Tuesday, 2012-06-19

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ayoungKeystone meeting!17:58
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* oubiwann1 waves and bencherian :-)17:58
heckjready to get rollin?18:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Jun 19 18:00:32 2012 UTC.  The chair is heckj. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.18:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:00
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heckjwho's here?18:00
heckjrafaduran - did you have some bugs you wanted to review today?18:01
rafaduranyes, a couple of them18:01
heckjPerfect - let's hit them at the top today.18:01
heckj#topic hot issues18:01
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rafaduran#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/101238118:01
heckjrafaduran - have at18:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1012381 in keystone "Memcache token backend eventually stops working" [High,Triaged]18:02
rafaduran#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/101232618:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1012326 in keystone "Deleting service tenant breaks 'auth_token' middleware " [High,Triaged]18:02
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rafaduranAs you can read I've got new bugs that can break the whole stack18:02
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rafaduranOne breaks the memcache token backend and the ohter tue auth_token middleware18:03
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heckjdeleting the service 'tenant' is expected to break auth_token, as the services won't be able to validate tokens. What do you suggest there? (bug 1012326)18:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1012326 in keystone "Deleting service tenant breaks 'auth_token' middleware " [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101232618:03
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dolphmI think the second one can be filed under "Doctor, it hurts when I poke myself in the eye."18:04
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rafaduranheckj: I'm no really sure how consider that, since can break the whole stack, but, so far, i could reproduce it only after deleting service tenant18:04
ayoungdolphm, should we issue eye-guards?18:04
heckjdolphm: ++18:04
ayoungie.  prevent the deletion of certain protected entities like that one?18:05
rafadurananyway, we might want check the error message and see if the error is anything but a token not found and discard the the service token in that case18:05
heckjayoung: I think it's potentially worth including in a deployment doc, but I'm hesitant to encode something more in the implementation that is a guard against a specific deployment mechanism18:05
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ayounganything else on that?18:08
heckjrafaduran - your other one looks like a nasty issue from a glance at it, but I'll need to dig further to have any sense. Do you have a recommendation on a fix? (bug 1012381)18:08
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1012381 in keystone "Memcache token backend eventually stops working" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101238118:08
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rafaduranheckj: that bug can be fixed just monkey patching thread18:09
rafaduranas nova does18:09
heckjrafaduran - excellent. Thank you.18:09
heckjrafaduran - are you going to submit a patch for that?18:09
rafaduranI plan to do thtat, but I don't know if there is a good reason to not being  already monkey patching it18:10
heckjrafaduran - not that I'm aware of - I'll assign the bug to you, please patch it in!18:11
heckjola termie!18:11
rafaduranheckj: ok18:11
heckjAny other new/hot issues?18:11
ayoungI have one.18:12
ayoungSigned tokens is posted for review18:12
termieayoung: yeah i saw :)18:12
ayoungJenkins is showing an error on each test,  which lead to my question about openssl.18:12
ayoungUnit tests run 100% on my machine18:12
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heckj#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/7754/ <-- reviews please18:13
ayoungthe variations between Ubuntu and Fedora for openssl are less than a mino0r version number apart18:13
heckjayoung: just got a poke from mtaylor that openssl *is* installed on the jenkins hosts18:13
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mtayloryeah. just verified by hand18:13
heckjayoung: I'll give it a shot under ubuntu and see if I can spot what's gone awry18:13
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ayounghmm...not getting enough info from the error log to diagnose the problem18:14
ayoungheckj, thanks18:14
ayoungBTW  Kudons on the unit tests for Keystone. This would not have been possible if they were not so thorough18:14
ayoungKudons are very big Kudos18:15
heckjOkay - next topic18:15
heckj#topic V3 API18:15
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heckjdraft 2 is available - posted to the list this weekend18:16
heckj#link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_TkawQIa52eSBfS4pv_nx1SJeoBghIlGVZsRJJynKAM/edit18:16
ayoungheckj, for Signed tokens,  I added two minor APIs.  I wonder if they should go in that doc?18:16
heckjHave some good feedback from gabriel hurley in there now18:16
ayoungone is for fetching the CA,  the othter for fetching the signing cert18:16
dolphmWith lots of little updates this morning18:16
heckjayoung - yes, please. I'd like to incorporate them. Can you email me a a description of the APIs you added and relevant details?18:16
ayoungheckj, will do18:17
rafaduranheckj: looking at draft2 it seems you are not considering moving querying to something like /{resuource}/search?whatever, aren' t you?18:18
heckjtermie: since you're here, I had a largish question re: the policy pieces: what do you think about sticking with just basic CRUD for that file in the CORE, and enabling anything additional (such as dolph is suggesting) as an extension at this point?18:18
heckjrafaduran: I'm leaning far away from that and instead focusing on trying to keep it to query parameters to "plural" resources18:18
dolphmheckj: I'm down with that, btw18:19
dolphm /policy is an easier deliverable18:20
heckjdolphm: yeah - significantly easier I think18:20
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heckjI haven't' dug up the details of how the whole "/version" resource/API thing works in previous versions yet.18:20
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rafaduranheckj: I would like as separate path because searching capablilites depend on the backend and thus it might be useful being disabled for some backends (the same as CRUD)18:21
heckjI've never quite groked the whole extensions mechanism I'm afraid - just need to dig in and try to understand it. It's left me more confused than anything in using the APIs so far18:21
heckjrafauran: for all of the API calls, returning a 501 NotImplemented is a possible result. I don't see how making it a separate URI path makes that easier.18:22
heckjrafaduran: ^^18:22
rafaduranhekj: keeping it into an extension thant can disable at configuration file18:23
heckjrafaduran: I'm totally for the internal python API being reasonably separated out per back-end, but I'd prefer to have the resource URIs for the REST interface be as consistent as possible18:23
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heckjrafaduran: that's the point. I want to see these as defined in a core API, not as an extension. Having a back-end that refuses to implement portions of the CORE api is acceptable - hence the 501 NotImplemented.18:25
rafaduranheckj: if we want support complex queries everything can get messy, but it's just my opinion18:26
heckjrafaduran: agreed, these are for simple filtering based on feedback I got from the horizon team and a couple other folks trying to do UI for this18:26
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heckjrafaduran: more complex query/search is quite possible under a different URI with an extension - nothing is stopping that. I didn't have clear use cases on those situations though, so I haven't tried to include that in this API release18:27
heckjanything else on the APIs?18:27
rafaduranheckj: ok simple filtering shouldn't be an issue, a if someone need something more complex, can add its own extension18:27
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heckj#topic Folsom-2 milestone18:28
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heckjmilestone is in two weeks18:28
heckjI've been updating a few of the blueprints and such to match what I'm seeing on progress18:28
heckj#link https://launchpad.net/keystone/+milestone/folsom-218:28
heckjAnyone seen or heard from everett toewes re: having quota data in Keystone?18:29
heckjdolphm_: what's your intended outcome from https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/rbac-keystone?18:30
heckjI just added https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/rbac-keystone-api to cover implementing policy and such in keystone itself18:30
heckj#link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/rbac-keystone-api18:30
dolphm_heckj: my goal was to have an implementation in review, but i suppose having rbac solidified in v3 is the real goal18:31
heckjdolphm_: wasn't sure how to represent the progress on it for the project. There's two related things that I was confusing18:31
heckj1) implementing a policy.json and relevant pieces within keystone instead of the current isAdmin() checks and18:32
dolphm_heckj: if we go with /policy, then the service implementation is easy, and the only slightly tricky part is delivering the policy through middleware to the underlying service18:32
heckj2) consolidating the various policy.json files and suggestions for a deployment set of roles for an implementation18:32
dolphm_heckj: i wouldn't be addressing keystone consuming it's own rbac, at least within this blueprint18:32
heckjdolphm_: cool - I'll update the blueprint and kick it to Folsom-3 if that's OK with you. I'd like to get the API consensus wrapped up by the middle of next week to begin implementation, but that leaves almost no time to implement.18:33
ayoungcan we please get    https://review.openstack.org/#/c/8233/  in? It will really speed up the unit test runs.18:33
dolphm_heckj: side note -- i wanted to throw default tenancy on the agenda for today -- we have two different understandings/implementations floating around18:34
dolphm_heckj: sure18:34
heckjkk -18:34
dolphm_heckj: agree18:34
heckj#topic open discussion.18:34
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liemmnheckj:  I can help with defining the policy for keystone... since I think that will help me answer some questions as to who can do what in Keystone...  (domain admin, super admin, etc...)18:34
heckjdolphm_: take it away18:34
liemmnIs that under the bp you created?18:35
heckjliemmn: Ok - I'll make a blueprint and assign to you if that's acceptable18:35
dolphm_so, i believe the implementation for default tenancy changed between legacy and redux18:35
liemmnsure... I can take a stab at it :)18:35
dolphm_in legacy, default tenancy was enforced in the keystone server during the authentication call18:35
dolphm_if the user had a default tenant id, but did not specify a tenant during auth, that tenant was added to the token and included in the response18:36
dolphm_keystone doesn't do that anymore18:36
dolphm_as of today, the service appears to have no awareness of "auto-scoping" or whatever we call it18:36
heckj@liemmn: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/document-deployment-suggestions-policy18:37
dolphm_instead, the behavior is assumed by auth_token ... because several tenant ID's *could* be returned in an authentication response, auth_token looks through them in a priority order (starting with the token) and eventually falls back on the user's tenant18:37
liemmnthanks, heckj18:37
dolphm_the first tenant ID found is what is passed down to the underlying service by auth_token via the X-Tenant-Id and X-Tenant-Name headers18:38
dolphm_first tenant id/name *18:38
dolphm_so, A) anyone know if I'm just insane?, B) is this change an issue for anyone? i'm not clear on whether it was an intentional shift or not18:39
dolphm_termie: ^^18:39
dolphm_i think auth_token's behavior is fine, as it's really intended to handle the various historical keystone authentication responses (pre-diablo, diablo, essex, etc), so i'm more concerned about the intended public api behavior18:41
heckjdolphm_: My sense is the following:18:42
ayoungdefine "first"18:42
heckj1) tenant_id on a user object is a suggestion (optional) of a default tenant18:42
dolphm_ayoung: first?18:43
heckj2) when it's available, it can be used as a default - primarily for the use case of username+password request for a token18:43
ayoung"the first tenant ID found is what is passed down "18:43
ayoungLDAP doesn't guarantee order,  so I might need to put something in there to deal with it18:43
heckjIf tenant_id isn't defined on a user, an auth using just user+pass should fail.18:44
dolphm_ayoung: ah, 2 sec, i'll link to the impl to explain18:44
dolphm_ayoung: https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/keystone/middleware/auth_token.py#L41118:44
dolphm_ayoung: you can see how it iterates through each potential response format until one doesn't raise a KeyError, that's the "first" one found, and therefore what is passed down through the wsgi env18:45
dolphm_heckj: you just described the current behavior, FWIW18:46
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dolphm_heckj: mostly implemented by auth_token18:46
heckjdolphm_: yeah!! :-)18:46
heckjdolphm_: would you prefer a different mechanism?18:46
ayoungOK,  that should be fine by LDAP18:46
dolphm_heckj: not necessarily, i just want to make sure we're all on the same page (i sure wasn't!)18:47
heckjdolphm_: cool18:47
dolphm_i'm also curious sure if this "new" behavior is incompatible with the legacy behavior, *from a client's perspective*18:47
ayoungare we deprecating diablo functionality in the future?18:47
dolphm_or is somehow different from a security perspective18:47
heckjdolphm_: dunno - the only client usage I have direct feedback on is the horizon team, who are all lurking around me, ready to pounce.18:48
dolphm_ayoung: that's a big question :)18:48
dolphm_heckj: lol18:48
heckjayoung: I was expecting to support diablo responses through Folsom release - beyond that I'm happy to deprecate.18:50
dolphm_heckj: another topic... in the v3 draft, you have the "User" entity described as having a "name" attribute, but through most of the API it appears you call that attribute "username" instead18:50
ayoungcan we tag them as deprecated now with the goal of removing them in Gollum18:50
heckjdolphm_: my fuckup - that was supposed to be description18:50
dolphm_heckj: in v2, the only place "username" is used is during auth ("username" + "password")18:50
dolphm_heckj: can i change them to name + description throughout?18:50
heckjdolphm_: yes, please18:51
dolphm_heckj: np18:51
heckjayoung: I'm fine with that - not quite sure *how* we mark API or responses as deprecated18:51
heckj^^ anyone know appropriate mechanics for the APIs in OpenStack18:51
uvirtbotheckj: Error: "^" is not a valid command.18:51
ayoung#action figure out how to deprecate18:51
dolphm_heckj: that's in the multiple choice response, actually18:51
dolphm_heckj: each version has a "status" attribute which could return things like "alpha", "beta", "stable", or "deprecated"18:52
dolphm_heckj: i think the possible responses are defined in the versions.xsd18:52
heckjall I had to do is learn the versions API eh?18:52
* heckj is shamed into learning that stuff18:52
dolphm_heckj: ;)18:52
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ayoung#action tag diablo specific attributes as deprecated18:54
ayoungNot sure if I am allwoed to #action or not18:54
dolphm_#action heckj re-action previous action18:55
heckjayoung:go forward with it18:55
heckj#action tag diablo specific attributes as deprecated18:55
liemmnAnother topic on the api...  I am thinking to fold the access key admin api into the credentials api (after all, it is just another user credentials)...  What do you guys think?18:55
dolphm_liemmn: sounds good to me :)18:56
liemmnso, we will have a type called "access-key" or something like that18:56
dolphm_liemmn: if it fits that's awesome18:56
ayoungliemmn, I like that approach18:56
heckjliemmn: sounds excellent - tried to bring in your feedback on draft1 to enable it18:56
heckjliemmn: anything still missing to enable?18:56
dolphm_if it doesn't fit, credentials api is broken18:56
liemmncool... I added some feedbacks on draft#2 in the credentials api to support access keys too (all optional attributes of course :) )18:57
ayoungOf course,  there is something wrong with posting the Secret keys across the wire,  but that is a detail we can argue about later18:57
liemmnayoung:  You're talking about the auth part?  Not sure if there is value in that...18:58
liemmnIMHO, we should be using signature auth, not token auth with secret keys :)18:59
ayoungwho am I to argue with that?18:59
ayoungdolphm_, can you reapprove https://review.openstack.org/#/c/8233/  as it speeds up running the whole body of unit tests.  Pretty much any SQL based test runs faster,  the suite goes from 10 minutes down to 3 or something....19:00
heckjOpps - lost track of time19:01
heckjwrapping this up19:01
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openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack-meeting/2012/openstack-meeting.2012-06-19-18.00.txt19:01
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dolphm_ayoung: yeah, but i don't see an improvement that big, myself19:01
dolphm_just sayin' ;)19:01
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ayoungdolphm_, that was just running the Core SQL tests.19:01
ayoungtry running the whole suite.19:02
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dolphm_ayoung: the whole suite takes me < 40 seconds19:02
dolphm_ayoung: your change brings that down to like 35 seconds for me19:02
jeblairanyone want to talk about ci stuff?19:03
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openstackMeeting started Tue Jun 19 19:03:59 2012 UTC.  The chair is jeblair. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.19:04
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.19:04
jeblair#topic recent work19:04
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jeblairi have a proposal for a backup system19:04
jeblair#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/8623/19:04
jeblairso we'll start having off-site backups for our important servers19:05
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jeblair(at least, as soon as i can spin up an hpcloud machine for that purpose)19:05
clarkbI read it. Looks good.19:05
clarkbis the plan to backup all servers to both RS and HP?19:06
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jeblairor at least, all the 'important' servers.19:06
jeblair(which is most of them)19:06
jeblairalso, a number of us have changes submitted upstream to gerrit19:07
jeblairmine are 'add username to json query output' (merged)19:07
jeblairand 'openid sso', not merged yet at last check19:07
jeblairand i've been making a few changes to the jenkins job filler19:08
clarkbmine upstreams the 'status:reviewable' query and the "important changes" page19:08
Shrewsjeblair: sounds doubtful mine (WIP) will get accepted19:08
jeblairShrews: it's an important first step though, and having WIP even if it's not merged upstream as-is, is way better than not having anything.19:09
Shrewsjeblair: true19:09
jeblairmy current thinking is that assign to owner is a pretty good match for WIP, but....19:09
Shrewsjeblair: we should mention for anyone listening that we have 2.4.1 ready to go which has the email fix19:09
jeblairwhat do do with the other half of the assignment functionality is still a question...19:09
jeblairit's useless or possibly actively harmful to us as currently designed.  if it could be assigned to a group though, that could be useful to us.19:10
jeblairShrews: great, is there a change proposed to productionize that?19:10
Shrewsjeblair: yes  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/8699/19:11
jeblairOh, i just remembered, there's one thing i want to test out on 2.4.1 before we put it in...19:11
jeblair(it's not something that would affect gerrit itself)19:11
clarkbspearce did respond to the comments about drafts, WIP, and private changes. https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!searchin/repo-discuss/drafts/repo-discuss/YuLup-ELrP8/GOHurEUcA8IJ19:12
jeblairbut rather, I changed zuul to set verified=0 when it starts testing a change, and i also had it leave a message19:12
jeblairi bet the message will get emailed; i need to check if setting verified=0 without leaving a message creates an email19:12
jeblairbasically, i'd like zuul to be as quiet as possible.  but if it sends an email regardless, may as well leave the message there.19:13
jeblair#link https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!searchin/repo-discuss/drafts/repo-discuss/YuLup-ELrP8/GOHurEUcA8IJ19:13
clarkbdoesn't sound like upstream has much interest in "fixing" drafts19:13
clarkbthe solution of having a second repository for private changes seems like a lot of extra work19:14
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jeblairanybody else been working on something interesting?19:15
clarkbin tree docs are now uploaded to docs.openstack.org/developer/$project19:16
clarkb#link http://docs.openstack.org/developer/nova19:16
jeblaircool!  has there been discussion about moving ci docs there as well?19:17
clarkbI think annegentle didn't want the CI docs there, but if we setup ci.openstack.org to be an ftp server we could use the same jenkins jobs for ci.openstack.org19:18
Shrewsjeblair: i have pygerrit working in dev mode, but it's not useful to us unless we upload it to Google Apps. I sent mtaylor a list of changes that I think it needs if we want to explore using it instead of java gerrit.19:18
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clarkbShrews: is pygerrit v1.0 of gerrit? or some fork?19:19
Shrewsshort of it: it needs a lot of work19:19
jeblairShrews: neat.  i'm guessing that's a substantial list of changes?19:19
Shrewsclarkb: yes, v1.0 of gerrit19:19
jeblairShrews: ok, well it's still good to know what our options are(n't).  :)19:20
Shrewsjeblair: yes. we first need to divorce it from GAE as a first step19:20
Shrewsi mean, it's doable though19:20
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jeblair#topic etherpad / docs changes19:21
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Shrewsif anyone wants to play with the code, my modified version is: https://github.com/Shrews/PyGerrit19:21
jeblairclarkb: want to summarize etherpad-lite, and where that's going?19:22
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clarkbsure. Etherpad Lite is light weight implementation of etherpad basically. Lite on resource use, not on features.19:22
clarkbThe idea is to migrate the existing etherpad install to etherpad lite. I have a puppet module written to do that and the change to apply it to the future etherpad.openstack.org host is in gerrit19:23
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clarkbbefore that gets approved I need to copy a few files over to the new host (ssl certs)19:23
clarkbthe ssl certs are currently self signed by me, but I imagine at some point we may want trusted certs?19:24
jeblairyeah, we'll get real certs19:25
clarkbthe migration of data from etherpad to etherpad-lite is blocking on access to the old server, but the process looks straightforward and is documented at https://github.com/Pita/etherpad-lite/wiki/How-to-migrate-the-database-from-Etherpad-to-Etherpad-Lite19:25
clarkbso once we have access to the data I don't expect any major issues migrating and testing19:25
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clarkbI know annegentle is hoping to use etherpad-lite as a place where folks can edit code then push to gerrit for review. etherpad-lite is pluggable through node.js and has an API (with python bindings) so in theory this is doable19:27
jeblaircool.  my hope is that if that project gets off the ground, we'll have an etherpad server ready for it.19:27
jeblair#topic testing19:28
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jeblairI'm going to continue working on the jenkins job filler with the goal of being able to succinctly describe the devstack jobs19:29
jeblairI'd like to check in with the tempest folks and see if they think it'll be ready for gating soon19:29
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jeblairand we should start looking into how we can test client library backwards compatibility19:30
jeblair#topic open discussion19:31
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jeblairanything else anyone wants to talk about?19:31
clarkbI did eventually manage to update the github pull request closing script19:32
jeblairyes, thank you.  that source of cronspam is dealt with.  now onto the next!  :)19:33
notmynameI do19:33
notmynamelast week there was some discussion about gating swift on devstack (or something along those lines)19:33
notmynameadding swift to the devstack gate (may be a better way to say that)19:34
notmynameI'm trying to catch up from being out all last week, and just want to know the status on that conversation19:34
jeblairit seems a number of people would like to see that added19:34
jeblairi have not done any work on that, nor proposed a change19:35
notmynameto gate swift on this or to add swift to devstack defaults?19:35
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notmyname(I'm actually not sure of the differences)19:35
jeblairso the process would be:19:35
jeblair1) make sure devstack can configure swift correctly (whether enabled by default or not is orthogonal)19:36
jeblair2) propose a change to the devstack-gate scripts to enable swift for the gating tests19:36
notmynamewhat is currently gated by devstack?19:37
jeblair(that change is actually self-limiting; in that if it doesn't work, it wont pass it's own gate test.)19:37
jeblair(1 sec)19:38
clarkbhttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/8443/ is a move to add quantum19:39
jeblairopenstack-dev/devstack openstack/nova openstack/glance openstack/keystone openstack/python-novaclient openstack/python-keystoneclient openstack/python-quantumclient openstack/python-glanceclient openstack/horizon openstack/tempest"19:39
jeblairnotmyname: those are the projects currently gated on devstack ^19:39
jeblairclarkb: yep, and it still needs some devstack configuration work, so it won't go in yet19:40
jeblairer, except tempest; it's running silently right now, not part of the gate.19:42
jeblairnotmyname: do you happen to know if swift-in-devstack works currently?19:43
notmynamejeblair: no idea. I've never used devstack19:43
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notmynameI certainly support getting it to work, but devstack isn't something I've looked at yet19:43
jeblairok.  it worked at some point, i believe, so if it doesn't currently, i doubt it will be too hard to get it up to date.19:45
notmynamegreat :-)19:45
jeblaircool; other items?19:46
jeblairoh, er, mtaylor has started a significant mailing list thread about python client library versioning.  all the details have not yet been resolved.19:47
jeblairnot sure we're equipped to talk about it in depth here, but i thought i'd mention it for the record.19:47
jeblairthanks everyone!19:48
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Jun 19 19:48:16 2012 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)19:48
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack-meeting/2012/openstack-meeting.2012-06-19-19.03.html19:48
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack-meeting/2012/openstack-meeting.2012-06-19-19.03.txt19:48
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bcwaldonwill be right back for ppb meeting19:59
openstackMeeting started Tue Jun 19 20:00:48 2012 UTC.  The chair is jbryce. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.20:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.20:00
jbryceso we've got 5 so far?20:01
jbryceneed 2 more20:01
jbryceneed 1 more20:01
jbrycestep right up20:01
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vishyanotherjesse_zz: is popping in too20:01
mtaylorstill need one more - I don't count20:01
jbrycemtaylor: i didn't count you this time20:02
mtaylorjbryce: :)20:02
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jbryce#topic Library/Gating Projects20:02
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johnpurmonty: you always count to us :)20:02
jbrycemtaylor: do you want to explain where you've ended up with the discussion on the mailing list?20:02
jaypipesshould markmc join us?20:03
ttxjbryce: I think the sticking point is on a different release scheme than associated server projects20:03
anotherjessehow many errors on the that page can you spot ;)20:03
mtaylorjbryce: so, I'm not sure I've sold markmc on anything - but I believe bcwaldon is more on board with the new version of things20:03
bcwaldonmtaylor: yep20:04
jbryceanotherjesse: = )  it's a wiki page so people should feel free to update their affiliations20:04
ttxjbryce: our point is that libs require PyPI, and PyPI makes your life miserable if you want to do a complex scheme20:04
mtaylorshort story: client versions should be there own thing and tied to neither server releases or api versions20:04
bcwaldonmtaylor: or you're on board with my version of things ;)20:04
* mtaylor bows to bcwaldon20:04
bcwaldonlike a boss20:04
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mtaylorand other than that, I think as long as we tag all releases, we can defer discussion of stable branches until we come up with a situatoin where we're actually in trouble?20:05
jbryceis markmc in the other room?20:05
ttxfor the record, I was thinking like markmc initially, but couldn't find a solution that would work... so I accepted mtaylor's solution.20:05
mtaylorttx: which is bcwaldon's :)20:05
jaypipesjbryce: nope20:05
mtaylorI don't know if anyone read my latest novel in that thread...20:06
heckjmtaylor: I'm fine with that - I mostly needed a tag20:06
mtaylorheckj: awesome. you shall have one20:06
jbrycewell the current state makes sense to me as well with tags20:06
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jaypipes++ me as well, after reading the various posts I concur with bcwaldon (much as it pains me)20:06
jbryceok. sounds like we're ready for a vote20:06
ttxSo in summary, I think the drawbacks of doing simple versioning / release scheme are far outweighed by the convenience of using PyPI in a straightfoward manner.20:07
bcwaldonjaypipes: what that mouth20:07
bcwaldonjaypipes: gah, watch*20:07
jbrycemtaylor: could you propose what we're voting on?20:07
* mtaylor is scared of days when mtaylor and jaypipes both agree with bcwaldon20:07
jbrycenotmyname: waiting...20:07
notmynamejbryce: for what you just said. an actual proposal or link to what we're voting on. not "what so-and-so said on the mailing list"20:07
johnpurnotmyname: good point20:08
mtaylorlet me try to make a quick summarization for voting purposes:20:08
jbrycenotmyname: that's why i asked mtaylor to propose it in its current form20:08
mtaylorwe will decouple client releases from server release, we will release client libs to pypi as they are ready and their version scheme will be standard library versioning (major version bump on incompatible api changes)20:09
mtaylorttx: yeah? ^^20:09
ttxmtaylor: ..and there will be no stable version point releases20:10
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mtayloroh, and there will only ever be one "stable" release of client libs, and it will be expected to support all currently supported versions of the relevant api20:10
mtaylorwhich is the longer way of saying what ttx just said20:10
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johnpurare we making a statement about what "currently supported" means?20:11
jbryceok. give me a minute to do the votebot20:11
anotherjessejohnpur: was just going to ask that20:11
mtaylorjohnpur: I don't think so20:11
mtaylorI think we have not made decisions on deprecating old api versions overall20:11
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mtaylorbut when we do make the decision to do that, I would not expect the client libs to need to support things we declare are now crap20:12
johnpurWe should queue this up for discussion20:12
jbryce#startvote Should we decouple client releases from server releases, release client libs to pypi as they are ready, version them with a standard library scheme (major version bump on incompatible API changes), and have a single stable release of client libs expected to support all currently supported versions of the relevant API?  Yes, No, Abstain20:12
openstackBegin voting on: Should we decouple client releases from server releases, release client libs to pypi as they are ready, version them with a standard library scheme (major version bump on incompatible API changes), and have a single stable release of client libs expected to support all currently supported versions of the relevant API? Valid vote options are Yes, No, Abstain.20:12
openstackVote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.20:12
bcwaldon#vote Yes20:13
johnpur#vote Yes20:13
jbryce#vote Yes20:13
heckj#vote yes20:13
openstackheckj: yes is not a valid option. Valid options are Yes, No, Abstain.20:13
heckj#vote Yes20:13
danwent_#vote Yes20:13
notmyname#vote Yes20:13
heckjpicky thing...20:13
ttx#vote Abstain20:13
jbrycedoes vote have a -i option?20:13
johnpurcomputers are awesome!20:13
* ttx really wishes there was another solution.20:13
mtaylorclarkb: feature request - case insensitive voting20:13
bcwaldonvishy, anotherjesse ?20:14
anotherjesse#vote Yes20:14
jbrycevishy: last chance20:15
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vishysorry :)20:15
vishy#vote Yes20:15
ttxSidenote #1: it also makes more sense to separate from parent project in case we do a common single library for all openstack stuff20:15
openstackVoted on "Should we decouple client releases from server releases, release client libs to pypi as they are ready, version them with a standard library scheme (major version bump on incompatible API changes), and have a single stable release of client libs expected to support all currently supported versions of the relevant API?" Results are20:15
openstackYes (8): anotherjesse, bcwaldon, johnpur, jbryce, vishy, heckj, danwent_, notmyname20:15
openstackAbstain (1): ttx20:15
mtaylorballer. we shall work on getting the bits in place to do the above. thanks all!20:15
ttxSidenote #2: That means we'll revive the python-*client projects in Launchpad20:15
jbryce#topic PPB to Technical Committee transition20:16
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jbrycethat link is ttx's current proposal20:16
jbrycei think the most unsettled portion of it is the status of PTLs as it relates to the Technical Committee20:17
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jbrycewhich we discussed a little previously but never really reached a consensus20:17
ttxI can explain my position again20:17
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bcwaldonI think PTLs should have a seat guaranteed, they ARE technical leadership20:17
johnpurwhat is unclear to me is whether TC == PPB? or is TC + BoD == PPB?20:17
ttxbcwaldon, heckj: that's unfair and doesn't scale, let me explain20:18
jbrycejohnpur: there isn't an exact equivalent, but TC is closer to PPB20:18
ttxAs we split Nova into smaller bits, we can expect more than 10 PTLs, erach representing a tiny bit of code20:18
ttxA vote should represent an equal force20:19
jbrycejohnpur: the core project additions/removals (not incubation) will also require board approval as it affects what the trademark represents20:19
bcwaldonttx: I wouldnt call a person in control of a section of Nova a PTL20:19
ttxThe only way to esnure that fairness is to have everybody elected, and PTLs running for a positio,n20:19
bcwaldonttx: I would propose a new title for those positions20:19
ttxbcwaldon: where does the bucket stop ? Cinder ? Glance ?20:19
bcwaldonttx: I dont follow20:20
jbrycebcwaldon: do glance and cinder have PTLs?20:20
bcwaldonjbryce: currently, yes20:20
jbrycebcwaldon: or should they i suppose is the more appropriate question20:20
ttxbcwaldon: Cinder is a split of Nova. It's a full-fledged core project. I don't want to have small and bug core projects20:20
ttxI want to have core projects20:20
jbrycettx is referring to all of the things that we've been breaking out of nova20:20
ttxThere will be no correlation between the size of a core project and the fact that it is core20:21
jbrycequantum too20:21
ttxso you will end up with 10+ PTLs20:21
bcwaldonI understand, but doesnt there have to be someone in control of Nova to coordinate all the goings on?20:21
ttxPTLs for large projects will get elected to the TC anyway20:21
jbryceyes, nova would continue to have a PTL20:21
ttxand PTLS for very small projects, well..; why should they get an appointed seat ?20:21
jbrycettx: what about representation for the smaller projects? especially if there are more of them?20:21
bcwaldonI think we're talking past each other here20:22
ttxA PTL is still in charge of its project...20:22
heckjttx: i think it's stilly to have a system that supports implicitly the idea that their *could* be another group other than the PTLs who are deciding technical decisions about those projects.20:22
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bcwaldonheckj: yes, thats my main point20:22
ttxHe can participate to the meeting. I don't see why he would necessarily need to have a vote.20:22
bcwaldonttx: really, the TC should be PTLs + some more smart people20:22
* mtaylor proposes a bi-cameral solution, with one side having proportional representation, and the other side having equal20:22
bcwaldonttx: because voting makes things happen!20:22
jbrycebcwaldon: that's actually my preferred make up as well20:23
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jbrycesimilar to what we have now, just removing the appointed seats20:23
* anotherjesse kicks me20:23
bcwaldonjbryce: but you're missing the part about PTLs having guaranteed membership20:23
ttxOK, then I'll say that I don't thin kit's fair that vishy's voice is as important as John Griffith's.20:23
jbrycebcwaldon: no i wasn't. i agreed with you20:23
ttxit should be more important. He represents a larger project20:23
bcwaldonjbryce: ok, I must have missed it in the three convos happening here :)20:23
danwent_ttx: vish will have authority because we trust his judgement and he can sway people.20:24
ttxI understand why THIS group would prefer to keep PTLS appointed, but a bloated workgroup won't work20:24
bcwaldonttx: but you just said nova is going to continue to be split...20:24
jbrycebcwaldon: earlier i was just trying to explain that ttx was actually talking about real PTLs and projects not sub-components of nova or any project20:24
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ttxbcwaldon: the projects will never be of equal size. Fairness is to get everyone elected20:24
jbryceso if we remove the appointed seats, we now have 4 additional slots before we're back to current size20:24
jbrycei don't know that we've had too much of a problem with bloat to date20:25
bcwaldonttx: so what happens when we get a bunch of random people elected to TC dictating what the PTLs have to do20:25
jbryceone other important point20:25
bcwaldonttx: a new company could join tomorrow with enough voting power to install people20:25
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jgriffithttx: The only thing I would ask about is some sort of requirement to even run for election?20:25
jbryceaccording to the Bylaws, the technical committee has the ability to change its make up and processes down the road20:25
ttxbcwaldon: they would elect PTLs as well20:25
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bcwaldonttx: fair20:25
ttxThe trick is to get the technical membership right, so that the same people vote for PTLs and vote for TC20:26
jbrycei would trust the group to recognize if the current structure is getting so bloated as to prevent problems and make some changes20:26
ttxbcwaldon: then in the end, the TC ends up being the 9 most representative PTLs.20:26
bcwaldonttx: ok, I guess I'm not thinking about how many PTLs there will be down the road20:26
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jbrycehow many more pieces do we anticipate splitting out?20:27
johnpurjbryce: this is why i asked about ppb and tc equivalence, i agree with what ttx just said20:27
ttxjbryce: we have the opportunity to do it right, why not take it now ?20:27
anotherjesseif we end up with 20 projects we are probably doing something wrong, that shouldn't be solved by not allowing PTLs in, but not allowing projects in20:27
heckjjbryce: I don't see a whole lot more splitting out than already has for core projects. I think this is a non issue20:27
johnpurhowever, this doesn't cover the policy and global view that ppb is suppoed to own20:27
jbrycettx: depends on the definition of "doing it right"20:27
notmynamejbryce: but you don't want to trust the future TC to voluntarily "limit" its reach (by limiting who is in it, it implies that current members of it vote themselves off of it)20:27
* mtaylor thinks anotherjesse isn't going to accept his coffee-as-a-service project into core. cries. :(20:27
ttxAlso note that PTLs are still very much in charge of their project. The TC just solves issues that are cross-project20:27
bcwaldonmtaylor: go back to your corner!20:28
notmynameanotherjesse: +120:28
ttxTC controls "openstack", PTls control each project20:28
bcwaldonttx: ok, well I feel like theres already a lot of mandating that happens even though I'm Glance PTL20:28
bcwaldonttx: so be careful with what you say :)20:28
notmynamebcwaldon: +120:28
heckjttx: false division - the projects are interrelated and getting more so, not less.20:29
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johnpurttx: today we have an implied (maybe explicit) assumption that PTL's are solving cross project technical issues outside of "governance", right?20:29
bcwaldonjohnpur: definitely is happening20:29
heckjjohnpur: yes, absolutely occuring20:29
johnpurTC should add value above this level of interaction20:29
ttxhow about that: the PTLs are all members of the TC, but only elected members get a vote20:30
bcwaldonttx: then what does membership even mean?20:30
ttxso they can participate in the discussion and influence the vote20:30
anotherjessejohnpur: shouldn't the TC/PBB/whatever only come into play if there is a roadblock?20:30
bcwaldonttx: I would assume *anybody* can participate20:30
bcwaldonttx: open community, no?20:30
anotherjessethus far the discussions between projects have gone well20:30
jbrycemtaylor has been participating in the discussion all day today!20:30
* mtaylor does his best20:30
bcwaldonanotherjesse: indeedly doodly20:30
jaypipesanotherjesse: ++20:31
johnpuranotherjesse: right. and to raise issues that individual projects/owners might not consider20:31
jbrycei actually think that either model could work, but i do feel like having the PTLs involved in all of these decisions has been better for us over the past year and a half that the POC/PPB has existed20:32
johnpurto guide openstack as a whole20:32
ttxWhat would be the alternative ? A TC entirely made of, and only consisting of, PTLs ?20:32
anotherjesseI'm leaning towards PTLs being on the TC until a time where it is unmanagable20:32
* ttx doesn't want bloat20:32
anotherjesseand then fix it20:32
jbrycePTLs plus X number of generally elected seats (4-5)20:32
bcwaldonttx: how many ptls will we have for the next 9 months?20:32
jbryceif cinder makes it in20:33
bcwaldonttx: nova, glance, swift, keystone, quantum, horizon20:33
bcwaldonso 6 or 720:33
bcwaldonI think we will be fine for the next 9 months :)20:33
ttxcinder, at least two other projects filing in incubation...20:33
* heckj agrees20:33
bcwaldonwhats the time frame on forming this TC?20:33
anotherjessettx: which two other projects/20:33
ttxanotherjesse: unified cli, ceilometer, heat...20:33
heckjttx: I understand your point, but I think you're making a mountain out of a mole hill here20:34
anotherjesseI would argue that those aren't core20:34
ttxheckj: I would prefer that everyone is on the TC for the same reason. That sounded fair. You would get elected anyway :)20:34
bcwaldonttx: anotherjesse they wont be for at least 9 months20:34
anotherjessebcwaldon: even then, are they essential iaas20:34
jbrycethe current structure is 5 generally elected seats, all core PTLs, plus 4 appointed. if we remove the 4 appointed seats, we have 4 spots before we even get back to the size we are right now20:34
bcwaldonanotherjesse: thats another discussion20:34
bcwaldonanotherjesse: (I agree with you)20:35
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jbrycebcwaldon: we need to decide on the structure within the next few weeks and be ready for a transition in august to september timeframe20:35
bcwaldonjbryce: I like that plan20:35
heckjttx: kind of you to say, but not exactly the point20:35
ttxjbryce: If that's what everyone wants, I'll fold. I'd prefer to design a long-lasting solution rather than something we need to revisit soon20:35
jbrycebcwaldon: it may slip past that by a month or so, but that's the timeline we're shooting for20:35
bcwaldonjbryce: ok, so once we actually form this thing we've still got 6 months20:35
ttxlet's ask it the other way around: what's the problem with all-elected members ?20:36
ttxsome project PTL might not be in ? so what. It's not as if decisions were unanimous20:36
bcwaldonttx: I feel like the PTLs have already been identified as critical leadership, and their inherently *technical* skills are necessary20:37
bcwaldonttx: but I might just be talking myself up, here :)20:37
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ttxbcwaldon: if the TC is elected by project contributors, you'll get PTL-like people on the TC20:37
ttxnote that we only let contributors vote20:37
bcwaldonttx: that is true20:38
ttxthink of it as a super-PTL vote. All contributors choose the 9 best people.20:38
ttxInstead of half of them being selecetd by subgroups20:38
bcwaldonttx: I'd also like to look at this more like the electoral college than the popular vote20:38
bcwaldonttx: I dont want a super project (nova) to have all the representation on cross-project matters20:38
jbrycettx: i think the issue is underrepresentation of smaller projects20:38
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ttxjbryce: smaller projects will have to be underrepresented. If we create a project for each core plugin, there will be a lot of them20:39
ttxand it would be unfair to consider them less important than others20:39
bcwaldonttx: I *really* want to make sure we agree on what a PTL is20:39
jbrycewhat is a core plugin? how is that different from a core project?20:40
jbrycewe have a definition and process for determining that something becomes part of "core OpenStack"...is that the same thing you're referring to?20:40
ttxjbryce: if we continue to split Nova into smaller bits (like for Cinder)... there will be a lot of new core projects. Not counting those that will file for inclusion20:41
ttxI'd hate it if we decided to reject a core project just because the TC feels crowded20:41
bcwaldonttx: I would too, and if we got to that point we would have to fix the TC20:41
jbrycewhen i asked earlier what else might get split from nova besides networking and block storage, it didn't seem like people had a really long list20:41
ttxThat's why I recommended a fixed number and get them all elected20:41
ttxThat's fair and it scales.20:42
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bcwaldonttx: I still dont agree that its fair20:42
bcwaldonttx: well, its "fair" but it may not give the best representation20:42
jbrycecan we take a straw poll to see where people are standing on the idea of having PTLs plus generally elected seats for the makeup of the TC?20:42
bcwaldonI'm sure many people have alt+tabbed away by this point :)20:42
ttxbcwaldon: I don't think it's fair that memebrs of smaller projects, or members of multiple projects, get multiple attempts to select their TC member20:43
jbrycee.g. the Technical Committee would consist of all PTLs plus 5 generally elected seats20:43
jbrycebcwaldon: no joke20:43
mtaylornah. this is where the action is20:43
anotherjessettx: that's an odd way of looking at PTL to TC relation20:43
bcwaldonmtaylor: you dont count!20:43
anotherjessettx: the PTL position is more important than the TC imho20:43
ttxbcwaldon: fairness: basically, the vote of a strong contributor to Nova has less weight than the vote of a small contributor to cinder and glance20:43
johnpuranotherjesse: +120:44
anotherjessePTL is about leading a project, people don't become active in many of them to try to get TC or PBB or whatever20:44
bcwaldonttx: but if we segment up Nova, the weights will even out20:44
ttxbcwaldon: you still get more power if you're a small contributor to all projects rather than a big contributor to all of them20:45
anotherjessettx: the weight should be about how wise/practical/... the person is, not the value of their project.  If vishy was a total asshole and didn't try to work with the other projects he wouldn't have the same position20:45
ttxbcwaldon: you still get more voting power if you're a small contributor to all projects rather than a big contributor to only one of them20:45
bcwaldonttx: ok, well I'm at the point where I'm going to #agree to #disagree20:46
ttxbcwaldon: I think all-elected is the only way to have fair representation. That said, we can bend the rule if we thing something else is more important20:46
anotherjessethe PTLs are elected20:47
bcwaldonttx: I know, I've been listening to you20:47
ttxlike making sure all PTLs as leaders of this community will be at TC20:47
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jbryceheckj, notmyname, vishy: do you have an opinion on this?20:47
johnpurttx: the ptl's are all elected now.20:47
danwentttx: so all elected means getting rid of appointed as well?20:47
ttxdanwent: sure20:48
jbrycedanwent: appointed seats are going away in either scenario20:48
heckjjbryce: All PTLs + 5 generally elected seats20:48
johnpurit sounds like the tc is simply aggregating the ptl's and giving them (as a group) a wider charter20:48
danwentttx: k, wasn't sure20:48
jbryceoptions are a) 9 seats, all elected generally or b) PTLs plus 5 generally elected seats20:48
notmynamejbryce: PTLs should have a seat. voters should have a commit in the past 2 release cycles. no proxy votes20:49
johnpurdo we think that the non-ptl members of the PPB are adding value?20:49
bcwaldonjbryce: you're proposing two different sizes of TC, yes?20:49
anotherjessejohnpur: speaking as one ;)20:49
jbrycebcwaldon: yes. one is fixed and one is variable with the number of projects20:49
bcwaldonjohnpur: yes20:49
danwentdo we have a proof-point how "how large is too large"?   Or just guessing?20:49
notmynamejohnpur: when they attend... :-)20:49
johnpurthis may help in the decision20:49
bcwaldonjbryce: kk, just pointing out that the latter will be 11-12 for the G-whiz time frame20:50
jbrycebcwaldon: correct20:50
notmynamedanwent: generally about 10-12 is the max effective size of a group20:50
danwentnotmyname: seems reasonable20:50
bcwaldonnotmyname: citation needed20:50
jbrycedanwent: we've been 14-15 for around a year20:50
notmynamebcwaldon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunbar%27s_number20:51
danwentjbryce: yet we struggle for qourum at the start of meetings?20:51
danwentdidn't realize we were that big.20:51
bcwaldonnotmyname: well done20:51
jbrycedanwent: we haven't had that problem for a while. i think that was more process failure on my part than our size20:51
johnpurdunbar's number is 100-200 :)20:52
notmynamebcwaldon: actually, I think that's the wrong reference, but the principle is there :-)20:52
johnpurthat's a lot of ptls!20:52
bcwaldonnotmyname: wait20:52
bcwaldonnotmyname: yes, just read into it20:52
bcwaldonnotmyname: 150!20:52
ttxLast remark: should the "gating projects" that we just decided would exist as official projects have leaders ? Would they be considered "PTLs" and get a seat to the TC ?20:52
ttxsigh. I'd prefer if we didn't have to artifically limit the number of projects and leaders just to avoid committee bloat20:53
anotherjessettx: I hope not20:53
bcwaldonttx: did I miss some context for that first question?20:53
anotherjessettx: are they official core projects?20:53
* anotherjesse missed somethign20:53
johnpurttx: agree. we need a system that scales to the natural size of the openstack project20:54
ttxbcwaldon: previous topic. Proposal created "library projects" and "gating projects" as official openstack projects20:54
jbrycei thought they were getting a non-core designation20:54
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ttxso PTLs = core only ?20:54
ttxother projects don't get to have a leader ?20:54
ttxor they are not 'important enough' to have a seat ?20:54
mtayloranybody can have any leader they want20:54
bcwaldonttx: maybe not a PTL in the governance we set up20:54
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mtaylorotherwise we'd just call them core projects20:55
ttxok, so your governance is also about deciding which kind of leaders actually should have a reserved seat on the TC20:55
bcwaldonttx: I'd call that a side-effect, but yes20:55
danwentone way to look at this is as a representative democracy… with PTLs having a spot on TC, each developer is guaranteed to have a representative on the TC that they work closely with.  Albiet with skewed voting power, as ttx notes.  Seems new approach makes it easy for a dev not to really know anyone on the TC, especially if they contribute to a smaller project.   Not sure if that is a goal we consider important though.20:55
ttxso only PTLs-as-in-core-project20:55
ttxdanwent: good summary20:56
ttxLike I said, I'm ready to accept some skew... I just want to do it for good reasons20:56
jbrycettx: that was my thought. that's why i keep tying it back to the core project designation20:56
jbrycethe purpose of the community and development process is to produce the core software projects20:56
bcwaldon2 minutes, turkish20:57
ttxnot because some people are afraid to lose their seat, but because we actually want that kind of representation20:57
jbrycelots of other activities and projects related to that and that make that work20:57
ttxjbryce: what size would be the limit at which you would reconsider that PTL+5 model ?20:57
jbrycettx: dunbar's number? = )20:58
jbrycei don't have a specific number in mind20:58
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ttxfrankly, I would expect the PTLs would get elected anyway, as proved by last election (where some PTLs were also running for the free seats)20:59
jbrycewe've moved to having an average of about a meeting a month and with proper notice have been able to reach quorum and have good discussions20:59
jbryceso i don't think even 15 is too many20:59
ttxthe benefit of the "pure 9" model is that it has bloat-containment built-in20:59
jbrycewell...we're out of time20:59
jbrycei'll send something to the list to follow up20:59
jbrycethanks everyone20:59
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Jun 19 20:59:59 2012 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)21:00
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack-meeting/2012/openstack-meeting.2012-06-19-20.00.html21:00
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack-meeting/2012/openstack-meeting.2012-06-19-20.00.txt21:00
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mtayloranybody from rax sit near antonym?21:00
ttxhear hear21:00
bcwaldonmtaylor: pvo, _cerberus_, jkoelker21:00
bcwaldonmtaylor: get a room21:00
mtaylorbcwaldon: cool. thanks21:00
pvomtaylor: I'm starting at his russian face21:00
* ttx is a election system purist, as you can all realize now :)21:01
mtaylorpvo: could you poke him about getting us access to the etherpad server when you have a sec?21:01
pvomtaylor: we have other tools on that box.21:01
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bcwaldonttx: loud and clear21:01
pvocan give you a sql dump  and a targz of the dir?21:01
pvowould that work?21:01
ttxheckj, notmyname, bcwaldon, vishy, devcamcar, danwent: still around ?21:01
bcwaldonttx: allo21:01
mtaylorpvo: can you come to #openstack-infra ?21:01
mtaylorpvo: probably - it'll just probably need to happen twice21:01
ttxbcwaldon: always ready to compromise though, if I can be convinced that's for the greater good21:01
vishy(although i would like to have 10 minutes before the nova section to grab a coffee)21:01
ohnoimdead<- filling in for devcamcar o/21:02
heckjI think ohnoimdead is standing in for devcamcar - he's out sick21:02
heckjer, yeah21:02
ttx"never compromise. Not even in the face of armageddon."21:02
openstackMeeting started Tue Jun 19 21:02:35 2012 UTC.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.21:02
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:02
ttxAgenda @ http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/ProjectMeeting21:02
ttxvishy: run21:03
ttx#info Only 2 weeks left until the milestone-proposed cut for Folsom-2 (July 3)21:03
ttx#topic Actions from previous meeting21:03
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ttx* chmouel to post about python-swiftclient separation to the ML: DONE21:03
ttx* chmouel to discuss with CI on enabling swift in devstack-gate21:03
notmynamettx: chmouel asked me to comment. he's not here21:04
ttxI think I just saw notmyname discussing it in a previous meeting ?21:04
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notmynamethat hasn't been done, but I discussed it briefly with the ci team in their meeting today21:04
notmynameso there is a little more to talk about, but the conversation is definitely started21:04
notmynameI can take it as an action item21:04
ttx#action notmyname to pursue discussion on enabling swift in devstack-gate21:05
ttx* jgriffith to update the ML with Cinder progress21:05
ttxI don't think I've seen that21:05
ttxlet's carry over21:05
ttx#action jgriffith to update the ML with Cinder progress21:05
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ttx* ttx to clarify Horizon 2012.1.1 release process and fix CI to match21:05
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jgriffithttx: email sent out to cinder core and select others with no feedback21:06
ttxmarkmc took the lead on that, we now have proposed 2012.1.1 tarballs for all projects that use such versioning, based on current stable/essex branches.21:06
ttxjgriffith: could you send it to the general ML ?21:06
anotherjessejgriffith: you might want to cc openstack21:06
ttx#help Please test proposed 2012.1.1 deliverables: https://lists.launchpad.net/openstack/msg13251.html21:06
jgriffithYeah, I can do that, but it's awkward right now anyway because everything is in Draft21:06
jgriffithNobody can pull it21:06
jgriffithBut yes, after this meeting I'll send an updated to ML21:07
ttxjgriffith: thx21:07
ttx#topic bp-issues script21:07
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ttx#info I finally took the time to write a tool to single out generic issues with blueprints21:07
ttxheckj, notmyname, bcwaldon, vishy, ohnoimdead, danwent: You can use it to find issues about your plan and fix them before I ask you to do so in the meeting21:08
ttxThink of it as a pythonized version of me.21:08
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bcwaldonttx: excellent21:08
ttx#link https://github.com/ttx/bp-issues21:08
danwentimport ttx21:08
heckjsounds nice21:08
bcwaldonttx: please call it ttx.py21:08
ttxIt catches unassigned/unprioritized stuff, things that are missing from series goals, bad dependency prioritization, etc.21:08
heckjyeah ^^21:08
ttx#action ttx to rename script to ttx.py21:08
bcwaldonttx: or thierrorize.py21:08
ttxIt's still a bit early so probably will have a few false negatives21:09
ttxand will be updated to catch more stuff as you get better :)21:09
ttx#topic Keystone status21:09
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ttxheckj: hello again :)21:09
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/keystone/+milestone/folsom-221:10
ttxLooks good, just a couple of questions:21:10
ttx* https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/stop-ids-in-uris (Guang Yee)21:10
ttxYou said last week that is actually dependent on implement-v3-core-api...21:10
ttxDoes it make sense to track it as a separate objective ?21:10
ttxShould it depend on (or be depended on by) implement-v3-core-api ?21:10
heckjyep - meant to shift it back/merge it, didn't get that done21:10
heckjit depends on implement-v3-core-api21:11
ttx#action heckj to repurpose stop-ids-in-uris wrt implement-v3-core-api21:11
ttxok, thx21:11
ttx* https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/rbac-keystone (dolphm)21:11
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ttxYou mentioned last week that this is also depending on implement-v3-core-api and would likely be split ?21:11
ttxsplit between... a pre-v3 and a post-v3 thing ?21:12
heckjhave the split blueprints related to V3 & RBAC up, but not fully assigned to people, milestones, etc21:13
heckjsome of that just nailed down this morning in the keystone meeting21:13
ttxOK, that might explain the following...21:13
ttxttx.py picked up the following issue:21:13
ttx* Not in series goal while targeted to a series milestone21:13
heckjyeah, that's it exactly.21:13
ttxkewl, will let you fix21:14
ttxheckj: anything else ?21:14
heckjfix in now - nope- questions?21:14
ttxHow is v3-api feedback/implementation going ? Any cut date on the feedback ?21:14
bcwaldonheckj: I've kept the images api v2 spec open through development - I would suggest you do the same21:15
heckjexcellent feedback - have some ML responses to make. Hoping to nail down consensus sufficient to begin implementation in another 5-10 days21:15
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heckjbcwaldon: damned good idea21:15
bcwaldonheckj: once you start implementing it, you find some pretty dumb stuff21:15
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heckjtotally believe it21:15
ttxheckj: so you could start implementing it right now !21:15
ttx(let's see if that trap works)21:16
heckjttx: patches welcome!21:16
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gabrielhurleyheckj: I noticed the term "tenant" was still in the v3 API draft... so it's not changing to "project"? /troll21:16
ttxready to switch to swift?21:17
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heckjwould you all tar and feather me if I changed it all RIGHT NOW!?!?21:17
ttx#topic Swift status21:17
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ttxnotmyname: yo21:17
ttxNext version should be 1.5.1, do you have any plans already ?21:17
notmynameI've been out this past week and just catching up today. no plans yet. I21:18
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ttxWe know it will include the swiftclient split and an important bugfix...21:18
notmynameI'll work on that this week21:18
notmynameI'll work on setting a date this week21:18
ttxnotmyname: bp-issues picked up two Essential specs listed in your Folsom plans, without any milestone yet:21:18
ttx* https://blueprints.launchpad.net/swift/+spec/extract-client-lib21:19
ttx* https://blueprints.launchpad.net/swift/+spec/keystone-middleware21:19
ttxShould those both be targeted to 1.5.1 ?21:19
notmynamethe first will be in 1.5.1 (we just talked about it)21:19
notmynamethe 2nd I'm not sure yet21:19
ttxok, targeting the first one21:19
ttxnotmyname: Anything else ?21:19
notmynamechmouel said he was going to pick it up, but no work has been done yet21:20
notmynameno, nothing else right now. questions?21:20
bcwaldonnotmyname: isnt there already a python-swiftclient?21:20
notmynamebcwaldon: the separation hasn't landed in a release yet21:20
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bcwaldonnotmyname: so python-swiftclient is the product of extract-client-lib?21:21
bcwaldoni am pleased21:21
ttx#topic Glance status21:22
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ttxbcwaldon: hello21:22
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/glance/+milestone/folsom-221:22
bcwaldonttx: why hello there21:22
* ttx refreshes to avoid last-minute tricks21:22
bcwaldonttx: I only changed one bug on you this time21:22
ttxbcwaldon: So far, looks like you're still on your way to complete api-2 in folsom-2 ?21:22
bcwaldonttx: doubt it21:23
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bcwaldonttx: I'm more comfortable with f-3 for all of api-221:23
ttxOh ? Which part might not make it ?21:23
ttxapi-v2-store-access ?21:23
bcwaldonttx: possibly21:23
bcwaldonttx: theres been a lot of refactoring going on recently21:23
ttxWas wondering if api-v2-images-pagination and api-v2-images-sorting were actually not implemented yet.21:24
bcwaldonttx: I think we're at a place that we can make measurable progress again, but with only 2 weeks left, i'm not 100% confident21:24
markwashttx: they are21:24
bcwaldonttx: yes, markwash speaks the truth21:24
bcwaldonttx: some of the work we're doing could fit under a few different bps21:24
ttxmarkwash: awesome! set "implementation status" to implemented please21:24
bcwaldonttx: like pagination-related links21:24
markwashttx: sure, sorry I missed that21:25
bcwaldonttx: the tenant-specific swift container storage may slip to f321:25
bcwaldonttx: its not as important as previously thought21:25
bcwaldonttx: and it hasnt been started, afaik21:25
ttxbcwaldon: right21:25
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ttxbcwaldon: bp-issues just picked up the following issue for you:21:26
bcwaldonttx: a lot should land in the next 7 days, though21:26
ttx* https://blueprints.launchpad.net/glance/+spec/kill-registry-server : Targeted to a milestone but has no assignee and unknown status21:26
markwashttx: actually gonna wait until we get the next and first links finished before. . sorry, don't know where my head is21:26
markwashbcwaldon: ^^21:26
bcwaldonmarkwash: ok, sorting is done, right?21:26
bcwaldonttx: we could argue about it, or just leave it21:26
ttxmarkwash: ack. matybe just add a comment on the whiteboard for the one that is still pending21:26
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ttxbcwaldon: let's argue about it another day. I did my share of arguing today21:27
ttxbcwaldon: Anything else you wanted to mention ?21:28
bcwaldonttx: no sir21:28
ttxQuestions on Glance ?21:28
ttx#topic Quantum status21:28
markwashis anybody else here feeling like a stakeholder in v2?21:28
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markwashfeels like we're just in a room by ourselves, which is fine too :-)21:29
* ttx lets 20 second for a stakeholder to show up21:29
ttxdanwent: hey21:29
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/quantum/+milestone/folsom-221:29
bcwaldonmarkwash: shh, don't let anyone find out we're changing things!21:30
danwentlatency should be good b/c we're both in france21:30
ttxheh... Still very busy, looks like you should start postponing stuff that will obviously miss the bus, if any21:30
ttxWould like to review the essential stuff:21:30
danwentalready have postponed several things.21:30
ttxYou mentioned potentially dropping other stuff to get this completed... how is it going so far ?21:30
danwentso Trey will again have cycles to work on this.  Yesterday we also pulled in yong to work on it as well.21:31
danwentstill may main concern, though tr3buchet expressed confidence21:31
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ttxhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/quantum/+spec/quantum-dhcp: still on track ?21:31
danwentthis was the thing that was really off-track last time.21:31
ttxah? misunderstood then21:32
danwentwe now have a design together and the developer making progress, which is a big improvement.  my personal opinion is that the scope of the design is too much work, but he's prioritizing the basic case first, so I think we'll be ok.21:32
danwenttoo much work for F-2 that is.21:32
ttxok, we'll see next week how it goes21:33
ttxhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/quantum/+spec/new-cli: looks almost there ?21:33
danwentindeed.  i've asked for everything to be in for an initial review next week.21:33
danwentttx: yes, very close.  i'm doing some final testing on it.21:33
danwentwe'll probably merge the main branch tomorrow, with any outstanding issues being filed as additional bugs21:34
ttxdanwent: Anything else ?21:34
danwentstill a ton to do, but really happy with progress the team is making21:34
danwentcommits and reviews are way up in the past month or so…. i should put a graph together21:34
* ttx senses a blogpost coming21:35
ttxQuestions on Quantum ?21:35
danwentyes, but F-2 work before blogpost :)21:35
ttx#topic Nova status21:35
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ttxvishy: how was that coffee ?21:35
vishynot good21:35
vishyttx: I made it back in time, and the coffee did too21:36
ttxvishy: come to my place. I bought an automatic espresso machine with grinder21:36
vishyttx: but it was not in the right location21:36
vishyttx: in the cup or in my tummy would have been the right location21:36
vishyttx: unfortunately it was on the ground and on my shirt21:36
vishy== wrong location21:36
ttxhmm. Suboptimal21:36
ttx#link https://launchpad.net/nova/+milestone/folsom-221:37
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ttxLooks like we are a bit behind. Should probably start deferring stuff that we already know won't make it21:37
ttxFirst let's review the status on the essential stuff:21:37
ttx* https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/general-host-aggregates (jog0)21:37
ttxjog0 mentioned last week that this was on track -- but maybe some parts might not land, so it could be split21:37
vishyjog0: yes i was chatting today21:38
vishyrussellb: any progress on the no-db stuff?21:38
jog0ttx:  after sorting out some details with vishy  earlier today the first part is on target.  Expect a patch set for review later this week21:38
ttxjog0: cool21:38
ttx* https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/finish-uuid-conversion (mikal)21:38
ttxdo we have news on that ?21:38
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russellbvishy: very litle ... been distracted by other things this cycle21:39
russellbbeen looking this week though21:39
russellbstill some chance for folsom-2, but more likely folsom-321:39
vishyrussellb: that is what I was thinking21:39
ttxvishy: my understanding is that there is more coming to finish-uuid-conversion ?21:40
vishyttx: I think the prop in is the last21:41
ttx* https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/volume-decoupling (vishy)21:41
ttxMy understanding is that Cinder can now fully be used, so this is complete ?21:41
ttx(or not)21:41
vishyttx: well there are a few more things on the whiteboard, but those have their own blueprints in the other projects21:41
vishyttx: so I suppose we could just link those blueprints and mark it implemented?21:42
ttxif nothing else needs to land in nova, should be implemented yes21:42
ttxWhat's your plan for F2: keep both options and default to nova-volume ?21:42
vishyand use this one: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/extract-nova-volumes21:42
vishyF2 keep both and default to nova-volume21:42
vishyF3 switch the default21:43
ttx(after the PPB declares Cinder core (or not))21:43
ttxtrusted-messaging (ewindisch) is also marked "not started", I suppose it's unlikely to hit F2 now ?21:43
* russellb hasn't heard anything about itlately21:44
ttxFinally I was wondering if those two were not already completed:21:44
ttx* https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/zeromq-rpc-driver (ewindisch)21:44
ttx* https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/lvm-disk-images (Boris Filippov)21:44
vishytop one yes21:44
russellbzero-mq-rpc-driver is complete21:44
ttxok, adjusting21:44
vishyyes both implemented21:45
ttxWanted to discuss a bit about Nova bug triaging21:45
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ttxThe BugTriage day had a good effect on cutting down the number of untriaged bugs, but the numbers are increasing again:21:45
ttxvishy: how do you suggest we solve that ?21:45
ttxShould we run BugTriage days more often ?21:45
ttxShould we add BugTriaging to the ReviewDays tasks ?21:46
ttxShould we just encourage more devs to do BugTriaging ?21:46
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ttxShould we recruit a team of triagers ?21:46
ttxShould we write a thread on the ML about it ?21:46
vishyttx: yes21:46
vishywe need more help triaging21:46
ttxyes..to which ?21:46
vishythread to ml to recruit might be a good start21:47
ttxvishy: should we open the Nova bug supervisor team to empower more people ?21:47
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ttx(I proposed to do it across the board but some smaller projects complained)21:47
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ttxvishy: ML thread : should I, should you ?21:48
vishylets try recruiting first21:48
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ttxvishy: you take the action to do the ML post or should I do it for you ?21:49
vishyttx: you can do it!21:50
ttxvishy: Anything else ?21:50
ttx#action ttx to raise a new thread about Nova bug triaging21:50
vishyjust tracking down some interesting racy network bug that seems to have crept in21:50
vishyotherwise the stability has been pretty good21:50
vishyespecially considering the amount of changes that have gone in21:51
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ttxIndeed. Questions on Nova ?21:51
ttx#topic Horizon status21:52
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ttxohnoimdead: still around ?21:52
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ttx#link https://launchpad.net/horizon/+milestone/folsom-221:52
ttxNice progress overall, don't have any comments!21:52
ttxJust one question about https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/global-ajax-communication21:53
ttxIt's marked "Deferred": should we remove it from Folsom series / folsom-3 milestone ?21:53
ohnoimdeadyeah, probably. that one sort of turned into a rather large conversation21:53
ttxok, will un-folsom3-it as a start21:54
gabrielhurleyohnoimdead, ttx: given what the quantum guys were saying earlier in the meeting, it sounds like https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/readd-quantum-support may be in jeopardy.21:54
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gabrielhurleyI guess that should also be directed at danwent21:54
ohnoimdeadttx: sounds good21:54
danwentgabrielhurley:  arvind was supposed to send me an update today21:55
danwentbut i haven't heard from him.21:55
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danwentwe really narrowed the scope of what we're targeting for F-2, and arvind said he was comfortable with it.21:55
gabrielhurleydanwent: gotcha21:55
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danwentwill ping him and include you all21:55
ttxgabrielhurley: ok, when you get the answer from arvind you can set to "slow progress" or "blocked" with e acomment on the whiteboard21:55
ohnoimdeadgabrielhurley: we can kick to f-3 if necessary21:55
danwentyes, we can21:56
ttxgabrielhurley: (only keep it "good progress" if it's on track21:56
gabrielhurleyttx: duly noted21:56
ttxohnoimdead: Anything else ?21:56
ohnoimdeadnope, i think we are looking good. we got a couple of interns for the summer helping out as well. ;)21:56
ttxQuestions for Horizon ?21:56
ttx#topic Other Team reports21:57
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ttxAny other team lead with a status report ? annegentle ?21:57
jgriffithWell.... yeah, kinda21:58
jgriffithCinder should be available in the next couple of days (out of draft)21:58
ttxjgriffith: good good21:58
jgriffithFour of the five blueprints should be implemented (at least for first pass)21:58
jgriffithnova volume decouple is what I'm trying to finish up now21:58
jgriffiththat's all21:59
ttx#topic Open discussion21:59
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annegentlejgriffith: I'll set up a meeting to talk docs21:59
ttxAnything else, anyone ?21:59
jgriffithannegentle: yes, I haven't forgotten, just still wasn't ready :(21:59
annegentlejgriffith: no worries21:59
ttxNote that during a webinar today the events team announced that our next Design Summit would be held in San Diego on the week of October 15th21:59
ttxMark your calendars22:00
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annegentlestill working on a "deployment template" document that helps people inform others about their deployment22:00
annegentlestill invite people to work on an operations manual22:00
ttxannegentle: business as usual, I see22:00
annegentlettx: :)22:00
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ttxannegentle: anything else you wanted to mention before we close it ? Looks like we always are the only ones listening in the end :)22:01
annegentlettx: I wonder if adding a "deployers news" section to this meeting would be useful?22:01
ttxannegentle: to inform users of largish changes ?22:01
ttxor to brag about deployments ?22:02
annegentlettx: or for deployers to bring their bugs/track stuff?22:02
annegentleeveryone wants to track stuff :)22:02
ttxannegentle: hm, they are supposed to ask questions on each project status update22:02
heckjnot the only ones...22:02
annegentlettx: ah, ok, it's embedded throughout22:02
* ttx hugs heckj22:03
ttxannegentle: yep22:03
ttxok, let's close it22:03
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Jun 19 22:03:38 2012 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)22:03
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openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack-meeting/2012/openstack-meeting.2012-06-19-21.02.html22:03
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack-meeting/2012/openstack-meeting.2012-06-19-21.02.txt22:03
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack-meeting/2012/openstack-meeting.2012-06-19-21.02.log.html22:03
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ttxthanks everyone, thanks heckj22:03
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