Wednesday, 2019-01-16

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lbragstadtonyb they are still a thing00:54
tonyblbragstad: oh cool00:54
lbragstadtonyb we're actually just shy of one00:54
tonyblbragstad: so I guess they start in like 6mins then :)00:55
lbragstadstarting in 6 minutes00:55
lbragstadbut for you - i'll hangout out early to get started :)00:55
tonybAww shucks00:55
zaneblbragstad, tonyb: o/01:01
tonybzaneb: \o01:01
gmannTC office hour started01:01
tonybSo elections ...01:02
tonybThe timing suggested by the election officials is visible at:
tonybthere are a couple of things about this that are iteresting01:03
tonyb1) It's TC then PTL for like the first time ever01:03
tonyb2) the TC election was moved forward by 1 week so that it didn't overlap with the PTL election01:03
tonyb3) there will (again) be a single deadline for setting gerrit preferences so that the polls are delivered to the correct address01:04
tonyb... I guess that's a 'few' things rather than a 'couple'01:04
tonybbefoer I say much of that on the mailing list I wanted to runb it past the TC01:04
* tonyb assumes y'all are digesting that surprise attack ;P01:07
zanebtonyb: what's driving the change in order of the TC & PTL election?01:07
tonybzaneb: the charter01:07
zaneband do we expect this to be a regular thing?01:07
gmannHeh, checking dates01:07
tonybzaneb: the TC election is summit-6 and the PTL is release -3 (or somehtign like that)01:08
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tonybzaneb: typically the summit is waaay after the release but this time they're really close01:08
gmannOr is it like after PTL election, summit dates can be during TC election if they are after PTL ?01:08
tonybzaneb: if you look at each review they, in a cryptic way, walk you through the seeting of the dates01:09
tonyblet me find the wording in the charter01:09
lbragstadso - they're not keyed off the same event01:09
zanebtonyb: I know but it was easier to ask you for the Cliff's Notes version ;)01:09
tonyblbragstad: correct01:09
diablo_rojoI am a very big fan of 3 in particular01:10
lbragstadgiven the fluctuation in summit scheduling over the years - i'd say it's a safe bet the ordering will change01:10
tonybdiablo_rojo: Yeah it's nice for the officals ;P01:10
tonybdiablo_rojo: but needs extra communication01:10
gmannYeah about to say that, 3rd point is easy for everyone01:10
gmannEven for voters01:11
tonyb -- says R-301:11
tonybwhich is Release is at: 2019-04-10, Latest possible completion is at: 2019-03-2001:12
tonybso we complete it at: 2019-03-19T23:4501:12
tonyb -- says S-601:12
tonybwhich gives us: Summit is at: 2019-04-22, Latest possible completion is at: 2019-03-11 (to avoid overlap with the PTL election) the actual summit is 2019-04-2901:14
zanebwe are completely rejigging the relationship between events (Summit/PTG) and the release cycle for only the second time ever, starting now, so this might be a good time for the TC to re-evaluate the charter to make sure the timings still make sense01:14
zanebparticularly since we will have broad authority to change the timing of the TC election starting ~next week, if the bylaws changes pass01:15
tonybzaneb: Well the fall summit is in November, but the corresponding release is more like aug/sept so it'll be more normal01:15
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tonybzaneb: regardless I'd say any evaluation would take more time than is feasible befoer this election season01:15
tonybzaneb: the TC could always make that change and did after the Ocata shift01:16
tonyband at that point that tied them to summit (TC)/release(PTL) so allow for this kind of thing01:16
zanebthe TC could always make their term shorter than 12 months, but not longer until the bylaws change01:17
tonybzaneb: that chater says 'complete no later than S-6' so we have the ability to move things as the make sense01:17
clarkbtonyb: where does summit is at 2019-04-22 come from? is that just the week earlier shift and we are pretending?01:18
gmannHow about marking TC election also with release cycle (6 weeks before release) so it will always be before PTL and consistent? And release will always be before summt.01:18
tonybclarkb: Yup exactly01:18
tonybgmann: Personally I don't see any value in the order of PTL then TC it's just the way it was done historically01:19
lbragstaddumb question: is the main goal here just to make sure they aren't at the same time?01:19
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tonyblbragstad: Do you mean the wording in the charter? or my suggestion to move the date forward by a week?01:21
gmanntonyb: agree. But that can give a consistent dates and easy for official at least01:21
lbragstadtonyb both?01:21
zanebtonyb: folks who have won a PTL election may be regarded to have a stronger claim to be elected to the TC. Also, PTLs who have found a replacement to step up may have more time available to run for the TC01:21
tonyblbragstad: well yes that later is certainly to ensure they run seperately as the tools make that assumption, but they don't care about order01:22
gmanntonyb: lbragstad but moving forward should not make TC term more than 12 months01:22
zanebspeaking personally (as a potential TC candidate) I'm relaxed about the order, but it may affect some people's decisions01:22
tonyblbragstad: in terms of the chater, I think it was partially to keep the TC term about 12months but still give us a little flexibility to hand situations like this01:23
lbragstadgot it - thanks01:23
tonybzaneb: I think we'll have to agree to disagree on some of that01:24
smcginnisI like the order of TC before PTL.01:25
smcginnisWe wanted the TC election early enough before the summit so newly elected members have the time and arguments to get approval to go to the event.01:25
smcginnisAnd I've seen more often than the reverse that an existing PTL may want to know if they will be on the TC before deciding to run again.01:26
zaneb(speaking from my experience as a (wildly unsuccessful) TC candidate around the time when I also served as a PTL)01:26
zanebsmcginnis: those are both good points01:27
gmannYeah its tradeoff of both points01:27
zanebFTR we also need newly-elected PTLs to get approval to go to events01:27
lbragstadare both PTL terms and TC terms documented in the bylaws?01:28
zaneblbragstad: no, only TC if memory serves01:28
tonyblbragstad: in the charter IIRC not the bylaws01:28
lbragstade.g., if we have to change term conditions based on unpredictability in scheduling, which one will be more flexible01:28
zanebTC has total authority over the election of PTLs afaik01:29
tonyblbragstad: Oh the TC charter is waaay more flexible that the bylaws01:30
tonybthe latter needs a formal vote from the foundation board and members (liek the one happening now)01:30
tonybthe charter is more like a std. code review + email discussion01:30
lbragstadgot it - i was just checking if there was something in the bylaws related to team lead elections or terms length (like how the TC can't exceed 12 months)01:30
tonyblbragstad: ok01:31
zanebcharter requires a 2/3 majority of the TC iirc, but still 1000x easier than bylaws :)01:33
tonybzaneb: Yeah, functionally that's the same as say ... adding a new project team01:34
gmannfor me, current proposal dates looks fine. though IMO making both election sync with either summit or release (release is much better) makes more consistency among future election schedule. for example: R-3 for PTL, R-6 for TC01:36
lbragstadgmann ++01:36
lbragstadif we key everything of the release, we'll need a bylaw change though :)01:36
tonybgmann: Thanks01:37
tonybgmann: I'd like to add that we have better tooling now so as soon as we have a summit date we can set/expose the election timing01:37
tonybgmann: We also need a release name to make it formal but that doesn't impact the setting of the tming01:38
gmanntonyb: nice thanks.01:39
tonybSo can the election officals merge ? and annoucne the schedule on the mailing list(s)01:43
* fungi catches up on office hour he almost entirely spaced on01:45
tonybfungi: All good01:45
tonybfungi: I assumed you weer on PTO or similar ;P01:46
fungiahh, my input for election scheduling with tc hat on is same as it is with election official hat on, so not actually much to catch up on after all! ;)01:47
tonybfungi: Thanks01:48
fungizaneb: (some) bylaws changes actually get easier with the proposed bylaws amendments too01:52
fungibut yeah, still changing the tc charter (mostly) doesn't involve talking to the osf board of directors01:53
fungiat least if the bylaws changes are approved, we can ask the board to agree to change some parts which impact the operation of the openstack tc01:54
fungiwithout also requiring a vote of the osf membership01:54
tonybthat's nice01:55
fungiwhich is usually the hardest part01:55
tonybSo we're nrealy out of time ... Can I ask the TC members that are here to bring it up with the rest and then have dhellmann or mnaser vote +/-1 on
tonybIt'd be awesome if that could happen this week so the election officials can plan/communicate accordingly01:58
fungisure, should we post to the ml about it and refer to the gerrit change for it i guess, to get slightly wider feedback given the recent uniqueness?01:58
fungii don't personally see it being a huge deal, though the order of tc then ptl might take some by surprise01:59
tonybfungi: I feel like this something the TC can decide and then communicate widely rather than open the discussion first but I'm happy to do start an email thread first if desired02:00
funginah, i agree it's probably fine02:01
fungiwe'll see what the others think02:01
tonybfungi: cool, and thanks02:01
fungithanks for coming to tc office hour with something to make us feel useful! this particular slot is usually dead, dead, deadski02:02
tonybfungi: \o/02:03
tonybfungi: I show up here when I have something02:03
fungiso dead i forgot to show up for the first 3/4 of it ;)02:03
tonybfungi: I appreciate there being an office hours during my workign day :)02:03
tonyb... it didn't help I had the time wrong in my calendar for $ages02:03
* tonyb would show up about now and find it was done and dusted02:04
fungimeh, there's usually still quite a few of us around and lurking02:04
fungithough i am probably due to put my meat-based operating system on standby for a little while02:04
tonybfungi: LOL02:05
fungifire up the ol' neural screen saver02:05
* lbragstad has never heard that reference02:05
gmanntonyb: thanks, yeah we can bring up this in tomorrow office hour too where wider TC members are available or tag tc-members  ^^02:06
tonybgmann: Thanks02:10
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TheJuliaI wonder if calendar invites should be a thing. Not just for the TC, but it would help me mentally block the time off on this time slot02:29
lbragstadi know we publish icals02:38
lbragstadfor meetings02:38
gmannwe have for office hour too -
lbragstadyeah - i believe that ical is the one i've been using02:45
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tonybHuh I didn't know that there was a seperate office hours ical #added to google03:26
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ttxtonyb: the general idea behind having PTL elections before TC elections is that people would have a better idea of their availability once they know the results of the PTL election. But I guess that cuts both ways09:14
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ttxWe really should place the PTL election at the time that makes the most sense in the development cycle, and then place the TC one at a convenient place around that09:15
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dhellmanntonyb : I think it's worth starting a mailing list thread ([tc][ptl][all][election]?) to give folks a heads-up that the planning is happening, and that the order of elections is different from what people usually expect. I think that order is fine.14:02
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fungidoable if that's warranted, i think there were just concerns about delaying much longer since we've now just shy of four weeks until tc candidacy self-nomination opens14:41
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smcginnisfungi: Did you ever get a response from your question on the ML about stackalytics being forked now?15:21
fungii have a feeling none of them are actually reading the mailing list and probably only see direct replies15:24
smcginnisMost likely true.15:24
fungii think in the cases where they followed up on a reply in that thread, the author did a reply-to-all instead of reply-to-list15:25
cdentor they just don't feel like answering15:27
openstackgerritLiam Young proposed openstack/governance master: Add Cinder Storage charm interface
smcginnisAnother very plausible possibility.15:28
fungithere's but its last commit was two years ago15:28
smcginnisSo an internal fork even.15:29
fungiwell, i tried a web search on the string "Stackalytics displays information collected from open sources" and didn't turn up any relevant hits outside the stackalytics website and our github mirror, but it might just be somewhere which isn't well-indexed by search engines15:30
fungi(string taken from the page footer, so assumed to be a literal somewhere)15:30
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dhellmannfungi , tonyb : I'm not quite sure what you're asking for. Are you looking for me to check your date math? or just say that it's OK to run the TC election before the PTL election in general?16:07
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fungidhellmann: i think the election officials collectively, as a delegation of the tc, were seeking a thumbs-up from tc members on the proposed schedule (including the unprecedented ordering of tc-then-ptl)17:04
fungismcginnis: seems it's a private fork they intend to reintegrate
smcginnisHopefully that ends up happening.17:05
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notmynamefungi: clearly the problem here is that you didn't ask on twitter ;-)17:18
notmyname(I know how much you love twitter)17:19
fungii know someone who knows someone17:19
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ttxpublic shaming is the only way to get answers those days17:31
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ttxor better yet, passive-aggressive public shaming17:31
ttx(you can tell I had a great day)17:31
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dhellmannfungi : ack. I think it's fine to go ahead18:23
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cdentI reckon the tc role thread may be starting to play itself out, but it might be more interesting if more tc-members chose to participate19:22
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tonybdhellmann: I clicked +W so we can announce the schedule this week.  Which is basically 1 month before the email preference deadline19:59
openstackgerritDouglas Mendizábal proposed openstack/governance master: Add Ansible roles for managing HSM software
openstackgerritDouglas Mendizábal proposed openstack/governance master: Add Ansible roles for managing HSM software
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bsilvermanCan anyone tell me why the COA is being discontinued?21:39
fungibsilverman: i haven't heard the precise reasons behind it, but jbryce might be able to speak to that if he's around21:52
funginote it was an activity managed by the osf, not the openstack technical committee21:52
bsilvermanOkay, I'll as Jonathan21:53
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fungibsilverman: if you find out, i'm sure many of us in here would be interested in the answer too23:52

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