Tuesday, 2024-04-16

*** elodilles_pto is now known as elodilles07:17
fricklerJayF: gouthamr: tripleo retirement is finally ready to go https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/90514508:31
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Retire TripleO project  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/90514515:38
elodillesJayF and other TC members: I drafted the mail we talked about on PTG TC session about unmaintained gates. please read and let me know if this will be OK to send on ML / is this what you meant to send. or correct anything if i wrote something wrong :) https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/unmaintained-clock-is-ticking16:00
gouthamrelodilles++ good; i have a few editorial suggestions, can i suggest them inline?16:09
elodillesgouthamr: yes, please do that16:10
gmannelodilles: looks good to me. thanks17:07
elodilles++ thanks o/17:32
fricklerelodilles: how about also adding a reference to the zuul config errors? https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/config-errors?branch=unmaintained%2Fyoga etc., sadly the wildcard matching doesn't work for these yet17:35
opendevreviewVladimir Kozhukalov proposed openstack/governance master: Add openstack-helm-plugin git repository  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/91600917:36
fricklerelodilles: also would you like to officially register the #openstack-unmaintained channel now? given the lack of activity there I was more tending towards deleting it again17:38
elodillesfrickler: zuul config errors added in the mail draft, please take a look17:41
JayFI'll note we have 3x RC+1 on https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/915754 -- gouthamr's chair self-nomination. 17:42
elodillesfrickler: as you wish regarding the channel. #openstack-stable is also quite an inactive channel, but at least the bot notifies there us about stable backports17:42
JayFgouthamr: you can also vote on resolutions you file, including this one17:42
gmannJayF: I do not think we need formal-vote there. As per process, you can merge the nomination ASAP "Current TC chair will merge the nominations by confirming that they are from the elected TC members."17:44
JayFoh, you're right17:44
JayFwe land the nomination immediately17:44
JayFand then the actual vote is taken, if needed17:44
JayFand if not, we just push the tag update17:45
gmannyeah, as there is only one candidates then we can update the member' file17:45
fricklerelodilles: currently there are only stable/* reviews announced in #-stable and I would prefer to keep it that way. so if you want to see unmaintained gerritbot msgs, the extra channel will be needed17:46
fricklerelodilles: the mail lgtm then, thx17:47
JayF#startmeeting tc18:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue Apr 16 18:00:53 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is JayF. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.18:00
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'tc'18:00
JayF#topic Roll Call18:01
gouthamrhello o/18:01
JayFWelcome to the weekly meeting of the OpenStack Technical Committee. A reminder that this meeting is held under the OpenInfra Code of Conduct available at https://openinfra.dev/legal/code-of-conduct.18:01
JayFToday's meeting agenda can be found at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee.18:01
dansmithI'm here but majorly distracted with a pressing issue, FWIW18:01
JayFI'm hoping, for my own reasons, it's a short quick meeting too :)18:01
JayFI'll note we have one noted absence: slaweq is out.18:01
JayFI'm going to give a couple more minutes for more tc-members to arrive18:02
JayFWell, this is 6 of us, going to get started.18:02
JayF#topic Follow up on tracked action items18:03
JayFThere were two items, both are PTG/last meeting related and gmann took care of them. Thank you for that, and for running the last meeting while I was out on PTO.18:03
JayF#topic Gate Health Check18:03
JayFdo we have any specific observations on the gate this week? 18:03
gmannnothing from me.18:03
JayFI suspect most of us are still recovering from PTG too much to have real insights here.18:04
JayF#topic TC vPTG 2024.2 18:04
JayFWe had one, thank you everyone for participating. I will send a summary to the list later this week.18:04
JayFPlease review the etherpad for any action items you may have signed up for and follow up on them. 18:04
JayF#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/apr2024-ptg-os-tc18:04
JayFAny further comments on TC PTG?18:04
fricklersome issues sadly were cut off, like the leaderless projects18:05
spotz[m]I thought it went really well18:05
fricklersome reviews there still need attention18:05
JayFYes, in general there are quite a few governance changes up that need review18:05
JayFMoving on.18:07
JayF#topic TC Chair Election18:07
JayFThe incoming TC has to select a Chair and Vice-Chair18:07
spotz[m]My charter review still needs eyes, once that's approved we'll need to update the election tooling18:07
JayF#link https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/charter.html#tc-chair18:07
JayFspotz[m]: I put a review on that earlier, fwiw18:07
JayFI'll note we have one nominee, currently, for TC Char: gouthamr 18:07
spotz[m]Yeah Goutham!18:08
JayFAre there any other TC members planning on volunteering/nominating themselves for TC chair?18:08
JayFIf so, I'm happy to conduct an election with anonymous balloting via CIVS as we have in the past.18:08
* gouthamr thinks JayF didn't make a typo there18:08
JayFOtherwise; I will propose a change after this meeting putting gouthamr in charge of us all18:08
fricklerI'd think the official candidacy period is long over18:08
JayFI do too, that's why this is serving as a last call18:09
JayFPlease consider volunteering to gouthamr to be vice-chair, as he will need backup and help -- in an ideal case; the vice-chair would also be willing to be the next chair.18:09
gmannthanks gouthamr 18:09
JayFBut for now, going to move on18:09
JayF#topic Open Discussion / Reviews18:09
JayFas mentioned by a couple others, we need to ensure we look at governance reviews:18:09
JayF#link https://review.opendev.org/q/status:open+repo:openstack/governance18:10
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Add gouthamr's nomination to TC Chair for 2024.2  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/91575418:10
JayFNice and timely :)18:10
fricklerI'd like to draw particular attention to the skyline PTL appointment, where there are two applications18:11
clarkbSorry missed the PTG topic but had a couple of thoughts after last week. The first is that the TC ptg schedule seems to be standing in for what we used to call the forum. A lot of topics have to do with bigger issues and design. Additionally many were cut short for time. Maybe we should try to treat those topics more specially and give them more time and perhaps specific18:11
JayFYeah, was about to ask if you wanted to talk about that.18:11
clarkbschedule items18:11
clarkbor perhaps we should try and do that sort of discussion out of band of the PTG18:11
JayFclarkb: Honestly, I was ... yes, that, the latter18:11
fricklerI'd consider withdrawing mine but would like to hear other's opinions first18:11
gouthamr:D ++ thank you for the vote of confidence and encouragement 18:11
JayFfrickler: honestly, we have an engaged person who gave a detailed response with info we've been trying to dig out for a while about why it's so hard for projects to do elections18:12
JayFfrickler: Plus existing PTL was responsive when I asked, as chair, about pathways to getting out of emerging projects and getting into active projects18:12
JayFI think this is an opportunity to build a rapport with the kind of leader who might be the general kind of contributior in openstack we've had trouble reaching in the past18:12
JayF#link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/91424818:13
JayF#link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/91510818:13
JayFThe ideal case, IMO, would be Wu and frickler working closely together 18:14
gouthamr"I can commit being reachable on IRC in the skyline and TC channels 2 days per week for the whole cycle, Skyline has others 3 core developers, I can commit they alive in IRC when I was absent." - being on IRC is turning out to be challenging to some of our PTLs? 18:14
fricklergouthamr: yes, sadly that seems to be the case for multiple PTLs already, see telemetry and others18:15
JayFYes, and I'm not surprised at that. It's one of the friction points I ifnd when introducing new folks to the community. It's part of why for people working with me directly, I have an irccloud account I add them to18:15
JayFthis is why I see this as an opportunity -- we can try to root cause some of these issues with an engaged ptl18:15
JayF(FSVO engaged; the RCA in the gerrit thread about how the election was missed is actually very interesting to me)18:16
fricklerwhat's FSVO?18:17
fungiit's possible "being reachable on irc" is less challenging if it means "my matrix account joins the channel through a bridge"18:17
JayFfor some value of18:17
fricklerah, thx18:17
spotz[m]We do have the bridge up from OFTC to Matrix, but I know Matrix has become the preferred for a lot of projects18:17
fricklerfungi: except for when the matrix bridge drops people as being shown present in channels18:18
gmannwell, it is not just IRC but keep up to the community elections, ML and more than moving project from emerging to Active.18:18
JayFfrickler: +++++ it makes it extremely difficult for IRC-side users to interact with some matrix users18:18
fungithat's a good point. i've resorted to pinging nicks that aren't "in the channel" which causes them to suddenly join as if from nowhere and respond18:18
fricklerlikely e.g. gtema is around, but not shown present18:18
fricklerfungi: ++18:19
JayFgmann: but yeah, that's why I suggest a collab is the ideal case: we clearly have an engaged person even if they aren't expert at openstack-specific maintenance items, like elections and the like18:20
JayFIt looks like active discussion is winding down, I'll close out the meeting soon if we're done.18:21
fricklerone more thing18:22
fricklerthe question of moving docs tooling to TC governance is still open and also lacking feedback so far I think18:22
frickler#link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/91495018:22
clarkbspotz[m]: fwiw opendev does maintain an EMS managed matrix homeserver and zuul and starlingx are using it18:23
gmannI replied there, My main question is if oslo team does not want to maintain it and want TC to take care of it?18:23
spotz[m]I would think that makes sense with my charter change18:23
clarkbI personally prefer IRC (I think the client tooling is miles ahead), but I don't mind matrix. It beats discord and slack18:23
fricklertogether with related review on docs tools https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstackdocstheme/+/91512818:23
spotz[m]clarkb: hrmmmmm18:24
fricklerregarding matrix my main concers is that it all would break down if matrix.org goes away18:24
JayFfrickler: good call out; I have that open and will look soon18:24
fricklernot only 95% of the users, but also tooling like channel links18:24
fricklerplus lack of a text client18:25
fricklerwith IRC we are completely independent of specific servers, we even managed to switch to a completely different network without major issues18:26
JayFIt's too bad IRCv3 is not getting more uptake. It fixes a lot of the issues with traditional IRC and many clients support it no problem.18:26
clarkbyup, but that also required us to register new uesr and we don't really have channel links with the same featurefulness18:26
JayFEither way, this is good discussion to have -- not sure it's neccessary for it to be in a TC meeting context18:27
clarkbI think a lot of the same issues exist with either technology, but we have proven that we can be resilient in the case of an IRC network implosion and that is yet to be tested with matrix18:27
JayFI'd like to close the meeting and let this discussion continue outside the meeting? Does that work for folks?18:27
fricklerfine for me18:28
JayFclarkb: too bad irccloud isn't self-hosting, irccloud.opendev.org would fix a bunch of the issues18:28
spotz[m]Unless OFTC does what the last one did, which for the life of me can't think of the name:(18:28
spotz[m]Fine for me too18:28
JayFThanks all for meeting, lets keep talkign about chat in chat afterwards, which is fun18:28
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue Apr 16 18:28:35 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)18:28
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2024/tc.2024-04-16-18.00.html18:28
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2024/tc.2024-04-16-18.00.txt18:28
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2024/tc.2024-04-16-18.00.log.html18:28
JayFspotz[m]: you talking Freenode=>Libera shenanigans?18:28
JayFspotz[m]: a good lesson in why it's important to have a foundation and care about how it's administrated, imo18:28
spotz[m]Freenode!! Yea:)18:29
fungispotz[m]: at least while i'm on the board of directors for the foundation oftc is associated with, i'll strive to see that doesn't happen18:29
spotz[m]It just came to mind while we were talking about what if matrix.org going away18:29
fungi(oftc is with the same foundation debian, arch linux and gentoo are using)18:29
fungithere is a matrix.org nonprofit foundation, btw18:30
fungi"The evolution of Matrix is managed through an open governance process, looked after by The Matrix.org Foundation - a non-profit UK Community Interest Company, incorporated to act as the neutral guardian of the standard on behalf of the whole Matrix community."18:31
fricklerJayF: there's https://thelounge.chat/ for self-hosting, but I'm unsure opendev should or would do that18:31
JayFThat's what Adam MacArthur on my team uses, self-hosted, he likes it18:31
fungiwe actually had specs at one point for hosting the lounge and also rocket chat18:31
JayFfungi: how do you all deploy software? Containerized + deployed via ansible, right?18:32
fungiwe decided not to at the time, but it's been quite a while and the problems with them back then might no longer be relevant18:32
JayFIf you could unearth that, I'd have a look at it18:32
fungiJayF: yes, ansible deploys containers onto virtual machines in donated cloud environments, and orchestrates them through docker-compose18:32
JayFit touches on a lot of things I care a lot about18:32
JayFfungi: okay, cool18:32
clarkbthe problems with the lounge iirc were user management18:33
fricklerthough deploying is likely the easy part, particularly in that case, operations would be more challenging18:33
clarkbwe didn't want to become irc network spammers and have to moderate and mitigate all that which meant some control of user accounts18:33
clarkbfrickler: yes exactly18:33
JayFI need to step away, but I might look at that spec. Even if we made it available with some kind of slight barrier it'd be a helpful tool, I suspect.18:34
fungiJayF: well, the spec was written at a time when we were deploying things with puppet and bespoke system file layouts, so a lot of what was in there is unlikely to be relevant today (other than things specifically about the software itself, and that's probably evolved in the interim as well)18:35
JayFI am more interested in the higher level concerns, like what was just presented18:35
JayFthis is like catnip to me though: a direct, actionable thing to lower the barrier to openstack entry18:36
JayFthat makes me wanna get on a rocket and help it happen18:36
* JayF &18:36

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