08:00:03 <ifat_afek> #startmeeting vitrage
08:00:04 <openstack> Meeting started Wed May 15 08:00:03 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ifat_afek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
08:00:05 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
08:00:07 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'vitrage'
08:00:09 <ifat_afek> Hi :-)
08:00:14 <eyalb> \o/
08:00:30 <e0ne> morning
08:01:22 <idan_hefetz> hi :)
08:01:35 <ifat_afek> #topic Denver summit recap
08:01:56 <ifat_afek> I think that Vitrage sessions were very successful. We had 80-90 attendees in the self-healing session, the lab with Monasca and the awesome dashboard demo.
08:02:08 <ifat_afek> Regarding the PTG – Vitrage session was very short, since we were only four people
08:02:13 <ifat_afek> But aside from that, Vitrage was also discussed in the self-healing PTG and in the Monasca PTG.
08:02:20 <ifat_afek> Session videos:
08:02:26 <ifat_afek> #link https://www.openstack.org/videos/summits/denver-2019/vitrage-project-update-2
08:02:26 <ifat_afek> #link https://www.openstack.org/videos/summits/denver-2019/self-healing-on-network-failures-with-vitrage-mistral-and-heat-1
08:02:27 <ifat_afek> #link https://www.openstack.org/videos/summits/denver-2019/easy-steps-to-create-your-own-awesome-dashboard-plugin-with-react
08:02:32 <ifat_afek> Other sessions (that were not recorded):
08:02:37 <ifat_afek> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/denver-2019/summit-schedule/events/23316/monitoring-and-analyzing-your-openstack-cloud
08:02:38 <ifat_afek> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/denver-2019/summit-schedule/events/23706/vitrage-project-onboarding
08:02:42 <ifat_afek> Etherpads:
08:02:50 <ifat_afek> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/monasca-vitrage-lab
08:02:51 <ifat_afek> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/DEN-vitrage-use-cases-forum
08:02:52 <ifat_afek> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/vitrage-train-ptg
08:02:53 <ifat_afek> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/DEN-self-healing-SIG
08:02:54 <ifat_afek> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/monasca-ptg-train
08:03:05 <ifat_afek> e0ne: do you have other comments on the summit?
08:03:21 <idan_hefetz> Seems awesome! Nicely done!
08:03:41 <eyalb> same here
08:03:47 <e0ne> ifat_afek: nothing from my side. it's pretty sad that a lot of people couldn't attend the PTG:(
08:03:54 <ifat_afek> right :-(
08:04:26 <ifat_afek> #topic Status and updates
08:04:38 <ifat_afek> No update on my side. I’ll be on vacation from Tomorrow until next Monday (back to work on Tuesday, May 21).
08:04:58 <eyalb> i am fixing the the patch for monasca
08:05:07 <eyalb> fixed the requirments
08:05:22 <eyalb> hopfully will be merged soon
08:05:27 <eyalb> thats it from me
08:05:28 <ifat_afek> great :-)
08:05:43 <idan_hefetz> Nothing for me..
08:06:23 <e0ne> I'm going to finish https://review.opendev.org/#/c/577388 this week
08:06:58 <ifat_afek> wow, great! big code review…
08:08:16 <e0ne> since there are few dozens of merge-conflicts. I'll probably create a new patch and will abandone this one
08:08:37 <ifat_afek> whatever is less work…
08:09:32 <eyalb> eOne: what about the dashboard did you finish ?
08:09:50 <eyalb> all the conflicts in the libraries
08:12:54 <e0ne> eyalb: just returned from the vacation this week. I'll update my patch a bit later this week
08:13:06 <eyalb> cool
08:14:59 <ifat_afek> anything else for this meeting?
08:15:59 <e0ne> according to our ptg discussion with persistent graph db
08:16:26 <e0ne> does anyone remember what speciffic issues were found?
08:16:44 <e0ne> AFAIK, it was something with performance...
08:16:55 <ifat_afek> idan_hefetz: I said in the PTG that you checked the performance of Neo4J
08:17:29 <e0ne> idan_hefetz: it would be great to have any feedback from you:)
08:17:51 <e0ne> HA it's my next thing after dashboard and upgrades fixes
08:17:57 <idan_hefetz> This was tested a while back, when we first started with vitrage
08:18:25 <eyalb> i dont think that neo4j supports HA in its free version
08:18:38 <idan_hefetz> I tested differnt ways to evaluate the template against the entity graph - using neo4j
08:19:01 <e0ne> eyalb: it's mostly about vitrage-graph HA
08:19:55 <ifat_afek> e0ne: but vitrage-graph can be HA only under the assumption that its DB is HA, right?
08:20:22 <e0ne> ifat_afek: no. DB HA is a different thing
08:20:25 <ifat_afek> and what if the DB is down? it will require special handling in Vitrage
08:20:33 <idan_hefetz> Preformance were much slower and we had low latency requirements for these evaluations.
08:21:56 <ifat_afek> e0ne: currently, if vitrage-graph is down, we know that its restart can take less than 5 seconds. for Neo4J we need to check it. and we will have to make sure that no data is lost during this time
08:22:06 <e0ne> I'll write a spec before the implementation, for now, I just want to get as lot feedback as I can because you've got some experience on it now
08:22:20 <e0ne> ifat_afek: +1
08:23:41 <idan_hefetz> In terms of performance, it is possible that we did not consider the boost we can achieve by multi threading, which is impossible with networkx.
08:24:10 <ifat_afek> there is also the option of having the non-HA Neo4J for the community, and the commercial Neo4J for products that are willing to pay for it
08:24:12 <idan_hefetz> e0ne: cool
08:24:52 <ifat_afek> but I think that a major issue is the performance impact
08:26:26 <e0ne> ifat_afek: I absolutely agree with you. we need to be care with performance degradation
08:30:12 <ifat_afek> ok, any other issue?
08:30:39 <e0ne> nothing form me
08:31:20 <ifat_afek> ok, see you next week :-)
08:31:52 <ifat_afek> #endmeeting