Tuesday, 2019-06-11

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: Remove Train goals placeholder  https://review.opendev.org/66427600:52
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ttxoffice hour!09:01
ttxlive from Open Infra Days in Krakow, Poland09:02
ttxLots of SUSE green here09:02
evrardjpThat's good to hear I guess :)09:03
asettleYeah I saw the team over there09:12
asettleon LinkedIn09:12
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ttxevrardjp: I learned that SUSE green hat swag is not very good in China09:31
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ttxasettle: hmm well...09:44
ttx"wearing a green hat" means your wife is cheating on you.09:46
ttxSo apparently they are not very popular as booth swag09:46
ttxIt's all over the Internets if you need more details :)09:47
asettleHAHA OH09:47
asettleThat's funny09:47
asettleSomeone should tell the marketing department09:47
evrardjpgiving shoes or WATCHES is a no-no09:48
ttxWould be even funnier if the color was red, given some corporate dress code09:48
evrardjpthat sounds very sad09:48
evrardjpttx: hahaha09:48
ttxasettle: I learned it from a SUSE guy... lesson apparently hard learned09:49
evrardjpttx: Imagine if a red "O" also had a bad meaning.09:49
asettle Lol ttx oh dear09:49
evrardjpwe want names now ttx09:49
ttxI'm not sure I'm allowed to disclose names. that was told in cofidence in akeynote room with 200 people09:50
ttxI'll just give enough hints09:50
asettleAh yes, that hallow sanctity09:50
ttxI understood the mention, so the talk was in English, and it was given before now.09:51
evrardjptoo many details :)09:51
ttxI  know you're lazy09:51
ttxI said I would not give the name. I didn't say I don't want you to know09:51
evrardjpoh I got it when I asked for open infra days poland agenda.09:51
ttxMore seriously, I think we need some kind of briefing on major gaffes09:52
evrardjpttx: that sounds a good idea. From the foundation I guess?09:54
evrardjpttx: Horace could probably help?09:54
ttxyeah, I'm making a sidenote for that09:55
asettletc-members - with the PDF goal, did we decide on services, clients, and libraries to be built into PDFs? Or just clients and services?10:00
mugsieI don't think we decided, did we?10:18
evrardjpI can't remember that but if it's a community goal, it makes sense to apply everywhere.10:21
evrardjpElse it's like the move to python-openstackclient ... ahem ahem.10:22
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asettleLol evrardjp10:26
asettleYeah, you voted on it being a community goal :p10:26
evrardjpI did, with the hope it would apply everywhere. I didn't think of trimming down the goal. Or maybe I didn't understand your question here fully ?10:32
evrardjp(most likely)10:32
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asettletc-members - I've got stephenfin in here regarding the PDF goal. We need to clarify if we're generating PDF builds for services, clients, and libarires10:43
asettleI have a faint memory it was only for the services10:43
asettleBut the community goal I wrote was unclear, sadly10:44
asettleUnderstandably evrardjp thinks it should go across all three10:44
asettleBut as stephenfin noted, that's a lot of data and a lot more things can go wrong10:44
asettleWe need to have a clear understanding soon, as it's important we kick start this goal as we're already going through the release process.10:45
evrardjpnot sure what you mean by through the release process?10:48
evrardjpthe goal says across the project repositories, so I expected all of them for consistency.10:50
evrardjpbut we can track this in storyboard I guess?10:51
evrardjp(like start with the services if you prefer?)10:51
asettleevrardjp, we're already working on Train10:52
evrardjpit's not against you or the goal itself, is that we used a definition to reject some goals, it doesn't make sense to come back over the definition.10:52
evrardjpat least for me10:52
asettleevrardjp, that's fine - but the definition (to me and stephenfin at least) it's not particularly clear10:52
asettleAnd that's on me10:52
evrardjpthis is why it's a train goal :)10:52
evrardjpnot sure, I seem confused10:52
evrardjpwhat's the problem?10:53
asettlestephenfin, ??10:53
evrardjpyou are afraid it's not possible to finish on time?10:53
asettleI'll wait for stephenfin to clarify, as it is not me that is working on the initial steps and questioned how far this is reaching10:53
stephenfinThe issue is that building PDFs is time-consuming and LaTeX is flaky10:54
stephenfinand I'm wondering whether there is value in building PDFs for something like oslo.db10:55
stephenfinCompared to building the nova or novaclient docs10:55
jrollit doesn't hurt to build PDFs for libraries, but I think focusing on services and clients first is best10:56
stephenfinHmm, well it looks like we might be going to do it for all because that's actually the easiest thing to implement. See https://review.opendev.org/66455510:59
stephenfinApologies in advance. I don't work with Ansible that often10:59
evrardjpI agree with the pragmatic approach, as said above, and as jroll highlights :)11:00
evrardjpstephenfin: haha no worries. I think it's also easier to have a global approach for the tooling, but then I guess we need to ensure things are right in the projects themselves?11:00
asettlestephenfin, I'll add some Ansible folks to your patch11:00
stephenfincool, ta11:03
* stephenfin -> 🏊11:03
jrollstephenfin: ++, cool11:07
mugsieI think that having the PDF support for libraries could be useful for the disconnected / limited web access use cases (e.g. China)11:39
mugsiewhich (from what I can remember) was one of the driving forces for the goal?11:40
asettlemugsie, other than my own selfishness, ABSOLUTELY11:46
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fungii agree that if there's really not much work necessary to be able to generate pdfs from sphinx, then we should just add it to the job which generates sphinx docs and have it make pdfs at the same time12:35
fungiplus whatever (hopefully minimal) plumbing projects need in their sphinx configs?12:36
evrardjpfungi: so, just changing the current jobs to do both for train and above12:39
evrardjpis that what you mean?12:39
fungiif that's what's involved? i haven't really looked12:41
fungii mean, presumably there's at least some work necessary in each repository to support pdf generation during documentation builds, or else it wouldn't have been a community goal12:42
fungifrom this it looks like some work is needed within the documentation source files to make the result more pdf-friendly: https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/docs-specs/specs/ocata/build-pdf-from-rst-guides.html#work-items12:45
fungioh, wait, that's requirements for the theme itself12:46
fungiso maybe it is just adding related deps (latex?) to doc/requirements.txt and a directive or several in doc/source/conf.py and then adjusting the definitions of the shared doc build jobs in openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs repo?12:47
fungioh, right, latex deps wouldn't go in doc/requirements.txt because they're not python. i guess bindep.txt with test and docs profiles added12:49
evrardjpfungi: I think stephenfin has written a first patch for changing openstack-zuul-jobs to add dependencies and to run the pdf generation command12:50
evrardjpfungi: yes I would say that bindep would be a common location, but bindep are for the project themselves though, so it would mean a "test" profile -- or optionally, include this in the job directly12:51
fungithough if the deps are only encoded in the job then that doesn't help folks who are wanting to build pdf docs locally... *cough* suse *cough*12:51
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evrardjpbut I haven't digged into that yet either, just quickly browsed12:51
evrardjpfungi: indeed :)12:51
evrardjpbut isn't that already the case with translations though ?12:51
evrardjpI mean if the boat has sailed... :p12:52
fungioh, is it?12:52
evrardjpI guess I will have homework to double check?12:52
fungiyou can't build non-default languages without installing things not specified in the repo?12:52
evrardjpI think I might be confused, and things might be just fetching from outside (so not self contained, but buildable)12:53
evrardjpI have to double check12:53
evrardjpplease ignore my comments in the meantime :)12:53
fungiwe ought to eventually encourage projects to get extended documentation build dependencies into doc/requirements.txt (for python deps) and their bindep.txt with a doc profile (for system packaged deps)12:53
evrardjpyup that sounds a good plan12:54
evrardjpas long as the bindep is having the right profile, I think it's the right path forward12:54
evrardjpfungi: I was wrong, that ship hasn't sailed. It's well contained. What I thought was not contained is shipped into a python dep, which should be in doc/requirements anyway, so we are good with that approach12:58
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fungiso presumably the idea is that if you checkout the stable/train branch and `bindep docs` tells you that you've got the right packages installed then you should be able to `tox -e docs` and get not only html but also pdfs13:04
fungier, well, more commonly you'd probably run bindep as `tox -e bindep docs` so you get bindep from pypi13:04
evrardjpI am not that fond of ^13:11
evrardjpbecause bindep doesn't actively install packages for all the distros, it just list the missing, right?13:12
stephenfinfungi: Are you referring to what I was doing?13:12
evrardjpso it means that installing the bindep python through tox is fine, but installing the bindep missing distro packages sounds kinda weird13:12
evrardjp(through tox)13:12
stephenfinBecause if so, I've purposefully avoided messing with individual projects' tox and/or bindep files13:13
evrardjpstephenfin: but then you won't be contained, and won't be able to build locally your pdfs13:13
evrardjpyou can, but you need to know the receipe :)13:13
evrardjpit's not as easy as tox -e docspdf or tox -e docs13:14
stephenfinYeah, I'm happy to package the script up somewhere external (like openstack-doc-tools or openstackdocstheme)13:14
stephenfinBut touching every single project is an impossible task and, despite appearances, I'm no masochist :)13:14
evrardjpstephenfin: yes I see that the translation is already a bin in openstackdocstheme, so it could make sense to ship it there13:14
evrardjpstephenfin: oh really?13:14
evrardjpstephenfin: I think it's fine, for a community goal, as you're not alone13:15
evrardjpshouldn't this be spread out around the community? (but I agree it's still a massive amount of work)13:15
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fungievrardjp: bindep doesn't install anything, it just tells you what system packages you're missing for a particular profile defined in the local bindep.txt file. an alternative is to just look in or grep the bindep.txt file to get a list of packages and then check whether you have them installed13:18
evrardjpfungi: yes exactly13:18
evrardjpfungi: so it means you would have to zypper install / dnf install/ apt install13:19
fungistephenfin: i don't get why it's a community goal if it doesn't require changes to projects13:19
evrardjpor whatever, which is not known in advance13:19
evrardjpso it means those scripts would have to know what's the cli required to install packages on $currentrunningsystem13:19
fungievrardjp: right, bindep is meant as a resource for folks manually running things on their local system, though it does have the ability to generate a bare package list suitable for feeding into most package managers13:20
stephenfinfungi: tbh, I'm not TC and don't really know what a community goal entails. This was an idea dhellmann suggested and it made sense to me13:20
evrardjpfungi: that's what I meant :)13:20
stephenfinI'd personally rather have a 'pdfdocs' tox target in each project but I also have no interest in convincing projects that I'm not core on to do it :)13:20
evrardjpstephenfin: but that's the thing13:20
evrardjpyou don't need to convince anymore13:21
fungiwhy not just build pdfs when building the html?13:21
fungidoes it take significantly more time/resources?13:21
evrardjpif <binary dependency> is available, build pdf?13:21
evrardjpwhere I suppose binary dependency would be latex13:21
stephenfinIt does take some time, yes, and the dependencies are not insignificant13:21
stephenfinI counted at least a gig of deps when trying to build in a VM13:22
stephenfinalso, it's not even possible in some environments13:22
fungioh, fun. is that a gig more deps than for building html docs, or are a lot of them shared dependencies?13:22
stephenfinFedora 30 is missing the xindy package. I've been meaning to get around to filing a bug but haven't done so13:22
stephenfinYeah, you've to pull in texlive which is huge13:22
fungibut yeah, if it's a full texlive environment it will be massive, agreed13:23
fungii saw in the openstack-manuals change it also required inkscape?13:23
stephenfinIt did?13:23
fungii guess for some svg postprocessing?13:23
evrardjpstephenfin: my point was that if we have a standard shell script we ship into openstackdocstheme, we could use it to build the pdf too, if the binary for latex is available. If not available, and pdf is requested, then exit with an error?13:23
evrardjpso that thing would then be "make sure you have something in your tox to use that one" ?13:24
fungistephenfin: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/396943/9/bindep.txt13:24
stephenfinOh, indeed. Must be for SVGs, aye13:24
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dhellmannfungi , evrardjp : the work stephenfin is doing will set up the build and ignore failures, so that project teams can then ensure they *can* build PDFs and that those PDFs look good and are organized well. *that* work is the community part of the goal15:16
evrardjpI see.15:17
evrardjpit's about the ability, not the fact to do it everywhere15:17
dhellmannand we don't want this in the default "docs" env in tox because that requires every developer to install texlive15:17
dhellmannsome teams (nova) already know their docs do not build as pdfs successfully15:17
evrardjpdhellmann: which is why I proposed to make that optional based on the presence of the latex toolkit15:17
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dhellmannthe other reason not to edit the tox.ini is that is a pain in the ass and no way to get work done15:18
evrardjpbut I guess it's my understanding of the goal which was incorrect. I need to re-read that goal15:18
dhellmannthere are hundreds of them15:18
evrardjpdhellmann: yeah. that's indeed a pain.15:18
fungimakes sense15:20
fungiso doable as a separate tox testenv and maybe a dedicated bindep profile15:21
fungiso we could verify dependencies are installed by checking `tox -e bindep pdf` and then build the pdfs with `tox -e pdf` (or something along those lines)15:22
fungithe goal was missing any real implementation plan, hence the questions15:22
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dhellmannyeah, we should update the goal document with those details15:45
dhellmannit was not intended to be a requirement that teams update their repos to allow local building of PDFs, so we should make sure to make that optional15:45
dhellmannasettle , stephenfin : dunno which of you wants to do ^15:46
stephenfinasettle? :)15:46
* stephenfin is digging through tokenizer issues15:47
asettleHello yes tis I15:47
asettleoh yeah probably me then15:47
asettleIt's on the list15:47
fungiso just to reiterate what dhellmann has said above: the community part of the goal is that project teams ensure they *can* build PDFs and that those PDFs look good and are organized well, but it's not a requirement that teams update their repos to allow local building of PDFs15:56
fungiso basically the job should not depend on in-repository declaration of new dependencies or a new tox env (i suppose that would be future additions to the relevant section of our pti, maybe as a distant future cycle goal), but the job should still run and produce pdfs for all projects covered by the goal15:58
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evrardjpI am not really sure to understand the success criteria16:02
evrardjpI guess I will see16:02
clarkbnot to further complicate things but pandoc can make pdfs and is only 26MB large16:05
clarkb(though that is compressed tarball form)16:05
clarkbif we are really concerned about the size of the dep chain maybe we should look at pandoc?16:05
clarkb(granted the reason tex is huge is it is full of "make things pretty" tooling)16:07
fungicurious if pandoc was investigated as an option and, if so, what ruled it out16:12
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fungitc-members: i've replaced the health tracker page, feel free to edit the initial prose. if you need access to any of the old data it can be had in the "history" accessed from the "page" drop-down up in the top navbar18:07
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dhellmannfungi , clarkb : the docs theme includes styling support for sphinx's pdf generation, so I don't think we really looked past the fact that it's possible to do with sphinx19:01
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fungigot it, but for sphinx specifically you need a full texlive environment19:04
fungi(for sphinx's pdf generation feature)19:04
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dhellmannyes, right, sphinx generates latex and latex generates the pdf19:14
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