Wednesday, 2020-12-23

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zenkuromhu: okey, so Ive tried sf3.5 on centos stream, and there is a multiple python library issues09:22
mhuzenkuro, not surprising tbh :) would you mind listing them on an etherpad?09:31
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mhuawesome, we'll have a look after the holidays, thanks for your contribution!09:50
ajithahi all, whether softwarefactory can be installed in ubuntu?09:55
zenkuroajitha: I suspect no09:55
zenkuroajitha: theoretically it can work after applying non polynomial amount of time09:56
ajithazenkuro: ok thank you. I want to set up zuulv3 for a third party cinder CI09:56
zenkuroajitha: Ive tried sf on centos8, but it looks like centos7 is the only option for now09:57
mhuajitha, we don't support ubuntu, sorry09:58
zenkuroajitha: you can start with zuul quick start... it goes in containers and should work on ubuntu, if OS is critical for you09:58
ajithamhu: ok no issues. whether this supports adding static nodes for nodepool09:59
mhunodepool supports static nodes, no problem09:59
ajithawhether we can create a test username for gerrit to authenticate review.openstack.org10:03
ajithaAlso if we have softwarefactory in centos, whether the nodepool VM's can be in ubuntu?. will there be any communication issue arise?10:05
zenkuroajitha: no, Im running static ubuntu vms10:09
zenkuromhu: Im waiting for you guys to announce your plans on moving all parts of sf to separate containers, like podman, so sf can be run on fedora10:30
mhuzenkuro, if you want to play around, there's a quick way to run a containerized SF on Fedora10:32
mhucourtesy of tristanC10:32
zenkuroLong Live TristanC!10:47
zenkuromhu: hm, this is a raw general approach, I was thinking about separate containerization for each service10:52
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