jeblair | fungi: that risk is not automatically eliminated with afs, but we at least have some options to deal with it | 00:00 |
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clarkb | if we wanted resiliency ceph(fs) might be an option but then we are basically reimplementing an object store on top of cinder in acloud with an object store already whichseems dirty | 00:02 |
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clarkb | so I agree with jhesketh agreeing on some fundamental requirements/needs would probably help guide us | 00:02 |
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clarkb | 8TB of storage for ~6 months of log retention? have to be able to host indexes to the logs so that periodic jobs and friends are browseable, untrusted job workers need some safe way of writing to their specific location, expect that every file will be read at least one (logstash), | 00:03 |
clarkb | that is rough stuff off the top of my head | 00:04 |
jeblair | clarkb: i don't think the untrusted workers thing is necessarily true anymore... | 00:04 |
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jeblair | clarkb: it's what pushed us in the direction of swift for where we thought we were going to be with zuulv2 post jenkins... but i think the situation is different for zuulv3 | 00:05 |
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jeblair | clarkb: i wrote a bit about that in the afs log spec | 00:05 |
clarkb | jeblair: because anisble can do the same sort of file indirection as jenkins? | 00:05 |
jeblair | clarkb: yeah basicall | 00:05 |
jeblair | y | 00:05 |
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jeblair | clarkb: (i mean, i have an answer for how to do that with afs, but it's somewhat complicated -- enough so that it wasn't clearly simpler than swift at the time) | 00:07 |
jeblair | (so i'll be happy if we don't need it) | 00:07 |
clarkb | gotcha | 00:07 |
clarkb | logs should be relatively easily expired | 00:07 |
jhesketh | so the browsable/index requirement, does that extend to "must look like apache dir listing"? because maybe we just need a better way to browse logs (in particular, periodic ones) | 00:08 |
clarkb | jhesketh: I think they do not need to be just like apache but they do need to be sortable bsaed on mod time | 00:08 |
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jeblair | (right, bonus points if we make it actually look better, but we can do that with apache too :) | 00:09 |
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clarkb | jhesketh: to allow for people going "I need to look at results from one week ago" or "I need to look at a particular day" | 00:09 |
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jhesketh | I guess the extension of my question is do we not change anything from the current swift storage and just make publishing log listings better... eg a database the zuul inserts into that we create a frontend for browsing | 00:11 |
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fungi | which is also potentially solvable instead with a zuul mysql reporter? if the data reported into the db included the timestamps and base index urls | 00:11 |
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fungi | heh, i think we were just typing the same thing | 00:11 |
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openstackgerrit | Jeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: AFS servers use server class instead of template | 00:15 |
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fungi | jeblair: mordred: clarkb: ^ should in theory fix up the sources.lists on those stragglers | 00:15 |
krotscheck | jeblair: Not yet. I was planning on sitting on mordred's head, but if you're volunteering ;) | 00:15 |
jeblair | krotscheck: it sounds like some combination of fungi and i are volunteering | 00:16 |
krotscheck | Oh good | 00:16 |
* krotscheck reads backscroll | 00:16 | |
fungi | those entries were the only direct callers of openstack_project::template in the global site manifest | 00:16 |
jeblair | possibly the top part of fungi and the bottom part of me | 00:16 |
clarkb | jhesketh: fungi I do worry about tightly coupling the job runner to log storage, though I don't believe that is a necessary requirement | 00:16 |
fungi | one of those mix-and-match outfit books | 00:16 |
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krotscheck | jeblair, fungi: I was going to get working on converting-mirrors-to-AFS next, but if y'all want to do that.... | 00:16 |
clarkb | it just makes working with it harder | 00:17 |
clarkb | if zuul is down you can't get logs sort of thing | 00:17 |
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jhesketh | clarkb: only if zuul's db is down which could be done with galera or something with a bit more stability | 00:18 |
fungi | maybe zuul could buffer and flush durable index updates into afs | 00:18 |
jhesketh | but that's a design point in my opinion | 00:18 |
fungi | or, yeah, the database not running on zuul.o.o itself | 00:18 |
fungi | which is how we'd likely deploy anyway | 00:18 |
jhesketh | we're still talking about a decent amount of extra work | 00:18 |
jhesketh | for what return | 00:18 |
fungi | report into a trove backend and have read-only creds for the logserver | 00:19 |
anteaya | fungi: I could read all the scrollback and figure out if I can do anything to help or I could just ask, can I do anything to help? | 00:19 |
fungi | anteaya: probably not for the moment? | 00:19 |
fungi | mostly hacking on getting kernel updates installed on our servers | 00:19 |
anteaya | very good | 00:19 |
* anteaya goes back to scrollback | 00:19 | |
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openstackgerrit | Daniel Wallace proposed openstack-infra/shade: add the ability to get an object back from swift | 00:20 |
jeblair | yeah, i keep coming back to the idea that we get everything we need feature-wise by dumping it into a filesystem (whether that's on disk, afs, ceph, whatever), and we can always build other stuff on top of that. | 00:20 |
krotscheck | fungi, jeblair: When in the "Between 4AM and Noon PST" Timeframe this week would work for you? | 00:21 |
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anteaya | internap nodes are unhappy, ovh nodes are unhappy | 00:21 |
jhesketh | so it seems the best reason to not continue storing on disk is that it's fragile and likely to fail at some point | 00:21 |
openstackgerrit | Derek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Wire up the new --overcloud-pingtest into the heredoc | 00:21 |
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jeblair | fail again even :) | 00:23 |
fungi | jhesketh: well, and there is still the scalability concern. today we have no easy answer to what happens when our storage needs double. we're attaching the maximum number of cinder volumes of the maximum possible size to the server already | 00:23 |
jhesketh | so are the alternative filesystems (afs, ceph etc) going to be stable enough, and is the stability worth the effort in setting it up? | 00:23 |
jhesketh | fungi: hmm, didn't know that | 00:23 |
jeblair | jhesketh: well, we've already set up afs | 00:23 |
jeblair | so that's basically a sunk cost | 00:24 |
jhesketh | sure, just thinking through the options. For example, if we have playbooks to help recover from various disk failures how bad is it if we lose a day of logs? Jobs can just be re-run for those who need them. | 00:24 |
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fungi | jhesketh: maximum cinder device rackspace allows us to provision is 1tb and due to xen limitations we can't attach more than 14 (supports up to 16 vbd nodes, two of which are taken up by rootfs and ephemeral) | 00:24 |
jhesketh | (not that I Think that's a good idea) | 00:24 |
jeblair | if we want _more_ stability from afs than our current system, we may need to spend a little more effort into making it more robust, but that's also something we can fairly easily evolve over time | 00:25 |
fungi | so basically with no redundancy we top out around 14tb capacity | 00:25 |
jhesketh | jeblair: it sounds like there is still some effort in tuning the afs and testing, although compared to the other options that doesn't seem like too much work | 00:25 |
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jeblair | (volume migrations make that easy) | 00:25 |
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jeblair | krotscheck: i get online around 8am; i can try to reserve mornings for this -- i did want to update my bandersnatch patch first, so maybe we should plan for thurs/friday for the serious push. | 00:28 |
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jeblair | so maybe i can spend tomorrow getting bandersnatch writing into afs | 00:30 |
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clarkb | fyi rebooting nodepool now to apply new nodepool changes and patch kernel | 00:32 |
jeblair | jhesketh, clarkb, fungi, mordred: so maybe we should pause the swift logs stuff for now and take a bit of time to consider it, during which we can see if the pypi in afs effort falls flat or what else we might learn from it? | 00:32 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/system-config: AFS servers use server class instead of template | 00:34 |
krotscheck | jeblair: That works for me, that leaves me tomorrow open to contribute to bower and get them more distro-package-policy savvy | 00:35 |
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anteaya | I'm thinking of writing a story where the narative begins at the punchline and the story is revealed in reverse order one page at a time | 00:37 |
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nibalizer | anteaya: so its a puppet manifest? | 00:38 |
anteaya | ha ha ha | 00:38 |
anteaya | it could be written in ruby with lots of rockets, sure | 00:38 |
jhesketh | jeblair: yeah I'm okay with it being on the back burner, but I'd love for the spec to not drag on. I thought this is why we revisited it during the summit. | 00:39 |
openstackgerrit | Christopher Aedo proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update App Catalog dead link checker | 00:40 |
ianw | clarkb: when it's settled, can you ensure a build is started so we can see if the logs are making it out? | 00:41 |
clarkb | ianw: ya I will trigger a build shortly | 00:41 |
clarkb | oh except I think it will write to my console | 00:42 |
jeblair | jhesketh: yeah, i'm with you. there are two things that make me think we should pause, for at least a couple days: 1) changing direction probably shouldn't be a snap decision if we can take a moment to consider. 2) given a week, i think we can put something production into afs which will help us better evaluate that alternative. i don't think we need to drag it out. | 00:43 |
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anteaya | jhesketh: I do acknowledge and am grateful for all the hard work you have put into swift logs to get us this far | 00:44 |
anteaya | jhesketh: thank you | 00:45 |
anteaya | you are awesome | 00:45 |
jeblair | everything is awesome, but especially jhesketh | 00:45 |
anteaya | ++ | 00:45 |
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jhesketh | lol | 00:46 |
jhesketh | thankyou :-) | 00:46 |
jhesketh | jeblair: I'm fine with that way forward | 00:46 |
openstackgerrit | Jay_Clark proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: adding the irc meeting slot for the openstack-salt team. | 00:46 |
anteaya | did we restart nodepool recently? | 00:48 |
ianw | anteaya: clarkb just rebooted it | 00:49 |
anteaya | ah thank you | 00:49 |
anteaya | there it is in scrollback, sorry | 00:50 |
openstackgerrit | Matthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Use devstack subunit stream in output | 00:50 |
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anteaya | clarkb: I don't know if you saw but the patch to devstack master to remove the cpu flags failed in check: | 00:52 |
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anteaya | clarkb: for after the world has been patched | 00:52 |
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clarkb | ok geaman is still not getting jobs registered for the image deletes | 00:55 |
clarkb | greghaynes: tells me likely because the builder relies on what is on disk to know what to register jobs for | 00:56 |
clarkb | so | 00:56 |
greghaynes | ya | 00:56 |
clarkb | I can do manual cleanup of the db | 00:56 |
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greghaynes | builders only register delete/upload jobs for stuff that exists on disk, if a build fails and the file is not on disk then no -delete is registered | 00:57 |
greghaynes | so when nodepool is out of sync and wants to delete an image that lacks a job it just hnnnng | 00:57 |
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clarkb | for now I htink the best option is to manually remove those rows from the db | 00:58 |
clarkb | then work on making the deletes more resilient to this failure | 00:59 |
clarkb | under typical operation this should't happen | 00:59 |
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anteaya | sandbox has the +1, 0, -1 that it used to have for registered users again | 01:00 |
anteaya | | 01:00 |
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clarkb | so I think I need to do a 'DELETE FROM dib_image WHERE state = 1; | 01:07 |
clarkb | jeblair: ^ that look right ot you? | 01:07 |
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clarkb | ok confirmed they are not on disk so I am going to go ahead and run that sql query | 01:13 |
jeblair | clarkb: yep. | 01:14 |
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openstackgerrit | Matthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add optional run_metadata filter to get_test_runs_by_test_test_id | 01:15 |
teran | Hi folks | 01:16 |
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clarkb | teran: hello | 01:17 |
mtreinish | lifeless: have you seen this error before? | 01:17 |
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clarkb | jeblair: ianw ok I have run `nodepool image-build ubuntu-trusty` as a first attempt (but with the sudo things which may not be necesary any longer with builders | 01:17 |
teran | clarkb: Do you probably know is there any chance to get more logs(like dmesg/kernel.log) from nodes running gate tests? | 01:17 |
teran | like this one | 01:17 |
lifeless | mtreinish: either bad packaging, or something ran 'python install' the six project | 01:18 |
clarkb | jeblair: ianw and the logs are being written to dib.ubuntu-trusty.log | 01:18 |
clarkb | jeblair: ianw so progress | 01:18 |
dstufft | FYI I just cut pip 8.0 | 01:18 |
clarkb | teran: we should record those logs already | 01:18 |
dstufft | so if things go boom, I'll be hiding over here | 01:18 |
teran | clarkb: oh, where to look for them? | 01:18 |
mtreinish | dstufft: oh, that could be what broke in that link I just pasted | 01:18 |
mtreinish | because everything was working a few minutes ago | 01:18 |
clarkb | teran: oh doesn't look like fuel puppet runs do | 01:19 |
mtreinish | lifeless: ^^^ | 01:19 |
lifeless | mtreinish: I don't *think* its a new thing in pip 8 | 01:19 |
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lifeless | mtreinish: but it could be | 01:19 |
clarkb | teran: we do for mots of the openstack integration tests, you will have to add it to that job if you wan tthem | 01:19 |
dstufft | I don't think that's new or an actual error | 01:19 |
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lifeless | mtreinish: certainly the limitation on uninstalling things without that metadata isn't new | 01:19 |
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lifeless | mtreinish: isn't | 01:19 |
teran | clarkb: hm... ok, we'll try to get them. Thanks a lot! | 01:20 |
lifeless | 2016-01-20 01:10:44.467 | ./ line 486: generate-subunit: command not found | 01:20 |
lifeless | the error ? | 01:20 |
lifeless | hmm, no | 01:20 |
lifeless | dstufft: it does look like 8 bailed on that | 01:20 |
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* dstufft finds commit | 01:21 | |
lifeless | dstufft: elif distutils_egg_info: | 01:21 |
lifeless | raise UninstallationError( | 01:21 |
dstufft | oh right | 01:21 |
mtreinish | lifeless: | 01:22 |
lifeless | dstufft: thats from 2014 though | 01:22 |
dstufft | it was in my general "we're doing a pip 8 so remove all the deprecated things" | 01:22 |
mtreinish | it looks like it was just a deprecation warning before and now its fatal | 01:22 |
dstufft | | 01:22 |
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ianw | clarkb: yay! | 01:22 |
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lifeless | dstufft: oh no, I misread blame | 01:23 |
lifeless | dstufft: so yeah | 01:23 |
lifeless | dstufft: this is going to break everyone using trusty that has six installed from the distro ;) | 01:23 |
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dstufft | basically we stopped lying and pretending we were uninstalling something that we weren't actually uninstalling | 01:23 |
lifeless | dstufft: sure, I get the logic | 01:23 |
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mtreinish | yeah, it's gonna break every dsvm run: | 01:24 |
lifeless | dstufft: the concern I have is that the deprecation cycle is faster than the reaction-to-deprecations for distro packages | 01:24 |
mtreinish | has 200177 hits in the last 7 days | 01:24 |
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lifeless | mtreinish: can you see if its always associated with six? | 01:24 |
lifeless | mtreinish: or if there are other packages | 01:25 |
mtreinish | it's more than just six | 01:25 |
teran | clarkb: one more question, is there a chance to get contrack limits and yes/no about it's reaching from hardware nodes instances for those tests are running? | 01:25 |
lifeless | mtreinish: if its just a few we might be able to uninstall them like we uninstall python-pip, python-pip3 etc | 01:25 |
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mtreinish | theres urllib3, jsonpointer, chardet, libvirt-python, pyOpenSSL, PyYAML, netaddr | 01:25 |
mtreinish | and that's just where I got until laziness kicked in | 01:26 |
mtreinish | although, that might be the complete list | 01:26 |
lifeless | mtreinish: ok, lets cap the install of pip to 7.1 | 01:26 |
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lifeless | mtreinish: is a pip itself | 01:26 |
lifeless | mtreinish: so doing install pip<8 should work IIRC | 01:26 |
dstufft | no | 01:27 |
dstufft | it won't, because double requirement | 01:27 |
lifeless | dstufft: -c ? | 01:28 |
dstufft | -c should work yea | 01:28 |
mtreinish | lifeless, dstufft: so ' install -c pip<8' ? | 01:29 |
lifeless | python ./ -c <(echo "pip<8") | 01:29 |
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lifeless | mtreinish: -c takes a file as parameter | 01:29 |
dstufft | do we support stdin on that? | 01:29 |
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dstufft | that's neat | 01:29 |
lifeless | mtreinish: so probably a little clearer to write a file with pip<8 in it, rather than my shell hackery | 01:29 |
lifeless | mtreinish: since we need to tunnel through sudo | 01:29 |
lifeless | dstufft: no, thats a shell thing, uses /proc/fd | 01:30 |
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dstufft | oh | 01:30 |
lifeless | <(expression) -> run expression with its output a pipe, pass the pipe as an open fd via fork, pass /proc/fd/N in the cmdline | 01:30 |
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mtreinish | lifeless, dstufft: | 01:31 |
mtreinish | oh, I can change it to a file | 01:31 |
lifeless | mtreinish: yah, will need to | 01:32 |
lifeless | mtreinish: because sudo opens another subprocess and closes extraneous fd's | 01:32 |
dstufft | lifeless: I didn't mean to ignore the thing earlier, feeling crummy and I got distracted looking to see how long ago we deprecated it-- We may roll that back. We deprecated it almost exactly a year ago (11 days shy), though I'm not sure that a longer period of time is going to actually cause any movement on it, the tl;dr is that some projects use distutils in their and if they do distros won't drop the right metadata, fix is | 01:33 |
dstufft | either get distros to switch to setuptools, projects, or both. Just continuing to lie about uninstalling doesn't feel like a great solution, but we'll see how many people start yelling at me | 01:33 |
lifeless | dstufft: so we may be unable to avoid the lying on distros | 01:33 |
mtreinish | lifeless: ok: uses a seperate file | 01:35 |
clarkb | teran: I don't understand the question | 01:35 |
mtreinish | I'll fast approve it if it passes the gate | 01:35 |
lifeless | dstufft: because the distro package manager will have a hernia if we uninstall things high up the dep list | 01:35 |
mtreinish | I probably should have opened a bug for it | 01:35 |
lifeless | dstufft: (and things with CLI's other programs need, for instance) | 01:35 |
dstufft | I don't feel like logging into review.o.o atm but that looks legit to me | 01:36 |
dstufft | lifeless: virtual environments! | 01:36 |
lifeless | dstufft: so -> #pypa-dev perhaps ? | 01:37 |
teran | clarkb: so, we have a connectivity issue with these tests and one of the most obvious guesses why could it happen that's because of conntrack limit in hardware node | 01:37 |
dstufft | pip install --ignored-installed six will (I think) install six as pip<8 did too fwiw | 01:37 |
dstufft | lifeless: sure | 01:37 |
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teran | clarkb: so someone who has access to hardware node could just check it's dmesg for conntrack limit reaching messages that would be very useful | 01:38 |
teran | clarkb: could you please do that or who should I ask about that? | 01:39 |
clarkb | teran: we don't have access to that you would have to contact the individual clouds | 01:39 |
teran | clarkb: ok, got it. Thank you! | 01:39 |
fungi | at least until infra-cloud goes live | 01:40 |
openstackgerrit | Jay_Clark proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: adding the irc meeting slot for the openstack-salt team. | 01:42 |
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dims | lifeless : mtreinish : is the plan of action? :) | 01:44 |
mtreinish | dims: assuming it passes check yes | 01:45 |
mtreinish | well in the short term at least | 01:45 |
dims | mtreinish : guess we need request to promote it once it passes check? | 01:45 |
mtreinish | fungi: btw, I set the subunit2sql db prune cron job to run on Sundays right? Was there anything in the log file, because it doesn't look like anything trimmed | 01:45 |
mtreinish | dims: yep, that was my plan :) | 01:45 |
dims | mtreinish : great thanks | 01:46 |
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lifeless | dims: yes | 01:50 |
ianw | clarkb: cool, finally that git clone line looks right and the old branches deleted (01:21:00,296 in | 01:50 |
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jeblair | lol: the atlassian instructions for "how to resolve a merge conflict" describe git, not mercurial. | 01:52 |
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lifeless | can someone confirm for me - pip in unittest images is done at image build time, not test run time ? | 01:53 |
jeblair | lifeless: hrm, i think we may actually run get-pip at runtime... | 01:54 |
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jeblair | lifeless: i think we cache itself_ at image-build, but run it at job-execution... | 01:55 |
jeblair | i still want to double check myself on that though | 01:55 |
lifeless | jeblair: ok; thinking through, I actually care about virtualenv, not pip | 01:55 |
lifeless | jeblair: since the virtualenv package determines the pip we end up with in a virtualenv made by tox | 01:56 |
lifeless | jeblair: and virtualenvs with system site packages enabled may run into this issue too | 01:56 |
jeblair | lifeless: i think we have exised all site-packages-enabled venvs | 01:56 |
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lifeless | oh that would be loverly | 01:56 |
jeblair | lifeless: i think virtualenv is image build time | 01:57 |
greghaynes | I dont see anything that runs in our elements | 01:58 |
jeblair | lifeless: | 01:58 |
greghaynes | so that jives with what jeblair thins | 01:58 |
mtreinish | greghaynes: I think something is installing a newer pip in the images: | 01:58 |
greghaynes | thinks | 01:58 |
lifeless | mtreinish: that dvsm | 01:58 |
fungi | | 01:58 |
lifeless | mtreinish: we're now talking unit tests | 01:59 |
greghaynes | mtreinish: yep, at runtime though | 01:59 |
lifeless | mtreinish: I know exactly where dvsm does its stuff :) | 01:59 |
mtreinish | lifeless: heh, ok | 01:59 |
jeblair | lifeless: you may be the only one ;) | 01:59 |
fungi | there are a few dib elements in dib itself which seem to use it | 02:00 |
lifeless | jeblair: we should rewrite it in Make | 02:00 |
fungi | also ansible's pip role | 02:00 |
jeblair | lifeless: don't tempt clarkb | 02:00 |
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clarkb | I already did it | 02:00 |
fungi | er, ansible's pip_install role | 02:00 |
lifeless | jeblair: nah, clarkb doesn't have time to rewrite devstack in Make | 02:00 |
clarkb | oh devstack | 02:00 |
mtreinish | looks like it could be a problem | 02:00 |
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fungi | also our cache-devstack element | 02:01 |
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jeblair | mtreinish: i can't find that called anywhere | 02:01 |
lifeless | mtreinish: we only need to cap it where we see failures for now IMO | 02:01 |
fungi | oh, i guess that's just downloading not calling | 02:01 |
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mtreinish | ugh, stable: | 02:01 |
lifeless | mtreinish: we're going to get back onto latest soon, once we figure an answer for | 02:02 |
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fungi | the cache-devstack hits i mean | 02:02 |
mtreinish | I'm gonna have to push a backport before we can land master | 02:02 |
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lifeless | mtreinish: is it a backport if it lands first ? | 02:02 |
lifeless | mtreinish: or is the master change a forward port ?:) | 02:02 |
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mtreinish | lifeless: heh, fair enough :) | 02:03 |
openstackgerrit | James E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove unused | 02:03 |
greghaynes | jeblair: Also | 02:04 |
greghaynes | jeblair: We can remove out logic which removes pip from system packages pretty soon | 02:04 |
lifeless | greghaynes: oh ? | 02:05 |
jeblair | greghaynes: that's more than i can deal with right before dinner :) | 02:05 |
greghaynes | lifeless: ya, dib has the smarts to bulid an image using now (it was stuck in t-i-e but recently moved up) | 02:06 |
greghaynes | jeblair: It depends on something still, but just FYI | 02:06 |
mtreinish | fungi, jeblair, clarkb: so we're gonna need to promote: and in that order when they pass check | 02:06 |
jeblair | jhesketh: considering time of day, we may need your help with the above ^ | 02:07 |
fungi | we've also got | 02:07 |
jhesketh | jeblair: sure, what can I do | 02:07 |
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jeblair | jhesketh: see request from mtreinish; i'm about to get food | 02:08 |
fungi | | 02:09 |
fungi | maybe | 02:09 |
jeblair | i'm rebooting codesearch.o.o | 02:09 |
jhesketh | mtreinish: looking.. | 02:11 |
dims | mtreinish : 269964 will pass check first and would have to be merged before 269963 will pass check. right? | 02:12 |
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dims | mtreinish : so we may as well request a ninja merge of those 3 rather than a promotion | 02:12 |
mtreinish | dims: yep, we've got to work are way up from kilo | 02:12 |
mtreinish | dims: that's probably a good idea | 02:13 |
mtreinish | jhesketh: ^^^ | 02:13 |
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jeblair | so two things about hound: | 02:14 |
jeblair | one, it did not start at boot | 02:14 |
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jhesketh | mtreinish: happy to ninja merge, but I havne't done that before... fungi are you still around to advise on policy here? | 02:14 |
jeblair | two, it seems to be cycling through pids at an insane rate | 02:15 |
jeblair | you almost would not notice it because they loop around so quickly | 02:15 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Thorstensen proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Bump APScheduler to >=3.0 | 02:15 |
fungi | dims: mtreinish: usually you can address that with a depends-on | 02:16 |
fungi | then they can all go into the gate together rather than needing one merged before check succeeds on the next | 02:16 |
mtreinish | fungi: they all have the same Change ID | 02:16 |
fungi | yeah, that won't work then | 02:16 |
dims | yep, unfortunately not an option here | 02:17 |
fungi | probably a terrible idea to keep using the same change id on backports if we want to be able to do cross-branch dependencies | 02:17 |
mtreinish | yeah, I didn't think about that when I pushed it | 02:17 |
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jeblair | jhesketh, fungi: as for policy, generally by the time we get to "nothing will work at all unless we merge something" i'm pretty okay with ninja merges. | 02:20 |
jeblair | however, if things are testable, i do prefer to try to merge them naturally, because they might not work or even make things worse. | 02:21 |
jhesketh | yep, that makes sense | 02:21 |
jeblair | i'm not quite sure where we are on this... | 02:21 |
mtreinish | jeblair: yep, that's the case here all dsvm jobs are stuck on this | 02:21 |
jhesketh | mtreinish: so this is just affecting stable right? | 02:21 |
mtreinish | jhesketh: it's affecting all dsvm jobs | 02:21 |
mtreinish | stable and master | 02:21 |
jhesketh | oh.. | 02:21 |
jeblair | mtreinish: though it's apparently a testable change, yeah? | 02:21 |
dims | jhesketh : nope every one | 02:21 |
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mtreinish | jeblair: it is testable, shows that the fix worked | 02:22 |
mtreinish | jeblair: the issue is there is a stable branch cross-dependency | 02:22 |
dims | jeblair : however the grenade jobs will fail | 02:22 |
mtreinish | master can't land until liberty has it (because of grenade) | 02:22 |
dims | yep | 02:22 |
mtreinish | and liberty can't land until kilo | 02:22 |
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jhesketh | right, but that's not a cyclic dependency no? | 02:22 |
fungi | and they can't be declared as deps to zuul because they reused the change id on the backports | 02:22 |
jhesketh | as in, if we do them in sequence they should go in neatly | 02:23 |
jeblair | yeah, so we could re-propose as 3 different changes, promote, and they should merge naturally (barring random errors) | 02:23 |
jhesketh | would it be so bad to use a different changeid? | 02:23 |
mtreinish | jhesketh: except the sequence is kilo passes check we promote it passes gate, then we have to recheck liberty and repeat that and then do it again for master | 02:23 |
mtreinish | it's a ~5-6 hour process | 02:23 |
jeblair | mtreinish: no with depends on we should be able to do all 3 at once | 02:24 |
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fungi | unless they're reproposed with new change ids, set with dependency headers, and get a free pass out of check straight to the gate and promoted | 02:24 |
fungi | them ~1 hour barring failures | 02:24 |
fungi | er, then | 02:24 |
jeblair | fungi: right | 02:24 |
mtreinish | jeblair: fungi: sure, that's fine, I'll do that now | 02:24 |
jhesketh | fungi: how do you get a free pass out of check? wouldn't we have to +1 as jenkins (according to the gate rules) | 02:25 |
fungi | zuul enqueue | 02:25 |
jhesketh | ah, and dequeue (if we could) from check | 02:25 |
fungi | you can just ignore the instance in check | 02:25 |
fungi | it'll report, but won't influence what's already running in the gate | 02:25 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Thorstensen proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Bump APScheduler to >=3.0 | 02:25 |
jhesketh | yep | 02:25 |
jhesketh | okay so are we comfortable with setting the depends-on and then promoting straight to top of gate | 02:26 |
jeblair | jhesketh: definitely comfortable with that, and if we get into trouble, i'm not opposed to ninja merging these either. | 02:26 |
fungi | yeah, so long as they have distinct change-ids should be sane | 02:26 |
jhesketh | okay | 02:26 |
jhesketh | mtreinish: once you shoot through the new changeid's I'll do that thing | 02:26 |
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mtreinish | | 02:27 |
mtreinish | and | 02:27 |
mtreinish | jhesketh: ^^^ | 02:27 |
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fungi | i'm with jeblair on policy, basically ninja-merge as a workaround to not wanting to wait for thorough testing is not my preference, but skipping check and prioritizing the gate is a sufficient compromise most of the time so that we can shorten the delays significantly | 02:28 |
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dims | fungi : cool, did not about that option | 02:29 |
jhesketh | mtreinish: do yo uwant to chuck a +W on them, then I'll enqueue to gate | 02:29 |
jhesketh | otherwise once jenksin finishes it won't be able to submit | 02:29 |
fungi | they'll need code review +2 and workflow +1 before you an enqueue, right | 02:29 |
mtreinish | jhesketh: ok, should have +3 on all 3 | 02:30 |
jhesketh | fungi: I suspect it'll enqueue correctly, but not submit | 02:30 |
jhesketh | mtreinish: thanks | 02:30 |
fungi | jhesketh: actually it didn't in the past, since zuul does a can-merge check of what gerrit wants on enqueuing | 02:31 |
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fungi | which has actually tripped me up in the past until i realized that's why enqueue wasn't working | 02:31 |
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jhesketh | ah okay | 02:33 |
jhesketh | mtreinish: okay looks like they are at the top of the gate | 02:33 |
jhesketh | jeblair, fungi: thanks for your extra help, sorry to keep you away from dinner etc | 02:34 |
mtreinish | jhesketh: ok cool, thanks | 02:34 |
* mtreinish crosses his fingers | 02:34 | |
fungi | jhesketh: not keeping me from dinner--i'm already in bed for the night | 02:34 |
jhesketh | well sorry for keeping you from sleep :-( | 02:34 |
mtreinish | fungi: at 9:30? :) | 02:35 |
fungi | mtreinish: well, testing out a new mattress, also watching some cartoons | 02:35 |
thorst | Hi. Wondering if someone can take a look at ? | 02:35 |
thorst | It looks like the corresponding zuul change merged 2 weeks ago ( and now anyone running zulu & nodepool on the same system have an incompatibility with APScheduler until that change goes through. | 02:35 |
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ianw | thorst: looking | 02:37 |
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dims | fungi : sounds like fun :) | 02:39 |
thorst | thanks...I'm not sure context of it. But I proposed an update that I think addresses the -1 that had been on it earlier. Tox seems to work now for me locally. | 02:40 |
dmsimard | Is there a list of openstack projects available somewhere ? Ideally somewhere parseable | 02:40 |
thorst | and we're going to try to redeploy our CI to validate further...but that may run into tomorrow | 02:40 |
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dims | dmsimard : ? | 02:41 |
dmsimard | dims: yeah just found it too | 02:42 |
dmsimard | dims: I'll try that, thanks | 02:42 |
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dmsimard | ehhhhhhh, it's dirty but it works: curl | egrep "^\S+:$" |cut -f1 -d : | 02:44 |
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mtreinish | ugh, kilo failed: | 02:44 |
mtreinish | pip 8 ended up in the tox venv? | 02:45 |
mtreinish | but not on the system, how did that happen? | 02:45 |
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fungi | mtreinish: installed a newer version of virtualenv? | 02:45 |
fungi | usually they get released in tandem since virtualenv bundles its own pip | 02:46 |
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mtreinish | fungi: right, that's likely what it is | 02:46 |
mtreinish | oh right it's kilo so no constraints | 02:46 |
fungi | or else maybe something did a pip install -U pip in the virtualenv? or something's depending on pip and we install -U whatever that thing is? | 02:46 |
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fungi | aha, yeah there's that too | 02:47 |
mtreinish | I'll push a g-r cap on kilo for virtualenv | 02:47 |
mtreinish | this chain just keeps getting bigger | 02:47 |
fungi | testing is helping at least | 02:47 |
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mtreinish | well I just want to unblock master, let mriedem worry about stable. (its his job now :) ) | 02:48 |
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jhesketh | Anybody here know much about the afs nodes? | 02:48 |
fungi | jhesketh: they're not (yet) really in production, so if you reboot them and things don't come back up we can troubleshoot at our leisure | 02:50 |
openstackgerrit | Matthew Treinish proposed openstack/requirements: Cap virtualenv<14 | 02:50 |
dims | mtreinish : did you see the "Detected a distutils installed project ('argparse') which we cannot uninstall."? | 02:51 |
dims | ah you did | 02:51 |
jhesketh | fungi: so my method was to do 'ps aux | grep -i afs' before restarting and then after.. the first node came back up with the same asf processes, the second one had /sbin/asfd running (which the first one didn't) which didn't come back up | 02:51 |
jhesketh | so if somebody wants to work from that, then that's cool | 02:51 |
jhesketh | otherwise I'll keep moving | 02:51 |
mtreinish | jhesketh, fungi: ok can we try this again with: in addition to the other 3 | 02:52 |
jhesketh | mtreinish: hmm, do the other ones need a new dependson? | 02:52 |
mtreinish | jhesketh: only the kilo one does | 02:53 |
dims | mtreinish : that will just let the kilo change in | 02:53 |
jhesketh | right, but that affects the whole series | 02:53 |
stevemar | something going on with the CI? | 02:53 |
mtreinish | constraints should protect us on liberty and master | 02:53 |
dims | stevemar : pip8 broke dsvm jobs | 02:53 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/nodepool: Uncap pyzmq requirements | 02:53 |
stevemar | dims: wonderful! | 02:53 |
stevemar | :) | 02:53 |
dims | mtreinish : wouldn't bet on it | 02:53 |
stevemar | mtreinish: master seems to be messed up | 02:54 |
mtreinish | stevemar: every dsvm job is broken | 02:54 |
mtreinish | I was talking about the patch series to fix it | 02:54 |
dims | mtreinish : but worth a try | 02:55 |
mtreinish | dims: well my earlier test runs showed virtualenv wasn't getting pulled in | 02:55 |
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dims | mtreinish : ack | 02:55 |
mtreinish | the master patch got to tempest everywhere except for grenade :) | 02:55 |
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dims | mtreinish : jhesketh : 269974 has to be the first one in the queue for it to work i think | 02:56 |
jhesketh | dims: yeah, I'm reworking the queue now | 02:56 |
dims | thanks jhesketh | 02:57 |
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stevemar | dims: mtreinish well that's one way to clear out the check and gate pipelines | 02:58 |
dims | LOL stevemar | 02:58 |
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mtreinish | stevemar: it is a milestone week, this just comes with the territory :) | 02:59 |
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stevemar | dims: mtreinish: hehe, i think some of the patches in gate may still survive | 02:59 |
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stevemar | oh boy, i can see the gate drop off in numbers | 03:00 |
stevemar | 75.... 69 | 03:00 |
stevemar | 651 | 03:00 |
stevemar | 61 | 03:00 |
jhesketh | so got the requirements change to the top, but the devstack ones aren't queuing.. | 03:01 |
jhesketh | oh this is the thing fungi had mentioned | 03:01 |
jhesketh | mtreinish: your +W from 269969 was lost, could you please readd it | 03:01 |
* jhesketh hasn't got +w | 03:01 | |
mtreinish | jhesketh: oops, sorry. Added it again | 03:01 |
mtreinish | forgot that pushing a new rev would lose that :) | 03:02 |
jhesketh | ta | 03:02 |
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jhesketh | mtreinish: okay they are the top 4 now | 03:03 |
dims | mtreinish : and wont' merge without each other i think | 03:04 |
mtreinish | jhesketh: oh crap, the requirements patch is gonna fail because it needs the pip cap from the devstack change | 03:04 |
dims | yep | 03:04 |
mtreinish | dims: jinx | 03:04 |
mtreinish | we've got a circular dependency now I guess it's time to ninja merge :( | 03:04 |
dims | right | 03:05 |
jhesketh | hmm sounds like it.. probably best to merge the requirements change and then queue back in the devstack ones | 03:05 |
fungi | in which case you pick the simpler of the two and we manually submit it for merge | 03:05 |
fungi | yeah, i agree probably the stable reqs change | 03:05 |
jhesketh | fungi: which group do I need to add myself to to submit changes? | 03:06 |
jhesketh | or is there more magic than that | 03:06 |
* jhesketh hasn't ninja'd before and pretty sure he isn't stealthy enough to not trip over or cut himself with his stars | 03:06 | |
dims | jhesketh : +1 to merge requirements and queue the rest back in | 03:06 |
dims | haha | 03:07 |
fungi | jhesketh: project bootstrappers | 03:07 |
jhesketh | ta | 03:07 |
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jhesketh | fungi: is there anything else I need to do? I can't see the verified or submit options | 03:09 |
fungi | jhesketh: force-reload | 03:09 |
fungi | your browser | 03:09 |
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jhesketh | yep, did that | 03:09 |
* jhesketh is probably missing something obvious | 03:09 | |
fungi | gerrit caches some mighty strange things in browser | 03:09 |
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fungi | maybe also flush gerrit's caches via the ssh api | 03:10 |
fungi | gerrit flush-caches | 03:10 |
fungi | and then force-reload your browser once that completes | 03:10 |
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jhesketh | fungi: hmm still nothing | 03:13 |
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fungi | still no verified? | 03:13 |
fungi | note that submit no longer shows up there in 2.11 | 03:13 |
jhesketh | nope, no verified options | 03:14 |
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ianw | mtreinish: this pip thing is going to be a PITA | 03:16 |
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fungi | jhesketh: i get a verified after adding myself to project bootstrappers and going to and replying | 03:17 |
fungi | jhesketh: when you're _on_ the reply pop-up dialogue, force refresh your browser there | 03:18 |
jhesketh | wow, that worked | 03:18 |
jhesketh | that's incredibly weird | 03:18 |
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mtreinish | ianw: heh, yep | 03:18 |
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fungi | see my earlier comment about the weird ways gerrit caches in a browser | 03:18 |
jhesketh | agreed | 03:19 |
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fungi | jhesketh: so anyway, +2 code review, +2 verify, +1 workflow with a comment that we're bypassing gating due to a circular fix and then once that's showing there should be a submit change button | 03:19 |
fungi | and then we should see gerritbot report the merge event in here | 03:20 |
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jhesketh | fungi: done the +2 verify, but can't see a submit button | 03:20 |
jhesketh | the change says "not verified". I wonder if it's because Jenkins snuck in a -2 first | 03:20 |
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fungi | oh, and delete the -2, yeah | 03:21 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/requirements: Cap virtualenv<14 | 03:21 |
jhesketh | ah there we go | 03:21 |
mtreinish | \o/ 1 down 3 to go | 03:21 |
jhesketh | okay putting the devstack changes back to the top | 03:23 |
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* mtreinish crosses his fingers again | 03:23 | |
jhesketh | mtreinish: can you abandon the backports with the same id's please | 03:23 |
jhesketh | nevermind, you have | 03:24 |
jhesketh | okay, those are top of the queue | 03:24 |
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jhesketh | I have to run to an appointment but will be able to jump back in if anything gets stuck or blows up | 03:24 |
jhesketh | be back soon | 03:24 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from global requirements | 03:28 |
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mtreinish | ugh, it's still installing virtualenv 14 | 03:38 |
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dims | mtreinish : requirements/test-requirements.txt (line 12) ? | 03:41 |
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mtreinish | dims: no, it's kilo devstack | 03:42 |
mtreinish | pip_install doesn't do g-r | 03:42 |
mtreinish | | 03:43 |
mtreinish | there was a separate pip_install_gr function | 03:43 |
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mtreinish | so I think just setting the pip_install -U virtualenv to pip_install -U virtualenv<14 in the kilo patch will be the right way | 03:44 |
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dims | mtreinish : not ? | 03:44 |
mtreinish | dims: that only matters for the requirements repo tests | 03:44 |
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mtreinish | kilo global requirements might not be able to pass it's tests without the cap added there, but thats of lesser concern | 03:45 |
dims | mtreinish : i see it kick in | 03:45 |
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mtreinish | dims: what kicks in? | 03:47 |
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mtreinish | dims: I'm going to add: to the kilo patch | 03:48 |
dims | mtreinish : | 03:48 |
dims | mtreinish : ok | 03:49 |
mtreinish | dims: there is also: | 03:49 |
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mtreinish | which happens right before that | 03:50 |
dims | y | 03:50 |
mtreinish | that link you pasted is happening inside the wheelhouse venv, which doesn't look like it's causing an issue | 03:51 |
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dims | ok | 03:51 |
mtreinish | dims: is updated now | 03:52 |
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mtreinish | jhesketh: we do need to promote everything again when you're back | 03:52 |
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dims | mtreinish : will check up when i wake up :) | 03:53 |
mtreinish | dims: oh, right inside a venv won't be an issue because there aren't any ubuntu packages in there which are doing a distutils install | 03:53 |
dims | good | 03:53 |
mtreinish | which is one of the potential solutions lifeless mentioned in: | 03:53 |
dims | ok cross my fingers | 03:53 |
dims | signing off now | 03:53 |
mtreinish | err, well maybe it was on irc, because its not in the bug :) | 03:54 |
mtreinish | dims: ok, o/ | 03:54 |
mtreinish | thanks for helping | 03:54 |
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dims | :) | 03:54 |
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madorn | there is currently an issue with openstack-dev/sandbox where registered users can no longer +2 code appears to have happened after the gerrit upgrade..i know clarkb and anteaya were looking at it yesterday and confirmed the issue.. | 03:57 |
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jhesketh | mtreinish: heading home, will look asap | 03:58 |
mtreinish | jhesketh: ok thanks, I'm about to call it a night myself | 03:58 |
mtreinish | so hopefully someone will take over if the most recent kilo rev doesn't work | 03:59 |
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ianw | mtreinish: i'll keep an eye ... but this is a mess. we've been overwriting installed packages for years | 04:00 |
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ianw | i'm rather worried if this will affect image builds too | 04:03 |
mtreinish | ianw: cool thanks | 04:03 |
mtreinish | ianw: yeah the image builds are a risk, if they pull in pip8 or virtualenv 14 it could cause issues | 04:03 |
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mtreinish | ianw: ugh, I need quotes: | 04:14 |
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* jhesketh returns | 04:15 | |
jhesketh | mtreinish: what needed changing? | 04:15 |
mtreinish | jhesketh: kilo devstack doesnt respect g-r when installing virtualenv | 04:16 |
mtreinish | so I had to manually cap all the places kilo devstack was installing virtualenv | 04:16 |
mtreinish | I just pushed a new rev on: | 04:17 |
mtreinish | which should do the trick, hopefully | 04:17 |
jhesketh | mtreinish: okay, and the other patches are the same? | 04:17 |
jhesketh | ie unchanged | 04:17 |
mtreinish | yep | 04:17 |
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openstackgerrit | Sachi King proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Support old setuptools for LTS distro venvs | 04:18 |
jhesketh | mtreinish: needs as +W | 04:19 |
jhesketh | *a | 04:19 |
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mtreinish | jhesketh: heh, I'll never remember that | 04:20 |
mtreinish | it should have it now | 04:21 |
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openstackgerrit | Sachi King proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Support old setuptools for LTS distro venvs | 04:23 |
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jhesketh | mtreinish: okay shuffled to the top | 04:28 |
jhesketh | lets see how they go now | 04:28 |
mtreinish | jhesketh: this is my last shot for tonight, if it doesn't work I'm passing the baton to you and ianw | 04:28 |
jhesketh | yep happy to do what I can | 04:29 |
jhesketh | thanks for your help :-) | 04:29 |
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madorn | is there a place to submit bugs for openstack-dev..? | 04:29 |
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zxiiro | anyone here know what project provides this page? | 04:39 |
zxiiro | is it a part of zuul-server or something else? | 04:39 |
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stevemar | mtreinish: looks like the check/gate are still borked eh? | 04:54 |
mtreinish | stevemar: the fix is still in progress, it needed several more revs | 04:54 |
mtreinish | you can read the backscroll for all the gory details :) | 04:54 |
stevemar | mtreinish: link? | 04:54 |
stevemar | oh i see it | 04:54 |
stevemar | 269969/ | 04:54 |
mtreinish | but it's at the top of the gate now and it looks like it's working | 04:54 |
mtreinish | yep, that's the start of it | 04:55 |
mtreinish | there is an equiv change on liberty and master too | 04:55 |
stevemar | man, that a storm | 04:55 |
dstufft | lifeless: curl | python - 'pip<8' | 04:55 |
dstufft | er | 04:55 |
dstufft | stupid thing | 04:55 |
dstufft | lifeless: curl | python - 'pip<8' | 04:55 |
dstufft | that works now | 04:55 |
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stevemar | mtreinish: well i guess i'll recheck in a few hours | 04:56 |
dstufft | or mtreinish or whatever, if you prefer that form anyways | 04:56 |
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openstackgerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Packstack integration test gate jobs | 04:58 |
openstackgerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add generic script to recover diagnostic or service config and logs | 04:58 |
openstackgerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Leverage default-logs for puppet-openstack gate jobs | 04:58 |
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openstackgerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Leverage default-logs for puppet-openstack gate jobs | 04:59 |
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openstackgerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Packstack integration test gate jobs | 05:02 |
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openstackgerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Packstack integration test gate jobs | 05:03 |
dmsimard | Sorry for the spam ^ | 05:03 |
dmsimard | Going to sleep now :) | 05:03 |
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greghaynes | clarkb: jeblair fungi I am EOD so I cant debug now but it seems pip 8.0 has broken dib, so I suspect image building tomorrow will be broken as a result | 05:04 |
greghaynes | just FYI | 05:04 |
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openstackgerrit | greghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Properly fail/trap in eval_run_d | 05:11 |
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ianw | lifeless / dstufft: <- on this over-install failure. i'm not sure where we will go from here :( | 05:15 |
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ianw | greghaynes: yeah, just as I feared | 05:16 |
greghaynes | ianw: ah, there is some ML tl;dr I have missed | 05:16 |
dstufft | ianw: to be clear, pip didn't remove any directories for those packages | 05:17 |
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dstufft | all it did was remove the .egg-info file that said "hey X is installed" | 05:17 |
ianw | greghaynes: there's nothing to tl;dr at this point ... i'm not sure how we're going to fix it | 05:17 |
ianw | dstufft: yeah, sorry, and then overwrote | 05:17 |
ianw | dstufft: one thing i'm thinking is we just remove the egg-info in devstack | 05:17 |
ianw | ugly though | 05:18 |
greghaynes | I dont entirely understand why pip is trying to uninstall that package - is it because it is attempting to upgrade a system installed package? | 05:18 |
dstufft | yes | 05:18 |
ianw | greghaynes: yeah, generally anything left behind is part of some system dependency we can't remove (like yum on centos, etc) | 05:18 |
greghaynes | Ya, so it is a combination of the distutils in + allowing system-site-packages | 05:18 |
greghaynes | ok | 05:19 |
greghaynes | fun | 05:19 |
ianw | dstufft: if i proposed something for pip that did "if os.environ("ALLOW_UNSAFE_DISTUTILS_UNINTSALL") or something and did what it used to do, would that be rejected? | 05:19 |
ianw | i can't see any precedent for that, so i'm guessing yes | 05:19 |
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dstufft | ianw: fwiw I'm not opposed to rolling it back to a warning, but I'd want at least some idea how we're going to actually move forward on the issue if we do that. As it is right now the warning has been there a year and it appears folks (distros, packagers, users) just ignored it until it became not a warning so it's likely if we reverted it back to a warning folks would just go back to ignoring it | 05:22 |
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ianw | dstufft: does pip really care? it's not ideal but maybe it's good enough. aren't distros moving towards setuptools based intsalls, where pip can actually properly remove distro installed packages? it might just fix itself | 05:23 |
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ianw | basically devstack has shot itself in the foot with it so many times we have no foot left to shoot off :) | 05:24 |
dstufft | ianw: I think Fedora is planning (or is) on using pip to install things so they would, Debuntu side they do not seem to interested in it | 05:25 |
dstufft | ianw: as far as does pip really care -- Yes-ish, it's the cause of weird bugs when you overlay two packages ontop of each other like that and it's in preperation for pip to start hard failing on overwriting all together without a flag to force it | 05:26 |
ianw | dstufft: so if this warning was replaced with a flag, i think that would be fine... | 05:27 |
ianw | what used to be a warning, i mean | 05:27 |
ianw | also, the breakage around it seems like a good argument for debuntu to care | 05:27 |
dstufft | (I suspect the Debuntu answer will be the standard, don't use pip outside of --user and virtual envs) | 05:32 |
dstufft | I think they've modified pip in their repos to not be able to touch system files at all | 05:32 |
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openstackgerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add generic script to recover diagnostic or service config and logs | 05:37 |
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openstackgerrit | greghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Use pip 7 for ironic | 05:39 |
openstackgerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Leverage default-logs for puppet-openstack gate jobs | 05:39 |
openstackgerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Packstack integration test gate jobs | 05:39 |
openstackgerrit | greghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Use pip 7 for ironic | 05:39 |
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lifeless | dstufft: oh ? | 05:54 |
lifeless | dstufft: did you tweak the get-pip glue code? | 05:55 |
dstufft | yea | 05:55 |
lifeless | dstufft: cool | 05:55 |
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ianw | dstufft: i've proposed the revert in ... i'm sure there will be opinions | 06:09 |
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jhesketh | yay, looks like the dsvm fixes are all in | 06:16 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints | 06:27 |
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openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed openstack/requirements: Pin pip to < 8 | 07:32 |
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AJaeger | dstufft, ian, lifeless : WE'Ve broken also pep8 and docs targets with pip 8 | 07:35 |
AJaeger | what do you think of 270038 as quick measure? | 07:35 |
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AJaeger | dstufft, ianw, lifeless, jhesketh : See for an example breakage | 07:36 |
openstackgerrit | Vasyl Saienko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add networking-generic-switch project | 07:37 |
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therve | AJaeger, Don't we control the mirror from which pip is installed? | 08:24 |
therve | Syncing requirements will mean a 12+h breakage | 08:25 |
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openstackgerrit | Evgeny Sikachev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename sahara-scenario -> sahara-tests | 08:27 |
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AJaeger | therve: I'm not aware that we're manipulating our mirrors | 08:28 |
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therve | Hum okay, I thought things like were maintained by infra | 08:30 |
AJaeger | therve: yes, they are but I'm not aware that we manipulate these... | 08:31 |
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therve | AJaeger, Well I'm sure it's not usual practice, but there ought to be a way | 08:31 |
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jhesketh | AJaeger: it doesn't look like every pep8/docs job is broken | 08:46 |
jhesketh | AJaeger: besides, if we pin it with global reqs we'd have to still update every individual project's reqs too no? | 08:46 |
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AJaeger | jhesketh: yes, we requirements sync. | 08:49 |
AJaeger | jhesketh: not every - but some. And for those some I checked and they still use pip 7.2. | 08:50 |
AJaeger | and succeeded | 08:50 |
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AJaeger | and are two broken ones | 08:50 |
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esikachev | AJaeger: hi! take a look on | 08:51 |
AJaeger | esikachev: why? | 08:52 |
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AJaeger | esikachev: let me -2 that ;) | 08:52 |
AJaeger | esikachev: change is fine but needs gerrit downtime, just -2 for procedural reasons | 08:53 |
AJaeger | jhesketh: I don't understand why some jobs get pip 8 and other 7.2... | 08:54 |
jhesketh | AJaeger: are we better to just pin individual projects if they need it? | 08:54 |
esikachev | AJaeger: This was discussed at a meeting on Tuesday | 08:54 |
jhesketh | hmm, maybe 8 hasn't gotten to every mirror yet | 08:54 |
AJaeger | jhesketh: if we pin individual projects, the check-requirements job will fail | 08:56 |
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AJaeger | esikachev: we didn't have time to discuss this yesterday - and it still cannot merge now, it needs a gerrit downtime with a database migration ;( | 08:57 |
jhesketh | I thought it was only if it's not compatible with the global reqs | 08:57 |
* jhesketh should look at the check requirements job again | 08:57 | |
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AJaeger | pip is not in the requirements at all of any of the projects, so even doing the sync will not update any project ;( | 08:58 |
AJaeger | It would still need manual updates | 08:58 |
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esikachev | AJaeger: when the patch can be merged? | 08:59 |
jhesketh | AJaeger: is it pip and setuptools on the nodes maybe | 09:00 |
jhesketh | would explain different versions | 09:00 |
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AJaeger | esikachev: it needs to be scheduled with a global 30 mins downtime for gerrit - nobody will be able to access review.o.o at that time. And it's not scheduled yet. | 09:01 |
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esikachev | AJaeger: ok, thanks | 09:02 |
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AJaeger | jhesketh: I'm lost here and won't have time to further investigate ;( | 09:03 |
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AJaeger | jhesketh: see and change 270063 - pinning might not help at all ;( | 09:17 |
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jhesketh | AJaeger: yes I think it's the pip version installed on the node itself | 09:19 |
jhesketh | should possibly try and figure out what tox doesn't like about pip8 | 09:19 |
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mrunge | mtreinish, jhesketh are you sure your fix for kilo works? | 09:31 |
ianw | AJaeger: yeah, i think the conversation will have to be had probably at | 09:31 |
jhesketh | mrunge: yeah that failed because of the circular dependency so we force merged it | 09:31 |
mrunge | it looks like all kilo projects are broken right now | 09:31 |
mescanef | hello openstack infra. if any root around please review&approve :-) | 09:32 |
ianw | mrunge: a fix to kilo merged, and it passed CI. do you have an example? | 09:32 |
mrunge | ianw, yes, just a sec | 09:32 |
mrunge | | 09:33 |
mrunge | | 09:33 |
mrunge | | 09:33 |
mrunge | ianw, and more | 09:33 |
jhesketh | those aren't the devstack problem that was fixed | 09:33 |
ianw | mrunge: oh ... non devstack jobs. yeah | 09:33 |
jhesketh | mrunge: they looked related to the issue ianw linked to on github | 09:34 |
ianw | yeah, they are | 09:34 |
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jhesketh | which is the same as AJaeger's issues | 09:34 |
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ianw | hmmm, that's in a virtualenv?! is pip detecting installed packages *outside*? | 09:38 |
openstackgerrit | Dina Belova proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add py27 job for performance-docs | 09:41 |
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odyssey4me | hmm, morning all | 09:46 |
odyssey4me | can tox be configured to use an isolated venv? | 09:46 |
odyssey4me | if that works, that should make the conflicts with distro packages in the gate a moot point, mostly | 09:47 |
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ianw | AJaeger: somehow, those jobs are breaking out of their virtualenv | 10:21 |
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odyssey4me | ianw yeah, I see that tox 2 automatically isolates the venv... so how is it that the OS package installed python bits are bing picked up at all | 10:24 |
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odyssey4me | perhaps the issue is that pip's installed on the host and it's able to see all things? | 10:25 |
odyssey4me | ie it's not properly isolated to the venv | 10:25 |
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markus_z | craige: You are working on the maniphest migration, aren't you? I try to main the bug list for Nova and I use scripts to interact with Launchpad. | 10:26 |
markus_z | craige: My hope was that Maniphest provides the same possibilities. | 10:27 |
markus_z | craige: I've seen that you asked for input in yesterdays infra IRC meeting. That's why I'm reaching out to you. | 10:27 |
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craige | heya markus_z | 10:28 |
craige | I've ot a dev site you can hit up here: | 10:30 |
craige | (uses Launchpad creds). | 10:30 |
craige | So you can have a poke around and see if it's doing what you need. | 10:31 |
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markus_z | craige: yesss, exactly what I want :) thanks! | 10:31 |
craige | It's got an import of all Storyboard tickets from mid December IIRC. | 10:31 |
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craige | That site is stable, as doing dev elsewhere, so it will show you where migration was up to mid-December markus_z | 10:32 |
markus_z | yep, I see the tickets, that's enough data to see if/how it works for me | 10:32 |
craige | Excellent :-) | 10:33 |
markus_z | craige: If I have feedback, should I ping you here or post on the ML or otherwise? | 10:33 |
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craige | Either works markus_z. I'm on AEST so I'm about gone for the night. | 10:34 |
* jhesketh is restarting etherpad to upgrade kernel | 10:34 | |
markus_z | craige: ok, cool, takes me some days. thanks for the help! | 10:35 |
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craige | No rush markus_z. I look forward to hearing from you. | 10:36 |
openstackgerrit | Dmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/requirements: Bump upper-constraints for python-ironic-inspector-client to 1.4.0 | 10:38 |
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ianw | AJaeger / odyssey4me : | 10:41 |
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ianw | on the argparse leaking issue | 10:41 |
lennyb | Infra, is git OK? I am getting timeout error lately [ERROR] /jenkins/workspace/Neutron-ML2-MLNX/devstack/functions-common:607 git call failed: [git clone git:// /opt/stack/neutron] | 10:44 |
lennyb | 11:53:25 2016-01-20 09:54:51.292 | Error on exit | 10:44 |
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odyssey4me | hmm, ianw AJaeger I seem to have a docs job that's actually passing: | 10:45 |
Zara | markus_z: btw, the storyboard team are interested in your requirements, since even if you don't intend to use storyboard, you're probably not the only person who'll want that feature in a task-tracker. so any info you can post here about the kinds of things you need to be able to do would be useful for us. :) | 10:47 |
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ianw | odyssey4me: sure that's using a virtualenv to build though? | 10:50 |
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odyssey4me | ianw well, it's using tox and is configured much like most other docs jobs | 10:50 |
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odyssey4me | I'm trying to get our specs repo working by changing requirements to see if it works... as that appears to be the only real difference in the configs for the docs job | 10:51 |
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openstackgerrit | Mateusz Matuszkowiak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added new repo for fuel-plugin-zaqar in /Openstack | 10:52 |
ianw | odyssey4me: yeah, i dunno sorry. definite problem with trusty virtualenvs and argparse, but maybe you have a different platform or something funky | 10:52 |
odyssey4me | ianw heh, interesting - that works: | 10:54 |
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jhesketh | craige: noting that you're around.. are you working on or is it safe for me to restart it | 10:56 |
* jhesketh restarts it as there doesn't seem to be anything running atm | 10:59 | |
Zara | email notifications in storyboard work everywhere except SotK tried deploying with puppet, pointing to a server running locally, and everything worked fine, but we're seeing nothing from s.o.o. anyone have any idea what could be going on? it's hard for us to debug without access to the box. | 10:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Alexander Maretskiy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Increase timeout for job gate-rally-dsvm-cli | 11:09 |
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dstufft | ianw: I am now awake again, (but taking Alyssa to the bus stop in 10 minutes or so) | 11:18 |
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odyssey4me | ianw AJaeger dstufft ok, so as far as I can see the tox docs/specs jobs that fail are due to the argparse issue which ianw has raised - in our case we removed testtools from requirements.txt in the specs repository and the repo builds properly again | 11:21 |
odyssey4me | other jobs which have more complex requirements and don't use venvs are going to have a bad day :) | 11:22 |
dstufft | I haven't investigated it yet, but the argparse thin, on the surface, just seems like a full out bug and shouldn't be hitting this error case | 11:22 |
dstufft | argparse in a virtual env is being installed as a wheel | 11:22 |
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odyssey4me | dstufft agreed, that does seem to be a proper bug | 11:24 |
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ianw | dstufft: yeah ... i mean probably for openstack now 2.6 is gone, who needs argparse ... but i guess it gets dragged in from other things that still support 2.6 and have it in requirements? (testtools as odyssey4me described) | 11:30 |
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dstufft | presumably | 11:31 |
dstufft | they could optionally depend on argparse for 2.6 only | 11:31 |
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markus_z | Zara: ok, will do. | 11:32 |
openstackgerrit | Derek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add output of top to hostinfo | 11:32 |
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craige | I don;t have access to that host jhesketh and it's not being used for dev work. | 11:33 |
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jhesketh | craige: cool, thanks. Doesn't look like it was/is doing much to be honest | 11:33 |
markus_z | Zara: As a bit of a background, I need a way to collect timeseries data in an automated way to fill a dashboard for bugs, e.g. my local PoC: | 11:34 |
markus_z | Zara: But I will play around with maniphest and create a list of requirements and let you know | 11:35 |
AJaeger | argparse is a requirement of oslo.config, so if we want to block that, we first need to release olso.config... | 11:35 |
craige | Now that I know it exists, I will wna to use it for closer to production testing, jhesketh :-) | 11:35 |
jhesketh | :-) | 11:35 |
openstackgerrit | Sean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: make large-ops jobs non voting | 11:36 |
openstackgerrit | Angus Lees proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create new tempest-dsvm-full-head job-template | 11:38 |
Zara | markus_z: thank you, we really appreciate it! :) requirements are always helpful, and it's also very useful to know what goals you're trying to achieve. so thanks for the background, too! | 11:38 |
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jhesketh | #status alert is being restarted to apply patches | 11:39 |
openstackstatus | jhesketh: sending alert | 11:39 |
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: is being restarted to apply patches | 11:42 | |
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jhesketh | ... and back | 11:44 |
openstackstatus | jhesketh: finished sending alert | 11:45 |
jhesketh | heh, beat the alert | 11:45 |
AJaeger | congrats! | 11:45 |
Zara | :) | 11:46 |
jhesketh | I did delay actually restarting until at least #openstack-dev had the message | 11:46 |
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AJaeger | jhesketh: so time to send the finish #status? | 11:49 |
AJaeger | Btw. A #notice would have been enough in this case, #status is for longer periods of time | 11:50 |
jhesketh | AJaeger: woops, I meant to send a notice | 11:50 |
jhesketh | hence forgetting to send ok | 11:50 |
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jhesketh | #status ok Restart done, is available | 11:51 |
openstackstatus | jhesketh: sending ok | 11:51 |
openstackgerrit | Zara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add Create Story Button in Worklists | 11:51 |
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odyssey4me | AJaeger yeah, I see that oslo.config requiring argparse in turn affects installations of all the clients | 11:53 |
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Restart done, is available | 11:53 | |
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tonyb | So, trying to catch up where is the pip8 issue at? Anythign I can do to help ? | 11:54 |
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jhesketh | tonyb: | 11:56 |
openstackstatus | jhesketh: finished sending ok | 11:56 |
jhesketh | there are suggested solutions and work arounds | 11:56 |
AJaeger | odyssey4me, dstufft: IS the a proper solution of oslo.config: ? | 11:56 |
jhesketh | tonyb: we could perhaps force nodes to install an older version | 11:56 |
jhesketh | I'm not sure how many nodes have updated to 8 yet | 11:56 |
tonyb | jhesketh: ok, I'll read the URL. It seems like forcing it would be good. | 11:57 |
dstufft | AJaeger: If you don't support 2.6 there's no reason to keep argparse, if you dos upport 2.6 you can make that conditional | 11:57 |
tonyb | I know all the periododic-stable jobs barfed because of it | 11:57 |
AJaeger | dstufft: oslo.config HEAD does not support 2.6 it anymore - so reviews are welcome on 270149 | 11:58 |
AJaeger | it still needs a release of oslo.config to help us, but it might be one piece of the puzzle | 11:58 |
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AJaeger | but oslo.config imports netaddr - and probably will fail due to that as well ;( | 12:04 |
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openstackgerrit | Kirill Zaitsev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add translation jobs to murano-dashboard | 12:12 |
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samueldmq | morning all | 12:18 |
samueldmq | is giving me 500 | 12:19 |
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jhesketh | samueldmq: yes, that's my fault... restarted for a kernel upgrade and it hasn't come up nicely | 12:20 |
jhesketh | samueldmq: currently looking at it | 12:21 |
jhesketh | is working though | 12:21 |
jhesketh | and if anybody here knows much about stackalytics, ping me | 12:21 |
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samueldmq | jhesketh: nice, I made stackalytics.o.o my choice, I will wait for it, thanks | 12:22 |
odyssey4me | AJaeger I take it that netaddr is also a legacy requirement to have that's included in python 2.7? | 12:23 |
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openstackgerrit | Steven Hardy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make TripleO puppet check jobs voting | 12:24 |
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openstackgerrit | Evgeny Sikachev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add sahara scenario gate jobs in sahara-scenario | 12:33 |
openstackgerrit | Sean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: make large-ops jobs non voting | 12:33 |
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openstackgerrit | Evgeny Sikachev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add sahara scenario gate jobs in sahara-scenario | 12:34 |
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openstackgerrit | Evgeny Sikachev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add sahara scenario gate jobs in sahara-scenario | 12:45 |
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sdague | now that the governance change landed, can we get - reviewed so that Nova can start using constraints in our primary jobs | 12:47 |
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mordred | sdague: lgtm | 12:49 |
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pedroalvarez | Hi zaro, I know this happened long time ago, but I've just discovered the its-storyboard plugin for gerrit. | 12:56 |
pedroalvarez | I note that in your last commit you said: "Updating of story status will be implemented in a follow on change." | 12:56 |
pedroalvarez | did that ever happened? I'd be intereste on that | 12:56 |
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AJaeger | odyssey4me: don't know... | 13:03 |
hashar | pedroalvarez: there is apparently no follow up change in Gerrit | 13:04 |
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pedroalvarez | yeah.. | 13:04 |
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openstackgerrit | Evgeny Sikachev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add sahara scenario gate jobs in sahara-scenario | 13:09 |
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openstackgerrit | Evgeny Sikachev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add sahara scenario gate jobs in sahara-scenario | 13:17 |
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mescanef | mordred: hello. could I ask you for one quick review one one patch and wf+1? it already has +2CR | 13:19 |
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SotK | Is there anyone around who could assist me in debugging a problem with that we can't seem to reproduce anywhere else? | 13:20 |
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Zara | for background: SotK has now tried deploying a storyboard instance with puppet and pointing to a remote database server, and email notifications still work. but not on s.o.o! :( | 13:25 |
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SotK | indeed, I can't see anything wrong with the config (and the same config except private credentials is working on my test instance) | 13:32 |
SotK | I don't think I can debug any further without having some help | 13:32 |
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mordred | mescanef: you can ... but it might help if you provided the link :) | 13:35 |
sdague | AJaeger / pleia2 someone asked in #openstack-nova | 13:36 |
sdague | about i18n | 13:36 |
sdague | python compile_catalog in nova throws errors | 13:36 |
sdague | apparently due to bad translations coming in | 13:36 |
AJaeger | sdague: let me check | 13:36 |
sdague | error: nova/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/nova.po:2127: placeholders are incompatible | 13:36 |
sdague | error: nova/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/nova.po:2223: placeholders are incompatible | 13:36 |
sdague | error: nova/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/nova.po:3807: incompatible format for placeholder u'ports': 's' and 'd' are not compatible | 13:36 |
sdague | it seems like that should be validated before proposed | 13:37 |
sdague | any example | 13:37 |
sdague | #, python-format | 13:37 |
sdague | msgid "The number of defined ports: %(ports)d is over the limit: %(quota)d" | 13:37 |
sdague | msgstr "El número de puertos definidos: %(ports)s es más del límite: %(quota)d" | 13:37 |
sdague | msgid "Invalid range expression %r" | 13:38 |
sdague | msgstr "Expresión de intérvalo inválida %" | 13:38 |
sdague | yeh, someone is typoing replacements when translating | 13:38 |
AJaeger | sdague: keystone tests in pep8: msgfmt --check-format -o /dev/null, apparently nova does not. Shall I propose a change? | 13:38 |
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AJaeger | sdague: I can change upstream sources ;) | 13:39 |
sdague | AJaeger: after someone fixes upstream :) | 13:39 |
AJaeger | sdague: let me propose the change and then approve once upstream is fixed (we can "recheck") | 13:39 |
AJaeger | first upstream... | 13:39 |
sdague | AJaeger: sounds good | 13:40 |
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sdague | AJaeger: for reference - | 13:42 |
sdague | 14 fatal errors in our translations right now | 13:42 |
AJaeger | sdague: | 13:42 |
AJaeger | found the same list ;) | 13:43 |
AJaeger | a bit more than expected ;( | 13:43 |
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sdague | yeh, though is there a reason we don't use 'python compile_catalog' instead of that? | 13:44 |
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mescanef | mordred: please look | 13:46 |
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AJaeger | sdague: it's quicker ;) but feel free to propose an alternative patch. I just don't want to test that right now... | 13:46 |
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* AJaeger updated the validation options of nova to avoid these problems... | 13:47 | |
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sdague | AJaeger: yeh, no problem, I'm just trying to understand why python compile_catalog misses issues | 13:48 |
sdague | so your approach is better | 13:48 |
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sdague | AJaeger: in an ideal world, those tests would get run in zanata before things could be saved there | 13:49 |
sdague | so it doesn't keep proposing broken translations | 13:49 |
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AJaeger | sdague: that's waht I meant with "updated validation options" - these are now hard errors and not warnings | 13:49 |
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openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Pass timeout through to floating ip creation | 13:50 |
AJaeger | I fixed the strings with: Enable errros for this, search for errors ;) | 13:50 |
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mordred | mescanef: done | 13:51 |
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mescanef | mordred: thanks! | 13:51 |
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AJaeger | sdague: all fixed - tomorrows import should be fine... | 13:51 |
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sdague | AJaeger: ok, great | 13:51 |
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AJaeger | sdague: so, tomorrow I rebase my change on top of the translation import and ask for reviews;) | 13:53 |
sdague | AJaeger: yep | 13:53 |
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AJaeger | mordred: could you review this jeepyb change, please? | 13:55 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Set DocImpact group for LMA projects | 13:58 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Update fuel-plugins on 'group' and 'docimpact' flag | 13:58 |
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openstackgerrit | Mateusz Matuszkowiak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added new repo for fuel-plugin-zaqar in /Openstack | 13:59 |
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mordred | AJaeger: lgtm | 14:01 |
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ikalnitsky | Hey folks! We (fuel-plugins core team) had a short conversation, and have decided to remove some branches in our repo. How can we do this? Gerrit says me I have no force permissions. Could someone help me? | 14:02 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/jeepyb: Add docimpact tag for bugs that target project queues | 14:03 |
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AJaeger | thanks, mordred | 14:03 |
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openstackgerrit | Derek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Wire up the new --overcloud-pingtest into the heredoc | 14:04 |
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openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Pass timeout through to floating ip creation | 14:04 |
mordred | ikalnitsky: which branches and which repo? | 14:05 |
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openstackgerrit | Angus Lees proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create new tempest-dsvm-full-head job-template | 14:05 |
mescanef | ikalnitsky: ;-) | 14:05 |
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mordred | wow. there is a document alread. I'm impressed | 14:06 |
mescanef | ikalnitsky: id go with sending an email to openstack infra ML | 14:06 |
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ansiwen | AJaeger: hi, sdague told me I should ask you about that: python compile_catalog compiles just some of the .po files (at least in nova). Is this a temporary issue, or is it just not taken care of at the moment? | 14:07 |
AJaeger | ansiwen: interesting, let me check... | 14:08 |
AJaeger | ansiwen: should I join #openstack-nova? | 14:08 |
ansiwen | AJaeger: I don't mind | 14:09 |
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AJaeger | let me join... | 14:09 |
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thomasem | Hello! I'm pretty unfamiliar with a lot of the process regarding nodes for nodepool in devstack-gate. I'm working on getting libvirt-lxc experimental gate working reliably so we can promote it to non-voting, then voting and so on for Nova. | 14:12 |
thomasem | The thing causing failures appears to be Libvirt/LXC not working properly on the very latest 3.13.0 kernel from Ubuntu's updates repo | 14:12 |
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thomasem | So, wondering about setting up a new node with 3.13.0-58-generic, which is available to trusty out of the box, rather than 3.13.0-74-generic where it breaks. I confirmed that an upstream 3.13.0 kernel works also, and other newer ones do as well. I'm concerned it's just somewhere between 3.13.0-58-generic and 3.13.0-74-generic that it's getting broken. | 14:14 |
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mordred | thomasem: so actually, we just updated all the long-lived servers to 3.13.0-76-generic due to a CVE | 14:14 |
mordred | the nodepool nodes should follow suit shortly | 14:14 |
thomasem | No kidding? Let me give that a go! | 14:15 |
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mordred | but I would recommend digging in with that kernel - I imagine if libvirt-lxc doesn't work with the CVE-fixed kernel that many people will be unhappy | 14:15 |
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thomasem | mordred: Thanks!. I haven't tried that one yet... is that in the trusty-updates? | 14:15 |
mordred | thomasem: might just be in security | 14:15 |
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thomasem | Cool, I'll pull it down and run the tests | 14:15 |
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thomasem | see what happens | 14:16 |
mordred | ossum | 14:16 |
mordred | however - as to your question | 14:16 |
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mordred | it's not really a thing we can do to have a custom kernel on nodes for tests - we're trying actually to decrease the number of divergent nodes so that we can get better throughput overall for the gate | 14:16 |
mordred | (we pre-boot nodes and keep them in a ready pool before tests are run - so the node is already running by the time it gets assigned to a test) | 14:17 |
thomasem | I see | 14:17 |
thomasem | That makes sense, just not sure what to do when it simply won't pass on that kernel due to some funniness with libvirt + kernel, was my main concern. | 14:18 |
thomasem | I'd prefer not skip tests over it, if I can help it | 14:18 |
thomasem | The long-term solution would be troubleshooting what the problem is between the two and getting that fixed. Although, I know for sure this all works on much newer kernels. | 14:19 |
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mordred | thomasem: yeah - it's a tricky area | 14:21 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: adding the irc meeting slot for the openstack-salt team. | 14:21 |
mordred | so far we've tried to keep to latest kernel on trusty and wanted ot see the breaks - because that would be what someone gets if they were to install openstack on trusty in production | 14:21 |
mordred | (so we'd rather be made aware that we're currently broken with existing kernels) - but in times like this when we're a few months away from a new LTS it starts to get ... trying | 14:22 |
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mordred | infra-root: <-- that's a puppetboard report from having run puppet apply via ansible | 14:23 |
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mordred | AJaeger: ^^ you too | 14:23 |
thomasem | mordred: Ahhh, I see | 14:23 |
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mordred | AJaeger: (oh, wait, that wasn't you asking the question about that) | 14:23 |
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thomasem | mordred: that's fair. Well, let me see if we even have a problem anymore before I get all worried. I'm just trying to keep the lxc stuff from getting deprecated, and in fact promoted to a more supported state. | 14:23 |
mordred | thomasem: totally - and a laudable goal | 14:24 |
thomasem | Once we can get more backing, with getting that all working with Magnum and what not too. | 14:24 |
openstackgerrit | Thomas Herve proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use VPN devstack plugin in heat jobs | 14:25 |
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mordred | infra-root: so - with that said - I need one more +2 on and I can roll puppet apply live | 14:25 |
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mordred | fungi: also, based on yesterday incident scrollback - I think maybe we should have a script to compliment that clears the cache for us? | 14:27 |
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openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Pass timeout through to floating ip creation | 14:29 |
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openstackgerrit | Mateusz Matuszkowiak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added two new repos for fuel-plugins | 14:29 |
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openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Remove a done todo list item | 14:33 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Pass timeout through to floating ip creation | 14:33 |
mordred | Shrews: ^^ updated the cache patch too - you were right about that question about setting it to 2 | 14:33 |
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Shrews | mordred: wunderbar | 14:36 |
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sambetts | Have there been any further updates about the pip > 8 issue? I'm seeing failures locally and in CI for the python27 job, I see there has been a fix put in place for devstack, but is there any way to fix the py27 job? | 14:38 |
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mordred | sambetts: I am not up to date on the current state of the pip breakage | 14:41 |
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openstackgerrit | sebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: Summit Application API | 14:42 |
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fungi | mordred: well, deleting the cache was as simple as removing a file, but yeah if we use a script to wrap nova delete then it could call that too so we don't forget | 14:43 |
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AJaeger | sambetts: there's no general solution for py27/pep8/docs if those fails. One might be to remove argparse from requirements but that comes in from oslo.config, so I made a change for that, but now we need to merge that and release it first... | 14:45 |
mordred | fungi: yah. although I guess what I _actually_ want is to finish ansible launch-node now that we've got puppet apply | 14:45 |
mordred | fungi: in which case flipping a node to "state:deleted" should do the right thing | 14:45 |
AJaeger | sambetts: there'S discussion going on at github, see the link in backscroll, on a pip 8.0.1 that fixes this somehow | 14:45 |
openstackgerrit | Akihiro Motoki proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP: Add new django extraction | 14:45 |
fungi | zxiiro: yes, that page is the zuul server's built-in web rendering of its status.json blob. we maintain a custom rendering at which is pulling the same json | 14:46 |
zxiiro | fungi: thanks! | 14:46 |
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AJaeger | amotoki: just looked at your change, great! I'll review later... | 14:47 |
zxiiro | fungi: how do i access that if i have a zuul instance? i don't see it documented | 14:47 |
zxiiro | fungi: I was able to figure out http://server:8001/status for the json but I couldn't find the page rendering | 14:47 |
amotoki | AJaeger: thanks. I try to check murano-dashboard but there is no version in zanata... can you create a version on Zanata? | 14:48 |
AJaeger | amotoki: I'll do a change later today... | 14:50 |
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sambetts | AJaeger: here | 14:50 |
sambetts | ? | 14:50 |
kzaitsev_mb | amotoki: it's not yet there, since my commit that adds translations initially sparked this whole situation ) | 14:51 |
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fungi | Zara: SotK: i'll take a quick look at the mail queue and exim logs on storyboard.o.o. is it delivering to via smtp or calling /usr/lib/sendmail and having that inject? | 14:52 |
SotK | the former I believe | 14:53 |
kzaitsev_mb | AJaeger: just wanted to note, that I rebased on top of 266565, not attempting to add it as a separate patch =) | 14:53 |
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amotoki | AJaeger: no need to rush :) | 14:53 |
Zara | fungi: thank you! :) | 14:54 |
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amotoki | kzaitsev_mb: ah... I got the situation. I thought murano-dashboard exists in Zanata... | 14:56 |
kzaitsev_mb | amotoki: to certain extent you can use magnum-ui as a substitute. | 14:58 |
openstackgerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Packstack integration test gate jobs | 14:58 |
AJaeger | sambetts: yes | 14:59 |
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kzaitsev_mb | not sure if that's possible though, but the two projects are similar in regard of i18n stuff | 14:59 |
fungi | Zara: SotK: simple answer! exim on storyboard is configured to perform sender verification, even on messages injected via loopback, and the messages are using a nonexistent sender | 14:59 |
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AJaeger | kzaitsev_mb: let me pull your change apart later ;) | 14:59 |
sambetts | AJaeger: Ok thanks :) | 14:59 |
fungi | Zara: SotK: 2016-01-20 13:46:58 H=localhost ( [] sender verify fail for <>: Unknown user | 14:59 |
AJaeger | amotoki: I took murano-dashboard since it did not exist yet ;) That way we cannot break anything ;) | 15:00 |
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SotK | fungi: heh, thanks! | 15:01 |
kzaitsev_mb | AJaeger: sure =) | 15:01 |
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SotK | fungi: I assume the solution is to create a user for storyboard to use? | 15:01 |
fungi | SotK: likely we should look at how gerrit's e-mail messages are formed, for precedent | 15:02 |
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fungi | SotK: looks like we use a real address <> in that situation | 15:03 |
fungi | and have a mailbox set up to accept for that | 15:03 |
fungi | checking now to see what happens if i reply to it | 15:04 |
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fungi | aha, gerrit also sets reply-to to the e-mail address of the account for the originating action | 15:05 |
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fungi | so if i upload a patchset or make a comment in gerrit, it sets reply-to: my e-mail address instead | 15:05 |
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fungi | i guess that cuts down on random replies to the service's from address | 15:06 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Add sahara scenario gate jobs in sahara-scenario | 15:06 |
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mordred | I believe there are violent opinions in the world on whether setting reply-to original sender is good or bad | 15:06 |
SotK | we aim to have reply-to set to something which storyboard can watch and use to post comments on stories and such-like eventually | 15:06 |
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fungi | but yeah, in this case it's the sender (envelope mail-from) at issue. so far looks like if i e-mail directly it's a black hole. we've probably got a mountain of spam in a mailbox assigned to that address | 15:08 |
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fungi | so anyway, there are a few options. we could do like gerrit is set up and have the sender be an actual black hole address somewhere, or we could configure exim to skip sender verification for messages from localhost... the latter though seems like it's just kicking the can down the road and the message will get rejected at lots of destinations instead because they'll attempt sender verification | 15:10 |
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fungi | jeblair's been doing a lot of our role address mailbox administration, so i'd like to get his input too once he's awake | 15:11 |
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SotK | yeah, doing the same as gerrit seems sensible | 15:12 |
* SotK waits for jeblair | 15:12 | |
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openstackgerrit | Davanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add osprofiler events to #openstack-oslo channel | 15:13 |
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openstackgerrit | Andre keedy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project(shovel) to openstack | 15:16 |
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openstackgerrit | Matthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for pip 8 release explosion | 15:16 |
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mordred | fungi: nudge nudge nudge nudge :) | 15:18 |
mordred | fungi: I have verified that it works - ready to flip the switch | 15:19 |
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mordred | fungi: woot! | 15:22 |
mordred | here goes nothing | 15:22 |
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Keedya | Hi all , I m adding a new project to Openstack and need help setting up Jenkins jobs and Zulu. Anyone :)? | 15:25 |
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Keedya | Zuul* | 15:26 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/system-config: Use puppet apply instead of puppet agent | 15:29 |
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openstackgerrit | Matthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Use devstack subunit stream in output | 15:31 |
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mordred | fungi: btw - we do not track puppetmaster in cacti | 15:36 |
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tristanC | should I worry if some changes didn't get picked by jenkins/zuul 30 minutes after being proposed ? e.g.: ? | 15:38 |
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tristanC | oh nevermind, they are in zuul, the review is just missing a comment | 15:39 |
openstackgerrit | Maksim Malchuk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-fuel-library-puppet-syntax-4-dsvm-centos7 job voting in the check queue | 15:39 |
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openstackgerrit | Maksim Malchuk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-fuel-library-puppet-syntax-4-dsvm-centos7 job voting in the check queue | 15:39 |
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openstackgerrit | Shamail Tahir proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add new bi-weekly APAC meeting for user committee | 15:43 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Change the date and chair of the HA guide team meetings | 15:43 |
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openstackgerrit | Maksim Malchuk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-fuel-library-puppet-syntax-4-dsvm-centos7 job voting in the check queue | 15:46 |
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openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Stop listing hosts as groups in the disabled file | 15:47 |
mordred | fungi: ^^ urgentish | 15:47 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for pip 8 release explosion | 15:48 |
mordred | fungi: tl;dr - with the update we made to openstack inventory a little while ago to fix the logs having useless hostnames, we actually broke (but didn't notices) our disabled file - because puppet agent as _also_ disabled on those nodes | 15:48 |
mordred | fungi: however, we're in luck, because most of those nodes also haven't had puppet run since we update the puppet environmnet file to list the in-tree hiera location and thus fail to compile the manifest/site.pp | 15:49 |
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dtantsur | hi folks! could you review please? it's been around for 2 weeks already. thanks! | 15:50 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Delete old queries for fixed bugs | 15:50 |
mordred | fungi: actually, I'm just going to approve it - I've made the changes locally on the puppetmaster alread | 15:51 |
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openstackgerrit | Maksim Malchuk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-fuel-library-puppet-syntax-4-dsvm-centos7 job voting in the check queue | 15:51 |
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openstackgerrit | Dmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Mark ironic-discoverd-ramdisk as deprecated in favor of ironic-agent | 15:54 |
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Keedya | Hi all, is there documentation to help me add Zuul jobs for nodejs ? | 15:57 |
openstackgerrit | Paul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Raise SQLAlchemy upper cap to match global requirements | 15:57 |
dmsimard | Is there anyone that can help me understand the reason why the gate-project-config-layout job failed in ? | 15:58 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: add convenience script for finding unreleased stable branch changes | 15:58 |
fungi | Keedya: you may want to talk to krotscheck... he's possibly been doing some javascript toolchain work for horizon's jobs | 15:58 |
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pabelanger | clarkb: fungi: jeblair: simple rebase for sqlalchemy upper cap for nodepool^ | 15:58 |
openstackgerrit | Derek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add some swap to the undercloud | 15:58 |
fungi | Keedya: i don't think we have any node.js-based projects yet (though i could be wrong) so a lot of it may need to be designed from scratch | 15:59 |
krotscheck | fungi: Yes, he's been trying to get in contact with me, but I've been caught up in maintaining the CORS body of work as well as the pre-npm-mirror wheel-mirror things. | 15:59 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update docs because hosts are no longer groups | 15:59 |
mordred | fungi: ^^ there is the doc update to go along with the patch I self-approved a few moments ago | 15:59 |
pabelanger | clarkb: fungi: do you mind reviewing 262017 for nodepool too | 16:00 |
AJaeger | dmsimard: It's template: -name X but gate: X | 16:00 |
krotscheck | Also, helping Bower become more distro-savvy, figuring out the AFS things I've been told to do to allow npm mirrors, and general Ironic-UX things | 16:00 |
AJaeger | dmsimard: remove "name" from check/gate | 16:00 |
dmsimard | AJaeger: oooh, will try that. Thanks. | 16:01 |
pabelanger | clarkb: greghaynes: So far nodepool-builder on a remote system is working fine | 16:01 |
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openstackgerrit | Markus Zoeller (markus_z) proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: add nova-bugs-team meeting | 16:06 |
openstackgerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Packstack integration test gate jobs | 16:07 |
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fungi | mordred: that static list of disabled hosts is stale | 16:07 |
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mordred | yes | 16:07 |
mordred | I'm about to fpush up another list | 16:07 |
fungi | cool, just making sure you were aware | 16:07 |
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openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use groups.txt for disabling hosts for puppet | 16:19 |
mordred | fungi: ^^ | 16:19 |
dmsimard | pabelanger: thanks for your help. For the part about projects.yaml, I can add the jobgroup there indeed but it says node: trusty. Should I worry about that ? The jobs are not meant to run on Ubuntu. | 16:19 |
dmsimard | ref: | 16:19 |
pabelanger | dmsimard: no, you setup ostype in your job-group | 16:20 |
dmsimard | pabelanger: okay, it's already setup then. Thanks, will submit a patch soon. | 16:20 |
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openstackgerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Packstack integration test gate jobs | 16:22 |
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openstackgerrit | Sean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: increase large-ops job timeout | 16:24 |
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sdague | mordred / fungi / mtreinish ^^^ | 16:24 |
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openstackgerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add generic script to recover diagnostic or service config and logs | 16:26 |
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fungi | mordred: so the group matches are only a regex if they start with ~ and are otherwise glob matches? | 16:29 |
mordred | fungi: yes | 16:30 |
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fungi | mordred: also just to confirm, the list you translated over into 270296 is still outdated | 16:32 |
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mordred | fungi: it is? | 16:32 |
mordred | fungi: I removed two things from it | 16:32 |
mordred | that are not real things | 16:32 |
mordred | but that's what's on the box right now? | 16:32 |
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fungi | what i meant earlier was that puppet agent has since been enabled on a lot of those | 16:32 |
mordred | fungi: unless you mean "let's also move the things in that are in emergency righ tnow" | 16:32 |
mordred | ah | 16:32 |
fungi | the pypi mirrors and review-dev at least | 16:33 |
mordred | kk. I can update | 16:33 |
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thomasem | mordred: I'm seeing the same problems with 3.13.0-76-generic. :\ | 16:33 |
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fungi | mordred: at least as of last night, all our ubuntu trusty servers were running puppet (because i relied on that to get the sources.list updates in place) | 16:34 |
mordred | fungi: agent is not disabled on subunit-worker either | 16:34 |
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fungi | thomasem: have you tried seeing if there are similar issues on latest centos 7? are these tests something that could be run on centos? | 16:34 |
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mordred | fungi: so maybe we leave it at backup and jenkins-dev? | 16:34 |
fungi | mordred: that sounds good to me | 16:35 |
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thomasem | fungi: I haven't tried on CentOS... these are the libvirt/LXC tests, fwiw. | 16:35 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use groups.txt for disabling hosts for puppet | 16:35 |
thomasem | I was using trusty since that was the prescribed method for simulating gate tests | 16:36 |
thomasem | Do you have any docs on simulating gate on CentOS handy? | 16:36 |
cbader_ | I am trying to install common-ci and I am running into an error on startup of pip install -q --upgrade diskimage-builder throwing a SNIMissingWaring anyone seen this today. | 16:36 |
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fungi | thomasem: oh, are these tests running in tempest? not unit tests? | 16:37 |
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thomasem | fungi: yeah | 16:38 |
thomasem | one of the symptoms is that nova stop <instance> fails with: 2016-01-20 16:37:35.244 TRACE oslo_messaging.rpc.dispatcher libvirtError: internal error: Child process (631) unexpected exit status 1 | 16:38 |
thomasem | and not much else to go on | 16:38 |
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thomasem | 3.13.0-58-generic doesn't have the problem | 16:38 |
thomasem | and 3.13.0 upstream doesn't seem to either | 16:38 |
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thomasem | seems like something up with the ubuntu kernel's latter builds specifically | 16:39 |
fungi | thomasem: i _think_ devstack/tempest work on centos 7 but don't know to what extent, or if it's regularly tested (yet anyway) | 16:39 |
mordred | fungi: maybe I should just squash the two patches - the doc update and the use-groups.txt | 16:39 |
fungi | so, yeah, getting that to work on centos may be more work than running down the lernel issue | 16:39 |
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fungi | mordred: i think i would prefer that | 16:39 |
thomasem | haha yeah, probably | 16:39 |
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fungi | s/lernel/kernel/ | 16:39 |
fungi | thomasem: is there an open bug for this? | 16:40 |
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openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use groups.txt for disabling hosts for puppet | 16:40 |
mordred | fungi: thereyago | 16:40 |
fungi | thomasem: like, have you checked the bug trackers for libvirt/lxc to see if it's a known incompatibility with certain kernels? | 16:40 |
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thomasem | fungi: I've looked around the bug trackers but didn't find anything quite matching this issue. | 16:41 |
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mordred | zul ^^ trusty might be broken with libvirt/lxc | 16:41 |
mordred | jamespage: ^^ | 16:41 |
thomasem | Appears to be when the virDomainShutdown call happens | 16:42 |
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zul | mordred: hmm? | 16:42 |
mordred | zul: thomasem is working on getting libvirt/lxc driver voting, but is running in to some breaks that don't happen with 3.13.0-58-generic or with 3.13.0 upstream | 16:43 |
mordred | zul: I figured that if there was an ubuntu kernel patch that had broken it between -58 and now you might be interested :) | 16:44 |
zul | thomasem: can you open up a bug please and we'll start from there | 16:44 |
thomasem | zul: yeah, against which project? | 16:44 |
zul | libvirt-bin in launchpad for ubuntu | 16:44 |
thomasem | okey doke | 16:44 |
mordred | thomasem: zul works on ubuntu server so is basically a magical pony for fixing all of the ubuntu problems you ever encounter | 16:45 |
thomasem | LOL | 16:45 |
thomasem | ahhh I see | 16:45 |
thomasem | okay, awesome, glad I asked | 16:45 |
thomasem | Thanks a 'mil, zul! | 16:45 |
* mordred hands zul a somewhat undrunk coffee | 16:45 | |
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* fungi prefers his coffee completely drunken | 16:46 | |
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clarkb | is pip8 still affecting us or have we applied sufficient workaround? | 16:47 |
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dhellmann | I need some help debugging a release notes publishing job. Is this a good time to ask, or are you all still working bigger gate issues? | 16:49 |
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dhellmann | fungi, clarkb : have time to lend a hand? ^^ | 16:53 |
fungi | dhellmann: sure, i can take a peek--have details? | 16:53 |
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dhellmann | fungi : yeah, I'm pulling them together in | 16:53 |
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nibalizer | mordred: thoughts on ? | 16:55 |
nibalizer | doesn't look right to me | 16:55 |
nibalizer | however 'pbx' is reporting fine it looks like | 16:56 |
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clarkb | dhellmann: give mr a few still trying to catch up on the overnight fun | 16:56 |
nibalizer | so maybe that is cruft | 16:56 |
dhellmann | clarkb : np, thanks | 16:56 |
fungi | nibalizer: maybe that's an extra pbx? like the centos 6 one never got deleted from rax? | 16:56 |
clarkb | it looks like pip8 broke many thing bht they aren't currently brraking so we must've addressed it somehow | 16:56 |
fungi | dhellmann: looking at the publisher in that log, i think it may not be dropping the files into the subtree you expect | 16:56 |
mordred | nibalizer: checking | 16:57 |
fungi | dhellmann: where's that defined in project-config? | 16:57 |
nibalizer | mordred: also has a very specific and incorrect 'catalog compiled at' | 16:57 |
mordred | yup. therea re two pbx's | 16:57 |
mordred | root@puppetmaster:~# ansible --list-hosts | 16:57 |
mordred | hosts (2): | 16:57 |
mordred | 038e80f5-15aa-4f69-8c6c-0f43b3587778 | 16:57 |
mordred | 102f69b8-3173-4565-86fa-e0f539e9e254 | 16:57 |
mordred | nibalizer: I'm not sure we ever properly dealt with catalog compiled at | 16:58 |
nibalizer | its fine if its an error | 16:58 |
mordred | nibalizer: I think we should likely investigate and see if we can make it betterer | 16:58 |
nibalizer | I'm guessing we have a string hardcoded in the python from an example payload | 16:58 |
dhellmann | fungi : looking | 16:58 |
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mordred | clarkb, nibalizer: also | 16:59 |
mordred | came out of looking at disabled problems this morning | 16:59 |
dhellmann | fungi : jenkins/jobs/openstack-publish-jobs.yaml | 16:59 |
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openstackgerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Packstack integration test gate jobs | 16:59 |
nibalizer | yup | 17:00 |
dhellmann | fungi : the fact that zuul-cloner is reporting an earlier commit isn't suspicious to you? | 17:00 |
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phschwartz | Has anyone seen an error of "ImportError: No module named schedulers.background" while starting zuul recently? | 17:01 |
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fungi | dhellmann: oh, perhaps i missed the problem statement | 17:02 |
openstackgerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Packstack integration test gate jobs | 17:02 |
dhellmann | fungi : notes do get published, I think they're just the wrong notes, but I'm not confident I've identified the right log file, either | 17:02 |
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openstackgerrit | Andre keedy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project(shovel) to openstack | 17:03 |
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fungi | dhellmann: so, this is a publication job run in the post pipeline? could there have been two commits approved at about the same time? sometimes jobs race uploading in post and you'll get an earlier commit's content overwriting a later commit if the later commit's jobs run more quickly for any reason | 17:03 |
nibalizer | mordred: looks good | 17:03 |
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mordred | nibalizer: also - dude. we're appluing | 17:03 |
mordred | applying | 17:03 |
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dhellmann | fungi : that's possible, I suppose | 17:04 |
nibalizer | see what we can accomplish when we apply ourselves? | 17:04 |
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clarkb | no 8.0.1 release has been made | 17:04 |
fungi | dhellmann: easiest way is to look at the same log for the prior commit and compare timestamps for the ftp commands | 17:04 |
dhellmann | fungi : looking at I don't see commits that close together | 17:04 |
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openstackgerrit | Anne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds openstack-doc-tools as a group for fairy-slipper | 17:05 |
fungi | dhellmann: and this job was triggered by a commit on python-ironic-inspector-client not releases? | 17:05 |
fungi | ahh, yep | 17:05 |
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dhellmann | fungi : yeah, dtantsur is trying to put together a release and the current notes looked wrong so we're trying to figure that out before releasing | 17:07 |
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dhellmann | fungi : this job did run after the previous one by almost 2 hrs (2016-01-19 19:04:14.490 vs. 2016-01-19 21:49:44.254 for the current) | 17:07 |
dhellmann | sorry, almost 3 hrs | 17:08 |
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fungi | dhellmann: yep, just got finished pulling and confirming it | 17:08 |
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fungi | | 17:08 |
thomasem | fungi: | 17:08 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1536280 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "domain shutdown fails for libvirt/lxc" [Undecided,New] | 17:08 |
thomasem | That's one of them | 17:08 |
thomasem | There were several tests that failed in this kernel, but passed fine on 3.13.0-58-generic | 17:09 |
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thomasem | so, going to manually run those and open any bugs that aren't related to this one | 17:09 |
dhellmann | fungi : the commit mentioned by zuul-cloner comes before the commit with the missing note, so the fact that zuul seems to be looking at something old would explain everything, except why it's looking at something old (assuming I'm interpreting that correctly) | 17:09 |
fungi | dhellmann: was just starting to look into that too | 17:10 |
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fungi | INFO:zuul.Cloner:Prepared openstack/python-ironic-inspector-client repo with commit f90cebe0c40d87513372eed447d572cf698a3a81 | 17:10 |
fungi | | 17:10 |
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fungi | definitely a different commit | 17:10 |
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fungi | that was 3 commits before the one which should have triggered the job | 17:11 |
dhellmann | it's a shame the logs don't show all of the zuul variables for the job, just how the job uses them | 17:11 |
dhellmann | right, and the note was added as a result of the merge commit that triggered the job | 17:12 |
fungi | we may still be able to pull them from jenkins | 17:12 |
dhellmann | ok, good | 17:12 |
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fungi | dhellmann: | 17:13 |
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dhellmann | fungi : odd. I don't see "f90cebe0c40d87513372eed447d572cf698a3a81" on that page at all | 17:14 |
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fungi | i don't see f90cebe0c40d87513372eed447d572cf698a3a81 | 17:14 |
fungi | heh, indeed | 17:14 |
dhellmann | nor a shorter prefix that could have been misinterpreted somehow | 17:14 |
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zaro | morning | 17:15 |
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dhellmann | fungi : do you know if that output from zuul-cloner is saying "I was told to check out commit X" or "now that I've done what I was told, I see commit X in the local dir"? | 17:16 |
fungi | dhellmann: what's dragging in the -e git:/.. to the pip install there? | 17:16 |
dhellmann | I wonder if there was some issue updating the repo, for example? | 17:16 |
dhellmann | excellent question | 17:16 |
dhellmann | ah! there's that hash | 17:17 |
zaro | pedroalvarez: it was my intention to add a follow on change to its-storyboard but i have lost motivation for it, sorry. | 17:17 |
fungi | tox -v -ereleasenotes | 17:17 |
kzaitsev_mb | we're having problems with murano-dsvm job today — it's failing at some point inside tempest | 17:17 |
kzaitsev_mb | ImportError: No module named fixtures | 17:17 |
pedroalvarez | zaro: no worries, I understand :) | 17:17 |
kzaitsev_mb | are we hitting a known issue? | 17:17 |
fungi | dhellmann: oh, that's probably reporting that we'd previously installed that package from source | 17:17 |
pedroalvarez | I might find some motivation to continue that work | 17:17 |
dhellmann | fungi : yeah, I think that's what that is | 17:17 |
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zaro | pedroalvarez: cool! | 17:18 |
dhellmann | fungi : "git" does not appear in tox.ini, requirements.txt, or test-requirements.txt in that repo | 17:18 |
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fungi | dhellmann: so my next guess is that f90cebe0c40d87513372eed447d572cf698a3a81 was the state of the on-disk repo cache and for some reason zuul-cloner didn't fetch a newer commit from the merger | 17:19 |
fungi | jeblair: ^ interesting situation | 17:19 |
clarkb | does zuul cloner work in post? | 17:19 |
zaro | pedroalvarez: its-* plugins are a bit of a bugger to install/configure. let me know if you need help there. | 17:19 |
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fungi | clarkb: oh, very good question. this might be it punting and just using the local copy | 17:20 |
kzaitsev_mb | oh it seems to also be connected to the 'Detected a distutils installed project ('argparse')' thing =/ | 17:20 |
fungi | kzaitsev_mb: sounds like the recently discovered argparse bug exposed by the pip 8 release yesterday | 17:20 |
dhellmann | clarkb, fungi : what? the post jobs don't get the latest version of the thing they're processing? | 17:20 |
pedroalvarez | zaro: thanks for the offer, I'll ask you whenever I get to it. :) | 17:21 |
fungi | dhellmann: this may be a behavior difference between what gerrit-git-prep did and what zuul-cloner is doing (missing feature parity? looking for variables which aren't set in post?) | 17:21 |
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kzaitsev_mb | fungi: is there anything I can do to fix it or is there some work already happening around it? | 17:22 |
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dhellmann | fungi : oh, so is this a recent change between tools? | 17:22 |
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fungi | dhellmann: we have the parameter list for that job, so can easily compare to what zuul-cloner wants | 17:22 |
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fungi | dhellmann: zuul-cloner is a fairly recent tool, and it's just starting to see wider adoption but so far mostly in change-based pipelines. it's possible we're missing something still to make it work for ref-based pipelines | 17:23 |
AJaeger | pleia2, clarkb : Could you review and vote on the spec for translation setup, please? | 17:23 |
dhellmann | fungi : ah, I see that some other job definitions use gerrit-git-prep instead. Are we migrating, or did I build this job using zuul-cloner without realizing there was an alternative? | 17:23 |
fungi | kzaitsev_mb: i think there's at least a bug open against pip and some discussion of a pip 8.0.1 on the way to fix it. trying to pin pip everywhere is tough since it's a bootstrapping issue most places in our infrastructure | 17:24 |
fungi | dhellmann: gerrit-git-prep is not multi-repo aware, whereas zuul-cloner is | 17:24 |
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openstackgerrit | Markus Zoeller (markus_z) proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: add nova-bugs-team meeting | 17:24 |
fungi | gerrit-git-prep was (still is most places) used only for self-contained jobs | 17:24 |
dhellmann | fungi : ok, in this case we don't need multiple repos so maybe I should change the job | 17:24 |
fungi | single-repo jobs i should say | 17:24 |
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dhellmann | I mean, I'm happy to help further debugging, tool, but as a more immediate fix... | 17:25 |
fungi | oh, the clonemap only has a single repo in it? | 17:25 |
dhellmann | the job is supposed to run the release notes build after something merges into a project repo, so there's only one repo involved | 17:25 |
fungi | yeah, if you're not integrating files from another repo then gerrit-git-prep should be fine for now | 17:25 |
dhellmann | I'm not sure if that's what the clonemap is | 17:25 |
dhellmann | ok, I'll do that right now | 17:25 |
fungi | INFO:zuul.Cloner:Preparing 1 repositories | 17:26 |
fungi | so yeah, zuul-cloner isn't being used for multiple repos there anyway | 17:26 |
AJaeger | clarkb: pip it's still failing, see | 17:26 |
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diltram_ | hello everyone, is any of cores available right nowe? | 17:26 |
dhellmann | fungi : oh, wait, maybe not -- we want the job to run against master always, no matter which branch received the commit | 17:26 |
clarkb | AJaeger: ok so we havent done anything yet | 17:26 |
dhellmann | fungi : that way if you add a release note to the liberty branch, it shows up without losing the master notes | 17:26 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/release-tools: strip _ prefix from independent series | 17:27 |
fungi | dhellmann: aha, that's a little trickier then. that might be what we were trying to work around by using z-c | 17:27 |
dhellmann | fungi: yeah, there's a branch-override setting there | 17:27 |
fungi | dhellmann: so the job only uses files from the master branch? it doesn't also try to checkout other branches? | 17:27 |
dhellmann | hmm, it is "branch-override: master" instead of "branch-override: origin/master" I wonder if that would do it | 17:27 |
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dhellmann | fungi : it scans the other branches, but does not check them out | 17:27 |
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dhellmann | reno does all of that | 17:28 |
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dhellmann | I wonder if we need a custom builder to update the local repo for this case? | 17:28 |
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dhellmann | it can be "git remote update; git checkout master; git pull" | 17:28 |
fungi | and i guess if we only ever run this in post-merge pipelines then there's no risk of it needing to take dependent changes into account | 17:28 |
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dhellmann | yeah | 17:28 |
fungi | we do have gerrit-branch-prep (i think that's the name of the builder) which takes an explicit branch name | 17:29 |
dhellmann | fungi : do you think the fact that it says "master" instead of "origin/master" is significant? I don't know whether zuul-cloner automatically forces a local master branch to be up to date | 17:29 |
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fungi | dhellmann: no, i suspect clarkb is right and zuul isn't providing the complete set of envvars zuul-cloner needs to be able to checkout the correct ref | 17:30 |
fungi | but i haven't dug into the source yet to confirm | 17:30 |
dhellmann | ok | 17:30 |
dhellmann | I don't see "gerrit-branch-prep" anywhere in project-config files | 17:30 |
openstackgerrit | James E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/puppet-exim: Accept configurable routers/transports | 17:30 |
openstackgerrit | James E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add storyboard exim router/transports | 17:30 |
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fungi | dhellmann: branch-git-prep looks like | 17:31 |
jeblair | SotK, Zara, fungi, mordred: ^ this is how i think storyboard should work with exim | 17:31 |
jeblair | fungi, mordred: ^ we should also re-do the mailman config to use that | 17:31 |
jeblair | fungi, dhellmann: what's up? :) | 17:31 |
fungi | and needs a branch parameter set. which gets exported as BRANCH before invoking | 17:31 |
dhellmann | jeblair : it appears that a post job meant to build release notes after a change merges to a repo is not checking out the most current version of the repository | 17:32 |
dhellmann | jeblair : see for notes | 17:32 |
fungi | | 17:32 |
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fungi | interprets BRANCH as ZUUL_REF which gets passed directly to git checkout | 17:33 |
jeblair | fungi: did you dig up the jenkins link for ? | 17:33 |
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fungi | so just set the branch parameter to a name suitable for git checkout | 17:33 |
jeblair | oh on the bottom | 17:33 |
fungi | jeblair: yep | 17:33 |
Zara | jeblair: ooh, thank you, I'll take a look at that :) (SotK's afk but should be back in a bit) | 17:34 |
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fungi | diltram: better if you say what you need help with | 17:34 |
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openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: switch releasenotes job to branch-git-prep | 17:34 |
dhellmann | fungi : like this? ^^ | 17:34 |
fungi | we're all very busy already so taking time to ask you what you want is time we could spend answering your question instead | 17:34 |
anteaya | jeblair: hound can find no entries for | 17:34 |
diltram | fungi: I need help with locked account because of merging my account, I cannot login to my old account on gerrit using SSO | 17:34 |
fungi | dhellmann: yep, +2 | 17:35 |
dhellmann | fungi : great, thanks for your help with this! | 17:35 |
diltram | fungi: I wrote an email about that on mailing list | 17:35 |
fungi | diltram: yes, saw the e-mail. we can try to merge the new openid into your old account and then deactivate the errant newer one | 17:35 |
fungi | diltram: what's the new account id number displayed at when you're logged in right now? | 17:36 |
diltram | fungi: it will be great, do you need something from me to proceed with that? | 17:36 |
diltram | fungi: 19086 | 17:36 |
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jeblair | fungi, dhellmann: why was it using zuul-git-branch-prep? | 17:37 |
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fungi | diltram: looks like your earlier account was id 14591 (username diltram) | 17:38 |
dhellmann | jeblair : either copy-pasta on my account, or because we wanted to force the job to always use the master branch instead of wherever the commit landed and that's how I was told to do that, I'm honestly not sure | 17:38 |
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diltram | fungi: exactly :) | 17:38 |
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dhellmann | I mean, I know we wanted to force the branch, I'm not sure if someone told me to do it that way or if I guessed it myself | 17:39 |
jeblair | dhellmann: i see the comment that says "always published from master branch". what do you want to happen when something lands on stable/liberty? | 17:39 |
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jeblair | dhellmann: the job not to run, or something runs on master anyway? | 17:39 |
dhellmann | jeblair : reno looks for notes on branches itself, so I want it to run on master | 17:39 |
AJaeger | jeblair: run on master | 17:39 |
jeblair | (or something i haven't thought of) | 17:39 |
dhellmann | that way a patch on liberty doesn't remove the published notes from other branches | 17:39 |
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jeblair | dhellmann: this is an unusual situation. i need to think about it for a minute. | 17:40 |
dhellmann | jeblair : what I need is "git remote update; git checkout master; git pull" and then run sphinx. Reno will scan the branches it is told to scan. | 17:40 |
dhellmann | it is usually told to do things like scan origin/stable/liberty and the "current" branch, for example | 17:40 |
dhellmann | as separate steps, preparing notes docs for different branches | 17:41 |
fungi | diltram: okay, log out of gerrit and back in again and it should be fixed now | 17:41 |
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diltram | fungi: thank you very much, it works :) | 17:41 |
openstackgerrit | Zara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Always go to Story Detail Page after adding Story | 17:41 |
pleia2 | AJaeger: done (also, airport bound for a conference, will be mostly gone for the rest of the week) | 17:42 |
phschwartz | Has there been a change in the dependencies for zuul and nodepool around apscheduler? It seems that nodepool is looking for an older version then zuul which moves aspscheduler.scheduler. (zuul fails on the older version and works on the latest) | 17:42 |
clarkb | pabelanger: ^ | 17:42 |
openstackgerrit | Tristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Set logserver variables using temp url key only | 17:42 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: add nova-bugs-team meeting | 17:43 |
openstackgerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Packstack integration test gate jobs | 17:43 |
dhellmann | jeblair : The gate job is more normal. There we need it to run against the current branch, so we can ensure that new notes are included in the check and don't break the doc build. But the output isn't published, so it doesn't matter if it misses some things on a different branch. | 17:43 |
openstackgerrit | Zara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Always go to Story Detail Page after adding Story | 17:43 |
openstackgerrit | Tristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Set logserver variables using temp url key only | 17:44 |
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pabelanger | clarkb: phschwartz: right, have you upgraded apscheduler? Right now, zuul and nodepool depend on different versions, trying to get 262017 for nodepool to get them back on the same version | 17:44 |
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pabelanger | phschwartz: clarkb: so, nodepool and zuul on same host will likely fail | 17:44 |
fungi | phschwartz: pabelanger has a change proposed to fix that i think | 17:44 |
fungi | oh, he just said that | 17:45 |
AJaeger | pleia2: thanks! Safe travels! | 17:45 |
fungi | reminder that i should read all of scrollback before replying | 17:45 |
pabelanger | fungi: Yup, I think it is actually read to land now | 17:45 |
fungi | i thought i approved it but maybe not | 17:45 |
fungi | oh, nevermind, what i approved was the sqlalchemy cap bum[ | 17:46 |
fungi | bump | 17:46 |
phschwartz | pabelanger: ok, that will be a huge help, but not until it is pushed to pip. By anychance do you know what versions these were added in so I can pin them in my puppet manifests so I can get my single node running again | 17:46 |
openstackgerrit | Alex Schultz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove fuel-library puppet 3.6 and 3.7 unit jobs | 17:46 |
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pabelanger | phschwartz: I'm hoping for a nodepool release shortly. Want to confirm clarkb and greghaynes are happy with nodepool-builder first | 17:47 |
anteaya | pleia2: happy conferencing | 17:47 |
greghaynes | pabelanger: hrm? | 17:47 |
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pabelanger | phschwartz: iirc, 2.1.4 was the old, and 3.0.5 is new apscheduler | 17:47 |
Swanson | nodepool question for anyone. I have an image that never built and node pool has been trying to delete it for a couple hours now. How do I sort this? | 17:47 |
greghaynes | Swanson: Are you running off master? | 17:47 |
phschwartz | pabelanger: I meant, what version of zuul moved to the new apscheduler | 17:47 |
greghaynes | Swanson: because there is a bug right now related to that | 17:48 |
phschwartz | pabelanger: that would be the quickest fix. move back to the old zuul | 17:48 |
pabelanger | phschwartz: oh, we have not released it to pip yet | 17:48 |
clarkb | pabelanger: I think the answer is we dont know yet because evrything keeps breaking | 17:48 |
openstackgerrit | Anne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds openstack-doc-tools as a group for doc tools | 17:48 |
fungi | phschwartz: commit 1a4ad06 is what changed it, but hasn't made it into any tag get according to git tag --contains | 17:48 |
clarkb | dib pip nodepool etc | 17:48 |
phschwartz | hmm. I am curious as to how I am getting it. | 17:48 |
greghaynes | Yep :( | 17:48 |
pabelanger | phschwartz: 2.1.0 zuul should still have the old apscheduler requirment | 17:48 |
Swanson | greghaynes, I believe so. This is asselin's one stop CI. I just loaded it up yesterday. | 17:48 |
pabelanger | requirement* | 17:48 |
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fungi | phschwartz: installing zuul from master branch tip rather than release version? | 17:49 |
fungi | phschwartz: yeah, i believe it's a continuous deployment model in that case | 17:49 |
asselin | what's up? | 17:49 |
greghaynes | Swanson: ah, so yes, there was a bug where if an image build failed nodepool fails to delete the image. That bug is now fixed on master but sounds like you hit that issue - to remedy you have to remove the image from the db | 17:49 |
asselin | cbader_, ^^ | 17:50 |
clarkb | Swanson: DELETE FROM dib_image WHERE state = 1; | 17:50 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove unused | 17:50 |
asalkeld | hi, sorry is this is already "a known thing", but kolla-mesos is hitting this pip 8.0 issue (conflicts with argparse) do you guys have any suggestions on what to do? | 17:50 |
Swanson | greghaynes, clarkb, I was afraid of that. Thanks for the sql line. | 17:50 |
clarkb | asalkeld: I think we may be trying to figure that out. ianw has proposed a revert to pip as one option | 17:51 |
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asalkeld | ok, clarkb so just wait a bit? | 17:51 |
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clarkb | asalkeld: I guess? its a tricky situation and not sure we have a good idea of the best fix yet so waiting cant hurt | 17:52 |
asalkeld | thanks - I'll chill out and do some coding ... | 17:52 |
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clarkb | pinning pip is sort of difficult | 17:53 |
AJaeger | asalkeld: good idea ;) | 17:53 |
clarkb | and not good long term | 17:53 |
clarkb | distros could fix packaging but thats slow | 17:53 |
clarkb | we could run everything out of a system venv | 17:54 |
fungi | well, the venv "fix" doesn't help the argparse bug | 17:54 |
AJaeger | clarkb: there seem to be some genuine bugs in pip 8, like the argparse one | 17:54 |
fungi | we're hitting it even in virtualenvs | 17:54 |
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asalkeld | could pip accept a patch to change the error into a warning? | 17:54 |
clarkb | fungi oh because its part of python in 2.7 | 17:54 |
AJaeger | clarkb: yes | 17:54 |
fungi | asalkeld: that's what the revert would do | 17:55 |
fungi | asalkeld: it was a warning for about the past year | 17:55 |
asalkeld | cool | 17:55 |
clarkb | ya so that is proposed | 17:55 |
AJaeger | clarkb: and oslo.config has it in requirements | 17:55 |
greghaynes | clarkb: fungi if you have system-site-packages on youlll hit issues... | 17:55 |
dstufft | | 17:55 |
fungi | asalkeld: part of the issue is that one year is, like, half a release cycle for debian/ubuntu lts | 17:55 |
dstufft | also | 17:55 |
clarkb | AJaeger: we can remove it from requirements there since it was only necessary for python 2.6 | 17:55 |
AJaeger | dhellmann, dims: What about approving and cuting a new olso.config release? | 17:55 |
AJaeger | clarkb: See ;) | 17:56 |
greghaynes | oh wow, argparse :( | 17:56 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: increase large-ops job timeout | 17:56 |
greghaynes | this is a good day to go hide | 17:56 |
dims | AJaeger : has a +2 from me | 17:56 |
openstackgerrit | Armando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Move the Neutron drivers meeting | 17:56 |
dhellmann | AJaeger : +2a on the patch, I'll let dims decide on the release | 17:56 |
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fungi | greghaynes: even without system site packages, installing argparse in a virtualenv will run into this | 17:57 |
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greghaynes | fungi: wow | 17:58 |
asalkeld | dhellmann: just a note, kolla-mesos runs into this issue even though we don't have it in requirements | 17:58 |
asalkeld | (argparse) | 17:58 |
fungi | because the egg-info file is provided by stdlib and so always in the path | 17:58 |
dougwig | topic is bugged in #openstack-meeting-4, fyi | 17:58 |
asalkeld | so i don't think that patch is going to do anything | 17:58 |
dhellmann | asalkeld : are you using oslo.config or another project that does include it? | 17:58 |
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fungi | dougwig: thanks, i'll fix | 17:58 |
asalkeld | dhellmann: aaa, that might be the case... we do use oslo.config | 17:58 |
dhellmann | asalkeld : yeah, that's probably it | 17:59 |
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AJaeger | but there are more repos with argparse in requirements ;( | 17:59 |
dougwig | fungi: ty | 17:59 |
fungi | any of your transitive dependencies could potentially trigger it, not just ones we maintain | 17:59 |
AJaeger | exactly | 18:00 |
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dims | dhellmann : | 18:00 |
fungi | say you have a declared dependency on pyfoo and pyfoo in turn wants to support python 2.6 so includes argparse in its requirements | 18:00 |
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dhellmann | dims : how is that differennt from AJaeger's patch? | 18:01 |
openstackgerrit | Andre keedy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project(shovel) to openstack | 18:01 |
AJaeger | all the python-*clients require argparse ;( | 18:01 |
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asalkeld | doh! | 18:01 |
* AJaeger works on patches now... | 18:02 | |
fungi | maybe it's time to remove those, since we no longer support python 2.6 on any of our branches | 18:02 |
dims | dhellmann : oops i thought that was a requirements/ repo patch from him :) | 18:02 |
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dims | dhellmann : y, that's enough | 18:02 |
dhellmann | dims : :-) | 18:02 |
dhellmann | fungi : ++ | 18:02 |
clarkb | fungi ya just would be nice to not need it under such circumstances | 18:02 |
openstackgerrit | greghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Use pip 7 for ironic | 18:02 |
clarkb | but good cleanup regardless | 18:02 |
fungi | but it's not guaranteed to solve this if we still depend on something else which transitively declares a dependency on argparse | 18:02 |
clarkb | nodepool for example | 18:03 |
fungi | due to actually still having upstream support for 2.6 | 18:03 |
fungi | (not an openstack project) | 18:03 |
dims | dhellmann : spotted argparse in osprofiler as well | 18:03 |
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jeblair | | 18:04 |
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* greghaynes wonders what that i=nope arg is for | 18:04 | |
fungi | greghaynes: case sensitivity | 18:04 |
jeblair | greghaynes: ignore case? | 18:04 |
greghaynes | haha, and nope is a boolean? | 18:04 |
greghaynes | someone had fun | 18:04 |
jeblair | 68 file it says | 18:04 |
fungi | though i have to say, i approve of "nope" as a boolean value | 18:05 |
openstackgerrit | Andre keedy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project(shovel) to openstack | 18:05 |
fungi | with "yep" being the inverse | 18:05 |
dhellmann | dims : +2a | 18:05 |
fungi | i assume it's unlikely we'll have argparse in test-requirements.txt | 18:05 |
fungi | or | 18:05 |
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dhellmann | dims, fungi : | 18:07 |
jeblair | dhellmann, fungi: i agree that zuul-cloner is missing some things needed for post jobs. i also worry a little bit about whether any of our methods will result in the correct values for branches other than the branch the commit landed on -- at least, i don't think we've ever covered that in testing. | 18:07 |
dhellmann | jeblair : I'm not aware of any jobs with this need, so maybe a custom script to supplement something that is close to correct is in order | 18:08 |
dhellmann | ? | 18:08 |
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jeblair | dhellmann: maybe if we find that it is somehow incompatible with what we want zuul-cloner to do in post | 18:09 |
stevemar | so, what exactly is the logic behind when a job that is gating, and seems to have passed everything, resets? | 18:09 |
jeblair | dhellmann: i don't know that's the case -- i mostly point it out as something we've never considered worth testing. when we add post support to cloner, we can add tests for that if we think it's compatible | 18:09 |
asselin | &ngelica0116121 | 18:09 |
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AJaeger | dhellmann: I'm currently going through the list you pasted... | 18:10 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: remove argparse from requirements list | 18:10 |
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dhellmann | dims , fungi : ^^ | 18:10 |
phschwartz | What would cause zuul to return "uat-tempest-run: NOT_REGISTERED" even if a status shows "build:uat-tempest-run:devstack-trusty 0 0 1" | 18:10 |
Swanson | greghaynes, clarkb, That worked a treat. Thanks! | 18:10 |
AJaeger | dhellmann: had it already generated locally ;) | 18:10 |
lifeless_ | AJaeger: pin to pip <8 | 18:11 |
dims | dhellmann : that's a lot :( | 18:11 |
dhellmann | jeblair : ok, I didn't want to add requirements to zuul-cloner unnecessarily | 18:11 |
fungi | lifeless_: easier said that done | 18:11 |
anteaya | stevemar: if a patch in the gate is behind any number of patches and any of the preceding patches fails the first failed patch is removed and all subsequent patches are retested without the failing patch | 18:11 |
lifeless_ | fungi: yeah, I know | 18:11 |
anteaya | stevemar: even if the tests on the subsequent patches were passing | 18:11 |
AJaeger | dhellmann: | 18:11 |
dhellmann | dims : yeah, as lifeless_ says we may get farther by pinning pip | 18:11 |
fungi | er, than | 18:11 |
AJaeger | lifeless_: we cannot easily pin pip | 18:11 |
anteaya | stevemar: as they may have been passing in error due to the failing patch | 18:11 |
lifeless_ | argparse can turn up anywhere in the transitive dep chain | 18:12 |
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jeblair | dhellmann: well, 'works in post' is definitely a requirement -- i think once we dig into it we'll know if there's any additional complexity around other branches | 18:12 |
lifeless | and cause the issue | 18:12 |
openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Remove argparse from requirements | 18:12 |
lifeless | e.g. if testrepository depends on argparse | 18:12 |
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fungi | worse, the numerous patches needed to pin pip everywhere need to get tracked and then undone again once we're able to support newer pip, and also identifying that we _have_ gotten everything working with newer pip everywhere is hard without trying to undo those, so may take multiple iterations | 18:12 |
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lifeless | we've got nearly 400 deps in our transitive chain | 18:12 |
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stevemar | anteaya: seems like a bit hit to restart everything just cause one thing failed, especially if the projects are unrelated | 18:13 |
lifeless | so if just one has an argparse reference we'll still hit the issue | 18:13 |
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jeblair | lifeless: i take it we still need post-trusty pip in order to have constraints support? | 18:13 |
AJaeger | removing argparse does not hurt - but indeed is not the silver bullet | 18:13 |
dstufft | 7.0 | 18:13 |
lifeless | jeblair: 7+ | 18:13 |
dstufft | or 7.1? | 18:13 |
anteaya | stevemar: fire fighting is not the best time to try to redesign the gate algorithm | 18:13 |
dstufft | for constraints | 18:14 |
fungi | yeah, didn't mean to imply that removing argparse from our direct requirements would solve much of this, just that it's cleanup we should eventually be doing anyway | 18:14 |
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anteaya | stevemar: after the fire is out if folks would like to discuss the gate algorithm design that is fine | 18:14 |
lifeless | jeblair: maybe 7.1; I'd need to check | 18:14 |
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anteaya | stevemar: I hear your frustration | 18:14 |
stevemar | anteaya: of course, just talking aloud | 18:14 |
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anteaya | stevemar: thanks for sharing :) | 18:14 |
lifeless | fungi: so, I'd actually argue that we need to solve this systematically in pip, because any package published before argparse was included in the stdlib will trigger this forever, and we can't require thousands of packages to update | 18:15 |
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lifeless | fungi: and we don't have systematic widespread use of markers yet to do clean conditional dependencies on argparse | 18:15 |
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dstufft | pip 8.0.1 will fix argparse specifically for sure. | 18:15 |
stevemar | anteaya: data points would be helpful | 18:15 |
fungi | lifeless: i never disagreed with that | 18:15 |
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lifeless | fungi: cool | 18:15 |
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anteaya | stevemar: data is always helpful, agreed | 18:15 |
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fungi | lifeless: all i did was say we could stand to clean up some python 2.6-only cruft while we're at it | 18:15 |
dstufft | as well as fix virtualenv's with system-site-pacakges for sure | 18:15 |
lifeless | fungi: I have not read the 8 hours of backscroll; I commented here in reply to AJaeger's ping | 18:15 |
stevemar | anteaya: anywho, time and place :) | 18:15 |
anteaya | stevemar: yup, happy to listen further at another time and place :) | 18:16 |
clarkb | stevemar: anteaya the zuul docs cover this in depth fwiw | 18:16 |
stevemar | anteaya: it just came up now, cause like you said, wee bit of frustration | 18:16 |
lifeless | anyhow, I need to go feed the tribe | 18:16 |
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clarkb | if they arent related then dont share a queue | 18:16 |
anteaya | stevemar: yup, I hear that, you are in good company | 18:16 |
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clarkb | if they are related its basically tequired | 18:16 |
fungi | lifeless: what i think we're weighing is whether we can effectively pin pip <8.0.0 everywhere before there exists a version of pip which makes doing that unnecessary | 18:16 |
stevemar | clarkb: and all the 'integrated' projects are required by each other | 18:17 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/nodepool: Raise SQLAlchemy upper cap to match global requirements | 18:18 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: switch releasenotes job to branch-git-prep | 18:20 |
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clarkb | stevemar: anteaya | 18:21 |
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anteaya | clarkb: thank you :) | 18:21 |
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clarkb | so should we start working on pins? | 18:22 |
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clarkb | devstack all branches, grenade?, image builds (puppet install script) | 18:23 |
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clarkb | then rebuild assuming we dont need something else in dib | 18:23 |
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clarkb | the get pip cached file will bewrong | 18:23 |
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dims | clarkb : should we ask dstufft ? | 18:23 |
dims | clarkb : about a revert? | 18:23 |
clarkb | dims ianw proposed it but not sure if that will happen or how far oht it is | 18:24 |
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dims | clarkb : y reading | 18:25 |
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greghaynes | clarkb: I think dib itself works, theres some obvious element breakage depending on what you try to pip install in an element | 18:25 |
clarkb | greghaynes: gotcha | 18:25 |
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greghaynes | dib gates on being able to build with ironic which isn't able to install ATM so trying to pin around that | 18:26 |
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cbader_ | so I am caught in the pip 8.0.0 is there a way to downgrade my pip to something else? I have new install of Common-CI I can't complete because of the pip issue. | 18:27 |
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dstufft | the distutils thing is 3 things, 2/3 are going to be flat out fixed | 18:28 |
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dstufft | 1/3 things I don't know yet, it won't be a revert without a plan that isn't just "wait another year and hope this time people actually read the words on their screen" | 18:28 |
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clarkb | cbader_: we are currently discussing how to handle it | 18:28 |
cbader_ | clarkb, ok thanks I have been watching and googling but haven't figured out how to downgrade pip. | 18:29 |
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dstufft | pip install 'pip<8' | 18:29 |
openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Remove argparse from requirements | 18:30 |
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openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/reviewstats: Remove argparse from requirements | 18:30 |
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lifeless | clarkb: well mtreinish put up pins for devstack already; I guess they failed? | 18:30 |
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AJaeger | lifeless: that does not work for pep8 or docs job | 18:31 |
openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Remove argparse from requirements | 18:31 |
lifeless | AJaeger: I know | 18:31 |
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AJaeger | lifeless: I think devstack worked | 18:31 |
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openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Remove argparse from requirements | 18:31 |
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openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/yaml2ical: Remove argparse from requirements | 18:32 |
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openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Remove argparse from requirements | 18:32 |
openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Remove argparse from requirements | 18:32 |
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openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/git-restack: Remove argparse from requirements | 18:34 |
fungi | lifeless: part of the issue mtreinish encountered with the devstack pins, i think, was tempest still breaking on its virtualenv-based install | 18:34 |
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openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/gear: Remove argparse from requirements | 18:35 |
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openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/git-restack: Fix .gitreview | 18:35 |
openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove argparse from requirements | 18:35 |
fungi | also complications of pinning in kilo pre-constraints, since grenade won't pass master without liberty working, and won't pass liberty without kilo working | 18:35 |
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* AJaeger is done with spamming ;) | 18:36 | |
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dims | AJaeger : nice work :) | 18:37 |
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clarkb | ya you have to it in order | 18:37 |
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fungi | yep, just pointing out why kilo needed fixing urgently, even though it's harder to skin since pre-constraints | 18:38 |
lifeless | fungi: makes sense | 18:38 |
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lifeless | what can I do to help ? | 18:39 |
fungi | oh, and the fact that for much of this what we need to pin is not pip directly, but virtualenv since it vendors pip | 18:39 |
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lifeless | yeah, virtualenv<14 | 18:39 |
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jpr1 | in the new docs (nice work btw), the configuration of the common.yaml for the ci node (that runs jenkins etc) nicely guides the users to provide data for the non-commented out fields. oscc_file_contents is one such uncommented field, however the default provided contents says "Do Not Edit - - Generated & Managed by Puppet". Is this really the value we want there or should we put the ou | 18:40 |
Sam-I-Am | if i'm looking to disable expensive jobs for docs-only patches to networking-ovn, is there any special ordering or other magic i should be aware of in layout.yaml? | 18:40 |
Sam-I-Am | sort of unfamiliar territory for me | 18:40 |
AJaeger | Sam-I-Am: see how other repos do it.. | 18:41 |
clarkb | jpr1 you cut off but I think you want to update puppet to set the values | 18:41 |
AJaeger | Sam-I-Am: add to the list starting at line 723 "Skip these long-running and expensive devstack jobs when the..." | 18:42 |
Sam-I-Am | AJaeger: thats what i was looking at | 18:43 |
Sam-I-Am | didnt know if there was some separation in there between 'core' and not-really-core projects | 18:43 |
Sam-I-Am | things seem to be scattered around | 18:43 |
fungi | lifeless: i'm not 100% sure where we are at this point. i think the pip 8 with python 2.7 installing argparse in even in isolated virtualenvs has us sufficiently deadlocked that we may be just waiting to see what pip upstream does | 18:43 |
Sam-I-Am | like openstack-ansible is by itself | 18:43 |
openstackgerrit | Armando Migliaccio proposed openstack/requirements: Cap keystonemiddleware version | 18:43 |
jpr1 | ok. will try that route. it's not clear if the later puppet apply gathers this info from somewhere or if it needs to be fed in | 18:43 |
fungi | lifeless: mtreinish and/or dims may have more current status info than i do | 18:43 |
jpr1 | I assume this is pointing at the cloud the ci functions will use as the build platform, is that right? | 18:44 |
clarkb | jpr1 fed in via hiera I think | 18:44 |
clarkb | jpr1 yes | 18:44 |
fungi | lifeless: the up-side, i guess, is that this has also broken diskimage-builder so we may not be seeing a lot of workers end up with pip 8/virtualenv 14 preinstalled yet | 18:45 |
fungi | except bare-.* workers and devstack-.* in rackspace | 18:45 |
AJaeger | dims: do you want to abandon since it's a duplicate? | 18:45 |
fungi | bare-.* workers in rackspace and hpcloud | 18:45 |
dims | AJaeger : already done | 18:45 |
AJaeger | dims: oh you did already, sorry, ignore me | 18:45 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Thorstensen proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Bump APScheduler to >=3.0 | 18:46 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Add experimental neutron jobs for the new pecan based api server | 18:46 |
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cbader_ | so I got past the pip issue but looks like the puppet script the created the common-ci didn't create zuul, nodepool and apache conf files so looks like wait for pip fix I guess | 18:47 |
lifeless | fungi: so, I'm catching up on the pip issue and will be helping there as I can | 18:48 |
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jpr1 | clarkb: i thought environments/common.yaml is the heira source | 18:48 |
fungi | lifeless: awesome--thanks | 18:48 |
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AJaeger | thanks, lifeless | 18:48 |
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openstackgerrit | James E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add storyboard exim router/transports | 18:48 |
clarkb | jpr1 asselin_ would know better than me | 18:48 |
lifeless | fungi: I think I've suggested before we should have constraints of some sort on the things we install via pip - I think effort put into pins now would be mainly useful if it was done with an eye to having a central control point for future firedrills | 18:49 |
fungi | jeblair: is 270331 based on the discussion i was having with SotK and Zara earlier? | 18:49 |
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jpr1 | ok. btw, i'm referencing this line in common.yaml | 18:50 |
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openstackgerrit | Andre keedy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project(shovel) to openstack | 18:50 |
jpr1 | i'll run it with the provided value | 18:51 |
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AJaeger | sdague: could you review and the logic behind it some time, please? (not urgent) | 18:53 |
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pabelanger | fungi: clarkb: do you mind approving 262017 before another rebase :) | 18:55 |
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pabelanger | fungi: Regarding the 'upstream development' track for Austin summit. Do we want to have an -infra collaboration on picking a talk, or do some sort of free for all? | 18:58 |
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anteaya | fungi: based on this comment in backscroll I'm going with yes: | 18:58 |
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anteaya | fungi: I just happened to be at that place in backscroll | 18:58 |
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openstackgerrit | afazekas proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] trying to add one block node | 18:59 |
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dstufft | lifeless: oh | 18:59 |
dstufft | by the way | 18:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Minimal translation setup for murano-dashboard | 18:59 |
dstufft | y'all probably want to add --no-download to your virtualenv invocations, or for compatibility with < 14.0, --never-download | 18:59 |
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fungi | dstufft: does virtualenv >=14 look for newer pip/setuptools and pull them in if available to replace the vendored versions? | 19:01 |
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lifeless | dstufft: oh? | 19:01 |
fungi | that might get tricky to mitigate since most of our virtualenv invocation is happening indirectly via tox | 19:02 |
dstufft | fungi: it doesn't "replace" the vendored versions, but it'll pull the latest versions in via pip during install | 19:02 |
dstufft | or set PIP_NO_INDEX=1 I suppose | 19:02 |
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dstufft | I think it'll work | 19:02 |
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fungi | so we may want to be able to have tox tell virtualenv not to grab newer pip/setuptools but still pip install other things over the network | 19:03 |
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dstufft | (virtualenv's pip isntall works by taking the vendored copy of pip, and using it to install pip/setuptools/wheel, previously it used --no-index when it did that so it would only isntall the bundled .whl's, now it only adds --no-index if you use --(no|never)-download | 19:03 |
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SergeyLukjanov | fungi, hi, re project renames, do you have few minutes to discuss? | 19:04 |
anteaya | phschwartz: | 19:04 |
anteaya | that may be what you re looking for | 19:04 |
fungi | SergeyLukjanov: yep, we ran out of time during yesterday's meeting so i didn't get to bring up scheduling | 19:04 |
fungi | infra-root: ^ SergeyLukjanov is interested in volunteering to do the current batch of pending renames this weekend | 19:04 |
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dstufft | lifeless: fungi obviously it doesn't matter much right now, since if you're using pip 14 you'll be using pip 8 anyways, but when pip 9 is released! | 19:05 |
dstufft | s/pip 14/virutalenv 14/ | 19:05 |
nibalizer | this is abad weekend for me because of scale | 19:05 |
fungi | dstufft: right, was just thinking ahead to how we'd skin that inside tox | 19:05 |
nibalizer | so my availablility is poo | 19:05 |
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fungi | i'm travelling this weekend for a foundation thing, as is clarkb | 19:05 |
fungi | and i gather pleia2 is at scale as well | 19:05 |
dstufft | fungi: presumably tox will expose the option somehow | 19:06 |
fungi | dstufft: this is my hope, because using PIP_NO_INDEX to make that happen is presumably going to have side effects for its other invocations of pip after it builds the virtualenv | 19:06 |
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fungi | unless we maybe expressly unset that with an install command override | 19:07 |
fungi | anyway, could get murky in the config | 19:07 |
sdague | AJaeger: ok, done. I think there are a few things that can be cleaned up | 19:07 |
lifeless | yeah, setting PIP_NO_INDEX is hard | 19:07 |
lifeless | we need a tox feature to control this | 19:08 |
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AJaeger | thanks, sdague | 19:08 |
lifeless | fungi: virtualenv creation isn't currently configurable in tox; IIRC there are plans to let it be so | 19:08 |
fungi | so hopefully before pip9/venv15 tox will do something about it | 19:08 |
sdague | hmmm internap is really slow huh? | 19:08 |
fungi | or else one of us will have a fire lit under them to submit a patch for it | 19:09 |
AJaeger | dims, so, looking at the failing patches for the arg-parse: Mmost of them do get argparse in via oslo.config, so a new release would help with them | 19:09 |
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fungi | AJaeger: but would they still be hitting it somewhere else later even if oslo.config were no longer responsible? | 19:09 |
fungi | this can still happen via transitive dependencies over which we have basically no control | 19:10 |
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lifeless | dstufft: so the idea is that virtualenv no longer needs to release coordinated with pip ? | 19:10 |
openstackgerrit | K Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Change logstash multiline stream identity | 19:10 |
openstackgerrit | K Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Logstash 2.0 compat ES output rule | 19:10 |
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AJaeger | fungi: yes, it could. But I'm not seeing that ;( | 19:11 |
AJaeger | fungi, looking at storyboard as an example: | 19:11 |
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AJaeger | "Collecting argparse (from oslo.config>=1.11.0->storyboard==0.0.1.dev661)" | 19:11 |
dstufft | lifeless: yes, I mean we'll likely still do it for the offline case, but also wheels and setuptools too | 19:11 |
sdague | I just had a patch die on neutron job timeouts, pip install time is up to 16 minutes ... - | 19:11 |
dstufft | virtualenv <14 is broken on 3.5 by default because the wheel version is too old for it | 19:11 |
fungi | krotscheck: what were the mirror patches you wanted me to look over yesterday? | 19:12 |
AJaeger | fungi: so, oslo.config is just a minor help I guess -but the one that shows up in most failures | 19:12 |
openstackgerrit | Mateusz Matuszkowiak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added two new repos for fuel-plugins | 19:12 |
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jeblair | dstufft: hey, we're going to try to put our new pypi mirrors into production this week; when you have a second, i updated my bandersnatch PR with what we need to do that: | 19:14 |
AJaeger | fungi: flame gets argparse via python-keystoneclient, fuel-octane is the only odd one: octane and stevedeore | 19:14 |
openstackgerrit | Mikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Use more generic variable name for ruby packages | 19:16 |
openstackgerrit | Mikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Inherit from param class instead of including it | 19:16 |
dstufft | jeblair: probably not going to look at it until after pip 8 settles down, but jsut as a reminder, I don't have commit on that repo (other than implicitly from being a pypa org admin) | 19:16 |
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jeblair | dstufft: if you can poke the right people, that would be appreciated :) | 19:16 |
fungi | krotscheck: nevermind, dug it out of scrollback. | 19:17 |
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mtreinish | fungi, lifeless: as far as I know all my pins landed and unblocked most of the jobs | 19:18 |
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fungi | mtreinish: excellent, so devstack/tempest/grenade jobs are a-okay now? | 19:19 |
fungi | sounds like we're just down to solving for tox at the moment | 19:20 |
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sdague | does anyone have more generic internap run timings? | 19:20 |
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clarkb | sdague: grafana has some | 19:20 |
mtreinish | fungi: I think so: | 19:20 |
clarkb | sdague: | 19:20 |
sdague | clarkb: url? | 19:20 |
clarkb | they are at the bottom of the page | 19:21 |
sdague | clarkb: oh, but not tempest run times? | 19:21 |
anteaya | SergeyLukjanov: I am not available this weekend | 19:21 |
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sdague | ah, at the bottom, I see | 19:21 |
sdague | right, so internap looks slower again than everything else | 19:21 |
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mtreinish | sdague: I can get that with subunit2sql, it's on my todo to add those graphs to the approapriate pages | 19:21 |
SergeyLukjanov | seems like it'll be better to try discuss it on the next week meeting | 19:21 |
SergeyLukjanov | fungi ^^ | 19:21 |
sdague | and is pushing fail rates up due to our timeouts | 19:22 |
mtreinish | woah, yeah 1.8 hrs is kinda long | 19:22 |
sdague | right, some neutron jobs are timing out a 2 hrs now | 19:22 |
clarkb | fwiw rax is doing that too as is ovh | 19:22 |
clarkb | I don't think it is unique to internap | 19:23 |
dims | AJaeger : can cut a release when your argparse review lands | 19:23 |
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fungi | SergeyLukjanov: yep, i need to clean up the agenda from this week and i'll add it as a discussion topic. i won't be around this tuesday but pleia2 has volunteered to chair the meeting in my absence | 19:24 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/release-tools: Remove argparse from requirements | 19:25 |
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sdague | clarkb: ok, gotcha | 19:26 |
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sdague | just wanted to double check | 19:26 |
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clarkb | so probably need it identify where the time is being spent and find the regression | 19:27 |
sdague | clarkb: the theory is keystone middleware, there is a pin posted | 19:27 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: puppet/spec_helper: run the script from project dir | 19:28 |
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lifeless | sdague: psycopg2, numpy, libvirt, lxml, pycrypto and cryptography are a chunk of that; | 19:28 |
lifeless | sdague: I can't see any single omg-bad call to pip | 19:28 |
sdague | lifeless: no, there is no omg-bad call to pip | 19:28 |
dstufft | spoiler: all calls to pip are bad | 19:29 |
sdague | it's just the continuous upward creep + new nodes that are slower than rax | 19:29 |
lifeless | sdague: whats the normal time you'd expect? | 19:29 |
sdague | and the lack of a wheel mirror | 19:29 |
sdague | I'm used to 10 minutes, though that's bad. Before upper-constraints it was more like 2 minutes. | 19:29 |
sdague | because we used packages for the expensive ones | 19:29 |
sdague | like numpy | 19:30 |
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sdague | any update on the wheel mirror? | 19:30 |
mordred | it's in active work | 19:30 |
sdague | because we're going to just need to start mass bumping up timeouts all over the place | 19:30 |
mordred | krotscheck has done work on it and jeblair is connecting with him to get it landed and stuff | 19:31 |
fungi | i'm reviewing the patches krotscheck asked for oversight on in the next hour | 19:31 |
fungi | wrt the wheel mirror implementation | 19:31 |
sdague | fungi / mordred - great. | 19:31 |
mordred | so - yeah - mirror stuff has gotten a bump up in priority | 19:31 |
sdague | because it's definitely a big component in our current fail rates | 19:31 |
fungi | and jeblair is trying to get one patch into bandersnatch to support our filename hashing needs | 19:31 |
sdague | none of our config accounted for the idea that pip install overhead could be more than a couple of minutes | 19:32 |
openstackgerrit | Matthew Kassawara proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add logic for networking-ovn jobs | 19:33 |
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sdague | also, if anyone else wants to review this change - - we could land some nova code that will drop 5 nodes per nova check change, which will put more resource back into the queue | 19:36 |
sdague | it's the constraints related one | 19:36 |
* mordred has already reviewed it | 19:37 | |
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sdague | mordred: yes, and thank you for that :) | 19:38 |
* mordred _occasionally_ does thing | 19:38 | |
AJaeger | speaking of less jobs per change, here's one for keystoneclient: | 19:39 |
AJaeger | mordred: not only occassionally ;) | 19:39 |
clarkb | sdague: do you know if the plan is to switch neutron back to the py27 regular job with constraints enabled there? I think it is based on TC meeting yesterday | 19:42 |
mtreinish | fungi: or any infra-root I guess, when you get a chance can you check the logs for the subunit2sql pruning cron job? I think it was supposed to run already, but the db doesn't look like it's shrunk at all | 19:43 |
clarkb | sdague: the two tarball jobs in that file are not updated to add constraints, but there are constraints specific tarball jobs, were you wanting to condensce those too? | 19:43 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/shade: Remove a done todo list item | 19:46 |
sdague | clarkb: I do not know for neutron, my guess is yes, I was currently trying to get the nova situation sorted. I might have missed some jobs, if so point them out and I'll update. | 19:46 |
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clarkb | sdague: commented, there were 3 that I found | 19:51 |
sdague | clarkb: ok, will fix right now | 19:52 |
clarkb | but this way we can remove all the -constraints jobs in favor of projects opting in project side with the normal jobs | 19:52 |
cbader_ | clarkb, was there a fix for the dib-image-build hang found? | 19:52 |
clarkb | cbader_: I don't know what issue that is | 19:52 |
sdague | clarkb: the pylint on didn't have the zuul cloner in it | 19:52 |
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clarkb | sdague: oh but there is a constraints pylint job? let me double check | 19:53 |
sdague | there is, it was wrong. I'll just fix it anyway | 19:53 |
clarkb | sdague: ha so I think that is just wrong ok | 19:53 |
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cbader_ | clarkb, on first creation of the dib-image-build it states receiving packets but just hangs and can't cntrl-c to break out of it have to kill -9 to stop it. | 19:53 |
cbader_ | clarkb, this is on a clean machine first run with nodepool started per common-ci instructions. | 19:54 |
clarkb | cbader_: we recently switched to using gearman to trigger image builds so we can run builders on external systems. I bet the ^C not working is related to the gear library | 19:55 |
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openstackgerrit | Sean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: always make upper-constraints available to python jobs | 19:55 |
clarkb | cbader_: but while it sits there it should be building an image, check your logs | 19:55 |
sdague | clarkb / mordred ok, I believe it's fixed now | 19:55 |
fungi | mtreinish: i don't see any output in the subunit2sql log from that cronjob, though the file was last modified at the date and time it was scheduled to run (suggesting it did fire and produced no stdout/stderr) | 19:56 |
clarkb | sdague: +2 | 19:56 |
cbader_ | clarkb, so looks like I can cntrl-c now. dib-image-build says building but nothing hitting cache | 19:56 |
clarkb | cbader_: look at your image build logs | 19:56 |
cbader_ | clarkb, ok looking thanks | 19:57 |
mtreinish | fungi: hmm that's curious | 19:57 |
clarkb | becuase the build itself has been pushed out of the process you are running to the gearman worker ou don't get logs on the console | 19:57 |
fungi | mtreinish: also no cronspam sent to the sysadmins from it, so didn't exit nonzero i gues | 19:57 |
fungi | s | 19:57 |
clarkb | the logs should however end up in your image logs | 19:57 |
mtreinish | it definitely looks like we've still got a years worth of data in there: | 19:57 |
clarkb | cbader_: if you still have issues make sure you ahve latest nodepool as we have pushed a few fixes in the last da | 19:57 |
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mtreinish | fungi: the mystery deepens | 19:58 |
cbader_ | clarkb, I pulled latest common-ci last night. I don;t see anything in the /var/log/nodepool/image location is that the right place? | 19:58 |
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clarkb | cbader_: yes that should be the location | 19:59 |
cbader_ | clarkb, ok then nothing is being created. | 19:59 |
clarkb | cbader_: check the version of nodepool you are running, update and restart if not latest | 20:00 |
cbader_ | clarkb, I liked it better when I saw output of the build could at least see it working | 20:00 |
clarkb | cbader_: unfortunately that doesn't scale well | 20:00 |
clarkb | (and you can see the output in the logs) | 20:00 |
clarkb | I have a hunch you are missing a fix for logging in your current install though | 20:01 |
cbader_ | clarkb, I understand the reason but just wish could turn it on when needed. | 20:01 |
cbader_ | clarkb, fix for logging in your current install? | 20:01 |
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clarkb | yes master nodepool should have the fix for logging (I confirmed it was working at about 5pm PST yesterday) | 20:02 |
mtreinish | fungi: I guess I should have made it output something when it works :p | 20:02 |
fungi | mtreinish: with a timestamp ;) | 20:02 |
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cbader_ | clarkb, I have nodepool 0.2.1 | 20:02 |
clarkb | cbader_: look at pbr freeze to get the sha1 | 20:02 |
clarkb | you can then compare that against current master of nodepool | 20:03 |
cbader_ | clarkb, nodepool==0.2.1.dev31 | 20:03 |
clarkb | cbader_: there should be a sha1 to the right of that | 20:04 |
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lifeless | clarkb: I am pretty sure we don't export that in the version anymore | 20:04 |
lifeless | clarkb: since the PEP-440 thing landed in a pip release | 20:04 |
cbader_ | clarkb, nope just that on the line from pip freeze | grep nodepool | 20:04 |
clarkb | lifeless: yes that is why you have to use pbr freeze | 20:04 |
clarkb | cbader_: correct you have to use pbr freeze | 20:05 |
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cbader_ | clarkb, sorry haven't done that before so here is what I got, nodepool==0.2.1.dev31 # git sha de4a318 | 20:06 |
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clarkb | ok that is the latest commit on master | 20:07 |
sdague | mordred: you want to hit me up with final +2 on that - ? | 20:07 |
clarkb | cbader_: how long has your nodepoold process been running? if it is > 16 hours or so you may need to restart it | 20:07 |
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alkhodos_ | Hi everyone. I have a patch that is waiting Jenkins verify, but it keeps restarting with such things in logs: 2016-01-20 19:48:47.466 | Build was aborted 2016-01-20 19:48:47.467 | Aborted by anonymous , any idea why? | 20:08 |
cbader_ | clarkb, this is a new installation of common-ci I haven't started the nodepool service yet per instructions to manually install first dib-image. | 20:08 |
clarkb | alkhodos_: that happens when a change ahead of your change fails and zuul has to reassemble the git trees to remove the failing change | 20:08 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/system-config: Add more logstash timestamp formats | 20:08 |
clarkb | alkhodos_: when it does that it cancels job results for the discarded tree and starts over using the new tree | 20:08 |
clarkb | alkhodos_: covered in detail at | 20:09 |
alkhodos_ | clarkb: ah ok, thanks | 20:09 |
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alkhodos_ | clarkb: so that's normal behavior, right? | 20:09 |
clarkb | cbader_: ok running the nodepoold or a builder daemon is required | 20:09 |
alkhodos_ | clarkb: pretty much all I wanted to know :) | 20:09 |
clarkb | alkhodos_: yes it is normal | 20:10 |
alkhodos_ | clarkb: thanks! | 20:10 |
zxiiro | Does anyone know why Zuul wouldn't kick off a job in Jenkins? I got a pretty simple job configured with zuul and my Jenkins Gearman plugin appears to have connected to zuul based on log output and I can see that Zuul is scheduling the job when I run "zuul show running-jobs" but the job never gets assigned a worker and Jenkins never fires off the job. I'm | 20:10 |
zxiiro | using this is my simple layout.yaml | 20:10 |
cbader_ | clarkb, so I can run the nodepoold or just start the nodepool service correct? | 20:11 |
clarkb | cbader_: yup, I would start the service | 20:11 |
cbader_ | clarkb, ok will try that do I have to restart or kill the current dib-image-build and if so how would I do that. | 20:12 |
clarkb | cbader_: no I think once the nodepool service starts it should pick up the job to build the image meaning you don't need to kill the current build | 20:12 |
cbader_ | clarkb, great thanks. | 20:12 |
clarkb | cbader_: after ou start it look in the images log dir again and see if logs show up | 20:13 |
cbader_ | clarkb, ok thanks will do. | 20:13 |
cbader_ | clarkb, I have a log forming, thank you for the help. | 20:14 |
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fungi | jeblair: were you also wanting to review the three topic:wheel_mirror changes pending for system-config or should i go ahead and approve them if they look okay (mordred's already reviewed the latest patchsets on them and yolanda has also positively reviewed the last change in the series) | 20:15 |
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cbader_ | clarkb, but it is a zero bite but will give it a few minutes. | 20:15 |
jeblair | fungi: feel free to approve | 20:15 |
fungi | jeblair: i guess it would help for me to read your specs change first and make sure these aren't contrary to that plan | 20:16 |
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fungi | oh, wait, that's for logs not really for mirrors | 20:18 |
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mtreinish | mordred: if you get a sec I think you'll like: | 20:18 |
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mtreinish | it'll let us track devstack in the health dashboard | 20:20 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add some assignees to zuulv3 | 20:20 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/nodepool: Bump APScheduler to >=3.0 | 20:20 |
* krotscheck heard his name? | 20:21 | |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/infra-specs: Adjust assignees for translations check site | 20:21 |
krotscheck | Ah, gotcha. | 20:21 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Use linters job for keystoneclient starting with mitaka | 20:21 |
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krotscheck | So, wheel mirros, afs mirros, and then we'll start adding other mirros into the mix. | 20:21 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/infra-specs: Use everywhere | 20:23 |
stevemar | notmorgan: sounds like we should be blocking 4.1.0 of ksm | 20:23 |
notmorgan | stevemar: ? | 20:23 |
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stevemar | notmorgan: we can add memcache to devstack independent of blocking 4.1.0 ksm | 20:24 |
notmorgan | stevemar: we can. this really is a minimal devstack patch. let me get on it | 20:24 |
clarkb | are we expecting this to use a lot of extra memory? | 20:25 |
jeblair | fungi, krotscheck: yeah, my plan (now that i've updated bandersnatch) is to write a change to start populating afs with it. i don't think it contradicts anything krotscheck has done, so we can just keep landing those and spin up the new servers and hopefully we can use afs on them instead of the local bandersnatch. | 20:25 |
mtreinish | clarkb: heh, concerns about the swap thing? | 20:25 |
notmorgan | clarkb: no | 20:25 |
notmorgan | clarkb: this should actually reduce memory usage | 20:26 |
notmorgan | clarkb: since all the services will share the cache for validation rather than each worker process having it's own version | 20:26 |
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openstackgerrit | Andre keedy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project(shovel) to openstack | 20:26 |
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notmorgan | clarkb: or at worst, you'll see a minor uptick since memcache relies on LRU rather than an expensive scrub of the in-process cache on each lookup | 20:27 |
notmorgan | clarkb: but it should be at worst near wash compared to today, at best a reduction of used memory | 20:27 |
clarkb | ok | 20:27 |
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krotscheck | jeblair: Is your plan to reate sortof a "Mirror master" machine whose job it is to populate afs? | 20:27 |
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krotscheck | We can run all the various sync jobs on it. | 20:27 |
clarkb | mtreinish: ya any time more mmemory comes up I get worried since we apparently rely on swap | 20:27 |
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mtreinish | that still surprises me, because I definitely thought we fixed all of that > 1 yr ago | 20:28 |
mtreinish | I actually wrote blog posts about debugging that | 20:29 |
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mordred | krotscheck: yes, I believe that is the goal | 20:30 |
mordred | krotscheck: s/goal/plan/ | 20:30 |
clarkb | mtreinish: well I think it is newer jobs like magnum and kolla and openstack ansible | 20:30 |
clarkb | mtreinish: the "core/integrated/smalltent" is fine | 20:30 |
mtreinish | ah ok | 20:30 |
mordred | clarkb: zomg. please let smalltent be a real new term | 20:30 |
jeblair | krotscheck, mordred: yes -- so the equiv npm process can run there too | 20:30 |
mtreinish | heh, that is a good term | 20:30 |
mordred | and maybe even a reprepro process in the future! :) | 20:31 |
sdague | mordred: puptent | 20:31 |
mordred | sdague: bivvy sack? | 20:31 |
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openstackgerrit | sebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: Summit Application API | 20:31 |
clarkb | mordred: you put the small tent in the big tent | 20:31 |
clarkb | mordred: that way when it rains you stay dry | 20:31 |
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openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: openstack-doc-tools,openstackdocstheme: Use linters | 20:36 |
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clarkb | fungi: so sounds like pip + virtualenv + tox pinning is actually quite complicated and you are inclined to wait for pip to release 8.0.1 with fixes for at least 2/3 of the issues? | 20:38 |
anteaya | I'm in with the smalltent | 20:38 |
fungi | clarkb: that's where i'm leaning at this point. it sounds like also the various argparse cleanups landing all over the place may get a few more tox jobs working with pip 8.0.0 in the meantime | 20:39 |
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asselin_ | jpr1, didn't follow your question. The "Do Not Edit - Generated & Managed by Puppet" is just a comment header. You should populate the real data underneath | 20:39 |
ianw | clarkb: when you've got some cycles, i'm going to need some help with poking at logs/nodepool for fedora23. build looks OK now. i can build locally, upload to rax and ssh in. but still coming up as NOT_REGISTERED for zuul. can you check what our nodepool thinks about the whole thing | 20:39 |
clarkb | ianw can do | 20:40 |
openstackgerrit | Derek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Wire up the new --overcloud-pingtest into the heredoc | 20:40 |
jpr1 | ah ok | 20:40 |
dstufft | I can probably commit to an 8.0.1 with at least 2/3 of the things fixed in the next few hours. the other thing I'll try to include something for, or at least a decision on who will do what | 20:40 |
ianw | dstufft: the 2/3's being the virtualenv stuff, and the other bit being removing the egg file? | 20:41 |
jpr1 | so that "puppet configed" warning is for the reader of the eventually changed system's config file then? | 20:41 |
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dstufft | ianw: 2/3 == argparse (and wsgiref, but that' less common) and virtual environments with system site packages, 1/3 being -> if we legimately need to *actually* uninstall a distutils installed project (can't shadow or something) do we error? continue to warn? something else? | 20:42 |
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jpr1 | and I can use the output of os-client-config to populate (as in `python -m os_client_config.config`)? | 20:43 |
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jeblair | mordred: does this line do anything? | 20:44 |
sdague | dhellmann / lifeless / ttx - could we get a +A on so that we could then promote it | 20:44 |
asselin_ | jpr1, it's a notice for someone reading the file in the filesystem, so that if they update it there, then they've been warnined if their updates are overwritten | 20:44 |
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sdague | and neutron failure rates will go back to baseline | 20:44 |
asselin_ | jrp1, * overwritten by puppet | 20:45 |
notmorgan | sdague, stevemar, clarkb: something like that. oops missed a file. | 20:45 |
ianw | dstufft: got it, thanks | 20:45 |
lifeless | sdague: 2A | 20:45 |
Swanson | More CI fun. If the Zuul status page is showing up with a status.json: Proxy Error it is failing to connect to Zuul itself and not something else? | 20:45 |
asselin_ | jpr1, but if you think it's confusing, submit a patch set that you think clarifies it. | 20:46 |
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notmorgan | ok something like that. | 20:46 |
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krotscheck | Merge failure. Doh | 20:47 |
krotscheck | Sec | 20:47 |
krotscheck | Oh. | 20:47 |
krotscheck | Not a merge cailure at all | 20:47 |
krotscheck | jeblair: Before these things merge, can you take a close look at to make sure that it's the folder structure you're expecting? | 20:47 |
stevemar | notmorgan: noice | 20:47 |
krotscheck | jeblair: Specifically at the rewrite ules | 20:47 |
jpr1 | will do. just trying to get a little clarity on what the format is of the data that goes there. | 20:48 |
jpr1 | read over os-client-config which appears to be how to generate it but not sure which output format is desired for this part of the config file | 20:49 |
notmorgan | stevemar: it might need "adjusting" and i haven't run it locally just tossing it up to quickly iterate / get feedback while i conintue to work on it | 20:49 |
mtreinish | notmorgan: reviewed | 20:49 |
fungi | mordred: greghaynes: for 165240 i assume we need an ansible host group and associated group hiera file? | 20:50 |
notmorgan | mtreinish: so, i was lifting previous logic [will cc this in the review] for the python-memcache vs python-memcached | 20:50 |
fungi | mordred: greghaynes: for keys associated with node /.*wheel-mirror-.*\.openstack\.org/ | 20:50 |
notmorgan | mtreinish: i can do a pip install instead if that is preferred. | 20:50 |
openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: openstack-doc-tools,openstackdocstheme: Use linters | 20:51 |
asselin_ | jpr1, this link shoudl explian it: | 20:51 |
notmorgan | mtreinish: and uhm, if files guarantee install, sure, we can skip the install memcached thing | 20:51 |
asselin_ | jpr1, | 20:51 |
mtreinish | notmorgan: I think pip install is prefered because we can tailor the versions with g-r and constraints | 20:51 |
notmorgan | mtreinish: so, in short: files means that install is no longer needed ? (you can confirm that for me). and uhm.. the pip thing hmm. | 20:51 |
mtreinish | using the ubuntu package has been problematic for other things in the past | 20:52 |
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notmorgan | mtreinish: i don't think we have a package that explicitly relies on python-memcache | 20:52 |
mtreinish | I thought we stopped using ubuntu packages for python things everywhere else in the past | 20:52 |
jpr1 | yes. that's the one I read. :) | 20:52 |
notmorgan | and a raw pip install isn't good. | 20:52 |
notmorgan | because that isn't g-r gated | 20:52 |
mtreinish | I know that mordred was beating that drum for a while | 20:52 |
mtreinish | notmorgan: pip_install will respect g-r | 20:52 |
mtreinish | pip install won't :) | 20:53 |
notmorgan | mtreinish: oh cool | 20:53 |
notmorgan | mtreinish: then i'll switch to that. | 20:53 |
mtreinish | it's all about that underline | 20:53 |
notmorgan | give me a moment. | 20:53 |
fungi | mtreinish: notmorgan: at least in liberty and later | 20:53 |
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sdague | infra-root - please promote - | 20:54 |
fungi | mtreinish: notmorgan: for kilo devstack i think it needed to be in a requirements file which was subjected to the version syncing | 20:54 |
sdague | it has passed all the relevant tests, the test fails that is has are related to unrelated race conditions | 20:54 |
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mtreinish | fungi: right, it's only >= liberty but this is a change on master :) | 20:54 |
notmorgan | fungi: this should only matter for mitaka+ | 20:55 |
notmorgan | fungi: so we're good | 20:55 |
sdague | notmorgan: if you address mtreinish's comments on the devstack patch, I'm +2 | 20:55 |
notmorgan | mtreinish: and so files will take care of the server bits? | 20:55 |
notmorgan | sdague: cool. | 20:56 |
notmorgan | sdague: almost ready to push an update addressing those | 20:56 |
notmorgan | mtreinish: so i can just drop the install_package bit | 20:56 |
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sdague | notmorgan: for memcached | 20:56 |
notmorgan | sdague: cool | 20:56 |
mtreinish | notmorgan: yes | 20:56 |
mtreinish | I was just looking up the ref for you: | 20:56 |
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notmorgan | sdague: then 20 seconds and i'll have another patch. | 20:56 |
sdague | you should convert the client side one to a pip_install | 20:56 |
notmorgan | sdague: already done. :) | 20:56 |
asselin_ | jpr1, this wasn't helpful? | 20:57 |
asselin_ | jpr1, which 'cloud' are you using? | 20:57 |
notmorgan | sdague, mtreinish: new patch uploaded with fixes | 20:57 |
fungi | sdague: i've enqueued 270417,1 into the gate and promoted it to the front | 20:57 |
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openstackgerrit | Spencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/ansible-puppet: Conditionally manage puppet config files | 20:58 |
jpr1 | asselin_: think i'm getting it. so the "multi-line contents of os-client-config" look like the yaml here or is it intended to be an output format produced by running the os-client-config module? | 20:58 |
jpr1 | asselin_: running against our local openstack | 20:58 |
notmorgan | sdague, mtreinish: i am now doing the final 100% confirmation this is working as expected. | 20:58 |
sdague | fungi: thanks | 20:58 |
asselin_ | jpr1, yes, actually I never ran os-client-config module so I don't know what that looks like. | 20:59 |
notmorgan | i don't see why it wouldn't but it really just is an eyeball check so give me a moment to spin up a VM running keystone and ... uhmm.... cinder yeah | 20:59 |
mtreinish | notmorgan: I'm +2 on it | 20:59 |
notmorgan | we can let the gate chew on it for now too so we can be closer to it landing it all good :) | 20:59 |
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mtreinish | it looks like it would work | 20:59 |
notmorgan | mtreinish: aye. i figure it will work but... let me be 100% on it while the check queue runs | 20:59 |
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notmorgan | mtreinish: worst case, i'll hav eanother minor fix before it's ready. best case, we're confirmed ant closer to it landing :) | 21:00 |
jeblair | krotscheck: that looks right to me | 21:01 |
jpr1 | asselin_: ah ok. I think i just misinterpreted the format since the comment in the single_node_ci.pp says check out the docs for os-client-config and that page starts off by saying it "is a library for collecting client configuration" wasn't sure if I was feeding an input format or using it to generate a desired output | 21:01 |
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openstackgerrit | James E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/puppet-bandersnatch: Add hash_index support | 21:02 |
openstackgerrit | James E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/puppet-bandersnatch: Add support to install from alternate locations | 21:02 |
krotscheck | jeblair: Thanks :) | 21:02 |
jpr1 | asselin_: think i got it now though that os-client-config is the likely the lib use to parse whatever i put in this part of the common.yaml on the ci node, so it should be in the input format expected by os-client-config | 21:02 |
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asselin_ | jpr1, that sounds right, and nodepool uses os-client-config to get the auth configurations for each cloud | 21:04 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/system-config: Add wheel mirror to mirrors | 21:08 |
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jeblair | gah | 21:10 |
jeblair | we aren't using puppet-bandersnatch | 21:10 |
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jeblair | is anyone still working on the module split out? | 21:11 |
krotscheck | Ok, first wheel patch merged. Let's see if it breaks everything. | 21:12 |
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openstackgerrit | James E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/puppet-bandersnatch: Make bandersnatch::httpd class | 21:16 |
AJaeger | dims: could you release stevedore as well, please? That one requires also argparse i nlatest release but it's removed since two weeks | 21:16 |
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dims | AJaeger : ack | 21:17 |
AJaeger | thanks | 21:17 |
krotscheck | jeblair: Copy pasta in the copyright ;) | 21:17 |
mordred | pasta is tasty | 21:18 |
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clarkb | ianw: | 21:19 |
clarkb | ianw: it looks like ssh is failing so we are in a build delete loop | 21:19 |
jeblair | krotscheck: where? | 21:20 |
jeblair | krotscheck: ah yes. tasty pasta is actually correct. | 21:21 |
jeblair | krotscheck: i didn't actually write any code in that patch :) | 21:21 |
krotscheck | jeblair: Oh! Well then. | 21:21 |
krotscheck | Ironic, because that company doesn't really exist anymore | 21:22 |
jeblair | omg if we updated the copyright lines everytime hp had an identity crisis :) | 21:23 |
mordred | :) | 21:23 |
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jeblair | (someone from hpe should really do that for all files in all repos and pretty much win stackalytics for this cycle) | 21:24 |
mordred | I kind of want to email Eileen and Nissa just to point out the amusing "Jim submitted a patch as an IBM employee with an HPDC copyright header from 2015 ... and that's all accurate" | 21:24 |
mordred | jeblair: we could have someone from HP have the proposal bot do it | 21:25 |
* mordred looks sideways at pleia2 | 21:25 | |
lifeless | deity no | 21:25 |
mordred | :) | 21:25 |
jeblair | why can't i get codesearch to tell me how many files that is? | 21:25 |
mordred | lifeless: just think of all the productive threads it would start though! | 21:26 |
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mordred | jeblair: cloud. file counts are not cloud-native | 21:26 |
jeblair | hewlett returns 0; packard returns 1 | 21:26 |
jeblair | does it not search comments? | 21:26 |
jeblair | ERROR:open /home/hound/data/idx-dfb868e849e9b9a9/raw/elements/testenv-worker/bin/ci_commands: too many open files | 21:27 |
jeblair | also that happened | 21:27 |
jeblair | i broke hound | 21:27 |
mordred | jeblair: | 21:27 |
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jeblair | huh | 21:27 |
mordred | it defaults to case sensitive | 21:27 |
jeblair | mordred: i was doing that too | 21:28 |
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mordred | 3889 files, according to codesearch, fwiw | 21:28 |
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jeblair | and now it works for me | 21:28 |
jeblair | even just searching for hewlett | 21:28 |
mordred | jeblair: cloud | 21:28 |
jeblair | mordred: i think so | 21:29 |
jeblair | mordred: either i loosened the jar lid for you, or there was something wrong with my session | 21:29 |
dims | AJaeger : hop onto #openstack-release please? | 21:29 |
ianw | clarkb: well, yeah ... i dunno. i mean i can build the image, upload it and ssh in. i know it's almost impossible but are there any boot logs or console? maybe glean is still messing up, but i don't know how | 21:29 |
mordred | jeblair: | 21:29 |
jeblair | okay, back to whatever it was i was doing | 21:29 |
openstackgerrit | Brant Knudson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Keystone-only uwsgi job | 21:30 |
clarkb | ianw I can try getting logs from nova | 21:31 |
clarkb | ianw my money is on systemd / glean interactions | 21:31 |
clarkb | but if you can get yours to boot then maybe not | 21:32 |
ianw | clarkb: well yeah, there were a lot of issues, but i feel like i've worked around them all ... | 21:32 |
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clarkb | ianw also Ican boot off the image outside of nodepool as another option | 21:33 |
ianw | clarkb: yeah, can you share that image with my rax tenant? i feel like there was a way to do that | 21:33 |
clarkb | ianw I can look into it | 21:34 |
openstackgerrit | Brant Knudson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Keystone run py34 unit tests only on master | 21:34 |
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krotscheck | Hrm, that wheel patch of mine wasn't picked up in the last run. Is there a cache thing I'm waiting for? | 21:34 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/system-config: Add wheel_mirror_slaves that use pypi-mirror | 21:36 |
lifeless | sigmavirus24: - I don't think that should land | 21:37 |
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openstackgerrit | Jeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Put wheel-mirror workers in a common group | 21:38 |
fungi | mordred: i've created a /etc/puppet/hieradata/production/group/wheel-mirror.yaml for the keys added in 165240 but i need to do ^ for that yeah? | 21:39 |
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fungi | running down all those ssh public host keys was somewhat time consuming. i wonder if we shouldn't put those in public hiera in the future | 21:40 |
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mordred | fungi: you need to do that- you need to add them to groups.txt | 21:40 |
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fungi | mordred: oh, thanks. adding to the same change then | 21:40 |
mordred | fungi: eventually you will not need the $group line | 21:40 |
mordred | and we'll just depend on the ansible groups totally | 21:41 |
mordred | but for now you need both | 21:41 |
fungi | hrm, tricky to make that change not merge-conflict with your groups.txt reorg | 21:43 |
jeblair | mordred, fungi, clarkb: should puppet-bandersnatch grow the ability to know about afs, or should i keep that in system-config/openstack_project ? | 21:43 |
fungi | mordred: has that not landed yet? | 21:43 |
mordred | fungi: zomg | 21:44 |
mordred | fungi: let's land that change | 21:44 |
jeblair | mordred, fungi, clarkb: (basically, wendering where i should put the vos release commands, etc) | 21:44 |
clarkb | jeblair probably system config since thats animplementation detail I think | 21:44 |
mordred | jeblair: that is a fascinating question | 21:44 |
fungi | jeblair: i feel like that's outside the scope of puppet-bandersnatch, so either system-config or a new wrapper module | 21:44 |
clarkb | you could use other backends or local disk etc | 21:44 |
jeblair | ok, so system-config will have to manage the cron then | 21:44 |
mordred | the check+vos-release stuff is an us thing | 21:44 |
mordred | so I almost think that's a puppet-inframirror or something | 21:45 |
mordred | and bandersnatch is one of the things it knows how to do | 21:45 |
mordred | but - you know - I'm overthining | 21:45 |
jeblair | so that we can wrap the cron with k5start and run vos release on success | 21:45 |
jeblair | as long as that sounds fine to folks, i'll do that | 21:45 |
jeblair | and we can make puppet-afsmirror later | 21:45 |
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fungi | though, yeah, the cronjob to run bandersnatch maybe also doesn't belong in puppet-bandersnatch (or should be optional if it's not already) | 21:45 |
jeblair | mordred: (actually, rather than a puppet module we may want a python program that understands "run a command with k5start and if it succeeds run vos release") | 21:46 |
notmorgan | clarkb, mtreinish, stevemar, sdague: that proposed patch looks to work except it had some check errors, package ordering and ironic-something | 21:46 |
jeblair | fungi: yeah, it's about to become optional :) | 21:46 |
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xwizard | Hi there | 21:47 |
fungi | heh | 21:47 |
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mordred | jeblair: ++ | 21:47 |
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openstackgerrit | James E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/puppet-bandersnatch: Make bandersnatch::cron class | 21:48 |
jhesketh | Morning | 21:48 |
fungi | mordred: so... not merged because its parent is failing the trusty beaker job for openstackci | 21:48 |
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* mordred cries | 21:48 | |
clarkb | xwizard: hello | 21:49 |
mordred | fungi: hrm | 21:49 |
xwizard | does aybody know about issues with ci jobs, for example | 21:49 |
xwizard | it looks like all kolla-mesas commits affected but it is not clear how to fix it | 21:50 |
xwizard | it works fine on my desktop | 21:50 |
clarkb | xwizard is it pip complaining? | 21:50 |
notmorgan | mtreinish, sdague, clarkb, stevemar: pushing a change to cover the package ordering. | 21:50 |
mtreinish | notmorgan: huh, I didn't realized we asserted alphabetical order on the package lists | 21:50 |
notmorgan | mtreinish: yeah enither did i | 21:50 |
mtreinish | and yeah the ironic job is broken iirc | 21:50 |
xwizard | clarkb, probably yes | 21:50 |
clarkb | mtreinish: we shouldnt for pip since order matters | 21:50 |
mordred | fungi: I do not understand what broke | 21:50 |
sdague | clarkb: it's for distro packages | 21:50 |
mordred | nibalizer: ^^ can you help please? | 21:50 |
notmorgan | ok cool pushed up a fix then, a couple of the dsvm jobs completed, | 21:51 |
mtreinish | clarkb: real packages | 21:51 |
mordred | nibalizer: | 21:51 |
notmorgan | hopefully it'll all be happy | 21:51 |
sdague | order does not matter there | 21:51 |
mordred | crinkle: ^^ ? | 21:51 |
clarkb | xwizard: new release of pip waiting for upstream to release fix | 21:51 |
notmorgan | and yeah local test looks good for validate | 21:51 |
nibalizer | mordred: i | 21:51 |
notmorgan | shoved the token as expected into memcache [shared] | 21:51 |
xwizard | clarkb, ok, got it :) Thank you! | 21:51 |
nibalizer | *hi | 21:51 |
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mordred | nibalizer: yay you fix problems yay!!! | 21:52 |
fungi | nibalizer fix brokens | 21:53 |
jhesketh | So how are things looking after yesterday's fun? | 21:53 |
fungi | jhesketh: still plenty of fun to spread around | 21:53 |
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fungi | i've not had time to dig into your reboot notes yet, but thanks for taking care of those | 21:54 |
jhesketh | That's okay | 21:54 |
clarkb | ianw: ok waiting for building node to get far enough along to console log it. I did confirm that config drive is set to true on a nova show | 21:54 |
nibalizer | oh we broke openstack ci? | 21:54 |
mordred | yeah | 21:54 |
mordred | well | 21:54 |
mordred | not really yet- but that patch wanted to merge this morning (oops) | 21:54 |
nibalizer | I think its just the same pip stuff bubbbling everywherer | 21:55 |
nibalizer | | 21:55 |
* krotscheck patiently waits for puppet to run again | 21:55 | |
nibalizer | eh? | 21:55 |
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jhesketh | Right. Has pip been pinned on the nodes or anything yet? | 21:56 |
mordred | oh. piddle | 21:56 |
anteaya | jhesketh: the devstack changes are in | 21:57 |
anteaya | jhesketh: pip 8 is tripping on argparse, some patches to remove argparse are up | 21:57 |
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lifeless | I've gone and -1'd all the client ones | 21:58 |
anteaya | I do believe that pinning pip is hard as it draws in latest of things (virtualenv?) | 21:58 |
lifeless | testtools depends on unittest2 depends on argparse, and supports python2.6 | 21:58 |
anteaya | jhesketh: I think fungi's current stance is wait for pip 8.0.1 | 21:58 |
anteaya | jhesketh: what lifeless said | 21:58 |
clarkb | lifeless: whats wrong with the clients removing explicit dep on argparse? | 21:58 |
lifeless | we can't fix unittests by dropping argparse; we may want to - but thats a separate discussion | 21:58 |
clarkb | lifeless: it is ok for testtools to do that but we don't need it in the clients | 21:58 |
lifeless | clarkb: it shifts from best-effort for 2.6 support, to 2.6 simply won't work | 21:59 |
clarkb | I mean we were never beest effort were we? | 21:59 |
clarkb | we said "python 2.6 is not supported" | 21:59 |
lifeless | I thought we were | 21:59 |
jhesketh | anteaya: okay thanks :-) | 21:59 |
lifeless | anyhow, I'm not core, and even if I was I would only have -1'd - to prompt the discussion | 21:59 |
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fungi | yeah, AJaeger seemed fairly confident that the clients and oslo.config were the primary culprits for pulling in argparse in our dependency chain most places. i was (and still am) skeptical, but noting that it's not a magic bullet it's still cleanup we can do post 2.6. i didn't really plan for people to see it as a general fix for the current issues, hopefully they don't | 22:02 |
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fungi | especially since, even if it were true, we'll probably have pip 8.0.1 and virtualenv 14.0.1 sooner than most of those patches can merge | 22:03 |
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jeblair | fungi, mordred, nibalizer: i think even with 8.0.1 our troubles are just beginning | 22:05 |
jeblair | mordred's patch failed because of netaddr | 22:05 |
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anteaya | jhesketh: welcome | 22:05 |
jeblair | i didn't see dstufft say that 8.0.1 is going to whitelist netaddr like it will argparse | 22:05 |
anteaya | jhesketh: has taken me most of the day to get that far in understanding | 22:06 |
krotscheck | I already have 2x +2 on the last wheel system-config patch, can someone come along and add the +A? | 22:06 |
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jhesketh | anteaya: I appreciate it :-) | 22:07 |
cbader_ | clarkb, so question about the nodepool/image/image.log it is still zero after a few hours so I guess it is not building the image right? | 22:07 |
anteaya | jhesketh: :) | 22:07 |
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clarkb | cbader_: ya I don't think it is in that case, you can try rerunning the build command to see if that forces the job through | 22:07 |
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clarkb | cbader_: you will also need a gearman server running (which is part of zuul typically) | 22:07 |
cbader_ | clarkb, ok thanks just wanted to ask before trying to run. | 22:08 |
jeblair | fungi, mordred, nibalizer: i suspect that pretty much all of our projects are uninstallable on our servers now | 22:08 |
nibalizer | jeblair: neat! | 22:08 |
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jeblair | fungi, mordred, nibalizer: (in other words, i think the failure nibz pointed out on mordred's patch is probably actually happening on our servers) | 22:08 |
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notmorgan | anteaya: you had a link for a tool that was like average runtim of a given ci job? or was that something else? | 22:09 |
jeblair | oh, well, or it would be if pip were upgraded. we may not be automatically upgrading pip, so this might only affect _new_ servers. yay | 22:10 |
anteaya | notmorgan: ahhh, do you remember how long ago I shared or mentioned this link? | 22:10 |
nibalizer | jeblair: seems to say it is working | 22:11 |
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anteaya | notmorgan: might we be talking about | 22:11 |
nibalizer | ie. we don't have an explosion | 22:11 |
clarkb | nova console-log fail against rax, is that expected? | 22:11 |
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mordred | jeblair: so, we could update -isn't that where we install pip for our servers? | 22:12 |
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mtreinish | fungi, nibalizer: if you get a sec can you check if there are any tracebacks on health.o.o the api server seems to be stuck again... :( | 22:12 |
nibalizer | I think we would also only hit that if we were installing something, and the exec['install-loganalyze'] doesn't fire | 22:12 |
nibalizer | mtreinish: i wil llook | 22:12 |
anteaya | mtreinish: ah thanks, wondered what was going on | 22:12 |
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mtreinish | nibalizer: cool, thanks | 22:12 |
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clarkb | ianw: doesn't look like I can use nova console-log against rax VMs, I have confirmed that the IP address unpings and doesn't accept ssh connections | 22:13 |
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clarkb | so I do not think this is part of any of the recent nodepool chnages | 22:13 |
clarkb | ianw: now to look into sharing the image | 22:13 |
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mordred | lifeless: what was your cantrip for installing with get-pip <8 ? | 22:14 |
mtreinish | anteaya: I mean it also looks like the db is taking it's time: but even non db requests aren't responding | 22:14 |
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mordred | lifeless: python -c <$(echo 'pip<8') ? | 22:14 |
anteaya | I'm for going back to bed | 22:14 |
anteaya | we can just call off the rest of the day | 22:15 |
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anteaya | milk and cookies for everybody | 22:15 |
anteaya | and try again tomorrow | 22:15 |
jeblair | nibalizer, mordred: right - | 22:15 |
anteaya | today just doesn't seem to be working | 22:15 |
jeblair | nibalizer, mordred: we aren't upgrading pip automatically which is protecting our existing servers | 22:15 |
jeblair | nibalizer, mordred: but if we spin up a new server, and then install something, it is likely to hit this | 22:15 |
cbader_ | clarkb, I think I know what my problem might be, I had to change the /etc/puppet/modules/diskimage_builder/manifests/init.pp ensure => latest to '1.7.1' to get and error to stop. what is the latest number for diskimage-builder? | 22:15 |
anteaya | mtreinish: :( | 22:16 |
clarkb | cbader_: I think 1.7.2 is latest | 22:16 |
clarkb | cbader_: but you can check on pypi | 22:16 |
nibalizer | mtreinish: pretty empty log | 22:16 |
nibalizer | | 22:17 |
mtreinish | oh, and I just got a 500 from health.o.o so there's definitely a stack trace in the logs :) | 22:17 |
nibalizer | it looks like very little activity | 22:17 |
mtreinish | nibalizer: hmm I thought I fixed that NoneType exception already | 22:17 |
clarkb | ianw: IAD is where these fails are occuring if that region works for you I can share the image with an account id looks like | 22:17 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Pin pip to less than version 8 in | 22:17 |
mordred | jeblair: ^^ | 22:17 |
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nibalizer | mtreinish: this is the most recent stuff | 22:18 |
nibalizer | | 22:18 |
cbader_ | clarkb, thanks | 22:18 |
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mtreinish | nibalizer: hmm I would have expected more activity than that. I mean I only see 2 requests from me, and I've made at least 3 in the past few mins :) | 22:19 |
mtreinish | oh, its the error log, nm | 22:19 |
nibalizer | yes | 22:19 |
nibalizer | but it does seem pretty empty | 22:20 |
mtreinish | I guess that script timeout error was the 500 I hit | 22:20 |
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* greghaynes returns | 22:20 | |
greghaynes | I hear there are glean issues afoot? | 22:20 |
clarkb | greghaynes: fedora-23 images build and boot but nodepool can't ssh to them | 22:21 |
mtreinish | which doesn't really help with finding what is the issue :) | 22:21 |
greghaynes | clarkb: ah, fun | 22:21 |
clarkb | I have confirmed that they do not ping and do not accept ssh connections | 22:21 |
greghaynes | clarkb: is it just in rax? | 22:21 |
clarkb | greghaynes: thats the only place attempting boots so far | 22:21 |
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lifeless | mordred: dstufft fixed it, you can do "pip<8" | 22:22 |
ianw | clarkb: pm'd you my account number, if you could share the image that would be great | 22:22 |
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lifeless | fungi: unittest2 has argparse and won't be dropping it today | 22:22 |
greghaynes | ah, if ianw is on it I can step back for a bit. I also have the ability to make/upload rax images if we need that... | 22:22 |
nibalizer | mordred: 'puppet apply /opt/system-config/production/manifests/site.pp' is how I run puppet right | 22:22 |
lifeless | fungi: thus all our unittests need argparse | 22:22 |
ianw | greghaynes: yeah, just your regular day of debugging/yak shaving around here | 22:23 |
greghaynes | ianw: new day, same yak | 22:23 |
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greghaynes | ianw: speaking of - | 22:25 |
greghaynes | ianw: to unbreak dib gate | 22:25 |
mtreinish | nibalizer: so here's the fix for that traceback in the log | 22:26 |
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mtreinish | I wonder if that was really causing the issue | 22:26 |
cbader_ | clarkb, So I tried to do a nodepool dib-image-delete 1 and it hangs, here is a pastebin I think my system is not configure to talk to nodepool upstream is that what the pastebin shows, | 22:26 |
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mtreinish | it could have, I guess if it fails I don't know what the recovery story is | 22:26 |
cbader_ | clarkb, is there someone else I can ask these questions of? | 22:26 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/diskimage-builder: Move speedup section to image building guide | 22:27 |
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anteaya | cbader_: if you attend third party meetings you meet other third party operators there | 22:27 |
anteaya | cbader_: and get to ask questions of each other, it is very helpful | 22:27 |
clarkb | cbader_: your nodepool should talk to your local gearman | 22:27 |
cbader_ | shows this 2016-01-20 14:23:59,505 INFO gear.Connection.nodepool: Connected to port 4730 | 22:28 |
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rlrossit_ | clarkb: mriedem sent me here, but I've been noticing that bluebox nodes always fail the grenade multinode jobs with the same error every time, and they're the only nodes doing so | 22:29 |
mriedem | rlrossit_: link? | 22:29 |
rlrossit_ | finding | 22:29 |
clarkb | cbader_: if you telent to localhost 4730 and enter status you should get a job listing | 22:29 |
cbader_ | anteaya, yes I have it in my calendar next one is 26th at 11:00PST correct | 22:29 |
clarkb | cbader_: in there you can see if you have the image build jobs | 22:29 |
rlrossit_ | clarkb: mriedem: | 22:30 |
clarkb | rlrossit_: can you link to the error too? | 22:30 |
anteaya | cbader_: 26th at 15:00 utc | 22:30 |
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rlrossit_ | clarkb: bad link, don't listen to that one | 22:30 |
anteaya | whatever that is in pst | 22:30 |
cbader_ | anteays, thank you i had it wrong so 15:00 utc is 8:00 PST will attend. | 22:32 |
rlrossit_ | mriedem: here ya go | 22:32 |
anteaya | cbader_: sorry it is the 25th the monday | 22:32 |
anteaya | mmedvede will be chairing as I will be away, it is a good place to ask the kinds of questions you are asking | 22:33 |
clarkb | greghaynes: new issue with nodepool image builders | 22:33 |
ianw | clarkb: yeah, that imge is coming up with a selinux failure on boot -> i fixed that with | 22:33 |
clarkb | greghaynes: dib is leaky and leaves a bunch of .d/ dirs in the images path | 22:33 |
clarkb | greghaynes: these all get registered as possible images to upload and delete in gearman | 22:33 |
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greghaynes | clarkb: ah | 22:33 |
ianw | so old images is looking suspect | 22:33 |
greghaynes | clarkb: easy enough to fix | 22:33 |
mriedem | silly rlrossit_: | 22:34 |
mriedem | test_volume_boot_pattern ssh fail | 22:34 |
greghaynes | clarkb: those .d's are intentional btw. You might be able to turn it off | 22:34 |
mriedem | rlrossit_: the thing you saw in the jenkins log was generic console output | 22:34 |
clarkb | ianw: greghaynes as for fedora failing to boot we seem to be waiting on uploads for all the images | 22:34 |
clarkb | ianw: greghaynes in gearman I see that there is one worker registered for all these upload jobs but no workers in the running column | 22:34 |
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Sam-I-Am | lifeless: ping | 22:36 |
cbader_ | anteaya so every monday or every other monday | 22:36 |
lifeless | pong | 22:36 |
clarkb | I am reading logs to see if I can tell where it got stuck | 22:36 |
Sam-I-Am | lifeless: should get a recheck or is something else up? | 22:37 |
greghaynes | clarkb: hrmmm | 22:37 |
greghaynes | clarkb: is it uploading something else? | 22:37 |
greghaynes | clarkb: or building? | 22:37 |
anteaya | cbader_: every monday at 15:00 utc and every tuesday at 08:00 utc for the ones I chair | 22:37 |
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Sam-I-Am | lifeless: err, maybe there's already a discussion in here about it | 22:38 |
clarkb | greghaynes: ianw ok looks like it managed to upload fedora-23 to hpcloud-b1 and last log for upload is for devstack-precise to hpcloud-b1 | 22:38 |
clarkb | greghaynes: ianw so either that has fialed and it didn't realize or it is still in progress | 22:38 |
clarkb | that started at 18:39 UTC or about 4 hours ago | 22:39 |
jeblair | mordred, nibalizer: yeah, i think a pin on will help our real servers, and then i also think we need a pin for our tests | 22:39 |
greghaynes | clarkb: and gearman shows that job as not running? | 22:39 |
clarkb | greghaynes: I am going to double check on that now that I hav ea speific imgae job name | 22:39 |
nibalizer | jeblair: ok | 22:39 |
clarkb | correct image-upload:176178001 | 22:40 |
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clarkb | er image-upload:176178 0 0 1 | 22:40 |
clarkb | greghaynes: there may be an issue uplodaing >1 image? we only do one in the dsvm job | 22:40 |
cbader_ | anteaya, so that would be 12:00 PST so I will attend the Monday for now but thanks I already work 5:00am to 5:00pm | 22:41 |
notmorgan | dhellmann: this is finally passin check | 22:41 |
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jeblair | nibalizer, mordred: maybe a 'pin-pip' macro in jjb that we can add to the 'gate-openstackci-beaker-{ostype}-dsvm' job ? | 22:41 |
anteaya | cbader_: you asked if there was anyone one other than clarkb you can ask questions of, I gave you an answer | 22:41 |
greghaynes | clarkb: that 1 on the end is number of workers who can perform that job? | 22:41 |
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anteaya | cbader_: use it or not as you see fit | 22:41 |
dhellmann | notmorgan : +2 | 22:42 |
nibalizer | jeblair: and then all the other jobs that grow that need, I like it | 22:42 |
notmorgan | dhellmann: yay | 22:42 |
lifeless | Sam-I-Am: I don't know; it may be impacted by the pip 8 thing | 22:42 |
cbader_ | anteaya, thank you very much for the help, if I need to attend the midnight meeting to meet people I will. | 22:42 |
clarkb | greghaynes: yes, queued running num_workers | 22:42 |
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greghaynes | clarkb: ok, so it isn't queued. Is one of the other ones queued in gearman? | 22:42 |
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notmorgan | dhellmann: hopefully we can land that so i can cleanup the code in keystoneclient/keystonemiddleware/keystoneauth and not worry about weird dependency graphs | 22:43 |
greghaynes | clarkb: trying to figure out if nodepool is actually asking it to upload anything | 22:43 |
dhellmann | notmorgan : is positional in our ci? | 22:43 |
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notmorgan | dhellmann: why can't py2 just have that nice positional/kw-only syntax :P | 22:43 |
notmorgan | dhellmann: no. it's not in openstacks. i can move it there | 22:43 |
dhellmann | notmorgan : nah, I was just checking | 22:43 |
notmorgan | dhellmann: it's in github and run through travis w/ tox | 22:43 |
dhellmann | I mean, do if you want, but it's not required | 22:43 |
fungi | mordred: nibalizer: the recheck on 270262 passed check and failed gate again | 22:43 |
notmorgan | dhellmann: for all PRs. it just is so small it felt silly to put it in our ci | 22:43 |
dhellmann | sure | 22:44 |
notmorgan | dhellmann: i expect it to... well frankly never need to change. | 22:44 |
clarkb | mriedem: rlrossit left :( the issue is which attempts to ssh over the private IP | 22:44 |
notmorgan | unless we have a broken pbr sometime. | 22:44 |
diazjf | Any chance you can help with the docs-gate failing because of the new pip version (, bug is related to | 22:44 |
clarkb | mriedem: I do not know if sshing over the private ip is expected to work since that network is isolated from the host node where tempest runs | 22:44 |
nibalizer | jeblair: we have this | 22:44 |
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clarkb | mriedem: the node where tempest runs will need to have an interface on that network or a route to that network in order for that to work | 22:44 |
notmorgan | dhellmann: if it ever becomes an issue i'll just move it over to our ci, would be quick to do so | 22:45 |
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fungi | mordred: nibalizer: the failures were in rackspace, successes were not. suggests our inability to run dib has spared non-rackspace devstack images a pip 8 fate? | 22:45 |
dhellmann | notmorgan : yeah, we're not obsessing about importing everything any more, so it's not a big deal | 22:45 |
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nibalizer | fungi: heh | 22:45 |
fungi | should i roll back rackspace's devstack snapshot images from today? | 22:46 |
mriedem | clarkb: mtreinish pointed out grenade multinode is 100% fail on bluebox | 22:46 |
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nibalizer | I'm going to lose connectivity here in a bit | 22:46 |
clarkb | mriedem: I suppose its possible that if we get an IP for the hypervisor on for example on bluebox then it will think it can route via the private IP | 22:47 |
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clarkb | mriedem: except it can't | 22:47 |
clarkb | I can login to a bluebox machine and check the IPs | 22:47 |
mgagne | mriedem cool, didn't know about this URL thanks! | 22:47 |
clarkb | or thats recorded in the job itself | 22:47 |
clarkb | inet so thats not it | 22:47 |
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cbader_ | clarkb, is there a place for the labels for the telnet status? | 22:47 |
clarkb | mriedem: any idea why the flating IP is not used? | 22:48 |
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clarkb | cbader_: no, its queued, running, workers that can run this job | 22:48 |
mtreinish | clarkb: it could be a tempest configuration issue, how tempest ssh's into a guest is configurable | 22:48 |
mtreinish | but that whole code path is a mess, so its difficult to track down | 22:48 |
clarkb | mriedem: but I am fairly certain that that IP is not routable from tempest | 22:48 |
mriedem | mtreinish: clarkb: yeah tempest.conf says to use fixed | 22:49 |
mriedem | neutron jobs using floating | 22:49 |
mriedem | and this test fails far less often in neutron multinode jobs it looks like (at least from logstash) | 22:49 |
cbader_ | clarkb, so have merger:merge 1 workers, image-delete:1 1 quesed and merger:update 1 worker so it isn' doing anything righe | 22:50 |
mtreinish | mriedem: oh, right we "fixed" that not too long ago | 22:50 |
mriedem | is that a pun? | 22:50 |
mriedem | congratulations if so | 22:50 |
nibalizer | mtreinish: I ran puppet on health.o.o | 22:50 |
clarkb | cbader_: you should have an image-build:image-name I think | 22:50 |
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clarkb | cbader_: if not then it is probably missing from your config? | 22:50 |
mtreinish | mriedem: | 22:50 |
mtreinish | nibalizer: ok, cool. To pull in the 1 liner? | 22:51 |
cbader_ | clarkb, | 22:51 |
mtreinish | mriedem: oh, it is a pun I guess | 22:51 |
mtreinish | I didn't even make the connection | 22:51 |
mriedem | mtreinish: hrm | 22:51 |
clarkb | mriedem: mriedem if you want to make that routable on multinode we may need another bridge to carry the private traffic between hypervisors and VMs | 22:51 |
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mriedem | mtreinish: would really need sdague to see if 563a7e75b7d26275a7416eb4d6641fcfe867b45a is causing issues now, or making something worse in unintended ways | 22:52 |
notmorgan | mtreinish: is there anything i should need to do for the memcache thing for middleware for grenade? [backport to the previous version of devstack once it lands in master?] | 22:53 |
clarkb | cbader_: ya s oI don't think you have an image build job | 22:53 |
notmorgan | mriedem: or not something we care about | 22:53 |
clarkb | cbader_: make sure yo uhave an image configured in your nodepool.yaml | 22:53 |
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mriedem | also, | 22:53 |
* mriedem is not mtreinish | 22:53 | |
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anteaya | no! | 22:54 |
mtreinish | clarkb, mriedem: we can add: TEMPEST_SSH_CONNECT_METHOD to the localrc passthrough on the multinode jobs I think that'll set it | 22:54 |
mtreinish | | 22:54 |
notmorgan | mriedem: so, about that tempest stuff. | 22:54 |
notmorgan | mriedem: *shiftyeyes* | 22:54 |
mtreinish | so if we need floating to work on multinode | 22:54 |
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mtreinish | notmorgan: if you backport the change to liberty devstack it'll run during grenade jobs | 22:54 |
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notmorgan | mtreinish: great once it lands in master i'll do that | 22:55 |
clarkb | mtreinish: the alternative is bridge the private Ips onto the hypervisors | 22:55 |
clarkb | and put an interface on that network on the hypervisors | 22:55 |
notmorgan | mtreinish: that way we can ensure we're getting the most out of it in all tangible ways | 22:55 |
Sam-I-Am | clarkb: eeewww | 22:55 |
cbader_ | clarkb, I think I have what I need am I missing something | 22:55 |
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clarkb | Sam-I-Am: exactly | 22:55 |
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notmorgan | mtreinish: fwiw, it does look like it knocked a chunk of time off devstack runs based upon the check run that is currently going | 22:56 |
clarkb | it turns out there are a lot of assumptions about network design that make testing terrible | 22:56 |
mtreinish | clarkb: is that what the other clouds do? because this looks like it's only an issue on bluebox | 22:56 |
clarkb | especially when you run inside of the network you are testing with a bunch of tunnels | 22:56 |
Sam-I-Am | fips are the only way to go unless the vms are booted on the same network as tempest, or tempest runs in a vm attached to the priv net | 22:56 |
clarkb | mtreinish: it should fail that way on every cloud if you use the private IPs | 22:56 |
clarkb | mtreinish: we install our own overlay network to run openstack against | 22:57 |
clarkb | which should be consistent across clouds | 22:57 |
Sam-I-Am | is there anything i can help with here? i use multinode in pubcloud for my own labs and have to host-tunnel and bunch of crap to make it work. | 22:57 |
Sam-I-Am | s/and/a | 22:57 |
mtreinish | clarkb: the numbers show the test is only failing 10% of the time on multinode: | 22:57 |
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clarkb | mtreinish: are you using floating IPs on the other jobs? | 22:57 |
clarkb | I don't know what determines private vs floating | 22:57 |
clarkb | Sam-I-Am: we already have it in place | 22:57 |
mtreinish | the config should be the same for all n-net jobs | 22:58 |
mtreinish | unless there is a local override in project config (or d-g I guess) | 22:58 |
cbader_ | anteaya, do you have any clue why my dib-image-build process is not running. | 22:58 |
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craige | o/ | 22:59 |
clarkb | mtreinish: so when I got all this working only floating IP was ever used | 22:59 |
cbader_ | anteaya, should i restart nodepool on ps -ef for nodepool I see nodepoold nodepool.yaml and nodepool.conf | 22:59 |
clarkb | so use of private is new | 22:59 |
Sam-I-Am | clarkb: yeah, just didnt know if this was a weird case | 22:59 |
clarkb | regardless of cloud and I would not expect it to work | 22:59 |
mtreinish | clarkb: here is it working on rax: (with fixed) | 23:00 |
mtreinish | clarkb: right, sdague changed it recently in devstack | 23:00 |
mtreinish | for n-net | 23:00 |
mtreinish | clarkb: | 23:00 |
clarkb | mtreinish: ok then it working in some places is the anomoly | 23:00 |
boris-42 | clarkb: hi | 23:00 |
clarkb | the reason is we use mulit host or whatever its called which makes each hypervisor its own router | 23:00 |
clarkb | neutron backhauls everything back to the controller unless you dvr in the multinode jobs | 23:01 |
clarkb | so you get things routable from there over the backhual but nova net does not do this | 23:01 |
boris-42 | clarkb: rally installation script stopped working on ubuntu nodes, it says something strange | 23:01 |
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boris-42 | clarkb: like 2016-01-20 22:58:10.691 | Detected a distutils installed project ('netaddr') which we cannot uninstall. The metadata provided by distutils does not contain a list of files which have been installed, so pip does not know which files to uninstall. | 23:01 |
anteaya | cbader_: O dpm | 23:01 |
clarkb | boris-42: yes pip is broken | 23:01 |
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mtreinish | boris-42: that's the pip 8 bug | 23:02 |
anteaya | cbader_: I don't know the current status of your system or what you have already done | 23:02 |
boris-42 | mtreinish: clarkb ah ok thanks! | 23:02 |
cbader_ | anteaya, sorry O dpm ? | 23:02 |
clarkb | mtreinish: that says public | 23:02 |
anteaya | cbader_: however the portion of your nodepool.yaml that you included in the paste does match what is in the project config example | 23:02 |
mtreinish | clarkb: I just did a quick check, it only looks like it doesn't work on bluebox and internap | 23:02 |
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mtreinish | all the other node providers pass the grenade multinode job | 23:02 |
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anteaya | cbader_: that was "I don" one space displaced on my keyboard | 23:03 |
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anteaya | I made a mistake | 23:03 |
clarkb | mtreinish: ok, liek I said we need to figure out why it works on any of them | 23:03 |
clarkb | mtreinish: because it should not work | 23:03 |
clarkb | that it works is a bug :) | 23:03 |
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clarkb | at it says private | 23:03 |
clarkb | is private again | 23:04 |
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notmorgan | mtreinish: ok proposed it as a backport... and bah, grenade transient failure hit the master change :( | 23:04 |
mtreinish | clarkb: right the first config output in the tempest log is tempest-verify-config which is run before devstack finishes configuring | 23:04 |
clarkb | are these interleaved? | 23:04 |
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mtreinish | clarkb: | 23:04 |
notmorgan | mtreinish: will recheck once it finishes. | 23:04 |
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mtreinish | clarkb: oslo.log dumps the tempest config file 5 times during a run :( | 23:04 |
mtreinish | once for verify-tempest-config | 23:04 |
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mtreinish | and then once per testr worker | 23:04 |
mtreinish | the testr once will be interleaved because they start up around the same time | 23:05 |
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mtreinish | it's easier to just look at the actually config file | 23:05 |
clarkb | there we see it successfuly connect tothe private net | 23:05 |
mtreinish | notmorgan: ok, I'll take a look | 23:05 |
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clarkb | so I think ^ is not expected to work | 23:05 |
openstackgerrit | James E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openafs: Add kstart to client | 23:05 |
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clarkb | if we didn't use multi host it would work | 23:06 |
clarkb | so thats the next thing to check | 23:06 |
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mtreinish | clarkb: do we use multi host? | 23:06 |
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clarkb | mtreinish: we should yes | 23:06 |
clarkb | oh I know | 23:06 |
clarkb | this will also work if those VMs boot on the controller and not the compute host | 23:06 |
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mtreinish | we do | 23:06 |
mtreinish | | 23:06 |
clarkb | so need to see if compute host is doing anything | 23:07 |
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clarkb | depending on how the scheduler schedules this is a race | 23:07 |
clarkb | anyways quick fix is go back to using floating ips | 23:08 |
clarkb | and in meantime see if we can confirm it works when sshing to controller and fails when sshing to compute host | 23:08 |
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mtreinish | clarkb: oh, that could be. Although if that was the case I wouldn;t expect the failure pattern we're seeing | 23:08 |
mtreinish | where it's 100% fail on 2 providers an almost always succesful everywhere else | 23:09 |
mgagne | mtreinish which providers? =) | 23:09 |
mtreinish | mgagne: bluebox and internap are 100% fail for this job | 23:09 |
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mtreinish | and | 23:10 |
clarkb | mtreinish: it could be a timing thing | 23:10 |
clarkb | regardless this is not supposed to be reliable | 23:10 |
clarkb | so I don't feel like we need to keep chasing down a broken thing that is known to be broken | 23:10 |
mgagne | mtreinish if you could find UUID for both nodes, I can check if they were on the same physical nodes or not | 23:10 |
clarkb | mgagne: I don't think we need to bother | 23:10 |
clarkb | mgagne: tempest is doing an unsupported operation | 23:11 |
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mtreinish | clarkb: well I'd say just throw up the project-config change to tell devstack to configure tempest to use floating instead of fixed | 23:11 |
openstackgerrit | James E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add | 23:11 |
jeblair | fungi, krotscheck, mordred: is the root of the afs mirror patch tree; topic:afs-mirror | 23:12 |
dstufft | jeblair: netaddr isn't special like argparse is, breaking the situation netaddr in was purposeful (unlike argparse).Part of what I'll be doing here is deciding if we want to roll that back or not. | 23:13 |
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mgagne | mtreinish list of jobs on the provider page looks to not be specific to the provider, while reading logs, I saw it ran at bluebox | 23:13 |
mgagne | or in fact, there is no easy way to list specific failures, once you click on the job name, you end up on a non-provider specific page which list all job runs | 23:14 |
clarkb | mtreinish: I think that should be a tempest default since tempest is supposed to run black box | 23:14 |
clarkb | mtreinish: and VM private networks should only be accessbile from hosts on those networks | 23:14 |
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mtreinish | mgagne: yeah, that's expected behavior/bug right now. The per job page is not filtered by the previous pages | 23:16 |
boris-42 | clarkb: btw could you help with getting this in project-config | 23:16 |
clarkb | boris-42: timeouts are likely due toe keystone middleeware | 23:17 |
mtreinish | clarkb: it's not so straightforward, it depends on the cloud and how the networks are configured | 23:17 |
boris-42 | clarkb: work on rally is currently blocked because this job is facing timeouts 100% | 23:17 |
clarkb | boris-42: fix is enroute you shouldn't incrase your timeouts | 23:17 |
clarkb | mtreinish: well you are basically saying that tempest has to run on a vm in the cloud if you do that | 23:17 |
clarkb | mtreinish: wheras public should be reachable from everywhere | 23:17 |
boris-42 | clarkb: ya that job is doing a lot of keystone calls | 23:17 |
clarkb | boris-42: so no I think we should -2 that change and/or abandon it | 23:17 |
boris-42 | clarkb: ok | 23:18 |
mtreinish | clarkb: which options are you talking about? | 23:18 |
clarkb | mtreinish: the validate ssh network | 23:18 |
clarkb | mtreinish: when set to private that implies that tempest is running on the private network too otherwise ssh will fail | 23:18 |
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mtreinish | clarkb: so public is the default for that option in tempest: | 23:21 |
mtreinish | devstack is setting it otherwise: | 23:21 |
clarkb | mtreinish: ok, then we should stop doing that in devstack | 23:21 |
mtreinish | also in n-net I thought those were just labels and the names didn't have any special meaning | 23:21 |
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mtreinish | like public doesn't actually mean it's a public network (although that case would be terribad) | 23:22 |
clarkb | mtreinish: the way we deploy it thats what it means | 23:22 |
mordred | it also does not mean that in neutron | 23:22 |
mordred | BUT | 23:22 |
mordred | tools make hueristic choices bsaed on what they can figure out | 23:23 |
clarkb | private isn't bridged across the hypervisor | 23:23 |
clarkb | public is | 23:23 |
clarkb | beause it is public | 23:23 |
santoshk | Hello openstack-infra, I am test engineer working for tacker project in openstack ( . We are looking to setup gate jobs which can setup 2 devstack setups with each having its own keystone servers.... | 23:23 |
clarkb | every hypervisor gets an IP on the public net too which sets up routes | 23:23 |
santoshk | Testcase we are trying to test is basically we will have 2 (or more) such devstack setup where tacker server runs only on one devstack and will be able to spawn vms on both devstacks (local and also remote). Are there any jobs in any project currently having a setup like this.. | 23:23 |
mtreinish | clarkb: ok, then we should change that in devstack | 23:24 |
clarkb | santoshk: there are not | 23:24 |
santoshk | clarkb thankyou for reply, if we want to request a setup like that...can we open a story/enhancement bug | 23:25 |
clarkb | santoshk: there was an attempt to do federated keystones across multiple installs but I don't think that finished implementation | 23:25 |
clarkb | santoshk: it would probably be better if you just made the changes to run your jobs that way | 23:25 |
clarkb | santoshk: you can run on multiple hosts and you could run distinct devstack installs, no one does it today | 23:25 |
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notmorgan | sdague: will show you the timeings on the jobs there, transient failure on grenade. | 23:26 |
notmorgan | sdague: also so we can get the same benefit in grenade [backport to stable/liberty] | 23:26 |
clarkb | mtreinish: I think our options are 1) revert use of private net 2) bridge private net across hypervisors 3) route private net over public net (wat) 4) stop using multihost which was broken when we switched to multi host and no one was interested in fixing not multi host | 23:27 |
clarkb | specifically was metadata server didn't work properly on the compute node. The traffic wasn't backhauled ot api service iirc | 23:28 |
mtreinish | clarkb: | 23:28 |
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mtreinish | clarkb: well I went with #1, although revert might not be the right word because it's been set that way for as long as I can remember | 23:30 |
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mtreinish | clarkb: like: | 23:31 |
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clarkb | mtreinish: when I got the tests working it wsa definitely sing the public net | 23:33 |
clarkb | which was why that got bridged to the hypervisors | 23:33 |
clarkb | anyways I left a +1 and explanation for why I think it is correct | 23:33 |
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* mordred agrees | 23:33 | |
mtreinish | clarkb: well I think it was the floating ip thing. It was creating a floating ip and using that to ssh into the guest until sdague switched it back to using the fixed network for n-net jobs | 23:34 |
mordred | so... | 23:34 |
mordred | I'm going to try to say this without it turning into a floating ip rant | 23:35 |
mordred | but fixed_network_name $PUBLIC_NETWORK_NAME seems wrong given the way we're deploying devstack | 23:35 |
notmorgan | lifeless: re - i commented and would rather push to land the devstack change at this point than the cap. | 23:35 |
mordred | fixed_network in this cloud is the private network | 23:35 |
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mordred | because the cloud follows the model of fixed private / floating public | 23:36 |
mordred | now, I'd LOVE it if the default devstack deploy became fixed public provider net + optional floating and optional private | 23:36 |
mordred | but unless something has changed that's just not the devstack deployment choice | 23:36 |
clarkb | so thats doable to, if we did that we would need to bridge both the provider net and the fip net | 23:37 |
mordred | it's the same net | 23:37 |
mordred | in that cloud setup | 23:37 |
mtreinish | mordred: I just did a find replace for s/PRIVATE_NETWORK_NAME/PUBLIC_NETWORK_NAME in that change that was probably wrong | 23:37 |
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clarkb | oh you can do that? even better | 23:37 |
mordred | there is one 'public' network | 23:37 |
mtreinish | I didn't factor in neutron at all | 23:37 |
mordred | you attach a vm to it and it behaves like we like from rax | 23:37 |
mordred | but you can also create a network and a neutron router | 23:37 |
notmorgan | lifeless: and i only say that since the requirements change just bounced off the gate. | 23:37 |
clarkb | so neutron gets lucky in that they don't do the equivalent of mutlihost in most of their testing | 23:37 |
mordred | and then you can also get floating ips from the same network | 23:37 |
clarkb | and neutron agents automagically setup the backhaul for private nets | 23:38 |
mtreinish | mordred: so I'm confused the issue we're hitting is only n-net. I haven't looked at how we set that up in devstack | 23:38 |
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lifeless | notmorgan: the main thing we get from that is the cap in requirements; we don't need to actually sync it into other project releases | 23:39 |
clarkb | mtreinish: because neutron hsa extra smarts to make this work | 23:39 |
lifeless | notmorgan: but, I'm easy. Push your stuff through :) | 23:39 |
clarkb | mtreinish: specifically they set up their own overlay network automagically | 23:39 |
Sam-I-Am | clarkb: yay, one neutron win :) | 23:39 |
mordred | I'm confused that we still test nova-net - but then I'm weird | 23:39 |
notmorgan | lifeless: right, both are net the same effect. | 23:39 |
mtreinish | clarkb: sure, we also don't run any multinode gate jobs with neutron :) | 23:39 |
clarkb | mtreinish: so you have that 10 net across all of them | 23:39 |
Sam-I-Am | one of these days devstack will default to neutron | 23:39 |
mordred | Sam-I-Am: maybe when almost all of the public openstack clouds use it - oh, wait - that day has long since come and gone | 23:40 |
mtreinish | Sam-I-Am: bug sc68cal to finish the lib/neutron patch | 23:40 |
openstackgerrit | Khai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add helper script to delete Gerrit groups | 23:40 |
Sam-I-Am | mordred: now they all use frankennets | 23:40 |
mordred | Sam-I-Am: maybe when it's the most widely deployed network config? oh, wait, nope, that's also already true | 23:40 |
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notmorgan | lifeless: :) since we have a devstack fix, might as well avoid churn in requirements. but tbh, i wouldn't be upset either way, just trying to avoid busy work of cap/uncap/cap/uncap :P | 23:40 |
Sam-I-Am | mtreinish: we're about to pick that back up | 23:40 |
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clarkb | mordred: well in fairness to devstack the devstack neutron stuff is/was really bad | 23:40 |
lifeless | notmorgan: sure. Actually its a !=, not a cap. | 23:40 |
clarkb | mordred: and was switched for about a day | 23:40 |
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lifeless | notmorgan: but shrug :) | 23:41 |
mtreinish | clarkb: it's still really bad :) | 23:41 |
lifeless | notmorgan: I won't push it through | 23:41 |
notmorgan | lifeless: well we wouldn't be reverting the underlying change | 23:41 |
clarkb | mordred: and no one could get working networking on their devstacks | 23:41 |
Sam-I-Am | clarkb: it could use better docs | 23:41 |
clarkb | Sam-I-Am: thats part of it | 23:41 |
lifeless | notmorgan: but if your stuff gets wedged, we do need to do something soon | 23:41 |
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Sam-I-Am | clarkb: docs would solve lots of problems | 23:41 |
clarkb | Sam-I-Am: but even simple things like make sure my VMs can talk off host don't work right | 23:41 |
notmorgan | right. it is just a question of getting votes on it and pushing it through | 23:41 |
clarkb | Sam-I-Am: I know this beacuse I had a hell of a time figuring it out getting multinode + dvr t owork | 23:42 |
notmorgan | either should get us clear. | 23:42 |
Sam-I-Am | clarkb: with devstack or using the network guide? | 23:42 |
clarkb | Sam-I-Am: devstack | 23:42 |
clarkb | Sam-I-Am: we don't test with the netowrk guide | 23:42 |
Sam-I-Am | oh, i thought you were just setting this up on your own somewhere | 23:42 |
Sam-I-Am | crazy thoughts i know | 23:42 |
clarkb | (the issue is that br-ex isn't attached to anything for you, so you have a completely detached networking) | 23:42 |
clarkb | so what you have to do is manually configure br-ex before running devstack | 23:43 |
clarkb | then it works | 23:43 |
Sam-I-Am | the devstack instructions for dvr last i looked were for single-node, which was sort of lol | 23:43 |
mordred | clarkb: right. I get that - but as long as nova-net is still there it's a crutch and causes nobody to fix it | 23:43 |
mtreinish | Sam-I-Am: wait how is that d? | 23:43 |
anteaya | okay so on our test nodes graph, the number of nodes in use have decreased | 23:43 |
anteaya | anyone else see that? | 23:43 |
clarkb | Sam-I-Am: well thats because when I got dvr working on multinode it didn't work :) | 23:43 |
clarkb | Sam-I-Am: I think it is working now though | 23:43 |
Sam-I-Am | mtreinish: lets not go there :) | 23:43 |
Sam-I-Am | mtreinish: turns out no one ever tested dvr on > 1 node before it was released in juno... and i was the first person to figure out it didn't work with > 1 node. | 23:44 |
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mtreinish | :( | 23:44 |
Sam-I-Am | which soured a lot of people who were waiting a long time for a dvr thing | 23:44 |
clarkb | and the multinode job confirmed it | 23:44 |
clarkb | but it also gave a way for people to iterate on making it work | 23:44 |
clarkb | so hopeully made a difference | 23:44 |
Sam-I-Am | there's some adoption of it now, but its rather complex and fragile | 23:44 |
Sam-I-Am | yeah, something that depends on muti-something needs to be tested with multi-something | 23:45 |
Sam-I-Am | i was looking through devstack code the other day and realized its full of hacks that break what its trying to test. then i went to go cry in a corner. | 23:45 |
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openstackgerrit | Khai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add helper script to delete Gerrit groups | 23:46 |
Sam-I-Am | specifically, we put an ip address on br-ex and create the 'public' neutron net as vxlan, which should not even work | 23:46 |
mtreinish | Sam-I-Am: to be fair I've had the lib/neutron rewrite marked as a prio item for 3 cycles | 23:46 |
clarkb | I think if munging br-ex onto your actual interface became a thing then switching devstack to it would be much easier for hte masses | 23:46 |
Sam-I-Am | but it does, because we still use external_network_bridge = br-ex, so that stuffs qg-* into br-ex and effectively provides an alternate path for traffic | 23:47 |
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clarkb | Sam-I-Am: uh devstack doesn't touch br-ex by default | 23:47 |
Sam-I-Am | clarkb: neutron-legacy does it, iirc | 23:47 |
clarkb | no | 23:47 |
sc68cal | it does | 23:47 |
clarkb | it may create one but thats it | 23:47 |
sc68cal | if OVS_PHYSICAL_BRIDGE=br-ex | 23:47 |
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clarkb | right but al lthat does is make a br-ex iirc | 23:48 |
Sam-I-Am | if you dont set use_providernet (or whatever it is), an ip winds up on br-ex | 23:48 |
clarkb | it won't attach your eth0 to it | 23:48 |
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sc68cal | but again this is back to the mismatch between what br-ex means in a deployment vs. devstack-gate | 23:48 |
clarkb | it won't move the ips around to keep networking working | 23:48 |
sc68cal | clarkb: oh yes it will | 23:48 |
Sam-I-Am | oh, there's no interface attached to it | 23:48 |
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clarkb | sc68cal: huh thats new in the last 9 months or so then | 23:48 |
sc68cal | clarkb: yep. | 23:48 |
Sam-I-Am | but there's an ip, which makes sense if you want to test connectivity to vms that would have fips on that network | 23:48 |
clarkb | Sam-I-Am: ah ok | 23:48 |
Sam-I-Am | otherwise its just layer2, and tempest cant see into it | 23:48 |
clarkb | because the interface is the important part | 23:48 |
sc68cal | clarkb: you have to have OVS_PHYSICAL_BRIDGE set, and I think PUBLIC_INTERFACE and a couple other knobs | 23:49 |
clarkb | without it everyone complains their devstack doesn't work | 23:49 |
sc68cal | because I hate people and want to make neutron-lib impossible to understand and configure | 23:49 |
sc68cal | err | 23:49 |
sc68cal | neutron-legacy | 23:49 |
Sam-I-Am | clarkb: for local devstack aios, you can put an ip on br-ex thats the same as your neutron public subnet, OR plug an interface into it. | 23:49 |
clarkb | anyways 9 months ago when we built out the working mutlinode stuff we just made br-ex the cross node bridge | 23:50 |
Sam-I-Am | for multinode you'd need an interface in br-ex | 23:50 |
clarkb | and everything worked | 23:50 |
clarkb | Sam-I-Am: riht the prolem when devstack defaulted t neutron was that none f that is done for you | 23:50 |
clarkb | so all of a sudden none of your VMs can talk to the world | 23:50 |
clarkb | which is a thing people had come to expect from nova net which isn't shy about munging your interfaces | 23:50 |
Sam-I-Am | kind of curious whats going to happen when external_network_bridge goes away | 23:51 |
Sam-I-Am | its been deprecated and should = '' now rather than br-ex | 23:51 |
Sam-I-Am | i suspect things will break | 23:51 |
clarkb | (and nova net does that not devstack which is probably part of the confusion | 23:52 |
clarkb | Sam-I-Am: what do you use instead? | 23:52 |
Sam-I-Am | for now, 'external_network_bridge = ' ... when thats gone, it should more or less emulate that setting. | 23:53 |
Sam-I-Am | what we have no relies on it being set to br-ex | 23:54 |
clarkb | gotcha | 23:54 |
clarkb | it should be arbitrary | 23:54 |
clarkb | but is not yet | 23:54 |
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openstackgerrit | Ian Cordasco proposed openstack/requirements: Update flake8 constraint for the off-by-default feature | 23:55 |
Sam-I-Am | what we need to do is what 'use_providernet' does, more or less, but also make sure br-ex gets an IP address | 23:55 |
fungi | what have we merged to zuul recentlyish that would cause what looks like a job queue stats reporting counting error? it looks like we get this somewhat steady climbing envelope which abruptly resets on config reload | 23:55 |
Sam-I-Am | if you use use_providernet now, br-ex does not get an ip and breaks tempest | 23:55 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Cordasco proposed openstack/requirements: Update flake8 constraint for the off-by-default feature | 23:55 |
clarkb | fungi: its nodepool | 23:55 |
clarkb | or was I think | 23:56 |
adam_g | greghaynes, is this news to you? seems to be showing up in other jobs that use DIB | 23:56 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1536410 in diskimage-builder " failing, using an outdated locatino for" [Undecided,New] | 23:56 |
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greghaynes | adam_g: fun | 23:56 |
greghaynes | adam_g: new to me | 23:56 |
adam_g | greghaynes, from looking at DIB it looks like it should be pulling it from the right place, but ive got no idea why its caching it from github instead? | 23:57 |
greghaynes | adam_g: probably a cache on the build host | 23:57 |
docaedo | For using Shade, are there any docs outside what can be found in the shade repository? | 23:57 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Cordasco proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Update flake8 requirement for 0.11.0 | 23:57 |
greghaynes | adam_g: we might not invalidate the cache based on url | 23:57 |
nibalizer | docaedo: what are you trying to do with it? | 23:57 |
jeblair | nibalizer, crinkle, fungi: i have a secret i want to put in hiera that needs to end up as a binary file on disk. any suggestions? | 23:58 |
docaedo | nibalizer: App Developer Working Group is trying to use it as part of a "writing your first app on OpenStack" | 23:58 |
fungi | docaedo: i think the first app crowd have been writing their tutorials around shade... reed may have details? | 23:58 |
adam_g | greghaynes, i forget how the dib caching works, but its actually going and downloading the thing | 23:58 |
fungi | docaedo: oh, that's why you're asking. nevermind! | 23:59 |
clarkb | dougwig: why are we abandoning ? | 23:59 |
docaedo | fungi: haha, yeah, trying to help on that front :) | 23:59 |
greghaynes | adam_g: oh, is that from a run on an old release? | 23:59 |
nibalizer | jeblair: there is a hiera-file backend that lets you store files in hiera | 23:59 |
adam_g | greghaynes, nope, 1.7.1 | 23:59 |
clarkb | dougwig: the proposal bot will push new patchsets to an existing change, it is safe to ignore it | 23:59 |
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