Thursday, 2023-07-13

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carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Jul 13 15:00:05 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping: vkmc dviroel felipe_rodrigues vhari gouthamr carthaca15:00
carlosshello everyone, and welcome!15:03
carlosstoday's meeting agenda:15:03
carlossstarting with our first topic15:04
carloss#topic Announcements15:04
carlossas far as our release goes, we're 2 weeks away from our new driver deadline15:05
carlossand we managed to get all of the specs we were targeting for this release merged over the last week15:05
carlossthank you everyone for the reviews, and thanks felipe_rodrigues and gouthamr for working on those specs!15:06
carlossfeature proposal freeze is not too far away as well: Jul 31 - Aug 0415:06
carlossthis deadline means that all new Manila features must be proposed and substantially completed, with unit, functional and integration tests by the end of the week15:07
carlossjust to keep it in mind :)15:07
carlossand the other announcement I have is related to the vPTG of the next cycle:15:09
carlossregistration is open!15:09
carlossit will take place October 23-2715:09
carloss~3 weeks after the official bobcat release15:10
carlossthat's all I have for announcements. Is there something you'd like to share with us today?15:10
felipe_rodriguesI have one15:12
felipe_rodriguesWe have a New member in the NetApp team: Saravanan-NetApp 15:12
felipe_rodrigueswelcome :) 15:13
Saravanan-NetAppThank you Felipe. Looking forward to contribute as much. 15:13
carlosswelcome Saravanan-NetApp! happy to have you onboard15:13
caiquemello[m]welcome o/15:14
gouthamrwelcome Saravanan-NetApp!15:14
nahimsouza[m]welcome :)15:14
Saravanan-NetAppThank you Carloss, Caique, Gowtham and team. 15:14
helenadantas[m]welcome :)15:16
vhariwelcome :)15:17
Saravanan-NetAppThank you all for the warm welcome !! Happy to be part of this group. 15:19
carlossthank you for introducing us felipe_rodrigues - I'm sure Saravanan-NetApp will have a great time with this community... In case we can be of help, please ping :)15:19
carloss#topic Review focus15:21
* dviroel_ o/15:22
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* carloss waves at dviroel 15:22
carlossso: the three specs we were targeting are merged, and now our focus should be on new drivers and feature proposal freeze 15:23
carlossas well as the fixes we can continue landing15:23
carlossshare backups is now having some more traction on the reviews, which is good. I think we can attempt merging it earlier in the cycle15:24
carlossthere's a new driver being proposed as well:15:24
carlosswould be nice to have some attention on this15:25
* carloss was looking at the change - CI is still failing15:28
carlossand logs are not available as far as I can see... I'll ask in the change15:29
gouthamr^ the driver was discussed at the summit; feel the developers need some help navigating community guidelines15:30
carlossack gouthamr - I can add some pointers to the change15:30
*** Saravanan-NetApp is now known as msaravan15:31
gouthamrI didn’t get responses on prior review comments; new patches were uploaded though15:31
carlossack 15:34
carlossI need to take a look at their implementation... will add some feedback soon15:34
carlossis there any other change you would like to bring to our attention today?15:37
carlosstaking silence as no15:39
carloss#topic Bug Triage15:40
carloss#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:40
carlossvhari: floor is yours15:40
vharity carloss 15:40
vhariso there are no new bugs this week 15:40
vhariwe have one backlog from last sessions 15:40
vhari#link 15:40
vharito triage 15:40
vhariit's a lhf  - suggested solution in the description15:41
carlossthat makes sense carthaca 15:41
vharithanks for the bug carthaca 15:42
carlossbut I'm surprised we're allowing share networks that have share servers exported to be deleted 15:42
carlossbut indeed, lhf and I'd say low prio?15:44
carlossmessage is wrong, but it doesn't break any workflow15:45
vharilooking at this stale bug #link 15:45
carthacaAnd how it came to that situation that is a different question - I know for sure that it is related to customers that also run into with their CI systems15:45
carthacaThey are a bit too eager in deleting stuff xD15:46
vharifix was proposed and has merge conflict 15:46
carloss> I know for sure that it is related to customers that also run into with their CI systems15:47
carlossah, okay :D15:47
carloss> They are a bit too eager in deleting stuff xD15:47
carthacaif the share servers are not cleaned up, the neutron ports are not cleaned up and they complain that they can't delete the neutron network -.-15:50
carlosslots of bad side effects15:52
carlossbut we can definitely work on the message. someone willing to take the bug? could be a good thing for someone getting started15:53
vhariack  carloss ..     so in the interest of keeping time ..  lets shelf  #link 15:56
vharithat's a wrap for bugs ... thanks everyone for pitching in :)15:57
carlossthanks vhari :D15:57
carlosslet's wrap up then15:57
carlossthank you for attending! see you on #openstack-manila15:57
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Jul 13 15:57:55 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:57
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