15:06:06 <johnthetubaguy> #startmeeting XenAPI
15:06:07 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jul  2 15:06:06 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is johnthetubaguy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:06:08 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:06:10 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'xenapi'
15:06:40 <BobBall> I'm about 2 seconds ahead of the reminder even though I'm 5 minutes late for the meeting johnthetubaguy :)
15:06:50 <johnthetubaguy> lol
15:06:54 <johnthetubaguy> hows things?
15:06:59 <BobBall> good good
15:07:05 <BobBall> and you?
15:07:10 <johnthetubaguy> not too bad thanks
15:07:15 <johnthetubaguy> #topic CI
15:07:22 <johnthetubaguy> hows the CI world?
15:07:42 <BobBall> stopped listening to gerrit events over the w/e
15:07:44 <johnthetubaguy> (I actually have some updates this week...)
15:07:45 <BobBall> not sure why
15:07:56 <BobBall> (it just couldn't connect to gerrit)
15:08:04 <BobBall> so it might have been a temporary network thing
15:08:15 <johnthetubaguy> hmm, you have hardcoded the IP right, I tried using the hostname
15:08:21 <BobBall> but apart from that we're all good
15:08:31 <BobBall> interesting threads on the ml though
15:08:50 <BobBall> about whether we can combine results in gerrit or mandate the use of zuul+jenkins
15:09:09 <johnthetubaguy> oh, I probably missed those, on the main dev rather than tagged nova I guess?
15:09:18 <BobBall> yeah
15:09:50 <BobBall> there's lost of traffic on CIs atm
15:10:43 <BobBall> Topic was '3rd Party CI vs. Gerrit'
15:10:57 <johnthetubaguy> OK, cool
15:11:05 <BobBall> Have a butchers
15:11:20 <BobBall> but I suspect it'll mean that we need to move towards gerrit
15:11:24 <BobBall> -gerrit+zuul
15:11:28 <BobBall> which we're planning to do anyway
15:11:33 <BobBall> but it makes it more required
15:11:51 <johnthetubaguy> anyways, there is more traction on getting a new CI that tested the combination we used internally, so fingers crossed on that front
15:12:13 <johnthetubaguy> so, I would avoid deploying zuul yourself, we can probably get you into the turbohipster deploy
15:12:29 <BobBall> is the t-h deploy maintained by rackspace?
15:12:34 <johnthetubaguy> we have that team hopefully giving us a hand with this, although the timezone is not great
15:13:05 <johnthetubaguy> yeah, turbohipster is michael still's team, and we are trying to get some of there time to help us with XenServer testing, but not certain at this point
15:13:22 <BobBall> understood
15:13:33 <BobBall> although I wouldn't want to dilute the t-h tests as such
15:13:52 <BobBall> i.e. it'd be fine if we could comment as a seperate account + slower than the t-h comments
15:14:11 <BobBall> dunno if the standard stack lets you use multiple accounts / parallel tests rather than running them all in one job lot
15:14:32 <johnthetubaguy> right, its might be a parallel stack, but yeah, all to be worked out
15:15:51 <johnthetubaguy> OK…
15:16:07 <johnthetubaguy> #topic Open Discussion
15:16:13 <johnthetubaguy> any more for any more?
15:16:38 <BobBall> oh - was that your update? :P
15:16:46 <BobBall> I was hoping you'd played with your deployment with the fixed config
15:17:12 <johnthetubaguy> oh yeah
15:17:19 <johnthetubaguy> I did try that, but nodepool broke
15:17:29 <BobBall> in what way?
15:17:33 <johnthetubaguy> one image "succeeded" then but then all the builds failed
15:17:37 <johnthetubaguy> the other image builds got stuck
15:17:45 <johnthetubaguy> then yeah, nodepool just wouldn't start
15:18:04 <johnthetubaguy> so I kinda had to move on to other things, as I just threw another few hours down the drain on that damm thing :(
15:18:07 <BobBall> the notepool not starting issue is a bug that's been fixed upstream now
15:18:15 <BobBall> you need to rm /var/run/nodepool/nodepool.pid
15:18:24 <BobBall> because if you kill it the PID is stale
15:18:31 <BobBall> and nodepool didn't check the PID for staleness
15:18:35 <johnthetubaguy> oh, boy, that makes sense
15:18:47 <BobBall> I pushed a fix upstream but I don't think it's in our nodepool branch
15:19:01 <johnthetubaguy> I did run it manually, again, and that didn't seem to work quite right, then the ssh timedout, etc
15:19:11 <johnthetubaguy> I need to get back to that one
15:19:17 <BobBall> fair enough
15:19:20 <johnthetubaguy> it didn't quite "just work" is the summary
15:19:30 <johnthetubaguy> it kinda all fell apart in a heap again
15:19:40 <BobBall> heh :)
15:19:59 <johnthetubaguy> anyway, thanks for the pid thing, thats probably the last straw that made me stop messing with that
15:20:06 <johnthetubaguy> I should take another peek soon
15:20:09 <BobBall> it's a very frustating one
15:20:13 <johnthetubaguy> yeah
15:20:17 <BobBall> 1 sec
15:20:19 <BobBall> I'll get the fix
15:20:23 <johnthetubaguy> thats OK
15:20:33 <johnthetubaguy> any more for any more?
15:20:50 <BobBall> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/90052/
15:20:57 <johnthetubaguy> ah, cool, thanks
15:21:16 <BobBall> you can cherry-pick it easily enough
15:21:23 <BobBall> no more from me
15:22:20 <johnthetubaguy> cool
15:22:25 <johnthetubaguy> thanks for the chat
15:22:29 <johnthetubaguy> catch you next week
15:22:33 <johnthetubaguy> #endmeeting