: hi, we're doing bug triage here.  want to help? :)18:23
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jeblairlinkid: gate18:24
clarkbmtreinish: you need a deps section like you have under docs and venv targets18:24
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clarkbjeblair: thanks18:24
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mtreinishjeblair: sure I'll take a look at some bugs see if there is anything I can grok18:24
mtreinishclarkb: ok thanks, I can fix that18:24
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pleia2mtreinish: the gate-failure tagged bugs may be of most interest to you: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bugs?field.tag=gate-failure18:26
linkidjeblair: ok, thank you :)18:26
pleia2I think we have some low priority ones that haven't been looked at in a while18:27
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for ceilometer docs build fail bug 1361455  https://review.openstack.org/11692318:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1361455 in ceilometer "TypeError in gate-ceilometer-docs (dup-of: 1348818)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136145518:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1348818 in designate "Unittests do not succeed with random PYTHONHASHSEED value" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134881818:29
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Directs new account requests to use the new mailing list  https://review.openstack.org/11698918:29
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fungiphschwartz: were you able to make any headway woth getting ops to clear the 116 error+deleting state instances we have in dfw? they still seem to be hanging around...18:30
kgiustiHi - anyone willing to sanity check a new job I'm working on for oslo.messaging?  Total noob, could be worth a few laughs:  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/115752/2/modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_job_builder/config/oslo.yaml18:30
asselinanyone seen this error in devstack-gate? ERROR: openstackclient.shell Exception raised: (netaddr 0.7.5 (/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages), Requirement.parse('netaddr>=0.7.6'))18:30
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phschwartzfungi: I have requested that they be removed, but not sure if ops has been able to do it yet. Let me follow up with them.18:31
fungiphschwartz: no worries. just making sure it wasn't a manifestation of some new, different problem or something. thanks!18:31
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Put the puppet modules in their own projects/repos  https://review.openstack.org/9999018:31
phschwartzfungi: no same issue :)18:31
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Generate native xml format of Jenkins Git plugin version 2.x  https://review.openstack.org/7893018:31
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anteayaasselin: is this happening on your ci system?18:33
nibalizerjesusaurus: this both of us working on the spec thing feels really cool :P18:33
nibalizersuch team; wow18:34
asselinanteaya, yes18:34
anteayaasselin: what version of netaddr do you have?18:34
jesusaurusnibalizer: yeah18:34
anteayait seems to say you have version 0.7.5 and need 0.7.618:34
clarkbdstufft: http://logs.openstack.org/36/105736/12/check/gate-nova-python27/ea3c156/console.html.gz#_2014-08-10_15_13_28_525 any idea why that happened?18:34
nibalizeralso if we could get some  eyes on this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/116915/ that would be good18:34
markvanfungi: hi again. quick question.  Are the images used on the nodes available somewhere for download?  Or the basic instructions of what was done?  (ubuntu server 14.04.1, minimal install with ...?)18:34
nibalizerthe puppet-openstack gate is super broken18:34
fungijeblair: btw, most recent LaunchStatusException in hpcloud was 17:35:48, so since that az rebalancing change merged it has definitely worked around the problem18:34
anteayaasselin: I think it is saying you need 0.7.618:34
nibalizerim not really confident enough with jjb to know if that even works18:35
asselinanteaya, yes. but why is it saying that yet installed a different version?18:35
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fungimarkvan: no, until very recently our providers did not use glance, so we have been relying on building them from scratch based on various provided base images in each provider/region18:35
asselinanteaya, I just created this image this morning18:35
jeblairasselin, anteaya, nibalizer, jesusaurus: hi.  we're doing some bug triage here.  if your topic is not urgent, would you mind discussing it later or elsewhere?18:36
markvanfungi: ok, are those base images around, at least I could start there.18:36
anteayaasselin: when was your last successful image build?18:36
anteayajeblair: sorry18:36
jeblairasselin, anteaya, nibalizer, jesusaurus: otherwise, please feel free to pitch in and help.  see the URL in the channel topic18:36
fungimarkvan: in hpcloud they're the latest ubuntu trusty 14.04 lts cloud images canonical publishes18:36
clarkbdstufft: we have markupsafe in our mirror. And according to timestamps we have had those files in our mirror since june 30th18:36
anteayasorry I didn't know that was today18:37
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markvanfungi: thx, I start there.18:37
* fungi will stop answering non-bug-triage related questions now18:37
nibalizerjeblair: eep sorry18:38
clarkbdstufft: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1355050 updated with the info  Iwas able to collect. please do update the bug if this is something you are aware of18:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1355050 in openstack-ci "markupsafe package not found" [Medium,Triaged]18:39
clarkbdstufft: and I will need to buy you beer18:39
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: Make enable notifications a flag  https://review.openstack.org/11697118:40
dstufftclarkb: are you just fronting this with apache18:40
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Disable notifications in storyboard  https://review.openstack.org/11697318:40
dstufftor nginx or whatever18:40
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clarkbdstufft: yes18:41
dstufftclarkb: if you don't have something fronting it which will handle the normalization that PyPI does, then you need to ensure you use the exact names18:42
clarkbjeblair: I am going to defer https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1359001 to you. I think I would say just disable the built in geard server... but zuul probably could handle that better18:42
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1359001 in openstack-ci "zuul service untrackable if it tries to start gearman when port 4730 is already open" [Undecided,New]18:42
clarkbdstufft: oh right this is that thing. even though pip says real name is MarkupSafe and has a url to that index?18:43
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jeblairclarkb: yeah, just make sure that's a zuul bug18:43
clarkbjeblair: ok18:43
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dstufftclarkb: it's a sort of bad thing, because it figures out the it needs to look at /simple/MarkupSafe/ because it looks at /simple/ and finds the markupsafe link18:44
dstufftbut it thinks it's an external link18:44
clarkbjeblair: I have removed infra and added zuul18:44
clarkbdstufft: oh fun18:44
dstufftso it doesn't bother to do it without --allow-external and --allow-unverified18:44
clarkbdstufft: any chance I can bribe you to tl;dr on that bug?18:44
dstufftI have on my TODO list to fix this, so that PyPI/bandersnatch stores things in the already normalized form18:44
dstufftthen pip can normalize before looking18:45
dstufftso it doesn't require smarts on the index side to handle it18:45
clarkbjeblair: dhellmann shouldn't bugs like https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1358984 go in storyboard?18:45
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1358984 in openstack-ci "gertty layout calculation exception" [Undecided,New]18:45
dstufftclarkb: yea18:45
clarkbdstufft: great thank you18:45
clarkband excited to see it get fixed :)18:45
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clarkbnotmyname: I am triaging https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1358779 where do I look to see what the device that swift uses is? I think we are using the defaults as provided by devstack and that is what is running out of space18:47
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1358779 in openstack-ci "swift: no space left on device" [Undecided,New]18:47
openstackgerritDmitry Teselkin proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add per-provider env vars  https://review.openstack.org/11699318:47
jeblairclarkb: yes; gertty is not an infra project18:47
clarkbnotmyname: http://logs.openstack.org/94/108394/3/check/check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full/4b574bb/logs/etc/swift/container-server/1.conf.txt.gz is devices = /opt/stack/data/swift/118:48
jeblairif people want it to be, i'm all ears.18:48
clarkbnotmyname: is that the thing that would be running out of disk?18:48
clarkbjeblair: no I think it being in a very informal stackforge project has been good18:48
clarkbjeblair: because you have hacked on it however you liked :)18:48
clarkband this tool is cool18:49
clarkbtl;dr don't mess with a good thing18:49
jeblairclarkb: i'll move that bug18:49
clarkbjeblair: ok ty18:49
* jeblair keeps getting logged out of storyboard :(18:50
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jeblairwow, it didn't take long for storyboard to lose its rabbit connection again18:51
clarkbnotmyname: I think I figured it out, in devstack/lib/swift we default to 1G if not tempest and 6G if tempest18:51
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Ensure dict orders are deterministic  https://review.openstack.org/10706318:52
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jesusaurusclarkb: is https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1358354 the same rax resolv.conf issue you were fighting with the other day?18:58
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1358354 in openstack-ci "centos6-rax: fatal: Unable to look up git.openstack.org (port 9418) (Temporary failure in name resolution)" [High,Fix released]18:58
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add oslo.log to devstack-vm-gate-wrap.sh  https://review.openstack.org/11699518:59
fungijesusaurus: we sometimes also just fail to get working dns lookups in jobs for various reasons, so it's possible it could have been unrelated19:00
anteayameeting time19:00
clarkbjesusaurus: yes I just updated it19:00
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clarkbfungi: no that is the same it was on rax centos619:00
fungiclarkb: oh, perfect then19:01
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix typo - run gate/check against oslo.serialization-py33  https://review.openstack.org/11699719:06
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Directs new account requests to use the new mailing list  https://review.openstack.org/11698919:15
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zaropleia2: bug 823481 is tracked upstream, could you please mark as won't fix?19:17
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 823481 in openstack-ci "Gerrit should have a single page diff view" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82348119:17
pleia2zaro: I don't have access to do that, someone else should though19:18
zaroclarkb, fungi ^^19:21
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zarocan you help there?19:21
clarkbzaro: meeting time19:21
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fungizaro: after we're done with the meeting, sure19:21
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greghaynesjeblair: Why mark as wontfix on https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1294381 rather than just +Aing https://review.openstack.org/#/c/105650/ ?19:23
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1294381 in openstack-ci "pypi-mirror does not pickup all necessary python packages" [Medium,Won't fix]19:23
greghaynesseems easier ;)19:23
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fungigreghaynes: we should probably start up a group conversation about handing over the reigns of pypi-mirror to a new set of maintainers if there's really a desire to keep it alive19:27
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greghaynesor just +A and act like none of this ever happened :)19:33
greghaynesnothing to see here, move along19:33
dhellmannwere we having memory issues on some of the dsvm nodes earlier today? I'm getting test failures, and it looks like I wasn't the only one but they haven't happened for a few hours.19:34
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Multiple Data Dirs proposal  https://review.openstack.org/10036319:35
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Display only first 6 chars for git commit id  https://review.openstack.org/8355619:44
fungihashar: ^ most git tools use 7 digits instead (if that doesn't make too big of a visual difference)19:45
hasharfungi: I have just fixed a typo in the commit message :D19:46
hasharWikimedia uses its own status page js19:46
fungihashar: ahh, yeah i hadn't looked at the change19:46
hasharbut yeah 6 or 7 digits is usually enough19:47
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Put the puppet modules in their own projects/repos  https://review.openstack.org/9999019:52
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klindgrenLifeless - ping?19:56
lifelessklindgren: pong19:57
klindgrenquestion on subunit: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~subunit/subunit/trunk/view/head:/setup.py#L3919:58
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klindgrenWhat is that line for.  Trying to build the package and when I download the tarball and run python setup.py build I get OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''19:59
klindgrenbut on 0.0.18 it works just fine19:59
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klindgren(this is on 0.0.19)19:59
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clarkbmgagne: nibalizer: I commened on the puppet 2.7 run on precise change20:00
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klindgrenlifeless, commenting out that line lets python setup.py build work correctly as well under 0.0.1920:01
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klindgren(This is on cent7)20:01
mgagneclarkb: alright, reading20:01
pleia2anteaya and others: draft for 3rd party email: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/use-3rd-party-lists20:01
pleia2I'm going to go grab some lunch20:01
clarkbI need to grab lunch too20:01
clarkbwenlock: the problem with librarian is that it does or did depend on puppet, if you install librarian it install puppet from gems20:02
clarkbwenlock: at that point you are broken20:02
mgagneclarkb: so node label in JJB isn't of much use? Zuul can override it anyway...20:02
clarkbmgagne: well node label in JJB tells jenkins what to register that job as the zuul via gearman selects which node to run it on20:02
clarkbmgagne: now that we have a split precise/trusty setup going we have to be very specific on the zuul side about how to chooes nodes20:03
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lifelessklindgren: that line fixes doing setup.py from a different directory - for VPATH builds20:03
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clarkbwenlock: and our install modules script does git repos now and can checkout arbitrary refs20:03
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clarkbwenlock: so a few lines of bash has basically replaced complicated ruby thing that completely breaks us20:03
wenlockclarkb , in my testing i didn't need to do that, here is a sample right after running install_puppet.sh for setting up librarian : http://paste.forj.io/show/10/20:04
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lifelessklindgren: does pip install <tarball> work for you ?20:04
clarkbwenlock: as an alternative I would consider r10k but librarian has bitten me way too hard to make me look at it again20:04
anteayapleia2: looks good20:04
clarkbwenlock: did that install puppet?20:04
clarkbwenlock: in any cse there are bette rtools20:04
clarkbwenlock: so I don't want to use less good tools20:04
wenlockclarkb, let me verify that again.  at the time of that testing i wasn't looking to see if my puppet ver changed20:04
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anteayapleia2: noting that the use of require in the email is fine but I will not support an addition to the thirdparty.rst file under the requirements section for mailing lists20:05
anteayapleia2: so we are clear20:05
wenlockclarkb, if you can point me at a better one, i can investigate and report out20:05
clarkbwenlock: our install modules script and r10k20:05
clarkbwenlock: both are better imo20:05
lifelessklindgren: regardless of whether pip install <tarball> works, can you file a bug upstream, with the output of the error? Thanks!20:05
pleia2anteaya: fair enough20:05
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wenlockclarkb we forked install_module.sh a while ago because it didn't seperate the module list from the code20:05
anteayapleia2: thanks20:05
wenlockclarkb did that improve?20:05
clarkbwenlock: no, but thats easy to fix if you need it. Just put module list in a file that you source20:06
lyxusanteaya, Do you know what's happening with with the vArmour CI20:06
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wenlockclarkb that exactly what we did20:06
wenlockclarkb, so we were planning on just simply extending install_module.sh to continue doing that and give it more brains to use other tools when it finds config files for those tools20:07
klindgrenlifeless pip install does work.  I will file a bug.20:07
wenlockcalrkb for example, if it found a Puppetfile, it would install librarian and do a librarian-puppet update agains that file20:07
clarkbwenlock: I don't know why that is necessary though20:07
wenlockcalrkb or better yet, if it found Puppetfile.erb it would erb the file and use it20:07
clarkbwenlock: but r10k would better deal with that20:07
wenlockclarkb, let me hunt down r10k and check it out20:08
clarkbwenlock: why not just list the deps like we do today20:08
wenlockclarkb this guy? https://github.com/adrienthebo/r10k20:08
clarkbwenlock: then you have a single way of doing things that doesn't need crazy gem bootstrap env20:08
clarkbwenlock: yes that20:08
wenlockclarkb because your deps will exist on a git repo20:08
clarkbwenlock: we handle that just fine20:08
wenlocknot in a published forge20:09
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clarkbyes that is completely handled20:09
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anteayalyxus: no20:09
anteayalyxus: what is happening with the vArmour CI?20:09
clarkbwenlock: you forked install modules so you don't get the latest and greateest goodness :)20:09
anteayalyxus: or put another way, why do you ask?20:09
clarkbwenlock: but a couple months ago it grew the checkout git repo feature20:09
wenlockclarkb, looking at install_modules.sh updates for sure20:10
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wenlockclarkb, ok this is nice20:10
wenlocki see that now20:10
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wenlockclarkb, so i would simply propose that install_modules.sh support something like a modules.env file20:11
clarkbwenlock: yup20:11
wenlockso you can seperate the data from the logic20:11
wenlockclarkb, then we'll re-pull that guy for sure20:11
clarkbI think the key thing is that r10k and puppet librarian do all the things20:12
wenlockclarkb, so here is a question though, you would then have all puppet-xyz modules go into /etc/puppet/modules ?20:12
clarkbwhich makes them complicated and easier to break. Whereas a simple shell script while not going to do everything is simple to debug and understand20:12
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clarkbwenlock: yes I think that is how it is setup20:12
wenlockclarkb, it means you wouldn't have modulepath hiearchy anymore either.... so you can do things like override a module in /etc/puppet/modules with your own custom module20:13
wenlockclarkb, maybe not so important for you guys though20:13
clarkbwenlock: that sounds liek a major anti pattern20:13
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clarkbwenlock: overriding moduels in that way is a path to pain when things don't work right20:13
anteayalyxus: do you have additional information?20:13
clarkbwenlock: I would use puppet environments instead20:13
wenlockclarkb puppet 3.x20:14
clarkbunfortunately the problem of namespacing puppet modules is unsolved and nasty20:14
wenlockclarkb exactly20:14
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clarkbmy solution is don't do it :)20:14
lyxusanteaya, I have a review upstream and it's automatically do +1 with an 10.X.X.X IP , see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/113421/20:14
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lyxusanteaya, I don't have the info to contact them and let them know that they have a problem20:14
klindgrenlifeless - https://bugs.launchpad.net/subunit/+bug/136185720:15
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1361857 in subunit "Subunit 0.0.19 wont build" [Undecided,New]20:15
clarkbI need to grab lunch though. check out r10k if you need Puppetfile support as finch seems to have done a good job with it20:15
clarkband double check your puppet version after installing librarian, it may not be what you want20:15
wenlockclarkb cool, will do, and let you know20:15
anteayalyxus: yeah okay, 1 minute to test a patch is not testing a patch20:15
wenlockclarkb ty for the input there.20:16
lyxusanteaya, and no access to the log20:16
anteayafungi can you disable vArmour CI and I will email them20:16
anteayalyxus: thanks for letting us know20:16
fungianteaya: sure20:16
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anteayafungi: thanks20:18
fungianteaya: i've deactivated vArmour CI (10119)20:18
anteayathank you20:19
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anteayalyxus: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-infra/2014-August/001825.html20:23
anteayalyxus: thanks again20:23
lyxusanteaya, No problem20:23
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notmynameclarkb: I'm at the ops meetup today and just now saw your questions. did you get it figured out?20:31
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clarkbyup I think I got it20:37
lyxuskevinbenton, Hi Kevin, how are you dealing with the rebase issue ?20:37
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ianwfungi / clarkb / jeblair / anyone : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/115752/ (Add a test to verify oslo.messaging's AMQP 1.0 messaging protocol support) <- only fedora has the packages required for this.  IMO it's fine for him to bring his test up on f20 nodes.  are you going to be ok with adding the dev packages to install in thick_slave.pp for f20 nodes?  i can't see a precedent for this at the moment.  i don't want to be advising20:42
ianwken of the wrong thing20:42
marunclarkb: is autocheck disabled?20:42
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Remove devstack/devstack-gate from projects  https://review.openstack.org/11669220:44
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fungimarun: describe autocheck... do you mean where we were rerunning check jobs if someone commented on a change which had no check results for more than 72 hours, or something else?20:46
marunfungi: that's it20:46
PsionTheoryDoes Anyone know of any upcoming features being considered for Neutron IPv6 Features within the K Release Cycle ?20:46
marunPsionTheory: wouldn't that be a better question for #openstack-neutron?20:47
fungimarun: we retired that in favor of automated merge conflict detection. now when a change merges to a project, zuul immediately checks all open changes for the same project+branch and -1s them if they don't merge cleanly onto the new state20:47
marunfungi: ah, ok. I've seen that in action but didn't really understand the mechanism20:47
fungimarun: lighter-weight, faster and accomplishes much of the same since we still require an actual +1 check on a change before it's enqueued into the gate20:48
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* fungi needs to go grab dinner, but will be back for more bug triage soon20:48
PsionTheoryyes. i posed there and here just trying to cover all locations20:48
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fungiPsionTheory: this is the channel where we discuss the openstack project community infrastructure systems (wiki, code review, job automation, mailing list software, et cetera)20:49
fungiPsionTheory: we don't generally discuss much about actual openstack except in places where we're reusing it ourselves to support our community systems20:50
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PsionTheoryok. my apologies20:55
mdormani’ve noticed that the gate queue time is up to a couple hours.  is the fundamental problem that there needs to be more test nodes?20:56
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clarkbmdorman: basically20:57
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clarkbmdorman: there are some other issues too though. there is a nova bug that affects us in rax where we can't always delete a node and that consumes that nodes quota20:58
mdormani see20:58
clarkbmdorman: and we hit quota issues in hpcloud that we have hopefully worked around20:58
mdormanso i assume that if more machines were made available for this, that would be welcome?20:58
clarkbmdorman: so we are somewhat more contrained than we would like and the backlog has grown. But its also getting close to feature freeze which always contributes to the backlog20:58
clarkbmdorman: yes, it is a thing that jeblair has talked to other groups about20:59
mdormangottcha, makes sense20:59
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clarkbif you are interested in donating openstack cloud resources you should talk to jeblair :)20:59
mdormankk.  yeah something i want to raise with my employer as a potential, just wanted to find out if that would actaully behelping or not.21:00
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clarkbianw: let me catch up on that21:01
jeblairmdorman: yep; i can send you some boilerplate about what we'd need and how it would work if that's helpful21:01
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mdormanjeblair: yeah that’d be great.  will pm you my email21:02
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clarkbianw: I think we may actually need a bare-f20 node imgae to run those tsets as we won't have package dependencies on those nodes21:03
clarkbianw: however we don't do any amqp unittests against real amqp servers so it would be new in that regard too21:03
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clarkbianw: we can chat more later but I want to get back to bug day activities now21:04
clarkbianw: maybe they can do what swift function and neutron functional tests do and rely on devstack for the dependencies?21:05
ianwclarkb: np21:05
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Directs new account requests to use the new mailing list  https://review.openstack.org/11698921:08
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pleia2anteaya: thanks \o/21:09
anteayathank you21:09
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lyxusAny one running  a CI here? I would like to know how do you deal with reviews that haven't been rebased21:15
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anteayalyxus: have you an example?21:16
pleia2lyxus: not sure what you mean by "deal with" - I think usually the person who submitted the change handles rebasing their change21:17
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lyxusanteaya, I am reading 116989, do you imply that CI owners have to keep their subscription to third-party-request ( I am already subscribed to both)21:17
anteayaI don't imply it, I state it21:18
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anteayaI don't scale21:18
anteayaand at somepoint need to be on holidays21:18
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anteayaif other folks, hopefully ci folks, learn to help each other, then I will just hang out a gone fishing sign and close the door21:19
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clarkbI marked https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1349634 incomplete beceause testing on OS X is basically impossible for me21:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1349634 in openstack-ci "Update command not creating jobs" [Undecided,Incomplete]21:19
lyxuspleia2, anteaya , I have couple of reviews that haven't been rebased recently (last 3 days), some of my new tests are failing because it hasn't been rebased.  Should I do a -1 and ask for rebase or 0 and ask for rebase21:19
clarkbif anyone has an OS X machine and wants to update that bug it would be much appreciated21:20
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clarkbI did give steps for doing things a bit more pythony so that we can have a common set of steps to debug21:20
clarkbrather than eg brew21:20
lyxusanteaya, it makes sense.  I am ALL about helping :)21:20
anteayalyxus: yes, you are very supportive21:21
anteayalyxus: and I appreciate it21:21
anteayathank you21:21
jogopleia2: ping21:21
pleia2jogo: pong21:21
jogopleia2: want to learn how to add a e-r patch today?21:21
jogoand document it ;)21:21
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anteayalyxus: can you stop testing those patches until they ahve been rebased21:21
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anteayaand then as a reviewer make a comment requesting the patch be rebased?21:22
pleia2jogo: how's tomorrow or a bit later? I need to convince an uber driver to take me and my cat to the vet in a few minutes (she's sick, boo)21:22
anteayaand you are welcome to -1 as yourself reviewing code21:22
anteayalyxus: would that work?21:22
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jogohope your cat feels better21:23
jogoI'll ping you tomorrow21:24
pleia2jogo: I'll ping you upon my return this afternoon21:24
pleia2or that21:24
* pleia2 goes to pack up kitty21:24
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anteayagood health to kitty, pleia221:24
lyxusanteaya, That's where I was going toward, however I think sending a 0 with a message like "please rebase, retrigger using XXX-ci re-check"21:25
anteayaplease don't send a rebase message with your ci system21:26
anteayapost it yourself as a reviewer21:26
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lyxusanteaya, of course !21:26
anteayaand whether you vote -1 or 0 is up to you21:27
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lyxusanteaya, Ok, will do.21:28
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dolphmcan anyone tell me the rackspace service / internal IP for static.openstack.org / logs.openstack.org?21:34
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zarofungi: could you please close out bug 1021865 too?  it's tracked upstream.21:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1021865 in openstack-ci "Gerrit should have a nicer way of reporting jenkins job status" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102186521:35
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clarkbdolphm: why for?21:37
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dolphmclarkb: i'd like to build a server closer to it, to download logs faster and without consuming public IP bandwidth21:37
clarkbwait you can access that ip from other tenants?21:38
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clarkboh right this is why the dbaas stuff isso sketchy21:38
dolphmclarkb: correct, service net is not secure21:38
dolphmclarkb: it's just the intra-dc network21:38
clarkbdolphm: I don't think we support the internal ip21:38
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clarkbI would have to double check firewall rules21:38
dolphmclarkb: what's the chance it could be opened on that server if i file a bug against infra? =D21:39
clarkbwell it may be opened I am checking however, I really don't know that we want to give people access to the private ips21:39
clarkbmostly because they may change and then you would be broken21:39
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clarkb(because we don't DNS them because that doesn't make sense)21:40
clarkbfungi: jeblair ^ thoughts?21:40
lifelessdolphm: do you expect a noticable perf difference? surely same region public<->public doesn't actually go over the narrow links21:40
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clarkblifeless: I am pretty sure we tested it at some point and throughput was about the same. But public IP costs money21:42
clarkbhowever, I am not comfortable advertising private IPs21:42
clarkbbecause there is no good way to DNS them21:42
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lifelessso outbound NAT <-> public IP should be the same no?21:43
lifelessall dolphm needs to know is what region to put his server in?21:44
clarkbrax dfw21:44
clarkbbut again there isn't any guarntee we won't just change that21:44
openstackgerritSebastien Badia proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: puppet-jobs: Pin puppet-unit-2.7 jobs to precise  https://review.openstack.org/11691521:45
clarkbI feel like people relying on specific implementation details of our servers is not so good21:45
clarkband maybe we should be talking about making log downloads better in the general case?21:45
clarkbdolphm: ^ is there a specific use case you have or juts normal my job failed give me logs?21:45
clarkbRyan_Lane1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1353653 FYI also feel free to point me in a direction to debug that and I will see what I can do21:46
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1353653 in openstack-ci "Wiki's Youtube plugin appears broken" [Medium,Triaged]21:46
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clarkbok got through the new bugs list21:54
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dolphmlifeless: i'd expect a performance difference (granted i dont work in pub cloud and could be wrong), and there's no bandwidth charge, technically21:59
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dolphmclarkb: right now my use case is "let me grep my logs"22:00
jeblairdolphm: i heard at one point you could expect better performance on the public network22:00
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jeblairi have not tested that recently22:01
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dolphmjeblair: wow that .. sucks22:01
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clarkbjeblair: fungi pleia2 any preference for where in the bug list I jump now that the new list is empty?22:02
jeblairclarkb: /win 5722:02
jeblairwell, there's your answer :)22:02
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* clarkb looks for 5722:03
jeblairclarkb: i've skimmed it from top to bottom and hit a bunch of stuff, so i don't really have a demarcation point22:03
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clarkbjeblair: ok22:03
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clarkbdolphm: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1313168 doesn't seem like an infra bug to me. Wouldn't ssh key failures like that be related to the cirros node booted and the networking?22:08
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1313168 in openstack-ci "paramiko ValueError: Unable to compute factors p and q from exponent d" [Medium,Triaged]22:08
clarkbsdague: ^22:08
clarkbits not an entropy issue right? calculating p and q assumes we already have a key somewhere that we are doing maths on22:09
clarkbmattoliverau: good morning22:09
clarkbmattoliverau: we are doing bug day things. https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cibugreview-august2014 if you want to dig in22:10
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mattoliverauSure :)22:12
clarkbjeblair: dolphm: now  that recheck #bugnumber is deadish should we close https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1235335 ?22:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1235335 in openstack-ci "Reject "recheck/reverify bug <the bug# being fixed>"" [Low,Triaged]22:12
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dolphmclarkb: dont have an answer to your first question; and marked it invalid22:13
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clarkbdolphm: it is a really odd error that I think means it got a bad ssh key from somewhere22:14
dolphmclarkb: i just want these kinds of recurring issues to be tracked :( even if its won't fix / cant fix / upstream issue22:15
clarkbdolphm: ya thats fair. I just find that infra is everyone's default location and we can't do much with them. Redirecting to groups that can actually fix the problems is what I am hoping to do22:15
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clarkbwe almost need a way to submit bugs aginst The Entire Thing as a giant unclassified bug queue. Then different projects can grab at it22:16
dolphmclarkb: understood. if i dont know the more specific team, i hope that -infra does :)22:16
dolphmdedicated LP project?22:17
clarkbdolphm: maybe? we are gettingclose to switching to storyboard so maybe we can figure out something good there22:17
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clarkbfungi: have we had any luck diagnosing https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1282795 type failures with the extra debugging info we have added?22:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1282795 in openstack-ci "InterpreterNotFound: python2.6" [Low,Confirmed]22:19
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fungiclarkb: yeah, late back to the party here, but i too have been skimming/random hit-and-run on the list22:25
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fungialso we should convince the aussies to take over the bug day now that it's getting lateish on this end of the rock22:26
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fungidolphm: clarkb: a dedicated lp project for "i don't know whose bug this is" might as well be called "bitbucket"22:27
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Handle utf8 in JJB XML output  https://review.openstack.org/11704122:27
funginobody will probably look at it, except qa people who aren't yet burned out (if there are any of those left now)22:27
mattoliverauWell I'm happy to work my way through, josh is on leave (here in Melbourne) so I'll complain to him about missing bug day then :)22:27
clarkbI got nerd sniped by fixing ^ I supposed I should add a test for that22:28
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clarkbfungi: ya that is my worry22:28
clarkbmattoliverau: wait he is on leave and visiting you?22:28
mattoliverau*at lunch, I meant, man I think I need coffee22:28
clarkbmattoliverau: you should throw work at him for being silly enough to be in melbourne :)22:28
fungiclarkb: i should revisit the "interpreter not found" logstash queries now--thanks for the reminder22:28
clarkbfungi: np22:29
mattoliverauHe's visiting Melbourne and have organized a lunch with josh me and richard22:29
clarkbalways happy to give other people work >_>22:29
mattoliverauLol will do ;)22:29
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mattoliverauIts called delegating :)22:30
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fungiclarkb: heisenbug. a search on logstash for message:"InterpreterNotFound:" AND tags:console over the past 7 days returns "No events matched"22:32
fungi(am i doing it wrong?)22:33
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clarkbfungi: earch for yum and rpm not found22:34
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clarkband no that looks like the way to do it22:34
clarkbmaybe drop the : from your message query?22:34
clarkbbut quotes should escape the : and you have quotes22:34
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fungiclarkb: does it substring match without a wildcard there even if it's not a space-separated string22:34
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fungibut anyway, no difference22:35
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fungi0 hits22:35
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dolphmfungi: ha for some bugs thats fine. we need to recheck against wont fix / cant fix too22:35
fungidolphm: yep, it was just a really infuriating bug and now that we've got extra debug info/logging added it's not happening any longer22:36
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fungiwhich is doubly infuriating22:36
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fungidolphm: oh, you meant the bitbucket catch-all project comment22:36
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* fungi is bad at context switching22:36
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dolphmfungi: sorry i have bad reply latency :)22:37
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fungiconflicts with my leaky brain cache22:38
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fungiclarkb: i did revisit the missing yum query earlier today too and no hits since early utc on the 23rd so may also have worked its way out of the stale image cache in dfw, or whatever is going on there22:39
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clarkblifeless: using testtools DocTestMatches matcher fails on unicode string in python2.7. Do you know what I am doing wrong?22:41
clarkbor are all docstrings in python assumed to be real strings and this won't work?22:41
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clarkblooking int testtools it seems to try and make unicode work22:43
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lifelessclarkb: what does the failure look like?22:43
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clarkblifeless: http://paste.openstack.org/show/100697/22:45
clarkblifeless: I am trying to match two documents with snowman in them22:45
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mgagneclarkb: looks like uninstall puppet wasn't enough, we also need to uninstall puppet-common =(22:46
clarkbmgagne: should we move forward with pinning on precise instead?22:46
Ryan_Lane1clarkb: hm. it looks like the iframes are being embedded22:46
mgagneclarkb: yes, I guess we will get faster results22:46
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pleia2ok, back from cat adventure (all is well)22:47
fungiit's a Ryan_Lane1! glad to see you weren't shaken apart by seismic activity22:48
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Ryan_Lane1fungi: thanks22:48
clarkbI managed to abort all but one of those jobs associated to the broken neutron change22:48
Ryan_Lane1yeah, I got woken up22:48
Ryan_Lane1but it wasn't too bad22:48
clarkbhopefully I can catch that last job and abort it too so that we stop cycling on it22:48
fungiclarkb: agreed. i've been playing whack-a-jenkins with those throughout the day22:49
fungione of us will quell it22:49
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fungijust in time for the author to rebase it or upload another commit message edit22:50
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clarkblifeless: unless is self.want.__class__(actual) failing because actual is utf8 bytes and want is string?22:50
clarkblifeless: or is it failing because the coercion there only works if you provide an encoding?22:50
Ryan_Lane1this is an issue with mixed content22:51
Ryan_Lane1firefox blocks mixed content by default now22:51
fungi"mixed content"22:51
fungiisn't the point of the world wide web that it has mixed content?22:51
Ryan_Lane1I'd imagine that it's the same problem in chrome too22:52
Ryan_Lane1mixed content is http content being loaded on an https page22:52
fungiohhh... "mixed content" means "multi-protocol (http+https)"22:52
clarkblifeless: a quick check shows that want.__class__(actual) should work if both are unicode strings22:52
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fungijust found an explanation of it on a web page with slightly less mixed content22:52
Ryan_Lane1I may fork the extension and fix the issue22:54
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fungiapparently https content on an http page is not deemed mixed content, just the other way 'round?22:54
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fungiso if we can just rewrite all the youtube urls to https... ;)22:55
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Ryan_Lanehttp content in an https session degrades the security of the session22:55
JayFyeah the premise being; you tell someone it's secure in the address bar that it had better be secure22:55
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Ryan_Lanefungi: the extension writes the URLs22:55
JayFbut http:// gives no such promise so it's just bonus if you've got ssl22:55
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oanufrievhi. is this a normal case in zuul? http://status.openstack.org/zuul/22:55
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fungiRyan_Lane: yeah, i assumed as much, or else you wouldn't have waved around the forking solution22:56
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Ryan_Laneit's actually a pretty easy fix22:56
Ryan_LaneI actually wonder if protocol relative URLs would work for this22:56
fungioanufriev: depends on what your sample size is. if you're talking about normal at some point in openstack's integrated release development cycle, then yes this is more or less normal for feature (proposal) freeze22:57
clarkblifeless: oh I get it, one side is a processed bytestring the other is python unicode22:57
clarkblifeless: yup that was it22:57
fungioanufriev: our providers have some ongoing issues which are impacting our test throughput as well, but this is mostly just a problem of volume22:57
oanufrievfungi oh, thanks22:57
lifelessclarkb: so """foo bar baz""" is a bytestring in python 2.x22:57
lifelessclarkb: unless you use unicode literals22:58
lifelessclarkb: which we can do, if we've stopped caring about2.622:58
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Ryan_Laneyep. protocol relative links will work23:00
Ryan_LaneI'll fix this tonight. it should be really easy23:00
fungiRyan_Lane: thanks a bunch!23:00
ZZelleclarkb, hi23:00
ZZelleclarkb, is gerrit 2.9 in openstack-infra roadmap?23:01
jogohmm how come our pypi mirror doesn't have flake8 2.2.3 http://pypi.openstack.org/simple/flake8/23:01
jogoit was added yesterday23:01
jogoto pypi.python23:01
pleia2jogo: I'm around for the foreseeable future23:01
fungijogo: bandersnatch is likely stuck again... looking now23:02
jogofungi: thanks23:02
jogopleia2: excellent can we punt to tomorrow23:02
pleia2jogo: yep23:02
fungijogo: yep, stuck since some time on the 24th23:02
jogoI am in the middle of a heated containers debate23:02
fungijogo: make sure to vent your containers when heating, to avoid unwanted explosions23:02
jogofungi: hehe that works on so many levels23:02
clarkblifeless: nah I am just forcing everything to bytestring using encode23:02
clarkblifeless: its good enough23:03
jogowe just need a openstack project called vent now23:03
fungijogo: i'll make one called 'splosions23:03
lifelessvent, I like it23:03
JayFjogo: serenity now23:03
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fungijogo: or mayve asplode23:03
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jogofungi: let me know when bandersnatch is up again so I can run the recheck23:04
pleia2fungi: well, "infrastructure" really should have a code name...23:04
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fungijogo: it'll be a few minutes... i'm trying to collect some semblance of state information about the current hung process23:04
jogofungi: excellent23:04
lifelessclarkb: can I get a +2 on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/116775/ ?23:05
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clarkblifeless: did the test you added for the thing we talked about last night actually test the thing I wanted tested?23:06
clarkblifeless: looks like its the same as the other test with the missing trailing 023:06
fungijogo: yep, it's the usual known cause... "TooManyRedirects: Exceeded 30 redirects." seems "Coinbridge" was renamed to "coinbridge" and we tried to sync that update at 2014-08-24 14:55:03 but ran afoul of an infinite redirect loop between pypi.python.org and their fastly cdn. it should have expired by now so restarting it ought to fix23:06
clarkbpleia2: yes! we should call infra "mantle" or some other foundation of a thing thing23:07
fungijogo: however i probably should open a bitbucket issue against bandersnatch about how it fails to terminate under these conditions23:07
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pleia2clarkb: I was voting for 'splosions :)23:07
fungipleia2: i think i prefer "asplodey"23:08
lifelessclarkb: I don't understand what you mean23:08
lifelessclarkb: we had two discrete failures reported23:08
lifelessclarkb: 2.1.0.rc123:08
clarkbvs 2.1.0.rc123:08
lifelessclarkb: and 0.0.1a223:08
clarkbyou are testing 2.1.0.rc1 we want to test
lifelessno we don't23:09
clarkbbut its in your commit message...23:09
lifeless2.1.0.0rc1 is already tested23:09
clarkbit is?23:09
lifeless        self.assertEqual(semver, from_pip_string(""))23:09
lifelessthe test we need added was the non-canonical form x.y.z.$prerelease$serial23:10
lifelesswhich is added23:10
lifelesswe also needed x.y.z$prerelease$serial which I added23:11
clarkbok so the commit message was just confusing me23:11
lifelessand I added x.y forms as well23:11
lifelessI mean, I can add more tests, but none proposed so far seem to add coverage23:11
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lifelessdhellmann-phone: clarkb: can I get a +2 each on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/108269/ ?23:13
clarkblifeless: ya I was just confused by the commit message23:13
clarkblifeless: the commit message calls out a specific case then ignores it best I can tell23:14
lifelessclarkb: huh?23:14
lifelessclarkb: left side in the commit message is the input23:14
lifelessclarkb: right side is the canonical form23:14
clarkblifeless: but your canonical form is different23:14
lifelessclarkb: test_from_pip_string_legacy_no_0_prerelease tests the input23:14
clarkb0rc1 != rc123:15
lifelessclarkb: from_pip_string doesn't take canonical form, its takes dogsbreakfast23:15
lifelessclarkb: of course, because testing canonical form as input isn't interesting.23:15
lifelessclarkb: we need to test the bad data.23:15
lifelessclarkb: which the test does23:16
clarkbI get that, it just seems like the canonical form isn't actually reprsented in the test for 2.1.0.rc123:16
lifelessclarkb: what do you mean represented?23:16
lifelessclarkb: are you asking me to serialise expected, and then compare the strings?23:17
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clarkbI mean you are doing an assert that input 2.1.0.rc1 comes out as except we aren't checking that23:17
clarkbinstead we are checking internal representations23:17
lifelesse.g. assertEqual("", parsed.release_string())23:17
clarkblifeless: maybe that is what I need23:17
lifelesswe're checking the object is equal23:17
clarkblifeless: right but its just implicit that the object you contruct is equivalent to
lifelessclarkb: its explicit actually23:18
lifelessclarkb: that is the contract23:18
lifelessclarkb: and we've got lots of tests covering that23:18
lifelessclarkb: e.g. test_rc_version23:18
clarkbits not explicit in the test that was written to check that 2.1.0.rc1 becomes
lifelessthats not what the test was written to check23:19
clarkbthen why is it in the commit message...23:19
clarkbI think if you didn't specifically call that out in the commit message I wouldn't care23:19
lifelessit was written to check that we can parse 2.1.0.rc1 As major=2, minor=1, patch=1 prerelease_type=rc prerelease=123:19
clarkbbut the commit message says check X to Y and we don't do that23:19
lifelesswhich has a canonical form of
lifelessclarkb: thats not what the commit message says; it says what the canonical form is - it was intended for clarity.23:20
lifelessclarkb: nowhere in the commit message does it say 'equal' or 'check' or ...23:20
fungijogo: the mirror just pulsed and now you have flake8 2.2.3 available to you there23:21
jogofungi: woot23:23
lifelessclarkb: but honestly, I have no interest in arguing. Tell me what would help you understand the commit message and I'll reword it.23:23
lifelessclarkb: I don't think the test is wrong; I think its entirely appropriate to compare the object representations not the strings23:23
clarkblifeless: we have called out specific version mappings that were unhandled. This change handles those cases and tests them. But it isn't clear in the test that we are actually testing that. I would argue that the contract could be changed in such a way that we no longer test that version any longer (by updating the transitive tests that cover this but not updating the test I would like to see23:24
clarkblifeless: mostly its about sanity for the reviewer. we call out X to Y. We don't clearly test it23:24
lifelessclarkb: so I put Y in there for reviewers.23:24
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lifelessI can remove it.23:24
lifelessclarkb: I disagree with your point about contract23:25
lifelessclarkb: if we change the contract to alter parsing, it will fail this test.23:25
lifelessclarkb: if we change the contract to alter serialisation, it should not fail this test because the object identity isn't changed.23:25
lifelessclarkb: that has no dependencies on other tests.23:26
lifelessfor instance, if we said that we were making the canonical form be x.y.z.rc1, this test doesn't and should not change.23:26
lifelessbecause the 0 in 0rc1 is not semantic - its not part of the object model23:26
lifelessand thats why I *don't want* to compare strings there.23:26
clarkbhow is it not semantic? if it wasn't we could just leave it out...23:27
lifelessclarkb: its syntactic23:27
clarkbit has meaning otherweise we wouldn't be doing all of this work to ensure its there23:27
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clarkblifeless: why can't we just accept .rc1 then?23:27
lifelessclarkb: this patch means we can23:27
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lifelessclarkb: the semver blueprint says that x.y.z.0rc1 is how we'll notate pre-release versions23:28
lifelessand it says that because of a) for a bit pep-440 was saying it had to have it that way (thats changed) and b) we had consensus that this way is aesthetically more aligned with upstream semver23:29
jeblairi'm seeing some very weird virtualenv/pip behavior, where installation succeeds or fails depending on where in the filesystem the virtualenv is23:30
jeblairhttp://paste.openstack.org/show/100705/ and http://paste.openstack.org/show/100709/23:30
jeblairinstallation works unless the venv is installed into /usr/local/23:31
lifelessjeblair: see the path transform?23:31
jeblairlifeless: yep23:31
lifelessjeblair: /usr/local -> /usr23:31
jeblairlifeless: seems crucial, but no idea why that would have happened23:31
lifelesseasy_install being evil I suspect23:32
lifelesslooking at get_prefixes stuff23:32
lifelessmrda: ping23:33
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jeblairdstufft: ^ does that make any sense to you?23:35
jeblairshould that even be running easy_install?23:35
jeblairi don't actually know what our expectation is around that for pbr-based projects at the moment23:36
anteayahow do I change the status of this bug to closed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/126312123:37
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1263121 in openstack-ci "Gerrit external testing tools should have consistent names" [Medium,Confirmed]23:37
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jeblairanteaya: set the status to fix-released23:37
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dstufftjeblair: does appear to be anything i know of off the top of my head23:37
anteayajeblair: k, thanks23:37
jeblairanteaya: and if you can't do that, join https://launchpad.net/~openstack-ci-bugs :)23:38
lifelessclarkb: so, updated the commit message.23:39
jeblairdstufft: where should i file a bug report?23:40
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dstufftjeblair: can you reproduce?23:40
fungijeblair: are you using a debuntu platform or a redbox?23:40
jeblairdstufft, fungi: easily reproducible on precise23:41
dstufftjeblair: probably should be filed on pip, it might be a birtualenv prob tho but if it is it's the same people so it's OK23:41
pleia2fungi: oh! I'm flying to Debconf late tomorrow afternoon, CI things happening Thursday: https://launchpad.net/~openstack-ci-bugs23:41
pleia2laggy paste buffer23:42
jeblairdstufft: okay, i'll see if i can reduce the test case a little more, then file.  thanks23:42
fungipleia2: i'm very excited--keep me apprised and sorry i'm not going to be there myself to pitch in23:42
pleia2fungi: will do23:42
dstufftlifeless: clarkb I have a library that is the reference implementation for parsing PEP 440 versions fwiw23:43
dstufftit has a ton of tests23:43
dstufftit's apache2 licensed, you can steal the version parsing from it if you wan23:43
lifelessdstufft: may do, thanks.23:43
dstuffthttps://packaging.pypa.io/en/latest/version/ docs23:44
dstufftit's a pretty good bet we'll be ending up using this in pip, and maybe setuptools, fwiw23:44
anteayajeblair: I could do that23:45
anteayaand I joined23:46
anteayajeblair: mind approving pleia2 and myself?23:46
anteayawe are pending approval23:46
pleia2Ending bug day count: 23323:46
pleia2nice work :) started with 27023:46
anteayapleia2: good work23:46
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anteayapleia2: and the summit url needs a cert23:47
fungipleia2: anteaya: done23:47
anteayafungi: thanks23:47
pleia24 of them were just moved to zuul, ssh23:47
r1chardj0n3sjeblair: could be the debuntu /local/ path hackery in the virtualenv falling about laughing - perhaps check in the virtualenv that any .../local/... symlinks are correct?23:47
pleia2thanks fungi23:47
r1chardj0n3sjeblair: ... given that it's the "local" case that's failing23:48
anteayahey r1chardj0n3s23:48
r1chardj0n3shiya anteaya23:48
fungir1chardj0n3s: that's what i was wondering but was trying to work out how to nail down for sure23:48
r1chardj0n3sfungi: I'd just poke around the created venv to make sure all the symlinks actually work23:48
fungimakes sense23:49
r1chardj0n3s'cos I suspect that the might not have anticipated someone creating a venv inside /usr/local23:49
r1chardj0n3sor it's just a dumb bug ;)23:49
r1chardj0n3sclarkb: are you up for working through that pip-missing-reqs change?23:49
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clarkbr1chardj0n3s: not right now maybe closer to 7 or 8pm PDT (2-3 hours from now)23:53
clarkbr1chardj0n3s: I need to run errands nowish23:53
r1chardj0n3sok, just gimme a ping when you're good to go then :)23:53
clarkbwoot I think I fixed JJB and it can handle unicode inputs now23:53
anteayayay clarkb23:53
lifelessclarkb: dhellmann-phone: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/116775/ needs a re-review since I changed the commit message23:55
fungijeblair: point of reference, i can't reproduce on relatively current debian/testing and distro-provided python-virtualenv 1.11.4 package so this might be specific to older virtualenv or older python interpreter packaging (likely also unreproducible on ubuntu/trusty)23:55
jeblairr1chardj0n3s: like this: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   23 Aug 26 23:51 bin -> /usr/local/zuul-env/bin23:56
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jeblairthose look correct23:57
jeblairi'm worried this is pbr related23:57
lifelessjeblair: I'm struggling to see how it would be23:57
jeblairbut i don't know how to test that23:57
lifelessjeblair: we don't fiddle with build paths in pbr today23:57
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r1chardj0n3sjeblair: yep, that does. but something is nuking the "local" from /usr/local/zuul-env/ in that Makefile path...23:58
lifelessjeblair: we don't have 'local' as a string in pbr except in comments.23:59

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