#openstack-meeting: training-guides

Meeting started by matjazp at 17:02:26 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* LINK: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/training-guides-meeting-agenda
  (matjazp, 17:02:50)
* review of last meeting action items  (matjazp, 17:03:03)

* upstream training  (matjazp, 17:04:11)
  * LINK:
    (ianychoi, 17:07:16)
  * ACTION: matjazp contacts tim to see if anything regarding the
    upstream material needs to change  (matjazp, 17:08:51)
  * LINK:
    (ianychoi, 17:09:53)
  * ACTION: matjazp contacts Marton Kiss to see if anything regarding
    the upstream material needs to change (based on the profile on the
    Summit page)  (matjazp, 17:13:38)

* training guides  (matjazp, 17:15:17)

* matjazp looks into adding a few slides about using the OpenStack via
  CLI  (matjazp, 17:22:18)

* training guides  (matjazp, 17:22:47)
  * ACTION: matjazp looks into adding a few slides about using the
    OpenStack via CLI  (matjazp, 17:22:57)

* aob  (matjazp, 17:23:33)
  * LINK: http://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/openstack-manuals
    (ianychoi, 17:27:35)

Meeting ended at 17:32:38 UTC.

Action items, by person

* matjazp
  * matjazp contacts tim to see if anything regarding the upstream
    material needs to change
  * matjazp contacts Marton Kiss to see if anything regarding the
    upstream material needs to change (based on the profile on the
    Summit page)
  * matjazp looks into adding a few slides about using the OpenStack via
* openstack
  * matjazp looks into adding a few slides about using the OpenStack via

People present (lines said)

* matjazp (52)
* ianychoi (34)
* openstack (3)

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