Thursday, 2022-07-07

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carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Jul  7 15:00:22 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping: vkmc dviroel felipe_rodrigues ecsantos vhari fabiooliveira gouthamr15:00
carlosso/ hello everyone15:03
carlossgood quorum, great to have you here today15:03
carlosstoday's agenda:15:04
carloss#topic Announcements15:04
carlossSchedule and Deadlines:15:04
carlossLooking at the cycle's schedule, we can see that z-2 milestone is next week15:05
carlossif you have an open bug or change that you would like to get done by that milestone, please call our attention to it15:05
carlossthe other thing I would like to mention today:15:06
carlossyou may have seen ganso's email in the ML, mentioning he would like to step down from manila core15:07
carlossi would like to take a moment to publicly thank ganso for the years he worked with us15:07
carlossI wish you all the best, and also would want to say that you will always be a Zorilla and will be welcome in the community15:08
* carloss will send today's meeting log to ganso after :p15:08
* gouthamr does the zorilla forever sign 15:08
carlossand I would also like to take this opportunity to say that if you want to become a core some day, you can reach out to anyone in the core team15:09
carlosswe can mentor you through the process15:09
carlossand if you would like to start small, we can do that by modules, i.e.: first become a core in python-manilaclient, then focus on manila-tempest-plugin15:10
carlossand continue15:10
carlossthat helps to get the feeling and to get used to it :)15:10
carlossthat's all the announcements I had for today15:11
carlossis there any other announcement you would like to share with us today?15:11
fabiooliveiraI have one15:11
carlossplease go ahead fabiooliveira :)15:11
fabiooliveiraon the last few weeks I've been on a job transition and now its complete, so I wont be able to be as active as I could15:12
carlossoh noes :(15:13
fabiooliveiraI did enjoy taking part on all events in here and might appear on the meeting and reviews, but I'll do my best15:13
gouthamrit was a pleasure working with you fabiooliveira.. i really hope you will be able to pop in now and then 15:14
caiquemello[m]fabiooliveira ++15:14
carlossI had fun working with you fabiooliveira and I am thankful for your participation15:15
fabiooliveirait was my pleasure guys :D15:15
carlossI wish you all the best in the new journey15:15
felipe_rodriguesfabioolivera has been helping us a lot, mainly in the REST transition. thank you fabioolivera, hope to see around15:15
sfernandwe gonna miss you on the team fabiooliveira, it was a pleasure to work with such a nice person and dedicated professional as you are15:16
fabiooliveiraI'll miss being with you guys every day 15:18
sfernanddesire you good luck on your new journey15:19
sfernandand thanks :P15:19
carlossis there any other announcement to be shared today?15:20
* carloss hopes we don't see any more sad announcements like that today 15:20
carlossplease go ahead felipe_rodrigues 15:20
felipe_rodriguesno this tiime carloss.. just warning that NetApp CI is down this week.. NetApp has its shutdown week and they have powered off our servers... 15:21
felipe_rodrigueswe are working on taking them back15:21
lucasmoliveira059fabiooliveira:  It was great to work with you15:21
carlossoh, okay felipe_rodrigues - that explains few things haha... thank you for sharing15:22
felipe_rodriguesIf a patch needs the NetApp CI voting, please, wait one or more two days until it's back15:22
* carloss usually checks netapp ci as is one of the third parties currently voting on changes15:22
felipe_rodriguesthat's all15:23
carlossany other announcement for today?15:23
carlossgoing once...15:23
carlossgoing twice...15:23
carloss#topic Manila UI changes needing an owner15:24
carlossA while ago we have shared our progress on share network subnets for manila-ui15:24
carlosswe had some NDSU students working on the share network subnet panels15:25
carlossand they had few changes submitted with all the progress so far15:25
carlossthe changes are available here:15:25
carlosswe would like to pursue the completion of this implementation, as share network subnets were implemented in Manila a while ago15:26
carlossthe task would be to pick up from where we stopped and get the implementation to the end15:26
carlosssome of the difficult parts (dealing with workflows and designing) are done, now it's up to complete the implementation15:27
carlossthis is a good opportunity to get this feature finally implemented on Manila-ui15:27
carlossand also to have someone with their hands on the code to learn about the workflows, testing and so on15:28
carlossso I would like to check if you would like to take over the implementation on the stage it is, or help in some form15:29
carlossor know someone that would benefit from this learning and is up to the challenge15:29
carlossas always, you can ping us and ask for help, we will be glad to do so15:29
gouthamr+1 a lot of the functional code's been attempted15:30
gouthamrso there's a good thing to start with15:30
carlossso if you would like to pick this up, please reach out15:34
carlossit would be nice to get this completed over this release15:34
* dviroel late o/15:36
* carloss o/15:36
carlossokay, on to the next topic15:37
carloss#topic Review Focus15:37
carloss#link (Review Focus Etherpad)15:37
carlosswe have had some movement on the changes in this etherpad15:37
carlossnow we have our CI is healthy again, we can get full focus on these, and if you had a change failing on CI, you may need to recheck15:38
carlossI have currently been focusing on OSC changes, as one of gouthamr's suggestions last week15:38
carlosswe are pursuing feature parity on this cycle as we have been chatting15:38
carlossand all of those changes should be merged by z-3, when is also our client release deadline15:39
carlossso I would like to reinforce the need of attention that the OSC command and functional tests change have now15:39
carlossis there any other change you would like to highlight?15:41
gouthamrmy review bandwidth last week was lesser than i had hoped; but i'll get back to it.. 15:41
gouthamron one hand this reinforces our hope to add more core reviewers15:42
gouthamrbut, really any review helps because we're spread too thin15:42
haixin_1i will try to review osc15:44
haixin_1next week15:44
gouthamr++ thanks haixin_1 15:45
carlossthank you haixin_1 :)15:45
haixin_1The company is too busy to see it recently. Next week will be ok15:45
felipe_rodriguesI'm trying to take a look and updating/rebasing mine15:45
felipe_rodriguesAlso, about the reviews focus, we had planned to provide the NetApp REST transition patch this week to starting the reviews, however, with shutdown issue, we changed to the next week.. 15:46
felipe_rodriguesso we will update the Review Etherpad soon15:46
gouthamrsounds good15:47
gouthamrnoticed your pings on the patches, thanks felipe_rodrigues 15:47
carlosscool felipe_rodrigues, thanks for the update15:48
felipe_rodriguesI started the review on the MacroSan driver15:48
felipe_rodriguesneed more eyes 15:48
carlosssure - thank you for starting... I need to check the CI status again15:50
carlossor ping fzzf to see if there was progress :)15:50
carlossanything else on $topic?15:51
carlossmoving on, we have some minutes for bug triage :)15:52
carloss#topic Bug Triage15:52
carloss#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:52
carlossvhari, floor is yours 15:52
vharicarloss, ty15:52
vharithe bug arrival remains 0 couple weeks in a row now :)15:53
vharilets look at this bug set to incomplete15:53
vhari#link  15:53
vhariWe removed the field so it will expire if there is no more updates on it 15:54
vharipls post any updates if this is still a pressing issue and we need to keep it in our radar15:55
gouthamrack; this has had some folks attempting to reproduce with some scale 15:55
vharinext up # link  15:55
vharigouthamr, ack 15:55
gouthamrso if its not reproducible, we should let it expire and file a follow up if it occurs again15:55
vhariso far there has been no repro data points 15:56
gouthamrthis bug here is an RFE; and unfortunately our bandwidth for enhancements to the generic driver has historically been low15:57
gouthamrit works well as a reference architecture; but we don't have any further use for it since vendor drivers get the bulk of our attention for production use cases15:58
gouthamrthe reporter has offered help wrt testing15:58
carlossRFE still sounds valid, but no one willing to take yet16:00
gouthamri like the suggestion that we can allow specifying an external config file for SSH16:00
felipe_rodriguesNo plans on NetApp team side to work on this type of RFE right now16:01
gouthamrparamiko seems to have support for ProxyCommand -
carlossmaybe leave it open and bump down the importance?16:01
gouthamr+1 16:01
* carloss checks time16:01
gouthamrthanks for bubbling these up vhari 16:01
vhariyw, so that's a wrap for bugs .. a bit past the hr16:02
carlossthanks vhari :D16:02
carlossokay, let's wrap up16:02
carlossthank you for attending to this meeting! see you in #openstack-manila16:02
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Jul  7 16:03:01 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:03
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
gouthamrthank you!16:03
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