Wednesday, 2023-11-22

whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Nov 22 14:00:30 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
whoami-rajatI don't see the usual people around today14:03
whoami-rajatany major holiday?14:03
whoami-rajathey Brian14:03
rosmaitabig USA holiday tomorrow and friday14:03
happystackercertainly because of thanksgiving tomorrow14:03
simondodsleyIt's Thanksgiving tomorrow14:03
whoami-rajatoh, makes sense14:04
simondodsleylots of Americans take this whole week off14:04
whoami-rajatHappy Thanksgiving (in advance) to everyone!14:04
simondodsleyso true14:04
jayaanandHappy Thanksgiving to All14:04
whoami-rajatwe have a small agenda today14:05
whoami-rajatlet's get started14:05
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:05
whoami-rajatfirst, Midcycle-114:05
whoami-rajatDate: 6th December, 202314:05
whoami-rajatTime: 1400-1600 UTC14:05
whoami-rajatso please add your topics to the etherpad14:06
whoami-rajatL#48 currently14:07
whoami-rajatsorry L#4014:07
whoami-rajatit's in 2 weeks and the reason for keeping this early is because people will be going on year end break later on14:07
whoami-rajatnext, Upcoming Deadlines14:08
whoami-rajatCaracal-2, on January 11, 202414:08
whoami-rajatwe have milestone 2 next year in Jan14:08
whoami-rajatwhich will be the driver merge deadline14:08
whoami-rajatso if you are planning to propose any new volume or target driver, please make sure the code, tests and CI is ready before M-214:08
whoami-rajatanything else for announcements? I couldn't find anything major on the ML14:09
whoami-rajatokay, looks like that's all14:11
rosmaitait's been a quiet week14:11
whoami-rajatlet's go to topics14:11
whoami-rajat#topic Spec reviews14:12
whoami-rajatSpec freeze: 22nd December14:12
whoami-rajatthe spec freeze is kept earlier than M-2 since it will conflict with driver merge deadline14:12
whoami-rajatlet's take a look at the specs one by one14:13
whoami-rajat1. New Quota System14:13
whoami-rajatI've updated the spec based on our PTG discussion14:13
whoami-rajatto replace Counters and Couting with StoredQuotaDriver and DynamicQuotaDriver14:13
whoami-rajatand some other minor nit fixes14:14
whoami-rajatit's more of less the same spec as merged in Zed14:14
whoami-rajatso yeah, need some reviewer eyes on it14:15
whoami-rajat2. Encrypted Backups14:15
whoami-rajatI think someone at the PTG showed interest in working on this14:15
whoami-rajatbut maybe it could be a different spec14:15
whoami-rajatanyways, it has pending review comments that needs to be addressed14:15
whoami-rajatalso needs to be reproposed to 2024.1 dir (currently proposed for 2023.1)14:16
whoami-rajati see a comment from Jon where he says he is willing to work on it14:16
whoami-rajatbut it was in July14:17
whoami-rajatI'm not sure anymore14:17
whoami-rajatanyways, if anyone is planning to work on it, please do the things states above ^14:17
whoami-rajat3. Sizing capacity rounded volumes14:18
happystackernot sure if it's worth the amount of work. I think that PowerFlex is the only storage system which causes this problem14:18
happystackerIf there is a big ask, I can shuffle and work on it14:19
whoami-rajatokay, so is that not a priority anymore?14:19
simondodsleyYEs - I though Xing had fixed this years ago14:19
whoami-rajathappystacker, sounds good, should i abandon the current proposal and you can restore if needed?14:20
happystackerI'll get some insights internally. do we have any other vendor interested in such a feature?14:20
happystackerIn any case, I don't think we'll have the appropriate bandwidth for this cycle14:20
simondodsleyi think this is definatley an issue specific to PowerFlex14:20
happystackeryes that's my understanding too14:21
simondodsleyall those 8GB boundaries14:21
happystackerSo we can abandon it, and resurrect if we get more ask on this14:21
whoami-rajatgreat, thanks for the update14:22
whoami-rajat4. Spec to introduce additional task status field14:23
whoami-rajati think we abandoned this idea and went ahead with this?
whoami-rajatso that was merged in 2023.2 but i don't think any work was done against it14:24
whoami-rajatokay, I've abandoned the task status field spec14:27
whoami-rajatif anyone is planning to work on the backup status field this cycle, please re propose the spec for 2024.114:27
whoami-rajatI don't think any other spec was proposed recently for 2024.1 cycle14:28
whoami-rajatthat's all I had for this topic14:29
whoami-rajatokay, moving on to the next topic14:30
whoami-rajat#topic Send email to ML regarding increasing size of volume image metadata values 14:30
whoami-rajatdrencrom, that's you14:30
rosmaitadrencrom: i am obviously having trouble getting this email together, maybe we can collaborate on an etherpad14:31
drencromsure, no problem14:31
drencromThats it for me, you can continue with the next topic14:33
whoami-rajatgreat, thanks14:34
whoami-rajatthere are no more topics for today14:35
whoami-rajatthere is one review request14:35
whoami-rajatAdd cinder active-active support for Dell PowerMax driver14:35
happystackerthis is a small one14:35
whoami-rajatit has some failover logic to support A/A with the powermax driver14:35
happystackerwe have powerflex A/A support also coming in14:35
happystackerLet us know 14:36
whoami-rajatgreat, good to have more drivers supporting it14:36
whoami-rajatso reviewers, please take a look at the patch14:36
happystackerwe have powermax and powerflex for this cycle14:36
happystackerpowerstore will be the next one for next D cycle I guess14:36
happystackerthank you team14:37
whoami-rajatok, good to know, thanks14:37
whoami-rajatlet's move to open discussion14:37
whoami-rajat#topic open discussion14:37
zaitcevWhen are we going to propose the increase of Zuul swap to 8 GB? I don't see a review pertaining to that.14:37
whoami-rajati think rosmaita was on to it14:38
whoami-rajati have been also seeing quite a lot failures on the sqlalchemy2.0 patches14:39
rosmaitathere's a patch up14:39
rosmaitai still need to check if any of the jobs defined in cinder's zuul.yaml need that change also14:40
happystackerDo we have any news wrt the next Open Infra summit location?14:41
happystackerand how Dell can participate?14:41
whoami-rajatthanks rosmaita for the update14:42
whoami-rajathaven't seen anything on the ML yet regarding upcoming summit14:42
happystackerok, I know that we had details on december last year14:43
whoami-rajatKendall is a good contact person but i think the details are just not out yet14:45
rosmaitahappystacker: you could email her directly and ask if she knows what the timeframe is14:45
happystackeryeah, I'll remain patient for now ;-)14:45
happystackeryes sure, thks rosmalta14:45
rosmaitashe used to work on cinder, so you have something in common14:46
happystackerKendall Nelson right?14:46
whoami-rajatyes correct14:47
happystackerok cool, that's the only Kendall I know of anyway. lol14:47
whoami-rajati think that's all we had for open discussion14:50
whoami-rajatmake sure to revive/review the specs14:50
whoami-rajatadd topics for the midcycle14:50
whoami-rajatand take a look at the review requests14:50
whoami-rajatthanks everyone14:51
whoami-rajatand happy thanksgiving!14:51
happystackerthank you. and happy thanksgiving !14:51
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Nov 22 14:51:22 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:51
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
jayaanandthank you! happy thanks giving!14:51
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