Thursday, 2015-11-05

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claygwhoa - did you know that argparse automatically lets you use short aliases for arguments?  I added an option to ring-check for --save-builder and accidently envoked it with --save but it totally *works*00:40
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klrmn1argparse is pretty smart. it often does what you mean it to do, even when you didn't say it right00:41
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jrichliquestion: if there is now only one key, can we still have the keymaster interface allow for 3 different keys: object, container, and account levels?01:04
jrichlithe encrypter and decrypter middleware use the container key to encrypt what will be in the container listing01:04
jrichliif we take that away, it means that you cannot plug-in a keymaster with more keys01:05
notmynamejrichli: I could imagine container_key = sha1_hmac(container_name, cluster_key) or something like that. not sure if an hmac would actually be needed, but my point is the ability to make a contianer key from the cluster key01:05
jrichlioh, right01:06
notmynameprobably would mix in the account key at some point too01:06
jrichlii am sorry.  getting mixed up01:06
notmynamecontainer_key = cluster_key + account_key  # or something01:06
jrichliof course01:06
notmynamecontainer_key = cluster_key + account_name + container_name  # or something01:06
notmynamethat's what I meant ;-)01:06
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jrichliso, I am starting to wonder why one cluster key in config file is better than what the trivial_keymaster does now. maybe i am missing something simple ...01:10
jrichlioh, nevermind01:11
jrichliit was silly.01:11
jrichliok, i am gonna stop talking in channel now01:11
hrouNoo don't stop ; )  Well it was one key for every cluster in the entire world ; )  That'd be cool for us though.01:13
jrichlihrou: seriously, lets not talk about my silliness from tonight01:13
jrichlihrou: i am just clearly having an air-head sort of night01:13
hroujrichli, oh my bouncer died a day or so ago, did I miss other entertaining comments ? : )01:14
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jrichlihrou: just 2 silly thoughts.01:15
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pchng_jrichli: I welcome your silly thoughts, since I am still learning how different keys are derived in Swift :)01:18
jrichliwell, technically, it wouldn't be one key for every cluster, just derived (predictable) from the path name.01:18
pchng_btw, thank you for the welcome yesterday hrou :)01:19
jrichlibut we will change that to have an actual SECRET from the config file01:19
hrouYea jrichli  is right, we had an older key master that had just one hard coded yet01:19
jrichlimaybe some wrapping scheme later at some level, but first patch will not have wrapping.01:19
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hroupchng, oh anytime !  I think I learned your desk is across from mine ; )01:20
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pchnghrou: Yep, we're both in A2!01:23
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pchngPossibly naive/noob question: I was looking at the fast-POST functionality, and was wondering why POST was used only for create/update object metadata and PUT was used to create or replace object data and metadata?01:31
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claygpchng: well in REST the PUT is a pretty good way to describe "here is the whole version of the resource that belongs at this uri"01:35
hroupchng, there are no silly questions ! (Only jrichli asks those ; ) jk, we showed her question wasn't silly at all):    More of a http PUT generally is the entire object and POST to update it (and in swift its metadata per say)01:36
claygpchng: there's not really a good verb for "modify the resource a just a little bit" - but we do have POST - which means "i have no idea wft is even going on with this verb - it's anything the app wants to do"01:36
claygso that seemed like we could make it work for "update metadata"01:36
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pchngclayg, hrou: Thanks for the explanations. I've read various arguments between PUT vs POST and the exact semantics so this makes sense01:37
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hrouYea you could in theory have defined an API that uses POST instead really, its more of a swift specific implementation but you'll find many http api's are quite similar01:38
pchngThe documentation shows a clear delineation between what PUT and POST does so there's no ambiguity, was just wondering why01:38
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openstackgerritHisashi Osanai proposed openstack/swift: Add functional test for access control (RBAC) with Keystone
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acolesgood morning09:20
acolesho: looks like that latest version of patch 202411 has all the scenarios added in one patch?09:22
patchbotacoles: - Add functional test for access control (RBAC) with...09:22
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acolesmahatic: hi. you here?09:35
mahaticacoles: hello, yes09:35
acolesmahatic: did you have any more comments on patch 20331009:35
patchbotacoles: - Encrypting/Decrypting object metadata09:35
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acolesjust wondering if you are looking at it still?09:36
mahaticacoles: ah, could you give me a few mins? Looking right away09:37
acolesmahatic: i can give you a few hours :)09:37
acolesmahatic: no rush, but if we can merge it this week that would be good.09:38
mahaticacoles: :D cool! I was trying to update the spec actually, (with the content-type crypto metadata change) but found a few more things that maybe need to be corrected. Will push something and put comments i think09:38
mahaticacoles: yes sure, I just want to take a look mainly at the encrypter/decrypter changes09:38
acolesok thanks09:39
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mahaticacoles: done. Also, we're not using this anywhere anymore right? -> X-Object-Sysmeta-Crypto-Content-Type09:52
mahaticI like the idea of appending etag crypto metadata to the header as well. Don't see why we shouldn't. Make it simpler and also avoids that conflict in question09:55
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openstackgerritCatherine Northcott proposed openstack/swift: Add support for storage policies to have more than one name
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venkat_pHi all11:28
venkat_pplease review this change11:28
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acolesmahatic: makes sense12:03
mahaticacoles: yay, two more patches +2'd! Thanks for your work!12:03
mahaticyup :)12:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Get rid of contextlib.nested() for py3
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openstackgerritAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift: Update container on fast-POST
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haypoacoles: hi. i'm sorry, i'm unable to reproduce your issue with old versions of pbr & tox, for the review
acoleshaypo: thanks for looking into it.12:34
haypoacoles: i expected that we all use tox :)12:35
acoleshaypo: sure, i use tox for tests12:37
acoleshaypo: to install. i'll play with it some more12:38
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haypoacoles: since it looks like you don't care of being synchronized with openstack global requirements, we can probably start with pbr>=1.012:40
haypoacoles: and maybe even leave unchanged12:40
haypoacoles: what do you think?12:40
openstackgerritPeter Lisák proposed openstack/swift: swift-init return codes
haypoacoles: the purpose of the patch is not to upgrade pbr, it's to install dnspython3 on python3, but we need to the support for environment markers for that12:41
acoleshaypo: i'm confused. the commit messsage says we need pbr>=1.8 to support environment markers in requirements, for dnspython. if so how does pbr>=1.0 work?12:44
acoleshaypo: afk12:44
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openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/swift: On py3, use dnspython3 dependency, not dnspython
haypoacoles: ^^ here you have, it would be great if you could test it12:52
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acoleshaypo: jenkins doesn't like your last change :( its the change in pbr that caused me problems, the pbr version in requirements is ok i think14:46
acolesargh. its the change in pbr *in* that caused me problems14:46
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haypoacoles: vm-saio-probe looks to use an old version of pip --
haypoRequirementParseError: Expected ',' or end-of-list in dnspython>=1.12.0;python_version<'3.0' at ;python_version<'3.0'14:52
haypoit doesn't support environment markers14:52
haypoacoles: i don't think that changing would fix vm-saio-probe14:53
acoleshaypo: i was referring to gate-swift-requirements14:54
acoles vm-saio-probe isn't voting14:54
haypoacoles: ah14:54
acoleshaypo: its weird that failure doesnt show in the top level jenkins report14:55
acolesso you have to look in the comment14:55
openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/swift: On py3, use dnspython3 dependency, not dnspython
openstackgerritAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift: Re-organise ssync tests
acolesreview, merge, rebase, repeat...14:56
haypoacoles: jenkins failed because i wrote "pbr>=1.0" whereas global requirements require to write "pbr>=1.6"14:56
haypoacoles: i restored "pbr>=1.6" in requirements.txt14:57
haypoacoles: i wrote pbr>=1.0 because you wrote that you got issues with an older version pbr version, but you had pbr >= 1.014:57
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haypoacoles: in fact, i have no idea of what i'm doing :-D i'm trying random changes until it works...14:58
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acoleshaypo: ah, good, so its not just me that has no ideas :)14:58
haypoacoles: pbr is a blackbox for me14:58
haypo(distutils, setuptools, pip, pbr)14:58
acoleshaypo: so, i agree we need pbr>=1.0 to get the env marker support, and openstack dictates therefore it must be pbr>=1.6.0 in requirements.txt14:59
acoleshaypo: ditto!14:59
acoleshaypo: i don't understand the pbr>=1.8.1 requirement in, i just know it broke omm.15:00
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acoleshaypo: after playing some more, the pbr>=1.8.1 requirement in breaks when i have pbr==1.6.015:02
acolesor older15:02
acolesso it seems incompatible with having pbr>=1.6 in requirements.txt. either that or i am dumb!15:04
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haypoacoles: lifeless tried once to explain me this issue. in short, setuptools is unable to update itself. so indirectly cannot update pbr15:06
haypoacoles: it's not an incompatibility in requirements, but an annoying issue: you have to update _manually_ pbr on your system15:07
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acoleshaypo: so it seems. i am just aware that swift doc recommends sudo pip install -r requirements.txt ; sudo python develop and that may no longer be sufficient15:11
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acoleswhich makes me wonder (like cschwede did on the review) why requirements.txt does not have same pbr version as setup.py15:12
haypoacoles: "why requirements.txt does not have same pbr version as" it's mandatory, see global requirements15:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Encrypting/Decrypting object metadata
haypoacoles: initially, i just ran "tox -e update ../swift" from the requirements project15:13
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acoleshaypo: doesn't help me undertand what goes into setup.py15:17
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haypoacoles: it looks like is simply hardcoded here,
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acoleshaypo: interesting. thanks for link15:33
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jrichliacoles: thanks for the merge!16:01
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acolesjrichli: ok. i am just working on the container listing patch16:01
jrichliacoles: you rock!16:02
hroujrichli, so I was half way through and with just 1 silly comment, so +1 great work ; )  If anything interesting I'll just propose a patch16:02
acoleshrou: ah, half way through which?16:03
hrouacoles, oh the big one you just did patch 203310 (but really don't worry at all, it looked great)16:04
patchbothrou: - Encrypting/Decrypting object metadata16:04
acoleshrou: oh sorry, yeah just propose patches now.16:04
brianclineeven in the sid packages?16:04
brianclinewrong window16:04
hrouacoles, yep!  Oh no worries at all, its really great work16:04
jordanPnotmyname, hi. Any chance you had time to review (Fix testing issues) ?16:05
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acoleshrou jrichli it beats filing expenses!16:05
jrichliyea, I still gotta do that too16:06
hroujrichli, acoles errrr don't remind me, its actually a pretty big pain because of all the silly subway recites I have : )  The rest is pretty easy16:07
hrougiven we do per diem16:08
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haypoacoles: i'm not sure that i understood your last comment on my patch set 5, but the patch set 6 got a +1 for Jenkins:
notmynamegood morning16:40
brianclinedoes anyone else see the memcache client in proxy-server irreversibly crapping out under high load, and only fixed with a proxy reload?16:41
hayponotmyname: hi. today i noticed that for the case of cinder, we have the complete list of patches to port cinder to python 3:
hayponotmyname: maybe it can give you a better estimation of how much work is required to port swift. cinder is almost fully ported to py3 (at least, unit tests)16:42
haypohum, it looks like i'm working on porting cinder to py3 since june, so 6 months16:43
haypomost changes are small. today i wrote a change which only adds a single line :)16:43
janonymousi could register a blueprint just for tracking purpose if it's ok ?16:44
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notmynamejanonymous: I'm not sure if that would help at this point.16:52
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claygbriancline: how high a load - I think there's some error limiting17:33
claygbriancline: there's some timeouts that are adjustable now too17:33
claygbriancline: tracebacks?17:33
claygbriancline: no17:33
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mahatic__acoles: 232572 is failing at the gate because the metadata dict is ordering itself into this {"cipher": "AES_CTR_256", "iv": base64.b64encode(iv)} and failing the assertion.17:33
claygacoles: bah expense reports :\17:34
claygmahatic__: assert on sorted(dict.items()) ??17:34
mahatic__clayg: we don't want it sorted. It should be this {"iv": base64.b64encode(iv), "cipher": "AES_CTR_256"}17:35
acolesmahatic__: yeah there's a bad test in there #willfix17:35
mahatic__acoles: :) maybe using the crypto meta directly in the assertion i guess?17:36
acolesmahatic__: i don't think we can know the order of the dumped dict17:36
mahatic__acoles: actually it orders itself even before the dumps17:36
mahatic__>>> {"iv": base64.b64encode(iv), "cipher": "AES_CTR_256"} will result in {"cipher": "AES_CTR_256", "iv": base64.b64encode(iv)}17:37
acolesmahatic__: ? where's that17:38
mahatic__acoles: just on the console17:38
mahatic__apparently "Items stored in a dictionary do not have any inherent order. The order they are printed out is entirely down to the hash values for each of the keys and the other items in the dictionary."17:39
acolesmahatic__: exactly. and the order may vary from machine to machine17:39
mahatic__acoles: oh, so that's the reason it passed the first time and didn't the second!17:39
acolesso works omm but not jenkins.17:39
mahatic__works on my machine too17:39
acolesi guess!17:40
acolesmahatic__: i haven't had chance to look at the detail but something like what clayg said is likely to be the fix17:41
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acolesmahatic__: i want to get the container listing patch clean and pushed before end of day, i'll look at that failing test tomorrow (if you don't fix it first :D)17:42
mahatic__clayg: I now get what you said :D my bad! (I completedly blinded out 'assert on')17:43
mahatic__acoles: sure! good luck on the container listing goal :D17:44
acolesmahatic__: its looking good so far...17:44
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acolesugh, xml :(17:47
mahatic__yup, that's the tricky part17:48
claygi think today is the day to review fast-POST - wish me luck17:50
notmynamegood luck!17:50
mahatic__good luck17:51
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lifelessacoles: you could add pbr to your requirements.txt which would address that18:09
lifelessacoles: but also be aware that we've been recommending to use pip install -e . rather than develop for a year or more now18:10
acoleslifeless: pbr is in requirements.txt. the piece thats confusing me (and maybe others) is why we have (proposed) pbr>=1.6 in requirements.txt and pbr>=1.8 in setup.py18:11
acoleslifeless: ack re. pip install -e18:12
lifelessacoles: ah, because describes build requirements, and requirements.txt describes the runtime API18:12
lifelessacoles: the runtime API hasn't had bugfixes since 1.618:13
notmynameisn't pbr just a build-time requirement?18:13
lifelessnotmyname: not for many projects. It has both a runtime and build time API18:14
lifelessnotmyname: the runtime API abstracts out the difference between pkg_resources version metadata (used for installed cases) and git based version metadata (used for uninstalled cases)18:14
lifelessnotmyname: [and needless to say, super stable because of its use everywhere....]18:15
* mahatic__ calls it a night18:15
* acoles wishes clayg luck, and braces himself18:15
notmynamemahatic__: good night18:15
acolesmahatic__: g'night18:16
notmynamemahatic__: oh wait a sec18:16
lifelessnotmyname: we're working on the issue with setup-requires in setuptools with the new build system PEP for Python18:16
mahatic__thanks, good day/evening18:16
mahatic__notmyname: what's up?18:16
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notmynamemahatic__: pm sent18:16
lifelessnotmyname: once thats done everything should work a -whole lot- better18:16
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clayganyone care about useless micro-optimization bike-shedding want to sanity check that my results that everything in python is slower than you expect ->
claygacoles: yeah pip install -e is the bomb?  what is this you speak of?18:24
clayglike I mean there was this one time (it was more like a decade) the entire python community got by with develop - but then openstack came to python - and the world had to move18:26
clayg^ redbo for you bra18:26
notmynamemy muscle memory still uses `python ./ develop`18:27
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acolesnotmyname: our docs do too
acolesclayg: i'm so last year ;)18:35
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claygnotmyname: do you know what any of that means!?18:39
notmynameclayg: I just updated it so the any() call is a little more clear in the disassembly18:40
claygi mean the any one looks like less instructions - but i'm pretty sure my timeit demonstrates it's slower?18:40
notmynameie split it into more lines18:40
notmynameBUILD_TUPLE and MAKE_CLOSURE and especially the 2 CALL_FUNCTION look really suspicious for the slow any()18:41
lifelessnotmyname: so the issue with that isn't coming from pbr btw18:41
notmynameclayg: received wisdom for python is that "function calls are slow"18:42
lifelessnotmyname: its a general upstream python packaging consensus18:42
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claygnotmyname: yeah I guess you've got the <genexp>.__next__ called multiple times?18:45
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claygnotmyname: hey and I know since iterating generators is super fast let's build a co-routine runtime around the idea!18:46
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claygnotmyname: so which do you find more readable?18:46
notmynameclayg: cool! and maybe we could have a convenient short name for it. every()? or all_of_them()? or any_of_them()? surely there's a shorter one ;-)18:47
claygnotmyname: I think if you make it a helper function it goes back to being the same as any :\18:49
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notmynameyeah :-)18:49
notmynamethat's a good short name18:49
notmynameI don't have any preference between any() or the for loop. if forced, I'd probably slightly prefer the for loop, but I really don't think it matters18:53
notmynamebut looking at that patch, the any() is probably worse if it's actually calling unquote() multiple times (ie len(forbidden chars) times)18:53
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claygI don't think it's a lambda there - it only gets invoked once19:01
notmyname$ python ./ test_loop19:02
notmyname$ python ./ test_any19:02
claygoh... no - it's probably every time19:02
notmyname$ pypy ./ test_loop19:02
notmyname$ pypy ./ test_any19:02
claygwell that's an order of magnitude19:03
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claygwell - i guess not quite19:03
claygI CAN MATH!19:03
notmynamethat was with pypy 2.2.1. installing pypy 4.0.0 now19:04
claygi guess in either case it'd be useful to assign the unquoted path to temp var19:05
acolesnotmyname: clayg i think i know what you are discussing, i nearly dinged that patch for having the unquote(req.path) in the any, maybe i should have :/19:05
notmynameyeah. I added an identity function to do just that in my test19:05
claygacoles: lol!19:06
notmynamepypy 4 is about 2x faster than pypy 2.2.119:06
claygacoles: this code was working *fine* before - why is *this* keeping me from fast-POST!  WHYYYYY?!19:06
notmynameon the any()19:06
clayg(hontestly i'm planing with my ring-check spread sheets - but still)19:07
notmyname$ pypy ./ test_loop19:07
notmyname$ pypy ./ test_any19:07
notmynamenot too much difference between the two with latest pypy. or at least not nearly as much as with python or earlier pypy19:07
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notmynameall tests run on my mac19:08
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claygwhat does STM buy you again?  When you do a thread they can both run on different cpus at the same time or something?19:16
lifelessthe idea is you run speculatively and throw away invalidated results19:18
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acolesjrichli: with the container listing patch, did you see additional func test failures?19:19
* acoles hopes for a yes19:20
jrichliI haven't tested with the latest container listing patch yet.  is that what you mean?  or do you want to know the number of failures before you started working on it?19:20
acolesjrichli: i see container listing func tests fail. i know why, i'm just not sure if i broke them with my changes or it was always the case. i suspect always the case, but idk19:22
jrichlithe last time I had tested that patch, it did not break more tests from the patch it depended on.19:23
jrichlibut there had been several rebases since then19:23
acolesoh yes!19:23
acolesjrichli: ? what happened?19:24
clayggoal #3 for STM sounds interesting - - transparently adapting to evented framework to managed threads for multi-core parallelization19:24
jrichliacoles: nothing, just in the spirit of the "oh yes"19:24
jrichlisorry to get you excited19:24
acolesjrichli: i was saying 'oh yes there have been many rebases (sigh)'19:25
jrichli:-) that is one bad thing about not having the new middleware in the gate.  but then everything will fail anyway.  is there a way to give the gate a baseline number of failures :-p19:26
acolesjrichli: so the way we append crypto_meta to content-type as a param breaks in the container server, because it tries to parse the content-type and throws out bad param fields.19:28
acolesmeaning the crypto_meta gets lost from the listing response :/19:28
jrichliacoles:  if I recall, there is some logic somewhere in the backend that removes anything after a ";" in content-type19:29
brianclineis that prioritized right? it's only got 218 objects in there...19:29
brianclinewrong window again19:29
acolesbriancline: heh twice today ;)19:29
brianclineacoles: yeah, I'm doing great with computers today19:30
jrichliacoles: i mean in the proxy obj controller19:31
jrichliacoles: nm. i think that is only for startswith('swift_bytes=')19:33
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acolesjrichli: ^^ yes but in container server. while parsing and looking for swift_bytes it throws away our crypto_meta :/ so all we see in listing is "<content-type>;meta="19:34
jrichlidarn swift_bytes!19:35
pdardeauclayg: what is STM?19:39
pdardeauclayg: ah, nice. thx19:40
openstackgerritAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift: Decrypting Container Listing
acolesjrichli: ^^ thats as far as i got for today, will have to revisit the meta handling tomorrow. there will be a way.19:44
jrichliacoles: ok, thanks.  i will think about the content-type formating19:45
acolesjrichli: its still worth reviewing the patch, it should be otherwise sane and ready.19:47
acoleshrou mahati ^^19:47
hrouacoles, this time I will review before anyone else lol probably not19:47
jrichligot it, will do19:47
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openstackgerritOndřej Nový proposed openstack/swift: Compare Swift config checksum in swift-recon --all
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claygi really need to come up with a way to "find a part that can go in this hole" - instead of gather up some random parts form devices that have too many and then try and see if you can fit them somewhere better than where you got them from20:44
claygI'm sure I can come up with replica2part2dev that will never balance if you only gather the parts from full devices - like there is *no* part on a full device that could possibly fit onto the hungry dev w/o giving up dispersion20:45
claygI think20:45
claygmaybe *sure* is too strong20:46
clayganyway - in my dataset I've got ~25 stupid rings that won't balance (worst is at %7 and the required overload is %4 so it's not a great topology) - but it keeps reassinging %5 of it's parts every crank and not really making any progress20:47
clayg*generally* this is fine, if the balance doesn't improve by > %1 you won't even save the changes w/o -f20:48
claygbut it just bothers me to no end :'(20:49
claygalso the real values are stupid low - that %3 difference on the worst device from the required overload and the current balance works out to ~11 parts across the entire cluster that "could" be on better homes.20:52
openstackgerritPaul Dardeau proposed openstack/swift: Added unit tests for ringbuilder command-line utility
claygno wait... I think i'm counting that wrong :\20:55
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openstackgerritPaul Dardeau proposed openstack/swift: Add unit tests to cover print_item_locations
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openstackgerritBill Huber proposed openstack/swift: Add unit tests for swift.account.reaper
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openstackgerritPaul Dardeau proposed openstack/swift: Added unit tests for ringbuilder command-line utility
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notmynameclayg: do you have a --force-save-this-even-if-not-much-moved option in your version of the balancer? I know wer21:39
notmynameI know we've talked about it before21:39
claygnotmyname: it's already in there21:40
claygnotmyname: and I didn't break it21:40
notmynameah, cool21:40
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mwheckmannhi all. I'm in process of upgrading to Liberty and needed to make some ring changes. I'm seeing that errors in swift-ring-builder rebalance:21:41
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mwheckmannFile "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/swift/common/ring/", line 1065, in _gather_reassign_parts for tier in tfd[dev['id']]:21:42
mwheckmannTypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'21:42
mwheckmannThis is what my account ring looked like:21:45
mwheckmann             0       1     1  6002              6002      SSD1 100.00     196608    0.0021:45
mwheckmann             1       1     1  6002              6002      SSD2 100.00     196608    0.0021:45
mwheckmann             2       1     1  6002              6002      SSD3   0.00          0    0.0021:45
mwheckmannThe only change I made was to set the weight of the SSD3 device to 25 (I also tried other weights but no difference).21:46
mwheckmannI can't seem to find any known/related bug in launchpad21:48
notmynamemwheckmann: are the errors with the upgraded code or the old code? and what version of swift are you using?21:49
mwheckmannnotmyname: It's from the RDO Liberty packages: openstack-swift-2.5.0-1.el7.noarch21:50
mwheckmanndo you want a Launchpad bug for this?21:51
openstackgerritBill Huber proposed openstack/swift: ObjectControllers return application errors as 499 on bad read
notmynamemwheckmann: you added the drive with a zero weight, then you tried to set the weight up. is that right?21:52
wbhuberclayg: ^^ i think the same that we need to leave timeout there until further review21:53
notmynameI want to try to duplicate it21:53
mwheckmannnotmyname: close. I decreased the weight to get data off so that I could re-add it with another IP address.21:53
mwheckmannHowever, remove doesn't seem to work.21:54
mwheckmannI then discovered the "set_info" command and used that to change the IP.21:54
mwheckmannboth IPs (replication + regular)21:54
mwheckmannAll I wanted to do now was re-add weight and re-balance21:55
notmynameok, I've got a 3-device ring locally now. you set the weight to zero, rebalanced, then set it higher again and then the rebalance failed?21:58
mwheckmannexactly but with an IP change using set_info before setting the weight higher21:58
mwheckmannnotmyname: replica count is 321:59
* clayg wonders if this bug is already fixed on fix-rings-for-realz22:00
claygmwheckmann: can you publish your builder?22:00
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mwheckmannclayg: sure. Where should I do that?22:01
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claygmwheckmann: good question22:01
mwheckmannI'll just do it on my Google Drive22:01
claygnotmyname: ^ ?22:01
mwheckmanngive me a minute22:02
notmynamenope. I don't know. google drive is fine22:02
notmynamemaybe if you had a swift cluster.... ;-)22:02
notmynamemwheckmann: FWIW, my first attempt to recreate it didn't have any errors22:02
claygnotmyname: oh that's an ok point - I could make a PUT tempurl22:02
notmynameaside from "hey you want 3 replicas but now you only have 2 drives"22:03
claygnotmyname: mwheckmann: the only way that dev's end up being None is if you *remove* them setting to zero weight shouldn't have been sufficient to trigger that bug22:03
claygacoles_: I don't understand the TODO in the commit about allowed_headers metadata - if it gets written to the .meta file it should be fine (the e.g. content-disposition should be written to the .meta file)22:06
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mwheckmannnotmyname: --> On Swift :)22:10
mwheckmannclayg: notmyname: I did attempt to remove the device as well. But after running rebalance the device was still in the ring with zero weight as before.22:12
claygmwheckmann: idk, sounds broken22:13
notmynamemwheckmann: yup. rebalance on that one locally gives me an error22:14
mwheckmanngood. I'm not crazy :)22:15
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claygmwheckmann: well the device is definately marked for deletion :\22:20
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claygit's getting removed and things go nuts22:21
mwheckmannok. That would explain it. Then the real bug is the fact that it doesn not actually get removed during rebalance22:21
notmynameI've got a meeting in about 5 minutes, so I won't be able to look at this for much longer22:21
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mwheckmannI'm about to go pick up my kids. But I don't mind catching up later.22:22
claygmwheckmann: you have 2 more mins?22:23
mwheckmannat least 15 more :)22:23
claygmwheckmann: well it *does* get removed, that's what causes the bug :\22:23
claygI think maybe you tried to rebalance after the remove and things went south because the current code doesn't prevent 3 replicas with 2 devices22:23
claygthat left the ring in a wonky state22:23
mwheckmannbut on my object.builder where I have many more devices, I could not remove the device either22:24
clayganyway - to work around it you need to let it get remvoed - but you'll probably have a add a dummy device22:24
claygmwheckmann: why not?  same traceback?22:25
mwheckmannI didn't try re-adding some weight yet. Shall I ?22:25
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mwheckmannI'm just pointing out that after running rebalance (after removing the devices), they still showed up in the list22:26
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mwheckmannlet me try to add some weight to my object ring22:27
claygwell - what I had to do was add a new device with ip then rebalance to let remove (and parts get assigned to
claygthen I fixed with set_info22:27
mwheckmannwhat to you mean by "fixed with set_info" ?22:28
claygswift-ring-builder test.builder set_info --id 3 --change-ip
mwheckmannok. Got it.22:28
mwheckmannsame error in the object ring :(22:29
claygthe NoneType thing?22:29
claygok - let me pull down your ring again and switch baack to master22:30
mwheckmanneven though I have 24 devices that are available.22:30
mwheckmannI'm assuming that a fix for the object ring would be to add 12 dummy devices and do the same as you did with the account ring?22:30
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claygdid you *remove* 12 devices?22:33
claygidk, doesn't look the dummy fix works on master22:34
mwheckmannI tried to remove the 12 devices because I thought that would be the only way to change the IP of a device. That was before I discovered "set_info"22:35
claygmwheckmann: ok it worked for me - let me start over from scratch and capture in a paste bin22:35
mwheckmannok. cool. Much appreciated22:35
claygmwheckmann: something like this strategy may work for the other ring with the 12 devices ->
openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Optimize the code performance
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mwheckmannclayg: this was on master?22:40
claygwhere's that swiftclient change that outputs content-type with -l already!22:40
claygmwheckmann: oh crap... yeah I think so?22:40
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claygmwheckmann: reflog says it was -> aae5810 HEAD@{0}: checkout: moving from master to review/alistair_coles/p-fast-post-rebase22:41
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mwheckmannok. I will try it later on this evening. I must go.22:41
mwheckmannthanks for your help!22:41
claygnotmyname: fix-rings-for-real messed up on the has three devices but one of them is going to be removed rebalance22:43
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claygi added a commit for the fix, but I need to write a test.22:45
clayg... but I'm reviewing fast-POST GD!22:45
claygwell acctually I just udpated content-type with a POST that didn't have to do a copy and the upate made it's way into the object listing - so I think I'm done right?22:45
hrouHey clayg for bug 1509429 we ended up writing some func tests to validate most of the APIs (namely the headers returned), would you like to see those uploaded to swift, some unit / func tests to validate some of these headers but these would be a bit more clearer I'd wager ?22:47
openstackbug 1509429 in OpenStack Object Storage (swift) "X-Timestamp missing from object PUT/COPY response headers" [Low,Confirmed]
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clayghrou: I love me some functests!22:48
hrouclayg, awesome and the only other little debate we were having is if unit tests were more appropriate in this context ?22:49
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claygfunctest is fine - it's not something that's so likely to regress as much as it's good documentation of the expected behaviors of the api22:51
clayghrou: if we had some direct to storage server blackbox tests I'd probably... well idk... if it's going out to the client functests are fine22:51
clayghrou: just push up what you have and then ask me to look at it - it's hard speaking in abstracts22:52
hrouclayg, gotcha yea that makes sense, but nah its all the external APIs really so all through proxy, and agreed they're not likely to change / regress much.22:52
claygthanks for working on it!22:52
hrouclayg, anytime!, not me personally though, new hire on our team ; )22:54
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openstackgerritPaul Dardeau proposed openstack/swift: Added unit tests for ringbuilder command-line utility
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mattoliverauHey all from Takayama Japan, yup still here :)23:35
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brianclineclayg: oops, just saw your question. i'll grab a sample of the tracebacks and error messages23:41
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