#openstack-meeting: third-party

Meeting started by krtaylor at 18:00:45 UTC.  The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary

  (krtaylor, 18:02:45)
* Welcome & Reminder of OpenStack Mission  (krtaylor, 18:03:03)
  * The OpenStack Open Source Cloud Mission: to produce the ubiquitous
    Open Source Cloud Computing platform that will meet the needs of
    public and private clouds regardless of size, by being simple to
    implement and massively scalable.  (krtaylor, 18:03:14)

* Review of previous week's open action items  (krtaylor, 18:03:41)
  * LINK: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ThirdPartyVotingTerms
    (krtaylor, 18:07:23)
  * ACTION: discuss timeline for terms patch to third_party.rst  sweston
    krtaylor  (krtaylor, 18:10:46)
  * LINK:
    (krtaylor, 18:11:48)

* Announcements  (krtaylor, 18:13:41)

* OpenStack Program Items  (krtaylor, 18:14:31)

* Deadlines & Deprecations  (krtaylor, 18:16:42)

* Highlighting a Program or Gerrit Account  (krtaylor, 18:17:35)
  * LINK: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron-thirdparty-juno
    (mestery, 18:18:08)
  * LINK: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/40296  (vjay, 18:23:31)
  * LINK:
    is the full path for screen logs  (pmanur, 18:26:51)
  * LINK: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/102648/  (ignacio-Embrane,

* Open Discussion  (krtaylor, 18:53:36)
  * ACTION: krtaylor to contact cinder for status/help meeting
    (krtaylor, 18:55:03)

Meeting ended at 18:57:06 UTC.

Action items, by person

* krtaylor
  * discuss timeline for terms patch to third_party.rst  sweston
  * krtaylor to contact cinder for status/help meeting
* sweston
  * discuss timeline for terms patch to third_party.rst  sweston

People present (lines said)

* mestery (114)
* krtaylor (76)
* vjay (14)
* ignacio-Embrane (13)
* dane_leblanc (11)
* daya_k (10)
* sweston (7)
* fawadkhaliq (6)
* banix (6)
* lukego (6)
* luqas (4)
* pmanur (3)
* openstack (3)
* Youcef (1)
* kevinbenton (1)
* dougwig (1)
* sweston_ (1)
* asselin (1)
* aysyd (1)
* emagana (1)
* lyxus (1)

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