Monday, 2019-01-14

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VW_@here - I'm online, but in an overlapping meeting, so I don't know if I can drive the meeting in a bit18:32
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mrhillsman#startmeeting uc19:01
openstackMeeting started Mon Jan 14 19:01:06 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mrhillsman. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.19:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'uc'19:01
mrhillsman#topic roll call19:01
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mrhillsman#chair leong spotz VW_19:01
openstackCurrent chairs: VW_ leong mrhillsman spotz19:01
mrhillsmanagenda #link
mrhillsmanwe have quorum :)19:02
mrhillsman#topic February election status19:02
*** openstack changes topic to "February election status (Meeting topic: uc)"19:02
mrhillsmanfor the site i believe everything is in place19:03
mrhillsmanthe announcement needs to go out ;)19:03
VW_yep - just bounced a draft to our list19:04
VW_will hit send shortly unless anyone sees a flaw19:04
mrhillsmanlooks good to me19:05
spotzVW_: It looked fine to e19:05
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mrhillsmanfire away19:05
leong_look good to me19:05
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VW_cool - will send momentarily19:06
mrhillsmanthat should take care of election officials19:06
mrhillsmanor get some folks to volunteer19:07
mrhillsmanjamesmcarthur regarding the auc i remember seeing something about the criteria needing to be updated19:07
mrhillsmanwas that in the last meeting logs or an email?19:07
mrhillsmani can go back and look and i think there is a patch that needs to go in for that change yes?19:07
jamesmcarthurYeah, I said that at the end of last meeting.19:07
jamesmcarthurI think VW_: said he would do it.19:08
jamesmcarthurBasically, the wiki needs to be updated with the new criteria.19:08
jamesmcarthurshould match
jamesmcarthurSorry. Yes, Joseph :)19:08
mrhillsman#action mrhillsman check with josephrsandoval on update to AUC criteria19:08
mrhillsmananything else on the election?19:09
spotzShouldn't be at this point?19:10
leong_any reminder email to WG leads on the latest AUC list?19:10
mrhillsman#action mrhillsman add link to running the election on uc homepage19:10
mrhillsmanthat would be good leong_19:10
mrhillsmanjamesmcarthur is openstack-discuss best place to ensure ambassadors/usergroup leaders/members get that election email?19:11
jamesmcarthuryes sir19:11
mrhillsmanwe had a much larger turnout the time i reached out to them directly via meetup19:11
spotzOr openstack-community?19:11
mrhillsmanthe groups not the individual members of the groups19:11
jamesmcarthurI would probably hit all the major lists.19:11
jamesmcarthurWe can have Ashlee post it on meetup too19:12
VW_are all three of you re-running?19:12
jamesmcarthur_dead silence_19:12
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mrhillsmani plan to but have not got my marching orders yet, i think i mentioned late last year this, and part of the reason i was hoping to get the word out earlier, often, and to as many as possible19:12
mrhillsmani hope to know by next week19:13
mrhillsmanso we should definitely get that out to as many folks as possible19:15
mrhillsmanthere are CFPs needing to be done as well taking cycles19:15
mrhillsmananywho, anything else on the election?19:15
VW_official email has been sent.  Should propagate through lists soonish19:16
spotzJust came through19:19
mrhillsman#topic User calls19:19
*** openstack changes topic to "User calls (Meeting topic: uc)"19:20
mrhillsmanjamesmcarthur any info on this one?19:21
mrhillsmani know we had the meeting last week19:22
mrhillsmannot sure if it was part of this or aligned with the thought behind this one but it was good to have19:22
jamesmcarthuryou mean any info on when the next one is?19:23
mrhillsmanor could be any info from the one we had19:23
spotzI plan on mentioning the meetup to Chris at the ops meeting in the morning19:23
mrhillsmanthings uc could help with19:24
mrhillsmanfollow up19:24
apricei think that user call was a bit abnormal19:24
apricebecause he wasnt necessarily looking for information around their openstack deployment19:24
mrhillsmani wanted to see about getting openlab setup as a means for physical resources; i have mentioned before and will put something together this week19:24
apricei still think it went well, but I think that typically they are more technical.19:25
leong_aprice: what are they looking for?19:25
mrhillsmanyeah, that is what i thought the primary goal was, rather than user groups, but that works i think as well depending on the situation19:25
apriceleong: he was more interested in getting a user group set up.19:25
apriceyeah, they range a lot19:25
apricei would be interested from yall how often you would like to participate? We have a lot of users who would benefit from this kind of interaction, but want to make sure it's manageable19:26
leong_Barclays? right?19:26
apriceleong: yes19:26
leong_thought was a Financial Team? would they be interested?19:26
apriceleong_ i do think that the Financial Team would be a good place to plug them in19:26
apriceare there any online meeting invitations we can provide to him?19:27
mrhillsmanpersonally i want to participate as often as i am allowed because hearing user concerns is what i signed up for and data driven activities always work best for me19:27
leong_the Financial Team have been searching for partners across the globe19:27
mrhillsmanhe also mentioned the security specialty so i dropped that in the chat but not sure if anyone saw it19:27
spotzSounds like a good contact then leong_19:27
leong_currently the work is very focused on PRC... we need voices from other regions19:27
apriceoh, i didnt see that Melvin. im sorry19:28
leong_aprice: any possible to forward the contact for further follow up?19:28
apriceyeah, i thought most of the meetings to date had been in person. is there a plan to do a more collaborative meeting setting?19:28
josephrsandovalim interested in participating in calls19:28
mrhillsmanyeah, i was off mic for most of it because of a last minute overlap19:28
leong_unfortunately i missed the call last week as i was on business travel19:28
apriceyeah - I can do an email introduction.19:28
spotzaprice I think it worked well with Ashlee mailing with what the call would be on and then asking for availability. Could also be done in the meetings as well I think to see who's available and is interested or has input for that type of user19:31
mrhillsmanaprice -
leong_perfectly fine with either arrangement19:31
mrhillsman++ spotz19:31
apriceyeah, i think that's a good idea19:32
apricewhat are yalls thoughts on starting with one per month?19:32
VW_that seems like a good pace19:32
spotzSeems doable19:32
mrhillsmanif there was a spreadsheet (maybe nda along with it?) that uc member could put their name or checkmark may make it easier? if not, the email worked fine19:32
mrhillsmandefinitely doable19:32
mrhillsmanfor me...always have to add that, i forget19:32
mrhillsmancool, anything else here?19:34
apriceone thing i wanted to mention is that sometimes, we may want to only have 1 or 2 folks join so we dont overwhelm them19:34
apricesometimes if the user is new, having a lot of people on the call is overwhelming and I do want to make sure they understand what the UC is and how to get involved19:34
apricei can flag that when relevant, but wanted to mention that now19:34
mrhillsmanthat makes sense19:35
apricenothing else from me on this topic though19:35
josephrsandovalthat makes sense. but it would be good to have a solid recap19:35
josephrsandovalfor those not on the call19:35
apricei can work with ashlee on getting a recap from the barclays call drafted19:35
apriceand share this week19:35
VW_or we can make it an agenda item at the following UC meeting19:36
VW_or both19:36
VW_in case the members on the call want to give context, obersvations, etc19:37
mrhillsmanonly possible issue is bad timing so an async email generally should work and have slot on meeting always jic19:37
mrhillsmanthat i could think of19:37
apriceone thing to keep in mind is that these calls are technically under yalls confidentiality agreement which is why a lot of these folks are fine, so we can only cover so much in a public channel19:38
mrhillsmanah ok19:38
spotzAnd this one wasn't a typcal call but how can I restart a meetup19:39
apriceyeah - i think that one can be discussed publicy19:39
mrhillsmanso something to consider for later19:39
mrhillsmanaprice probably best we lean on you all for +/- on discussing19:40
mrhillsmaneven still if the barclays guy expects that confidentiality or it is expected by default we have to be mindful19:40
mrhillsmanno matter how obscure to the context a conversation is i think19:41
mrhillsman19 minutes left19:42
mrhillsmannext topic?19:42
mrhillsman#topic Calls for open etherpads from forum to pose to Ops meetup19:42
*** openstack changes topic to "Calls for open etherpads from forum to pose to Ops meetup (Meeting topic: uc)"19:42
mrhillsmanso this would be an email?19:42
VW_the ops meetup folks put out the proposal eitherpad for the venue/sponsor19:43
mrhillsmanto openstack-discuss19:43
VW_as soon as they decide, they should put out another for topic ideas19:43
VW_as I thought through it, we should follow on to that with a note to PTLs to place topics there based on unresolved stuff from the forum19:43
mrhillsmani thought vote was done and berlin accepted19:43
spotzThey;re just deciding which Berlin location19:44
mrhillsmanok, i see it19:44
spotzI've emailed Erin, Claire and Ashlee to see what is needed to get an eventbrite19:44
mrhillsmanso maybe decision will be made tomorrow19:44
apricespotz that email was forwarded to me. im happy to help and will email you what information we need19:44
spotzaprice cool thanks19:45
apriceit will definitely require venue, so ill look to hear for an update after tomorrow's meeting?19:45
VW_yeah - looks like it's decided, but I was mainly keying off of "The meetups team will be sharing the planning docs for the technical agenda in the next few weeks. So far, there has been interest expressed in having a research track at this meetup alongside the general track. Please let us know ASAP if that is of interest."19:45
VW_when that link goes out, a reply from us encouraging PTLs to help populate it would be timed well in my opinion19:45
mrhillsmancould we still put on email, even if just to PTLs, for unresolved stuff from the forum which could be addressed at the meetup?19:46
mrhillsman^ sent after your message, disregard19:47
VW_we could do a pre-emptive one to get them thinking if you think it helps19:47
VW_is there a PTL list?19:47
mrhillsmanthere is19:47
spotzaprice: I'll let you know tomorrow if I find out for sure:)19:47
apricesounds good!19:48
mrhillsmani could parse - - not sure if that wiki page is automagically updated19:48
VW_OK - cool. I'll work on something mrhillsman19:48
mrhillsman#action mrhillsman send VW_ list of PTLs from projects.yaml19:48
mrhillsmanok cool19:48
VW_that's all I had.  Have to step away for a minute, just in case this finishes before I get back19:48
mrhillsmananything else on this topic?19:48
mrhillsman#topic Any other business19:49
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leong_i sent out an email wrt to the Summit programming committee.19:49
mrhillsmanleong_ sent out an email re s^19:50
leong_Working with Horace on PRC side with Zoom, will conduct in Mandarin  (or biligual)19:50
mrhillsmando you have the times in one US zone?19:50
mrhillsmani did not get to translate the prc times you gave19:50
mrhillsmani do not think there is an issue though because of the days19:50
leong_1/15 10pm pacific19:51
mrhillsmanand i think they are like US am times iirc19:51
jamesmcarthurleong_ where did you send that email?19:51
leong_1/17 5pm pacific19:51
leong_jamesmcarthur: i sending to uc member to request for using #openstack-uc channel19:51
jamesmcarthurah, gotcha19:51
mrhillsmani just forwarded to you and aprice19:52
apricethanks mrhillsman19:52
leong_working with Horace on the PRC timezone and using Zoom19:52
leong_Horace is the new foundation staff in PRC19:52
mrhillsmanspotz or josephrsandoval ok with that request?19:52
mrhillsmani am19:52
spotzoh yeah, I'll be sound asleep:)19:53
mrhillsmannot sure if there are any objections from aprice or jamesmcarthur either as i am not sure of exactly content19:53
josephrsandovalok with the request19:53
mrhillsmanlol spotz exactly19:53
leong_as one of the track chair19:53
apricei think it's a great idea19:53
leong_wrt to Ashlee email: •2-3 hours, Now through January 23, 2019 - Each Programming Committee member is encouraged to schedule 2-3 hours for office hours where they can provide feedback to community members on their submissions. Each member can choose the tool that works for them (IRC, Zoom, etc) and schedule at their personal convenience.19:53
spotzIt's usually justy is this something for our group. Maybe the later meeting for selecting the actual talks hould be more private19:53
mrhillsmanso you are good to go leong_19:54
leong_+1 mrhillsman19:54
apriceyeah i think that the selection process should be private19:54
jamesmcarthurAgreed.  Great idea! And thank you for putting htat together :)19:54
mrhillsmanalright, anything else folks?19:54
leong_Happy New Year 2019 everyone! didn't get a chance to say last week :-)19:55
leong_ps: PRC openstack deployment is growing ...19:56
mrhillsmanthx, same to you leong_ ! hopefully you have got enough rest or get some with the traveling19:56
apricethat's great to hear leong!19:56
mrhillsmanalright, if that is it, ending meeting, thx everyone!19:57
mrhillsmanmake it a great week!19:58
*** openstack changes topic to "OpenStack UC: 2019 Elections coming! Open Candidacy 01/21-02/03 | Meetings @ 1900UTC | Agenda -"19:58
openstackMeeting ended Mon Jan 14 19:58:04 2019 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)19:58
openstackMinutes (text):
mrhillsmanhit me up if i am needed ;)19:58
apricethanks everyone!20:01
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