#openstack-meeting: third-party

Meeting started by anteaya at 15:00:36 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ThirdPartySystems (anteaya, 15:14:38)
    2. IBM PowerKVM CI pypi timeout http://dal05.objectstorage.softlayer.net/v1/AUTH_3d8e6ecb-f597-448c-8ec2-164e9f710dd6/pkvmci/nova/86/230186/4/check/check-ibm-tempest-dsvm-full/14e85a6/devstacklog.txt.gz (mmedvede, 15:16:11)
    3. XenProject CI check pypi timeout http://logs.openstack.xenproject.org/86/230186/4/check/dsvm-tempest-xen/4e0a686/logs/devstacklog.txt.gz (mmedvede, 15:19:32)
    4. https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/2389 (dstufft, 15:20:27)
    5. https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/2389 (anteaya, 15:20:52)
    6. https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/2389#issuecomment-75292931 is the post where someone suggested the ECN option (dstufft, 15:23:24)
    7. ecn https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Explicit_Congestion_Notification (anteaya, 15:24:52)
    8. Kibana search for "connection reset" http://imgur.com/Y46OqHl (mmedvede, 15:40:12)
    9. https://www.fastly.com/network <- Fastly Locations (dstufft, 15:40:44)

  1. openstack foundation trademark usage program for third party operators (anteaya, 15:45:58)
    1. http://www.bitwizard.nl/mtr/ (dstufft, 15:54:34)
    2. http://www.bitwizard.nl/mtr/ (anteaya, 15:54:55)

Meeting ended at 16:03:17 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. anteaya (138)
  2. dstufft (43)
  3. mmedvede (27)
  4. asselin__ (14)
  5. hogepodge (14)
  6. rfolco (11)
  7. fungi (5)
  8. openstack (5)
  9. asselin_ (2)
  10. rakhmerov (2)
  11. aysyd (1)

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