Wednesday, 2015-11-04

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SamYapleasalkeld: We shall soon have multinode (in a single node) gating.... mwahaha!00:20
SamYaplei smell a talk for the next summit00:20
SamYapleive got it all worked out locally00:20
asalkeldother teams could use that00:20
asalkeldone way to sell kolla as a devstack replacement00:21
SamYaplei just launched 6 "nodes" locally00:21
asalkeld(for the gate)00:21
SamYapleusing OVS (so it should even be able to test DVR)00:21
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SamYaplewhats very interesting about the gates is that they could be done one of two ways, everyone building master (time is clearly not the issue here) or the same way as devstack with a cached version for hours or days ago00:23
SamYapleeveryone building master would be the best for finding breakage... but also the best at breaking :)00:23
asalkeldwell most projects could get away with only rebuilding their own image and having old images for other services00:25
SamYapleyea thats what they do right now with devstack to a degree, i think00:25
asalkeldan even more agressive approach is to have a pool of running kolla openstacks and just update the services that have changed00:26
asalkeldmuch faster00:26
SamYapleyes. that is an idea. i like it00:27
SamYaplewould have to find a way to decontamitane the services (drop the db and all00:27
asalkeldyip, could get messy00:27
SamYaplenot sure how well it would work for all projects00:27
SamYaplebut you are right, much faster00:27
SamYaplei only worry about not building the images all together because of dependacies00:28
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asalkeldi see you not the only one to spell dependencies wrong ;)00:30
SamYaplei speel all hte stuff wrong00:30
asalkeldyar, write a spec and you too will start feeling all sensitive about it :-(00:32
SamYapleyea i dont know whats up with that. but it is what it is00:32
SamYaplesmall price to pay i suppose00:33
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openstackgerritAngus Salkeld proposed openstack/kolla: Spec: Deploy Kolla images using Mesos
asalkeldhopefully the last update ^00:35
SamYaplei would prefer to see specification spelled out00:35
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SamYapleasalkeld: if you were wondering how i was going to do the dind stuff.... this beauty will be a part of the equation01:07
SamYapledocker ps -a --no-trunc | awk '/kolla_*/ {print $1}' | xargs -n1 sh -c "btrfs su li -a /var/lib/docker | sed -e 's|<FS_TREE>|/var/lib|g' | awk '{print \$(NF)}' | xargs -n1 -I{} echo btrfs su sn {} /var/lib/docker/btrfs/subvolumes/\$1{}" sh01:07
SamYaplethis avoids the need for a registry :)01:08
SamYaplei just snap all the built images into the new docker containers01:08
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SamYapleno extra used space :D01:08
asalkeldso have you thought more on the custom script stuff?01:09
SamYapleyea what blueprint are we doing tha work under?01:09
SamYapleill throw up a patch01:09
asalkeldmmm, not sure01:10
SamYaplelet me know and ill throw something up01:10
asalkeldcool, happy to help01:10
SamYapleshould be clean01:10
SamYapleill throw up whats in my head and you can take it away from there to make it what you need01:10
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SamYaplecollaboration yay01:10
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asalkeldshould just be able to override "load_config()"01:13
asalkeldbut probably means passing in the config type and ZK adress into the ENV01:14
SamYapleor we can just pass in config.json in an env variable01:14
SamYapleacross the board01:14
SamYaplemaybe that wont work01:15
asalkeldyeah, what ever works01:15
asalkeldsource: {{ container_config_directory }} could point to zk://<ip/path01:20
SamYaplethat was my thoughts on implementation01:20
asalkeldi am cool with  that01:20
SamYapleyou are welcome to put up a patch for that if you want. you dont have to wait on me01:21
SamYaplejust add me as a reviewer if you do01:21
SamYapleotherwise ill do it, i just dont want to hold you up asalkeld01:21
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asalkelddag that is a lot of start.yml 's to add KOLLA_CONFIG=<> to01:35
SamYapleyea im actually working on improving that01:36
SamYapleim going to remove the non DRY declerations from that01:36
SamYapleasalkeld: maybe you can reuse the CONFIG_STRATAGEY variable01:37
SamYapleright now it is COPY_ONCE and COPY_ALWAYS01:37
SamYaplemaybe a zookeeper flag to branch?01:37
SamYapleitll be the quickest patch to testing anyway01:38
asalkeldsteve what's that maintained01:38
SamYaplewell for testing you can override it before you do all that extra work01:39
SamYaplebut I am going to remove alot of that duplication01:39
SamYapleits a pita01:39
kklimondahi.. kolla on atomic/coreos, is this something that has been considered, and decided not to pursue, or just no one had time to test and develop it?01:40
SamYaplekklimonda: harmw did stuff with that01:40
SamYaplewe have considered it, its a timing thing01:40
SamYaplewe have actually architected alot of stuff _around_ planning for atomic type systems01:41
kklimondamhm, and how well does kolla support neutron plugins? After doing my current openstack deployment with contrail, I've started thinking about how to make it less.. messy, started looking at containers + coreos/atomic as an alternative, and then coworker mentioned kolla - I've just started digging through your repo, but it's getting late, so I've decided to throw some quick questions on irc :)01:46
kklimondahow well does it support neutron plugins, or even how much work do you anticipate it would take to get that into kolla01:46
SamYaplethere have been some efforts around that01:47
SamYaplewe dont expect much trouble, just integration is a pain01:47
SamYaplepain to agree on*01:48
SamYaplepersonally at my house I use SR-IOV in a little fork01:48
kklimondamhm, I guess I'll start lurking about, and deploy "vanilla" stuff that kolla comes with, to see how it goes01:49
SamYaplesounds good :)01:49
SamYaplewe are in a big documentation improvement push so feel free to ask question01:50
kklimondathanks, what about doing OS upgrades n->n+1? is this something you've tested, and if so, which version should I start with, and upgrade to? kilo->liberty, juno->kilo?01:52
openstackgerritAngus Salkeld proposed openstack/kolla: WIP: Add support for loading kolla config from ENV
openstackgerritAngus Salkeld proposed openstack/kolla: WIP: add support for copying files from a "zk://" source
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SamYaplekklimonda: the only branch you should be using right now is liberty, that is kolla 1.0.0 release01:52
asalkeldSamYaple: ^ totally not tested, just to share01:52
SamYapleasalkeld: will review01:53
asalkeldhaha, could be totally lazy and use:
asalkeldmount zookeeper02:09
SamYapleyea i dont think fuse comes with any bloat02:10
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Add Docker in Docker container
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* asalkeld now paying for getting "free" giveaways at summit "the spam begins..."04:33
openstackgerritRyan Hallisey proposed openstack/kolla: Fix RHEL builds
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SamYapleWAKE UP04:33
SamYaplei did food. back to dind gate04:39
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Add Docker in Docker container
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Adjust gate btrfs setup
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SamYaplesdake: ping05:49
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Remove unused
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Restrucutre gate scripts
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Deploy multinode in gate
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Deploy multinode in gate
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Adjust package name for Ubuntu Ironic
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Deploy multinode in gate
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Deploy multinode in gate
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openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Add Ansible support for Magnum
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Add Docker in Docker container
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Remove unused
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Restrucutre gate scripts
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Adjust gate btrfs setup
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Deploy multinode in gate
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Deploy multinode in gate
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Deploy multinode in gate
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Use default disk image size for centos/7
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openstackgerritRyan Hallisey proposed openstack/kolla: Fix RHEL builds
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inc0good afternoon16:27
pbourkehi inc016:28
pbourkeinc0: do you find images slow to build in poland?16:28
pbourkeim wondering is there some way of tweaking package sources to speed things up16:28
inc0I haven't been building for a moment, I'm kinda swamped16:29
inc0let me try now16:29
pbourkemeh, dont worry about it16:29
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nihiliferwhen we have a meeting today?16:32
inc0I guess16:32
inc0I'll be semi afk16:32
britthou_I think now? looks like defcore meeting is still running in openstack-meeting-416:33
inc0no, in one hr16:33
nihiliferI see on wiki that 16:30 UTC16:33
nihilifernow it's 16:33 UTC ;)16:33
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inc0my calendar says in 1hour16:35
inc0but well, that might be due to time change16:35
inc0gosh I hate daylight savings16:35
nihiliferthat daylight save change is so confusing...16:35
britthouserI like daylight savings, not a big fan of daylight spending16:36
inc0badum tss;)16:36
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britthouserLooks like defcore meeting (in openstack-meeting-4) started their meeting at 16:00UTC, but they are scheduled to start at 15:00UTC.  I think everyone is suffering from time change. =)16:48
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nihilifertheir meeting ended17:14
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rhalliseyno sdake huh?17:30
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rhalliseyI can run the meeting if he's not around.  But are people here?17:31
rhalliseyinc0, pbourke you guys around?17:31
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bmacepb was about 40 mins ago.17:32
rhalliseywere kinda an hour off UTC here..17:32
rhalliseykinda would like to do some mitaka BP planning..17:33
rhalliseyday light saving may have gotten the best of us here17:33
bmaceyeah, there were a couple of kollaclient things we wanted to bring up too, to see how folks felt about it.17:33
rhalliseySamYaple, around?17:34
nihiliferyep, I also wanted to discuss some Mitaka BPs17:34
nihiliferasalkeld: you here?17:34
rhalliseybmace, I don't know mow much discussion we can get since looks like we only have 3 here atm17:35
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bmaceyeah, i appreciate that, looks like the 2nd consecutive weekly meeting skip (same happened the week before tokyo)17:36
rhalliseythis one I think was a bit more important since we clearly have some things that need to be discussed17:36
nihiliferok, it seems that asalkeld and inc0 are not here, so no point in discussing Mesos17:36
inc0nihilifer, I'm here, but Angus is in AUS, so it's late night for him17:37
inc0let's meet tomorrow morning17:37
nihiliferinc0: ok17:38
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rhalliseybmace, ok sorry I guess we will just have to mention it to sdake when he's around17:39
bmaceyeah, sdake and i had talked about the issues already, we just wanted to pass them by a larger audience.  next week i guess.17:39
bmacehopefully :)17:40
rhalliseyI guess we will blame to time change :(17:40
bmacewell, regardless if it was now or an hour ago, a bunch of folks aren't around17:40
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pbourkerhallisey: missed your notification there17:45
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pbourkeassumed the meeting was not happening17:45
rhalliseypbourke, well I was going to run it if we had enough people aorund17:45
pbourkewhats the deal with daylight savings though, it should have been an hour ago right?17:45
rhalliseyya it should've been, but someone else made the same mistake17:46
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v1k0d3nNo guest IP was given to the Vagrant core NFS helper. This is an17:52
v1k0d3ninternal error that should be reported as a bug.”17:52
v1k0d3nhello everyone. i tried to run the vagrant demo for kolla today, and got an error. "17:52
v1k0d3ncrap...well that came out wrong. haha17:52
v1k0d3nline 3 before line 1. anyway, is that a vagrant specific error or has anyone seen this error before?17:52
pbourkev1k0d3n: recommend you set provider to virtualbox in the Vagrantfile17:52
nihiliferv1k0d3n: hello17:52
pbourkev1k0d3n: unless you have experience using vagrant-libvirt and nfs17:52
v1k0d3nhi...sorry for that garbage dump :)17:53
v1k0d3nah, i was going to do that, but when i did a vagrant status it showed virtualbox by default so assumed i was good.17:53
v1k0d3ni will do that!17:53
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openstackgerritHui Kang proposed openstack/kolla: Add error handler for unknown build type
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openstackgerritHui Kang proposed openstack/kolla: Add error handler for unknown build type
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guruMeditatorGreetings. I am attempting to deploy a Compute node with Neutron that has multiple provider networks. Each provider network is on a different interface. I see that the Neutron external interface is defined with "neutron_external_interface". Is it possible to accomplish this?19:35
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diogogmtanybody knows what is the status on the ansible 2.0 integration?
diogogmtdid everything get migrated to ansible 2.0 or is it still recomended to use 1.9?19:37
rhalliseyguruMeditator, I haven't tried this personally, SamYaple might know, but he's sleeping atm19:43
guruMeditatorThanks rhallisey19:46
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diogogmtanybody has been using the vagrant file form the kolla repo to provision dev environments?
diogogmtis it up to date?20:00
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rhalliseydiogogmt, ya I'm pretty sure it's solid20:04
rhalliseyI haven't used it though20:04
rhalliseymandre or pbourke primary work on it20:04
rhalliseybut I believe it's in good shape20:05
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diogogmtrhallisey: ok, i’m giving it a try now20:05
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diogogmtrhallisey: mandre pbourke : i’ve noticed that only the vagrant libvirt provider supports nfs, any particular reason for it? can i enable nfs for virtual box providers as well? i’m running on a mac an  i usually prefer to use nfs instead of vboxsharing20:11
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nihiliferdiogogmt: it should work20:28
rhalliseyI think this was brought up earlier20:29
diogogmtnihilifer: ok, after i finish the first deployment with vboxshared folders i’ll change to nfs and see how it goes20:30
nihiliferdiogogmt: sure. if nfs on virtualbox will work, then probably we should enable it by default20:33
nihiliferI use libvirt everywhere, so it'd be hard for me to test it today :/20:33
diogogmtnihilifer: makes sense, if it works on my local i’ll open a pull request with the change20:37
diogogmtbtw, do you use vagrant on linux with libvirt?20:37
diogogmtor mac?20:37
nihiliferwith kvm20:41
nihiliferI don't know whether compiling/running libvirt is possible on mac20:42
nihiliferat all20:42
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v1k0d3nhey this image has been building for a long, long time. finally finished with the following...very non-descriptive errors: INFO:__main__:Images that failed to build20:55
v1k0d3nERROR:__main__:gnocchi-a Failed with status: parent_error20:55
v1k0d3nERROR:__main__:gnocchi-b Failed with status: error20:56
v1k0d3nthis was in the vagrant environment...within the vm. any ideas?20:56
rhalliseyv1k0d3n, gnocchi doesn't work20:58
rhalliseyso don't worry about it20:58
v1k0d3nawesome. forgotten already! :)20:58
inc0I personally think we should remove it from codebase21:00
inc0it's obviously not supported21:00
inc0that being said, we want to have full tent21:01
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v1k0d3nmakes sense21:06
v1k0d3nso ansible is bringing up the environment ultimately. are you guys planning on possibly using kubernetes as a  deployment and scheduling options?21:07
v1k0d3nor something like k8s?21:07
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v1k0d3nthis is the first time i have looked at kolla and farthest i've ever gotten with it. the project has my full attention though...i'm fascinated with this project! :)21:08
inc0v1k0d3n, we tried k8s but it doesn't have features we need21:11
inc0like net=host21:11
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inc0however, if you look at latest openstack-dev post about kolla, there is lenghty discussion about mesos21:11
v1k0d3nso i guess mesos makes's a generic scheduler. is that why?21:12
inc0well, marathon does support deployment with stuff like net=host21:12
v1k0d3ncouldn't kubernetes issues be opened to included net=host?21:12
inc0I think they are, not sure tho, not my center of interest;)21:12
inc0anyway, that blocks us, mesos has it implemented21:13
inc0and for now our main way of deployment is ansible, and it will stay this way for now21:13
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v1k0d3nwhat if i can pay them in beer to make this happen. would that work then, or are there other missing features?21:14
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v1k0d3nsurely their immediate team isn't so large that a few east coast brews can't adjust some work priorities, right?21:16
inc0well, I also heard about issues with privileged containers21:16
inc0still, I guess I don't really know if it solves any immediate problem;)21:17
v1k0d3neh, no they caved on that one21:17
v1k0d3nthockin was pretty upset about it though from what i was reading in the previous issues lists21:17
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inc0hey asalkeld what are you doing on such...horrible hour to be awake on?21:23
v1k0d3ninc0: is there an example for all-in-one for kolla? looking through does...seems to reference devstack for that information maybe?21:24
v1k0d3ni understand devstack, but seems a little different with the flags/format etc.21:24
v1k0d3noh crap...i think i did it wrong actually21:26
v1k0d3nthat build was a big waste lol! i logged into the vagrant host and performed a tools/, rather than kolla-build i guess?21:27
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v1k0d3ntrying to figure out if i use the vagrant up approach, if i need to still modify /etc/kolla/global.yaml or not21:29
v1k0d3nwelp guess so21:29
inc0tbh I never used vagrant21:30
inc0I always deployed it by hand and it works quite well21:30
v1k0d3nby hand in a vm for testing?21:30
inc0by "by hand" I mean using ansible-playbook command21:31
nihiliferinc0: v1k0d3n: k8s seems to support net=host, pid=host now. but well, mesos supported it earlier. first come, first served :)21:33
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nihiliferv1k0d3n: about vagrant, you shouldn't gave to modify global.yaml21:35
nihiliferthere is no difference between running tools/ and kolla-build21:36
v1k0d3nnihilifer: awe come on now!? k8s has so much momentum right now21:36
v1k0d3nperhaps consider this?21:36
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nihiliferumm... is this about ACI? and then more related to rkt than docker?21:40
v1k0d3nnot from what i understand. there are sub-sections that i think are more specific to the way orchestration components tie into each other. a modular framework effort.21:41
nihiliferok, I'll take a look on it21:42
v1k0d3nCNI is interesting...coming up with a standard interface in which things like weave, flannel, etc etc would be pluggable into the k8s or mesos overall architecture.21:42
v1k0d3nbut this may simplify it for teams providing containerized applications. so kolla wouldn't have to choose between one or another. the dependancies would be just part of the modular framework.21:43 least in the vagrant envionment...there are complaints about globals.yaml (interface information was incorrect). do i need to change this?21:45
v1k0d3nfatal: [localhost] => {'msg': "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: One or more undefined variables: 'dict object' has no attribute u'ansible_eth1'", 'failed': True}21:45
v1k0d3neth1 is probably the culprit?21:46
v1k0d3nno its the slow user who forgot to "sudo kolla-ansible deploy" sorry for my ignorant moment.21:47
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v1k0d3nok no it's still there....21:50
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inc0yeah, it happends from time to time21:51
inc0can't remember solution from top of my head21:51
inc0apart of adding enable_haproxy: no to global.yml21:51
inc0so no ha deployment21:51
inc0but if you do aio that shouldn't be an issue21:52
inc0SamYaple, around?21:52
v1k0d3nyeah this is AIO21:52
asalkeldinc0: it's nearly 8am21:52
inc0ah, daylight savings I guess21:53
inc0v1k0d3n, add enable_haproxy: no to global.yml21:53
inc0that should be quick and dirty way to solve it21:53
v1k0d3nok, let me try. does this stay the same? kolla_internal_address: ""21:54
v1k0d3nthat's default...has nothing to do with my network though :)21:54
inc0good point21:54
inc0change it to your normal ip addr21:55
inc0if you'd do HA deployment - this would be your keepalived floating ip21:55
v1k0d3nwell that case then..the interfaces are off too.21:55
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inc0well, ifaces should be your own ifaces21:56
inc0that was probably root cause of problem;)21:56
v1k0d3nok, that's cool...and makes sense.21:56
v1k0d3nso globals.yaml definitely needs a little tweaking.21:57
v1k0d3ni want to blog about this a little.21:57
inc0to be fair - it's all in quickstart doc;)21:57
v1k0d3nwouldn't mind seeing what you guys are doing with the mesos side as well.21:57
v1k0d3nso if i can run mesos and k8s side by side happily...i want to try it.21:57
inc0our plan is to have kolla-ansible, kolla-mesos, maybe kolla-k8s21:58
inc0and so on21:58
v1k0d3ni know...i can't say anything against the me to this point so in my book it's freaking amazing! :D21:58
v1k0d3ndude...i would love to help with this!21:58
inc0its all in community21:58
v1k0d3nif there's anything i can do to help with kolla-k8s please let me know21:58
inc0I'm sure mesos guys would love to have help:)21:58
v1k0d3nand i know that nzwulfin from atomic is interested too. we talked about it this morning21:59
inc0about kolla-k8s21:59
inc0you would need to confirm that k8s has all the pieces needed22:00
v1k0d3nso i get this straight...eth0 in globals.yaml is the address i want to ACCESS from the AIO interface is that correct?22:00
inc0then we would need to brainstorm way to generate configs, that will be tricky22:00
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v1k0d3ninc0: i agree...i can talk with the k8s folks and try and get support for this.22:00
inc0in globals.yml there are 2 ifaces22:00
v1k0d3nthere are a couple of other folks interested in this effort too (from a k8s perspective). i think it would get a lot of support.22:00
v1k0d3nso change both to the same for AIO?22:01
inc0network_interface: "eth0" this one should have ip22:01
inc0no, neutron has to have it's own interface22:01
inc0you need at least 2 interfaces to deploy kolla22:01
inc0one for endpoints and such, another one for neutron22:01
nihiliferyes, and if you're running on vagrant, you should have these 2 interfaces22:02
v1k0d3nah, yes...i do22:02
nihiliferand if you say that there are some people interested in running kola on k8s22:03
nihiliferand they can help with implementation22:03
inc0v1k0d3n, about kolla-k8s - the way we see it is more like "you want it- you implement it"22:04
v1k0d3nbut i understand22:04
inc0didnt mean it this way22:04
nihilifernot harsh, that's what I wanted to write22:04 know22:04
nihilifergo ahead with registering blueprint with k8s22:04
inc0we have plenty on our table right now;)22:04
nihiliferif you have people which can help with it22:04
v1k0d3nno, i get it totally.22:04
v1k0d3neveryone has plenty on their table right now.22:05
v1k0d3ni completely understand.22:05
inc0I'll be happy to provide reviews and guidance, but I'll be frank - not top of my priority list;)22:05
v1k0d3nso i work for large telecom. huge. you know...bought a tv comp recently.22:05
nihiliferthe question is how much time you have for playing with kolla and k8s22:05
v1k0d3nwe have a LOT of old school thinking around here.22:05
inc0so if you want to do implementation, sure, follow kolla-mesos example22:05
nihiliferand especially whether some of you would like work full time on it22:05
inc0that means creating new repo and such22:06
v1k0d3nthe benefit of OS in an orchestrated environment is huge. esp for blue/green deployments.22:06
inc0our main goal is to support 100ish node cluster22:06
v1k0d3nthing is, people have old mindsets...that will never work, why would you ever do that, etc etc. i'm trying to prove out that this can be done, and it actually may be a good idea.22:06
inc0(but with option to deploy huge clusters as well)22:06
inc0but 100 is our priority as it's what most people have22:07
inc0and ansible works in this scale22:07
inc0v1k0d3n, look closely what kolla-mesos will do, you might find allies there22:08
inc0and mesos might meet your requirements just as good as k8s22:08
inc0if you think mesos will be good alternative to k8s, I'd suggest you investing your time to help them22:09
inc0this way you can make this approach work better instad of adding new one22:09
inc0(also would make core team job whole lot easier;) just one new orchiestrator at the time)(22:09
inc0but we're free community and we want to keep our minds as open as possible, so if you want to experiment with k8s, I won't stop you, I'll even encourage you to make a poc or whatever;)22:10
inc0anyway, after this lenghty monologue, I'm going off;)22:11
inc0have a good night folks22:11
nihilifergood night22:11
inc0v1k0d3n, have fun with our project;)22:11
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asalkelddoes any know if it would be possible to use anisble (in kolla) to just generate the configuration (stuff that goes under /etc)22:12
asalkeld(so, don't do the deployment22:13
nihiliferasalkeld: config files are generated by tasks in config.yml of each role22:14
nihiliferso probably if we tag the specific tasks22:15
nihiliferand run ansible only with this tag22:15
nihiliferthat can work22:15
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asalkeldnihilifer: ok22:22
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asalkeldnihilifer: it would make for a lot less work in kolla-mesos if we can do that22:23
diogogmtnihilifer: quick question, if i want to submit a pull request to kolla, do i branch off from master and submit the pr to the github repo?22:24
diogogmtif you have a document explaining the dev flow that would be helpful as well22:24
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asalkeldo, that's for docs22:27
asalkelddigging up the right thing22:27
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asalkelddiogogmt: ^22:28
diogogmtasalkeld: thanks, i’ll check it out22:28
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v1k0d3nnihilifer: there a way to clean and rerun kolla-ansible deploy? seems like i'm getting db errors and wondering if rerunning or cleaning would help.22:32
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diogogmtasalkeld: based on the doc you sent do i need to create a blueprint if i want to submit a patch for a non bug? in my case i just want to submit a pull request to update the Vagrantfile22:39
diogogmtshould i create a blueprint?22:40
asalkelddiogogmt: for kolla, only if it is a really big change22:49
asalkeldi'd assume not though22:49
diogogmtasalkeld: exactly, it is just a small change22:50
diogogmtasalkeld: which flow would you suggest i follow?22:50
asalkelddiogogmt: i'd just do a "git review" with a good explaination of the change22:51
diogogmtasalkeld: so for small changes do i need to branch out or can i commit straight to master?22:53
asalkeldyou can use master, but try a little branch - they are easy22:54
asalkeldkeeping your master clean of local changes is a good practise, and makes your life easier22:54
SamYaplesdake_: ping22:56
diogogmtasalkeld: ok, just want to make sure i’m following whatever flow the community already uses22:57
diogogmtthanks buddy22:57
asalkeldno problem22:57
v1k0d3nis there any way to avoid this error? TASK: [mariadb | Creating haproxy mysql user] ********************************* \ "msg": "unable to connect to database, check login_user and login_password are correct or ~/.my.cnf has the credentials. Exception message: (2013, 'Lost connection to MySQL server at \\'reading initial communication packet\\', system error: 0 \"Internal error/check (Not system error)\"')"23:06
v1k0d3ni added / enable_haproxy: "no" / as inc0 recommended.23:07
SamYaplev1k0d3n: that error has nothing to do with haproxy since it doesnt go through haproxy23:13
SamYaplethats just creating a dumb user in myself to verify functionality23:13
SamYaplehow many nodes is this v1k0d3n ?23:14
v1k0d3njust testing for now...exploring.23:14
SamYaplewhat are the logs for the mariadb container?23:14
v1k0d3nah. interesting23:15
v1k0d3n151104 23:12:06 [ERROR] Can't start server: listen() on TCP/IP port: Address already in use23:15
v1k0d3nso...globals.yaml config error?23:15
SamYaple`ss -plnt` and look for whats listening on the port23:15
SamYapleit sounds like you have mysql running on the machine23:15
SamYapleoutside of kolla23:15
SamYapleunless you changed the default port23:15
bmace+1 to that SamYaple23:15
bmacepretty common23:15
SamYaplevbel is writing some checks to ensure that doesnt happen23:16
SamYapleshoot i missed the meeting today23:17
SamYaplemy time is all out of whack23:17
v1k0d3nso nothing on the host machine is listening on 330623:17
v1k0d3nhowever...within kolla vagrant guest 3306 is still running.23:18
bmaceyou weren't the only one Sam :)23:18
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bmacei think there was another group having their meeting in our slot23:18
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SamYaplev1k0d3n: I don't know much about vagrant, but if you can identify the process running and binding 3306 you can shut it down23:19
SamYapless -plnt will give you the pid23:19
v1k0d3nrunning in OSX...but there is nothing running on port 3306 at all23:19
SamYapleit would be whatever is binding the port on the host docker is running on (be if VM or otherwise)23:20
SamYaplesomething is using it, ss will tell you what so you can stop it23:20
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SamYaplealternatively i suppose you could just change the port number23:20
v1k0d3nso i had to rerun the ansible deploy a couple of times23:21
v1k0d3nis there a way to clean and rerun?23:21
bmacekill / rm all the containers then re-run?23:21
v1k0d3n3306 is definitely running inside the host...but i believe it was brought up by a previous kolla-ansible deploy. could that be the case?23:21
SamYapleyes i suppose23:22
SamYaplewe recommend a full clean before reruns23:22
bmacedue to the container naming it shouldn't really be possible to have 2 db containers running on the same host..23:22
SamYapleyoure right, but the bootstrap process would break bmace23:22
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v1k0d3nSamYaple: good to know about full cleans. i figured there had to be a way...didn't realize it would be as easy as just flushing all the containers and deleting (makes sense though)23:24
SamYaplethere should be a tool for that23:25
SamYaplecleanup-containers I believe23:25
SamYaplesome people use it all the time, im not one of them but others say it works23:25
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v1k0d3ni completely agree. the whole docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) / docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) ...23:26
v1k0d3nis getting old. why should we still have to type all of that?23:27
v1k0d3ntrying deploy, this is frustrating...23:27
v1k0d3noh my!23:27
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v1k0d3ndoing that command just borked my running registry container!23:28
v1k0d3nwhat an idiot.23:28
v1k0d3ni'm sitting here laughing at myself at how dumb that was.23:28
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bmaceyeah, when doing the stop / rm it is good to also use the distro property name so that you only nuke the kolla specific containers23:29
SamYaplev1k0d3n: it shouldnt have23:29
SamYapleit has an explicit list of things to stop23:29
v1k0d3nok...didn't see that.23:30
v1k0d3njust started playing with this today.23:30
v1k0d3none of those tools start up the local registry again? :D23:30
v1k0d3nlesson learned...don't do it manually with the "docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)" command23:31
SamYaplethats my bash_aliases file23:32
SamYaplei run kolla_reset23:33
SamYapleyou might be able to tweak it to do what you want23:33
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SamYaplepbourke: ping23:41
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Deploy multinode in gate
SamYapleasalkeld: did you ever determine the size of the zookeeper client?23:42
asalkeldSamYaple: it's just a python client "kazoo"23:42
SamYaple121kB might be just a bit too large for us23:43
SamYaplei would recommend the packaged versions of kazoo (if they exist) otherwise we would have to install pip in the base container23:44
SamYaplethats a bit more of a refactor23:44
SamYaplein the opposite direction23:44
asalkeldSamYaple: i am trying to run kolla ansible to just generate the services config (stuff that gets into the bind mount eventually)23:49
asalkeldso i started by tagging one of the config.yml23:49
asalkeldi get this: ERROR: merge_configs is not a legal parameter in an Ansible task or handler23:50
diogogmtasalkeld: i keep getting this error when connecting to gerrit:
diogogmtany thoughts?23:50
SamYapleasalkeld: merge_configs is a module i wrote23:50
SamYapleadd that to your library directory next to roles23:50
asalkeldSamYaple: i am runing kolla ansible23:51
asalkeldmaybe filtering by tag is stopping this getting setup?23:51
SamYapleno, that sounds like you are missing a file or your directories are out of what23:51
asalkelddiogogmt: try "git review -s"23:51
SamYapleyou should check that 'kolla/ansible/library/' exists23:52
asalkeldthat's the only change i have23:52
asalkeld file ansible/library/merge_configs.py23:53
asalkeldansible/library/ Python script, ASCII text executable23:53
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diogogmtasalkeld: i did, i keep getting this error:
SamYapleweird indeed. try running the ansible command directly asalkeld , from the kolla/ansible folder23:54
asalkeldok SamYaple thanks23:54
asalkelddiogogmt: do you have out going ssh blocked?23:55
asalkeldseems to exist:
asalkelddiogogmt: grep -A2 gitreview ~/.gitconfig23:57
asalkeldusername = asalkeld23:57
asalkeld(so you don't keep getting asked for your username)23:58
diogogmtasalkeld: i never had a problem like that before, maybe i’ll try the https setting instead23:59
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Deploy multinode in gate

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