09:02:26 <acabot> #startmeeting watcher
09:02:27 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Oct 12 09:02:26 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is acabot. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
09:02:28 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
09:02:30 <vincentfrancoise> o/
09:02:31 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'watcher'
09:02:50 <acabot> o/
09:03:00 <Yumeng_> hi
09:03:01 <dtardivel> hi
09:03:04 <licanwei> hi
09:03:34 <acabot> agenda for today #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Watcher_Meeting_Agenda#10.2F12.2F2016
09:03:49 <acabot> #topic Announcements
09:04:08 <acabot> #info meeting agenda for Barcelona design summit is nearly finalized, please add missing topics before end of week
09:04:14 <acabot> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/watcher-ocata-design-session
09:04:48 <acabot> Yumeng_ licanwei : will you be in Barcelona ?
09:04:55 <tmetsch> hi
09:05:08 <alexchad_> o/
09:05:18 <acabot> hi tmesch : do you know if you will be in Barcelona ?
09:05:27 <Yumeng_> I would love to .but it's a pity I will not be there.
09:05:37 <tmetsch> acabot: I won't be :-(
09:05:38 <acabot> Yumeng_ : ok
09:05:54 <acabot> tmetsch : ok, is Kevin going ?
09:06:27 <acabot> #info sessions titles have been updated on the official agenda
09:06:30 <tmetsch> acabot: we are looking into that.
09:06:33 <acabot> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/barcelona-2016/summit-schedule/global-search?t=watcher
09:06:41 <acabot> tmetsch : ok cool
09:07:09 <acabot> should we schedule discussions with Congress ? Nova (Unconference session) ? Monasca ?
09:07:16 <licanwei> acabot : I won't be
09:07:22 <acabot> licanwei : ok
09:08:14 <acabot> there is still room in Nova unconference session, alexchadin, you already tried it before, what do you think ?
09:08:49 <alexchadin_> acabot: what should I do there?
09:09:02 <acabot> it would be to discuss Nova policies respect
09:09:22 <acabot> I dont know if the unconference session is the good place
09:09:37 <acabot> and I dont find any other session in Nova agenda to mention it
09:10:01 <alexchadin_> I can go to this session with someone else:)
09:10:16 <acabot> I will check with sballe & jwcroppe next week what they want to do with Nova
09:10:46 <acabot> I think we should follow up the discussion started at the mid-cycle in Portland
09:11:02 <alexchadin_> Do we have a log of that discussion?
09:11:04 <acabot> anyone wants to discuss with Congress ?
09:11:14 <alexchadin_> since I hadn't been at the mid-cycle
09:11:59 <acabot> alexchadin_ : http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-August/100600.html & http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-July/100327.html
09:12:05 <alexchadin_> acabot: Congress is something similar to Watcher?
09:12:09 <vincentfrancoise> acabot: as discussed before I will be at one of the congress work session to see what they will be doing in Ocata and maybe present them Watcher
09:12:46 <acabot> alexchadin_ : no Congress is for policy management in OpenStack
09:12:52 <alexchadin_> acabot: thanks for links
09:13:24 <acabot> but the main idea I discussed with them was to get policies from Congress instead of Nova in Watcher
09:14:00 <acabot> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-May/093826.html
09:14:15 <acabot> "Want to use Congress as a
09:14:15 <acabot> source of policies that they take into account when computing the necessary
09:14:15 <acabot> migrations."
09:14:22 <alexchadin_> acabot: Thank you, will take a look
09:14:46 <alexchadin_> acabot: hm, looks like Congress should be in sync with Scheduler, right?
09:14:54 <acabot> #action vincentfrancoise attend a Congress work session to discuss possible sync with Watcher
09:15:08 <acabot> alexchadin_ : yes they should be
09:15:36 <acabot> #info Watcher will have a room at the PTG in Atlanta
09:15:42 <acabot> #link https://www.openstack.org/ptg/
09:16:08 <acabot> it will be a great place for cross-projects meetings
09:16:37 <acabot> so if we want to achieve something with Nova or Congress, we should definitely start working with them in Barcelona
09:16:50 <acabot> any other announcement ?
09:16:58 <alexchadin_> +1
09:17:05 <alexchadin_> acabot: I have new BP
09:17:30 <acabot> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/watcher/+spec/adviser-to-choose-strategy ?
09:17:37 <alexchadin_> yeap
09:17:47 <alexchadin_> we can discuss it later, BTW
09:17:57 <alexchadin_> just wanted to notify you
09:18:09 <acabot> ok, could you add it in the summit agenda ?
09:18:24 <alexchadin_> liiiiink
09:18:29 <acabot> #topic Review Action Items
09:18:49 <acabot> alexchadin_ : https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/watcher-ocata-design-session
09:18:56 <alexchadin_> acabot: thanks
09:19:12 <acabot> scale out or delete instance based on workload needs discussions
09:19:21 <acabot> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/359690/
09:19:33 <Yumeng_> yep
09:19:34 <acabot> licanwei : did you have the time to look at comments ?
09:19:41 <Yumeng_> acabot & hvprash:I just replied your comments this morning, can you please have a look?
09:20:00 <acabot> Yumeng_ : sorry I didn't notice
09:20:04 <licanwei> acabot: yes
09:20:18 <acabot> what about the heat use case ?
09:20:46 <acabot> I will look at your comments
09:20:55 <Yumeng_> I just update this morning. just want to notify you.
09:21:06 <acabot> #action acabot sballe jwcroppe hvprash review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/359690/
09:21:18 <acabot> automatic triggering of action plans for AUDIT needs final reviews from core
09:21:25 <acabot> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/342473/
09:21:35 <acabot> diga ?
09:22:06 <acabot> #action acabot sballe jwcroppe hvprash review  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/342473/
09:22:16 <acabot> Specs for watcher-notifications-ovo needs reviews
09:22:22 <acabot> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/384370/
09:23:01 <acabot> who can review it ?
09:23:10 <Yumeng_> can i have a try for reviewing?
09:23:19 <acabot> actually there are 3 specs in the same field
09:23:36 <acabot> Yumeng_ : sure, please don'ask, all reviews are welcome !
09:23:45 <Yumeng_> thx :)
09:23:53 <acabot> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/385077/
09:23:57 <vincentfrancoise> acabot: ^^^ +2
09:24:03 <acabot> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/383718/
09:24:35 <acabot> #action acabot Yumeng_ review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/384370/ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/385077/ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/383718/
09:24:45 <acabot> Define grammar for workload characterization needs a new PS
09:24:52 <acabot> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/377100/
09:25:09 <acabot> #action hvprash add a new PS for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/377100/
09:25:20 <acabot> moving to Watcher
09:25:42 <acabot> Add strategy template doc needs final reviews
09:26:04 <acabot> we need more reviewers on this one
09:26:16 <acabot> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/382494/
09:26:25 <dtardivel> acabot: I would be nice to get review from strategy developer :)
09:26:41 <acabot> alexchadin : could you review the template ?
09:26:59 <alexchadin_> acabot: Yes, I'll take it
09:27:06 <vincentfrancoise> acabot: we should get it done for the summit
09:27:30 <acabot> #action alexchadin_ review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/382494/
09:27:30 <vincentfrancoise> if possible
09:27:35 <acabot> +1
09:27:57 <acabot> Add Audit Scope Handler needs final reviews
09:28:07 <acabot> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/359963/
09:28:56 <acabot> vincentfrancoise : can you review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/359963/ ?
09:29:19 <acabot> watcher versionned objects needs reviews
09:29:21 <vincentfrancoise> acabot: yes I will review it
09:29:26 <acabot> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/watcher+branch:master+topic:bp/watcher-versioned-objects
09:29:38 <acabot> this one is pretty big and need reviewers
09:29:54 <acabot> #action vincentfrancoise review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/359963/
09:30:07 <alexchadin_> I will try to review it
09:30:23 <vincentfrancoise> alexchadin_: thx!
09:30:25 <acabot> #action alexchadin_ review https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/watcher+branch:master+topic:bp/watcher-versioned-objects
09:30:44 <acabot> licanwei Yumeng_ : do you want to review it ?
09:31:20 <licanwei> acabot : yes
09:31:25 <acabot> thx
09:31:35 <acabot> #action licanwei review https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/watcher+branch:master+topic:bp/watcher-versioned-objects
09:31:56 <acabot> Graph cluster model implementation needs a jenkins fix
09:32:23 <acabot> tmetsch : could you ask Kevin to fix https://review.openstack.org/#/c/362730/ ?
09:32:28 <tmetsch> I'll take care of it
09:32:32 <tmetsch> yes :-)
09:32:32 <acabot> thx
09:32:57 <acabot> #action tmetsch  fix jenkins in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/362730/
09:33:11 <acabot> Added composite unique name constraints needs reviews
09:33:19 <acabot> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/382803/
09:34:06 <acabot> licanwei Yumeng_ : very small patch, could you review it ?
09:34:28 <Yumeng_> yes, please add me to this
09:34:35 <licanwei> +1
09:34:51 <acabot> #action Yumeng_ licanwei review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/382803/
09:35:20 <acabot> Moved Watcher doc plugin outside main package needs reviews
09:35:27 <acabot> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/382411/
09:35:58 <acabot> easy one too, good place to give a +1 for stats
09:36:30 <acabot> Added Tempest API tests for /scoring_engines needs reviews
09:36:36 <acabot> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/371558/
09:37:05 <dtardivel> +1
09:37:29 <acabot> #action dtardivel review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/371558/ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/382411/
09:37:45 <acabot> Watcher CLI
09:37:46 <dtardivel> and the other one https://review.openstack.org/#/c/382803/
09:37:55 <acabot> ok
09:38:05 <acabot> #action dtardivel review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/382803/
09:38:15 <acabot> Add support for Audit Scope needs reviews
09:38:21 <acabot> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/364787/
09:38:49 <acabot> vincentfrancoise : can you do a final review on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/364787/ ?
09:39:36 <acabot> #topic Blueprint/Bug Review and Discussion
09:39:46 <acabot> #info our current milestone target is Ocata-1 due November 14th
09:39:52 <acabot> #link https://launchpad.net/watcher/+milestone/ocata-1
09:39:53 <vincentfrancoise> acabot: yes I will
09:40:10 <acabot> #action vincentfrancoise review & merge https://review.openstack.org/#/c/364787/
09:40:53 <acabot> regarding ocata-1, Define when an action plan is stale/invalid needs a spec
09:41:01 <acabot> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/watcher/+spec/stale-action-plan
09:41:09 <acabot> licanwei : did you start working on it ?
09:41:39 <licanwei> acabot :yes
09:41:50 <licanwei> i'm working on this
09:42:53 <acabot> ok don't hesitate to put it in jenkins and set workflow as -1 to say that it's work in progress
09:43:04 <acabot> it would be easier for me to track progress
09:43:26 <licanwei> acabot : ok, tks
09:43:42 <acabot> #action licanwei submit a spec for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/watcher/+spec/stale-action-plan
09:43:50 <acabot> #topic Open discussions
09:44:02 <acabot> now that we have a template for documenting strategy, we need to add doc for each of them
09:44:11 <acabot> the template will be merged soon
09:44:27 <acabot> we need to ask each strategy developer to update the doc
09:44:38 <dtardivel> +1
09:44:41 <alexchadin_> +1
09:44:42 <acabot> alexchadin_ : can you do it by next week ?
09:44:58 <alexchadin_> I will
09:45:14 <acabot> #link https://github.com/openstack/watcher/tree/master/watcher/decision_engine/strategy/strategies
09:45:22 <alexchadin_> I'm working on planner storage spec now, but try to find a time to look at it
09:45:46 <acabot> #action alexchadin_ add doc for workload stabilization strategy based on the template
09:45:46 <dtardivel> you will found an example with basic_consolidation doc pushed in the PS as well
09:46:52 <acabot> junjie who has worked on outlet_temp_control strategy has left the project, anyone here wants to update the doc ?
09:47:29 <acabot> I will send a mail to Vojtech to update vm_workload_consolidation doc
09:47:45 <acabot> #action acabot ask vojtech to update his strategy doc
09:48:50 <acabot> #action gzhai update doc for outlet_temp & uniform_airflow strategies using the template in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/382494/
09:49:22 <acabot> any other topic to discuss ?
09:50:25 <acabot> so thank you all
09:50:32 <dtardivel> thx acabot
09:50:34 <acabot> have a good day / night
09:50:37 <vincentfrancoise> bye :)
09:50:40 <alexchadin> bye!
09:50:41 <dtardivel> bye
09:50:48 <acabot> #endmeeting