Friday, 2018-11-02

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openstackgerritVieri proposed openstack/project-team-guide master: Update min tox version to 2.0
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* cdent has read the tc-meeting log10:49
* smcginnis is interested in cdent's thoughts on the meeting11:53
cdentsmcginnis: hard to parse11:53
cdentbut probably because I don't have my usual attention at the moment (I'm in a customer meeting)11:53
cdentBut my general reaction was "did we need a meeting for that?"11:54
cdentBut I'm predisposed to feel that way.11:54
smcginnisIRC during a customer meeting... :)11:54
cdentAs far as I'm concerned the only reason to have a formal meeting is because there are formal things to have conversations about, and if there are so many things to talk about that you don't get a real converastion going, then why bother?11:55
cdentI'm not a part of this part of the meeting11:55
smcginnisI tend to feel the same way about meetings, so I was curious to see if having that log was any better than just scanning channel logs.11:55
smcginnisOther than the formal things for a formal meeting, I guess I can see some value for someone doing a quick summary scan of
cdentdid things move forward better than they might have other wise?11:57
smcginnisAssuming we are good about use #link, #action, and such.11:57
smcginnisI have my thoughts on that, but will wait to see how things go.11:58
* persia finds formal meetings horrible forums for actual discussion12:02
cdentpersia: "formal" is probably the wrong word. I mean "explicit" gathering at a time to talk. If you're not able to really talk because of constraints may as well do something else...12:03
persiaI agree with all of that.12:03
persiaIn addition, I believe formal meetings (where one doesn't actually talk much) are an excellent way to maintain consistency of agenda within a group, identify groupings who will participate in explicit gatherings to talk, and maintain a rhythm of delivery (folk delegated to have discussions at a meeting are usually expected to be able to report status of those discussions at the next meeting).12:05
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persiaThat said, I find it a rare case to need formal meetings for most things more often than once every 4-6 weeks.  The exceptions are usually cases where 90% of the meetings end in 10 minutes because nobody has anything (and they only exist to reduce the latency of alert in environments where direct escalation is frowned upon).12:06
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fungiaspiers: folks lurking in the tc channel would probably also get a kick out of your code review talk12:36
aspiersgood point, although it's not *mine*12:36
aspiersanyone interested in a better understanding of OpenStack's code review culture within Gerrit should check out this awesome talk which is finally online one year later!
aspiers3:55 is an interesting enough statistic by itself12:37
* smcginnis queues it up12:37
* smcginnis also turns to aspiers and mumbles *cough* ha-guide *cough*12:38
fungiyeah, the multi-reviewer stat gives me warm fuzzies12:39
aspiers<fingers mode="in-ears"> That's odd, did I just hear something? Hmm nope, guess not. Time for lunch </fingers>12:39
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aspiers26% of reviews are contentious12:39
fungicontentious? or can be improved on?12:40
aspiersexplained around 6:0012:41
aspiers13% are +2,-112:41
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fungiahh, having been on the -1 side of plenty of those i don't know that i'd use the term "contentious" to describe them13:12
fungimost of the time it's that i spot a bug which another core reviewer missed and which isn't being exercised by tests13:13
persiaI'm not sure the researchers have the same semantic mappings for the vote values as we tend to use, but as 88% of +2,-1 patches are merged, I suspect the "contention" isn't actually an impediment to velocity.13:14
fungibut in no way are those an argumentative scenario13:14
fungiyeah, in many of those cases i've witnessed, the -1 is fixed with a followup patch so as not to impede progress13:14
fungiand then there's also the fine folks who pepper random changes with a -1 and no explanation, and we ignore them13:15
fungibut yeah, the fact that we let anyone with an account on the server vote -1/+1 likely contributes to some of that misconception13:15
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dtroyerthe number of +2/-2 reviews seemed lower than I would have expected, even so, do our procedural -2s add up enough to make a dent in that?13:32
fungiif they were counting changes which merged in that state, then presumably no13:33
fungisince code review -2 would block the change from merging13:33
dtroyerthey did look at that, but the absolute number of +2/-2 was about 628 IIRC13:34
fungiand honestly, in my experience the majority of actually "contentious" changes end up abandoned or reworked until there's consensus13:34
openstackgerritGuilherme  Steinmuller Pimentel proposed openstack/governance master: Add os_placement role to OpenStack-Ansible
dtroyersure, I was just wondering if we did enough of a thing (procedural -2) that they may not be expecting to find to throw that off13:35
fungioh, entirely possible i suppose13:35
fungiour use of code review votes often comes with a lot of nuanced context which a cold statistical analysis won't capture13:36
openstackgerritGuilherme  Steinmuller Pimentel proposed openstack/governance master: Add os_placement role to OpenStack-Ansible
persiaThere was commentary indicating that lots of the -2,+2 patches were resolved by scheduling or release concerns, which make me suspect those were the procedural -2s.13:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-team-guide master: add review guidelines for the openstack freeze
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zanebaspiers: is he joking about the Beatles being from London?14:37
aspiershaha I didn't spot that14:37
dhellmannisn't everything in england also in london?14:38
* dhellmann may have his venn diagram wrong14:38
smcginnisBeaten to it by dhellmann again!14:38
dhellmannevrardjp_ : you're currently signed up as liaison to 11 teams, which is 1 more than strictly needed. Do you want to pick one to drop, or are you ok with keeping 11?14:47
dhellmannevrardjp_ : let me know; I'm going to hold off assigning the other liaisons until I hear from you14:54
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scasi've communicated where chef is currently. it's still in this somewhat alive state, as reviews trickle in, but upstream changes are starting to become continuity issues in the chef community, which won't be felt until closer to Q2 201915:13
scasby 'chef community' i mean chef itself, not just chef openstack15:15
clarkbscas: upstream changes in chef itself then?15:33
scaschef itself, and ancillary dependencies15:41
scassome of the relevant discussion has been taking place on github:
scaspoise-python is 'the' way to get a python on a given node15:42
fungiinteresting. i didn't realize that travis ci limits job runtime to 1 hour (and collects money from people who want to run longer jobs)15:45
clarkbI'm assuming this is like a puppet3 - puppet4 transition but for chef? I sympathize15:47
scassimilarly, yes15:47
scasevery eight months, a new major release emerges15:47
scasthe difficulty increases exponentially due to said ancillary dependencies, where i may not have any control over what that maintainer can/will do15:49
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ttxreviewed the tc chair responsibilities etherpad, looks sane to me16:16
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ttxdhellmann: meeting up at
ttxcode probably needs an update to be able to say "Monthly on first Thursday" instead of "Monthly on Thursday" but that will do it for now :)17:22
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dhellmannttx: thanks for the review17:23
dhellmannhmm, I'll look at where that wording is generated17:23
ttxIt's that str() I made you change to "Monthly"... unfortunately will need to be updated to support saying more than one word :)17:25
ttxit does "$frequency on $day" currently17:25
dhellmannah, ok17:26
* ttx calls it a day and a week17:26
dhellmannttx: have a good weekend17:27
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: OpenStack infra's mirror nodes stopped accepting connections on ports 8080, 8081, and 8082. We will notify when this is fixed and jobs can be rechecked if they failed to communicate with a mirror on these ports.18:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: update the charter section on meetings
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: add a link to the meeting schedule
openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: remove basepython from default testenv settings
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/governance master: Use publish-to-pypi
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The firewall situation with ports 8080, 8081, and 8082 on mirror nodes has been resolved. You can recheck jobs that have failed to communicate to the mirrors on those ports now.18:55
lbragstaddhellmann is your opposition to because you think there needs to be a separate effort to document supported python versions for each cycle?18:55
dhellmannlbragstad : partly that, and partly I don't like changing the "definition of done" for a goal after we've started working on it18:56
dhellmannthe 3.7 work is unrelated18:56
lbragstadok - that makes sense... even if it is label as optional additional work?18:57
dhellmannlet's call that out, and ensure that it is documented for its own sake18:57
dhellmannyeah, there's a good chance PTLs who have already digested that goal document won't look at it again in a way that makes them notice that change anyway18:57
lbragstadbut you think they will if we have goal/stein/supported-runtimes.rst ?18:58
lbragstador are we just going to consider where ever we put this information as a retroactive exercise for stein?18:59
dhellmannonly if the people driving that work put in the effort to publicize it18:59
dhellmannso there's 2 sides of this18:59
dhellmannthe proposal to change the goal came with the argument that it's not a big deal because it's optional19:00
dhellmannthat says to me that it's not actually part of the goal19:00
dhellmannit's a separate initiative19:00
dhellmannthere was also the argument that because it's optional, changing the goal shouldn't trigger the annoyance that a real change did in the past19:00
dhellmannI don't agree with that on its face19:01
dhellmannwe shouldn't shoe-horn everything we want to do into a goal19:01
dhellmannthis is a separate thing, being driven by 1 vendor (for now)19:01
dhellmannthat's fine, we need to do it, and sooner is better19:01
dhellmannbut it's a separate initiative, and we should treat it that way19:02
lbragstadyeah... that makes sense19:02
dhellmannI like zaneb's proposal to treat python upgrades as goals in general19:02
dhellmannit's too late to do that for stein, but we could totally do it for t19:02
lbragstadas a side note... finding out which projects opted into completing optional goal work outside of the original proposal might be a total pain.. i'm not sure we have a good way of tracking $OPTIONAL_WORK19:03
dhellmannyeah, I haven't been very strict about ensuring that we've kept the storyboard stories up to date19:04
lbragstad^ that concern would be specific to amending the stein goal though19:04
dhellmannit was way easier for me to track by querying gerrit19:04
lbragstadyeah - i guess if we amend the goal, i could see where someone might say "oh, i wonder what projects did the extra work to enable 3.7 tests"19:04
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lbragstadwhich isn't going to be as easy as seeing if they completed the goal because it's optional completion criteria19:05
dhellmannthat's a reasonable point, too19:07
dhellmannI'm much more concerned with maintaining the aspects of the goal process that is about communicating expectations, but communicating results is important too19:08
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smcginnisI don't think it would hurt to mention the possibility for "extra credit" in the goals. But maybe better places for that.19:09
dhellmannif we had come up with this before the goal was approved, I might have gone along with it. a lot of this has to do with timing.19:09
lbragstadextra might be applicable for some goals, but it would need to have it's own task in storyboard or something so that its easy for people to figure out who did or didn't do the extra work19:11
lbragstadif it ends up just being an amended line in the goal it's going to be hard to track19:12
lbragstadi can see how having option goal criteria goes against the clear lines of goal expectations and the idea that we'd rather have multiple smaller and clearly defined goals19:14
dhellmannwe have quasi optional stuff now. "if you have a job doing X, it needs to be updated in Y way" or whatever19:19
dhellmannbut that's not the same as "you don't have to do this step if you don't want to"19:20
smcginnisOn exception of caveat we should think of, if it ends up that way. We just don't want to come out with something saying move from py35 to py36 in one place, and have a goal explicitly stating that py35 should kept.19:25
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lbragstadsmcginnis we *don't* want to be explicit about previous versions?19:28
dhellmannsure, clarifying things like that is reasonable19:28
lbragstadoh... nevermind19:28
smcginnislbragstad: We don't want to end up with two official docs coming from the TC stating conflicting information.19:29
lbragstadgot it19:29
lbragstadyeah - i agree19:29
dhellmannright, of course -- the point is to communicate clearly19:29
dhellmannif we keep that focus in mind then the changes that are "allowed" will be clear19:29
lbragstadimo, that feels like support for just doing everything in the supported-runtimes.rst19:29
dhellmannit would be useful to have a list of tasks needed when we have to do an update like that19:30
lbragstadby list of tasks, like a list of things to update?19:31
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dhellmannyeah, like we know we need to build new images and create new job definitions and templates and ...20:29
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