#openstack-meeting: tricircle

Meeting started by joehuang at 13:00:54 UTC.  The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary

* rollcall  (joehuang, 13:01:08)
  * joehuang  (joehuang, 13:01:13)
  * ronghui  (RongHui11, 13:01:19)
  * zhiyuan  (zhiyuan, 13:01:23)
  * longxiongqiu  (longxiongqiu, 13:01:24)
  * xiulin  (yinxiulin, 13:01:24)
  * Yipei  (Yipei, 13:01:28)
  * dongfeng  (dongfeng, 13:02:09)
  * jiawei  (hejiawei, 13:02:16)

* Ocata feature development review  (joehuang, 13:02:18)

* Py35, Ubuntu Xenial gate and check jobs  (joehuang, 13:19:53)
  * LINK:
    (joehuang, 13:23:16)
  * ACTION: consult infra team whether tricircle needs to enable special
    xenial jobs or alreay support that  (joehuang, 13:39:22)

* open discussion  (joehuang, 13:40:58)

Meeting ended at 13:53:49 UTC.

People present (lines said)

* joehuang (63)
* zhiyuan (15)
* RongHui11 (11)
* Yipei (7)
* dongfeng (4)
* yinxiulin (3)
* openstack (3)
* longxiongqiu (2)
* hejiawei (2)
* Junsik (2)
* liukun (1)

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