Tuesday, 2020-12-22

akrpan-pureAhhh nhicher I figured out the issue: I was setting the public key, but then also specifying a key pair in Openstack, which I think was overwriting the one I specified00:31
akrpan-pureI can SSH now just fine00:31
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lyrzenkuro: I fixed it in my SF installation script, installing EPEL, then debootstrap & stuff, then removing EPEL & installing SF11:13
lyrnot ideal at all, but no other easy solution. EPEL incompatibility really is a pain from my POV11:13
zenkurolyr: many thanks! akrpan-pure, had some issues with this thing. Looks like a common issue11:14
lyrzenkuro: if one wanna build debian images through DIB, that's a certainty11:14
zenkurolyr: he(akrpan) did this by: installing debootstrap and dependencies manually from RPM11:15
zenkuroyah... looks like this11:15
lyrI did it too while thinkering, "yum install http://...epel.../debootstrap...rpm". But I'm automating the setup through my own ansible playbook, this EPEL on/off is the only way to go sort of reliably11:16
lyrI'm not sure one can do without debootstrap as akran-pure suggested anyway11:17
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