Wednesday, 2017-01-25

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila-ui: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: Add mountable snapshots support
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/manila: Updated from global requirements
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tommylikehutbarron, bswartz: thanks for your help for the exportfs bugs, I have already tried with the nova vm, but the vm could propbably fail with IPv6 address even network interface is enabled with dhcp600:57
tommylikehusometimes it could work00:57
bswartztommylikehu: I'm trying another tactic tonight to get ipv6 working00:57
tommylikehubswartz: did you mentioned this in the conversation between tbarron several hours ago?00:59
bswartztommylikehu: I've been working on this all yesterday and today01:06
bswartzmost of the things I've attempted have failed01:06
bswartzI've had some partial successes but typically each thing I fix breaks something else01:06
tommylikehubswartz: As the mountable snapshot feature has been merged so the allow_access for snapshot will also be updated for IPv6?01:24
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bswartztommylikehu: if you have any merge conflicts with the patches that have merged you should resolve them01:47
bswartzI'm sorry your patch is the last big one still waiting but it's the one we've had the hardest time testing01:47
bswartzif the combination of the 2 features has a hole (like v6-support for snapshot access rules) then we'll have to decide what to do about that\01:48
bswartzif it's not too hard to add it to the existing patch that would be ideal, but we can look at alternatives too01:48
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tommylikehubswartz: I'd like to apply this snapshot changes (also new testcases for this) to IPv6, but I am worried we have to test the mountable snapshot for IPv6. obviously we are still in the trouble of testting share with IPv601:52
bswartztommylikehu: don't worry about testing the combination of the 2 features for now01:57
bswartzthat's why we have time after feature freeze01:57
tommylikehubswartz : thanks, working on it01:57
openstackgerritMark Sturdevant proposed openstack/manila: Fix MapRFS test__execute to not impact others
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openstackgerritTommyLike proposed openstack/manila: Enable IPv6 in manila(allow access)
bswartztbarron: you still around by any chance?02:58
tbarronbswartz: yeah, but got diverted on some downstream stuff, back now though02:58
bswartztbarron: I've devolved to using cheap tricks to make ipv6 work02:58
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bswartzI'm now just creating an internal port directly on the ovs bridge02:59
bswartzand routing all the packets through that02:59
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bswartzit's not even close to kosher02:59
bswartzbut it does work02:59
bswartzsomeday I'll figure out why neutron can't work right03:00
tbarron"work" == you can launch a compute instance with its nic on that port, it acquires ipv6 address, you can export via ipv6 export location from hypervisor to that addr, and you can then mount inside the compute instance using that export location?03:01
bswartztbarron: so far I've just established that I can ping and ssh to/from the guest03:02
bswartzI need to get a guest with an NFS client to actually test the manila part03:02
tbarronbswartz: ok, mine has been unidirectional up to this point, from guest to hypervisor03:02
bswartztbarron: it's is so much uglier than what you describe03:02
bswartzI create a bogus neutron network and use that03:02
bswartzthen I effectively install a backdoor to that network with the internal port03:03
bswartzall of the configuration is manual03:03
bswartzin fact I doubt this could be automated03:03
tbarronI don't care if it's static routes and tunnels for current purpose - purpose being basically an existence proof.03:03
bswartzbut it achieves something I cannot achieve with neutron alone which is actual network connectivityu03:04
tbarronhowever the ipv6 net is stitched together is ok for current purposes03:04
tbarronBUT export from hypervisor to tenant via ipv6 has to work, and it doesn't currently.03:05
bswartztbarron: I'm going to tear this down and rebuilt it using ubuntu03:05
bswartzthen I'll test some mounts03:05
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bswartztbarron: can you share the steps you're using for the manila part?03:05
tbarronusing ubuntu for your guest you mean03:05
bswartzhow to create the share w/ ipv6 support and export it?03:05
bswartzyes using an ubuntu guest03:05
bswartzcirros is having more that a few issues03:06
bswartztbarron: also here's a pro-tip -- "Q_USE_SECGROUP=False" in your local.conf disables the neutron security groups apparatus03:06
tbarronbswartz just reconfigure lvm with ipv6 address from hypervisor instead of ipv4 address from hypervisor as lvm_export_ip03:08
tbarroncreate lvm share03:08
tbarronallow access to the ipv6 address acquired by your guest/nova-instance03:08
tbarronor any ipv6 address for that matter :( but that's what I did03:09
bswartztbarron: did you do anything w/ share types?03:09
tbarronthen run 'showmount -e' or 'exportfs '03:09
tbarronit isn't exported03:09
bswartzokay I guess the share type won't matter because the scheduler only has 1 choice03:10
tbarronbswartz: I made a default share type with DHSS=False and only have (2) lvm backends, both with the ipv6 lvm_export_ip03:10
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tbarronso as you say it doesn't matter03:10
bswartzokay so I need to modify my network config a bit more to have a predictable ipv6 address to export from03:11
tbarronyou can just edit manila.conf and restart services after the ipv6 addr on the hypervisor is acquired03:11
bswartztbarron: that's cheating03:12
tbarronI'm not bulding a plugin for devstack atm03:12
tbarronI'm trying (failing) to prove that the ipv6 exports/access works03:13
tbarrontwo issues:03:14
tbarron1) ipv6 exportfs command fails in xenial,
tbarron2) our access helper for NFS doesn't know that it fails03:16
tbarronwell, 3 issues03:16
tbarron3) we don't put [] around the ipv6 addr when we give it to exportfs command in the NFS helper03:16
tbarronfixing #3 isn't sufficient to fix #1, sadly.03:16
openstackbswartz: Error: "!!" is not a valid command.03:17
tbarronbut it makes the exportfs command work on fedora/centos/rhel (but not xenial)03:17
* bswartz slaps openstack around a bit with a large trout03:17
bswartzokay this is news to me03:17
tbarronbswartz: none of #1-3 are openstack03:17
tbarronwell, #2 and #3 are manila, therefore openstack03:17
bswartzso there's a bug upstream in exportfs, which is fixed, but the fix hasn't been pulled into xenial yet?03:18
bswartzthe lvm_share_export_ip value is set in the devstack plugin isn't it?03:19
tbarronwell I just found these out tonight - updated with some findings03:20
bswartzhmmm might be able to use HOST_IP to override this03:20
bswartznever tried an ipv6 address for HOST_IP -- should be fun03:20
tbarronw.r.t. bug upstream, fix not in xenial: reasonable inference but I don't know for sure.03:20
bswartztbarron: well as long as it's fixed upstream, it should be reasonably trivial to download and compile our own exportfs03:21
tbarronbswartz: there's a IPV6 equivalent of host ip03:21
bswartzthere is?03:21
tbarronbswartz: but I haven't used it, I just cheated03:21
bswartzwhat is the variable called?03:21
* tbarron looks around03:22
bswartzthe problem is that the manila devstack plugin is hardcoded to use HOST_IP for the LVM driver's export IP03:22
tbarronthat can be fixed/retrofitted post feature freeze ...03:22
bswartzit's HOST_IPV603:22
bswartzyes I know but this irks me03:22
tbarronlike the exportfs nfs-kernel fix03:23
bswartzZFS has a nice driver specific devstack config variable03:23
tbarronand we could likely post-FF fix the manila bugs:03:24
tbarron(1) lack of check in NFS access helper that exportfs command actually succeeded (shell $? 0 not sufficient)03:25
bswartztbarron: not disagreement but we have a super compressed RC cycle this time03:25
bswartz1 week from FF to RC1 target03:25
bswartz2 weeks from RC1 target to final RC03:25
tbarron(2) format ipv6 properly when handing to exportfs command03:25
bswartz1 week from final RC to release03:25
tbarronyeah, I'm just thinking out loud.03:25
bswartzand that release happens while we're all in atlanta goofing off ^H^H^H^H^H^ I mean working03:25
tbarronI think some solid work has been done but don't know that we're really in a position to test it end-to-end in ocata03:26
tbarronbut most of the infra could probably be merged without necessarily exposing it to end users as an ocata feature03:27
tbarronjust food for thought03:27
tbarrontommylikehu: is there any reason that anyone would want to expose ipv6 access rules if we can't actually do mounts using them?03:28
bswartztbarron: for most features I would say no, but ipv6 is not really a feature it's more like a giant bugfix03:29
bswartzipv6 support shouldn't be optional03:29
bswartzso gradually fixing the bug makes sense03:30
bswartzI can imagine scenarios where vendors backport ipv6 support downstream03:30
bswartzand we'll be glad we have support in the core as part of ocata03:30
bswartzworse case, it doesn't work but having the code merged speeds up progress in pike03:30
tbarronyeah, that's why I favor trying to merge the good work but I am03:31
tbarronconcerned with exposing the access list stuff yet03:31
tbarronmaybe that's just a matter of the python manilaclient03:31
tbarronand not advertising any driver support until we have one working end-to-end03:32
tommylikehutbarron, bswartz, I am likely to agree with that we keep working on this patches (maybe merge the framwork code) and only anounce we support this when at least one driver for dhss false and another for dhss true :(03:33
bswartzyeah I don't intend to announce that manila have ipv6 support after ocata ships03:33
bswartzI plan to characterize it as experimental ipv6 support03:33
* tbarron rests easier03:36
tommylikehutbarron, bswartz So we would like merge the framework(not the client) in Ocata. if only the mount share bug exists?03:37
bswartztommylikehu: I want to merge as much as we can, so long as (1) it doesn't break anything (2) we can prove it works, and (3) we can test that future changes don't break the new functionality03:38
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tommylikehubswartz: ok, I think it's a bad idea for me to split this feature into two patches, so merge these two into one would be useful before we can continue review and test on it?03:40
tbarrontommylikehu: I actually liked having the plugin patch and the access list patch separate, I wish others had done that kind of thing03:41
bswartzI'd prefer not to split it unless part of the functionality was buggy or broken or had no tests03:41
tbarronoh, you are talking about splitting one of the existing patches03:41
tommylikehubswartz: not split but merge the existed two patches03:42
tbarrontommylikehu: I had now problem cherry picking both to test03:42
tbarronno problem03:42
tbarronand I honestly think they are easier to code review separately03:43
tbarronwe had way too many humongous patches03:43
tbarronit slowed me down reviewing03:43
tommylikehutbarron: thanks03:43
tbarronbswartz: tommylikehu I have an early meeting tomorrow so I'm going to go to bed.  Will look with fresh eyes tomorrow and will of course check the backlog here if you two discover anything interesting.03:54
bswartztbarron: np03:55
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tommylikehutbarron: np04:27
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openstackgerrityankee proposed openstack/manila: Allow use of <is> with extra_spec_value in share type
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: [Tempest] Add functional tests for share groups feature
openstackgerritTommyLike proposed openstack/manila: Enable IPv6 in manila(network plugins and drivers)
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openstackgerritTommyLike proposed openstack/manila: Enable IPv6 in manila(documentation)
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tommylikehuHey tbarron, bswartz, rebuilded the path for exportfs command with IPvt6 friendly format and setting up new test environment now.08:44
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/manila: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/manila: Mountable snapshots scenario tests
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gansovponomaryov, bswartz, tbarron, markstur: we can merge and
vponomaryovganso: 2 comments in scenario tests11:56
vponomaryovganso 311:57
gansovponomaryov: thanks12:00
vponomaryovganso: also, don't see scenario tests runing in your CI12:00
gansovponomaryov: they don't run12:01
vponomaryovganso: I was thinking you do run them12:01
gansovponomaryov: no, not yet12:01
vponomaryovganso: so, only LVM is running this test, right?12:01
gansovponomaryov: correct12:01
vponomaryovganso: also, don't you want to rebase your driver implementation - ?12:02
vponomaryovganso: scenario test can wait12:03
gansovponomaryov: alyson_ is already working on it12:03
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: Fix MapRFS test__execute to not impact others
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-manilaclient: Add mountable snapshots support to manila client
openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/manila: Mountable snapshots scenario tests
vponomaryovganso: , line 56312:46
openstackgerritMiriam Yumi proposed openstack/manila-ui: Add mountable snapshots support to manila-ui
vponomaryovganso: it is very-very unrecommended to do exactly so12:46
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit is going to be restarted due to slow performance12:46
vponomaryovganso: you catch ANY exception, hide it and make test pass12:46
vponomaryovganso: you should catch only execution error, not timeout, not python exception12:47
vponomaryovganso: and would be good to make "LOG.debug(e)"12:47
gansovponomaryov: will look into it for next patch... btw, migration test is doing exactly the same12:47
vponomaryovganso: it is very error-prone12:48
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit has been successfully restarted12:49
vponomaryovganso: and yes, "self.assertRaises(" is your friend here ))12:51
vponomaryovganso: haha, looked who implemented it in migration test ))12:52
gansovponomaryov: yes, I know12:53
gansobswartz: ping12:54
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openstackgerrityankee proposed openstack/manila: Allow use of <is> with extra_spec_value in share type
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openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/manila: Mountable snapshots scenario tests
bswartzganso: had another late night last night -- just got into the office14:30
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gansobswartz: Hi Ben, can we please have another python-manilaclient release?14:31
gansobswartz: mountable snapshots manila-ui patch needs that14:31
bswartzganso: in addition the one I'm doing tomorrow?14:31
gansobswartz: I think so14:32
gansobswartz: it will be too late to do it tomorrow14:32
bswartzganso okay here it goes!14:32
gansobswartz: because manila-ui patch has to merge14:32
vponomaryovganso: ))14:41
gansovponomaryov: oh noes14:42
gansovponomaryov: stupid IDE14:42
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vponomaryovganso: which? )014:42
openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/manila: Mountable snapshots scenario tests
gansovponomaryov: pycharm14:43
vponomaryovganso: don't tell it to cknight14:43
bswartzpycharm has gotten a lot better14:43
bswartzit's way better than pydev14:43
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gansobswartz: thanks14:45
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gansobswartz: just a heads up, lvm job is a bit unstable14:51
gansobswartz: depending on the node it is running, it ends up timing out14:51
gansobswartz: it is running a lot of tests now14:51
gansobswartz: mountable, revert, scenario14:51
bswartzganso: is there something especially slow about mountable snapshots or revert tests?14:52
gansobswartz: well, they have a lot of steps... create share, create a snapshot, revert or add rules14:52
gansobswartz: then delete the rules, delete the snapshot, delete the share14:52
bswartzright but do any of those steps go outside the manila RPC layer/database/service code?14:53
gansobswartz: the faster I've seen it run is 49 minutes14:53
gansobswartz: but depending on the node it takes more than 1h07m14:53
gansobswartz: which times out14:53
bswartzI can understand actual LVM operations taking some time because that's I/O14:53
bswartzyeah the timeout is 65 minutes IIRC14:54
gansobswartz: I have not seen problems regarding  RPC layer/database/service code14:54
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openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/manila: Improve share migration scenario test validation
gansovponomaryov: ^15:06
openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Enable IPv6 in manila(client)
bswartztbarron: I'm looking more closely at the exportfs issue now15:12
bswartztbarron: which package actually contained the bug? nfs-utils? nfs-kernel-server?15:12
tbarronbswartz: here's what I've got:
tbarronbswartz: which suggests that it is nfs-kernel-server15:13
bswartzyeah I read that whole message in detail this morning15:14
bswartzwhat made you think fedora has a fix for this while ubuntu does not?15:14
tbarronbswartz: I haven't done any more than reproduce manually and verify that I don't hit it when on fedora/centos15:14
bswartzah, good old empirical evidence15:15
tbarronbswartz: just empirical at this point.  If I run the exportfs commands on fedora/centos and follow with plain 'exportfs' or 'showmount -e' I see the ipv6 exports15:15
tbarronbswartz: I do have to put the square brackets around the address though15:15
tbarronbswartz: but it looks like tommylikehu is doing that now in his latest patch15:16
openstackgerritMiriam Yumi proposed openstack/manila-ui: Add mountable snapshots support to manila-ui
tbarronganso: now that I'm playing with lvm driver for the ipv6 testing/exploration I notice those lvm test failures in gate too.15:23
tbarronganso: I haven't checked but we should see how long we're holding locks and there's non-trivial concurrency15:24
gansotbarron: yes15:24
tbarronganso: just brainstorming, or maybe there's non-manila serialization going on with lvm operations15:25
tbarronganso: if the bottleneck is outside of manila I'm not really concerned since lvm is not a scalable driver for cloud anyways15:26
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gansotbarron: there are some failures that are not timeouts15:34
gansotbarron: so I believe there are race conditions in there as well15:34
tbarronganso: good material for the eliminate race conditions work ...15:35
bswartzdeath to race conditions15:38
openstackgerritAlyson proposed openstack/manila: Add mountable snapshots support to HNAS driver
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gansotbarron: doesn't look like a race condition because the lvm resource is unique to that test class, which does not run tests in parallel15:59
openstackgerritAlyson proposed openstack/manila: Add mountable snapshots support to HNAS driver
gansotbarron: I am not familiar enough with LVM to understand why that one failed... it seems that the lvconvert and following lvchange operations succeeded but for some reason the lv was still there, so it failed to re-create the snapshot16:00
tbarronganso: offhand looks like we may not be waiting for the driver to be initialized and then there are a cascade of failures?  Is that log from the beginning of the tempest run?16:04
tbarronDriverNotInitialized: Share driver 'LVMShareDriver' not initialized.16:05
gansotbarron: If I am not mistaken, that error DriverNotInitialized always shows up16:06
gansotbarron: even on successful runs16:06
tbarronganso: yeah, once at the beginning I guess16:07
tbarronganso: and time passes after that before the next ERROR16:08
tbarronganso: weird that we see nothing in between before "Recovering from a failed execute. Try number 1"16:09
tbarronganso: we don't see a processutils log for the operation that is being retried.16:10
tbarronganso: and the retried operation is a snapshot creation and we never see the share resource being created16:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: Fix devstack plugin to not depend on private network
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gansotbarron: exactly16:29
gansotbarron: I've seen this kind of error before in LVM runs16:29
gansotbarron: although, very rare16:29
gansotbarron: now they are a lot more frequent16:30
tbarronganso: well, let's keep an eye out and see if it's really this same pattern over and over; it's a weird one.  We may have to instrument the code better.16:30
tbarronganso: a whole lot of big changes have landed in the last few days :D16:31
tbarronganso: all that migration stuff e.g.16:32
* tbarron janks ganso's chain16:32
tbarronganso: actually more likely snapshot related stuff given that log16:32
marksturoh snap!16:37
marksturthis should've been called the osnap release16:37
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gansotbarron: yes16:47
gansomarkstur: lol16:47
tbarronmarkstur: :-)16:48
gansomarkstur: in Boston you can say "oh look now there are several new ways you can interact with your manila snapshots"16:48
* markstur does that snap, snap, snap gesture16:49
gansomarkstur: then your customer will say "isn't this redundant with the create_share_from_snapshot we previously had?"16:49
marksturganso: then the customer will say " and don't get me started on CGs..."16:50
gansomarkstur: lol16:50
gansogouthamr: ^16:50
openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed openstack/manila: [DNM] test 1
* gouthamr wakes up16:51
gouthamrwhat are CGs lol16:51
tbarronthey are so yesterday ..,16:52
marksturganso, gouthamr: Maybe in Boston you can do the "Ins and outs of EXPERIMANTAL features with manila"16:52
gouthamrtbarron: never happened :)16:52
tbarrondustin is working on a generic share group test plan16:52
gansogouthamr, markstur: yea, never heard of them... AFAIK manila never had CGs <runs away>16:52
tbarronand we're trying to blink the men in black's flashlight in our product manager's eyes16:53
gansotbarron: lol16:53
marksturtbarron: ooooh.  Do you have one of those?16:53
marksturtbarron: I thought you just had regular amnesia16:53
marksturlike my benevolent brain cloud16:54
tbarronmarkstur: i can't quite remember but I think I have three of them for redundancy.  They establish quorum and vote as to who will actually do the blinking deed.16:55
gansotbarron: good thing they don't have race conditions, else it could be a double blinking16:56
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tbarronganso: at least the blinks are idempotent16:57
gouthamrganso: ours come pre-packaged with tooz16:57
tbarrongouthamr: just install tooz and then you don't ever have to worry about race conditions again16:57
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* gouthamr puts tooz decorators on every method he writes. customer switches back to raising IT tickets to get NFS share. customers can be stupid. 16:59
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openstackgerritAlyson proposed openstack/manila: Add mountable snapshots support to HNAS driver
gansobswartz: now we gotta wait for 1.13 to appear here?
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gansobswartz: 40417:26
bswartzganso: when 404 changes to 200 then it's done17:26
gansobswartz: oh ok17:26
gansobswartz: thanks17:27
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bswartzganso: try now17:47
gansobswartz: yea I saw it17:48
gansobswartz: waiting for the manila-ui job to finish to recheck it17:48
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gansomarkstur: replied to your comment18:00
marksturganso: I was going to ask you about it here, but decided it was not an issue18:04
marksturor not likely18:04
gansomarkstur: anything holding back a +W?18:11
marksturoh. Jenkins and meetings.  I'll go look again.18:11
gansomarkstur: nvm just got +W'ed18:12
marksturthings move fast around here (sometimes)18:13
gouthamrwhen i'm back at work :)18:13
bswartzmarkstur: it's feature freeze week18:15
marksturIt isn't always about your gouthamr18:16
bswartzif things don't move fast we're toast18:16
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openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed openstack/manila: Revert "[Devstack] Workaround osclient breakage"
tbarronvponomaryov: was going to propose that if I didn't see you do it ^^ :D18:37
vponomaryovtbarron: I expect it to fail now, just need to have such to poke from time to time18:38
bswartzvponomaryov: why do we have a timeout for security group creation?18:38
vponomaryovbswartz: I barely remember that it was working from some other kick other than first18:39
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gansovponomaryov, bswartz: shouldn't it have downloaded python-manilaclient 1.13 if it is available in pypi?
bswartzganso: it should download what's in uc.txt18:54
bswartz1 sec18:54
gansobswartz: I thought that yesterday we had bumped the minimal version only, but if a newer was available it would use it18:55
gansovponomaryov, bswartz: :\18:55
vponomaryovganso: we should wait until either bot automatically updates upper constraint or some of us18:55
gansovponomaryov, bswartz: why do we have an upper constraint for master?18:55
gansovponomaryov: if we want to freeze asap we need to do it ourselves I guess18:56
vponomaryovganso: because people tend to make mistakes ))18:56
bswartzganso: to prevent automatic breakage when clowns push a new version of something that doesn't work18:56
vponomaryovclowns ^_^18:56
gansobswartz: yea but python-manilaclient is owned by us18:56
bswartzuc.txt is the "highest known good" version of stuff18:56
vponomaryovganso: haven't you seen red nose on one of us? ))18:57
tbarronvponomaryov: beat me to it18:57
gansovponomaryov: not really18:57
* tbarron clowns around a bit18:57
bswartzganso: we could modify our workflows to test against HEAD of master branch, but then we'd possibly release manila-ui versions that didn't work for real users18:58
bswartzthe interlock of different projects and their dependent versions is a bit slow but I think it's intentional18:59
bswartzlibraries are not supposed to move fast18:59
bswartzthe real problem here is that client shouldn't be treated as libraries -- they're really not18:59
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: Mountable snapshots scenario tests
gansobswartz: well, I guess that for now, we need to bump the uc.txt then19:01
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bswartzthe bot is way ahead of you19:02
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gansobswartz: whoa thanks19:09
vponomaryovbswartz: our generic driver DHSS=False job is broken becaues of this bug ->
openstackLaunchpad bug 1659391 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Server list API does not show existing servers" [Undecided,New]19:12
vponomaryovbswartz:  it was broken about 26 hours ago19:12
bswartzthat's weird19:13
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bswartzI haven't seen that breakage yet in my testing19:14
vponomaryovbswartz: because you should have used latest nova and generic driver with DHSS=False mode19:14
bswartzI am using latest nova19:14
vponomaryovto see devstackerror in manila plugin or just latest nova to see error manually listing servers19:14
bswartzI guess not listing vms as admin so often19:15
bswartzmaybe it was 2 days ago19:15
vponomaryovbswartz: I can reproduced it on my lab19:15
vponomaryovbswartz: why ask? just look at commit history19:15
vponomaryovbswartz: here commit you need ->
bswartzI just can't remember how recently I tried that exact operation19:17
bswartzi've been fighting with neutron too much19:18
bswartznow nova is bothering me but for a different reason19:18
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bswartzokay starting another test19:38
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bswartzwell I give up20:17
bswartzwhy must there be so many problems with ipv6 and nova?20:18
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/manila: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/manila-ui: Updated from global requirements
tbarronbswartz: dare I ask what ipv6 nova issues you are hitting?20:27
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bswartztbarron: when I attempt to run my dhcp6 client in my VM the whole network interface goes out to lunch20:27
bswartzI lose ipv4 access too20:27
bswartzalso the metadata services hasn't work in days20:28
bswartzand the config-drive is a joke20:28
tbarronhmm, with centos I did the following cheat: 1) specify nic=$NETID on the cmd line for 'openstack server create ...'20:29
tbarron2) it came up with ipv4 addr only20:29
bswartzso from what I can tell there's no way to set an IPv6 address on my VM's ethernet interface20:29
bswartztbarron: I always do that20:30
tbarron3) edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 (/etc/network/interfaces for debian derivative ...) to tell it to enable IPv6 and do dhcp6 insteadd of slaac20:30
tbarron4) reboot20:30
bswartzwhen I do ^ this it locks up hard20:30
bswartzdisabling ipv6 in the guest allows everything to work fine20:30
tbarronIt then acquired an ipv6 addr on eth0 from the cidr/subnet for that net20:31
tbarronbswartz: so I don't think that's a nova issue20:31
bswartzso you've witnessed dhcpv6 working?20:31
tbarronbswartz: yes20:31
bswartzthat's comforting20:31
bswartzit's just a bswartz problem then20:31
tbarronbut I get an unrouted address20:31
tbarrontalking to some of our neutron people (I still haven't connected with folks who actually work on it)20:32
tbarronthey say that "private" network in devstack may really be just an ipv4 artefact even though it has an ipv6 subnet too20:32
tbarronthey suggest using a public network20:32
tbarronI said, but but but20:32
tbarronI want a tenant-owned network20:33
bswartztbarron: what makes the network public?20:33
bswartz"public" is just a name20:33
bswartzas is "private"20:33
tbarronthey said well, probably it's still a public net but uses IPv6 prefix delegation20:33
tbarrondo 'openstack network show' on each, there's a flag I think20:33
* tbarron looks20:34
bswartzare you referring to the "provider:physical_network" field?20:35
bswartzbecause again that's just a string20:35
tbarronrouter:external ?20:35
tbarronjust had this conversation a moment ago20:35
bswartzif the existence of a provider network is the key, then that's something I assumed 2 days ago and that led to the misery of monday night20:36
tbarronanyways, I just modified my "external" network to be shared20:36
tbarronand booted a vm on it20:36
tbarronit acquires "public" ipv4 and ipv6 addrs20:37
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tbarronpresumably prefix delegation would somehow be used to make tenant owned versions of these20:37
tbarronand lots of firewalling to provide isolation20:37
tbarrondunno how this interacts with e.g. vxlan but put that aside for now20:38
bswartztbarron: highly doubtful that prefix delegation is used20:38
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bswartzhowever subnetpools are designed to do what you're describing20:38
tbarronbswartz: yeah, I saw those, could be20:38
bswartzin theory admins can make subnetpools that tenants can consume networks from, enabling tenants to create their own networks20:39
tbarronbut anyways I was thinking for our POC purposes if we can export from hypervisor and mount from vm on so-called "public" network that may be sufficient20:39
bswartzvponomaryov: just did nova list --all and it worked fine20:40
tbarronafter I made the "public" network shared I can, running as demo, create a compute instance attached to it and gain both ipv4 and ipv6 addrs20:40
bswartztbarron: I will def try that20:41
tbarronbswartz: but i'm doing something dumb with my icmp & ssh security group rules20:41
bswartzfor now I will give resort to more hackery20:41
tbarronI can't even ping/ssh this compute instance with ipv4 atm20:41
bswartztbarron: did you try Q_USE_SECGROUP=False ?20:41
tbarronfrom the hypervisor20:41
bswartztbarron: check your routes20:42
tbarronI route to br-ex and it turns me down with unreachables20:42
tbarronand no, I haven't tried with Q_USE_SECGROUP=False, didn't know about it20:42
bswartztbarron: so the routing table says br-ex?20:43
tbarronbr-ex makes sense as the next-hop from the hypervisor to compute instance20:43
tbarronrouting table says IP that resides on br-ex20:43
bswartzif the route is correct and the host is still unreachable that means ARP (or ND) packets aren't flowing20:43
tbarronfor both ipv4 and ipv620:43
bswartztbarron what does "ip route get" say>20:43
gansoxyang1: Hi Xing, HNAS CI has voted in
tbarronbswartz: dev br-ex  src
tbarron172.24.5.10 is the ipv4 of the compute instance20:45
bswartzthat doesn't sound terrible20:45
bswartzunless is your external network for the whole hypervisor20:45
tbarronthat sounds right, floating IPs are carved from (well a pool) and they worked20:45
xyang1ganso: ok20:45
bswartzthe important thing is that the packets aren't being router to the gateway20:46
bswartzbecause routing to the gateway means the machine doesn't know where to route them20:46
tbarronit's not, my external interface on the hypervisor is a home router net at
gansoxyang1: thanks! :)20:47
xyang1ganso: np:)20:47
tbarronbswartz: so I'm doing something dumb at this step but I think it's worth your trying to attach to the "public" network instead20:47
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bswartzI think for some reason I don't have tommylikehu's patch on this system20:49
bswartzwait I do have it20:49
bswartzwhy am I getting "ERROR: Supported ip format examples:,"20:50
tbarronbswartz: you need three.  client, plugins, and access-list20:50
tbarronthat's why I rebased it for him this morning :D20:50
tbarronfor me and you really20:50
bswartztbarron: "ERROR: Expected 4 octets in u'fd10::'"20:52
bswartzis that a server error or a client error?20:53
bswartzis there a second server patch I need?20:55
tbarronbswartz: you need both the plugin patch and the access list patch20:56
tbarronon the server side20:56
bswartzwhat order do you apply them?20:56
bswartzI'm getting a conflict between them20:56
tbarroni did plugin first, then access list.  didn't have a conflict.20:56
tbarronyou sure you are up to date?20:56
bswartzcheckout or cherry-pick?20:56
tbarronthere's a conflict with the generic driver patch but i didnt' use it.20:57
tbarroni cherry-picked again fresh this morning20:57
bswartzI was using checkout with an older version due to the merge conflict20:57
bswartzI never updated after the conflit was resolve20:57
tbarroni refreshed master, did checkout -b, then did the two cherry-picks20:58
bswartzyes I'm rebuilding my tree properly 1 sec20:58
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bswartz"ERROR: The server has either erred or is incapable of performing the requested operation."21:01
tbarronin response to what, 'nova create ...' ?21:02
bswartzmy database was fubar21:02
bswartzafter pulling all that code down21:02
tbarronyeah, forgot to mention 'manila-manage db sync'21:02
bswartzomg it worked21:03
tbarronb/c of all our changes in the last few days21:03
tbarronnow try to downgrade - oh that's a different tangent ...21:03
bswartzokay so that access rule appliee21:04
bswartzbut I see no evidence of it21:04
bswartzis this the exportfs bug?21:04
tbarronwe should see it in the dbase but (b/c of the bug) not in the exports21:05
tbarronwe fail the exportfs silently, so there's a linux bug and a manila bug21:05
tbarronprocessutils returns 0 but stderr shows a problem21:05
bswartzso how can I test?21:05
tbarronwell, that's where I am21:06
bswartz2017-01-25 16:03:05.474 9153 DEBUG oslo_concurrency.processutils [req-5101dd4f-48db-442c-bd61-157e51966cc4 aabc9d7ac60c4d4ea6e90a2df2dd2ce0 7992f737ca4547c69117d3b60e4dc2d2 - - -] CMD "sudo manila-rootwrap /etc/manila/rootwrap.conf exportfs -o rw,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash [fd10::]/16:/opt/stack/data/manila/mnt/share-1d9e8df0-ff57-4e01-97e5-97b7ce41e434" returned: 0 in 0.328s execute /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oslo_concurrency/pr21:06
tbarronwas thinking about building a fedora hypervised devstack21:06
tbarrongeneric driver breaks for multiple reasons in fedora but probably lvm will work (crosses fingers)21:06
bswartzthat string looks ultra-funky21:07
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bswartz^ in what universe was that correct?21:07
tbarronrun it by hand on fedora21:07
tbarronwas your export fd10::21:07
bswartzit has to be a network21:07
tbarronwell, it can be 128 bit network, i.e. host21:08
bswartzbut exporting host by host is painful21:08
tbarronthe square brackets appear to be required according to man page and experiment21:08
tbarronbut check that we're getting the syntax right21:09
bswartzno that's not right21:09
bswartzit can't be21:09
tbarronin the last iteration of the patch it was leaving them out21:09
bswartzsquare brackets can be used with ipv6 address literals, but never with subnets21:09
tbarronand the command also failed on fedora/centos but with a different message21:10
bswartz[fd10::] is valid21:10
bswartzneither [fd10::/16] nor [fd10::]/16 should be valid21:10
tbarronbswartz: look at the Examples section of
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tbarronfedora/centos appear to conform to that21:12
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tbarronubuntu is atm just broken so we don't really know what it does21:12
tbarronexample there: exportfs [fe80::]/64:/usr/tmp21:12
bswartzwhat is this world coming to?21:13
tbarronwell, whoever is in charge determines what is true21:13
bswartzhorrifying syntax is unix commands?21:13
* tbarron couldn't help himself21:13
bswartzI thought we were better than this21:13
bswartzokay so the big question is what do I need to download and recompile to fix the bug on xenial?21:14
marksturganso: What is that if true or false thing in here:
marksturi see it is used other places, but why?21:16
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tbarronbswartz: looks like you could hack around this by writing into /etc/exports and running 'exportfs -a'21:21
tbarronbswartz: that's what generic driver does21:21
tbarronbswartz: I consider it very ugly, but as a temporary hack might be suitable21:21
bswartztbarron: sadly that would be not testing out manila code21:21
bswartzI'm willing to cut a lot of corners but not this one21:22
tbarronbswartz: that's what our generic driver manila code does, so we could do it in the access helper for NFS if we were willing to make it hacky too21:22
bswartzwhen we start testing stuff that the code doesn't implement then it's time to update the code21:22
tbarronbswartz: I really don't like it though21:22
bswartzyeah if it's a reasonable workaround to the exportfs bug21:22
bswartzin this case the cure is roughly as bad as the disease21:23
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bswartzif exportfs is broken in a ways we can't workaround then I'm going to lean towards not mering ipv6 until later21:23
bswartznot merging even21:23
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tbarronbswartz: the hack
tbarronmaybe you have to do that kind of thing in our service vm images??21:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: Add mountable snapshots support to HNAS driver
tbarronbswartz: yeah, that would be cleaner21:33
bswartztbarron: ^ this is how i'm pulling a fixed exportfs into my devstack VM21:33
bswartzand indeed it actually works with that horrifying syntax you showed me21:34
bswartznow to test the mount21:34
bswartztbarron: the export location needs [] too21:38
bswartzstill getting access denied even though exportfs says I should have access21:38
tbarronok, exports are working for me now21:39
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bswartzokay the NFS on this machine is a little unstable now with all this hacking21:41
bswartzI'm mixing versions of things that I probably shouldn't be21:42
tbarronbswartz: shouldn't 'showmount -e' show these exports now?21:42
bswartzI'm sure there's a way to get everything upgraded to a mutually-compatible level21:42
tbarronbswartz: I see them with 'exportfs' command but not with 'showmount -e'21:42
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bswartztbarron: my rpc.mount service is barfing on the new arguments being inserted this the ultra-new exportfs command21:43
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bswartztbarron: check your syslog and you'll see errors21:43
bswartzsomething else needs upgrading to make this actually work21:43
bswartzbut I'm not sure what21:43
tbarronJan 25 21:40:48 localhost rpc.mountd[1343]: /var/lib/nfs/etab:1: unknown keyword "no_pnfs"21:44
bswartzyeah same error21:44
tbarrongee, packaging linux could be a full time job for somebody21:44
bswartzI'm sure it's caused by mixing a new nfs-utils with an old something else21:44
bswartzif only there was a company that worked on this stuff....21:45
bswartzanyways I'm going to take a break21:45
bswartzI will start digging back into this tonight21:45
bswartzcurrently I'm leaning toward letting ipv6 wait for pike21:46
tbarronbswartz: i'm gonna drink beer with jungleboyj tonight21:46
bswartzunless we can find a solution for testing this that isn't gross, the code will mostly rot in place21:46
tbarronbswartz: we should maybe look for a way to merge some of this infra in behind the scenes as it becomes possible though so the patches done don't get too stale21:47
tbarronyeah, that was two messages crossing on the wire21:47
bswartztbarron: pike will be open for submissions next week21:47
tbarronthere's been good work here, and valeriy just gave a good set of code review on this stuff21:47
tbarronso it would be nice to keep momentum21:47
bswartzI want to keep momentum21:48
bswartzat least through tomorrow21:48
bswartzif we can split out the parts that are testable, that would be good21:48
tbarronagree.  I'm going to try to find out whether we are deploying OpenStack with ipv6 yet, and with what tenant network ownership model21:51
tbarronit's all very well to be developing features in manila because we think they are a great idea, but as I21:51
tbarronam finding out in this case, there may be missing context around us that we need to take account of.21:51
tbarronWhen we talk about ipv6 and openstack I think sometimes people are thinking mostly about service endpoints.21:52
tbarronwhich is quite a different issue than tenant networks21:52
bswartztbarron: I'd assume the opposite21:53
tbarronbswartz: so you are thinking they are the same issue at root?21:54
bswartzipv4 for services is pretty harmless but users of the cloud have good reasons to demand ipv6 just so they can access the world without NAT21:54
tbarronor the relative importance?21:54
bswartzmanila is in an odd spot here providing a data service to tenants21:54
bswartzthe way I see it, we need to fix ipv6, period21:54
bswartzand as we find bugs we need to push people to fix them (like this exportfs bug)21:55
tbarronbswartz: all I'm saying is that in devstack for example the interest seems to be mostly in deploying ipv6 endpoints, not in doing routing to ipv6 tentnat networks while providing tenant isolation and tenants spread with ipv6 on segmented nets21:56
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gansomarkstur: just saw your message, will fix tomorrow with Miriam23:06
gansomarkstur: thanks for pointing that out23:07
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marksturganso: OK.  9PM for you?23:07
gansomarkstur: yes23:08
gansomarkstur: in order for that patch to merge, needs to merge, and the wait queue for that patch is looooooooooooooooooooooong23:09
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marksturyikes. He was not exagerating with those ooooooooooooooooo23:13
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/manila: Updated from global requirements
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