Tuesday, 2018-10-09

openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: move members file parsing into a reusable module  https://review.openstack.org/60879000:11
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: remove dependency on sphinx app from members parsing code  https://review.openstack.org/60879100:11
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: move the projects file loading code into a reusable module  https://review.openstack.org/60879200:11
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: add a script to randomly assign TC members as liaisons  https://review.openstack.org/60879300:11
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: remove dependency on sphinx app from members parsing code  https://review.openstack.org/60879101:37
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: move the projects file loading code into a reusable module  https://review.openstack.org/60879201:37
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: add a script to randomly assign TC members as liaisons  https://review.openstack.org/60879301:37
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openstackgerritLiam Young proposed openstack/governance master: Add cells charm and interfaces  https://review.openstack.org/60886607:42
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gmannoffice hour time ?09:06
evrardjpI think it is indeed09:08
* lbragstad lingers09:08
gmannmay be we can be here if anyone have anything to discuss09:13
gmanndhellmann: submitted the patches for meeting things, may be we can review those.09:13
lbragstadi took a gander at a few of those yesterday09:14
* mnaser is around09:15
mnaseri'll be in EU timezone for the next few weeks09:15
lbragstadi think there are two reviews for meeting adjustments?09:16
lbragstadstarting with https://review.openstack.org/#/c/608751/1 ?09:16
openstackgerritLiam Young proposed openstack/governance master: Add cells charm and interfaces  https://review.openstack.org/60886609:16
mnaserlbragstad: i'm not a fan of the monthly model honestly09:17
* lbragstad listens09:18
mnaserlbragstad: 1 month is really not often enough to discuss all the stuff we deal with imho09:20
gmannmnaser: you mean to have more frequently or less?09:20
mnasergmann: i think more frequently is better.09:21
lbragstadyeah, i guess i can see that09:21
cmurphymnaser: in theory there shouldn't be that much to talk about and most of the meaty discussion should happen in office hours09:21
mnaseri mean we can always call off meetings09:21
mnasercmurphy: i dunno, office hours do sometimes jump all over the place09:21
lbragstadunless we attempt to separate meeting topics from office hours topics a bit better?09:21
mnaseridk, i feel like office hours is for the community to come and talk to us rather than us talking between ourselves09:22
cmurphywell yeah exactly09:22
mnaserright now office hours is mostly tc members discussing09:22
cmurphythe tc meeting should be administrative boring tc-only stuff09:22
cmurphyit shouldn't take very long09:22
cmurphyeverything else should be open to the community09:22
mnaserbut we're bringing all the tc-only stuff onto the office hours09:22
mnaserand the community probably feels intimidated to bring up anything09:22
mnaser"they're talking tc stuff.. probably not the time to bring up my subject"09:23
* cmurphy not intimidated :P09:23
mnaseroh well09:23
mnaserwhat a surprise that is :P09:23
mnaserso i am more in favour of a weekly one that we can cancel if we dont need to have09:23
mnaseranyways, i posted my comments09:24
lbragstadsomething tells me we'll have to try and table "boring tc stuff" for meetings appropriately09:25
lbragstadregardless of meeting frequency09:25
lbragstadmaybe that'll help with tc office hours seeming all over the place?09:27
gmannif weekly then, we need to adjust that in place of one of the office hour ?09:31
mnasergmann: i think thats a good idea because we all mostly can commit to one09:33
mnaserwe can alternate times too week by week09:33
evrardjpI'd rather go another direction -- Make sure the mandatory requirement to hold a meeting isn't applied anymore09:33
evrardjpas we have many ways to communicate with people -- I am not sure "boring tc stuff" requires a very different mechanism09:34
mnasermeetings are useful because we can sit down and discuss things together09:34
mnaseroffice hours kinda end up like meetings that are not called meetings09:34
cmurphyevrardjp: ++ i think the issue is it's hard to change the bylaws09:34
evrardjpIf we have to hold "meeting" 4 times a year, I'd like to know why this requirement09:34
cmurphymnaser: it's too hard to make that happen every week for people all over the world09:35
mnasercmurphy: we don't need everyone, we need a majority.  we could change it to to every 2 weeks, i just think once every month is so long09:35
evrardjpmnaser: I agree it's useful -- but if you're quite busy, you can still prepare a conversation and ask people to join in advance09:35
mnaserwell the conversation to join in advance => tc meeting where we'd have an agenda prepared09:35
evrardjpor use an asynchronous media like email/gerrit09:36
evrardjpmnaser: yes but we are building generalities based on specific cases, this can lead to overengineering :p09:36
evrardjpbut I understand.09:36
evrardjpmnaser: you have more experience than me, so I also trust your judgments. You are saying 1 per week is required, so I suppose you/we have lots of motions you want to raise09:37
mnaserit's hard for us to just say "hey can we meet at x time to discuss y", because we all have such differing schedules09:37
mnaseri think it's more as just holding proper meetings where we can even do things like follow up on action items09:37
mnasersometimes we forget about things that never end up happening because we dont follow up on them with some sort of consistency09:38
lbragstadoffice hours might not be a bad time to follow up on action items09:38
evrardjpthe trend is that there are 6 or 7 motions per year here: https://governance.openstack.org/tc/ which would mean, on average, 1 big discussion every two months. One meeting per month seem reasonable, but I am all ears09:38
mnaserlbragstad: but i feel like that takes away from time we're giving to the community to come talk to us09:39
evrardjpmnaser: agreed on the idea of following things up.09:39
lbragstadthat's fair09:39
mnaserevrardjp: yeah but beyond the motions there is a lot of following up like how are teams doing, any new projects coming up, what did we say we were going to do last week, etc09:39
mnaserstatus of community goals, things like that09:40
cmurphythose things should be covered in the tracker wiki and the weekly update emails09:40
evrardjpthat's fair, but this was more community related, so I expected this to be more office hours related09:40
mnasercmurphy: cdent has stepped away from doing weekly updates, i think doug has been a bit behind of those (he's busy!)09:41
evrardjpit would mean that more people would be joining those conversations and ramping up on learning how we work, but that's my personal opinion09:41
mnaseri just feel like when we have an actual meeting with an agenda is a lot more productive than "i have something to raise the second we start this office hour"09:41
gmannlittle hesitate to include tc-only status things in office hour. it might end up consuming all of the office hour in that discussion09:41
evrardjpmnaser: I agree there09:41
mnaserand then its this little back and forth as we try to fit our subject in09:41
lbragstadwell - mriedem and dhellmann have been doing weekly updates for accepted community goals09:42
evrardjpgmann: if you are talking about project x, it makes sense that project x takes part, it's a small step to be there during office hour, but I understand your point09:42
lbragstadit depends on what "weekly update emails" we're talking about i guess09:42
mnasersay someone has a specific subject they want to bring up09:42
mnaserthey contact tc and we can slot it in09:43
mnaserrather than trying to somehow toss the subject and hope to find time by interjecting another conversation09:43
evrardjpI guess we have different opinions, and maybe clarifying the scope of those meetings would help?09:43
evrardjp(so basically start to work on the agenda)09:43
mnaserthe patch proposes the chair or vice chair would send an agenda beforehand09:45
mnaserthat would also allow tc members to decide if they want to come or not09:45
gmannyeah, it can give more clarity when we have specific agenda and actual discussion in few meetings. IMO, we should start(may be monthly first) and then decide the frequency it need practically09:47
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evrardjpor we can cut the apple in two and say every two weeks, and re-evaluate like gmann said.09:52
lbragstad+1 for re-evaluating09:52
evrardjpbelgian compromise ^09:52
evrardjpif that's proper english09:52
lbragstadi updated the review with a link to this discussion and a super generic summary09:58
evrardjpsorry to be blunt, but we shouldn't be discussing a lot about when/how to meet... let's focus on meeting content, and meet every 2 weeks thursday after office hour?09:59
evrardjpthanks lbragstad09:59
evrardjpyou're the man09:59
* lbragstad blushes09:59
gmannlbragstad: thanks10:01
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ttxlate o/11:06
ttxI'm traveling this week (and next) and will likely miss office hours11:06
dhellmannwe specifically said we didn't want to cover lots of "hot" topics in these meetings, right? and that we wanted to use the mailing list for more communication? so I'm not sure why meeting more often is better.12:26
dhellmannmnaser : ^^12:27
dhellmannevrardjp : the time slot we agreed on is the hour before office hours, because every hour later is an hour *much* later into gmann's night time12:27
evrardjpdhellmann: yeah my bad -- one hour before is fine12:28
evrardjpdhellmann: it was not for the hour _per se_ that I was saying that, it was to go towards acceptance12:28
dhellmannwe had already agreed not to reuse an office hour slot, although we did talk about that12:28
evrardjpyeah but the conversation spawned up again... :p12:29
evrardjpI didn't want it to become an everlasting conversation about when to meet, as this will never reach consensus12:29
evrardjpanyway, sorry for refueling the fire :p12:30
fungii object to the notion that we bring much tc-only stuff into office hours. in theory almost everything we discuss could benefit from community input12:36
fungievrardjp: as cmurphy indicated, the real reason we need to meet at least quarterly (for now anyway) is that the osf bylaws say so and we can't remove, alter or even relocate the text of that requirement without coordinating a vote of at least 10% of the foundation membership (a massive undertaking given that it's tens of thousands of people)12:39
evrardjpfungi: that clarifies how hard it is12:41
evrardjpfungi: could you clarify the "for now anyway"12:41
fungievrardjp: ttx and i have provided some input to jbryce to forward to osf legal counsel about possible cleanup of the bylaws for things which make more sense for us to declare in our charter instead12:42
dhellmannevrardjp : we anticipate some changes to the bylaws to address adding new projects like zuul and starlingx. as part of that, we may see some standardization of how governance for those projects is described12:42
evrardjpfungi: that's nice12:44
fungithe ostensible argument for the meeting requirement having been included in the bylaws in the first place is that at least in some jurisdictions it may be hard to prove a governing body exists in any legal sense if it doesn't assemble with some declared regularity12:44
evrardjpdhellmann: that's also nice12:44
evrardjpfungi: I see -- this is not required in belgian jurisdictions for example, so that's why I was very surprised of the mandatory part.12:45
evrardjpas far as I remember at least12:45
evrardjpthanks for clarifying this12:46
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fungiwell, i received this information on the assembly need second-hand or third-hand, so i can only repeat it can can't speak to its veracity as i've not researched the corresponding legal doctrine12:47
fungis/it can can't/it and can't/12:47
jrollfwiw, I feel like the office hours are at least as approachable as the old meetings, even when the office hours have lots of TC topics. the old meetings involved coordinating an agenda item (or hoping there was time for open discussion), posing the question, then watching the channel scroll by and trying to keep up. the office hours feel more back and forth, I guess.12:47
jrollat least as approachable, if not more*12:48
fungiyes, i don't think we want to get rid of office hours, and the meeting is hopefully not going to be used for things we currently cover in office hours12:49
fungior currently cover in reviews and on the mailing list12:49
jrollit feels like mnaser may be proposing this, so wanted to throw in my 2c :)12:50
evrardjpjroll: valuable cents ;)12:52
smcginnisI am strongly against a weekly meeting and think monthly may be bordering on too much.12:53
smcginnisIt should only be administrative in nature. Most communication should happen here in channel (office hours or not) or on the mailing list.12:54
fungiyeah, i haven't weighed in on the review yet, but i disagree with mnaser and feel like the meeting should only really be to fulfil the obligation in the foundation bylaws (at least for as long as it's still there), and that if we're having to meet officially anyway then we should do something useful with that time but we should not do anything that might be of interest to the greater community since13:00
fungiwe've seen it's not a good medium for community participation13:00
smcginnisI agree completely.13:01
mnaserHow do we follow up on progress and allow the community to bring up concerns?13:02
evrardjpmnaser: does this need to be a synchronous thing?13:03
evrardjpfor me, every concern can be raised on the mailing lists or on irc13:04
evrardjpmnaser: I like the fact to have regular updates, and we have action items13:05
evrardjps/and we have/and to have/13:05
evrardjpbut I am not sure this needs to be the "formal meeting" we are discussing over due to the bylaws.13:06
fungion the subject of team health tracking, this cycle i want to see if i can get some of the health update discussions for my assigned teams to happen on the ml rather than via private irc (with an invitation to still reply to me privately with any sensitive concerns)13:09
fungii feel like that might help make the process seem a little more transparent13:10
fungilast cycle i tried to do as many as possible during the team meetings, for transparency's sake, but that didn't scale well for me13:11
evrardjpI think it's more transparent and honest13:16
evrardjpto use the ML for this13:16
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dimsfungi : or an etherpad too!13:25
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fungiindeed, but i mean for the discussion aspect13:34
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dhellmannit's interesting that we have 2 talks on hooking voice assistants to openstack clouds (one for google, one for alexa)16:13
dhellmannlots of kubernetes talks again, too16:13
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smcginnisAlexa, give me a cloud.16:26
dhellmann2 talks basically reproducing Kelsey Hightower's presentation from a couple of years ago, but using openstack16:26
smcginnisLot's of flash, little value.16:29
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: add a script to randomly assign TC members as liaisons  https://review.openstack.org/60879318:27
fungiif you're looking for substance, we save that for the forum ;)18:27
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: add a script to randomly assign TC members as liaisons  https://review.openstack.org/60879319:57
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openstackgerrit98k proposed openstack/governance master: Don't quote {posargs} in tox.ini  https://review.openstack.org/60913220:59
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