Wednesday, 2015-11-11

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DinaBelovaregXboi - either me or Boris will do that08:38
DinaBelovanotmorgan - not sure what's time in your TZ :) it's 3PM UTC :)08:38
notmorgansame as spamaps08:40
* notmorgan lives on the west coast of the US08:41
notmorganLA for now, Portland soon ;)08:41
DinaBelovanotmorgan :)08:45
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DinaBelovaharlowja_, SpamapS, Kristian_, regXboi,  patrykw_ - please take some time on reviewing,n,z workloads changes for rally, that will allow to introduce data plane testing09:29
boris-42OO already 20 people in chat nicceeeee09:32
kun_huangboris-42: 31 people tomorrow ;)09:32
boris-42Finally chat where I can say that OpenStack doesn't scale well and perform bad and it will be ok09:32
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DinaBelovaboris-42 - you found the right place! :D11:29
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harlowja_DinaBelova hey, ya i saw the workflow stuffs19:01
harlowja_haven't investigated to much, looks interesting19:01
harlowja_it will i think be useful to determine the impact of overcommits on workloads19:01
harlowja_and/or to convince people that vms are ok (vs containers, baremetal...)19:01
harlowja_we've been trying to figure out a good way to determine what our CPU, ram... overcommit will be, and having such kind of workload tests will help determine the impact19:02
harlowja_if say we move CPU overcommit to 2x vs 3x and ... what will the result on 'real' workflows be...19:02
harlowja_*because once u turn a CPU overcommit to say 3x, its somewhat hard to go back (aka what do u do about hypervisors that now have to many VMs on them...)19:03
harlowja_so tweaking overcommit has always been a process we (at yahoo) has been careful/cautious about...19:03
harlowja_because it has real side-effects19:03
harlowja_and then as a final goal of this, u can feed 'profiles' that users have of what there workload is back into the scheduling process and u can better place them19:06
harlowja_ya da ya da19:06
kun_huangharlowja_: tuning "overcommit" as a parameter?19:41
harlowja_kun_huang overcommit ratios19:41
harlowja_and other allocation ratios that nova uses19:42
harlowja_how do people know what good values to change those to without knowing the effect on the workloads in there environment...19:42
harlowja_^ has a bigger impact (because of the OOM killer)19:43
kun_huanggot it, rally could deploy openstack now, by devstack19:43
kun_huangand we could adjust those config there19:43
harlowja_but that doesn't solve the 'what effect does this value have on workloads in my environment' problem19:43
harlowja_*where workloads in each environment will be different19:44
harlowja_ie, for yahoo, it could be a large amount of http server workloads...19:44
harlowja_for other companies it might not be that...19:44
harlowja_the scheduler should really have knowledge about what your 'expected workload' is and place it somewhere that best fits19:44
kun_huangI know this, it depends on real workloads19:44
harlowja_so,n,z is a good start to making something possible in a nice way19:45
kun_huanga lot of work need be fininshed in vm workload benchemark19:45
harlowja_ya, its a good start i think19:45
kun_huangharlowja_: google has one19:45
harlowja_i bet19:45
kun_huangwait a minute, I'm looking for my notes19:45
harlowja_SpamapS will likely want one also :-P19:45
harlowja_smarter scheduling based on real profiles of real workloads would be super19:46
kun_huangwe all need this19:46
kun_huangit looks like they use this framework to do SINGLE vm workload19:46
harlowja_now make that dynamic smarter scheduling that adapts to workloads (aka a user doesn't even have to tell u there workload profile) and u win the million dollar prize19:46
harlowja_ya, to me the artifical benchmarking stuff is only so useful19:46
harlowja_dynamic workload balancing would be better, based on real workloads from real people/companies19:47
harlowja_and thats where i think openstack has the oppurtunity to do that, beause we have real people/companies with diverse sets of workloads/profiles19:47
kun_huangget your ideas ;)19:47
kun_huangharlowja_: btw do you want to review those codes?19:47
harlowja_sooo we (as a group/community) can do something that doesn't use artifical benchamrks/profiles...19:47
harlowja_i'll try :-P19:47
kun_huangharlowja_: it's welcome19:48
kun_huangI have saw some design points in those patches19:48
kun_huangand part of them is hard to understand19:48
kun_huangthere is a document, but no details19:49
harlowja_document wheree?19:51
kun_huanghere is one19:53
kun_huanganyway, your ideas are welcome19:54
kun_huangI need go to bed now19:54
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SpamapSharlowja_: I will likely want one what?20:22
harlowja_the ability to determine based on workloads how to change overcommit ratios20:23
harlowja_and eventually having the ability to automatically schedule/reschedule workloads based on dynamic workload info20:23
SpamapSharlowja_: FYI, IMO, smart scheduling is a _massive_ complexity problem that I don't actually think should be handled inside OpenStack. Flavors oriented toward workloads, and let users pick flavors that work for their workload.20:23
harlowja_nothing worth doing is going to be easy ;)20:23
harlowja_never is, ha20:23
harlowja_but i get what u are saying20:24
SpamapSIf we try too hard to make it magical, it will work like magic: only from one angle.20:24
* SpamapS tweets that20:26
harlowja_SpamapS fair enough, but if u don't plan for magic, u will never learn how to do the magic in the first place20:28
* harlowja_ doesn't have/use tweeter so can't tweet that20:28
harlowja_and then u will never be a magician20:31
SpamapScrushing my dreams20:38
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david-bravo23 (CEPH RBD Openstack)   RBD_STORE_CHUNK_SIZE? Does anyone have any insight on what is the best for SQL (Many Small frequent read/writes)? Default 4MB, or a smaller size like 1MB?23:27
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