Thursday, 2015-11-05

anteayazaro: thanks for digging that up!00:00
lifelessmordred: why are you copy pastaing ?00:00
anteayazaro: let me know if you have something to test or if you want to discuss something00:00
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lifelessmordred: oh, new reqs?00:00
mordredlifeless: yah. to add the new req as is from g-r00:00
lifelessmordred: perhaps there should be a command for that00:01
mordrednot editing it first is easier00:01
mordredlifeless: nah. then I'd have to remember how the command works00:01
ianwfungi / greghaynes: have you considered running bindep from puppet?  i mean you can just [yum|apt-get] install $(bindep ...) , but it kind of breaks the whole idea of specifying packages in the .pp00:02
lifelessbindep ftw00:02
mordred  jeblair: ^xf ../req<tab>/glo<tab><enter>^srequestsex<enter>^a^k^xb^y00:02
lifeless(in general, things I started ftw :))00:02
ianwlifeless: well how did you think it would integrate with puppet :)00:02
lifelessianw: it was written for devs, so didn't think about that at all :)00:03
mordredianw: I think a bindep provider for puppet would be awesome00:03
mordredianw: I have LONG thought that the way that puppet does packages is horsecrap00:03
lifelessianw: but there is a parser in the library, so you can use that using a ruby python bridge00:03
lifelessianw: (or just shell out to get it to resolve locally)00:04
mordredianw: I've been meaning to write one for ansible too00:04
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mordredlifeless: if I were to write it, I'd do it as provider that shelled out to bindep00:04
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mordredianw: although I understand the graph-theory reasons for treating each package requirement as a node in the graph00:05
mordredianw: it's both inefficient (install packages one at a time rather than as a list) and it leaks impl details (if !defined(pacakge['foo']) { package { foo: } )00:05
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mordredwhen what you are ALWAYS doing is asserting that you want a set of packages idempotently installed00:06
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mordredso it's one of those cases where theory and internal impl details lose in the face of common sense00:06
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ianwok, so the answer for the pypi/wheel stuff seems to be start with a simple list of known things, and work towards bindep integration :)00:08
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greghaynesActually, that is an interesting question, are bindep dependencies the runtime deps or build deps00:09
greghaynesYea, obv they are runtime, but I wonder if we might have other-build-deps.txt00:10
ianwgreghaynes: ok, well i think the system-config bit just needs a few common deps in the puppet, then i can't see why it's not ready to test.  i can add that if you want00:10
greghaynesianw: go for it :)00:10
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add #openstack-ux to accessbot
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Enable logging in #openstack-ux
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greghaynesOr, I think bindep supports some kind of arbitrary tagging of packages00:11
greghaynesso we should just use that00:11
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openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add pep8 jobs for lodgeit
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anteayaclarkb: thank you00:16
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pleia2so, stackalytics needs a service account for gerrit to watch the event stream, should I create a new -infra email address (like we did for zanata) and sign up to gerrit with that or something else?00:19
anteayapleia2: I vote for the first thing00:20
pleia2anteaya: that is my inclination as well00:20
pleia2easier to track down issues if it's only used for one thing00:20
pleia2second thing is, jeblair set up the translate@ email last time, I don't know if email account creation is something I have access to00:22
anteayaah, good question00:22
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update zuul-dev.o.o pipelines
bardiacan anyone point me to an up to date instructions on setting up third party CI inf?00:24
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bardiaI tried os-ext-testing but its way out of date and it does not work00:25
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anteayahello bardia, have you come across this yet?
bardiabut that doesn't include step to setup the infrastructure00:28
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anteayabardia: okay just wanting to ensure you haven't skipped a step00:30
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anteayabardia: have you seen this repo before?
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anteayabardia: great00:31
anteayabardia: so that is the code and currently the documentation is a patch that is under review:
anteayabardia: it would be great if you went over the documentation and tried to follow it sharing your experience with asselin as you go along00:32
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bardiathanks I will do that00:32
anteayabardia: also there are third party meetings every week, it is a good place to meet other operators and ask questions00:32
anteayabardia: wonderful, thank you, that will help a lot00:32
anteayabardia: this is our meetings page:
anteayayou're welcome00:35
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fungiianw: greghaynes: mordred: i can't think of any reason why using an exec to bindep from puppet for a lengthy set of cross-platform dependencies would be a poor choice, but i also haven't really thought about it before or for very long just now either00:35
greghaynesfungi: Yea, I think its a fine idea00:36
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ianwfungi: well, at a first instance you're going to have to handle yum/dnf/apt matching yourself00:38
greghaynesianw: Thats what bindep does00:38
greghayneswell, it lets you do that00:39
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greghaynesso in theory  we would only need to do the mapping in one place, then00:39
jeblairgreghaynes: yeah, i think that's a big win in this context00:39
jeblairmordred, fungi, clarkb, timrc:
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add wheel_mirror_slaves that use pypi-mirror
jeblairi think the new ovh configuration (with even less overcommitment) looks good.00:40
ianwgreghaynes / fungi / modred : ^ so i'd propose we start something like that, and get things going00:40
jeblairmordred, timrc: i'm not quite sure about bluebox yet -- we're still seeing a large variation in times across the jobs.  moving from 10 to 20 jobs didn't change the average much, but it did spread out the range a bit.  this is not intuitive for me.00:43
anteayaadam_g: might I have one more respin please? finally got to look at it in detail00:44
anteayajeblair: how soon do you think we can roll out ovh for test nodes? or are we and I missed it?00:45
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fungiovh-4 falls between rax/hpcloud times, so presumably good enough?00:45
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jeblairanteaya: not yet, i'm still trying to profile it.00:46
jeblairfungi: that's my feeling.00:46
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jeblairanteaya: rolling it out and having it take 2 hours to fail all the jobs would be bad.00:46
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jeblairanteaya: so if we like this, i'll go back to the ovh people, probably do a little more testing, and then they'll see how much hardware they can actually put toward this, since we're apparently requiring more than they expected.00:47
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jeblairanteaya: i'll also ask how we could update our requirements so that people have a better idea of what we need.00:48
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fungior, rather, their performance compared to other providers is not as well suited as they anticipated00:48
jeblairtimrc, mordred: launched 5 jobs on bluebox now.00:48
jeblairfungi: indeed, we may be helping them discover that too :)00:48
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add wheel_mirror_slaves that use pypi-mirror
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anteayajeblair: ah thank you for the update00:49
anteayaoh and I didnt' realize this commitment to us meant they have to do more shopping00:50
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anteayathank you ovh00:50
jeblairfungi: though, oddly enough a thing that has hurt us here is that we are in our own host aggregate, so while we might normally tolerate oversubscription, we are less tolerant if we are our own neighbors.00:50
fungithat makes sense00:50
anteayaha ha ha00:50
greghaynesoh wow00:50
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greghaynesThat makes a ton of sense00:51
anteayawe make terrible neighbours00:51
fungii know i do00:51
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anteayaha ha ha00:51
jeblairand even then, if we are large enough, we could probably weather it in aggregate, but we really do often launch 10s of simultaneous devstack jobs...00:51
anteayasomething something pull out the shrubs and plant cacti something something00:51
greghaynesThat has some interesting implications for infra cloud because it will have the same issue00:51
fungijeblair: mordred: clarkb: timrc: is the bluebox expected to be on consistent underlying hardware? and we're the only tenant in it?00:51
jeblairfungi: my understanding is yes and yes (i believe timrc verified the consistency yesterday, and i believe the single-tenant is more or less the business model)00:52
greghaynesjeblair: sounds like we want the scheduler to go breadth first, not depth first00:52
jeblairgreghaynes: i think that would be advantageous for us00:53
jeblairgreghaynes: that appears to be what's happening on bluebox00:53
greghaynesjeblair: ok. :(00:54
jeblair(is that the behavior of the default nova scheduler?)00:54
greghaynesI thought it wasn't, but I am not totally sure00:54
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jeblairgreghaynes, fungi: but i have not been able to support a hypothesis like "compute node X is consistently slower" or "the clusters of times we see are associated with certain compute nodes"00:54
jeblairthat seems to push "different hardware" lower on the list of possible causes for the performance variation00:55
jeblairi also haven't been able to support "the more instances running on a compute host the slower they all run" which doesn't support oversubscription00:55
jeblairso i'm still puzzled.00:56
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jeblairanyway, still hoping more data will trace a pattern00:56
greghaynesYea, I don't have any great ideas for trying to find a pattern in that00:57
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greghaynesjeblair: For your tests, youre scheduling all of them at once?00:57
jeblairgreghaynes: yes00:57
greghaynesMaybe we could look at how size of the number of nodes we schedule at once effects runtime?00:58
jeblairgreghaynes: good idea.  i'm running 5 now; if that is consistently fast, then i'll do 5+5 staggered and see if that looks more like running 5 or running 10.00:58
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fungioh, yeah a stampede hitting the array at once (are these centralized or distributed storage?) could be one explanation01:02
anteayaclarkb: can you take a peek at
anteayatwo goverance-docs jobs failures both on zm0401:03
timrcLooping jlk into this dicussion jeblair.  Jesse is my lead at Blue Box.01:04
jeblairfungi: it's a better explanation for "slow overall" but not a great match for "2 or 3 distinct timing profiles across a range +/- 25% of center" which is what i'm seeing.01:04
anteayaclarkb: sorry within the last 3 hours01:04
timrcjeblair: From a capacity standpoint we never came close to butting up to any upper limits on the resources allocated to this cloud.01:05
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clarkbanteaya: what about it?01:08
clarkbI get two results01:08
timrcjeblair: By any superficial marker: load avg, iowait, disk read/writes, I did not detect any pressure.01:09
anteayayeah, sorry I thought the fact it failed on zm04 was significant01:09
anteayabut both failures are the same patch01:09
anteayafunny that they would both run on the same zuul merger twice in a row01:10
timrcjlk: Are we the only tenants on the hardware allocated to the monty cloud?01:10
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fungijeblair: oh, yeah i see that now. some of the instances are taking 25% longer than the fastest ones, and some are 75% longer01:11
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bardiaquick question for third_party CI01:11
anteayaclarkb: talking with the author in -dev, it is probably the patch but I can't see the error01:12
fungijeblair: i agree the grouping is rather strange01:12
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bardiathe CI only has the Jenkins master and the tests are run on cloud node?01:12
anteayabardia: best to just go ahead and ask01:12
timrcjeblair: I'm not familiar with the actual machine specs for hpcloud... are their noticeable differences in cpu clock rates?01:12
bardiaconfused about providers section of nodepool.yaml. do we have to use external cloud nodes for testing?01:13
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boris-42jeblair: hi there01:13
boris-42jeblair: is it possible to ban user in gerrit? we have some bot that is putting -1 on patches with random comments01:13
nibalizerboris-42: link?01:14
fungiboris-42: yes, link us to an example01:14
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boris-42fungi: so nick name is "Hui" which is quite bad word in russian =)01:14
anteayabardia: nodepool manages a pool of vms01:15
anteayabardia: in the section identifying external resources a pool of vms is one of three external requirements listed01:15
fungiboris-42: i've disabled that gerrit account now, e-mail address on it seems to be i140010@trbvm.com01:16
anteayabardia: line 36
boris-42fungi: thank you01:16
anteayaboris-42: thanks for letting us know01:16
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jeblairtimrc: hpcloud says we get 8 cpus at 2593.498MHz01:16
jeblairtimrc: it claims they are model name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T7700  @ 2.40GHz01:16
jeblairtimrc: i have no idea how that compares to reality01:17
bardiaanteaya: got it. thanks01:17
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jeblairtimrc: 5186.99 BogoMIPS01:17
anteayaboris-42: there is a cache on the account, let us know if it keeps happening01:17
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anteayabardia: thanks for asking01:18
fungii did flush caches in gerrit as well, so hopefully they cease being able to leave comments through the webui immediately, at least01:18
anteayafungi: wonderful, let's hope01:18
boris-42anteaya: I will thanks01:19
jeblairtimrc, jlk: i have to run for today; i have a test with 5 jobs running now; i'll resume this tomorrow morning01:20
fungiboris-42: did you see that account leaving comments on more than just these two changes?,n,z want to make sure there aren't more accounts in use there01:21
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openstackgerritmatthew wagoner proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add new context manager for shade exceptions, cont.
timrcjeblair: I think the CPUs in the softlayer are around 2000mhz... I'm stilled miffed by the random-ish times though.01:22
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename projects akanda-* -> astara-*
adam_ganteaya, ^ thanks, was wondering how that gets resolved01:22
anteayaadam_g: :)01:22
boris-42fungi: so we found only this for now..01:23
fungicool. let us know if more crop up01:23
anteayaadam_g: all the others have individual acl files for each attic'd repo:
boris-42fungi: sure01:23
adam_ganteaya, yea, makes sense01:23
anteayaadam_g: not the best but also fixing it is outside what I want to be responsible for for this rename01:23
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anteayaclarkb: okay the rename patches all look good to me, save one:
timrcjeblair: I wonder if just a subset of tests are variable or if they are uniformly variable?  Would that be useful to know? e.g. if say tests that exercise network are variable but tests that exercise compute are uniform?01:26
anteayaclarkb: so I will leave that off the next step until I see a new patch on that one01:26
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openstackgerritFei Long Wang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add release notes jobs for Zaqar
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notmorganmuch better.01:42
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timrcjeblair: Just as a data point the softlayer systems are  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7-4820 v2 @ 2.00GHz, 4002.3901:46
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anteayamtreinish: confirming openstack-health is not currently in the storyboard db01:46
anteayamtreinish: this is for the rename of the puppet module which happens on Friday01:47
anteayaI can't see it in storyboard01:47
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anteayaclarkb fungi pleia2 if you want to take a peek at the steps in the maintainance plan before I populate them with script output:
anteayajeblair: ^^ if you care to look too01:49
anteayaI don't think I missed a step but you never know01:49
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for fwaas tests failing over quota
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fungianteaya: a quick skim, lgtm01:54
fungialso i think we still need a maintenance announcement. i can send one tomorrow unless someone beats me to it01:54
clarkbtimrc maybe the time diffs are based on whether or not the cpu is turboing01:54
greghaynessomeone needs to hold down the button01:55
fungithat's what i was just thinking01:55
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add missing six requirement for svc-map element
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anteayafungi: thank you for the quick skim02:01
anteayafungi: well I think it is you and clark and I don't know if a time was announced but I thought you decided Friday02:02
anteayaor am I imagining that you decided Friday?02:02
anteayasorry I don't know if a time was decided02:02
fungii'll review the meeting log and make one up^W^W^Wconfer with clarkb02:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for fwaas tests failing over quota
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openstackgerritmatthew wagoner proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add new context manager for shade exceptions, cont.
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update the name of repos.yaml to renames.list
anteayafungi: ^^02:12
openstackgerritEli Qiao proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Magnum: export eth0 as public_interface
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fungianteaya: what script is erroring on that? the file is meant to be used by an ansible playbook02:16
anteayaah perhaps that is my issue02:16
anteayaI am not using it as an ansible playbook, I am using it is a bash script02:16
anteayaI just copy/pasted it into a file and ran it02:16
fungiif you were trying to run the script in my (now ancient) change, look at the comments that indicate the format of the renames.list file02:17
anteayafungi: this is what I came up with:
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fungianteaya: yeah, totally different format02:18
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* anteaya reads again02:18
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anteayaoh sorry I see that, you are right02:19
* anteaya changes the format02:19
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anteayathat looks more usable02:22
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Better duplicate detection for project requirements check
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anteayaokay so that is what I have for
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anteayafungi: if you and clark decide when you want to offline gerrit for this let me know02:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/glean: Add support for reading vlan information
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timrcSo, I noticed that Nimble Storage CI checked my dummy change to sandbox a few days ago and then all of a sudden I got some random solicitation wondering if I'd be interested in learning more about Nimble Storage... hopefully that's just coincidence.03:04
timrcI'd be sad if they were mining Gerrit for leads.03:05
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jlktimrc: jeblair: yes, you are the sole tenant. Unless monty handed out access to other people.03:28
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jlktimrc: did you visit their booth in Tokyo?03:30
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timrcjlk: Oh that could be it ;) Scanned my badge.03:34
jlkthere ya go03:34
timrcjlk: Not that I remember, but that seems probable.03:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Fix uniqueness check of initrd in fedora-minimal
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anteayatimrc: can you link me to the patch in teh sandbox?03:44
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openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add pep8 jobs for lodgeit
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SamYapleHow do I get logs out of the gate? Is there a special 'logs' folder I can drop my logs into that will get them published?04:19
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add Alex Eng to admins for translate{,-dev}
openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/lodgeit: Add tox configuration
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add devstack-logs publisher for Kolla
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rm_workanyone know how to make this not be stuck?05:22
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rm_workoh ok tonyb pointed out the depends-on i missed :P05:36
tonybrm_work: :)  like I said in the message I didn't realise that hadn't landed05:37
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tonybrm_work: still paging in task per-summit task state ;P05:38
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Kennanhi infra-cores please help review this if it is Ok ?05:38
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tonybKennan: you have an open question from sdague.05:40
tonybKennan: I suggest you answer that.05:40
Kennanwe have answered tonyb: Sample replied05:41
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KennanI am not sure what other he needs05:41
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tonybKennan: hmm okay05:43
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tonybKennan: Ah so Fedora 23 is the only distro that has packages that meet your minumum versions.05:46
tonybKennan: are they really the minimum required?05:46
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Kennantonyb: I think so. but let me check with Sample05:50
SamYapletonyb: thats ok though05:52
SamYapleat least in the case of ubuntu they package newer packages with cloud-archive05:52
SamYapledont the rdo repos do the same?05:53
SamYapleits not like this is getting backported05:53
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SamYapleKennan: also, I am fairly certain they are not the minimum requirements05:53
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tonybSamYaple: I'm not certain either way as it it's okay'ness05:54
tonybSamYaple, Kennan: It'd be good to know if they're actually the minimums but that's a complex problem.05:55
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SamYaplethe upper-contraints can remain as is, we can lower the requirements.txt lower ends05:55
SamYaplesince we are the only project using it, it should be fine05:55
SamYaplebut for the record we bump stuff in requirements.txt past the distro packaged versions all the time05:56
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mordredtonyb, SamYaple: we have no knowledge of actual minimums at the moment, although I believe lifeless would like to do some things in that area06:00
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SamYaplequick! merge before decisions are made06:01
mordredtonyb, SamYaple: we don't target "what is availabe in distros" though06:01
SamYapleright, that much I did know06:01
* mordred is jetlag-brain, so may not have followed the ENTIRE discussion06:02
SamYaplethis is only a conversation because sdague asked about versions packaged by distros06:02
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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mordredfwiw, zuul depends on GitPython>=0.3.306:03
mordredand 1.0.1 is currently running on zuul.o.06:04
mordredand 1.0.1 is currently running on zuul.o.o06:04
SamYapleyea that sounds about right06:04
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SamYapleKolla needs the same constraints i believe.06:04
SamYaplelemme test and ill get Kennan to update the patch with "mordred said it was ok"06:05
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mordredSamYaple: I think 1.0.1 is a fine version to require06:09
mordredI don't think we should be adding 0.x versions to g-r if there is a 1.x out at the time06:09
SamYaplei have no strong feelings one way or the other. i just want proposal bot proposing things06:10
crinklegreghaynes: i added a new section to
crinkleit's called "working"06:11
crinklei'm still trying to get used to it06:12
jlvillalThe devstack-gate job that has been running for over 128 hours.  Will it ever stop?
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greghaynescrinkle: whoa, all of those 'work'?}06:12
crinklegreghaynes: for low standards of 'work'06:12
crinklegreghaynes: as in they boot06:13
clarkbjlvillal it likely eont06:13
clarkbthats indicative of a patch that breaks networking06:13
greghaynescrinkle: boot from ironic?06:13
crinklegreghaynes: yup06:13
clarkbI wonder if we should remove that feature from zuul06:13
greghaynescrinkle: sweet06:13
* jlvillal googles eont06:13
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clarkbits "wont"06:14
mordredcrinkle: wow!06:14
clarkbwritten on a soft keyboard late at night06:14
jlvillalclarkb, Ah :)06:14
jlvillalclarkb, That makes much more sense!06:14
mordredcrinkle: that's even more working than not working06:15
crinklemordred: ikr06:15
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mordredcrinkle: are you sure ironic isn't just joking with you?06:15
* jlvillal perks up on hearing Ironic...06:15
crinklemordred: i logged into them to make sure06:15
zaroclarkb, mordred trying to remote debug gerrit on review-dev but i think port is blocked.  suggestions to resolve?06:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
mordredjlvillal: we are successfully ironicing more nodes than not in our pile of machines currently - which is exciting06:16
mordredzaro: what's the port?06:16
jlvillalmordred, Woo hoo! :)  Great to hear it is being used.06:16
mordredzaro: yeah - that's almost certainly blocked - you might want to brush up on your ssh port forwarding skills06:17
StevenKnc: connect to port 8000 (tcp) failed: Permission denied06:17
zaromordred: brush up assumes i had some in the first place06:17
StevenKzaro: ssh -L <port>:<remote>:<remote port> jump host06:19
StevenKThen connect to localhost:<port>06:19
zarocuel! will give that a shot. thanks06:19
mordredyah. what StevenK said06:19
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StevenKzaro: -v is also helpful, but it will scribble all over that pty, no matter if the jump host gives you a shell prompt.06:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add #openstack-ux to accessbot
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
openstackgerritMaty Grosz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Initialize vitrage-specs project
tonybmordred: I'm not certain I agree with you assertion that zuul follow g-r but I don't know that that really matters06:28
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zaroStevenK: i can't sem to get that to work06:32
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zaroStevenK: how do i test that i can connect?06:33
StevenKzaro: nc -vz should work06:34
mgroszHello, I have submitted a change for adding a new project vitrage-specs. Can someone review, please?
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zaroStevenK: says 'nc: connectx to localhost port 4200 (tcp) failed: Connection refused'06:35
zaroStevenK: i setup as 'ssh -L 4200:<remote>:8000' jump host06:36
zaroactually it looks like it tries to connect but then i get 'ssh: connect to host jump port 22: Operation timed out'06:37
StevenKzaro: Ah, right. So what you want is ssh -L <some host that has access to review-dev's port 8000>06:37
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clarkbits likely you need to do 4200:localhost:8000 review-dev06:38
StevenKAh yes06:38
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zaroahh much better, thanks!06:40
mgroszHello, I have submitted a change for adding a new project vitrage-specs. Can someone review, please?
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add pep8 jobs for lodgeit
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openstackgerritMaty Grosz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: 1) Initialize vitrage-specs project 2) Remove python 3 jobs from vitrage project
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mgroszHello, I have submitted a change for adding a new project vitrage-specs. Can someone review, please?
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openstackgerritMaty Grosz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update vitrage-specs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add new repo for Smaug
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add #openstack-vmware-nsx to eavesdrop bot
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Create puppet-magnum repository
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mgroszHello, I have submitted a change for adding a new project vitrage-specs. Can someone review, please? Thanks.
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mordredtonyb: zuul doesn't follow g-r at all. it's not fully relevant.08:01
mordredtonyb: I was mainly saying that as "there is an active project in production in the OpenStack ecosystem that uses this version of this requirement"08:01
mordredtonyb: which may or may not be useful information08:01
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zaroyolanda: ping08:06
yolandahi zaro08:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: zuul/layout/puppet-openstack_extras: invert matching rules
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zaroyolanda: was wondering if you could test this?
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zaroi mean run puppet apply test or something like that.08:08
zaro*test/dry run08:08
yolandai should have a test instance that i use for Gozer, but the code won't be on sync08:08
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zarohmm, do you know how to dry-run on jenkins-dev?08:09
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zaroyolanda: i just want to make sure the file runs without error.08:10
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yolandawell, if that passes tests, it means that it runs without error. But to test properly, what i normally do is to setup a test instance with this code, then do a puppet apply08:11
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zaroyolanda: ahh ok.  i though you already had a proper env setup for that but if not then don't worry about it.08:12
yolandamm, actually, looking more carefully, i found a problem with your change08:12
yolandazaro, i have that for Gozer08:12
yolandazaro, syntax looked fine, but i found a problem with the conditional nesting08:13
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zaroyolanda: i put it inside due to jhesketh comment in PS 108:15
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yolanda/etc/nodepool/scripts need to be always created08:15
yolandathe if ! defined need only to apply to project_config class08:15
yolandabut let me check the comment08:16
LiuqingHELLO attention!!!08:16
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Liuqingnormal user has admin privileges in openstack gerrit08:16
Liuqingsee screenshot08:16
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eliqiaoI don't have08:17
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zaroLiuqing: where does it say that?08:17
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Liuqingcould you guys see screenshot?08:18
zaroyes, but i don't see registered users having admin priv08:18
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yolandazaro, i'm not following jhesketh comment here, we should talk with him08:19
yolandaa definition of project config if not defined, and a require project_config to create /etc/nodepool/scripts look enough for me08:19
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eliqiaoLiuqing: this is mine
Liuqingwhy registered user could edit the access of project?08:20
yolandahi Liuqing, you have read only access, that's ok08:21
zhurongwe can access,access, and can edit it08:21
yolandathen we have a problem08:22
zaroLiuqing: you cannot save it.08:22
eliqiaozhurong: oh, get you.08:22
yolandano save option?08:22
Liuqingok   got that08:22
Liuqingcould save that ..08:22
yolandaare you able to update and save?08:22
eliqiaohmm, just take a try , before landing any changes, it need to be reviewed08:23
Liuqingwhen i take a try , it will post one new  'modify access rule' patch08:23
eliqiaothat is normal, make sense.08:23
zaroLiuqing: yeah, it won't get approved.08:24
zaroapprove is the save08:24
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yolandaok that's fine08:25
zaroyolanda: ok, please clarify with him and let me know.08:25
yolandazaro ok08:26
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zarogood night08:27
yolandabye zaro08:27
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openstackgerritThomas Morin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: networking-bagpipe: use 'Neutron stadium' ACLs
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jheskethzaro, yolanda: I was querying why we were checking for the class to be defined. Surely it is or it isn't?08:32
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jheskethyolanda: so I think the part that is confusing me is the need to check if the class is defined... for downstream, should we just be passing through the project_config_repo so that it can be overwritten?08:54
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yolandajhesketh, mostly what we try to avoid when adding if ! defined checks, is errors about duplication on puppet. If you define the same class twice, puppet will fail. So if you co-locate this jenkins with another project that uses project_config as well, puppet will complain08:55
yolandanot the case of upstream and as this is system-config we could probably skip the check08:55
yolandabut it doesn't hurt08:55
jheskethyolanda: is that defining the class though? I thought it was calling it08:55
yolandajhesketh, if you call the class twice on a manifest, puppet will fail08:56
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jheskethah okay, now I follow08:56
jheskethin that case, yes, I agree with your comment08:56
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jheskeththanks for the clarification08:57
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yolandanp, puppet is so picky with duplicated declarations08:57
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/puppet-pip: Ensure pip from OS is uninstalled
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add stable/liberty tripleo job
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nibalizerjhesketh: yolanda sometimes you can get aroubd that by only using 'include' but yea, sucks10:02
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yolandanibalizer yes, problem is when you need to have a parameter, so you cannot use include...10:02
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mordrednibalizer: I feel like you're also failing at jetlagging10:15
rcarrillocruzyou don't have a 'service' in upstream that you can query to get which master is a slave assigned to10:16
mordredI believe the data is in the nodepool db no?10:16
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rcarrillocruzyeah, but trying to query for static slaves, nodepool would have only single-use10:17
mordredoh - well, I mean, all of our static slaves are on the same master10:17
mordredthey're all on jenkins.o.o10:17
rcarrillocruzyeah, we have them spread out10:17
rcarrillocruzwe have gazillion static slaves10:17
rcarrillocruzi'll need to loop over all masters and query them i guess10:18
mordredyah - so no, we do not have such a thing at the moment10:18
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mordredI believe we intend to have such a thing once nodepool can understand static slaves10:18
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mordredbut nothing now10:18
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openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Allow congress jobs use devstack and tempest plugins
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sc68calmordred: sheesh, in the space of two weeks, 5am local mornings10:38
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sc68calmordred: it's getting a little old now10:38
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mordredsc68cal: I know, right?10:40
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mordredsc68cal: otoh - I've just finished writing some nice patches for python-neutronclient10:41
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add stable/liberty tripleo job
mordred(also involved adding a feature to os-client-config - but I have a python-neutronclient repo now that defers all arg parsing and declaration to os-client-config, as well as session and client construction)10:42
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openstackgerritKATO Tomoyuki proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add previewing a change
openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Allow congress jobs use devstack and tempest plugins
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openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Allow congress jobs use devstack and tempest plugins
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daemontoolall: anyone can help with
daemontoolthis is the change that generate the failure, before it was working:
daemontoolconsole logs here:
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yolandadaemontool, i'm not familiar with these jobs but i see 2015-11-05 00:43:29.115 |   File "/home/jenkins/workspace/gate-governance-docs/doc/source/_exts/", line 36, in _team_to_rst11:10
yolanda2015-11-05 00:43:29.116 |     yield ':PTL: %(name)s (%(irc)s)' % ptl11:10
yolanda2015-11-05 00:43:29.116 | TypeError: format requires a mappingç11:10
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openstackgerritSam Betts proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Disable python34 for stable/kilo and juno branches
yolandalooks as you miss some setting?11:10
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daemontoolyolanda,  yes11:11
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sambettsMorning everyone o/ can I get some eyes on this please a merge into stable/kilo of ours is being blocked by this,
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openstackgerritGlauco Oliveira proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstack-health: Fix broken acceptance tests
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Test a update in trunk repository version
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openstackgerritFausto Marzi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Change acl for freezer* projects
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openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add release notes jobs for nova
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Renamed pypi.<> to mirror.<>
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Clean up references to old pypi mirror urls.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Added NPM Mirror to Infra
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sdagueso now that we've got the wheel mirror builder code back up -, someone else want to review to get these bits out there13:01
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: zuul/layout: fix puppet-integration jobs
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: zuul/layout: fix puppet-integration jobs
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dhellmannanteaya : could you poke now that its dependency has merged, please? I'm not sure if it needs another approval or what.13:23
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pasquier-shello everybody, it would be great if someone from infra could look at this patch:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: add release notes jobs for glance
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Allow browsing stories by creator_id
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sdakemorning folks13:53
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sdakewould it be possible to get a 16gig vm in the gate?13:54
sdakewe do multinode vm testing single node by using dind13:54
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mordredsdake: not really - we do 8g nodes for the rest of the tests on purpose, and adding a node type to the pool is fairly costly in terms of being able to spread workloads13:55
mordredsdake: can you do multinode vm testing on mutliple nodes?13:56
sdakewe can't because we have to have the images in one registry13:56
sdakeregistry push takes forever13:56
sdakeSamYaple ^^13:56
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mordredshouldn't registry pushes be differential? I mean, would solving the "how do we have a pre-cached registry" problem be helpful? Or still problematic for your usecase13:57
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sdakeit shoudl be differential but docker is busted and as a result it is not13:57
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sdakewe could use v1 regitry but samyaple indicated this would still not fit in the 90 minute timer we have13:59
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sdakethat is why we hvee investigated multinode gating in one vm13:59
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sdakewhich appears to work in our experiments minu the out of memoroy problem ;)13:59
SamYapleall of those things yes14:00
SamYaplei think its oom still investigating14:00
sdakemordred before we commit to 16gb vms, i'd like to prove it actually would be viable14:00
sdakei am not convinced but sam seems to think it woudl work14:00
SamYapleit does work14:01
SamYaplei do it on my local machine14:01
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sdakeoh didn't know that14:01
sdakeif only i was omnipotent ;)14:01
mordredyou should probably consider 16g vms a non-starter14:01
SamYaplethis i told him :)14:01
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sdakeroger, well worth asking14:02
sdakethanks for the confirmation14:02
mordredgetting 8g vms that perform properly across our providers is a hard enough challenge - and on at least one of the providers we're actually capped out with 8g because of how we have to get them14:02
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mordrednow - if you could get someone to donate us 1000 beefy bare metal machines - we'd be more than happy to oblige :)14:02
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sdakemordred this is the approach tripleo takes correct?14:03
SamYaplei can give 1....14:03
mordredsdake: well - ish - the tripleo farm has bare metal hosts network-adjacent to the vms we spin up in their vm cloud14:03
mordredand their test jobs know how to do things with them14:03
mordredthe level of effort that went in to getting that running was fairly high though14:04
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sdakemordred just exploring options, i dont even know who I would beg for gear14:05
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SamYaplei will confirm OOM then trim fat14:05
sdakeSamYaple so the idea of building on each node is not viable?14:06
sdakeI realize its not exactly what kolla does or how kolla operates14:06
sdakebut its how the dind gate runs right?14:06
SamYaplenot even a little14:06
sdakenoep to which question? :)14:06
mordredall of them14:06
SamYaplebut seriously, no to all of them14:07
mgroszHello, I have submitted a change for adding a new project vitrage-specs. Can someone review, please? Thanks.
sdakemordred do these gate machiens have swap14:08
sdakea large swap space might work for us14:08
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mordredsome of them do14:08
SamYaplesdake: i can make swap i have a disk14:08
Sam-I-Amyou can just make swap from a file14:08
Sam-I-Amthats how o-a does it14:08
Sam-I-Amnot ideal, but works14:08
mordredsome of them have a not-huge-amount of disk in the first place14:09
sdakeso les explore that14:09
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mordredwe've got a todo list task to document what our actual available disk you can count on it14:09
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SamYaplemordred: except hp, 500gb out of nowhere14:09
mordredyah. so much disk in HP14:09
mordredbut that's because we spin up 30G nodes there and then kernel limit them to 8G14:09
SamYaplewait say that again?14:10
mordredthe 8G nodes there are too slow14:10
mordredso we spin up 30G nodes which are mostly fast enough14:10
mordredbut we don't want to accidentally land changes that require more than 8G of ram, since that's what we spin up elsewhere14:11
mordredso we modify the kernel boot parameters to make the kernel only show 8G of ram on tose boxes14:11
sdakecould we override that from 8 to 16?14:11
mordrednope. because the nodes elsewhere aren't 16G14:11
SamYapleif we want our gate to work only 30% of the time :P14:11
mordred(we very much don't want different sizes across clouds)14:11
sdakealways force ourgate tor un on hp?14:12
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SamYapleno lets not do any of that14:12
SamYapleill work out some answers14:12
SamYapleneed to identify the problem 100% first14:12
mordredwell, if you did that, your gate would stop working in January14:13
SamYaplecurl | /dev/ram14:13
hasharcan we pass it parameters ?14:13
sdakeoh hp is stopping gating as well?14:13
mordredsdake: they're turning off their public cloud14:14
sdakeyup i was aware14:14
sdakewasn't sure if that meant gating as well sounds like yes14:14
mordredyah. we just consume their public cloud14:14
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mordredwe're working with them to find other ways for them to continue donating resources14:14
sdaguemordred: as you are active, is stalled and is basically documentation for d-g so we don't forget next time14:15
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mordredsdague: I like documenting things!14:15
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mordredsdague: or, rather, I like it when other people do :)14:15
Sam-I-Ammordred: me too :)14:16
mordredSam-I-Am: :)14:16
mordredsdague: +314:16
Sam-I-Amslowly but surely, we get there14:16
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mordredsdague: btw - I wrote a patch for novaclient this morning because jetlag14:16
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sdaguemordred: ah, cool14:16
mordredsdague: I have not yet pushed it because I still need to fix up tests and stuff14:16
sdakejetlag = 4am patches ftw14:16
mordredsdague: but it's the patch to make novaclient clouds.yaml and keystoneauth aware/consuming14:17
sdaguemordred: great, looking forward to it14:17
mordredsdague: it's pretty neat - nova --os-cloud=vexxhost list totally works on my laptop now :)14:17
SamYaplei have bad vision and the sda*e are getting confusing14:17
* SamYaple goes back to his corner14:17
mordredSamYaple: you should have been here the cycle where both of them joined openstack at the same time14:18
openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/lodgeit: Add tox configuration
sdaguemordred: makes me happy, should also make the functional tests a little nicer14:18
mordredit was like "which one is k and which one is g?"14:18
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mordredsdague: yah. fo sho14:18
SamYaplethe funny one14:18
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sdaguemordred: hey, so a question that came up in nova channel14:18
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sdaguewhich was novaclient functional tests hitting bits of function which error when neutron is backing the cloud14:19
sdaguebecause, non api compat14:19
sdaguehow are you addressing that in shade?14:19
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sdagueto give an idea of the right way to address it here14:20
sdaguealso -
sdague/usr/local/jenkins/slave_scripts/': [Errno 2] No such file or directory14:20
sdagueis that something transient, or is there something wrong on a class of nodes14:20
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mordredsdague: oh - so - in shade, we normalize apis to look like neutron is always backing the cloud14:20
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mordredsdague: for instance, and the function below it14:21
openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/lodgeit: Make test_json_get_styles work cross-platform
openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/lodgeit: pep8: F401 '<name>' imported but unused
openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/lodgeit: Add instructions and dependencies for running tests
openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/lodgeit: pep8: E131 continuation line unaligned for hanging indent
openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/lodgeit: Fix the tests by removing dependency on alfajor
openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/lodgeit: pep8: E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent
openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/lodgeit: Ignore the virtualenv folder and Eclipse's settings files.
openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/lodgeit: pep8: E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent
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openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/lodgeit: pep8: E272 multiple spaces before keyword
openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/lodgeit: pep8: E302 expected 2 blank lines, found <n>
openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/lodgeit: pep8: E712 comparison to False should be 'if cond is False:' or 'if not cond:'
openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/lodgeit: pep8: E265 block comment should start with '# '
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mordredsdague: make security groups always look the same no matter which is the backend14:21
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mordredsdague: and then we do similar tings in other places for data structures - we also just use the neutron api for neutron commands when we can when neutron is there14:22
mordredsdague: because saying "if neutorn exists, call the neutron floating ip command" is pretty easy - as opposed to "poke at the nova api and see if it's prxying nova-net or neutron"14:23
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sdagueyeh, I think the fixed_ip_get and dns admin are the things falling down14:23
sdagueyeh, from a novaclient functional testing perspective it's a little different, because we mostly just want to skip those in neutron. I guess looking at service catalog is probably the best bet there14:24
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mordredI definitely think trying to align fixed_ip_get with a neutron backed cloud in novaclient is not worth the energy - since the neutron semantics on that are so different14:25
mordredI know nothing about nova dns, so can offer no corroboration there14:25
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sdagueyeh, nova has basic dns management facilities on nova-net14:26
sdaguewhich I assume is just a dead thing with designate, except that whole integration story is a bit opaque to me still14:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Don't warn on configured insecure certs
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openstackgerritMoises Trovó proposed openstack-infra/puppet-subunit2sql: Removes prefix of parameters saved as run_metadata
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greghaynesjeblair: clarkb Curious if you all agree with my comment on
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Use the requestsexceptions library
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Fix keystone domain searching
anteayadhellmann: looks like you are taken care of with 241344, yolanda and ajeager are faster than I14:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Normalization methods should return Munch
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Normalize domain data
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HenryGanteaya: ianw: can you spare a few seconds to look at ?14:49
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix up neutron and designate constructors
anteayaHenryG: I have to be afk for a bit, will check when I return14:53
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HenryGanteaya: thanks!14:53
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Decouple nodepool db and config from builders
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add new context manager for shade exceptions, cont.
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ShrewsTheJulia: can you take a look at when you get a chance? It touches a lot of your ironic code.15:01
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TheJuliaShrews: I like it o far, not seeing anything sticking out, I'm going to feed bifrost a canary job with it to see if things are happy with it15:06
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TheJulias/it o/it so/15:06
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ShrewsTheJulia: i was hoping you'd do that. thx   :)15:06
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ShrewsTheJulia: mordred and I won't approve it until you give the ok15:07
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TheJuliaShrews: submitted the job15:10
TheJuliaShrews: and thank you :)15:10
TheJuliaShrews: clearly, I owe you a cup of coffee15:11
ShrewsTheJulia: irish, please15:11
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mgroszHello, Can someone review, please? I need it merged.... Thanks
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openstackgerritMoises Trovó proposed openstack-infra/puppet-subunit2sql: Removes prefix of parameters saved as run_metadata
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dhellmannanteaya : thanks15:16
Jokke_anyone has idea what that NOT_REGISTERED means and how we fix it?
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: inline comment on when to do branches
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Decouple nodepool db and config from builders
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fungiJokke_: it usually means there are no workers registering any ability to run that job15:19
zulfungi: have you seen this before?
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Jokke_fungi: thanks, is that something that will sort itself out or do we need to do something about it?15:21
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/requirements: Bump ironicclient upper constraint to 0.10.0
fungiJokke_: it looks like a recheck should clear it. i see 10 bare-trusty workers currently available to run that15:23
fungichances are it got updated on zuul before it was added to any of the jenkins masters, and those changes were unlucky enough to run during that window15:23
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sdaguefungi: so, after our revert fest yesterday, could I nudge you to review the system-config changes to get the pypi wheel mirror bits moving
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fungizul: that doesn't look familiar, but then again i don't use cookiecutter very often15:25
fungisdague: yep, it's on my to do list for today15:25
zulfungi: yeah its me not you ;)15:25
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Jokke_fungi: ok, thanks!15:28
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mordredjroll: when 0.10.0 release will be?15:29
mordredjroll: I hand tiny pine tree as release present15:29
fungimordred: you totally stocked up on those in japan15:30
mordredfungi: SO MANY TINY PINE TREES15:30
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openstackgerritDanilo Ramalho proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstack-health: IPC-76 Fix broken acceptance tests
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fungitotemo kawaii desu yo15:31
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Shrewsfungi: mordred: I have those growing in my yard and I didn't even have to cross oceans for them15:31
mordredfungi: I also came back with 3 bottles of cachaça, which you wouldn't normally associate with tokyo - but samueldmq is awesome15:31
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jrollmordred: sounds like today, doug wanted a link to that upper constraints change before doing it15:31
samueldmqmordred: o/15:31
mordredjroll: woot!15:31
mordredjroll: I have a change that's waiting on it, so I look forward to being able to recheck that change and then land it15:32
* mordred enjoys odd things15:32
mordredjeblair: when you awaken from your jetlags, I am having a very hard time subscribing to projects in gertty15:33
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jrollmordred: yay15:34
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krotscheckI have a few questions. Are the release slave and the jenkins slaves cut from the same cloth? That is to say, if I try to get a thing installed on the jenkins slaves, will the release slave also get it?15:36
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krotscheckAlternatively, is the $NODEPOOL_REGION environment variable available to a build macro?15:36
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* krotscheck is trying to write the npm portion of, and appears to have a bit of a chicken/egg problem vis-a-vis the existence of npm.15:37
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Shrewsmordred: do we even need pass_version_arg in shade anymore with the changes in 242095?15:37
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Shrewsmordred: it's no longer used15:38
mordredShrews: nope. I just left it in case there was another client that was also broken15:38
jeblairmordred: what sort of problems?15:39
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pabelangerpleia2: ilyashakhat: I guess we need to figure out how large of a server we need for stackalytics.o.o. I guess 32GB of memory is required?15:44
pabelangerpleia2: ilyashakhat: Locally, I was testing with 8GB, but ran out of memory eventually15:44
mordredjeblair: I hit "s" and wait for a while and still nothing happens15:44
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jeblairmordred: can you paste the debug log from the time?15:45
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krotscheckIncidentally, is now a good time to do the mirror renam?15:46
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mordredjeblair: yes. let me try again once it's finished syncing so that the debug log is less chatty15:46
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fungikrotscheck: the nodepool workers have the openstack_project::single_use_slave class as their entrypoint, while release.slave.o.o uses openstack_project::release_slave instead15:51
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krotscheckfungi: Hrm. Ok, so I wouldn't be able to use slave_common since they both use that.15:55
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Builders distinguish between failure and exception
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tdurakovsdague, clarkb hi16:00
tdurakovwhat is the easiest way to debug and test new job?16:01
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Decouple nodepool db and config from builders
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krotschecktdurakov: The times I've built one it's been more of a question of trial and error. Most of the existing macros all work - it just requires quite a bit of code reading to figure out how to make your code output what they're expecting.16:11
krotschecktdurakov: In such cases as you need a custom macro of your own, I've always just run that locally on my own single-use VM.16:12
krotscheck(Which is actually a little complicated to set up)16:12
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jrollmordred: ironicclient now has a 0.10.0 tag, open fire on lxml16:12
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krotschecktdurakov: Is there a particular patch you need help with? Code reviews are usually the best way to gain understanding as to how things might break.16:12
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Decouple nodepool db and config from builders
mordredjeblair, Shrews: ^^ I rechecked - it removes shade's transitive depend on lxml16:13
tdurakovkrotscheck, I haven't uploaded one yet. Working on a new job for nova, so wanted to test it locally before16:13
jeblairmordred: nice16:13
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Builders distinguish between failure and exception
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openstackgerritVictor Ryzhenkin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Force set network gateway in murano job-template
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/gertty: Change key binding for reverse sort to shift-r ('R')
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SamYaplemordred: how do I go about investigating true multinode vms for the gate? I have a way around the issues discussed earlier16:23
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Decouple builders from nodepool instance
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mordredSamYaple: we have some jobs using it already - you probably want to sync with clarkb when he's up though16:26
mordredSamYaple: he's the smart one16:27
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SamYapleroger roger16:27
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openstackgerritFausto Marzi proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add Freezer team meeting
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mordredjeblair: so - I can't remember if I mentioned or not - but I've been working through shade API usage for the nodepool flow and making sure that we're only making the API calls we expect to make16:32
mordredjeblair: I've found and fixed two places where we made an API call that we didn't need to make16:33
mordredjeblair: so I _think_ we're getting close to being ready to rebase the nodepool patch and do some shade runs with it again16:33
mordred(since that was the most recent issue)16:33
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freerunnerHi folks! I would like to ask you for review this . This patch is quite needed for murano, and is should make our new job green.16:35
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mordredjeblair, Shrews: well, I say found and fixed - is the second one16:41
pabelangertimrc: have some time to approve patchset? Its some updates to singlestat that yolanda has asked for. Little refactor and adds more code coverage16:42
pabelangermordred: do you happen to know how much memory uses?16:43
mordredpabelanger: I do not16:43
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mordredpabelanger: more than 512M :)16:43
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add release notes jobs for ironic
jlvillalShould the job that has been running for over 139 hours be killed?
krotscheck jlvillal Urrr..... wow. That's amazing16:45
mordredsome jobs are amazing16:46
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jlvillaljohnthetubaguy, Is the proud owner of that job :)16:46
johnthetubaguyoh dear, is that the LXC thing?16:46
jlvillaljohnthetubaguy, It is
johnthetubaguyyeah, I see now, fun fun16:47
johnthetubaguyits the test out LXC stuff16:48
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timrcpabelanger: Sure.  I'll have some time this afternoon to take a look at that review.16:48
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johnthetubaguyjlvillal: is there a way for me to kill the run?16:49
pabelangertimrc: thanks!16:50
jlvillaljohnthetubaguy, Only way I know of would be to ask infra people nicely :)16:50
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Test a update in trunk repository version
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/requirements: Bump upper-constraint for os-client-config
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add NodeJS and NPM to single-use-slave
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wznoinskhi fungi pleia2 et al17:00
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wznoinskwould you know whether Anreas is around in last/next days? I'm thinking how can I get a hold on him in re ... unless I can ask someone else to comment on it17:01
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daemontool_anyone available to review acl changes please
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fungieek, freenode just lost a server i think17:08
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fungijohnthetubaguy: jlvillal: we don't have manual dequeue capability in zuul yet. in the past, abandoning the change until you're ready to upload a new patchset has worked to stop the looping for situations where the change does something to cause jenkins to lose contact with the worker and get automatically requeued ad infinitum17:13
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mordredfungi, Shrews, jeblair: woot! this patch works now! please to +A the change, because it makes lxml go away17:14
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mordredthe patch17:14
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jeblairturns out there is more than one patch outstanding17:15
fungii keep getting lagged on the new freenode server i jumped to after the previous one became unresponsive. must be international ddos freenode day17:16
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mordredjeblair: BAH17:18
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mordredfungi: it seems like a day that should be a day17:18
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sdaguehmmm... so I just logged into openstackid17:19
sdagueand it gave me dhellmann's profile page17:20
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jeblairsdague: congrats!17:20
sdagueis that a feature?17:20
jeblairsdague: it must be -- the alternative is terrible!17:21
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sdaguewhen I clicked on "My Account" I ended up on my stuff17:21
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sdaguebut it was just where it landed me post login was on the url for dhellmann's account17:22
sdagueI wonder if there is some over aggressive caching somewhere17:22
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Remove another extraneous get for create_server
mordredsdague: or - maybe it's trying to remind us all to be more like dhellmann17:22
jeblairsdague: looks like me17:23
jeblairfor me17:23
sdaguejeblair: yeh, is right17:23
jeblairsdague: oh, where was it you saw dhellmann's profile?17:23
sdaguebut it pushed me all the way to
fungismarcet: ^ any idea what might cause that?17:23
sdaguewent to log in17:23
jeblairsdague: where did you initiate the process?17:23
jeblair(i just went to directly)17:24
sdaguegoes to openstackid.org17:24
sdaguefill that out17:24
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jeblairsdague: hrm, that took me right back to the homepage17:24
sdagueasked me if I was ok sharing the 4 bits of info from openid with the site (and check boxes for how long)17:24
zarorcarrillocruz: maybe you can get the slave-master conn info from using python-jenkins?17:24
sdagueand after that submitted it landed me at dhellmann's profile page by full url -
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sdaguecan't reproduce it now, but I did say my openid is good forever, so it's not giving me that other openstackid sharing page17:26
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sdagueyeh, can't reproduce17:28
sdaguebut it definitely did happen once17:28
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use current valueName for zuul-stats singlestats
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jlvillalCould I get a review on patch to have the Ironic grenade job use Ironic Python Agent(IPA) instead of bash ramdisk?
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afaranhaHello, my team have developt a CI in ironic, we already have it configured and would ask for the next step, that is to be able to vote in the Verified.17:47
afaranhaOur last test was here:
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afaranhaLog here:
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afaranhaMay I have any feedback, if it's ok or missing something?17:48
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jeblairafaranha: you may want to ask the ironic team for that17:51
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zaroannouncement: will be unavailable today. Will be using it for testing.17:52
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jeblairinfra-root: ^ see msg from zaro17:56
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fungithanks for the heads up, zaro!17:57
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timrcWill someone cooler than me please confirm that the gearman-plugin upgraded to 0.1.3 at jenkins-dev?  Also, it occurs to me I'm not sure what additional testing I can do between zuul and jenkins re: gearman-client sending zuul node label info and zuul using that information to submit stats using the -dev services.18:01
pleia2pabelanger: when you're running out of memory on your 8G stackalytics instance, it's server memory, not the $memcached_max_memory that's set at 4G in the config, right?18:03
zarotimrc: puppet has been turned off on jenkins-dev so it won't update.  the puppet for has been stale for a while now. i'm in the process of making it good again.
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asselinzaro, hi18:04
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zaroasselin: back to reality?18:05
asselinzaro, yes, getting there:)18:05
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zaroasselin: hope the kids didn't cry too much while you were gone18:07
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timrczaro: Ah cool.18:09
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fungiclarkb: around today/yet?18:12
pabelangerpleia2: right. I needed to bump it up higher to process everything and server up uwsgi18:12
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update plugins and use files from project_config repo
pleia2pabelanger: ok, so $memcached_max_memory is still ok at 4G then18:12
pabelangerpleia2: we could try 16GB first, then resize to 32GB if needed18:12
pabelangerpleia2: right18:12
pleia2I don't know if we can resize18:13
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pleia2I think we deploy a new instanc18:13
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fungiyeah, resize hasn't been available in rackspace for a while that i've been able to tell18:13
pleia2pabelanger: maybe we wait to hear from ilyashakhat?18:13
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fungii think they dropped that feature when they switched off their legacy platform18:14
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pabelangerpleia2: sure. What sizes are available right now?18:14
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pleia2pabelanger: 8, 15, 30...18:15
pleia2I'd say 30 and abovie (there's 60 and 90 too) require some team discussion18:16
pleia2above too18:16
pleia2ah, and 12018:17
pleia2but that's probably a bit high :)18:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Add missing six requirement for svc-map element
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pleia2approved 190765, so once that lands the only things blocking the server launch are deciding on size and setting up email+gerrit account18:19
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fungijeblair: where have you been adding our service-specific e-mail aliases in the past? is that something you'd like help with? should i go rtfm something about it? ;)18:20
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fungii also expect you've said before and i've failed to commit it to long-term memory^W^W^Wmy notes18:21
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lifelessrandom idea18:25
lifelesshave the pep8 checks annotate the review as comments rather than being a log file one needs to read.18:26
lifelessor as well as18:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Create stackalytics.o.o under -infra
cleelifeless: that'd be pretty cool18:27
cleelifeless: could probably write a small tool to do that from the pep8 logs...18:27
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mriedemmordred: why is it when i see requestsexceptions there is one part of that word that i focus on?18:28
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mordredmriedem: heh18:32
fungilifeless: it's come up at least once before. i don't recall if there were other reasons it didn't get implemented besides nobody had time to work on it18:32
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fungialso i vaguely recall there might be support in newer gerrit (or maybe it never got completed) to make that easier18:33
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jeblairlifeless: yeah, that's been implemented elsewhere, but since it requires gerrit creds and the job runs on untrusted code on untrusted nodes, there's some non-trivial engineering.  a post-run gearman worker could be one solution.18:33
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jeblairfungi, pleia2: stackalytics@o.o delivers to infra-root@o.o  (or will in "several minutes" according to the thingy)18:35
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mordredjeblair: woot!18:35
pleia2jeblair: thank you18:35
nibalizerand infra-root@o.o ... does that bounce to us eventually?18:37
jeblairnibalizer: no, it's a mailbox that we have creds for (in the passwords file)18:37
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jeblairnibalizer: did you get inducted into the rites of the passwords file?18:37
jeblairnibalizer: let me (or someone) know when you have 15 mins or so :)18:38
nibalizerwill do18:39
lifelessjeblair: someone could third party it I guess?18:39
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lifelessjeblair: just look for pep8 comments on new revisions and submit?18:39
lifelessjeblair: Is the done elsewhere code open?18:40
glauco__Could anybody tell me what are the machine size (cpu, memory) for and
jeblairlifeless: why not first-party that?18:40
lifelessjeblair: that would be preferrable18:40
lifelessjeblair: just speculating18:40
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glauco_I am currently provisioning machines to have it running downstream and would like to have a clue on what we are using upstream18:41
jeblairglauco_: http://cacti.openstack.org18:41
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jeblairglauco_: is a vhost on  it just serves static content.18:42
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jeblairglauco_: er, i'm wrong about that, sorry.  it is its own vm.18:43
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jeblairhealth.o.o is probably oversized.18:44
jeblairlooks like it could be a 1gb vm without issue18:44
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glauco_jeblair: Thank you! :)18:45
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jlkIs there an easy way to add changes to somebody else's existing gerrit change request?18:49
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jeblairjlk: yes, you can download the change, amend the commit, and push it up for review as a new patchset on the existing change18:50
jlkyeah, I'm trying to figure out that workflow. The gerrit options to download the change aren't necessarily setting me up with an easy to use branch18:51
jeblairjlk: or if it's more of a followup enhancement, you can download the change, add a new commit, and push it up -- it will become a new change that depends on the first.18:51
jlkI'm just not clear on what the right steps are18:51
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jeblairjlk: you can do "git review -d 1234" to download the current patchset in change 123418:51
jlkdo I make a branch first, or...?18:51
pabelangerAm I right thinking that default_data.json from stackalytics would be moved into project-config?18:51
jeblairjlk: git-review will make a branch for you18:51
pabelangerthink somebody requested that18:52
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jlkawesome. i was trying ot use the download links that generate command strings to copy/paste from the review page18:53
jlkthanks jeblair18:53
jeblairjlk: np.  then 'git review' should dtrt after you 'git commit --amend'18:53
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Set npm mirror location
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Removed npm-install macro
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krotscheckIs anyone from infra....core? root? available either today or tomorrow to help me with the mirror rename and switchover?19:08
krotscheckAlso, this seems like a thing we should send an email out about.19:09
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krotscheck...or maybe not? Technically no-one's supposed to be using our mirrors.19:09
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Resync nodepool.yaml with system-config version.
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Migrate to puppet-openstackci openstackci::nodepool
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asselinclarkb, nibalizer would be good to find a time to merge these and avoid future merge conflicts ^^19:14
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Use ironic-agent for source-repositories
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openstackgerritKyle Mestery proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Correct ACLs for Neutron sub-projects
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jeblairfungi, mordred, clarkb, timrc, jlk: i updated
jeblairi added standard deviation for tempest times19:26
jeblairi've run 10 jobs at once, 10 jobs at once, 1 job at once, 5 jobs at once, and then 5 jobs staggered with 5 more jobs 30 minutes apart19:26
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jeblairer one of those 10s was supposed to be 2019:27
mordredjeblair: so - bluebox seems pretty stable19:27
jeblairone at a time or 5 at once shows very low standard deviation19:27
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jeblairbut 10 or 20 at once shows rather high sd (2x from 5->10, and 2x again from 10->20)19:28
jeblair5+5 staggered is low sd, just like 5 at a time19:28
jeblairwhich makes me think that during the tempest phase, we're hitting a resource limitation with > 5 jobs running tempest at the same time.19:29
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mordredoh - I see that now19:30
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mordredwell - there are 5 compute nodes currently19:30
mordredso > 5 is going to be more than one thing running on a compute node at a time19:30
jeblairmordred: yep19:30
jeblairmordred: however, if you look at the detailed runs at the bottom, you'll find that it's not a straightforward relationship...19:31
jeblairmordred: eg 5997, 5999, 6004 all ran on the same host at the same time.  97 was fast, the others slow.19:32
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jlkare these jobs heavy I/O?19:33
jlklots of disk?19:33
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jlkall the VMs are on a single local raid I believe, so there could be contention for read/write19:33
jeblairthey may be19:34
* jlk wonders what would happen if you made the instances with LOTS of ram and used tmpfs19:34
nibalizerasselin: krotscheck I want to work on other stuff today, so I can't help you deploy your things, but next week after the ES upgrade I can help19:34
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jlkI don't believe these are SSDs, but I could be wrong.19:34
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jeblairperhaps in the case i highlighted, the first job ran slightly faster and only the 2nd and 3rd jobs were in contention.19:35
jeblairtimrc said he didn't see much io activity, but it may be very bursty and he may not have looked at just the right time19:36
jlkare you using any scheduler hints, like group antiaffinnity to spread the instances out as much as possible?19:36
jeblairjlk: that seems to be happening without us doing anything special19:36
jlktrue, I think scheduler tries to spread. I think this stack has dedicated controllers so those don't come into play19:37
jeblairyeah, i think thats what ds0001 and 2 are19:37
jlk(I've seen scheduler lay instances on "compute" only nodes more frequently than compute + control so you wind up stacking a lot of instances on a dedicated compute node)19:37
fungikrotscheck: well, we can keep legacy cnames as serveralias additions in the vhost definition to provide us with some seamless transitioning19:38
fungikrotscheck: was there a transition plan sketched out for the renaming?19:38
jlkanother thought, how network heavy is tempest? All traffic does go through neutron routing19:38
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krotscheckfungi: I can come up with one, sec.19:38
* krotscheck goes and puts his brain on paper19:38
fungikrotscheck: even just a summary of what we wanted done would probably be plenty19:39
jeblairjlk: should be very light -- the network activity should all be in the setup phase before tempest runs19:39
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jeblairjlk: what kind of raid structure?19:39
jlkjeblair: I'm trying to discover that now19:39
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krotscheckfungi, jeblair, clarkb, mordred: Sanity check?
jeblairjlk: i pulled a dstat log from one of the recent runs... it looks like there are a handful of times when iowait is significant (20-50%) and it's trying to write 50-200M/s19:46
jeblairjlk: i don't have that for any of the previous runs, but i could repeat a 10 or 20 job run, and see if, on the jobs that are slow, the times of io contention match.19:47
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jeblairbut just looking at those figures, if we're talking a small number of spinning disks, it does seem reasonable that ~1 job could max it out during those peak times.19:48
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krotscheckfungi: I've WIP'd the various dependent patches so we can make sure things don't land out of control.19:49
jlkjeblair: sounds about right19:50
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fungikrotscheck: i left my sanity in my other pants, but looks reasonable. one snag though, it would be nice to tackle the wheel mirror patches as a higher priority since those have a significant performance implication for lots of our jobs, and then make sure this rename work takes any adjustments from that into account19:53
jeblairjlk: i'll kick off another set of 10 over lunch and see if this holds up19:53
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fungikrotscheck: i'm in the midst of going over 165240 and 164927 to that end now19:54
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openstackgerritKyle Mestery proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Correct ACLs for Neutron sub-projects
krotscheckfungi: Lemme go research wheels, will get back to you. From an initial look i agree.19:55
mordredkrotscheck: looking19:56
jeblairkrotscheck: lgtm19:57
jeblairfungi, mordred: did we ever come to a conclusion about whether/how we should rename the <region> portion of the mirrors?19:57
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fungii liked the option19:58
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fungior perhaps even19:58
jeblairkrotscheck: oh, we're missing a step.. etherpadding19:58
krotscheckjeblair: danke19:59
jeblairsteps 7 and 8 need to happen before 238755 lands, so that the hosts know their new name in puppet before we remove the old one20:00
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krotscheckjeblair: Coolio, I removed the unaccounted for steps that I didn't know where to put.20:01
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Filter non-voting jobs from the uncategorized bugs page
jeblairi just got hpcloud spam; i clicked unsubscribe; i got " We are sorry but this is temporarily unavailable. "20:08
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fungiour unsubscription page is currently unavailable, but our spam is HIGHLY available!20:09
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fungigreghaynes: a few comments/questions on 164927, some probably just due to the change being reawakened after a long slumber20:11
fungigreghaynes: my main concern is i don't think the subtree for centos 7 is going to be correct20:11
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Filter non-voting jobs from the uncategorized bugs page
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fungigreghaynes: and on 165240 i think we're missing the ssh key necessary to be able to rsync, unless i'm just blind20:16
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fungigreghaynes: ianw: if one of you can knock that missing piece out, i'm happy to go ahead and launch those machines20:17
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fungiclarkb: around? i'm trying to put together a maintenance notification for the pending project rename batch, but would like to make sure i pick a time convenient for you20:20
fungiwe never finalized the scheduling before we ran out of time in tuesday's meeting20:21
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krotscheckYeah, I don't quite understand how this works. I totally get why we want a wheel-mirror though.20:23
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krotscheckThough, is this a thing that bandersnatch can do? Maybe I'm not understanding it properly :/20:24
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krotscheckOh, now I get it.20:26
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krotscheckfungi: Does having a wheel-mirror obsolete a pypi mirror?20:30
krotscheckI konw it's a restricted set of deps in the wheel mirror, but assumably it will (eventually) grow to include more than just global requirements.20:31
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fungikrotscheck: it doesn't completely obsolete the bandersnatch-built mirror, it just shortcuts the local wheel building step in a job for anything which is directly or indirectly declared as a possible openstack dependency in our global requirements list20:37
fungibasically it's augmenting the mirror with wheels in cases where our dependencies' upstreams are only publishing sdist tarballs (or publishing wheels for other platforms than we need)20:38
greghaynesfungi: ah, good finds on those pypi mirror patches20:38
lifelessits bringing back something we had :)20:38
fungimore or less, yes20:38
lifelesspypi-mirror mk 220:39
greghaynesWe need to make pypi-mirror support constraints, too20:39
fungigreghaynes: yeah, this could probably be better done by passing the upper-constraints.txt rather than global-requirements.txt20:39
fungii don't know there's that much effort needed to "support" constraints in pypi-mirror20:40
lifelessgreghaynes: well, just feed it the constraints text file20:40
fungiyeah, what he said ;_20:40
lifelessfungi: zero, pip wheel -r upper-constraints.txt -> a mirror for that python version on that architecture on that os20:40
lifelessblah. lets all sing in hymn now20:41
lifelesspypi-mirror's shenanigans should be unneeded20:41
fungikrotscheck: as for your mirror rename work, basically i think the only additional consideration is that we're adding references to the list of mirror server names in a few more places. perhaps that can be extracted out to avoid so much duplication as well20:41
greghaynesupper-constraints is a list of all the deps + transitive deps?20:42
fungigreghaynes: yep20:42
fungipre-resolved to the compatible set20:42
greghaynesYea, thats easy enough then20:42
sdaguegreghaynes: just loop it for all branches20:42
fungiright, that20:43
lifelesswe'll also want release-constraints.txt when that appears20:43
lifelessyou may as well check for that file in each branch too20:43
lifelesssince you're writing code :)20:43
sdaguethat seems like it could be added after it exists20:43
greghaynesfun. I think I might need to make this a script rather than inline bash in jjb20:43
fungiand as lifeless says, we can just call pip wheel on that file directly now rather than pypi-mirror, presumably20:43
lifelessfungi: ^20:43
sdaguegreghaynes: well if you look at my reverted thing20:44
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sdagueit has the loop20:44
greghaynessdague: ah, right20:44
fungiright, i would lift the loop and git show logic from there and make sdague a co-author20:44
lifelesssdague: I don't see much point forcing a revisit-later is all20:45
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fungithat git show to stream a file from an arbitrary ref without altering the worktree is an awesomely useful trick20:45
lifelesssdague: unless you think release-constraints.tct is unlikely to happen...20:45
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Make sure cache expiration time is an int
sdaguelifeless: it's not there yet, so it's debt to support it. Maybe it shows up, maybe it doesn't. But premptively putting stuff like that in place often bites us when we go a different direction, and no one knows why it's there a year later, so is afraid to remove it20:46
Shrewsmordred: you'll need to rebase the ironicclient change on 24221420:46
anteayaHenryG: thanks for your patience20:46
mordredShrews: ++20:47
Shrewsactually, i guess *all* unmerged reviews need to do that now20:48
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: Summit Application API
krotscheckWell, if you say so. I personally feel that having One Mirror To Rule Them All would be preferable, but maybe teaching bandersnatch to do wheel builds is too complicated (or maybe not even possible)20:51
* krotscheck doesn't quite understand the wackiness of python packaging.20:51
anteayanobody understands the wackiness of python packaging20:52
Clintnow featuring increased wackiness through the magic of wheels20:52
sdagueso the one wheel question20:52
sdaguehow are the numpy wheels going to work cross distro?20:52
fungikrotscheck: wheel builds would be a huge addition to what bandersnatch does now. it's design is to attempt to duplicate what's on official by sequencing serialized updates20:52
sdaguebecause I thought that wasn't a thing with wheels and linux20:52
fungisdague: they're not. this work adds per-distro builders and syncs them into the distro-specific wheel subtrees on the mirror servers20:53
greghaynessdague: pypi-mirror builds a wheelhouse per distro20:53
sdagueok, and pip knows to ask for the right distro?20:53
greghaynessdague: We point each distro at the correct URL20:53
greghaynesI think...20:53
fungisdague: i am told that is the case, but i'll defer to people who have actually tested it themselves20:53
fungioh, or that (configurationy goodness?)20:54
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greghayneshrm, that would be nice if it did. In tripleo I just pointed it at the correct place20:54
fungiyeah, would be good to have this interaction documented20:54
sdagueas long as someone is on it, I just figured I'd ask20:54
mordredyeah. we'll have to point at the right mirror20:55
sdagueyou know, this is a place where the lsb would totally be a thing.20:55
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sdaguebecause almost all of these are linking pretty low level libraries20:55
mordredbecause the ultimatle problem with binary whees is the linking20:55
mordredso just saying "this is a python2.7 wheel" is not good enough20:55
sdaguebecause of abi20:55
greghaynesYep, we basically cheat and know exactly what were making wheels for20:55
mordredbut - lucky for us - we really only have a few base images20:55
mordredthis iactually only work in situations like ours20:56
mordredand is why uploading binary wheels to pypi for things build with C is a bad idea20:56
fungioh, except also debian is officially abandoning caring about lsb at this point, based on a recent debian-devel thread. the consensus seems to be that the lsb is dead and nobody has realized it should be buried yet20:56
fungiso up to this point people have just been kicking dirt on top of it to see if it twitches20:57
mordredmain thing I want from lsb is the lsb_release tool20:57
lifelesskrotscheck: bandersnatch can't build or host wheels, its architecture is just fundamentally incompatible20:58
mordredwhich is useful20:58
Clintlsb_release isn't going away20:58
mordredClint: awesome20:58
lifelesssdague: numpy - as I said the mirror you get is os + arch + python version specific20:58
mordredClint: can we get RH to install it by default in their minimal installs?20:58
lifelesssdague: so we need to build N mirrors, and point at them smartly20:58
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mordredlifeless: yup. we has just covered this20:58
lifelessmordred: ebackscroll catchup20:58
fungiyeah, as long as lsb_release continues to be a thing (by some name, but would be swell if nobody renamed it for purely aesthetic reasons) i'm happy. i too could care less about the lsb itself20:59
lifelessfungi: I believe the new shiny is /etc/os-release20:59
* fungi sighs20:59
mordredoh. what's that?20:59
lifelessfungi: because people hate stable interfaces20:59
sdaguefungi: well, all of qt being in lsb at an old version is kind of bonkers20:59
mordredoh! llookie there20:59
fungiall hail the new inconsistent consistency in naming overlords20:59
mordred/etc/os-release is pretty cool20:59
lifelessI think we should add a unified bindep file to requirements21:00
mordredfungi: it's on all of our platforms21:01
mordredfungi: I propose we ditch all of the places where we lsb_release or other thigns and consume os-release21:01
openstackgerritSridhar Ramaswamy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add tacker pypi jobs
fungilifeless: something along the lines of maybe21:01
lifelessfungi: yes21:01
lifelessfungi: I'm thinking thats the wrong home for it21:01
Clintand mordred embraces systemd21:01
fungilifeless: i'm happy to see it move, but soon. i don't expect to have the jobs consuming that be experimental for much longer21:02
lifelessvale mordred21:02
mordredClint: is that a systemd thing?21:02
Clintmordred: yup21:02
mordredif so - it's a good thing21:02
mordredregardless of its source21:02
mordredso good for them for doing a good thing21:02
fungigood things do come of systemd21:02
lifelessfungi: I can't +2A on stable requirements, but I will on master :)21:02
mordredwell, I don't hate systemd because I hate people - I hate it because it largely sucks - it's judged on technical merits21:02
mordredon technical merits, os-release is good21:03
mordredso I like it21:03
clarkbfungi I am just waking up. the jet lag is real21:03
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greghaynesclarkb: wow21:03
mordredif other parts of systemd were good, I would like them21:03
mordredclarkb: I had a bad jetlag today too21:03
mordredclarkb: but the opposite21:03
greghaynesclarkb: its ok, I started working at 4am today21:03
fungilifeless: well, the challenge is that this file is branchless. it sits a step above branching decisions currently because it's the unified set of what all jobs for all branches expect to be preinstalled21:03
mordredclarkb: I woke up at 25:3021:03
sdaguemordred: journalctrl is pretty neat21:03
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Enable logging in #openstack-ux
nibalizermordred: ... thats an interesting time21:03
lifelessfungi: I don't see a problem keeping master as that union21:04
lifelessfungi: since master requirements has the things that branchless tempest needs, for instance21:04
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fungilifeless: yeah, it may make sense to just care about the master version of it and let the stable branches of that file bitrot (or delete them after branching to avoid confusion)21:04
lifelessfungi: and we're more worried about consistency and coinstallability than surface area21:04
lifelesswhen stable is made21:05
clarkbfungi in theory 8/9am is plenty fine for me and I will just power through jetlag21:05
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fungiclarkb: i'm happy to shift it later if that's better for your lag21:06
clarkbfungi noon pst (2000utc) is probably a safe timr21:06
fungiclarkb: and did we decide for sure tomorrow vs saturday?21:06
fungii'm up for either, but don't want to cut into your weekend21:07
jeblairdo irc pings report jetlag?21:07
fungithey totally should21:07
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fungi"local timezone offset: X; effective timezone offset: Y"21:08
fungii'm physically in utc-5 but thanks to jetlag effectively operating on utc-821:08
fungiif people still relied on finger, i'd totally track my lagged timezone offset in my .plan file21:09
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docaedopeople don't rely on finger any more? when did this happen?21:10
fungidocaedo: about the same time they stopped posting to usenet, i think21:11
fungi(so depends entirely on which people)21:11
jeblairwow, even doesn't answer finger :(21:11
docaedoWell, we'll always have IRC right?  At least until we switch to slack ;)21:11
docaedo(kidding! I'm kidding!)21:11 does, because i'm a greybearded luddite21:12
jeblairdocaedo: i hear some teams are ditching slack for irc21:12
Clintdocaedo: there is that microblogging platform that runs over finger21:12
* dhellmann checks to make sure sdague didn't modify his profile page :-)21:13
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lifelessfungi: huh21:13
docaedomicroblogging over finger seems reasonable to me21:13
clarkbfungi I never saw definitive tomorrow vs saturday21:14
clarkbboth work for me21:14
jeblairclarkb: do it late enough you can do both21:14
clarkbI will probably be awake :)21:14
fungihah. saturday for me, friday for clarkb. perfect!21:14
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mordredjeblair, fungi, clarkb: perhaps we should run a finger service for openstack ...21:15
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fungifinger interface for that could be the lookup api i'm wanting!21:15
greghaynesWhy didnt the keystone catalog reworking session end up with a finger-based design21:16
docaedogreghaynes: there's always Austin - time to start campaigning now!21:16
fungigreghaynes: because dns is even greybeardier21:16
Clintforcing people to open up 79/tcp21:16
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* mordred still wants hesiod for openstack ...21:17
fungigreghaynes: also remember there's the regularly occurring suggestion to switch to smtp and imap for the message bus21:17
fungior perhaps smpt and pop321:17
fungibleagh, smTP21:18
mordrednah - imap shared folders make the message semantics pretty directly awesome21:18
fungisymmetrical multi-processing thing21:18
mordredgiven that shared folders have per-user seen flags already21:18
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ddieter__can we get someone to review
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lifelessgreghaynes: fungi: for dependencies for building21:24
lifelessthere is already a other-requirements.txt in openstack/requirements21:24
lifelessso you should be able to just call bindep within each branch21:24
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Bump ironicclient depend
fungii missed that was there21:24
lifelessits missing e.g. ant21:24
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lifelessbut thats in the category of other stuff21:25
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lifelesskrotscheck: did you end up with a centralised place for js dependencies ?21:26
Clintdocaedo: for the record,
docaedoClint: nice, thanks!21:27
greghaynessdague: fungi actually, I think pypi-mirror builds wheels for all the branches already21:27
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fungigreghaynes: pypi-mirror does yes, but if replacing it with pip wheel -r upper-constraints.txt in a loop over branches works, that's a lot simpler than maintaining pypi-mirror21:29
anteayafungi clarkb so my take away is that the rename takes place over friday and saturday?21:29
lifelessfungi: so I am torn over moving the fallbac to requirements21:30
lifelessfungi: if we're going to put arbitrary language things in one place, we should; but if different language policies are going to be in different repos21:30
fungianteaya: no, i'm about to confirm 29:00 utc with clarkb and send a short-notice announcement21:30
lifelessfungi: then it doesn't make such sense to me21:30
lifelessfungi: do you know what the situation is with the equivalent of global-requirements for js ?21:30
clarkbfungi where did the 5 extra hours come from? :)21:30
anteayafungi: ah thank you21:30
lifelessfungi: (or is it perhaps a non-thing?)21:31
fungilifeless: yeah, that bindep fallback list is meant to be more of a transitional mechanism while various projects independently implement their own more specific other-requirements.txt files21:31
anteayaclarkb: 4th or 5th dimension21:31
lifelessok, I'll scratch this then21:31
* anteaya is reminded of buckaroo banzai and the 8th dimension21:31
fungilifeless: so i needed something to mimic the set of packages installed on our old "bare" job workers in situations where a repo didn't specify its own set of packages21:32
fungianteaya: we're going to planet 10 real soon21:32
fungii promise21:32
anteayafungi: oh goodie21:32
jeblairi think we should go to 1121:32
fungiclarkb: the extra hours came from my 9 key being next to my 0 and not noticing21:33
fungi20:00 utc is what i meant ;)21:33
anteayafungi clarkb here is the etherpad:
jeblairit's like planet 10 but just a little bit more21:33
anteayafungi clarkb whenever you do the rename21:33
anteayajeblair: even better21:33
clarkb2000utc sounds good21:33
krotschecklifeless: Not yet.21:33
krotschecklifeless: It's on my rather long todo list21:34
anteayafungi clarkb one patch is still under discussion, I'll leave it to you to do with what you will, the bagpipe patch21:34
lifelessfungi: it occurs to me that devstack could potentially use such files rather than procedural code21:34
* fungi hopes eris is planet xi21:34
anteayame too21:34
fungilifeless: yep, that's already on my unwritten roadmap for after this is working for non-devstack jobs21:35
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lifelessfungi: so in about 12 months..21:35
anteayafungi: who do you have as ten?21:35
* anteaya has orcus21:35
lifelessfungi: given you entered the 'abandon all code ye who enter here' portal21:35
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* fungi sings the ptl blues21:36
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fungilifeless: the current bindep caching code in our dib elements was written on the assumption that it would be able to at some point take over the package caching part of our devstack caching element21:36
fungiso hopefully the bulk of the work will just be translating devstack's package lists into bindepese21:37
anteayamtreinish: do we want projects to create new repos for the tempest tests for their plugin?21:37
anteayathis could expand very fast21:38
fungianteaya: yeah, i guess we could count eris as planet x and orcus as planet xi (given that the others don't sound as cool)21:38
anteayafungi: fair enough21:39
fungisedna comes close to being a cool name though21:39
anteayaI do like sedna21:39
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krotscheckfungi: So, you'd prefer it if the wheel thing lands before my mirror changes?21:39
anteayaI think eris moves slow, then I think of sedna21:39
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fungikrotscheck: that's the order i'd like to batch them up in. i'm hoping we can have this all knocked out in short order21:40
krotscheckfungi: Alrightey, just let me know when you're ready for the rename fixes21:40
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fungithe wheel mirror stuff has been hanging out there a long time, and recent activities have reminded us that having it in place rsn would be a big benefit21:40
fungiand since both efforts touch the same space, we need to consider ordering21:41
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fungii'm reminded that one of us also needs to fix the etherpad from the py3k discussion in tokyo. i'll put that on my don't forget list for tomorrow21:43
sridhar_raminfra-team - I think I finally got the pypi lines correct for the tacker repos - anyone got some cycles to review ?21:43
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anteayasridhar_ram: tacker is not listed in the governance repo:
anteayasridhar_ram: I do believe current doc publishing policy is that only those projects listed in goverance publish docs to docs.openstack.org21:46
jeblairi'm not sure what to make of the dstat output that regularly has 16E for 1 second in networking send and receive.  maybe a counter overflow?21:46
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anteayasridhar_ram: am I missing something?21:46
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sridhar_ramanteaya: yes, we are not yet in the tent..21:46
anteayasridhar_ram: okay so my latest understanding is that you can't publish to until after you are in the tent21:47
* anteaya waits for someone to correct her if this has changed21:47
anteayapublishing to pypi is fine21:47
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* jeblair does not correct anteaya who is already correct21:47
anteayabut your jobs also have you publishing to docs.o.o21:48
anteayajeblair: thanks21:48
sridhar_ramanteaya: I didn't realize docs are restricted to governance projects..21:48
anteayasridhar_ram: docs to docs.o.o are yes21:48
anteayasridhar_ram: most projects not in the governance repo publish to rtds21:48
sridhar_ramanteaya: I'll remove the docs.o.o21:49
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sridhar_ramanteaya: I still wish ecosystem projects can publish to a slightly different namespace like docs.o.o/experimental/21:49
anteayasridhar_ram: thanks you can replace it with publishing to read the docs21:49
anteayasridhar_ram: that is a fine wish, but that is a policy decision21:49
sridhar_ramanteaya: understood...21:50
anteayasridhar_ram: I can't make a policy decision when I review your patch21:50
anteayasridhar_ram: you can start with a chat with the docs team21:50
sridhar_ramanteaya: no worries at all.. will reach out to docs team21:50
sridhar_ramanteaya: meanwhile .. are there any cookie cutter steps to push to rtds ?21:51
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anteayasridhar_ram: if you look at the distill project:
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anteayasridhar_ram: sorry it is called distil, one l:
anteayasridhar_ram: copy their docs job configuration in a new patch and we will go from there21:55
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anteayafor the doc publishing, your pypi publishing is fine, given you are on pypi21:55
sridhar_ramanteaya: thanks... I just went back and looked to realize I already have hook-{name}-rtfd (in projects.yaml) and docs-on-rtfd !!21:55
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sridhar_ramanteaya: now, what would trigger the publish to rtfd ? where will it end up ?21:56
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openstackgerritSridhar Ramaswamy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add tacker pypi jobs
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fungisridhar_ram: you have to create the project on rtfd and set it to track your git repository. it will periodically pull, build and update your project's docs on its own (daily i think?) but that hook job triggers an immediate rebuild whenever a change merges to your repo22:00
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clarkbcatching up on the jjb situation all but 02 updated properly. 02 ran into a 502 error so I am restarting there to make sure its all happy22:03
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anteayaclarkb: ack22:03
ddieterlyfungi: do we need to do something to get reviewed?22:03
anteayathough I am clueless as to the _current_ jjb situation22:03
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sridhar_ramfungi: thanks.. rftd --> our git repo make sense but how abt this other way around .. our hook job trigger --> rtfd. how will our job would know where to push ? the reason I ask is.. is already take up by another project22:03
clarkbanteaya: its the same thing, I used the wrong cache22:03
clarkbso just need to make sure that 02 runs properly so its cache is all happy and all the jobs are updated22:04
sridhar_ramsridhar_ram: fungi: I need to find a new home for tacker docs in rtfd22:04
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anteayaclarkb: ah22:05
anteayaclarkb: yup22:05
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greghaynesfungi: do you have the mirror fqdn for ovh gra1 handy?22:12
anteayasridhar_ram: sorry I said copy the rtfd docs jobs in a new patch, I mean a new patchset on your current patch22:12
anteayasridhar_ram: don't make a brand new patch22:12
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fungigreghaynes: currently pypi.gra1.openstack.org22:14
greghaynesfungi: ty22:14
sridhar_ramanteaya: sounds good.. in fact I already have rtfd entries for this project
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greghaynesfungi: Also, I dont have any strong feeling about whether or not we add fedora and centos6  wheel builders...22:16
greghaynesnot sure if anyone has any ideas about that22:16
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fungigreghaynes: yeah, it's an optional improvement, not necessary day 122:16
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fungiand possibly not necessary at all given the tradeoffs22:16
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greghaynesYea, SGTM22:16
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create jobs for a wheel mirror
anteayajhesketh: morning22:17
greghaynesfungi: ^ ok, switched it to just be bash doing pip wheel -r upper-constraints22:18
openstackgerritSridhar Ramaswamy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add tacker pypi jobs
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sridhar_ramanteaya: thanks a lot for your help... I just updated the patchset removing docs.o.o lines22:19
sridhar_ramanteaya: fungi: I also pulled the docs (manually) into
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sridhar_ramanteaya: fungi: last missing piece (in my head) is how hook-rtfd/docs-on-rtfd would know to push to this specific rtfd URL22:21
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clarkbjesusaurus: about to have some comments on the range code but overall lgtm22:23
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add wheel_mirror_slaves that use pypi-mirror
jesusaurusclarkb: cool22:24
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clarkbjesusaurus: and posted22:25
clarkbalso yay tests22:25
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anteayabardia: thank you for reviewing the openstackci docs patch22:27
clarkbcrinkle: ++ to using apache's built in version switching22:27
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE: test config for gate-tempest-dsvm-cells-neutron
clarkbnow to write a response22:27
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crinkleclarkb: :)22:27
anteayasridhar_ram: you know I don't know the answer to that question22:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Make sure cache expiration time is an int
bardiaanteaya: no problem. still going through the whole README and setting up as I go. I will add more comments if any steps are ambiguous. So far its been good22:28
asselinbardia, Hi, I'm working on the next patch set for those docs.22:29
anteayayay so glad the two of you can meet, asselin and bardia22:29
asselinbardia, doing a clean setup for zaro's gerrit test. Let me know of any issues and I'll incorporate.22:29
bardiaasselin: Hi. okie dok. I will let you know.22:30
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sridhar_ramanteaya: no worries.. getting pypi is an urgent need for us. I'm happy we have the docs publishable thru rtfd. Auto push to rtfd is not urgent.22:31
sridhar_ramanteaya: thanks again for the guidance22:31
zaroasselin: review-dev.o.o down for testing today.22:31
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asselinzaro, ok when I'm ready to test it, I'll let you know22:32
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anteayasridhar_ram: welcome, I am now into errands for a conf I need to travel to tomorrow so will get back to your patch when I have laundry going etc.22:33
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sridhar_ramanteaya: np... travel is hard, glad the summit is over... looks not for you. take care22:34
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anteayasridhar_ram: thanks for understanding22:46
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jesusaurusclarkb: thanks, that remainder suggestion definitely makes it a bit simpler22:57
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jesusaurusclarkb: I hadn't thought of a client trying to set Range to bytes=- but I think that should cause either a 400 or possibly a 416 (range not satisfiable)22:58
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clarkbjesusaurus: also if you do bytes=400 the split will return 400 for start and end will raise an Index exception23:00
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clarkbI don't think thats valid according ot the rfc so returning a 500 error (which is what will happen) should be ok23:00
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Bump ironicclient depend
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jesusaurusclarkb: yeah, 500 is acceptable in both cases, but a 4xx might be better23:03
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config-example: Fix doc error for PUBLISH_HOST
clarkbjesusaurus: miht be good to add a couple fail cases to the tests too?23:04
clarkband assert raises so that we know it will raise an exception?23:04
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jeblairclarkb, fungi, jlk, mordred: i've looked in detail at dstat from 3 runs on the same compute host; one fast, two slow.  i don't think io contention is the exclusive or even dominant cause of the difference.  they all run ansible and testr at nearly the same time (which i take to be the start of tempest), but by the time the first section of heavy io happens, the slower runs are 3 minutes behind.23:11
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jeblairhowever, i can't think of any other likely causes.23:13
clarkbI wonder if the CPU turboing could actually be at play here23:13
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clarkbthough according to ARK the max turbo frequency isn't very dramatic over the base23:14
jeblairclarkb: uhoh, i'm guessing this isn't that little button on the front of the machine that makes games work right...23:15
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clarkbno, newer intel CPUs dynamically adjust their clock to "turbo" based on thermal output and load23:15
clarkbits all very magical and I am not sure how much control linux or the user have over it23:15
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jeblairclarkb: what about different cores or different dies?23:16
clarkb is the CPUs ark page23:17
jeblairclarkb: (since we're seeing differing performance on a single host)23:17
clarkbjeblair: ya typically what will happen is you turbo a single core23:17
clarkbwith the goal of getting that unit of work done quicker then you turbo another busy core and so on iirc23:17
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jeblairclarkb: which my test workload will defeat with enough simultaneous jobs23:17
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zaroinfra-core: review-dev.o.o is back online (without the '//' in url)23:19
jeblairclarkb: is that visible to linux?23:19
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jeblair(maybe powertop or something?)23:19
clarkbjeblair: yes /proc/cpuinfo should reflect the current cpu frequency23:19
jeblairthough i wonder if that would propogate through to a vm23:19
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config-example: Add tox -e zuul prerequisites
clarkbjeblair: you'll see it go above 2.0ghz there if a core is turboing23:19
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pleia2zaro: it's -root :)23:19
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clarkbzaro: so you found the bug?23:20
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Add Range header support
StevenK_pleia2: Out of interest, did you promote aeng to admin on translate, or was that someone else? In any case, I've put up so puppet matches.23:21
pleia2StevenK_: I did not23:21
pleia2StevenK_: thanks for keeping up with that :)23:21
StevenK_Gah, when did my nick change.23:21
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pleia2freenode was a bit wobbly earlier23:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add new context manager for shade exceptions, cont.
zaroclarkb: i believe so:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add Alex Eng to admins for translate{,-dev}
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clarkbzaro: nice23:28
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jeblairclarkb, zaro: are either of you using ff to look at that gerrit-review change?  i'm getting javascript errors23:30
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clarkbjeblair: I did and had to refresh to get the diff to load23:31
clarkblet me try again and look more closely at the debugger23:31
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jeblairrefresh isn't helping me; i'm getting "(TypeError) : a is undefined"23:32
clarkbI get no element found but thats it23:32
zaroi have not been using FF23:32
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jeblairi love gwt23:32
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clarkbI am still on ff 4123:32
clarkbdid you update to latest?23:32
jeblairclarkb: i haven't see cpu mhz change yet; i suspect if it is, it may be invisible to vms23:32
clarkbI can try that23:32
anteayajeblair: I am signed into review-dev using ff 41.0.2 and so far see no errors23:34
anteayawhat do I need to do replicate?23:34
jeblairanteaya: ok, though i was asking about gerrit-review.23:34
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* jeblair should probably just use gertty23:36
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anteayajeblair: I am now signed into gerrit-review and see no errors23:36
* anteaya keeps clicking on things23:36
clarkbjeblair: ff 42 just has the same no element found issue23:37
clarkbjeblair: what version of ff are you using?23:37
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zarowow, my MAC suddenly restart. coincidentally when i started using FF23:37
jeblairclarkb: i tried both 41 and 4223:37
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clarkbzaro: thats its way of telling you to use linux23:37
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jeblairclarkb: got the typeerror with both23:37
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zaroi'm using 42 on MAC and i don't see any errors.23:37
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zaroclarkb: i'm going to blame FF this time.23:38
jeblairwell, maybe the next randomize gwt compile will work better23:38
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clarkbjeblair: have you tried a hard refresh? I wonder if you have cached something23:39
anteayajeblair: that link renders the view with the one line removed in the patch and no errors I can see23:39
jeblairclarkb: yep23:39
anteayato confirm I am signed in to gerrit-review23:40
jeblairanteaya: i am not23:40
openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/lodgeit: pep8: E126 continuation line over-indented for hanging indent
jeblairstill fails after a restart too.23:41
mordredjeblair: have you tried turnning it off and on again?23:41
jeblairmordred: twice23:41
anteayaI have signed out and closed my browser, the link to the patch no longer renders for me23:42
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jeblairclarkb: logged in?23:42
anteayaI don't have a firefox debugger running23:43
zaroAhh i can repro if not logged in.23:43
dougwigwow, known issue?  zuul - openstack-infra/devstack-gate 237480,9  146 hr 21 min23:43
jeblairwho uses the web without being logged into google? /s :)23:43
anteayajeblair: ha ha ha23:43
clarkbjeblair: no23:44
clarkbor let me double check23:44
anteayaI wasn't, but logged in to view the patch23:44
clarkbI am23:44
anteayadougwig: I think regXboi asked about it in backscroll, I don't think there was an outcome23:45
anteayadougwig: thanks for asking again23:45
* anteaya goes back to laundry23:45
clarkbdougwig: anteaya thats a change that has broken networking on the slaves23:45
jeblairi believe fungi provided instructions for pulling it from the queue23:45
clarkbso zuul restarts the job23:45
clarkbyou can push a new patchset that doens't break networking23:45
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clarkbor a jenkins admin can manually kill the job23:45
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clarkbjeblair: I cant diff if not logged in23:48
clarkbzaro: ^23:48
clarkbrelated to other diff bug I found maybe?23:49
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zaroyeah, seems to be on both FF and chrome.23:49
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zaroalthough i have not been able to repro on review-dev.23:51
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anteayazaro: oh and thanks for fixing review-dev23:52
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jeblairzaro: agreed, review-dev wfm23:54
clarkbjeblair: and debug log shows that a is undefined with a typeerror23:54
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clarkbwoo ff 42 broke treetab23:54
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clarkbnow I remember why I can't use horizontal tabs23:55
anteayathanks for telling me about treetab, though it is now broken23:56
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mordredwhat's treetab?23:59
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