Thursday, 2020-08-13

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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/governance master: Resolution to define distributed leadership for projects
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/governance master: Resolution to define distributed leadership for projects
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smcginnisTC input needed on another deliverable thing.13:13
smcginnisThierry ran a report on some of our release deliverables looking for ones that have not being doing regular releases.13:13
smcginnisThe karbor project has not done any releases in this cycle, and their ussuri release was forced by the release team.13:14
smcginnisI knew some of the folks behind that project, and I don't believe they are around anymore.13:14
smcginnisI'm not aware of any adoption, so I don't think we will likely get someone to step up like we did for cloudkitty.13:14
smcginnisBut even if we did, at this point, I think it should be dropped from the victoria set of deliverables.13:15
smcginnisWe can always bring it back in wallaby if someone actually does step up to take it on.13:15
toskyfor the record, when I pinged around, someone started a zuulv3 porting review:
smcginnisSo just wanted to make the TC aware of this and give a chance for discussion before we drop the deliverables from this release.13:15
smcginnisOh, so at least some interest then.13:16
toskyof course from the goal point of view I'm fine as long as the legacy job is not around - either ported, or the project being dropped13:16
smcginnistosky: Looks like the same person did two?
toskyjust noticed; I suspect an error while fixing the patch, which generated a new review13:18
toskythe second review is a follow-up of the first one13:18
smcginnisYeah, looks like they meant to amend it but just added another.13:18
gmannsmcginnis: let me check with PTL about reason and accordingly we can ask for help on ML if anyone interested.13:23
gmannussuri stable branch setup patches are also still not merged, i think we should make decision before Victoria release and drop if there is no one to maintain it.13:24
smcginnisYeah, the timing is my concern at this point. We are past milestone 2 and they haven't even finished up on ussuri work. And the fact that the release team force released ussuri doesn't give me much comfort that someone is really maintaining this project.13:25
gmannsmcginnis: yeah, may be if release team stop force release can help and let project go to retire at that time itself13:27
smcginnisIn fact, we should probably have a policy that if N-1 cycle was force released and there is no release proposed by N's mielstone 2, it should just automatically be dropped.13:27
gmannor if force release, then at the start of cycle itself, release team ask TC to check the health and TC can ask PTL to ack to release team if active otherwise mark ertire.13:29
ttxnot "automatically be dropped" but at least automatically be considered for removal13:29
gmannm-2 itself might be late13:29
ttxit's late but also corresponds to membershipfreeze which is ehen we theoretically freeze content for next erlease13:30
gmannspecially from goal champion point of view also not to spend time if it is going to remove13:30
ttxso good match13:30
gmannbut goal work is my concern if champion spend time on that13:31
ttxfair point13:31
ttxmaybe we should move that up to a couple weeks before m-213:31
gmannyeah that works13:32
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gmannttx: smcginnis: i sent email to karbor PTL with mugsie and belmoreira (TC liaison for karbor) in CC. if no response by Monday i think we can start the removal process(first with ML for help if there is any).13:46
toskybtw, what is the status of, say, zaqar?13:48
gmanntosky: it should be active, i can see wanghao reviewing the patches, last reviewed was 3 days back13:50
toskyoh, oki13:50
gmanntosky: for goal patches, when patches are ready to merge, i usually ping most active review on IRC or add in gerrit. that work for most of the time.13:51
toskyit has been working so far13:51
toskyI attended all the meetings that are still scheduled13:51
toskyand sent a emails to the PTLs13:52
toskythe problem is that some projects stopped any meeting (at least on IRC) last year13:52
gmannohk, you mean stopped meeting right? not moved to somewhere else than IRC?13:53
gmannif there is such cases, we should address that.13:53
funginot having meetings is fine, i think, as long as the folks working on it are responsive in other expected venues (mailing list, code review)13:53
funginot having meetings, but also ignoring changes proposed from people who aren't core reviewers and not replying to posts on the mailing list... that's effectively no longer acting as part of openstack13:54
toskythey meetings may have been moved somewhere else, but there is no entry of any type on
gmannusually I list all non-active/note-merged repos in my goal summary report which is good trigger to start checking those repo13:55
gmannif that is case, meeting somewhere else and we do not know where then it is conern13:55
toskythat's a good thing to do, I will do in the next report, now that the number of projects which didn't answer is really small13:56
gmanni remember, we had the same case for tricircle or some project.13:56
gmannfungi know exact which project it was they moved meeting to wechat and nowhere it was mentioned.13:56
toskymost of the projects either answered, merged patches, or proposed patches (or all of the 3)13:56
toskythe only one where I didn't get an answer are senlin and zaqar, but I will retry; senlin should be easy enough and I may provide a patch13:59
fungigmann: yeah, i remember that but i don't remember which team it was14:12
fungiwe do have this: "If the project has meetings, regular or otherwise, they should be public and in IRC. They should all be logged and published."14:14
fungiwe've generally considered it acceptable for projects to have additional meetings in other ways (in-person for mis-cycles/ptg/forum obviously, but also things like video chat) as long as they held their regular meetings in irc14:16
gmannyeah, problem is to detect such cases when there is no public information on meeting happening outside of IRC14:16
fungiwell, i think we trust them to follow the rules. if we find out they're not following the rules, that's when a broader conversation with the community needs to take place14:17
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diablo_rojoI feel like we should talk about the office hours patches, but I don't know who else is around.15:06
knikollathere doesn't seem to be quorum.15:09
diablo_rojoWe don't need quorum to just talk about them?15:11
gmannAlso I would like to discuss about TC liaison for PTL-less model
gmanndiablo_rojo: may be we can wait for some time in case.15:11
diablo_rojogmann, sure. We can start with that if you want.15:11
gmannsure, njohnston, evrardjp and I were discussing the need of TC liaison for PTL-less mdoel, I feel we need a single point of contact for TC instead if 'all mandatory members as contact'.
gmannwhat other TC members think?15:14
fungiquorum is needed to consider a discussion as an official meeting of the tc, but office hours are not meant to be official tc meetings15:14
knikollafungi: thanks for clearing that up15:15
fungiand really, aside from being able to say there was a meeting, quorum is only necessary for confirming resolutions and charter changes, which is all done asynchronously in code review so easily counted there15:16
gmannyeah but to conclude the office hour patch, we need all or most of the members15:16
diablo_rojogmann, yeah I think we still need a single point of contact. Some default. Unless there is more than one and each one has a specific role like we had discussed at the PTG with a release person, a security person, etc.15:17
gmannand slaweq also raised good point of 'user survey' point of contact ? I think that can also be merged in TC liaison or any other global but less-frequent  responsibility15:19
diablo_rojoI would agree with that.15:22
diablo_rojoI can't remember what phrasing we used at the PTG for that third person.15:25
diablo_rojoBut yeah I think there were 3 points of contact depending on the topic?15:25
knikollaanyone know of a good way to print gerrit reviews to pdf?15:29
diablo_rojoI can't say thats a thing I ever considered doing, let alone *how* to do it.15:30
fungiknikolla: gerrit has a one-page diff view15:35
fungiif you only care about the diff and inline comments for a single patchset, that could be a clean way to print it15:36
fungiif you also want general review contents, votes, non-inline ci results, multiple patchsets and so on, then that probably still doesn't scratch the surface of what's in the ui15:36
knikollafungi: i tried that before but it only prints out the visible part of the screen.15:37
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diablo_rojogmann, was there more you wanted to chat about wrt the patch?15:43
gmannanyways, please add your opinion on gerrit.15:44
openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/governance master: Move towards dual office hours in diff TZ
gmanntc-members: this is ^^ for covering two different TZ for office hours15:45
gmanndiablo_rojo: ^^, we can see response on this too15:45
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diablo_rojogmann, oh nice. Thanks for updating that! It was on my todo list for today.15:45
diablo_rojoOh, I was going to update the other one rather than starting a new one, but that works too.15:46
jungleboyjCool.  Will take a look.15:46
diablo_rojogmann, so you're just removing one time, not using the data from the poll?15:47
gmanndiablo_rojo: usually having separate is better to know the response. otherwise with updating the existing, it is not easy to see the conclusion15:47
diablo_rojogmann, makes sense :)15:47
gmanndiablo_rojo: i am using data from poll15:47
gmanni mean keeping 01:00 UTC on Wednesdays as it is and replacing rest two with poll one15:47
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gmann'15:00 UTC on Wednesdays' is poll data right15:48
gmannin case i missed15:48
diablo_rojoOh. Maybe I am miss remembering. Will do a proper review today.15:48
diablo_rojoNo, that's right.15:48
diablo_rojo(I think) lol15:48
diablo_rojoI think I am fine with that generally. I want to double the 1 UTC against poll data.15:50
gmannohk, that is even better to match that too with poll15:50
diablo_rojoYeah. I can double check after the release team meeting.15:55
diablo_rojoUnless you get there first :)15:55
gmannWed 1 UTC is 3 vote, 2 UTC is 2 vote.15:57
diablo_rojo2 UTC on Tuesday is 5 ?16:03
diablo_rojogmann, ^16:03
diablo_rojoOh wait.16:04
diablo_rojoMy view is on LA time.16:04
diablo_rojo1 UTC Tuesday is 5 though?16:05
fungi01:00 utc is 6pm pdt16:06
diablo_rojofungi, I mean 5 people not the time in PDT :)16:06
gmannyes, 1 UTC Tues is 5 vote16:06
fungioh, hah16:06
diablo_rojoMy science teachers always drilled usage of units into my head for this very reason lol16:07
gmannupdating the patch.16:07
diablo_rojogmann, cool. I think I'd be good with that then.16:07
fungi5... 5 people... ha, ha, ha...16:07
diablo_rojoYeah my bad :)16:08
* fungi gives up on his failed textual impersonation of the count from sesame street16:08
openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/governance master: Move towards dual office hours in diff TZ
diablo_rojofungi, I got the reference :)16:10
gmanndone ^^, added vote summary for those time in commit msg also16:10
diablo_rojogmann, perfect! Thanks.16:11
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jungleboyjSorry I missed the Cloudkitty vote.  I am glad that we were able to get someone to take over there though.16:44
smcginnisThey have been very busy getting things moving again. Glad to see it.16:54
jungleboyjsmcginnis:  ++16:55
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mnasersomeone wanna eye quickly?22:33
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