Thursday, 2023-11-16

carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Nov 16 15:00:13 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping: vkmc dviroel vhari gouthamr carthaca msaravan pulluri15:00
carlosshello everyone15:03
carlossglad to be back :D15:03
carlosslet's get started with today's meeting agenda:15:04
* carloss got distracted for a bit, sorry15:06
carloss#topic Announcements15:06
carlossthis is m-1 week15:07
carlossif you are targeting a fix for this milestone and would like some attention between today and tomorrow, please let us know15:08
carlossI'll do some launchpad re-targeting on bugs soon, and I might have some questions around some bugs15:08
carlossnot much to add to this at this point15:09
carlossone other thing I had: thanks ashrodri for running last week's meeting while I was afk15:09
carlossnot an announcement but just would like to say thanks15:10
carlossI think that's all for $topic15:10
carlossdo you have an announcement to share with us today?15:10
carlosstaking silence as no...15:12
carloss#topic Review Focus15:12
carloss#link (Review Focus etherpad)15:13
carlossthanks for creating the review focus etherpad15:14
carlossadded some more things and tried to split stuff into sessions, but I think it'd be better if we stick to the milestones format15:14
carlossso I might rollback some of the changes15:14
carlossat the moment, I'd say we could put some focus on the bugfixes and specs going on15:15
carlossone spec would be:15:16
carloss#link (Add spec for share encryption)15:16
carlosswhich we discussed at the PTG15:16
carlossso would be nice to have some reviewers taking a look at it and sharing feedback15:16
carlossis there another change you'd like to highlight now?15:19
carlossalso, please feel free to start adding the changes to the review focus etherpad15:19
carlossit's a good place to request reviewers' attention15:20
gouthamrdo we have a spec merge deadline in mind?15:20
carlossI'd say 1~2 weeks before m-215:21
carlossas it has been traditionally15:21
carlossI have realized I didn't upload our manila-specific deadlines to the etherpad yet15:21
carlossapologies for that, will do that soon :D15:22
gouthamrwe might need a breather this cycle15:24
gouthamrcaracal-2 milestone is Jan 1215:26
gouthamrand we’d have a lot of folks for a couple of weeks out before that15:26
* gouthamr can’t type :D15:27
gouthamrbut you get the point15:27
carlossyeah, that makes a lot of sense15:28
carlossindeed a lot of people will likely be offline for a couple of days and that could have a negative impact in the reviews and people writing specs15:28
gouthamrmaybe it’ll be fine to keep m2 as the deadline15:30
carlossor the week after should be alright too: Jan 19th15:32
carlossI'll propose the dates and ask for your feedback on it :D15:33
carlossalright, next topic...15:35
carloss#topic Bug Triage15:35
carloss#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:36
vhari_ty carloss 15:36
carlossvhari_: o/ floor is yours15:36
vhari_for this session we had one manila-ui bug15:36
vhari_#link 15:36
vhari_could like to do a brief triage today15:37
carlossoh, 2023.1 branch...15:38
carlossseems like easy to reproduce15:40
vhari_has anyone else hit this issue?  should be an easy repro 15:40
carlossbut if it happens often, it would be a medium15:41
carlosss/medium/medium-prio thing15:41
carlossanyone interested on taking this bug?15:41
carlosswould likely be a good first task for an intern15:41
gouthamrwhat is the “advanced” share type?15:43
gouthamrlikely there some problem with the UI parsing some specs here? Or Unicode characters?15:44
gouthamrwe should ask if they have access to the CLI, and if they can give us an output of “openstack share type list” as admin to check; and also horizon logs15:45
vhari_ack gouthamr 15:46
vhari_so if no other discussions .. let's wrap bugs for today :)15:47
carlossack, thanks vhari_ 15:47
carloss#topic Open Discussion15:47
carlossgouthamr: good idea on having the stable branches reviews in a meeting15:48
carlossinitially, it'd happen during today's meeting15:49
carlossbut I was chatting with gouthamr earlier today and we could use some more time to prep15:49
gouthamryeah especially in light of some post PTG updates to stable branch maintenance 15:50
gouthamr#link ('Unmaintained' branch update)15:50
gouthamr#link (Yoga - final release before branch becomes unmaintained)15:51
gouthamrcurrently, we have too many stable branches open.. and the intent here is to transition a bunch of them to EOL and close them because of how degraded the maintenance on those branches has become 15:52
gouthamri wrote a backport policy doc that needs some updates too:15:53
gouthamr#link (TC resolution - 2023-07-24 Unmaintained status replaces Extended Maintenance)15:53
gouthamrso some we'll have to do: merge all pending patches to train and prior; and indicate that we're okay to move those branches to EOL ---  which means, the branches will be deleted on git/gerrit, and no more changes can be proposed15:55
gouthamrsorry, i meant to type: "ussuri" and prior15:56
gouthamrwe must make our own decision to keep victoria, wallaby, xena in "unmaintained" status -- i.e., open for bugfixes15:57
gouthamrbut with considerably less CI investment15:57
carlossyeah, that makes a lot of sense... we can do some CI cleanup too after that15:58
gouthamri for one will work to keep stable/wallaby (and stable/xena) around for a little longer.... but i've no qualms with us transitioning everything older to EOL 15:58
carloss> but i've no qualms with us transitioning everything older to EOL 15:59
gouthamrbut we can discuss here, or on the ML if anyone has different thoughts15:59
gouthamrhere = #openstack-manila ; it looks like we're out of time for this meeting :) 16:00
carlossthanks for bringing this up gouthamr :D16:00
carlosslet's continue in #openstack-manila in case someone would like to share some more thoughts16:00
carlossthank you everyone for attending16:00
carlosshave a great day! :D16:01
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Nov 16 16:01:11 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:01
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