Thursday, 2019-02-21

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chandankumarI need some help on this review
chandankumari am trying to tag 0.0.1 for telemetry temepst plugin for queens but it is failing08:05
chandankumarERROR: Could not find 0.0.1: Command '['git', 'show', '0.0.1']' returned non-zero exit status 12808:05
chandankumar2019-02-20 16:26:05.362815 | ubuntu-xenial | this rule only applies when tagging a series as end-of-lif08:05
chandankumarplease have a look.08:05
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smcginnischandankumar: Those are just messages as it checks different things.12:16
smcginnischandankumar: The error is summarized at the end:
smcginnischandankumar: And I forgot about that rule, so I don't think we are going to be able to do a queens release now.12:17
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dhellmannsmcginnis, chandankumar : we've dealt with that in the past by making old releases from the "independent" directory. That ensures they don't show up as new deliverables on the series page, and should bypass that particular versioning rule13:09
tobias-urdindoes the releases repo ensure that it's impossible to create duplicates of versions? we have a post-run job that uploads the tarballs to puppet forge, does it make sense to check this or is the scenario impossible?13:13
chandankumardhellmann: if i move the queens telemetry tempest plugin to _independent it will work?13:14
dhellmannchandankumar : I believe so, yes13:14
dhellmanntobias-urdin : the releases repo refuses to allow you to tag a repo with a version if that version already exists on a different commit13:15
dhellmannand if the tag exists, then no work is done when the file is imported into the repo (this lets us import historical releases)13:15
dhellmannwe do, however, have the ability to manually re-run release jobs when they fail, which could potentially trigger the job to upload to puppet forge a second time13:16
tobias-urdinthanks, so the scenario where we somehow upload the same version number is impossible so it's probably no need for me to build more check jobs for that then13:16
dhellmannwe don't usually bother to trigger jobs that have already run, if we can avoid it13:16
tobias-urdinthe post-run job will fail since puppet forge doens't allow the same version number to be uploaded again13:16
dhellmannyeah, so if puppet forge is already checking then you probably don't need to13:16
openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/releases master: Release telemetry-tempest-plugin 0.0.1 for queens
tobias-urdinmore that the ansible module we wrote that is executed in puppet release post-run will have POST_FAILURE if we try to upload the same version again13:17
tobias-urdininstead of just skipping (or warn) when puppet forge refuses it, which might have been bad design, not sure13:17
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dhellmanntobias-urdin : are there steps in that job that happen after the upload to puppet forge?13:27
dhellmannif you think about how to make the job idempotent, for example, you might want to log the failure and ignore the error, to allow other steps to proceed13:27
dhellmannif there are no other steps, then I wouldn't worry about it13:27
tobias-urdindhellmann: it's the last post-run logic so the tarballs (and signing) has already been performed by then13:28
tobias-urdinso probably fine then, thanks!13:28
tobias-urdinfor reference
tobias-urdinso if the release job continues with the collected artifacts, then we are fine13:29
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dhellmannyep, it sounds like it13:38
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bnemecWe can't bump minimum requirements on stable branches, right?14:37
bnemecBecause requirements changes force a feature release, IIRC.14:37
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smcginnisbnemec: Correct.14:43
smcginnisdhellmann: Thanks, I forgot about using independent for those.14:44
bnemecsmcginnis: Ack, thanks.14:48
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smcginnisbnemec: Hopefully no one is using the minimums anyway. ;)14:48
bnemecYeah, there's just a pretty ugly bug with oslo.messaging and older versions of py-amqp.14:51
bnemecBut we can release note the problem and then at least people will know what they need to do to fix it.14:51
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smcginnisSometimes documentation is the easiest fix.14:52
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smcginnis#startmeeting releaseteam16:01
openstackMeeting started Thu Feb 21 16:01:09 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is smcginnis. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam'16:01
smcginnisPing list: smcginnis ttx dhellmann diablo_rojo hberaud evrardjp fungi armstrong16:01
smcginnis#link Agenda16:01
* dhellmann is on a call but will lurk16:01
smcginnisAlright, guess we can get going.16:03
smcginnis#topic Lib freeze and upcoming deadlines16:03
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smcginnisWe are already hitting non-client lib freeze.16:03
smcginnisIt's been a longer cycle, but this always seems to come up quick.16:03
smcginnisEspecially for the new folks, the following week is a lot of deadlines.16:04
smcginnisStein-3 is also soft string freeze, feature freeze, client lib freeze, and probably some project specific deadlines too.16:04
smcginnisI should check with prometheanfire if we are still planning in requirements freeze too.16:05
smcginnisSo next week might be a little more active with release activities.16:05
smcginnisAnd the stein-3 week probably more so.16:06
smcginnisAny questions on any of that?16:06
dhellmannyeah, we should try to make sure we get those lib releases out quickly to allow for testing16:06
smcginnisThere does always seem to be a few surprise lib updates that break things in unexpected ways.16:07
smcginnisSo please do pay attention to reviewing those.16:07
smcginnisThe more time to recover from those situations, the better.16:07
prometheanfiresmcginnis: ya, freeze period is coming up16:07
smcginnisprometheanfire: Anything changing there, or same as we have done in the past?16:07
prometheanfiresame as the past16:08
smcginnisprometheanfire: Going to send out any new witty batman posts? :P16:08
evrardjpor A song of ice and fire/Game of throne memes16:08
smcginnisOoh, that could be the new theme.16:09
smcginnis#topic Task follow up16:09
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smcginnis#link Countdown email draft16:09
smcginnisPretty much all of the tasks for the week related to content for the countdown email16:09
smcginnisPlease take a look there and feel free to make any suggestions for content changes.16:10
smcginnisThanks evrardjp and diablo_rojo for getting the c-w-i project list and the good discussion on that yesterday.16:10
prometheanfiresmcginnis: I'll see if I can find a new theme16:10
smcginnisI think I would like to keep that list limited to the non-client things this week and point out the client ones next week.16:11
diablo_rojoHarry Potter?16:11
smcginnisprometheanfire: ;)16:11
dhellmann+1 to separating the lists to avoid overwhelming readers16:11
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smcginnisI did mention in there that folks need to be aware of the client feeze, so nothing should be too surprising.16:11
evrardjpI didn't do anything -- just use the tooling. Great tooling, hard to have the whole overview of things in head though16:11
prometheanfireGoT seems good, but I'll look into it16:11
smcginnisevrardjp: Figuring out what tooling is there and how to use it is a good thing to go through though.16:12
evrardjpmail looks good16:12
smcginnisThe other task was one for fungi for the signing artifact.16:12
smcginnisNot sure if he's around right now though.16:12
dhellmannprometheanfire : the "freeze is coming" lines write themselves16:12
smcginnisHey hberaud16:12
smcginnis#topic Upcoming tasks16:13
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smcginnisdhellmann: Do you know if we are still doing bullet 4 there? ^16:13
fungii have not yet gotten to the signing key generation yet, but it is near the top of my to do list16:14
smcginnisI seem to remember creating patches for that but them getting abandoned or something.16:14
smcginnisOr the qa team already having taken care of it.16:14
dhellmannas far as I know we do still need to do that16:14
smcginnisfungi: ack, thanks!16:14
dhellmannmaybe that's what happened?16:14
dhellmannwould be good to coordinate with them16:14
smcginnisYeah, that might have been it.16:14
smcginnisAny volunteers to ping in -qa about that task and make sure they are aware of it and see if they need us to do anything or if they have it covered?16:15
* smcginnis looks over in evrardjp and diablo_rojo's direction16:15
* diablo_rojo reads bullet 416:15
smcginnisBasically just need to make sure they are aware of the end of cycle activities coming up and are ready for it.16:16
diablo_rojoOh sure16:16
diablo_rojoI can do that16:16
smcginnisAwesome, thanks diablo_rojo16:16
smcginnisdiablo_rojo: I've put it down in the etherpad for next weeks tasks as a reminder.16:17
smcginnis#topic Open floor16:17
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diablo_rojosmcginnis, got it! Thanks :)16:18
smcginnisI think overall we're in good shape.16:18
smcginnisAnything else anyone wants to talk about?16:18
evrardjphow do you qualify good/bad shape?16:18
smcginnisWe haven't had to say "Oh crap, I forgot we were supposed to do that" yet. :)16:18
dhellmann*yet :-)16:19
diablo_rojoGood documentation will help with that lol16:19
diablo_rojoSo long as you actually read the docs16:19
smcginnisYeah, as long as we are good about paying attention to process.rst, we should be fine.16:19
smcginnisGreat documentation of everything that needs to be done there.16:19
smcginnisBut if anyone comes across something that has been more tribal knowledge so far, please do add to that.16:20
smcginnisIdeally anyone could step in and just follow that guide to run a release.16:20
evrardjpsmcginnis: I think diablo_rojo and I should do that with your help16:20
smcginnisThat would be great!16:21
smcginnisOK, anything else for today?16:21
evrardjpyou bring the beer, we bring the manpower16:21
diablo_rojoI got nothing16:21
smcginnisevrardjp: How was the Westvleten?16:21
dhellmannnothing here16:21
evrardjpwe should close the meeting first16:21
evrardjpbut it was amazing16:22
smcginnisevrardjp: You don't want that logged for all time in the meeting logs? :)16:22
*** openstack changes topic to "OpenStack Release Managers office - Come here to discuss how to release OpenStack components - Logged at"16:22
openstackMeeting ended Thu Feb 21 16:22:12 2019 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:22
openstackMinutes (text):
smcginnisThanks everyone for being part of the release team!16:22
evrardjpI posted it online, which means it was no secret for anyone anymore.16:22
smcginnisI saw that.16:22
evrardjpIt's still an amazing beer. Too bad it's hard to get.16:22
smcginnisNot sure if I've had that one or not. I need to see if they carry it anywhere around here.16:23
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evrardjpprobably not ? :p16:23
smcginnisSearching online, it did look like some US stores carry it. Just not sure if there any around here.16:24
evrardjpYou can't really buy it at regular shops, you have to go to the abbey to get it. And should someone get those and sell them they could lose their license I guess :p16:24
smcginnisWe have a couple good stores that have really good Belgian beer selections.16:24
evrardjpI guess it's easier to export than to sell it in belgium16:24
smcginnisFunny how that can be the case some times.16:25
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/releases master: TripleO: Minor release for queens
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/releases master: TripleO: minor release for rocky
chandankumardhellmann: still hitting the same error after moving to _independent folder
chandankumarplease have a look
dhellmannchandankumar : you can ignore that error. the real failure is at the end of that section of the report:
dhellmannthe earlier one is just us logging the output of a command we're running to see whether 0.0.1 is already tagged, and it isn't, so the command produces an error16:28
dhellmannthat error is expected though, so it's not a problem16:28
chandankumargot it16:29
chandankumardhellmann: do i need to keep release-type with in a indepent release?16:30
dhellmannchandankumar : removing that field completely should fix the problem16:31
dhellmannthe model is implied by the file being in that directory16:31
openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/releases master: Release telemetry-tempest-plugin 0.0.1 for queens
chandankumardoing independent release first time good to know that16:32
chandankumardhellmann: thanks :-)16:32
dhellmannchandankumar : what you have now looks good; let's see what the validate job says :-)16:33
chandankumardhellmann: needs +w16:33
chandankumardhellmann: :-)16:33
dhellmannchandankumar : we need a +1 from the PTL or release liaison for the telemetry team before we can approve the release16:35
dhellmannyour newer patch passes validation for me when I test it locally16:36
chandankumardhellmann: pinged the telemetry people , thanks :-)16:38
chandankumarI hope we should have unified karma bot for openstack!16:38
chandankumardhellmann: I have one more issue related to stackviz tarball16:40
chandankumardhellmann: currently there are two tarballs published on t.o.o16:40
chandankumarfirst one contains all the correct files including .py + html but second one only .py files16:41
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chandankumarhere is the paste
chandankumarplease have a look, can we remove the second one16:41
dhellmannchandankumar : what makes the different tarballs?16:47
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dhellmannbecause the thing you're asking to remove appears newer than the other16:47
dhellmannwhich makes me think either the packaging job is wrong, or the instructions to it are wrong16:48
dhellmannlike the manifest or whatever else is used to ensure files end up in the package16:48
chandankumardhellmann: first one is coming from hee
dhellmannwhich job is currently being used by that repository?16:49
dhellmannI guess what I'm trying to get at is that rather than deleting artfiacts, we should fix the job and publish a new release16:49
chandankumardhellmann: above job is called16:50
chandankumari am not sure from where second one is cominf16:50
chandankumardo we want to remove legacy jobs and move to publish to pypi job?16:51
dhellmannit has a wheel file, so probably the publish-to-pypi stuff16:51
dhellmannif the project is python based it should use the pypi job, yes16:51
chandankumar -?16:51
chandankumarhere whl file resides16:52
chandankumarmay be i need to look project config folder16:52
chandankumardhellmann: I am not sure this one is related ?16:53
chandankumarsorry it is for cache stuff might be wrong somewhere else16:55
dhellmannI would expect to see the job attached to the repo in openstack-infra/project-config/zuul.d/projects.yaml, but I don't see stackviz listed there at all16:56
chandankumardhellmann: may be I will take a look tomorrow, by remove legacy job and adding it to project config to see what happens16:57
dhellmannunfortunately I have a meeting starting so I can't help you debug this right now -- perhaps someone in the #openstack-infra channel can help16:57
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/releases master: Release 9.1.0 for tripleo-ipsec
dhellmannI think you probably do want to remove that legacy job, yes16:57
chandankumardhellmann: will do it tomorrow morning :-)17:00
dhellmannsounds good :-)17:01
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openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/releases master: swift stable backport releases
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