Thursday, 2016-12-15

openstackgerritMark Sturdevant proposed openstack/manila: GPFS CES: Fix bugs related to access rules not found
tommylikehuping bswartz00:35
tommylikehuI wanna to talk with you about your comments here line #5800:37
tommylikehubswartz: with that words, I am trying to state we gonna support both True configuration in the future. we gonna support either IPv4 or IPv6 this time.00:37
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openstackgerritzhongjun proposed openstack/manila-specs: Add spec for enable IPv6 in manila
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bswartztommylikehu: why not support both?01:55
bswartztommylikehu: I'd like the spec to describe both the short term and long term goals if they're not the same01:55
bswartzclearly in the long term we want to handle support for v4+v6 with a single plugin01:55
bswartzif it can't be done in the short term we should explain that and describe what we will do in Ocata01:56
tommylikehuYes, Pike01:56
tommylikehuIt's already explained what we gonna do in Ocata01:57
bswartzI want to avoid anyone getting the impression that the only way to get both v4 and v6 is to use 2 plugins01:57
tommylikehuso your suggestion we should say more words about this?01:57
openstackgerritMark Sturdevant proposed openstack/manila: GPFS: Add update_access()
tommylikehumake it more clear01:57
bswartztommylikehu: please describe the long term goal, which is that both v4 and v6 can be true at the same time, and describe how that should work01:58
bswartzthen also describe possible short term limitations in ocata01:58
tommylikehuthanks, I will add this01:59
openstackgerritTina Tang proposed openstack/manila: [Dell EMC Unity] Support create share smaller than 3 GB
openstackgerritwlhc proposed openstack/manila: Closes-Bug: #1391830
openstackbug 1391830 in openstack-org "Clarify what students should put in 'Affiliation'" [Low,Fix released] - Assigned to wlhc (wlhc)02:30
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openstackgerritTina Tang proposed openstack/manila: [Dell EMC Unity] Support create share smaller than 3 GB
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openstackgerritzhongjun proposed openstack/manila-specs: Add spec for enable IPv6 in manila
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila-image-elements: Pin docutils version
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openstackgerritDigvijay Ukirde proposed openstack/manila: Add support for manage/unmanage in GPFS driver
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openstackgerritTina Tang proposed openstack/manila: [Dell EMC Unity] Support create share smaller than 3 GB
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tbarronping vponomaryov re: StandaloneNetworkPlugin and ipv4/ipv6 configuration ...11:40
tbarronvponomaryov: no rush, is there any reason this plugin cannot support both IPv4 and IPv6 at the same time eventually?11:41
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openstackgerritzhongjun proposed openstack/manila: [TrivalFIx] Move share type filter tempest to
tbarronvponomaryov: reading spec 362786, I'm trying to figure if we can used the same network_plugin_ipv4/6_enabled options both for neutron and for standalone plugins (with 'standalone_network_plugin_ip_version' as a depreacate way to set either IPv4=True and IPv6=False or IPv6=True and IPv4=False11:44
tbarronvponomaryov: or if you think that StandAloneNetworkPlugin is somehow fundamentally different from neutron plugins in this regard and will always be just IPv4 and not IPv6 or IPv6 and not IPv411:45
tbarronvponomaryov: that's all ... :()11:45
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vponomaryovtbarron: instance of standalone network plugin always have only one network12:03
tbarronvponomaryov: today, but is there anything fundamental about that.  Could we give it both ipv4 and ipv6 gateways and subnets via configuration?12:04
vponomaryovtbarron: so, instance of standalone network plugin will always work with only one IP version12:04
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vponomaryovtbarron: fundamental? I just stated that we use only single network for config-based network plugins12:06
vponomaryovtbarron: and it is strange to say support both IP versions at the same time having only ONE network12:07
vponomaryovsame about SIngleNeutronNetworkPlugin12:07
tbarronvponomaryov: it doesn't seem strange to me to have ONE physical and Layer 2 network infrastructure with both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity end-to-end.12:09
tbarronat layer 312:09
vponomaryovhow is it related to manila's architecture?12:10
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tbarronvponomaryov: probably I don't understand the plugin architecture yet then12:10
vponomaryovyou can have any amount of networks below the manila12:11
vponomaryovbut you configure only one net per config-based network plugin12:11
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vponomaryovyou can configure standalone network plugin to be used for user and admin export locations12:12
vponomaryovit will be 2 different configuration12:12
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vponomaryovwith 2 different networks12:12
vponomaryovof any IP version12:13
tbarronvponomaryov: naively, I can configure static routes and dhcp and exports on linux systems for both ipv4 and ipv6 concurrently, so I would naively expect to be able to configure standalone like that for user, or for admin export locations, independently of one another.12:13
vponomaryovtbarron: and again, I stated that plugin "supports" both de facto, but works only with one of them - the one which is configured12:15
vponomaryovtbarron: I distinguish "enabled", "supported" and "configured" IP versions12:16
tbarronvponomaryov: i'm just failing to see whay a standalone plugin *could not* support both at the same time, I heard you that it *does not*.  But let me go back and study.  Not trying to argue here.12:16
vponomaryovit supports both, works with only one12:17
vponomaryovonly one is enabled12:17
vponomaryovbecause only one is configured12:17
tbarronvponomaryov: let me rephrase so I don't use the word "support" since that is confusiing things.12:17
tbarronvponomaryov: I am failing to see whey a standalone plugin *could not* be implemented in a way that it can be configured for and work with both IPv4 and IPv6 subnet ranges and gateways at the same time.  I know that as implemented today it *does not* allow that.12:19
vponomaryovwhy exactly standalone network plugin?12:19
vponomaryovANY config-based network plugin12:19
tbarronvponomaryov: one would need to provide via config an IPv4 gateway and via config an IPv6 gateway, and an IPv4 subnet range and and IPv6 subnet range12:20
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vponomaryovwhat is the use case?12:23
vponomaryovand why single instance of network plugin should handle both at once?12:23
tbarronvponomaryov: the use case is that the network infra has both ipv4&ipv6 enabled in the OpenStack cloud, and in the external/provider network to the storage backend, and the storage backend is capbable of both ipv4 and ipv6 exports.12:24
tbarronvponomaryov: and that compute instances may use either address family12:24
tbarronwhen doing mounts12:24
vponomaryovlet's assume, what about econd q?12:25
vponomaryovtbarron: also, are you aware about ?12:26
tbarronvponomaryov: yeah, somewhat aware12:28
vponomaryovtbarron: if you really need more than one network to be used for dynamically created share servers, but with fixed networks, then it is question of redesigning of getting instances of network plugins12:28
tbarronvponomaryov: the second question was?12:29
vponomaryov(14:23:18) vponomaryov: and why single instance of network plugin should handle both at once?12:29
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tbarronvponomaryov: ty.  So could one configure *two* instances of StandAlone (or neutron single) network plugin for my use case?12:31
tbarron(two for user, or two for admin)12:32
vponomaryovtbarron: for the moment - one as user net and other as admin net12:32
vponomaryovso, it is not question of this spec12:32
vponomaryovit is question of amount of nets per direction - user or admin12:32
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vponomaryovwithout any regards to IP version12:33
tbarronvponomaryov: so here "net" is one to one with L3 subnet12:33
vponomaryovwe can say so12:34
tbarronvponomaryov: that is a fundamental invariant in manila network plugin architecture as we know it12:34
tbarronso only the multi-network neutron plugin (I ignore nova net as it is dead) could do both ipv4 and ipv6 in one plugin, and that's precisely because it is multi-net12:35
vponomaryovit is because it gets info via its "call" interfaces only12:36
vponomaryovnetwork info12:36
vponomaryovconsider that there is no config for it, only handling of input data12:36
vponomaryovin this case it just does not matter what to handle12:37
vponomaryovit is not the merit of the neutron12:37
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vponomaryovit is restriction of possibility to get info somewhere12:38
vponomaryovfor config-based plugins, for example12:38
vponomaryovso, your question is not related to IPv6 spec - at all12:39
vponomaryovit is completely separate issue12:39
tbarronvponomaryov: I think it has implications for the IPv6 spec though, do you not think so?  bswartz is asking12:39
tbarronI think reasonably12:39
vponomaryovand, I would say, exactly this issue should be solved first if we want it be solved12:40
tbarronfor the spec to say how the use case I describe would be supported, across the plugins.12:40
vponomaryovno how12:40
tbarroneven if in ocata we restrict a single plugin to one address family.12:40
tbarronno how ? :D12:41
tbarronare you saying I am alone in considering this case and confused about the conversation around the spec?  quite possibly ...12:41
vponomaryovnohow while this "absent yet" spec is solved12:41
tbarronvponomaryov: I don12:41
vponomaryovwhich should be solved first12:41
vponomaryovtbarron: everyone is confused about this spec12:43
vponomaryovtbarron: because it tries to change lots of things under one specific goal - support IPv612:43
tbarronI don't think I am alone on this and it would help if you remark in your review of the spec that plugins should not allow use of ipv4 and ipv6 at the same time yet because that would require solving this more fundamental issue first12:43
tbarronwe would have to either allow multiple plugins at the same time (to the same storage) or change the plugin architecture (if that could be done) to allow use of multiple addr families in the same plugiin instance12:45
tbarronvponomaryov: ^^^ pleases correct any miswordings/misunderstandings ^^^12:45
vponomaryovyes ^, but it is completely different goal that is out of scope for this one12:45
vponomaryovwith clarification multiple plugins per direction - user and admin12:46
tbarroneverything I'm saying is * 2 for user and admin ...12:47
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tommylikehu_ping vponomaryov14:12
tommylikehu_hello vponomaryov14:12
vponomaryovtommylikehu_: pong14:13
tommylikehu_Thanks I wanna talk with you about the comments in IPv6 spec :)14:13
tommylikehu_just few minutes14:13
tommylikehu_point 3 about 'another seperated spec'14:14
tommylikehu_I am stating we gonna make the neutron network plugins support both IPv4 and IPv6 enabled in not this spec, not Ocata, but another spec and another time,14:14
vponomaryovtommylikehu_: have you read history of this chat?14:15
vponomaryovfor today?14:15
tommylikehu_with bswartz?14:15
vponomaryovwith tbarron14:16
tommylikehu_saddly no14:17
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tommylikehu_ping vponomaryov14:32
tommylikehu_checked the log14:33
tommylikehu_my question here is14:33
tommylikehu_point 3 I am stating we gonna make the neutron network plugins(not configure one) support both IPv4 and IPv6 enabled in not this spec, not Ocata, but another spec and another time, does this more correct for you?14:33
tommylikehu_and for the rest we gonna support either IPv4 or IPv6 enabled at this spec14:35
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vponomaryovtommylikehu_: to reduce confusion, I propose to say explicitly, that questions of amount of networks supported by network plugins is out of scope for your spec14:39
vponomaryovtommylikehu_: your spec is about making them support IPv614:40
vponomaryovtommylikehu_: keeping amount of supported network at once unchanged14:40
vponomaryovand in this case no new config options will be required14:41
vponomaryovthey could be required solving that other goal14:41
vponomaryovgoal of supporting multiple networks14:41
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tommylikehu_one network could have both IPv4 and IPv6 subnets14:42
tommylikehu_How can we deal this case?14:43
vponomaryovit can have several subnets without regards to IPv614:43
vponomaryovat all14:43
vponomaryovit is questions of amount of networks14:43
vponomaryovnot their IP version14:43
tbarrontommylikehu_: I understood bswartz to be asking that the spec say how to support use of ipv4 + ipv6 with the same network plugin at the same time on the same share network  but14:44
tbarrontommylikehu_: vponomaryov is saying that is not possible without re-thinking how we do network plugins14:45
tbarronvponomaryov: correct if I misunderstood14:45
vponomaryovtbarron: the answer for bswartz's concern s you understood it, is my response -> we should track that activity in separate spec, because it is related to amount of supported networks/subnets at once, not exactly to IP versions14:46
vponomaryovcurrent architecture - one network per network plugin14:47
tommylikehu_network=subnet ?14:47
tbarrontwo IP versions on one share network would be a case of two subnets on one share network which is not supported with current architecture14:47
vponomaryovtbarron: right14:48
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tbarrontommylikehu_: ^^^ so it doesn't make sense to pursue two IPversions in any single network plugin - neutron single net or Standalone, before dealing with that more fundamental issue.14:48
vponomaryovtommylikehu_: technically, "subnet" is sub-network, which is network too14:49
vponomaryovtommylikehu_: and if we support only one network, then we do not care about whose it is subnet14:49
tommylikehu_so we should remove the part of support both IPv4 and IPv6 enabled in network plugins?14:50
tbarrontommylikehu_: neutron multi-network could have a mix of ipv6 and ipv4 share networks but it likely doesn't make sense to do that if eventually we are going to have to figure out how to handle the multi-subnet on single share network issue for the other plugins14:51
tbarrontommylikehu_: be careful with word "support" - you'll get in trouble with vponomaryov :D14:51
tbarrontommylikehu_: use 'use' & 'configure' and 'deploy' - you can't do them both *at the same time on the same share network even if the plugin "supports" both (at different times on different share nets)14:52
vponomaryovtommylikehu_: it should be rewritten14:53
vponomaryovtommylikehu_: saying what is part your spec and what is not14:53
vponomaryovtommylikehu_: and supporting multiple networks per network plugin *is not* part of your spec14:53
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openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/manila: [DEBUG] Testing migration in various CIs
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vponomaryovbswartz: meeting?15:01
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openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/manila-specs: Eliminate Race Conditions Spec
openstackgerritVitaliy Levitski proposed openstack/manila: debug
openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/manila: Setting up a development env with devstack instructions
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openstackgerritArne Wiebalck proposed openstack/manila-ui: Ignore current share's size in extend quota bar
openstackgerritArne Wiebalck proposed openstack/manila-ui: Replace 'Extend Share' by 'Resize Share'
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bswartzokay guys sorry I'm out of touch I've been driving my wife to the doctor and stuff16:02
bswartzI'll be online again shorrtly and updating spec then pinging you all16:02
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tbarronbswartz: sorry bout that, anything we can do to help?16:03
tbarronon this side that is16:03
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openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed openstack/manila: [DNM] debug 3.0
gansovponomaryov: ping16:29
bswartztbarron: I'm back16:40
bswartzit's just that we've have flu going around my house, despite flu shots, so people have been sick and I've been working from home to avoid spreading pestilence16:41
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bswartzremarkably I feel fine, although I do have a post nasal drip and a cough16:42
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bswartzI'm going to push another rev of my spec shortly, and I expect tommylikehu_ and gouthamr to do the same16:42
bswartzI'll be pinging everyone until we reach decisions on these specs16:43
gouthamrsure thing bswartz16:43
bswartzganso: you still here?16:44
gansobswartz: yes16:44
bswartzganso: I'm happy to change the title, but what about the filename?16:44
gansobswartz: rename according to the title?16:44
bswartzyou think I should rename it too?16:44
gansobswartz: I think it would be better if the filename matches the title16:45
bswartzhmmm the title might be loooong16:45
bswartzhow about "Mechanism  to Prevent Race Conditions"16:46
bswartzthat's not too long16:46
gansobswartz: LGTM16:46
bswartzganso: what about the exinst LP blueprint? it still has the old name16:49
gansobswartz: I think that's not a problem16:50
bswartzganso: regarding your 3rd comment, I'm not sure how many changes the implementation of the spec will require16:55
bswartzganso: the point I was trying to make was that microversion bumps would be attached to changes which added new states, but patches that simply add locks won't include version bumps16:55
gansobswartz: if your spec scope will not implement any of the state transitions, it will delegate that, then you will not bump microversion16:56
bswartzwe're going to add the snapshotting state at least16:57
bswartznot sure if any others will emerge16:57
gansobswartz: if you're adding the snapshotting state, then you're bumping16:57
gansobswartz: when they emerge, they will bump as well16:57
bswartzI thought that's what I said in the spec16:57
bswartzmaybe it's not clear16:57
gansobswartz: I was not sure if the scope was including the snapshotting transition was well or just the mechanism16:58
bswartzganso: the answer is, we'll do as much as possible16:58
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gansobswartz: maybe just clarify that ^16:59
bswartzI don't see elimination of race conditions as a binary thing -- it's an ideal that we aim for, even though we can never hope to achieve it16:59
bswartzthat's like writing a spec titled "fix all bugs"17:00
gansobswartz: state that the scope of spec is to implement the mechanism and snapshotting state transition, that's all17:00
bswartzokay I think the new rev makes that clear17:00
bswartzI'll push it17:00
openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/manila-specs: Mechanism to Prevent Race Conditions Spec
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tommylikehu_ping vponomaryov17:05
gansobswartz: one more -117:06
bswartzkeep them coming!17:07
bswartzplease tell me it's not another spelling error though17:07
bswartzotherwise I'll be forced to install a spell checker17:07
gansobswartz: it is not17:07
openstackgerritzhongjun proposed openstack/manila-specs: Add spec for enable IPv6 in manila
openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/manila-specs: Mechanism to Prevent Race Conditions Spec
tommylikehu_Is someone checking my patch. hope this version could be closer17:11
bswartztommylikehu_: reading now17:12
gansobswartz: one more -117:13
gansobswartz: you almost got it17:14
bswartzganso: I think you're wrong17:14
bswartzI left out "bp" because I understand it's not required17:14
gansobswartz: if you add, gerrit create a link to launchpad17:14
bswartzganso: is it documented?17:14
gansobswartz: and it automatically searches for the blueprint17:14
gansobswartz: I've seen the documentation before, I don't remember if leaving it out is an accepted variant17:15
gansobswartz: the example uses "blueprint"17:16
gansobswartz: "bp" also works17:16
gansobswartz: so I guess leaving it out is not an option17:16
openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/manila-specs: Mechanism to Prevent Race Conditions Spec
* bswartz sighs at how fragile this infrastructure is17:16
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bswartztommylikehu_, zhongjun: I like this new language better17:19
bswartzgouthamr: are you going to do anything in you spec about new->denying?17:20
bswartzseems like everyone is getting lunch, so I'll do the same17:24
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tommylikehu_you guys just left a little man waiting in the midnight...17:27
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tbarronganso: good to know about "waiting on jenkins" with docs.  People do that in other circumstances too though and I don't fully get it.  Maybe if there's something non-voting that matters for one's own vote?17:44
tommylikehu_tbarron: just two of us around?17:45
tbarrontommylikehu_: i'm eating my lunch at my desk :D17:45
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bswartztommylikehu: I know it's late we'll keep trying to get the ipv6 spec merged18:17
bswartzif any issues come up that I can fix I'll do them myself18:17
* bswartz wonders if gouthamr is back from lunch yet18:26
gouthamrbswartz: i'm back18:26
gouthamrbswartz: talking to tbarron about the comments18:26
bswartzgouthamr: do we need to do anything regarding new->denying?18:26
gouthamrbswartz: new->denying can still happen18:27
gouthamrbswartz: it's not noted in the spec18:27
bswartztbarron gouthamr: you're welcome to discuss it in the channel18:27
bswartzgouthamr: so do you plan to push an update?18:27
gouthamrbswartz: yes.. got concerns though18:27
tbarronso there are a variety of ways denies can race with allows.18:28
tbarronapi prevents denies for a rule until it is created, but it is created in the api.18:28
tbarronso with the right tight loop of denies, or more plausibly18:29
bswartztbarron: I'm not sure I see the problem18:29
tbarronmultiple api services (as we have now), some slow, some fast18:29
tbarronit can happen18:29
bswartzas long as the API service holds locks around the state changes, we can simply establish a last-change-wins order18:29
gouthamrtbarron: i can copy-paste from the other window18:29
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tbarrongouthamr: +118:30
tbarronbswartz: I"m not saying it's a problem, it's an arg for new->deny state change18:30
gouthamr<gouthamr> if you have a loop running deny-access to a bunch of users/IPs18:30
gouthamr[13:23:10] <tbarron> or multiple API services (like we do today) and one is slow18:30
gouthamr[13:23:29] <tbarron> or has a long cast to the share service18:30
gouthamr[13:23:49] <tbarron> or the 'new' is "queued" and not yet applying18:30
gouthamr[13:24:16] <tbarron> or (tomorrow) you have active-active share services and the allow/new went to one and18:30
gouthamr[13:24:37] <tbarron> another picked up the deny without having itself gotten a cast for the new18:30
gouthamr[13:25:05] <tbarron> or delete share, delete replica, unamanage share came in and set off a big batch of these at the right time18:30
tbarronbswartz: spec doesn't currently have it18:30
tbarronmy remark at line 182 in
gouthamrcurrently we look into the database, if there are any "applying" rules we know the driver is applying rules, so we hold off18:31
bswartzright I think we all understand that if you send a allow followed immediately by a deny, both will get processed and the deny should win, although the share may be accessible for an unspecified amount of time18:31
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tbarronbswartz: deny should win and can if you look into the database.18:32
bswartzwe just need to make sure the state machine allows for this sequence of events18:32
tbarrongouthamr: my point is that the allow may not yet be applying when the deny arrives.18:32
tbarrongouthamr: it's just a tweak to your approach.18:33
tbarronbswartz: +118:33
bswartzokay I think I see the problem here18:33
tbarronthat's point #1: gouthamr you agree?18:33
gouthamrin the code currently, the share instance is locked18:33
bswartzthe state machine is capturing 2 important things -- the desired end state as well as the "progress" of any ongoing changes18:34
gouthamri.e, if there are any changes happening, we lock the share instance18:34
bswartzperhaps a better design would split those 2 things18:34
gouthamrbut those locks are without any database help18:34
tbarrongouthamr: i like your approach of not locking long!18:34
gouthamrtbarron: i meant in the proposed patch18:34
tbarronjust look at the DB again after you let denies cancel out the new state18:35
gouthamrwhen i redid this for the spec with database states, i ignored the denies racing case18:35
gansovponomaryov: ping18:36
gouthamrwell, i have always had an alternate proposal :P18:36
bswartzgouthamr: what's that18:36
gouthamrhow about using share_instance's access_rules_status for locking18:36
tbarrongouthamr: why lock?  just change it to deny.18:36
gouthamrif it is out_of_sync, it means something's happening and everything else will get queued18:37
tbarronthen lock around the inspection of the DB right before you call into the driver18:37
tbarronkeep it simple and avoid locks18:37
tbarronkeep state in the DB18:37
bswartztbarron: no18:37
tbarronbswartz: I'm not saying avoid *all* locks18:38
bswartzanything read from or written to the DB needs locks to avoid races to those reads/writes18:38
tbarronbswartz: +!18:38
bswartztbarron: what you said is a contradiction though18:38
gouthamr+1 ^ that's the problem we're trying to fix.. not doing it is keeping the problem forever18:38
bswartzyou said avoid locks -- we cannot18:38
tbarronbswartz: i left off "where not required", hit CR too soon18:38
bswartzI think it's pretty clear where they're required and not required though, and that was the point of *my* spec18:39
gouthamrthe share_instance's access_rules_status will only be modified by the share manager18:39
bswartzevery read or write to one of these state fields in any service needs to be done while holding a lock18:39
tbarronwhat I'm trying to say (and do say in my review remarks) is that we don't have to prevent a deny of a rule when the corresponding apply is in flight but not yet applied18:39
tbarronbswartz: +118:40
bswartzthe only way to avoid a lock is to avoid examining state18:40
gouthamrtbarron: we probably do need to18:40
tbarronbswartz: red herring, sorry I took you there.  Your spec has my +2 and I don't mean to be saying anythying otherwise now.18:40
tbarrongouthamr: ?18:40
gouthamrtbarron: a deny can come in when the rule is being applied, but we won't call the driver right away18:41
gouthamrtbarron: we will allow the driver to return and recurse over the method18:41
tbarronagree, that's my first point in the review18:41
gouthamrtbarron: yep..18:41
tbarronwhen it recurses what will it find?18:41
gouthamrtbarron: that the rule's been denied, so it will call into the method again18:42
tbarronany 'new' should have been overwritten by 'deny' in the api.18:42
gouthamrtbarron: it can be18:42
gouthamrtbarron: i just haven't stated taht in the spec - that will be rectified18:42
tbarrongouthamr: so if you allow the overwrite, the worst that can happen is that multiple casts for the same rule will come into the manager.18:43
tbarronwhether the cast was triggered by an apply request or a deny request does not matter.18:43
gouthamryes, currently does not matter18:43
bswartzthe transition from new->denying can race with the transition from new->applying too18:43
gouthamrbswartz: that will be locked18:43
tbarronThat is my point at line 264 in the review18:43
bswartzif denying wins, the driver should only get invoked once18:43
bswartzif applying wins, the driver should get invoked twice18:44
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tbarronbswartz: the cast may have already been launched from api to manager by then18:44
gouthamrbswartz: yes..18:44
tbarronso the manager has to do the right thing no matter which cast gets there first.18:44
bswartztbarron: indeed, that race only happens when the RPC reaches the manager around the same time the second REST call comes in18:44
tbarronit can do that if it basically does what goutham says: inspect the DB.18:45
marksturHow can we make progress on IPv6?18:45
tbarronmarkstur: vote +218:45
marksturSeems like we don't have a plan for net plugins yet18:45
marksturCan we just say that if the share-net returns and ip_version that doesn't match the driver capabilities then the driver will barf18:46
bswartzmarkstur: we decided in the meeting on approach (2)18:46
marksturerr... return an error18:46
bswartzmarkstur: and we also said we could postpone the implementation of that until later18:46
tbarronmarkstur: I thought the spec was revised to indicate that we would support aproach #2 but not yet in ocata18:46
marksturbswartz: We don't have spec to do that in "O"18:46
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* markstur goes to look again18:47
bswartzmarkstur: did you read zhongjun's latest PS?18:47
marksturI think Clinton threatened to -2 that18:49
marksturthat concept18:49
tbarronmarkstur: clinton's remark was 10:30ish eastern time, meeting was 11-12 and he was there18:50
marksturOK.  So I'm still doubting that the share-network part is ironed out, but18:50
tbarronmarkstur: clinton's remark about -2 was made w/o the context of valeriy's info that plugiins would have to be re-architected first.18:51
marksturbut I don't see anything that we would regret in "P"18:51
gouthamrtbarron bswartz: i'll push up a new PS in a bit for the access-rules spec18:51
tbarrongouthamr: can we talk through the other points in the review?18:51
tbarron#1) was allow new->deny18:52
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gouthamrtbarron: #1 -> no concerns, it was missed out18:52
tbarron#2) was line 264: no need to carry access_rules parameter in the new consolidated rpcapi18:52
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gouthamr#2) that's what the spec means, but does not say18:52
gouthamrlike the way you put it :18:52
tbarronsince you have to look at the DB in the manager anyways18:53
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gouthamrthe consolidation was solely because both the services have access to the database and can look into the db and figure out the work that needs done18:53
gouthamr^ that's how it's stated in the spec18:53
tbarronAgreed, and carrying that parameter still would be confusing.18:54
tbarronsince you might send an "apply" and it would trigger a deny.18:54
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gouthamrtbarron: and unnecessary, can add that detail.18:54
tbarronall you are doing is triggering the manager to send updates18:54
tbarron#3) line 27018:54
tbarronwhen processing a deny, calling into the driver and waiting for it to return,18:55
tbarronwe also need to hold off on any new updates.18:55
tbarronso i would propose someghing like: put rule in 'deny' state (like 'new') in the API.18:56
bswartzmarkstur: good point about the share networks18:56
tbarronwhen you process it in the manager, move it to 'denying' (like 'aplying')18:56
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tbarron"queue" other requests if any rules are applying or denying18:56
marksturThere isn't enough there for the share-net(subnet), the plug-in, and the share-type to all be validated before the driver gets it18:56
marksturbut drivers could do some validation when they add IPv6 (or before to prevent it)18:57
bswartzmarkstur: thanks for raising that issue I'm going to have to think it through18:57
gouthamrtbarron: would you need a "deny" state, why can't we use the share instance's access_rules_status and lock with that18:58
gouthamrtbarron: this patch does not invalidate the share instance's access_rules_status field18:58
gouthamrthough we did bring that up before18:58
tbarrongouthamr: hmm18:59
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tbarrongouthamr: if you use access_rules_status to make the decsion to queue up new updates then why do you need new->applying in the map.state?19:01
gouthamrtbarron: because we still need to know what rules are not yet picked up for an update19:01
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tbarrongouthamr: and denying is picked up or not?19:02
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tbarroncast comes in for a deny, db state for the rule is as it was set in the api.19:03
tbarronwe call update_access into the driver.19:03
tbarronyou leave that rule in denying.19:03
tbarronbut any allow rules get changed to applying19:03
gouthamrtbarron: yes19:03
tbarronsupose there were no allow rules in that update19:04
tbarronwe come out of the driver19:04
gouthamrand delete any denying rules19:04
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tbarronwhen we were in the driver, how did we know we were busy again?19:05
tbarronso that we'd queue up new stuff?19:05
gouthamrwe set the share instance's access_rules_status to "out_of_sync"19:05
gouthamrand we do that ONLY in the share manager19:05
tbarronbut line 141, that could have been done in the api, right?  for an allow that hasn't arrived yet, or hasn't arrived at this share manager19:06
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gouthamrour locking code will look like this: 1) Acquire a lock, look into the database, is the share_instance's access_rules_status "Active", then update it to "out_of_sync", look for any "new" and "denying" rules, release the lock.19:07
gouthamrif the access_rules_status was "out_of_sync", log and leave - nothing to do19:08
tbarronactually, in the spec at line 174 you set share_instance.access_rules_status to 'out_of_sync' for a delete/deny in the api19:08
tbarroni was working off what the spec says, not what you are describing now19:09
gouthamrtbarron: this is new, i.e, those state transitions will not happen in the API19:09
gouthamrtbarron: for share_instance.access_rules_status19:09
bswartzmarkstur: okay so the way I think about it, today share-networks limit you to a single neutron subnet for your shares, meaning a user will never be able to ask for a v4+v6 share with a share network19:09
bswartzmarkstur: that's a significant shortcoming in the end-user API but not something we're changing with this proposal19:10
gouthamrtbarron: this also means that the share_instance.access_rules_status can never be anything but "active" or "out_of_sync"19:10
marksturbswartz: Right. Of course the user could pick the "wrong" one19:10
bswartzall we're adding is the more explicit understanding of v4/v6 support in the scheduler19:10
bswartzmarkstur: exactly19:11
bswartzmarkstur: and if you pick the wrong one you get a classic "no host found" scheduler error and your share goes nowhere19:11
marksturEventually the scheduler could make sure the subnet will work with the sharetype, driver and netplugin19:11
gouthamrtbarron: in the API, we need logic to interpret what the collective access_rules_status is, for a given share or share instance19:11
marksturFor now it would go to the driver and be up to the driver to find the wrong IP type?19:12
tbarrongouthamr: hmm, or you could keep share_instance.access_rules status as is, with error as a possiblity, to ease rollup of state for report/display purposes and use deny->denying19:12
tbarrongouthamr: but i'm not dug in on that.  I'll look at the new spec with those changes, but I'm a slow thinker and will have to read it somewhat carefully.19:12
bswartzmarkstur: oh you're right, without additional logic in the scheduler, the scheduler will pick a host and the failure won't occur until share-server creation19:12
tbarronwhat you are describing is quite a bit different than what is written down now.19:13
bswartzadding that logic in the scheduler to avoid that doomed scenario wouldn't be terribly hard though19:13
gouthamrtbarron: yes19:13
bswartzmarkstur: unless I'm missing something else?19:13
marksturbswartz: Yeah. I don't think we'll painted into a corner. We just don't have a spec for that.19:13
tbarrongouthamr: we're cool then, ping me when you want.19:13
* gouthamr thought of a gif to post to tbarron if irc were slack19:14
tbarrongouthamr: i'm on telegram19:14
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marksturI'm using LimeChat. It'll show me a gif (I think)19:15
* bswartz is thankful we don't use slack for real work19:15
marksturvenn diagram for slack and realwork shows some intersection19:16
marksturit's just hard to see it because the giphys get in the way19:17
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* markstur checks to see if IBM slack has a #dieslackdie channel yet19:19
bswartzrraja, csaba: ping19:20
bswartzrraja, csaba: infra informs me that the glusterfs CI jobs are still on trusty and it needs urgently to be moved to xenial19:21
rrajabswartz: that's right. csaba was working on this. i'll follow up with. thanks!19:24
rrajas/with/with him/19:24
openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/manila: [DEBUG] Testing migration in various CIs
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rhagartyameade, vponomaryov: re Can I help out with the Horizon piece? I'm currently working on cinder version of this in Horizon.19:38
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openstackgerritTiago Pasqualini da Silva proposed openstack/manila: Add mountable snapshots support to HNAS driver
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vponomaryov1ganso: pong19:48
vponomaryov1ganso: reading history for several hours19:48
* vponomaryov1 reading...19:48
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vponomaryov1rhagarty: ho one has worked on UI part, if I am not mistaken19:49
vponomaryov1rhagarty: so, if you want to, sure, you can contribute )19:50
openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila-specs: Add a spec to fix and improve Access Rules
rhagartyvponomaryov1: sounds good. I work with markstur so I'll coordinate with him to come up with plan.19:52
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gansovponomaryov1: I am leaving now, I will have to talk to you tomorrow19:53
bswartzganso: what is your feeling on ipv6 spec19:54
bswartzoh nm I see you voted19:55
openstackgerritTiago Pasqualini da Silva proposed openstack/manila: Add mountable snapshots support to HNAS driver
bswartzvponomaryov vponomaryov1: you haven't voted on specs19:56
vponomaryov1bswartz: I am on it19:57
bswartzokay just making sure -- I know it's getting late19:57
bswartzhuawei folks already went to bed19:57
tbarrongouthamr: looking20:13
gouthamrtbarron: thanks20:13
vponomaryov1gouthamr: please, explain why you use word "deny" as state when it is verb in imperative mood? Does it mean this rule is scheduled for deletion?20:14
vponomaryov1but not being processed yet?20:15
bswartzvponomaryov1: I suspect it's to differentiate between something that will be denied vs something the manager is currently denying20:15
gouthamrvponomaryov1: yes20:15
gouthamrvponomaryov1: "to_be_denied" or "to_deny" better?20:15
bswartzpersonally I don't like mixing these 2 things, but it may be more complicated to split the 1 state machine into 2 state machines20:15
vponomaryov1gouthamr: I would say "scheduled" is the right word here to use20:16
vponomaryov1gouthamr: it is exactly what is going on in this case20:16
gouthamrvponomaryov1: scheduled, how?20:16
gouthamrvponomaryov1: "deny" is an equivalent of "new"20:16
vponomaryov1gouthamr: "scheduled_for_deletion"?20:17
gouthamrvponomaryov1: in the access_deny path20:17
bswartzgouthamr: I think he means queued20:17
vponomaryov1bswartz: is there specific diff between queued and scheduled?20:17
bswartzvponomaryov: the words have subtly different meanings but in this case it's not too relevant -- queued is just a shorter word20:18
gouthamrvponomaryov1 bswartz: yes, "scheduled" conflicts with "scheduler"20:18
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bswartzalso, "scheduled" implies "will happen at a specific future time" where "queued" implies" will happen as soon as possible"20:19
gouthamrvponomaryov1 bswartz: how about changing "new" to "queued_to_apply" and "deny" to "queued_to_deny"20:19
vponomaryov1gouthamr: i like it20:19
tbarrongouthamr: I just added my +2, but IMO it would be better to avoid both the word 'scheduled' (for reasons just stated) and queued.20:19
tbarrongouthamr: I misunderstood the intent of the latter word in an earlier review round, as I thought it implied order where it doesn't (in this case).20:20
gouthamrtbarron: :P yes, not really an ordered thing for the word "queue"20:20
tbarrongouthamr: it's more like "deferred"20:21
bswartzgouthamr: I don't have a strong opinion other than the behavior20:21
tbarrongouthamr: but at this point I don't mind the word "queued" (better than "scheduled")20:21
bswartzthe words don't matter as much as the behavior -- we can come in at the end of the implementation phase and change the names20:21
tbarronyou can queue up a batch at depth one20:21
vponomaryov1so, everyone agreee to gouthamr proposal?20:22
tbarronbswartz: my +2 on that spec is sticky at this point :)20:22
tbarronvponomaryov1: +2 from me20:22
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gouthamrtbarron: lol, too bad you have to enforce sticky manually20:23
tbarrongouthamr: I was hoping if I mentioned it to bswartz he'd just remember it's there :)20:23
bswartzI feel okay about that spec, I feel enough thought has gone into it that we're arguing about minor details20:25
vponomaryov1bswartz: sometimes, proper naming is not "minor" thing20:25
bswartzvponomaryov1: I agree it's something that's important to get right, but it something that's easy to change20:26
vponomaryov1bswartz: especially when we already agreed ))20:27
bswartzwell we can agree now20:28
bswartzon state names20:28
bswartzvponomaryov: did you post comments in the spec on the ones you want to change?20:28
bswartzlet's do that and push another patchset and go from there20:29
gouthamrbswartz: will look and worflow20:32
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila-specs: Add spec for enable IPv6 in manila
tbarronbswartz: what tool did you use to make that state diagram? vi to write DOT?20:35
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bswartztbarron: yeah graphviz is a very simple language to learn20:35
bswartztbarron: the docs are excellent20:35
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openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila-specs: Add a spec to fix and improve Access Rules
tbarronIf I had been here at the beginning I would have argued that we should not have called our access apis allow and *deny* but rather allow and *delete*.20:44
tbarronOur "deny" deletes a rule.20:45
tbarronIn the world of packet access rules "denies" instert a bitmask, just like allows do, but with drop or reject type actions.20:45
tbarronso people with networking backgrounds can get confused too easily by our access lists.20:46
tbarronours are simpler, order doesn't matter, and I think adequate.20:46
bswartztbarron: the semantics of the API were quite different originally20:46
bswartzallow/deny made sense in the original context20:46
tbarronbswartz: sure, my remarks are pretty much parenthetical at this point in our history.20:47
tbarronso in the original context I might not have made the argument that I say I would have :)20:47
tbarrongouthamr: my +2 "stuck"20:48
gouthamrtbarron: :)20:48
* bswartz pours cyanoacrylate on tbarron's +2 buton20:49
tbarronhey, while you guys are here, i'm looking at removing the nova network plugins since they are no longer generally supported:
tbarronand was wondering what sort of api compatability or not we want to keep for share net creation and modification.20:54
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tbarronshare net creation and modification allow an optional nova-network argument.20:55
gouthamrtbarron: we can't maintain backwards compatibility for that argument20:55
tbarronwhich won't work in ocata most likely20:55
tbarrongouthamr: so can we just drop it with a microversion bump and have lower versions print a warning that it won't work starting in ocata (or earlier) ?20:56
gouthamrbswartz: i found a possible mistake in your state transition diagram, will all of you get pissed if i -1 :P20:56
bswartzgouthamr: mention it here20:56
gouthamrbswartz: replication_change is for promoting replicas20:57
bswartzI wouldn't be at all surprised if it's not completely accurate20:57
bswartzgouthamr: oh duh20:57
tbarrongouthamr: bswartz if you have to fix it, maybe just put in the pointer to devref and put the diagram there?20:57
gouthamrbswartz: yeah, no biggie, i don't like that state transition diagram in the specs anyway.. i would like the correct version in the devref20:57
bswartzyeah the diagram will evolve over time as we add states and we'll probably find bugs and fix them over time20:57
gouthamrbswartz: it's nice to see for now20:57
bswartzto let's not notpick the actual state diagram20:57
tbarronyeah, having it in the doc sets a good example to start us off with, but a pointer will work better going forwards20:58
bswartzgouthamr: remind me what state changes occurs when a replica is added20:58
gouthamrbswartz: none,20:58
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gouthamrbswartz: the share has no status of its own.. it's the share instance, and that aggregation matters a lot, currently20:59
bswartzgouthamr: yeah I realized that as I was writing the doc21:00
bswartzand I couldn't think of a clear way to express the relationships21:00
bswartzthe correct thing would be to document the stare instance state machine and separate document how share state is computed from that21:00
openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/manila-image-elements: Enables end user to pick share protocol
openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/manila-image-elements: Removes LXC/LXD support on manila-image-elements
openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/manila-image-elements: Adds support for NFS Ganesha
gouthamrbswartz: +1 - when we move that to the devref, we can.. that's a good starting point though.21:01
bswartzgouthamr: the problem is that what I just mentioned would be hard to process mentally21:02
gouthamrbswartz: if you have the share instance instead of the share?21:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila-specs: Mechanism to Prevent Race Conditions Spec
bswartzgouthamr: then you'd only have half the picture21:07
tbarrongouthamr: on the nova-net thing we have to bump the microversion when we drop that arg to share net create and modify, right?21:16
bswartztbarron: yes21:16
tbarrongouthamr: if we do that, do we just leave old microversions as they are and let them break with ocata?21:16
gouthamrtbarron: i fear that would be the case21:16
bswartztbarron: old microversions continue to accept the parameter, you just get an error21:17
gouthamrtbarron: what is your database upgrade like?21:17
tbarronbswartz: gouthamr or do we put a warning message in there with the old microversions?21:17
tbarrongouthamr: it would just be to drop that column on upgrade and add the column on downgrade21:17
gouthamrtbarron: we should fail the API rather than silently ignoring... because we need to make sure that the share network is usable21:17
tbarrongouthamr: no attempt to populate the field21:17
bswartztbarron: warnings aren't communicated through the API -- any warning would go in the log files and the release notes21:18
tbarronok, so client side is just bump microversion and drop the nova-net argument.21:18
gouthamrtbarron: iirc we should fail the database upgrade21:18
gouthamrtbarron: and ask administrators to cleanup share networks that have nova-network in them21:19
tbarronapi side is just fail if the argument is supplied21:19
bswartzgouthamr: without a clean rollback path, failing the upgrade is dangerous21:19
bswartzyou could be left in a state where the code and the schema can't work together21:19
tbarronDB upgrade: if share networks have non-null nova-network field, ...21:19
tbarronI could keep the DB schema for a release or more and just not use that field.21:20
bswartzwhose +2 are we missing on gouthamr's spec21:21
tbarrondon't populate it from the api, remove the nova net plugin and no one consumes the field.21:21
bswartzoh, nobody's21:21
gouthamrbswartz: everyone's at this point21:21
bswartzjust we got +1s from xyang and vponomaryov21:21
gouthamrexcept Tom's sticky21:21
bswartzgouthamr: it's late enough that we're not going to get some people21:21
bswartzI'll just diff PS16 and P1821:22
bswartzcrap that's a lot of diff21:22
gouthamrxyang_ vponomaryov markstur toabctl ganso:
tbarronthat's what I did21:22
gouthamroh, i see ganso's comment saying he'll workflow it tonight21:22
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/manila-image-elements: Updated from global requirements
* tbarron confesses he didn't look at the sphinx output this last patch21:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila-image-elements: Updated from global requirements
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bswartzcknight, ganso: one more PS
gansobswartz: I am reviewing at this moment21:50
gansobswartz: s/reviewing/reviewing it21:51
bswartzk I'm headed out for a few, be back later21:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila-specs: Add a spec to fix and improve Access Rules
gansogouthamr: ^22:01
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gouthamrganso: :) thanks22:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: Setting up a development env with devstack instructions
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/manila: Updated from global requirements
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