18:00:12 <rosmaita> #startmeeting tc
18:00:12 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Jan 23 18:00:12 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:00:12 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
18:00:12 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tc'
18:00:21 <rosmaita> Welcome to the weekly meeting of the OpenStack Technical Committee. A reminder that this meeting is held under the OpenInfra Code of Conduct available at https://openinfra.dev/legal/code-of-conduct.
18:00:30 <rosmaita> Today's meeting agenda can be found at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee.
18:00:37 <rosmaita> #topic Roll Call
18:00:39 <gmann> o/
18:00:44 <frickler> \o
18:01:22 <dansmith> o/
18:01:56 <spotz[m]> \o/
18:02:17 <rosmaita> let's wait another two minutes for stragglers
18:02:20 <spotz[m]> Feel better JayF
18:02:46 <rosmaita> #info JayF is the only noted absence in the agenda
18:04:53 <knikolla> o/ need to startmeeting command
18:05:13 <rosmaita> i think i did?
18:05:15 <dansmith> you did
18:05:16 <spotz[m]> hehe
18:05:16 <gmann> yeah
18:05:18 <rosmaita> or i misspelled startmeeting
18:05:31 <spotz[m]> Not on my scroll
18:05:34 <rosmaita> ok, we have 6 attendees, so i believe that's a quorum
18:05:36 <gmann> it seems correct
18:05:49 <slaweq> knikolla I think there may be some issue with matrix bridge, I also didn't saw startmeeting in my client :)
18:06:02 <dansmith> the meetbot replied, it clearly worked
18:06:11 <knikolla> ah, thanks fellow matrix user slaweq
18:06:21 <gmann> yeah, that is what I am checking, it started meeting in meetbot
18:06:28 <rosmaita> ok, we can get started
18:06:40 <rosmaita> #topic Follow up on tracked action items
18:07:02 <rosmaita> JayF had a action to email Skyline PTL about status as an emerging project; ask about future plans and investments
18:07:26 <rosmaita> he did, and has a copy of the response here:
18:07:33 <rosmaita> #link https://gist.github.com/jayofdoom/2031d2585bbe5122667d2ed514af3edb
18:08:02 <rosmaita> that has a link to their current to-do list:
18:08:11 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/skyline-apiserver/+/905823/1/spec/bp-2024-h1-todo-list.md
18:08:58 <rosmaita> i don't think there's anything actionable there for today?
18:10:03 <rosmaita> guess not ... moving on
18:10:03 <rosmaita> slaweq has been handling the Monasca situation, there's been traffic on the ML and in irc
18:10:18 <rosmaita> slaweq: anything you want to report?
18:10:49 <slaweq> yes, apparently some of the existing maintainers of Monasca now wants to still maintain it
18:11:16 <slaweq> I sent today email to them and to this guy who wanted to be new maintainer
18:11:41 <slaweq> but it seems that they are working now on fixing the gate and they want to keep Monasca in the Openstack namespace
18:12:03 <slaweq> so I think that maybe we can keep it here and hopefully bring it back to be active project next cycle
18:12:36 <gmann> it seems there are more than one maintainers now interested in Monasca to keep in OpenStack
18:12:38 <spotz[m]> 👍️
18:12:40 <rosmaita> that sounds good to me (unless it violates any TC policies, which i don't think it does?)
18:12:42 <knikolla> we should put both sides in contact with one another
18:12:49 <knikolla> or ensure they are
18:13:01 <rosmaita> knikolla: ++
18:13:11 <gmann> I think we can consider that at least for this cycle and see how it goes. if they are able to make it active by next cycle then it is ok to give them a chance
18:13:14 <slaweq> knikolla that's why I emailed them together
18:13:19 <gmann> ++
18:13:25 <slaweq> I kept all of tc members in the cc also
18:13:39 <rosmaita> thanks, slaweq ... that is positive news
18:13:44 <spotz[m]> ++
18:13:45 <gmann> so what we will be doing here is inetad of retiring NOW, wait for next cycle slaweq right?
18:13:46 <rosmaita> anything else about Monasca?
18:13:51 <knikolla> awesome slaweq!
18:14:18 <slaweq> gmann yes, I think that we should give them some time and monitor how it will go
18:14:19 <spotz[m]> Well hopefully not next cycle:)
18:14:24 <slaweq> I will take care of it
18:14:32 <gmann> slaweq: yeah, sounds good to me
18:14:38 <rosmaita> spotz[m]: you don't want to see anyone put down during the D cycle?
18:14:55 <gmann> spotz[m]: next cycle is deadline for them to make it Active as per Inactive project process
18:15:03 <spotz[m]> hehe
18:15:09 <rosmaita> ok, thanks slaweq
18:15:15 <slaweq> yw
18:15:20 <rosmaita> finally, gmann is handling the Senlin situation
18:15:29 <rosmaita> any luck?
18:16:15 <gmann> I got response and Eirk on break from upstream activities but their colleague is interested to maintain it
18:16:31 <gmann> I updated them the next steps or moving it to DPL or propose PTL so let' see
18:16:40 <rosmaita> great!
18:17:50 <rosmaita> i guess we can check back in on all 3 of these items next week
18:18:02 <rosmaita> #topic gate health check
18:18:24 <rosmaita> how are things looking?
18:18:25 <fungi> gerrit webui auth to ubuntuone sso is currently busted as of the past ~20 hours. latest update is that it looks like our gerrit server may have cached a bad response from the openid provider, i expect we're close to restarting the gerrit server to see if that clears it (we stood up a test gerrit and logged into it with login.ubuntu.com successfully so it does seem to be some
18:18:27 <fungi> persisted/cached state at fault, but not sure what caused it yet)
18:18:54 <rosmaita> thanks for the update fungi
18:19:00 <dansmith> I've also seen an uptick in TIMED_OUT failrues lately
18:19:18 <dansmith> the ones I've looked at haven't had an accompanying OOM or anything else to explain it
18:19:24 <dansmith> so I'm not sure what's going on really
18:20:05 <rosmaita> ok, we'll just have to keep an eye on this
18:20:22 <dansmith> we also have the zswap patch approved, but it failed in the gate
18:20:37 <dansmith> once it's merged I hope we can enable it on a few jobs to measure the impact
18:21:38 <rosmaita> it will be interesting to see what happens
18:21:40 <dansmith> (that's all from me)
18:22:03 <rosmaita> thanks dansmith ... anyone else have something to share?
18:22:24 <slaweq> nothing from me
18:22:36 <rosmaita> ok, next topic
18:22:38 <gmann> same here, I have not looked at gate this week
18:22:40 <rosmaita> #topic Implementation of Unmaintained branch statuses
18:22:43 <rosmaita> i guess that's me
18:23:11 <rosmaita> there's a new revision of knikolla's Unmaintained section of the project team guide patch available for review:
18:23:20 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-team-guide/+/897505
18:23:32 <gmann> thanks rosmaita for update, this version lgtm
18:23:37 <knikolla> thanks rosmaita for taking that over!
18:23:39 <rosmaita> though, it sounds like if you aren't currently logged into gerrit, you won't be able to vote
18:23:59 <rosmaita> btw, here's the HTML version (which may be easier to read):
18:24:01 <gmann> I think that was always the case, no?
18:24:04 <frickler> you can do it via the ssh cli
18:24:07 <rosmaita> #link https://45faea0ad451d95614b7-e39b4e99c90af072f68eb1bcdd078a04.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/897505/9/check/openstack-tox-docs/2fd8947/docs/stable-branches.html
18:24:43 <rosmaita> gmann: i meant the gerrit webui auth to ubuntuone sso login situation
18:25:02 <gmann> rosmaita: ohk
18:25:45 <rosmaita> anyway, looks like this version is close; the release team has also reviewed it, so we are keeping everyone in the loop
18:25:58 <frickler> the release automation is finished and elodilles was going to propose patches for yoga-eom tags this week
18:26:05 <rosmaita> \o/
18:26:12 <gmann> ++
18:26:20 <frickler> one per project, to make them a manageable size
18:26:42 <rosmaita> that sounds reasonable
18:27:40 <rosmaita> moving right along
18:27:54 <rosmaita> #topic 2024.1 TC Tracker
18:28:02 <rosmaita> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-2024.1-tracker
18:28:13 <rosmaita> I have an update on my item in there
18:28:27 <rosmaita> line 16
18:28:36 <rosmaita> SIG i18n weekly meetings have restarted: https://meetings.opendev.org/#I18N_Team_Meeting
18:28:59 <rosmaita> the meetings are in different time zones on alternating weeks
18:29:50 <rosmaita> i didn't see any other new notes in the tracker etherpad
18:30:43 <rosmaita> #topic Open Discussion
18:31:18 <rosmaita> anyone have anything to share?
18:31:51 <gmann> nothing from me
18:32:05 <slaweq> nope
18:32:47 <rosmaita> sounds like our work here is finished
18:32:54 <spotz[m]> If at FOSDEM come visit the CentOS, RDO and OKD stand. Also the Foundation will have a happy hour on Saturday night. I can grab the link if needed
18:33:43 <slaweq> ++ see You there :)
18:34:07 <fungi> and remind people openstack still exists and is quietly relevant
18:34:13 <rosmaita> there's nothing like Brussels in February
18:34:26 <spotz[m]> #link https://www.meetup.com/brussels-openinfra-meetup-group/events/298420649
18:34:34 <rosmaita> thanks spotz[m]
18:34:45 <spotz[m]> I think it's going to be similar to TX the last few weeks. I'm hoping for snow!!!!
18:35:14 <slaweq> LOL
18:35:16 <slaweq> I hope there will be no rain at least
18:35:33 <fungi> my fosdem 2020 experience included seeing friends i hadn't connected with in a while, excellent fried potatoes and beer, and trying not to slip on the ice walking between sessions
18:35:40 <spotz[m]> I got a banner for RDO that say RDO OpenStack by the CentOS COmmunity and I've offered to have OIF and OpenStack sitckers at the stand
18:35:56 <rosmaita> spotz[m]: ++
18:36:10 <spotz[m]> You forgot Waffles!!!!
18:36:34 <fungi> ttx, ildikov and helena spease from the openinfra foundation staff will be around for the event too
18:36:43 <dansmith> are we done here?
18:37:02 <rosmaita> dansmith: you don't like waffles?
18:37:11 <rosmaita> ok, anything else for open discussion?
18:37:21 <spotz[m]> Not from me
18:37:38 <rosmaita> ok, thanks everyone
18:37:40 <rosmaita> #endmeeting