Wednesday, 2021-08-25

fungiany chance someone with a better understanding of horizon internals can take a look at in order to assist the ubuntu package maintainers in determining whether they need to patch old versions of xstatic-bootstrap-scss?13:31
lmerclHello vishalmanchanda, for my issue is fixed proposed to nova-api by these my PRs to nova project: and
vishalmanchandafungi: looking.13:54
vishalmanchandalmercl: nice13:55
vishalmanchanda#startmeeting horizon15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Aug 25 15:00:56 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is vishalmanchanda. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'horizon'15:00
vishalmanchandahi anyone around for horizon meeting?15:01
vishalmanchandaok let's start.15:04
vishalmanchanda#topic Notices15:04
vishalmanchandaNext week is Xena-3 milestone.15:04
vishalmanchandaXena Schedule
vishalmanchandaAlso Feature freeze so please let me know if you are working on any feature and want to get it reviewed.15:05
rdopieraI will probably not be able to push my work before freeze, so it will go to Yoga15:06
vishalmanchandardopiera: np.15:06
vishalmanchandaTC & PTL Nominations was ended yesterday and I am again up for PTL for yoga cycle.15:08
vishalmanchandathat's all update from my side for this week.15:08
vishalmanchanda#topic open-discussion15:09
vishalmanchandaWe have one security bug reported in horizon changed to public, please take a look at if it's valid or not?15:09
vishalmanchandaI nice to have more eyes on the bug.15:10
rdopieraI already commented on it. They are basically right in comment #715:10
vishalmanchandaso no action required from our side?15:11
amotokione question is whether we should use the recommended version of xstatic version of bootstrap?15:12
rdopieraI don't think so. I think that CVE was one of the main reasons why I upgraded that package in the first place.15:12
vishalmanchandardopiera: thanks for confirmation.15:12
amotokiit is not an easy situation for folks who deploy horizon using pip15:13
amotokido we need a message not to trust the version of xstatic versions and to suggest the upstream of xstatic packages?15:14
rdopierawhat do you mean by not trusting the xtstatic versions?15:14
rdopierathey are correct15:15
amotokisorry I was confused that we need to upgrade bootstrap-scss to 3.4.1 but this is the current vesion.15:16
rdopierathe only problem is that Ubuntu didn't upgrade15:17
amotokiI read thru it again and you are all right.15:18
vishalmanchandaDoes anyone have any other topic to discuss?15:20
rdopieraI don't15:20
tmazurNothing from me15:21
amotokiperhaps xenial is too old and ubuntu cares only xstatic versions shipped with horizon in xenial.15:21
amotokithey might not track independent releases like this. this bug would be a good notice.15:22
amotokinothing from me more15:22
vishalmanchandathen let's end this meeting.15:23
vishalmanchandaThanks everyone for joining, see you next week.15:23
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Aug 25 15:24:09 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:24
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
fungirdopiera: thanks for following up on the bootstrap tooltips bug. do you have any feedback on seth's later comments (#11 about FormsetCell et cetera particularly, but maybe also #12 about if horizon relies on it for anything besides the vitrage dashboard)?15:45
rdopierafungi: to be honest I don't understand those comments, the CVE is fixed in that version of bootstrap, so I see no point in analyzing where the tooltips are being used15:47
rdopieraI imagine there are many places where the tooltips display user-provided data.15:48
fungiyeah, i think what seth's trying to ascertain is whether horizon exposes any of the vulnerable functions to begin with, in order to determine if there's a fix which can be applied to the version in ubuntu bionic (ubuntu provides stable packaging, and backports specific fixes to the versions they carry rather than just upgrading entire libraries any time there's a vulnerability in one)16:02
fungisince twitter bootstrap doesn't seem to offer stable backports of fixes like we do, he'd need to do the backporting of the fix himself and wants to work out if it's worth the effort to do so16:03
rdopieraI really doubt that anything else is using that xstatic library.16:06
rdopieraEven if Horizon just happens to not use the vulnerable function by coincidence, we can't really say if any plugin, especially a 3rd-party plugin written by a customer doesn't use it.16:07
fungirdopiera: yep, thanks, that was my rationale as well16:08
fungijust wanted to be sure i was on the right track16:08

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