Tuesday, 2019-09-03

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ttxWe are still missing two candidates... On one hand I want to find candidates, but on the other I feel like reducing to 11 due to lack of candidates would not be that bad09:02
ttxIf anyone has questions about what it means to be on the TC, please ask!09:03
ttxOn the project team side arguably Cyborg Designate Horizon Infrastructure Manila Nova Octavia Oslo Placement are the most concerning09:05
ttxbut then I don;t feel like we need to step in until they are actually leaderless09:05
ttxjust shows that we should still work on making the PTL job less daunting09:06
ttxIMHO the job is not really daunting in itself... it's more the accountability. Other team members don't feel obliged to step up since it's the PTL's responsibility to cover if nobody does09:07
ttxso at the end of the line the PTL ends up with lots of work, rather than just the responsibility to get things done09:08
ttxSome train "activity" stats:09:14
ttxOver "core" projects number of merged commits/day dropped only 3.8% from stein to train so far. We could even catch up if the feature freeze proves superbusy09:15
ttxIf you consider all the IaaS projects (the central box in the openstack map) then the drop is more around 14%09:15
ttxOver all "official" teams, activity dropped around 9.6% between stein and train09:16
evrardjpttx: thanks for the analysis09:22
evrardjpor I should say the data09:22
evrardjpttx: what about reviews?09:23
evrardjpboth together represent generaly activity I would say09:23
ttxI don't have that data09:31
asettlettx, I also heard a lot of "I just don't have time" (which is tied into the job being daunting) but the primary thought it that it's going to take up their entire life. I think that's a reasonable fear. I'm not sure how we can distil that with documents.09:39
ttxI wonder how much we should not enforce a pair09:55
ttxWould that make it easier or more complicated09:55
ttx(by pair I mean, ask for two names instead of one)09:55
ttxOne theoretical issue from a governance perspective is that we kind of need to know who has the final word09:56
evrardjpFor small teams, forcing to put two names might be even more daunting. But I understand the idea.09:57
evrardjpI like the idea for continuity too09:58
ttxIf we have 3 people in a team and they all can't spend more than 20% on it, than asking for two names every cycle helps. If it's more of a 30% person and a bunch of 1% persons, it does not help09:59
asettleThat's kind of what I was thinking yesterday.09:59
asettleIf there was to be 2 names or 3, then one person *has* to be a TC contact. You could workaround that problem with assigned liaisons.10:00
ttxmayyybe any ticket could be a multiname ticket10:00
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ttxLike it's not "one PTL" going for election, it could be a set of names10:00
ttxWe'd consider it is the voice of the project as long as there is no dissent (clean and simple way to avoid electing a special person)10:01
ttxthen it may not be as daunting10:01
asettleI'd agree with that. I'm sure there's more formalities we'd have to think of, but yeah...10:01
asettleI admit, the first time I went for PTL I thought I was stepping up to a super important position and I was ANXIOUS. This time I was like "yo yo going to be PTL fight me"10:02
ttx"The PTL" would be a set of persons. As long as they are coherent10:02
asettle(okay there was no fighting)10:02
asettleI think that all makes snese10:03
ttxIt's sort of an intermediary between going full-maintainers mode10:03
ttxfull-maintainers mode you have to tarde-off inclusion (trying to get more) and coherence (make sure everyone speaks the exact same voice)10:04
ttxI'd rather have lots of core devs (favor inclusion instead of coherence) and have a smaller set doing "the PTL" with higher alignment10:05
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ttxcan probably scale up to 3 before breaking down10:06
ttxI'll give it some extra thoughts, but we could propose something like that after the election. It could even be rolled out immediately after approval (elected/chosen PTL is free to add)10:07
asettleThat would be good.10:08
asettleI mean, unofficially I've already added two of us to the docs ticket.10:08
ttxyes, that does not solve the fear, just the reality :)10:08
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evrardjpjust giving the opportunity is a good thing10:09
evrardjpbaby steps ;)10:09
ttxas long as the acronym still reads PTL we are free to do anything. It's been a while since we did last change what PTL meant10:09
ttx(I think we had 4 different meanings for the same acronym up to now)10:10
evrardjpoh I need a history lesson -- I thought it was 210:12
asettleProject technical lead, project team lead -- what else?10:13
ttxProgram technical lead10:13
asettleOH yeah forgot about that one10:14
ttxISTR there was a 4th10:14
asettleHmm okay10:21
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fungiquick update on the election... with just under 12 hours to go we have 5 candidates for 6 seats on the tc, and ptl candidates for all but the following 15 teams: Adjutant Cyborg Designate Horizon I18n Manila Nova OpenStackAnsible OpenStackSDK Oslo Placement PowerVMStackers Rally Release_Management Winstackers12:16
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mnaserfungi: 14 teams now12:43
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smcginnisI thought I saw clarb's nomination for infra.12:48
smcginnisOh, nevermind. Looking at old info.12:48
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fungiyeah, his nomination merged roughly 9 hours ago13:24
fungimy post to the ml was before that13:24
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asettlefungi, I've got a weird scenario on my hands. No one has stepped up to be designate PTL right now, but a SUSE employee, Keith Berger, who has been working on OpenStack and with the community for a long time is interested to step up if there's nobody else. But a few snags: He's an operator, not a developer. So his commits are low (to cinder) if any.13:42
asettleCC mugsie13:42
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asettleSpeaking of, fungi this is KeithMnemonic - SUSE employee interested in the PTL spot.13:46
fungithe tc can appoint anyone who volunteers to be a ptl after the nomination period ends, even if the volunteer doesn't meet the criteria to qualify for election13:59
smcginnisasettle, fungi: Unless something has changed, I don't think we had explicitly stated anywhere that being core was a requirement to being a PTL.14:08
smcginnisOr even to have patches merged maybe.14:08
asettlefungi, that's interesting to know. So KeithMnemonic can't necessarily stand for PTL but we can appoint him based on volunteering after the election period is over14:08
asettleHave I understood that correctly?14:08
mugsiesmcginnis: he doesn't have commits to the project either14:09
smcginnisAh, it does say "that are also commiters for one of the team's repositories" now - https://governance.openstack.org/election/#id414:10
mugsiebut, yes we can appoint PTLs after elections with no commits - we have done it in th epast (searchlight was one afaik)14:10
smcginnisI don't think we had that wording in the past.14:10
smcginnisSo yeah, I guess it would have to come down to appointing him if no one else steps up.14:11
KeithMnemonici am just throwing my name in for the scenario where there is not anyone else. I would do this for freezer as well if needed. I understand my qualification do not meet the guideline but if there is no other options i am glad to help out. no hard feelings either way14:11
smcginnisThanks KeithMnemonic14:12
KeithMnemonicso like the "Backup generator" as it were14:12
KeithMnemonicor as i told asettle "backup-backup-backup generator"14:12
smcginnisSpeaking of backup generators, are you battening down the hatches fungi?14:13
fungiyup, currently putting plywood over all the windows14:14
fungimandatory resident evacuation goes into effect early tomorrow morning14:15
asettleDamn that's intense.14:15
smcginnisfungi: Good luck. :/14:15
asettlefungi, good luck :(14:15
fungiasettle: meh, it's a regular occurrence here. you get used to it14:15
fungibut thanks!14:15
asettleOne of those things, huh14:15
fungithe least fun part will be driving 500 miles with two cats in the car to go wait out the storm at my parents' house in the mountains14:16
fungiwind and flood prep is easy by comparison ;)14:16
asettleErk yeah that's not very appealing.14:17
asettleBrisbane (where I'm from) is massively prone to flooding. But we lived on a hill, so I was very lucky. But my grandmother? Not so much. I spent a large part of my childhood cleaning up after the 2-3 times yearly floods. Her washing machine was next level durable.14:18
smcginnisSwitching topics...14:19
smcginnisWe have some stable/train branch requests right now.14:19
smcginnisWe had talked about automating the proposal of the py3 set of tests for each cycle.14:20
smcginnisWhich would mean we would have to have usurri tests defined and ready to go for that to happen.14:20
smcginnisSo I don't think it will for U.14:20
smcginnisWondering if we still want to work towards that, and if so, if we need to docuement a required timeline to 1) get the runtimes defined for the next cycle by a certain point, 2) get the test jobs defined based on those identified runtimes, and 3) get the branch automation updated to propose that new job to the master branch of the branching project.14:21
smcginnisWhich is probably predicated on 0) getting a name of the next series in time to do all that.14:22
smcginnisHas anyone identified the official distros for Ussuri yet? I'm guessing probably no change from the current runtimes, other than dropping py2.14:26
smcginnisWhich we should probably starting making some noise about, even though it's hopefully common knowledge by this point.14:26
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mnasersmcginnis: yes i think that ssafe to assume, last py2 distro was centos 714:33
mnasercentos rc seems to be done so only thing left is release14:34
fungiideally centos 8 exists by the time the ussuri cycle starts, if not we have a tough choice to make14:36
mnaseri think it will14:40
mnaserits probably a few days away from release14:40
mugsieyeah - we said we would be dropping py27 support at the start of U ..14:41
fungithat's probably the only big python runtime change we've got for the next cycle14:42
fungipython 2.8 is still in beta14:42
fungier, 3.814:42
mugsieand we won't be dropping 3.6 yet will we?14:43
mugsiesuse people - leap 15 is still the stable right?14:43
fungi3.6 is the "default" python3 in the latest ubuntu lts14:43
mugsieok, so we will have 3.6 then14:44
fungiso no, i don't think we can drop 3.6 until ubuntu 20.04 lts is available, so probably start of the v cycle?14:44
fungibut in reality probably much, much longer since i suspect that's what rhel8/centos8 will have forever14:45
asettlemugsie, I don't believe it isn't. Why?14:45
* fungi doesn't really know what the long-term python package maintenance for rhel is though14:45
mugsielook at the pti for U14:45
mugsielooking *14:46
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fungiyeah, so i think it's probably s/centos 7/centos 8/ and s/python 2.7//14:46
fungimaybe a newer nodejs?14:47
fungimore detail about golang?14:47
fungii don't expect any distros to have python 3.8 at the time train releases14:47
fungiExpected: 3.8.0 final: Monday, 2019-10-21 https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0569/14:48
fungi(that is to say, python 3.8 packages built from actual release version source code, obviously some distros already have 3.8 beta packages)14:48
openstackgerritGraham Hayes proposed openstack/governance master: Explicitly declare Ussuri supported runtimes.  https://review.opendev.org/67979814:50
fungithanks mugsie!14:50
mugsieif I didn't do it now, I would forget :)14:51
mugsieand it is better than powerpoint14:51
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dhellmannmnaser : IIRC, we said we wouldn't drop 2.7 "before the start of U" but not that we would absolutely drop it at that point. In practice, I expect we will drop it, but it's not actually required based on what we've agreed to so far.15:24
fungithe way i interpreted it was that projects were able to choose to drop support for 2.7 as early as the start of the u cycle15:25
fungibut they can keep supporting 2.7 if they want to do so15:26
fungiof course, if their dependencies stop working with 2.7 then all bets are off15:26
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evrardjpfungi: unpopular question. Do you want to really say that as a message to projects? My concern here is the tendency to keep the cruft in projects, instead of cleaning things.15:38
fungii think we've not in the past told projects they couldn't support something, only written policies about the minimum set of things they're required to support15:39
evrardjpmnaser: leap 15.0 is outdated. 15.1 is the future!15:39
evrardjpoh sorry that was for mugsie15:40
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fungiinfra is switching to just providing a leap "15" image which uses whatever the latest 15.x is15:40
evrardjpfungi: I don't want to dictate project what to support, I just don't want a door opened to support something that should not be supported/supportable15:41
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evrardjpsupport is the wrong term here, maintain is more appropriate15:42
mugsieevrardjp: is the Runtimes doc correct for 15.1 ? or should we update the version + python versions15:43
dhellmannevrardjp : if you submit a patch to remove python 2 support from oslo.config, 99% of openstack will have to drop python 2 support ;-)15:44
* asettle makes dramatic OooOOOOooo noises in the background15:45
evrardjpI didn't mean to crush the current expectations, I just don't want to have an "hold back" attitude either15:45
evrardjpI think it's nowadays possible to run python3 on the major distros for U (centos 7.6/8 incoming), so I think we are at a better place :)15:46
evrardjpmugsie: checking right now!15:46
dhellmannyeah, I definitely think it's safe to drop python 2 as long as all of the services run on 3, but doing that may imply some work (dropping use of six, dropping zuul jobs, etc.) so that's why we phrased the requirements as a "not before" deadline rather than a "not after" deadline15:47
dhellmannwell, that and mumble mumble rhel 8 mumble mumble15:48
evrardjp:) )15:48
evrardjpYep, I think your phrasing was correct :)15:48
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smcginnisI think I would prefer an explicit drop statement, but fair to leave it to the teams as long as we don't state py2 is an officially supported runtime.15:51
smcginnisI could see some teams not having the bandwidth to deal with refactoring patches.15:51
smcginnisAnd backporting fixes could be made a little more complicated by aggressive removal of py2 compat code.15:52
tosky(I'm pretty sure that we will see a wave of "remove -py2 unit test jobs" reviews at some points)15:52
evrardjpsmcginnis: yeah but that with that mentality, things will stay forever the same :)15:52
smcginnisI do agree.15:53
evrardjp"Projects are free and encouraged to drop py2"15:53
smcginnisI do like "and encouraged" in there.15:54
evrardjp(starting after checkpoint x, as discussed above)15:54
evrardjpI think it would also be fair to say that for a certain cycle, we should not have legacy elements too15:55
evrardjp(so basically what dhellmann started to say, and probably more)15:55
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bnemecFWIW, I think Oslo is planning to start adopting py3-specific type hints ASAP, which is probably when we will drop py2 support.16:02
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/governance master: Retire networking-generic-switch-tempest-plugin  https://review.opendev.org/67981616:02
bnemecUnless something else that requires py3 comes up before that.16:02
evrardjpbnemec: that's nice!16:21
dhellmannbnemec : that's good to know; it'll be interesting to see what effect that has on use of the libs. Do you plan to put them inline, or in a separate interface file (I forget the extension used for those)16:24
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bnemecdhellmann: I think the reason we were waiting for py3 was so we could do them inline, but it's been a while since I looked at the proposal.16:25
dhellmannmakes sense16:51
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cdenttc-members: I'm relatively certain there's going to be no candidate for placement PTL and I'm relatively certain that I'm going to be unable to be the assignee.16:58
mnaserMaybe we can just kill the placement team and make it a nova deliverable.17:05
cdent mnaser: I was hoping that joke could be withheld for at least a little while17:06
cdentI did mention to other members of the placement team that the timing was inconvenient, but if you read my non-nomination message loads of stuff has happened that wouldn't have been possible from within17:06
mnaserIt wasn't a joke, it's a serious proposition. If it's mostly consumed and used by Nova the most and more than anything else17:06
cdentof course nova doesn't have a candidate yet17:07
mnaserAnd it used to live there and then that's probably at least the best possible location17:07
cdentIt should be a joke, part of the reason I'm too exhausted to carry on is because of the lack of support I had in reaching the 3.5 year old goal, especially from the TC17:07
mnaserThe nova team is the most knowledgeable and biggest consumer of it all17:07
cdentIf it had happened at the start we wouldn't be in this spot17:08
mnaserI don't know if it's time for an I told you so comment either. That was rough for all of us and I'm glad we got it there at least.17:09
cdentexpressing ones opinion/experience is not the same as a told you so17:10
cdentIn any case. I wanted to make it clear that asking me is not really going to be an option, mostly because of the position of my employer: they are not interested in giving me sufficient time to do it (nor much else upstream)17:11
mnaserthat's fair, i think ed is also stepping away and he was pretty involved in it17:11
* mnaser looks at placement-core17:12
cdentI'm trying to change that situation but I won't know anything for some days, maybe weeks17:12
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cdentI asked gibi and he's not interested/able17:12
cdentI suggested tetsuro but he's not been around for a few days, so haven't had a chance to understand his position17:13
mnasercdent: efried ?17:14
cdenthe's probably going to get roped into nova, despite hoping someone else might step up17:14
cdentif he's the main option, then yeah, I guess the governance extraction becomes redundant17:14
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mnaseryeah i was just thinking that then rather than him having to ptl two projects then at least it can be simplified17:15
mnaserbut i dont think that really changes much in the first place17:15
mnaserthere's not that much more work to be ptl of two teams but same amount of deliverables, i think17:15
mnaserthere is the ptg-y stuff though which would be duplicated17:15
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cdentat least for U placement has minimal commitments planned, which gibi and tetsuro are going to handle17:16
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cdents/U/U PTG/17:29
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fungievrardjp: i would not be surprised if swift wants to keep python 2.7 testing, at lest for a while. i get the impression they value being able to upgrade your swift deployment on older distros. and if that's something they value i wouldn't want to argue otherwise17:32
fungijust an example, but there could be other projects with similar goals17:32
funginow if libs they depend on have to be pinned due to breakage on 2.7 such that things stop being effectively co-installable, then that does severely limit testability17:33
cdentIf there are updates from the employer side, I'll check back in17:38
cdentnight night17:38
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mriedemfwiw i don't think placement should go back under nova in governance, it sends the wrong message and reverts a ton of the work cdent did in extracting it17:47
mriedemthere are other consumers besides nova17:47
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timburkefungi, i would agree with that :-) swift would very much like to continue supporting running on 2.7, at least until xenial goes EOL18:18
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timburkeif that involves py2-specific version pins, so be it. i fully expect swift-on-py3 to be co-installable, though, and would be fine with having swift be ultimately responsible for continuing our py2 testing18:21
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zanebfungi: fwiw I wouldn't assume that CentOS 8 will be stuck on py36 for the next 10 years18:36
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openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack/governance-sigs master: Update Security SIG chair list and SIG description  https://review.opendev.org/67984419:02
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fungizaneb: after seeing the things which got backported into python 2.7 on rhel 6 and 7, they seem to be complacent to at least call it the same version they did at original time of release ;)19:05
fungi(whether it's actually comparable to the equivalent upstream version number is another story, i guess)19:06
zanebI think the idea is to decouple which versions developers use from the system python, precisely to avoid that kind of thing19:06
fungicurious to see how it works in practice once we have centos 819:07
* zaneb is also curious to see how it will work in practice :)19:08
fungilooks like we got our sixth tc candidate. it's an excellent roster in my opinion, election official hat off for a moment19:12
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TheJuliafungi: I concur19:22
fungiif there is no seventh, the current six will simply be acclaimed (as is the case when a team has only one ptl candidate)19:23
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zanebthere's always that nervous moment between the 5th good candidate and the 6th good candidate when any nutter could throw their name in and win by default. glad to see we're past that point :)19:25
fungiyeah, i mean, i stepped down so that's one fewer nutter already ;)19:26
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