Thursday, 2014-05-22

openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Include stable/icehouse in gerritbot for manuals
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sdaguejeblair: +1, as long as we agree on fast revert if it acts up. Because it now puts a test load in devstack that I can't fix.00:01
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add neutron-large-ops-testing job
notmynamehas anything changed in gerrit that would prevent me from +2/+1 to a patch?00:02
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clarkbnotmyname: shouldn't have00:02
clarkbnotmyname: have an example chnage?00:02
notmynameclarkb: to my own patch?00:03
clarkbnotmyname: looks like you +2/+A'd it00:03
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Drop large-ops-testing number to 100 from 175
notmynameclarkb: yikes. horrible browser caching00:04
notmynameclarkb: thanks00:04
jeblairi don't actually see the messages related to that though00:04
jeblairi see the grid and alex's vote, but i don't see a message for john's00:04
notmynamejeblair: hmm..I had to empty caches and then reload and I saw it00:05
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jeblairi don't know why that would be cached for me :/00:05
notmynamejeblair: but ya, I don't see any further jenkins messages there either00:06
clarkboh hey same here00:06
clarkbI didn't check in comments just teh table00:06
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Publish translated localized API documents
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Increasing the number of repos displayed on to remove the need to paginate.
jeblairi still don't see it after a full browser restart00:06
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jeblairi do see it in the ssh query00:07
jeblairgertty does not see it00:07
clarkbis the OSSG a blessed thing for openstack/ ? looking at 9374700:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add selenium job for tuskar-ui
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Give check-tripleo-overcloud-f20 back its voting rights
jeblairclarkb: i read annegentle_'s comments in 93747 as indicating it's in the doc program00:11
* clarkb rereads00:11
clarkbthere it is, sorry for the noise00:12
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jesusaurusclarkb: i responded to your kibana proxy comment00:13
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clarkbjesusaurus: thanks looking00:14
clarkbok that confirms what I thought so my -1 stands00:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add nodepool documentation link
clarkbnuetron quota bump hasn't happeend yet00:16
jeblairclarkb: i just prioritized all the specs repo creation changes00:16
clarkbjeblair: ok, want me to do the same and flush those out? you don't happen to have a nice query for them do you?00:16
jeblairi think people are pretty eager for them; if you're reviewing you might want to do the same00:17
jeblairclarkb: no :(00:17
jeblair(need topic change support for gertty)00:17
jeblairclarkb: they all have good commit subjects though00:17
clarkbjeblair: quick question about not openstack sepcs00:18
clarkbare we going to be picky about names there?00:18
clarkbprograms aren't really a thing in stackforge00:18
jesusaurusclarkb: oh i see what you were saying there. yeah agreed00:18
jeblairclarkb: i don't think so. and if they incubate, well, we're renaming anyway.00:18
clarkb++ wfm00:18
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add object-specs repository
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add acl for creating dev branch for core group of compass
jeblairclarkb: i also don't care if they have noop jobs :)00:19
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clarkbjeblair: status:open project:openstack-infra/config message:specs seems to work00:23
jeblaircool i guess '-' acts as a token break00:23
sdagueclarkb: have you figured out how to make message: take a proper string, not just a token?00:23
notmynamejeblair: clarkb: anything I need to do on that patch ( before I step away for a while?00:24
clarkbsdague: I have not00:24
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jeblairnotmyname: i don't see it in zuul; i think you should re-approve it00:24
jeblairnotmyname: i'm guessing the same thing that caused the messages not to be recorded may have caused the event not to be sent00:25
notmynamere re re re approved00:25
sdagueclarkb: ok, yeh, I had to do some silly things to find Depends-On: in gerrit for that reason -
notmynamejeblair: see it?00:25
jeblairnotmyname: nope.  try voting workflow 0 then voting +1 again00:26
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jeblairnotmyname: i do at least see the comment you left, which is promising.00:26
notmynamethat got it00:26
notmynamejenkins seems to have got it this time00:26
jeblaircool.  though the fact that this happened is very strange.  we'll have to keep an eye out for other instances00:26
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notmynamejeblair: FWIW the first time I tried this (before pinging you in here) I got a 5xx server error. kept trying and got it. but maybe there's something in the logs to look for00:27
jeblairnotmyname: cool, yeah, there might actually be logs then.00:28
notmynamejeblair: thanks for your help00:28
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clarkbjeblair: I think I got all of them00:29
clarkbsee any I missed?00:29
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: update gerrit app on review-dev.o.o to same version as on review.o.o
jeblairclarkb: nope00:33
ianwspeaking of comment tracking; is workflow statements not causing problems for anyone else?
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ianwmaybe issuing "check experimental" while putting a change into workflow-1 isn't common00:34
jeblairianw: i guess not enough that we thought about testing it, but it does seem like the sort of thing that would be good to support00:35
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Adds stackforge/puppet-openstack-specs project
clarkbwe might even glob everything prior to the comment itself00:37
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ianwjeblair: i didn't see anywhere to test those regex's apart from running them manually ... did i miss it?00:39
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Create telemetry-specs git repo
clarkbianw: if you do ssh -p29418 gerrit stream-events you can get the actual json events that zuul receives00:40
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jeblairianw: no, you didn't; i meant in our pre-upgrade testing.00:40
clarkbthen pass that data to your regex in a python interpreter00:40
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clarkboh yeah we tested it a bit but not with the different categories00:40
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ianwclarkb: yep, that's what i did (but using the json reply you get from
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Create baremetal-specs git repo
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Enable pypi upload for stackalytics
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Create identity-specs git repo
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: New fuel-specs repo for Fuel designs and specs
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Added cloudkitty to stackforge projects
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add a git repo for security documentation
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Make Tempest job voting for Marconi
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Create new job for testing of translated manual
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Ensure zuul's status images are available
sdaguejeblair: so did I hear that auto abandon is no longer a thing?00:47
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add a fingerprint for bug 1321494
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1321494 in ironic "NodeLocked causing random test failures" [High,Triaged]
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jeblairsdague: yeah; core groups have abandon perms now and dashboards make prioritizing things easier00:48
clarkbdid we properly disable auto abandon or did it just break after upgrade?00:49
jeblairclarkb: i think it's broken; but i think we want to disable it rather than fix00:49
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sdagueoh, I actually like auto abandon as it incents people to actually respond to feedback instead of leaving dead code out there00:51
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Re-add fingerprint for 1285833
SpamapSsdague: +100:52
harlowja_qq, i am seeing the following when trying to use a new requirements module00:52
harlowja_'wrapt' is not a global requirement but it should be,something went wrong (this causes grenade to break)00:52
harlowja_and wrapt seem to be on pypi.openstack.org00:52
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clarkbharlowja_: can you link to the change00:52
clarkbhuh I have no idea00:56
clarkbthat message doesn't show up in openstack/requirements/update.py00:57
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harlowja_weird :(00:57
clarkband greping for it in devstack doesn't give me anything either00:57
clarkboh wait grenade00:57
* clarkb looks more00:57
harlowja_weird, i can't find 'something went wrong' in grenade00:58
harlowja_magic messages, lol00:58
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harlowja_although i'm unsure what is going on there00:59
harlowja_cd /opt/stack/old/requirements00:59
harlowja_and then syncing old requirements or something, weird00:59
clarkbits using the old requirements which I think may actually be the problem00:59
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clarkbwrapt isn't an icehouse requirement00:59
clarkbits in master01:00
clarkbwhich breaks your upgrade path01:00
harlowja_so how does one add new dependencies :-P01:00
clarkbharlowja_: well most projects have stable versions01:00
clarkbthey won't have dependencies added to stable versions01:00
clarkbtaskflow apparently doesn't do this01:00
clarkband thus must be backward compatible to way back when01:00
harlowja_hmmm, taskflow has releases though01:01
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clarkbyup there the error message is in openstack/requirements stable/icehouse01:01
clarkbharlowja_: yes but not stable releases01:01
* harlowja_ confused01:02
clarkbharlowja_: taskflow does not have a stable/icehouse branch right?01:02
clarkbharlowja_: that means taskflow master is used against stable/icehouse other things01:02
harlowja_hmmm, that shouldn't be the case, i'd expect the version released in icehouse would be used there01:03
clarkbharlowja_: in the gate we always do stable installs01:03
clarkber s/stable/source/01:03
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clarkband there is no way of knowing what that version is01:03
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harlowja_odd so clients can't add new dependencies either?01:04
harlowja_since afaik they don't create stable/icehouse branch either01:04
clarkbharlowja_: so you can add new dependencies you just have to be much more careful about it01:04
clarkbbut yes the clients are in the same situation01:05
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harlowja_so what would be the recommended way to add a dependency, create a new branch?01:05
harlowja_create a stable/icehouse branch?01:05
jogojeblair: for the specs rename01:05
clarkbharlowja_: I think backport the dependency01:05
jogojeblair: I didn't see nova-specs on the list, was that intentional01:05
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SpamapSI see lots of slaves on our cloud that have no floating ip assigned, but are ACTIVE01:07
harlowja_clarkb and the future way would be to have a stable/* branch?01:08
harlowja_*more desirable way going forward?01:08
clarkbharlowja_: no I don't think we intend on having stable branches on a lot of things01:09
clarkbharlowja_: the clients for example won't have that01:09
harlowja_k, so u have to basically prepare for dependencies additions a release before01:09
clarkbharlowja_: mostly this is making us thing about things a bit more. This si a good thing. eg is the use of wrapt worth doing knowing that distros may need to suddenly package it to fix a taskflow security bug01:10
clarkbnot saying that is the situation here but it is the sort of thing this is intended to catch01:10
clarkbif you look at the global requirements list you will see that openstack hasn't been very good about this in the past01:10
harlowja_nah, its mostly so that i can depreciate thigns :)01:10
harlowja_just feels odd that it'd be expected to have knowledge of future dependencies before u desire to use them (space-time warping not applicable)01:11
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harlowja_and without stable/* branches i guess u need to do this kind of predication01:12
clarkbharlowja_: you aren't expected to do that01:12
clarkbI think it is ok to backport things01:12
clarkbbut this forces you to acknowledge what you are doing when backports hapen01:12
clarkbif there is a security issue and you fix it after backport happens you are forcing anyone deploying your code to package that new dependency01:13
harlowja_sure, i can understand that01:14
harlowja_just feels odd, idk, maybe i'll get used to it :)01:14
clarkbits definitely odd if you only ever consider the next release01:15
clarkbbut apaprently people like running old code ;)01:15
harlowja_whats up with that, ha01:16
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Only copy symlink name of logs
harlowja_clarkb seem ok?01:19
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harlowja_clarkb thx for the explanation, sorta makes sense i guess :-P01:21
harlowja_wrapt is a pretty small utiltiy library so hopefully no objections01:22
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add a fingerprint for bug 1321494
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1321494 in ironic "NodeLocked causing random test failures" [High,Triaged]
SlickNikCan I get some eyeballs on when you guys have a chance? Thanks!01:30
SlickNik(Trying to get the trove-guest image building patches in place.)01:31
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mordredsdague, SpamapS: it does not incent that with me - with me it means I have to go look through abandoned patches all the time to find the things I'm working on01:32
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* mordred says this as the person who most strongly thought the idea was good originally01:33
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SpamapSmordred: you should have emails saying you got timed out01:35
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mordredSpamapS: oh. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA01:36
mordredSpamapS: you're so funny01:36
mordredyou think I can deal with the email volume with anything other than a filter straight to /dev/null01:36
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clarkbSlickNik: done. see comment as it points out another potential breakage01:37
SpamapSmordred: procmail does it for me quite nicely. review emails are all tucked in a nice folder and tagged in my sup-mail for easy searching01:38
clarkbI /dev/null gerrit mail01:38
clarkbits much easier to use a tool like gertty, get a list of all the thigns and start working through it01:39
clarkbsdague: and re incentivising communication gertty knows how to kill things now01:40
clarkbor you can mark it as reviewed and wait for the next patchset01:40
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openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Some tweaks to get closer to Python 3 compat
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jeblairjogo: i haven't heard from mikal about nova-specs, and at the mtg yesterday he indicated he might prefer to wait a bit02:42
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jogojeblair: ack02:47
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jgriffithclarkb: jeblair You folks here any grumblings from folks about insconsitent test results from folks trying to do 3'rd party CI?03:30
jgriffithI run 5 times and get different results every time03:30
jgriffithTypically 2 or 3 failures, all different areas03:31
jgriffithRunning manually in my "other" devstack env, seeing the same sort of thing03:31
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jheskethlifeless: ping03:38
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mayu_zuul receive comment-add events from openstack ci , but can not trigger jenkins job, anybody help ?04:10
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: move python coverage jobs to check pipeline
zaromayu_: is this from review.o.o?04:13
zaromayu_: do you have a change reference?04:15
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openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Some tweaks to get closer to Python 3 compat
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msabramozaro: answered your question on
msabramoJJB working well with python-jenkins python3 changes05:03
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zaromsabramo: cool! thanks.05:11
zaromsabramo: well see how this goes..
msabramooh interesting05:13
msabramothat seems like it would be nice to see coverage when reviewing05:13
msabramowe have our CI at work rigged up to measure coverage in PR and target branch and if it goes down it can optionally fail the test05:14
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zaromsabramo: we are probably not ready to gate on coverage, but would be nice to do manual check on reviews.05:17
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msabramozaro: yeah05:17
msabramozaro: we need a new pbr to use pbr for coverage with JJB05:18
msabramozaro: I think with python-jenkins, I didn't use pbr for coverage; did it manually with directly05:18
zaromsabramo: why not use pbr?05:19
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zaromsabramo: ohh right, need a new one.05:19
msabramozaro: yeah, because I added a new option to pbr05:19
msabramomerged but not released yet05:20
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zaromsabramo: will that mean that python coverage job in the template will not work?05:20
msabramozaro: For JJB, I think it will fail until we get that pbr; the python-jenkins one I think will work; let me find the change set for that05:21
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msabramozaro: (which you already approved)05:22
msabramozaro: this one should work since it doesn't use pbr for the coverage05:23
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msabramohmmm forgot to post sample output05:24
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zaromsabramo: cool.05:25
zaromsabramo: does my comments make sense on this one?
msabramozaro: lemme see05:27
msabramozaro: ah ok so we can take it out of check and post because it's in the template05:28
msabramozaro: Oh yeah, I hadn't even noticed before that it was already testing coverage —
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zaromsabramo: ohh, it's also already set to non-voting. so your change isn't required at all?05:31
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msabramozaro: oh yeah, maybe05:32
zaromsabramo: something must already be setting the job to non-voting.05:32
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zaromsabramo: ahh i think it's line 525 in layout.yaml05:34
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openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: 100% test coverage
msabramozaro: Rebased to include the tox coverage target05:39
zaromsabramo: actually that's doesn't make sense.  can't tell what's setting it to non-voting.05:39
msabramozaro: woo hoo! 99% coverage!
clarkbzaro: there is a job config in the zuul layout.yaml that makes python-jenkins-coverage nonvoting05:41
clarkbjust search for python-jenkins-coverage in that file05:42
zaroclarkb: ohh, that is line 525 in layout.yaml05:44
zaroclarkb: but doesn't make sense to me because the job that msabramo wants non-voting is is 'jenkins-job-builder-coverage'05:45
clarkbyou will have to deal with them separately05:46
zaromsabramo: ok, igore my last comment then. clarkb says you will need to set jenkins-job-builder-coverage to non-voting.  you will need change 9453105:49
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openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: Make it work on Python 3
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openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add non-voting jenkins-job-builder-coverage
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msabramozaro: Thanks updated it to just have the non-voting line and that's it06:16
mayu_hi zaro06:17
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mayu_zaro: hi ,there  ?06:18
msabramozaro: Gah rebasing it to include coverage nuked your +1 —
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mayu_zaro: zuul receive comment-add events from openstack ci , but can not trigger jenkins job, can you help?06:25
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mattoliverauI'm off, have a great night all.06:52
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Netifaces: bump to 0.10.4
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rcarrill`morning infra07:19
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rcarrillocruzjeblair: thx for the +2 on
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/python-jenkins: Add support for measuring coverage
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add gnocchi project on StackForge
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/python-jenkins: 100% test coverage
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openstackgerritNikhil Manchanda proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add new gate-trove-buildimage-mysql job
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derekh_Is anybody around who can promote in the tripleo-check queue09:20
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SergeyLukjanovmorning folks09:34
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SergeyLukjanovrecovering from summit09:34
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jpichSergeyLukjanov: Hello! And welcome back from Summit :) Do you have the power to kick a user from a channel or know the process to do so? User ciscor on #openstack is sending spam in PMs, to people after they speak I think09:41
jpichInfitialis confirmed he was getting the same spam messages from them09:41
SergeyLukjanovjpich, hey, yup, I have an op permissioins09:41
jpichSergeyLukjanov: I got the spam after 2 sentences fwiw :)09:42
openstackgerritNikhil Manchanda proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add new gate-trove-buildimage-mysql job
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jpichSergeyLukjanov: Thanks!09:43
StevenKSergeyLukjanov: They automatically rejoined, so you might need a +b09:44
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SergeyLukjanovjpich, StevenK, I've banned him by nickname for any host and kicked out of the channel, I hope it'll be enough09:48
jpichSergeyLukjanov: Thanks, hope so too09:50
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giulivoguys, has anyone ever investigated the possibility of sending the meeting reports via email to some aliases when a meeting is ended?10:22
giulivois that possible at all?10:22
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sdaguejhesketh: you happen to be up?10:33
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add slukjanov to users
jheskethsdague: roger11:00
sdaguejeblair suggested that you might have thoughts on why the depends on zuul patch doesn't quite work in the no-op case -
jheskethsure, I'll take a look in a bit11:01
openstackgerritLukas Bednar proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: scms: MultiSCM is generated for scms hidden in macro
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derekh_Is anybody around who can promote in the tripleo-check queue11:11
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sdaguederekh_: honestly, I'd suggest just manually sniping11:17
sdaguederekh_: sorry, early coffee, check doesn't have priorities11:17
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derekh_sdague: ahh so it can't be done, how about just clearing the queue and I can recheck it11:19
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sdaguederekh_: I don't know (also don't have the power), but it's not something we do for the regular queues, so I don't think it would be policy to do it on tripleo11:21
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sdagueprobably worth telling folks to stop pushing patches until your backlog can be chewed through11:21
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sdaguehave you figured out why the queues there are largely stalled?11:23
derekh_sdague: fair enough if you don't have the power, i'm pretty sure its something lifeless has done in the past, the problem if all of the backlog will have to be recheck anyways untill that patch is merged11:23
derekh_sdague: as we have a breaking job11:23
derekh_sdague: one of our regions is not operating and pretty much waiting on a redeploy (which is waiting on us to find/fix a bug in trusty)11:24
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add tempest jobs to dib and os-* tools
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jheskethsdague: what makes you think it's the noop that's failing?12:10
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pbelanyihow can I check what packages are installed on the machines running gate tests?12:13
pbelanyispecifically I would like to know if node.js and npm are generally available12:13
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sdaguejhesketh: so it's not that no-op is failing, it's that the change as written should degrade to the noop case, which should mean no change in the existing tests. However that's clearly not true.12:17
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sdaguepbelanyi: they are built by devstack, so the end of a devstack run will tell you. node.js is not there as far as I know12:19
jheskethright, but the test that is failing is test_client_promote_dependent12:19
sdaguejhesketh: correct12:19
sdaguewhich is where I'm bashing my head, because I really thought I had degraded this back to old behavior correctly12:19
jheskethso there's something odd happening on re-enqueuing12:20
pbelanyisdague: thanks for the pointer, I'll check12:20
sdaguepbelanyi: what's the use case for nodejs in the gate?12:20
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sdaguejhesketh: yep, definitely12:20
pbelanyisdague: we would like to use jshint to check js code in horizon and tuskar-ui12:21
pbelanyisdague: unfortunatelly jshint can not be included in the projects due to licensing issues, but it's possible to install and use it with npm12:21
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jpichpbelanyi: I think rdopieralski was looking into it a couple of days ago, he found the js testing env was setup via tox IIRC12:22
sdaguejhesketh: the tests for that seem to do some non standard things in the way they specify dependencies as well, I'm not sure if that's vestigial or not12:22
sdaguejhesketh: is a thing I'm a little concerned on12:23
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sdaguebecause as far as I can tell that's not in the actual model any more12:23
jheskethlet me publish my comments that highlight that in the model12:24
pbelanyijpich: well, he sent me this
sdagueok, cool12:24
pbelanyijpich: hmm, that depends on nodeenv... I should check, maybe that installs node.js and npm12:25
jpichpbelanyi: Ah, fair enough! Then you probably already know more than I do :)12:25
jheskethsdague: They are mostly nits as I haven't dug towards the bug yet12:25
jhesketh(it's late here)12:25
sdaguejhesketh: no worries, appreciate the extra eyes12:25
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerritlib: Enhance README.rst file
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jheskethsdague: so this probably needs to be Dependencies() and appended to the list
sdaguejhesketh: possibly, my concern is this -
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sdaguewhich is an interface this object definitely doesn't implement12:27
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jheskethactually this is a fake change, so it should only depend on one item like a gerrit change would12:28
sdagueyep, in the current iteration12:28
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sdaguemaybe I just need to add the needs_change in addition? Though I'm not sure how that would matter as that attribute doesn't exist in the FakeChange anyway12:30
jheskethI'm not sure if the depends_on_change is a red herring12:31
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jheskethit seems like _doPromoteEvent in scheduler doesn't care for dependencies12:32
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-dev/cookiecutter: Add .gitreview generation
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerritlib: Apply cookiecutter defaults
sdaguejhesketh: yeh, I wonder how it worked before12:48
jheskethyeah I was thinking the same thing.. it seems like you've uncovered a bug12:48
jheskeththat already existed that is12:49
sdagueok, interesting.12:50
sdagueI'm definitely struggling a little with the fact that all the zuul tests are integration tests, so it's hard to grok if I correctly replicated an existing interface12:50
jheskethsdague: ah, line 1119 of scheduler.py12:50
jheskethI think you need to switch that to areAllChangesAlreadyInQueue12:51
sdagueoh, good catch12:51
jheskethactually I'm not so sure...12:52
* jhesketh looks closer12:52
sdaguethat moves the failure to a different test12:53
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jheskethso the addChange method is just checking if itself is in the queue... it should probably also check that its dependencies are too12:54
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/release-tools: Workaround LP timeouts in
sdagueyeh, this is good though, at least I'm not fully stuck and have something to poke at.12:55
sdagueok, I need to make an emergency coffee run, as we ran out in the house back on in a bit12:55
sdaguethanks for the help12:55
jheskethheh, fair enough12:55
jheskethhappy to :-)12:55
jheskethso I'm still not sure how your changes stopped it from working though12:55
jheskethbut it's 11pm here so I might return to it in the Morning12:56
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anteayajhesketh: I'm surprised to see you still up12:57
anteayayou must have coffee at your house12:57
jheskethoh I'm definitely a night person12:57
jheskethbut I'm still a bit jet lagged so I haven't adjusted my productive period back to midnight yet12:57
jheskethplus distracted by TV12:58
anteayathe benefits of TV12:58
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anteayawhen I was in Utah they had on Leave it to Beaver, I haven't seen that show in years12:59
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anteayaso I am looking at the status page, I haven't read all scrollback so sorry if this is a repeat12:59
anteayawe seem to be doing a _lot_ of deleted of nodes12:59
anteayaand check tripleo doesn't appear terribly happy12:59
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radezanyone have any information on the trystack website in rackspace's dc? I need to get a website update pushed out but not sure the process to get it updated13:05
fungiradez: the website?13:07
radezfungi: yup13:07
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radezfungi: annegentle made an update in the gitrepo and we'd like it to land on the server13:08
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anteayasdague: I'm reading scrollback, I fought with message taking a string and lost, the best I have is using +'s between words:,n,z13:10
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anteayasdague: also the use of hyphen's gets interpreted as whitespace13:11
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fungiradez: my guess is that you need to get in touch with fifieldt, reed, toddmorey or jbryce for it. seems to be a rackspace cloudsites site... not sure who they've delegated ftp access to though13:12
radezfungi: thx for the info13:12
fungiradez: i see someone added a "trystack" ftp account to that site, so presumably they handed that login info to someone who was taking care of the content13:13
radezperfect, I'll ask around and see if I can figure out who has it13:13
fungiradez: you might try contacting (so sayeth the trystack webpage)13:14
radezfungi: haha, I don't thikn that email is active13:14
radezannegentle_: that's another update we shoudl make ^^^ take off that email if it doesn't go anywhere13:14
annegentle_fungi: oh maybe I have that13:15
fungiradez: but yeah, openstack infra doesn't have any automation i can see for publishing to that site13:15
annegentle_fungi: I have the docs passwords, maybe I should have that one too13:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Remove rename call in log cleanup
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annegentle_fungi: yes there's no automation13:16
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annegentle_radez: I'm sure that email goes somewhere13:16
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radezannegentle_: :) somone said they tried to email it recently... I'm gonna give it a while13:17
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annegentle_radez: if I have that password it's on another computer13:18
annegentle_radez: I can look at home tonight13:18
radezannegentle_: okey doke13:18
radezThe error that the other server returned was:13:18
radez550 5.7.1 <>: Relay access denied.13:18
radezannegentle_: ^13:18
annegentle_radez: ok13:18
radezjsut sent an email to trystack@ and it died :(13:18
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annegentle_radez: back in Nov last year I still had the ability to update the site so I'll see if my old computer has the password13:19
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radezannegentle_: haha, has it been that long since we made an update?13:19
annegentle_radez: yes13:19
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerritlib: Doc generation support
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Configure direct download of files to browser
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anteayafungi: any thoughts on what all the deleting is about?13:30
anteayain the node graph13:30
phschwartzAnyone have the url for the irc logs handy13:32
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phschwartzI missed something in scroll back, but my browser lost it from its history13:32
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phschwartzah, there is my issue. I miss spelled it13:32
anteayathat would do it13:33
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fungianteaya: (hpcloud-region-b nodes are all in delete state)13:33
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anteayaregion-b might be our new az-213:35
anteayain terms of needing attention13:35
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fungithey're all marked for deletion for 18-21 hours, so it's possible nodepool is stuck communication with that region13:37
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anteayawell that would be something we could do something about13:38
anteayawhy just one region though, I wonder?13:38
fungicould have been network disruption or any of a number of other causes. i might know more once i start digging into the thread dump13:39
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* anteaya hands fungi a flashlight and rope13:42
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Configure direct download of files to browser
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fungilooks surprisingly like when nodepool was hung yesterday talking to the tripleo hp region13:47
openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add pyscss and django_pyscss for Horizon
fungithough all sockets from nodepool.o.o to are in a CLOSE_WAIT state, which is somewhat curious13:52
fungias opposed to which is in ESTABLISHED13:53
fungii'll see what happens if i clean up the CLOSE_WAIT sockets13:53
SergeyLukjanovfungi, I've assigned to myself presuming that I will have access to it soon :)13:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1322154 in openstack-ci "Initial group member for cloudkitty-core" [Low,Confirmed]13:55
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openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add xstatic and xstatic-jquery for Horizon
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openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: Use pbr, pep8 checks & fixes, add "doc" tox target
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openstackgerritayoung proposed a change to openstack/requirements: request-kerberos
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fungikilling the old sockets did nothing actually. i wonder whether the fact that we had 400+ servers in a delete state in that provider but a max servers of 200 configured was causing nodepool not to bother reestablishing a connection to the provider because it wasn't going to try to create any new nodes? i'm manually nodepool-deleting the stale nodes in that provider now to see if that wakes it back up14:33
fungionce the total falls below 20014:33
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jeblairfungi: are you sure the connection was dead?14:37
jeblairfungi: oh, yes you are14:37
fungiit was in a close_wait state14:37
fungiand packet captures showed no communication14:37
fungiand rechecking it a few times it was still the same sockets (same source ports on the nodepool side) so it's not like they were cycling14:38
fungijeblair: there's also a thread dump in the debug log from before i started mass deleting14:39
jeblairfungi: i just did another and it's sitting at     return
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jeblairthough i think it's running tasks...14:40
fungiwhat's odd is that, unlike yesterday's situation with tripleo, the api connection was not in an established state14:40
jeblairfungi: so these are http requests which mean they don't necessarily have to stay open....14:41
fungigood point14:41
sdagueanteaya: thanks14:41
jeblairit looks like region-b is running a 'GetImageTask' every second or so14:42
jeblairbut nothing else14:42
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fungithe couple of delete tasks i sampled were all sitting waiting on listServers() but digging deeper i see there were probably more waiting in in submitTask(DeleteServerTask())14:45
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jeblairwell, it seems to be creating servers now14:46
fungiaround the time the delete node count fell below the max-servers limit for that provider14:47
fungiwhich makes sense14:48
jeblairhow many delete threads were there?14:48
jeblairoh you know what...14:48
jeblairwhen the config changes, nodepool creates a new provider object14:48
jeblairso the deletes from before the revert revert revert were talking to that provider, but actions after the change should be talking to a new one14:49
fungii count 1262 occurrences of 'Thread: NodeDeleter for ' in /var/log/nodepool/debug.log14:50
jeblairbut the thread dumps only show one provider manager each time...14:51
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jeblairfungi: so i wonder if there's a bug here where the delete threads ended up using the old provider manager after it stopped14:51
fungisounds like a plausible explanation at any rate\14:52
fungioh, my deleter thread count is a bit high because we both triggered stack dumps14:53
jeblairso 1/2 that sounds about right14:53
jpichIs anyone else seeing issues with Someone sent me but I seem to get Internal Server Error for every individual paste14:53
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fungijpich: i think something happened to the tracked cookies when it got moved into a trove database. try deleting all your browser cookies for that site14:54
anteayasdague: does that help at all?14:54
sdagueanteaya: in the general case it would, in my specific case, not really.14:54
jpichfungi: Did the trick. Thank you!14:55
sdaguebecause I need '-' to be in the string14:55
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anteayaah yeah, new gerrit doesn't interpret - as -14:55
anteayaeven in quotes14:55
anteayanot sure how to escape it14:55
anteayait splits on -14:55
sdaguesuch it is14:56
jeblairanteaya sdague: what's the context of your conversation?14:56
anteayasdague is trying to feed a string to message: in gerrit searches14:56
fungii believe gerrit tries to do web-style searches and expects "-" to indicate negation (or maybe just ignores it completely)14:56
anteayagerrit message: doesn't like strings anymore14:56
sdaguesearching for the Depends-On: string in commit message in zuul was where I tripped on it14:56
anteayaonly tokens+with+pluses14:56
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sdaguebut I have a reasonable solution, which is searching for the idempotent id instead14:57
jeblairsdague: i think there's a 'header' search?14:57
anteayaand hyphens aren't hyphens anymore14:57
sdagueand filtering14:57
anteayathey are whitespace14:57
sdaguejeblair: message: searches the right field14:57
sdaguejust the tokenizing meant I need to do it in 2 steps14:57
jeblairhrm.  at least i thought there was14:58
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jeblairfungi: yeah, so once a delete thread starts, it keeps using the same provider object, even if that provider is stopped halfway through the deletion14:59
jeblairfungi: so we have 600 threads waiting on tasks that will never be run14:59
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fungithat explains why they were all in delete state since a few hours prior to the config change15:00
fungior between the config change and a few hours before anyway\15:00
anteayasdague: can you search for Depends+On ?15:01
jeblairfungi: yeah, and since the instances were all in error and hpcloud was deferring deletes, the delete threads could have run for hours15:01
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sdagueanteaya: doesn't look like15:01
sdagueit's ok though, I have a solution there15:01
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sdaguedid anyone have a chance to read my -infra email about project local dashboards that could be approved by project cores?15:16
sdaguemostly if we think we could build such a workflow15:16
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jeblairsdague: yep, i read it and didn't immediately see a way to do that, so i thought i'd give it a bit to see if anything popped into my head.  it hasn't :(15:18
jeblairsdague: i kind of think the best way to solve that is with better metadata in gerrit; if there were a priority field, or arbitrary tags, we could build searches on that15:19
jeblairsdague: of course reviewday basically exists because gerrit doesn't have that15:20
jeblairsdague: i wonder if you could use reviewday for that?15:20
sdagueI was wondering if we could make like a .dashboards directory in the project, then trigger manage-projects on changes to that in a post job15:20
sdaguejeblair: the problem with just pointing people at review day, is it doesn't update it's lists in realtime, and it drops you out of the rest of the gerrit interface15:21
jeblairsdague: i'm not sure i love the .dashboards idea -- just doesn't seem like the sort of thing that should be in a project (it's so temporal)15:23
jeblairsdague: oh15:23
jeblairsdague: what about using topics?15:23
jeblairsdague: since they are easy to change now, what if you used them to flag for priority review?15:24
jeblair(you can even change them through the api i believe)15:24
sdagueso this was sort of carrot model on getting good topic use15:24
sdaguebecause if we said, this week "blueprint X" is most important to review, we can set the topic there15:25
sdaguesorry, we could set which topics we were using the in dashboard to pop things up to the top15:25
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jeblairi see15:25
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jeblairsdague: so how about instead of setting that as a dashboard, you just email the link to the reviewers?15:26
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sdaguejeblair: because my feeling is that's going to get lost, vs. a stable url15:26
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sdaguewe had general policy decision that we'd try all looking at the same review view during the cycle15:27
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sdagueI guess the other question is if we could change the permissions on refs/meta/dashboards for a project to let the cores post to it directly15:27
sdaguebecause I see this as being in the tempest repo15:28
sdaguenot All-Projects15:28
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sdaguemriedem: - thoughts on revisiting your -1, it's a blocker on trusty15:30
sdaguebecause trusty ships a six new enough for us not to upgrade it, which explodes15:30
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Log stable/icehouse for sahara and remove obsolete
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mriedemsdague: looking....15:32
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sdaguetrusty packaged 1.5.2 fwiw15:33
openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Refactor delete_jobs
mriedemsdague: we ship 1.5.2 and haven't seen that issue15:33
sdagueI just exploded in grenade run15:34
sdagueon cinder db sync15:34
msabramozaro: Here ya go -
sdagueI've force installed over it because I needed to get to the next real issue here15:35
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mriedemsdague: just removed my score since idk15:37
mriedemand don't have time to know15:37
sdagueok, works for me15:37
mriedemthanks for at least doubling back :)15:37
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sdagueyep, no prob15:38
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sdagueok, I'm going to +A then, as it has 2 +2s15:39
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename climate to blazar
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove obsolete #openstack-climate channel
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, do we already have changes for specs renaming? (I can do them if not)15:43
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jeblairSergeyLukjanov: no, that would be great (i don't think we have changes for any of the renames)15:45
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, okay, I'll prepare CRs for renaming15:46
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ttxhrm. my "git-review -d 94330" call fails with ssh: Could not resolve hostname : Name or service not known15:52
ttxit's arguably the first time I use git-review -d with newgerrit though, so maybe I overlooked something15:53
jeblairttx: has 'get review -s' been run?15:53
jeblairgit review even15:53
fungittx: what does git review --version report?15:53
ttxit has been run a long time ago15:53
ttxgit-review version 1.2315:53
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pleia2good morning15:54
fungittx: and what url do you have for the gerrit remotes reported by git remote -v ?15:54
ttxThe following command failed with exit code 25515:54
ttx    "ssh -x   gerrit query --format=JSON --current-patch-set change:94330"15:54
ttxthat space between -x and gerrit is a bit... concerning15:54
jeblairfungi: (unrelated: 93161 is ready for your attention)15:54
ttxgerritssh:// (fetch)15:54
ttxgerritssh:// (push)15:54
fungittx: and are you sure 94330 is a change number for the project corresponding to the git repository you're in?15:55
* fungi checks15:55
ttx is a openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient change for sure15:55
fungiyeah, looks right15:55
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jeblair2014-05-22 08:55:57.481275 Running: ssh -xp29418 gerrit query --format=JSON --current-patch-set change:9433015:56
jeblairis what i get for that15:56
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jeblairttx: run "git review -v -d 94330" and paste the output15:56
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ttxoh. oh.15:58
fungiyeah, for some reason it's leaving the hostname and port number out of the ssh call15:58
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ttxhah! got it15:58
sdaguettx bad .gitreview ?15:58
ttxno no.15:58
fungi"Found origin Push URL:" is probably the cause15:58
ttx"LANG=C git-review -d 94330" works.15:58
ttxdamn Ubuntu 14.04 has localized git output15:59
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ttxhere is what git remote show gives:15:59
fungittx: please test master of git-review if you have a moment and see if it's fixed. there have been several localization-related fixups merged recently. we're probably overdue for a release15:59
ttx"URL de rapatriement" :)15:59
sdagueyeh, that's the problem with shell as a stable interface... all those people that configure their computers to not be english ;)16:00
ttxi suspect you grep on an english string16:00
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ttxso yeah, it's the first time I run git review -d on my upgraded Ubuntu french setup16:01
fungittx: right, in master i believe we're setting the locale to c anywhere shell commands are being called16:01
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msabramozaro: Python 3 support for python-jenkins is just a click away :-)
fungittx: so feedback on the upcoming release from someone working in a non-en environment would be very helpful16:02
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ttxfungi: what's the most convenient way of testing without overwriting my pip install ? clone git-review repo and python develop ?16:02
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fungittx: i create a virtualenv, pip install . the checkout into it, and have a symlink from ~/bin/git-review into that virtualenv16:03
fungiabout the only thing you miss out on that way is testing whether --help is working16:04
fungisince it relies on manpages being installed... though i could probably link ~/man/git-review.1 to the correct file in the venv too16:04
fungiassuming my manpath is configured accordingly16:05
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* ttx tries16:06
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Initial commit to add Aviator to Stackforge
ttxfungi: yes, master works16:08
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fungittx: great. all the more impetus for me to finish slogging through the outstanding fixes in review and stabilize for a new release16:08
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fungiderekh_: if you're around, i've got a couple of undeletable instances in tripleo-test-cloud (e.g. "r1")... c553c607-f16f-4804-9828-678e45539686 and 499f8bb2-a1b8-4bb9-988a-4832f4802e7416:11
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Allow the neutron functional job to gate merges
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/git-review: Use gerrit 2.8.5 instead of gerrit 2.6.1 in tests
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fungiderekh_: also, it looks like we're still requesting 16384m ram when building an instance there, not 8192m... can you confirm we're actually building with the new flavor you created?16:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Small refactor for preferences
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clarkbfungi: there is a change up to fix ttx's git review problem16:20
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clarkbit sets LANG=C during git commands16:21
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/release-tools: Workaround LP timeouts in
anteayamorning clarkb16:21
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clarkbI have realized that I approved a bunch of specs repos and they need group membership to be done /me does that16:29
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clarkbhrm groups don't exist maybe project creation is really broken?16:30
clarkbno nevermind identity-specs exists16:30
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clarkblooks like all are good except baremetal specs16:32
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clarkbthat explains it, there was no provided ACL file for baremetal-specs16:33
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clarkbdevananda: ^16:33
devanandaclarkb: whatcha need me to do?16:34
clarkbdevananda: decide who should have +2 on baremetal-specs16:34
clarkbI can write a change to make it so16:34
clarkbsome projects are using their core team, other projects are using a dedicated group16:34
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clarkbpbelanyi: jpich: yes for linting you shouldn't depend on devstack, thats a bit overkill. I would do something similar to what storyboard does instead16:36
clarkbdevananda: and you can always change it later if needed16:36
devanandadevananda: great - start with me, and I'll add folks later today16:37
clarkbI need to AFK at some point this morning to go shopping for new glasses btw16:37
clarkbdevananda: ok so you want a dedicated group then?16:37
clarkband not ironic-core for example?16:38
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devanandayea. i beleive that's what i specified in the project creation16:38
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clarkbdevananda: you didn't specify anything16:38
clarkbwhich is why it has no ACLs16:38
clarkboh wait now I see16:39
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added priorities to tasks
clarkbyou made a file but the implicit lookup broke because ironic-specs != baremetal-specs16:39
clarkbI can fix that16:39
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add missing export -f post_test_hook in rally-cli
devanandaoh! right. i did a rename, but seems i missed that16:39
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derekh_fungi: sorry am on a call but took a quick look, on R1 h1.large is still being used on R2 your using the new flavour for all but one instance16:41
derekh_fungi: I'll reset those two instances now16:41
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename ironic-specs to baremetal-specs to fix ACLs
clarkbdevananda: jeblair fungi ^ that should do it16:41
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derekh_fungi: done16:43
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fungiderekh_: i wonder if our flavor filter is causing it to still select that one16:44
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fungii'll poke around in the account real quick16:44
clarkbfungi: nodepool bug?16:44
fungiclarkb: could just be a flavor name issue16:44
clarkbI know nodepool does processing of the flavor list by creating an ordered list of flavors16:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Updated documentation to include instructions for prod-proxy mode.
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fungiso currently in that tenant we have a new flavor with 8192 memory and an old h1.large flavor with 16384 memory16:48
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Some project ui/ux updates
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funginodepool.yaml is looking for min-ram:8192 and name-filter:h1 which should theoretically cause it to select the flavor16:49
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fungibut the subsequent image update there seems to have continued to use the h1.large flavor instead16:50
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clarkbfungi: reading sb looks like potential provider bug in nodepool when reloading configs. Was that the same problem with tripleo cloud?16:52
fungiperhaps changes to min-ram don't cause the provider object to get recreated, and the previous choice of flavor stays cached as a result?16:52
clarkber hp tripleo cloud16:52
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fungiclarkb: symptoms seem entirely different, but could be related somehow i guess16:53
clarkbfungi: I am missing what the symptoms were for tripleo16:53
clarkbI got the connection state was different was that it?16:53
fungiclarkb: depends on which symptoms you're talking about16:53
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clarkbfungi: well in particular lots of nodes that nodepool isn't deleting16:54
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fungiclarkb: the symptoms we were looking into yesterday or what i'm looking at now?16:54
fungiahh, that16:54
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clarkbflavors are maintained by ProviderManager and we create a new one according to jeblair in sb when the config reloads so I don't think we should be caching the flavor16:55
fungiclarkb: yesterday it seemed that there was a hung established connection to the provider endpoint and that it was stuck indefinitely waiting on the results of a nova list query16:55
clarkbah ok so it was that thing again16:55
fungiyeah, for tripleo yesterday, causing the established connection to terminate woke things back up16:56
clarkbso that would be different16:56
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fungitoday's symptom with hpcloud-region-b was nodepool not bothering to do anything in that provider because it already had too many nodes there, but all the delete threads were for a no longer valid provider object since the reconfiguration16:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Rename ironic-specs to baremetal-specs to fix ACLs
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clarkbya and that same no longer valid provider object should get us a new flavor list in the new provider16:57
fungionce those nodes were manually deleted down below the max-servers threshold, activity in that provider resumed16:57
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anteayafungi: I'm looking for the patch that deals with the script to generate the electorate list16:57
clarkbfungi: using nodepool delete?16:57
clarkbor more manual than that?16:58
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fungiclarkb: yeah, nodepool delete --now16:58
anteayafungi: I've looked in your open and your merged for April and March, I'm coming up empty16:58
fungianteaya: what patch?16:59
anteayathe patch for generating teh electoral list16:59
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anteayawe had it specify the gerrit preferred email16:59
anteayawhich required a patch16:59
fungioh, that might have gotten auto-abandoned... looking17:00
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anteayafungi: oh okay17:01
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fungiadded back to my to-do list... thanks17:01
anteayaputting together a bit of a report17:02
clarkbfungi: ooohhhhhh wait we only create a new ProviderManager when we change the config on our side, but the change happened on the rh side instead?17:02
anteayamaking the change to gerrit preferred cut waaaaaay down on missing ballot follow up emails17:02
clarkbnodepool would not update its cache in that case17:02
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SpamapSgood morning folks17:03
zaromorning SpamapS17:03
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clarkbfungi: also reconfigureManagers doesn't appear to consider min-ram as a thing to reconfigure on17:04
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fungiclarkb: no, so the new flavor was created, then the config change to lower the min-ram was merged, then i deleted the old images and nodepool built new ones there17:04
fungiclarkb: but yes, the latter was what i was suspecting17:05
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anteayamorning SpamapS17:05
fungiwhich is why i theorized yesterday that lowering min-ram on that provider might need a complete nodepool restart before creating new images17:05
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clarkbright I think the first thing is only a problem if we update the config first, but with the reconfigureManagers not looking at image config changing its still a noop17:06
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SpamapSclarkb: can you give me a summary of where we're at, and let me know of anything I can try to address on our cloud?17:10
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clarkbSpamapS: I think fungi said hp tripleo cloud is happy again17:11
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clarkband rh cloud is still using the wrong flavor because nodepool bug17:11
fungiclarkb: no, not for the "new" problem17:11
clarkboh what is the new problem?17:11
clarkbthe flavor?17:11
fungihappy from yesterday's deletion problem17:11
funginot happy about the flavor change17:12
SpamapSOk. I've started rolling out trusty compute nodes..17:12
fungibroken from the flavor change (waaay over ram quota)17:12
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SpamapSand I wanted to see some success from that before I make the change global.17:12
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clarkbok, so that will require a nodepool restart to fix. Should we try writing a quick nodepool change to fix the bug so that in the future we don't need to do a restart?17:12
clarkbI am relatively familiar with the code looking at it right now if we want to do that17:12
jeblairclarkb: which bug?17:13
fungiclarkb: i believe so. if you can take a stab at it, i'm happy to review. much appreciated17:13
fungijeblair: nodepool not reconfiguring the provider on flavor/image changes (min-ram in particular in this case)17:13
jeblairack.  sounds good.17:13
clarkbfungi: ok will do17:14
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fungithat is to say, lowering min-ram on the tripleo labels did not have the desired effect of causing the subsequent image update to select the lower-memory flavor17:14
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fungibecause nodepool doesn't currently see it as a reason to create a new provider object17:15
clarkbya, I suppose the other workaround is to change a provider value not in images17:15
fungiright, we can (and have) done that in the past to get around restarting in situations like this17:16
fungijust hand-edit the config for something non-impacting which will cause it to create a new provider object, then change it back again (or let puppet change it back for you)17:16
fungiwhich i can go ahead and do now, to speed this along17:17
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fungiokay, provider config tweaked for their two regions (temporarily bumped the max-servers count in them by 1) and old nodepool images there deleted17:20
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Correct update-image to image-update in samples
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fungiSpamapS: derekh_afk: can one of you check whether tripleo-precise-14017:30
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SpamapSfungi: 140 ?17:30
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fungier, whether in the hp tripleo region is using the new flavor?17:30
fungijust want to make sure jiggering it in configuration caused it to pick up the right flavor now17:31
SpamapSfungi: I don't see an instance with that name.17:31
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SpamapSok now that I copied/pasted .. still don't see it :-P17:31
clarkbrunning tox on my change now17:32
clarkbits a bit ugly...17:32
SpamapSfungi: yeah, no instance by that name17:32
fungiSpamapS: looks like the instance id should be 936f03c3-cae7-4f10-8406-125e00ea549817:33
fungiahh, the old one was already deleted due to an unrelated failure, which is why you didn't find it17:33
SpamapS| flavor                               | (9d00764c-26a5-4878-9073-eeea0fbe6759)                                  |17:34
fungireplaced by tripleo-precise-1400779810.template.openstack.org17:34
fungiSpamapS: excellent17:34
fungiSpamapS: as soon as these images finish building, memory usage in the tenant should fall dramatically17:34
SpamapSlooks like it may have gotten eth0/eth1 in the wrong order tho17:34
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Create new provider managers on image data changes
clarkbhow does that look?17:35
fungiSpamapS: yeah, about half of them do, then get killed and replaced until it gets a working one it can reach17:35
fungiSpamapS: i believe tripleo has an outstanding neutron bug filed on that17:35
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fungiclarkb: i suppose you could have inverted the != to == and or's to and's and False to True in those conditionals, but you're at least preserving the previous phrasing i guess17:38
clarkbya I wanted to make it look like the old code17:38
fungifair enough (even though a bunch of or'ed negations is crazy-brain-twisty)17:39
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clarkbI think there is a larger refactor that we can do to make the config classes inherit from dict or similar and make the named properties a thing then just do if config == config17:39
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move openstack-qa repo to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move melange to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move python-melangeclient to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move openstack-chef to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move database-api to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename oslo.test to oslotest
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* anteaya dusts the cobwebs off SergeyLukjanov's shoulder17:40
anteayadusty in that attic17:40
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SergeyLukjanovanteaya, yup_17:40
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* SergeyLukjanov will add CRs for barbican rename and specs after the sahara meeting17:42
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, ^^17:42
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jeblairSergeyLukjanov: thanks!17:43
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: wait -- we don't currently stop the old provider manager?17:45
jeblairnm i see it17:45
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fungifor oldmanager in stop_managers: oldmanager.stop()17:46
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devanandaclarkb: so that patch landed, but I think I still need to be added to the baremetal-specs group17:46
fungiclarkb: lgtm17:46
SpamapSfungi: Right we do have a neutron bug on that. I'm still a bit confused why we need two networks.. but w'ever. :-P17:46
fungidevananda: i can do it17:46
devanandafungi: thanks17:46
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fungidevananda: done17:47
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SpamapSfungi: bfb8c742-445d-46ac-a191-12b6197cb2a4 booted o-k17:49
clarkbfungi: woot. I have to run off to spend too much money on glasses now17:49
zarojeblair: do you know how long it takes to run neutron coverage job?  i've started one and i think it's been more than 20 mins.  can't tell if it's hanging or it's just taking a real long time.17:49
clarkbfungi: feel free to update my change as necessary17:49
fungiclarkb: thanks again17:49
clarkbzaro: normal run is like 50 minutes17:50
clarkbadd coverage and its probably more than an hour17:50
jeblairzaro: you could go find one that has already run in jenkins17:50
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zaroprobably not a good idea to move to check pipeline then?17:50
clarkbno they shouold fix their tests first17:50
clarkbmarun: has done good work on that aiui17:51
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Create new provider managers on image data changes
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marunclarkb: if only it were easy :/17:52
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marunclarkb: i never run coverage tbh.  does it run in parallel?17:52
clarkbit does17:53
clarkband combines the results at the end17:53
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marunclarkb: ah, ok.  good to know.17:54
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: I -1'd 4 patches in that series, they are missing acl file renames17:56
anteayaI did +1 two of them though17:56
anteayaclarkb: happy spending17:57
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, thanks for review17:57
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, I'll fix it17:57
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anteayaSergeyLukjanov: sure, I added the links in my comments, and dhellmann added teh link for oslotest17:57
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zaromarun, clarkb : last neutron coverage run was 27mins.17:58
SpamapSfungi: is it possible to observe the template building process from anywhere?17:58
SergeyLukjanovI've not commited acl files somehow :(17:58
jeblairzaro: how long was the regular unit test run for the same change?17:58
anteayatwo patches did need acl file changes17:58
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: melange-client and openstack-dev/qa.o.o didn't, the rest do17:59
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, oh, sahara meeting time, I'll complete CRs after it17:59
fungiSpamapS: the image.log is interleaved output from all the image builds though, so you end up having to filter for the image/provider names you're curious about18:00
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SpamapSfungi: cool ty18:01
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zarojeblair: unit tests are not run with coverage because coverage runs in post.  i can only find time on most recent test run.18:02
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zarojeblair: this one is pretty recent 30 mins:
jeblairzaro: i meant how long is the regular unit test run without coverage.  i would like to compare them because i am surprised that coverage takes 25 minutes and the normal run is said to take 50 minutes.18:03
jeblairit seems to have gotten a lot faster :)18:03
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anteayaSergeyLukjanov: /me nods18:06
anteayahappy meeting18:06
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, thx :)18:06
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: update URL references to project.
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jeblairclarkb, fungi, sdague: check this out:
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jeblairclarkb, fungi, sdague: there is a file rename with changes, and gerrit displays that as a deleted file and added file.  since they are different, you can't actually see the diff18:24
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jeblairclarkb, fungi, sdague: gertty notes the rename and diffs the old/new file so the diff is actually reviewable!18:25
fungijgit fails once again18:26
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jeblairmordred, mordred_: ^ (also, why are there two of you?)18:27
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james_lianyone knows if gate supports docker?18:31
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anteayajames_li: what do you mean by supports?18:31
anteayawe don't use docker in the gate if that is the question18:31
james_lianteaya: I mean docker-enabled kernel18:32
jeblairand the comments even showed up in the right place18:32
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jeblairjames_li: the latest OSes we have are f20 and precise; we're working on trusty18:33
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james_lijeblair: is the kernel ver of precise is 3.8?18:34
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, folks, do we like to keep ACL when moving to the attic?18:40
SpamapSare there any plans for adding trusty testing?18:40
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jeblairSpamapS: mordred is on it18:40
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jeblairSergeyLukjanov: no, actually we'll want to completely disable those projects18:41
SpamapSjeblair: sweet18:41
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, so, to remove ACLs for them?18:41
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, ACL files I mean18:41
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jeblairSergeyLukjanov: i think we'll want an acl file that's mostly empty -- no permissions and sets the project state to 'read only' instead of 'active'.18:43
SergeyLukjanovoh, sounds like we should just keep it empty18:43
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james_lijeblair: thanks. how do I know my gate is precise or f20?18:45
jeblairjames_li: it's whatever the jobs are configured to run on18:46
james_ligot it18:46
jeblairjames_li: there's the configuration18:46
alexpilottihi guys18:46
james_lijeblair: thx!18:46
alexpilottiI’m doing a session at a conference about the Hyper-V CI18:46
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alexpilottiI’d like to send in a patch to gerrit demoing the full gerrit / zuul “roundtrip”18:47
alexpilottiis there an established way to send in test jobs?18:47
alexpilottias in “test do not merge” ion teh subject, etc18:48
jeblairalexpilotti: you can use the openstack-dev/sandbox repo18:48
alexpilottijeblair: nice tx!18:48
jeblairalexpilotti: we actually ask new ci systems to start with that now18:48
jeblairso that they can exercise without leaving possibly incorrect comments on real projects18:48
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, could you please confirm acl for attic project?
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jeblairSergeyLukjanov: looks good.  i just manually changed melange to be certain:;a=blob;f=project.config;hb=54f07d307de3cfef43b7cf5d5d11499bf991933219:01
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, yup, it looks good19:02
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, thank you19:02
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Factor out common code between cli utilities
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clarkbok back ish19:09
clarkblunch may happen19:09
pleia2oh hey, lunch19:10
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anteayaclarkb: do you like your glasses?19:15
clarkbanteaya: well I have to wait 7-10 business days now19:15
anteayayou had the fun of paying lots of money for them today19:15
anteayahope that was lots of fun19:16
clarkbthe staring at a wall of choices and agonizing over which one is best19:16
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anteayaas long as you look good in a hat, should you choose to wear one19:17
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: The process for making a Third-Party CI voting needs docs
anteayareed you around?19:42
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reedanteaya, o/19:42
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anteayaso where are we on having a new etherpad to talk about the physical meeting?19:43
anteayacan we do that?19:43
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reedanteaya, I'm still trying to make sure that I have budget for it and that the main recipient of the class is interested in it19:45
anteayafair enough19:45
anteayaany objection to me creating an new etherpad?19:45
anteayathat costs nothin19:45
reedanteaya, this week is nasty and next week is super busy too (most of the Foundation folks are going to be flying to Europe)19:45
reedanteaya, :) go ahead19:45
anteayafair enough19:46
anteayagreat thanks19:46
reedthank you for moving this forward19:46
anteayayou need to feel supported19:46
anteayaand I want you to know I support you19:46
anteayaI'm not alone in this, I'm just the most vocal19:47
james_lihow to effectively set DEVSTACK_GATE_VIRT_DRIVER? I export it in my pre_test_hook, but still see VIRT_DRIVER=libvirt in localrc19:47
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lifelesssdague: derekh_afk: infra folk can requeue, and do so regularly for gate; but it can be done on any queue and has been done on tripleo-check before precisely for this reason to avoid waste19:47
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fungijames_li: you'll need to set it in the job configuration19:47
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james_liwhat I did is : export DEVSTACK_GATE_VIRT_DRIVER=docker19:47
anteayaokay etherpad cpu usage has jumped significantly:
fungijames_li: it has to be exported in the builder definition before the wrap script is invoked19:48
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anteayaand so has the load average19:49
james_lifungi: thanks. ok so in modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_job_builder/config/solum.yaml  ?19:49
anteayaare we getting hit from somewhere on etherpad?19:49
fungijames_li: yes19:49
james_lifungi: thanks!19:49
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anteayafungi: can you take a look at what is happening on the etherpad server?19:50
anteayasomething is going on19:50
fungianteaya: looks like someone tried to import a word document (best guess), and there's a stuck/runaway abiword plugin process running under the eplite account because of it19:52
mordredfungi: we should disable that19:52
fungiclarkb: any hints on how to do that?19:53
openstackgerritjames-li-3 proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: set DEVSTACK_GATE_VIRT_DRIVER for solum
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/python-jenkins: Make it work on Python 3
SpamapSfungi: ok I see slaves on the hp cloud19:54
fungialso, killing the abiword process was like a central american military coup taking out a leader. another just cropped up to take its place19:54
clarkbmordred: that was one of the requirements of the move to etherpad lite19:54
anteayafungi: ha ha ha19:54
mordredclarkb: oh. well, piddle19:54
james_lifungi:  please19:54
clarkbmordred: I am all for disabling it but the import export stuff was something I was told to make work19:54
clarkbfungi: you can probably restart the server itself if it is really cranky19:54
anteayaI'm for restarting19:54
hasharjeblair: thank you for the recent Zuul approvals :-)19:55
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fungiyeah, the new abiword process is right back to eating 100% of a cpu again19:55
clarkband you can disable it in the config.js19:55
fungiso i suspect etherpad is "smart" and restarts it if it dies19:55
clarkbiirc you have to give it a path to abiword otherwise its disabled19:55
mordredtimrc: hey! I hear you're going to help with the dib-nodepool work19:55
SpamapS| ef6c69fe-1385-4104-ba46-c69436b70924 | | qcow2       | bare             |            | queued |19:56
SpamapSdoes that mean something is stalled while trying to make a snapshot?19:56
fungiSpamapS: possibly. i noticed the precise image builds were taking waaay too long (the f20 builds finished more than an hour ago) but switched gears to etherpad troubleshooting now19:57
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SpamapSthe compute node it is running on is having fits and starts .. the precursor of total mellanox fail19:58
SpamapSI think I've found my next candidate for trusty upgrade19:58
clarkbSpamapS: does trusty fix mellanox or just differently break it?19:59
mordredtimrc: SpamapS and jeblair will both be happy about progress there - and you for sure want to chat with jeblair about how to get glanceclient stuff into nodepool19:59
fungiclarkb: restarting etherpad and killing the abiword plugin process caused it to respawn, but it's no longer eating an entire processor19:59
clarkbfungi: caused abiword to respawn?19:59
fungiclarkb: yeah, i think maybe it always runs19:59
clarkbI wouldn't expect etherpad-lite to maintain that state across reboots19:59
clarkboh maybe19:59
SpamapSclarkb: fixes it19:59
SpamapSclarkb: the mellanox fail in trusty is that infiniband actually works now, which confuses trusty and our special automation stuff.20:00
clarkbso differently broken :)20:00
SpamapSclarkb: But that only causes issues on first boot20:00
SpamapSclarkb: no I think it is exposing some assumptions in our dhcp-all-interfaces element20:01
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jeblairyeah, it's a constant surprise when openstack works ;)20:01
mordredjeblair: openstack works?20:01
fungiclarkb: yeah, behavior was that before restarting etherpad it kept respawning an abiword plugin which was maxing a cpu. after the etherpad restart it was still respawning the abiword plugin if i killed it, but no longer actually consuming substantial processor time20:01
clarkbI need to check on our quota bump20:01
clarkbthen we can see if we can make openstack work20:01
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fungiSpamapS: so worth noting, the precise image builds in both tripleo regions seem to be in the same boat. 2014-05-22 reached the sync+sleep at the end of the prep scripts a couple hours ago but never transitioned from building to ready20:04
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fungier, ignore that stray date i apparently included for fun20:04
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerritlib: Doc generation support
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/cookiecutter: Fix documentation template issues
hashardims: you are just too fast :)20:06
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fungiSpamapS: any guesses as to why this would be affecting precise image builds in both regions and not f20?20:07
SergeyLukjanovsorry folks, review bomb20:07
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move database-api to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move openstack-chef to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename oslo.test to oslotest
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move openstack-qa repo to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move python-melangeclient to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move melange to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove obsolete #openstack-climate channel
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename climate to blazar
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move barbican from stackforge to barbican
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename glance-specs to image-specs
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename neutron-specs to networking specs
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename oslo-specs to common-libraries-specs
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Restrict releasing of blazar to blazar-ptl group
mordredwow. SergeyLukjanov is a machine20:08
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SergeyLukjanovetherpad for tomorrows renaming -
SergeyLukjanovmordred, hehe, vending machine :)20:11
ravipsI mistyped username in gerrit and I'm unable to rename it, can someone reset my login in gerrit?20:12
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anteayareed when you are around:
anteayalet's play here for a bit20:14
anteayaravips: what is the account number for your account?20:14
anteayasign in, go to settings, it is the account id number20:15
ravipsanteaya: 1132420:15
anteayafungi: ^^20:15
anteayawhen fungi gets a chance he will find your account in the db20:15
anteayawhat username do you want it set to?20:15
ravipsanteaya: fungi: ravips instead of ravp20:16
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* anteaya nods20:16
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/git-review: Topic: do not use '(detached' when detached
sdaguejeblair: I feel like gerrit used to sometimes handle the rename case20:17
anteayaravips: when fungi gets a moment he will help you out, but it may take some time depending on what he is working on20:17
ravipsanteaya: ok, not a problem..thanks for helping me out20:18
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anteayaravips: np, I don't have access to the db, but we have been through this before and I have a pretty good idea what data fungi needs to make the change20:19
anteayahe will ping you if he needs more, so stick around20:19
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ravipsanteaya: ok, sure ping me for any more details20:20
openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Uncomment gate-python-jenkins-python33
fungiravips: anteaya: resetting ssh account names is not a gerrit feature, and involves directly editing tables in the database so we try not to do it unless absolutely necessary. 'git config --global gitreview.username ravp' should make your system log into as ravp from now on20:21
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jeblairsdague: i know it detects straight renames, but i don't know at what threshold it considers it an add/delete.20:21
SpamapSfungi: precise is about 50MB bigger than fedora ... maybe the template image is over some sort of boundary causing slowness or full-something20:22
fungiravips: anteaya: i can make a note to clear the username from your account instead, but am in the middle of other things right now, so no guarantees on when i'll get to it20:22
ravipsfungi: ok, that will be helpful..thx20:23
sdaguejeblair: yeh, when I did the governance repo reformat, some were detected, others were not20:23
sdagueit was odd20:23
SpamapS2014-05-22 13:57:47.018 26826 ERROR nova.compute.manager [req-f8474238-f3a2-4618-b5b3-879dc1d4ce2e d5af62d2183d431796d74c5bb119ec9f e01e473a9250498883955b80966a1e58] [instance: bfb8c742-445d-46ac-a191-12b6197cb2a4] Error while trying to clean up image ef6c69fe-1385-4104-ba46-c69436b7092420:24
SpamapS2014-05-22 13:57:47.018 26826 TRACE nova.compute.manager [instance: bfb8c742-445d-46ac-a191-12b6197cb2a4] This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document you requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser does not understand how to supply the credentials required.20:24
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Bring docs jobs for openstack-infra/gerritlib
fungiSpamapS: that looks decidedly broken20:25
SpamapSfungi: I wonder if it took longer and something (token?) timed out20:25
fungiSpamapS: want me to have it retry?20:25
SpamapSfungi: if that is easy, yes20:25
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SpamapSfungi: I'll keep an eye on the compute node that it lands on20:25
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anteayafungi: *nod, thanks20:25
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fungiSpamapS: deleted, and new images are building now20:26
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fungiSpamapS: 750f0b6e-5f05-4a9c-8f9e-58dd79a1a6fa in r1 and 84db4f02-278d-4f47-8d66-5a2e9eda3007 in r220:26
msabramo1zaro: Let's turn on py33 gate jobs for python-jenkins?
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clarkbso I have an email saying our quota was bumped for openstackjenkins2 but asking neutron quota-show shows the old numebrs20:28
clarkbI am going to try creatin ga new router and see what happens20:28
SpamapSfungi: heh, a290fd8f-7c26-4c51-81cc-522187f0f977 now in r120:29
SpamapSsilly neutron bugs20:29
fungiSpamapS: that tends to get caught and retried fairly quickly at least20:29
SpamapSfungi: true20:29
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clarkbnope cannot create a router20:30
fungithe "i've fallen and i can't get up" error it hit earlier seems to need manual intervention on the other hand20:30
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename neutron-specs to networking specs
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Restrict releasing of blazar to blazar-ptl group
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename oslo-specs to common-libraries-specs
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove obsolete #openstack-climate channel
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename climate to blazar
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SpamapSfungi: aaaand one more time20:33
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fungiSpamapS: eh?20:33
SpamapSfungi: it happened again20:34
openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Uncomment gate-python-jenkins-python33
SpamapSWaiting up to 60 more seconds for network configuration...20:34
SpamapSBooting system without full network configuration...20:34
SlickNikclarkb: Rebased,  and also fixed the issue you hinted at earlier. Thanks!20:34
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fungiSpamapS: eww20:34
SpamapSfungi: takes about 5 min I think to detect that one.20:34
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Textareas now autoresize their height.
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SpamapSfungi: thats the swapped ethernets (the other one is a straight up neutron "but I am le-tired" problem that results in ERROR.20:35
fungiSpamapS: both regions or just one of them?20:35
SpamapSfungi: just r1.. I suppose I should check r2 as well20:35
SpamapSfungi: we're in a weird place right now, because the most functional compute node for this would be novacompute5 .. but it is full of old slaves doing nothing. :-P20:35
timrcmordred, Hi.  Yep.  Spoke with Cody a bit earlier about it.20:36
fungiokay, deleted again from r1 so maybe it'll get lucky this time around20:36
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fungiSpamapS: ab7f6e30-83c3-47da-b926-c3c6b31f700f is the new best hope20:37
SpamapSfungi: sadly, I don't even know exactly how to login to r2 .. it has.. you know.. been working20:37
SpamapSfungi: ab7f6e30-83c3-47da-b926-c3c6b31f700f got network.. yaaaay20:37
SpamapSfungi: Ok, its running, on the same compute node that failed last time..20:38
SpamapSfungi: so help me understand the tubes a bit more.. right now, nodepool wants new templates.. but why isn't zuul/jenkins running jobs on the existing nodes?20:39
SpamapSonce we want a new template.. all old nodes are discarded?20:39
fungiSpamapS: i believe those are all f20 nodes and it doesn't need any more of them20:40
SpamapSoh now that is pretty interesting isn't it? like maybe there's something specifically breaking precise?20:40
stevebakersdague: hey20:40
SpamapS 5094 libvirt-  20   0 13.1g 1.1g 9.9m S    30  1.2   1:07.02 qemu-system-x8620:41
SpamapSAlright, its doing "stuff"20:41
stevebakeris used by devstack gating currently? I saw a comment about pypi CDN20:41
fungiSpamapS: yeah, 7 tripleo-f20 building, 3 delete20:41
clarkbstevebaker: it is20:41
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SpamapSfungi: and that jives with what I see in the zuul queue, which is f20's getting done, and no precises getting done20:41
clarkbstevebaker: but not for all projects. things that live outside of openstack/ use the mirror and pypi proper20:41
fungiSpamapS: yeah, because all the old remaining precise nodes got used up from the previous image which used the wrong flavor20:42
stevebakerclarkb: so I need to get diskimage-builder to use that, plus a local pip mirror which contains packages built from git for things being gated on20:42
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clarkbstevebaker: why do you need packages from git for things being gated on? can we not just do source installs? all of the existing tests do source installs20:44
fungistevebaker: clarkb: it's worth noting that jobs running on openstack/requirements changes also hit instead of (since they may be trying to add new packages/versions we don't mirror)20:45
stevebakerclarkb: feedback from lifeless, he would prefer these projects get into the image via pip rather than git source install20:45
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clarkblifeless: can we not special case this and be consistent?20:45
SpamapSMan, I kind of wish the image building process would log to /dev/console so I didn't have to re-download image.log again to see whats going on. :-P20:45
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clarkbstevebaker: if you do need the local mirror you should look at the pbr integration test as it builds one in order to do some specific functional testing20:47
clarkbstevebaker: I will find a link for you20:47
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clarkbstevebaker: starting from about that line20:48
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jeblairstevebaker: they can still be installed via pip, just "pip install ." from inside the source dir20:49
stevebakerI think lifeless is recovering from summit flu20:49
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stevebakerclarkb: thanks, I'm hoping building a full local mirror won't be necessary, but if it is then some of that should be done in devstack-gate20:51
stevebakerjeblair: yes, but in this case the source dir is outside the (diskimage-builder) image being build20:52
SpamapSfungi: I see sync / sleep 5 for the rh1 precise ..20:52
SpamapSfungi: is that what is done before snapshotting?20:52
clarkbjeblair: fungi mordred the quota bump was made against the wrong account (my personal one apparently) so I am now waiting for that to get sorted20:52
jeblairstevebaker: how would the local mirror be made available?20:52
clarkbwhen it does get sorted I will create 4 new routers and 4 new networks and we can try region b again20:52
jeblairclarkb: ++20:53
mordred_clarkb: haha20:53
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Drop formatStatusHTML() methods
fungistevebaker: the challenge there is that mirror-building is time-consuming, and we can't predict in advance which versions of git repositories which were involved in the change being tested (taking other changes ahead of in in a dependent pipeline into account) should be turned into packages and added to the local mirror20:53
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Fixed several typos in the codebase
jeblairclarkb: as long as they bill you personally.  :)20:53
mordred_jeblair: I have two ids because I'm experimenting with phone clients20:53
stevebakerjeblair: the pypi element makes the local mirror ~/.cache/image-create/pypi available inside the image20:53
clarkbjeblair: I'm ok with that if mordred_ approves the expense report :)20:53
mordred_but not ready to, you know, change anything20:54
clarkbmordred_: weechat an be a proxy for you and there is an android weechat protocol speaking client20:54
fungiSpamapS: yes, i believe that's the end of the template setup, and then the template instance is stopped and a snapshot taken20:54
mordred_clarkb: I have never gotten that to work. so far, this is GREAT on the phone side20:54
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stevebakermordred_: bip proxy works nice for me20:55
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SpamapScurl --verbose -C - -o image.log
SpamapSthat works20:56
SpamapSonly dl's the new bits20:56
stevebakerfungi: I'll be trying to avoid building a full mirror unless that happens during node building20:56
fungistevebaker: mainly just pointing out one of the main reasons we install from source--because we're testing the source and need to make decisions once the job is running about what source we install20:57
fungiSpamapS: great tip!20:57
mtreinishfungi: quick question is there a guide for pushing tags to a repo. I need to tag the start of using branchless tempest20:57
mtreinishalso any suggestions on a naming convention20:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/git-review: Allow to specify default scheme in .gitreview file
mtreinishI was just going todo 2014.1 and so on but sdague thinks that will be confusing20:58
mtreinishbecause it doesn't match up with the other project releases20:58
mtreinishfungi: cool tanks20:58
fungimtreinish: 1.0?20:58
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Shrewsfungi: clarkb: Are there any infra issues that would cause this?
fungimtreinish: (it's a nice, round number)20:58
stevebakerfungi: agreed, I'll be running sdist from source, then pushing that into the image via pip20:58
mtreinishfungi: yeah I guess that works, but what is the major version the year? or every new tag?20:58
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sdaguestevebaker: I think we should start with the install straight from git path, and not build intermediate packages. That's been our model so far.20:59
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sdagueand it has worked very well20:59
clarkbmtreinish: fungi I think I would make them line up with the releases20:59
sdagueclarkb: the issue is, they won't20:59
fungimtreinish: i vote good old-fashioned human decision-making, maybe based on semver if you want something process-oriented to help you make the decision20:59
clarkbsdague: why not?20:59
mtreinishclarkb: we're pushing a tag each release and eol20:59
sdaguebecause we're going to have 4 releases a year20:59
clarkbsdague: I don't think that changes anything21:00
clarkb2014.1 then 15 months later 2014.1.eol21:00
sdagueclarkb: so what would you call the july release?21:00
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sdagueclarkb: we don't have branches21:00
clarkbsdague: doesn't matter21:00
sdagueit's not 2014.1.eol21:00
clarkbtags are arbitrary21:00
sdagueright, sure21:00
sdaguebut if we call this one 2014.121:01
fungii think you should avoid painting yourselves into a corner of devising a non-extensible versioning scheme on the assumption that you'll only ever release quarterly21:01
sdaguethen the july one is 2014.221:01
sdaguethen the oct one is 2014.321:01
stevebakersdague, clarkb: hmm, in that case we need to have this conversation when lifeless is sentient21:01
clarkbsdague: why?21:01
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mtreinishclarkb: it's eol of havana21:01
mtreinishnot anything in tempest21:01
clarkbmtreinish: right so why would you make it 2014.321:01
sdagueno, 2014.3 would be the 3rd release this year21:02
sdaguewhich would be coincident with the 2014.2 os release21:02
clarkbright and I am saying don't do that21:02
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clarkbmake the tags mean someting against the releases they test(ed)21:02
mtreinishclarkb: oh I see what your saying. We just tag havana eol as something more descriptive21:02
fungiShrews: that failure doesn't look related to the system on which the job ran... looks more like the neutron install in devstack wasn't configured for a large enough address pool (or didn't return some it should have, or what have you)21:03
clarkbyes havana was 2013.2 right? so 2013.2.eol21:03
sdagueso we release 2014.1 ?21:03
sdaguethen release 2013.2.eol21:03
sdaguewhich is actually newer than 2014.121:03
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clarkbthink of it less as a release and more a marker in time21:03
sdaguewhich then confuses people because they think 2014.1 is ++ 2013.2.eol21:04
fungisdague: i believe 2013.2.eol will end up being interpreted as a prerelease21:04
mtreinishsdague: we could do 2014.1.2013.2.eol :)21:04
clarkbat this point in time you could test foo, and at this other point in time you no longer test bar21:04
mordred_phonestevebaker: I'd like to be part of it too21:04
stevebakermordred_phone: ok21:04
sdagueI think people are going to read way more into these versions21:04
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fungisdague: mtreinish: clarkb: i think if the discussion of how to embed meaning into your version numbers is this complex, you should just go with incrementing versions and not try to have them mean anything special beyond what normal semver would imply21:05
mordred_phonesdague: yes they will21:05
stevebakermordred_phone, clarkb, sdague, sounds like this needs to be a mailing list thread21:05
mordred_phonestevebaker: about pypi mirrors?21:05
sdaguestevebaker: which complicated discussion? dib or tempest names?21:05
fungisdague: mtreinish: clarkb: including not using year-based version numbers, because people will think they mean something special too21:06
sdaguestevebaker: sure21:06
mtreinishfungi: yeah that's a good point21:06
mtreinish1.0 it is21:06
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* mordred_phone actually thinks its an irc convo21:06
mordred_phoneit's gonna get complex quickly21:07
clarkbfungi: the problem with your scheme is now you need a lookup table21:07
mordred_phoneI'd dive in now, but ... phone21:07
clarkband no one will understand that21:07
mtreinishclarkb: is that a problem though21:07
clarkbmtreinish: yes, its already a problem for the clients21:07
fungiclarkb: i think it's going to need a lookup table regardless, because the list of openstack features and releases against which a given version of tempest gets tested and confirmed to work will change over time and depend on tempest support and stable branch maintenance policy decisions21:07
clarkbfungi: my scheme is te lookup table though21:08
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sdaguestevebaker: so I'll give you my openning argument here. dib & friends have largely lived in an alternate reality which was gateless. As we want to use them in existing gate jobs we should really bring them into a gateful jobs. As such, we should really as much as possible use the model that we've already proven here, at least as a starting point.21:09
fungiclarkb: you're suggesting to tag with a range of openstack releases (ignoring stable point releases) i guess?21:09
sdaguebut I'm happy to have the conversation in either irc or email21:10
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clarkbfungi: I am suggesting that we have pairs of tags. The first denotes start of support and the second denotes removal of support21:10
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sdagueclarkb: well the problem is that's not the only change between those 2 tags21:10
clarkbfungi: so that via git tag | grep you can know very easily if a given release is supported21:10
sdaguewe also had 500 new tests21:10
clarkbif I git clone tempest and want to test my havana cloud I do git tag | grep 2013.2.eol && git checkout 2013.2.eol or checkout master21:11
sdagueclarkb: I'm not sure that 2014.2 would tell you it could test 2014.121:11
clarkband I am good to go21:11
clarkbsdague: it doesn't21:11
stevebakersdague: yes, that is what I had assumed, and my first attempt implemented just that but the approach was -2ed (even though most tripleo elements install openstack components from git :/ )21:12
clarkb2014.2 tells you support for koala started21:12
clarkbor whatever reelase we are on. I have them mixed up. is 2014.2 juno?21:12
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SpamapSfungi: hm, so same place now.. I see the image snapshot as "queued"21:13
sdaguestevebaker: right, so those reviews seem completely about the tripleo side, not using these tools outside of tripleo.21:14
fungiclarkb: kauai will be 2015.121:14
sdaguewhich is the alternate universe problem21:14
SpamapSkauai France is so lovely.21:14
fungiisn't it though?21:14
clarkbdo we have a list of k names yet?21:15
SpamapShah, france is like HK with I21:15
fungiSpamapS: so, the snapshot call getting queued on the nova side sounds like cloud brokenness to me21:15
stevebakersdague: the DIB_REPO* in is the other half, of that universe21:15
clarkbttx should get on that since france is his country21:15
SpamapSthere are no cities in france that start with K21:15
clarkbclearly we need to start picking venues with a consideration for release naming21:15
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stevebakerSpamapS: choose from Belgium, just to piss them off
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sdaguestevebaker: right, and I'm holding the -2 on that part of the tree until we decide these tools exist independently and can be used in the gate outside of tripleo.21:16
clarkbit is near to france21:16
SpamapSstevebaker: they're all french right? ;)21:17
SpamapSthats it21:17
fungiclarkb: yes, i guess lānaʻi will need to be 2015.221:17
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SpamapSAlsace ... of course21:17
SpamapSsay that 10 times fast21:17
sdaguethere is a keppler street in paris, I think that's what ttx thought would win the day21:18
mtreinishsdague: shouldn't win be in quotes...21:18
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* fungi is a fan of johannes kepler and would totally keep mistyping that release name21:19
sdaguefungi: or the right spelling21:19
stevebakerIts Rue Kepler21:19
sdaguenever trust my spelling21:19
fungioh, in that case i'm all in21:19
mtreinishsdague: I guess air quotes, just hinting that he'd rig it21:20
clarkbwe have too many changes21:20
clarkbI keep running into changes that don't just conflict at a file level btu conflict on a fundamental level21:20
mtreinishfungi: it's ok, I think Ice House street was 2 words, not 1 like the release is21:22
reeda typical French name21:22
mtreinishso we can tweak it a little21:22
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Modify horizon log copy for Fedora
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ianwsdague: thanks! is the last one, just a rebase because other stuff got merged in front of it21:25
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ianwclarkb: re, adding txt before wouldn't be possible at least with the webui?  we could make it match "workflow" if you want21:26
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clarkbianw: I think workflow is too restrictive but if I wrote a comment that was foo\n\nrecheck no bug and didn't leave a workflow comment that would match right?21:28
clarkbianw: in any case I don't think it matters in reality21:28
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SpamapSfungi: agreed it looks like brokenness.. but I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to debug said breakgae21:31
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fungiSpamapS: trying to make a snapshot of a vm is generally working there i guess? (odd that it worked for the f20 image)21:32
fungiravips: i've cleared your gerrit ssh username. you should be able to try setting it again now21:32
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: django_openstack_auth: make the Python 3.3 gate voting
SpamapSfungi: I'm testing that now21:32
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mtreinishclarkb, fungi, sdague: I think I'm just going to going go with 1.0. I think the other way would be a bit more confusing.21:32
fungiSpamapS: not over quota on snapshot space/count or out of disk on the backend or anything?21:33
ravipsfungi: awesome, it worked...thanks21:34
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SpamapSfungi: I don't see quotas for glance21:35
SpamapSfungi: actually I was just able to create a snap of a vm I booted21:36
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SpamapSfungi: the template worked21:36
SpamapSsnap finished21:36
clarkbmsabramo1: I just reviewed your change for making jenkins-job-builder-coverage. let me know if you have questions about my suggestions. Happy to help sort that out21:36
SpamapS| 02edc86e-fbef-4811-a177-7d648545e15f | | qcow2       | bare             | 5130092544 | active |21:36
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SpamapSfungi: ok, so should I expect to see nodepool clear out all the old precise nodes and create new nodes?21:38
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewday: Add Marconi and its client to ReviewDay
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Gate on Postrgres in trove
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add tempest-dsvm-postgres-full into the integrated gate
SlickNikSergeyLukjanov: Thanks for fixing the trove-postgres rebase!21:42
SlickNikSergeyLukjanov: Was about to look into it, and there you were. :)21:42
clarkbfungi: 94601 is tested?21:43
clarkbfungi: I will approve that nowish if yo uare happy with it21:43
SergeyLukjanovSlickNik, np :)21:43
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msabramo1clarkb: Thanks!21:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add missing export -f post_test_hook in rally-cli
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mtreinishfungi, clarkb: one last question before I push the tag. If I push it and we want to change the tag to use clarkb's scheme instead is it possible to drop the tag once it's out in the wild?21:46
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mtreinishI'm debating whether I should ask on the ML for opinions first21:46
clarkbok I have quota, creating networks and routers now21:46
mtreinishinstead of having people complain to me after I push something that is confusing down the road21:46
clarkblet me know if yo usee anything funny with region b nodes but this should be a noop for them21:46
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clarkbmtreinish: no you shouldn't drop tags21:47
clarkbtags should be treated as permanent21:47
mtreinishyeah that's what I figured21:47
ianwclarkb: i don't think so
clarkbbecause there is no way to make a downstream repo pick up the tag21:47
clarkber pick up the deletion of a tag21:47
clarkbianw: if you remove the Workflow-1 from the comment21:48
clarkbianw: which would happe nif you don't vote21:48
jerryzclarkb: is there a way to skip specific test job for a branch in zuul? not just non-voting but skip it21:49
clarkbjerryz: yes see the branch: listings under jobs in the layout.yaml21:49
clarkbso you want to know one reason for things possibly failing in region b?21:49
clarkbthe existing network is only a /2421:49
jeblairwhat did i say yesterday?  "oh about 50 hosts more than what we're doing now which is 200" :)21:50
ianwclarkb: ah, yeah.  so i did that global match in case something else got inserted in there it wouldn't need to change again21:50
ianwclarkb: (?i)^(Patch Set [0-9]+:)?( Workflow[\w\\-]*)?(\n\n)?\s*check experimental\s*$ could work too?21:51
ianwbut be a bit less flexible21:51
clarkbjeblair: I am going to create new networks as /24 as well and do 10.0.[01234].0/2421:51
clarkbianw: ya  Ithink your global match is better21:51
clarkbwe are just slightly changing what is acceptable21:51
SpamapS\o/ looks like tripleo precise jobs are flowing again21:52
SpamapS99 tripleo patches on the wall.. 99 tripleo patches...21:52
jerryzclarkb:     "voting: false" is turning off the vote or disable the job?21:53
clarkbjerryz: that turns off the voting but the job still runs21:53
jerryzclarkb: that is what i was concerned about, because i don't want to waste my test resource on a patch definately to fail21:54
clarkbjerryz: right so you can use branch: regex to select which branch to run again21:55
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Gate on Postrgres in trove
sdaguemtreinish: well the advantage of going with 1.021:56
sdagueis that 2014.1 is definitely a bigger number than it21:56
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sdagueso if you want to move to that kind of release versioning later, it doesn't break people that compare versions21:57
sdagueand installer the bigger one21:57
mtreinishsdague: yeah that's a good point.21:58
jerryzclarkb: i don't get it. i mean is there an option like: branch: regex  running: false21:58
mtreinishbut I think I'll still send it out to the ML for opinions first.21:58
mtreinishIt doesn't hurt to wait a couple more days21:58
mtreinishbecause I'd rather not see things change once we decide on a scheme21:59
jerryzclarkb: sorry, i didn't look closely. now i get it22:00
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SpamapSHm..I still have 30 h1.large precise nodes on tripleo cloud r122:00
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SpamapSoh, but I have one h1.ci22:01
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clarkbok I cheated and used horizon to create the networks and thigns mostly because remembering all the stuff that is needed vs what isn't needed is hard and horizon draws a nice topology thing22:01
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clarkbbut we now have five /24 networks with external connectivity via Ext-Net22:01
clarkbgoing to propose a change to split up the network usage in nodepool now22:02
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove job compute-api-v2.0-wadl
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fungiSpamapS: yes, seems all filled of workingishness now22:03
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* fungi catches up on scrollback22:03
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Handle Workflow in comment matching
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fungiclarkb: no idea about 94601 (were you maybe asking about a different change than you pasted?)22:05
clarkbfungi: the find on static.o.o one22:05
clarkbsorry typing is hard22:06
clarkbSpamapS: why do we give your clouds two network ids?22:06
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clarkbI am tryin gto understand how we can use this with hpcloud and I am beginning to wonder if this will work the way I expect22:06
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clarkbfungi: ^ do you know?22:07
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SpamapSclarkb: because our baremetal nodes are on a special provider network22:08
derekh_clarkb: its because you are creating instances with 2 nics , one on the default network and the other on the test network (where it talks to the other VM's in the ci job)22:08
fungiclarkb: tested as closely as i can without actually modifying the cron job directly, yeah22:08
clarkbah ok so we are fine as we just have teh default22:08
clarkbfungi: great I will finish reviewing and approve once I finish this nodepool config update22:09
SpamapSclarkb: the testenv boxes are the ones running the heavy lifting / pxe boot vms .. and they're not on the 10.x network, they're on a 192.x flat network22:09
fungiclarkb: i did at least check to see what would get matched so we know what else is going to be deleted when it runs this weekend22:09
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anteayamorning mattoliverau22:09
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SpamapSderekh_: I thought the "test network" was required because the testenvs are baremetal, not vms, and that is a flat network. No?22:15
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SpamapSOk so now that we have CI flowing again, we also found that most of our F20 jobs were failing .. we've merged a fix, but we have to recheck basically everything..22:18
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SpamapSso, can has a queue clear for check-tripleo ?22:18
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use network specific hpcloud region-b providers
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: The process for making a Third-Party CI voting needs docs
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clarkbmordred_phone: jeblair fungi SergeyLukjanov et al ^22:19
clarkbnote I left the old region-b provider in place as I think that will avoid the bug we ran into yesterday22:19
clarkbI just remove it from providing node flavors22:19
clarkbthis change will also need to build new images so there will be a longer lag period22:20
jeblairclarkb: can we give them shorter names? :)22:20
clarkbjeblair: sure, what do you want to call them?22:20
clarkbb1, b2, etc?22:20
jeblairis 'region-b' still the right thing to call that?  i can never remember.22:20
clarkbyes they are all in region-b22:20
jeblairyeah, so i think "hpcloud-b1" gets all the interesting bits in there...22:21
derekh_SpamapS: maybe , I'm not sure it was required although iirc keeping both net's separate was preferred22:21
clarkbjeblair: ya, I can rename them to that22:21
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jeblairclarkb: (i'm mostly thinking about what the full hostname will look like :)22:22
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use network specific hpcloud region-b providers
clarkbjeblair: ^ renamed22:24
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SpamapSclarkb: who or how do I ask for a clear of the check-tripleo queue?22:27
clarkbSpamapS: uh22:27
clarkbyou want everything to be evicted?22:27
SpamapSwell if you have a way of saying "all of the patches that failed f20 checks already"22:27
clarkbor do you just need a few tests at the front?22:27
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jeblairSpamapS: would you mind writing the "zuul dequeue" command? :)22:27
SpamapSclarkb: that is 60 out of the 9722:28
SpamapSso a full flush is fine.22:28
clarkbSpamapS: I ask because we can't do that without restarting zuul22:28
clarkband so am trying to udnerstand what you really need22:28
SpamapSjeblair: I don't mind putting some time in to make this easier if you have a spec in mind. :)22:28
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SpamapSclarkb: so we had a bad patch making the f20 test fail..22:29
SpamapSclarkb: meanwhile all the precise nodes were dead because FAIL ..22:29
clarkbSpamapS: sure, so do we simply need to get the fix for f20 merged?22:29
SpamapSclarkb: now we have precise nodes catching up, but they have about 60 already failed f20's to get through, and those have to be rechecked again.22:29
SpamapSclarkb: fix is already merged22:29
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SpamapSactually I stand corrected, it is not merged yet.. is the fix22:30
SpamapSclarkb: so the fix will go in soon enough22:31
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jeblairSpamapS: you can push new patchsets for all the changes22:31
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fungiSpamapS: or, openstack-infra/zuul needs a patch adding the inverse of zuul/cmd/ added22:32
SpamapSjeblair: will that cancel in-progress CI?22:32
jeblairSpamapS: (and the dequeue command should mirror the existing enqueue command)22:32
jeblairSpamapS: yes22:32
SpamapSOr we could just let the queue flush out22:33
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fungiSpamapS: go take a nap and it will fix itself ;)22:33
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SpamapSyeah thats what I'm tempted to let happen22:33
SpamapSI will go to a Billy Joel concert and it will fix itself. :)22:33
fungithough a zuul dequeue command *would* be really useful, ftr22:33
jeblairfungi: ++22:33
* SpamapS clones zuul and takes a look22:34
jeblairSpamapS: i think you should write the dequeue command while at a billy joel concert.22:35
SpamapSjeblair: I'd rather laugh with the sinners than dequeue patches with the saints. The sinners are much more fun.22:35
SpamapSonly the good patches die young!22:35
clarkbmordred_phone: you don't happen to be around do you?22:36
clarkbI think it would be great to test this network stuff22:36
clarkbjeblair: fungi: thoughts on that? probably best to do it when we are not renaming projects22:36
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jeblairclarkb: no time like the present22:37
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jeblairoh i suppose i should formalize that with a +222:38
clarkbfungi: you too ^22:38
jesusaurusclarkb: jeblair: do we still want to try to merge that refactor today?22:38
clarkbfungi: I am approving your find changes now22:38
clarkbjesusaurus: it has my +222:38
clarkbif someone else reviews it I am happy to22:38
jesusaurusit currently has 2 +2's22:39
jeblairi'm around for about 1 more hour so i can't commit to being around to hit the revert button for that anymore22:39
fungiclarkb: just finished reviewing and lgtm, but i didn't actually use neutronclient to verify the net-ids22:40
jeblairclarkb: so... one more thing -- that's going to kick off 25 simultaneous image builds22:40
clarkbfungi: I copy pasta'd them and have a high degree of confidence they are correct22:40
clarkbjeblair: oh right, so maybe we hold off on jesusaurus' thing otherwise we may break all those uilds22:40
jeblairclarkb: we may want to reduce our overall max to 57022:41
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jeblairclarkb: well, we could use all those builds to test jesusaurus's thing :)22:41
clarkbjeblair: 114 max servers for eac?22:41
jeblairclarkb: yeah22:41
clarkbI can make that change22:41
jeblairclarkb: cool.  and hopefully after the image refactor we'll be back up to 60022:41
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use network specific hpcloud region-b providers
clarkbthere it is22:42
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clarkbjeblair: if this hpcloud thing goes well I am happy to be around to approve your change22:43
clarkber jesusaurus ^22:43
clarkbI just don't want to have too many pots on the stove22:43
jesusaurusokay, cool22:44
fungioh, heh, double-approved ;)22:44
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jeblairjesusaurus: i think we're still working out the logistics of this.  fwiw, i think it's totally cool if you show up and say "merge my change now!".  i think when we leave a comment in gerrit saying "ping us when you're ready" we're more or less ready to merge it whenever...22:45
anteayaso how many nodes to we have now?22:45
clarkbanteaya: ~370 more22:45
anteayathe graph has space for 150022:45
anteayayay for more22:46
clarkbbut if this works we will be killing off hpcloud 1.022:46
clarkband losing about that many22:46
anteayawhat was it before the 370 more?22:46
jeblairjesusaurus: basically trying to put you in the drivers seat as much as possible22:46
clarkbanteaya: I don't know the hard numbers22:46
anteayahpcloud 1.0 is az-1, -2, and -3 yes?22:46
clarkbanteaya: yes22:46
anteayak, I don't feel so bad for not knowing myself then22:46
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anteayapleia2: the docs look better now:
anteayaI needed to add an empty line before the bullet points began22:49
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added search icon to typeahead fields
jesusaurusjeblair: ah, okay. i was taking it more as a "we dont have time for this right now" because i don't think im in much of a position to debug nodepool if changing single_use_slave has an unforseen issue22:52
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pleia2anteaya: cool, thanks22:53
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jesusaurusjeblair: im pretty much ready whenever to watch zuul and puppetboard like a hawk22:55
clarkbjesusaurus: in particular the nodepool change relies on working jenkins puppet22:55
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Don't accept tasks for stopped managers
clarkbto build new slave images22:56
jesusaurusclarkb: yeah, i was dealing with similar issues a few days ago with hp's downstream nodepool + zuul deployment22:58
jesusaurusbut im still learning how all this works together22:58
jeblairjesusaurus: yeah, i think you may be being too nice and waiting for a nice quiet time for us to do it :).  it's probably better earlier in the day as it usually takes several hours for problems to manifest.  so the takeaway is: yell at us early and often.  :)22:58
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jesusaurusha, okay, i'll try to be louder earlier22:59
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anteayapleia2: thanks for spotting it22:59
jeblairclarkb, fungi: is a quick and dirty "fix" for the problems from this morning.22:59
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clarkbhrm a config pep8 is stuck in the gate so the nodepool config change isnt going through23:01
fungijeblair: clarkb: if we can get that merged too, i think we probably have reasons for nodepool and zuul restarts coincident with the gerrit restart for tomorrow's project renames23:01
* SpamapS is about to turn into a pumpkin23:02
jeblairfungi: ++23:02
clarkb++ I will review now23:02
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clarkbI am going to manually kill that pep8 job then reapprove that change23:04
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fungijeblair: i take it ProviderManager.submitTask() was just unused cruft?23:04
jeblairfungi: afaict23:04
jeblairi think the tests cover that enough to tell us23:04
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anteayamorning jhesketh23:06
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* anteaya hands SpamapS a glass shoe, just in case23:06
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jheskethhello anteaya23:07
jheskethdid I miss anything fun?23:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Update puppet-openstack gerritbot configuration
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add a dequeue command
SpamapSbibbety bobbety dequeue23:07
SpamapSI have _NO_ idea if that will work23:07
SpamapSbut it looks good to my layman eyes23:08
clarkbjeblair: fungi I approved te nodepool change23:08
lifelessclarkb: this is consistent23:08
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Use network specific hpcloud region-b providers
fungiSpamapS: yay!23:09
lifelessclarkb: its not consistent with *devstack*, but this isn't devstack.23:09
clarkbhere we go, should update in ~5 minutes23:09
clarkblifeless: its not consistent with any of the testing we do23:10
clarkblifeless: devstack or not its all from source23:10
lifelessso warning - I have some nasty lurgy and my brain is basically out of commission23:10
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Adding openstack-sdk-dotnet, openstack-cli-powershell, openstackclient, and python-openstacksdk to gerritbot config.
lifelessclarkb: install from . and install from published package test slightly different things23:11
davidlenwelllifeless:  nasty lurgy?23:11
anteayajhesketh: well nodepool was having an interesting time with hpcloud region-b today23:11
anteayayou were there for the start of our awareness around that23:11
lifelessclarkb: we strive for production equivalence, and the only things we install straight from ./git are those things that don't do releases.23:11
lifelessdavidlenwell: diarrhoea, nausea, fever, painful stomach bloat23:11
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Don't accept tasks for stopped managers
davidlenwelllifeless: conference plauge23:12
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add a dequeue command
lifelessdavidlenwell: other folk have reported the same symptoms?23:12
davidlenwelllifeless: I had them23:12
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lifelessdavidlenwell: ugh; hope you're better now, cause its a doozy23:12
anteayalifeless: this is the first conf in a long time I haven't been sick23:12
anteayalifeless: sorry to hear you are23:12
davidlenwelllifeless: I'm at the tail end .. only a flemmy cough remains23:13
davidlenwellI drank like 5 gallons of water in two days and slept a lot23:13
lifelesswhen I drink my stomach growls for like 10 minutes, its most unpleasant23:13
lifelessi'm just managing to force gastrolyte down23:13
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove old non-gz files in log archive maintenance
clarkblifeless: I'm not qute sure I grok what you intend to do with say nova23:14
clarkbsince it does releases but not pacakges23:14
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lifelessclarkb: it doesn't do releases often enough to be useful, so we install that (and other things in its category directly)23:16
lifelessclarkb: but everything else we take published releases23:16
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ArxCruzguys, I know you're from infra, but probably someone know about scheduler23:17
ArxCruzI have 4 nodes, one with twice the memory of the others23:17
anteayahey ArxCruz we missed you at summit23:17
ArxCruzand all vm's are being instantiated in this node, untill there's less ram available than the others23:17
anteayaParis dude, Paris23:17
ArxCruzanteaya: I will be in Paris for sure :)23:18
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ArxCruzthen we can drink a beer \o/23:18
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ArxCruzneed to follow sdague in the beer list23:18
ArxCruzanteaya: you know about scheduler? I need help, my vm's are being spawned only in the node with twice ram23:19
clarkbArxCruz: try nova?23:19
ArxCruzclarkb: nova-scheduler you mean?23:19
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anteayano, I don't know anything about scheduler, sorry23:20
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anteayahey openstackgerrit, come back23:20
clarkbArxCruz: I mean ask nova23:20
anteayajhesketh: these are kind of important:,n,z23:20
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ArxCruzclarkb: okay, thanks23:20
anteayajhesketh: since we will be renaming tomorrow/today depending on your pov23:20
jheskeththanks anteaya, I'll take a look23:20
anteayaso openstackgerrit left23:21
clarkbfungi: is puppet disabled on nodepool.o.o?23:21
clarkbhow does one check?23:21
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anteayaoh, there he is23:21
clarkbI really don't care for puppet agent --enable|disable23:21
clarkbI wish there was a more explicit way of denoting that23:21
fungiclarkb: hrm... looking23:22
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fungiclarkb: does not seem to be disabled because the minor tweaks i made to the max-servers for tripleo regions (to get nodepoold to create new provider objects for them) have been magically reverted as i hoped23:24
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clarkbmaybe puppet doesn't run as quickly as I expect23:24
fungiso probably just need to wait23:24
clarkbthe new region b providers are there now23:24
clarkbimages are building23:24
clarkband nodes are attached to my new networks23:25
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anteayaSergeyLukjanov: this needs another patchset:
anteayayou had barbican in your fingers in the blazar patchset23:31
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clarkbstill building images23:34
anteayaso we have russellb's scripts:
anteayado we run and publish them anywhere?23:39
anteayarussellb publishes them on his server, but they haven't been updated in a while and I don't want to bug him, he is a bit busy23:40
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clarkbwe dont23:42
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add a dequeue command
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add oslo.db to the devstack gate
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SpamapSOk.. so.. can we talk about check-tripleo and precise nodes?23:44
SpamapSI only see 5 running slaves23:44
SpamapSBut I see 30 ACTIVE nodes on r123:45
anteayaclarkb: k23:46
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anteayaI'm going to pack it in for the night23:49
anteayag'night see y'all tomorrow23:49
pleia2night anteaya23:49
clarkbSpamapS: r1 is hp?23:49
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clarkbor is that rh1?23:50
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clarkbSpamapS: most of the nodes I see are in a building state23:51
clarkbwhich would explain why they are not being used for tests23:51
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SpamapSr1 == hp yes23:53
SpamapSclarkb: Ok, how long do we time out from building?23:53
clarkbSpamapS: I am not sure, and it does vary23:54
SpamapSclarkb: I have nodes that have been ACTIVE for 24+ hours23:54
clarkboh I don't think the ones I have are that old23:54
SpamapS| updated                              | 2014-05-21T16:08:26Z                                                                     |23:54
SpamapSnever got a floating ip23:54
clarkbthe oldest nodes I see are 6 hours old23:54
SpamapSclarkb: so that UUID, you don't have it listed?23:55
clarkblet me serach by name23:56
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jeblairnova has this habit of returning errors and then creating instances anyway23:56
clarkbnothing by name either23:56
SpamapSclarkb: so maybe I just need to nova delete that one?23:56
jeblairit's pretty much impossible to keep proper accounting in that kind of situation23:56
SpamapSI have 28 more tripleo-precise-tripleo-test nodes that have no floating ip23:57
SpamapSI suspect those are all things that nodepool thought were failed23:57
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Removed tabs, changed to four spaces.
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SpamapSthe fun part is that is eating away at nodepool's quota23:59
clarkbjeblair: (stats_counts.nodepool.launch.provider.hpcloud-b*.ready is that not a valid glob in graphite? I a mgetting no data23:59
SpamapSbut nodepool doesn't know it exists23:59
ianwdoes anyone know if there's an existing bug about tempest.thirdparty.boto.test_ec2_instance_run.InstanceRunTest.test_compute_with_volumes failures ... not seeing one ( is the log output)23:59

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