Thursday, 2016-05-19

*** sigmavirus24 is now known as sigmavirus24_awa00:45
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openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack/requirements: Update Ryu versions
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritFei Long Wang proposed openstack/requirements: Restrict falcon>=1.0.0
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
coolsvapdims_, hi10:04
coolsvapgood morning10:04
dims_hey coolsvap dirk prometheanfire10:17
dirkmoin moin10:17
coolsvapdims_, i was looking at the requirements reviews and had a query10:18
dims_shoot coolsvap10:18
coolsvapthere is a review to update the ryu version
dirkdims_: does it make sense to run the WIP: branch generation bot also against stable/mitaka and liberty? there are a few ongoing reviews for those older branches10:19
coolsvapand there is an automated review
dims_yes coolsvap10:19
coolsvapthe automated review does the same thing of updating the upper-constraints10:20
dims_dirk : i'll let the stable team decide that. upto tonyb and others there10:20
coolsvapso how to deal with this situation?10:20
dims_coolsvap : yes, since i know ryu is a problem i adjusted the bot proposed review
* tonyb wakes up 10:26
tonybdirk: we don't "auto update" the constrainst files on stable branches so if we had it wouldn't be based on cron like dims_ current stuff is but is probabaly a good idea.10:28
dims_right tonyb : we switched those off10:29
tonybdirk: lets Add that to the etherpad as a thing to look at10:29
dirktonyb: I mean the manual reviews10:29
dirkI definitely don't want to have an auto update of upper constraints on stable branches10:29
tonybdirk: Then yeah I think it's a good idea.  We shoudl think about it a little more.  Because there isn't a "big update all the constraints" review it's a little harder to use10:31
tonybdirk: I added 3.14 to the etherpad so we don't forget to come back to this10:33
tonyband 3.15 for a hard tp solve item that this team will be good for :)10:43
coolsvapdims_, tonyb anyone working on 3.13?10:54
tonybcoolsvap: lifeless was going to start it.  It shoudl be pretty simple to poke the pypi API10:56
tonybcoolsvap: take it :)10:56
coolsvaptonyb, alright thx10:57
tonybcoolsvap: Actually looking at it I don't knwo that we need that.10:59
coolsvaptonyb, alright maybe I will start with something small, how about 3.9?11:00
tonybcoolsvap: Yeah that'd be small in that there isn't a lot of code/debug but it's a bigish bit or work11:01
tonybcoolsvap: Actually I think dims_ has a review that will do 3.1311:02
tonybcoolsvap: Yeah actually 3.13 would be just createing a project-config job that runs the tox target created in
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/requirements: Update the licence for fairy-slipper
tonybcoolsvap: nice work :)11:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Update the licence for fairy-slipper
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* sigmavirus24 thinks he missed the daily review meeting or did I misunderstand that :)15:20
dims_sigmavirus24 : there was not much today. so if you spot something then just mention it15:23
sigmavirus24sounds good15:24
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prometheanfireya, backlog is getting cleared out slowly15:56
openstackgerritDaniel Berrange proposed openstack/requirements: Add os-vif release 1.0.0
dims_sigmavirus24 prometheanfire : good news is that we haven't broken anyone yet :)17:00
openstackgerritDaniel Berrange proposed openstack/requirements: Add os-vif release 1.0.0
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Update Ryu versions
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Require oslo.concurrency >= 3.8.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: update constraint for python-ironic-inspector-client to 1.7.0
openstackgerritAkihiro Motoki proposed openstack/requirements: Bump django-babel minimal requirement to 0.5.1
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: update constraint for keystoneauth1 to 2.7.0
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: update constraint for keystonemiddleware to 4.5.0
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: update constraint for pycadf to 2.3.0
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: update constraint for python-keystoneclient to 3.1.0
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: update constraint for python-cinderclient to 1.7.0
sigmavirus24dims_: dhellmann can you take a look at Neutron has been bugging me about it for a while20:02
dims_sigmavirus24 : just scared to let that in :)20:03
dhellmannsigmavirus24 : I think you only need to modify test-requirements.txt in that repo if you want that repo to use it20:03
dhellmannwhich may be fine, I guess20:03
dhellmannsigmavirus24 : I hate to make a change like this late in the day. How about if we schedule it for Monday?20:04
sigmavirus24dims_: hacking is not synchronized to repos automatically as far as I understand it20:04
dhellmannhmm, no? I guess in that case it should be safe20:04
sigmavirus24dhellmann: I think it's in the blacklist20:04
sigmavirus24I'll double check to make sure20:04
dims_i was just checking it20:05
dhellmannit is20:05
dhellmannok, +220:05
dims_sigmavirus24 : thanks!20:05
sigmavirus24Thank you both!20:08
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dims_yw sigmavirus2420:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Allow hacking 0.11 to be used
*** sigmavirus24 is now known as sigmavirus24_awa22:20
tonybsigmavirus24_awa: for the record blacklist.txt xis only used for constraints generation ({update,edit}-constraints)  The things that stops hack propogating by defult is:

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