Monday, 2021-08-23

opendevreviewNitish Venkata Patcherla proposed openstack/horizon master: Add Rules operation to Network QoS Policy
opendevreviewNitish Venkata Patcherla proposed openstack/horizon master: Add Rules operation to Network QoS Policy
lmerclis it possible to specify microversion of Nova API used by Horizon? There is an issue with microversion >= 2.47 and flavor doensnt have attribute id on server layer anymore and horizon is using on a few places in views.11:51
vishalmanchandalmercl: hi, JFYI in horizon microversion is passed by this function
vishalmanchandalmercl: IMO it needs to be fixed in nova side, better if you could open a new bug and add some steps to reproduce it, I will also take a look.11:58
lmerclHello <vishalmanchanda, thanks for reply. I created I'm not sure if it's more nova or horizon so I created it in horizon bug namespace. Thank you in advanced and I can help in case of needed or some more detail will be needed.12:43
vishalmanchandalmercl: ok I will check if I can help.12:52
vishalmanchandalmercl: just to confirm you can resize the instance do that via cli?12:54
opendevreviewNitish Venkata Patcherla proposed openstack/horizon master: Add Rules operation to Network QoS Policy
lmerclvishalmanchanda> yes, it works fine without any issues 13:47
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on has been restarted for a patch version upgrade, resulting in a brief outage21:42

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