Friday, 2015-11-06

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claygbriancline: np00:05
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jrichliacoles_ : I now remember having the same issue before with the content-type in container listing becoming "<content-type>;meta=".   I got around that by encoding the content-type value00:16
jrichliacoles_ hrou: and I think I now remember hrou asking about that extra encoding, and I just didn't remember why it was there.  It was removed.  Now I think we have discovered why ;-)00:17
claygour current part-placement algo sucks:00:23
claygTier                           Parts      %    Max     0     1     2     300:23
claygr1z3-              668  14.97      1   356   568   100     000:23
claygsomeone should really fix that00:23
claygacoles_: I might need you to explain to me why ssync needs to keep two .meta's around00:24
wbhuberclayg: uve a launchpad bug for that?00:24
claygacoles_: i saw that when I had a server who had the latest metadata but needed the ctype - it got a duplciate meta file with a bigger -<ctime> delta00:25
claygacoles_: it was happy to leave both files on disk until it needed to move the part00:25
claygvery strange...00:25
claygwell, maybe not - i guess creating a new meta file for the ctype is probably no worse that creating a new meta with the combined info and removing the old - maybe it's even better a little00:26
claygjust weird to have to obj dirs that represent the same information but have different on disk representations (maybe?)00:26
claygwbhuber: lp bug #1452431 and patch #24157100:27
openstackLaunchpad bug 1452431 in OpenStack Object Storage (swift) "some parts replicas assigned to duplicate devices in the ring" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Samuel Merritt (torgomatic)00:27
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serverascodedoes anyone have recommendations on what documentation I can look at that will help me understand what happens when I add a region to a swift cluster? like how much data will move around and such?00:34
claygserverascode: i'm not sure that's well documented00:39
serverascodeyeah I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what will happen00:40
claygserverascode: you take your prod rings into a temp dir and play around with adding the devices and see whats-what with "dispersion -v"00:40
claygserverascode: well same thing that happens when you add a zone, except if you have more replicas than regions a lot of parts are going to *want* to move - but maybe won't be able to (yet) until you add more capacity (weight) to the remote region00:42
serverascodeclayg: thanks, ok, I will look into that :)00:42
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claygok, i'm pretty happy working through the failure modes on fast-POST functionally00:44
claygcontainers and object trees all seem to consistent stuff up - POST is doing it's thing with the asyncs00:44
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claygoh - i guess I didn't do anything with different data files on disk - let me see what I can cook up there00:46
kota_good morning00:47
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claygoh i totally forgot about swift-init *-replicator status00:52
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jrichlikota_ : good morning01:07
kota_jrichli: :-)01:07
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claygacoles_: phew - that was fun!01:37
openstackgerritKota Tsuyuzaki proposed openstack/swift: Add missing docs for ring.builder.rebalance
openstackgerritSivasathurappan Radhakrishnan proposed openstack/swift: Added unit test cases for server Added three unit test cases for REPLICATE and __call_ magic methods in account and container
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mahaticgood morning02:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Device marked to be removed in info about the ring.
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kota_mahatic, janonymous: good morning03:59
openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Add unit tests for utils.validate_hash_path
janonymous_kota_ : o/04:01
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openstackgerritBill Huber proposed openstack/swift: ObjectControllers return application errors as 499 on bad read
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openstackgerritKota Tsuyuzaki proposed openstack/swift: Read the response body, if response status is greater than 300.
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clayggreat patch 241571 is in conflict07:20
patchbotclayg: - Put part-replicas where they go07:20
openstackgerritClay Gerrard proposed openstack/swift: Put part-replicas where they go
claygcould have been worse, we'll see what gerrit says07:35
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hugokuonot sure if this is a bug or my mistake...    How will you use POST to add header on an manifest file ?  Let's say add X-Delete-At on a manifest file08:07
hugokuoWhile issue a POST to manifest file, it pulls all segments and store it as a single object in server side.08:07
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hugokuobtw... it's for DLO08:17
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mahatichugokuo: - this might be relevant08:22
openstackLaunchpad bug 1487791 in OpenStack Object Storage (swift) "POST to DLO squashes data without fast-POST" [Undecided,New]08:22
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hugokuo@mahatic yes... it is. thx08:25
claygwooo look at mahatic knows all the bugs08:30
mahaticclayg: :D no, I kinda stumbled onto it (when the other day I was asking about slo dlo)08:31
claygoh wtf ever cli tests!08:34
claygwho merged that crap?!08:34
claygkota_'s gotta update the doc strings08:34
claygi have a bunch of Replica count of 3.0 requires more than 2 devices failures that aren't even in the tests that are supposed to test ring building - they're just checking stupid cli output08:35
claygkota_: do you have a patch to fix the doc string on rebalance cause the return got changed?08:35
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kota_clayg: just docs change i have08:36
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claygkota_: it's no big deal "swift-ring-builder can't remove a device with zero weight" has bit me like three times now; but the chance was fine; shit happens; i'm just being whiny08:38
clayg*ignore me*08:39
mahatichow do you debug a functional test again? (not print but trace)08:39
kota_patch 233096?08:39
patchbotkota_: - swift-ring-builder can't remove a device with zero...08:39
claygmahatic: pdb?08:42
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mahaticdoesn't work in func08:42
mahaticthat works for unit tests08:42
claygoh... well you can use inprocess08:42
claygi think..08:42
claygit may be that when it gets to that point I write a unittest08:42
kota_ah, the conflicted one might be patch 23891708:42
patchbotkota_: - Device marked to be removed in info about the ring.08:42
kota_clayg: sorry I added +A for that.08:42
claygkota_: oh yeah that one too08:42
claygno it's also a good change08:42
claygoh was that the one that added these cli tests?08:42
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kota_that one added cli/ring_buider test for making sure the output.08:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Read the response body, if response status is greater than 300.
mahaticclayg: maybe a unittest. not sure of inprocess - an option in set_trace?08:48
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claygmahatic: I dont' even remember how to run inprocess func tests - I think you can just set an env flag08:54
claygor something with tox?08:54
mahaticyeah, i'm looking at it. thanks!08:54
clayggood merge that interal client fix - thanks kota!08:58
kota_clayg: :)08:58
openstackgerritClay Gerrard proposed openstack/swift: Put part-replicas where they go
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claygmahatic: where was the first place you looked for "SWIFT_TEST_IN_PROCESS=true .functests"09:02
claygor is that even what you came up with?09:02
claygmahatic: we should do a doc update09:02
claygi checked the README - then searched the saio docs - then I looked in test/functional/ (and eventually backed into the env var)09:04
claygbut i was advanaged knowing that in process functests were even a thing...09:04
mahaticclayg: true. saio can have a doc update maybe. or the first contribution09:05
claygmahatic: but fwiw pdb.set_trace totally worked09:05
mahaticclayg: and I didn't come up with that :) I was toggling with pycharm capabilities09:05
claygi'm up in my debug on an object server in the middle of a functional tests09:05
claygthose things are crazy09:06
claygpython is amazingawesomesause09:06
mahaticclayg: really? the console just stops when I put set_trace in func/tests.py09:06
clayg-vsx (nose tries to capture stdout by default)09:06
clayghow do you invoke the tests?09:06
claygpycharm magic?09:06
mahatichaha, nope. In this case nosetests /test/functional/tests.py09:07
claygyeah just -s (--no-capture)09:07
mahaticclayg: awesome! that works!09:08
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claygnext time some one sees pdardeau we need tell him to get a bouncer setup09:11
claygpdardeau: patch 151376109:12
clayger... lp bug #151376109:12
openstackLaunchpad bug 1513761 in OpenStack Object Storage (swift) "in-process functests are not documented" [Undecided,New]
clayg^ cc portante09:12
mahaticcool, you raiseda  bug09:13
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mahaticclayg: it's actually documented here:
claygwell there you go!09:22
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mahaticlesson leanrt: keep a tab of three docs - saio, first_contribution, development_guidelines (unless there are more?)09:23
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claygi can tell which git review was for fast-POST because the number is so damn low09:25
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acolesclayg: good morning09:27
* acoles comments on launchpad before connecting to irc :)09:27
claygacoles: I think we cross posted - i marked it as invalid - problem wasn't the information wasn't written down - just that I coudln't find it - happens all the time09:28
acolesclayg: true09:31
acolesclayg: thanks for the review!! i owe you a whisky or two!09:32
claygfor doing my job?09:33
claygit's fine - i owe you a whisky or two as well I'm sure09:33
claygacoles: I'm acctually still on about this ssync thing...09:33
acoleswell i'm always up for beers but you never want to stop talking work :P09:33
clayglook at these .meta's ->
acolesclayg: yeah i need to go and ponder that09:34
acolesclayg: so do you observe 94116-29010c.meta created *after* 94116.meta in same dir?? (i realise maybe its hard for you to know the order)09:36
claygno not hard - that's exactly what I see for sure09:38
acoles94116.meta *should* get removed - that may be a bug if it is not. Its contents would be same as  94116-29010c.meta except for the content-type09:38
acolesso its redundant once  94116-29010c.meta is written09:38
claygconfirmed with swift-object-info the metadata from 94116 makes its way into 94116-29010c along with the older content-type09:40
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clayg94116 has no conent-type (but it was the newest user metadata) - 94116-29010c has the new user metadata (but also the older content type update that was missing in 94116)09:41
claygacoles: do you expect hash_listdir_cleanup to sweep it out?  maybe it's just a < vs <= thing on the .meta time portion of the timestamp09:41
acolesright. so is suspect its a glitch in determining which .metas are obsolete, maybe i'm only comparing the primary timestamps, which are equal09:41
acolesclayg: yeah exactly what i am suspecting09:42
claygwell it's definately a problematic bug because it causes ssync partitions to have different hashes :\09:42
clayg(updated the gist)09:42
acolesneed a <= in place of <, or perhaps needs a comparison of ctype time09:43
claygacoles: I'll try to write you a test09:43
acolesclayg: thanks!09:44
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claygI think something that exposes how ssync can end up shipping a combined udpate to a node that already has the newest meta would be a little more behavior driven09:52
claygbut if possible, it'd help with abstractions and holding it all in your head if you could count on hash_listdir_cleanup to just "do the right thing" no matter how the .meta files got in there09:53
acolesclayg: this ssync test *ought* to expose this, its probably just not asserting the dir contents - test/unit/obj/
acolesclayg: yeah, agree, HCL should do the right thing. I'll look into it today.09:57
clayg^ rx_testdir - wtg test_content_type_sync10:03
claygacoles: ^10:03
claygok, so you've got two good tests to work from10:03
acolesclayg: got it10:03
acolesclayg: k, i have the baton, nice catch10:03
claygacoles: awesome - do you need me to ding you on the review?10:03
claygacoles: ok, great, yeah np - it was totaly luck10:04
acolesi'll WIP it10:04
acolesyou too!10:04
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openstackgerritAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift: Guess content-type on PUT
acolesmahatic: you around? could you check the change i made to the tests ^^?10:40
mahaticacoles: sure, looking. I thought you'd have a simpler version of it - like a 2 line change or something :)10:42
acolesmahatic: is that a challenge - to compress it to 2 lines? :)10:43
mahaticacoles: nope :D, my version of it looked complicated (more line changes and a possible use of ast) which is why I didn't push10:44
mahaticacoles: happy to see your change also involved quite a few line change though ;) Thanks! Looks good, will run it on my local10:45
mahaticacoles: not sure if json.loads(param[5:]) won't result differently on diff machines10:49
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mahaticwill have to wait for jenkins I guess10:49
acolesmahatic: which part? json.loads will return a dict. dict comparison is independent of how the keys might be ordered in the dicts.10:51
mahaticacoles: oh yeah, alright. nevermind10:51
acolesmahatic: the problem we ran into is when comparing serializations of dicts when the items get serialized in unpredictable order.10:52
acolesmahatic: a similar pitfall is to assert dict1.keys() == [a,b,c]  - it may be [c,a,b] or whatever.10:54
mahaticacoles: correct. dict1.keys() == similar_dict1.keys() wouldn't be a prob i think10:55
acolesmahatic: i think that's safe, i'd want to check before trusting my life on it though ;)10:57
mahaticacoles: heh, sure11:02
openstackgerritAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift: Decrypting Container Listing
acoles^^ thats just a rebase11:03
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acolesportante: howdy!12:31
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portanteacoles: how are things?12:38
kota_fyi, I'll be offline until next Tuesday for a vacation. just notification.12:44
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acoleskota_: have fun13:36
acolesportante: good thanks13:36
kota_acoles: thx13:38
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hroumahatic, I saw the convo earlier about testing !  I think some info about unit/func test debugging in the first contribution guide is still a great idea, I know often that's one of the first things people ask here !14:32
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hurricanerixwhoops, wrong window :)15:10
mahatichrou: yeah, i think so. Or at least improve what is in development_guidelines15:12
acolesmahatic: you're still here! are you +1 on ? just checking cos you are the author :)15:15
mahaticacoles: I was just notified by jrichli's comment and was wondering if I can +1 it :)15:15
jrichliunit test question: How are the number of nodes determined for ObjectController tests in unit/proxy/controllers/
mahaticacoles: there you go,  I +1'd it15:16
mahaticthanks for checking15:17
acolesmahatic: thanks15:17
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peterlisak13Hi, I made a patch 241342 to add content-type in swiftclient list of container content. Is there someone who parses that output and can be potentially affected by the change?15:34
patchbotpeterlisak13: - Add content-type in list of container content15:34
peterlisak13I'm deciding between new option like --content-type or adding to existing --long (IMO quite generic and suitable).15:34
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clayggood morning15:40
wbhuberjrichli: if i understand your question correctly, i'd say the number of nodes is determined by the config file that the unit test picks up15:41
mahaticclayg: good morning (already!)15:43
claygmahatic: acoles: prettysure dict.keys() == [a, b, c] runs the risk that dict.keys() returns [c, a, b]15:43
claygmahatic: acoles: use sets15:43
claygos sorts15:43
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mahaticclayg: yes, or json?15:45
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claygmahatic: I think even if d1 == d2 you can't be sure dumps(d1) == dumps(d2)15:49
mahaticclayg: oh I see15:52
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openstackgerritGanesh Maharaj Mahalingam proposed openstack/swift: Unit tests for account/
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openstackgerritBill Huber proposed openstack/swift: ObjectControllers return application errors as 499 on bad read
wbhuberclayg: ^^ this should be it15:58
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notmynamegood morning16:00
mahaticgood morning16:02
notmynamejust checking in before I get on the bus16:02
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serverascodeclayg: sorry to bother you again, but yesterday you mentioned "dispersion -v", is that swift-dispersion-report?16:28
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openstackgerritAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift: Update container on fast-POST
jrichliwbhuber: thx.  I do see there are factors such as the policy used in the test, and the number can be changed.  Specifically, I am not getting the right number of "nodes" in the node iterator passed to _make_request in controllers/base.py16:29
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openstackgerritAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift: Update container on fast-POST
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haypohey. is someone available to review my dnspython3 patch? acoles already put his +2 ;)16:47
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claygserverascode: swift-ring-builder <something>.builder dispersion -v16:56
serverascodeclayg: ah ok thanks again16:56
claygswift-dispersion-report is great too - but it's more of a cluster health thing16:57
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tdasilvawbhuber: hello17:03
acolesclayg: i fixed what we discussed earlier but I think you have shone a light on a wider issue - see my comments on patch 135380 :/17:03
patchbotacoles: - Update container on fast-POST17:03
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acolesjrichli: ping17:06
haypoacoles: oh cool, cschwede approved the pbr change ;)17:06
acoleshaypo: :)17:06
hayponext step: (fix tox -e py34) which may have to wait for pyeclib 1.117:06
haypoany idea of the status of the pyeclib 1.1 bump?17:06
haypo(i have to go, i will check messages later)17:07
notmynamehaypo: yeah, I'm the blocker there17:07
hayponotmyname: what's the cheat code to unblock you? lol17:07
openstackgerritGanesh Maharaj Mahalingam proposed openstack/swift: Add unit tests for direct_client
hayponotmyname: no serisouly, what's the status? is 1.1 already in global requirements?17:07
notmynamehaypo: AFAIK, no. there was an upgrade issue. getting it straightened out is in the top few things on my TODO list17:08
notmynamehaypo: my goal is to have it resolved middle of next week17:09
claygI *like* this Jordan Pittier guy - i don't know who he is - but he gets it -> patch 23879917:10
patchbotclayg: - Change schedule priority of daemon/server in config17:10
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claygacoles: *no* wider issues - only merging17:10
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notmynameI'd like to welcome timburke to swiftclient core!17:12
claygwhoot!  welcome!17:12
timburkethanks notmyname!17:13
gmmahacongrats timburke17:13
hroucongrats timburke !17:13
tdasilvatimburke: congrats!17:13
acolestimburke: welcome!17:14
jrichliacoles: ack17:14
acolesjrichli: about the content-type meta encoding - can you track down the version where it *was* being encoded?17:15
acolesjrichli: i do remember seeing the whole header being base64 encoded, but I don't think that is a solution.17:15
hrou^ Yea I thought all content type was base64 encoded at some point ?17:15
jrichliacoles: i will take a look17:15
claygacoles: I also thought about making the suffix hashing use timestamps instead of filenames17:15
acolesclayg: right. that's another way.17:16
acolesclayg: i'm kicking myself so hard i didn't spot this before :/17:16
claygthis isn't a problem in the container listsings because they always merge timestamps down yeah?17:17
claygacoles: I need to imagine how rsync replciation can get itself into this state - because ssync replciation can probably work around it17:18
acolesclayg: no problem there. its just inconsistent filenames.17:18
jrichliacoles hrou: you both are probably right that the whole value was encoded.17:18
hroujrichli, you were trying to find the patch-set # where that was the case ?17:19
claygacoles: yeah I just mean that when containers replicate they always merge - there's no chance to have to same info represented two ways - if you merge things down to a single timestamp (with deltas) there's always a canonical form17:19
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acolesclayg: when i first looked at the ssync_sender test i thought they were unrealistic starting conditions, but concurrent POST requests could get you two valid meta files.17:20
jrichlihrou: havent done that yet - actually in a meeting now. but i just assume if you both remember that, its probalby right :-)17:20
acolesjrichli: well leave the meeting!!! :P :P17:20
hrouacoles, +1, clearly jrichli, that's the only sensible thing to do ; )17:21
jrichliacoles: its prob bad enough i am dividing my attention ;-)17:21
acolesclayg: plus i got thinking about clusters running a mix of rsync and ssync, or transitioning from one to the other.17:22
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acolesjrichli: sorry, we'll leave you in peace17:22
jrichliacoles: np, really!17:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Guess content-type on PUT
acoleswoohoo mahatic ^^17:33
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acolesnotmyname: i'll be around less next week, jury service.17:40
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notmynameacoles: right. thanks for the reminder17:41
notmynameI hope you don't get picked :-)17:41
acolesclayg: ^^ if you have any thoughts please leave on gerrit, i may miss stuff in scrollback17:41
acolesnotmyname: i read through the docs but there was no section on being 'de-selected'. will have to wait and see how it works.17:42
notmynameI'm goign to be interested to hear about your experience and compare it to my own17:42
hrouacoles, at least in Canada both lawyers (on both sides) along with the judge have the right to refuse a juror for whatever reason, and if that happens you've done your service.17:43
hrouYou just need to be undesirable to one of the sides, which can mean many different things depending on the context : )17:43
notmynamesame here in the US17:43
acoleshrou: i've always tried to make "being undesirable" one of my strengths ;D17:44
notmynameeg like the lady who said she couldn't give an impartial judgement based on the facts presented because she "had certain views on race"17:44
acolesnotmyname: yeah, i noted that line.17:44
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notmynameor the other lady who was getting "psychic impressions" telling her to go one way or another17:45
notmyname(also, san francisco is weird ;-)17:45
hrouacoles, so just be your self ; - ) jk  - its not being "unlikeable" though, usually its some sort of perceived bias17:45
hrouacoles, wait I'm not implying you're "unlikeable" : )17:45
acoleshrou: stop digging man.. :)17:45
hrounotmyname, haha its funny in Canada they're good at catching people who just say something crazy to get out of it, you need to be somewhat genuine : )17:46
notmynamehrou: I live in the city where "is that a costume or do you just wear that normally" is a totally valid question17:46
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hrounotmyname, I really really want to visit one day, its on my list;  Mind you there were parts of Tokyo I saw that I imagine people may ask the same question : )17:48
blmartinwhat like batman costumes?17:48
notmynameblmartin: with all the vigilante-justice batmans around, crime is low17:49
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blmartinbut are they the heros you deserver?17:49
notmyname(seriously, though, crime isn't low, so there maybe should be more batmans around)17:49
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notmynamesummit recap email sent to the dev mailing list17:57
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pdardeaunotmyname: i'll be around very little next 3 weeks (training)18:08
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haypotimburke: "I'd like to welcome timburke to swiftclient core!" oh congrats!18:11
timburkehaypo: thanks! also, thanks gmmaha, hrou, tdasilva, and acoles_!18:13
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notmynamepdardeau: you're with the intel/rax thing right?18:26
openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/python-swiftclient: Add --decode-content option
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pdardeaunotmyname: yes, that's correct18:47
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tdasilvathere's something about Fridays and #openstack-swift channel18:52
tdasilvapretty funny stuff18:52
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gmmahanotmyname: are there plans to get openstackclient equipped to be the primary away frm the swift client?18:57
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* notmyname is back from meeting19:04
notmynamepdardeau: are they making you go to rookie-o?19:05
notmynamegmmaha: I'm having some trouble parsing that question19:05
claygacoles_: so do you have a failing test in place for the thing you're imaging for inconsistent dir listings?19:06
pdardeaunotmyname: yeah, that's the one19:08
* notmyname wonders what RAX rookie-o is like without sugar bear19:09
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mwheckmannnotmyname: clayg: the workaround for my broken rings worked beautifully. Thanks again for your help on that!19:21
notmynameIIRC I ran away to a meeting and clayg actually helped ;-)19:22
mwheckmannsure, but you still stepped up to help while you could.19:23
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claygacoles_: oh, it looks like maybe is the failing test I was looking for19:26
claygnotmyname:  the starred list is huge already - and so many are -1'd :\19:27
notmynameclayg: what's huge is the list of "stuff that just needs one more +2"19:29
notmynameyeah, the issue with the starred list is if *I* want to track something, you end up seeing it too ;-)19:31
notmynameeg the stable/kilo one, the testr one, and the pyeclib one19:31
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gmmahanotmyname: i meant to ask whether we are shifting focus to make the openstackclient the primary client for swift or we support both for long19:41
notmynamegmmaha: ah ok19:41
notmynamegmmaha: we tried to shift focus. and we just ended up not focusing on anything19:41
notmynamegmmaha: so the current plan is that we will still improve python-swiftclient19:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: On py3, use dnspython3 dependency, not dnspython
notmynamegmmaha: and other work will happen in openstackclient (separately from work on swiftclient)19:42
notmynamegmmaha: with the expectation that both will likely be a thing used for quite some time19:42
gmmahanotmyname: aah cool..19:42
gmmahayeah the fade over being long is what i thought19:43
gmmahathanks.. i was going to start writing some test coverage on the swiftclient and wanted to check if at all i should be doing that19:43
claygoh nice - i forgot about needs final approval - it's been so long since I made it past priority reviews I forgot what else was down there!19:43
notmynamegmmaha: awesome! yes, you should definitely do that! :-)19:44
gmmahanotmyname: :) for sure.. thanks19:44
claygnotmyname: bah - most of them are py319:44
notmynamebriancline: if you could take patch 241571 and run your rings through it, that would be great!19:44
patchbotnotmyname: - Put part-replicas where they go19:44
notmynamehurricanerix: redbo: ^ same for the RAX rings19:45
notmynamekota_: ^ and NTT19:45
notmynamedonagh: ^ and HP19:45
claygnotmyname: can will single core +A py3 changes?  I figure if cschwede or acoles_ or torgomatic_ or kota_ are going to take the time to look them over we may as well just get 'em in?19:45
clayg... maybe that's insane19:45
notmynameclayg: the rule's always been "use your judgement" :-)19:45
hurricanerixnotmyname: lol, too bad there isn't a @everyone (or maybe there is, i only know enough irc to get by) =)19:46
notmynameIMO small py3 stuff is probably just fine for a single core to +A19:46
notmynamehurricanerix: yeah, what do you think this is? slack?!19:46
claygnotmyname: yeah but everyone's judgement normally says that the risk of merging stomething stupid isn't worth the cost of just waiting for another core to see it19:46
notmynameclayg: which is why that's a safe rule ;-)19:46
* notmyname wonders how many people in here end up using slack too19:47
clayg... but with stuff like doc typo fixes we've had to socialize the idea that the cost is higher than you might think when the risk is so low19:47
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claygnotmyname: I aggree we should single core +A "simple" py3 fixups - I'd like to bring that up next week19:48
nottrobinhurricanerix: everyone may not be official, but my IRC is setup to ping me when someone uses it =)19:49
notmynameclayg: yeah, but it's ok if you start doing that now and then ask for "permission" later19:49
claygnotmyname: my avoidance of py3 changes is purposeful - hence wanting people to merge them faster to get them out of my way19:50
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pdardeaunotmyname: on the topic of py3, is there a recommended approach for individual developers to easily shift across py2/py3? (without causing too many headaches)19:59
mwheckmannI think I found another small bug in the ring builder: For some reason, I can't use "--id" as a search key for set_info when the id value I want to use is '0'. I works for id's larger than 0.20:00
mwheckmannI had to use another search key as a workaround.20:00
notmynamepdardeau: not that I know20:00
mwheckmannThis is with
notmynamemwheckmann: that sounds familiar. as if I've seen a patch recently for that20:02
mwheckmannok. Anyway, it's easily worked around.20:02
mwheckmannI also noticed that the use of '--id' is not documented in the help output for the ring builder.20:03
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notmynamewhelp. guess it's time for lunch then20:04
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claygmwheckmann: you get "Invalid <search-value>: '--id'"20:07
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claygmwheckmann: could I trick you into filing a bug that has something like that in the title on
claygthe exact syntax of the commands you ran with the observed output and the expected output would be super ideal20:09
openstackLaunchpad bug 1513955 in OpenStack Object Storage (swift) ""swift-ring-builder set_info" command doesn't recognize 0 as a search value when "--id" is used as a key" [Undecided,New]20:19
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jlhinsonHas anyone else been having trouble with the unit tests?20:25
jlhinsonupgrading six to 1.10.0 solved my problem20:25
gmmahajlhinson: think a colleague of mine saw that error as well.. He had to do a upgrade install ( think six package) to get past it20:27
jlhinsonI wasn't sure if we needed to update requirements.txt, or if it was just my local copy of six that was bad20:27
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jlhinsonI'm also unable to parse requirements.txt now...20:53
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claygmwheckmann: that's awesome!20:57
notmynamejlhinson: haven't seen that yet. I've been messing with pip install -r requirements to do the pyeclib updates. seems to be working for me20:58
notmynamejlhinson: this is on master?20:58
jlhinsonjrichli ran into the same problem20:59
notmynamefinishing a test run now. if it goes well, I'll look at that in  few minutes21:00
jlhinsonsounds good21:00
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brianclinenotmyname: having a look at the placement patch. do you just want me to try a rebalance?21:02
claygbriancline: that'd be something!21:03
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claygbriancline: if you think the results are "better" or "no worse" or "worse" you should put that on there too21:03
claygbriancline: if you got *really* crazy you could try moving some devices/weights around and see if the results make sense - or even compare the results of the same operations on master.21:04
claygbriancline: experimental observations + analysis (from operataional perspective/experience) would be at least as helpful as going over the code changes line by line and offering nits.21:05
brianclineclayg: ok, yeah, we're about to make ring changes and have recently been generating stats about what the movement looks like each time. can run the same scenario for the next one using this version to see how much those stats change21:06
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clayg@everyone: *but* - for those who feel more comfortable going over the code/test chnages and offering nits - those are welcome too!21:07
notmynamebriancline: thanks :-)21:08
* clayg considering reverse listings, concurrent gets, and more fast-POST for this afternoon21:09
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notmynamejlhinson: I'm not seeing anything21:36
notmynamebut I may have inadvertently gotten past it with an upgrade at some point21:36
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jlhinsonI was wrong about the version of six causing a problem21:39
jlhinsonbut I am still having an issue parsing requirements.txt21:39
claygsudo pip install --upgrade pip21:40
claygthe new bugs are always better than the old bugs21:40
notmynameanyone else getting "WARNING: default min_part_hours may not match the value in the lost builder." printed on unit test runs?21:41
claygnotmyname: i see that sometimes!21:41
jlhinsonnotmyname: I've seen that before21:41
pdardeaunotmyname: yes21:42
jlhinsonclay: lol, trying that now21:42
claygnotmyname:  you gunna track it down and square it for us?21:42
pdardeaunotmyname: that's because of calls to stderr.write21:42
claygpdardeau: better mock that shit21:42
notmynameclayg: yeah, maybe after I figure out this other test failure I'm seeing ;-)21:42
pdardeaui wrote up a bug on it last week21:42
notmynamesee? pdardeau is already all over it :-)21:42
clayg*my* bad21:43
notmynamefeels nice being back in a terminal and code editor interface instead of presentation software and emails ;-)21:43
clayglol @ PTL!21:43
notmyname"This is code! I *know* this"21:44
claygerror in setup command: 'install_requires' must be a string or list of strings21:45
clayg^ this is the failing?21:45
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haypooops, sorry21:49
clayghaypo: happens to me all the time21:49
timburkenotmyname: i think there may be a reason you run unopposed...21:49
claygtimburke: it's because he's so funny and charming21:49
notmynameclayg: it's because I make you nice tshirts21:50
timburkeclayg: well that's *also* true. but *you're* funny and charming, too, so watch out!21:50
haypoclayg: i'm using a PLC adapter for my LAN and it became very common that I loose the internet connection :-(21:50
haypoclayg: i was trying to kill the SSH connection when IRC just came back /o\ fail21:51
* clayg thinks back to one of the working sessions when notmyname (rightfuly frustrated by the devolution of some topic to bike sheading) went on a tear about us needed to come back to the problem at hand and make progress ( and in the middle he slipped in something about be tired cranky and hungry or something)21:51
haypo"A PLC connection has many advantages to a wireless connection, however the quality of the connection will still depend on the quality of the domestic electrical system. Improper wiring and circuit breakers in between the connected cables can negatively affect the performance, and can cause connection interruptions."21:51
notmynamethat was fun. good times21:51
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clayggood times21:52
claygthis unable to parse requirements.txt - NOT good times - wtf is going on?21:52
claygJESUS!  I'M ON PIP *SEVEN*21:52
claygwhat are you guys doing?!21:52
claygyou know what - backwards compatibility is hard - let's just *ALWAYS* increment the major version number21:53
clayg*washes hands*21:53
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haypoclayg: i really like the transparent binary wheel cache introduced in pip 6, tox is much faster with that21:53
clayghaypo: sounds fancy21:53
claygi probably don't like it21:53
notmynametimburke: clayg is being funny and charming again ;-)21:54
haypoclayg: my pbr requirement was merged into swift, but i don't see how it's related to pip in your case (i guess that you are talking about something different?)21:54
claygfunny is probably debable - but it's definately not charming - I like to put it all out there so others can vent through me vicariously and only *one* of us has to come across as an a#$%^&ole21:55
claygExpected ',' or end-of-list in dnspython>=1.12.0;python_version<'3.0' at ;python_version<'3.0'21:55
clayg^ doubt it's *unrelated*21:56
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timburkeclayg: yep, need to upgrade one or more of pip, setuptools, and pbr21:56
clayglooks to be my favorite :)21:56
notmynamehaypo: what pbr patch did you have?21:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: bug/1270114. Missing documentation for Bulk Middleware.
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claygI'm going to add `pip install --upgrade setuptools pbr pip` to my .bashrc21:57
hayponotmyname: i'm trying to always get the latest versions of pbr, tox and pip :) for pbr, it's simply not installed on my system21:57
claygoh i'm sorry - were trying to get some work done!?21:57
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hayponotmyname: it's only installed inside tox venvs21:58
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haypoclayg: i can try to help you, but i don't understand your issue. what are you doing, what is the error message?21:58
haypoclayg: acoles_ had issues because he had an old version of setuptools and/or pbr, sorry i don't recall and i was unable to reproduce his issue :-(21:59
hayporight now on my fedora 23, i have setuptools (18.2), tox 1.8, pip 7.1.2, (pbr is not installed)21:59
clayghaypo: `pip install --upgrade pbr` was the fix for me22:00
notmynameI'm listening to someone give an intro to swift talk (yes, while I'm looking at this test failure). first, it's probably a bad idea to talk about the CAP theorem in an intro swift talk. second, instead of "eventually consistent" I'm going to start saying "highly available"22:00
haypoclayg: i guess that you are not using tox, but directly?22:00
haypoclayg: because tox should now take care of the pbr version, i added "pbr>=1.6" in requirements.txt22:00
claygwhat does tox have to do with anything?22:01
haypoclayg: usually, i use tox to run tests, i never install anything on my system22:01
notmynameclayg: we've tried nothing, and it works every time22:03
clayglook - i'm up and running again - in a few minutes someone will try to test out branch that's been rebased on master and thye'll have the same problem I did - we'll all say - "oh yeah someone made something better, everyone is broken until everything is upgrade" and they'll go back to work - it's fine22:03
haypoclayg: i expected that and tox have the same behaviour, but it looks like is unable to upgrade itself pbr :-/22:04
claygthen later we'll all have to *package* this mess and curse again for a little while and once we get it working we'll forget that pain too and move on22:04
claygit's great22:04
notmynameah. that's why I'm not seeing these problems. I didn't have the very latest code!22:04
claygnotmyname: "oh yeah someone made something better, everyone is broken until everything is upgrade"22:04
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notmynameso wait. why did we add pbr to requirements.txt?!? we spent a *lot* of effort on making sure it was a build-only dependency22:05
claygnotmyname: who cares22:05
claygnotmyname: it's over22:05
claygnotmyname: we lost22:05
claygnotmyname: all of python lost22:06
claygnotmyname: just package pbr every other week, and pip install -e .22:06
hayponotmyname: "why did we add pbr to requirements.txt?!?" i'm not sure that pbr is required at runtime, but i added pbr>=1.6 to ensure that we have at least pbr 1.0 to support environment markers22:08
notmynamehaypo: wasn't that handled in the stanza?22:08
notmynamethe cap on the version there was removed a long time ago so it would get the latest22:09
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hayponotmyname: if you run "tox -e update ../swift", is updated to add "pbr>=1.8"22:10
hayponotmyname: but acoles_ got issues with this change, so i tried to remove this requirements to fix his usecase22:10
claygnotmyname: you can try to dig into it if you want, but eventually you'll find out no one pushing all this pain out onto the entire python ecosystem *cares* - you didn't blow away your entire deployment and install everything fresh from the very latest version?! wow.22:10
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notmynameand it looks like probe tests in the community cluster failed too22:11
notmynamehaypo: what sort of meta-deployment magic is this? we're supposed to run deployment code to generate/edit deployment files?22:11
notmynamewhat happened to explicit is better than implicit?22:11
haypoif i recall correctly, putting a requirements in is not enough. but sorry, i don't recall all minor details of python packaging. for me, it's just a big mess22:12
* clayg remembers when all we hade was setuptools0.6c11 and we *made due*22:13
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hayponotmyname: sorry, i don't understand your point. my goal is to install dnspython3 on python 3 and dnspython on python 2. the best way to do that (for many reasons) is to use environment markers22:14
hayponotmyname: so somehow, we need to ensure that everything used to package and install swift support environment markers22:14
hayponotmyname: maybe pbr>=1.6 in requirements.txt is not the best way to do that, but i recall vaguely some corner cases with pbr not explicitly required in requirements.txt22:15
haypomy expert for pbr is lifeless who understand these things much better than me :)22:15
haypoi hate pbr, but i don't know anything better, so...22:16
claygonce openstack took over pip and setuptools didn't the *need* for pbr to work around upstream issues decrease dramatically?  why is it still a thing?22:18
haypoclayg: python packaging evolves very slowy, i mean it takes years to fix issues22:20
haypoclayg: but IMHO pip made huge progress last months, it's really impressive22:20
notmynamenew version of something complains about /tmp being writable22:20
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blmartinring balancing question: if I add many devices to a ring and rebalance, is it expected and natural that my partitions may not be equally distributed across all devices?22:23
haypoclayg, notmyname : so do you think that we need to change something for pbr? or is it ok?22:23
blmartinor is there a doc I need to read22:23
notmynamehaypo: dealing with another patch, I ended up upgrading my saio  before I got this patch, so it's hard for me to explicitly test the upgrade path right now22:26
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timburkefwiw on the env marker stuff, there was a bug for something similar in swiftclient...
openstackLaunchpad bug 1476585 in python-swiftclient "Error when installing python-swiftclient release version 2.5.0 : error in setup command: 'tests_require' must be a string or list of strings containing valid project/version requirement specifiers" [Medium,Fix released] - Assigned to Christian Schwede (cschwede)22:27
timburke(not that we can use the same solution - remove the need for env markers - here, though)22:27
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hayponotmyname: ok. don't hesitate to come back to me if you have issues. according to acoles_ & clayg, upgrading pbr fixes the issue22:27
notmynamehaypo: I think my frustration is that there is an issue. not that it's fixable22:28
notmynametimburke: yeah, i thought we had environ markers somewhere else22:29
openstackgerritBill Huber proposed openstack/swift: ObjectControllers return application errors as 499 on bad read
wbhubertdasilva: your comments tended to ^^22:29
haypotimburke: it looks like the fix was to... remove environment markers :-)22:30
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torgomatic_upgrading pbr is never fast for me22:34
torgomatic_it always drags in newer dependencies, and then stuff breaks and I have to figure out why, and I sometimes just end up rebuilding my SAIO VM22:35
claygtorgomatic_: you didn't blow away your entire deployment and install everything fresh from the very latest version?! wow.22:36
torgomatic_clayg: and I'm not even using docker. I think that makes me a dinosaur.22:37
* clayg has choosen reverse listings22:39
claygstep #0 create a container with 25K objects22:40
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notmynametorgomatic_: we've got simplejson in requirements.txt. can that be removed now?23:04
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torgomatic_notmyname: nope; I still get a bunch of hits from `git grep simplejson`23:04
notmynametorgomatic_: oh you haven't fixed all those yet? ;-)23:04
notmynameok yeah. I see them too. should have looked there first :-)23:05
torgomatic_it's subtle; each change requires some careful thought23:05
notmynamejust teasing :-)23:05
timburkenotmyname: torgomatic_: it's that what zackmdavis_'s patch 240596 is for?23:06
patchbottimburke: - remove remaining simplejson uses23:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Re-organise ssync tests
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