Thursday, 2015-11-12

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DinaBelovaharlowja_, kun_huang, SpamapS - hehe, I felt asleep last night too early :) good discussion :)08:45
DinaBelovafolks, btw I'm really encouraging you to add your content to the next meeting agenda :)08:47
DinaBelovait was a complain that it was too short timeframe last time :)08:47
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boris-42DinaBelova: btw10:02
boris-42DinaBelova: I am not sure that we should have separated chat for osprofiler10:02
boris-42DinaBelova: however I created it already10:02
boris-421 year ago=)10:02
DinaBelovaboris-42 :D10:03
DinaBelovawell, personally I'll prefer to chat here about it10:03
DinaBelovaas interested people will be here :)10:03
DinaBelovaI suppose that at least :)10:03
boris-42DinaBelova: btw
DinaBelovaboris-42 - yep, saw that10:04
boris-42DinaBelova: I would put on title: "Dead of scalability"10:04
DinaBelovamost probably issues will be faced for sure... although that was logical step that would have been done for sure. The thing is to fix all issues10:04
DinaBelovanot  try to write something else once that will be clear there are bugs :)10:05
DinaBelovaboris-42 - I've started working on
DinaBelovaand fixed your comment on
DinaBelovakun_huang, SpamapS, harlowja_  - btw, performance team inside Mirantis is currently working on creating the template to publish our performance test plans. I hope something will be available in human-readable way next week and I'll share it10:09
DinaBelovaand I10:11
DinaBelovawill ask all of you guys here to review them, propose your own ideas, etc.10:11
DinaBelovawe'll try to perform them in life as well10:11
boris-42DinaBelova: that one spec is quite hard10:30
DinaBelova@boris-42 - yep, I see that.. I think I'll start with drivers directory creation and adding Ceilometer there10:31
DinaBelovawell, at least I may start :)10:31
boris-42DinaBelova: btw current ceilometer backend is broken10:32
DinaBelovaboris-42 - sh*t, I forgot about it10:32
DinaBelovaboris-42 - well, I'll start with its fixing I guess10:33
boris-42DinaBelova: ok =)10:35
boris-42DinaBelova: I will cut now 0.3.1 version10:36
DinaBelova@boris-42 - although I suppose after ceilo backend fixing that should be done once more time?10:38
boris-42DinaBelova: we can cut releases even every day =)10:41
boris-42DinaBelova: so I will cut 0.3.110:41
boris-42DinaBelova: and I will make patch in global requriemnts10:41
boris-42DinaBelova: to force everywhere osprofiler >= 0.3.110:42
DinaBelovaok, cool10:42
DinaBelovaafter that I can make changes to Cinder, Trove, etc.10:42
boris-42DinaBelova: after that you or me or somebody else will be able to fix everything10:42
boris-42DinaBelova: yep10:42
DinaBelovaok, cool10:42
boris-42DinaBelova: new release is here
DinaBelovaok, give me please a link to the requirements as well10:45
DinaBelova@boris-42 ^^10:45
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klindgrenDinaBelova, has Miratnis been able to duplicate remote conductor melting cores in medium sized envs (200+ HV's)?18:49
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harlowja_melt some marshmallows on the melting cores18:50
harlowja_and make smores18:51
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harlowja_klindgren perhaps we should start making an etherpad (or something) just about this issue?19:01
harlowja_centralizing all the different etherpads where it has been discussed ---> one etherpad19:01
harlowja_(less scattered info ftw)19:02
harlowja_SpamapS maybe falling over isn't the right word, 'melting cores' might be better, lol19:16
harlowja_klindgren loves the melting cores, lol19:16
SpamapSif it really is just pegging CPUs, that definitely points at unoptimized encapsulation.19:17
SpamapSTalking to rabbit is not CPU bound19:17
klindgrenwe run conductor with 20 workers, typically they are running between 8-55% cpu per Conductor worker19:19
klindgrentypically seems to be ~20% cpu per conductor worker19:20
klindgrensame box also runs rabbitmq - typically consuming ~200-300% cpu19:21
klindgrenand thats basically on an idle system with ~250 hv's19:22
klindgrenstart doing deployments and conductor use jumps pretty high19:22
klindgrenWe also have 3 of these servers running conductor - all will peg out cpu19:23
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harlowja_so 3 servers running conductor * 20 == 60 conductor processes19:42
harlowja_klindgren thats accurate right?19:42
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klindgrenharlowja_, yep20:03
klindgrenit use to be 40 conductor processes each20:04
klindgrenbut at we kept tripping 100% of all cores utilized for a period > 4 minutes alarms20:04
klindgrenso we dropped it down a little bit to ease the alarms we were seeing for those hosts20:05
klindgrenbecause we like sleep20:05
klindgrenbut I am noticing frequent Model server went away errors across HV's so I am tempted to increase the number of workers to see if that drops off20:06
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DinaBelovaklindgren - nope, we did not have the opportunity to spend time on his particular issues yet. although it is in our plans due to the importance of this problem20:23
DinaBelovaklindgren - may you please create the etherpad with all details of your particular situation? this will be *VERY* helpful20:26
DinaBelovaklindgren - this point will be one of the topic on the next meeting20:34
DinaBelovaI suppose I'll check when Mirantis can work on this before Tuesday20:34
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klindgrenDinaBelova, - Unsure what you else you need.  Like we said aside from adding some more hardware and tuning some workers - we haven't really dug in.22:45
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harlowja_thx klindgren23:07
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