Thursday, 2014-09-04

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mordredclarkb: we could rewrite it in go00:01
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clarkbmordred: yes! I actually just considerd doing it in C because you can link against crm114 directly00:02
clarkbbut after some local testing I think I may be overthinking this and closing stdin is sufficient to make crm114 go away00:03
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Handle log processing subprocess cleanup better
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clarkbjeblair: ^ is that better? the only major different there other than the exception catching is that I don't bother to read stdout and stderr, I just close them00:04
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clarkbwe merged slightly more code over the last 24 hours than the last few 24 hour periods00:09
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jeblairclarkb: i literally don't know.  :)  i'm not trying to say i think any of these approaches are wrong, i'm just saying that they are not an incremental improvement; they completely change how the process is terminated.  i'd need a day of reading and testing to understand the impacts.00:10
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add bare-f20 nodes
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Get postgresql puppet from upstream master
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clarkbjeblair: yup understood. I myself am just trying to wrap my head around it. I do note that the latest patchset is at teh very least probably a reasonale step given the testing I did locally. I wrote a small script that Popen'd crm, sleeps for 60 seconds (or long enough to confirm crm114 is running), writes to crm114 stdin, closes stdin, closes stdout, closes stderr, then waits and that wait returns00:12
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clarkbso crm114 is dying gracefuly without an explicit kill00:12
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jeblairclarkb: ah, i see you tested that, sorry i was reading backwards :)00:12
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jeblairclarkb: did crm114 have pending (unread) data on stdout when you closed stdin?00:13
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clarkbjeblair: oh good question, probably not00:13
clarkbthe message I wrote to it was relatively small00:13
clarkboh wait I am mixing up fds00:14
clarkbI did not check but it should've have. I can update my script to check stdout00:14
fungilogstash job queue has just gone through the roof00:14
fungipresumably related00:14
clarkbfungi: ya once I diagnosed the issue I restarted the two bad worker processes00:14
clarkbthey were acting like dev null previously so kept the queue low00:14
clarkbnow not so much :)00:15
fungioh, too fun00:15
fungibitbucket processing00:15
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ianwclarkb / fungi / anyone : be great if i could get the f20-bare changes moving ( <- puppet fix, <- f20-bare node config)00:17
clarkbianw: crinkle says they will be releasing that module real soon now, can we consume it from the release rather than master?00:17
clarkbcrinkle: do you know when that is happening?00:17
ianwclarkb: ok, for some values of "soon" :)00:18
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crinkleclarkb: supposed to be this week, so hopefully tomorrow00:18
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clarkbjeblair: further testing shows there may not be anythin on stdout00:19
clarkbjeblair: I may need to pik this up in the morning when my brain can focus on it00:20
ianwcrinkle / clarkb : ok, i'll hold off00:20
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clarkbjeblair: newlines are important ! according t oselect there is data waiting there00:22
clarkbjeblair: I can paste my test script00:22
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Reduce min-ready
jeblairclarkb, ianw: ^00:23
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jeblairin case we decide we don't want 50 nodes sitting idle while we're under contention.00:23
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jeblairianw: any work you'd like to do to improve the situation would be welcome :)00:24
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ianwjeblair: hmm, in your opinion is min-ready supposed to be more of a hint than a rule?  documentation isn't clear on the semantics of it "The min-ready key is optional and defaults to 2."00:30
jeblairianw: it's so that if there is no load, we still have some nodes ready to run jobs immediately.00:32
jeblairianw: when there isn't enough capacity to satisfy demand, we should not use min-ready to reserve nodes that could otherwise be used00:32
jeblairbut that's what's happening now00:32
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jeblairi'll try to get a change into geard soon that would let us do a fifo allocator.  though that will tie nodepool to geard until we get it (or something like it) upstream in c-gearman00:33
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ianwjeblair: what if we moved (capacity calcs for providers) above (demand calculation) and calculated a flag if things were at capacity00:41
ianwthen in the deman calculation, ignore min-ready if the flag is set00:41
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Ignore min-ready when at capacity
ianwjeblair: ^ gotta think about how to test it ...01:26
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add docs jobs for some oslo projects
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jogowe currently have a missing log file
jogowe create but don't colelct javelin.log01:50
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Begin cleaning up bashate failures
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openstackgerritmelanie witt proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: collect paramiko logs from tempest runs
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jogorandom question: how long does 'nova list' take for your accounts in rax and HP?03:20
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Change _ to - in config YAML
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Change help key
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Clear error flag when changing screen
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Update README and install sample configs
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove docutils pin
jogorelated to
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1202179 in python-novaclient "findall in novaclient/ is inefficient" [Undecided,In progress]04:17
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openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed a change to openstack-dev/cookiecutter: Use oslotest rather than copying helpers
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openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed a change to openstack-dev/cookiecutter: Automatically initialize git when finished.
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed a change to openstack-dev/cookiecutter: Automatically initialize git when finished.
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Allow a pipeline to specify alternative gerrit acc
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TravTso zuul has been terrorizing me recently.05:14
TravTwatching build 3937 right now change 111483,5505:15
TravTjust hit an error in gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-heat-slow05:15
TravTit failed with: /opt/stack/new/devstack/extras.d/ line 7: /opt/stack/new/devstack/lib/sahara-dashboard: No such file or directory05:15
TravTwhich has nothing to do with this patch (glance patch)05:15
TravTis there any way to tell if this patch will rerun tests or do we have to resubmit again?05:16
clarkbTravT: it actually failed on which isn't necessarily any better. since all changes ahead of it failed as well 111483 should be evicted when the tests are done05:17
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TravTclarkb: thanks...05:18
TravTguess its back to the end of the line...05:20
clarkbit looks like there may have been network trouble between hpcloud and the pypi mirror05:20
clarkbthere are a few jobs that failed in a similar way all in hpcloud05:20
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TravTclarkb: is there any shortcut to get it back into gate?05:22
clarkbif it is a gate fixing bug we can promote it05:22
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TravTor do i have to get the code review + a?05:22
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clarkbyou don't need to get another approval, you can recheck it05:22
TravTok, so if I just do 'recheck no bug' it'll jump back into workflow?05:23
TravTassuming nothing else fails05:23
TravTok, i'll watch it and hope that is it.  we've got a devstack patch waiting to be submitted for this patch to clear.05:24
openstackgerritAaron Rosen proposed a change to openstack-dev/cookiecutter: Add additional gitignores .swo/.swn
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openstackgerritAaron Rosen proposed a change to openstack-dev/cookiecutter: Add additional gitignores .sw?
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for negative requirements
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TravTclarkb: that patch only failed due to the pypy network error.06:05
TravTclarkb: i've rechecked no bug06:05
TravTcan you promote it back up?06:05
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pleia2hooray, no i18n meeting for me tonight, had chat with Daisy now instead \o/06:08
pleia2ah timezones06:09
* pleia2 rest &06:09
dtroyerTravT, clarkb: I just caught the grenade error re sahara-dashboard.  If that is causing real failures, the fix is in if needed.06:11
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TravTdtroyer: clarkb:  i don't know, but all the other tests succeeded.  The pypi error might be a problem too.06:14
TravTdtroyer: clarkb: either way, that sahara dashboard fix should get promoted up.06:14
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openstackgerritLonggeek proposed a change to openstack-infra/puppet-yum: Add .gitreview Rakefile files and update puppet coding style
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TravTwell, we hit another package install timeout on 11148307:14
openstackgerritYuan Zhou proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Bump pyeclib >= 0.9.5 for Swift Erasure Code project
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bo_shhey guys, i want to use the log-pusher (client and worker). do i have to run them both? or one of them runs the other when Jenkins sends a ZMQ message?07:34
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add tools to hack on infra with Docker
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openstackgerritJoakim Löfgren proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add PMD publisher
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Refactor sources out of triggers
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ttxSergeyLukjanov: around ? There seems to be some attrition of test nodes on certain jobs08:12
ttxLike jobs are queued on the check pipe for 13 hours08:12
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use the latest jquery on zuul
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lifelessderekh: hey08:16
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derekhlifeless: hi ya08:16
lifelessderekh: how goes it? also tchaypo has a second cloud up08:17
tchaypoFor loose values of up08:18
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tchaypoThere is certainly a cloud. Whether it's useful or not, I don't know08:19
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derekhlifeless: got back to hp1 yesterday, increased a few timeouts and reran the tests, gonna look into results today, I've pretty much freed up my time for this again08:19
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tchaypoderekh: Do you have access to hp2?08:22
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derekhtchaypo: I'm not sure, let me find out08:24
tchaypoI'm at the local Python ug tonight so I can't work with you tonight08:24
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tchaypoIf you can poke at it and email me I can follow up tomorrow, or I can hang around tomorrow night and talk to you08:26
lifelesstchaypo: tomorrow lets try the different router confg08:27
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lifelesstchaypo: there should be enough int he bug to figure it out08:27
lifelesstchaypo: but if not ping me08:27
tchaypoWhich bug?08:28
derekhtchaypo: yup, I got access to hp2 bastion08:28
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lifelesstchaypo: the one on the l3 router not setting vlan tags08:35
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lyxusHi Folks, I saw an email going around about it, but I can't find it... What is the format needed to be in the right side of the reviewers08:37
tchaypoI'm fairly sure some testenvs would be handy08:39
tchaypoto get some i think i need to rebuild the ci-overcloud a bit smaller08:40
tchaypoI think we probably want about 30 nodes for ci-overcloud and 60 for testenvs?08:40
ttxSergeyLukjanov, fungi, jeblair, clarkb: there seems to be unusual attrition of test nodes that cause changes to linger on the check pipeline, with queued jobs08:41
lifelesstchaypo: -> #tripleo08:41
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ttxsee ever-growing "deleting" vs. "in-use" ratio08:42
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pkoniszewskittx: Jenkins doesn't react to recheck comments, probably everything is getting stuck in 'deleting' state08:52
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openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enable IRC channel logging for #openstack-fr
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openstackgerritJoakim Löfgren proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add PMD publisher
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openstackgerritDmitry Teselkin proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make puppetdb_server name configurable
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ttxHmm, looks like we are going up again09:32
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Typo: replace puppet.rsh by ref to puppet-master
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SergeyLukjanovttx, I'm around now09:35
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ttxSergeyLukjanov: not sure there is anything to fix. the check pipeline just seems to be a bit clogged, with some changes waiting for test resources for 13 hours09:36
ttxbut then the changes I watched just got some nodes09:36
SergeyLukjanovttx, I'll check nodepool09:36
ttxTrick is, for retries, the 13 hour adds up to the 24h in the gate09:37
ttxSergeyLukjanov: practical exercise: Sahara change 112159 (which I'm waiting on to tag) is blocked in check queue right now, not even in the gate pipe09:38
SergeyLukjanovttx, yeah, that's sad09:38
SergeyLukjanovttx, yeah, I see, I'm looking for it too09:38
ttxbut then I was more confused as to why the "top" of the check pipe wasn't geting test resources either09:38
ttxlike 11833209:39
SergeyLukjanovttx, there is a lot of "deleting" nodes09:39
ttxyes, was wondering if it was cause or symptom09:39
ttxand if anything was wrong, or just loaded09:40
SergeyLukjanovttx, 406/814 nodes are in delete state09:40
ttxmaybe we have a problem building them up?09:41
ttxwe've seen deletes go up for the last 8 hours09:41
SergeyLukjanovttx, yeah, probably it's a cause09:42
ttxalthough the last hour it's stabilized09:42
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SergeyLukjanovttx, there're a lot of nodes in delete state for 5-10 hours09:44
SergeyLukjanov~242 nodes with delete state for more than 1 hour09:44
SergeyLukjanov(talking about devstack nodes)09:45
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ttxSergeyLukjanov: so they take more than one hour to delete ?09:46
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SergeyLukjanovttx, yup09:47
ttxhmm, that's probably not a good sign09:47
SergeyLukjanovoh, I see node with 173.60 hours in delete state09:47
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SergeyLukjanovanteaya, thx for tip09:49
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SergeyLukjanovttx, all nodes with delete state for more than hour are rax nodes!09:55
SergeyLukjanovttx, so, it's definitely the cause09:55
SergeyLukjanovttx, I've tried to manually remove one of 'em and catched timeout09:55
ttxso we have all rax nodes getting gradually stuck in delete09:56
ttxI just like when it happens at the worst moment09:56
ttxwho needs chaos monkey when reality is worse09:57
SergeyLukjanovyup, it always happens in j3 time :)09:57
SergeyLukjanovttx, do we have a lot of changes we are waiting for j3?09:57
ttxAbout 30 I would say09:58
SergeyLukjanovttx, heh, no way to promote09:58
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openstackgerritAidan McGinley proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adds support for the Config File Provider Plugin
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* ttx prays the gate gods on that last check, got a pile of 4 success if it passes10:11
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove docutils pin
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lyxuskevinbenton, Hey Kevin, do you use Jenkins to post back your result ?10:42
kevinbentonlyxus: no, i have a separate hacky bash script that aggregates the results from both jobs and checks them for known setup failures and then votes10:43
lyxuskevinbenton, I am doing the same thing but I can't figure out the correct format to be able to be on the right side of the reviewers10:44
lyxuskevinbenton, I just show up at the bottom10:44
kevinbentonlyxus: link to a review with your results?10:45
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lyxuskevinbenton, Example On the right side of the reviewer you can see a list of CI10:46
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kevinbentonlyxus: oh, i think you have the format right. just missing CI in the account name10:47
lyxuskevinbenton, The name is "Nuage CI"10:47
kevinbentonlyxus: oh sorry, looking at wrong one10:48
kevinbentonlyxus: remove the html tags10:48
kevinbentonlyxus: those are added by gerrit10:49
lyxuskevinbenton, is there a format that you have to follow ? I don't see the CI on the right side10:50
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lyxuskevinbenton, let me try that10:53
kevinbentonlyxus: i have to go now, but that should get you what you need10:53
lyxuskevinbenton, thank you so much !10:53
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Replace all check/gate: noop with a template
SergeyLukjanovttx, there are only 5 nodes in delete state on rax now, yay!11:11
SergeyLukjanovttx, and for all nodes it's only 73/845 in delete state11:12
SergeyLukjanovttx, so, it should start working much better11:12
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pkoniszewskiSergeyLukjanov: thanks a lot!11:19
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ianwsdague / dtroyer : trying to hunt down what changed to make bashate start looking at this file, when it wasn't before
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sdagueyeh, I'm honestly not entirely sure where our discovery is at the moment11:33
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ttxSergeyLukjanov: it does work a lot better now, thanks11:36
* ttx tags in confidence11:36
ianwsdague: the odd thing is, nothing changed?11:36
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add missing oslo projects to gerritbot config
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lyxuskevinbenton, Must be missing something, still not working !11:38
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kevinbentonlyxus: you have newline chars after tests succeeded, right?11:39
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kevinbentonlyxus: it looks like they aren’t there11:40
lyxuskevinbenton, do you force them by writing \n ?11:40
kevinbentonlyxus: the line with the result needs to start with -11:40
kevinbentonlyxus: no, just make sure it’s double quotes in a bash script11:40
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kevinbentonlyxus: echo “$MESSAGE”11:42
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lyxuskevinbenton, let me see11:43
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sdagueianw: there was a bug at some point in file looping that meant we some times skipped files11:44
kevinbentonlyxus: here is our vote line11:44
kevinbentonlyxus: note the quotes around $MESSAGE11:44
kevinbentonlyxus: i really have to go now, way past my bed time :-)11:45
ianwsdague : passing -> ... ./run_tests.sh11:45
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lyxuskevinbenton, me too :( 4.45am here :( thanks !11:45
ianwsdague: failing -> using tox11:45
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ttxSergeyLukjanov: did you do anything special ?11:47
ianwsdague :
ttxSergeyLukjanov: If yes, could be useful to pass the baton to fungi when he will be around11:48
SergeyLukjanovttx, nope, I've just tried to remove some nodes manually11:48
ttxSergeyLukjanov: I fear that the problem persists and the amount of stuck-in-deleted will slowly build up again11:49
SergeyLukjanovttx, yeah, I hope it'll work till the end of week at least11:49
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ZZelleSergeyLukjanov, hi11:54
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add docs jobs for some oslo projects
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ZZelleSergeyLukjanov, if you have some time, could you have a look to git-review reviews? In particular, proposing interesting features11:59
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openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Align git-review and python -m git_review.cmd behaviors
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fungittx: SergeyLukjanov: what's going on?12:41
ttxfungi: if you look at the nodepool graph, there was growing number of nodes in delete state on rax12:41
ttxfungi: Sergey manually deleted them12:41
fungilooks like we had some accumulation of nodes in a delete state while i slept, yeah12:41
ttxthat test node attrition resulted in a huge pileup in check pipe12:42
fungii'll look and see if we're getting any api errors from there12:42
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ttxin turn resulting in recheck delays when targeted changes got reverified12:42
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ttxI fear the root cause is not fixed and therefore the manual cleanup might be necessary again12:43
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SergeyLukjanovZZelle, added to my review queue12:46
SergeyLukjanovfungi, morning12:46
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SergeyLukjanovttx, as ttx said I fear that we'll face the same issue again12:46
SergeyLukjanovfungi, ^^12:46
SergeyLukjanovfungi, there were about two hundreds of nodes on rax DCs with 5-10 hours12:47
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fungiyeah, i'm looking to see whether any obvious cause was being logged while it was all gummed up like that12:47
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fungiwe were getting quite a few http 500 responses from hpcloud, but that's no help12:50
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Import os-net-config project under TripleO
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fungioh... it's been trying to create devstack-f20-virt-preview nodes in rax regions and unable to run successfully. i wonder if there's some blocking going on which is interfering with the periodic deletion12:52
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fungiit would almost have to be a problem with the periodic deleter since the pattern on the graph indicates a slow leak rather than the rapid trail-off we'd see if we weren't deleting any12:53
ZZelleSergeyLukjanov, thanks12:53
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fungii'm manually trying one of those image updates now to see if i can tell why it's failing to complete12:55
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add oslo.log to
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openstackgerritDmitry Teselkin proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Pin pupppetdb-terminus package
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add docs jobs for some oslo projects
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fungiiew: /opt/nodepool-scripts/ line 25: ./ No such file or directory13:15
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annegentlethanks ttx for the help with the tc update blog post!13:19
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Clean up bad layout files in zuul tests
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ttxannegentle: np, publish when you feel like it ! (today ideally)13:20
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Correct path in
fungiianw: ^13:23
fungias my grandpa always said, "one bug leads to another"13:24
annegentlettx: yeah definitely want it to go today13:24
fungii'll nab a thread dump from nodepool now and see if i can tell whether the deleter is blocking on the image builder13:25
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mriedemlooks like the py33 jobs have some issues:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1365512 in oslotest "python33 jobs failing with "No distributions matching the version for oslotest>="" [Undecided,New]13:39
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for oslotest/infra py33 bug 1365512
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1365512 in oslotest "python33 jobs failing with "No distributions matching the version for oslotest>="" [Undecided,New]
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openstackgerritDmitry Teselkin proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Dependencies to install python-cinderclient
fungimriedem: yeah, this is known. apparently oslotest does not build universal wheels because it has some py3k-specific test requirement differences (specifically using mox3 vs mox on different interpreter versions), and since we exclusively publish wheels for prereleases we only get the platform-specific wheel for the interpreter on which it was built13:59
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fungimriedem: consensus seems to be for us to find ways to make libraries work in python 3.x and 3.x without using split requirements lists14:00
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fungimriedem: in the oslotest case, there is a proposed change to just use mox3 all the time and get rid of the py3k-specific requirements list14:00
sdaguethis is also fixable if we stop pre-releasing14:00
fungirelease early and often14:01
sdagueI feel that the pre-release hack has only caused grief14:01
mriedemalpha packages have caused me some pain14:01
mriedembut i'm only one person14:01
mriedem+sdague apparently :)14:01
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fungithe current prerelease mechanisms spun mostly out of oslo wanting to find a way to sync releases with the integrated server release yet still be able to have unofficial versions which could be used in development branches of servers while preparing for the next integrated release14:03
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fungii too think it's worth revisiting whether this truly is a necessary constraint, or just something we thought would help but now have evidence to the contrary14:04
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fungiit was also a plan which evolved at a time before we were running integration tests with currrent git checkouts, and were still stuck on consuming the release artifacts of our own libraries14:06
dimsboatload of reviews fungi :)14:06
fungidims: meh, need to make sure i can vote in *all* the elections, right?14:06
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fungialso, i can nominate myself for ptl of all projects which don't have anyone running for election, as punishment to projects who are disinterested in governance ;)14:08
fungi(having me as a ptl should be sufficient threat for every project to cough up at least one ptl candidate)14:08
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mtreinishfungi: heh, that was jogo's plan during the last ptl election14:11
fungigotta carry the torch14:11
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jogofungi: I was going to do that again this cycle, if there is such a project we should run against eachother :)14:13
jogomake it fun14:13
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Move ordereddict to requirements
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fungijogo: that *would* be punishment14:17
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jogofungi: hehe14:18
mtreinishfungi: are you Jack Johnson or John Jackson?14:18
fungimtreinish: how can you tell? captions?14:18
mtreinishheh, yeah they were captions I think14:18
mtreinishgoogle found me: and
fungii mean, they were clones after all, so basically if you switched the captions then it wouldn't matter14:19
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fungi(which was more or less what i meant by "how can you tell?)14:20
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mtreinishheh, fair enough. I was just giving you a hard time :)14:22
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fungibut basically, yes, we could be a lax project's john jackson and jack johnson, painfully encouraging them to create their own robo-nixon14:24
mtreinishI think it's more amusing that someone took the time to make separate pages for both characters14:24
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mtreinishfungi: ooh, robo-nixon for ptl. I think I might have found a theme for my nomination email...14:27
openstackgerritAidan McGinley proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adds support for the Config File Provider Plugin
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fungimtreinish: certainly beats out my "who run barter town" campaign theme14:29
sdakemorning folks14:30
fungioh joy... something is tanking horizon unit tests in the gate now14:30
fungimorning to you sdake14:30
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add docs jobs for some oslo projects
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fungilooks like horizon's test_launch_stack_with_hidden_parameters is throwing AssertionError: Couldn't find '<input class=" form-control" id="id___param_public_string" name="__param_public_string" type="text" />' in response14:32
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fungidavid-lyle: jpich: ^ known issue?14:32
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move os-{apply,collect}-config to python3-jobs
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Enable oslo.db testing on python 3.3
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fungihuh, maybe it's just which is affected14:34
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fungijogo: is that large-ops or partial-ncpu which climbed up to 75% fails?
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david-lylefungi: it's new to me14:37
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david-lyleI'll take a look at master locally14:38
jogofungi: AFAIK grenade partial-ncpu14:38
jogolarge ups doesn't do very much and is this pretty stable14:38
fungidavid-lyle: it may just be that one change at the head of the gate, since i see unit tests passing for horizon in the check pipeline recently14:38
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewday: Change Marconi to Zaqar
jogofungi: bug 1270710 just spiked again14:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1270710 in openstack-ci "sporadic pip timeouts during download" [Medium,Incomplete]
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bswartzdo you guys have a process for killing check jobs that go out to lunch and never come back?14:40
fungibswartz: you can upload a new patchset or change the commit message slightly in gerrit (which does the same thing), but to which change are you seeing this happen? i'd like to see if it's a bug somewhere14:42
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bswartzfungi: done14:43
fungibswartz: i'm curious to know why check jobs check jobs went to lunch and never came back" on a change, so i can hopefully try to figure out if it's something we can solve14:45
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fungibswartz: to which change are you seeing this happen?14:45
fungibswartz: why do you say the check jobs went to lunch on that change?14:47
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fungia patchset was uploaded only a couple hours ago, and we're presently running a many-hours backlog for check pipeline workers because of the j-3 milestone gate stampede14:47
bswartzit was taking forever to run14:48
bswartzother jobs that started after it finished before it14:48
fungibswartz: what were you seeing happen for it on ?14:48
bswartzit was in the check pipeline for 2.5 hours14:48
fungiunfortunately now that you've pushed a new patchset i can't see if there was anything out of the ordinary happening to it14:48
fungibswartz: yep, we have changes which have been waiting in the check pipeline for some types of workers for over 19 hours14:49
bswartzokay so you believe 2.5 hours is maybe reasonable -- it was going to eventually finish?14:49
fungibswartz: basically you just reset the clock back another 2.5 hours on getting results posted to that change14:49
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add new stackforge project, python-rackclient
* bswartz foreheaddesk14:49
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fungiwhich is why i asked you to let me know which change it was before uploading a new patchset14:50
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bswartzokay my bad14:50
bswartzI'll try to be more patient14:51
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fungibswartz: if you're new to the project, be aware that test results get very, very backed up just before the feature freeze milestone during each development cycle14:52
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bswartzI was observing other jobs going faster so I assumed that job had something wrong with it14:52
markvan_fungi: hello, I could use some help again, my patch  seems to have completely broke our chef gates.  two issues with it.   the "sudo apt-get install" did not work, and it seems that ruby version is 1.8 instead of 1.9.14:53
bswartzIt sounds like you're saying that's normal so I'll just stop worrying14:53
fungibswartz: mostly due to available compute resources--we're currently consuming almost 900 8gb-ram virtual machines nonstop and most of them are focused on testing changes which are already in the gate pipeline14:53
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markvan_fungi: log is here:
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fungimarkvan_: most jobs revoke sudo access for themselves before running their test payload, to ensure that normal developers don't get sudo accidentally run on them on their workstations when attempting to run the same tests. it's configurable though14:56
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Templatize puppet projects in layout.yaml
mordredfungi: so, you're saying we're busy? maybe I should go back on vacation?14:56
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fungimordred: busy is relative. i'm no more busy than usual, but the machines are working their chips off14:57
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markvan_fungi: so being new to that part of it, should that be obvious in the job log?   I see a " sudo: unable to resolve host bare-precise-hpcloud-b3-1924966" near the top.  something not configured right for that?14:58
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mordredfungi: oh, well, I'm fine with machines performing work14:59
fungimarkvan_: no, that's just a benign warning sudo throws when it has trouble mapping the system's interface addresses to something in /etc/hosts, but it works fine regardless15:00
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markvan_so my log shows:
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markvan_does that mean it's revoked?15:01
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fungimarkvan_: see
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fungimarkvan_: note that the list of builders in that job-template definition (which are run in order) starts with "revoke-sudo"15:02
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jogofungi: I think one of the reasons grenade is less stable is it does more pip installs15:03
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fungimarkvan_: if you leave that out or move it after another builder which needs sudo permission then it should be able to sudo passwordlessly15:03
fungijogo: quite probable15:03
jogofungi: could we add something to the .pip.conf to add a local cache?15:03
jogoor is that already there15:03
fungimordred: ^?15:04
fungiit's not already there, i think the suggestion would be to preinstall a local pip cache on the nodepool images15:04
markvan_fungi: yup, see that, thx.    Next question is about the ruby version, where can I better understand how to get the default to 1.9.  would "sudo update-alternatives --set ruby /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1"  work?15:04
jogofungi: modules/openstack_project/files/pip.conf15:05
jogofor starters we can add a local cache dir in that15:05
fungimarkvan_: i think in other jobs running on ubuntu 12.04 we just invoked /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 explicitly where it was needed rather than merely running "ruby" (or rather than letting the shebang line pick one for you)15:05
markvan_fungi: ok, I'll look into that as I believe we had it that way a while ago, but ran into another issue so it was changed.  thx for your help.15:06
fungijogo: i think the challenge is that we need a lot of packages to cover most of the popular jobs, and are already constrained on image size (we get somewhere around 20gb of disk for each root snapshot)15:06
jogofungi: well if we just add the download_cache option15:06
jogothat should help the grenade scenario at least15:06
jogoand won't change the image size15:07
jogoit may not help much15:07
fungijogo: oh, to keep it from redownloading the same files over and over in one run of a job?15:07
jogobut AFAIK it cannot hurt?15:07
jeblairfungi, jogo: we stopped using the local pip cache because the openstack pypi mirror was so reliable.15:07
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jeblairnot saying that's the current situation :)15:07
jeblairbut i'm pretty sure we stopped using it even in the devstack case15:08
jogojeblair: ahh, well bug 1270710 is the top at the moment15:08
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1270710 in openstack-ci "sporadic pip timeouts during download" [Medium,Incomplete]
fungialso, there are some pip/easy_install caching mechanisms which would take the locally-cached file in preference over downloading one even if the locally-cached version was outside the version spec being requested15:08
fungiwhich was an obvious recipe for broken15:08
jogofungi: is that still an issue?15:08
jeblairfungi, jogo: have we analysis on whether that's more frequent hp-rax than rax-rax?15:09
* jogo checks logstash.o.o15:09
fungijogo: i don't remember which it was... may have been for packages which were install_requires serviced by setuptools/easy_install but not for packages installed explicitly from requirements via pip15:09
fungijeblair: looking now15:09
jogojeblair: in 24 hours, 249 hits for hpcloud15:11
jogoand 6 for NOT hpcloud15:11
jeblairseparately, seeing how often it happens for nodes in rax-dfw (where the mirror is) is interesting too15:11
jogoaka  rax15:11
jeblairjogo: can you expand to 48 hours?15:11
jogojeblair: that is interesting15:11
jogojeblair: sure I'll do all 10 days15:12
fungiyeah, that means it went over "teh internets"15:12
jeblairrax is actually at a disadvantage because we had a bunch of nodes stuck in delete overnight15:12
jeblair(or at an advantage)15:12
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jogojeblair: so the don't get stuck in delete issue isn't fixed?15:12
jeblairjogo: problem was our side15:12
jogoall time rax: 815:13
jogoquery: tags:"console" AND message:("\", line 495" "\", line 433" "\", line 237") AND NOT build_node:*hpcloud*15:13
jogojeblair: ahh15:13
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jogoall time hpcloud: 32615:14
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jeblairokay, so the internet between rax and hpcloud is broken15:15
clarkbjeblair fungi nodes not deleting was a problem in nodepool? sergeylukjanov indicated manualdeletions timed out or did I read that wrong?15:15
jrollsdague: have a moment to take a look at please?15:15
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fungiclarkb: yeah, i'm thinking we've got some sort of blocking interaction in the provider manager for the rax regions where the image updater is looping and not letting the periodic deleter run15:16
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, there was timeout on manual delete15:16
fungiclarkb: still speculation until i can find a smoking gun in the thread dump, but i need to ignore irc for a bit so i can focus on it and people keep needing help with other things15:16
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clarkbfungi doesnt ^ indicate the periodic deleter would fail if it ran?15:17
clarkbfungi ok go focus :)15:17
jogojeblair: so thoughts on adding download_cache to pip.conf to reduce chances of duplicate network downloads? hopefully that would help the hpcloud nodes a little bit and no downside (assuming the setuptools/easy_install install outdated version thing won't be triggered).15:17
Alex_Gaynorjogo: it seems like this would potentially help a ton on the requirements jobs? (pip 1.6 is going to have download_cache on by default either way)15:18
jogohmm we may already cache things15:19
jeblairjogo: i'm not up on the outdated version thing; i think we should find someone who groks that to tell us if it's going to cause problems15:19
jeblairjogo: yeah, i thought that was empty though15:19
fungiclarkb: (once it merges) should solve the problem which is causing the updater to loop continuously in those regions at least15:19
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fungi(unless it's masking some other broken further down the line)15:20
* jeblair checks15:20
jogojeblair: I am not talking about pre-seeding the cache.15:20
jogonot sure where /var/cache/pip is set or if its used15:20
jogoAlex_Gaynor: ^15:20
Alex_GaynorLooking at just that log, it looks like its set before every invocation of pip15:21
jeblairjogo: oh, you think the 1st grenade run is populating it for potential use by the 2nd?15:21
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Move initial focus on change screen
jeblairconfirmed: /var/cache/pip starts empty15:21
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Add project and owner columns to change list
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Reduce impact of check revisions task
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Add user-agent and version
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Save draft cover messages
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Support paging in queries
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Add database pre-reqs for change actions
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Add support for editing topic
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Add support for rebasing a change
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Add support for abandon/restore
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Add support for cherry-picking to a branch
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Remove a stray debug line
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Add support for editing commit message
openstackgerritJoakim Löfgren proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add PMD publisher
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Fix immediate change sync on search
jogojeblair: devstack sests PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE15:22
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Clarify keymap entries for local git operations
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Add command line options to print palette and keymap
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Don't modify status widgets outside of main thread
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Fix crash on dependency update
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Query projects in batches
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Change _ to - in config YAML
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Change help key
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Clear error flag when changing screen
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Update README and install sample configs
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jeblairjogo: /var/cache/pip starts empty, but is populated by devstack as it installs15:26
jeblairjogo: so theoretically, the 2nd run of grenade should benefit from it15:26
ashaeronHow do you "publish" draft comments on a previous patch set in gerrit? :/15:27
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jogojeblair: except, isn't using it15:27
jeblairashaeron: expand the patch set box and click the 'review button' for that patch set15:27
jogosdague: ^ /var/cache/pip devstack and tempest15:28
jogomtreinish: ^15:28
ashaeronjeblair: thanks15:28
jeblairjogo: maybe because the set of packages in the cache is also the set of packages that are installed15:28
ttxfungi: number of "running" nodes being limited again -- did you get to the bottom of the "not deleting" issue?15:29
jeblairjogo: so anything it would need to install would not be in the cache15:29
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jeblairttx: he's still looking into it, however, the current cause is not because of nodes stuck in delete15:29
fungittx: i'm looking through a thread dump of nodepool now to see if i can tell15:29
jeblairttx: there was just a gate reset at the top15:29
jogojeblair: devstack doesn't actually export PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE15:29
jogojeblair: it only uses it when devstack does a pip command15:30
ttxjeblair: ack15:30
jogojeblair: so the tempest tox doesn't use it15:30
ttxwe seem to be past the bump now15:31
jogojeblair: but cffi may not be used elsewhere15:31
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Correct path in
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jogojeblair: I don't see anything else installing it15:33
jeblairwell, at base we've got two options: prepopulate the cache, or set up per-region mirrors15:33
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add a missing 's' to third-party-requests
jogojeblair: yeah either one of those sounds like the right approach15:34
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woodm1979Hello openstack infra folks!15:36
woodm1979I'm primarily on the Horizon project, and I have a question regarding our minimum pip level.15:36
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jogojeblair: simply pre-populating /var/cache/lib  isn't enough as only devstack jobs use the cache right now15:38
woodm1979Right now, according to , the minimum pip level needed for anything openstack is 1.4.  However, the oslosphinx package (atleast in horizon) needs >=  That install fails.15:39
woodm1979I'm not sure if it's because of the "a2" on the end, or what, but pip < 1.5 fails.15:40
woodm1979Do any of you have any guidance?15:40
openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix chef gates, allow sudo for gem install and sue ruby 1.9.1
fungiwoodm1979: you need to pass a special option in pip 1.4.x to convince it to accept prerelease versions of packages, unlike 1.5 and later which does so by default15:40
fungiwoodm1979: see the pip manpage for details15:41
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markvan_fungi: I think this should do the trick for us....
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for oslotest/infra py33 bug 1365512
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1365512 in oslotest "python33 jobs failing with "No distributions matching the version for oslotest>="" [Undecided,New]
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woodm1979Thanks fungi  I'll check it out.15:45
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix doc8 issues
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fungii see a thread in the dump sitting in periodicCleanup -> cleanupOneImage -> deleteImage -> submitTask -> wait -> waiter.acquire()15:49
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funginot sure if that's actually stuck or just a snapshot in time15:49
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Set download_cache in pip.conf
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add gertty release jobs
openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add fixed ip to the /etc/nodepool
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jeblairjogo: so let's find someone who actually understands the implications of that to weigh in15:51
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fungihrm, yeah took another thread dump 13 minutes later and that same thread is still sitting at waiter.acquire()15:51
openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix chef gates, allow sudo for gem install and use ruby 1.9.1
clarkbjeblair: jogo: I don't think that patch will change it for tempest/grenade either because they run as a different user15:52
jeblairfungi: to be fair, they spend most of their time waiting15:52
clarkbjeblair: jogo: we need to update d-g iirc where it sets up the pip.conf15:52
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fungijeblair: i expect so... wasn't sure if that was typical behavior for a thread in the pool to continue as the cleanup thread15:53
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jogojeblair: I agree, I put a note in the commit message saying there is an outstanding question15:53
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fungirather than being recycled/respawned for each cleanup pulse15:53
jeblairjogo: okay, you go hunt that person down :)  but i don't actually think this is a solution to the problem unless we also pre-populate it15:54
clarkbjeblair: agreed, cloud specific mirrors should be much more reliable15:55
jogojeblair: I'll hunt someone down. I agree it isn't  a real solution on its own15:55
jeblairclarkb: are we waiting on any pre-reqs for that?15:55
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clarkbjeblair: nothing beyond setting up our non jenkins2 account in hpcloud for use. iirc we haven't done anything to it since the switch to 1.115:56
clarkbjeblair: that means, create network, create router, hook them together15:56
clarkbwe may need a quota bump too but not for a single server to start15:57
jeblair2014-09-04 15:55:36,989 DEBUG nodepool.NodePool: Finished periodic cleanup15:57
jeblair2014-09-04 15:56:00,001 DEBUG nodepool.NodePool: Starting periodic cleanup15:57
fungiyeah, i'm not really sure whatever leak we saw overnight is continuing15:57
clarkbthen we need to have the jobs select the right mirror (geo dns, /etc/hosts, something)15:57
jeblairfungi: ^15:57
clarkbjeblair: I can start with setting up the account today if that is a thing we want to do15:58
fungijeblair: right, and no stacktrace for it15:58
jeblairclarkb: switch in devstack-gate on /etc/nodepool file15:58
jogojeblair: if we prepopulate we still need to answer the question fungi raised anyway15:58
jeblairjogo: agreed15:58
fungijeblair: i also don't really see any long-delete nodes accumulating15:58
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add list of types of logs to tempest-logs page
fungijeblair: oho! it waaaaaas stuck...16:00
jeblairfungi, mordred: thoughts on per-provider mirrors?16:00
fungi2014-09-03 22:14:00,002 DEBUG nodepool.NodePool: Starting periodic cleanup16:00
fungi2014-09-04 10:23:41,184 DEBUG nodepool.NodePool: Finished periodic cleanup16:00
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jeblairfungi: ah yeah, that's a long one16:00
fungia little over 8 hours gap from start to finish16:00
fungispans the log rotation16:00
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fungii'm betting 10:23 utc roughly corresponds with when SergeyLukjanov did manual cleanup16:01
jeblairfungi: look at 2014-09-04 10:44:07,768 ERROR nodepool.NodePool: Exception cleaning up image id 216564:16:02
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jeblairhowever, it does look like it was able to delete the server used for that image16:03
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fungijeblair: yep, there were about half a dozen of those i found in the debug log, didn't seem related though16:03
jeblairwell, they were the failed image builds16:04
fungiright, for the template nodes16:04
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jeblairfungi: i'm not sure there's a connection16:06
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fungijeblair: nor i16:07
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mordredjeblair: I believe we shoudl have them16:07
jeblairfungi: hypothesis: rax timed out deleting a bunch of servers last night. it made the periodic cleanup thread slow, and caused many of our normal deletions to fail.  SergeyLukjanov saw the same behavior when he manually deleted them16:07
mordredjeblair: should I escalate working on that?16:07
fungijeblair: oh, you mean not sure if there's a connection between SergeyLukjanov's manual node deletions and the periodic cleanup completing?16:07
fungiahh, right16:07
fungiseems plausible16:08
jeblairfungi: no connection between the image looping and deleting problem16:08
jeblairmordred: are/were you working on that?16:08
mordredjeblair: it was on my list but I had not actually started work on it yet16:08
fungiyeah, it was a hunch which did not pan out. was the only thing i could find which seemed to be consistently happening to all rax regions which would have possibly started around the same time as a slow leak on periodic cleanup16:08
jeblairmordred: what was your general plan?16:08
mordredjeblair: I was kinda hoping that we'd magically have AFS before hand ... but without that ...16:09
fungijeblair: jogo: the "installing the wrong versions from cache" thing came up when we were reworking pypi-mirror for performance, but now i can't recall the details (it's now seeming like it was maybe related to reusing the build cache instead). maybe we should just try and see if it causes any unexpected issues... the result should be apparent in pip freeze output in our logs if we're using different16:09
mordredjeblair: we can just run additional copies of the mirror stuff on additional hosts independently, so there might could be mild skew - but it's the shortest path to them existing16:09
fungiversions than we requested16:09
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mordredjeblair: then we just need to tell a node which mirror to use ... which I think can be done at node create/launch time pretty easily16:09
fungianyway, since it appears we're out of immediate danger, i'm going to break for a long lunch to check out an art show up the street16:10
fungiback in a while16:10
jeblairfungi: have fun, and thanks16:10
mordredas in, I think we can make a system that isn't _perfect_ but that is understandable and workable without too much effort, and we can coe back and do a more perfect answer a little later16:10
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mordredjeblair: did we get anywhere with dib-nodepool while I was out?16:10
jeblairmordred: sounds good; clarkb was talking about setting up the non-jenkins2 account in hpcloud16:10
jeblairmordred: we're running nodepool with the code but not exercising it as the in-config-tree part hasn't quite gotten back in shape16:11
mordredjeblair: kk16:11
mordredjeblair: I'd actually like for it to be per-region mirrors16:11
mordredjeblair: so that we have a DFW, ORD and IAD mirror in rax16:12
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jeblairmordred: what about hp?  we're only using one region there (but 3 azs, but they all share networking)16:12
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jeblair(except that we have 5 of our own networks there, each spanning all 3 azs)16:13
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clarkbI think hp 1.1 east needs a single mirror. If we spin up west (we should follow up on that because we should do that at some point yes?) we can put one there16:13
jeblairmordred: i vote one hp mirror for starters, then see where it breaks :)16:13
clarkbjeblair: ++16:13
mordredjeblair: I think just one ... but I thnik it would be lke pypi.region-b.geo-1.openstack.org16:13
jeblairclarkb, mordred: ++16:13
mordredjeblair: and the otherws would be etc.16:13
clarkbmordred: iirc we were aksed not to use west yet. Do you happen to know if/when we may be able to split our hpcloud load and add that region?16:14
mordredthat way, we can have a puppet thing that does pypi-url=http://pypi.<%= OS_REGION %>  (hand waves)16:14
mordredclarkb: I do not16:14
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add pypi publish jobs to subunit2sql
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jeblairclarkb, mordred: want to split this up?  clarkb set up the accounts, mordred set up the hosts in puppet, i'll work on the nodepool/mirror switching bits?16:16
clarkbsounds good16:17
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clarkbwe should only need to set up hpcloud right? the rax non jenkins account is good to go in iad and ord?16:17
jeblairclarkb: i think?  it's possible it has very limited quota in those regions16:18
jeblairhowever, if that lags, it's probably okay (those regions aren't as critical to the current problem)16:18
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mordredjeblair: so, wrt mirror switching ... I thnik all of the info we need is in the nova metadata16:20
clarkbwe shouldn't count on meta data16:21
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mordredjeblair: although I'm not sure we're using that from facter at the moment (it's very easy to get to from the ansible side16:21
clarkbit isn't reliable and our failure rate may even go up as part of that switch16:21
mordredclarkb: sure we should, but we're talking about different things16:21
clarkbmordred: our slaves don't rely on it today in hpcloud, only the image builds do16:22
mordredclarkb: I'm not necessarily talking about the ec2 metadata service16:22
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mordredbut let me step back from that for a sec ... once we're on dib, then we're not running puppet on the host in the region itself, so we lose the natural insight of where the node lives16:23
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mordred_currently_ there is a very easy way to deal with this, but that way is planned to go away16:23
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jeblairi was going to put it in a file in /etc/nodepool that we plop down when we spin up the instance16:24
jeblairthat work?16:24
mordredbut then we need a select mirror script again16:24
jeblairmordred: ah, you wanted to bake it into the per-provider image, which we're getting rid of16:24
jeblairi admit, that's elegant, but yeah, it makes dib harder16:25
mordredwell, kinda. _currently_ that would work - but what I really want is for us to do what you said wrt to /etc/nodepool - just not putting it in /etc/nodepool and instead putting the mirror config in place16:25
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jeblairmordred: oh, have a ready script that does that?16:25
mordredbecause we know at that time what the region is16:25
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mordredand it should work in both approaches16:26
clarkbthat sounds like a good approach16:26
jeblairmordred: it's basically select-mirror either way, it's just whether we do it in nodepool or in all our jobs16:27
jeblairnodepool means one place, all our jobs means faster to fix problems :)16:27
jeblairbut i bet we can swing it in nodepool16:27
jeblairi think i will actually still implement it as writing the info to /etc/nodepool, and then have the ready script read that16:28
jeblairnodepool provider name, openstack region, openstack az16:29
jeblairany other info we want to dump in there?16:29
mordredI think that's plenty16:29
clarkbI am activating east 1.1 in the openstackci2 account16:29
clarkband hopefully won't get charged for this at the end of the month16:29
mordredjeblair: although I do have python code that knows how to get all of the information nova knows about a node and put it into json format ...16:29
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Update query for pip timeout bug 1270710
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1270710 in openstack-ci "sporadic pip timeouts during download" [Medium,Incomplete]
clarkbmordred: do we need cinder volumes for these nodes as well?16:30
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mordredclarkb: looking16:30
mordredclarkb: /dev/mapper/main-mirror       148G  106G   43G  72% /srv/static/mirror16:31
mordredclarkb: we're using 106G right now16:31
clarkboh wow activating services gets you a /24 netowrk and a router now16:31
clarkbmordred: ok I will activate cinder too16:31
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clarkbmordred: since I think 1.1 is ephemeral disk for that size of volume or use cinder16:31
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mordredclarkb: actually, we may not need that much16:32
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mordredI'm checking how much our old mirror takes16:32
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clarkboh volume comes as part of compute16:33
clarkbthat is nice. This seems to be a lot simpler than it was in the past16:33
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clarkbmordred: I am creating the ci launch file for that account and region now, but once that is done you should be able to start building a node and attaching volumes to it and stuff16:34
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clarkbmordred: and thats done I think we should be ready to add nodes (assuming pupept is ready, we may need to update puppet first /me looks)16:37
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mordredclarkb: awesome16:37
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Split pypi_mirror into its own class
clarkbmordred: oh good you are already on the puppet16:38
mordredclarkb: yeah, I'm working the puppet16:39
clarkbmordred: also as part of this move we should consider moving the dfw mirror off of static16:39
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clarkbbut that can happen whe nwe have >1 of these16:40
mordredclarkb: actually, I think we want to create a new dfw mirror called pypi.DFW.openstack.org16:40
mordredand then go back and make a load balancer across the per-region mirrors16:40
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clarkbmordred: we have 15GB of RAM quota in 1.1 currently. is that big enough to start?16:42
mordredwe probably only need 416:42
clarkbI figured, but double checking16:43
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clarkband we have 3TB of volume quota which should be plenty16:43
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for gate-devstack-bashate xen functions fails
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clarkbmordred: do you want to put a site.pp entry in that change or do a follow up change for pypi\..*\ ?16:46
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Split pypi_mirror into its own class
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add entry for new PyPI mirrors
mordredclarkb: you mean like that ^^ ?16:47
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clarkbmordred: yup, though our other ergexes use ^ and $ anchors16:48
clarkbmaybe we should add those for consistency across the site.pp16:48
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mordredclarkb: on it16:49
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add entry for new PyPI mirrors
clarkband yo usaw my include apache comment (or noticed that independently)16:50
mordredI did notice it and fixed in the updated patch above16:50
clarkbone more thing on 11912916:51
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add entry for new PyPI mirrors
clarkbmordred: do you want to try spinning up a node in hpcloud using that proposed change before we merge it?16:55
clarkbmordred: since merging may be somewhat slow today. the launch node script should haev a puppet evironment flag that we can use to point at a dev env for puppet when spinning up the node16:56
mordredclarkb: I do, and I shall16:56
clarkbmordred: oh wait16:56
clarkbmordred: we need the node and volume to exist before puppet runs?16:56
mordredwe do?16:56
mordredoh. volume.16:56
mordredhow about this16:56
mordredhow about I put in mounting the volume into the puppet16:56
mordredsince it's going to go on /srv16:57
mordredoh - but launch_node doesn't know how to do that does it?16:57
clarkbmordred: and just let that bit fail until the volume is present?16:57
clarkbmordred: no, this is one of those use cases where openstack breaks ;)16:58
mordredwell, no. that's not really true16:58
mordredansible can do this _Fine_16:58
clarkbmordred: but only because ansible does openstacks job for it (the spin up and attachment of the volume)16:58
mordredbut my ansible patches for this aren't quite ready yet16:58
clarkbmordred: openstack exist to do this for me16:58
clarkbansible shouldn't have to do it or puppet16:58
mordredclarkb: I have come to believe that openstack disagrees withi you16:58
mordredand that our attempts to make openstack agree with us are futile16:59
clarkbits similar to the floating ip deletion issue. openstack should manage the state for the user16:59
clarkbmordred: jgriffith wrote a blueprint to do this for us iirc16:59
mordredright. but it doesn't and never will16:59
clarkbmordred: not that that means it will get implmented16:59
clarkbbut cinder seems to think this is a something that it can do for the user16:59
mordredI will assume that openstack does not do this until $long_future16:59
mordredwhich means I need to do it16:59
mordredwhich means I'm going to work on making sure my tools know how to do it16:59
mordredat which point I will cease caring if openstack fixes it16:59
clarkbright I only bring it up as a thing that we should probably try to communicate back to the projects as we find them17:00
clarkbI feel like our use cases aren't crazy17:00
mordredyah. totally17:00
mordredalthough first I'd like to communicate taht the API version parameter to glanceclient is bonghits17:00
mordredespecially since you cannot count on getting an  API version value back from the keystone catalog17:00
mordredand if you do, it's not a value that you can pass to the first param of glanceclient.Client17:00
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mordredso, before I get people to fix hard things17:01
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mordredI want to make the very very very basic things work without feeling like I'm stabbing myself in the eye17:01
mordredgetting openstack to mount a volume at the right time? totally given up on that idea17:01
clarkbso to handle this with puppet as is, the simple thing may be to spin up the node against the default node in site.pp. Add volume, mount it etc, then repuppet against correct thing17:01
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mordredclarkb: well, it's actually possible to associate a nova instance with a cinder volume at boot time17:02
clarkbor make puppet/bandersnatch fail until /srv has a volume under it17:02
clarkbmordred: but not format it17:02
mordredso it's possible as currently stands to do this in one stab17:02
mordredclarkb: I'm pretty sure puppet can format it17:02
mordredanyway - I need to jump on a call, I will propose more patches in 1 hour17:02
jeblairmordred: i'm in a similar situation17:03
mordredjeblair: phone call? or chicken/egg cinder?17:03
jeblairmordred: phone call17:03
mordredjeblair: gross17:04
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mordredclarkb: btw - I _have_ all of the code to do all of these things in a sane way in other places - but there's no way that I can get that bundled up and submitted sanely in time to do this17:09
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clarkbmordred: I am reading docs, it looks like nova claims to be able to format things17:11
clarkbmordred: I have no idea if our clouds support that or anything17:11
mordredclarkb: link?17:11
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mordredclarkb: I was honestly just assuming an exec { mkfs stanza with an 'onlyif => not mounted'17:12
clarkbmordred: I did `nova help boot` and the output under --block-device has a format= option17:12
mordredgreat. I'll poke at that17:12
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clarkbI am going to write a quick patch to launch node that will at least attache a preexisting volume17:12
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mordredclarkb: cool17:13
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anteayamy heart still isn't with me yet and I just went for a walk to see if I could reset it, walked past the continually backing up equipment two doors down to watch them drive over the rocks they had just placed pushing them out of alignment17:20
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clarkbmordred: wow this is fun. The cli takes a simple string to figure out how to do the volume attachment. It parses that and creates a dict that is passed to the actual boot call. Tempted to call the parse method directly and give it a string to parse btu it is a private method ...17:25
clarkbso I get to figure out what all the options do :)17:26
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clarkbI think this falls under your glance client complaint. it is hard to do things17:27
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sdagueyeh.... glance....17:32
clarkbsdague: jogo: do you know if I have to provide a boot_index value?17:33
clarkbit doesn't look like the client provides one in all cases17:33
sdagueclarkb: honestly, I don't17:33
clarkbok it doesn't look like I need to17:35
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clarkbI am also looking at guest_format and that seems to only be used for ephemeral and swap17:40
clarkbso it may be a noop operation on our persistent volumes17:40
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clarkbits weird because this seems to be unsanitized user datat that ends up in the nova db but I don't really grok nova internals so am probably wrong17:42
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dstufftclarkb: hey, is there any way to get a VM like what the tests run in spun up for manual inspection? I'm working on a CR thing and it's failing tests, but I can repro it :|17:47
sdagueclarkb: there is quite a bit on unsanitized data pass through17:47
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Update netaddr to 0.7.12 version for IPv6
clarkbsdague: uhm ok17:47
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sdagueclarkb: we're trying to fix that :)17:47
clarkbdstufft: yup17:47
clarkbdstufft: give me a minute t ofind links17:48
dstufftclarkb: cool, thanks sir!17:48
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Record provider/region/az in /etc/nodepool
clarkbsdague: ok good :) its just odd that we would have a parameter that seems to nly exist for nova's internal benefit then completely expose it to client apis17:48
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clarkbdstufft: which test is failing? is it an integration test or unittest or?17:48
clarkbdstufft: we have 2 variety of slaves and slightyl different ways to build each one17:49
dstufftclarkb: gate-barbican-py27 and gate-barbican-py26, sane tests are failing in same way on both of those, so only one is enough17:49
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add support to launch node for attaching volumes
jeblairclarkb, mordred: use topic 'mirror' ?17:51
clarkbmordred: ^ completely untested17:51
clarkbjeblair: sure17:51
clarkbdstufft: and I take it tox -repy27 was the thing that did not reproduce17:52
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dstufftclarkb: yea17:52
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clarkbdstufft: run that script out of /etc/nodepool/scripts with the other contents of that dir in git checked out to that path. Do this on a trusty base image17:55
clarkbdstufft: note that is quite destructive so don't do it on a node you care about17:55
dstufftclarkb: on any trust install? like just one I spin up using the default rackspace images? or do I need to spin up a openstack specific server somehow17:56
clarkbdstufft: default rackspace trusty PVHVM is what we use17:56
clarkbdstufft: so that should work fine17:56
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dstufftok cool17:56
dstufftthanks a lot!17:56
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clarkbdstufft: we run this prepare node scriptage on that base image then take a snapsot which makes our special purpose built images17:56
dstufftclarkb: ok, makes sense17:57
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update RH1 to use net-label instead of net-id
clarkbdstufft: we should have disk image builder working in the near future as well. which will make this much easier17:57
dstufftclarkb: btw, pinged christian about getting my PR into bandersnatch, I want to get that done and released before pip 1.6, so pip 1.6 can do the normalization stuff17:57
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clarkbok I am going to switch back to logstash worker stuff18:00
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mordredok. off the phone18:04
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add support to launch node for attaching volumes
clarkbmordred: ^ now with a bugfix, but still untested18:04
clarkbmordred: and best I could test the format option is only meaningful if attaching an ephemeral device or swap18:05
clarkbotherwise nova appears to just put your data in the db and move along18:05
mordredclarkb: that's spectacular18:05
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Set required devstack variables for Ironic+grenade
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clarkbmordred: for a future improvement we can have boot support >1 volume but I need to figure out how attach order works and all that18:06
clarkbsince order matters if the config mgmt side is going to format and mount18:06
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move notifications for pycadf from oslo to keystone
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mordredclarkb: well, you can specify device name18:09
mordredclarkb: so you can say, I believe "id=blah,device=vdc"18:09
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Configure pip with a per-region mirror
clarkbmordred: you can, but I wasn't sure how that affected type and bus if at all18:10
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mordredclarkb: well, I actually want to replace launch_node anyway - but not today18:10
clarkbya if ansible can do this stuff in a coordinated manner I would be on board with replacement :)18:11
clarkbbut this seems relatively low impact and solves the immedaite issue?18:11
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sdagueclarkb: can you file a bug about what you expect should happen here vs. what's happening?18:14
clarkbsdague: there is one already in cinder, but its a blueprint I think18:14
sdagueclarkb: ok18:14
morganfainbergdhellmann, ah thanks!18:14
clarkbsdague: long story short when I nova boot a node with a volume I shouldn't have to have an intermediate step to format that filesystem18:14
sdagueah, right18:14
sdagueyes, agreed18:14
dhellmannmorganfainberg: our channel is noisy enough these days without you guys making it worse! ;-)18:14
clarkbsdague: and that appears to be the case for ephemeral storage but not persistent storage so it is half solved18:15
morganfainbergdhellmann, hehe18:15
clarkbsdague: the biggest reason this is important is that for something like /var/log you will have a really hard time doing that intermediate step cleanly18:15
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sdagueclarkb: yep, agree18:15
sdagueI wonder if it should actually be in the nova side instead of the cinder side18:16
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clarkbsdague: I think nova needs to pass guest_format to cinder, cinder then formats and does attachment and nova will need to edit /etc/fstab18:16
clarkbor the hypervisor or something. so its a bit of both18:16
sdagueso nova actually does the attach18:17
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sdaguecinder just produces the target18:17
clarkbin that case I think part of producing target is a format step, though  Isuppose nova could do it too if it knows where the target is18:17
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clarkbjeblair: ok I am further convinced that popen + crm will do the correct thing when stdin is closed18:18
clarkbI figure if I can convince myself on two separate days it must be reasonable :P18:19
clarkbreviewing the nodepool chaneg now18:19
clarkbmordred: can you set your topic to mirror on your changes?18:19
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clarkbjeblair: for 119158 should we set a secondary index at to ease the transition?18:22
clarkbactually pip may not do it gracefully if the first one completely fails (as it would in the case where one region didn't have a local mirror)18:22
clarkbdstufft: ^18:22
clarkbjogo: partial ncpu seems to be failing a bit more than usual? am I imagining that?18:23
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for glanceclient/requests bug 1364893
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1364893 in python-glanceclient "New version of requests library breaks unit tests" [Undecided,In progress]
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clarkbhrm we seem to be leaking nodes again /me looks at nodepool18:36
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Set virt driver for sideways ironic job
adam_gclarkb, ^ quick fix for the sideways job18:37
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clarkbsignificant numbers of rax nodes in delete state for >1 hour18:38
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clarkbI do not see any building images so I don't think building images is at fault18:38
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clarkbadam_g: oh cool we can ditch libvirt for that job?18:39
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adam_gclarkb, sort of. we still end up using libvirt indirectly, but nova uses the ironic driver18:40
clarkbmanual deletion seemed to work18:41
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for test_volume_boot_pattern TypeError
clarkbnova show on a node says vm_state is building and task_state is deleting18:42
clarkbjogo: sdague ^ does that mean nova is trying to build the node, hit an error, and is now deleting the node?18:43
dprinceclarkb: I would expect it to be in ERROR state if that occurred18:43
clarkbdprince: ok, status is BUILD not ERROR18:43
dprinceclarkb: did it timeout in BUILD, and then was deleted?18:44
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dprinceclarkb: perhaps got stuck building or something?18:44
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fungijeblair: if you're talking about generally useful nodepool metadata to stick on each node, then i'd also add the snapshot image name/uuid and nova instance uuid. both useful to regurgitate in jobs for later debugging18:44
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fungioh, json blob of nova info solves that. i should reall *all* scrollback before responding to parts of it18:44
clarkbdprince: hrm that may be a red herring. nova show on a bunch of other nodes comes back with no node18:45
anteayafungi: then you would never respond18:45
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jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred:
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clarkbjeblair: fungi: so is the symptom that nodepool tries to delete the node, it doesn't delete immediately, but the cron never runs to pick up on the eventual deletion?18:45
dprinceclarkb: cool, yeah that sounds like an odd set of states18:45
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ttxfungi: hi! Looks like we are piling up "deleting"s again?18:49
* ttx didn't read scrollback18:49
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openstackgerritDmitry Teselkin proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Dependencies to install python-cinderclient
fungittx: yeah, i was at lunch and clarkb started looking at it18:51
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ttxfungi: ok18:52
clarkbthe last starting periodic cleanup was at 155618:52
clarkbso ~3 hours ago18:53
clarkbfungi: mostly trying to help but probably rediscovering all the stuff you learned :)18:53
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ttxI know SergeyLukjanov did some manual cleanup that helped mitigate the symptoms and give the queue smoe air to breathe18:54
ttxlast time it occurred18:54
clarkbya I think if the node doesn't actually exist we can remove it from the db18:55
ttxhe also noted that all stuck nodes were actually rax18:55
ttxthat's about the extent of my knowledge of the issue, fungi is proably lightyears ahead in his analysis18:56
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fungiwhere lightyears is defined as "i ate lunch and tried not to think about this stuff for a bit" ;)18:57
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fungibut yeah, sounds like something is causing the periodic cleanup to hang or at least take an unusually long time to complete one cycle... taking another thread dump now to see what it's doing18:57
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clarkb I see that in the logs19:00
fungilatest thread dump is "threaddump4.log" in my homedir on nodepool.o.o19:00
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for gate-devstack-bashate xen functions fails
clarkbbut that is for image cleanup19:01
fungiclarkb: yeah, we were seeing those before in the logs too, corresponding to deleting an image template instance19:01
fungiclarkb: but it does come at the end of the last periodic cleanup before the one which started and hasn't ceased19:02
fungi2014-09-04 15:55:36,989 DEBUG nodepool.NodePool: Finished periodic cleanup19:02
fungi2014-09-04 15:56:00,001 DEBUG nodepool.NodePool: Starting periodic cleanup19:02
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clarkbyup that one happened right before the finish log there19:02
anteayawell at least my dentist called to check on me, which was nice of him19:03
clarkbbut it is in the periodic cleanup19:03
clarkbanteaya: it might a trap, they want you to visit again19:03
funginah, that's why they plant the remote mind control devices in your fillings19:03
fungiphone calls and appointment cards were too unreliable19:04
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anteayaclarkb: no, my heart isn't doing what it should be, I called to let them know and he called back to check on me19:05
clarkbanteaya: oh no :(19:05
anteayaclarkb: he is a good dentist19:05
anteayaclarkb: yeah, not happy on so many levels, trying to focus on reviews19:05
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clarkbfungi: Thread: Thread-60572 (140496667784960) is the periodic cleanup thread best I can tell19:08
clarkbI am going to do another dump and see if that thread has moved19:08
fungiclarkb: yeah, and it's in a wait call, but not sure if that's unusual19:08
clarkbfungi: and specifically stuck on a wait to delete and image19:09
clarkbnot a regular node19:09
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clarkbso the stuff above may be related?19:09
clarkbis it sigusr1 for threadump or 2?19:09
fungi108 NodeLauncher threads, 88 NodeDeleter threads, 12 NodeCompleteThread threads, 7 NodeUpdateListener threads, 2 Gearman threads19:10
fungithreads for each provider, each target, and one each of APScheduler, DiskImageBuilder, MainThread, NodePool, plus a couple of generic Thread-NNNN paramiko threads, one of which is our cleanup thread19:11
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clarkbya it looks like it is still stuck on that getServer call to cleanup an image19:11
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clarkbso the getServer task isn't coming back19:12
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fungiis the number in parens next to each thread its start time in epoch subseconds (to some precision?) if so the cleanup thread works out to being started on july 10th this year which doesn't sound right at all given it's been restarted plenty19:13
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clarkbfungi: it is thread id19:16
clarkbfor thread_id, stack_frame in sys._current_frames().items():19:16
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clarkbthe first bit is the human readable thread name19:16
fungiahh, yep, just found the dumper routine19:17
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openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add query for mysql server has gone away
clarkbfungi: it is putting the task on a queue then waiting for the task to complete19:18
clarkbso either we are never executing the task off of the queue, it is failing and throwing in a way that doesn't signl the wait, or we are waiting on a response? or?19:19
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fungiright, just trying to figure out how to tell when comparing one thread dump to the next whether that thread is still stuck on the same instance of the same call, or merely performing another identical action (perhaps one which it spends most of its time doing over and over)19:19
clarkboh good question, maybe strace?19:20
clarkbthough python trheads probably don't presetn themselves nicely to strace do they?19:21
fungii suspect they're all lumped in the same process19:21
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funginope, i just see a pause call on the process which never returns19:22
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fungipthreads can have their id substituted as you would a process id19:23
jeblairfungi, clarkb: the iad, ord, and dfw managers are all running tasks and have 0 queue19:24
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: the hpcloud managers have queues19:25
fungijeblair: those are the threads like Thread: rax-iad (140494351386368) presumably?19:25
fungiaha, you can tell it by self.not_empty.wait() -> waiter.acquire()19:25
fungimy eyes had totally glazed over there19:26
clarkbjeblair: so the queue was emptied but the condition was not set19:26
clarkbwhich seems odd as the task maanger and task framework catches all the things19:26
jeblairclarkb: i'm not drawing any conclusions, i'm just supplying info :)19:26
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jeblairfungi: are you able to strace the individual thread?19:30
fungijeblair: i believe so, but the kernel's thread id doesn't seem to match up to anything in the thread dump so i'm having trouble mapping to the correct value19:31
mtreinishanteaya: do you know what's going on with this brocade ci system:
fungipthreads ids the kernel knows about for the nodepoold process are in /proc/5340/task/19:31
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add debug messages to periodic cleanup
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fungilooks like i need to compile a little c to map these up19:35
clarkbfungi: oh no19:36
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jeblairfungi: oh, i thought it had to be done within the thread?19:36
clarkbfungi: do you need the python-dbg interpreter?19:36
jeblairfungi: can you do it from outside?19:36
fungijeblair: ahh, looks like probably no19:37
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add some notes to the readme about queries that don't hit
fungioh, maybe...
anteayamtreinish: I do not, I am looking now19:39
fungii'm assuming the constant i'd pass in there is the python thread id?19:39
fungi(the one from the thread dump)19:40
jeblairfungi: no, it's the syscall value for "get the current thread id"19:40
fungioh, poo19:40
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove resolved fingerprints
jeblairfungi: so that code is what we'd add to nodepool to have a thread know its own tid19:40
fungiright, got it19:40
anteayamtreinish: is this the first you noticed them commenting on tempest?19:40
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add some notes to the readme about queries that don't hit
mordredjeblair: does not work on HP Cloud19:42
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clarkbmordred: oh? because of the network stuff?19:42
mtreinishanteaya: I noticed it the other day I think, but that's the first time I noticed multiple comments on the same rev19:42
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add debug messages to periodic cleanup
anteayamtreinish: how much time are you willing to give me to find and talk to them before I disable their system?19:43
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jrollsdague: have a moment to take a look at please?19:43
anteayaso far I have been given a name in -neutron and no response, I haven't emailed to -announce yet19:43
openstackgerritKen Giusti proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a test to verify oslo.messaging's AMQP 1.0 messaging protocol support
mtreinishanteaya: it doesn't really bug me, its just a few extra emails, I just thought I'd point it out19:43
* mordred is torn between fixing launch_node or finishing the replacement for it real quick19:43
jeblairfungi, clarkb: so taking what we know from the debug log...19:44
anteayamtreinish: kk, thanks I appreciate you letting me know, if it gets worse do tell me19:44
jeblairfungi, clarkb: it look like with the current backlog, the hpcloud providers take about 3 minutes to get through the queue to process a request19:44
jeblairfungi, clarkb: and i think it takes 3 requests to delete a server19:44
jeblairfungi, clarkb: so if the periodic thread is deleting hpcloud servers, it could take it 9 minutes to do each one19:45
sdaguejroll: looks fine to me19:45
jeblairfungi, clarkb: oh, but actually node deletes are parallel19:45
jrollsdague: thanks19:45
jogoclarkb: I dug into that a little bit, and it looked like a few issues  including failures on the old side19:45
jeblairfungi, clarkb: it spawns new threads to actually do the deletes19:45
clarkbjeblair: parallel across providers but each provider is serial right?19:46
jogoclarkb: I think it fails a lot because there is a 2x chance of hitting a old bug in stable nova-compute19:46
jeblairclarkb: yeah, but we're wondering why the perodic thread is waiting on something19:46
jeblairclarkb: and i don't think it should be waiting on a normal server delete19:46
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clarkbjeblair: oh I see, it is waiting on an image delete if that makes a difference19:46
jeblairoh it's deleting an image19:46
fungii just compared stack traces from half an hour apart, and any node ids with deleter threads in the first dump no longer had deleter threads in the second dump, fwiw. so it's at least not hanging indefinitely on one particular node id19:46
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fungibut i assume those are the original (not periodic retry) deletes19:47
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jeblairfungi: they'd look the same19:47
mordredclarkb, jeblair: I'm going to hack in an auto-floating-ip for now19:47
jeblairfungi: the periodic thread just spawns new normal server delete threads19:48
fungioh, okay. so the periodic cleanup still spawns separate threads for each delete19:48
mordredbut I think this afernoon I'm going to do the other thing19:48
fungigot it19:48
jeblairfungi: image ids are already logged as it processes19:48
jeblairgrep "Deleting image" debug.log19:48
jrollclarkb: when you have a free moment, could you look at ? :)19:49
jroll(not a huge rush)19:49
fungijust confirming that their individual deleter threads did not hang around, in that case19:49
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clarkbit looks like 2-3 minutes is normal for image delete wich may also explain how I ended up catching that in the thread dump19:51
jeblairfungi, clarkb: so based on that grep, i think the periodic cleanup thread is working19:52
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fungiclarkb: right, each of the three rax regions currently has several failed devstack-f20-virt-preview images undergoing deletion as they continually loop and fail to complete successfully19:52
clarkbjeblair: it is working, but slowly?19:53
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fungiso chances of catching a deletion thread for one is pretty high19:53
clarkbsince we can see it doesn't start very frequently19:53
jeblairclarkb: it started more frequently earlier19:53
jeblairi'm just saying it's moving now19:53
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fungiright, it was starting once a minute and completing withing 5-10 seconds, then at 15:56 it started a round which has not returned yet19:54
jeblairit has chosen to delete many more images this time19:56
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fungiyeah i missed that it jumped from 15:36->15:55 for the previous pass too19:57
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clarkbjeblair: fungi: oh interesting19:57
fungigrep -e 'Deleting image id:' -e 'periodic cleanup' /var/log/nodepool/debug.log19:57
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fungibasically what's there in the etherpad though19:57
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fungiso node deletes are spun off into parallel tasks by the periodic cleanup, but image deletes are serialized within the periodic cleanup instead?19:58
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jeblairfungi: yep19:58
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fungithat totally 'splains it19:59
jeblairbecause they don't happen very often.  and it's the periodic cleanup anyway, it's our last ditch.19:59
clarkbwould it be reasonable to use a separate cron for that?19:59
clarkbor spin off threads?19:59
jeblairclarkb: but why?  isn't the real issue that the initial rax deletes didn't happen?19:59
clarkbjeblair: or they may have failed20:00
jeblairi mean, the periodic cleanup isn't going to have any more success until the underlying problem is solved.20:00
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clarkbjeblair: right, but the underlying problem may be out of our control and nodepool should be defensive20:00
jeblairclarkb: it is :)20:00
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jeblairclarkb: i'm actually more interestid in why it chose to delete more images this run20:00
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fungiworth noting though that 15:30-16:00 or thereabouts will roughly coincide with new image update completion, which expires the original images. but we directly call image delete when we rotate those out rather than waiting for the periodic cleanup right?20:01
clarkbmy initial guess is that we were able to rebuild new images for those regions this time around20:01
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jeblairah, that makes sense20:01
jeblairfungi: image deletion only happens in the periodic thread20:02
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fungithree image updates completed around 15:30, and then a bunch more happened just after that, but the first cleanup was busy deleting those few and didn't catch teh rest until almost 160020:02
jeblairso yeah, basically we just made a bunch of new images for the first time in 3 days, and are expiring the old ones.  actually, probably the 2nd time in three days since we keep n-1.20:02
fungiso goes my theory anyway20:02
anteayawhoever gets to if first, please disable 10624pattabi-ayyasami-ciBrocade ADX cinerama pattabi.ayyasami@gmail.com20:02
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fungianteaya: done20:03
jeblairanteaya: done20:03
mtreinishjogo: do you have a good way to measure commit proposal freq. for an individual project?20:03
anteayathank you20:03
fungidouble-tap to the head20:03
mtreinishit looks like graphite shows just the total for all of gerrit20:03
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jeblairclarkb: okay, so we could parelellize image deletes like we do node deletes20:04
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jeblairclarkb: there's a bunch of complicated machinery around that, but i suppose it's probably directly translatable20:04
jeblairand it seems to be working well enough for node deletes20:04
clarkbjeblair: or we could split the crons to keep the underlying machinery the same20:04
clarkbjeblair: that is probably simpler but less "correct"20:04
jogomtreinish: not that I know of20:05
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jeblairclarkb: depends on whether parallel image deletes are a good thing on their own.20:05
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mtreinishjogo: ok, I'll figure something out20:06
fungigiven that an image delete takes somwhere between 5-10 minutes at the moment, depending on provider, it seems sane to separate those tasks at any rate (whether separate serialized queue or parallelized individually)20:06
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: so the speculation is rax failed to delete and we're falling back on the periodic delete.  that probably means that at least once the problem is corrected, manual node deletes should speed things up until the periodic cleanup finishes its current run20:07
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clarkbjeblair: yup, should I script up some manual node deletion?20:07
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jeblairfungi: may already have that ready?20:07
fungii'll run it now20:08
clarkbfungi: is that a script or jus a one liner?20:08
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jeblairi will get lunch, then resume mirror work and start on parallel image deletes20:08
clarkbI think I end up running a list | grep delete | sort > file, clean it up because ancient nodes that time out then for loop over file content20:08
fungivery, very ugly one-liner to list deleting state nodes older than a particular number of minutes and split them into 10 silos for separate delete loops20:08
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clarkbkk just checking your hack isn't better than mine :)20:09
clarkbok I am going to get food as well so I can continue to help with mirros after20:09
fungishould free up here in a moment20:09
clarkbmordred: anything you need from us to make node launching work?20:10
mordredclarkb: nope. working on it20:10
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cineramaanteaya: is it possible that your client is tab completing from tabs in the output you're copying and pasting? i keep getting highlights from you20:12
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anteayacinerama: it is entirely possible20:13
anteayaI couldn't figure out why your nick keeps showing up in my pastes20:13
clarkbheh ci<tab?20:13
anteayathat would be it, yes20:13
anteayasuggestions on how I fix that?20:14
anteayait is only when I copy from the ssh output of the ci list that it happens20:14
anteayacinerama: or could you block pings from me?20:14
clarkbanteaya: you should fix it on your side because it is updating your data20:15
fungianteaya: ssh output from the gerrit api? probably has embedded spaces. try |tr '\t' ' '20:15
fungier, has embedded tabs20:16
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anteayafungi: it does yes20:16
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fungipiping it through tr like that should convert them to spaces20:16
anteaya10624 pattabi-ayyasami-ci Brocade ADX CI pattabi.ayyasami@gmail.com20:17
anteayayay, that worked20:17
anteayathanks fungi20:17
anteayasorry cinerama20:17
cineramanp, glad you worked it out20:18
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anteayacinerama: thanks for solving that mystery, I couldn't understand where cinerama was coming from20:18
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add gertty release jobs
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Record provider/region/az in /etc/nodepool
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clarkbfungi: do you know why ^ removes the network info from the test fixture?20:34
clarkber thats just a fake.yaml?20:34
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fungiclarkb: yeah, looks like none of the tests were using the networks there20:36
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fungifatal: unable to access '': Empty reply from server20:40
fungiseen in a gate-config-layout job20:40
fungigit complaints about "Empty reply from server" are new to me20:40
clarkbhuh why is it talking to review.o.o?20:41
fungihrm, also... why does the layout job clone from gerrit?20:41
fungilooking into it now20:41
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fungibtw that hit your 119143 volume attachment change, but it'20:41
fungis also suffering from a legit pep8 issue20:42
fungi(at least as legit as whitespace issues can be)20:42
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mordredvolume attachement produces strange errors20:42
mordredstill working through it20:42
clarkbmordred: do you want to update my change then?20:43
mordredclarkb: no, not yet20:43
mordredclarkb: but I will20:43
mordredclarkb: if I ever figure out what the hell is up20:43
clarkbok, should I fix pep8 now?20:43
mordredclarkb: sure.20:43
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mordredclarkb: why do we generate a new keypair every time?20:44
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clarkbmordred: because we only need it that first time iirc and you need soemthing for first login20:45
clarkbmordred: after that its useless. we could use a long lived one but then you have to manage state somewhere20:45
mordredclarkb: no, I mean, why don't we just use the keypair that's associated with the operating accoutn?20:46
mordredclarkb: because right now, debuggging failures is a bit of a pain20:46
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clarkbmordred: because then you have to set that up is the only reason I think20:46
clarkbmordred: its a state problem20:46
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mordredclarkb: ok. so there is not a reason per-se that we want to avoid doing such a thing20:47
clarkbmordred: I don't think so20:47
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clarkbfungi: oh because it runs that tools script20:48
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clarkbfungi: we should update to use git.o.o20:48
fungiclarkb: yeah, i'm working on a patch20:48
fungiclarkb: we should actually update it to use the local clones and then update from git.o.o20:49
fungior use zuul cloner20:49
clarkbfungi: maybe? I do like I can run it locally without any fuss20:50
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use git farm for layout job cloning
fungithat ^ then20:50
clarkband since that [ -d checks we can have zuul cloner do it in our jobs but have local runs use git.o.o directly20:51
fungishould also be self-testing20:51
clarkbso I think I like that with updated job later20:51
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add support to launch node for attaching volumes
fungiyeah, zuul cloner would allow us to rip out a fair amount of this, but really we could just git grep the config repo for random uses of git clone and i'm betting most of them could be solved with git cloner consistently20:52
clarkbmordred: fungi ^ nwo with pep8 compliant formatting20:52
fungier, with zuul cloner consistently20:52
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for glanceclient/requests bug 1364893
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1364893 in python-glanceclient "New version of requests library breaks unit tests" [Undecided,In progress]
fungiin fact, the layout job could probably be rewritten to use grenade-like logic, since it is effectively an upgrade integration job20:54
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for test_volume_boot_pattern TypeError
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Update query for pip timeout bug 1270710
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1270710 in openstack-ci "sporadic pip timeouts during download" [Medium,Incomplete]
mordredclarkb: ok. it just flat out does not attach the volume20:55
clarkbmordred: huh20:56
clarkbmordred: and it isn't that my code is bad?20:56
mordredclarkb: unknown yet20:56
mordredclarkb: I also don't knwo why is failing20:56
clarkbbecause the likelihood of my code being bad seems to be high20:56
mordredclarkb: I believe what I'm going to do is do a volume-attach after the boot20:56
clarkbmordred: you might try setting the boot_index number20:57
mordredclarkb: because $derp20:57
clarkbmordred: I thought it wasn't required but it may be. try -1 or semething like 320:57
fungimordred: may need additional logic to deal with device names in different providers/platforms20:57
mordredclarkb: I think that I'm just going to email jogo and sdague and tell them that novaclient amkes me die inside20:57
mordredfungi: it has it20:57
clarkbmordred: that works too20:57
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clarkbmordred: because I did die a little trying to sort out how to make this work20:57
jogomordred: I have a bug I just filed20:57
jogowell two:20:58
jogobug 136525120:58
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1365251 in python-novaclient "TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'retry_after'" [High,Confirmed]
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jogobug 120217920:58
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1202179 in python-novaclient "findall in novaclient/ is inefficient" [Undecided,In progress]
* mordred removes jogo from his naughty list for now20:58
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sdaguemordred: you think it doesn't make me feel the same? :)20:58
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mordredsdague: why does it exist as a piece of code at all? it's only purpose in life seems to be to make python developers sad20:59
jogomordred: yeah its terrible20:59
jogomordred: that sounds about right20:59
mordredok. well, if it's trying to make python developers sad, it's awesome20:59
sdaguemordred: you did see that I consider the unified sdk/client to be one of the top 5 project priorities for next cycle, right?20:59
jogoif you delete instances by name and not by UUID you may have hit the second bug20:59
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clarkbsdague: I saw that21:00
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clarkbsdague: also logging which makes me happy21:00
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dtroyer_zzmordred, et al:
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dtroyer_zzsdague: I saw that too (sdk/client).  thanks21:01
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mordreddtroyer_zz: the examples dir from openstacksdk makes my eyes bleed21:01
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mordreddtroyer_zz: are there examples that show me how to do things like, you know create servers with ip addresses?21:02
dtroyer_zzmordred: I gave up on that and kept my own…need to get it publicly visible again21:02
clarkbmordred: in particular the need to pass an REST api path to a create method arg21:02
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mordreddtroyer_zz: because this: is even worse than python-novaclient's interface21:02
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dtroyer_zzthe SDK is really still learning to crawl.21:03
* mordred cries inside21:03
* fungi votes we strap that toddler to a rocket sled21:04
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dtroyer_zzI've been focusing on client stuff so I'm working top-down21:04
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clarkbmordred: actually you should test if you can do the volume attach with nova cli21:04
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clarkbmordred: since that *should* workl and I didn't write that code21:04
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dtroyer_zzso I'm going to scrape this conversation for a priority list of things to look at in OSC and make sure they're sane…thanks for the input ;)21:05
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mordreddtroyer_zz: os-sdk working would make me very happy ... at the moment, the amount of boilerplate I have to write to do simple things in python is kinda amazing21:06
jogodtroyer_zz: are you sleep talking?21:06
dtroyer_zzjogo: yes…znc hasn't done that to me in a while, not sure why now21:06
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Paralellize image deletes
jeblairclarkb, fungi: ^21:07
clarkbmordred: `nova boot --block-device id=someuuid,source=volume,dest=volume,shutdown=preserve`21:07
clarkbmordred: if that works then my code is bad and probably needs to set additional defaults that the private parsing of ^ that string sets21:07
kevinbentonI just had two neutron patches that finally made it to close enough to the front of the gate to test and they failed with a sahara error:
kevinbentonis this a known issue?21:08
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jeblairkevinbenton: it wasn't a sahara error, that message is harmless (but annoying)21:10
kevinbentonjeblair: oh okay21:10
kevinbentonjeblair: so a prereq install issue?21:10
jeblairkevinbenton: yeah, looks like the network issues we've been seeing between hpcloud and the pypi mirror in rax21:10
jeblairkevinbenton: we're actually working on setting up per-region mirrors to alleviate that right now21:11
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kevinbentonjeblair: ah. dang. i’ll miss FF now :-(21:11
mordredjeblair, clarkb, fungi: do we use on nodepool nodes?21:11
clarkbmordred: no, I believe d-g handle that if swap is necessary?21:12
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clarkbthough nodepool ready script may I guess21:12
mordredok. because the script is broken on hp and I was wondering how much we care21:12
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jeblairyeah, devstack-gate does it for test nodes, and launch-node is probably lagging that due to the no-hp-hosts thing :)21:13
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jeblairmordred: if it needs fixing, copying from devstack-gate will probably work21:13
anteayakevinbenton: yes, you will but you are a good candidate for a FFE21:13
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anteayakevinbenton: talk to mestery or whoever is curating the neutron FFE list and get yourself added21:14
anteayaI was talking to ttx before he signed off for the night and he is well aware of the gate status21:14
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kevinbentonanteaya: ok21:14
sdaguedo we know if zookeeper is actually getting installed on unit test nodes? Because the zk unit tests for nova are getting skipped.21:14
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Reduce min-ready
clarkbsdague: I can check21:15
sdagueit might be that we need other libs21:15
fungikevinbenton: i think the general takeaway is that anything which was already approved will try to get squeezed through before j-3 (or if it isn't then it's already past being rejected due to the feature freeze regardless because it's been approved)21:15
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mesterykevinbenton: Talk to me offline, preferably in email21:16
kevinbentonfungi: sounds good. i’ll chat with mestery about it21:16
mesterykevinbenton: I think I'm heading out for a bit soon21:17
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kevinbentonmestery: just sent you a message21:17
mesterykevinbenton: ack21:18
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Paralellize image deletes
jeblairclarkb, fungi: ^ now with fewer unrelated changes :)21:18
jogoit fixes a gate bug21:18
jogoanyway to get it prioritized?21:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1365590 in devstack "gate-devstack-bashate failing on E020 in tools/xen/functions" [Critical,In progress]21:19
jogo37 hits in 24 hours21:19
jogofungi: ^21:19
jeblairit only affects devstack changes21:19
jeblair(still might be a good idea, just pointing that out)21:20
fungii guess it would become a priority if it unblocks some other integration testing fixes which are affecting more projects21:20
clarkbsdague: zookeeper is running on the node I spot checked21:20
jeblair(because devstack changes ahead of it are going to cause resets)21:20
sdagueclarkb: can you check for 2 python modules?21:20
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clarkbsdague: sure21:21
clarkbbut any python modules should be installed as part of the tox run21:21
clarkbnot as part of the image21:21
sdagueevzookeeper, zookeeper21:22
jogohere is a devstack patch in the gate
fungi118090,1 and 119037,3 are the only two devstack changes in the gate so far, but that's two resets we could avoid21:22
jogoand a second
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jeblairit also fails quickly21:22
clarkbsdague: those are python modules?21:22
clarkbsdague: they should be installed by tox21:22
sdagueyeh, so they aren't right now, I'm seeing why21:22
clarkbneither is currently isntalled in the root of the image21:22
jogofungi: yup, well those will fail each time they are run which can be a lot21:22
anteayawhen someone feels like it, 10119 varmourci vArmour CI can be re-enabled21:22
fungioh, right, 117878,1 is within the window and has already caused damage21:23
jeblairit takes < 10 seconds to fail21:23
jeblairhonestly, i think i'd just keep that one in the back pocket and promote it if we had something else to do too.21:24
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jeblairmaybe we should snipe those devstack changes out?21:25
clarkbI was going to suggest we could rebase those chagnes on the fix21:25
clarkbwhich is heavy handed...21:25
clarkbbut an alternative21:25
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dtroyer_zzjeblair, jogo: was the only change I think needs to follow  the rest can wait afaik21:26
fungirebasing them on the fix would snipe them out effectively21:26
dtroyer_zzand even there I'm not sure how bad the problem is that it fixes21:26
jeblairdoes that mean the current head is about to fail ^ ?21:27
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clarkbI think so21:27
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clarkbthose tests appear to have failed21:27
openstackgerritGregory Haynes proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enable debug logging for tripleo ha job
clarkband tempest has gone sideways21:28
clarkb~half an hour since the first fail21:28
fungiyep, could promote that devstack fix at the moment the top change reports and avoid losing too many additional nodes21:28
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jeblairyeah, i think under the circumstances that would be okay21:29
jogodtroyer_zz: unrelated note
jogo /opt/stack/new/devstack/lib/sahara-dashboard: No such file or directory21:29
jogonot causing a failure21:29
jogobut odd21:29
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clarkbjogo: it has confused everyeone21:29
clarkbthere is a fix iirc but since its not a gate fixer it hasn't been propmoted?21:30
dtroyer_zzjogo: that what fixes that I mentioned a minute ago21:30
dtroyer_zzclarkb: yes21:30
fungii'll keep an eye on that failing job run and as soon as zuul reports on the corresponding change i'll go ahead and promote 119037,321:30
clarkband it hasn't caused any failures...21:30
jogodtroyer_zz: doh21:30
sdagueclarkb: so zookeeper is wrapping the clib21:30
jeblairfungi: okay, thanks21:30
sdaguewhich is why it's not in test-requirements, otherwise everyone would have to install zookeeper dev library locally21:31
clarkbsdague: that will do it21:31
clarkbI think tooz is supposed to be native but that probably requirse a port21:31
jogoI take you guys hhave seen "Bad md5 hash for package"21:31
clarkbjogo: ya I think it is related to the network trouble between hpcloud and rax mirror21:32
clarkbjogo: did that happen on an hpcloud node?21:32
fungijogo: yeah, in previous occurrences i've been unable to reproduce the claimed bad checksum from subsequent downloads, suggesting it's network or local storage related issues21:32
jogoclarkb: its on rax21:32
clarkboh thats rax-iad21:32
jogomessage:"Bad md5 hash for package"21:32
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fungiclarkb: jogo: could that have been on the problem host in iad which got hunted down yesterday?21:33
clarkboh yup21:33
fungiprobably memory issues21:33
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clarkbjogo: we found a bad hypervisor in iad yesterday21:33
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jogoclarkb fungi: wow21:34
jogounrelated question: your fix to not run log checker in grenade landed?21:34
jogoclarkb: ^21:34
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clarkbI don't think so but let me check21:34
clarkbneeds more review21:35
clarkbsdague: ^21:35
clarkbjeblair: fungi: if we do a promotion promoting ^ would be good too if it gets approved21:35
fungiwe're about 2 minutes away from the next reset21:36
fungiand i'm not a tempest core ;)21:36
jogomtreinish: want to +A ^21:36
sdagueclarkb: oh.... ffs21:37
sdaguefungi: +A21:37
sdaguepromote at will21:37
fungiokay, i'll add it to the pile21:37
mordred            vobj = client.volumes.create_server_volume(21:37
mordred      , volume, None)21:37
mtreinishjogo: sdague beat me to it21:37
mordredjust for the record21:37
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Record provider/region/az in /etc/nodepool
mordredapaprently "auto" mount point is done by passing None as the 3rd arg - but the 3rd arg is required21:37
sdagueclarkb: seriously... owe you a beer for that find21:37
clarkbmordred: client there is cinderlcient?21:37
jogofungi clarkb: I saw message:"Bad md5 hash for package" on multiple rax nodes21:37
jeblairclarkb: later, we should do something else with that.  either devstack-gate should decide whether to run that, or that script should use some tempesty thing to make the decision21:37
mordredclarkb: novaclient21:37
clarkbsdague: well I did break it so we might be even :)21:38
jogoand one hpcloud21:38
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jeblairclarkb: but we're crossing a line by referencing d-g vars in tempest21:38
jogoor two hpcloud21:38
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Begin cleaning up bashate failures
clarkbjogo: hpcloud could be networking. were the rax nodes all iad?21:38
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jogoclarkb: no there is an ord21:38
clarkbjeblair: agreed21:38
sdaguejeblair: yeh, the clean log script should probably leave tempest21:38
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sdagueit was a convenient place at the time21:39
clarkbpersonally I don't think the clean logs have helped much21:39
clarkbmaybe that will change in kilo if we focus on logging21:39
sdagueclarkb: well, honestly, there are only a couple of logs that are clean21:39
mordredclarkb: do you know a way to test if a block device has an FS on it yet?21:39
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sdaguemordred: mount?21:39
clarkbsdague: right and we don't seem to be cleaning any of the others21:39
sdagueclarkb: agreed21:39
mordredsdague: just trying mounting it and see if it fails?21:39
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clarkbmordred: ya there is a way with tools like parted iirc21:40
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sdaguemordred: yeh, that's what I'd do21:40
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clarkbsdague: well that only tells you if the fs is not what you wanted21:40
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Add tox.ini
clarkbwhich may be good enough21:40
sdagueit will give you a bad superblock error if there isn't one21:40
fungiokay, that trove change reported, gate reset, and i promoted 119037,3 118753,2 which should appear at the front as soon as the event queue empties21:40
mordredsdague: good point21:40
sdagueor one you can't support21:40
clarkbmordred: ^21:41
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jeblairthat failed very quickly on presumably a network error21:41
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jeblairand not one that we're very likely to be able to work around21:41
clarkbmordred: blkid -L somelabelhere21:41
mordredclarkb: thanks21:41
jeblair(at least, until we have per-region dns servers)21:42
sdagueclarkb: that's not showing fs on my distro21:42
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fungiclarkb: sdague: jogo: 119037,3 and 118753,2 are now up front21:42
clarkbsdague: it does for me TYPE='ext4'21:43
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clarkbhrm but using -L breaks it21:43
clarkbwithout args it works21:43
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clarkbfungi: thank you21:43
clarkbjeblair: I wonder if unbound is not working on those nodes /me checks21:43
jeblairclarkb: oh, that would do it too :(21:44
mordredclarkb: doesn't work for me with either with blkid /dev/sda521:44
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jogofungi: thanks21:44
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1343313
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1343313 in openstack-ci "Bad md5 hash for package" [Medium,Triaged]
clarkbjeblair: seems to be working on a random hpcloud devstack-trusty node21:44
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clarkbmordred: try it as `blkid`21:44
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Add tox.ini
fungihuh... a puppet apply job just bailed out with: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Could not find declared class rabbitmq at /etc/puppet/modules/storyboard/manifests/rabbit.pp:29 on node bare-precise-1409840044.template.openstack.org21:45
mordredclarkb: gotcha. cool21:45
clarkbfungi: it will do that if the install modules script ran on the base image before we added rabbitmq but thats super old iirc21:45
jeblairi'm updating my mirror change to reflect the min-ready change that just merged21:46
jogoclarkb: do you have a bug for the grenade thing?21:46
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jeblair(merge-check caught it)21:46
jogoas I a am going to file a e-r patch for it to take those failures out of unclassified21:46
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clarkbjogo: no, I didn't make one21:46
jogokk I will file one21:47
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Configure pip with a per-region mirror
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clarkbjogo: you have to be careful because it will be hard to classify that one21:47
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clarkbafter that merges you will have successful jobs that match the same pattern21:47
jogoclarkb: I have an idea21:48
jogobut we will see21:48
jogoclarkb: was thinking message:"Log: n-cond not allowed to have ERRORS or TRACES" AND build_name:*grenade*21:48
jogoerr message:"not allowed to have ERRORS or TRACES" AND build_name:*grenade*21:48
clarkbthat may work but only with the new log checker output21:49
clarkbso you will get a subset21:49
jogobut actually specify the grenade permutations21:49
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jogoclarkb: what was the old log checker output?21:49
clarkbit spammed all the log lines21:49
clarkband made people confused21:49
clarkbthis is how I found the thing in the first place21:49
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jogooh right21:55
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clarkbok I am +2 on the mirror topic (except for my change which mordred reports is unworking)21:59
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mordredclarkb: more patches coming soon21:59
clarkbmordred: I think you are applying from dev env or going to once launching works21:59
clarkbso I won't approve anything21:59
mordreddon't - I'm not even there yet - I'm still battling volumes21:59
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clarkbmattoliverau: good morning22:02
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anteayamorning mattoliverau22:02
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1365738
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1365738 in tempest "check logs incorrectly running on grenade jobs" [Undecided,New]
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jogoclarkb: ^ should at least get rid of some unclassified failures22:04
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clarkbjogo: oh neat does the () grouping work that way?22:04
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jogoclarkb: yeah right22:05
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clarkbmordred: anything I can do to help? I think I am going to try booting a node in hpcloud with volume attached via novaclient cli if that doesn't conflict with your stuff22:08
mordredclarkb: it dose nt22:08
mordredclarkb: I've got it working22:08
mordredclarkb: I'm cleaning up now22:08
clarkbmordred: you are doing separate call right? suppose that gets the job done22:09
clarkbmordred: oh you know what22:09
clarkbmordred: should launch node and not puppet format the thing22:09
clarkbare you already doing it this way?22:09
jogomordred: what long does a nova list take for you guys?22:09
jogo'nova --debug list'22:09
jeblairjogo: i'll get that for you22:09
clarkbjogo: what does --debug do?22:09
clarkbthat the trace falg?22:09
jogooh wait22:09
jogonot debug22:09
jogo'nova --timing list'22:09
jogodebug givs you all the wire data22:10
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jogotiming makes a nice table at the bottom saying how long each call took22:10
jogothats what I want22:10
jogoclarkb: like this
jeblairjogo: what's after the /v2/ in the servers list?22:11
jogotenant UUID22:11
jogoyou may want to block that out22:11
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jogoI am just looking for the seconds22:12
jogoand roughly how many instances it is returning22:12
jogoI am trying to get a sense of how slow a full list is for a power user22:12
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jeblair1 down, 3 to go22:13
jogothat is enough detail I think22:13
jogo10 seconds22:13
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jogoso its bad22:14
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jogojeblair:  if you do a 'nova delete server-name' today it does a full list22:14
jogojeblair: as part of I am trying to fix that22:14
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1202179 in python-novaclient "findall in novaclient/ is inefficient" [Undecided,In progress]22:15
mordredclarkb: hang on  - I've got like 5 patches coming22:15
jeblairjogo: nice, thanks! :)  we cache nova list in nodepool and only update it every 5 seconds. which is clearly not the right interval :)22:15
jogojeblair: haha 5 seconds huh22:16
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add support to launch node for attaching volumes
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove references to old volume from fstab
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a floating IP if needed
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: If we have a local keypair, use it
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add option to keep failed server
mordredclarkb: ^^ there's my current stack22:17
mordredclarkb: but I'm finalizing testing of it22:17
jeblairjogo: okay, there's 3 samples for you in the etherpad.  they are fairly consistent actually.22:17
clarkbmordred: looks like nova cli just failed too22:17
clarkbmordred: it booted the node but no attachment22:18
clarkbmordred: so I think I will just table this and meh22:18
mordredclarkb: ossum22:18
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mordredclarkb: well, check out my changes there and see what you hink22:18
clarkbyup reading now22:18
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mordredclarkb: there is a bug in ...22:19
jogojeblair: yeah glad to at least see things are consistent22:20
TravTclarkb: 118627,2 just failed, but literally 45 minutes ago it passed all tests before getting reset by anonymous  that caused 105231 to fail.  I've got multiple dependencies on the glance client waiting22:20
jogoso that means my patch should hopefully help22:20
wenlockhey, im testing on a vanilla node, and noticed that if lsb_release is not installed, fails first time around.  it seems to work second time around.   After digging around in the procedures, i noticed other platforms setup lsb_release but debian doesn't, is there a reason for that?22:20
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Add a link to the examples URL in the README
jogojeblair: as for your 5 second 'nova list' poll22:20
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jeblairwenlock: probably just an omission since we don't have any current debian use; happy to have a patch to add it22:21
wenlockjeblair, cool, will submit it22:21
TravTclarkb: can you please not kick these back to the end of the queue?  i've got a bunch of horizon patches that can't get FFE without the glance client.22:22
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clarkbTravT: I don't do it, it depends on the state of the zuul queue22:22
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Add a link to the examples URL in the README
clarkbmordred: is xvdf where rax starts?22:22
mordredclarkb: the make_swap uses xvde22:22
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mordredclarkb: I have not yet tested on rax22:23
clarkbmordred: kk22:23
mordredclarkb: incoming - found the bug in mount_volume22:23
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add option to keep failed server
wenlockjeblair, i also have this other bug,, no idea yet how to fix it... but have you seen that one?22:23
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: If we have a local keypair, use it
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove references to old volume from fstab
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a floating IP if needed
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add support to launch node for attaching volumes
fungii think recent pvhvm instances in rax put / on xvda and then start cinder attaching at xvdb (used to use xvdb for ephemeral and put cinder on xvdc and later)22:24
wenlockwe've been trying to make current22:24
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mordredfungi: awesome22:25
jeblairwenlock: i think we use all the time actually.  i believe it's used on nodepool nodes as well as our long running servers22:25
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Paralellize image deletes
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mordredfungi: I'm so glad it's complex. of course, it's actually possible to get the info from nova ... I may do that next22:25
jeblairwenlock: i don't recognize that error; perhaps mordred understands it?22:25
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fungimordred: on rax it actually looks like we get an xvda and an xvde... the latter may be the injection disk22:26
wenlockwe've been working around it with a pip install puppet module22:26
mordredwenlock: you're running that with python322:26
mordredwenlock: python3 does not have urllib222:26
clarkbmordred: help my hipster brain. what is that perl one liner doing?22:26
fungimordred: oh, actually looks like an ephemeral block device at xvde22:26
jeblairmordred: should get-pip handle that?22:27
wenlockjeblair on our side
jogojeblair: thanks again for the numbers22:27
mordredclarkb: I'm just not hipster enough to grok sed -i22:27
mordredclarkb: I'm deleting the lines from the file that have $DEV in them22:27
clarkbmordred: fungi right we split ephemeral into swap and ephemeral iirc22:27
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wenlockmordred, hmmm, thats a good clue, will try it again to see how python is getting bootstraped22:27
clarkbmordred: thanks `sed -i -e '/regex/d' /path` iirc22:27
mordredfungi: I'll write a patch to grab the actual device name from nova and pass it in22:27
mordredclarkb: right. but how do I escape the /'s22:28
mordredjeblair: possibly?22:28
clarkbmordred: oh use -e '#regex#d' or similar22:28
mordredjeblair: but wenlock is going to have many other issues if /usr/bin/python is python322:28
clarkbthe //s are just convention22:28
mordredclarkb: awesome22:28
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mordredso just like perl then22:28
wenlockmordred, yep, i need to prove my python is originating from install_puppet or not22:29
fungimordred: strange though... i have some 1gb pvhvm instances in rax-iad in my personal tenant, and those have no xvde22:29
jeblairmordred: don't understand the keypair change22:29
fungimordred: cinder started attaching at xvdb for me22:29
wenlockmordred : so far, my bootstrap has been: apt-get update && apt-get -y install curl wget && bash ./install_puppet.sh22:29
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fungimordred: and i have a 67mb xvdd with no recognizable partition table, so that's probably for injection22:30
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mordredjeblair: the keypair change is to not make ephemeral throwaway keypairs on launch22:30
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mordredjeblair: because if we do that, it makes it impossible to shell in and diagnose what went wrong if something breaks before puppet runs22:30
jeblairmordred: yeah, i'm not sure i think that's a good idea; i'm not really keen on having the mirrors depend on that at least22:30
mordredjeblair: they dont' need it22:31
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ekarlso-anyone here know the grounds of why testtools is better then nosetests ?22:31
wenlockmordred my base image:   /# python --version22:31
wenlockPython 2.7.322:31
mordredekarlso-: they are not equiv22:31
ekarlso-mordred: meaning ?22:31
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mordredekarlso-: nosetests is a test runner, ,testtools is a base test library22:31
ekarlso-mordred: so what's the test runner in openstack's case ?22:32
fungiekarlso-: are you maybe thinking of testr?22:32
mordredekarlso-: we use testr and not nosetests because nosetests a) does not obey the python unittest protocol and b) injects its own code into the things it's testing22:32
clarkband c) blows up on pyton2.6 and returns success22:32
mordredekarlso-: we also use testr because it's based on subunit which is a protocol that we can operate on programatically22:32
fungiclarkb: blowing up on python 2.6 _is_ success22:32
mordredfungi: :)22:32
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ekarlso-so what's the runner in openstacks case ?22:33
ekarlso-ah, nvm22:33
ekarlso-thnx fungi22:33
ekarlso-doens't testtools have a runner too though ?22:33
clarkbekarlso-: it does but we don't consume it directly22:34
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clarkbmordred: jeblair: for the keypair thing can we have it do that if a local key exists?22:34
mordredclarkb: that's what it does22:34
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clarkbmordred: hrm you ripped out the logic for creating oen by default?22:34
mordredclarkb: I did not?22:34
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clarkbmordred: sorry the deletion logic22:34
mordredclarkb: it's in the except clause22:34
mordredyes. oh - yeah, I guess so - I can put that back in22:35
mordredhonestly, I want to spend 0 mroe time on that22:35
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clarkbthere are key quota's so we can't just create infinitely22:35
mordredclarkb: it should always create teh same name22:35
mordredclarkb: but this is not important22:35
clarkbI guess I am not following how it works in the "default" case22:35
jeblairmordred: commented22:36
jeblairfor when/if you want to pick it up again22:36
clarkbif it tries to reuse the throw away key will it still hve the private key?22:36
jeblairmordred: everything else in that stack lgtm in principle22:36
mordredclarkb: I am not continuing to work on this patch right now22:36
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clarkbmordred: ok, so for the stack above that, do you want to handle rax in the same series or should we continue as is for hpcloud22:38
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add option to keep failed server
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: If we have a local keypair, use it
mordredjeblair: ^^ moved keypair to the end22:39
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mordredclarkb: let's just get hp sorted, I'm hacking on rax right now22:39
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clarkbmordred: I am +2 on the mount volume change but do have a comment there22:39
clarkbI don't think it matters though22:39
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clarkb(also still not approving anything just in case you want to refine anything else)22:40
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/gertty: Add a link to the examples URL in the README
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TravTis this volume thing you're fixing the same thing I just hit on our glanceclient grenade failure?
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ekarlso-If you run tox without arguments, it first runs py2x and then py3x, but testr somehow can't handle it and something in .testrepository gets corrupted. < is that a common thing?22:43
clarkbTravT: no, it is unrelated to the gate22:43
clarkbekarlso-: yes, testr uses a databse file that is different across python versions...22:43
ekarlso-clarkb: sounds sad :|22:44
clarkbmordred: is the pypi mirror in region-b syncing now? should I create a dns record for it?22:45
clarkbmordred: or will it be rebuilt and I should wait?22:46
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clarkbhrm the instance went away so I assume mordred is still iterating22:48
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jrollclarkb: when you have a free moment, could you look at ? :)22:51
clarkbjroll: we continue to upload the tarball for backward compat and will stop doing that later or?22:53
jrollclarkb: yep, that's in the commit message :)22:53
mordredclarkb: I'm pulling the device name out of nova after attaching it just to be sure22:53
clarkbmordred: perfect22:53
clarkbjhesketh: hi there22:54
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wenlockmordred, ok your clue helped me.... my base image with python2.7 was to vanilla... i needed to install package python-all-dev before proceeding with install_puppet.sh22:55
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mordredwenlock: awesome!22:55
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wenlockmordred: would we bother patching for that, or does it just mean thats a requirement before running to do apt-get curl wget python-all-dev ?22:56
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mordredwenlock: not sure. clarkb ^^ ?22:57
mordredjgriffith: aroudn?22:57
clarkbwenlock: mordred: we just need urllib2 right which is stdlib?22:58
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enable puppet3 master bootstrap
clarkbwenlock: mordred: it seems like your python packages are broken22:58
clarkbI don't really have a problem with installing python all dev because we want it anyways, I just think we may be masking a different problem22:59
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wenlockclarkb, i think this might be isolated to the image im using, and not an issue with the hpcloud 12.04 images.. im not getting the issue there.23:02
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clarkbwenlock: it could be, but any install of `python` should include python stdlib23:03
clarkbwenlock: when you install python-all-dev you are probably sucking it down but it is very odd that you wouldn't already haev stdlib if yo uhave a python interpreter23:03
clarkbmordred: anything I can do to help?23:03
mordredclarkb: fix openstack?23:03
wenlockmordred, fix docker image i thinks23:04
jrollmordred: I like this idea23:04
mordredwenlock: oh - docker23:04
mordredwenlock: docker images are super minimal23:04
clarkbfungi: jroll btw those two gate fixer changes just merged23:04
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Publish individual files in IPA post job
wenlockyeah... starting to find that out, grumble23:04
mordredwenlock: I'd add something to the Dockerfile that you use to get your base image23:04
wenlockmordred, bingo23:04
jrollclarkb: "gate fixer"?23:04
clarkbjroll: there was a change to tempest to stop failing grenade on dirty logs and a fix to devstack to make devtsack changes pass bashate23:05
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clarkbjroll: so minimal but the grenade one should help a fair bit23:05
jrollclarkb: oh, neat, thanks23:05
clarkbmordred: as far as fixing openstack goes I could stop working on this infra stuff23:06
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openstackgerritEdward Raigosa (wenlock) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: lsb_release is missing for debian setup
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clarkbnodepool still looks happy (it should be since those images were dleeted)23:09
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lakshmiSmordred: We just got kicked out of gate for the patches( and ( due to what appears to be cinder issue totally unrelated to glance-client. Is there anyway we dont have to go back to approvals from core reviews/check and promote directly back to gate?23:11
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clarkblakshmiS: you shouldn't need any new approvals unless you have to push a new patchset23:12
lakshmiSmordred: we just want to see if we can get promoted from check to gate for those patches23:12
clarkblakshmiS: you can reverify to send it back to the gate. If the changes fix gate bugs we can promote them23:12
clarkblakshmiS: if they don't fix gate bugs then they go back to the end of the line23:12
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lakshmiSclarkb: they have been verified so many times in check before and fails at gate randomly23:14
jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred:
clarkbjeblair: nice23:15
jeblairdhellmann, lifeless: ^23:15
mordredclarkb: ok. I give up. openstack just doesn't work23:16
lifelessmordred: slow learner?23:16
jeblairand sorry about the '_' to '-' transition in gertty.yaml.  thought that was best to get out of the way before 1.0 :)23:16
lifelessjeblair: congrats23:16
jeblairlifeless: thanks for your help :)23:17
clarkbmordred: is the broken thing querying for the device name?23:17
clarkbmordred: maybe we can live without that for now and hardcode in order to spin up mirrors?23:17
jrolljeblair: \o/ nice23:17
clarkblakshmiS: I don't know what to tell you. as mordred says openstack just doesn't work... we are at the time in release where the focus is on cramming things in and stuff gets unstable23:18
lifelessjeblair: you're welcome :)23:18
clarkblakshmiS: unfortunately that means that a lot of people are affected23:19
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Stash Apache httpd logs
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fungijeblair: ++ for hating on browsermail ;)23:19
jeblairfungi: i wanted to set the tone appropriately :)23:19
* clarkb fires up some 1.0 gertty23:20
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fungithe entire e-mail is a great marketing piece. it speaks to my inner luddite23:24
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jeblairthat's wonderful!23:25
pleia2haha, great email :)23:25
clarkbversion 2.0 will support vi keybindings right ;)23:25
jeblairfungi: on i'm getting the idea that the change only works if it violates pep8.  that's the logical conclusion, right?23:25
jeblairclarkb: you'll notice not only does it not support ":q" it also doesn't support "C-x C-c".  both of those seemed hard; it'll need like a real command parser or something.23:27
fungijeblair: no, clearly logic dictates than python 2.6 is pep8-tolerant and 2.7 is not23:27
clarkbjeblair: maybe it should be an emacs mode then we can evil it23:28
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clarkbjogo: does postgres just take longer?23:29
fungii guess test_node_az has a bit of a race or something23:29
clarkblooks like postgres is always the last job to finish23:29
mordredclarkb: there is a reason nobody actual uses postgres for things23:29
clarkbmordred: :)23:29
jeblairfungi: oh did it fail that both times?23:29
jeblairfungi: i was just setting up to try to repro locally23:29
fungijeblair: no, it passed that test the first round, then i changed a little whitespace to make pep8 stfu and *boom*23:30
jeblairfungi: yeah, i rechecked it; there are 2 failed test runs.  it looks like test_subnodes and test_node_az respectively23:31
fungijeblair: oh! looks like maybe it did hit it again when you rechecked23:31
fungibut different test23:31
fungijut same job23:31
clarkbmordred: anything else I can help with before football happens?23:32
mordredclarkb: seriously. I have now tried EVERY CONCEIVABLE COMBINATION of novaclient and cinderclient calls23:32
clarkbmordred: wow23:32
mordrednone of them work23:32
mordredsome of them I just get things like this:23:32
mordredcinderclient.exceptions.NotFound: The resource could not be found. (HTTP 404) (Request-ID: req-48fb9e20-c67c-47f6-abe9-ab08a48e2a5c)23:32
clarkbmordred: and this is to get the device name right?23:32
mordredI have absolutely no idea what is going wrong, and I've ceased caring23:32
mordredclarkb: I will do this by hand23:33
mordredwhich is what I should have done in the fistr place23:33
clarkbmordred: well you can use your old script right?23:33
mordredjogo ^^ or anyone else who happens to be lurking and watching my agony in trying to use openstack client libraries to do actual work23:33
clarkbmordred: the first volume name is predictable23:33
fungimordred: having trouble getting the cinder client lib to give you the device name like the cli does?23:33
clarkbits just potentially nto always predictable23:33
mordredclarkb: I thought the name was not predictable on rax23:34
clarkbmordred: I think fungi said it would be /dev/xvdc23:34
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clarkbfungi: did I misparse?23:34
mordredoh, really? I may have misparsed23:34
clarkbthey put ephemeral on xvde23:34
mordredoh. cute23:34
clarkbI hope that the reason isn't ephemeral starts with e23:35
mordredI think it is23:35
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fungithat would be amazing23:35
clarkbbut your first volume attache is on xvdc according to fungi's test23:35
clarkbfungi: where did b go?23:35
clarkba is / right? e is ephemeral is b swap?23:35
kevinbentonhow do i take the subunit.txt.gz from openstack jenkins and get testr to parse it so i can get the order of the tests before a failure23:36
fungiand yes, seems that on our 8gb pvhvm nodes we get an ephemeral on xvde, but my 1gb instances have no xvde, instead they have an injection disk at xvdd and my first cinder device attached at xvdb23:36
mordredfungi: oh - so cinder goes to xvdb?23:36
fungii am not convinced they are consistent between flavors23:36
* fungi looks at the recent elasticsearch nodes for comparison23:37
clarkbfungi: oh :(23:37
clarkbkevinbenton: one sec23:37
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add a magnetodb job for cassandra integration tests
jeblairfungi: i understand the race condition.  it's actually a nodepool race, where it can end up creating more nodes than necessary.23:39
jeblairfungi: i'm going to roll the dice again on that change while i work on a real solution23:39
jogomordred: having fun yet?23:40
mordredjogo: stab stab stab23:40
jogoour 'northbound API's are staby23:41
clarkbkevinbenton: I think that is what you want after you testr load < file yo udownloaded23:41
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jogomrodden: heh23:42
kevinbentonclarkb: thanks23:42
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fungicrappity... i've smacked my internal dns... one sec23:42
fungimordred: according to pvs, the first cinder volume on elasticsearch07 is xvdb123:44
fungiwe've mounted the ephemeral disk second partition on /opt as xvde223:44
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch taskflow to use the unittests slave script
mordredfungi: that's promising23:44
clarkbI am going to duck out for a short while to prepare for the football game23:45
clarkbback in a bit23:45
mordredclarkb: ^^23:45
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add option to keep failed server
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: If we have a local keypair, use it
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove references to old volume from fstab
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a floating IP if needed
clarkboh I will review first23:45
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add support to launch node for attaching volumes
mordredclarkb: I just updated the script to do xvdb23:46
clarkbmordred: wfm23:46
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Be more atomic when counting nodes
jeblairfungi: ^23:46
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clarkbmordred: again not approving since you will probably exercise it as you spin up nodes?23:47
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mordredyes. I am exercising now23:47
mordredI just pulled fresh from the tip of that23:47
fungimordred: though on static.o.o we have cinder volumes on b and d-p, and xvdc looks like a small (2gb) disk, not sure for what (metadata?)23:47
mordredfungi: well, I don't think this is likely to be flexible enough to deal with static ..23:48
clarkbya first iteration is one volume only23:48
clarkbas long as it starts on b we are ok23:48
openstackgerritStefano Maffulli proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Adding a suggestion to file a bug
fungimordred: sure, just pointing out that their choices for block device names seem to jump around a bit23:49
harlowjabtw, i think u guys will like ;)23:49
openstackgerritEdward Raigosa (wenlock) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: give install_modules options for loading requirements externally
fungijeblair: neat, so actually a legit bug in nodepool, not just a flaky test23:50
openstackgerritEdward Raigosa (wenlock) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: provide an option in plugin to pre-update a plugin with puppet
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anteayamarcoemorais: check your client23:54
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add option to keep failed server
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: If we have a local keypair, use it
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove references to old volume from fstab
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a floating IP if needed
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add support to launch node for attaching volumes
mordredfungi, jeblair: okie. one more fix found in this last iteration23:57
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mordred((hint, it's in - the protection against not formatting an already formatted volume was too strong))23:58
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jeblairmordred: can that ever be too strong?23:58
mordredjeblair: well, it not only didn't format, it also didn't mount23:58
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jeblairat least it fails safe23:59
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