Friday, 2014-09-05

IAXhi! I'm having an issue while using the logstash::watchdog class, in my Ubuntu 12.04 box puppet returns an error that the package 'jq' was not found, doing some research the package is availabe in backports repo which is not enabled by default.... have anyone  had the same issue?00:00
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IAXi think the easiest solution is to uncomment the backport repo line in apt, but i'm wondering if it's there a more elegant solution.00:00
mordredjeblair: I am now testing the script along with the puppet changes00:01
mordredso if this time it works, I'll set dns and keep the server00:01
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clarkbIAX: hrm our images have it they may already allow backports00:05
clarkbIAX: though I don't think you need to use the watchdog anymore if using our current setup00:05
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clarkbIAX: which may be a better fix00:05
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mordredclarkb: who is playing in the footballs tonight/00:06
clarkbseattle and green bay00:06
adam_gheya! we've got a rejig to the current ironic job layout that could use some eyes if anyone has a chance. it eliminates some redundancy and paves the way for additional agent CI that needs to start running soon
clarkbopening game of season should be good00:06
mordredclarkb: ah! why yes00:06
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* jroll boooooooo seattle00:07
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jogoI have another gate bug that was just fixed:
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jogo65 fails in 24 hours00:08
jogoin all queues00:08
jogofungi jeblair: ^00:08
IAXclarkb, i'm using openstack_project::logstash_worker which calls that class, it makes sure that the cron job is absent but there is still declared00:08
IAXthat's where it fails00:09
clarkbIAX: oh in that case lets more properly remove it00:09
clarkbjogo: you want to do what with it?00:09
jogoclarkb: get it promoted if there is an opening00:09
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add entry for new PyPI mirrors
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Split pypi_mirror into its own class
clarkbjeblair: fungi mordred I just realized hpcloud security groups need opening up doing that now00:10
mordredclarkb: ossum00:10
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notmynamemordred: jeblair: with gertty, do I have to enter a password in the config file?00:10
IAXgreat! then is not required! thanks!00:11
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clarkbnotmyname: you do, it is your gerrit http key thing though not your lp password00:11
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mordrednotmyname: you need the password from here:
mordrednotmyname: if you do not have one, click "generate password"00:12
jogoclarkb: if possible00:13
clarkbit would be nice if there was a way to just say allow all traffic but security groups blacklist by default right?00:13
clarkbso removing the entries blocks everything?00:14
clarkbjogo: do we want to see it pass check testing before we put it at the head of the queue?00:14
jogoclarkb: probably a good idea00:14
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asselin__anyone see this error before? tips to isolate/debug would be welcomed.
clarkbmordred: I think security group is wide open now00:17
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clarkbasselin__: looks like gcc failed to build the python lxml bindings00:18
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mordredclarkb: awesome00:18
clarkbasselin__: you might double check your versions of those things and that they are all compatible00:18
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clarkbmordred: you put the site.pp and pypi puppet changes on the very top of the launch changes which includes the thing yo udon't want to fix00:21
clarkbmordred: maybe you can branch at the commit before that?00:21
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clarkblooking good otherwise though00:21
mordredclarkb: wait, really?00:22
mordredclarkb: thanks00:22
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add entry for new PyPI mirrors
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Split pypi_mirror into its own class
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Clean up bashate failures
jeblairnotmyname: oh, but if you were asking if you could avoid actually saving it to disk, i believe it does support that00:24
jeblairnotmyname: i think i completely forgot to document that, but harlowja added that a while back00:24
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Clean up bashate failures
harlowjawhat i do, lol00:24
jeblairnotmyname: so i think if you omit it from the config file, it will prompt you on startup00:25
fungihowever the passwords generated by gerrit are not entirely memorable, so unless you have an excellent memory, some sort of password manager is probably in order00:25
anteayaasselin__: the problems seems to start here: 00:04:58   Found existing installation: lxml 3.3.300:26
anteaya00:04:58     Not uninstalling lxml at /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages, outside environment /opt/stack/new/tempest/.tox/all00:26
mikahm, i'm getting "sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (OperationalError) no such table: revision u'ALTER TABLE revision ADD COLUMN fetch_auth BOOLEAN' ()" when testing gertty, any ideas what's going wrong here? :)00:26
mordredjeblair: now we're probably about to find out what the load is on gerrit of 1000 people all syncing projecs using gertty at the same time00:26
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Don't retry forever when a provider is stopped
notmynamejeblair: ok, thanks00:27
asselin__clarkb, anteaya thanks....looking into that00:27
jeblairmordred: yeah, also, we might need to have a conversation about gertty's default polling interval at some point too :)00:27
mordredmika: I'm looking now, but jeblair might be more useful on that00:27
mikamordred: thanks! i'm using a *custom* gerrit installation, if that matters00:28
mordredmika: well, I would't expect that to affect the alembic migrations00:28
lifelessjeblair: gertty shouldn't poll. gerrit should push :).00:28
* mordred waits for lifeless to write that patch to gerrit ...00:29
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jeblairmika: could you rm ~/.gertty.db; then run gertty with the '-d' flag and pastebin the output?00:29
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jeblairsorry not output00:29
jeblairmika: contents of ~/.gertty.log00:29
lifelessmordred: stranger things have happened00:29
mikasure, will do00:29
mordredlifeless: many many stranger things :)00:29
jeblairlifeless: it _could_ use stream-events, but i imagine we'd hit some connection limits at some point00:29
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lifelessjeblair: we might have to up the fd count, but there's little reason a modern machine with a modern java stack can't handle 10K concurrent sockets00:30
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lifelessjeblair: which we're well below; and the work per event should be very low00:30
lifelessshould. <- HAHAHA.00:30
clarkbjenkins can do about 20000:31
clarkbbut I guess those sockets are actually pumping data00:31
mikajeblair: ha, managed to spot it already - if git-root is pointing to a directory which already includes git repos i'm getting this problem, i'm getting into the UI if i point it to an empty dir (after removing ~/.gertty.db and rerunning it again)00:31
lifelessclarkb: jenkins has a tonne of problems00:31
jeblairlifeless: yeah, i say that mostly because we've seen a couple of problems with gerrit and lots of stream-events with poorly behaved clients on the other end.  this is all vague and handwavey, i don't know what the actual problems may have been.00:31
mordredit would be interesting to benchmark and understand better00:32
mordredit would also be stellar if we could scale gerrit out ...00:32
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mordredlike, add another stream-events emitter machine, for instance00:32
jeblairmika: hrm, that is weird.  i'm pretty sure most of my tests of first-runs have been with existing git repos00:32
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jeblairmika: and the specific error (that it could not alter a table that should have already existed) seems strange to be related to that00:33
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jeblairmika: any chance you had an earlier aborted run or something that left the db in a weird state?00:33
mikajeblair: *could* be, i can't reproduce it right now - will let you know if i notice anything further, thanks for your help00:34
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jeblairmika: thanks for yours!00:34
mikajeblair: - hm, is it trying to gather a list of projects *before* authenticating?00:38
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added robust message publisher and subscriber
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added robust message publisher
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jeblairmika: it should do everything authenticated; i wonder if your gerrit doesn't support the expected authentication mechanism00:42
clarkboh ya you need gerrit >2.4 iirc00:42
clarkbfor the rest api00:42
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mikai have gerrit 2.900:42
krotscheckjeblair: ^^ That should take care of the error from the webserver side of things. Basically it was caused whenever the MQ server either dropped a connection, restarted, or cleaned up its connection pool.00:42
jeblairclarkb, mika: i think gertty assumes http digest auth00:43
jeblairi'm not sure if gerrit has other choices00:43
mikajeblair: oh, i'm using ldap00:44
mika        type = LDAP00:44
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jeblairmika: did you generate an http password in gerrit?00:46
jeblairmika: i think that's it00:47
jeblairmika: at least, i get the same behavior when i put in an invalid password00:47
notmynamejeblair: what is the git-root config variable in gerrty used for?00:48
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jeblairmika: so if you go to the gerrit webui, then "Settings" -> "HTTP Password" you should be able to generate one and use that with gertty.  it should be completely separate from the ldap auth.00:48
mikajeblair: oh that sounds nice, thanks for the hint, will try00:48
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mordrednotmyname: that is the location underwhich gertty will clone your git repos00:49
jeblairnotmyname: gertty will clone or re-use git repos that are there;  eg mine is ~/git and i end up with ~/git/openstack/foo00:49
mordredmine is set to ~/src00:49
jeblairnotmyname: the intent is that you can use those for your own hacking too00:49
fungii use ~/work/openstack00:50
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mikajeblair: seems to work, thanks for the hint (and gertty of course :))00:50
mordredfungi: does that get you ~/work/openstack/openstack-infra/config ?00:50
jeblairnotmyname: gertty won't manipulate the index or working tree in those repos unless you tell it to, it just fetches and diffs behind the scenes00:50
fungimordred: yep00:50
mordredfungi: nice00:50
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fungimordred: i have other non-openstack subtrees under ~/work too00:50
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fungimordred: useful to be able to treat it separately for things like backups and synchronization00:51
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jeblairfungi: like the sekrit private fork of openstack the foundation has been working on?00:51
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fungijeblair: yes, we'll be releasing it under an open-core subscription-based fee service any day now00:51
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jeblairthat's the spirit!00:52
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fungia "fee software license" if you will ;)00:52
jeblairba dum00:52
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mordredfungi: you could call it "Stackzilla"00:52
jeblairso, lesson learned.  for 1.0.1, talk more about gerrit passwords :)00:53
clarkbmordred: not dopenstack?00:53
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fungimordred: and then rename it "firestack" a few years later00:54
mordredfungi: otoh - moztack might be snappier00:55
mordredok. I'm going to go to the store and try to find food for my mouthhole00:56
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jeblairokay, sent followup email to the list that addresses password issues01:05
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jeblairnotmyname, mika: thanks for reminding me about those :)01:06
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Be more atomic when counting nodes
funginodepool has finally just caught up with the zuul waiting worker demand01:14
fungifor the first time in a couple days i think01:14
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openstackgerritNikhil Manchanda proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fixed gate-trove-functional-dsvm jobs
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jesusaurusianw: i noticed that you abandoned 117425, i think that change is a good thing. i think that complex file discovery in bashate is better than massive find commands in tox.ini files01:31
clarkbjesusaurus: there is a ml thread about it iirc01:31
* jesusaurus looks through the ml01:31
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ianwjesusaurus: i think shell files are used in so many ways it's a loosing battle.  the worst is when you miss something that should be checked (as happened last night and broke devstack).  better to just let projects decide what they want to match in their test harness.01:38
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openstackgerritIsaias proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Watchdog class will not be installed in logstash_worker class anymore
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Be more atomic when counting nodes
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jesusaurushm, then maybe a good solution to my aversion to having a massive find in tox.ini is to stub it out into a tiny script in tools/01:41
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openstackgerritIsaias proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Watchdog class will not be installed in logstash_worker class anymore
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iax7clarkb, I made the change that you suggested about Watchdog class, could you take a look at it if that's what you had in mind?01:53
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StevenKOnce do the nodepool images need to be refreshed?02:10
clarkbthat change is in devstack so applies right away02:12
clarkbit doesnt fix anything other than a confusing error message though02:12
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anteayathe number of nodes in delete state has changed significantly for the better02:19
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add openstack-rating channel to eavesdrop
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openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add experimental job for nova with f20 virt-preview
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Clean up bashate failures
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yamamot__why official jenkins does not suffer ?03:51
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1348830 in nova "nova interface attach command fails in 14.04 with 2014.1.1: error: "libvirtError: internal error: unable to execute QEMU command 'getfd': No file descriptor supplied via SCM_RIGHTS" (dup-of: 1322568)" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:51
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1322568 in libvirt "nova interface-attach fails" [High,Fix committed]03:51
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kevinbentonhello folks. how do i turn this into a recheck bug?05:52
jesusaurusyou dont need to recheck against a bug anymore, you can just use "recheck"05:54
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kevinbentonjesusaurus: i was just wondering how that process is done06:02
kevinbentonjesusaurus: to make an elastic recheck detector06:03
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adam_gkevinbenton, you create a query and propose it to the elastic-recheck repo. see
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kevinbentonadam_g: oh okay. well the fix is already in review so probably not worth it now.06:05
openstackgerritKevin Benton proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add recheck query for bug 1365829
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1365829 in neutron "ipv6 tests leave ipv6 flag disabled" [High,In progress]
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kevinbentonadam_g: like ^^
adam_gkevinbenton, yeah, tho you probably want to make your query a bit more specific than just the fail string06:13
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openstackgerritKevin Benton proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add recheck query for bug 1365829
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1365829 in neutron "ipv6 tests leave ipv6 flag disabled" [High,In progress]
kevinbentonadam_g: how about that one ^^?06:16
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update sideways Ironic job
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adam_gkevinbenton, i was thinking more about targeting a string somewhere that identifies the specific failure case you're looking for. as is, it would be  possible for that test to fail for another reason and be incorrectly identified as your bug06:25
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adam_gie, 'MismatchError: 8 != 4'06:25
kevinbentonadam_g: oh, i see06:26
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openstackgerritKevin Benton proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add recheck query for bug 1365829
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1365829 in neutron "ipv6 tests leave ipv6 flag disabled" [High,In progress]
kevinbentonadam_g: good call. looks like it was occuring in a couple of other unit tests anyway06:31
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add hipchat section to jjb sample
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Enable hipchat section into sample file
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openstackgerritLonggeek proposed a change to openstack-infra/puppet-yum: Add .gitreview Rakefile files and update puppet coding style
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linkidI had the same bug after 2 rechecks, on almost every tests09:10
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linkidis it a known issue or do I have to report it on Launchpad ?09:11
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openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add neutron full postgres job to integrated gate
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tchaypohuh. no derek.09:42
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rajesht_Jenkins is failing on following patches because of environment issues.09:58
rajesht_I am not able to reproduce the same in my environment.09:59
rajesht_Could anybody please help me understand what is the reason jenkins gets failed randomly.10:00
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Accept capitalized Sem-Ver headers
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rajeshtcould anybody please help me understand why jenkins gets failed randomly ?10:25
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dimsSergeyLukjanov: ping. was there any concerns about this one? i saw a +A followed by a -A11:31
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dimsSergeyLukjanov: please let me know and i'll try to take care of it :)11:32
SergeyLukjanovdims, I've removed approve to avoid irc bots restart during the working day / irc meetings11:33
dimsSergeyLukjanov: ah cool11:33
dimsdid not realize that11:34
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add missing oslo projects to gerritbot config
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Ajaeger1Hi, any idea why I get a failure of "No distributions matching the version for oslotest>=" for a python 3.3 job? It seems to be available at but fails in and other oslo requirements test in a reliable way12:33
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: openid instance
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dhellmannAjaeger1: we don't have a python 3 wheel of oslotest. clarkb had some ideas about how to fix that, but during the rush up to feature freeze I wasn't worried about making the infra changes needed, but now I think we need to look at it more closely.13:08
Ajaeger1dhellmann: So, should we make the python33 jobs non-voting for now? Or fix the wheel?13:09
dhellmannAjaeger1: I need to talk to clarkb and fungi about that this morning to decide the best course of action13:09
Ajaeger1dhellmann: btw check,n,z - there're quite a few failures due to this.13:09
Ajaeger1dhellmann: Great, thanks!13:10
fungidhellmann: did the conversion to mox3 get stalled?13:10
fungidhellmann: i vaguely recall seeing a patch proposed to oslotest for that last week13:10
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dhellmannfungi: yeah, I didn't want to risk that breaking something right before ff, so I WIP-ed it13:11
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dhellmannfungi: approving now13:12
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dhellmannfungi: after that, I have 2 others I'd like to land before we cut a release. What other changes are needed to the release tools/processes to build the right kinds of wheels?13:13
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fungidhellmann: i believe you need to set universal=true in setup.cfg, but i think that's all?13:14
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fungilooks like 118551 already does that13:14
dhellmannfungi: ok, I thought we had a python 2 and universal wheel already, is it just python 2?13:14
dhellmannoh, or maybe we only had a python 2 wheel then13:15
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fungidhellmann: so in theory what you have there should "just work" but we can try to do a 'tox -e venv python bdist_wheel' and then examine/install the results13:15
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fungie.g. preinstall it into a -p python3.3 virtualenv and tell tox -e py33 to use that13:16
fungifor whatever projects currently claim a test-requirement on it13:17
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dhellmannfungi: ok, that patch merged and now I get only a "py2.py3-none-any" wheel file when I run bdist_wheel13:29
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dhellmannfungi: we have 2 more patches I'd like to land, and then I'll cut a release and see if that fixes the installation issue13:30
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fungidhellmann: keen13:32
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Ajaeger1fungi, I think we have a problem with the merge check. When a patch is currently in the check queue and then a merge happens, it does not get checked. See which is exactly the same as but does not have a merge conflict13:44
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add some notes to the readme about queries that don't hit
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trinathsHi, I get this error in my devstack. "ERROR: Authorization Failed: Unable to sign token. "  How to handle this error?13:48
fungiAjaeger1: i think that's a tradeoff for design simplicity. a more complicated alternative would be to have zuul abort currently running jobs and report the merge conflict which crept up after that change's jobs started but before they finished13:49
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fungitrinaths: you might want to ask questions about devstack, tempest, et cetera in #openstack-qa instead. that's where they generally get discussed13:50
Ajaeger1fungi: wouldn't a later merge figure this conflict out?13:50
fungiAjaeger1: it would13:51
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trinathsfungi: okay thanks13:51
Ajaeger1Strange but there were merges to nova after the 116055 merged...13:51
fungiAjaeger1: so any effort we put into finding those slightly sooner may not be particularly beneficial13:51
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Ajaeger1fungi: I agree with the non-aborting simplification but then why it's still not marked as conflicting? Let me double check that it really conflicts...13:52
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Ajaeger1Ah, I get:13:53
Ajaeger1Applying: Don't use __add__ with oslo.i18n Message object13:53
Ajaeger1Using index info to reconstruct a base tree...13:53
Ajaeger1Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge...13:53
Ajaeger1No changes -- Patch already applied.13:53
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fungithat may just be a corner case then13:54
fungiAjaeger1: i assumed the hole you identified is that zuul doesn't immediately report merge conflicts it discovers in the merge-check pipeline for changes which are already in the process of running jobs in the check pipeline (but subsequent merges, or check runs, or approval into the gate, would spot and report it)13:55
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fungiwow, freenode seems to be struggling again today13:55
Ajaeger1fungi: That was my first impression, I needed to think this through with you. I didn't expect it would just say "Patch applied"13:56
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Move ordereddict to requirements
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/release-tools: Update release-tools doc to match Juno tools
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/release-tools: Support new location for oslo-incubator
openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: openid instance
sdaguefungi: so whatever new mirroring solution seems to be in place, it's definitely not working out. pip download really represents the bulk of the fails right now.14:17
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a gate job for zaqar-redis
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fungisdague: there is no new mirroring solution in place yet afaik. work is still in progress14:19
sdagueguess I missed a piece of that14:19
sdaguemy bad14:19
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a gate job for zaqar-redis
fungisdague: also no guarantees it will help either, if network problems are internal to the providers/regions14:19
fungisdague: the outstanding patches for it, which i'm starting back through now, are,n,z14:20
openstackgerritMathieu GagnĂ© proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Uninstall puppet-common for puppet jobs
fungi(where "starting back through" means making new patchsets to address current test failures for them" for the most part)14:21
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a gate job for zaqar-redis
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rajeshtCould anybody please help me understand why jenkins is failing on following patches.14:25
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rajeshtI have checked and found that it is not because of changes I have made in both patches.14:25
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fungirajesht: most often, if your change doesn't introduce the issue, it's either because tests are relying on access to things over the internet (which is of course unreliable at the best of times) or because of myriad bugs in openstack14:26
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rajeshtfungi: I have checked the failed test case, it is also failing randomly on latest master also.14:28
fungirajesht: also, the elastic recheck bot has posted comments on 118674 explaining the bugs it saw in the test logs for that change14:28
rajeshtplease try to check this unit test on latest master14:29
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rajeshtfungi: I have noticed that it gets failed randomly for test_restart_sighup unit test.14:29
rajeshtIt throws the mismatch error for pids before and after sending SIGHUP signal.14:30
fungirajesht: oh, if nova's unit tests are randomly failing now, then it sounds like maybe someone merged a recent patch to it which introduced a race condition or other nondeterministic bug. you might do better to compare notes with other nova developers (i'm just one of the lowly drudges who keeps the servers running and the lights on)14:30
fungirajesht: possibly a discussion better fitted to #openstack-nova14:31
rajeshtyes, I will discuss this in #openstack-nova channel.14:32
rajeshtThanks for your time.14:32
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mordredsdague: I'm still working on getting the new mirroring up ... I'm failing at getting pip installed right now - so I'm about to do a bunch of things by hand14:33
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fungioh, if mordred is awake now and continuing to iterate on that stack of changes, i'll switch back to python 3.4 stuff14:35
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mordredfungi: yeah. I'm on it14:43
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gilliard_lowly drudge!14:45
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fungigilliard_: yep, it's my lot in life ;)14:46
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gilliard_I aspire to drudgery14:48
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fungiit definitely has its plusses14:53
homelesshi guys, Im having a hard time installing nodepool, I get an error related to the novaclient, for some reason its missing the and some other scripts, Im installing pip nodepool from master, so I dont know what is wrong. any thoughts?
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anteayayou can't go down any further than the drudge14:54
anteayaso falling just keeps you where you are14:54
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jeblairhomeless: we use novaclient from pypi.  i wonder if the one you have might be too old?  (maybe installed by the os?)14:55
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homelesscould be, let me check.. thanks jeblair14:56
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jeblairfungi: i'm approving the image delete parallelization change to nodepool.  i think when that lands, we can restart nodepool to pick up all those changes and start checking that the provider file it installs looks correct14:58
fungijeblair: agreed14:58
chmouelmordred: was wondering if you missed to commit this file
jeblairalso, it looks like there's less green on the graph which i guess is good14:59
mordredchmouel: yup15:00
mordredchmouel: pushed15:00
chmouelmordred: cool thanks!15:00
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mordredchmouel: I've also got a dox.yml for that and a dockerfile ... let me add them too15:02
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Paralellize image deletes
mordredchmouel: I'm not sure where the 'right' place to put and organize such dockerfiles are - but for now, I just shoved them into a dockerfiles dir :)15:03
chmouelnice, yeah i was wondering about an example15:03
chmouelmordred: i like the idea, i think i have seen some other project trying to implement docker and tox together15:04
chmouelbut it never worked15:04
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mordredchmouel: my thoughts so far have been that we might want a dockerfile/make thing that can take a directory tree of dockerfiles and make corresponding docker images15:05
mordredbecause right now Dockerfile assumes a one-image kinda thing, which works GREAT for their intended use case - but not for how we use tox15:05
mordredjeblair, fungi: best I can tell, "nova volume-attach" is async, but there is no status taht can be checked15:06
mordredjust to add to the levels of insanity15:06
chmouelmordred: like having multiple layers building in dockerile?15:06
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mordredchmouel: kinda. more that we're not really using our Dockerfile to express a _deployment_ of a thing, but rather to encapsulate one or more different possibilities that we want to test15:07
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mordredfor instance - it would be nice to express "nova needs: apt-get install libvirt-bin zookeeper" ... but it turns out that same command is used in the py26 and the py27 containers, so we don't need a full new dockerfile for nova/py27 and nova/py2615:08
mordredI might be overthinking it15:08
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chmouelmordred: i think that would be very cool to be able to have that, but at first just having running unittests in a base dockerfile it would be nice to get the thing going15:09
jrollmordred: fwiw, I would also love to be able to deploy services on docker15:09
mordredalso, unlike tox, we should be able to say "pep8 should run $commands, and they should run in the py27 container"15:09
mordredjroll: yah - the iscsi deficiency makes that harder because cinder15:10
jrolland I think every service should have some sort of base container15:10
jrollmordred: so things that use iscsi maybe don't run in a container15:10
jrollor like, one day we actually fix iscsi15:10
mordredyah. and then it starts getting complex :) - but yeah, I'm with you in theory15:10
chmoueljroll: i think that's an another work that would need to be done to get devstack intalling services directly in docker containers15:11
chmouel(if the iscsi issues or others get fixed)15:11
mordredyeah. it's a pretty big effort, and right now devstack is doing its job pretty well15:11
mordredso I figured just keeping the problem space focused on what tox does might be achievable15:11
chmouelyeah agreed!15:11
jrollchmouel: to be clear, I'm talking about a real deployment, not devstack :)15:11
jrollI do agree that tox is the first step15:12
chmoueljroll: ++15:12
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mordredjeblair, fungi: any idea why a fresh node in hp might not be able to perform curl -O
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mordredwhy the HELL would I ever want this in a resolv.conf:15:17
mordredsearch openstacklocal15:17
clarkbsame reason we fail at hitting our mirror? if is hosted in rax or across the same routes it may fail15:17
fungimordred: ... um ... what tenant? can it get to other things?15:17
mordredit can't resolv best I can check15:18
fungimordred: intermittent or consistent?15:18
mordredclarkb: this is me still trying to create mirror nodes15:18
fungiahh, dns problems?15:18
mordredfungi: consistent since last night15:18
mordredclarkb: OH15:18
mordredclarkb: you did security-groups there ...15:18
fungihave you tried comparing dns responses it gets from the default nameservers vs others?15:18
clarkboh did I faul15:18
mordredclarkb: is it possible you didn't do egress rules?15:18
clarkbmordred it is possible. actually I may have derped udp :( sorry15:19
clarkbwhy cant we just do allow everything?15:19
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clarkbevery other firewall in the world has an allow ip any any equivalent15:20
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jeblairclarkb: if we send traffic outbound, haxors will know where we are15:20
fungibecause that would be "unsafe" or some such nonsense, is i'm sure the questionable reasoning behind it15:20
* mordred stabs openstack in the face15:20
clarkbmordred you fixing or should I really wake up?15:21
jeblairmordred: are you the one who sliced up the openstack logo?15:21
jrollfungi: whyyy15:21
jrollwho is it that wants these firewalled15:21
mordredjroll: I have NO IDAE15:21
mordredclarkb: I'm fixing15:21
clarkbjroll neutron15:21
clarkbjroll you get a security group called default15:22
clarkbwhether you want it or not15:22
jrolloh, so this is just HP's cloud?15:22
mordredclarkb: did you see that nova volume-attach is not immedaite, but that there is no status I can see to track15:22
clarkband it is default deny best I can tell15:22
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clarkbmordred no, is thst why you cant list name?15:23
jrollclarkb: so uh, what's wrong with using a security group that is default allow15:23
clarkbthats :(15:23
clarkbjroll nothing but you need like 20 rules for that15:23
mordredclarkb: well, it means in rackspace that when I get to mount volume, the volume still isn't there because $bonghits15:23
anteayathis email poster is having problems: jranjan@gmail.com15:23
jrollclarkb: ughhh15:23
anteayaeither he can't figure out his email client or his is spamming the list15:23
clarkbone each for ingress and egress udp tcp over ipv4 then ipv6 and finaly icmp15:24
jrollclarkb: this is the first time not having security groups at rackspace makes me happy15:24
clarkbjroll and I derped udp15:24
jrollI just thought like... someone was telling us we need to firewall nodepool instances for some silly reason15:24
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clarkbthey are firewalled with local iptables rules15:25
fungiclarkb: i suspect the default security group nonsense is feature parity with hpcloud 1.015:25
fungiclarkb: which, if memory serves, also blocked everything by default and required you to add a slew of rules to allow all traffic15:26
clarkbyup you basically got ssh inbound15:26
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mordrednew strategy15:28
mordredevery time I hit something like this, I'm emailing the mailing list and I'm not going to be polite15:28
mordredsecurity groups have now been covered15:28
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chmouelmordred: what kind of docker version do you have? I am gttign that with the namespace you are setting by default in dox
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mordredchmouel: docker 0.9.1 ?15:36
chmouelmordred: ah i have 1.1.215:36
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mordredoh! excellent. I should upgrade then :)15:36
mordredrackdns is a pile of crap15:37
* jroll hides15:37
mordredwhy is server-href required?15:38
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mordredturns out I might want to point DNS at an IP address that is not a server in that cloud15:38
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chmouelmordred: that comes from slicehost if i recall correctly15:38
* jroll grumbles15:38
jrollmordred: great neutron email, though15:38
chmouelthey got the api from slicehost on rax cloud straight15:38
mordredalso, it does not like as a server-href :)15:39
mordredwhich is silly15:39
mordredsince that's a URL15:39
jrollit doesn't have in the name, duh15:39
mordredoh, right. I'm sorry. I forgot. I'm using the rackspace Open Cloud ... not OpenStack15:39
jrollI need to stay out of this channel right now, going to end up flipping tables :|15:39
* mordred is VERY snarky this morning15:39
jeblairjroll: mordred has already flipped them upside down, you'll just be righting them15:40
jrolljeblair: heh, or booting them across the room15:40
jrollmordred: happy to pass things along internally15:40
jeblairmordred: i guess we get to use the web interface for that?15:40
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jeblairmordred: oh, wait, you're doing rdns15:41
jeblairmordred: you don't need server-href for forward dns15:41
jrollI can make dns entries in our UI without a server-href15:41
jrollor without pointing them at a rackspace server15:41
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* jroll looks at api calls15:41
jeblairjroll: ^ i'm pretty sure he was looking at the reverse dns commands15:42
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mordredthat was reverse15:42
* mordred hides15:42
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jeblairmordred: instead you could get mad at hpcloud for having no facility to set reverse dns :)15:42
fungimordred: rackdns record-create --name --type AAAA --data 2001:4800:7817:101:be76:4eff:fe04:45ba --ttl 3600 openstack.org15:43
jrollyeah, thsoe are tied to servers15:43
fungimordred: no server needed15:43
jroll(dunno why)15:43
mordredKiall: ^^ when am I getting reverse dns in HP Cloud?15:43
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* mordred throws wet cat at Kiall15:43
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clarkbexcept dont AAAA hpcloud IPs15:43
mordredKiall: when am I getting ipv6 in hpcloud?15:43
jrollmordred: I'm still happy to yell at our dns team15:43
fungiclarkb: yeah, fair point ;)15:43
mordredjroll: yell at the for good measure15:43
Kiallmordred: pull requests welcome ;)15:43
mordredjroll: and ask when I'm getting designate at rackspace15:44
KiallKidding.. Not currently sure when we plan to deploy those...15:44
jrollmordred: you have no idea how much good measure I have15:44
fungijroll: if you just feel like yelling at people over dns stupidity, i have a list of poor implementation decisions i'm happy to dig back up and let you pass along15:44
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Kiallmordred: That said... If you have a need today, ping me on HipChat and we can more than likely work something out ;)15:44
fungi(as someone who designed systems to manage mass dns hosting at an isp for years)15:44
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jrollfungi: jim@jimrollenhagen.com15:45
clarkbjroll did you watch the game last night?15:45
mordredKiall: nah. just grousing about the fact taht I can't do the same things in both clouds15:45
jrollclarkb: did not, haven't activated cable yet15:45
jrollclarkb: I did hear the result :P15:45
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Kiallmordred: yea, I figured as much... ;)15:45
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mordredjeblair, clarkb, fungi: exists and is in dns. it's currently running initial bandersnatch sync15:46
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mordredwhich would go smoother if we had AFS15:46
mordredclarkb: I fixed the cinder race by adding a sleep 120, btw15:46
fungimordred: indeed. exciting nevertheless15:46
clarkbmordred awesome15:47
* fungi sighs at arbitrary sleep durations...15:47 exists, bandersnatch is not yet running15:47
fungii like that novaclient has a "block until it's ready" option for boot. clearly attach needs the same15:47
mordredI wonder, should we just rsync instead?15:47
mordredfungi: EVERYTHING needs a synchronous mode15:47
clarkbmordred I think exsrcising bandersnatch is good15:48
mordredbecause sometimes what you're doing makes more sense15:48
mordredclarkb: kk15:48
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clarkbbasically proves it should continue to work15:48
jeblairi'm going to restart nodepool now15:48
fungimordred: i'm with clarkb: having bandersnatch in one place plus rsync all over probably means longer periods of out-of-sync than running separate bandersnatches (modulo hang bugs we've been running into so far)15:48
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mordredfungi: oh, I just meant the initial sync15:49
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fungimordred: ahh, well it's probably the same bandwidth utilization either way since it's basically a full copy. also you'd need to stop bandersnatch from running at the source side and preserve the journal15:50
fungior i guess multiple rsyncs15:51
mordredyeah. I'll just do clarkb's thing15:52
fungi2014-09-05 15:49:16,044 DEBUG nodepool.NodePool: Loading configuration15:53
fungino exceptions thrown at least15:53
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add entry for new PyPI mirrors
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add option to keep failed server
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove references to old volume from fstab
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a floating IP if needed
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Split pypi_mirror into its own class
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add support to launch node for attaching volumes
mordredok. the stack has been successful in rax and hp now15:53
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fungihrm, it reloaded configuration 10 seconds later...15:54
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fungijeblair: did you modify nodepool.yaml just before restarting it?15:55
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clarkbmordred iad and ord too?15:55
jeblairfungi: no, it loads its configuration every time through the loop15:55
mordredclarkb: doing iad now15:55
mordredclarkb: ord next15:55
jeblairfungi: it's pretty dumb :)15:55
fungijeblair: heh15:55
openstackgerritCraig Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add new project monasca-statsd
jeblairfungi: but then it compares to the previous cycle and only shuts down/creates providers, etc, if something changed15:56
fungianyway, i guess the restart was actually 15:49:26,335 in the debug log in that case15:56
fungisince it's immediately followed by creating new provider managers15:56
clarkbwe should inotify that file and make it smart if we worry about it15:57
fungianyway, the thread creation and demand calculations look sane15:58
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reedjeblair, gertty makes doing reviews a lot more fun. I didn't realize how much gerrit UI is confusing until I tried doing some reviews on gertty. thank you15:59
fungireed: it's making me wish i hadn't recycled that truck load of wyse 60 serial terminals now ;)16:00
reedfungi, I'm sure they're still where you left them :)16:01
fungiamber text was so easy on the eyes, even if it didn't have the ti-928 greenscreen chic16:01
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* krotscheck is having trouble finding the correct backwards-compatible way to invoke super.__init__, anyone have a pointer that google doesn’t have?16:04
mordredkrotscheck: how backwards compatible?16:04
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krotscheckmordred: Python 2/316:05
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mordredkrotscheck: it should go something like: class Foo(ParentClass): def __init__(self): super(Foo, self).__init__()16:05
clarkbsuper(MyClass, self).__init___() is probably what you want unless you are mordred and hacking on distutils internals16:05
reedoh, I crashed it :)16:05
reedUnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)16:05
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clarkbreed: was that on a specific change? with potential utf8 characters in the diff or commit message?16:06
reedclarkb, yes, Iet me pull it16:06
clarkbreed: having a specific example may help debug where the bad string conversion is16:06
reedclarkb, this one:
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jeblairreed: confirmed! :)16:07
reedoh, firefox is choking on it too Script: line 149 > eval:1616:07
krotscheckAhh, had an old style class in my inheritance, that’s why it was yelling at me.16:08
reedI can't see the diff even on firefox16:08
jeblairi was really sloppy with unicode stuff in gertty; it wouldn't surprise me if there are real problems there16:09
clarkbyup firefox doesn't like it here either16:09
clarkbchromium seemed to do ok (not surprising as I think gerrit is mostly tested with chrom*16:09
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fungii'm able to pull it up in ff eventually, just takes it a little while16:10
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mordredjeblair: ok. I'm VERY confused now16:10
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fungii can actually render in ff24 (well, iceweasel 24.4.0)16:11
mordredjeblair: I created all three rackspace servers16:11
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mordredbut only the dfw one shows up in nova list16:11
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mordrednova list in IAD is blank16:11
mordredas is nova list in ORD16:11
mordredI can ssh into them16:11
clarkbmordred: did you change your region in your env var when listing properly?16:11
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clarkbkk that trips me up all the time16:12
mordredroot@ci-puppetmaster:~# export OS_REGION_NAME=IAD16:12
mordredroot@ci-puppetmaster:~# nova list16:12
mordred| ID | Name | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks |16:12
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mordredI cannot find the servers in nova list in any region on any account we ahve16:12
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fungimordred: not for me, on ci-puppetmaster sourcing ~root/ci-launch/ and using the novaclient 2.18.1 installed there16:13
clarkboh they shouldn't be in the jenkins account16:13
mordredfungi: do you see pypi* in that account?16:13
fungiahh, yeah openstackci16:13
* mordred has been using the openstackci account16:13
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jeblairit's the unicode quotes in the commit message that are causing it16:14
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clarkbjeblair: in the author field?16:14
jeblairclarkb: yeah16:14
clarkbthat is an interesting place for them16:14
fungimordred: confirmed, empty16:14
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jeblairyeah, not sure that's rfc822 kosher :)16:15
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fungijeblair: possibly not even rfc2822 kosher16:15
jeblairfungi: yeah but anything goes in 5322 so16:16
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clarkbmordred: did the reverse ptr dns creation succeed?16:17
clarkbmordred: was dns able to assert the server existed for that? :)16:17
mordredchmouel, jroll: I just made #dox16:17
clarkbdefinitely weird16:17
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mordredclarkb: yes, it succeeded16:17
clarkbya dig confirms16:17
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clarkband there are packages there16:18
fungimordred: the rackspace dashboard knows of no servers for our openstackci tenant in iad16:19
fungiand lists ci-backup-rs-ord as the only instance in ord16:19
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jeblairso i think python git may be storing unicode strings in str() objects16:19
jeblairi think i can run unicode(, 'utf8') on them and get real unicode strings out of them16:19
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fungimordred: which is also oddly not showing up in nova list16:19
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mordredfungi: wow. that's AMAZING16:20
mordredjroll: you want to be our new person to bother about rackspace cloud servers ... pvo doesn't hang out in chanel much anymore16:20
fungijroll: ^ any chance you have visibility into what's going wrong there?16:20
fungiwell, phschwartz has been excellent, but he's on a much-deserved vacation this week16:21
fungifrom what i gather16:21
jeblairoh, actually gitpython returns unicode strings for _names_ just not for _emails_, which to be honest, is entirely sensible16:21
clarkbat some disney * think16:21
fungitemple of the rodent, yes16:22
clarkbjeblair: huh16:22
fungimordred: best wild guess is that openstackci was created when there could be only one region, and never got correctly expanded to the new regions which followed?16:22
clarkbjeblair: does it make sense to force to unicode on all of those fields regardless?16:22
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clarkbjeblair: tricky bit is that you don't have to put utf8 unicode in git16:23
clarkbso doing that may not fix all the problems without more smarts16:23
mordredfungi: maybe so - I mean, it's VERY strange16:23
fungiclarkb: jeblair: from a belt-and-suspenders "be liberal in what you accept" perspective, it should probably work around it even if it's not 100% legit16:23
JayFmordred: fungi: Those of us in OnMetal don't have a lot of insight into the Compute side... but I'll do anything I can to help?16:23
clarkband we are sure it isn't in eg the openstack account or openstack jenkins?16:23
jeblairclarkb: well, i think at the moment we're assuming ascii, so assuming utf8 is probably no worse and slightly better16:23
mordredJayF: well, tl;dr - I created a server in iad and one in ord16:24
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mordredthey both exist, but neither show up in nova list16:24
jeblairclarkb: but agreed; a complete solution is probably "try a bunch of things and then fall back on some error-prone replacement"16:24
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fungiJayF: well, we can make with the clicky-clicky and open a trouble ticket about it. just sometimes people in irc here happen to have faster answers and are mildly less fanatical ;)16:24
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JayFmordred: do you have the instance uuids?16:24
mordredjeblair: maybe fall back to the string "Very Weird Username"16:24
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clarkbmordred: should be in your scrollback near where launch node tells you how to dns16:25
mordredJayF: the one in ord is a3066c4f-bc4e-4a63-83f3-25e952f33e39 and the one in iad is f17d5307-d2cd-42d6-90a2-9e7c8a9783fe16:25
clarkboh what if you nova show that uuid? does that pop up?16:25
mordredJayF: rackdns rdns-create worked properly16:25
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Handle unicode emails in git commits
jeblairreed: ^ fixes that16:25
mordredclarkb: nope.16:25
mordredJayF: at least, I'm assuming the uuid at the end of the server href is the uuid16:26
mordredfor instance16:26
fungiERROR (CommandError): No server with a name or ID of 'a3066c4f-bc4e-4a63-83f3-25e952f33e39' exists.16:26
fungiyeah, no such luck16:26
clarkbfree servers for everyone! :)16:27
mordredfwiw, there are also a cinder volume in each place which also don't show up16:27
JayFyeah sadly there appears to be an issue with our internal tool to troubleshoot this stuff, so give me a sec to continue deeper into the rabbithole16:27
clarkbmordred: and it really isn't in one of the other two accounts?16:27
fungimordred: ahh, yeah you're right. no block devices showing for those16:27
mordredclarkb: I checked. nothing16:28
fungimordred: i double-checked, you're wrong16:28
fungia3066c4f-bc4e-4a63-83f3-25e952f33e39 | | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | public=, 2001:4801:7825:104:be76:4eff:fe11:b12f; private=
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fungimordred: it landed in the openstack tenant, not openstackci16:28
* JayF relieved16:29
mordredfungi: wow. really?16:29
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fungimordred: yep. doesn't rule out a bug, but occam would argue it's a likely case of pebcak16:29
mordredfungi: there is nothing in that shell's history that sources that file16:29
mordredthe dns16:30
mordredit sets things16:30
fungiyeah, since our dns is tied to one common tenant which controls the domain16:31
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clarkboh ya always do dns last and don't reuse shells16:31
mordredok. at least the mystery is solved16:31
fungii spawn multiple screen instances in my ssh session and do one launch in each. makes it easy to copy between then16:31
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mordredfungi: but wait- why isn't it showing them to me in that tenantn?16:32
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mordredoh - I resourced. nevermind16:32
* mordred starts over16:32
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clarkbit would be cool if you could reparent resources between users/tenants/projects/whatervertheabstraction is16:33
JayFmordred: fungi: glad to know that didn't happen. That's pretty close to the max nasty fail case16:33
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jeblaircorvus@bare-trusty-1409926504:/etc/nodepool$ cat /etc/nodepool/provider16:41
jeblaircorvus@py3k-precise-rax-iad-1954810:~$ cat /etc/nodepool/provider16:43
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jeblairso i think we're ready to merge the mirror switch code as soon as all the mirrors have entries in dns16:44
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fungiyep, i think so. rereviewing that series now16:46
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anteayattx so at some point I will request a tag for for the purposes of the election16:47
anteayattx when do you think the right date for that would be?16:47
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fungianteaya: ttx: similarly, i need to tweak to allow for a tag parameter, so give me a good day lead before you need the rolls so i can implement and test thoroughly16:48
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jesusaurusjeblair: fungi clarkb what size instances do you use for zuul and nodepool? are they primarily io-bound or are there any important cpu or memory requirements?16:49
clarkbjesusaurus: I think they are currently far oversided. we went with bigger nodes to tmpfs the git repos16:49
jeblairyeah, our zuul is too big16:49
clarkbjesusaurus: a 4cpu ish 8gb node is probably more than plenty16:50
jesusaurusclarkb: huh, tmpfs isnt a terrible thing to do there16:50
anteayafungi: sounds good16:50
jesusaurusjeblair: awesome thanks, i should explore those graphs more16:50
jeblairjesusaurus: it doesn't need it anymore because of the zuul mergers16:50
clarkbjesusaurus: why is that?16:50
clarkbjeblair: I mean with the zuul emrgers we don't need it16:51
clarkbgah tab complete16:51
anteayafungi: I'll be calling for the rolls on September 26, 2014 after 05:59 UTC16:51
jeblairjesusaurus: yeah, i agree with clarkb -- we should be fine on an 8g node16:51
clarkbjesusaurus: it doesn't hurt but is no longer necessary. There I englished properly16:51
fungijesusaurus: yeah, tmpfs doesn't really buy you anything in this case as long as the kernel is allowed to cache in available ram like it would normally want to16:51
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jeblairjesusaurus: also, our mergers are too big; we want to put them in 4g nodes16:52
fungi(well, the most recent one is 4gb)16:52
jeblairyeah this one:
jeblairmaybe we should consider 2g nodes :)16:53
fungijeblair: well, to be fair, it's making good use of the cache there16:53
jrollmordred: I don't really want to be the new person to bug, but I can be :P16:54
fungijeblair: after all, it is serving up a lot of arbitrary stuff off disk, and having the more frequently-accessed files cached into ram could provide some performance boost16:54
clarkbjroll: you did so well when we found that funky hypervisor though :)16:54
clarkbjroll: so now tag you're it16:54
fungijeblair: but yeah the response delta for that between a 2gb and 4gb instance is likely trivial16:54
jeblairfungi: yeah.  the others are using almost 2g of memory for stack/heap; zm04 may yet grow16:54
jrollclarkb: :)16:55
jeblairfungi: lets give it some more time16:55
jrollpvo is in my org chain, I'll just push everything up to him :P16:55
JayFI think the technical term is 'grandboss'16:56
* jroll bbiab16:56
clarkbmordred: any update on redoing the rax mirrors?16:57
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fungiunrelated, but do any of the former-mysqlites here know whether it notices it's using an nfs backend and changes its behavior intentionally? i've got some reports of nfs-backed virtual machines seeing significantly better performance than mounting nfs directly to the guest (with as identical of paramaters/tuning as can be managed)16:59
mordredclarkb: working on it17:00
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jeblairfungi: i find the lower amount of green on the node graph pleasing17:00
fungijeblair: as do i17:00
mordredfungi: no, mysql does not  behave differently17:00
clarkbfungi: perhaps a difference in nfs drivers? those things can be cranky particularly on linux17:01
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jeblair(there's a joke in here somewhere)17:01
fungimordred: okay, then it's down to blaming nfs file locking in guest rather than in host, non-monotonic clock issues, big backing caches in the hypervisor, et cetera17:01
mordredfungi: or network drivers in the guest17:01
fungior different nfsclient implementations as clarkb suggests, yeah17:01
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mordredit's a vnic, which may have somethign to do with it17:01
mordredbut yeah17:01
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clarkbjeblair: use afs right?17:04
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mordredclarkb: ord done. doing iad17:04
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fungiclarkb: i'll pass that suggestion along ;)17:05
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clarkbso I must admit to having never really used afs. perhaps I should afs my home network17:06
mordredclarkb: afs is amazing17:06
mordredclarkb: but you'll need to learn some new words17:07
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clarkbmordred: well its truly global right?17:07
clarkbso afs my home network is not quite right17:07
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fungiclarkb: join a cell in your home network to afs?17:08
clarkbthere we go17:08
dhellmannfungi: it looks like the updates to oslotest fixed the installation issue for python 3 locally; now to see if the jenkins slaves are happy17:10
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clarkbdhellmann: that is a new release with mox3?17:12
clarkboh I see email now17:12
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dhellmannclarkb: yep17:12
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jasondotstarhi all17:14
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jasondotstaris there someone here that can help me understand something re: the puppet-glance repo?17:14
clarkbjasondotstar: sure17:15
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jasondotstarso, I'm trying to understand something17:15
jasondotstarI've cloned the puppet-glance module17:16
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jasondotstarbut I need to create a new resource17:16
jasondotstarto add a new variable to the glance-api.conf file17:16
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jasondotstarhow should I use the glance_api_config resource?17:17
jasondotstaris it simply name => value ?17:17
fungijasondotstar: you also may find better support for those modules in the #puppet-openstack channel according to
clarkbjasondotstar: ah ok, so this is a specific qusetion about how the openstack project puppet modules do things. ^ ya that is probably what you want17:18
jasondotstarit's about how to use what looks to be a custom provider17:18
fungijasondotstar: we in here run the developer community infrastructure systems, so don't do a lot of deploying openstack components themselves (devstack aside)17:19
clarkbjasondotstar: ya you will want to checkout the #puppet-openstack channel. We don't actually hack on puppet-glance. We support the developer infrastructure that puppet-glance consumes17:19
clarkb(so I don't know the answer to your question)17:19
jasondotstari see.17:21
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flashgordonlooking for a review for which is needed to debug some gate issues17:40
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flashgordongate bug 136562517:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1365625 in grenade "javelin failing in gate-grenade-dsvm-neutron gate runs with no information" [Undecided,New]
clarkbflashgordon: I stilll don't see the javelin log in the check tests for that change17:41
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jeblairclarkb: looks like the last run was before the grenade change merged17:41
flashgordonjeblair: thanks guess I need a recheck first17:42
flashgordonjeblair: thanks, now I just need to wait to see if it works17:42
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jeblairflashgordon: i left a +2 for if the check tests come back ok17:44
mordredjeblair, clarkb, fungi: bandersnatch is running on the new hosts17:44
clarkbmordred: woot17:44
mordredit's on django at hp ... so I'm expecting several more hours17:44
fungioops, i was gonna review those and got sidetracked by the nova-is-doomed thread17:45
clarkbmordred: I can hit ord and dfw but not iad yet fwiw17:45
clarkbfungi: you are doing the email sidetrack thing too?17:45
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mordredclarkb: oh! well - rackdns sure does let me add multiple entries ...17:46
fungiclarkb: sometimes i can't help myself17:46
mordredclarkb: let me go clean those up17:46
flashgordonjeblair: thanks17:46
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fungimordred: yeah, round robin dns is a fairly basic use case, so they sort of need to17:47
clarkbmordred: oh that will do it (it is a valid thing to get dns round robining)17:47
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mordredclarkb: okie. fixed17:50
mordredshould propagate17:50
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flashgordon <-- fixes a gate bug in neutron unit tests and already in gate queue17:56
flashgordonis it possible to get that prioritized at the next reset17:56
jeblairflashgordon: just fyi; if you ask us to do it at the next reset, you're asking us to sit around and watch the status screen.  i'd be happy to promote it, but it's going to happen fairly immediately.17:59
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notmynamemordred: jeblair: with gertty, all I'm seeing in a diff is the commit message. not sure if I'm doing something wrong or what17:59
jeblairflashgordon: i can do that one now or 40 minutes from now17:59
flashgordonjeblair: now is fine17:59
clarkbnotmyname: it should be all on that single page. try scrolling down if the commit message is long?17:59
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flashgordonjeblair: as it is passing check queue. In the future when I ask, I would be happy to babysit the status page myself18:00
flashgordonman_of_mystery: ^18:00
flashgordonman_of_mystery: we are discussing promoting the neutrion unit test fix18:00
man_of_mysteryflashgordon: ack18:00
fungimordred: clarkb: were one of you planning to fix the pep8 issue in the mirror stack, or shall i?18:01
jeblairflashgordon: no problem, and we can wait sometimes.  just wanted to make sure you knew the tool only promotes immediately, not on reset :)18:01
notmynameclarkb: yeah. I found one that works. trying to find a pattern18:01
clarkbfungi: I hadn't noticed yet so go for it?18:01
man_of_mysteryflashgordon: I'm happy to babysit as well, let me know18:01
flashgordonjeblair: ack18:01
mordredfungi: oh - I didn't notice - go for it if you're in a position to18:01
clarkbnotmyname: another thing to check is which patches yo uare diffing. hit 'p' to bring that selection up18:01
fungimordred: clarkb: already had the stack checked out, so happy to. just didn't want to step on toes18:01
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mordredall yours!18:02
dhellmann_fungi: Is there something I can read to understand the timing for when you want/need us to land those py34 changes you're proposed? I've poked at the ML archives but didn't find anything obviously related.18:02
jeblairnotmyname: change number?18:02
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jeblairflashgordon: man_of_mystery: done18:02
fungiother than that it's testing clean, just didn't want my votes to get tossed when someone eventually fixed that minor issue18:02
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man_of_mysteryjeblair: thanks!18:02
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flashgordonjeblair: thanks18:02
notmynamejeblair: 37781 doesn't work. 39844 does. 118812 doesn't work (yes I know the first two are old, but they came up at the top)18:03
jeblairnotmyname: huh, both of those show code diffs for me18:04
notmynamejeblair: hmm18:04
asselin__did the key change? /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paramiko/ UserWarning: Unknown ssh-rsa host key for []:29418: 28c642b744d24864c13f31d81b6e3b6318:05
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clarkbasselin__: not since ~april/may whenever that was18:06
jeblairnotmyname: the '-d' flag output copious debug info to the log file.  however, there's very little debug output related to diffs, so that may not be useful.18:06
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notmynamejeblair: ok thanks. I'll try that. if that doesn't work, I'll be asking how to reset it to force a clean grap from the server18:07
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fungiopenstackgerrit seems to have gone on walkabout. i'll see if i can bring it back to us18:08
jeblairnotmyname: there are many commented out debug statements in if you felt like spelunking.  i probably should put those in and then set up log filters to scope it. (so you can do "-d diff" "-d db" etc)18:08
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fungiseems to have exited an hour ago18:09
fungi2014-09-05 17:04:52     <--     openstackgerrit ( has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)18:09
fungifreenode has been in bad shape off and on today though18:09
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pleia2early weekend for openstackgerrit18:09
jeblairi have to run, biab.18:09
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fungiwelcome back, openstackgerrit18:11
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krotscheckclarkb: Earlier this week you mentioned a pythony way of scanning for installed plugin-thingies. Is there a phrase I can google?18:14
clarkbkrotscheck: entry points18:14
clarkbkrotscheck: also stevedore18:14
fungikrotscheck: look in jenkins-job-builder source for a (massive) plugin registration implementation using entry points18:16
notmynamejeblair: I find it humorous that gertty's code wouldn't pass the openstack pep8/flake8 tests ;-)18:16
krotscheckfungi clarkb: Awesome, that’ll give me a good starting point18:16
* krotscheck wants to make the API event stream handlers pluggable :)18:17
funginotmyname: i don't find it that humorous. it's mostly written by one author, so coding style is "whatever jeblair did"18:17
fungia lot of which is probably "whatever emacs python mode did" in reality18:18
clarkbkrotscheck: note that while those entry points are all internal to the package you can install them from outside whcih may be what you want18:18
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notmynamefungi: sure sure. I don't mind it at all. I'm certainly not complaining18:18
clarkbkrotscheck: it all basically works the same and you install to where you want them to go18:18
krotscheckclarkb: So noted.18:19
clarkbso I might finally be mostly caught up on mail \o/18:19
clarkbone thing I noticed is that there are a lot of feature freeze exceptions... seems odd to be doing that18:20
clarkbbut I am not on the hook for them so carry on18:21
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clarkbkrotscheck: JJB doesn't use stevedore but stevedore aims to make these things easy. dhellmann can probably speak more to that18:23
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openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add Working with Bugs section to Dev guide
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added robust message publisher and subscriber
mordredkrotscheck: also, I believe devananda used it in Ironic - so there should be good examples there18:32
jeblairnotmyname i will have more debug steps in a few mins. dont destroy your context.18:33
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added robust message publisher and subscriber
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loki184fungi: can you please review
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fungiloki184: looks like a repeat of 110562 which you abandoned and subsequently lost all review context. why didn't you just ask jeblair and SergeyLukjanov to confirm your updates addressed their concerns so they would lift their -2 votes on it?18:42
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fungiloki184: anyway, i've approved it now18:44
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clarkbmordred: I am reviewing the mirror stack again post pep8 fix. Where is the ask cinder/noav for volume device name happening or was that dropped because of the sleep?18:46
notmynamejeblair: ack18:47
openstackgerritEdward Raigosa (wenlock) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: give install_modules options for loading requirements externally
clarkbmordred: I still don't see it but thats fine stack looks good as is but I didn't approve just in case you are still tweaking18:48
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jeblairnotmyname: sorry, was on phone while afk.  back now.18:49
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notmynamejeblair: no worries. I ate a burger :-)18:49
jeblairnotmyname: can you run that and paste into the etherpad?18:49
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notmynamejeblair: done18:50
clarkbmordred: also the rax nodes seem to have overtaken the hp node18:50
clarkbunless bandersnatch syncs out of order18:51
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openstackgerritEdward Raigosa (wenlock) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: give install_modules options for loading requirements externally
fungiclarkb: mordred: jeblair: looks like we're at 2x +2 (or 3x, or 4x...) on the mirror stack, so assuming the initial bandersnatch runs complete some time this afternoon do we want to approve the stack and pull the switch before the weekend or save it for monday-fun-day?18:52
clarkbfungi: I would like to pull the switch and am happy to push/help/dowhatever18:52
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add Working with Bugs section to Dev guide
fungiclarkb: that's my feeling as well. sooner the better18:53
jeblairnotmyname: the important values there all match mine;  what do you get from "git diff a8e161ba7056cd23c1823de1c048e8ee0b16617d..fe7206cdc0089d6b451390dd1662d088a5409847" in that repo?18:53
notmynamejeblair: when I do a local checkout?18:53
clarkbfungi: and ya I think that if the mirrors sync and are happy we should merge the stack18:53
jeblairnotmyname: no need; those gitshas should already be in the repo... sorry, i meant do that on the repo that gertty is using18:54
jeblairnotmyname: (and if they are not there, that tells us something)18:54
notmynamejeblair: hmm...actually can we try a different patch set? that was the only open review on that repo and I ended up using the web UI to merge it.18:54
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Adding windows disk image builder tool for tripleo on stackforge
clarkbjeblair: I think the response to your question on confirms we don't need the fixed ips18:55
clarkbwe just need an accessible ip18:55
jeblairfungi, clarkb: i think we can merge mordreds changes at will; only my chaneg to flip the switch needs to wait till all is done, right?18:55
jeblairnotmyname: sure; 37781?18:55
clarkbjeblair: yup. the reason I was waiting on mordred's changes is I am not sure if he had another edit for the get volume by name thing18:55
clarkbwe can always push that up as a new patch later too18:56
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jeblairnotmyname: so in swift: git diff f48465457f6bc0341818fcd50d3fbaa4381f7311..8a8499805b8b8fddd0caa88ed8a2fafb98795fff18:56
jeblairnotmyname: and can you double check those are the values in the gertty db with that query?18:56
jeblairnotmyname: oh that has lots of patchsets; let's go with: select r.* from revision r, change c where r.change_key=c.key and c.number=37781 and r.number=12;18:57
mordredclarkb: I do not. all of my edits are up18:57
loki184fungi: Thank you :)18:58
notmynamejeblair: and yes, the git diff in the local repo has stuff (looks right)18:58
jeblairnotmyname: how about: da5c3c6441067ee7b8b126c58c1a88a3085e36c1..84f494c0e74a1659d8ca2c1a4f83f23d1897445018:58
jeblairnotmyname: (sorry, my earlier git diff was for a random revision)18:59
mordredthat looks like a diff19:00
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jeblairnotmyname: and can you paste the output of "pip freeze" in the venv?19:01
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notmynamejeblair: which venv? I'm not using any (unless gertty is doing something)19:01
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jeblairnotmyname: nope; then how about: pip show gitpython gitdb19:01
jeblair(that will be shorter than a system-wide pip freeze and is all i really need)19:02
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notmynamejeblair: at the bottom of the etherpad19:02
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jeblairnotmyname: one last thing: git --version19:03
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notmynamejeblair: 1.9.219:04
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jeblairnotmyname: the values in your gertty db match mine and gerrit, your local git repo has the needed commits, and you're using the same versions of the git python modules as i am.  we have different versions of git (i'm on in precise)19:05
jeblairanyone else happen to have git 1.9.2 installed?19:05
mordredjeblair: I've got 1.9.119:05
fungijeblair: i do (debian testing)19:06
jeblairmordred/fungi: how does 37781 look for you?19:06
jeblairctrl-o then enter 37781 in case this isn't a normal workflow for you19:06
fungiit is, and it's fine. i can select the (unified since that's what i'm configured for) diff and scroll down through it with pgdn just fine19:07
fungimany, many files of diffing19:07
mordrednotmyname: are you on a mac? (/me grasping at straws)19:07
notmynamemordred: yes. mac host machine for text editing, guest vms for testing19:08
fungithe unified diff display does get a little wonky-looking on line numbers in the thousands since it no longer has any buffer space, but other than that no observable issues19:08
jeblairi tried to not do anything that would break macs, but don't have one for testing19:08
mordredjeblair: ooh, I got a crash when I hit p on the change page taht I'd jumped to with ctrl-o, btw19:09
jeblairmordred: confirmed!19:09
notmynamejeblair: mordred: FWIW I'm also using iTerm. ctrl-o doesn't seem to do anything for me19:09
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mordredjeblair: I've got a mac mini laying around here that I could probably put on the network and give you access to if that would be useful - it won't be in the next 10 minutes though19:10
funginotmyname: command-o? O_o19:10
jeblairmordred: i will take you up on that offer at your convenience :)19:10
mordrednotmyname: ctrl-o should open a text dialog and ask for you to enter a change number19:10
mordredor, as notmyname, maybe it's command-o or open-apple-o19:10
notmynameother ctrl commands for gerrty work.19:10
notmynameI wonder if there's somehting else intercepting it19:11
mordredis ctrl-o something mac or iterm normally uses?19:11
fungisonuds like maybe some ui layer is trapping ctrl-o for other (nefarious) porpoises19:11
jeblairnotmyname: hrm.  well, you can rebind them in .gertty.yaml if you need to19:11
jeblairnotmyname: see
jeblairnotmyname: that would be 'change-search' for the command19:12
notmynamejeblair: I'm looking at patch set 74845 now. I can see a diff on patch sets 1 and 3, but not 2,4,5,619:13
notmynamejeblair: the difference is that patch sets 1 and 3 have inline comments19:13
* mordred thinks notmyname may wind up winning the prize for most interesting gertty bug to date19:13
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jeblairnotmyname: i'm out of immediate ideas without more debugging info; so i think i need one or more of the following to proceed: (a) i need to make better debug logging in the diff generation and display area; (b) access to a mac to see if it something mac-ish that's causing this19:18
Ajaegerinfra team, stevemar and myself are looking into why heat-translator is not shown up on readthedocs.19:18
Ajaeger has a patch that merges it in19:18
notmynamejeblair: ok, no worries. thanks for working through it with me19:18
AjaegerLooking at the last commit, I see it not used in the post job:
AjaegerBut it was run on jenkins02:19:19
Ajaeger - without downloading anything19:19
jeblairnotmyname: or of course if playing around in someone else's spaghetti code sounds fun, you're welcome to look into that and i'd help out where i can. isn't pretty though, so i don't blame you if you have better things to do on a friday afternoon :)19:19
Ajaegerdo you know what's wrong here?19:19
stevemarthanks for recapping Ajaeger19:20
jeblairnotmyname: that last thing you mentioned suggestes the possibility though that it's actually producing a diff but choosing not to display it for some reason (there's code that specifically ensures that diffs with comments display the sections with comments).  very strange.19:20
notmynamejeblair: indeed19:20
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jeblairnotmyname: on the patchsets that you do see diffs, are they correctly color-coded, etc?19:20
clarkbAjaeger: it is just supposed to hit the build url which kicks it off19:21
clarkbAjaeger: is the project registered and in read the docs?19:21
jeblairnotmyname: and do you see "Expand previous 10" "Expand x lines of context" and "expand next 10" buttons?19:21
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Ajaegerstevemar: did you register the prject in read the docs?19:21
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stevemarAjaeger, nope! i wasn't aware i had to19:22
jeblairAjaeger: yeah, the hook isn't even necessary; readthedocs will build projects nightly regardless of whether the hook is there; this just speeds it up19:22
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Ajaegerjeblair, clarkb : so, there's a manual step needed on readthedocs? That's not documented on ;(19:23
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notmynamejeblair: interesting. no. the colors don't see correct (ie no colors). and I only see the context buttons after I scroll to the very end of the diff19:24
stevemarbah, just got disconnect for a minute there19:24
jeblairAjaeger: readthedocs is not part of our system or workflow19:24
Ajaegerjeblair, clarkb: So, stevemar should register himself heat-translator on readthedocs?19:24
notmynamejeblair: so it's probably a rendering issue, not a logic error19:25
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add Working with Bugs section to Dev guide
clarkbAjaeger: correct19:25
jeblairAjaeger: if he wants to use it, yes.  i don't have an opinion on whether he should.  :)19:25
Ajaegerjeblair: understood, still many non-integrated projects use it...19:26
Ajaegerjeblair: ;)19:26
jeblairAjaeger: yes, but not because we tell them to :)19:26
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jeblairnotmyname: that's starting to make me think it's a bug parsing git output19:26
Ajaegerstevemar: so, if you want to use it, register it and wait for a day to have it running...19:26
Ajaegerjeblair, clarkb: Thanks!19:26
notmynamejeblair: ya19:26
stevemarAjaeger, alright, i'll give it a shot19:27
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stevemarAjaeger, signed up, well that was painless19:27
stevemarthanks clarkb19:28
Ajaegerstevemar: never used readthedocs - so no clue ;/19:28
stevemarAjaeger, same, thanks a lot for getting back to me.19:28
Ajaegerstevemar: you're welcome - I learned something from it as well ;)19:28
openstackgerritEdward Raigosa (wenlock) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: lsb_release is missing for debian setup
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openstackgerritEdward Raigosa (wenlock) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: lsb_release is missing for debian setup
openstackgerritEdward Raigosa (wenlock) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: provide an option in plugin to pre-update a plugin with puppet
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clarkbjeblair: updated with a short note on the testing I did locally. I will probably do a phased rollout of that change at some point if you think it is reasonable19:38
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mordredclarkb: you know - if I'd been forward thinking AT ALL ... I would have called these hosts mirror.$region.o.o19:40
mordredclarkb: and made a plan for putting apt/yum/npm mirrors on them too19:40
mordredclarkb: but clearly I am _NOT_ forward thinking19:40
clarkbmordred: thats an easy enough change when we get there :)19:40
fungimordred: there's nothing stopping us from adding additional dns entries19:40
mordredfungi: dns is pricey19:40
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fungionly if you get the gold-plated ones19:41
jrollclarkb, mordred, looping back around, y'all can always poke me for rackspace issues and whatnot if needed19:41
mordredclarkb, fungi: iad seems to be finished19:41
jeblairnotmyname: do you have any global or local git settings or env vars that alter the display at all?  when you run git diff, does it colorize anything for you?19:41
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fungijroll: thanks for the offer! we will likely pester you incessantly about random stuff for no good reason19:42
fungi(at least i know i probably will)19:42
jrollyay, I love it when people do that!19:42
jeblairmordred, fungi: i'm wondering if i should go look in git-review for any "disable fancy git output stuff" we may need to apply to gertty19:42
mordredjeblair: ++19:42
notmynamejeblair: ah, interesting. I have "color.ui=always" set. so I have to do `git diff --no-color` when eg copying to a clipboard19:42
jrollfungi: it's ok, I'll pester y'all back for other random things :)19:42
fungijroll: we expect it19:42
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add translation jobs for swift
mordredI'm going to guess that's it ... line 270 in gertty/gitrepo.py19:43
clarkbnotmyname: I think 'true' is "safer19:44
clarkbnotmyname: it will only color when writing to a terminal19:44
fungii'm skimming git_review/ for any helpful ideas19:44
mriedemgate-oslo.serialization-python33 seems to be completely hosed, should it be made non-voting?19:44
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mriedemuntil oslotest gets it's packaging in order?19:44
clarkbmriedem: oslotest should have its packaging in order19:44
clarkbas of this morning pacific time19:45
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dhellmannyeah, we thought that was fixed is it still failling?19:45
Ajaegermriedem: dhellmann is on i...19:45
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mriedemanother recheck going through now19:45
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Have git not colorize output for diffs
clarkb1447utc was probably too early19:45
mordredjeblair, notmyname: maybe somethign liek that ^^19:45
mriedemchecked zuul, it passed19:45
mriedemclarkb: dhellmann: ^19:45
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dhellmannmriedem: so you're good?19:46
dhellmannok, good19:46
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mriedemclarkb: btw, over/under on harvin, 6 games - what say you? :)19:46
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clarkbmriedem: after last night? over19:46
mordredoh - or git-review does --color=never19:46
mriedemclarkb: he's just teasing you19:46
fungijeblair: mordred: --color=never19:46
fungid'oh, i read too slowly19:47
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Have git not colorize output for diffs
jeblairmordred: that'll take care of the diffstat (which appears on the change page), but we nneed to do something about line 365 for the actual diff19:47
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jeblairthat _probably_ means adding "color=never" as a function arg there19:48
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mriedemdhellmann: was there a patch for the oslotest fix?19:50
mriedemdhellmann: i'll put that in the bug report when i close it19:50
clarkbmordred: dfw and iad look done now. only two to go, though the hpcloud node is slower. is pypi hosted in rackspace? that may explain it19:51
mordredjeblair: color='never' does not break things19:52
mordredjeblair: I do not know if it _fixes_ notmyname's problem19:52
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mordredbut simple tests show that it does not cause vomitting19:52
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clarkbhpcloud is to topyc19:53
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notmynamemordred: give me a few minutes and I'll try to use it locally19:53
mordrednotmyname: one more sec ...19:53
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Have git not colorize output for diffs
mordrednotmyname: try taht version ^^19:53
* notmyname is using the gerrit web UI to patch the gerrit tty UI19:54
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fungimultipath code reviewing ;)19:55
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mriedemdhellmann: thanks19:56
notmynamemordred: jeblair: that works. thanks! I'll leave a comment in gerrit19:57
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* mordred did something marginally useful today - goes back to binge drinking19:57
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clarkbmordred: starting your weekend right?19:59
mordredclarkb: wait, did the weekend stop at some point?20:00
clarkbmordred: no that must've been an illusion all this work and stuff20:00
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openstackgerritKevin Benton proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add recheck query for bug 1365829
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1365829 in neutron "ipv6 tests leave ipv6 flag disabled" [High,Fix committed]
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fungii'm now marginally disappointed that mutt hides the ansi color escapes in my ml message, but then again perhaps i'm *glad* that it does so as well ;)20:03
mordredfungi: haha20:03
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add Working with Bugs section to Dev guide
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mtreinishfungi: heh, I didn't even notice that mutt did that, I saved it locally and catted it20:05
mtreinishthat is kinda disappointing20:05
fungiclarkb: (at least some of) pypi is hosted in rackspace i think. also dstufft works there20:05
sdakeoff for a vacation see folks next week \o/20:05
pleia2sdake: nice, enjoy :)20:06
dstufftall of pypi is hosted in rackspace, but you never hit rackspace servers directly20:06
dstufftonly Fastly20:06
dstufftFastly has some IAD servers though I think... dunno hwat DC20:06
mordredooh. the hpcloud server is almost done ...20:06
mordredit's on ztfy.skin20:06
fungimtreinish: or |more in mutt while the message is selected20:07
clarkbdstufft: ok, so probably either that or hpcloud network having different throttles than rax networiking20:07
mtreinishfungi: ooh even better, I really need to learn how to use my tools20:07
fungimtreinish: everything is a hammer. that's my motto20:07
mordredclarkb: hp is done20:08
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Update H501 to check for self.__dict__
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clarkbcool I think that means we can take the plunge now?20:08
jeblairmordred, notmyname: woot!20:08
clarkbI am going to do some quick local testing before that though20:08
mordredclarkb: yah. all 4 should be good now20:08
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openstackgerritNikhil Manchanda proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fixed gate-trove-functional-dsvm jobs
clarkbmordred: jeblair: oh and does the select mirror change need to update pydistutils.conf too?20:09
clarkbor hwatever that file is20:09
clarkbiirc it only does pip.conf20:09
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Handle unicode emails in git commits
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Have git not colorize output for diffs
jeblairclarkb: oh, i think you are right.  updating.20:10
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mordredclarkb: I'm gong to go ahead and land the launch-node patches20:11
clarkbmordred: kk20:11
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clarkbI was just able to install novaclient from all 4 new mirrors20:12
clarkbwhich isn't the most thorough test but seems to indicate things are there and pip is happy20:13
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Configure pip with a per-region mirror
jeblairclarkb, mordred, fungi: now with more config file mangling20:13
jeblairclarkb, mordred, fungi: those are the only 2 files related to this sort of thing that devstack-gate copies to different users, so i think that should be it.20:13
mordredjeblair: I agree with you20:14
clarkbyup that should be it20:14
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clarkbjeblair: and nodepool uses the jenkins user for that ssh connection right? we won't need to sudo in that script20:14
jeblairclarkb: to the best of my knowledge, yes :)20:14
* mordred is going to be excited about this20:14
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Update sideways Ironic job
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jeblairclarkb: at least, i thought about it and looked at things and read code and came to that conclusion.20:15
clarkbjeblair: good enough for me :)20:15
clarkbI am pretty sure that is the case as well20:15
jeblairi'm really hesitant to say something like "oh definitely yes" when it comes to nodepool :)20:15
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mordredclarkb: once this is live, should we just do round-robin dns on the four of them? or set up a 'proper' load balancer to be ?20:15
fungiyeah, those are the only two i know of20:15
clarkbmordred: round robin is probably fine20:16
fungiand the recentish work to excise select-mirror has stripped all the varied and random places we used to mangle those two files20:16
clarkbmordred: since the jobs themselves are already smart balanced20:16
mordredyah. mainly just thinking there is no reason to have a pypi mirror on static.o.o anymore20:16
clarkbmordred: if the entry point is the pypi.o.o name I would say use a real load balancer20:16
jeblairwe could get rid of to drive home the idea that people shouldn't use it :)20:16
mordredjeblair: except _I_ use it20:17
clarkbdoes rax support geo based dns load balancing20:17
jeblairmordred: not that you should do this, but you could benchmark the 4 and pick one :)20:17
mordredjeblair: mmm20:17
jeblairi hesitate to put a real lb in front of them, because it won't actually have the right info20:18
jeblair(since most of their load would bypass the lb)20:18
mordredthat's an excellent point20:18
fungijeblair: mordred: at least deleting the old "openstack" tree out from under pypi.o.o would help ferret out the remaining people who haven't already wandered in here complaining that they're having trouble installing new enough requirements20:18
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add support to launch node for attaching volumes
mordredfungi: I'm game to go ahead and do that20:18
clarkbor rename it openstack-stop-using-this20:19
jeblairokay, so are we set to aprv 119158?20:19
fungii think so20:19
clarkbjeblair: I am20:19
jeblairdone; all we need to do is wait for nodepool to get around to spinning up some precise nodes20:20
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jeblairif i were to guess, i'd give it an eta of an hour20:20
clarkbso lunchtime20:20
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove partial mirror from static.o.o
clarkbdhellmann: fwiw there is or was a zmq devstack job applied experimentally? to nova maybe20:21
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove pypi mirror from
clarkbdhellmann: but I think it is well bitrotted20:21
mordredthere are changes to do the old mirror removal20:21
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove references to old volume from fstab
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add a floating IP if needed
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add option to keep failed server
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Fix crash on prev/next change
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jeblairmordred: ^20:26
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mordredjeblair: woot20:27
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Split pypi_mirror into its own class
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jeblairclarkb, flashgordon:
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clarkbany idea why it doesn't have the header thing to select log level?20:33
mordredjeblair, clarkb, fungi: I'm considering re-naming the old directory before we remove it, just in case there is something catastrophic we didn't catch - any objections?20:33
jeblairthis variant of the grenade test failed:
jeblairmordred: none20:33
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add option for building Ironic deploy ramdisks
clarkbmordred: nope go for it20:33
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clarkbjeblair: I think that variant has been having trouble lately20:34
clarkbflashgordon: ^ any news on that front?20:34
jeblair2014-09-05 19:35:58.120 | Expected running services not running: ,n-cond20:34
jeblair2014-09-05 19:35:58.121 | + die 348 'Failure in check-sanity'20:34
clarkbrandom gertty feature thought. some way to turn off comments20:35
clarkbsometimes reading code is just easier that way20:35
fungimordred: i can't imagine anything we would have missed which couldn't be fixed by a symlink to the bandersnatch mirron on static.o.o, but sure, that's fine too20:35
jeblairwhy is there no n-cpu log?20:35
jeblairclarkb: good idea20:35
clarkbjeblair: because in that job n-cpu is not restarted20:36
clarkbjeblair: so the only log is the log from the old/ dir20:36
dhellmannclarkb: yeah, the bitrot is getting smelly :-)20:36
flashgordonjeblair: oh the javelin jogs are in20:36
clarkbjeblair: that test checks that if you upgrade the rest of nova the old compute nodes will keep running so that you don't have to forklist them all at once20:36
flashgordonlooking into the failure20:36
fungiclarkb: yeah, i could see a key to toggle comment visibility being super helpful actually20:37
mordredjeblair: do we need to put per-region mirrors in the tripleo regions too?20:37
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add entry for new PyPI mirrors
jeblairmordred: i only set the ready script to run on non-tripleo nodes20:37
fungimordred: the only jobs running in tripleo regions are (at least currently) tripleo jobs, so we should ask them20:37
flashgordonclarkb fungi: that was bug 133127420:37
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1331274 in grenade "Services not starting on new side of Grenade" [Undecided,New]
jeblairmordred: i guess that means we should keep pypi.o.o around for a bit because we are using it :)20:38
flashgordonjeblair: ^20:38
jeblairflashgordon: that applies to the partial-ncpu job?20:38
jeblairyep apparently :)20:38
clarkbjeblair: ya or round robin the others as pypi.o.o20:39
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add option for building Ironic deploy ramdisks
flashgordonjeblair: yup any grenade thing20:39
clarkbok I am +2 on javelin change. any opposition to approving?20:39
fungii got the impression that tripleo jobs might be using dib-cached packages and devpi or whatever and not actually hitting our pypi mirror at all, but don't know for sure20:39
jeblairclarkb: go for it20:39
clarkbfungi: I think they do that on their laptops20:39
clarkbfungi: but not in their cloud20:39
fungiohhh, got it20:39
flashgordonjeblair: you already have per region pypi mirrors set up?20:39
jeblairflashgordon: ah, right and the actual error this time was from n-cond, not n-cpu.20:40
jeblairflashgordon: so all makes sense to me now.20:40
jeblairflashgordon: in about an hour or so, jobs will start using them.20:40
fungiflashgordon: we're about to find out whether per-region mirrors are working, at any rate20:40
clarkbflashgordon: yes several of us hacked on it over the last day and a half and moment of truth is shortly20:40
flashgordonjeblair fungi: wow that was fast20:40
mordredjeblair: k. I just sent a mailing list message about mirrors20:40
flashgordonclarkb: thank you to everyone who hacked it up20:41
flashgordonvery awesome20:41
jeblairflashgordon: fungi, mordred, clarkb, and i went all in on it :)20:41
jeblairflashgordon: is the change that flips the switch, is in check now.20:41
jeblairflashgordon: heh, so after 2 days of work, we'll find out if this fixes it, or if it's actually internal hpcloud network issues.  :)20:42
flashgordonjeblair: yah I was wondering about that possibility20:42
fungii'd put even money on still getting network timeouts locally to mirrors in the same region20:43
jeblairi think we can yell louder in that case20:43
clarkbjeblair: while this doesn't prove anything I had an mtr going a while back between hpcloud and rax and their was an intermediate isp that was dropping packets on the floor20:43
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fungipeering relationships are the pits20:43
clarkbso it may be a combination of all of the above :)20:44
jeblairclarkb: was it named 'level3'?20:44
clarkbno it was someone else I forget who now20:44
mordredoh - one fo the folks at HP has done some additional work and suggests that we should expand to 9 routers, btw20:44
clarkba smaller isp20:44
clarkbnot cogent level3 sprint etc20:44
mordredand additionally, he suggests that once we have 9 routers, we should coordinate with them and they'll get them spread to be one router per network node20:44
clarkbmordred: ~50 servers per router?20:45
clarkbmordred: is it that ratio that is important or locality or?20:45
mordredI think it's more locality20:45
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fungisounds like isolating them per controller is20:45
jeblairyeah, i think the ratio was more us running out of ips in a network earlier20:45
mordredso, I think the 'right' way to do that would be to create 9 new routers and tell them what they are20:46
jeblair(which of course once we knew that, we could identify the actual number of servers to put on it)20:46
mordred(there is downtime associated with moving a router)20:46
mordredthen let them move them one per server20:46
mordredthen we can change our nodepool config to use the 9 new routers20:46
mordreddoes that sound sane?20:46
clarkbwe also need to remember that we are unbalanced across AZs. will that affect network controller location?20:47
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jeblairmordred: yeah, while you were gone we were asked to change our az balance for capacity reasons20:47
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fungiyeah, i think the nodepool config changes will really just be swapping out network uuids at that point20:48
mordredfungi: yah20:48
mordredjeblair: excellent20:48
jeblairclarkb: what was the behavior when we did not specify an az?20:49
clarkbalso is this something we should be filing bugs against upstream? or is this particular to hp's implementation?20:49
clarkbjeblair: it used az2 iirc20:49
fungijeblair: all nodes were launched in one az20:49
clarkbjeblair: it is supposed to schedule across all of them but hpcloud has hard set it instead20:50
clarkbat least upstream nova intends to schedule across all of them in that case but it can be overridden20:50
clarkbapparently this choice was made to give the user a consistent experience and az20:50
mordredwhy would the user want that?20:50
mordredif a user wanted a consistent az, wouldn't the user request a consistent az?20:50
clarkbwell it sounded like fud to me but I don't know nova20:51
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clarkbmordred: that is what I said :)20:51
mordredI believe that basically nobody has any clue what anyone using a cloud actually wants20:51
mordredand when we tell them, they consistently tell us we're wrong20:51
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add recheck query for bug 1365829
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1365829 in neutron "ipv6 tests leave ipv6 flag disabled" [High,Fix committed]
* mordred throws rotten vegetables at clouds20:51
* mordred is covered in rotten vegetables20:51
* mordred forgot that clouds are further away than his arm strength20:52
clarkbspeaking of rotten vegetables. I have successfully made it deep into winter playing Don't Starve20:52
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clarkbfungi: you may enjoy it if you enjoy roguelikes20:52
mordrednotmyname: I should get that tatooed20:52
mordredclarkb: how rogue like?20:53
mordredclarkb: does it have kestrals?20:53
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add check job for Ironic-python-agent + Tempest
mordredclarkb: and/or does it use ascii art?20:53
fungiclarkb: i've heard that. nethack was particularly good at killing you for hanging around too long and not diving deeper to find more food. fun game mechanic20:53
nibalizerhey dstufft i have a pip question? why hasn't 1.6 released yet? it has a fix we desperately need20:53
fungiangband too, to a great extent20:53
mordrednibalizer: because dstufft is mad at you20:53
dstufftI personally dislike you and wish you pain!20:54
nibalizermordred: :cry:20:54
clarkbmordred: no and no, but you are plopped into a forest and have to survive the night, then you have to survive winter20:54
dstufftThe real answer is because I was really hoping to get PEP 440 final into it20:54
clarkbmordred: eventually if you manage to build yourself a kingdom you can go spelunking20:54
clarkbfungi: have you played mangband?20:54
dstufftand maybe the final version of killing off find links, though I don't know if that's going to happen20:54
greghaynesclarkb: did you rope mordred into dont starve?20:54
clarkbfungi: we may still have a server running somewhere20:54
mordredspeaking of pep440 ... lifeless, what do you need from me on the pep440/semver stuff in pbr?20:54
clarkbgreghaynes: knowing mordred I don't think so. but fungi may give it a go20:54
greghayneswouldnt that effectively mean infra is in feature freeze?20:55
clarkbmordred: I think its mostly in there. biggest thing is how this affects how we do release for preversioned servers20:55
clarkbmordred: I remember reviewing and approving things that check versions and stuff20:55
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Fix another crash on prev/next change
nibalizerdstufft: okay, what is your guestimate on when it will be released?20:55
fungiclarkb: i have played zangband, but am unfamiliar with mangband20:55
mordredclarkb: does it really have anything to do with how we release?20:55
clarkbmordred: yes because it throws and exception if your preversion is wrong20:56
mordredbut preversion is calculated20:56
clarkbmordred: so you have to commit and merge setup.cfg version bump first then tag previous commit20:56
dstufftnibalizer: I'll probably startt the process soonish, PEP 440 is finalized and we have PRs against setuptools and pip implementing it, we're just hashing out the details of doing that20:56
mordredclarkb: that makes no sense20:56
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clarkbmordred: basically any commits after the preversion will say "Hey this is an error because I am newer than the specified version"20:56
dstufftmight try to squeeze in the bandersnatch change if christian pulls in my PR and releases a new bandersnatch before 1.620:56
fungiclarkb: oh, mangband is multiplayer angband (more multiplayer than just tombstones and bones files anyway)?20:57
mordredclarkb: I will write a patch - I believe that is bad behavior20:57
clarkbmordred: so your first commit must be bump setup.cfg version20:57
dstufftbut I have a PR for that already too, just waiting on bandersnatch to pull + release20:57
mordredclarkb: pbr is intended to do what you mean20:57
mordredclarkb: not to yell at you20:57
clarkbfungi: yeah you all run around in dungeons together its amazing20:57
clarkbmordred: thats fair too20:57
mordredexceptions from are always the wrong choice20:57
mordredbut I can also wait to argue with lifeless when it's not his saturday20:57
clarkbmordred: that said it caught a ton of issues in our versioning so at least a warning would be good20:57
clarkband yes lifeless is the person to argue with :)20:58
mordredwell, but - so, work with me here for a second20:58
mordredif I have 2014.1 in setup.cfg, and commits that arent' tagged will generate pre-release versions of that20:58
nibalizerdstufft: okay sweet, if we can help by testing the -dev branch  or whatever please let me know20:58
clarkbright, except for any commits after the 2014.1 tag. what do they do?20:58
clarkbin lifelesses changes they say nope20:58
mordredthen, if I tag a release 2014.1, that commit will still have 2014.1 in setup.cfg, so that's fine20:58
fungiclarkb: sounds like the network multiplayer variant of gauntlet, i forget what it was called20:58
mordredclarkb: so the _next_ commit to land should bump the version, yeah?20:59
clarkbmordred: yes20:59
mordred(in setup.cfg)20:59
mordredk. so - what's the problem?20:59
clarkbthe problem is that we just need to do that21:00
clarkband haven't been21:00
mordredonce ttx cuts a tag, no more commits can land until the commit that bumps the version21:00
mordredsorry, I thought it was a crazy dance where ttx needed to land the version bump commit _then_ retroactively land the tag21:00
mordredwhich is crazy21:00
clarkbwell that is the safest way to do it21:00
mordredit's not21:00
clarkbbecause then anyone proposing code doesn't break21:00
clarkband there isn't a window of lolwtf21:00
fungimordred: i think the baked-in assumption was that project with pre-versioning should never have post-versioned development snapshots or something like that, though in practice our pre-versioned projects update setup.cfg in the commit after the tag anyway so no problemo21:01
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mordredfungi: yeah - I think this is a place where we need to relax perfection21:01
mordredbecause perfection does not have value and makes things hard for people, not easier21:01
clarkbfungi: in practice they do not21:01
mordredbut it doesn't matter if they do or do not21:01
clarkbfungi: and that is the only reason I am not arguing for removing the check21:01
fungimordred: i similarly didn't see any problem with having changes after the release tag but before the setup.cfg edit or before the next pre-release tag being post-versioned development snapshot version numbers21:02
mordredfungi: ++21:02
clarkbmordred: I think it does in that one commit can have an ambiguous version21:02
mordredfungi: it's incorrect, but basically, Who Cares21:02
clarkbbut I may be wrong about that.21:02
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mordredthat one commit will have an abiguous version21:02
clarkbbasically if you tag 2014.1 but don't update setup.cfg what should the next version be21:03
mordredbut that's what we get from having async patch landing combined with pre-versioning21:03
mordredclarkb: exactly21:03
mordredI'm just saying that the cost to solving that is higher than the value for solving it21:03
jeblairclarkb: there's a solution to this, right?21:03
clarkbjeblair: thats the mirror thing right?21:04
clarkboh wait sorry21:04
jeblairclarkb: that's the mirror derp + capitalization thing21:04
clarkbjeblair: ya, you get more reliable results out of pip if you name your requireemtns case sensitively21:04
jeblairclarkb: so we should say Sphinx in config/test-requirements?21:05
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fungiusing the wrong casing of a package name causes a fallback search which means more round-trips which means greater chance to break21:05
clarkbjeblair: dstufft is working on fixing this but it requires a dance between pip and bandersnatch21:05
clarkbjeblair: but hopefully soon it will be less of an issue21:05
fungiand pypi21:05
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fungiwhere he just posted earlier this week it's done now21:06
* mordred hands dstufft a very warm and recently blown-dry cat21:06
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: capitalize sphinx in test-requirements
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dstufftI'm waiting on Christian to review my bandersnatch PR and hopefully merge it and release it21:06
dstufftonce he does that i'll merge my PR against pip21:06
dstufftpip 1.5.* won't work very well with bandersnatch prior to that change, but oh well21:07
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jeblair119158 is in gate, waiting on precise nodes21:09
mordreddstufft: when you say "won't work very well" - is there something we should be bracing for?21:09
clarkbjeblair: I ninja approved Sphinx change21:10
dstuffter I had those versions wrong21:10
dstufftpip 1.6+ won't work very well with bandersnatch prior to the version that has my PR in it21:10
dstufftif you upgrade your bandersnatch before pip 1.6 releases you'll be fine21:10
* mordred continues to hand dstufft fluffy cats in appreciation at a rate of 5 cats per second21:11
dstufft(because pip 1.6 will normalize the name always, so "pip install Django" will effectively become "pip install django", which without my change on the bandersnatch side will cause the failure that you're all seeing now when you have a mistake in the caps in the name21:11
mordredthis is gonna be a really good change when it's landed, you know21:12
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dstufftbut the new version of bandersnatch will work fine with old versions of pip (it has both /simple/django/ and /simple/Django/), well as fine as it does now21:12
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jeblair"the trouble with fluffy cats"21:12
salv-orlandoclarkb, fungi, jeblair: sorry to interrupt your work. mtreinish has a patch for the top gate offender - bug 1349617. The patch is - as it seems we’re about to hit a gate reset, is there a possibility of considering a promotion?21:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1349617 in tempest "SSHException: Error reading SSH protocol banner[Errno 104] Connection reset by peer" [Undecided,In progress]
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mordredjeblair: takea  moment and imagine room containing 10k fluffy cats milling about21:13
dstufftmordred: the pypi change already fixed the "someone renamed their thing on PyPI causing a redirect loop because lol caching" problem21:13
jeblairmordred: this is burning man?21:13
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flashgordon is about to fail21:13
mordredjeblair: if that's what you want burningman to be, then ye21:13
clarkbhuh its in there twice. once for check and once for gate21:13
flashgordonand that is for the top job in the gate21:13
clarkbdid it already get bumped manually once?21:13
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Configure pip with a per-region mirror
clarkbsalv-orlando: I am on board with it21:14
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jeblairclarkb: lgtm; you going to execute?21:14
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salv-orlandoclarkb: thanks. I need to go afk now - mtreinish and flashgordon are available if you have any questions.21:14
flashgordonclarkb: has not gotten bumped manually before this21:14
clarkbjeblair: I can yes21:14
jeblairsalv-orlando: i'm assuming neutron-icehouse is currently always broken, and it's not that patch's fault?21:15
jeblair(for grenade)21:15
clarkbjeblair: go for it now?21:15
mordredjeblair: there is a non-broken version?21:15
jeblairclarkb: wfm21:15
jeblairyeah, grenade-neutron-icehous seems to be failing wherever i see it21:16
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add the tempest-lib project to openstack
clarkbpromotion in progress21:16
jeblair21:13 < openstackgerrit> A change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Configure pip with a per-region mirror
jeblairdidn't see that! :)21:17
clarkbjeblair: so that should be in place real soon now21:17
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salv-orlandojeblair: it seems like it. I can’t look at the failures right now, I will refer the problem to #openstack-neutron21:17
clarkb~10 minutes21:17
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clarkband done21:17
clarkbthank you for flying air zuul where throughput is our number one priority21:17
jeblairclarkb: i thought it was 'we eventually get you there'?21:18
jeblaireventual consistency is a trait i look for in an airline21:18
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flashgordonclarkb: ^_^21:19
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fungias airline sloagans go, "you'll probably get there alive" is my favorite21:19
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dstufftmordred: How easy would it be for you to run a bunch of tests with a forked copy of setuptools?21:22
clarkbdstufft: not to bad I don't think. you would just propose a change to requirements that explicitly installs that version from sdist or git or wherever21:23
clarkbdstufft: and since in our tox stuff we install deps first it should work21:23
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mordredclarkb: I thought we stopped supporting sdist lines in g-r ?21:24
clarkbmordred: we did if you want to merge the change21:24
dstufftI have a PR against setuptools that implements PEP 440, it passes all of setuptools tests, and almost all of pip's (the 3 failing tests are legit changes where the tests need updated), and it works in my manual exercises of it.... but if it be possible to run it through some more paces that'd be great21:25
clarkbbut dstufft only wants to test it, iirc its job enforcement that faisl on those not actually workingness21:25
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clarkbI may be wrong about that though, mordred is sort of the expert on these things around here21:25
mordreddstufft: I'm sure we can figure out something ... got a link to the pr?21:25
fungiright, basically just propose it and mark it as experimental/do-not-review set to work in progress, so that drive-by reviewers don't waste their time trying to tell you what a horrible person you are for proposing a requirements change which would pull in external unpackaged stuff21:25
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mordredclarkb: actually, I think what we want to do is propose a noop change to devstack21:28
mordredclarkb: since we do not install setuptools from requirements21:28
fungithat would be more than a one-liner (a several-liner) but should work and would still be fairly trivial21:28
clarkbthat should work too, we do install it from requirements though if we list it right?21:28
* mordred on it21:29
mordredclarkb: no21:29
jeblairit's applied21:29
clarkbmordred: since tox targets have dep lists before we or whaetver21:29
* fungi braces for impact21:29
mordredright. but setuptools is not in a dep list21:29
clarkbjeblair: that change may or may not use it depending on how old the node is21:29
mordredso the dep syncing will sync nothing21:29
clarkbmordred: you can add it21:29
mordredto a project?21:29
clarkbso the test would be put it in requirements.txt21:29
clarkbya just as a WIP change21:30
mordredlet me try devstack first ...21:30
jeblairclarkb: negative on that node21:30
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mordredclarkb, dstufft, fungi:
dstufftmordred: thanks!21:32
jeblairException: Unable to run ready script21:32
jeblaircommand: cd /opt/nodepool-scripts &&  ./ bare-trusty-rax-dfw-1960662.slave.openstack.org21:32
jeblairstdout: bash: ./ No such file or directory21:32
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jeblairthat _might_ be temporary21:33
clarkboh right21:33
clarkbbecause it could be a race between puppet on the nodes building and puppet applying to nodepool21:33
fungiyeah, i suppose the first indicator of failure is going to be if our node graph starts shrinking in used and growing substantially in building and delete21:34
jeblairclarkb: i don't think puppet's involved21:34
clarkbjeblair: fungi: do we need new images?21:34
jeblairclarkb: no21:34
mordreddstufft: I re-uploaded it slightly differently21:34
fungiclarkb: we *did* need new images for the metadatam but those built (at least some of them did)21:34
mordreddstufft: so that it's just doing a pip install of git+git://
jeblairclarkb: yes21:35
fungichecking to see if we maybe had image update failures earlier21:35
clarkbshould we manually unpatch nodepool.yaml while we build them?21:35
clarkbI can start some image builds right now21:35
jeblairclarkb: yes.  i'll do the manual patch.21:35
dstufftmordred: ok cool21:35
mordreddstufft: but that should run all of our integration tests including all of the package installation with that setuptools installed21:35
clarkbok starting builds21:35
mordredwhich mean ... _something_21:35
fungiwhat else did we patch which needed image updates besides the provider metadata file?21:36
fungior is it just that the image update didn't succeed everywhere?21:36
jeblairfungi: the metada file isn't in the image; it's just that the ready script is expected to be in the image21:37
fungiahh, yep, some didn't build today21:37
fungiright, the ready script would get run to create the metadata file21:38
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clarkbok I have hpcloud-b1 running really quickly to smoke out any potential bad image names21:39
jeblairfungi: image build copies ready script into image; when node is spun up, nodepool writes metadata file (some data are not available until the node actually exists); nodepool runs ready script (which it expects to already exist)21:39
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jeblair(ready script expects provider file to exist)21:39
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jeblairi've manually changed the config file; we probably have about 10 mins of failed builds to go from the old config21:40
fungiand the change to add the ready script merged yesterday, but some images didn't successfully update today21:40
jeblairfungi: no, the change to add the ready script was erroneously part of the script that enabled it.  we should have done it that way.  (though it would have been wrong since we didn't remember pydistutils until today)21:41
jeblairpart of the *change* that enabled it21:41
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fungioh, right, the ready script was the one creating the mirror files, not the one creating the provider metadata files21:42
fungiso really they all need rebuilding then21:42
clarkband rax-dfw are in progress now21:43
clarkbthat is a lot of screen windows21:43
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fungidid someone already disable puppet agent on nodepool.o.o?21:43
jeblairfungi: yes21:43
fungiokay, cool21:44
jeblairfungi: and yes21:44
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clarkbya I have hpcloud-b1 and rax-dfw going. not sure how many I can manage without losing sanity21:44
jeblairi think we're sucessfully adding nodes now21:44
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fungii would offer to babysit some slice of the image updates, but i have somewhere else i'm supposed to be for the next several hours, so i'll need to check back in later21:48
jeblairfungi: np, enjoy!21:48
jeblairclarkb: want me to take some?21:48
clarkbjeblair: sure maybe start on the opposite end of the hpcloud digits?21:49
clarkbthey all seem to be building there so no bad image names21:49
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clarkbI am going to start ord now21:49
fungithanks, if there's more to do when i get back, i'll take up the reins21:50
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clarkbfungi: have fun21:51
kevinbentonI heard neutron stable/icehouse jobs failing in the gate. Does someone have a link to a failure?21:51
clarkbkevinbenton: that one I think21:53
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: capitalize sphinx in test-requirements
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kevinbentonclarkb: that’s a master branch patch21:55
kevinbentonclarkb: oh i see21:55
kevinbentonclarkb: tempest affects all21:56
jeblairclarkb: i've started b5; how low should i go? including b2?21:56
clarkbjeblair: sure21:56
clarkbjeblair: I am just about to start iad which will cover all of them21:56
clarkbexcept for tripleo21:57
clarkbbutwe didn't ready them right?21:57
jeblairclarkb: correct21:57
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jeblairclarkb: out of keypairs21:58
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jeblairclarkb: i'll try to correct21:58
clarkbok iad is in progress now21:59
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jesusaurusjeblair: i commented on 115116 with a find command to run on existing data. note that the policy is space separated in the command but comma separated in the file22:00
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jeblairjesusaurus: cool, thanks!22:01
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clarkbthe first handful of nodes have done their disconnect and are snapshotting22:04
jeblairclarkb: are your hpcloud-b1 nodes done?22:05
jeblair(i'm trying to figure out which keys are safe to delete22:05
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clarkbjeblair: no they are not done yet22:05
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clarkbthey are all cloning or snapshotting so nearly tere22:05
clarkbI think we must ddos cirros and vmware image hosts :)22:06
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clarkbI suppose this is far better than the slaves doing it22:06
jeblairokay, i think i've got the right ones to delete; deleting keypairs now22:08
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jeblairand builds are running for b2-b522:10
jeblairi think maybe we should wait on the 9 region split until after dib :)22:10
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clarkbjeblair: I think -b1 is done now22:14
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openstackgerritEdward Raigosa (wenlock) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: give install_modules options for loading requirements externally
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jeblair ERROR:  Could not find a valid gem 'puppetlabs_spec_helper' (>= 0) in any repository22:16
jeblairthat happened in centos6 on b522:16
clarkbI haven't seen it. maybe the gem server pulled a pypi?22:16
jeblairprolly so, will restart22:16
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jeblairclarkb: we could probably enable the ready script for one of the labels...22:17
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jeblairclarkb: it applies to all the providers, and will fail for the ones that haven't finished yet22:17
clarkblet me see which ones have finished22:18
jeblairclarkb: but we might get a head start on any subsequent problems for the ones wich have finished22:18
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clarkbbare-centos6 and bare-trusty are both done in -b1 and dfw22:18
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jeblair2014-09-05 22:12:05,278 INFO Error22:19
jeblair: Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: fedora/20/x86_64. Please verify its path and try again22:19
clarkband centos6 is snapshotting in ord22:19
clarkbso maybe centos6?22:19
jeblairclarkb: ok22:19
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jeblairclarkb: shall i edit the file?22:19
clarkbgo for it22:19
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clarkbI now realize I should've gone by image and not provider22:20
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jeblaircentos6 is configured to run the ready script22:21
jeblairwow, it's really amazing we ever get images22:21
asselin__how do you setup a job to override a particular project with a gerrit revision? i.e. checkout the latest patch of
jeblair2014-09-05 22:23:22,740 INFO nodepool.NodeLauncher: Creating server with hostname in rax-dfw from image bare-centos6 for node id: 196151522:23
jeblair2014-09-05 22:23:22,754 INFO nodepool.NodeLauncher: Creating server with hostname in rax-dfw from image bare-centos6 for node id: 196151622:23
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jeblairclarkb: ^ those 2 should end up running the script22:24
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openstackgerritEdward Raigosa (wenlock) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: give install_modules options for loading requirements externally
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clarkbdfw is almost done with all of its images22:28
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jeblairjobs starting on
jeblairindex-url =
jeblairthat's from the node22:40
jeblairand the job succeeded22:40
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clarkb is another22:41
clarkbits in progress though22:41
lifelessmordred: there are other ways forward22:41
lifelessmordred: such as making the version marker in setup.cfg a desire not an absolute22:41
lifelessmordred: generating historical version numbers is not good - we've had bugs reported on that in pbr22:42
clarkbjeblair: did you get the index url off the machine?22:42
lifelessmordred: and see the thread I started about this with ttc22:42
jeblairclarkb: yep22:42
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lifelessmordred: ttx and I believe its not a pragmatic issue for OpenStack today, because we do release tags on branches not trunk, so we don't run into the huge race with the gate22:42
clarkbcool I checked the one for te job I linked too and same thing22:43
clarkbso I think that is working22:43
jeblairclarkb: i'd guess my builds are about 1/3 done22:43
jeblairi mean, about 1/3 of them are done :)22:44
clarkbord is done, iad has one image snapshotting left, and dfw has 222:44
clarkbso rax is almost there22:44
lifelessclarkb: do you know what brought the ^ subject up with mordred? I can't see it in scrollback22:44
clarkblifeless: he said he wanted to catch up on pep440 and pbr related things22:45
clarkblifeless: and I mentioned that you were talking to ttx about how ti affects release time22:45
lifelessso thats good, but he's going off half cocked at the moment :)22:45
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jeblairb5 is done22:50
mordredlifeless: I often do that ... if there's a plan, OK. but I certainly don't want to make release more baroque22:51
jeblair2014-09-05 22:48:10,160 INFO ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /packages/source/g/git-review/git-review-1.17.tar.gz (Caused by <class 'socket.error'>: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer)22:51
jeblairoh the irony ^22:51
notmynamelifeless: I want to call your attention to since you were (indirectly) referenced in the comments.22:51
clarkbjeblair: just 3 more images on my end22:51
jeblairb2 is done22:53
clarkball in dfw oddly22:54
clarkbdfw glance is probably wondering why we hate it22:54
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Set required devstack variables for Ironic+grenade
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adds support for Ironic parallel Tempest testing
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clarkbadam_g: is 116761 close to being ready?22:57
adam_gclarkb, yeah, was just going to ping you about it22:57
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jeblairclarkb: b3 is done; 3 more in b422:57
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clarkbjeblair: still waiting on these 3 in dfw22:59
adam_gclarkb, those two should be good to go, and get us close to having the sideways stuff functional.  we're still waiting on one tempest fix. we also need to disable cinder in features.yaml, which will require otherwise we'll break the current ironic gate22:59
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clarkbthey are all sitting there at the resetting dropped connection output22:59
clarkbso they must be snapshotting22:59
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clarkbadam_g: so is there a preferred order? probably d-g first since it takes the longest then the config changes?23:00
clarkbjeblair: now down to 223:01
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jeblairclarkb: i'm down to 2 as well23:01
jeblairone is snapshotting, one is in puppet (it was a rerun of a late failure)23:02
adam_gclarkb, i dont order matters for anything grenade related but having needs to land before
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clarkbI probably won't get that stack reviewed tonight. I am starving and need to find food as soon as these nodes are happy23:03
clarkbjeblair: should we undo the patched nodepool.yaml now?23:03
adam_gclarkb, that move the current virtual-ironic job to the main ironic gating job, and will use the ugly regex to skip all volume tests.  we can then disable cinder in features.yaml, and (assuming its stable) migrate the new experimental parallel job to the main ironic gate job (which doesn't need to use a regex and can gracefully handle no cinder23:03
lifelessmordred: release isn't changing23:04
lifelessmordred: I think we can make it simpler by changing pbr further, but see the thread.23:04
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clarkbadam_g: sounds good23:04
lifelessmordred: issuing pre-release versions of the last release is bad though - and like I said we had bug reports about it - it affects people23:04
clarkbjeblair: just one left now23:05
adam_gclarkb, no problem, monday is probably a better time to babysit all that reconfiguration23:05
lifelessnotmyname: hi23:05
notmynamelifeless: hi23:06
notmynamelifeless: I wanted to tell you that as an FYI23:06
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notmynamelifeless: basically, it's something that I really want to land in Swift for Juno so that we can take the next step for kilo. but I also don't want triple-o + swift to be broken in juno23:07
notmynamelifeless: and since juno is getting closer...23:07
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notmynamelifeless: if this will cause major issues in juno for triple-o, I'd like to know and try to work it out asap23:09
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lifelessnotmyname: commented on the review, though I don't really have context for it23:10
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lifelessnotmyname: and there's no blueprint referenced23:11
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lifelessnotmyname: I say this in my comment - if you're changing the default port, requiring the option seems counterproductive.23:11
lifelessnotmyname: wouldn't it be simpler to just bind to two ports by default, and deprecate the current one for a cycle?23:12
notmynamelifeless: replying in gerrit23:12
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clarkbjeblair: done23:22
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jeblairclarkb: my last one is snapshotting now; i say we go ahead and re-enable puppet23:24
clarkbjeblair: ++23:24
jeblairclarkb: done, and ran puppet too, so it's enabled everywhere23:25
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jeblairclarkb: i don't see lots of exceptions23:32
jeblairclarkb: also, final snapshot is complete23:32
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jeblairflashgordon: per-region mirrors should be in use in jobs starting after nowish.23:34
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clarkbya I was tailin the log too23:34
jeblairmordred: fungi: ^23:34
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jeblairso, you know, just in time for the weekend drop in traffic :)23:35
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HenryThe8thHi, in the #neutron channel salv-orlando mentioned he received reports that "the icehouse jobs for neutron are failing at 100%"?23:41
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: turn off clean log checking
sdaguejeblair: so, time to call it a weekend, but there is a final patch for the week.23:41
clarkbHenryThe8th: that test. kevinbenton was looking at it too23:41
clarkbHenryThe8th: and he wasn't sure if it was 100% or not23:42
clarkbthe failure needed debugging23:42
jeblairsdague: that makes me very sad :(23:42
sdaguejeblair: yeh, well such it is23:42
clarkbsdague: fwiw the cleaner output around it has helped me at least23:43
kevinbentonclarkb: i got caught up with other stuff. I didn’t see anything obvious though23:43
sdagueclarkb: which cleaner output?23:43
clarkbsdague: mtreinish has it spitting out the files that failed rather than every line that failed23:43
clarkbsdague: it was really hard to read logs before with the old behavior. It would also report non witelisted errors but we were whitelisting at the file level23:44
clarkbso it was completely confusing23:44
sdagueclarkb: sure, but the overall process right now looks mostly like it's failing a bunch of jobs on n-cond deadlocks, which are really oslo.db issues23:44
sdagueso, honestly, I'm not sure it's adding much value23:44
sdaguebut, feel free to disagree :)23:45
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clarkbok thats fine23:45
clarkbI defer to you :)23:45
sdagueI honestly wonder if this is a better thing to do closer to the projects.23:46
sdagueok, weekend, enjoy folks23:47
jeblairsdague: you too23:48
jeblairi'm going to go watch some people move a printing press23:49
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clarkbjeblair: does it involve even more heavy machinery?23:49
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jeblairclarkb: amazingly probably not; i've only ever seen them use like a crowbar and some dollies.  though probably a forklift to get it through the window.23:50
jeblairsimple machines are the best i guess? :)23:50
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clarkbbut forklifts sound like fun :)23:53
clarkbwell things don't appear to be on fire23:54
clarkbI am going to go find food now23:54
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